2023 Folklife Booklet-final

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Proceeds from this Souvenir Booklet help support the


Tom & Becky Program

The Tom & Becky Program, sponsored by the Mark Twain

Boyhood Home & Museum, was created in 1956 by the

Hannibal Chamber of Commerce. One boy and one girl are

selected each year to serve as the official Tom & Becky

with four other couples serving as alternates. The

2023-2024 Tom and Becky Goodwill Ambassadors are:

Gabriel Dryden, Jonathan Fenton, Mason McIntyre, Nathan

Tweedy and Kael Viehmann as Tom and Ella Bonvillian,

Abigail Carlson, Adilynn Jacobsen, Darby Rollins, and

Natalie Vandiver as Becky.

The primary function of the program is to allow these young people

to serve as goodwill ambassadors for Hannibal and to promote

tourism. Those involved become familiar with Mark Twain, his life

and his literature. It is hoped that long after their year is over, these

ambassadors will remember the important part Mark Twain played

in American literature and gain personal strengths that will last a



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