Knowing_and_Teaching_Elementary_Mathemat (1)

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Chapter 1

Subtraction With Regrouping:

Approaches To Teaching A Topic


Let’s spend some time thinking about one particular topic that you may work with

when you teach, subtraction with regrouping. Look at these questions ( etc.).

How would you approach these problems if you were teaching second grade? What

would you say pupils would need to understand or be able to do before they could

start learning subtraction with regrouping?

When students first learn about subtraction, they learn to subtract each digit of the subtrahend

from its counterpart in the minuend:

To compute this, they simply subtract 2 from 5 and 1 from 7. However, this straightforward

strategy does not work all the time. When a digit at a lower place value of the subtrahend

is larger than its counterpart in the minuend (e.g., 22−14, 162−79), students cannot conduct

the computation directly. To subtract 49 from 62, they need to learn subtraction with


Subtraction, with or without regrouping, is a very early topic anyway. Is a deep understanding

of mathematics necessary in order to teach it? Does such a simple topic even involve

a deep understanding of mathematics? Would a teacher’s subject matter knowledge make

any difference in his or her teaching, and eventually contribute to students’ learning? There

is only one answer for all these questions: Yes. Even with such an elementary mathematical

topic, the teachers displayed a wide range of subject matter knowledge, which suggests

their students had a corresponding range of learning opportunities.

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