Trumpet Summer 2024 Final

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of Naples<br />

The News of Beth Tikvah of Naples<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Iyyar/Sivan/Tammuz 5784<br />

vrmumj<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br />

Volume 11 • Issue 4<br />

Shavuot<br />

June 11 6:15 p.m.<br />

June 12 9:00 a.m.<br />

from Rabbi Chorny’s Desk!<br />

Lag Ba’Omer: A Testament to<br />

Jewish Resilience and Cultural<br />

Continuity<br />

Lag Ba’Omer commemorates the resilience and<br />

survival of the Jewish people in the face of unsurmountable<br />

adversity and tragedy. This theme is exemplified by the story<br />

of Rabbi Akiva, who rebuilt the Jewish tradition after the<br />

devastating loss of his 24,000 students during the Omer period<br />

(from the second day of Passover to Shavuot). Despite this<br />

catastrophic setback, Rabbi Akiva persevered and restarted<br />

his academy with just five remaining students, laying the<br />

foundation for the revival of Torah study and the continuity<br />

of the Jewish people.<br />

The Babylonian Exile in the 6 th century BCE saw the destruction<br />

of the First Temple and the exile of Jews from the Land of<br />

Israel. In spite of that, our people maintained their faith and<br />

identity, laying the foundations for the return to Zion and the<br />

building of the Second Temple.<br />

After the Roman destruction of the Second Temple in 70<br />

CE and the crushing of the Bar Kokhba revolt in 135 CE, we<br />

continued to face exile and persecution. However, we adapted<br />

by developing the Synagogue and Rabbinic Judaism, ensuring<br />

the continuity of our traditions.<br />

The Spanish Inquisition in 1492 led to the expulsion and<br />

persecution of Jews in Spain and Portugal. Despite this trauma,<br />

the exiled communities rebuilt their lives, contributing to the<br />

flourishing of Jewish mysticism and the Kabbalistic tradition.<br />

During World War II, the Holocaust brought about an<br />

unprecedented genocide that nearly obliterated European<br />

Continued on next page<br />



Please join us at any service:<br />

• Friday services – 6:15 p.m.<br />

via Zoom through the summer<br />

• Saturday services – 9:30 a.m.<br />

• Holiday Services – 9:00 a.m.<br />

Yahrzeit minyanim convened upon request.<br />

You may reach Rabbi Chorny directly at<br />

Rabbi@BethTikvah.us<br />

Calendar of Events<br />

MAY <strong>2024</strong><br />

May 21 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

May 22 Pesach Sheni<br />

May 26 Lag BaOmer<br />

May 27 Memorial Day<br />

May 28 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

JUNE <strong>2024</strong><br />

Jun 1 Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Sivan<br />

Jun 4 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

Jun 5 Yom Yerushalayim<br />

Jun 7 Rosh Chodesh Sivan<br />

Jun 11 Erev Shavuot - 6:15 p.m.<br />

Jun 12 Shavuot Services - YIZKOR - 9:00 a.m.<br />

Jun 14 Flag Day<br />

Jun 16 Father’s Day<br />

Jun 18 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

Jun 19 Juneteenth<br />

Jun 25 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

Jun 29 Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Tamuz<br />

JULY <strong>2024</strong><br />

July 2 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

July 4 Independence Day<br />

July 6 Rosh Chodesh Tamuz<br />

July 9 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

July 16 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

July 23 Fast Day: 17 of Tamuz<br />

Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

July 30 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

AUGUST <strong>2024</strong><br />

Aug 3 Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Av<br />

Aug 5 Rosh Chodesh Av<br />

Aug 6 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

Aug 12 Tisha B’Av - Eve<br />

Aug 13 Tisha B’Av - Fast Day<br />

Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

Aug 19 Tu B’Av<br />

Aug 20 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

Aug 27 Rabbi’s weekly class- 12:15 p.m.<br />

Aug 31 Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Elul

1459 Pine Ridge Road<br />

Naples, FL 34109<br />

Office: 239-434-1818<br />

office@BethTikvah.us<br />

www.BethTikvahNaples.org<br />

Rabbi Ammos Chorny<br />

Rabbi@BethTikvah.us<br />


Officers:<br />

President:<br />

Joseph Henson<br />

hensonjoseph@gmail.com<br />

Past-President:<br />

Shelley Goodman<br />

shelleygoodman@rogers.com<br />

V.P. for Programming:<br />

Lee Henson<br />

lhenson13@gmail.com<br />

Secretary:<br />

Roberta Miller<br />

miller7412@aol.com<br />

Treasurer:<br />

Harvey Jacobson<br />

harvey@perusa.me<br />

Trustees:<br />

Neil Adelman, Kathy Abrams,<br />

Rosalee Bogo, Marcia Cohodes,<br />

Susie Goldsmith, Stuart Kaye,<br />

Paulette Margulies, Stuart Mest,<br />

Harvey Rosenthal, Michael Silow<br />

Editorial Committee:<br />

Sue Hammerman<br />

Shelley Goodman,<br />

co-Editors<br />

Linda Scheinberg<br />

Gillian Packwood<br />

Design:<br />

Rabbi Ammos Chorny<br />

Affiliated with the<br />

United Synagogue of<br />

Conservative Judaism<br />

Jewry. Despite this unimaginable tragedy, the survivors demonstrated<br />

extraordinary fortitude and determination. Overcoming immense challenges<br />

and opposition, they rebuilt their communities and, in 1948, established the<br />

modern State of Israel; a singular nation that continues to serve as a haven<br />

for Jews worldwide, embodying the resilience and unyielding spirit of our<br />

milenary people.<br />

In the face of antisemitism and persecution in the former Soviet Union,<br />

in the late 20 th century over a million Jews emigrated to Israel, the United<br />

States, and other countries. Notwithstanding, the upheaval of leaving their<br />

homes, these communities have successfully integrated into new societies,<br />

maintaining their traditions and identity.<br />

Echoing Rabbi Akiva’s resilience, the COVID-19 pandemic posed an<br />

unparalleled global challenge, significantly disrupting Jewish communal<br />

life. Synagogues, schools, and organizations were compelled to adapt swiftly.<br />

Embracing the digital realm, we all innovated by utilizing technology to host<br />

virtual services, classes, and cultural events. This shift not only maintained<br />

the regular rhythm of religious practice and education, but also expanded<br />

access allowing those who might otherwise be isolated to participate in<br />

communal life from afar. Furthermore, these adaptations included using<br />

online platforms for holiday celebrations and life-cycle events, which<br />

fostered a sense of continuity and community despite physical separation. By<br />

providing mutual aid and support to their most vulnerable members through<br />

coordinated online networks, our communities demonstrated profound<br />

solidarity and resilience. This collective effort ensured the continuity of<br />

Jewish traditions during this unprecedented crisis, reflecting the enduring<br />

spirit of the Jewish people. Natural disasters like hurricanes, floods, and<br />

wildfires have impacted Jewish communities as well, and we responded<br />

through emergency relief efforts, rebuilding initiatives, and trauma support<br />

services. Strong social networks and organizational infrastructures have<br />

facilitated effective community-wide responses.<br />

Instances of antisemitism and hate crimes continue to threaten Jewish life<br />

throughout the world. In response, security measures have been enhanced,<br />

educational programs developed, and legal/political advocacy intensified to<br />

combat this age-old adversity.<br />

Across all these modern challenges, the Jewish community’s resilience<br />

remains rooted in a strong value system, cultural narratives of perseverance,<br />

robust communal institutions, and the commitment to perpetuating Jewish<br />

traditions. This resilience ensures the survival and thriving of the Jewish<br />

people in the face of adversity.<br />

The holiday of Lag Ba’Omer vividly encapsulates the Jewish people’s remarkable<br />

capacity to endure and rise from periods of profound mourning and<br />

adversity. Celebrating this day with vibrant customs such as lighting bonfires,<br />

participating in joyous weddings, and joining in festive parades, serves not<br />

just as a reflection of joy but as a profound affirmation of resilience. These<br />

traditions are acts of defiance against despair and symbolize our unwavering<br />

commitment to sustain and rejuvenate our faith and cultural heritage, even<br />

more amidst overwhelming challenges. In this way, Lag Ba’Omer becomes<br />

much more than an additional day of cyclical remembrance, but a dynamic<br />

celebration of survival and renewal, a testament to our unwavering dedication<br />

to our heritage and values, and an annual reminder of our indomitable spirit<br />

and capacity to overcome even the darkest of times.

President’s Message, Joseph Henson<br />

Near the beginning of the Seder service the<br />

leader is asked “Why is this night different<br />

from all other nights?”. Well, that question does<br />

not apply if you are a Beth Tikvah board member.<br />

Almost every day is continually busy with matters<br />

great and small that must be attended too, often<br />

immediately or sooner still.<br />

Right now, the two major issues we are facing<br />

are unchanged. Each has been discussed in prior<br />

<strong>Trumpet</strong> articles, congregational meetings and<br />

informal discussions with our fellow congregants.<br />

These two issues remain intertwined and may be<br />

intractable. They are, of course, our hand-to-mouth<br />

financial state and second, locating and moving to<br />

an affordable new congregational home.<br />

Thus, it may seem this <strong>Trumpet</strong> article is essentially<br />

a re-run of the March General Membership<br />

meeting reports from our Treasurer, Harvey<br />

Jacobson and myself. But the fact is, Beth Tikvah’s<br />

financial situation has been tenuous for some time.<br />

In general, we have a modest cash shortfall in our<br />

fiscal third or fourth quarter. This has on occasion<br />

led us to, with the acknowledgment of the affected<br />

creditor, delaying a payment. However, the good<br />

news is that we have been able to meet and surmount<br />

these issues fulfilling our payment obligations.<br />

This accomplishment is clearly a reflection of the<br />

support of our Beth Tikvah’s members. We have<br />

been able to rely on our membership to step forward<br />

when we ask that they advance their financial<br />

contributions schedule. For instance, this year’s<br />

early distribution of the dues and Heroes letters has<br />

been very successful, so Thank You all!<br />

The difficulty is that by relying on just in time cash<br />

inflows, we cannot build any reserves to cushion the<br />

irregularity of our cash inflows versus cash outflows.<br />

There are several self-evident ways to address this<br />

anomaly. First, grow the membership, and while<br />

all are welcome, membership growth should be, if<br />

possible, focused on potential members with the<br />

financial capability to respond to our solicitations.<br />

Plainly put, Beth Tikvah needs a membership base<br />

that is not only dues paying, but as well responds<br />

generously to our annual Heroes and High Holiday<br />

contribution drives. The best practice is the<br />

personal solicitation by our Beth Tikvah members<br />

to their friends and acquaintances. Additionally,<br />

Beth Tikvah places an ad encouraging membership<br />

in the Federation Star in the prime months of<br />

October through February. This is supplemented<br />

by our writing one or more monthly articles<br />

published in Federation Star. These<br />

articles highlight and promote Beth<br />

Tikvah and its place in the Southwest<br />

Florida Jewish community. Calculating<br />

the effectiveness of these efforts is<br />

difficult, but we note that our membership has<br />

steadily increased since Covid.<br />

The second avenue for improving our cash flow is<br />

cost cutting. The Board maintains a close watch on<br />

our expenses. The most significant cost that can be<br />

reduced is rent expense. However, rent expense<br />

reduction entails relocation to our own building<br />

- either new or repurposed or leasing other space.<br />

This has been thoroughly reviewed, but it has been<br />

thwarted by insufficient financing. Either a new or<br />

repurposed building will likely require an investment<br />

of $4.0 to $5.0 million. Such a move needs a base<br />

donation of investible cash of $3.2 to $4.0 million<br />

from one or more angel donors. The remaining<br />

funding would have to be raised from our members.<br />

No easy project in and of itself. Debt funding from a<br />

mortgage lender is very unlikely given our financial<br />

history. Cost saving through leasing lower cost<br />

space is possible, but the current market is unlikely<br />

to yield substantial savings. Other techniques such<br />

as consolidation or moving into shared space are less<br />

attractive. The Board believes they would have to be<br />

considered as last choice alternatives.<br />

Our financial base is facing another loss, as yet unclear,<br />

if the Naples Film Festival is no longer a Beth Tikvah<br />

endeavor. Despite a number of requests, an energetic<br />

replacement film committee has not stepped forward.<br />

The Film Festival’s public relations value driven by its<br />

continued success reflects positively on Beth Tikvah.<br />

In round numbers the Film Festival contributes about<br />

$40,000 annually to our operating budget. For Beth<br />

Tikvah this is a large number and its loss would be<br />

significant blow to our operations. We understand<br />

being a film festival committee member requires a<br />

substantial level of dedication and persistence, but<br />

replacements are a must. None having volunteered,<br />

discussions have begun with others as to the future<br />

of the Film Festival. I will keep you updated as they<br />

progress.<br />

Lastly, our need for a new cadre of member volunteers<br />

is acute. Become a maven for our popular Kiddush<br />

lunches, inventorying, purchasing storing items; set<br />

up and break down for our events; join the Chesed<br />

Committee to help those members in need. We have<br />

opportunities. None the less, the Board continues<br />

Continued on the next page<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br />

www.BethTikvahNaples.org<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 3

to receive valuable volunteer assistance. Notably:<br />

getting our energy costs under control (thank you<br />

Neil) or our insurance coverage (thank you Jon).<br />

Others, just to name a few, have made improvements<br />

benefitting our synagogue, for example, new social<br />

room seating (thank you Harvey R) or new Torah<br />

Stands for the bimah (thank you Yale and Anna).<br />

When the Rabbi outlined the need, many members<br />

provided the funding for a wheelchair and first aid<br />

supplies. Thank you to all our members for your<br />

help and support!<br />

Passover: <strong>2024</strong> - Shelley Goodman<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br />

www.BethTikvahNaples.org<br />

In conclusion, we are a congregation that does<br />

things together. Meaningful programs like Rosh<br />

Chodesh and our Speaker Series. Growing member<br />

participation by those taking the role of Gabbai or<br />

Torah Readers. We have enjoyed sharing happy times<br />

together like in our Channukah and Purim parties.<br />

We have learned from our Rabbi through his sermons<br />

and classes. I am proud and know you are as well to be<br />

a member of Beth Tikvah. For all of these wonderful<br />

things to continue, we must band together to see our<br />

future unfold.<br />

It is said that the “Passover Seder is one of the Jewish community’s most enduring rituals because Passover<br />

is at its heart a festival of liberation and the journey towards freedom that we take together as a society.”<br />

After the horrendous events of October 7, it was even more important to celebrate this year the rituals of<br />

Passover as a liberated free society and recognize those hostages still in captivity who would not be able<br />

to be with their families.<br />

Once again, this year the Beth Tikvah Congregation along with the Greater Naples Community came<br />

together to celebrate. A Kosher Seder was organized for all who wished to attend. The response was<br />

positive as 50 people celebrated together on April 21.<br />

The room was beautifully decorated with flowers on each table as well as an individual Seder plate. A<br />

separate table with place settings for 4 was set aside to remember our hostages. Pictures of all those brave<br />

souls covered the wall overlooking the table. The traditional candles were lit at that table as everyone<br />

in attendance said silent prayers for their safe return. Throughout the evening, we remembered those<br />

who are still captive with special readings, songs and prayers.<br />

Many in attendance commented that the <strong>2024</strong> Seder was “the best ever.” The food catered by Aroma<br />

was delicious. Service by Prestige Catering was flawless. Everything was served hot and without<br />

delay. Rabbi Chorny using a new Haggadah and several special readings made sure everyone<br />

participated in the service. Together we celebrated as together we will heal.<br />

My thanks and grateful appreciation go to everyone who worked so hard to make the evening such<br />

a success. Lee and Joe Henson did most of the shopping despite not being able to enjoy the evening<br />

with Beth Tikvah; Gabby Chorny folded the napkins and delivered the food, Roberta Miller, Joyce<br />

Toub, Judy Levitt and Kathy Abrams helped to kosher the kitchen and set the tables. A special<br />

thanks goes to Sabrina Strobl Ezra and Hadasah for their contributions in configuring the room and setting the<br />

tables. Arleen Sivakoff helped with the seating plan and Gillian Packwood took reservations and was available to do<br />

everything else that was needed. Without the never-ending support of my husband, Bob, Ron Lebovitz and Gabriel<br />

Castro who did all the heavy lifting, I would never have been able to arrange the tables or do the many other things<br />

that only strong guys can do.<br />

Every major event takes a village if it is to be successful. Everyone in our village did his/her<br />

part to make Beth Tikvah shine. Every detail necessary - no matter the size - to make the night<br />

complete was looked after.<br />

May we continue to gather as a congregation and a community to celebrate for many years to<br />

come!<br />

May all be free to do so. Next year in Jerusalem.<br />

Photos, courtesy of Jill Valeski<br />

Throughout the <strong>Summer</strong> months, Friday evening services at Beth Tikvah are conducted via<br />

Zoom and include the recitation of the Mourner’s Kaddish at the end of virtual services.<br />

Please make an effort to join our virtual minyanim to ensure<br />

those observing a Yahrtzeit can fulfill their obligation.<br />

To request a minyan please contact the Rabbi via email: rabbi@bethtikvah.us<br />

and indicate the dates and times you'd like to recite Kaddish.<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 4

Program Update: <strong>2024</strong> - Lee Henson, VP for Programming<br />

T<br />

his year - November through April - we put together 34 programs all of which were well received, with<br />

attendance ranging from 30 to 75. Many of the programs, congregational favorites, were expanded from<br />

previous years (thanks for all the work of my predecessors Paulette Margulies and Shelley Goodman), and<br />

with input and recommendations from our Rabbi and others who had made valuable suggestions. Arlene Levin was<br />

very helpful in her role as Food Maven for Events - offering a class in her home on how to make hamantaschen! Our<br />

efforts were well received to match the nosh at each event with the theme of the program serving different items.<br />

My review for the year falls into two categories: successes to replicate, and foreseeable issues to address for the future.<br />

First, the successes:<br />

• Beginning the year with a recognition of our Veterans is not new, but adding the poster with photos of our<br />

members who valiantly served, as well as their families made us all realize how their sacrifices affected us all.<br />

• The Speakers’ Series for which members of our congregation shared their knowledge went very well. Attendance<br />

was excellent, and the remarks I received after each event were positive.<br />

• The Scholar In Residence programs received many accolades, in particular for the selection of speakers and the<br />

food catered by Prestige. People appreciated the ambiance created by the tables and Shabbat candles.<br />

• Recognizing Gen Shoah allowed our congregants to share their own family stories adding to the emotional<br />

evening.<br />

• We collected over 8,000 items to donate in our name to Hadassah, benefiting women and girls in our area who live<br />

in a “Menstrual Desert” resulting in their inability to procure these supplies themselves. This was a very positive<br />

addition to our recognition of our Hadassah members.<br />

• Daniel Weiser’s Amici concert was equally very well received, and thanks to Shelley, we collected much needed<br />

funds to underwrite the event.<br />

Now, the challenges:<br />

• Recognizing that our programs are run by volunteers, and that we have all reached a “certain age” that prevents us<br />

from doing as much as we did in years past, the Board agreed to hire Nancy to help whenever an event called for food,<br />

and the need for extensive clean-up. Again, this is a necessity that adds considerable expense.<br />

• Security remains a major issue in our lives, and to enable our congregants to feel safe, we hired Mark (our security<br />

guard) to stand at his post for all evening events, yet another necessity that imposes considerable additional expense.<br />

• The Board has voted NOT to charge our members to attend our “in-house” programs, ensuring that membership has<br />

its privileges. However, as few outsiders attend our events, the programs have not generated any funds, but in fact,<br />

often left us with a deficit.<br />

• I am not an efficient fund raiser, and although I personally greeted everyone who attended our events, and asked for<br />

donations, my efforts were mostly unsuccessful. If we are to persist not charging our members, it behoves us to enlist<br />

volunteers who can more efficiently raise funds at each event.<br />

• A HUGE problem is the resistance of our congregants to submit their reservations with ample anticipation (RSVPing)!<br />

Planning for food and allocating resources when we don’t have any idea of the numbers to plan for is a formitable<br />

task.<br />

Conclusions:<br />

• Although not surprising, we compete with other organizations for programming attendance. I suggest we consider<br />

limiting the number of programs, and make them more enticing for our members - hopefully attracting more<br />

attendees and perhaps not incurring more debt.<br />

• Our members know that food costs more money today than ever before, thus we need to charge a minimal fee<br />

if we are going to continue providing food at our events. The expectation that we provide refreshments without<br />

contributions is not conducive to success.<br />

• Although the Shabbat dinners at Scholar in Residence events are appreciated, perhaps they are not necessary. These<br />

dinners extend the evening and limit interaction with our guests. Adding a small reception after the presentation<br />

would be more effective and considerably less expensive.<br />

• We need to actively encourage “Sponsors” to underwrite each of our events, making a significant difference toward<br />

assuring our programs remain self-supporting.<br />

As always, I am open to new ideas, as well as constructive criticism.<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br />

www.BethTikvahNaples.org<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 5

Membership Update - Kathy Abrams, Membership Chair<br />

The summer is upon us and activities are slowing down as the heat approaches.<br />

Two families have joined our congregation.<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br />

With open arms we welcome the following new members:<br />

Douglas & Gail Schehr<br />

Ari & Sabrina Strobl<br />

along with their children Ezra and Hadasah<br />

Yasher Koach to our amazing members for being so welcoming and inviting to others to join<br />

our congregation.<br />

We are a fantastic community!<br />

Chesed Fund - חסד - Roberta Miller, Committee Chair<br />

No single word in the English language can completely define the meaning of “chesed.” The closest<br />

definition is “loving-kindness.”<br />

The purpose of Beth Tikvah’s Chesed Fund is to provide assistance to mourners during their<br />

Shiva and to support our members who are undergoing a significant illness or major medical<br />

event. We might provide a meal, a gift certificate for a meal or flowers to brighten one’s day.<br />

Our committee is small but our hearts are large. If we can help, we will. All assistance comes from donated<br />

funds; please keep Chesed in your thoughts when making your donations. Your donations will remain within<br />

the Beth Tikvah family. If you would like to make a donation letting someone know they are in your thoughts,<br />

you may send a check including your name, the name of the recepient and the reason for the donation.<br />

A note will be sent to the recepient! Contact Gillian in the office 239-434-1818. She will pass the message along<br />

to the committee.<br />

Chesed Committee members: Roberta Miller, Shelley Goodman, Linda Scheinberg<br />

If you have a Simcha that you’d like to<br />

share with us…<br />

• Birth of a grandchild<br />

• Marriage of a child<br />

• Bat/Bar Mitzvah in the family<br />

ZOOM Etiquette<br />

In accordance with our congregation’s<br />

ritual standards, we remind everyone<br />

to wear a kippah and a tallit when<br />

attending services via Zoom.<br />

www.BethTikvahNaples.org<br />

Please let me know!<br />

Lee Henson at 973-908-3166<br />

or lhenson13@gmail.com<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 5

Making memories with friends...!<br />

Photos courtesy:<br />

Jill Valeski & Rabbi Chorny<br />

Yahrtzeit<br />

Memorial<br />

Board<br />

Remember loved<br />

ones and support<br />

Beth Tikvah<br />

Cost per plaque<br />

$<br />

360<br />

To request the fabrication of a new memorial plaque, please send an email to<br />

minyan@BethTikvah.us<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br />

www.BethTikvahNaples.org<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 7

those who hold her tight are happy…”<br />

An opportunity to dedicate new leaves in<br />

commemoration of life’s joys & celebrations<br />



here are ways to perform mitzvot and help secure Beth Tikvah’s financial future. Below is a list of suggestions<br />

T Mail checks, marked as to their purpose, to Beth Tikvah of Naples, 1459 Pine Ridge Road, Naples, FL 34109.<br />

Women of Influence The series is a naming opportunity in honor or in memory of women whom you<br />

feel have made a significant contribution to Beth Tikvah and our community. For a minimum donation of $5000<br />

the donor receives the opportunity to choose a woman of influence that he/she/they would like to honor.<br />

Tribute Cards will be sent to an honoree in recognition of a Simcha or an achievement or to the relative<br />

of a deceased loved one with the message of your choice. The cards are printed in blue on white 5” by 7” cards.<br />

Requested minimum donation is $10. Contact Lee Henson at 973-908-3166 or lhenson13@gmail.com.<br />

Chesed Fund Letters, printed on Beth Tikvah stationery, will be sent to the relatives of a deceased<br />

loved one or to someone who is ill or recovering from surgery, to advise them of the donation. The Beth Tikvah<br />

Chesed Fund enables the Chesed Committee to be of help to mourners during their Shiva and render assistance<br />

to members who are ill or injured or otherwise in need of help. Contact Gillian at the office.<br />

Siddur Sim Shalom & Etz Hayim - The requested donation for the Sabbath & Festival Prayer Book is<br />

$54 and donation for a Humashim $100. For each book that is donated, a bookplate will be inscribed as the donor<br />

wishes and placed in the front of the book. Contact the office.<br />

Tree of Life Leaves may be inscribed to commemorate a life cycle event or simply in honor of someone.<br />

The requested donation is $360. Contact Harvey Rosenthal at 239.530.8322 – harosenthal80@gmail.com, or<br />

Linda Scheinberg at 239-513-1950 – missus205@gmail.com.<br />

Memorial Plaques will be inscribed with the names and date of death of the deceased loved one in both<br />

English and Hebrew, and placed on the Yahrzeit Memorial Board in the Sanctuary. The requested donation is<br />

$360. Contact Rabbi Chorny.<br />

Event Sponsorships are welcomed! If you desire to sponsor any of our events, please contact Lee Henson<br />

at lhenson13@gmail.com to discuss the arrangements.<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br />

Contact: Arleen Sivakoff: 239-455.8811 or dsivakoff@aol.com<br />

“...rautn vhfnu`u vc ohehzjnk thv ohhj Jg”<br />

“She is a tree of life to those who embrace her;<br />

Please contact Linda Scheinberg: MISSUS205@GMAIL.COM or<br />

Harvey Rosenthal: HAROSENTHAL80@GMAIL.COM<br />

www.BethTikvahNaples.org<br />

Prov. 3:18<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 8


The Beth Tikvah Heroes program was created by the Hon. Norman Krivosha, k”z former<br />

Chief Justice of the Nebraska Supreme Court, long time Trustee of Beth Tikvah<br />

and a Past President of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples, among many other<br />

philanthropic contributions during his lifetime. We remember our friend and mentor.<br />

The Heroes Program was created to encourage those who are able to<br />

make an extra contribution to the Synagogue.<br />

Consider becoming a Beth Tikvah Hero with a <strong>2024</strong> Heroes Pledge<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br />


Stanley & Elizabeth Star ★ Shep & Linda Scheinberg ★ Mel Goldfine ★ Andrew & Beverly Blazar<br />

Alan & Elisabeth Doft ★ Martin & Judythe Isserlis ★ Harry & Elizabeth Fischman ★ Susie Goldsmith<br />

Leonard & Joyce Schrager ★ Arlene Levin ★ Norma Rosen ★ Samuel Levin ★ Judith Lipnick<br />

Bob & Shelley Goodman ★ Joseph & Sue Hammerman ★ Stuart & Carol Mest ★ June Sochen<br />

Mitchell Eil ★ Marcia Cohodes & David Goldsteen ★ Michael & Linda Fiterman ★ Sidney Freund<br />

Ruth & Phil Jason ★ Stuart & Terri Kline ★ Ed & Paulette Margulies ★ Ben Post & Debbie Laites<br />

Neil & Eleanor Scheffler ★ Harvey & Angela Jacobson ★ Bernard & Christine Portnoy<br />

Neil & Judy Adelman ★ Harvey Rosenthal ★ Janice Chartoff ★ Fred & Elaine Kamin ★ Martin Barber<br />

& Gayle Levy ★ Marian & Joel Engel ★ Ruth & Bruce Bier ★ Susan Ain ★ Howard & Heidi Gilbert<br />

Steven & Nancy Schachtman ★ Jerry & Rosalee Bogo ★ Stephen & Nancy Keyser<br />

Frank & Stacey Baum ★ Roberta Miller ★ Michael & Arlene Sobol ★ William & Anita Heller<br />

Richard & Judith Spiegel ★ Jack Poznansky ★ Myron & Eileen Jacobs ★ Stephen Iser<br />

Michael & Debra Silow ★ Stuart & Jay Kaye ★ Justin Land ★ Stuart & Janet Cohen<br />

Leland & Marles Frankman ★ Stan & Jeanne Kagin<br />

If you are transmitting payments to Beth Tikvah through a brokerage account, please inform our office manager<br />

Gillian Packwood. Unfortunately, not all payments arrive with a payor name. We want to make sure your accounts are<br />

properly credited and acknowledged. Gillian can be reached at 239-434-1818.<br />

Contributions<br />


• Joel & Elinor Weiss<br />

- In memory of Molly Forman<br />

• Albert & Beth Blumberg<br />

- In memory of Norma Blumberg<br />

• Martin Barber & Gayle Levy<br />

- In honor of Marty’s great-grandson Noah<br />

Max & Marty’s & Gayle’s Birthdays<br />

• Arlene Levin<br />

- In honor of her Birthday<br />

• Judy & Steve Werlin<br />

- In honor of the Congregation<br />

• Evelyn & Larry Hecht<br />

- In honor of Evelyn’s Birhtday<br />

• Norma Rosen & Sam Levin<br />

- In honor of Norma’s great-grandchildren<br />

• Mitchell Eil<br />

- In memory of Dr. Lois Eil<br />

• Jack & Sharon Zoldan<br />

- In memory of Ann Florence Zoldan,<br />

Morris Zoldan, Fran Wallack & Leo<br />

Wallack<br />

• Harvey Rosenthal<br />

- In memory of Judy Rosenthal<br />

• Leland & Marles Frankman<br />

- In memory of Gussie Amdur<br />

• Susan AIn<br />

- In honor of the birth of her great-niece<br />

Talia Ain Rubin<br />

• Jonathan Bennett<br />

- In honor of Sima’s Birthday<br />

• Mel Goldfine<br />

- In memory of his wife Marsha,<br />

integral boarsd member of Hadassah<br />

• Peter & Gail Shehr<br />

- In gratitude for our warm welcome<br />

www.BethTikvahNaples.org<br />

• Allen & Lillian Menkin<br />

- In meory of Joseph George<br />

Menkin & in honor of<br />

Beth Tikvah<br />

• Judy Lipnick<br />

- In memory of Stanley Lipnick<br />

& Bernard Berman<br />

• Liz & Shoshana Fischman<br />

- In honor of Harry’s Birthday<br />

• Susan & Douglas Schehr<br />

- In appreciation of this warm,<br />

welcoming Congregation<br />

• Sid & Lisa Freund<br />

- In appreciation of the<br />

Congregation<br />

• Joyce Toub<br />

- In memory of her husband<br />

Mel Toub<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 9

• Rosalee & Jerry Bogo<br />

- In memory of their son Louis Michael<br />

& Rosalee’s brothers Sam & Leon<br />

Aronson<br />

• Judy & Neil Adelman<br />

- In honor of Judy’s Birthday & in<br />

appreciaton of Beth Tikvah<br />

• Debra & Michael Silow<br />

- In memory of Edith Katz Hoffman<br />

- In memory of Hellen R. SIlow<br />

• Joe & Lee Henson<br />

- Wishing everyone a happy &<br />

peaceful Passover celebration<br />

• Angela & Harvey Jacobson<br />

- In celebration of their Anniversary<br />

• Andy & Beverly Blazar<br />

- In honor of the Congregation<br />

• Susan & Mark Wasserman<br />

- In honor of their new grandson<br />

Benjamin Wasserman Meyers<br />

• Darryl & Nancy Garfinkel<br />

- With gratitude to Beth Tikvah<br />

• Martin Barber & Gayle Levy<br />

- Celebrating our Beth Tikvah family<br />

• Harvey Rosenthal<br />

- In honor of Rabbi Chorny<br />


• Arlene Levin<br />

- In memory of Sander Levin<br />

• Don & Dottie Wagner<br />

• Elliott & Bea Schwartz<br />

- In honor of Elliott’s & Bea’s Birthdays<br />

• Ed & Paulette Margulies<br />

• Gail Langer & Lou Seligman<br />

- Thank you for welcoming us!<br />

• Harvey Rosenthal<br />

• Ida & Jeffrey Margolis<br />

• Jerry & Rosalee Bogo<br />

• Jody Grant<br />

- Blessings from North Bay Canada<br />

• Joe & Lee Henson<br />

- In memory of Helen Blinder<br />

• John Reiches<br />

• Judith Levitt<br />

• Sondra Greer<br />

• Leonard & Joyce Schrager<br />

• Martin & Eleanor Gruber<br />

- Thank you for allowing us to<br />

worship with you!<br />

• Martin Barber & Gayle Levy<br />

- Celebrating the return from<br />

hospital of our great-grandson<br />

• Michael & Linda Fiterman<br />


• Elaine & Fred Kamin<br />

- To Jerry Bogo in honor of his<br />

90th birthday<br />

• Joe & Lee Henson<br />

- To Albert Blumberg<br />

- To Ruth Jason<br />

• Neil & Eleanor Scheffler<br />

- To Sheila Brecker in sympathy<br />

• Paulette & Ed Margulies<br />

- To Albert Blumberg<br />

- To Ruth Jason<br />


• Elaine & Fred Kamin • Cecile Rivel<br />

Ida & Jeff Margolis • Martin Barber & Gayle<br />

Levy • Roberta Miller<br />

Rosalee & Jerry Bogo • Linda & Shep<br />

Scheinberg<br />

- In memory of Paulette Margulies’<br />

brother Roger Allan Rubin<br />

• Linda & Alexander Wertheim<br />

- In memory of Nettie Shapiro<br />


• Alan & Donna Rosenberg<br />

- In memory of Rose Goldenberg and<br />

Victor Rosenberg<br />

• Andrew & Beverly Blazar<br />

- In memory of Nathan Resnick<br />

• Arleen Sivakoff<br />

- In memory of Martha Leibowitz, Sam<br />

Sivakoff & Anna Sivakoff<br />

• Bernard & Christine Portnoy<br />

- In memory of Ethel Portnoy<br />

• Bruce & Ruth Bier<br />

- In memory of Horace Bier<br />

• David & Marcia Danoff<br />

- In memory of Harry Hoffman &<br />

Rae Danoff<br />

• Elliott & Bea Schwartz<br />

- In memory of Sylvia Zelman<br />

• Jeanne & Stanley Kagin<br />

- In memory of Parents: Helen Kagin,<br />

Al Kagin, Howard Cohen<br />

• Jerry & Rosalee Bogo<br />

- In memory of their son Louis Michael,<br />

and brothers Sam and Leon Aronson<br />

• Judy & Ray Fant<br />

- In memory of Martin Weiss and<br />

Renee Dorn<br />

• Karen & Neil Moss<br />

- In memory of Evelyn Moss<br />

• Peter & Gail Sherer<br />

- In memory of William Feldstein<br />

• Stephen Keyser<br />

- In memory of Abraham Keyser,<br />

Jacob Graff, Seymore Graff &<br />

Mildred Keyser<br />

• Stuart & Carol Mest<br />

In memory of Samuel Mest<br />

• Stuart & Janet Cohen<br />

- In memory of Herbert J. Cohen<br />


• Arleen Sivakoff<br />

• Danielle Ciccoli<br />

• Harry & Elizabeth Fischman<br />

• June Sochen<br />

• Martin Barber & Gayle Levy<br />

• Neil & Bonnie Scheffler<br />

- In memory of Gloria Drapkin<br />

• Neil & Judy Adelman<br />

• Paulette & Ed Margulies<br />

• Stan & Fran Kaufman<br />

• Arleen Sivakoff<br />


• Harvey Rosenthal<br />

• Irwin Edelstein<br />

• Joyce Toub<br />

• Neil &Judy Adelman<br />

• Jewish Federation of Greater Naples<br />

- All Things Jewish Special Grant<br />

A convenience fee of 3% will be<br />

Applied to all total charges<br />

Look for up-to-date information in our weekly bulletin,<br />

available through the synagogue website or by electronic subscription!<br />

Beth Tikvah Social Media Policy (Adopted,October 2020)<br />

The Board of Trustees of Beth Tikvah of Naples: Recognizing the growing impact of social media on public communications, we are anticipating the<br />

ongoing use by Beth Tikvah of virtual and online communications to expand remote outreach to the wider community, dedicated to maintaining Beth<br />

Tikvah as the Conservative Jewish presence in Greater Naples. Commitment to the preservation of harmony and a spiritual space in which to foster/<br />

maintain Shalom Bayit in comfort and prayer, resolves that:<br />

• All communications and activities associated with the name and leadership of Beth Tikvah of Naples on our website and in social media must aim<br />

to be devoid of any partisan references or other divisive material;<br />

• Commits Beth Tikvah social media sites to be used solely for the purpose of promoting the Synagogue’s events, community news and programs<br />

associated with our congregation.<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br />

www.BethTikvahNaples.org<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 10

Yahrzeiten<br />

May 15<br />

May 16<br />

May 17<br />

May 18<br />

May 19<br />

May 19<br />

May 20<br />

May 22<br />

May 22<br />

May 23<br />

May 24<br />

May 25<br />

May 26<br />

May 26<br />

May 27<br />

May 28<br />

June 1<br />

June 2<br />

June 5<br />

June 6<br />

June 7<br />

Lewis Grimley<br />

Joseph Mehlman<br />

Bernard Wreschner<br />

Louis Ripps, Mark Adest<br />

Benjamin Bennett, Sally<br />

Green, Barney Applebaum<br />

Morton Macks, Harry Hoffman<br />

Miriam Barber<br />

Rose Goldenberg<br />

Edythe Weinstein Cohodes<br />

Kathleen Frank<br />

Harold Isenberg<br />

Louis Kramer, Anna Sivakoff<br />

Howard Cohen, Gerald Cohen<br />

Oscar Grusky<br />

Samuel Brooker, Rae Danoff<br />

Jeffrey Chizzik, Nina Cohen<br />

Joseph Silow<br />

Cecilia Lipnick, Helen Kagin<br />

Julius Snyder<br />

Simon Cherkasky<br />

Rubin Levin<br />

Anne Goldfine,<br />

Joyce Tanenbaum<br />

Max Green<br />

Harry Myers, Neil Randall,<br />

Harry Dunn, Al Pavlo, Elaine<br />

Weinstein<br />

Martin Weiss,<br />

Birthdays<br />

May 20 Sam Geist<br />

May 22 Delaney Fox<br />

May 25 Hannah Castro, Judy Fant<br />

May 26 Eleanor Scheffler<br />

May 29 Jerry Bogo<br />

June 1 David Siegel<br />

June 2 Ruth Jason<br />

June 3 Debra Silow, Susan Schwartz<br />

June 4 Howard Gilbert<br />

June 7 Nancy Garfinkel<br />

June 8 Harvey Jacobson<br />

June 9 Mark Litow, Belle Agronin<br />

June 13 Steven Werlin<br />

June 19 Doris Baum<br />

June 20 Paulette Margulies<br />

Sharon Castro<br />

June 21 Benjamin Kaye<br />

June 24 Richard Rosen<br />

Anniversaries<br />

May 26<br />

May 28<br />

May 30<br />

May 31<br />

June 3<br />

June 7<br />

June 8<br />

June 12<br />

The <strong>Trumpet</strong><br />

Raymond & Judy Fant<br />

Edward & Evelyn Hecht<br />

Peter & Gail Sherer<br />

Samuel & Elena Mena<br />

Albert & Beth Blumberg<br />

Steven & Gayle Chizzik<br />

Joseph & Lee Henson<br />

Stuart & Terri Kline<br />

Fred & Elaine Kamin<br />


June 9<br />

June 11<br />

June 13<br />

June 14<br />

June 16<br />

June 17<br />

June 18<br />

June 20<br />

June 24<br />

June 25<br />

June 29<br />

July 1<br />

July 2<br />

July 5<br />

July 6<br />

July 7<br />

July 9<br />

July 10<br />

July 11<br />

July 14<br />

July 15<br />

July 16<br />

July 17<br />

July 18<br />

www.BethTikvahNaples.org<br />

Victor Rosenberg, Ira<br />

Schwartz, Simon Mest<br />

Martin Miller, Marvin Chartoff<br />

Eleanor Blatt<br />

Alter Bresnick<br />

Faye Keyser, Jerry Ritigstein<br />

Renee Dorn<br />

Dorothy Gordon<br />

Dr. Jacob Rosen<br />

Lillian Stein<br />

Clara Hecht, Paul Agronin<br />

Max Hecht, Gordon Field<br />

Norman Antzis<br />

Judith Brown, Etta Agronin<br />

Fran Wallack, Aaron Lebowitz<br />

Joseph MIller<br />

Dora Katz<br />

Sylvia Rosenblatt, Joseph<br />

Hoffman<br />

Max Stein, Alfred Walpert<br />

Peter Portnoy<br />

Thelma Erenstoft<br />

Fred Samotin, Mollie Edelstsein<br />

Bertha Weiss<br />

Rena Potts Siegel<br />

Bill Morgan, Albert Barber<br />

Haskell Nemeroff, Solomon<br />

Wasserman, Bertha Hecht,<br />

Lois Levin<br />

June 26 Gail Nizin, Christine Portnoy<br />

Judith Lipnick<br />

June 27 Rene Geist<br />

June 28 Helen Mena<br />

June 30 Sarah Castro<br />

July 2 Jay Kaye, Lawrence Macks,<br />

Ammos Chorny<br />

July 3 Michael Sobol<br />

July 5 Ilya Prizel, Lynn Nemes<br />

July 6 Debra Antzis<br />

July 7 Ellaine Rosen<br />

July 8 Samuel Levin, Sima Bennett<br />

Evan Kuperman<br />

July 11 Elan Kuperman<br />

July 12 Ezra Strobl<br />

July 13 Ferne Walpert, Jeffrey Margolis<br />

July 14 Anne Rubenfeld<br />

July 15 Bruce Bier<br />

June 16<br />

June 17<br />

June 22<br />

June 23<br />

June 23<br />

June 26<br />

June 29<br />

July 8<br />

Jerry & Rosalee Bogo<br />

Andrew & Beverly Blazar<br />

Judith & Mayer Levitt<br />

Howard & Eileen Jacobs<br />

Richard & Ellaine Rosen<br />

Evan & Anat Kuperman<br />

Ronald & Belle Agronin<br />

Lewis & Doris Baum<br />

Jonathan & Sima Bennett<br />

dkxal mpexkif<br />

July 19 Morris Zoldan, Mason Kronick<br />

July 20 Bernard Alpert<br />

July 20 Rabbi Chezi Zionce<br />

July 22 Helen Kramer<br />

July z23 Rebecca Fant, Ana de Castro<br />

July 28 Jorge Chorny<br />

July 29 Evelyn Sobol<br />

July 30 Sarah Thompson, Belle<br />

Friedman<br />

July 31 Fay Dunn<br />

Aug 1 Philip Brown<br />

Aug 4 Joel Mest<br />

Aug 6 John Geist<br />

Aug 8 Frances Glaser<br />

Aug 9 Joseph Edelstein<br />

Aug 10 Leon Jason, Pauline Engel<br />

Aug 13 Milton Siegel<br />

Aug 14 Marsha Goldfine, Nina Iser<br />

Aug 17 Esther Saden, Gertrude Frost<br />

Aug 18 Guy Nizin<br />

Aug 22 Rebecca Keyser<br />

Aug 23 Jack Jacobson<br />

Aug 24 Mark Elliot Rosenblatt<br />

Anna Graff<br />

Aug 26 George Mason<br />

Aug 29 Isidore Scheinberg<br />

Aug 30 Claudia Samotin<br />

Aug 30 Isador Rubenfeld<br />

Ruth Kronick<br />

July 17 Liuva Sando, Bernard Portnoy<br />

July 18 Lisa Rich<br />

July 20 Angela Jacobson<br />

July 21 Douglas Schehr<br />

July 22 Melvin Goldfine<br />

July 23 Debra Goldstein<br />

Myron Jacobs<br />

July 28 Judith Levitt<br />

Aug 3 Robert Goodman<br />

James Rigg<br />

Aug 7 Marcia Cohodes<br />

Aug 13 Michael Silow<br />

Aug 16 Leland Frankman<br />

Aug 19 Shepard Scheinberg<br />

Aug 23 Stuart Kaye<br />

Aug 25 Frances Alpert<br />

Aug 26 Stuart Mest<br />

Jacob Poznansky<br />

July 20<br />

July 27<br />

July 31<br />

Aug 7<br />

Aug 10<br />

Aug 15<br />

Aug 20<br />

Aug 24<br />

Aug 27<br />

Aug 28<br />

120 cr<br />

aeh lfn<br />

David & Marcia Goldsteen<br />

Shep & Linda Scheinberg<br />

Jack & Sharon Zoldan<br />

David & Susan Siegel<br />

Darryl & Nancy Garfinkel<br />

Joseph & Susan Hammerman<br />

Edward & Sabrina Strobl<br />

Alan & Donna Rosenberg<br />

Bernard & Christine Portnoy<br />

Michael & Debra Silow<br />

<strong>Summer</strong> <strong>2024</strong> Page 11

Naples<br />

Remembers<br />

Special Event<br />

With Appreciation to the<br />

Jewish Federation of Greater Naples<br />

The Rabbi requests to be notified of any special events in the lives<br />

of our congregants, as well as illnesses or hospitalizations, so he can<br />

program special visits for all!<br />

Beth Tikvah of Naples<br />

1459 Pine Ridge Road<br />

Naples, FL 34109<br />

239 434-1818<br />

Visit us online at<br />

bethtikvahnaples.org<br />

or scan the QR code<br />

to go there directly

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