Marconi in East Kent

An exploration of Marconi's links to East Kent

An exploration of Marconi's links to East Kent


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On October 29, 1831, English physicist Michael Faraday discovered the curious

phenomenon that electricity could be transmitted despite the absence of

electric wires.

This was almost 50 years before Edison patented the electric light bulb in


In 1864 Scottish mathematical physicist James Clerk Maxwell proposed a

comprehensive theory of electromagnetism, which predicted that coupled

electric and magnetic fields could travel through space as an electromagnetic


In 1879 German phycisist Heinrich Hertz successfully proved Maxwell's theory

with a series of experiments which produced and received what are now

called radio in the Very High Frequency range.

William Preece consulting engineer for the General Post Office, later Engineerin-Chief

of the GPO in 1892 carried out a series of experiments in the Lake

District during which he succeeded in transmitting and receiving Morse radio

signals over a distance of about 1mile (1.6km) across Coniston Water the fifth

largest lake in the District by area.

Born in Caernarfon, Wales, in February 1834, William Preece was educated at

Kings College School, a public school in Wimbledon, South West London and

later at Kings College London, one of the two founding colleges of the

University of London, before going on to study at the Royal Institution in

London under Michael Faraday himself.

It was in 1896 however that Preece was introduced to a young Italian, newly

arrived in London together with his Mother, Anna ‘Annie ‘Jameson, Guglielmo


The Granddaughter of John Jameson, founder of the renowned Irish Whiskey

Distillers bearing his name, Annie Fenwick Jameson was born “about 1840” in

County Wexford, Ireland, the daughter of Andrew Jameson and Margaret


Whilst attending classes at the Conservatoire in Bologna where she was

staying with family friends and business associates of the Jameson’s Anna

formed a relationship with Giuseppe Marconi an Italian aristocrat banker and

landowner some 15 years her elder.

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