Marconi in East Kent

An exploration of Marconi's links to East Kent

An exploration of Marconi's links to East Kent


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Initially intended as an exploration of Marconi’s connection to Fort Burgoyne,

Dover, this project quickly grew thanks to the support and interest of many.

Marconi is ‘claimed’ by many in the UK and it seemed to me that our particular

corner of East Kent has as much claim as any; more to the point, those

connections should be celebrated, not least given my own ongoing

associations with radio.

The following are, in essence, my notes for a talk I was invited to give during

the early days of October 2023 and may not read too coherently as a text,

however, that talk not only confirmed my suspicions of the general

enthusiasm, locally at least, for the topic but also, as is so often the case, also

added to my own knowledge and understanding of the subject.

Much more information has come my way since delivering that talk along with

several invitations to explore and expland on these notes further, but, as the

saying goes, we have to start somewhere.

Thanks especially to Chris Valdus, Jonathan Groves, Emily Groves, Alan Rouse

and Stefan Setchell who designed the ‘front cover’.

There’s more, much more, to follow in 2024.


On October 29, 1831, English physicist Michael Faraday discovered the curious

phenomenon that electricity could be transmitted despite the absence of

electric wires.

This was almost 50 years before Edison patented the electric light bulb in


In 1864 Scottish mathematical physicist James Clerk Maxwell proposed a

comprehensive theory of electromagnetism, which predicted that coupled

electric and magnetic fields could travel through space as an electromagnetic


In 1879 German phycisist Heinrich Hertz successfully proved Maxwell's theory

with a series of experiments which produced and received what are now

called radio in the Very High Frequency range.

William Preece consulting engineer for the General Post Office, later Engineerin-Chief

of the GPO in 1892 carried out a series of experiments in the Lake

District during which he succeeded in transmitting and receiving Morse radio

signals over a distance of about 1mile (1.6km) across Coniston Water the fifth

largest lake in the District by area.

Born in Caernarfon, Wales, in February 1834, William Preece was educated at

Kings College School, a public school in Wimbledon, South West London and

later at Kings College London, one of the two founding colleges of the

University of London, before going on to study at the Royal Institution in

London under Michael Faraday himself.

It was in 1896 however that Preece was introduced to a young Italian, newly

arrived in London together with his Mother, Anna ‘Annie ‘Jameson, Guglielmo


The Granddaughter of John Jameson, founder of the renowned Irish Whiskey

Distillers bearing his name, Annie Fenwick Jameson was born “about 1840” in

County Wexford, Ireland, the daughter of Andrew Jameson and Margaret


Whilst attending classes at the Conservatoire in Bologna where she was

staying with family friends and business associates of the Jameson’s Anna

formed a relationship with Giuseppe Marconi an Italian aristocrat banker and

landowner some 15 years her elder.

Unimpressed by their daughter’s choice of suitor, Anna’s parents, on her return

to Ireland, engineered her introduction to Irish Society however Anna

continued to correspond with Giuseppe and on reaching the age of consent

they eloped and married on April 16th 1864 in Boulogne-sur-Mer, Pas-de-

Calais, France; returning to live in Bologna they had two sons, Alfonso [b 1865]

and Guglielmo [b 25/4/1874]

Annie, Alfonso and Guglielmo visited England for a three year stay whilst the

boys were aged only 12 and 3 such that, on their return to Italy, each was

fluent in their Mother’s native tongue, much to their Father’s disapproval.

Returning to Italy the Marconi boys education was overseen by a local

schoolmaster at the family’s country estate, Villa Grifone, although it was

Annie who gave them lessons in English and, Anglican, Bible Studies.

Guglielmo eventually experienced formal education in Florence, something

that did not go well for many reasons, not least his perceived attitude, his

inability to mix socially with the other pupils and his strange ‘foreign’ accent.

Finally he won his Father’s support when he declared an ambition to join the

Academy of the Regia Marina, the Royal Italian Navy.

Unfortunately this tentative Father/Son relationship soon faltered when

Guglielmo failed the entrance exam for the Naval Academy.

The young Marconi’s appetite for education did however rekindle when he

enrolled at the Livorno Technical Institute to study Physics and Chemistry

under Professor Bizzarrini supplemented by home tutoring in the principles of

electricity by Professor Rosa, all paid for, of course, by Marconi Senior.

Although he failed the University of Bologna entrance exam, Anna was able to

further her youngest son’s education with the support of a near neighbour, a

lecturer at the University, Professor Righi who also agreed to allow Marconi

access to the University library as well as certain of the laboratories within his


It was at the University that Marconi began to explore the use of Prof Hertz’s

electromagnetic waves as a possible means of providing communication over

distance by use of a telegraphy that would not rely on the need for wires

stretched across the countryside joining telegraphic stations.

By the winter of 1894, aged only 20, Guglielmo Marconi had established

himself within two attic rooms of the family home, Villa Grifone, with the

moral support of both his Mother, Anna, and Prof Righi who also loaned a

degree of equipment to the fledgling experiments.

Soon Marconi was able to demonstrate the initial results of his experiments by

sounding a buzzer triggered by a transmitting device some 10 metres away

and, crucially, not connected by means of any wires.

The experiments continued throughout 1895 with the receiver placed ever

more distant from the transmitter until September of that year by which time

signals were able to be sent over a distance of one mile [1.5km] and,

whatsmore, to a receiver beyond a small hill.

By the end of 1895 he was obtaining reliable detection and recording of

signals from his transmitter at distances of more than one and a half miles


As Professor (later Sir) Ambrose Fleming, Chair of Electrical Technology at

University College London, the first of its kind in England, would later note the

novelty of Marconi’s idea “is rather to be measured by its non-obviousness to

experts than by the simplicity of the device and its proved utility".

By now, external investment was clearly now necessary, to which end

Giuseppe’s contacts were able to facilitate an introduction to the Italian

Ministry of Post and Telegraph, while Annie’s family in England began to show

great interest, particularly, among them, her Nephew Henry Jameson-Davis.

A family friend in Italy the Honorary Consul at the United States Consulate in

Bologna, wrote a letter of introduction to the Ambassador of Italy in London,

explaining who Marconi was and outlining his discoveries.

The Ambassador replied advising that the family obtain a patent on Marconi;s

discoveries while also encouraging them to travel to Britain, where, he

believed, it would be easier to find the necessary funds to put his experiments

into practical use.

Accompanied by Annie, his mother, Marconi traveled to London in February

1896 still aged only 21.

One fanciful tale has it that on their entry into England, at Dover, a Customs

officer opened Marconi’s case only to find various experimental apparatus of a

previously unknown type. Said customs officer apparently immediately

contacted The Admiralty in London which duly gained Marconi the interest and

support of The GPO, The General Post Office.

Although somewhat more prosaic the reality is more likely that Guglielmo’s

cousin, Henry Jameson-Davis, had a far greater influence in helping Marconi

realise his ambitions than any Dover Custom’s Officer.

An established engineer specialising in the planning and construction of

cereal mills Jameson Davis had an established office in London from which he

would assist Marconi in obtaining the patent for his invention having first

installed his Aunt and his cousin, in rented accommodation near Kensington

Gardens, West London.

Jameson Davis also organized Marconi's first private demonstrations in

England, managing to raise financial backing in the process so much so that

Jameson Davis, who also came to realise the potential of his cousin's invention,

would propose they would found a company together.

Initially reluctant and not a little cautious Marconi finally agreed to the

proposal and on 20 July 1897 the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company was

founded by which time British Patent number 12039 titled "Improvements in

Transmitting Electrical impulses and Signals, and in Apparatus therefor", the

first patent for a radio wave based communication system, had been applied

for and granted to Guglielmo Giovanni Maria Marconi.

In the interim via a well-known electrical engineer, Mr A A Cambell Swinton,

Guglielmo was introduced to William Preece Chief Engineer at the GPO whose

interest in Marconi’s proposals was immediate, so much so that an early

demonstration transmission was arranged over a distance of approximately

half a mile.

Unlike his Italian Military counterparts Preece recognised the potential of

Wireless Telegraphy in communicating over water, with ships and lighthouses

in particular, and was confident enough in what he had witnessed to engage

with other Government Departments, not least as a potential source of future

funding for further experiments and demonstrations.

A further series of tests was soon scheduled to take place on Salisbury Plain,

observed by Captain Jackson on behalf of the Navy and Major Carr of the Army

as well as by Post Office representatives.

These tests proved so successful, reaching distances of up to 4 ½ miles, that

Preece’s next move was to relocate further west, to the Bristol Channel, where

successful transmissions reached over a distance of almost 9 miles [14 kms].

News of Marconi’s successes were soon widely reported, not least in his native

Italy where, both unfortunately and inconveniently National Service was a


A solution to this predicament was reached whereby Marconi would be

enrolled into the Regia Marina, Italian Navy, but seconded to the Italian

Embassy in London as a Naval Attache; nevertheless this didn’t remove any

moral obligations to his country of birth such that when Marconi was recalled

to Rome to demonstrate his experiments he was in no position to decline.

The Italian Ministry of Post and Telegraph were roundly criticised for not

having recognised the potential inherent in Marconi’s experiments while

Preece was criticised for investing time and money in an Italian whilst

seemingly being ignorant of similar advances and experiments taking place in


Marconi returned to London, together with his Mother, in August 1897 to take

his place as majority shareholder on the board of the Wireless Telegraph and

Signal Company with his cousin Henry Jameson-Davis his Managing Director.

Although this move offered commercial credibility it would soon sour

Guglielmo’s relationship with Preece who, on receipt, of Marconi’s written

advice that his patents had been assigned exclusively to the new company

wrote “I regret to say that I must stop all experiments and all action until I

learn the conditions that are to determine relations between your company

and the Government Departments who have encouraged and helped you so


The depth of Preece’s emotions was further demonstrated by his decision to

undertake experiments at Fort Burgoyne, from which Marconi was to be


A letter dated 7th September 1897 from the GPO to the Admiralty, inviting

them to send a representative to those experiments, clearly demonstrates the

extent of Preece’s concern, adding, as it does, “I am to add that, as Signor

Marconi has now disposed of his rights in the invention to a private company it

is thought advisable that, for the present, the results of these further

experiments should not be made public.”


intended to

have been

carried out with

no small degree

of secrecy,


soon carried

accounts of the


Morse code - ordinary dots and dashes which can be made into letters and words,

as everybody knows. With each movement of the key bluish sparks jump an inch

between the two brass knobs of the induction coil, the same kind of coil and the

same kind of sparks that are familiar in experiments with the Roentgen rays. For

one dot, a single spark jumps; for one dash, there comes a stream of sparks. One

knob of the induction coil is connected with the earth, the other with the wire

hanging from the mast head. Each spark indicates a certain oscillating impulse

from the electrical battery that actuates the coil; each one of these impulses

shoots through the aërial wire, and from the wire through space by oscillations of

the ether, travelling at the speed of light, or seven times around the earth in a

second. That is all there is in the sending of these Marconi messages.

McClure's Magazine, June, 1899, pages 99-112:





an American illustrated monthly periodical

Naturally reports of the Fort Burgoyne experiments alerted Marconi,

moreover, that he was being excluded leading him to advise Preece, in a

private letter, that he would be obliged to work abroad if the GPO was not to

continue to be as amicable toward his endeavours as he and Preece had

believed it would be.

As a gesture of goodwill Marconi was advised that he would be allowed to

retain the services of the Post Office and War Office staff who had been

assigned to assist him although an alternative point of view would, of course,

be that this would allow the Post Office access to results of Marconi's ongoing

experiments while keeping their own from him.

Unfortunately for both Preece and the Admiralty the results from the Fort

Burgoyne trials were not able to replicate those obtained earlier by Marconi,

and he was duly invited

to come to Dover on 6th October to assist with further trials.

Whilst future co-operations between Marconi and government officials

continued the relationship had been damaged although with Preece

approaching retirement age he was happy to encourage the comradely spirit in

which the early technical successes had been achieved.

However with Preece’s retirement in 1899 the relationship between the

Government and the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company was all but


One lasting legacy of that working relationship however saw George Kemp,

who had served as an electrician and instructor with the Royal Navy before

working for William Preece at the Post Office where he was one of the first to

be assigned to Marconi, in July 1896, ultimately moving to the fledgling

Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company where he worked as «first assistant» to

Signor Marconi for the next thirty six years.

Relationships between the company and Whitehall further worsened in 1900

when plans were put in place to explore means by which Marconi’s patents

might be declared void; alternatively the Government would explore ways of

circumventing them with the use of similar, but legally different, equipment.

To this end the Post Office secretly commissioned Professors Lodge and

Thompson with each of them going on to produce over thirty pages of analysis

and recommendation, Lodge in particular concerning himself with the validity

of the existing patents, referring to his own experiments in the field and his

presentation to the Royal Institution of June 1st 1894 and to the British

Association in Oxford in August of that same year. Lodge however had to

accept that he did not pursue the matter at the time as he was unaware that

there would be any demand for this kind of telegraphy.

Lodge even accused Marconi of “a tendency ... to attempt a claim at

everything, whether he had invented it or not” suggesting that the Italian had

claimed “things which he probably obtained from my writings”.

Ironically an order on behalf of the Royal Navy had already been placed with

the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company in July 1900 before Lodge's and

Thompson's reports had reached the Admiralty with a total of Thirty-two

wireless sets having been ordered.

No legal action was taken by the Government, although one of the directors of

Marconi's Company later discovered that the Admiralty had sent one of the

Marconi sets to be copied, The Admiralty subsequently accepted that they

had had fifty such copies made but refused to pay any royalty to the Marconi


In 1900 The Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company changed its name to

Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Company; the company's capital accounted for

100,000 stock options, each worth £1; Marconi was appointed Technical

Director and his cousin, Jameson Davis, Financial Director.

Marconi’s connection to Dover did not end with the conclusion of the Fort

Burgoyne tests however, and while the series of tests at Salisbury ultimately

achieved a range of over thirty miles to Bath, with the support of Post Office,

War Office and Admiralty representatives there were to be similar

collaborations with experiments at the South Foreland lighthouse, near Dover.

The Corporation of Trinity House – who are responsible for all lighthouses and

lightships - were looking for a reliable system of communicating with their

lightships and off-shore lighthouses and were greatly intrigued by Marconi’s

innovative wireless telegraphy.

In December 1898, Marconi’s assistant, George Kemp, went out to the East

Goodwin Lightship located 12 miles offshore and guarding the notorious

Goodwin Sands a 10-mile-long Sandbank located at the southern end of the

North Sea that lies between 0.5m (1ft 8in) above the low water mark to around

3m (10ft) below low water, except for one channel, known as Kellet Gut and

which reaches to a depth of 20m (66ft), the Goodwins are the resting place of

more than 2,000 wrecked ships.

Marconi meanwhile remained on land, close to the lighthouse successfully

recording On Christmas Eve 1898, the first ever ship-to-shore radio


Following the successes at South Foreland, the French government allowed

Marconi to install transmission equipment at Wimereux on the coast of

Northern France, 7kms North of Boulogne, 30kms South of Calais, and on 27

March 1899 he transmitted the first international wireless message, ‘Greetings

from France to England,’ from Wimereux, to the South Foreland Lighthouse.

The first international cable, was laid across the English Channel in 1850 by the

English Channel Submarine Telegraph Company, its more reliable replacement

being laid in September 1851 from St. Margaret’s Bay, to Sangatte, France.

However, according to estimates at the time of Marconi’s experiments:

Every mile of deep-sea cable costs about £220; every mile for the land-ends

about £250. All that we save, also the great expense of keeping a cable

steamer constantly in commission making repairs and laying new lengths. All

we need is a couple of masts and a little wire. The wear and tear is practically

nothing. The cost of running, simply for home batteries and operators' keep."

Asked how fast they could transmit messages?" the reply was

About fifteen words a minute; but we shall do better than that no doubt with

experience. You have seen how clear our tape reads. Any one who knows the

Morse code will see that the letters are perfect."

The first RADIO DISTRESS SIGNAL was transmitted from the East Goodwin

Lightship 10 days prior to that International Milestone, on 17 March 1899,

when the merchant vessel Elbe ran aground on the Goodwin Sands.

This message was received by the radio operator on duty at the South

Foreland Lighthouse, who was able to summon the aid of the Ramsgate


The Goodwin Sands again featured in another ‘first’ when on 30 April 1899, the

East Goodwin Sands Lightship sent a distress message on her own account after

she was rammed by the SS R. F. Matthews.

This was prior to the introduction of the ‘SOS’ signal and the recognized call

sign for ships in distress at the time was ‘CQD’.

The wireless operators working on ships mostly came from the ranks of railroad

and postal telegraphers. In England a general call on the landline wire was a

“CQ.” which preceded time signals and special notices. By using “CQ,” each

station receives a message from a single transmission and an economy of time

and labor was realized. Naturally, “CQ,” went with the operators to sea and was

likewise used for a general call. This sign for “all stations” was adopted soon

after wireless came into being by both ships and shore stations

In 1904, the Marconi company suggested the use of “CQD” for a distress signal.

Although generally accepted to mean, “Come Quick Danger,” that is not the case.

It is a general call, “CQ,” followed by “D,” meaning distress. A strict interpretation

would be “All stations, Distress.”

The ‘SOS’ signal was only established as an International Distress Signal by an

agreement made between the British Marconi Society and the German

Telefunken organisation at the Berlin Radio Conference, 3 October 1906 and

formally introduced on 1 July 1908.

There’s a common misnomer that the distress call is short for “Save Our Ship”

or “Save Our Souls,” but the letters didn’t stand for anything—it was an

adaptation of an existing German radio call. The signal consists of three dots,

three dashes, and another three dots—simple to tap out in Morse code during

an emergency and easy to understand even in poor conditions.

The first time the ‘SOS’ signal was used in an emergency was on 10 June 1909,

when the Cunard liner SS Slavonia was wrecked off the Azores. Two steamers

received her signals and went to the rescue.

The RMS Titanic had been equipped with a radio room and a Marconi-leased

telegraph machine when she made her maiden voyage in April 1912 with two

young Marconi-employed operators, chief telegraphist Jack Phillips and his

assistant Harold Bride, sending Morse code “Marconigrams" on behalf of

Titanic’s well-heeled customers 24 hours a day.

Both Marconi’s technology monopoly and the torrent of personal messages

conveyed through Titanic’s telegraph proved fatal on the night of Titanic’s


When one of the first ships to receive Titanic’s distress call, SS Frankfurt,

responded late to Titanic’s CQD call, Bride responded angrily possibly in part

to due business concerns as Frankfurt’s telegraph operator worked for German

telecommunications company Telefunken and Marconi’s operators were

discouraged if not forbidden to trade telegraph messages with their


As Titanic sank, telegraph operators Bride and Phillips began to switch

between SOS and CQD, but could only send or receive one message at a time,

and their line was repeatedly tied up with the confusion of other operators.

Phillips went down with Titanic, sending distress signals into his last moments.

An enquiry undertaken by The US Senate concluded that wireless

communications at sea should be operational 24 hours a day, and called for

regulation of the American radio industry that ultimately restricted amateur

use of long-wave frequencies and included a provision through which the U.S.

adopted SOS as its standard distress call.

One little known fact but one shared by former Marconi employee Tim Wander

is that a total of 20 people who had tickets for The Titaic missed the ship’s

sailing from Southampton among them Guglielmo Marconi, his wife Beatrice

[nee O’Brien] and his three children who had been invited on board by Bruce

Ismay, Chairman of the White Star Line.

Seemingly a legal problem needed addressing and the family had sailed for

New York three days earlier on the Lusitania with Beatrice only cancelling her

ticket for the Titanic by telegram four hours before that ship sailed while

Marconi still had in his pocket a return ticket for a ship that never docked.

In September 1899, at the annual meeting of the British Association for the

Advancement of Science (BAAS) held within the Connaught Hall in Dover, the

Marconi Company exhibited their radio equipment, which system was used to

transmit messages across the English Channel to the Mayor of Boulogne who

duly returned his Greetings.

The British Association tended to favor a narrative of scientific research as a

collectivist, international, gentlemanly-amateur pursuit, largely confined to

the laboratory.

Marconi, by contrast, explained the development of wireless telegraphy as the

achievement of his own genius.

Appealing not only to the established scientific elite but to a range of nontraditional

audiences, and stressing the possibilities or ‘imagined uses’ of his

technology even more so than his actual results, he succeeded in commanding

unprecedented influence.

One last connection with East Kent sees Marconi elected as a member of The

Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club in Dover on 30 th January 1925, his yacht, Elettra,

a schooner of 633 Gross Tonnes, recorded as being in Dover harbour May 12 th

1925 “preparatory to going across to Calais (on May 15 th ) to carry out some

important experiments”.

Marconi remained a member of the Yacht Club for the rest of his life.

In 1909, Marconi shared the Nobel Prize in Physics with Karl Ferdinand Braun a

founder of Telefunken for their "contributions to the development of wireless

telegraphy" (radio communications).

Marconi died in Rome July 20 th 1937, aged 63.

COLONEL H JAMESON-DAVIS died at the age of 82 on 25 th December,1936, at

his home, "Estrella,"in Woking, Surrey, after two months' illness.

To return to the 1899 McClures Magazine article

A Marconi company spokesman:

don't you see the vast usefulness in warfare of control over certain craft? Think a


He smiled mysteriously while I thought.

"You mean torpedo craft?"

"Exactly. The warfare of the future, will have startling things in it; perhaps the

steering of torpedo craft from a distance will be counted in the number. But we

may leave the details to those who will work them out."

And here, I think, we may leave this whole fascinating subject, in the hope that

we have seen clearly what already is, and with a half discernment what is yet to


ONE LAST, FOR NOW, ADDENDUM: Born in Howland, Maine, Percy Spencer

had little formal schooling but found his way into an engineering career,

thanks in large part to a natural curiosity. At the age of 12, he got a job at the

local spool mill, manufacturing wooden spools for winding thread and wire.

At 14, Spencer got hired to install electricity at the nearby paper mill.

A few years later, he was so inspired by the actions of the Titanic’s Marconi

trained and employed radio operators that he joined the Navy and learned the

new technology. Spencer would later explain,“just got hold of a lot of

textbooks and taught myself while I was standing watch at night.”

After WW1 I, Spencer landed a job at the newly-established American

Appliance Company.

In 1925, the company changed its name to Raytheon Manufacturing Company

and Spencer became one of Raytheon’s most valued and well-known

engineers. During WW2, while Raytheon was working on improving radar

technology for Allied forces, Spencer was the company’s go-to problem solver;

in an email to Popular Mechanics, current Raytheon engineer and part-time

company historian Chet Michalak says Spencer “had a knack for finding simple

solutions to manufacturing problems.”

Spencer earned several patents while working on more efficient and effective

ways to mass-produce radar magnetrons and in 1946, while testing one of his

magnetrons he stuck his hand in his pocket, to find the peanut cluster bar had

melted. The following day, Percy Spencer brought in corn kernels, popped

them with his new invention, and shared some popcorn with the entire office.

The microwave oven was born, brought into being by someone with no specific

training in his field, somewhat like Marconi before him, and who was inspired

by the work of another, Guglielmo Marconi

Text (c) 2023 Dover Tales

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