2022 – 2023 Highlights

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2022 – 2023


Between July 2022 and June 2023, we

were able to:

Support 28 members of our production cohort with 660 hours of customized one-onone

training hours. The cohort supports media makers interested in creating media

projects in a supportive learning environment, often for the first time.

Provide 9 local nonprofits with 170 hours of training on video production and trauma-informed

media education through our Train the Trainer program. This program prepares nonprofit

employees and volunteers to offer media training in their own communities ,and check out equipment

from Open Signal on an ongoing basis.

Provide 843 equipment and studio reservations to community members so that they

can use our industry-standard equipment on their productions. These resources are

offered to cohort graduates, series producers, and students of our media education workshops.

Host 12 skill shares and networking events through Signal Share, our monthly gathering for

Open Signal members. Open Signal hosted guest artist talks, skill shares, and networking events

— engaging over 300 members.

Broadcast 2515 hours of new independent community programs produced through Open

Signal’s facilities on our cable channels. These programs include news, documentaries, event

coverage and short films created by Portland’s independent media makers.

“Over the course of five months through Open

Signal’s cohort program, I went from having

no experience to at the end feeling

confident enough to get work as a

videographer and create media.”

— Nsayi Matingou

Director/Producer, Speak Your Truth

“I am building relationships to discuss my

feelings and what I want, taking the

initiative to make decisions for myself and

solve complex problems.”

— Beryl McNair

Summer 2023 Production Cohort Participant

Financial Statement for FY 22 – 23



Mt. Hood Cable

Regulatory Commission



Grants $155,000

Service Fees





Individual +

Corporate Support





Operating Grants






3rd Annual


Summer 2022

Cohort Screening

40th Anniversary


Winter Member

Appreciation Party

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