Cobalt Issue 28 - The Final Vinyl

This issue is all about those last things we want to say before the term ends, the melody that keeps playing in our head, and about the memories we want to keep. What track do you want to share?

This issue is all about those last things we want to say before the term ends, the melody that keeps playing in our head, and about the memories we want to keep.

What track do you want to share?


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President's Letter

Dear readers,

Alyssa Tingle

The Final Vinyl

It’s been a long year, and with every great moment, it eventually

has to come to an end. 2022 and 2023 has been a fantastic year

for some, an enlightening year for others, and for a few, a somber

one. However, we hope that as we look back in time to the good

and the bad, we reflect and we grow.

Every moment has a reason, even if we don’t know it yet, and the

friends we make in university will eventually last us a life time. So

let’s take a look at the memories we made, the regrets that we

have, and the words that we want to say before the year ends in

this musical themed issue.

We hope you enjoy every submission just as we have as part of






Hello / Goodbye


From Me to You

The 2023 OAC

Fire Marble

Thomas Smith

Faithfully Yours

I Don’t Think I’m Able to Write About You

You’re the Last Rose of Summer












Cassette Dreamz


A Music Memory Rewind

As Many Things as Possible


Record Scratch

Pink, Black, Blue

A Golden Age

Present Living!










Namroud Gorguis; Mink Mingle; Erik Mclean; Mohammad Metri; Kevin Mccutcheon; Thoa Ngo; Ümit

Bulut; Kamila Maciejewska; Mykyta Kravčenko; Luz Brunetti; James Forbes; Ricardo Viana; Noah

Buscher; Ronaldo de Oliveira


Ellie Bostock-Smith


Hello! I can’t wait to begin working on the Cobalt Magazine. There is so much creativity at Warwick

University to be embraced and appreciated, and I’m really excited to be a part of showcasing it :)

Daisy Robinson


Hi! I'm really excited to be joining the Cobalt exec this coming

year. It is an amazing publication and I feel privileged to help grow

our creative community. I can't wait to see what we can achieve!!

Raahimah Saeed


Hello! It's Raahimah and I am so excited to be your Secretary

this year! My favourite part of this role is that I get to read

or look at all of your amazing submissions when I check the

emails: so get as creative as you can because I'm really looking

forward to what you create!

Alyssa Tingle


I can’t wait to continue working with Cobalt. I was part of the production team last year and it was an

absolute blast designing and bringing submissions to life, and I can’t wait to share with everyone all that

we have in store.

Devanshi Pandey


Hello, this is Devanshi and I can’t wait to act as the Treasurer of the society and submit poetries

to be published in the Cobalt magazine! I also can’t wait to read what everyone else will be

writing over the year. Hope the magazine grows and flourishes :)

Mohammed Sultan


I wanted to take a moment to say farewell and express my gratitude for the incredible year we've had

together. Producing magazines like "Twisted Nostalgia" and "Inside the Hourglass" has been an absolute

joy. Thank you for your hard work and dedication. I wish Alyssa, our new President, and her team the best

Esme Hide

of luck as they take the reins. Keep shining bright, and let's stay connected. Farewell :)


I can’t believe my time as production manager has come to an end so soon. Joining Cobalt as a

fresher was the best thing I did. I have loved every minute of working alongside all these amazing

creative people. I can’t wait to see what Cobalt will become in

the future!

Bethany Lee


Cobalt has been a core part of my uni experience, in my first

year I immediately got involved as vice president and in second

year I took over as president. After my year abroad I came back

as Secretary. This magazine holds a special place in my heart

and I have loved channelling my own creativity as well as

encouraging it in others. Graduating and leaving Cobalt behind

is bittersweet, but I can’t wait to see where it goes in the future.

Shreya Krishnan


As the outgoing treasurer of Cobalt Magazine, I would like to say

that it was a pleasure being associated with the mag for a year, which gave me the opportunity to

contribute to the mag in my own little way to see it run and spread the passion for writing and reading

Nina Globerson


pieces of art. Cobalt is a beautiful one and I would always cherish it :)

During my time at University, Cobalt has been a great experience to be a part of. I have really enjoyed

being able to put my creativity to the test through marketing and social media, and have enjoyed

contributing my own work as well. It’s incredible to see the final result and the hard work my co-workers

have put into the publication, and I will miss it dearly.

Christopher Tang

Sometimes, when the sun bruises

my curtains at a certain angle,

I let the yellow make me into a

movie star. This is easy, being

twenty-one. But two years prior,

I remember the music fading

into the purple of my skin –

scraping on the road, a victim

of the stars, strewn beneath

the gothic movement of the

strings at our ears. We were

made into a choir. I think we

kept singing because silence

is a death without art. Please

keep going. This cannot be

our finale. Let the orchestra

move from second-year streets

to first-year jobs; dinner parties

and happy marriages; forgotten

friends; children of the children

who will never know our time

spent as singers or movie scenes.

To the music: You can sleep over

again, anytime, if you promise –


I wasn't supposed to be here.

I used to be trapped, but now I am free.

I used to be empty, now I am filled.

the void within me, disappeared.

This year has turned out to be unlike

anything I could have imagined.

If these were my last words, then I should

thank you for all the blessings and miracles.

without you I wouldn't have been here, met

all these people who became a part of me.

I wouldn't have been able to pursue my

dreams, and study the things I am most

passionate about.

From the moment that I wake up, to the

moment that I lay my head I know you are

here with me.

From my sincere heart to yours, Thank you.


THE 2023



Written by Alyssa Tingle

3 hours of heart-thumping music. Voices so powerful you forget that

they’re human. Melodies that come together to create a cohort of

emotions that burst through their vocal cords. Chills guaranteed to crawl

up your spine with fallcetos straight out of a dream. Or the growl in your

throat as the beatbox shakes your core.

The Open A Capella Competition was home to all of that. Bringing the

best of the best that the UK has to offer, a passion project meant to unite

people from all over the UK in the art of a cappella through song, dance,

and competition. With its third competition happening not too long ago,

let’s revisit some of the best moments of each group, and of course

the mind behind it all: the organizer and founder, Shaquira Lue.

10 teams, 10 distinct voices. From universities to long-standing,

established groups, the OAC was stacked with

talented individuals. With strikingly gorgeous

falsettos, powerful belts, and riveting beats.

Arranged in two parts, the competition was based

on three criteria: Musical arrangement,

choreography, and vocals. Thus, without further

adieu, let’s get into the groups that made the

final cut, providing a fantastic, magical, and

entertaining night of performance.

LowKey was the first to show off their skills, situated in London, they debuted

in LUKAS: Winter Edition. With a strong lead, they started the show with a

bang, with riffs that could make your heart twirl and beat boxing that made

your head swim.

The Inner Voices was second, contrasting LowKey with pop rhythms.

Had no one been looking, I would’ve surely jumped up to dance.

Hailing from Cardiff, their focus on harmony was astounding, yet

pop wasn’t the only thing they could do, showcasing a range

from folk to musical, music that was almost ethereal.

Third was The Techtonics, an all male group from Imperial

College London. This group of engineers and scientists

knew how to use their legs, with fantastic choreography.

A gradient of music from the 80s to the 2000s, playing

songs from Bruno Mars to Panic!

At the Disco. Reaching falsettos

that could match Brendon Urie,

needless to say, their stage

presence was


Next up was Aquapella,

fitting for a group from the

University of Bath, where they’re

celebrating their 10th year of

music! With a love for pop,

rock, and indie, their music

was a wave of emotions.

Harmony that leaves you in

shivers, rifts that make your heart

race, and musical arrangements

you just can’t resist but bop your

head. Their sound incorporated

everything that I loved, and judging

by the crowd, it was the same for


Perfect Forth was the fifth to go, with a diverse cast from Scotland. With

a love for theatre, their performance did not shy away from the theatrics

of musicals. Their choreography and arrangements created an

exciting and memorable performance akin to jukebox musicals,

each song flowing into one another at the end of a scene.

Finished with strong vocals and beautiful harmonization and


Another from Scotland, all the way from the University of

Edinburgh comes Tone Up, a mixed-voice a cappella group

with members from all around the globe. With great tones

and lovely harmony, their artistic style gives off ‘The

Aristocrats’, with cyclical beats and majestic unity,

there’s never a dull sound even in the softest of

songs, with complementing vocals lining every tune.

Then comes The DeciBelles from Cardiff

University, with vocal transitions that knock

the competition out of the water. Inspired

by powerful female artists, this group brings

the ‘villainess’ to the party with strong vocals

and eye-catching choreography. With

ballads to sassy pop songs, this group

can’t help but capture the hearts of

its crowd with its amazing vocals.

The Scopes on the other hand are

light and bright with a myriad of

falsettos that’ll knock you off your feet.

Taking original songs and transforming

them into something greater, enhanced

with choir. Combining pop tonality with

original music arrangements. The Imperial

College London does not miss with its

fantastic a cappella groups.

Second to last is Algorhythm, a group of Vocal Percussion

enthusiast united by the UK collegiate a cappella network. Their

focus on vocals highlights their music ability, where backing voices

perfectly complement, striking a balance of sounds without

overwhelming either section. Paired with smooth transitions, there’s a

focus on combining the rough power of rock supergroups and classic

a cappella.

Last, but certainly not least, the Northern Lights from Durham

University. With the purpose of uniting under ‘one entity, one voice’,

they ended the night with powerful belts and strong chest voices,

overwhelming your senses with their bold notes, from low base to

high head. They achieved one of the hardest challenges: leaving

the competition, and ending the night, with

a bang.

And as a bonus, the OAC surprised

everyone with a beatboxing competition,

inviting the best beatboxers of each team

to compete together, showcasing their

talents and expertise. An interlude before

the final act of the night: OAC’s very

own group which we’ll get into.

But what about behind the scenes?

According to Shquira, there were a

million bumps in the road, from

running fundraisers to looking for

sponsorships and venues, or to

immediate tasks such as buses

breaking down or the judge’s

positioning. But these small ‘fires’ as

she calls them always end the same:

turning out well, with a good

drink at the Dirty Duck, laughing

about the hectic events.

Another was accessing whether it was

worth it to travel all the way from across

the UK to the OAC. With groups from Scotland,

it’s no question that the travel time and cost would

be taken into account. However, after a quick

exchange with the previous generation of students

that came to the OAC in 2020, they made their plan

clear: They would make it work. A testament to the

memories and friends made with past competitors.

And finally, a special guest, the OAC’s one and only a

cappella group: Elision! Made up of singers from across the

UK, with members passionate since their time from schools and

local communities, the group has about 80 years of collective

a cappella experience. Having existed for just over a year,

they’ve headlined the Showcase of Northern A cappella, held

their own gig, and even released an EP on spotify.

Truly, the OAC does not cease to amaze anyone who listens.

We’re so excited to continue collaboration

with the societies in and around Warwick

Uni. We’re a student run company making

events for students, with students. It’s where

we started and will always continue to have

young talent at the forefront of our agenda.

Please keep supporting us and allowing us

to push your art forward - students make

innovation happen.



L’estartit, Spain

Schooling Pelican Barracuda, Punta Carrión, Galápagos Islands

Tubastrea spp. Coral, Punta Carrión, Galápagos Islands


I watch you from a distance now,

Not sure what to say; phrase it how?

Never dared ask, I only wish for more

You'll never know, how I am faithfully yours.

Lambs become sheep, raised for slaughter

No escape, Lady Fate, though I fought her

Your memory is my pound of flesh debt;

But unlike Shylock; you never fail to collect.

Complaint? I even waive the blood clause

Silently begging for your mercy, no cause

Except that I only ever wanted to belong

To someone, and only you; I have longed.

Does my presence cross your mind?

I wonder if you know how it is to pine.

"Please see me," is my only, utter plea

Your world a novel; a mere footnote is me.

The final assertion I dare make to you

I know not if we'll say 'how do you do'

Again; but know that despite closed doors

I will forever remain, faithfully yours.


Ai Shinohara









action speaks louder than words

keep using words to fool yourself

that you will do it but never strict

just looking, never really finishing up your work.

In the end all I could do is cry

Wishing that if I had done it earlier it would have been better.

If only I have done it yesterday

I would have time to do something else



Gabriela J.

Hobby switching,

its a sickness.

First its crochet,

bags and bunnies,

A hundred quid.

Then its painting,

canvases, oil and pastels.

Maybe I'll become famous

this way.

But I think by now

I know its not true

because my love will switch

as hobby switching will do.


Amelia Jergue

I like to think I'm a good person

I like to pretend that I am.

Making faces in the mirror

Comes to me like second hand.

I still remember the patter of tears

That ran down my brother's eyes.

The way that they flowed silent

From all his raspy cries.

Or the way that when he loathed me

But still cradled me in his chest.

Or the way that he would tease me

And I seethed in second best.

Those eyes of harrowed betrayal

Has never left my mind.

So I try to be a good person

Or at least I think I've tried.


Alyssa Tingle


I often find myself listening to music.

The sound of lonely tunes when I feel blue.

Or when I’m lively the sound of joy

With rock and pop to soothe.

Or how about the times where I’ve hummed

To the sound of wind and rain

Where all my worries disappear

Straight into the musical grave.

There’re moments I lay awake at night

As the piano of classical music lights the sky

There’re visions of a younger time

And images of the years I’ve cried

Or maybe the cringe of a bad mistake

Where the record stops, rewinds, replays

And I regret every decision I’ve made

Of a younger time when I was barely aged

So, bury your thoughts, emotions, I say

It’s not good to leave your heart open

Because when people come in with their thundering steps

They’ll leave your records broken.

And joyful memories fade away

So many words are left unspoken

And sometimes I stand in solitude

Waiting for them to reopen.


Looking into all of your eyes, I’m filled with a sombre content-ness.

The way they glisten in the moonlight’s glow, the way Pink smiled so

big. The way Blue’s coffee felt so comforting. The way Black’s love

was all-consuming. The way that you all laugh, cook, play and sing.

I love them all.

I remember the fear that bled me dry, the ache

in my chest. The moment that I arrived: an

outside in unknown lands.

Then we talked, classes a blur, days spent in

shared kitchen. Tea leaves on the ceramic floor.

Then we grew. And grew and grew. Making pots

and writing notes. Spending late nights

studying, candlelight illuminating. How we

laughed and gossiped.

And then met the next day to do it all again.

And what about the times we stayed up late, studying for exams.

How we fell out of touch, jealousy gripping my hand. But you still

welcomed me with open arms, though I’ve hurt, and I hurt.

In a foreign land, you are my light.

In a new step in life, you are my might.

Pink, Black, and Blue. You have made my life for the better. I know

this is true.

- E.R


Cobalt x Boar x Raw

Written by Ellie Bostock-Smith

They say you never know when you

are living in a Golden Age, as

such perspective is reserved for

future generations. However, on

the 5th of May 2023, the golden

glow could not be denied as

Cobalt Magazine, The Boar

Newspaper, and RAW Radio

Station held a joint celebration of

the talent of our time: A Golden

Age Media Ball.

The first in the University’s history,

the Leamington Royal Pump

Rooms saw the gathering of

editors, journalists, writers,

photographers, DJs, and other

exec members, all dressed up to

the nines and red-carpet ready.

Kicking the night off was the first

awe-inspiring performance from

Warwick Pole Society, with more

following throughout the night.

The grand hall was soon buzzing

with music, talk, and merriment as

connections and friendships were

born and built upon. Every part of

the event was planned and

executed brilliantly, from the

performances to the decorations -

right down to the chocolate

covered strawberries on every


One particular highlight of the

evening had to be the

presentation of awards; there

could not have been a more

fitting event at which to honour

and celebrate the talent growing

in each society. Many winners

were recognised in different

categories, though the

competition was fierce in each.

Then, following food, and many

drinks, the night descended into

dance and party.

The unification of Warwick

University’s media scene

continued and we basked in the

glow of this Golden Age, looking

forward to its future.


Elizabeth Andelena

Regretting has never been my forte

I believe in living in the present, a mindless fun of parties and jam.

Where food runs plenty because you don't need to think of future plans.

Don't mention about the tuition, we use that for games and rum.

Don't mention about the empty husk that reaches the morning sun.

I believe in living in the present, because life's what it's all about.

And if you don't start living, then how will you turn out?

Successful and proud?

Fulfilled and rejoiced?

Or maybe you'll end up feeling a little bit more poised.

Ready to take on adulthood, but who has the time for that?

When you can spend your best years getting drunk inside the flat.

Make memories of a lifetime that you'll wake up and won't remember.

And don't forget the sleepless night where your anxiety drowns you under!


So regretting has never been my forte!

I dread to even think.

What might lay for the future, so I give myself no wink.

"Sleep is for the weak" I say, "worries are in your mind.

It's all a mental state, so just shake it off and vibe."

So honestly just live life!

Embrace the present, ditch the past.

Don't care about the future, there's no need to look back.

Do these things and you'll be just like me,

two peas in a pod.

And honestly it doesn't sound so bad

to embrace the present living.

When regretting has never been your forte.

And it's too far to just turn back.

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