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Diagnostics for Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

A summary of published clinical research

Dr. Jennifer Knuth, Dr. Kathrin Warnking, Clinical Affairs SPIGGLE & THEIS Medizintechnik GmbH


Diagnostic tests for Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) are

necessary to

1. identify ETD, and differentiate between multiple subtypes

of ETD and other conditions, to decide which

treatment is indicated,

2. measure and compare outcomes of various interventions

intended to treat ETD.

Our previous white papers 1,2 focused on #2, i.e. measurements

of outcomes of interventions. This white paper aims

to provide information primarily regarding #1, i.e. to assist

the ENT practitioner in their decision-making regarding diagnosis

of ETD, in preparation for subsequent treatment.

This publication summarizes the relevant scientific

literature, it does not attempt to provide a statistical metameta-analysis

of existing systematic reviews and original

papers. It does not provide a general overview of ETD,

treatment options, and outcomes. Also, it does not replace

any official product documentation.


Eustachian Tube

The Eustachian tube (ET) connects the middle ear (ME)

space to the nasopharyngeal (NP) space. It consists of a

bony part facing the ME, and a cartilaginous part facing the

NP. In normal function, this medial part can be opened and

closed through attached muscles, M. tensor veli palatini

(mTVP) and M. levator veli palatini (mLVP).

The purpose of the ET is (a) to ventilate the ME and provide

pressure equalization between ME and ambient air when

necessary, (b) to drain secretions from the ME when open,

and (c) to protect the ME from sounds, pathogens and nasopharyngeal

secretions when closed. 4

ET function is influenced by its physical composition, mechanical

properties and geometry (muscle attachment). 5

The mechanical properties as well as the functional efficiency

can be measured with specialized tests (see section

“Special tests of ET function” below).

Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) is the general term for

any condition where the opening and closing of the tube is

impeded. Prevalence of ETD was estimated at 4.6% in the

general US population. 6 ETD includes patulous ETD (PETD,

ICD-11 AB10.1 7 ), where the valve remains permanently open,

and obstructive ETD (OETD, ICD-11 AB10.3 7 ), where the tube

does not open. This latter condition and its diagnosis are

the focus of this paper. It can be caused by muscular failure,

inflammation inside the ET, or anatomical obstruction at

the ET opening. 8

Figure 1:

Eustachian tube patency test by Grüber (1870),

reproduced in Avoort (2005) 3

Balloon Eustachian Tuboplasty (BET)

Transnasal balloon dilatation of the cartilaginous part of

the ET, called “Balloon Eustachian Tuboplasty (BET)” 9 is

being used to treat OETD. 1,2 An inflatable balloon catheter

is inserted in the cartilaginous part of the ET, under endoscopic

control. Once in position, the balloon is inflated. This

appears to reduce “inflammatory epithelial changes and

submucosal inflammatory infiltrate.” 10

Dr. Jennifer Knuth, Dr. Kathrin Warnking – Clinical Affairs SPIGGLE & THEIS Medizintechnik GmbH 1

Current state of ETD diagnostics

Diagnosis of ETD begins with anamnesis, and common tests

performed in any ENT practice or clinic, such as visual inspection,

audiometric tests, and possibly imaging. In addition,

questionnaires are often used. Finally, special tests for

ET function may be performed, as described below.

Several studies report low correlation between subjective

reporting of symptoms (via questionnaires) and objective

measurements of ET function, 11,12 which may be due to the

fact that objective functional test are a snapshot of the

situation at the time of testing, whereas patient reported

symptoms also take into account past experience.

A correct differential diagnosis of OETD is important. For

example, BET is contraindicated for patients with PETD, 13

because BET may cause or worsen a patulous ET. 14


There is a wide range of symptoms, complaints, and clinical

findings that are commonly seen as potential indicators of

ETD. 15 Patients suffering from OETD may often report some

or all of the following symptoms: 15

• recurrent or chronic otalgia 8,13

• ear pressure, a feeling of “aural fullness” 8,13,16

• autophony (often indicates PETD 8,13,16 )

• habit of frequent sniffing, typical for PETD 8,16

• difficulty clearing ears with flights or swimming underwater,

inability to “pop the ear”, typical for OETD 15,17–19

• barotrauma, i.e. diver’s otalgia or otitis, flight-related

otitis (indicates OETD) 15

• tinnitus 8,19 (pulsatile tinnitus indicates PETD 13 )

Improvement of symptoms when the patient is in a supine

position is often observed with PETD. 8,20–22

Some other otologic pathologies are often associated with

or caused by OETD, including

• otitis media (OM), including recurrent acute OM, OM

with effusion, chronic OM with effusion, and the recurrence

of OM and/or symptoms after tympanoplasty 8,15,17

• Tympanic membrane (TM) retraction, 15,17 TM perforation,

the failure of TM perforation repair

• mild to moderate (≥15 dB 19) conductive hearing loss 8,18,19

Note that patients with mild OETD, who have problems aerating

their ears only after rapid changes in ambient pressure,

may not exhibit negative ME pressure under examination,

so their history is critical for the diagnosis. 23

General ENT diagnostic methods

Basic tests

Valsalva’s test attempts to inflate the ET and ME by forced

expiration with the mouth closed and the nose manually

compressed. 22 Inability to do this indicates OETD. Most clinical

studies include an assessment of the ability to perform

the Valsalva maneuver successfully, either via subjective

reporting by the patient, or by observing TM movement

otoscopically. 1

Politzer’s test inflates the NP space through an air bag inserted

in one nostril, and instructs the patient to swallow,

in order to create positive ME pressure. 22

In the Toynbee test, the patient swallows while the nose is

manually compressed. This creates positive pressure in the

NP, followed by a negative pressure phase, and in a healthy

ear the ME pressure will change as well. 22

Figure 2:

Illustration of patient receiving Politzer test.

From Politzer (1874)


The clinical consensus 8,13,24 is that otoscopy is an essential

part of ETD diagnostics. Possible observations are

• ME Effusion: The presence of effusion may prevent performing

most of the special function tests described

below. Note that effusion does not necessarily imply

ETD, it could be strictly infectious, especially in infants

and toddlers. 15

• Retracted TM: TM retraction implies negative ME pressure,

and is more likely related to OETD; however, it can

also be present in PETD due to repeated sniffing. 16

• Intact TM, neutral position: In the absence of ME ef-

2 Dr. Jennifer Knuth, Dr. Kathrin Warnking – Clinical Affairs SPIGGLE & THEIS Medizintechnik GmbH

fusion, this indicates that air is able to get into the ME

through the ET, 15 which is inconsistent with OETD, but

PETD cannot be excluded. 15

• TM movements: TM movements synchronous with breathing

confirm PETD. 8,13,15,16,25

Pneumatic otoscopy, i.e. the application of EAC pressure

during visual inspection, can help to distinguish adhesive

vs. non-adhesive retractions of the TM. 13


The clinical consensus 8,13,24 is that nasal endoscopy is an essential

part of ETD diagnostics, to rule out extrinsic causes

of ETD.

Visual inspection of the ET from the nasopharynx side, also

called “trans-nasal video-endoscopy,” 15 aims to visualize

the opening of the ET, and identify possible underlying

causes of ETD, such as inflammation near the ET orifice,

neoplasms, or scarring. 18 It is typically performed using a

30-45° viewing angle, or a flexible endoscope turned 90°. 23

There are cases where the visual inspection shows partially

impaired opening of the ET, or structural abnormalities

such as edema, but functional tests as described below still

have normal results. 26

A commonly used 27 grading scheme for mucosal inflammation

and ET opening ability was introduced in 2015. 28 It is

sometimes referred to as the “MEELO” assessment, (mucus,

edema, erythema, lymphoid hyperplasia, and degree

of opening of the valve). 29

• Grade 1: Normal mucosa and opening of the valve

• Grade 2: Mild inflammation, no apparent compromise

regarding ET dilation when swallowing

• Grade 3: Moderate inflammation, with compromised ET

dilation when swallowing

• Grade 4: Severe inflammation of the mucosa, unable to

open the valve on swallowing

Grades 3 and 4 are indicative of OETD. 27


The clinical consensus 8,13,24 is that pure-tone audiometry,

or at least Rinne’s and Weber’s tuning fork tests, 8 are an

essential part of ETD diagnostics, to detect conductive

hearing loss.


The clinical consensus 8,13,24 is that tympanometry is an essential

part of ETD diagnostics, to measure ME pressure.

In the classic interpretation of a tympanogram, 15

• Type A (impedance-vs-pressure curve with peak within

±50 daPa) is indicative of a normal TM, with no pressure

difference between ME and outside. In patients

with PETD, continuous impedance measurement may

show fluctuations synchronized with nasal breathing. 16

• Type B (flat curve without distinct peak) indicates a

fluid-filled ME.

• Type C (curve with peak at -100 daPa or below) indicates

a retracted TM due to negative ME pressure, which

can be caused by insufficient ventilation, indicative of

OETD, 30 or it can be caused by repeated sniffing, often

found with PETD. 16

One study 31 recommends reporting the value of tympanometric

peak pressure (TPP) rather than just type A-B-C

classification, to diagnose less severe ME problems such

as OETD.

In patients with chronic rhinosinusitis, not all cases with

visually confirmed ET opening difficulties also showed a

non-type-A tympanogram. 27


According to a published consensus statements, “radio-logical

evaluation does not routinely play a role in diagnosis of

ETD,” 8 and CT imaging is “not essential in all cases” 24 before


The use of the Valsalva maneuver during CT has had mixed

results, it is not recommended as a screening tool, 32 but

may be useful as a visualization tool. 33

One recent review 18 recommends to attempt localization of

the ET lesion, and states that “if the obstruction is located

in the bony part or isthmus of the ET, BET is not indicated.” 18

Special tests of ET function

The literature contains several specialized tests for ET

function, whose rationale is to provide objective measurements

indicative of active (muscle-driven) or passive (pressure-driven)

opening of the ET.

Several studies 34,35 have investigated in healthy ears the

ability of each test to detect ET opening, which sheds light

on the basic validity of the tests, but doesn’t allow conclusions

on their ability to help with differentiating between

different conditions (OETD, PETD) and underlying causes

and mechanisms (active vs. passive opening).

One of these studies 35 found no significant difference between

tympanometry, sonotubometry, TTAG, and TMM in

their ability to detect ET opening. Another study 34 investigated

the repeatability of functional tests, expressed as

“intraclass correlation coefficient” (ICC), and cautions that

Dr. Jennifer Knuth, Dr. Kathrin Warnking – Clinical Affairs SPIGGLE & THEIS Medizintechnik GmbH 3

“when tests of ET function are used in clinical practice, they

should be performed more than once to gain a more reliable


Below, we will describe function tests that have been described,

evaluated, and used in multiple studies, beyond

a pure research environment, and beyond the institution

where the test was invented.

All tests apply pressure differentials between NP and ME,

either through “natural” means (Valsalva maneuver or swallowing)

or through “technical” means (tympanometer or

pump). The tests then measure the “openness” of the ET,

either via observing NP and EAC pressure or airflow, or by

measuring sound conduction through the ET.

For each quantitative test, we will specify

• The objective: what function or condition is tested?

• The general idea: a high-level description of the setup.

• Any prerequisites that must be satisfied, such as an intact

or perforated TM.

• The required equipment: can this test be performed

using commercially available clinical instruments, or is

some custom setup of research equipment necessary?

• The popularity of the test: how many of the publications

considered here describe the test in some detail?

How many evaluate the test or correlate it with other

tests? How many use the test to address some other

clinical research question?

• A detailed step-by-step description of the procedure.

• The metrics, i.e. which physical quantities are measured,

which parameters are calculated from measured values?

• The diagnostic criteria: how are metrics interpreted to

arrive at clinically meaningful diagnoses?

• Information regarding validity of the test: published

data on repeatability, and on correlation with other

tests or clinical observations.


• Objective: measure active and passive opening of ET.

• General idea: present sound through a speaker inserted

in nostril, pick up sound with a microphone in the external

auditory canal (EAC). Sound pressure in EAC is

higher when ET is open. 15,36

• Prerequisites: no otorrhea or middle ear effusion. 36

• Equipment: in Japan, a clinical instrument is commercially

available (Rion JK-05A). Otherwise, specialized lab

equipment 3,37 is required.

• Popularity: the test was mentioned and explained in

8 reviews, 3,15,18,22,30,38–40 evaluated or correlated with other

methods in 10 studies, 12,34,36,41–47 and used to answer other

clinical research questions in 3 studies 21,25,48 analyzed

for this paper.

• Procedure:

1. Place and seal acoustic transducer in one nostril,

and place and seal microphone in EAC

2. Apply acoustic stimulus, typically a tone or band

limited noise in the 6-8 kHz range, 3,37 at high loudness

levels of 100-130 dB 3

3. Ask patient to perform swallowing or other maneuvers

typically related to ET opening, 18 or apply

pressure gradient via a tympanometer 15,49

4. Measure changed EAC sound pressure in response

to NP pressure change

• Metric: Amplitude change in EAC sound level.

• Diagnostic criteria:

• An amplitude change of >5 dB is typically considered

an indication of ET opening, 3 smaller changes may

indicate OETD. The threshold can be adapted to make

the test more specific or more sensitive. 43

• fluctuating or continuously high EAC SPL occurs with

PETD. 15

• Validity:

• Changes in EAC sound level during swallowing correlate

with visually observed ET opening. 41

• ICC indicates almost perfect agreement for measured

values, and moderate agreement for ET opening detection.


• Caveats:

• While there is typically higher SPL during swallowing,

“absence of an increase in the sound level during

swallow when there is no pressure gradient does not

indicate an abnormal ETF.” 15

• the result can be influenced by the sound of swallowing,

saliva movement, and breathing, 18 which is

why recent studies 44 try to improve reliability with

optimized test signals or signal processing.

Figure 3:

Example sonotubometry trace while swallowing, in a healthy ear. Courtesy

of Dr. Matthew E. Smith MA, PhD, FRCS (ORL-HNS), Consultant ENT Surgeon,

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK

4 Dr. Jennifer Knuth, Dr. Kathrin Warnking – Clinical Affairs SPIGGLE & THEIS Medizintechnik GmbH

Multiple sonotubometry measurements before and after

postural changes have been described as a means to detect

PETD, called the Ohta method. 36

The diagnostic criteria for PETD proposed by the Japan

Otological Society (JOS) 25 refer to sonotubometry as one

of several criteria.

Tubomanometry (TMM)

• Objective: measure active and passive opening of ET. 18

• General idea: generate pressure in NP, detect EAC pressure

change transmitted via ET and ME.

• Equipment: a clinical instrument was commercially

available in the past (Tubomanometer, SPIGGLE & THEIS,


• Popularity: the test was mentioned and explained in 6

reviews, 4,15,18,30,38,50 evaluated or correlated with other

methods in 8 studies, 12,34,42,51–55 and used to answer other

clinical research questions in 6 studies 9,56–60 analyzed

for this paper.

• Procedure:

1. Place and seal pressure transducer in nostrils, and

place and seal pressure sensor in EAC

2. Deliver defined overpressure to NP, usually 300,

400, and 500 daPa 54

3. Ask patient to swallow

4. Measure pressure change in sealed EAC

• Metrics: delay between NP pressure change and EAC

pressure change, expressed as “R value.”

• Diagnostic criteria:

• R ≤1 indicates Regular ET function

• R < 0.6 indicates PETD according to 55

• R > 1 indicates delayed ET opening, i.e. OETD

• R not being measurable implies no detectable ET opening

• Validity:

• One study on 432 ears 54 reported that “TMM results

correlate with otomicroscopy findings and Valsalva

maneuver performance.”

• A recent review of ET function tests 18 states that “the

repeatability of TMM is limited, especially when the

repeat testing is delayed.”

• ICC indicates substantial agreement for measured values

and moderate agreement for ET opening detection.


Figure 4:

Example tubomanometry response for a healthy ear (top), courtesy of Mr.

Waldmann, and obstructed ET (bottom), courtesy of Dr. med. Sara Euteneuer,

Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenklinik, Heidelberg University Hospital Head Clinic

Center, Heidelberg, Germany.

Tubomanometry can be combined with subjective reports

to calculate the Eustachian Tube Score (ETS or ETS-5), 52 with

the extended ETS-7 also including tympanometry and objective

Valsalva maneuver.

Tubomanometry is currently not considered an essential

part of best clinical practice, 24 and “should not be used as

the only instrument for diagnosing diseases of the ET.” 61

Tubo-tympano-aerodynamic-graphy (TTAG)

This test, similar to TMM, measures EAC pressure as an indicator

of ME pressure, in response to pressure changes

induced in the NP space by Valsalva maneuver, swallowing,

deep breathing or sniffing. It is mainly mentioned in publications

from Japan. 36 A clinical instrument is commercially

available in Japan (Rion JK-05A). The test was mentioned

and explained in two reviews, 30,36 evaluated or correlated

with other tests in two studies, 12,35 and used to answer other

clinical research questions in two studies 25,48 analyzed here.

Dr. Jennifer Knuth, Dr. Kathrin Warnking – Clinical Affairs SPIGGLE & THEIS Medizintechnik GmbH 5

Nine-step test

• Objective: assess a patient’s ability to equilibrate middle

ear pressure by swallowing. 39

• General idea: increase or decrease pressure in EAC,

measure ME pressure, swallow, measure ME pressure


• Prerequisites: intact TM, no effusion.

• Equipment: Available in commercially available clinical

instruments (e.g. Grason-Stadler TympStar Pro).

Step Activity Model Tympanogram

1. Resting Pressure

2. Inflation and

Swallow (x3)

3. Pressure after


4. Swallow (x3)

5. Pressure after


6. Deflation and

swallow (x3)

7. Pressure after


8. Swallow (x3)

9. Pressure after


Figure 5:

Sequence of steps, position of TM, and expected tympanogram

for a healthy ear. Based on Bluestone (2005) 22

• Popularity: the test was mentioned and explained in two

reviews, 3,22 and evaluated or correlated with other methods

in three studies 12,39,62 analyzed for this paper.

• Procedure: 22

1. Tympanogram #1 measures resting ME pressure.

2. Increase EAC pressure to +400 daPa, causing an

increase in ME pressure. Patient swallows 3x to

equilibrate middle ear overpressure.

3. Return EAC pressure to normal, causing the TM to

move outward, and a slight (15-20 daPa) negative

ME pressure, recorded by tympanogram #2.

4. Patient swallows to equilibrate negative middle ear

pressure, causing airflow from NP to ME.

5. Tympanogram #3 records the extent of equilibration.

6. Decrease EAC pressure to -400 daPa, causing lateral

deflection of TM and decrease in ME pressure.

Patient swallows 3x to equilibrate negative middle

ear pressure.

7. Return EAC pressure to normal, causing TM to move

inward and slight (15-20 daPa) positive ME pressure,

measured by tympanogram #4.

8. Patient swallows to equilibrate positive middle ear

pressure causing airflow from ME to NP

9. Tympanogram #5 documents the extent of


• Metric: maximum difference between the pressure at

the peak of the tympanogram curves, over all conditions.

Called “maximal peak pressure difference” (MPD

or ETTmd).

• Diagnostic criteria: Higher MPD is better (indicative of

normal ET). Typical cutoff is 10 or 15 daPa, 39 which can

be adjusted for a tradeoff specificity vs sensitivity. MPD

below the threshold can be caused by OETD or PETD. 39

The highest diagnostic performance for OETD patients

was observed when the cut-off value was 13 daPa (sensitivity

74%, specificity 90%). 39

• Validity:

• ICC indicates almost perfect agreement for measurement

values, and moderate or substantial agreement

for detection of ET opening. 34

• Variants:

• The procedure implemented in a clinical instrument

(GSI) only does tympanogram #1, #2, #4.

• A similar procedure was described as “Eustachian

tube swallow test.” 26

Forced Response Test (FRT)

• Objective: quantify structural properties of ET influencing

passive opening, and functional efficiency of active


• General idea: run air through EAC > ME > ET > NP, measure

pressure and flow rate. 63,64

• Prerequisites: non-intact TM.

• Equipment: specialized lab equipment 5 is needed.

• Popularity: the test was mentioned and explained in

6 Dr. Jennifer Knuth, Dr. Kathrin Warnking – Clinical Affairs SPIGGLE & THEIS Medizintechnik GmbH

one review, 15 and evaluated or correlated with other

methods in six studies 5,63–67 analyzed here.

• Procedure: 5,15,65

1. Pump air into EAC + ME at constant flow rate (11 or

23 ml/min) 15

2. Pressure increases until it passively forces open

the ET, at the “opening pressure” P O

3. After ET opening, pressure decreases to a steadystate

pressure P S

, when flow rate Q S

through ET is

equal to pump flow rate

4. Instruct patient to swallow. This should activate

mTVP and mLVP muscles, which causes a change in

ET lumen diameter, resulting in changed flow rate


(“maximum air-flow during a swallow” 5 )

• Metrics for each flow rate:

• Passive tubal resistance R S

= P S

/Q S

→ a measure of the

ease of air flow through ET 5

• Passive tubal conductance C S

= Q S

/P S


• Active tubal conductance C A

= Q A

/P S


• ET dilatory efficiency DE = Q S

/Q A

: 5,15,63 “a measure of

the functional efficiency of muscle-assisted ET lumen

dilation independent of surface adhesive forces” 5

• Ratio of ET resistance at 11 and 23 ml/min flow rates:

a measure of ET compliance

• Diagnostic criteria:

• The difference between the P S

and the P O

is an indicator

of the force needed to separate the closed surfaces

of the ET lumen.

• Normative data for adults without middle ear disease

are available, 67 the range of opening pressure P O


normal ears is 200-500 daPa 15

• Low opening pressure (P O

< 200 daPa) and low closing

pressure (P C

< 30 daPa) are characteristic of PETD. 15

• High opening pressure (P O

> 500 daPa) is consistent

with OETD. 15


Patient-Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) 42 in the form

of questionnaires are a popular means for evaluating OETD

interventions. However, for purposes of diagnosing ETD,

the clinical consensus 13 is that “patient-reported symptom

scores alone are insufficient to establish a diagnosis of

obstructive ETD” and a recent review cautions that “even

a panel of world experts on ETD failed to diagnose ETD

and differentiate it from non-ETD etiologies based on patient-reported

symptoms.” 15

Eustachian Tube Dysfunction Questionnaire


This questionnaire, first described and validated in 2012 68

is now available in many languages. It is very popular in

studies on OETD and BET outcomes, and is mostly used in

adults. It measures seven symptoms commonly reported by

patients (pressure, pain, clogged ears, sinusitis, crackling,

ringing, muffled hearing) on a Likert scale, combined into

a total score (range 7-49, normal <14.5) or an average score

(range 1.0-7.0, normal <2.1).

There is consensus that the instrument is “an important

patient-reported outcome measure” 38 and its use is considered

best clinical practice 24 for reporting the outcome

of interventions such as BET.

The tool is good at distinguishing between healthy ears and

“some otological disorder,” 42 but it is unable to discriminate

between OETD and PETD. 18,30,42 Its correlation with objective

measures of ET function is limited. 18,54

Differential diagnosis

The clinical consensus is that “establishing a diagnosis

of OETD requires ruling out other causes of aural fullness

such as patulous ETD, temporomandibular joint disorders,

extrinsic obstruction of the ET, superior semicircular canal

dehiscence, and endolymphatic hydrops.” 13

Name of ET function test Preconditions Type of


Tests active

ET opening

Tests passive

ET opening

Detect PETD



Sonotubometry No ME effusion Research* YES YES YES YES

Tubomanometry No ME effusion Research YES YES YES YES



Nine-step test

No ME effusion Research* YES YES

No ME effusion,

intact TM

Commercial YES no YES no

Forced-response test Perforated TM Research YES YES YES YES

*An instrument is commercially available in Japan

Dr. Jennifer Knuth, Dr. Kathrin Warnking – Clinical Affairs SPIGGLE & THEIS Medizintechnik GmbH 7

Before recommending the BET procedure, clinicians will

commonly try to identify and treat, if applicable and necessary,

other potential causes of OETD, 1,2 such as adenoids,

nasal polyposis, allergic rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, or laryngopharyngeal


Diagnostic pathways

Since “there is no reference (gold standard) method to diagnose

OETD or PETD, and the clinical diagnosis of an experienced

clinician has been the default reference standard for

many years,” 12 assessments and tests as described above

must be combined to achieve differential diagnosis, in the

form of a decision tree or decision table.

One proposed diagnostic pathway 12 is based on extensive

review of assessment of accuracy of many diagnostic tests.

It starts with clinical history, includes tympanometry, sonotubometry,

tubomanometry and continuous impedance or

TTAG, and arrives at a conclusion of OETD, PETD, possible

ETD, and ETD unlikely.

Another published decision tree 23 starts with an observation

of aural fullness, considers TM status, patient reported

symptoms, and arrives at a conclusion of OETD, PETD, or

other pathologies (TMD, otic capsule dehiscence, endolymphatic

hydrops, otologic migraine).

A very detailed matrix of test results vs possible ET dysfunction

types is provided by Alper (2023). 15

at one point in time may be overcome with continuous 24-

hour measurement of middle ear pressure, as proposed by

Tideholm (1996). 69 A combined analysis of multiple different

measurements and data sets may be a task solvable

with machine learning, which has already been successfully

used to support other areas of ENT diagnostics. 70

We‘d love to hear your opinion on

this white paper. Could you share

your feedback with us?

List of Abbreviations

Conclusion and Outlook

Many specialized tests for ET function have been described

in the literature, but most of them require special lab

equipment and are currently not used in clinical routine.

One study on patients “with symptoms or examination findings

suggestive of ETD” 12 concluded that “tympanometry,

sonotubometry and tubomanometry have the best diagnostic

performance for obstructive ETD.”

There is no single test or assessment that will result in an

unequivocal diagnosis of OETD. Assessment of symptoms

and clinical history must be combined with clinical tests

to arrive at a likely diagnosis, and to distinguish between


For many clinicians, visual inspection of the nasopharyngeal

opening of the ET and of the TM, in combination with

a tympanogram and an assessment of reported symptoms,

clinical history and Valsalva test, serve as the basis for a

diagnosis of OETD, in accordance with published guidelines.


In the future, the constraint of a “snapshot” measurement























Computer Tomography

Balloon Eustachian Tuboplasty

External Auditory Canal

Maximal Peak Pressure Difference

Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

Intraclass Correlation Coefficient

Middle Ear

Middle Ear Pressure

Maximal Peak Pressure Difference

musculus Levator Veli Palatini

musculus Tensor Veli Palatini


Obstructive ETD

Otitis Media with Effusion

Patulous ETD

Peak Pressure

Sound Pressure Level

Tympanic Membrane

Temporomandibular Disorder

Tympanometric Peak Pressure

8 Dr. Jennifer Knuth, Dr. Kathrin Warnking – Clinical Affairs SPIGGLE & THEIS Medizintechnik GmbH


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