Advanced Data Analytics Using Python_ With Machine Learning, Deep Learning and NLP Examples ( 2023)

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Chapter 6

Time Series

method of dealing with nonseasonal data that contains a trend,

particularly yearly data. The global linear trend is the simplest type of

polynomial curve. The Gompertz curve can be written in the following

format, where α, β, and γ are parameters with 0 < r < 1:

x t = αexp [β exp(−γt)]

This looks quite different but is actually equivalent, provided γ > 0. The

logistic curve is as follows:

x t = a / (1+be -ct )

Both these curves are S-shaped and approach an asymptotic value

as t→∞, with the Gompertz curve generally converging slower than the

logistic one. Fitting the curves to data may lead to nonlinear simultaneous


For all curves of this nature, the fitted function provides a measure

of the trend, and the residuals provide an estimate of local fluctuations

where the residuals are the differences between the observations and the

corresponding values of the fitted curve.

Removing Trends from a Time Series

Differentiating a given time series until it becomes stationary is a special

type of filtering that is particularly useful for removing a trend. You will

see that this is an integral part of the Box-Jenkins procedure. For data with

a linear trend, a first-order differencing is usually enough to remove the


Mathematically, it looks like this:

y(t) = a*t + c

y(t+1) = a*(t+1) + c

z(t) = y(t+1) –y(t) = a + c ; no trend present in z(t)


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