Arts & Culture Co Delivery Group 2023

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Derry City & Strabane District<br />

<strong>Arts</strong> & <strong>Culture</strong><br />

<strong>Co</strong>-<strong>Delivery</strong><br />

2021-<strong>2023</strong><br />


Foreword<br />

Kevin Murphy<br />

Chairperson, <strong>Arts</strong> & <strong>Culture</strong> <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Group</strong><br />

2021-23<br />

The 2021-23 <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Group</strong> continues to sustain itself<br />

and the strategy action plan through some exceptionally<br />

challenging times:<br />

• <strong>Co</strong>vid-19 Pandemic<br />

• A <strong>Co</strong>st of Living Crisis<br />

• A climate emergency<br />

• A breakdown of the NI Executive<br />

• A Cultural Policy vacuum at central government level<br />

There have been some important highlights, many of<br />

which and more are covered in this report. Some of the<br />

achievements that particularly resonate with me are:<br />

• More collaborative working – evidenced in the<br />

collaborative resilience programme and indeed in the<br />

ethos and practice of the co-delivery group itself<br />

• Greater recognition of the voices of artists, arts<br />

organisation and Derry-Londonderry as a cultural<br />

hub at local and central government and the<br />

beginnings of better partnership working with<br />

government<br />

• The forming of a cultural brand and story that not<br />

only can engage with audiences but elevates the city<br />

region as a cultural place.<br />

• Greater understanding of the difference we make<br />

collectively<br />

• A focus on access and inclusion<br />

• Greater recognition of the distinctiveness of<br />

the cultural offer here as well as an acceptance<br />

at government level of the long-standing<br />

underinvestment in the cultural life of this city region.<br />

• Greater connection across the sector – with events<br />

such as the City <strong>Co</strong>nversation in <strong>2023</strong><br />

There is much more to celebrate as you will see in the<br />

rest of this report – and let’s make sure that, however<br />

small the achievement is, we recognise it.<br />

Where we find ourselves now is both full of challenge and<br />

full of opportunity. Budgets that we had hoped to access<br />

to, at the very least, mark 10 years after City of <strong>Culture</strong><br />

and build on these foundations and our ambitions, have<br />

been decimated. There is no sugar-coating things – the<br />

funding picture is stark, our regions governance is broken<br />

and many of us here, as well as the communities we<br />

serve, are facing severe social and economic challenges.<br />


Now is the time to lean into<br />

our challenges and look<br />

to the future together with<br />

hope.<br />

• Genuine collaboration requires energy, commitment<br />

of time and resources – we have yet to fully realise<br />

its potential<br />

• Financial resources aren’t everything, but good will<br />

and creativity alone can’t plug the gap left by serial<br />

underinvestment<br />

So, the question is what do we do now? Perhaps the<br />

opportunity is to recognise that we can no longer meet<br />

these challenges with the same old ways of working – we<br />

have to adapt, change and innovate.<br />

The current <strong>Arts</strong> & <strong>Culture</strong> Strategy is coming to an end<br />

and all of us are now charged with helping to renew it<br />

over the next period. In the context of a new <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Co</strong>uncil<br />

NI and the long-awaited Cultural Policy for NI this is<br />

going to be an important task.<br />

Now is the time to lean into our challenges and look to<br />

the future together and with hope.<br />

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my<br />

colleagues for all their creativity and energy over these<br />

past two years. My work as chair has been made more<br />

enjoyable by your kind support.<br />

What I think we have learned in the last 2 years is:<br />

• Our strategy needs more focus with a smaller<br />

number of more strategic, prioritised actions<br />

• Supporting all our peers from individual freelance<br />

artists to public funded and commercial<br />

organisations and providing a platform for their<br />

voices, strengthens us all.<br />


Mayor’s Address<br />

We are now 4 years into a <strong>Co</strong> <strong>Delivery</strong> process for the<br />

DCSDC <strong>Arts</strong> & <strong>Culture</strong> Strategy. When this strategy was<br />

first presented to <strong>Co</strong>uncil for adoption none of us could<br />

have foreseen the challenges ahead for the arts and<br />

culture sector in the northwest.<br />

After battling our way through the <strong>Co</strong>vid pandemic<br />

we have been faced with a cost-of-living crisis which<br />

is stretching our cultural organisations and artistic<br />

community to breaking point. <strong>Co</strong>uncil is not immune to<br />

the financial challenges within the wider economy, and<br />

this has impacted on our ability to increase investment in<br />

our cultural grant aid programmes.<br />

However, <strong>Co</strong>uncils investment in <strong>Arts</strong> & <strong>Culture</strong> has, in<br />

the main, been retained despite the financial pressures<br />

that we face. We are aware that inflation and escalating<br />

energy cost mean that this investment does not go as<br />

far as in previous years. Alongside this, other funders<br />

upon which the sector rely have reduced their levels of<br />

grant support. Despite these coalescing pressures there<br />

is growth within the sector which is exciting for the City<br />

and District, but which will inevitably add further pressure<br />

to existing resources.<br />

In these difficult times the <strong>Co</strong> <strong>Delivery</strong> process has<br />

proven invaluable as a means of planning and delivery<br />

certainly, but also as a space for open and honest<br />

conversation between the sector and statutory partners<br />

including <strong>Co</strong>uncil, both Members and Officers. Over the<br />

past 4 years a true partnership has been established and<br />

forged in the face of adversity. From this I believe that<br />

we have better developed our willingness and capacity<br />

for collaborative working. For sure, this brings potential<br />

efficiencies, but it also creates new opportunities for<br />

those committed to real and meaningful collaboration.<br />

Amidst the challenges there have been many notable<br />

successes. The cultural offering here is a primary<br />

attraction in the destination marketing of the City and<br />

District contributing, in no small part, to the significant<br />

and ongoing growth of visitors to the region. This<br />

success will be further built upon with the roll out of<br />

the new cultural brand for the City and District, a brand<br />

that has been developed in close consultation with the<br />

cultural sector.<br />

Working across borders has been established practice<br />

for the cultural sector over many years. Audiences,<br />

practitioners, and cultural programming move back and<br />

forth between Donegal and our own <strong>Co</strong>uncil area. The<br />

respective <strong>Co</strong>uncils have worked closely over many years<br />

on a number of cultural related projects including the NW<br />

Audience Development programme. Designed simply to<br />

encourage audiences to participate in arts and culture<br />

the project has established a standardised audience<br />

impact methodology with over 70 cultural organisations<br />

across the NW participating in this data collection and<br />

analysis element. This data allows us all to see who the<br />

audiences are, what they want and how to ensure that<br />

this is sustained and grown through strategic targeted<br />

investment in programmes.<br />

One of the emerging trends from the audience impact<br />

tracking relates to participation of the pan disability<br />

community in arts and culture. The evidence clearly<br />

suggests that <strong>Co</strong>uncils Access and Inclusion Programme<br />

has had a marked impact on the engagement of this<br />

segment. The result of many years of investment in the<br />

reduction of barriers to access across the sector and<br />

testament to the dedication of our cultural partners<br />

in pursuing accessibility as a key priority within their<br />

respective organisations.<br />


A significant amount of groundwork has been undertaken<br />

over the past number of years in terms of research<br />

and engagement. A robust understanding of need and<br />

opportunity is essential when seeking investment. It<br />

provides the evidence required when seeking additional<br />

resources to build upon these foundations and explore<br />

new partnership projects including those relating to<br />

audiences, screen and digital.<br />

The <strong>Co</strong>llaborative Resilience Programme, involving 26<br />

DCSDC based cultural organisations, has established<br />

a standardised impact assessment model alongside a<br />

Strategic Investment Plan for the sector. This Investment<br />

Plan identifies those priorities for the sector which will be<br />

critical in the coming years. It will be for the <strong>Co</strong> <strong>Delivery</strong><br />

<strong>Group</strong> to present the Investment Strategy to <strong>Co</strong>uncil in<br />

the Autumn for adoption.<br />

The essence of the Investment Strategy is one of<br />

collaboration, one that recognises the power of<br />

partnerships in realising a truly ambitious vision.<br />

Already, there are examples of organisations combining<br />

their energies for mutual benefit. The Built Heritage<br />

<strong>Co</strong>nsortium is an example of a cluster headed by the<br />

Foyle Civic Trust and involving a number of cultural<br />

organisations who are custodians of built heritage<br />

assets within the City. This initiative is designed to<br />

secure economies of scale in the maintenance of built<br />

heritage assets, a worthwhile objective in its own right,<br />

with regards to the bottom line of the participating<br />

organisations. But there also exists the potential for<br />

shared learning and strategic capital development within<br />

the same cluster. And, quite rightly, the model is one<br />

upon which external funders are positively disposed.<br />

cultural sector generally and the <strong>Co</strong> <strong>Delivery</strong> partners,<br />

in particular. Challenging conversations have been<br />

embraced in a spirit of openness and mutual respect. I<br />

note the recent symposium regarding the legacy impact<br />

10 years on from the UK City of <strong>Culture</strong> designation<br />

award. This was a conversation designed and led by<br />

the <strong>Co</strong> <strong>Delivery</strong> cultural partners. The learning from this<br />

engagement has been incredibly valuable. It can be<br />

viewed as part of the long-term discussion relating to<br />

the equitable share of investment in the arts, this having<br />

become a key focus for the <strong>Co</strong> <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Group</strong> over its<br />

tenure.<br />

The <strong>Co</strong> <strong>Delivery</strong> structure lends itself to deal with<br />

emerging needs, a vital flexibility in turbulent times. Over<br />

the next 2-year term the <strong>Co</strong> <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Group</strong> will deliver<br />

a new strategy, one that will build upon the knowledge<br />

gained through the Audience Development work, the<br />

<strong>Co</strong>llaborative Resilience Programme, the symposium<br />

events and engagement activities. It will be one fit for<br />

purpose for where we are at now yet retain the flexibility<br />

to adjust as circumstances dictate.<br />

I would like to give a heartfelt thankyou to those cultural<br />

partners who gave of their time these past 2 years. Your<br />

efforts have been very much appreciated and I trust that<br />

you have found the experience worthwhile.<br />

And to the <strong>Co</strong> <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Group</strong> incoming, I wish you all the<br />

best of luck and I look forward to working with you over<br />

the coming months.<br />

The 4-year term of Strategy delivery to date has required<br />

a significant investment of time and effort from the<br />


<strong>Arts</strong> &<br />

<strong>Culture</strong><br />

Sector<br />

Engagement<br />

Report on critical<br />

actions 2021-23<br />

Steve Batts<br />

<strong>Co</strong>-<strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Group</strong> Member & Lead on the <strong>Arts</strong> &<br />

<strong>Culture</strong> Lobbying Subgroup<br />

The process of developing a lobbying process to<br />

represent the concerns and interests of the arts and<br />

culture sector in DCSDC area has taken place over the<br />

period of the previous co-delivery group. It has been<br />

in close collaboration with DCSDC officers and council<br />

members. The process has been, at least to some degree<br />

effective. <strong>Co</strong>ncerns about the disparity in resources tend<br />

no longer to be dismissed as illegitimate and whingeing.<br />

They are explicitly acknowledged as legitimate.<br />

21-23 saw the co delivery group taking a lead in<br />

delivering ongoing sectoral engagement initiatives aimed<br />

at taking the pulse of our sector, our issues, concerns<br />

and achievements towards representing the needs and<br />

aspirations of our sector, fostering a unified approach to<br />

positive change and growth.<br />

Examples of <strong>Co</strong> <strong>Delivery</strong> led sectoral engagement<br />

initiatives in the period include the NW <strong>Culture</strong> Exchange<br />

Symposium 2022, City <strong>Co</strong>nversation: A City of <strong>Culture</strong><br />

10 Years On <strong>2023</strong>, Creative <strong>Arts</strong> Network, <strong>2023</strong>, DFC<br />

Cultural Strategy Engagement Sessions, <strong>2023</strong>, <strong>Arts</strong> &<br />

<strong>Culture</strong> Hustings <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Significant developments have been made by the A &<br />

C <strong>Co</strong> <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Group</strong> in respect of the development of<br />

an ongoing lobbying process to represent the concerns<br />

and interests of the arts and culture sector in the DCSDC<br />

area.<br />

This has seen extensive engagement with Department<br />

for <strong>Co</strong>mmunities (DFC), <strong>Arts</strong> <strong>Co</strong>uncil Northern Ireland<br />

(ACNI) and DCSDC on the issue of regional disparity.<br />

This process involved significant consultation with<br />

artists and arts organisations and led to the drafting of a<br />

discussion paper not as a list of demands or policy asks,<br />

rather it was intended to open up discussion around ways<br />

to address deep seated structural issues.<br />

In the paper, there is a comprehensive list of concerns<br />

and issues. Central to many of them is the, well<br />

evidenced, experience of long standing, structural underresourcing<br />

of the arts sector in the DCSDC area.<br />

With the support of local MLAs, the <strong>Co</strong> <strong>Delivery</strong> <strong>Group</strong><br />

presented the paper in a meeting with Minister Hargey<br />

and her team in the autumn of 2021 and subsequently<br />

met with personnel from DFC. Minister Deirdre Hargey’s<br />

acknowledgment of the issue and her invitation to<br />

engage with the DfC <strong>Arts</strong> branch civil service personnel<br />

raised hopes that the development of a DfC five-year<br />

strategy would give the opportunity to begin to seriously<br />

address historical disparities. The collapse of the regional<br />

government institutions has diminished the democratic<br />

leverage that we had developed. However, we remain<br />

hopeful that the report of the <strong>Arts</strong> and <strong>Culture</strong> Task<br />

Force to DfC and the subsequent full strategy to be<br />

developed in early 2024 will still reflect our concerns and<br />

commit to addressing them. Should this not prove to be<br />

the case we should be prepared to continue to lobby<br />

through the democratic channels.<br />


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North West<br />

Audience<br />

Development<br />

Programme<br />

2021-23 saw the roll out of the North West Audience<br />

Development Action Plan with cross border projects<br />

targeting key audience segments: Families and Older<br />

People.<br />

The Action Plan, supported by the North West Regional<br />

Development <strong>Group</strong>, delivered by DCSDC and Donegal<br />

<strong>Co</strong>unty <strong>Co</strong>uncil, was developed following an extensive<br />

audience baseline survey tracking audience behaviour<br />

and identifying barriers to deeper and more frequent<br />

engagement.<br />

A key strand of the NW Audience Development project is<br />

the ongoing collection of audience data from among our<br />

cultural partners.<br />

Working with Thrive NI and cultural partners across Derry<br />

Strabane and Donegal, a shared impact methodology<br />

was designed and developed to capture information on<br />

audiences in the NW. This information will help the sector<br />

and individual organisations measure impact, inform and<br />

plan audience development initiatives.<br />

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Summer Family <strong>Co</strong>mmissions 2021<br />

26 artists and crew engaged in creation of 4 new touring<br />

works with 45 performances across Donegal, Derry &<br />

Strabane. 1712 number of in person audiences under<br />

mid-level <strong>Co</strong>vid guidelines. Image: Echo Echo Summer<br />

Splashes at Buncrana shore front,<br />

2<br />

Summer North West 2021<br />

A 2-month arts and cultural digital marketing campaign<br />

with an estimated reach of 720,475 and AVE of Euros<br />

27,639.15. Image: In Your Space Circus Summer Family<br />

<strong>Co</strong>mmissions.<br />

3<br />

Artists in Residence<br />

Artists in Residency to Care homes, urban and rural<br />

across Derry, Strabane & Donegal. Image: Longfield Care<br />

Home, Eglington Facilitators worked with groups of up<br />

to 10 residents offering arts, crafts, dance, music, circus<br />

skills programmes. “It was hugely rewarding building<br />

relationships with older people and discovering the<br />

story of their past lives and to see individuals surprise<br />

themselves with what they are capable of once they start<br />

making and developing their skills and enjoyment in the<br />

activity of making art” Facilitator, Sheila Byrne.<br />

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Older People’s Panel<br />

Image: Online meeting of the Older People’s Panel<br />

Older People’s Panel represents both arts and cultural<br />

and non-arts interests on a cross border, rural and urban<br />

offering insight from our older demographic, considering<br />

and advising on barriers to participation, what<br />

improvements can be made to support older people and<br />

encourage them toward creative activities.<br />

Examples of projects from the NW Audience<br />

Development Action Plan:<br />


North West Audience Development Survey<br />

Data overview from End of Year Report<br />

May <strong>2023</strong><br />

Over 3,100 responses from 40 organisations actively collecting<br />

What is your age?<br />

16 ~ 24: 4%<br />

25 ~ 34: 9%<br />

35 ~ 44: 21%<br />

45 ~ 54: 25%<br />

55 ~ 64: 23%<br />

65 ~ 74: 13%<br />

75+: 3%<br />

Do you identify<br />

as disabled?<br />

Yes: 4%<br />

No: 9%<br />

Prefer not to say: 21%<br />

Do you have<br />

children living in<br />

your household?<br />

Yes: 45%<br />

No: 54%<br />

Prefer not to say: 1%<br />

Attendance Patterns.<br />

Who did you attend with today?<br />

40%<br />

35%<br />

38%<br />

87%<br />

30%<br />

25%<br />

20%<br />

28%<br />

of North West<br />

audiences attended<br />

something cultural<br />

with others<br />

15%<br />

10%<br />

15%<br />

13%<br />

11%<br />

11%<br />

5%<br />

0%<br />

With spouse or partner<br />

With friends<br />

With younger children (0 - 11)<br />

By myself<br />

With older children (11 - 18)<br />

5%<br />

With an organised group<br />

4%<br />

With grandchildren<br />

Other (please specify)<br />


How was your overall<br />

experience?<br />

Would you recommend these<br />

events to family and friends?<br />

Very good<br />

75%<br />

Yes<br />

96%<br />

Good<br />

21%<br />

No<br />

1%<br />

Average<br />

3%<br />

Unsure<br />

3%<br />

Poor<br />

0%<br />

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%<br />

Very poor<br />

1%<br />

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%<br />

How do people feel about <strong>Arts</strong> & <strong>Culture</strong> in the North West?<br />

I think it is important to have these<br />

events/venues here<br />

81%<br />

17%<br />

1%<br />

The event/venue made me feel welcome<br />

68%<br />

28%<br />

0%<br />

3%<br />

This event/venue is for people like me<br />

64%<br />

29%<br />

1%<br />

6%<br />

I feel better for coming/joining in<br />

63%<br />

29%<br />

7%<br />

1%<br />

1%<br />

I felt connected to older people<br />

48%<br />

32%<br />

18%<br />

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%<br />

Strongly Agree<br />

Agree<br />

Neither Agree nor Disagree<br />

Disagree<br />

Strongly Disagree<br />


Heritage<br />

DCSDC Heritage Plan -<br />

A Vision for our future<br />

2022-2027<br />

Inaugural meeting of the Heritage Stakeholder <strong>Group</strong>,<br />

Harbour House, Derry June <strong>2023</strong>.<br />

Derry City & Strabane District <strong>Co</strong>uncil (DCSDC) in<br />

partnership with Department for <strong>Co</strong>mmunities – Historic<br />

Environment Division (HED) launched DCSDC’s Heritage<br />

Plan- A Vision for our future 2022-2027, in September<br />

2022.<br />

Heritage Mentoring and<br />

Cultural Programme<br />

Developed in partnership with the Heritage Venues<br />

<strong>Group</strong>, DCSDC commissioned an 18-month programme<br />

with funding from the National Heritage Lottery Fund of<br />

£100,000, this programme provides mentoring support<br />

to 9 heritage organisations to enable them to establish<br />

their sustainable practice and pursue opportunities<br />

through collaborative working. The programme also<br />

appointed a Cultural Programmer to work closely with<br />

the Heritage Mentor in supporting the participating<br />

organisations to create high quality, innovative and<br />

engaging cultural programming.<br />

Developed through engagement with a wide range<br />

of heritage stakeholders from across the district, the<br />

plan reflects <strong>Co</strong>uncil’s commitment to promoting built<br />

heritage within the District. Its success will be dependent<br />

upon continuing the effective partnership between<br />

<strong>Co</strong>uncil and HED and our heritage organisations and<br />

stakeholders.<br />

The Heritage Plan sets out our aspirations for the historic<br />

built environment for the next 5 years and details<br />

objectives and actions across four key themes:<br />

• Understanding our Heritage<br />

• Protecting our heritage<br />

• Sustainably developing our heritage, and<br />

• Celebrating our heritage<br />

The Heritage Plan is available online using the following<br />

link: https://www.derrystrabane.com/services/<br />

regeneration/heritage-development-projects)<br />


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DCSDC<br />

Cultural<br />

Grant Aid<br />

Investment<br />

<strong>Co</strong>uncil administers a number of Cultural Grant Aid<br />

Programmes including the Cultural Organisation Fund,<br />

Heritage Animation & Visitor Servicing Programme,<br />

Access Programme for Cultural Organisations, Headline<br />

Events Funding Programme, <strong>Co</strong>mmunity Festival Funding<br />

Programme, the Artist & Cultural Practitioner Awards and<br />

subvention programme for one off national events. These<br />

programmes support a wide range of creative individuals,<br />

cultural organisations and events across the City and<br />

District. Here are just a few selected examples:<br />

National Events Subvention<br />

Scheme<br />

The National Events Subvention Scheme was established<br />

to encourage investment in National events, supporting<br />

the promotion of the District as a leading location for<br />

hosting World Class events and increasing the economic<br />

contribution of events.<br />

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The White Handkerchief<br />

Image from ‘The White Handkerchief’.<br />

Book and lyrics by Liam Campbell. Music by Brian O<br />

Doherty. Directed by Kieran Griffith. Produced by The<br />

Playhouse. ‘The White Handkerchief’, part of a trilogy<br />

of new works produced by The Playhouse, premiered<br />

live across the world on the 50th Anniversary of Bloody<br />

Sunday in 2022. The production received support<br />

through National Events Fund and gained acclamations<br />

from local and international audiences.<br />

★★★★ “intimate naturalism; rough comedy; epic<br />

monumentality... drama, music and movement are<br />

combined to potent effect.” The Observer<br />

Headline Events Fund<br />

The Headline Events Fund supports large scale festivals<br />

that can make a measurable contribution to priority<br />

outcomes identified in through community planning<br />

process and the DCSDC Tourism, and <strong>Arts</strong> and <strong>Culture</strong><br />

strategies. Headline Events have the potential to attract<br />

visitors from outside of the DCSDC area with the<br />

event showcasing the DCSDC area as a unique tourist<br />

destination. Fund recipients reflect a diverse arts and<br />

cultural ecosystem and include festivals celebrating<br />

and advancing Music (Choral, Traditional, Electronic,<br />

Classical), Circus & Street <strong>Arts</strong>, <strong>Co</strong>mmunity <strong>Arts</strong>, STEAM,<br />

Film & Screen.<br />

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Celtronic <strong>2023</strong>: A Photo Ravestory<br />

Image: Kerrie at Castle Gate, Derry.<br />

With our ‘No Phones/Cameras on the Dancefloor Policy’<br />

at Celtronic <strong>2023</strong>. Emmett McLaughlin snapped the<br />

festival headliners at locations across the city.<br />

Celtronic is one of Ireland’s premier electronic music<br />

festivals. Established in 2000, Celtronic promotes the<br />

creation and performance of world class electronic music.<br />

Celtronic features collaborative local and international<br />

producer, production, artist and industry support<br />

programmes and showcases national/international acts<br />

alongside the best emerging acts across all genres of<br />

electronic music in venues across Derry. Celtronic attracts<br />

local, national and international audiences. “Celtronic<br />

contributions to the local electronic music scene has<br />

been immeasurable over the years.” The Guardian<br />


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<strong>Co</strong>mmunity Festivals Fund<br />

The <strong>Co</strong>mmunity Festivals Fund recognises the potential<br />

contribution that festivals can make to communities,<br />

to the local economy and wider Government policy<br />

priorities. The primary purpose of the community<br />

festivals fund is to improve the capacity of community<br />

led festivals and make and enable community<br />

organisations to celebrate cultural identity and to<br />

strengthen community relations.<br />

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Strabane Ethnic <strong>Co</strong>mmunity<br />

Association (SECA): Diwali<br />

Festival <strong>2023</strong><br />

Strabane Ethnic <strong>Co</strong>mmunity Association have been<br />

running the Diwali Festival since 2006. Diwali is an Indian<br />

Festival which celebrates new beginnings, the triumph<br />

of good over evil and light over darkness. SECA’s 3<br />

Day festival allows the local community to express and<br />

celebrate Indian culture through Indian art, dance, music<br />

food and clothes. The festival works closely with schools<br />

and community groups and actively promotes good<br />

relations, social inclusion and diversity awareness.<br />

Cultural Organisations<br />

Fund<br />

This fund was established in recognition of the<br />

contribution that our cultural organisations can make<br />

to communities, to the local economy and wider<br />

Government policy priorities.<br />

2<br />

Greater Shantallow <strong>Co</strong>mmunity <strong>Arts</strong><br />

Greater Shantallow <strong>Co</strong>mmunity <strong>Arts</strong> is a community<br />

arts organisation based in the Outer North Area of<br />

Derry. Through a diverse programme of arts and cultural<br />

activity, GSCA aims to address complex social issues,<br />

enrich lives and increase access to the arts. GSCA’s<br />

Studio 2 offers facilities, services and programmes that<br />

target those people at greatest risk of social exclusion<br />

and marginalisation and provides formal and informal<br />

creative learning opportunities utilising the services of<br />

professional artists, arts practice and arts facilitators.<br />

Image: ‘Spill the Tae’, a youth led mental health podcast<br />

at Studio 2.<br />

Access & Inclusion Grant Aid<br />

The primary purpose of this fund is to improve the<br />

accessibility of our cultural organisations contributing<br />

to the <strong>Co</strong>mmunity Planning action of “…promoting<br />

accessible cultural experiences”.<br />

3<br />

Millennium Forum: Changing Places<br />

& Accessibility improvements for<br />

performers and audiences<br />

The Millennium Forum is one of many Cultural Venues to<br />

benefit from the Access Grant Aid Programme. Using<br />

their Access Audit, the millennium Forum successfully<br />

applied to make changes to their front and back of house<br />

improving accessibility for both their audience members<br />

and performers.<br />

Heritage Animation & Visitor<br />

Servicing Programme<br />

The Heritage Animation Programme is focused on the<br />

delivery of an animation and visitor servicing programme<br />

specifically targeting the participation of heritage venues<br />

within the <strong>Co</strong>uncil area.<br />

4<br />

Museum of Free Derry<br />

Museum of Free Derry hosts permanent and temporary<br />

exhibitions and delivers a year-round programme of<br />

events and exhibitions as well as collaborations with<br />

schools, universities, community groups and local and<br />

international museums.<br />


5<br />

7<br />

6<br />

8<br />

DCSDC Individual Artist<br />

and Cultural Practitioner<br />

Awards<br />

This fund aims to support local artists and practitioners<br />

to develop skills and opportunities in the creation of new<br />

work.<br />

5<br />

Abridged<br />

Still from ABRIDGED 0 – 85: YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE<br />


Curated by Gregory McCartney. Supported by Derry<br />

City & Strabane District <strong>Co</strong>uncil and DDASF 1 (Deaf &<br />

Disabled Artist Support Fund 1). Managed by University<br />

of Atypical.<br />

“This work challenges the barriers that we face as<br />

disabled people navigating society and the built<br />

environment. Over time the social and political upheavals<br />

and injustices against women have been breathed into<br />

the meaning of the work influenced by what place I am<br />

in and what the freedoms are for women and how they<br />

differ from culture to culture.” Artist, Sinéad O’Donnell<br />

Access & Inclusion<br />

Programme<br />

The Access & Inclusion Programme works to deliver<br />

practical supports and advocacy in partnership with the<br />

pan disability community towards removing barriers to<br />

full access and participation in arts and cultural activity.<br />

This includes supporting and delivering improvements to<br />

physical access, training opportunities, awareness raising<br />

and celebratory initiatives.<br />

7<br />

Wild Ones<br />

Created by Brona Jackson and produced by Replay<br />

Theatre <strong>Co</strong>mpany is a 30min, live, immersive sensory<br />

dance theatre experience for children under 5 who are<br />

neurodivergent and/or have profound and multiple<br />

learning disabilities (PMLD).<br />

8<br />

Launch of the Access and Inclusion<br />

Model (AIM)<br />

Resource Pack at Void Gallery in 2021, supported by the<br />

Public Health Agency in partnership with Developing<br />

Healthy <strong>Co</strong>mmunities.<br />

6<br />

Singing Mamas workshop<br />

Anna Nolan undertook ‘Singing Mamas’ leader training in<br />

Swindon before delivering pilot programmes which led to<br />

further engagement and employment opportunities for<br />

Anna and enhanced health and well-being impacts for<br />

participants.<br />

“Thanks for giving me the opportunity to start this<br />

journey. I have every intention to continue on this track.<br />

Being able to do this training has been such a rewarding<br />

experience!” Anna Nolan<br />


Thank you<br />

arts & culture <strong>Co</strong>-<strong>Delivery</strong><br />

<strong>Group</strong> members 2021-23:<br />

Kevin Murphy, Chairperson<br />

The Playhouse<br />

Marc Geagan<br />

North West Regional <strong>Co</strong>llege<br />

Cian Smyth<br />

Ulster University Development & Alumni Relations<br />

Thomas Maguire<br />

Ulster University <strong>Arts</strong> and Humanities<br />

Edel MacBride<br />

Individual Artist & Craft<br />

Eibhlin Ni Dhochartaigh<br />

Cultúrlann Uí Chanáin<br />

Kyle Thompson<br />

North West Cultural Partnership<br />

Lisa Heaney<br />

Millennium Forum<br />

Cath McBride<br />

In Your Space Circus<br />

Michael <strong>Co</strong>oper<br />

Derry Blue Badge<br />

Ollie Green<br />

Greater Shantallow <strong>Co</strong>mmunity <strong>Arts</strong><br />

Rachel Melaugh<br />

In Your Space Circus<br />

Sarika Shah<br />

Individual Artist, Sarika Art<br />

Steve Batts<br />

Echo Echo Dance Theatre<br />

Assumpta O’Neill<br />

Visit Derry

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