2023 Norwalk ACTS Impact Report

Norwalk ACTS is a Collective Impact partnership that brings people together in a structured way to achieve social change. Collective Impact is rooted in the belief that no single entity alone can create large-scale, lasting social change.

Norwalk ACTS is a Collective Impact partnership that brings people together in a structured way to achieve social change. Collective Impact is rooted in the belief that no single entity alone can create large-scale, lasting social change.


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/ Early Childhood


Improve coordination of services across early childhood professionals and agencies by implementing

a community-wide system for screening, tracking, and promoting young children’s development, using

the Ages & Stages Questionnaire (ASQ-3), a nationally recognized developmental growth screen that was

designed to be completed by parents/caregivers. At the pre-k to kindergarten transition, create and maintain

a partnership between families and educators that supports children during the transition by outreaching

to families in a manner that is sensitive to language and culture and by providing resources and support.

• Build capacity and understanding of parents/caregivers of the importance of the developmental domains

and empower parents/caregivers with skills and resources to advocate/discuss concerns with their child’s

pediatrician or teacher

• Institute routine developmental screenings measured by the ASQ for all young children as early as possible

and at each developmental touchpoint to identify children with developmental concerns and connect them

to services as needed

• Work with system providers to ensure access to services and resources for parents/caregivers with children

from birth to age five

• Maintain the dialogue between pre-k and kindergarten teachers’ understanding of the 5 domains

of developmental growth and the behavior, skills, and knowledge children need for kindergarten entry

• Engage and support families through the kindergarten registration and transition process


n 2019–20 n 2020–21 n 2021–22 n 2022–23

% of students who scored ‘At or Above’ on

Preschool Early Literacy Initiative (PELI)

by PELI Composite Score* and School Year

% of children who are on track in 5 domains

of developmental growth as measured by ASQ











53% 57%

75% 70% 72%

At or Above At or Above At or Above

Source: Acadience PELI Data Management System

*PELI assessment given in the 3’s and 4’s programs of 19 Norwalk

preschools. Composite score results are from the final assessment of the

4’s programs. No EDY given in 2019-20.

*PELI is only adminsistered to children in School Readiness, Head Start

and CDC funded preschool programs.

Age 3

Age 5 at kindergarten


Data is from July 1-June 30

Source: Brooke’s Publishing ASQ Data Management System

% of students who scored ‘At or Above’

on Kindergarten Beginning of Year

DIBELS Literacy Assessment

by Dibels Composite Score* and School Year








38% 40%

Pre-K to Kindergarten Transition


80% 83%




At or Above At or Above At or Above

Source: Norwalk Public Schools

*DIBELS Literacy measurement is used for Grades K-3 BOY results are a

measure of Kindergarten Readiness used in NPS. No Assessment in 2020-21.

Students that attended

preschool prior to entering


Data is from July 1-June 30

Source: Norwalk Public Schools

Students who scored ‘ready”

status on Kindergaretn

Entrance Inventory (KEI)

6 / Norwalk ACTS

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