Annette Pugh - Selected Archive
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A N N E T T E P U G H<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Dreaming of Exotic Places 1<br />
Oil on panel | 20 x 20 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Dreaming of Exotic Places 2<br />
Oil on panel | 20 x 20 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | We Were Never Really There<br />
Oil on canvas | 24 x 30 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Coy<br />
Oil & transfer on canvas | 23 x 30 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Girl With Gladioli<br />
Oil & transfer on canvas | 25 x 31 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Seated<br />
Acrylic and photographic transfer on linen<br />
24 x 30 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Woman on a Beach With Two Figures<br />
Oil on canvas | 30 x 24 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Woman on a Beach (Blue Grey)<br />
Oil on canvas | 76 x 51 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | In the Pale Blue Light<br />
Oil on canvas | 117 x 152 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Strolling 2<br />
Oil & transfer on canvas | 40 x 40 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Elsie<br />
Oil & transfer on canvas | 24 x 30 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Cowboys<br />
Oil & transfer on canvas | 30 x 24 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Two Children<br />
Oil & transfer on canvas | 30 x 24 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | In Our Sunday Best<br />
Oil & transfer on canvas | 24 x 30 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | The Bathers (Landscape)<br />
Mixed media on canvas | 30 x 24 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | The Bathers (Portrait)<br />
Mixed media on canvas | 24 x 30 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Beach Walk<br />
Oil on canvas | 24 x 30 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | The Dance<br />
Oil on canvas | 30 x 24 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | The Fence<br />
Oil on canvas | 76 x 80 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Gabardine Coat<br />
Oil on canvas | 26 x 31 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Somewhere Never Travelled<br />
Oil on linen | 80 x 60 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | The Bridesmaids<br />
Oil & transfer on canvas | 26 x 30 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | The Jump<br />
Acrylic and photographic transfer on linen<br />
24 x 30 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | The Jump (mid sized)<br />
Oil on canvas | 36 x 41 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | The Jump (large)<br />
Oil on canvas | 60 x 80 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Where the Roses<br />
Bloom<br />
Oil on canvas | 92 x 122 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | The Pathway<br />
Oil on canvas<br />
24 x 30 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Shadow of a Boy<br />
Oil on canvas | 92 x 122 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | In the Garden<br />
Oil on canvas | 87 x 110 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Green Avenue<br />
Indian ink on paper | 102 x 137 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | The Bird House<br />
Indian ink on paper | 102 x 137 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Indian Summer<br />
Indian ink on paper | 102 x 137 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | I Watched You From Afar<br />
Monoprint on paper | 26 x 34 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | Always You<br />
Monoprint on paper | 28 x 32 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | By the Garden Fence<br />
Monoprint on paper | 29 x 29 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | I Remember Your Smile<br />
Monoprint on paper | 21 x 30 cm<br />
<strong>Annette</strong> <strong>Pugh</strong> | The Watcher<br />
Monoprint on paper | 21 x 30 cm<br />