#30-Inside the darkness

#30 of Trve MetalZine New issue (#30) of Inside the Darkness/MetalZine. Exclusive interviews: Frost. Interview with Frost M. Feri p.12 Spit on your Grave. Interview with Marlene Munoz p.16 Liminal Animal. Interview with C p.18 Luciferian Rites. Interview with Count Shadow p.22 Dark Oath. Interview with Joel Martins p.26 Shavalyoth. Interview with Archon Marchosias p.28 Hysteria. Interview with Xavier Chautard p.32 Uralt. Interview with Hurin p.36 Immortal Sun. Interview with Khaled p.40 Strigampire. Interview with Steve De Cotret p.42 Inverne. Interview with Karolina and Vary p.46 Nameless Gods. Interview with Juan Azevedo p.50 Perro en Misa. Interview with Saia p.52 Analogy Of Apathos. Interview with Juan p.54 Korkvak. Interview with R’lyeh p.58 Semjaza. Interview with Rebellion p.62 Vanwa. Interview with Morquendi p.66

#30 of Trve MetalZine
New issue (#30) of Inside the Darkness/MetalZine.
Exclusive interviews:
Frost. Interview with Frost M. Feri p.12
Spit on your Grave. Interview with Marlene Munoz p.16
Liminal Animal. Interview with C p.18
Luciferian Rites. Interview with Count Shadow p.22
Dark Oath. Interview with Joel Martins p.26
Shavalyoth. Interview with Archon Marchosias p.28
Hysteria. Interview with Xavier Chautard p.32
Uralt. Interview with Hurin p.36
Immortal Sun. Interview with Khaled p.40
Strigampire. Interview with Steve De Cotret p.42
Inverne. Interview with Karolina and Vary p.46
Nameless Gods. Interview with Juan Azevedo p.50
Perro en Misa. Interview with Saia p.52
Analogy Of Apathos. Interview with Juan p.54
Korkvak. Interview with R’lyeh p.58
Semjaza. Interview with Rebellion p.62
Vanwa. Interview with Morquendi p.66


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We would like to tell you about

musicians and bands not so well

known around the world. This is

the story of Svitogor - Epic

Black Metal band from Croatia.

Band Links





Insanus, a revered figure in the Croatian Black Metal scene and the

creative force behind influential bands like Castrum, Zvijer, Suton,

Black Cult, Unholy Inquisition, and others, has breathed new life into

his long-neglected project, Svitogor.

The saga of Svitogor unfolded at the turn of the millennium when

the visionary notion sparked in Insanus’ mind to forge Black Metal

unbounded by constraints. Two demos, crafted in 2002 and 2003, bear

witness to this creative surge. Yet, the flame dimmed as a result of

waning interest and pressing commitments to other musical ventures.

Fast forward two decades, and the time has arrived for the mountain

of gods to reverberate once more, resuming the journey it embarked

upon. In the intervening years, Insanus meticulously amassed an arsenal

of riffs and ideas, cultivating them until the summer of 2023, when he

breathed life into the debut album titled “The Howling Void.”

Musically, Svitogor defies easy categorisation, embodying an avantgarde

black metal essence. Lyrically, the band passionately opposes

entrenched dogmatic beliefs that grip a society, reduced to pathetic

prostration before false idols crafted from the clay of deceit.

Themes of misanthropy, alienation, anti- humanism and selfspirituality

intertwine, propelling

the relentless energy within

Svitogor’s compositions. The

hunger embedded in their songs

is insatiable, poised to confront

the world’s abominations, tainted

by the foolish thoughts and

deeds of mortals. Svitogor stands

ready, a sonic force challenging

the norms and confronting

the shadows cast by humanity’s

misguided pursuits.

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