Best Thermal Imaging Service Provider in Kolkata India

Thermal imaging, also known as infrared thermography or thermal imaging, is a technique that detects infrared radiation (heat) emitted by an object or source. It is used to create images called thermograms or thermal images that show the temperature of the surface. Thermal imaging is widely used in many fields as it can capture and display thermal patterns that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Thermal imaging technology works like this: Infrared radiation emission: All objects emit infrared radiation (heat) according to their temperature. Warmer objects emit more electricity and colder objects emit less electricity. This radiation is in the infrared spectrum, which is beyond the range of human vision. Thermal imaging camera: A thermal imaging camera is used to detect infrared radiation. The camera has an infrared sensor that detects infrared radiation and converts it into an electrical signal. Image processing: The electrical signal from the infrared detector is processed by an electronic camera to create a thermal image. Each pixel in the image represents a temperature. Warmer areas appear lighter or lighter in color, while cooler areas tend to be darker.

Thermal imaging, also known as infrared thermography or thermal imaging, is a technique that detects infrared radiation (heat) emitted by an object or source. It is used to create images called thermograms or thermal images that show the temperature of the surface. Thermal imaging is widely used in many fields as it can capture and display thermal patterns that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Thermal imaging technology works like this:
Infrared radiation emission: All objects emit infrared radiation (heat) according to their temperature. Warmer objects emit more electricity and colder objects emit less electricity. This radiation is in the infrared spectrum, which is beyond the range of human vision.
Thermal imaging camera: A thermal imaging camera is used to detect infrared radiation. The camera has an infrared sensor that detects infrared radiation and converts it into an electrical signal.
Image processing: The electrical signal from the infrared detector is processed by an electronic camera to create a thermal image. Each pixel in the image represents a temperature. Warmer areas appear lighter or lighter in color, while cooler areas tend to be darker.


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Best Thermal Imaging Service Provider in Kolkata India

Thermal imaging, also known as infrared thermography or thermal imaging, is a technique that

detects infrared radiation (heat) emitted by an object or source. It is used to create images called

thermograms or thermal images that show the temperature of the surface. Thermal imaging is

widely used in many fields as it can capture and display thermal patterns that cannot be seen by

the naked eye.

Thermal imaging technology works like this:

1. Infrared radiation emission: All objects emit infrared radiation (heat) according to their

temperature. Warmer objects emit more electricity and colder objects emit less electricity.

This radiation is in the infrared spectrum, which is beyond the range of human vision.

2. Thermal imaging camera: A thermal imaging camera is used to detect infrared

radiation. The camera has an infrared sensor that detects infrared radiation and converts

it into an electrical signal.

3. Image processing: The electrical signal from the infrared detector is processed by an

electronic camera to create a thermal image. Each pixel in the image represents a

temperature. Warmer areas appear lighter or lighter in color, while cooler areas tend to

be darker.

Thermal imaging technology has many uses:

1. Building inspection: Thermal analysis is used in building construction and maintenance

to determine the effects of insulation, energy leakage, and poor ventilation areas. It can

help identify water leaks, electrical problems, and heating or cooling problems.

2. Electrical inspection: The temperature measurement is used to determine the

temperature in the electrical system, which can indicate the possibility of interference or

overloaded circuitry. This is important for the prevention of electric shock and the

optimization of electrical equipment.

3. System availability: In a business environment, thermal imaging can monitor equipment

for overheating, and wear and tear and prevent failure. It helps predictive maintenance

and prevents breakdowns.

Uses of thermal imaging in electrical systems:

Thermal imaging is an effective tool for diagnosing faults and problems in electrical systems. By

identifying abnormal thermal patterns, technology can help prevent equipment failure, reduce

downtime, and improve the overall safety and performance of fire engines.

You can use thermal imaging to diagnose problems

in electrical systems as follows:

1. Equipment preparation:

o Make sure the electrical system is operating under normal load conditions.

o Unpack all the equipment you plan to inspect and bring them to a stable office.

2. Select the appropriate thermal imaging camera:

o Select the appropriate thermal imaging camera for electrical inspection.

o These cameras are designed to accurately measure the temperature of electrical


3. Safety Precautions:

o Follow safety procedures, including wearing appropriate personal protective equipment

(PPE) and removing power to the equipment if necessary.

o Be aware of the environment and hazards.

4. Inspect electrical equipment:

o Use a thermal imaging camera to inspect all electrical equipment such as electrical

outlets, power supplies, switches, and connected connections.

o Beware of hot areas such as ports and contacts.

5. Measure the temperature:

o Look at the thermal image (thermogram) captured by the camera.

o Find the temperature that appears as a hot spot or cold spot compared to the

surrounding material.

o Note that some temperature changes are normal, but a significant difference may

indicate an underlying problem.

6. Interpretation and Analysis:

o Interprets the temperature according to the temperature given by the camera.

o Hot spots can indicate loose connections, an overloaded circuit, or faulty components

that cause overheating.

o Cold storage may indicate no load or poor performance.

7. Documentation and Reporting:

o Documentation results including location, description, and severity of detected defects.

o Temperature data and ambient.

o Create a report detailing the issues identified, recommended actions, and priorities.

8. Monitoring and Auditing:

o Address and resolve identified and disagreeing issues.

o Schedule thermal checks regularly as part of preventive measures to detect problems

before they grow.

9. Training and skills:

o Make sure personnel taking temperature measurements are trained in using the

camera and interpreting results correctly.

o Thermal imaging is a technique that requires specialized knowledge to distinguish a

change from a malfunction.

By using the latest technology for electrical inspection, you can identify faults, prevent faults, and

maintain the safety and reliability of electrical equipment. Regular temperature monitoring as part

of the maintenance can improve the overall efficiency and longevity of your electricity.

How Thermography can help identify mechanical


Thermography is an essential tool for identifying mechanical failures in many systems and

equipment. By detecting abnormal temperatures and thermal patterns, thermal imaging can help

detect problems early, prevent failures, and improve the performance of mechanical systems.

You can use thermal imaging for mechanical

fault detection as follows:

1. Equipment Preparation:

Make sure the mechanical equipment is working normally.

Run the equipment long enough until it reaches temperature.

2. Choose the right camera:

Select a thermal imaging camera for general inspection. Consider factors such as

temperature, sensitivity, and resolution.

3. Safety Precautions:

Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and follow safety procedures during

an inspection.

De-energize and turn off equipment when appropriate to prevent accidents during an


4. Inspect mechanical components:

Use a thermal imaging camera to inspect components such as motors, bearings, pumps,

gears, and belts.

Focus on areas of heat or movement, such as friction points and moving parts.

5. Measure the temperature:

Check the thermal image captured by the camera.

Find the temperature that will appear as the temperature of the surface compared to the

surrounding material.

6. Interpretation and Analysis:

Interpret the thermometer as the temperature is read from the camera.

Hot spots can indicate friction, poor friction, insufficient lubrication, or overheating due to

mechanical stress.

Refrigeration units may show some loading or cooling problems.

7. Logging and Reporting:

List results, including location, description, and severity of abnormal detections.

Record temperatures and conditions based on analysis.

Create a detailed report detailing the issues identified, recommended actions, and priorities.

8. Care and Maintenance:

Address and repair faulty machines according to recommendations.

Take preventive measures to avoid problems.

9. Training and skills:

Our thermometer team is trained to use cameras and interpret results accurately.

Good interpretation is important to distinguish between thermal variations and actual

mechanical failure.

10. Periodic Inspections:

Schedule time to check the temperature as part of maintenance to detect problems early.

Periodic inspection helps monitor the condition of equipment and monitor changes over time.

Technology can play an important role in detecting failures before they become serious

problems. By integrating thermal analysis into your applications, you can increase your

machine’s reliability, safety, and performance, ultimately reducing downtime and maintenance


Thermography Suggestions:

We recommend the thermography inspection of the following products every six months:


Fuse boards

Busbar systems

Engine control centers

Power center

Esel Firefighting

Electric lamp


UPS and Battery Units

Our temperature measurement will help you save valuable equipment and reduce

accidents by preventing maintenance.

Concrete Advantages of Thermography:

Thermography has many advantages when applied to electrical systems.

Identifying and analyzing potential thermal measurement issues provides useful results that can

improve safety, reduce downtime, improve energy efficiency, and save costs.

Some of the benefits of using thermal imaging

in electrical systems are:

1. Early fault detection: Our advanced technology can detect electrical problems early,

such as overheating equipment, loose connections, and overcurrent. Recognizing these

problems early can prevent equipment failures, power outages, and costly damage.

2. Reduce downtime: We prevent downtime by identifying problems before they occur;

thermal measurement helps plan and schedule maintenance and repairs at scheduled

times, reducing downtime due to unexpected explosions.

3. Enhance Safety: Thermal measurement allows the monitoring team to detect hot

products from a safe location, minimizing physical contact with live equipment and

reducing the risk of electrical Risk.

4. Preventive Maintenance: Thermal imaging technology supports maintenance strategies

by identifying problems before they fail.

This helps extend the life of electronic equipment and reduces the need for reactive


5. Improve Energy Efficiency: Checking for faulty components such as motors or

transformers can help eliminate energy weakness from faults or faults that lead to energy


6. Optimizing Equipment Performance: Identifying issues such as load imbalances or

equipment failures enables timely corrections to be made to keep electrical equipment

running efficiently and effectively as needed.

7. Reduce operating costs: Preventing equipment failure and efficient operation helps

reduce operating costs associated with emergency repairs, shutdowns, and


8. Compliance and Regulations: Regular thermal audits can help organizations meet

safety and compliance standards by identifying and resolving potential interference

issues in electrical systems.

9. Insurance rates: Some insurance companies offer incentives or discounted premiums

for businesses that use quality control measures, including thermal inspections, to reduce


10. Data-Based Decision Making: Thermal imaging data provides visual evidence of

temperature, enabling informed decisions based on accurate and objective information.

11. Data Audit: Thermographic images and audit data are used as audit data to show that

the organization has taken steps to ensure electrical safety.

12. Long equipment life: Timely diagnosis and troubleshooting can prevent unnecessary

wear and tear of electrical equipment, prolonging the equipment’s useful life.

13. Customer trust: Demonstrating a commitment to safety and preventive maintenance

through thermal inspection can increase customer trust and reputation.

In summary, thermal imaging has many benefits for electrical systems, from safety and reduced

costs to energy savings and improved equipment performance.

By detecting failures early and performing effective maintenance, organizations can increase the

reliability and efficiency of their electrical equipment while reducing risk and operating costs.

Contact Us:

Address: 14A S.N Banerjee Road, Kolkata-700013, W.B, India

Phone: 09674531111

Email: drakshit@nosvindico.co.in

Business Hours: Monday – Friday 10am to 7pm, Saturday – 10am to 4pm, Sunday – Closed.

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