Linked UP Connect 21 Devotion - The Plug - 2024

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“stay connected”<br />

DAY 1<br />

John 15:5 (NIV)<br />

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me<br />

and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you<br />

can do nothing."<br />

So, Jesus says, "I'm the vine; you're the branches." Imagine<br />

that, a vine and its branches—totally connected, right?<br />

That's us and Jesus. He's not some distant dude; He's our<br />

life source, the reason we're thriving.<br />

"Stay connected, and you'll bear fruit." Think of fruit like the<br />

good stuff in your life—love, joy, kindness, all that jazz.<br />

When we stick close to Jesus, we naturally bring out the<br />

good fruits. It's like a life upgrade!<br />

But here's the thing: "Without Him, we can't do squat." It's<br />

not a downer; it's just truth. When we try to do life on our<br />

own, it's like trying to charge your phone without plugging<br />

it in. Nado, zilch , nothing<br />

So, here's the takeaway for today: Stay connected to Jesus.<br />

It's not about rules or obligations; it's about a rad<br />

relationship that brings out the best in us. Let's be<br />

branches that are always vibing with the vine, soaking up<br />

the good stuff, and spreading his love wherever we go.<br />


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