Creator Connection October 2023

The official newsletter of Creator Lutheran Church & Preschool.

The official newsletter of Creator Lutheran Church & Preschool.


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<strong>Creator</strong> Lutheran Church and Preschool<br />

<strong>Creator</strong> <strong>Connection</strong><br />

<strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

Welcoming all to Worship, Grow, and Serve in God’s Grace.<br />

Pastor’s Corner<br />

A message from the Pastors<br />

Grace and Peace to you from God our Father<br />

and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.<br />

“Unless I can be instructed and convinced with evidence from the Holy Scriptures<br />

or with open, clear, and distinct grounds and reasoning – and my conscience<br />

is captive to the Word of God – then I cannot and will not recant, because it is<br />

neither safe nor wise to act against conscience. Here I stand. I can do no other.<br />

God help me! Amen.”<br />

Martin Luther’s declaration at the Diet of Worms, Germany 1521<br />

It is the time of the year<br />

again when we celebrate<br />

another anniversary of the<br />

Reformation of the church that<br />

Martin Luther began in 1517. As<br />

it is an important date for us as<br />

Lutherans, we want to ask you<br />

something. Why and should the<br />

Lutheran Reformation still matter<br />

to you, and to the church, for that<br />

matter? After all it has already<br />

been more than 500 years since<br />

this Reformation began and with<br />

it many changes have happened<br />

in the church itself and in society.<br />

Should we not just forget about<br />

it and move on? Along with the<br />

changes that have happened in<br />

society, several different trends<br />

in religion have come and gone<br />

as well. However, there are<br />

still problems in the church,<br />

specifically regarding one’s faith<br />

and salvation.<br />

This matter of faith and<br />

salvation was what brought<br />

Luther to start questioning the<br />

way the church was caring for its<br />

members. But, after all that work,<br />

did Luther fix the issue? Though<br />

Luther brought to light the Gospel<br />

again, as an instrument that God<br />

used, we are still dealing with<br />

almost the same issues Luther<br />

dealt with back in his day. On the<br />

one hand, the church’s teaching<br />

that one must fulfill the Law in<br />

order for God to love us, or that<br />

Continued on pg. 4

Table of Contents<br />

Ministry<br />

Pastor’s Corner..................................................<br />

Pastor’s Corner cont. ........................................<br />

Fellowship<br />

Church In Society..............................................<br />

Council Highlights............................................<br />

Altar Guild.........................................................<br />

Thoughts on Stewardship..................................<br />

Children, Youth, and Family<br />

Mini Lock-In.....................................................<br />

Middle School Fall Retreat...............................<br />

Halloween Carnival Announcement.................<br />

High school Bible Study, Confirmation,<br />

Wednesday Night Meals...................................<br />

Preschool............................................................<br />

1<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

8<br />

9<br />

10<br />

11<br />

12<br />

Staff<br />

Pastor:<br />

Amanda Olson de Castillo<br />

pastoramanda@creatorlutheran.net<br />

Associate Pastor: Horacio Castillo<br />

pastorhoracio@creatorlutheran.net<br />

Office Ministry: Donna Reynolds<br />

office@creatorlutheran.net<br />

Communications Coordinator:<br />

Marion Gil<br />

communications@creatorlutheran.net<br />

Bookkeeper: Marcie Reid<br />

creatorbooks@creatorlutheran.net<br />

Custodian: Leslie Noborikawa<br />

Nursery Attendants: Debbie Eikland<br />

and Cynthia Lowe<br />

Sunday School Coordinator:<br />

Kate Wire<br />

Preschool Director:<br />

Andrea DeDominces<br />

News and Education.................................<br />

13-21<br />

Preschool Teachers:<br />

Andrea DeDominces, Ragan Allen &<br />

Cheri Farrer<br />

Birthdays and Reminders.......................<br />

22<br />

Funeral Coordinator:<br />

Janee Theleman<br />

Calendar............................................................<br />

23<br />

2<br />

Ministry teams and program leaders, please think ahead about what is coming up and<br />

submit information, pictures or stories of impact to office@creatorlutheran.net by the 20th<br />

of each month. Our Office Ministry Coordinator, will collect, format, and get the newsletter<br />

out to the congregation by the first of each month. If you have any further questions,<br />

please feel free to call the office (253) 862-7700.

Continued from pg. 1<br />

one can choose to believe in<br />

God, are still problems we are<br />

dealing with to this day. The<br />

problem with this is that we, for<br />

the life of us, cannot fulfill the law<br />

of God for as much and as hard<br />

as we might try. On the other<br />

hand, we also are dealing with<br />

the teaching that since Jesus<br />

forgives our sins on the cross,<br />

the mercy of God abounds, then<br />

God accepts us just as we are,<br />

after all God is all love and grace.<br />

The issue here is that we are<br />

imperfect and if God “accepts<br />

us as we are,” then, what is the<br />

need for Christ Jesus to have<br />

died on the cross and resurrect<br />

from the dead? Thankfully, we<br />

do have an answer, and more<br />

than an answer a whopper of a<br />

promise given to each and every<br />

one of you and us in the words of<br />

the Apostle Paul in Galatians 2:<br />

“…yet we know that a person is<br />

not justified by works of the law<br />

but through the faith of Jesus<br />

Christ, so we also have believed<br />

in Christ Jesus, in order to be<br />

justified by faith in Christ and not<br />

by works of the law no one will<br />

be justified. For through the law<br />

I died to the law, so that I might<br />

live to God. I have been crucified<br />

with Christ. It is no longer I who<br />

live, but Christ who lives in me.<br />

And the life I now live in the flesh<br />

I live by faith in the Son of God,<br />

who loved me and gave himself<br />

for me. I do not nullify the grace<br />

of God, for if righteousness were<br />

through the law, then Christ died<br />

in vain.”<br />

It is important for us<br />

to continue to continue to<br />

acknowledge this Reformation<br />

and celebrate it not for the sake<br />

of tradition, sentimental value, or<br />

anything we might think what the<br />

purpose of the Reformation is.<br />

And we certainly know that the<br />

church is not always Reforming<br />

or that the church should be<br />

“Reformed” at every whim of<br />

the current trend or social,<br />

political, or religious agenda.<br />

We need to remember that what<br />

was “Reformed” was that the<br />

preaching and proclamation of<br />

the Gospel was brought to the<br />

fore front of what the church is<br />

and what the church does, that<br />

is, to proclaim the forgiveness<br />

of sins to each and every single<br />

person no matter who they are<br />

for we know that “we all have<br />

fallen short of the glory of God”<br />

(Romans 3:23). The church<br />

as an institution can and does<br />

change its policies and polity<br />

the way people see fit – the law<br />

can be changed and even bent.<br />

However, the Gospel does not<br />

change. But if the Gospel is<br />

changed, then it is no longer the<br />

Gospel because the Gospel is to<br />

be “justified by God’s grace as<br />

a gift, through the redemption<br />

that is in Christ Jesus” (Romans<br />

3:24).<br />

What is the proper use of the<br />

Law of God and what are God’s<br />

Gospel through Christ?<br />

The Law regulates the human<br />

conduct here on earth, points<br />

us to the Gospel and makes us<br />

realize we cannot fulfill the Law.<br />

And God’s Gospel and promises<br />

are the forgiveness of sins, life,<br />

and salvation given to us as<br />

a pure gift, so that we do not<br />

remain imperfect but are created<br />

anew in Christ.<br />

Ministry<br />

I have been crucified<br />

with Christ. It is no<br />

longer I who live,<br />

but Christ who lives<br />

in me. And the life<br />

I now live in the<br />

flesh I live by faith<br />

in the Son of God,<br />

who loved me and<br />

gave himself for me.<br />

Society and church traditions<br />

change with time, but this does<br />

not mean that God’s promises<br />

change along with them. God’s<br />

promises to you in Christ remain<br />

unchangeable and unbreakable.<br />

So, this Lutheran Reformation,<br />

as with any Reformation we<br />

celebrate, is not a matter of<br />

continual re-formation of the<br />

church in order to accommodate<br />

God’s Word and action according<br />

to the changes of society, policy,<br />

or religiosity but to adapt our<br />

lives according to God’s will.<br />

Our sinfulness brings us to try<br />

to escape and oppose God’s will<br />

and try to do our own. Thankfully,<br />

God through the Holy Spirit, has<br />

called us through the Gospel,<br />

enlightened us with his gifts, and<br />

sanctified and kept us in the true<br />

faith through the Holy Spirit. God<br />

creates this faith in us so that we<br />

can trust in him and his promises,<br />

rejoice in these promises to you<br />

and live out your vocations with<br />

the peace of God that surpasses<br />

all understanding and keeps<br />

your minds and hearts in Christ<br />

Jesus.<br />

In Christ’s service,<br />

Pastors Amanda and Horacio<br />


Fellowship<br />

4<br />

Church<br />

In Society<br />

Distribution of Funds: $562.62 left over from<br />

August<br />

This month the Council approved $2056.54 for<br />

distribution.<br />

Total amount for distribution................$2619.16<br />

Sumner Food Bank......................................$200<br />

Sumner Backpack program.........................$300<br />

Bonney Lake Food Bank.............................$200<br />

Bonney Lake Backpack................................$300<br />

th Housing.....................................................$500<br />

Helping Hand House.....................................$500<br />

Carryover..................................................$619.16<br />

Review of recent August and September Events<br />

• Lions4Kids Back to School event – Aug. 30. Well<br />

organized. Eight people volunteered from <strong>Creator</strong>.<br />

It was well attended. The kids had a great time.<br />

• God’s Work, Our Hands – Beautify Bonney Lake –<br />

Sept. 16. Four people from the church participated<br />

in the event. It was a well-attended event for the<br />

community.<br />

• CIS presentation on Ministry Team/Rally Sunday –<br />

Sept. 17. The booth was manned between services.<br />

2 new people were interested in participating in our<br />

group.<br />

• Cindy’s meeting with Cedar Ridge activities<br />

coordinator. The Happy Hookers Knitters group at<br />

Cedar Ridge is interested in making hats and scarves<br />

and would like to team with <strong>Creator</strong>. The hats and<br />

scarves would be donated to local agencies that<br />

support children and the homeless. Cindy will go<br />

back in <strong>October</strong> to answer more questions. Lion’s 4<br />

Kids, Mothers to Many and New Hope are agencies<br />

that might benefit from the knitted items.<br />

Planning for Upcoming Events<br />

• Peace Lutheran Dinner – Oct. 20: Cathy and Denise<br />

will organize the hot meal for 70-75 people. Watch for<br />

information in the newsletter and announcements.<br />

Talk to Amanda about the possibility of having it as<br />

a service project for kids.<br />

• Habitat for Humanities – Oct 10/28th – snacks. CIS<br />

will provide the snacks.<br />

• Apple Cup Food Drive – November: Nikole, Tony &<br />

Judy to organize. We have envelopes and labels.<br />

We will get new boxes. We need to publicize<br />

it. Start it on Nov. 5th. Put it in the November<br />

newsletter. Tony will announce on Oct 29 at both<br />

services. Talk to Amanda about youth who might be<br />

attending the different schools to see if they want to<br />

help publicize.<br />

• <strong>Creator</strong> Supports Local Food Banks: According<br />

to The Market, Bonney Lake’s Food Bank, 1 in 7<br />

children face hunger in Washington State. Hunger<br />

can affect a child’s development and school<br />

performance in every way. Hunger is especially<br />

stressful for children over the weekend. Our local<br />

school districts work with the food banks to provide<br />

weekend packs filled with healthy food for at-risk kids<br />

in the Dieringer and Sumner-Bonney Lake School<br />

Districts. Each month the Church-in-Society team<br />

designates some of your contributions to help make<br />

sure that no child goes hungry during the week as<br />

well as over the weekend. You make this possible<br />

through your faithfulness in giving to <strong>Creator</strong><br />

Lutheran Church. Also look for info regarding the<br />

Apple Cup Food Drive in the announcements. We<br />

can all make a difference for those facing food<br />

insecurity!<br />

The next meeting is <strong>October</strong> 18th.

Fellowship<br />

Church Council Highlights<br />

The Council was called to<br />

order and Pastor Amanda read<br />

from Ephesians that the body<br />

has different parts that work<br />

together and that ligaments hold<br />

it together. As a congregation we<br />

need to work together through<br />

disagreements, searching for<br />

answers, and remember that we<br />

are working as one body in the<br />

Church. By working together we<br />

can overcome all obstacles and<br />

make the Church a better and<br />

healthier place for all.<br />

The Church has moved to<br />

two services on Sundays, at 8:30<br />

and 11:00 am. Adult education<br />

will be starting up again between<br />

services soon, and Sunday<br />

School and all those programs<br />

which had been curtailed over<br />

the summer will be starting up<br />

again soon.<br />

Pastors Report<br />

Pastor Horacio reported that<br />

the team working in Sunday<br />

morning volunteers has made<br />

a lot of good progress. A new<br />

program is getting underway<br />

whereby paper will be<br />

provided in the Church for the<br />

congregation to make notes if<br />

they have questions about the<br />

service. Those questions can be<br />

forwarded to the Pastors, who<br />

will provide answers to those<br />

questions later in the week.<br />

Monday evening Bible Study will<br />

be moving to Tuesdays.<br />

Old Business<br />

Flat roof repairs: The<br />

congregation was notified on<br />

Sunday, September 10, <strong>2023</strong> of<br />

a Congregational meeting to be<br />

held on Sunday, September 24,<br />

<strong>2023</strong>.<br />

The flat roof at the back of<br />

the Church is actively leaking<br />

and in such poor condition that it<br />

is unable to be repaired, and it is<br />

critical that the roof be replaced<br />

as soon as possible.<br />

Bids had been placed before<br />

the property team at their<br />

September 5th meeting, and<br />

they decided that the bid from<br />

NW Preferred Roofing would be<br />

the best option. They passed<br />

that information on to Council.<br />

It was decided after lengthy<br />

discussion within Council that<br />

they were in agreement with<br />

them, and that the bid from NW<br />

Preferred Roofing to replace the<br />

roof would be presented to the<br />

Congregation for their approval<br />

at the Congregational meeting<br />

on September 24, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

There was also a discussion<br />

about scheduling a full roof<br />

repair within eighteen months<br />

or less. Before any bids for reroofing<br />

the remainder of the roof<br />

can be done there needs to be<br />

an in depth research into what<br />

the needs of the roof are.<br />

There are a number<br />

of various issues with the<br />

remainder of the roof, and all of<br />

those issues must be addressed<br />

and brought into a written scope<br />

of work to be provided to any<br />

roofing companies who asked<br />

to provide bids since there are a<br />

number of issues which must be<br />

addressed so that an inclusive<br />

scope of work can be presented<br />

to Roofing companies for their<br />

bids.<br />

Providing that scope of work<br />

is going to take a lengthy amount<br />

of time to accomplish.<br />

New Business<br />

The congress was notified on<br />

the 10th and 17th of the meeting<br />

on the 24th.<br />

Questions and Answer<br />

opportunity set for Nov. 26, <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Meeting adjourned in prayer.<br />

The Financial Report was<br />

presented and approved.<br />

Financial Report<br />

Total Income.............$34,275.67<br />

Total Expenses......($31,481.05)<br />

Net Income.................$2,794.62<br />

Total Cash<br />

Balance..................$130,586.26<br />

Less Designate<br />

Funds.....................($66,215.79)<br />

General Fund<br />

Benevolence............$64,370.47<br />

Benevolence Report<br />

Contributions............$34,275.67<br />

Local Benevolence (6%)............<br />

...................................$2,056.54<br />

Synod Benevolence (4%)..........<br />

...................................$1,371.04<br />

Total Benevolence......$3,427.57<br />


Fellowship<br />

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,<br />

It was good to talk with people at our fair on September 17th. As we begin to have two worship<br />

services, it is time for Altar Guild to expand its team. We are looking forward to welcoming new<br />

members. For anyone interested in joining our ranks, training will be scheduled at your convenience.<br />

In addition, instructions are posted in the sacristy and may be emailed out or picked up at church. I<br />

would appreciate younger members stepping up to help. Even middle school and high school students<br />

have helped in the past. “Many hands make light(er) work” and are appreciated.<br />

Two people serve together, one experienced person as lead and a helper who is the quality control.<br />

You will not serve alone and will not be a lead until you are comfortable in that role. Anyone can serve<br />

on Altar Guild including parents and children.<br />

Duties include<br />

1. Filling glasses in the communion trays with wine and white grape juice.<br />

2. Placing communion bread on the plate with paper napkins and covered with a cloth.<br />

3. Making sure the candles are lit, possibly supervising an acolyte.<br />

4. After the 8:30 AM service, cleaning off the altar, counting and recording the number of used<br />

glasses, washing used glasses, and preparing the communion trays and bread for the 11AM<br />

service.<br />

5. After the 11 AM service, cleaning off the altar, counting and recording the number of used glasses,<br />

washing used glasses and serving pieces, storing all communion pieces.<br />

6. After each service, replenishing candles in the prayer box in the narthex and removing<br />

extinguished candles.<br />

I look forward to chatting with anyone interested in serving. You may text my cellphone at (253) 820-<br />

1757 or send an email to 84lkreed@gmail.com.<br />

Blessings to you, Linda Reed<br />


Thoughts on<br />

Fellowship<br />

Markets of all types are<br />

around us year around, like<br />

farmer markets with vendors<br />

and artisans all displaying things<br />

for sale at their booths. If you<br />

enjoy shopping, sometimes<br />

these are the perfect place to<br />

find unique items and gifts.<br />

Spotting something that seems<br />

perfect for someone in your life,<br />

or discovering a treasure you<br />

know a special person would<br />

appreciate can be the joy of<br />

shopping for and giving gifts.<br />

Giving a gift for someone for a<br />

birthday, Christmas, or other<br />

occasion can be a true act of love<br />

and generosity. Even something<br />

simple can be a thoughtful<br />

gesture to show appreciation or<br />

an act of kindness.<br />

God has given us the gift of<br />

His son in Jesus, and through<br />

His unconditional love and<br />

forgiveness for us, His generosity<br />

gives us new life in Him. As<br />

we prayerfully consider our<br />

giving during this Stewardship<br />

Campaign, how to we determine<br />

our response? In gratitude for<br />

all God has blessed us with,<br />

scripture teaches us to live out<br />

a generous response to God’s<br />

abundance. Just as we give<br />

gifts to those we love and care<br />

for, would this not be the same<br />

approach to giving to God? We<br />

are called into personal growth<br />

with capacity to give, serve and<br />

care for our church and our<br />

Source: istock.com<br />

community.<br />

Giving at <strong>Creator</strong> is personal<br />

between you and God. Some<br />

are on a very fixed income, while<br />

others have circumstances that<br />

impact the ability to give. If you<br />

are limited in your giving, can you<br />

consider volunteering at church?<br />

Help during worship is always<br />

a need, and we are looking for<br />

more that can be of assistance.<br />

We are all free in Christ,<br />

and our giving becomes a want<br />

to, not a have to. Recognizing<br />

our call to love God with all<br />

of our heart, soul, mind, and<br />

strength, invites us into a loving<br />

relationship with our Heavenly<br />

Father. This opportunity to show<br />

our gratitude for His grace and<br />

love is also a gift.<br />

In the service at <strong>Creator</strong>, we<br />

are reminded during the offering<br />

that giving is an act of worship.<br />

We are partners in the work<br />

of <strong>Creator</strong>, both in the church<br />

and the community. Our part is<br />

significant, and we are not only<br />

part of the <strong>Creator</strong> family, but a<br />

team that works together doing<br />

God’s work, with our hands. It<br />

is a wonderful privilege to serve<br />

together, knowing that we can do<br />

even more together. When you<br />

give, the money goes to the food<br />

bank, the various agencies in<br />

the community, mission trips, or<br />

those who volunteer to feed the<br />

homeless, or provide clothing,<br />

backpacks, Christmas gifts, and<br />

other support through the synod<br />

is something you are doing as<br />

well.<br />

Thank you for your generosity.<br />


Children, Youth, and Family<br />

Calling all 4th and 5th Graders:<br />

A mini lock-in<br />

(late night but no overnight)<br />

Saturday, <strong>October</strong> 14th from 6pm -10pm<br />

God gives a lot of promises in his word, and those promises are<br />

for you. Come and explore the amazing promises God gives and<br />

see how those promises impact your life.<br />

Dinner, Games, Learning about God’s promises<br />

for you, and more Games<br />

8<br />

Sign-up with Pastor Amanda or on the youth board.<br />

Friends are welcome and so are parents.<br />

<strong>2023</strong>/2024 Medical release Form required.

Children, Youth, and Family<br />

Fall Middle School Retreat<br />

November 10th at 6pm through<br />

November 11th at 4pm<br />

Black Diamond Retreat Center<br />

“The Lord God is with you wherever<br />

you go” Joshua 1:9<br />

We will begin our adventure at<br />

church at 6pm, fueling up with<br />

pizza.<br />

Our adventure will continue at<br />

the Retreat Center: team<br />

building, connecting with God’s<br />

promises for us in scripture,<br />

games and special activities.<br />

Cost is $100.00 each<br />

Sign up with Pastor Amanda<br />


Children, Youth, and Family<br />

Don’t Be Spooked!!<br />

There will be<br />

**** NO****<br />

Halloween Carnival this<br />

year at <strong>Creator</strong>.<br />

Important Change!<br />

Have a happy halloween in your<br />

neigbhorhood and come to the<br />

Fall Festival at <strong>Creator</strong> on Saturday,<br />

November 4th.<br />


Children, Youth, and Family<br />

Highschool Bible Study - Every Wednesday<br />

Highschool students are invited to join us every Wednesday night for highschool Bible study! We<br />

will gather at 6:30 pm here at <strong>Creator</strong> for dinner together. Then we will begin our Bible Study at 7 pm.<br />

It will be a time together of fellowship, service, games and worship. Our focus during these studies will<br />

be “That’s in the Bible?!,” recounting and studying bizarre biblical accounts.<br />

<strong>Creator</strong>’s Confirmation Ministry is a<br />

program that helps youth through Word and<br />

Sacrament hear God’s promises for them in<br />

Christ Jesus and receive God’s favor and to<br />

learn that they are also called to serve their<br />

neighbor in word and deed. Fellowship and<br />

serve opportunities throughout the year as we<br />

grow as a community.<br />

We meet Sundays at 9:45am & Wednesdays<br />

from 7 - 8:30 pm with dinner being available<br />

at 6:30pm.<br />


Are you interested in preparing a meal for our<br />

youth and youth leaders?<br />

Every Wednesday night, from 6:30pm-<br />

7:00pm, we provide a meal for Confirmation<br />

and Highschool Bible Study.<br />

Pizza, tacos, Lasagna, spaghetti, pancakes,<br />

chicken nuggets, other family favorites? Show<br />

your care for our kids by providing a meal this<br />

year!<br />

A sign-up sheet is available outside the youth<br />

room or on-line. If you have questions, Pastor<br />

Amanda would be the one to ask them to! And as<br />

usual, thank you for your generosity!<br />


Preschool<br />

Preschool News<br />

<strong>October</strong> <strong>2023</strong><br />

12<br />

Dear Parents,<br />

Goodbye summer, hello fall and welcome to the <strong>Creator</strong> Preschool Family! We have been blessed<br />

with delightful children and great families! It doesn’t get much better than that!<br />

September was a wonderful month for making new friends and getting reacquainted with old ones.<br />

Welcome new families!<br />

For the last few years, we have had Julie Buelle of Buelle Photography come to our school to take<br />

class and individual pictures. Mark <strong>October</strong> 12th and 13th on your calendar. Order forms have been<br />

handed out. Please let your teachers know if you did not receive an order form.<br />

Our <strong>October</strong> field trip will be to Thomason Farms in Enumclaw during regular class time<br />

on Thursday, <strong>October</strong> 19th for the T/Th and T/W/Th classes and at 9:30am on Friday, <strong>October</strong><br />

20th for the M/F and W/F classes. We will plan to meet at Thomason Farms. Please be on<br />

time. Mornings, especially, can be chilly and farms can be muddy so please dress your child<br />

appropriately.<br />

<strong>Creator</strong> Preschool will pay for our enrolled children. Children under age two are free. Two<br />

and older are $10 (includes a small pumpkin) and adults are $5. Siblings are welcome.<br />

If you are getting tired of looking for yellow clothes, circles, the number 1, or the letter A and M, do<br />

not worry. During <strong>October</strong> we will change to orange and black, the letters Pp, Oo, and Nn, the number<br />

2 (and 3 for the four/five-year-olds) and spheres and cylinders. We will also learn about Owls and Bats,<br />

Farms, and living in the City versus in the Country.<br />

Halloween is a difficult holiday for a Christian preschool. Of course, we do not believe in the scary,<br />

negative (witches, devils, monsters) symbols, but the children love “dressing up”. A good compromise<br />

is to bring the costume for show and tell. We will allow extra time to appreciate them. Most children<br />

have difficulty staying in costume the whole day anyway. We use this opportunity to discuss how Jesus<br />

loves all of us, no matter how we look on the outside and changing our appearance does not make us<br />

any different inside. God sees the goodness inside us, regardless of the outside.<br />

We feel very blessed to be working with such wonderful children and involved parents. We are so<br />

glad you have chosen us and we look forward to a wonderful year.<br />

We have openings in the Mon/Fri mixed class and the Tues/Thurs morning four-year-old class.<br />

Please pass this on to family and friends. You are our best advertisement!<br />

*And lastly: We would love to have one parent from our T/Th class help put together a slide show<br />

for their class for the end of the year. Please consider this and let us know as soon as possible. We<br />

will supply the pictures.<br />

Thank you,<br />

Your teachers,<br />

Andrea (Mrs. D), Ragan (Mrs. Allen), and Cheri (Ms. Farrer)

That’s right. This is not<br />

exclusively for Confirmation<br />

students. There are many adults<br />

who like to take notes about the<br />

sermon. If you are one of them,<br />

feel free to take an “adult sermon<br />

notes” half page located behind<br />

the chairs in the sanctuary.<br />

This is not required. You can<br />

keep your notes for personal<br />

reflection. If you have a question<br />

or two about the sermon and/<br />

News and Education<br />

or would like to share a prayer<br />

need with the pastors, feel free<br />

to submit that section of the<br />

page. If you decide to write<br />

a question or two and prayer<br />

requests, write your name and<br />

contact information so one of<br />

the pastors can reach out to you<br />

via email with a short paragraph<br />

answering your question/s and/<br />

or a prayer. If your page does<br />

not have a name and contact<br />

information the pastors will not<br />

be able to answer the question<br />

you may have. Pastors Amanda<br />

and Horacio<br />


Question: “What’s going on<br />

in front of the church?”<br />

Have you ever said this to<br />

yourself when on the 2nd and<br />

4th Sundays of the month after<br />

services you notice people<br />

under the large banner in front<br />

of the church?<br />

Answer: <strong>Creator</strong> Cares<br />

ministry invites you to join a<br />

member of the team up front to<br />

share specific prayer requests<br />

(confidentially).<br />

Requests can be for you or<br />

anyone else. A team member<br />

will be there to listen and<br />

provide encouragement and<br />

support through prayer. Just<br />

watch for a space and take your<br />

turn.<br />

Anyone interested in being a<br />

participant in the prayer ministry<br />

or care team can consult with<br />

a team member or come to a<br />

meeting for more information<br />

about the ministry tasks.<br />

“In nothing be anxious: but<br />

in everything, by prayer and<br />

supplication with thanksgiving,<br />

let your requests be made<br />

known to God. And the Peace<br />

of God, which passeth all<br />

understanding shall keep your<br />

heart and minds through Christ<br />

Jesus.” --Philippians 4-:6-7.<br />


News and Education<br />

New Hope Resource Center Meal<br />

THANK YOU to everyone<br />

who donates food for Hope<br />

Resource Center. Our next<br />

lunch will be Friday, <strong>October</strong><br />

5th, <strong>2023</strong>. New Hope Resource<br />

Center is providing 40-50 sack<br />

lunches M-F for our homeless<br />

neighbors. New Hope has<br />

asked that we help by donating<br />

food appropriate for the sack<br />

lunches. Please see the list of<br />

14<br />

food needed on the attached<br />

link.<br />

All food should be dropped<br />

off at the church no later than<br />

Friday morning at 10:00 AM.<br />

<strong>Creator</strong> members will pick up<br />

the food from church and deliver<br />

it to New Hope in Puyallup.<br />

Volunteers at New Hope will<br />

prepare and distribute the sack<br />

lunches. Please sign up below.<br />

You will get a reminder email.<br />

Volunteer sign up link:<br />

https://www.signupgenius.<br />

com/go/20f044fa8ac2ea5f85-<br />

newhope<br />

**** On the sign-up sheet<br />

click the “sign up button” next<br />

to what you want to bring, then<br />

go to the very bottom of the<br />

page and click “Submit and<br />

Sign up” and there you will<br />

enter your information. New<br />

Hope Resource Center is in<br />

downtown Puyallup and serves<br />

the unhoused in Pierce County.<br />

The mission of New Hope is to<br />

assist homeless adults in their<br />

efforts to find safety, health, and<br />


News and Education<br />

<strong>Creator</strong> Lutheran Church<br />


ON TAPPS<br />

Theology on Tapps is continuing through Fall. We will meet once a<br />

month at a members home for discussion and fellowship.<br />

Everyone confirmation age and above are welcome to attend. The<br />

more the merrier! Each evening will be from 7-8:30pm.<br />

<strong>October</strong> 19: Nye home – Reformation<br />

Contact the Church Office for the Nye’s address.<br />


Amanda and Pastor Horacio are hosting a new<br />

Pastor<br />

informational meeting. We are glad and thankful<br />

member<br />

the Holy Spirit has led you to <strong>Creator</strong> Lutheran. As you<br />

that<br />

to discern your involvement with this community<br />

continue<br />

faith, we invite you to learn more about <strong>Creator</strong><br />

of<br />

What does it mean to be an official member of<br />

Lutheran.<br />

What does it mean to be Lutheran? We look<br />

<strong>Creator</strong>?<br />

to spending time with you, and getting to know<br />

forward<br />

other and from one another. You do not need to<br />

each<br />

a member during this class, and you do not need to<br />

become<br />

a member to attend and be involved with <strong>Creator</strong><br />

become<br />

Lutheran.<br />

News and Education<br />

New Member Class<br />

If you have any questions, please contact the church office.<br />





As we kick off Adult Education for the new program year we are<br />

beginning with different presentations, <strong>Creator</strong> Cares with a two part<br />

presentation, a PLU presentation during the week and discussion<br />

on Sunday morning, and last but not least, a two part class on the<br />

Lutheran Reformation.<br />


The PLU presentation will be on the book “Love without Limits.”<br />

We are going to gather at church to view the presentation on<br />

Wednesday, <strong>October</strong> 04th (see details below) and a discussion on<br />

the presentation and book on Sunday, <strong>October</strong> 08th. During our<br />

discussion at church on <strong>October</strong> 8th we will look at what you agreed<br />

with, what was missing, what was new to you, what you disagreed<br />

with, and finally the distinction of Law and Gospel, or the lack thereof<br />

in the presentation. As with any presentation that comes from outside<br />

<strong>Creator</strong> and/or your pastors it is good to remember that we want to<br />

present content that generates healthy and respectful discussions.<br />

Having said this, we proceed with a Disclaimer: The information<br />

contained in the video presentation and book represent the views,<br />

opinions, and theology of the original author of the book and video<br />

creators/presenters and does not necessarily represent the views,<br />

opinions, and theology of the pastors and <strong>Creator</strong> in general as a<br />

Congregation. We know we have many different views on different<br />

topics as individuals and the showing of the video presentation and<br />

book are being made available for informational and discussion<br />

material only. The content of the video presentation and book does<br />

not constitute an endorsement by <strong>Creator</strong> or the pastors.<br />


The Lutheran Reformation: As we celebrate another Reformation<br />

Sunday (506 years already!) we are offering an overview of the<br />

Reformation with two classes in between Services (see information<br />

below) and the latest Martin Luther movie (released by Thrivent in<br />

2003). The classes will address the themes the movie shows so that<br />

you can follow the movie and have an understanding, in the great<br />

scheme of what took place during the Lutheran Reformation.<br />

News and Education<br />

Dates & Times<br />

<strong>Creator</strong> Cares Classes<br />

• When: Sunday, <strong>October</strong> 1<br />

What: Focus on personal and<br />

contemplative prayer<br />

Where: Multipurpose Room<br />

Time: 9:45am<br />

• When: Sunday, <strong>October</strong> 15<br />

What: Focus on prayer in<br />

worship and with others.<br />

Where: Multipurpose Room<br />

Time: 9:45am<br />

PLU Discussion Classes<br />

• When: Wednesday, <strong>October</strong><br />

4th<br />

What: PLU video presentation<br />

on the book “Love without<br />

Limits.”<br />

Where: Multipurpose room at<br />

<strong>Creator</strong><br />

Time: 07:00 pm<br />

• When: Sunday, <strong>October</strong> 8th<br />

What: Discussion about PLU<br />

video presentation and book<br />

Where: Multipurpose room at<br />

<strong>Creator</strong><br />

Time: 09:45 to 10:45 am –<br />

Between Services<br />

Lutheran Reformation Classes<br />

• When: Sunday, <strong>October</strong> 22nd<br />

What: Class on Martin Luther<br />

and the Reformation<br />

Where: Multipurpose room at<br />

<strong>Creator</strong><br />

Time: 09:45 to 10:45 am –<br />

Between Services<br />

• When: Sunday, <strong>October</strong> 29th<br />

What: Class on Martin Luther<br />

and the Reformation<br />

Where: Multipurpose room at<br />

<strong>Creator</strong><br />

Time: 09:45 to 10:45 am –<br />

Between Services<br />

• When: Sunday, <strong>October</strong> 29th<br />

What: Movie Showing – Martin<br />

Luther and the Reformation<br />

Where: Multipurpose room at<br />

<strong>Creator</strong><br />

Time: 06:30 pm to 08:00 pm<br />


News and Education<br />


4 NOVEMBER<br />


2:00PM-4:00PM<br />







News and Education<br />







News and Education<br />

Thursday<br />

Morning<br />

Bible Study<br />

Thursday Morning Bible<br />

Study meets every Thursday,<br />

at 10-11:30 am in Room 4 at<br />

<strong>Creator</strong>.<br />

All are welcome to come<br />

learn and enjoy the camaraderie<br />

and fellowship with your <strong>Creator</strong><br />

family!<br />

<strong>Creator</strong> Men’s Club Meeting,<br />

Monday, <strong>October</strong> 2, <strong>2023</strong> at 6<br />

p.m.<br />

Brank’s Bar-B-Que, 13701<br />

24th St.E., Sumner will be the<br />

site of the <strong>October</strong> 2, <strong>2023</strong><br />

dinner of the <strong>Creator</strong> Men’s<br />

Club at 6 p.m. It’s open to any<br />

churchmen. Discussion will<br />

focus on the recent trip to the<br />

LeMay Car Collection Museum<br />

and future Fall cleanup projects.<br />

20<br />

Grieving with Grace is a support group led by Pastor<br />

Amanda where adults learn about the grieving process and<br />

how to care for themselves as they work through the grief of a<br />

loved one’s death.<br />

Grieving with Grace is currently undergoing a schedule<br />

revamp, so please stay tuned for more information on our next<br />

meeting!<br />

Men’s<br />

Fellowship<br />

During “All things Covid”<br />

the Wednesday night<br />

Men’s group has been<br />

using Zoom. The meetings<br />

start at 7:00 PM and get<br />

over by 9:00PM. If you<br />

are interested in joining<br />

the meeting please contact<br />

Scott Perkins with your<br />

email address and he will<br />

send you a link for Zoom.<br />

Scott.perkins@hotmail.<br />

com or 253-230-3416

News and Education<br />



On Friday, <strong>October</strong> 20th<br />

at 5:30pm, <strong>Creator</strong> will be<br />

providing and serving dinner<br />

at Peace Lutheran Church to<br />

approximately 75 members<br />

of the Hill Top Community in<br />

Tacoma. We need volunteers<br />

from <strong>Creator</strong> to provide the items<br />

for a lasagna dinner and also to<br />

help serve.<br />

Contact Cathy Coleman or Denise<br />

Boroughs or any CIS member for<br />

additional information. A QR code<br />

to sign up can be found below<br />


There was a congregational<br />

meeting this past Sunday to<br />

discuss the repairs needed to<br />

the roof which has been leaking<br />

for some time and is in urgent<br />

need of repair to prevent further<br />

damage.<br />

The council asked the<br />

congregation to accept the bid<br />

from NW Preferred Roofing for<br />

$23,000 to tear off the existing<br />

roof, replace up to 14 sheets of<br />

plywood, and install 60 mil PVC<br />

membrane over approximately<br />

2000 sq ft of roof. In the event<br />

additional work is necessary,<br />

council has permission to spend<br />

up to $45,000, with funding from<br />

capital reserves, roof repair<br />

funds and general fund.<br />

This proposal was passed<br />

with by a unanimous vote. The<br />

congregation will be updated as<br />

the project progresses. Feel free<br />

to ask questions to any members<br />

of the church council.<br />

We would like to thank each<br />

and every congregation member<br />

who was at the meeting for<br />

providing their support and their<br />

opinion. It is wonderful to know<br />

that your hearts and thoughts<br />

are with <strong>Creator</strong>.<br />


Birthdays and Reminders<br />

Remote Worship<br />

Worship will continue to be live-streamed on Facebook Live and<br />

Zoom. To join via Zoom, follow the link below:<br />

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86736605706?pwd=Ukc4RStRMlF<br />

yTm0xeXlaNFBWUDJhdz09<br />

Meeting ID: 867 3660 5706 Password: 822676<br />

One tap mobile:<br />

+ 12532158782,,89375602512#,,,,0#,,435230# US (Tacoma)<br />

Call in option: Zoom offers the option to call in to listen to the<br />

service. Call into worship while it is open - usually a minimum of<br />

five minutes before 9:30am until 11:00am - +1 253 215 8782 and<br />

enter the meeting number: 89375602512 when prompted. You<br />

will be able to hear the worship service.<br />


<strong>Creator</strong> Lutheran is changing our mobile giving app! Vanco,<br />

our eGiving provider, has launched an updated mobile app called<br />

Vanco Mobile to replace GivePlus Mobile. You can download the<br />

Vanco Mobile app for free from the App Store or Google Play.<br />

Download Vanco Mobile by September 30. Vanco will<br />

remove GivePlus Mobile after this date.<br />

If you have questions or need assistance with our new mobile<br />

app, please contact the church office at (253) 862-7700.<br />

Pastoral Emergency Fund<br />

<strong>Creator</strong> has a fund available to be used at the discretion of Pastor<br />

Amanda to support congregation members and the community<br />

as needed. If you or a member another member of the <strong>Creator</strong><br />

Community has a particular financial need at this time, please<br />

reach out to Pastor Amanda for support. We are here for one<br />

another at this time. This fund is also open for additional<br />

donations from the congregation.<br />

Recycle Your<br />

Ink Cartridges<br />

Don’t throw away those printer cartridges or used cell phones.<br />

The Youth will recycle them for you. It’s good for the<br />

environment and the youth program receives a small concession.<br />

Just deposit old cartridges in the drawer in the narthex.<br />

22<br />

<strong>October</strong><br />

Birthdays<br />

1 - Dakota<br />

Norrell<br />

1 - Hailey Rakos<br />

2 - Virginia<br />

Harshman<br />

2 - Lauren<br />

Hinkley<br />

2 - Erik Michael<br />

Ketter<br />

3 - Tyler<br />

Jacobsen<br />

4 - Jaime Daniel<br />

4 - Braylon<br />

Davidson<br />

7 - Cynthia Blix<br />

7 - Jay<br />

Pendergast<br />

9 - Janice<br />

Shabro-Howell<br />

11 - Noel Rogen<br />

12 - Tiana<br />

Gaulke<br />

12 - Cesar<br />

Romero<br />

13 - Leah Littell<br />

15 - Nicolas<br />

Carter<br />

16 - Beverly<br />

Winsor<br />

18 - Jennifer<br />

Lange-Rebner<br />

19 - Mark Kraus<br />

19 - Nicholas<br />

Thayse<br />

19 - Stephen<br />

Worley<br />

20 - Sherry Nye<br />

21 - Shay<br />

Hochstein<br />

24 - Laurie<br />

Morrow<br />

25 - Helen<br />

Anderson<br />

26 - Cydney<br />

Kronlund<br />

27 - Jeff Dunn<br />

27 - Donna<br />

Hinkley<br />

27 - Chase Sehlin<br />

28 - Nicholas<br />

Rogen<br />

30 - Brian<br />

Dennis<br />

31 - Lydia<br />

Brannan<br />

31 - Sarah<br />

Gillispie<br />

31 - Janis<br />



Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6<br />

8:30am Worship<br />

Service<br />

9:45am Sunday School<br />

9:45am Confirmation<br />

11am Worship Service<br />

6pm <strong>Creator</strong><br />

Men’s Club<br />

9am Morning<br />

Devotion<br />

6:30pm Finance Team<br />

Meeting<br />

7pm Adult<br />

Education - PLU<br />

Lecture<br />

7pm Confirmation<br />

7pm Men’s Fellowship<br />

7pm High School Bible<br />

Study<br />

9am Morning<br />

Devotion<br />

10am Thursday<br />

Morning Bible Study<br />

7pm Fellowship Team<br />

Meeting<br />

7pm CYF Team Meeting<br />

New Hope Lunch<br />

7<br />

8 8:30am Worship<br />

Service<br />

9:45am Sunday School<br />

9:45am Adult<br />

Education<br />

9:45am Confirmation<br />

11am Worship Service<br />

9<br />

10 9am Morning<br />

Devotion<br />

5:30pm Property Team<br />

Meeting<br />

6:30pm Women’s Bible<br />

Study<br />

11 7pm Confirmation<br />

7pm Men’s<br />

Fellowship<br />

7pm High School Bible<br />

Study<br />

12 9am Morning<br />

Devotion<br />

10am Thursday<br />

Morning Bible Study<br />

13<br />

14<br />

6pm Mini Youth<br />

Lock In<br />

15<br />

8:30am Worship<br />

Service<br />

9:45am Sunday School<br />

9:45am Adult Education<br />

9:45am Confirmation<br />

11am Worship Service<br />

12pm Oktoberfest<br />

Potluck<br />

22 8:30am Worship<br />

Service<br />

9:45am Sunday School<br />

9:45am Adult Education<br />

9:45am Confirmation<br />

11am Worship Service<br />

16<br />

23<br />

17 9am Morning<br />

Devotion<br />

6pm Church Council<br />

Meeting<br />

24 9am Morning<br />

Devotion<br />

6:30pm Women’s Bible<br />

Study<br />

18 6pm CIS Meeting<br />

7pm Confirmation<br />

7pm Men’s Fellowship<br />

7pm High School Bible<br />

Study<br />

25 7pm Men’s<br />

Fellowship<br />

7pm Confirmation<br />

7pm High School Bible<br />

Study<br />

19 9am Morning<br />

Devotion<br />

10am Thursday<br />

Morning Bible Study<br />

7pm Theology on<br />

Tapps<br />

26 9am Morning<br />

Devotion<br />

10am Thursday<br />

Morning Bible Study<br />

20 5:30pm Peace<br />

Lutheran<br />

Community Dinner<br />

27<br />

21<br />

28<br />

29<br />

8:30am Worship<br />

Service<br />

9:45am Sunday School<br />

9:45am Adult Education<br />

9:45am Confirmation<br />

11am Worship Service<br />

30<br />

31<br />


<strong>Creator</strong> Lutheran<br />

Church and Preschool<br />

Welcoming All to Worship, Grow, and Serve in God’s Grace<br />

creatorlutheran.net (253) 862-7700 office@creatorlutheran.net<br />

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 3:30PM<br />

16702 South Tapps Drive East, Bonney Lake, WA 98391

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