Advanced Data Analytics Using Python_ With Machine Learning, Deep Learning and NLP Examples ( 2023)

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Chapter 5

Deep Learning and Neural Networks


Backpropagation, which usually substitutes an optimization method

like gradient descent, is a common method of training artificial neural

networks. The method computes the error in the outermost layer and

backpropagates up to the input layer and then updates the weights as

a function of that error, input, and learning rate. The final result is to

minimize the error as far as possible.

Backpropagation Approach

Problems like the noisy image to ASCII examples are challenging to solve

through a computer because of the basic incompatibility between the

machine and the problem. Nowadays, computer systems are customized

to perform mathematical and logical functions at speeds that are beyond

the capability of humans. Even the relatively unsophisticated desktop

microcomputers, widely prevalent currently, can perform a massive

number of numeric comparisons or combinations every second.

The problem lies in the inherent sequential nature of the computer.

The “fetch-execute” cycle of the von Neumann architecture allows the

machine to perform only one function at a time. In such cases, the time

required by the computer to perform each instruction is so short that the

average time required for even a large program is negligible to users.

A new processing system that can evaluate all the pixels in the image in

parallel is referred to as the backpropagation network (BPN).

Generalized Delta Rule

I will now introduce the backpropagation learning procedure for

knowing about internal representations. A neural network is termed a

mapping network if it possesses the ability to compute certain functional

relationships between its input and output.


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