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Catalogue <strong>of</strong> books in CJNS Library<br />
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
Hindu Revivalism in Bengal (1872-19050): some Essays in<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1 Amiya P.Sen Interpretation. 2001 294.5095414 SEN 243873<br />
2 Andre WinkAl-Hind: the Making <strong>of</strong> the Indo- Islamic World. 2001 297.0934 WIN 243450<br />
3 Anjan Bera Interpreting A Nation. 2001 320.54 BOS 242472<br />
4 Arun Kumar Rewriting the Language <strong>of</strong> Politics Kisans in Colonial Bihar 2001 325.095412 ARU 243712<br />
5 B K Bhargava<br />
B. Sudhakara Reddy<br />
Modern Microeconomics. 1998 338.5 BHA G-251768<br />
6 Ed. Economic Reforms in India and China. 2009 330.951 ECO 269568<br />
7 B.S.Rajnesh Greatest Challenges: the Golden Future. 294.5 BHA G-256483<br />
8 Bernard Lewis Holy War and Unholy Terror.<br />
His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Science Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization:<br />
2003 297.7 LEW 241649<br />
9 Bharti Ray Ed. Women <strong>of</strong> India: Colonial and Post-Colonial Periods. P.3 VIX 2005 320.954 CHA 242071<br />
10 Bipan Chandra Nationalism and Colonialism in Modern India. 2006 320.540954 CHA 244090<br />
11 Dipankar Banerjee Trilateral Security Dialogue: India, China and Germany.<br />
Intellectual Property Righs and Global Capitalism: Political Economy<br />
327.09540951 BAN G-252114<br />
12 Donlad G. Richards. <strong>of</strong> the TRIPS Agreement. 2004 346.048 RIC 268967<br />
13 Eugenia Vanina Ideas & Society: Indian Between Sixteen and Eighteen Centruries. 2004 301.0954 VAN 243867<br />
14 F.S. Northedge British Foreign Policy. 1962 327.1094 NOR G-255096<br />
15 Frieda Fordham Introdsuction <strong>to</strong> Jung's Psychology 1964 150 FOR G-254975<br />
16 G. Allana Muslim Political Thought Through the ages:1562-1947. 2006 297.03201 ALL 243343<br />
17 Geogr S. Clason Richest man in Babylon. 1955 174.4 CLA G-256481<br />
18 George H. Sabina His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Political Theory. 1963 320.9 SAB G-255111<br />
19 George Oommmen Local Dalit Christian His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2002 250.9 OOM 242279<br />
20 Habib Jaalib Harf Sardar. 1987 891.439108 JAL G-257117<br />
21 Indrani Chatterjee Gende, Slavery and Law in Colonial India. 1999 326.80954 CHA 242351<br />
22 Jean Jenkisns<br />
Kathinka Sinha-<br />
Music and Musical Intructruments in the World <strong>of</strong> Islam. 1976 297.14078 JEN G-256438<br />
23 Kerkh<strong>of</strong> Tyrany <strong>of</strong> Partition: Hindu in Bangladesh & Muslim in India 2006 325.210954 KER 241806<br />
24 Leon Trotsky<br />
M. Karlekar &<br />
Fascism what it si and how <strong>to</strong> fight it. 2005 320.53309041 TRO 241758<br />
25 R.Muk. Remembered Childhood Essays in Hounour <strong>of</strong> Andre Beteile. 2010 155.422312 REM 270041<br />
26 Madhavi Thampi<br />
Marc Flandreau et al<br />
India and China in the Colonial World. 2005 327.0954051 THA 244634<br />
27 Ed.<br />
Naimur Rahman<br />
International Financial His<strong>to</strong>ry in the Twentieth Century. 2003 332.04209 FLA 243785<br />
28 Farooqi Medieval India: Essays on sufism, Diplomacy and His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2006 297.40954025 FAR 243030<br />
29 P.C. Chatterjee Secular Values for Secular India. 1995 323.4420954 CHA G-257277<br />
30 Robert Graves<br />
Sauripada<br />
Greek Myths. 1965 294.13 GRA G-251715<br />
31 Bhattacharya Pursuit <strong>of</strong> National Interest through Neutralism.<br />
Puzzle <strong>of</strong> India's Governance: Culture,Context and Comparative<br />
1978 327.10954 BHA 242942<br />
32 Subrata K. Mitra<br />
Syid Mohammad<br />
Theory. 2006 320.954 MIT 243788<br />
33 Jamil Moral Side <strong>of</strong> the Christian Clergy. 270.092 JAM G-255892
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
34 Tirthankar Roy Rethinking Economic Change in India Labour and Livelihood. 2005 331.0954 ROY 244764<br />
35 Yaacov Roi Islam in the Soveit Union. 2000 297.0947 ROI 243092<br />
36 A Ambirajan Classicial Political Economy and British Policy in India. 1978 330.95403 AMB 242675<br />
37 A C. Aewing Falsafa ke Bunyadi Masail. 1978 181 EYO G-254420<br />
38 A Fadeyev Young Guard. 1953 891.73 FAD G-256533<br />
39 A G Noorani Indian Poliotical Trials 1775-1947. 2005 954.03 NOO 240887<br />
40 A K Damodaran<br />
A K Dasgupta, Arun<br />
Jawaharlal Nehru: Vommunica<strong>to</strong>r and Democratic Leader 1997 954.04092 DAM 240259<br />
41 Ghosh<br />
A P Joshi M.D.<br />
Religion, Secularism and Conversion in India. 2010 362.8027 REL 269942<br />
42 Srinivas a & J K Bajaj Religious Demography <strong>of</strong> India 2001 Revision. 2005 304.60954 JOS 241451<br />
43 A Punjabi Confedracy <strong>of</strong> India. 1939 821.0254 PUN G-255944<br />
44 A S Anand Constitution <strong>of</strong> Jammu & Kashmir Its Development & Comments. 2007 342.0954602 ANA 244900<br />
45 A S. Kompaneyets Theoretical Physic. 1965 530 KOM G-254139<br />
46 A Sreedhara Menon<br />
A. A. Engineer Marjit<br />
Survey <strong>of</strong> Kerala His<strong>to</strong>ry. 1984 954.83 MEN G-256469<br />
47 S.Narang Ed. Minorities & Police in India. 2006 305.560954 MIN 241962<br />
48 A. Alvarez New Poetry. 1962 321 LAV G-255538<br />
49 A. Appadorai Essyas in Politics and International Relations. 1969 327.1 APP 242448<br />
A. Arshad Sami Khan<br />
321.095491092<br />
50 Sj. Three presidents and an Life, Power & Politics. 2008 KHA 244666<br />
51 A. Aspinall et al. Parliament through Seven Centuries. 1962 328.09 PAR G-255458<br />
52 A. Berriedale Keith Speeches & Document on Indian Policy 1750- 1921 1945 320.954 KEI G-254808<br />
53 A. Bhattacharya Ten Short S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1972 808.831 TENHYD G-254227<br />
54 A. Chekhov Three Years. 1979 891.73 CHE G-254077<br />
55 A. Damodaran India, Climate Change, and the Global Commons.<br />
Urban Health.: Independent Commission on Development and Health<br />
2010 333.7 DAM 269951<br />
56 A. Dyalchand in India. 2007 614.30954 DYA 270177<br />
57 A. Gerasimov Indian Sketches. 1956 750 AGE G-252346<br />
58 A. Hamid Amritsar ki Yaaden. 1991 915.455 HAM G-256674<br />
59 A. Harry Passow Secondary Education for all: English Approach. 1957 373 PAS G-252510<br />
60 A. J. Brown Introduction <strong>to</strong> the World Economy.<br />
Sri Lanka Tamil Nationalism: its Origins and Development in the 19th<br />
1959 330.9 BRO G-256551<br />
61 A. Jeyaratnam Wilson<br />
A. K. Bagchi & S.<br />
& 20th Centuries. 2000 954.930049481 WIL 242123<br />
62 Soman Maladies, Perventives and Curatives Debates in Public Health in India.<br />
Benglai Muslim Literature and Development <strong>of</strong> Muslim Community in<br />
2005 362.1 BAG 241753<br />
63 A. K. Chakraborty Bengal. 2002 297.0954 CHA 241707<br />
64 A. K. Prolkar Hindustaan Main Chapa Khana. 1979 686.20954 PRI G-254462<br />
65 A. Ko<strong>to</strong>v M, Yudovich Soviet Chess School. 1982 794.1 KOT G-257108<br />
66 A. Ko<strong>to</strong>v M. Yudovich Soviet Chess School. 1983 794.1947 KOT G-252566<br />
67 A. Kovalyov Moscow A Short S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1929 947.31 KOV G-256351<br />
68 A. Kurosh Higher Algebra. 1975 512 KUR G-254281
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
69 A. L. Venkateswarran Defence Organization in India. 1988 355.0954 VEN G-257145<br />
70 A. N. Raina Zinda Kaul. 1985 891.4991092 RAI G-252895<br />
71 A. N. Raina Zinda Kaul. 1985 891.4991092 RAI 241515<br />
72 A. Prasanna Kumar B. Pattabhi Sitamayya. 1978 320.95484 PRA G-251980<br />
73 A. Pushkin Dubrovsky. 1954 891.73 PUS G-253949<br />
74 A. Pushkin Tales <strong>of</strong> Ivan Belkin. 1954 891.73 PUS G-253828<br />
75 A. R. Moin The Empowerment <strong>of</strong> Muslims in India. 2004 297.0954 MOM 242694<br />
76 A. Raghuramaraju Debating Gandhi: a reader. 2006 324.220954092 RAD 242224<br />
77 A. Rahman Triveni: Science Democarcy and Socialism. 1977 321.8 RAH 241718<br />
78 A. S. Altekar. Qadeem Hindustaan main Tanzeen. 1985 954 ALT G-250158<br />
79 A. S. Bhalla Market or Governant Failures: asian Perspective. 2001 338.540954 BHA 243541<br />
80 A. S. Naravane Sarojni Naidu: In<strong>to</strong>rduction <strong>to</strong> her Life Work, and Poetry. 1980 821.092 NAR G-252041<br />
81 A. Satyanarayana Andhra Peasants under British Rule. 1990 387.1095484 SAT 243833<br />
82 A. Srinivas Raghavan Nammalavar. 1998 894.8111092 RAG 241225<br />
83 A. Suresh Canagarajah Geopolitics <strong>of</strong> scademic Writing. 2007 320.12 CAN 243016<br />
84 A. Sveshnikov Theory <strong>of</strong> functions <strong>of</strong> a Comples variable. 1967 515.9 SYE G-254304<br />
85 A. Trusov Introduction <strong>to</strong> the Theory <strong>of</strong> Evidence. 1954 345.06 TRU G-255856<br />
86 A. Vaidyanathan Indian Economy Crisis, Response and Prospects. 1995 330.954 VAI G-257146<br />
87 A. Vaidyanathan India's Water Resources Contemporary Issues on Irrigation. 2006 354.36 VAI 242154<br />
88 A. Volkov Early and Sky 520 VOL G-254146<br />
89 A. Wal<strong>to</strong>n Litz Major American Short S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1975 913.08 LIT G-253958<br />
90 A.A. Irvin Ghadr Party Lahore Conspiracy Case: 1915. 2006 954.0356 GHA 243034<br />
91 A.A.K. Choudhry September 65. 1977 954.904 CHA G-256479<br />
92 A.A.M. Suhrawardy Indian Central Committee. 305.560954 SUH 242953<br />
93<br />
A.Aziz A. H.<br />
Sachedina Just Ruler (al Sultan al Adil in Shrite Islam) 19888 297.1977 SAC 243507<br />
94 A.B. Bose State <strong>of</strong> Children in India Promise <strong>to</strong> Keep. 2003 371.01954 BOS 243720<br />
95 A.B. Trivedi Post-Gujarat an economic survey after World War. 1949 954.7509045 TRI 242348<br />
96 A.C. B. S.Prabupada Teachings <strong>of</strong> Lord Kapila: The son <strong>of</strong> Devahuti. 2005 2294.5925 TEA G-256346<br />
97 A.C. Bouquet Comparative Religion. 1954 200 BOU G-255003<br />
98 A.C. Bouquet Comparative Religion. 1962 209 BOU G-254942<br />
99 A.C. Bouquet Secrect books <strong>of</strong> the World. 1959 200 BOU G-254668<br />
100 A.C. Cowperthwaite Text-book <strong>of</strong> Materia Medicine and Therapeutics.. 1927 615.1 COW G-255745<br />
101 A.C. Selmon Health and Longevity. 1939 362.1 SEL G-255924<br />
102 A.C. Ward Way <strong>of</strong> All Flesh. 1966 823 BUT G-255231<br />
103 A.C. Ward Bernad Shaw. 1950 823 WAR G-256008<br />
104 A.C. Ward Twentieth Century Peoptry 1940-1960. 1972 823.09 WAR G-255019<br />
105 A.C.B.S.Prabupada Beyond Birth & Death 1979 294.5 BEY G-256491<br />
106 A.C.L. Day Outline <strong>of</strong> Monetary Economics. 1960 332.46 DAY G-255448<br />
107 A.D. Gorwala Say no <strong>to</strong> Struggle: Essays in honour <strong>of</strong> A.D. Gorwala 1975 301 GOR 242671<br />
108 A.E. Housman Last Poems. 1922 821 HOU G-255179<br />
109 A.E. Porter Census <strong>of</strong> India, 1931 Vol. V Bengal and Sikkim P.I 1987 315.4 CEN 240287<br />
110 A.E. Porter Census <strong>of</strong> India, 1931 Vol.V Bengal & Sikkim P.II 1987 304.6095414 POR 240287<br />
111 A.E. Porter Census <strong>of</strong> India,1931 Vol.VI Calcutta Part I& II 1987 304.60954147 POR 240289
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
112 A.F. Scott from Paragraph <strong>to</strong>p Essays. 1962 824 SCO G-253440<br />
113 A.G. Noorani Constitutional Questions & Citizens's Rights. 2006 342.54 NOO 241470<br />
114 A.G. Noorani Jinnah and Tilak Comrades in the Freedom Struggle. 2010 954.035 NOO 269993<br />
115 A.G. Noorani Muslims India: a Documnetary records. 2006 297.092954 NOO 244064<br />
116 A.G. Noorani Muslims India: a Documnetary records. 2006 297.092954 NOO 243865<br />
117 A.G. Noorani RSS and the BJP Division <strong>of</strong> Labour. 2000 324.20954 NOO 242281<br />
118 A.G. Noorani Savarkar and Hindutva. 2002 294.5092 NOO 242280<br />
119 A.G. Noorani Ed. Babri Masjid Question,1928-2003: 'A Matter <strong>of</strong> National Hopnour' I 2003 303.6230954 BAB 242523<br />
120 A.G. Noorani Ed. Babri Masjid Question,1928-2003: 'A Matter <strong>of</strong> National Hopnour' I 2003 303.6230954 BAB 240032<br />
121 A.G. Noorani Ed. Babri Masjid Question,1928-2003: 'A Matter <strong>of</strong> National Hopnour' II 2003 303.6230954 BAB 240033<br />
122 A.G. Noorani Ed.<br />
A.H. Abdel Salam &<br />
Babri Masjid Question,1928-2003: 'A Matter <strong>of</strong> National Hopnour' II 2003 303.6230954 BAB 242524<br />
123 Alex de Wall Phoenix State: Civil Society and the Future <strong>of</strong> Sudan. 2001 323.09624 SAL 243060<br />
124 A.H. Tak Ed. Post Modern Langauge and Literature. 2008 410 POS 269432<br />
125 A.H.Dracup Census <strong>of</strong> India, 1931 Bombay Presidency P.I 1987 304.609547923 DAR 240268<br />
126 A.H.Dracup<br />
A.Haroon Akram-<br />
Census <strong>of</strong> India, 1931 Bombay Presidency P.II 1987 304.609547923 DAR 240269<br />
Lodhi and Cris<strong>to</strong>bal Peasant and Globalization: Political economy, rural trannsformation<br />
127 Kay Ed.<br />
A.Haroon Akramand<br />
the agrarian question. 2009 307.1412 AKR 269543<br />
Lodhi, S. M. Borras & Land, Poverty and Livelihood in an Era <strong>of</strong> Globalization: Perspectives<br />
128 C.Key<br />
from Developing and Transition Countries. 2007 333.7316 LOD 243241<br />
129 A.I. Chicherov India economic Development in the 16th -18th Century. 338.9 CHI 242924<br />
130 A.J. Arberry Islamic art <strong>of</strong> Persia. 2001 709.020955 ARB G-256536<br />
131 A.J. Cronin Stars Look Down. 1937 823 CRO G-253962<br />
132 A.J. Grive Critical and His<strong>to</strong>rical Essays.<br />
Planerary Overload: global Environmental Change and the Health <strong>of</strong><br />
1961 809 MAC G-255420<br />
133 A.J. McMichael the Human Species. 1995 304.28 MCM 243772<br />
134 A.J.P. Taylor Englishmen and Others. 1956 327 TAY G-255075<br />
135 A.J.P. Taylor Origins <strong>of</strong> the Second World War. 1963 940.53 TAY G-255330<br />
136 A.J.P. Taylor Origins <strong>of</strong> the Second World War. 1974 940.53 TAY G-251476<br />
137 A.J.P. Taylor Struggle fro Mastery in Europe. 1960 940 TAY G-255451<br />
138 A.J.P.Tylore Beverbrook. A biography. 1972 090.5092 TAY G-257211<br />
139 A.K. Baghchi Webs <strong>of</strong> His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2005 004 WEB 235268<br />
140 A.K. Banerji Aspects <strong>of</strong> Indo-British Economic Relations 1858-1898 1982 327.1095494 BAN 242496<br />
141 A.K. Chakraborty Dismissal <strong>of</strong> the Naval Chief Arms Deals Expose. 1997 327.174 CHA<br />
324.220954092<br />
242706<br />
142 A.K. Damodaran Jawaharlal Nehru: Communica<strong>to</strong>r and Democratic Leader 1977 DAM 244016<br />
143 A.K. Damodaran Ed. Indian Foreign Policy: Indira Gandhi. 1990 954.051 DAM 244006<br />
144 A.K. Fawkes<br />
A.K. Lalauddin<br />
Poultry Farms in the East. 1933 636.5 FAW G-255952<br />
145 U.Malli Ed. Science and Man. 1993 306.45 JAL G-252094<br />
146 A.K. McIlwraith Five Stuart Tragedies. 1953 823.08 MCI G-255409<br />
147 A.K. Singh Insurgency in India: Internal Dimensions and External Linkegaes. 2005 002 NMM 244047<br />
148 A.L. Badangan Shumariyat our kaarobar main unka Istemaal. 2004 912 BOD G-250596
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
149 A.L. Basham Wonder that was India. 1985 934 BAS G-255344<br />
150 A.L. Basham Ed. Cultural His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> India. 2004 954 CUL 240066<br />
151 A.L. Basham Ed. Cultural His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> India. 2006 306.0954 BAS 244096<br />
152 A.L. Hashim Hindustan ka Shandaar Maazi. 1998 954 BAS G-250194<br />
153 A.M. Shah Grassroots <strong>of</strong> Democracy. 2007 321.8 SHA 243654<br />
154 A.M. Shah Structure <strong>of</strong> Indian Society then and now. 2010 305.0954 SHA 270095<br />
155 A.M. Zaidi Congress and the Minorities Presserving Narional Cohension. 1985 324.254 CON G-250551<br />
156 A.M. Zaidi Immutable Policy <strong>of</strong> Friendship and Coperation. 1985 327.0954 ZAI 242650<br />
157 A.N. Bakharev I.V. Michurin The Great Remaker <strong>of</strong> Nature. 1954 146 BAK G-256525<br />
158 A.N. Dikhit Ed. Inspiring Long Poem. 1977 294.5 DIK G-255908<br />
159 A.N. Jani Sriharsa. 1996 891.21092 JAN 241388<br />
160 A.N. Maini India Analysed Economic Issues. 1934 330.954 IND G-255833<br />
161 A.N. Moorthy Rao B.M. Srikantayya. 1991 891.81416092 Rao 241350<br />
162 A.N. Moorthy Rao We <strong>of</strong> the Mountains American Short S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1972 891.992 WOE G-255966<br />
163 A.N. Mukhopadhyay. Pesticide Usage Scenarion in India and Alternatives. 1993 363.951094 MUK 270171<br />
164 A.N. Raina Zinda Kaul. 1997 891.99092 RAI 241235<br />
165 A.N. Sattanathan Plain Speaking Sudra's S<strong>to</strong>ry. 2007 305.568095482 SAT 242981<br />
166 A.N. Whitehead Science & the Modern World. 1938 509 WHI G-255897<br />
167 A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Parwaaz Khud Nawist Sawanihe Umri. 2005 324.220954092 ABD G-254465<br />
168 A.P.Saxena Jawaharlal Nehru: the Spirit <strong>of</strong> Humanism. 2008 324.220954092 SAX 244201<br />
169 A.R. Desai Labour Movement in India: Documents: 1918 - 1920 1988 321.8 DES 242501<br />
170 A.R. Desai Repression and Resistance in India. 1990 305.5620954 DES 242319<br />
171 A.R. Desai Social Background <strong>of</strong> Indian Nationalism. 1954 320.540954 DES 242352<br />
172 A.R. Desai Social Background <strong>of</strong> Indian Nationalism. 2003 320.540954 DES 242023<br />
173 A.R. Desai<br />
A.R. Desai & Sunil<br />
Social Background <strong>of</strong> Indian Nationalism. 2003 320.540954 DES 242023<br />
174 Dighe Ed<br />
A.R. Desai & Sunil<br />
Labour Movement in India. 4 2004 331.8 LAB 242051<br />
175 Dighe Ed<br />
A.R. Desai & Sunil<br />
Labour Movement in India. 5 2004 331.8 LAB 242052<br />
176 Dighe Ed<br />
A.R. Desai & Sunil<br />
Labour Movement in India. 6 2004 331.8 LAB 242053<br />
177 Dighe Ed<br />
A.R. Desai & Sunil<br />
Labour Movement in India. 7 2004 331.8 LAB 242054<br />
178 Dighe Ed<br />
A.R. Desai & Sunil<br />
Labour Movement in India. 8 2004 331.8 LAB 242055<br />
179 Dighe Ed<br />
A.R. Desai & Sunil<br />
Labour Movement in India. 9 2004 331.8 LAB 242056<br />
180 Dighe Ed<br />
A.R. Desai & Sunil<br />
Labour Movement in India. 10 2004 331.8 LAB 242057<br />
181 Dighe Ed<br />
A.R. Desai & Sunil<br />
Labour Movement in India. 11 2004 331.8 LAB 242058<br />
182 Dighe Ed Labour Movement in India. 12 2004 331.8 LAB 242059
S.No. Authors<br />
A.R. Desai & Sunil<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
183 Dighe Ed<br />
A.R. Desai & Sunil<br />
Labour Movement in India. 13 2004 331.8 LAB 242060<br />
184 Dighe Ed<br />
A.R. Desai & Sunil<br />
Labour Movement in India. 14 2004 331.8 LAB 242061<br />
185 Dighe Ed<br />
A.R. Desai & Sunil<br />
Labour Movement in India. 15 2004 331.8 LAB 242062<br />
186 Dighe Ed Labour Movement in India. 16 2004 331.8 LAB 242063<br />
187 A.R. Kamat<br />
A.R. Radcliffe-Brown<br />
Progress <strong>of</strong> Education in Rural Maharashtra. 1968 370.95492 KAM 242717<br />
188 & Daryll Forde. African System <strong>of</strong> Kinship and Marriage. 1965 304.83096 BRO G-255057<br />
189 A.R. Vasavi Harbingers <strong>of</strong> Rain: Land and life in South India. 1999 306.09548 VAS 241086<br />
190 A.R.Venkatachalpathy In those days there was no C<strong>of</strong>fee: writings in Cultural His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2006 306.0954 NEN 244591<br />
191 A.Rahman Science and Technology in Medieval India. 1982 010.5 SCI 242748<br />
192 A.Ramaiah Laws for Dalit Rights and Dignity. 2007 305.568 RAM 242174<br />
193 A.S. Anand Development <strong>of</strong> the Constitution <strong>of</strong> Jammu & Kashmir. 1980 324.09546 ANA 243324<br />
194 A.S. Bukhari Pitras ke Mazameen. 1967 891.4394 PIT G-257024<br />
195 A.S. Bukhari Pitras ke Mazameen. 2004 891.4394 PIT G-250689<br />
196 A.S. Byatt Possesion A Romance. 1966 823 BYA G-254097<br />
197 A.S. Cairncross Eight Esssyists. 1940 823.092 CAI G-255783<br />
198 A.S. Collins Precis Wriring. 1937 004.565 COL G-255883<br />
199 A.S. Makarenko Book for Parents. 1959 891.73 MAK G-254131<br />
200 A.S. Moorthy Dangerous Oc<strong>to</strong>pus in the Indian ocean. 1980 594.56 MOO G-255861<br />
201 A.S. Pushkin Dubrovsky. 1955 891.7 PUS G-254206<br />
202 A.S. Pushkin Captain's Daughter. 1954 891.73 PUS G-256546<br />
203 A.V. Bhave<br />
A.Vaidyanathan<br />
Talks on the Gita. 1951 294.5924 BHA G-255261<br />
204 K.L.Krishna Institutions & Markets in India's Development. 2007 338.90954 VAI 243110<br />
205 A.W. Palmer<br />
A.W. Singham & S.<br />
Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Moder Hsi<strong>to</strong>ry 1789-1945. 1962 909.03 PAL G-255331<br />
206 Hune Non-Alignment in an age <strong>of</strong> Alignmnets. 1986 327.09716 SIN G-256459<br />
207 A.W. Verity Paradise Lost. 1947 523.1 MIL G-255529<br />
208 A.W. Verty King Lear. 1899 822 SHA G-255257<br />
209 A.Wolf Textbook <strong>of</strong> logic. 1978 160 WOL G-251415<br />
210 Aabid Suhail<br />
Aaditya Mat<strong>to</strong>o,R.M.<br />
Khuli Kitaab. 2004 891.439092 SUH G-252292<br />
211 Stern & G.Zaini ed. Handbook <strong>of</strong> International Tarde in Service. 2008 380.1 MAT 244728<br />
212 Aafaque Ahmad Amanat Qulb wa Nazar. 2004 891.43909 AAF G-252795<br />
213 Aafaque Ahmad Kul Hind Allama iqubal Adabi Markaz bhopal Daastane Safar. 2000 891.4391092 AAF G-252823<br />
214 Aafaque Ahmad Majlise Iqubal. 1994 891.439108 MAJ G-250640<br />
215 Aagha Jamil Kashmiri Kulliyat Agha Hashre Kaashmiri. 2004 891.439091 AAG G-250026<br />
216 Aagha Jamil Kashmiri Kulliyat Agha Hashre Kaashmiri. 2004 891.439091 AAG G-250027<br />
217 Aagha Jamil Kashmiri Kulliyat Agha Hashre Kaashmiri. 2004 891.439091 AAG G-250028<br />
218 Aagha Jamil Kashmiri Kulliyat Agha Hashre Kaashmiri. 2004 891.439091 AAG G-250029
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
219 Aajat<br />
Aajim Gurvinder<br />
Laasaro. 1997 860.3 AGY G-253210<br />
220 Singh Kohli Aaghaaz. 1998 891.4391 AAZ G-253934<br />
221 Aal Ahmad Sarwar Hinduastani Musalman our Mujib Sahab. 1989 080 SAR G-250737<br />
222 Aal Ahmad Sarwar Hindustan kidhar. 1983 891.43985 SAR G-257023<br />
223 Aal Ahmad Sarwar Iqbaal ka Nazriyaa Sher our unki Shhaerii. 1999 891.4391609IQ SAR G-250740<br />
224 Aal Ahmad Sarwar Jadidiyat our Iqubal. 1985 891.4391092 IRT G-252754<br />
225 Aal Ahmad Sarwar Khawb our Khalish. 1991 891.439108 SAR G-256784<br />
226 Aal Ahmad Sarwar Musarrat se Basirat tak. 1994 891.439109 SAR G-250835<br />
227 Aal Ahmad Sarwar Pehchaan our Parakh. 1990 891.439109 SAR G-250723<br />
228 Aal Ahmad Sarwar Tanqidi Ishare. 1964 G-255373<br />
229 Aal Ahmad Sarwar Tanquid Kiya Hai. 1990 891.43909 SUR G-250806<br />
230 Aalame Khurshid Naye Musam ki Taalash. 1988 891.4391 ALA G-252714<br />
231 Aale Ahmad Sarwar Nazar Our Nazariye. 1982 891.43909 SAR G-256628<br />
232 Aalok Sharma Mahaverchi ke Niche (Kavita sankalan). 1991 891.43208 SHA G-254507<br />
233 Aarif Khurshid Aakhun ka ki Zaabanmi. 1987 891.4393 ANK G-252827<br />
234 Aarif Khurshid Sayyadun ke Saaye Main. 1987 891.4393 AAR G-252697<br />
235 Aarif Khurshid Sunahri Rut ka Fareeb. 1986 891.4393 AAR G-252867<br />
236 Aarif Khurshid Dhul ki Shaal. 1988 891.4391 ARI G-252757<br />
237 Aarif Sema Ba<strong>to</strong>nki Miraatul Huro<strong>of</strong>. 1985 891.4391 AAR G-252878<br />
238 Aaron Schwabach Contemporary World Issues: International Environmwental Disputes. 2006 344.046 SCH 241803<br />
239 Aasi Faiequi Zar Gul. 1969 891.4391 AAS G-251209<br />
240 Aasi Ramangeri Jaade ki Do Roop. 1984 891.4391 AAs G-252775<br />
241 Aasif Jaah Sabe. Aasif Jaah Awwal talib sarah. 1939 920 MAQ G-255714<br />
242 Aasif Jeelani Wuste Aishyaa. 1994 910.2095 JIL G-250692<br />
243 Aasifa Mujib Usne Kiya karjana. 1993 808.83 AAS G-251029<br />
244 Aasifa Mujib Usne Kiya karjana. 1993 808.83 AAS G-251028<br />
245 Aatique Shah Main Kuch Katha Sunata Hun. 1992 891.4393 AAT G-252650<br />
246 Abai Kunanbayev Selected Poems. 1970 891.7108 KUN G-252105<br />
247 Abanti K. Sanyal Arun Mitra. 2003 891.4417092 SAN 241286<br />
248 Abbas Marwazi Sherul Ajam. 1932 891.55109 SHI G-255615<br />
249 Abbas Raza Jalalpuri Darya Chaodah Lahrun ka. 2004 891.4391 NAI G-254025<br />
250 Abbas Raza Nayyar Adabi meezan. 2005 891.43909 NAI G-254024<br />
251 Abbe J.A. Dubois Hindu Manners, Cus<strong>to</strong>ms and Ceremonies. 2002 294.5486 DUB 240699<br />
252 Abdul Aziz Khan Munaleza ki Muskuraahat. 2003 891.4393 ABD G-251261<br />
253 Abdul Bismillah Jhini Jhini Bini Chadaryan. 1993 891.4393 ABD G-250757<br />
254 Abdul Bismillah Ketne Ketne Sawal. 1984 891.43308 BIS G-253615<br />
255 Abdul Bismillah Mukhda kiya Dekhe. 1996 891.433 BIS G-253266<br />
256 Abdul Bismillah Samar Sesh hai. 1984 891.433 BIS G-253537<br />
257 Abdul Ghaffar Hamid<br />
Abdul Ghaffar<br />
International Law in Globalized World: Voices from Asia. 2008 341 HAM 269044<br />
258 Madhulvi<br />
Abdul Ghaffar<br />
Chor ki Aadat. 1996 808.82 ABD G-251157<br />
259 Madhulvi Chor ki Aadat. 1996 808.82 ABD G-251156
S.No. Authors<br />
Abdul Ghaffar<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
260 Madhulvi<br />
Abdul Ghaffar<br />
Ek Muallim ki Zindagi. II 2004 370 ABD G-254459<br />
261 Madhulvi<br />
Abdul Ghaffar<br />
Ek Muallim ki Zindagi. I 2004 370 ABD G-254458<br />
262 Madhulvi Jamia Ki Kahani. 2004 378.0954 ABD G-254455<br />
263 Abdul Ghaffar Shakil Noqushe Zakir Husain. 1998 378.54092 NOQ G-250527<br />
264 Abdul Ghaffar Shakil Noqushe Zakir Husain. 1998 378.54092 NOQ G-250517<br />
265 Abdul Ghani Madhush Talimi Rahnuma our Islahi Kari. 1984 370 MAD G-254440<br />
266 Abdul Hai Mamulat Yamiyah Wa Mukhtasar Islahi Nafs. 1979 297.2 ABD G-255631<br />
267 Abdul Hai Zarooriyat Islam. 297.2 ABD G-255685<br />
268 Abdul Halim Nadvi Arabi Adab ki Taarikh. I 2004 892.709 ABD G-250455<br />
269 Abdul Halim Nadvi Arabi Adab ki Taarikh. II 2004 892.709 ABD G-250457<br />
270 Abdul Hamid Muslim Separatism in India. 1971 297.09540358 HAM 243330<br />
271 Abdul Hamid Adam Charae Dard. 1984 891.439108 ADA G-256807<br />
272 Abdul Haque English-Urdu, Urdu-English Combined Dictionary. 2003 423.91439 ABD 240427<br />
273 Abdul Haque Naqsh Zakir. 1988 378.54092 NAQ G-250666<br />
274 Abdul Haque Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Halaate Zindagi. 1960 378.092 ABD G255657<br />
275 Abdul Karim Dacca the Mughal Capital. 1964 954.025 ABD 242337<br />
276 Abdul Karim Social His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Muslims in Bengal (down <strong>to</strong> A.D.1538) 1959 297.0954 ABD 243359<br />
277 Abdul Karim Social His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Muslims in Bengal. 2002 306.095497 KAR 243332<br />
278 Abdul Latif Azmi Mushaahir ke Khu<strong>to</strong>ote. 1975 891.4396 ABD G-256781<br />
279 Abdul Latif Bijnori Latife ki Kahani. 1967 891.4397092 ABD G-255715<br />
280 Abdul Majeed Adam Rame Aaahoo. 1984 891.439108 ADA G-256990<br />
281 Abdul Majeed Khan On Elegy and other Poems. 1985 821.08 KHA G-254653<br />
282<br />
Abdul Majeed Khan<br />
Majeed Ek aag si Sine main. 2004 891.4391 MAJ G-255974<br />
283 Abdul Mughanni Bernard Sha. 1976 822.092 ABD G-256811<br />
284 Abdul Mughanni Bernard Sha. 1976 822.092 ABD G-250240<br />
285 Abdul Qadir Amadri Ibtedaai Samajiyaat. 1979 302 AMA G-250243<br />
286 Abdul Qadir Sarwari Jadid Urdu Shaerii. 1932 891.439109 SAR G-255712<br />
287<br />
Abdul Qadir<br />
Saudaagar Manzil na Mili. 1990 891.439308 SOD G-252809<br />
288 Abdul Qadir Saudagar Afkaar Saodagar. 1989 891.4391 SOD G-252623<br />
289 Abdul Qaiyum<br />
Abdul Qaiyum<br />
Muaawin Darsi Kitaab Ilm O Shuhrat. 2003 323.6 ABD G-250380<br />
290 Dasnavi Urdu Shaerii ki Igarah Awazen. 1993 891.439109 DAS G-250744<br />
291 Abdul Qaiyum Sindhvi Muasreen wa Mutaaaliqaate Abul Kalam Azad. 1996 320.92 ABD G-250826<br />
292 Abdul Qavi Dasnavi Dhanpat Rai,Nawab Rai,Prem Chand. 1981 891.433092 ABD G-256832<br />
293 Abdul Quddus Lataafif Qudsi. 1929 297.4092 ABD G-256004<br />
294 Abdul Rashid Khan All India Muslim Educational conference. 2001 297.77060954 KHA 242969
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
All India Muslim Educational Conference: its Contribution <strong>to</strong> the<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
295 Abdul Rashid Khan Cultural Development <strong>of</strong> Indian Muslims 1886-1947<br />
Linguistic Study <strong>of</strong> the Development <strong>of</strong> Scientific Vocabulary in<br />
2001 306.02975 KHA 243491<br />
296 Abdul Sahib Mehdi Standard Arabic. 1987 492.7219 ALI 240226<br />
297 Abdul Wahab Sindhi Chal Mere Matke Tamak Tam. 2004 808.83 ABD G-250977<br />
298 Abdul Wahab Sindhi Chal Mere Matke Tamak Tam. 2004 808.83 ABD G-250976<br />
299 Abdul Wahab Sindhi Jadoo ka Ghar. 2001 808.83 ABD G-251183<br />
300 Abdul Wahab Sindhi Jadoo ka Ghar. 2001 808.83 ABD G-251182<br />
301 Abdul Wahab Sindhi Lal Murghi. 2004 808.83 ABD G-251110<br />
302 Abdul Wahab Sindhi Lal Murghi. 2004 808.83 ABD G-251111<br />
303 Abdul Waheed Mulsim Artisans, Craftmen and Traders: Issues in enterpreneurship. 2006 297.0920745 BAD 241659<br />
304 Abdullah Bani Dr. Shikh Mohd Abdullah Bani Tahrik Talim Niswaan. 1927 378.092 ALI G-255633<br />
305 Abdullah Bat Mazamin Aazad. 1942 297.04 AZA G-255617<br />
306 Abdullah Saeed<br />
Abdullah Wali Baksh<br />
Interpreting the Qur'an. 2006 297.122609 SAE 243226<br />
307 Qadri Uljhaneen. 1987 150 QAD G-250712<br />
308 AbdulMateen Niyaz Dasht Meyaari. 1987 891.4391 NIA G-252678<br />
309 AbdulMateen Niyaz<br />
Abdulrahim P. Jiyapur<br />
& Rshmi Doraiswamy<br />
Dasht Meyaari. 1987 891.4391 NIA G-252845<br />
310 Ed. Globalization and the Third worlds Issues, propects and Challneges. 2009 303.623 GLO 269602<br />
311 Abdur Rahim Piracha How <strong>to</strong> S<strong>to</strong>p Worrying About your Heart. 1931 615.8 PIR G-255855<br />
312 Abdur Rahman Kitaabus Saraf. 1936 491.4395 ABD G-255999<br />
313 Abdur Rahman Bijnori Mohasin Kalam Ghalib. 1958 891.439109 ABD G-255656<br />
314 Abdur Rahman Binori<br />
Abdur Rahman Parwaz<br />
Mohasin Kalam Ghalib. 1958 891.439109 ABD G-256692<br />
315 Islahi Mufti Sadaruddin Aazardah. 1977 891.4391092 PAR G-250628<br />
316 Abdur Rashid Ansari Rast our Mutabadale Current. 1991 621.3744 ANSs G-250383<br />
317 Abdus Samad Do Gaj Zameen. 1994 891.4393 ABD G-253126<br />
318 Abdus Samad Do Ghaz Zameen. 1988 891.4393 ABD G-253867<br />
319 Abdus Samad Do Ghaz Zameen. 1993 891.4393 ABD G-256602<br />
320 Abdus Samad Pase Deewar. 1983 891.439308 ABD G-252584<br />
321 Abdus Sattar Krishnakanta Handiqui. 1990 410.92 ABD 241338<br />
322 Abdus Sattar Zikre Adabraa. 1998 821 EZI G-250617<br />
323 Abdus Sattar Dalvi Ali Sardar Jafri (Shakhs aur Shair). 2002 891.439109 ALI G-250491<br />
324 Abdus Sattar Dalvi Khan Bahadur Pr<strong>of</strong>. Shaikh Abdul Quadir Sarfraz. 2003 891.55092 ABD G-250631<br />
325 Abdussamad Tapish<br />
Abha Chaturvedi &<br />
Zakhmun ke Silsile. 1985 891.4391 TAP G-252679<br />
326 Anil C. Sociology <strong>of</strong> Formal Organizations. 1995 301 CHO 242597<br />
327 Abhas Chatterjee<br />
Abhilasha Kumari &<br />
Concept <strong>of</strong> Hindu Nation. 1995 294.5092 CHA 241913<br />
328 Sabina Kidwai Crossing the Sacred Line: Woemn search for Political power. 1998 306.2082 ABH 240114
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
Politics <strong>of</strong> Privatization and Its Impact: Loot <strong>of</strong> National Wealth &<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
329 Abhimanyu<br />
Abhishek Manu<br />
Public Funds. 2003 338.925 ABHI 242626<br />
330 Singhvi<br />
Abhjit Vinayak<br />
Candid Coener: reflections <strong>of</strong> Abhishek Singhvi. 2006 361.363 SIN G-255292<br />
331 Banerjee<br />
Abhjit Vinayak<br />
Understanding Poverty. 2007 362.5 BAN 244173<br />
332 Banerjee Understanding Poverty. 2007 362.5 UND 244418<br />
333 Abid Husain Felicitation Volume. 1971 920 ABI G-250893<br />
334 Abid Husain Min<strong>to</strong> Nuqtae Nazar. 2003 891.43904 MIN G-252288<br />
335 Abid Husain Min<strong>to</strong> Nuqtae Nazar. 2003 891.43904 MIN G-252289<br />
336 Abid Sohail Jine Wale. 1998 891.439308 SOH G-250642<br />
337 Abid Sohail Khuli Kitaab. 2004 891.43937 ABI G-254332<br />
338 Abidullah Ghazi Sarir Khama. 2005 297.09 GHA G-254658<br />
339 Abihik Ghosh World <strong>of</strong> the Oraon their Symbols in Time and Space. 2006 948.3 GHO 243732<br />
340 Abram Tertz Voice from the Chorus. 1973 891.734409 TER G-251393<br />
341 Abu Ali Asar Imamul Hind Maulana Abul Kalam Azad. 2005 891.43909 ASA G-254986<br />
342 Abu Saad Jalili<br />
Abu Saeed Khalid<br />
Lallolan Ji ko ek Koi. Ek adabi sawain. 1988 891.43092 JAL G-250317<br />
343 Javed<br />
Abu Tahir Md. Abdus<br />
Dard Alamaat our Ilaaj. 2002 616 ABU G-250472<br />
344 Shakur Jadid Reyazi Braye Navein Jamat Keliya. 2003 510 ABU G-250254<br />
345 Abul Aala Maududi Tanqihaat. 1929 297.293 MOD G-255792<br />
346 Abul Faiz Faizi Naldaman Farsi. 1930 891.551 FAI G-255734<br />
347 Abul Kalam Ahmad Tarjumanul Qur'an. 1929 297.1225 QUR G-256001<br />
348 Abul Kalam Azad Academy. 1969 954.092 AKA G-252533<br />
349 Abul Kalam Azad Alberuni our Jughrafia Aalam. 2004 910.92 AAZs G-25250714<br />
350 Abul Kalam Azad Ghubaare Khatir. 1945 891.4396 AZA G-256903<br />
351 Abul Kalam Azad Ghubaare Khatir. 1983 891.4396 AZA G-256863<br />
352 Abul Kalam Azad Ghubaare Khatir. 1988 923.6 AZA G-252366<br />
353 Abul Kalam Azad Ghubar Khatir. 1983 323.44054 AZA 241583<br />
354 Abul Kalam Azad India wins Freedom. 2003 954.92 AZA G-251500<br />
355 Abul Kalam Azad Khu<strong>to</strong>ote Abul Kalam Azad. 1991 891.4394 AZA 241582<br />
356 Abul Kalam Azad Tarjumanul Qur'an. 1967 297.1225 QUR G-255636<br />
357 Abul Kalam Azad Tazkirah. 1985 324.220954092 AZA 241584<br />
358 Abul Kalam Qasmi<br />
Abul Qasim Mir<br />
Mashraqui Sheriyaat our Urdu Ki Tanquiedi Rewayat. 2002 891.43909 ABU G-250318<br />
359 Qudratullah Majmua Naghraa. 2002 891.4391092 QAS G-250072<br />
360 AbulAla Maududi<br />
Abusaleh Shariff &<br />
Muslaman our Maujudah Siyasi Kashmakash. 1959 954.0297 MOD G-255672<br />
361 Mehtab Azam Economic Empowerment <strong>of</strong> Muslims in India. 2004 297.0954 SHA 242701<br />
362 Acharya Anupurthi Rani Durgawati. 1990 891.432 ANO G-253632<br />
363 Acharya Chanakya Arth Shastr. 1999 340 CHA G-250336<br />
364 Acharya Rajneesh From sex <strong>to</strong> Supreconciousness. 305.32 RAJ G-253843<br />
365 Achin Vanaik Communalism Contested: religion, Modernity and Secularization. 1997 320.954 VAN 243404
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
Furies <strong>of</strong> Indian Communalism: religion, Modernity and<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
366 Achin Vanaik Secularization.<br />
Furies <strong>of</strong> Indian Communalism: religion, Modernity and<br />
1997 320.95409044 VAN 244318<br />
367 Achin Vanaik Secularization. 1997 320.95409044 VAN 243501<br />
368 Achin Vanaik Ed. Masks <strong>of</strong> Empire. 2007 325.373 MAS G-257327<br />
369 Achin Vinaik Globalization and South Aisa. 2004 950 VAN 241968<br />
370 Achin Vinaik<br />
Achyut Yagnik & S.<br />
Mapping His<strong>to</strong>ries: Essays presentred <strong>to</strong> Ravinder Kumar 2000 526.09 RAV 243186<br />
371 Sheth Shaping <strong>of</strong> Modern Gujarat. 2005 320.1095475 YAG 240931<br />
372 Ada Jafri Ghazal. 1988 891.4391 ADA G-250644<br />
373 Ada Jafri Jo rahi so be Khabar Rahi. 1995 891.4391092 ADA G-256862<br />
374 Ada Jafri Jo Rahi So be Khabar Rahi. 1996 920 ADA G-250773<br />
375 Ada Jafri Saaze Sukhan. 1988 891.4391 ADA G-250626<br />
376 Adam Suro Saman. 1984 891.439108 ADA G-251347<br />
377 Adam Jones Genocide Comprehensive Introduction. 2006 304.663 JON 243215<br />
378 Adam Jones Ed. Men <strong>of</strong> the Global South: a reader 2006 305.31 JON 244442<br />
379 Adam Zameezad Thirteenth House. 1987 823.914 ZAM G-251665<br />
380 Adam Zwass<br />
Adapa Ramakrishna<br />
Globalization <strong>of</strong> Unequal National Economies. 2002 337 ZWA 269707<br />
381 Rao Krishnadevaraya. 1995 809.95392 RAO G-254214<br />
382 Adarsh Saxena Sarvshest Yatharthvadi Kahaniyaan.<br />
Implementing Human Rights in the third World: Essays on Human<br />
1982 891.43308 CHA G-253069<br />
383 Adbulrahin P. Vijapuri Rights Dalits and Minorities. 2008 323 VIJ 244505<br />
384 Adebayo Oyebade Africa after the Cold War: Changing Perspectives on Securities. 1998 960.32 OYE 243081<br />
385 Adeeb Khalid<br />
Aditi Iyer, Amar<br />
Islam after Communism: religion and Politics in Central Asia 2007 297.270958 KHA 243542<br />
386 Jesani<br />
Aditi Mukherjee & D.<br />
Medical Ethics for Self-Regulation Medical Pr<strong>of</strong>ession and Practice. 2000 174.2 IYE 270180<br />
387 Vasanta Ed. Practice and Rersearch in Literacy.<br />
In the Company <strong>of</strong> Gods: Essays in memory <strong>of</strong> Gunther-Diet<br />
2002 302.2244 PRA 241005<br />
388 Aditya Malik et at Sontheimer.<br />
In the Company <strong>of</strong> Gods: Essays in memory <strong>of</strong> Gunther-Diet<br />
2005 294.521 MAL 240244<br />
389 Aditya Malik et at Sontheimer.<br />
Imperialism, Nationalism and the Making <strong>of</strong> the Indian Capital Class<br />
2005 294.521 MAL 243757<br />
390 Aditya Mukherjee 1920- 1947. 2002 305.5540954 MUK 240160<br />
391 Aditya Nigam Crisis <strong>of</strong> Secular-Nationalism in India. 2006 320.54 NIG 241467<br />
392 Aditya Nigam Insurgence <strong>of</strong> Little Selves: Crisis <strong>of</strong> Secular-Nationalism in India. 2006 320.540954 NIG 240934<br />
393 Aditya Nigam Insurgence <strong>of</strong> Little Selves: Crisis <strong>of</strong> Secular-Nationalism in India. 2006 320.540954 NIG 244074<br />
394 Adlai E. Stevenson Putting First Things First: A democratic View. 1960 321.8 STE G-251939<br />
395 Adolf Farer Madarsa Aamal. 1979 375 FAI G-250480<br />
396 Adrian Vickers His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Modern Indonesia. 2005 959.8 VIC 244589<br />
397 Afghanistan Afghanistan: Past and Present. 1981 958.1 AFG G-255905<br />
398 Afghanullah Khan Firaaque Gorakhpuri. 1986 891.439108 KHA G-256728<br />
399 Afla<strong>to</strong>on Riyasat. 1967 321.86 AFL G-257007
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
400 Aftab Ahmad Aafaqui Mohd Ali Jauhar Shakhs our Shaaerii. 2004 891.439109 AAF G-250532<br />
401 Aftab Husain Allahumma Labbaaik Ya Allah Main Haazir Hun. 2005 891.4392 AFT G-254371<br />
402 Aftab Husain Drama Nagar. 2005 891.439208 AFT G-254363<br />
403<br />
Afzal Malik<br />
Malikotlavi Shahar Shahar Tanhaiee. 1985 891.4391 AFZ G-252684<br />
404 Agatha Christie.<br />
Agha Hashre<br />
Body in the Library. 1967 823 CAR G-254667<br />
405 Kaashmiri Bhagat Surdaas. 1939 891.4392 AGH G-256892<br />
406 Agha Mirza Beg Wali ourangabadi. 2000 891.439109 BEG G-252790<br />
407 Ahakil Ahmad Hamari Ghaza. 1988 613.2 SHA G-250388<br />
408 Ahamd Bashir Akbar The Great Mughal His new Policy and his new Religion. 2009 954.0254 BAS 269664<br />
409 Ahamd Nabi Khan Uchchh: His<strong>to</strong>ry and Architecrture. 2001 720.95491 KHA 242738<br />
410 Ahamd Nabi Khan Uchchh: His<strong>to</strong>ry and Architecrture. 2001 720.95491 KHA 243316<br />
411 Ahamd Saeed Muslim India (1857-19470). 1997 297.0954003 SAE 243346<br />
412 Ahanti Chhetri Ram Krishna Sharma. 2003 891.49516092 SHA 241274<br />
413 Ahir Parikh Shamal. 1990 891.4714092 PAR 241392<br />
414 Ahirbhani Thaker Manilal Dvivedi. 1983 891.4784092 THA 241325<br />
415 Ahmad Jadid Hindustan ke Memaar. 1988 920 JAD G-250165<br />
416 Ahmad Hasan Zayyat Taarikh Adabe Arabi. 1979 892.709 ZIA G-255606<br />
417 Ahmad Husain Aitam Kiya Hai. 1981 500 AHM G-250477<br />
418 Ahmad Katrada No Bread Mandela: Memoirs <strong>of</strong> Ahmed Katrada. 2007 324.220954092 KAT 244760<br />
419 Ahmad Khan Political Pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> Sir Syyid Ahmad Khan Documentary Reciord. 1982 378.092 MAL 243307<br />
420 Ahmad Khan Qazi Abdus Sattar Fikr, Fan our Fankaar. 2005 891.4393092 AHM G-254388<br />
421 Ahmad Khan Khalil Gali ke Teen Hairat Angeez Safar. 1999 808.83 SUI G-251185<br />
422 Ahmad Khan Khalil Gali ke Teen Hairat Angeez Safar. 1999 808.83 SUI G-251186<br />
423 Ahmad Mahfooz Shasur Rahman Farooqui. 1994 891.439092 KIT G-251245<br />
424 Ahmad Nadeem<br />
Ahmad Nadeem<br />
Prem Chand ke Novilun main Tabaquati Kash Makash. 1986 891.439309 NAD G-252764<br />
425 Qasmi<br />
Ahmad Nadeem<br />
Fonon-E- Mujallah. 1975 050 FAN G-256908<br />
426 Qasmi<br />
Ahmad Nadeem<br />
Fonon-E- Mujallah. 1975 050 FAN G-257052<br />
427 Qasmi<br />
Ahmad Nadeem<br />
Fonon-E- Mujallah. 1975 050 FAN G-257051<br />
428 Qasmi<br />
Ahmad Nadeem<br />
Fonon-E- Mujallah. 1975 050 FAN G-257053<br />
429 Qasmi<br />
Ahmad Nadeem<br />
Fonon-E- Mujallah. 1975 050 FAN G-257054<br />
430 Qasmi<br />
Ahmad Nadeem<br />
Fonon-E- Mujallah. 1975 050 FAN G-257055<br />
431 Qasmi Fonon-E- Mujallah. 1975 050 FAN G-257056
S.No. Authors<br />
Ahmad Nadeem<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
432 Qasmi Man<strong>to</strong>o ke Khu<strong>to</strong>ote. 1962 891.4396 MAN G-256912<br />
433 Ahmad Usmaani Apne Aap ka Qaidi. 1975 891.4393 USM G-252840<br />
434 Ahmad Yusuf Mahfil Mahfil. 1989 891.43909 YUS G-252901<br />
435 Ahmed A. Akhtar Heart Tunes in. 1974 820.8 AKH G-251668<br />
436 Ahmed M. Akhtar Wind-Blown Petals. 1981 821.914 AKH G-251535<br />
437 Ahmed Rashid Afghanistan Mirage <strong>of</strong> Peace. 2005 958.1045 JOH 240968<br />
438 Ahmed Rashid Jihad Rise <strong>of</strong> Militant Islam in Central Asia. 2004 958.0429 AHM 240868<br />
439 Ahmed S. Hashim Insurgency and Counter-Insurgency in Iraq. 2006 355.021809567 HAS 243608<br />
440 Ahok Mitra Prattler's Tale: bengal, Marxism, Governance. 2007 330.95414092 MIT G-257312<br />
441 Ahrar Husain Scienci Shuain. 1997 500 AHR G-250400<br />
442 Ahsan Rizvi Danapuri Matlae Hayat. 1987 891.439108 RIZ G-250614<br />
443 Ahsan Rizvi Danapuri Matlae Hayat. 1987 891.439108 RIZ G-250630<br />
444 Aigan Lars Tarikh eijadaat. 1989 608 LAR G-254461<br />
445 Aijaz Aijaz Raquam. 1949 745 SHA G-255710<br />
446 Aijaz Aijaz Raquam. 1949 745 SHA G-255621<br />
447 Aijaz Ahamd On Communalism and Globalization. 2004 302 14 AIJ 242872<br />
448 Aijaz Ahamd On Communalism and Globalization. 2004 302 14 AIJ 240028<br />
449 Aijaz Ahamd On Communalism and Globalization. 2004 302 14 AIJ 268975<br />
450 Aijaz Ahamd On Communalism and Globalization. 2004 302 14 AIJ 268976<br />
451 Aijaz Ahamd On Communalism and Globalization. 2004 302 14 AIJ 268977<br />
452 Aijaz Ahmad In theory Classes Nations Litteratures.345/- 2008 809.01 AIJ 269079<br />
453 Aijaz Ahmad In theory Classes Nations Litteratures.345/- 2008 809.01 AIJ 243477<br />
454 Aijaz Ahmad In theory Classes Nations Litteratures.345/- 2008 809.01 AIJ 269080<br />
455 Aijaz Ahmad Lineages <strong>of</strong> the Present: political Essays. 1996 320 AIJ 242371<br />
456 Aijaz Ahmad Reflections on our Times. 2004 082 AHM 269931<br />
457 Ail Suin Asting Jadid Ibtedai Mantiq. 1979 160 STE G-254424<br />
458 Aitzaz Ahsan Indus Saga from Patliputra <strong>to</strong> Partition. 2005 954.02 AHS 240921<br />
459 Aitzaz Ahsan Indus Saga from Patliputra <strong>to</strong> Partition. 2005 954.03 AHS G-256223<br />
460 Aitzaz Ahsan Indus Saga from Patliputra <strong>to</strong> Partition. 2005 954.04 ASH 243191<br />
461 Aiysha Begum Tarikh our Samajiyaat. 1987 302 AIS G-250405<br />
462 Ajaaz Aas Niraas ki Sham. 1978 891.4391 AIJ G-253943<br />
463 Ajai K.Rai<br />
Ajay Kumar Sahoo<br />
New Age Media and the US-led War in Afghanistan. 2004 002 NMM 244041<br />
464 Ed. Sociology <strong>of</strong> Ageing: A reader 2009 305.260954 SOC 269392<br />
465 Ajaz Husain Adabi Drame. 1965 891.4392 AIJ G-255585<br />
466 Ajeet Cour Kulwant Singh Virk. 2003 891.421092 AJE 241280<br />
467 Ajeet Cour Ed. Cultural Connectivity for Peace in South Asia. 2005 303.66054 CUL G-253762<br />
468 Ajit Bhattacharjea<br />
Ajit K.Ghose, Nomaan<br />
Majid & Chris<strong>to</strong>ph<br />
Bangladesh. 1971 954.92 BHA G-252019<br />
469 Ernst. Global Employement Challenge. 2008 331.122 GHO 269224<br />
470 Ajit Kumar Ghosh Dinabandhu Mitra. 1998 792.015092 GHO 241288
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
471 Ajit Kumar Ghosh Dwijendralal Ray. 2005 792.0092 GHO 241290<br />
472 Ajit Pushkal Ghoda Ghas Nahi Khata. 1982 891.432041 PUS G-253566<br />
473 Ajit Pushkal Kitti. 1967 891.433 PUS G-253471<br />
474 Ajmal Ajmali Safarzaad. 1998 891.4391 AJM G-253874<br />
475 Ajmal Kamal Aaja Rat. 1994 050. AAJ G-257027<br />
476 Ajmal Kamal Aaja Rat. 1994 050. AAJ G-256678<br />
477 Ajmal Kamal Aaja Rat. 1994 050. AAJ G-256662<br />
478 Ajmal Kamal Aaja Rat. 1995 050. AAJ G-256665<br />
479 Ajmal Kamal Aaja Rat. Karachi ki kahani. I 1995 050. AAJ G-256659<br />
480 Ajmal Kamal Aaja Rat. Karachi ki kahani. II 1995 050. AAJ G-256668<br />
481 Ajmal Kamal Aaja Rat: Saraio Saraio. 1995 050. AAJ G-256663<br />
482 Akbar Rahmani Sukhanhai Guftagu. 1999 370.1 RAH G-250620<br />
483 Akbar S. Ahmad Discovering Islam: Making Sense <strong>of</strong> Muslim His<strong>to</strong>ry and Society. 2003 297.09 AHM G-256193<br />
484 Akbar S. Ahmad Islam under Siege. 2003 297.6 AHM 240179<br />
485 Akbar S. Ahmed<br />
486<br />
Living Islam: From Samarkand <strong>to</strong> S<strong>to</strong>rnoway accompanies the Major<br />
TV Series. 1993 297.12209 AHM G-252338<br />
Akbar S.Ahmed &<br />
David M. Hart. Ed. Islam in Tribal Societies from the Atlas <strong>to</strong> the Indus. 1984 305.697 AHM 241846<br />
487 Akeel Bilgrami Secularism Nationalism and Modernity. 211.6 BIL G-251707<br />
488 Akhlaq Asar Nashriyat our All India Radio. 1982 384.54 IKH G-250708<br />
489 Akhlaque Akhlaque Jalali. 610 JAL G-255730<br />
490 Akhlaque Akhlaque Jalali. 610 JAL G-255729<br />
491 Akhlaque Asar Iqbaal Naame. 1981 891.4396 IQB G-252834<br />
492 Akhtar Abdur Rashid Do Sadi Dahleez. 1997 891.4391 AKH G-251249<br />
493 Akhtar Ansari Ghazal our Ghazal ki Taalim. 1979 891.4391 ANS G-250069<br />
494 Akhtar Ansari Talim Samaj Our Kalchar. 1980 370 OTT G-250386<br />
495 Akhtar Bastavi Kirdaar ke Ghazi Quazi Mohd Ismaail Adil Abbasi. 1984 891.439092 KIR G-252762<br />
496 Akhtar Bastavi Quazi Mohd Adil Ismaail Abbasi. 1997 891.439092 AKH 241446<br />
497 Akhtar Husain Raipiri Adab Our Inquilaab. 1943 891.4309 AKH G-257012<br />
498 Akhtar Majeed Ed.<br />
Federalism within Union: Distribution <strong>of</strong> Responsibilities in the Indian<br />
System. 2004 320.40954 FED G-256230<br />
499 Akhtar Said Khan Bayaan Our. 1996 891.439109 AKH G-250856<br />
500 Akhtarul Imaan Yaaden. 1996 891.439108 AKH G-256694<br />
501 Akhtarul Wasey Ali Mohd KhusrooKitaab Numan. 2001 378.092 KIT G-251251<br />
502 Akhtarul Wasey Bihar Main Urdu Zaban Wa Adab Ka Irtequa. 1989 491.43909 AKH G-254416<br />
503 Akhtarul Wasey Islami Basiratun ke Asri Tarjumaan Pr<strong>of</strong>. Mushirul Hasan. 2004 371.1092 AKH G-250611<br />
504 Akhtarul Wasey Khama Khusroo. 2003 891.4394 KHU G-250709<br />
505 Akhtarul Wasey Muallim Tahzeeb Khawjah Ghulmussayidain. 2004 370.92 MUA G-250670<br />
506 Akhtarul Wasey Sir Syed ki Talimi Tahreek. 2004 370.1538 AKH G-250654<br />
507 Akhtarul Wasey Ed. Islam and the Modern Age. 2004 297.05 ISL G-252336<br />
508 Akhtarul Wasey Ed. Islam and the Modern Age. 2004 297.05 ISL G-252340<br />
509 Akhtarul Wasey Ed. Madrasas in India: Trying <strong>to</strong> be Relevant. 2005 371.077 WAS 242269<br />
510 Akhtarul Wasey Ed. Madrasas in India: trying <strong>to</strong> be relevant. 2005 297.77 MAD G-250883<br />
511<br />
Akhtarul Wasey &<br />
Farhat Ehsas Ed.<br />
Education Gandhi and Man: sel;ected Writings <strong>of</strong> Khwaja Ghulam<br />
Saiyyadain. 2008 370.1 SAI 244554
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
512 Akhtarul Wasey ed. Madrasas in India: Trying <strong>to</strong> be Relevant. 2005 371.077954 MAD 240973<br />
513 Akhtarul Wasey ed. Madrasas in India: Trying <strong>to</strong> be Relevant. 2005 371.077954 MAD 243409<br />
514 Akhuileshwar Jha Sexual Design in Indian Culture. 1979 301.4170954 JHA G-256363<br />
515 Alain Danielou Hindu Polytheism. 1963 294.5021132 DAN G-255501<br />
516 Alain Vaguet Ed. Indian Health Landscapes under Globalization. 2009 362.10954 IND 270197<br />
Alakananda Patel Collected Works <strong>of</strong> A.K. Dasgupta: Two Treaties on Classical Political<br />
517 Com. Ed.<br />
Economy. I 2009 330.92 COL 269085<br />
Alakananda Patel Collected Works <strong>of</strong> A.K. Dasgupta: Two Treaties on Classical Political<br />
518 Com. Ed.<br />
Economy. II 2009 330.92 COL 269086<br />
Alakananda Patel Collected Works <strong>of</strong> A.K. Dasgupta: Two Treaties on Classical Political<br />
519 Com. Ed.<br />
Economy. III 2009 330.92 COL 269087<br />
520 Alam Furts World at Night. 2002 813.54 FUR G-251301<br />
521 Alam Furts<br />
Alam Woods Ted<br />
World at Night. 2002 813.54 FUR G-251302<br />
522 Grant<br />
Alan & Vernica<br />
Lenin and Trotsky: What tey really S<strong>to</strong>od for. 2007 909.82 WOO 243949<br />
523 Palmer<br />
Alan Campbell-<br />
Dictionary <strong>of</strong> His<strong>to</strong>rical Quotations. 1985 908.003 ALA G-255109<br />
524 Johnson<br />
Alan Campbell-<br />
Mission with Mountbatten. 1951 954.0359 CAM G-251339<br />
525 Johnson Mission with Mountbatten. 1951 954.0359 JOH G-251579<br />
526 Alan George Jordan Living in the Crossfire. 2005 956.95043 GEO 269096<br />
527 Alan Muhlemann et al. Production and Operations Management. 1994 658.5 MUH G-252501<br />
528 Alan Patan Cry, the Beloved Country. 1948 823 PAT G-253434<br />
529 Alan Pa<strong>to</strong>n Cry, the Beloved Country: A S<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Ocnfort in Desolution. 1949 823 PAT G-255404<br />
530 Alan Simpson Micros<strong>of</strong>t Windows Me. 2000 005.43769 SIM G-251227<br />
531 Alan W. Watts Psychotherapy East and West. 1961 616.8914 WAT G-251761<br />
532 Alan W. Watts Way <strong>of</strong> Zen. 1957 294.3 WAT G-252537<br />
533 Alan Woods Bolshevism: Road <strong>to</strong> Revolution. 2009 945.084 WOO 269623<br />
534 Alan Woods Marxism and the U.S. A.<br />
Reformism or Revolution: Marxsim and Socialism <strong>of</strong> the 21st Century<br />
2009 973.929 WOO 268913<br />
535 Alan Woods<br />
Alan Woods & Ted<br />
Reply <strong>to</strong> Heinz Dietrich. 2009 335.4 WOO 269626<br />
536 Grant<br />
Alan Woods & Ted<br />
Reason in Revolt: Marxist Philosphy and Modern Science 2007 335.4112 WOO 244847<br />
537 Grant Reason in Revolt: Marxist Philosphy and Modern Science.<br />
Mcmahon line: Study in the Rel;ation between India China and<br />
2007 335.4 WOO 242980<br />
538 Alastair Lamb Tibet,1904-1914. II 1966 327.0954051 LAM 242966<br />
539 Albert Achweitzer Indian thought and its Development. 1960 109.54 SCH G-255271<br />
540 Albert Bre<strong>to</strong>n et al. Ed. Rational Foundations <strong>of</strong> Democratic Politics. 2003 321.8 RAT 243795<br />
541 Albert Camus Exles and the Kingdom. 1958 823.08 CAM G-254955<br />
542 Albert Camus Fall. 1948 823 CAM G-254895<br />
543 Albert Camus Outsider. 1942 843 CAM G-254743
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
544 Albert Camus Outsider. 1948 823 CAM G-254894<br />
545 Albert Camus Plague 1948 823 CAM G-254773<br />
546 Albert Camus Plague. 1948 823 CAM G-254741<br />
547 Albert Camus Plague. 1948 823 CAM G-254787<br />
548 Albert Camus Plague. 1948 823 CAM G-255025<br />
549 Albert Einstein Ideas and Opinions. 1936 509.2 SIN G-253973<br />
550 Albert Einstein Meaning <strong>of</strong> Realitivity. 1968 530.11 EIN G-254392<br />
551 Albert Hourani His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Arab Peoples. 1991 953 HOU G-251557<br />
552 Albert Maltz Selected s<strong>to</strong>ries. 1951 891.7308 MAL G-254034<br />
553 Albert Memmi Dominated Man. 1969 301.1 MEM G-257228<br />
554 Albert Schweitzer Civilization and Ethics. 1961 910 SCH G-251714<br />
555 Alber<strong>to</strong> Magnaghi<br />
Urban Village: charter fro democracy and local -self sustainable<br />
Development. 2005 307.12160954 MAG 269108<br />
556 Alber<strong>to</strong> Moravia Conjugal Love. 1951 850 MOR G-254198<br />
557 Alber<strong>to</strong> Moravia Red Book and the Great Wall. 1968 823 GRE G-252555<br />
558 Alber<strong>to</strong> Moravia Roman Tales. 1959 843 MOR G-254726<br />
559 Albyer Kamu Patan. 1960 840.3 KAM G-253731<br />
560 Aldous Huxley Antic Hay. 1948 823 HUX G-254841<br />
561 Aldous Huxley Ape and Essence. 1968 111 HUX G-254869<br />
562 Aldous Huxley Brave New World. 1932 823 HUX G-254973<br />
563 Aldous Huxley Brave New World. 1948 823 HUX G-255133<br />
564 Aldous Huxley Brave New World. 1994 823.912 HUX G-251617<br />
565 Aldous Huxley Brave New World. 2000 823.912 ARO G-251440<br />
566 Aldous Huxley Crome Yellow: A Novel. 1962 823 HUX G-254945<br />
567 Aldous Huxley Eyeless in Gaza 1965 823 HUX G-254896<br />
568 Aldous Huxley Point counter Point: Collected Works. 1929 823 HUX G-255965<br />
569 Aldous Huxley Point counter Point: Collected Works. 1963 823 HUX G-254830<br />
570 Aldous Huxley Those Barren Leaves. 1925 823 HUX G-254878<br />
571 Aleem Saba Navedi Asare Khaam. 1991 891.4391 ALI G-255975<br />
572 Aleem Saba Navedi Ghazal Azaad. 2005 891.4391 ALI G-254352<br />
573 Aleem Saba Navedi Noon. 1990 891.4391 ALI G-252658<br />
574 Aleem Saba Navedi Noqushe Bulande Fikre. 2005 891.4391 ALI G-254339<br />
575 Aleem Saba Navedi Qaiede Shikan: Azad Ghazlun ka pehla our Nomainda Inekhab. 1982 891.4391 ALI G-252760<br />
576 Aleem Saba Navedi Tamil Nadu Main Naat Goi. 2004 891.4391 ALI G-254350<br />
577 Alex Carrel Man, the unknown. 1948 153.93 CAR G-251639<br />
578 Alex De Waal AIDS And Power Why There no Political Crisis - YET. 2006 362.1969792 WAA 244710<br />
579 Alexandar Pushkin Aiwan Publiken ki Kahaniyaan. 1957 891.73 PUS G-255635<br />
580 Alexandar Pushkin Kaptann ki Beti. 1959 891.73 PUS G-255640<br />
581 Alexandar Rojers Tozak Jahangiri. 2004 954.025 TUZ G-250122<br />
582 Alexandder Sax<strong>to</strong>n Religion and the Human Prospect 2007 200 SAX 242999<br />
583 Alexande Kuprin<br />
Alexande<br />
Garnet Bracelet. 1949 891.7308 KUP G-254174<br />
584<br />
585<br />
Solzhenitsyen First Cirlce. 1970 891.73 SOL G-254242<br />
Alexander I.<br />
Tchitcherov<br />
India: changing Economic Structure in the Sixteenth- Eighteenth<br />
Century. 1998 680.954 TCH 243675
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
586 Alexander Pushkin<br />
Alexander<br />
Eugene Onegin. 1964 823 PUS G-254864<br />
587 Solzhenitsyn<br />
Alexander<br />
Gulag Archiplelago. 1974 365.450947 SOL G-251331<br />
588 Solzhenitsyn<br />
Alexander<br />
One Day in the Life <strong>of</strong> Ivan Denisovich. 1963 891.73 SOL G-251546<br />
589 Solzhenitsyn<br />
Alexander<br />
One Day in the Life <strong>of</strong> Ivan Denisovich. 1963 891.7344 SOL G-251601<br />
590 Solzhenitsyn. August 1914. 1914 823 SOL G-254703<br />
591 Alexandra Daivd-Neel My Journey <strong>to</strong> Lhasa. 1983 915.150458 DAV G-251558<br />
592 Alexandra George Social Ferment in India. 1986 303.4054 GEO 240141<br />
593 Alexei Tols<strong>to</strong>i Aelita 1949 891.73 TOL G-254252<br />
594 Alexei Tols<strong>to</strong>y Ordeal: A Trilogy. 1918 891.73 TOL G-254272<br />
595 Alexei Tols<strong>to</strong>y Ordeal: A Trilogy. 1918 891.73 TOL G254273<br />
596 Alexei Tols<strong>to</strong>y Russian Tales for Children. 1948 891.73 TOL G-254210<br />
597 Alexis Leon Internet in a Nutshell. 1998 004.648 LEOs G-251582<br />
598 Alexis Leon World 2000 for Beginning. 2001 005.43 LEOs G-251581<br />
599 Alf Hiltebeitel Drapadi among Rajputs, Muslim and Dalits. 2001 294.5923046 HIL 241036<br />
600 Alf Hiltebeitel Drapadi among Rajputs, Muslim and Dalits. 2001 294.5923046 HIL 240034<br />
601 Alfred Curzon French English: English French Compact Dictionary. 1955 423.044 CUR G-255410<br />
602 Alfred D. Chandler Big Business and the Wealth <strong>of</strong> Nations. 1999 330.16 CHA 243723<br />
603 Alfred Draper Amritsar: Massacre that ended the Raj. 1981 954.0355455 DRA G-251191<br />
604<br />
Alfred E. Eckes &<br />
Thomas W. Zeiler Globalization and the american Century. 2003 327.73009 ECK 244570<br />
605 Alfred Guillaume Islam. 1954 297 GUI G-254854<br />
606 Alfred Hayes. In Love. 1953 823 HAY G-254881<br />
607 Alfred John Church Agricola and Germany<strong>of</strong> Tactus. 1899 943 CHU G-255929<br />
608 Alfred Kazin Bright Book <strong>of</strong> Life. 1973 823.08 KAZ G-255510<br />
609 Alfred Lord Tennson Poems. V. Two. 1949 321.08 TEN G-255524<br />
610 Alfred Lord Tennyson Everyman's Library. 1947 821.08 TEN G-255577<br />
611 Alfred Lord Tennyson<br />
Alfred Pfaller M.<br />
Poems and Plays <strong>of</strong> Alfred Lord Tennyson. 1938 821.08 TEN G-254910<br />
612 Lerch Challenges <strong>of</strong> Globalization.<br />
Ecological Imperialism: Biological Expansion <strong>of</strong> Europe, 900-1900<br />
2005 327.1 PFA 243570<br />
613 Alfred W. Crosby New Edition. 2004 304.2 CRO 244899<br />
614 Alfred W. S<strong>to</strong>neir Textbook <strong>of</strong> Economic theory. 1962 330.1 STO G-254267<br />
615 Alfredo Saad-Filho Anti-Capitalism: Marxist Introduction. 2007 330.122 ANT 269666<br />
616<br />
Alfredo Saad-Filho &<br />
Deborah Johns<strong>to</strong>n Ed. Neoliberalism: Critical reader. 2005 320.153 NEO 244803<br />
617 Alhaaj Agaha Mir Wali ourangabadi. 2002 891.4391092 BEG G-250638
S.No. Authors<br />
Al-Hajj Khaja Kamal-<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
618 ud-in Open Letters <strong>to</strong> the Bishops <strong>of</strong> Salisbury & London. 1997 297.74095421 KAM 242664<br />
619 Ali Abaas Zaidi Dhalti Raat ke Sannate Main. 2000 891.4391 ZAI G-254561<br />
620 Ali Abbas Zaidi Dhalti Raat ke Sannate Main. 2000 891.4391 ZAI G-254562<br />
621 Ali Ahmad Fatimi Nai Tanquid Nai Iqdaar. 1999 891.43909 FAT G-251224<br />
622 Ali Ahmad Fatmi Doc<strong>to</strong>r Ajmal Ajmali. 1992 891.4391092 KIT G-250750<br />
623 Ali Ahmad Fatmi Kuliyaate Ali Sardar Jafri. 2004 891.4391 JAF G-250233<br />
624 Ali Ahmad Fatmi Samakalin Pakistani Sahitye. 1979 891.439 SAM G-253137<br />
625 Ali Ahmad Fatmi Teen Taraqqui Pasand Shair. 2005 891.4391092 FAT G-252361<br />
626 Ali Ahmad Jalili Ghalib Ek Mutaala. 1988 891.439109 JAL G-252634<br />
627 Ali Ahmad Jalili Kaaenaat Jalili. 1985 891.439108 JAL G-250236<br />
628 Ali Amjad Labour Legislation & Trade Unions in India & Pakistan. 2001 331.880954 ALI 242593<br />
629 Ali Javad Zaidi Meer Anis. 1991 891.4391092 ZAI 241540<br />
630 Ali Jawad Zaidi Anis ke Salam. 1981 891.439108 ANE G-250125<br />
631 Ali Jawad Zaidi Malik Ram Ek Lutaala. 1986 891.43909 MAL G-250841<br />
632 Ali Jawad Zaidi Mir Anis. 1991 891.43914092 ZAI 241394<br />
633 Ali Jawad Zaidi Robaaiyaat Anees. 1985 891.4391 ANI G-250058<br />
634 Ali Jawad Zaidi Urdu Shaerun ka Intekhabi Silsila. 1971 891.439108 ZAI G-257067<br />
635 Ali Jawazi Zaidi Fikr O Riyaz. 1975 370.709 ZAI G-250657<br />
636 Ali M Ansari Confronting Iran. 1988 955 ANS 243464<br />
637 Ali M Ansari Confronting Iran. 1988 955.0543 CON 242212<br />
638 Ali Nasir Zaidi Azim Eijadat. 2001 608 ZAI G-251000<br />
639 Ali Nasir Zaidi Azim Eijadat. 2001 608 ZAI G-251001<br />
640 Ali Nasir Zaidi Kemrah Our Pho<strong>to</strong> Graphy. 1989 591.57 ZAI G-251016<br />
641 Ali Nasir Zaidi Kemrah Our Pho<strong>to</strong> Graphy. 1989 591.57 ZAI G-251017<br />
642 Ali Nasir Zaidi Khula Our Khulai Safar. 1991 629.4 ZAI G-251103<br />
643 Ali Nasir Zaidi Khula Our Khulai Safar. 1991 629.4 ZAI G-251102<br />
644 Ali Nasir Zaidi Khula Our Khulai Safar. 1991 629.4 ZAI G-251162<br />
645 Ali Nasir Zaidi Khula Our Khulai Safar. 1991 629.4 ZAI G-251163<br />
646 Ali Nasir Zaidi Radio ki Kahani. 1991 621.3841 ZAI G-250981<br />
647 Ali Nasir Zaidi Radio ki Kahani. 1991 621.3841 ZAI G-250980<br />
648<br />
Ali Sardar Jafar K S<br />
Duggal Iqbal Commemorative Volume. 1969 928.9143906 IQB G-254264<br />
649 Ali Sardar Jafri Iqbal Shanasi. 1977 891.4391092 SAR G-257076<br />
650 Ali Sardar Jafri Khazanae Jamhoor. 1978 891.4391 TAR G-255600<br />
651 Ali Sardar Jafri Paighambraane Sukhan. 1987 891.439109 SAR G-251260<br />
652 Ali Sardar Jafri Pathhar ki Deewaar. 1994 891.4391092 SAR G-256706<br />
653 Ali Sardar Jafri Sukhne Sarmaya. 2001 891.439103 JAF G-250655<br />
654 Alice Meynell Poems <strong>of</strong> Alice Meynell. 1941 821.08 MEY G-255512<br />
655 Alice Thomas Elils Home Life Four. 1989 828.91409 ELL G-251377<br />
656 Alice Thorner Ed. Danie Thorner Memorial Lectures: Land, Labour & Rights. 2001 333.3109 DAN 244296<br />
657 Alice Thorner Ed. Danie Thorner Memorial Lectures: Land, Labour & Rights. 2001 333.3109 DAN 244295<br />
658 Alice Thorner Ed. Danie Thorner Memorial Lectures: Land, Labour & Rights. 2001 333.3109 DAN 240024<br />
659 Alim Masroor Bahut Der kardi. 1974 891.4393 MAS G-253239<br />
660 Alim saba Navedi Tamil Nadu Ke Mashahiir Adab. 1999 891.439092 ALI G-252779
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
661 Alim saba Navedi Tamil Nadu main Urdu. 1998 891.43909 SAB G-250126<br />
662 Alim Tahhir Dunyaa Musafir Raaste. 2004 891.4391 TAH G-251269<br />
663 Alim Urfi Kutbe Javed. 1987 891.4392 URF G-255706<br />
664 AliMirsepassi Intellectual Discourse and the Politics <strong>of</strong> Modernization. 2000 955.05 MIR 243789<br />
665 Alimullah Hali Ietebaar. 1986 891.4391092 HAL G-2675<br />
666 Alimullah Hali Perwez Shahidi. 2000 891.4391092 HAL 241500<br />
667 Alison Lurie Nowhere City. 1965 306.7 LUR G-251807<br />
668 Alistair AmcLean Where Eagles Dare Ice Stattion Zebra. 1963 823 MAC G-256300<br />
669 Alk Ghosh Hindustaani Maishat. 1989 330.954 GHO G-254402<br />
670 Alka Saraogi Kali Katha: Wayabai Paas. 1997 891.433 ALK 241585<br />
671 Alka Sen Glimpes in<strong>to</strong> Indian Aviation His<strong>to</strong>ry. 1988 387.709 SEN 242625<br />
672 Allama Iqbal Killiyyate Iqbal (Ma Farhang). 2004 891.439108 IQB 240378<br />
673 Allama Iqubal Javed Naama. 1993 891.439108 IQB G-256595<br />
674 Allan & Wendy Scarfe J.P. His Bipgraphy. 1998 324.220954092 ALL 240107<br />
675 Allan Drazen Political Economy in Macroeconomics. 2004 339 DRA 243681<br />
676 Allan Drazen Political Economy in Macroeconomics. 2004 339 DRA 240095<br />
677 Allen J. Scott Geography and Economy. 2006 330.9 SOC 240458<br />
678 Allen Keith Jones.<br />
Politics in Sindh, 1907-1940: Muslim Identity and the demand for<br />
Pakistan. 2003 3200954918 JON 243470<br />
679 Alma A. Dobbs Teaching Wholesome Living. 1939 371 DOB G-252489<br />
680 Alok Bhalla Life and Works <strong>of</strong> Saadat Hasan Min<strong>to</strong>. 2004 324.220954092 BHA 241720<br />
681 Alok Bhalla Ed. Life and Works <strong>of</strong> Saadat Hasan Min<strong>to</strong>. 1997 809.93592 LIF G-254265<br />
682 Alok Mukhopadhyay Chronic Poverty: A Conceptal Framework. 2005 614.0954 ROY 270166<br />
683 Alok Mukhopadhyay Poverty Alleviation Programmes in India. 2005 362.50954 SAH 270165<br />
684 Alok Rai Hindi Nationalism. 2000 491.43 RAI 241088<br />
685 Alok Ranjan Dagupta Budhdev Basu. 1970 891.44092 DAS G-253031<br />
686 Alokdhanwa Duniya roz Banti hai. 1998 891.432 ALO G-254510<br />
687 Alokesh Barua Ed. India's Noerth-East Developmental Issue in a His<strong>to</strong>rical Perspectives. 2005 954 BAR 243692<br />
688 Alsous Huxley Everyman's Liberary. 1938 820 HUX G-255201<br />
689 Altaf Husain Hali Hayate Javed. 1979 378.54092 HAL G-250034<br />
690 Altafur Rahman Tafsirul Qur'an. 1927 297.1227 QUR G-255618<br />
691 Alvin T<strong>of</strong>fler Third Wave. 1980 301 TOF G-256568<br />
692 Alyassa Ayers Speaking Like State:Language and National in Pakistan 2009 306.44095491 AYR 269859<br />
693 Amalendu Guha Planter Raj <strong>to</strong> Swaraj Fereedom Struggle & Elec<strong>to</strong>ral Politics in India. 2006 320.954162 GUH 241664<br />
694 Amalendu Misra Identity & Religion foundations <strong>of</strong> anti-Islamism in India 2004 305.6970954 MIS 243864<br />
695 Amalendu Misra Identity & Religion foundations <strong>of</strong> anti-Islamism in India 2004 305.6970954 MIS 243384<br />
696 Amalia L. Cabezas Ed.<br />
Wages <strong>of</strong> Empire: Neoliberal Policies, Repression, and Women's<br />
Poverty. 2007 362.83096942 WAG 269350<br />
697 Amaney A. Jamal Barriers <strong>to</strong> Democracy. 2007 300.9174927 JAM 244630<br />
698 Amar Farooqui Opium City: Making <strong>of</strong> Early Vic<strong>to</strong>rian Bombay. 2006 954.7923 FAR 241604<br />
699 Amar Kant Kuhasa. 1983 891.43301 AMA G-253654<br />
700 Amar Kant Maar Kant ke kartitve avan Vyaktitve ki Padtal. 1977 891.433092 AMA G-253011
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
701 Amar Kant Man ki Ghatnaein. 1966 891.433 AMA G-253728<br />
702 Amar Kant Zindagi aur Junk. 1958 891.43301 AMA G-253462<br />
703 Amaresh Datta Ed. Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> Indian Literature. 1 2003 891.10. ENC 241180<br />
704 Amaresh Datta Ed. Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> Indian Literature. 2 2003 891.10. ENC 241181<br />
705 Amaresh Datta Ed. Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> Indian Literature. 3 2003 891.10. ENC 241182<br />
706 Amaresh Datta Ed. Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> Indian Literature. 4 2003 891.10. ENC 241183<br />
707 Amaresh Datta Ed. Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> Indian Literature. 5 2003 891.10. ENC 241184<br />
708 Amaresh Datta Ed. Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> Indian Literature. 6 2003 891.10. ENC 241185<br />
709 Amarjeet Kaunko Andhere main Aawaz. 1997 891.431 KAV G-253504<br />
710 Amartya Sen Amartya Se & Jean Drexe Omnibus. 1995 330.954 SEN 240985<br />
711 Amartya Sen Commodities and Capabilities. 2005 338.02 AMA 244124<br />
712 Amartya Sen Development as Freedom. 2004 338.9 SEN 240986<br />
713 Amartya Sen On ethics and Economics 2005 174.4 SEN 240987<br />
714 Amartya Sen<br />
Argumentative Indian:writings on Indian His<strong>to</strong>ry and Culture and<br />
Identity. 2005 306.0954 SEN 240963<br />
715 Amartya Sen Employement, Technology and Development. 2006 331.125 AMA 244120<br />
716 Amartya Sen Idea <strong>of</strong> Justice. 2009 320.011 SEN 269646<br />
717 Amartya Sen Identity and Violence: Illusion <strong>of</strong> Destiny. 2006 303.6012 SEN 240440<br />
718 Amartya Sen et al. Re-Imagining India and other Essays. 2010 338.0954 IMA 270026<br />
719 Ambadatt Pandey Adhunikta aur Alochna. 1985 891.4309 PAN G-253502<br />
720 Ambedkar Perspectives on Dalit question & the Future <strong>of</strong> Dalit Polotics. 305.568 VIK 242628<br />
721 Ambrose Pim<strong>to</strong> Ed. Dalits: Assertion for Identity. 1999 305.568 PIN 241814<br />
722 Ameeque Gasht Shabe Ghasht. 1969 891.439108 HAN G-256945<br />
723 Ameeque Hanafi Sher Chize Degaraast. 1983 891.439109 HAN G-256793<br />
724<br />
Amelia U. San<strong>to</strong>sh-<br />
Paulino & Gaunghua<br />
Wan Ed. Ed. Southern Engines <strong>of</strong> Global Growth. 2010 338.9091724 SOU 270022<br />
725 Ami Pedahzur Ed. Root Causes <strong>of</strong> Suicide Terrorism: Globalization <strong>of</strong> Martyrdom. 2006 363.325 PED 243234<br />
726 Amin Saikal Modern Afghanistan: His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Struggle and Survival. 2006 958.1 SAI 243198<br />
727 Amineh Ahmed Sorrow and Joy among Muslim Women. 2006 305.48891593 AMI 243561<br />
728 Amir Khusroo Masnavi Nah Sapar. 1979 891.55108 KHU G-256622<br />
Amir Ullah Khan & States <strong>of</strong> The Indian Economy: Towqards a Large Constituency for<br />
729 Harsh Vivek<br />
Second Generation Economic Reforms.<br />
Medicines, Medical Practice and Health Care in India in the Era <strong>of</strong><br />
2007 330.954 KHA 244222<br />
730 Amit A. Ray<br />
Globalization. 2004 362.10954 RAY 270163<br />
731 Amit Bhaduri Development with Dignity: a Case for full Employement. 2007 338.9 BHA 268998<br />
732 Amit Bhaduri Essays in the Reconstruction <strong>of</strong> Political Economy. 2010 330.954 BHA 269821<br />
733 Amit Bhaduri Face you were afraid <strong>to</strong> see. 2009 330.954 BHA 269862<br />
734 Amit Bhaduri Face you were Afriad <strong>to</strong> see: Essasys on the Indian Economiy. 2009 330.954 BHA 270193<br />
735 Amit Bhaduri Face you were Afriad <strong>to</strong> see: Essasys on the Indian Economiy. 2009 330.954 BHA 270191<br />
736 Amit Bhaduri Face you were Afriad <strong>to</strong> see: Essasys on the Indian Economiy. 2009 330.954 BHA 270192<br />
737 Amit Bhaduri On the Border <strong>of</strong> Economic theory and His<strong>to</strong>ry. 1999 330 BHA 240056<br />
738 Amit Bhattacharyya Transformation <strong>of</strong> China 1840-1969. 2007 951 BHA 244632<br />
739 Amit Kumar Gupta Agrarian Drama: Leftists and the Ruaral Poor in India. 1996 954.059 GUP 268925<br />
740 Amit Kumar Gupta Agrarian Drama: Life and the Rural poor in India 1996 307.720954 GUP 244015
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
741 Amit S. Ray Political Economy <strong>of</strong> Rural Care in India.<br />
Untimely bollywood: Globalization and India's New Media<br />
2001 362.10954 RAY 270187<br />
742 Amit S.Rai<br />
Assemblage. 2010 302.230954 RAI 269995<br />
743 Amita Baviskar In the Belly <strong>of</strong> the River. 2002 551.442 BAV 244085<br />
744 Amita Baviskar In the Belly <strong>of</strong> the River. 2004 577.09 BAV 242322<br />
745 Amita Baviskar<br />
Amitabh Bhatnagar<br />
Waterscapes: Cultural Politics <strong>of</strong> a natural Resource. 2007 333.91 BAV 243018<br />
746 Ed. Rural Micr<strong>of</strong>inance and Microenterprises Informal Revolution. 2008 338.6420954 RUL 269267<br />
747 Amitav Ghosh<br />
Amitendu Palit & S.<br />
Chhaya Rekha. 1997 823 GHO G-252977<br />
748 Bhattacherjee Special Economic Zones myths and realities. 2008 338.9954 PAL 269299<br />
749 Amitva Ghosh Imam and the Indian Prose Pieces. 2003 909.20954 GHO 241071<br />
750 Amiya Kumar Bagchi Capital & Labour Redefined India and the Third World. 2002 330.1220954 BAG 243840<br />
751 Amiya Kumar Bagchi Capital & Labour Redefining: India and the Third World 2002 305.5540954 BAG 240026<br />
752 Amiya Kumar Bagchi Colonialism and Indian Economy. 2010 330.954 BAG 269957<br />
753 Amiya Kumar Bagchi Perilous Passage: Mankind and the Global Ascendancy <strong>of</strong> Capital. 2006 306.34209182 BAG 240436<br />
754 Amiya Kumar Bagchi Political Economy <strong>of</strong> Underdevelopment. 1989 330.91724 BAG 268969<br />
755 Amiya Kumar Bagchi Political Economy <strong>of</strong> Underdevelopment. 1989 330.91724 BAG 268972<br />
756 Amiya Kumar Bagchi Political Economy <strong>of</strong> Underdevelopment. 1989 330.91724 BAG 268971<br />
757 Amiya Kumar Bagchi Political Economy <strong>of</strong> Underdevelopment. 1989 330.91724 BAG 268968<br />
758 Amiya Kumar Bagchi Political Economy <strong>of</strong> Underdevelopment. 1989 330.91724 BAG 268970<br />
Amiya Kumar Bagchi Webs <strong>of</strong> His<strong>to</strong>ry: Information, Communication and Technology from<br />
759 Ed.<br />
Early t Post-Colonial India.<br />
Economy and Organization: Indian Institute under the Neoliberal<br />
2005 384.30285 WEB 240227<br />
760 Amiya Kumar Baghchi regime.<br />
Economy and Organization: Indian Institute under the Neoliberal<br />
1999 338.360954 BAG 244155<br />
761 Amiya Kumar Baghchi regime. 1999 338.360954 BAG 244210<br />
762 Amiya Kumar Baghchi Political Economy <strong>of</strong> Underdevelopment. 1999 330.91724 BAG 244161<br />
Amiya Kumar Baghchi Captured and Exclude: Development Economies and the Poor in Global<br />
763 & Gary Dymski Ed. Fiance. 2007 338.9 CAP 244196<br />
764 Amiya P. Sen Explorations in Modern Bengal c.1800-1900. 2010 954.035 SEN 269806<br />
765 Amiya P.Sen Ed. Social and Religious Reforms: Hindus <strong>of</strong> British India. 2006 303.484 SEN 243871<br />
766 Amjad Husain Haafiz Chamakte Sitaare. 2004 891.4391 HAF G-252662<br />
767 Amjad Husain Haafiz Chamakte Sitaare. 2004 891.4391 HAF G-252663<br />
768 Amlan Datta Third Movement. 1983 301 DAT G-252081<br />
769 Amlan Datta<br />
770<br />
Transitional Puzzles: reflections on Social Economics and Political<br />
Issues. 2009 306.0954 DAT 269398<br />
AmmadulHasan Azad<br />
Farooqui Islami Tahzeeb wa Tamaddun. Maghrabi Ashya warsa. 2000 909.0917176 FAR G-254443<br />
771 Ammer Faizul Alf. Shoraai Azbekistaan. 1973 891.3251092 SHO G-253922<br />
772 Ammer Noorani Munshi Naval Kishore or unke Khuttat wa Khush Nashin 1994 079 NOO G-254447<br />
773 Amos Elon Israelis Founders and Sons. 1981 956.94 ELO G-251414<br />
774 Amos Owen Thomas Imagi-Nations and borderless. 2005 3984.55095 THO 242097
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
775 Amos Owen Thomas Trasnational Media and Con<strong>to</strong>ured Market. 2006 384.55095 THO 242041<br />
776 Amos oz Perfect Peace. 1989 892.436 OZA G-251686<br />
777 Amrat Rai Parem Chand Qalam Ka Sipaahi.<br />
Fifty Years <strong>of</strong> Higher Education in India: role <strong>of</strong> the Uni versity Grants<br />
1992 891.43308 AMR G-256996<br />
778 Amrik Singh<br />
Commission. 2004 380.5409 AMR 244129<br />
779 Amrik Singh Hindu Muslim divine: a fresh look. 2007 294.5 AMR 243108<br />
780 Amrit Chutr Falak. 1964 891.43301 AMR G-253102<br />
781 Amrit Lal Ishrat Iran sadiyun ke Aiene main. 1986 955 ISH G-252742<br />
782 Amrit lal Madam Sindhuputr. 1991 891.433 MAD G-253395<br />
783 Amrit Lal Madan Tathastu: Sahitye Kala Parishad, Dilli Duara Paraskrit. 1990 891.432041 MAD G-253546<br />
784 Amrit Lal Naagar Biond Our Samandar. 1975 891.433 NAG G-256816<br />
785 Amrit Lal Paul S.S. Misha. 1998 891.1092 PAU 241247<br />
786 Amrit Pritam Kadi Dhup ka Safar. 1982 891.433 PRI G-253066<br />
787 Amrit Rai Bhor se Pehle. 1956 891.43308 RAI G-253532<br />
788 Amrit Ray Agdandam. 1982 891.43308 RAY G-253569<br />
789 Amrit Ray Gali Mitti. 1951 891.43301 RAY G-253648<br />
790 Amrit Ray Hathi ke Daant. 1982 891.43301 RAY G-253578<br />
791 Amrit Ray Haward Fast Samar Gaya. 1982 813 FAS G-253657<br />
792 Amrit Ray Kathghar. 1977 891.43308 RAY G-253088<br />
793 Amrit Ray Naagfati ka Desh. 1984 891.433 AMR G-253619<br />
794 Amrit Ray Prem Chand ki Parans Geeta. 1985 891.43109 AMR G-252971<br />
795 Amrit Ray Prem Chand. 1978 891.43092 AMR G-253167<br />
796 Amrit Ray Vichar Dhara aur sahitye. 1954 891.434 RAY G-253313<br />
797 Amrit Ray<br />
Amrita Basu & Srirupa<br />
Vijint India. 1982 891.43301 RAY G-253580<br />
798 Roy<br />
Amrita Basu & Srirupa<br />
Violence and Democracy in India. 2007 321.80954 BAS 244567<br />
799 Roy Violence and Democracy in India. 2007 321.80954 BAS 243144<br />
800 Amrita Pritam Other Dimension. 1996 823 PRI G-256221<br />
801 Amrita Rai Prem Chand his life and Times. 2002 891.43092 RAT 240647<br />
802 Amrita Shah Hype Hypcrisy & Television in Urban India. 1997 384.55 SHA G-250584<br />
803 Amrjit Kaur Punjab S<strong>to</strong>ry.<br />
Impact <strong>of</strong> Partition: Refugees in Pakistan: Struggle for Empowerment<br />
2004 303.640954552 PUN G-256219<br />
804 Amtul Hassan and State's Response. 2006 304.809549 AMT 243874<br />
805 Amukh Aamukh Akhil Bhartiye Karantikari Sanskirti manch ka Mukhpatr. 1996 303.2 AAM G-254525<br />
806 Amy Ateedman<br />
Amy Catlin-Jairazbhoy<br />
S<strong>to</strong>ries from the Arabian Nights. 1946 823 STE G-254804<br />
807 Ed. Sidis and Scholars: Essays on African Indians. 2004 960.92 JAIs 244614<br />
808 Amy Wilentz<br />
Amy-Catlin-<br />
Rainy Season Haiti Since Duvalier. 1989 972.940719 WIL G-251571<br />
809 Jairazbhony Sidis and Scholars: Essays on African Indians 2004 325.096 JAI 243039<br />
810 Anand A. Yang Bazar India: Marketing Society and the Colonial State in Bihar. 1998 381.08095412 YAN 241778<br />
811 Anand Chandavarkar Unexpected Keynes and other Essays. 2009 330.156 CHA 269888<br />
812 Anand Lahar Mujh se Kaha Hotaa. 2004 891.4393 LEH G-252800
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
813 Anand Narayan Mulla Jaada Mulla. 1988 891.439108 MUL G-256651<br />
814 Anand Patil Uddhav Shelke. 2002 891.463092 PAT 241229<br />
815 Anand Teltumbde Ambedkar on Muslims. 1981 305.568092 TEL 241920<br />
816 Anand Teltumbde Persistence <strong>of</strong> Caste. 2010 306.2 TEL 270049<br />
817 Anand Teltumbde Ed. Hindutva and Dalits: Perspective for Understanding Communal Praxis. 2005 294.5 TEL 241606<br />
818 Anand Teltumbde Ed. Hindutva and Dalits: Perspective for Understanding Communal Praxis. 2005 294.5 TEL 240949<br />
819 Anand Til Tumbde Kiya Doc<strong>to</strong>r Kiya Abedkar Mukhalif The: Mafroza our Haqiqat. 2004 305.13 TUM G-252771<br />
820 Anand TilTumbde Kiya Doc<strong>to</strong>r Ambedtkar Muslim Mukhalif the Mafrooza our Haquiqat. 2004 954.92 TUM G-252608<br />
821 Anand TilTumbde Kiya Doc<strong>to</strong>r Ambedtkar Muslim Mukhalif the Mafrooza our Haquiqat. 2004 294.5092 TUM G-250501<br />
822 Anand zachria Ed. Towards a Critical Medical Pratice. 2010 610.23 TOW 270091<br />
823 Ananda Lal Rabindranath Tagore: Three Plays. 2004 891.442 TAG 240555<br />
824 Ananda Wood Knowledge before printing and after. 1985 306.095483 WOOs 242244<br />
825 Ananya Jahan Kabir Representing the Valley Of Kashmir: terri<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Desire. 2009 954.6 KAB 270056<br />
826 Ana<strong>to</strong>ly Luncharsky<br />
Andana K.<br />
On Literature and Art. 1973 891.709 LUN G-254059<br />
827 Coomaraswamy Writings and Mineralogy Scientific Papers and Comments. 2001 551 COO 243827<br />
828 Ander Gunder Frank ReOrient: Global Economy in the Asian Age. 1998 337 FAR 269449<br />
829 Anders Aslund Gorbachev's Struggle forEconomic Reforms.<br />
Critical Thory and World Politics: Citizenship, Sovereignty and<br />
1989 338.9 ASL G-254023<br />
830 Anderw Linklater Humanity. 2008 320.909 LIN 244540<br />
831 Andras Erdelyi Man Who Harvests Sunshine: The Modern Gandhi M.S. Swaminathan. 2002 631.55 ERD G-250880<br />
832 Andre Beteille Marxism & Class Analysis. 2007 335.40954 BET 243941<br />
833 Andre Beteille Sociology: Essays on Approach & Method. 2006 301 BET G-257272<br />
834 Andre Beteille Studies in Agrarian Social Structure. 1974 301.3520954 BET 242796<br />
835 Andre Beteille Studies in Agrarian Social Struggle. 1974 301.430954 BET G-256226<br />
836 Andre Dubas III House <strong>of</strong> Sand and Fog. 2000 823.92 DUL G-251361<br />
837 Andre Gide La Symphonie Pas<strong>to</strong>rale. 1965 823 GID G-254967<br />
838 Andre Gide Strait is the Gate.<br />
Lumdenbourgeoisie and Lumpendevelopment: dependency, Class and<br />
1952 823 GID G-252539<br />
839 Andre Gunder Frank Politics in Latin America.<br />
Lumpenbourgeoisie and Lumpendevelopment: dependency,Class,and<br />
2004 338.98 FRA 269713<br />
840 Andre Gunder Frank Politics in Latin America. 2004 320.98 FAR 242101<br />
841 Andre Malraux Anti Memoirs. 1968 843 MAL G-255142<br />
842 Andre Maurois Ariel. 1929 G-253813<br />
843 Andre Roux<br />
Andrea Cornwall &<br />
Everone's Guide <strong>to</strong> Future <strong>of</strong> South Africa. 2002 968 ROU G-256298<br />
844 Maxine Moluneux Ed.<br />
Andrea Cornwall<br />
Politics <strong>of</strong> rights: Dilemmas for Feminist Praxis. 2008 305.42 POL 269352<br />
845 Ed. Feminisms contradictions, contestations & Challenges. 2007 305.42 FEM 269104
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
846 Andrea Major Ed. Sati: a His<strong>to</strong>rical Anthology. 2007 294.50809 AND 243114<br />
847 Andreas F. Lowenfeld International Economic Law. 2002 341.09 INT 269381<br />
848 Andreas Gross et al. Hallow and the beginning <strong>of</strong> protestant Christianity in India. I 2006 230.954 GRO 243010<br />
849 Andreas Gross et al. Hallow and the beginning <strong>of</strong> protestant Christianity in India. II 2006 230.954 GRO 243011<br />
850 Andreas Gross et al. Hallow and the beginning <strong>of</strong> protestant Christianity in India. III 2006 230.954 GRO 243012<br />
851 Andreil Lankov From Stalin <strong>to</strong> Kim il Sung. 1988 951.93 LAN 243607<br />
852 Andrew Boyle Climate <strong>of</strong> Treason.<br />
No Passion Glory: full and authentic biography <strong>of</strong> Group Captain<br />
19779 823.914 BOY G-251341<br />
853 Andrew Boyle Cheshire. 1972 823.1 BOY G-256248<br />
854 Andrew Cr<strong>of</strong>ts. Little Hero one boy's Fight for freedom. 2008 331.31 CRO 269326<br />
855 Andrew F. March Islam and Liberal Citizenship: Search for an Overlapping Consensus. 2009 340.59 MAR 269590<br />
856 Andrew Field Lost Chronicle <strong>of</strong> Edwards de Ver. 1990 823.914 FIE G-251552<br />
857 Andrew H. Wright Jane Austin's Novels. 1962 823.09 WRI G-255357<br />
858 Andrew Heywood Key concepts in Politics. 2005 320 HEY 241157<br />
859<br />
Andrew Lan Walter<br />
Leaf Aliad <strong>of</strong> Homer. 1941 820 LAN G-255534<br />
860 Andrew Lang Approach <strong>to</strong> Shakespeare. 1944 822.33 APP G-251666<br />
861 Andrew Rippin Muslim their religious beliefs and practices. 2003 297 RIP 241804<br />
862 Andrew Rippin Ed. World Islam: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies. I 2008 305.6297 WOR 269280<br />
863 Andrew Rippin Ed. World Islam: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies. II 2008 305.6297 WOR 269281<br />
864 Andrew Rippin Ed. World Islam: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies. III 2008 305.6297 WOR 269282<br />
865 Andrew Rippin Ed. World Islam: Critical Concepts in Islamic Studies. IV 2008 305.6297 WOR 269283<br />
866 Andrew Tallon Ed. Urban Regional and Renewal: Critical Concepts in Urban Studies. 1 2010 307.76 URB 270136<br />
867 Andrew Tallon Ed. Urban Regional and Renewal: Critical Concepts in Urban Studies. 2 2010 307.76 URB 270137<br />
868 Andrew Tallon Ed. Urban Regional and Renewal: Critical Concepts in Urban Studies. 3 2010 307.76 URB 270138<br />
869 Andrew Tallon Ed. Urban Regional and Renewal: Critical Concepts in Urban Studies. 4 2010 307.76 URB 270139<br />
870 Andrey Tarkovsky Within Time the Diaries 1970-1986. 2004 822.092 TAR 242977<br />
871 Andy Merrifield Henri Lefebvre: a Critical Introduction. 2006 300.92 MER 243240<br />
872 Anees wa Dabeer Intekhab Marasi. 2003 891.4391 INT G-250816<br />
873 Aneurin Bevan In Place <strong>of</strong> Fear 1961 321.8 BEV G-255090<br />
874 Angana R. Chattreji Violent Gods: Hindu Nationalism in India's Present. 2009 320.540954 CHA 269708<br />
875<br />
Angela Guimaraes<br />
Pereira & Silvio<br />
Fun<strong>to</strong>wicz Ed. Science for Policy: Ecological Economics and Human Well-Being. 2009 338.926 SCI 269828<br />
876 Angus Maddison Con<strong>to</strong>urs <strong>of</strong> the World Economy, I 2030 AD 2007 338.9 MAD 244233<br />
877 Angus Wilson As if by Magic. 1973 823 WIL G-254936<br />
878 Angus Wilson Bit <strong>of</strong> the Map. 1957 823.08 WIL G-255326<br />
879 Angus Wilson Middle Age <strong>of</strong> Mrs Eliot. 1958 823 WIL G-255516<br />
880 Angus Wilson Such Darling Dodos. 1960 823 WIL G-254861<br />
881 Angus Wilson Wrongset. 1959 823 WIL G-254679<br />
882 Ania Loomba Colonialism/ Postcolonialism: new Critical Idiom. 2007 325.3 LOO 244306<br />
883 Ania Loomba Colonialism/ Postcolonialism: new Critical Idiom. 2007 325.3 LOO 243415<br />
884 Ania Loomba Colonialism/ Postcolonialism: new Critical Idiom. 2007 325.3 LOO 243921
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
885 Ania Loomba et al. ed. Postcolonial Studies and Beyond. 2005 325.3 POS 241679<br />
886 Aniket Alam Becoming India Western Himalaya under Vritish Rule. 2008 954.03 ANI 244599<br />
887 Anil Agarwal Ed. State <strong>of</strong> India'a Environment: Dying Wisdom: Citizen's Rport. 2009 333.9115 CEN 269688<br />
888 Anil B. Deolalikar Attending the Millennium Deveopment Goals in India. 2005 305.2310954 DEO 241174<br />
889 Anil Basu Public Relations Problems and Prospects with Case Studies. 1981 352 BAS G-257142<br />
890 Anil Bhuimali Minorities in Indian. 2008 305.560954 BHU 244910<br />
891 Anil Chandr Banerjee Jadonaath Sarkar. 1993 891.444092 BAN 241518<br />
892 Anil Chandr Banerjee Yadunaath Sarkar. 1994 891.44092 BAN G-253432<br />
893 Anil Chandr Mautra. Tutte Indrdhanush 1980 891.433 MET G-253082<br />
894 Anil Dharker Romance <strong>of</strong> Falt. 2005 954.0358 DHA G-256218<br />
895 Anil Jan Vijay Samkalin Soviet Kavita. 1987 891.7108 SAM G-253670<br />
896 Anil Maheshwari Aligarh MuslimUniversit: Perfect Past and Precarious Present. 2001 378 MAH 242378<br />
897 Anil Markandya et at. Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Environmental Economics. 2002 333.703 DIC 244606<br />
898 Anil Thakkar Afsane Musa parrinde. 1998 891.4393 THA G-253881<br />
899 Anil Thakkar Afsane Musa parrinde. 1998 891.4393 THA G-253879<br />
900 Anila Verhjese Hampi: Monumental Legacy. 2003 954.8721 VER 240564<br />
901 Anindita Ghosh<br />
902<br />
Power in Print: Popular Publishing and the Politics <strong>of</strong> Language and<br />
Culture in a Colonial Society. 2006 954.0298 GHO 241746<br />
Anindita niyogi<br />
Balslev Cultural Otherness: Correspondence with Richard Dorty 1991 303.4820954 BAL 241702<br />
903 Anindyo Roy Civility and Empire: Literature and Culture in British India. 2005 820.9954 ROY 243482<br />
904 Anindyo Roy Civility, Literature in British India: 1822-1922. 2006 820.995 ROY 240315<br />
905 Anirban Biswas Cowrie Currency and Monetary His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> India. 2006 332.40954 BIS 240481<br />
906 Aniruddha Bahal Bunker 13. 2003 823.914 BAH G-251285<br />
907 Anirudh Deshpande<br />
British Military Policy in India, 1900-1945: Colonial Constraints and<br />
Declining Power. 2005 355.0335754 DES 241985<br />
908 Anirudh Deshpande Stigma <strong>of</strong> Defeat: Indian Military His<strong>to</strong>ry in Comparative perspective<br />
One Illness Aways: Why people become poor and how they Escape<br />
2003 002 NMM 244037<br />
909 Anirudh Krishna poverty.<br />
One Illness Aways: Why people become poor and how they Escape<br />
2010 339.46 KRI 270051<br />
910 Anirudh Krishna poverty. 2010 339.46 KRI 270086<br />
911 Anis Ashfaque<br />
Anis Chisti A.<br />
Syed Masood Hasan Rizvi Adeeb. 2005 891.4392092 ANI 241506<br />
912 Siddiqui Urdu Khush Navesi. 2004 745 CHI G-250148<br />
913 Anis Farooqui Hindustaani Musawwir. 1981 704.0354 FAR G-250056<br />
914 Anis Qidwai<br />
Anita M. Weiss & S.<br />
Ab jin ke dekhne ko. 1980 920 ANI G-256947<br />
915 Zulfiqar Gilani Power and Civil Society in Pakistan. 2003 301.095491 WEI 242039<br />
916 Anita Nair World Myths and Legends. 2004 808.03 NAI 240408<br />
917 Anjali Bagwe Of Women Caste: Experience <strong>of</strong> Gender in rural India 1995 305.4 BAG 242915<br />
Anjali Gera Roy N. Partitioned Lives: Narratives <strong>of</strong> Homes, Displacement, and<br />
918 Bhatia<br />
Resettlement. 2008 325.0954 ROY 244404
S.No. Authors<br />
Anjali Gera Roy,Nandi<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
919 Bhatia<br />
Anjan Chakrabarti &<br />
Partitioned Lives: Narratives <strong>of</strong> Homes,Displacement, and Resetlement. 2008 954.04 PAR 244846<br />
920 Stephen Cullenberg Transition and Development in India. 2003 338.90954 CHA 269285<br />
921 Anjan Kumar Datta Land and Labour Relations in South-West Bangladesh. 1998 331.763095492 DAT 243526<br />
922 Anjum Aara Anjum Aagha Hashr Kaashmiri. 2000 891.4391092 ANJ 241479<br />
923 Anjum Iqbal Barqui Tawanai.<br />
India and South Asia: economic Developments in the age <strong>of</strong><br />
2001 537.24 ANJ G-250391<br />
924 Anjum Siddiqui Globalization. 2007 338.90954 SID 244438<br />
925 Ann Dunnigan Oblomov Ivan Goncharov. 1963 891.73 GON G-254119<br />
926 Ann Laura S<strong>to</strong>ler Eace and the Education <strong>of</strong> Desire. 1995 305.8 STO 270201<br />
927 Ann Morrow Highness: Maharajahs <strong>of</strong> India. 1987 954.03 MOR G-251575<br />
928 Anna Guttaman Nation <strong>of</strong> India in Contemporary Indian Literature. 2007 891.1 GUT 244689<br />
929 Anna K. Dickson Development and International Relations.<br />
World Trade Organization: Channgin Dynamics in the Global Political<br />
1997 327 DIC 269503<br />
930 Anna Lanoszka Economy. 2010 382.92 LAN 269717<br />
931 Anna Suvorova Muslim Saint <strong>of</strong> South Asia: eleventh <strong>to</strong> fifteenth Century. 2004 297.40920954 SUV 243408<br />
932 Anna Zelkina<br />
Annanya Mukherjee<br />
Sufi Responses <strong>to</strong> the Russain Advence in the North Causus. 2000 297.40947 ZEL 243536<br />
933 Reed<br />
Annanya Mukherjee<br />
Human Development and Social Power: perspective from South Asia. 2008 303.40954 MUK 269292<br />
934 Reed Human Development and Social Power: perspective from South Asia. 2009 303.40954 MUK 269415<br />
935 Annapurana Shaw Ed. Indian Cities in Transition. 2007 307.760954 SHA 244187<br />
936 Anne Bronte Anges Grey.<br />
Connect Places: Region, Pilgrimage, and Geographical Imagination in<br />
1941 824.08 BRO G-255148<br />
937 Anne Feldhaus India. 2003 954.7923 PEL 243646<br />
938 Anne Fremantle Mao Tse-tung anthology <strong>of</strong> His Writings. 1972 951.05092 MAO G-251749<br />
939 Anne Moir & D. Jessel<br />
Anne O. Krueger<br />
Brainsex: the real difference between Men and Women. 1989 153.853 MOI<br />
940 ECO<br />
Anne O. Krueger<br />
Economic Policy reforms and the Indian Economy. 2002 330.954 ECO 244288<br />
941 ECO Economic Policy reforms and the Indian Economy. 2002 330.954 ECO 244287<br />
942 Anne O.Krueger Ed.<br />
Anne Posthuma Dev<br />
Economic Policy Reforms and the Indian Economy. 2006 338.0954 KRU 244105<br />
943 Nathan Labour in Global Production Networks in India. 2010 331.0954 LAB 269806<br />
944 Anne Sherrill Four Elements: creative Approach <strong>to</strong> the Short S<strong>to</strong>ry. 1975 813.01 SHE G-251304<br />
945 Anne Sni<strong>to</strong>w et at. Ed.<br />
Anne Vaugier-<br />
Powers <strong>of</strong> Desire Politics <strong>of</strong> Sexuality. 2009 306.7 POW 269618<br />
946 Chatterjee Ed. Education and Domocracy in India. 2004 370.115954 EDU 240252<br />
947 Anne Vergati Gods, Men and terri<strong>to</strong>ry: Society and Culture in Kathmandu Valley.<br />
World Altas <strong>of</strong> Sustainable Development: Economic, Social and<br />
2002 306.095496 VER 241993<br />
948 Anne-Marie Sacquet Environmental Data. 2002 338.9270223 SAC 268963
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
949 Annemarie Schimmel Mystical Dimensions <strong>of</strong> Islam. 1975 297.4 SCH G-251236<br />
950 Annemerie Schimmel My Soul is a Womam: feminist in Islam. 1997 297.082 SCH 242044<br />
951 Annemerie Schimmel<br />
Annette Aurelie<br />
Mystical Dimentions <strong>of</strong> Islam 1975 297.4 SCH 243492<br />
952 Desmarrais. La Via Compensina: Globalization and the Power <strong>of</strong> Peasants. 2007 306.349 DES 244742<br />
953 Annie Besant How India Wrought for Freedom. 1993 954.0359 BES 242859<br />
954 Annie Hall Four Films <strong>of</strong> Woody Allen. 1989 778.3 ALLs G-251607<br />
955 Annne S<strong>of</strong>ie Roald Women in Islam: Western Experience. 2001 305.48697 ROA 243396<br />
956 Annu Jalais Forest Tigers: Peole,Politics & Environm,ent in the Sundarban. 2010 333.75 JAL 269835<br />
957 Anrea Colli<br />
Anrea Cornwall, E.<br />
Harrison & A.<br />
His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Family Business 1850-2000. 2003 306.09 COL 244604<br />
958 Whitehead Ed. Feminisms in Development: contradictions, contestations challenges. 2007 305.42 FEM 269042<br />
959 Anreas Wimmer Nationalist Exclusion and Ethnic Conflict.<br />
Marx: workers <strong>of</strong> the world unite you have nothing <strong>to</strong> lose but your<br />
2002 320.54 WIM 241101<br />
960 Anrew Collier chains. 2007 190 COL 244812<br />
961 Anser El-Sadat In Search <strong>of</strong> Identity: an au<strong>to</strong>biography. 1978 324.220956092 SAD G-251410<br />
962 Anthani Gidens<br />
Anthony Aldgate<br />
Samajshastre ka Aloch natmak Parichay. 2008 301 GID 244397<br />
963 James C. Robertson Censorship in the theatre and Cinema. 2005 791.730941 ALD 244860<br />
964 Anthony Arnold Afghanisatn: Soviet Invasion in Perspective. 1981 958.1044 ARN G-251427<br />
965 Anthony C. Thisel<strong>to</strong>n Concise Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> the Philosopy <strong>of</strong> Relgion. 2006 203 THU Ref. 243188<br />
966 Anthony H. Birch Concepts & Theories <strong>of</strong> Medern Democracy. 2002 321.0954 BIR 243546<br />
967 Anthony J. Parel Ed.<br />
Anthony M. Messina<br />
Gandhi Hind Swaraj and other Writings. 1997 954.035 GAN 235256<br />
968 & Gallya Lahav Ed.<br />
Anthony McGrew &<br />
Migration reader: exploring politics and policies. 2006 304.8 MES 242159<br />
969 Nana K. Poku Ed. Globalization, Develpoment and Human Security. 2007 909.83 GLO 243544<br />
970 Anthony Powell Afternoon Men. 1931 823 POW G-251830<br />
971 Anthony Powell<br />
Anthony Read, David<br />
Question <strong>of</strong> Upbringing A Novel. 1951 823 POW G-255533<br />
972 Fisher Proudest Day India's long road <strong>to</strong> Independence. 1997 954 REA 243606<br />
973 Anthony Richard Colour Problem. 1955 305.8 RIC G-251936<br />
974 Anthony Seldon Contemporary His<strong>to</strong>ry: Practice and Method.<br />
Legacy <strong>of</strong> the Prophet: Despots, Democrats, and the New Politics <strong>of</strong><br />
1988 907.2 CON G-251197<br />
975 Anthony Shadid Islam. 2001 320.917671 SHA 240873<br />
976 Anthony Thwaite Contemporary English Poetry. 1959 821.09 THW G-255528<br />
977 Anthony Trollope Barchester Towers. 1975 823 TRO G-255328<br />
978 Anthony Trollope Can You Forgive Her. 1974 823 TRO G-254673<br />
979 An<strong>to</strong>n Chehov Plays. 1964 822.08 CHE G-254791<br />
980 An<strong>to</strong>n Chehov Plays. 1964 822.08 CHE G-255259<br />
981 An<strong>to</strong>n Tcheov Selected S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1953 891.73 TCH G-255579
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
982<br />
An<strong>to</strong>nio Estevadeordal<br />
& Kati Suominen Sovereign Remedy: Trade Agreements in a Globalized World. 2009 382.9 EST 269959<br />
983 An<strong>to</strong>nio Gramsci Letters from Prison. 1973 954.092 GRA G-257244<br />
984 An<strong>to</strong>nio Prohias Mad's Spy vs Spy. 1965 741.5 PRO G-254123<br />
985 An<strong>to</strong>ny Black His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Islamic Political Thought. 2001 297.272 BLA 241151<br />
986 An<strong>to</strong>ny Copley<br />
Gurus and Their followers:New Religious Reform Movements in<br />
Colonial India 2000 294.506 COP 244095<br />
987 Anu Kapur Vulnarable India: geographical Study <strong>of</strong> Disasters. 2010 363.340954 KAP 269870<br />
988 Anup Beniwal Representing Partition: His<strong>to</strong>ry Violence and Narration. 2005 954.04 Ben 241477<br />
989 Anupama Rao Caste Question Dalits and the Politics in Modern India 2010 305.5680954 RAO 269922<br />
990 Anupama Roy Gendered Citizenship: His<strong>to</strong>rical and Conceptual Explorations. 2005 323.6 ROY 243688<br />
991 Anuradha Gyan Dhara. 1990 891.43308 ANU G-253787<br />
992 Anuradha De Report on Elementary Education in India. 2011 372.0954 ANU 270214<br />
993<br />
Anuradha M,. Chenoy<br />
Ed. Putting Peole at the Centre Human Security Issues in Asia 2006 354.88 CHE 243167<br />
994 Anushuma A. Mondal Nationalismm and Post-Colonial Identity. 2003 320.54 MAS 243802<br />
995 Anwar Aag ki Aaghosh main. 1979 891.4393 ANW G-257065<br />
996 Anwar Ali Ed. Towards a Hunger-Free World life and Works <strong>of</strong> M.S. Swaminathan. 2004 630.92 TOW G-250882<br />
997 Anwar Ali Khan Soz Nawae Soze. 2004 891.4391 SOZ G-252477<br />
998 Anwar Ali Khan Soz Nawae Soze. 2004 891.4391 SOZ G-252478<br />
999 Anwar Azim Ajnabi Faasle. 1994 891.439308 ANW G-254137<br />
1000 Anwar Azim Par chaiyun ki Waadi. 1959 891.4393 ANW G-253925<br />
1001 Anwar Azim Qissa Raat ka. 1972 891.4393 ANW G-253915<br />
1002 Anwar Fitrat Aabe Qadeem Saahilun par. 2003 891.4391 FIT G-254569<br />
1003 Anwar Fitrat Aabe Qadeem Saahilun par. 2003 891.4391 FIT G-254570<br />
1004 Anwar Husain Khan Azhar Husain Marhoom. 1997 891.439092 ANW G-252702<br />
1005 Anwar Meenai Gum Shuda Maujudgi. 2004 891.4391 ANW G-254351<br />
1006 Anwar Nadeem Jalte Tawe ki Muskurahat. 1985 891.4393 ANW G-252752<br />
1007 Anwar Nadeem Kaparchin. 1969 891.4392 ANW G-252596<br />
1008 Anwar Nuzhat Safaid Sannata. 1987 891.439308 ANW G-252805<br />
1009 Anwar Sajjad Raat ke Musaafir. 1986 891.439108 RAT G-256723<br />
1010 Anwar Siddique Abdullatif Azmi. 1985 891.439092 KIT G-250762<br />
1011 Anwar Siddique<br />
Anwarul Haque<br />
Shanaas wa Shanakht. 1993 891.43909 SID G-250662<br />
1012 Haqqui<br />
Anwarul Hoda ,Ashok<br />
Jadid Siyasi Fikre. 1981 327 ANW G-250444<br />
1013 Gulati WTO Negotiations on Agriculture and Developing Countries. 2008 381.92 HOD 244769<br />
1014 Aparajita Basu Chemical Science in Colonial India. 2006 306.45 BAS 243125<br />
1015 Aparna Basu Growth <strong>of</strong> Education and Political Development in India, 1898-1920. 1974 370.954 BAS G-251911<br />
Aparna Basu Bharti Women's Struggle: His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the all India Women;s Conference 1927-<br />
1016 Ray<br />
2002. 2003 305.40954 BAS 240205
S.No. Authors<br />
Aparna Basu Malavika<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1017 Karlekar Ed. In So Many Words: Women's life Experience from western India. 2008 305.480954 INS 268946<br />
Aparna Bhargava Theatre <strong>of</strong> Independence: Drama, theory and Yrban Performance in<br />
1018 Dharwadkar<br />
India since 1947. 2005 792 DHA 241602<br />
1019 Aparna Rao Ed. Valley <strong>of</strong> Kashmir: Making and unmaking <strong>of</strong> a Composite Culture. 2008 954.6 VAL 269194<br />
1020 Apratim Muukherji War in Sri Lanka Unending Conflict. 2000 954.93 MUK G-256347<br />
1021 Aqil Ahmad Azmi Kashmir an Unparalleled Curfew. 1990 954.6 AQI G-256462<br />
1022 Aqiqi Bakhshayeshi Ten Decades <strong>of</strong> Ulama's Struggle. 297.610955 BAK 243309<br />
1023 Aqlul Gharvi Naya Talimi Tajurbah. 1991 370 AQI G-252718<br />
1024 Aquila Ismail St<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Khuda ki Basti.<br />
Logics <strong>of</strong> Empowerment: Development, Gender and Governance in<br />
2002 698.1 ISM 242078<br />
1025 Aradhana Sharma<br />
Aradhana Sharma &<br />
Neoliberal India. 2008 305.490954 SHA 269354<br />
1026 Akhil Gupta Ed.<br />
Archana Ghosh,<br />
Anthropology <strong>of</strong> the State.a Reader. 2006 306.2 ANT 242128<br />
Stepehn Tawa & Lama- Democratization in Progress: Women and Local Politics in Urban<br />
1027 Rewal<br />
Archana Ghosh,<br />
India. 2005 321.80954 GHO 241760<br />
Stepehn Tawa & Lama- Democratization in Progress: Women and Local Politics in Urban<br />
1028 Rewal<br />
India. 2005 321.80954 GHO 243837<br />
1029 Archana Mishra<br />
Archana Parashar A<br />
Casting the Evil Eye witch Trials in Tribal India. 2003 305.569 MIS G-256195<br />
1030 Dhanda Redefining Family Law in India.<br />
Environmentalism and the Left: Contemporary Debtes and Future<br />
2008 346.0954 RED 244915<br />
1031 Archana Prasad Agendas in tribals Areas.<br />
Environmetalism and the Left: Contemporary Debtaes and Future<br />
2005 333.714 ARC 242251<br />
1032 Archana Prasad Agendas in Tribal Areas. 2004 331.2 ARC 240248<br />
1033 Archana Prasad Tribal Livelihhod and Globalization.<br />
Thinking about Democracy: Power Sharing and Majority rule in theory<br />
2005 002 NMM 244045<br />
1034 Arend Lijphart and Practice. 2008 321.8 LIJ 244558<br />
1035 Arhur T. Jersld<br />
Aribam Indubala Devi<br />
Child Psychology. 1950 136.7 JER G-252443<br />
1036 Ed.<br />
Aribam Indubala Devi<br />
Amazing North East: Assam. 2010 954.162 AMA 269976<br />
1037 Ed.<br />
Aribam Indubala Devi<br />
Amazing North East: Manipur. 2010 954.17 AMA 270021<br />
1038 Ed.<br />
Aribam Indubala Devi<br />
Amazing North East: Meghalaya. 2010 954.164 AMA 269973<br />
1039 Ed.<br />
Aribam Indubala Devi<br />
Amazing North East: Mizoram. 2010 954.166 AMA 270029<br />
1040 Ed.<br />
Aribam Indubala Devi<br />
Amazing North East: Sikkim 2010 954.167 AMA 269974<br />
1041 Ed. Amazing North East: Tripura. 2010 954.15 AMA 269975<br />
1042 Arie Rip et at. Ed. Managing Technology in Society. 1995 306.46 RIP 244674
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
Chaleenges <strong>to</strong> the World Bank and IMF: developing Country<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1043 Ariel Buira<br />
Perspectives. 2003 332.1532 BUI 244251<br />
1044 Ariel Buira IMF and the World Bank at Sixty. 2005 332.1532 BUI 244252<br />
1045 Ariel Buira Ed. Reforming the Governance <strong>of</strong> the IMF and the World Bank 2005 332.152 REF G-257316<br />
1046 Ariel Dorfman Empire's Old Clothes. 1963 801.92 DOR G-250553<br />
1047 Arif Hasan Understanding Kerachi: Planning and Reforms for the Future. 1999 954.91483 ARI G-254631<br />
1048 Arif Naqvi Yaadaun ke Chiragh. 2005 891.439304 NAQ G-252287<br />
1049 Aris<strong>to</strong>tle Poetics Aris<strong>to</strong>tle on Style. 1940 863 POE G-255567<br />
1050 Arjan De Haan<br />
Unsettled Settlers: Migrant Workers and Industrial Capitalism in<br />
Calcutta. 1994 331.544 HAA 243121<br />
1051 Arjan de Haan S. Sen Case for Labour His<strong>to</strong>ry. 1999 954.035 HAA 243118<br />
1052 Arjan Singh Tiger Book 1998 799.2 SIN G-256197<br />
1053 Arjun Appadurai Fear <strong>of</strong> Small numbers. 2006 303.625 APP 244577<br />
1054 Arjun Dangle Poisoned Bread. 1994 891.46008 POI G-254266<br />
1055 Arkadi Gedar Taimur ki Toli. 1939 891.73 GEG G-255717<br />
1056 Arkady Gaidar Timur and his Squad. 1953 891.73 GAI G-255846<br />
1057 Arman Shamsi Aashnaai Ka Karb. 2003 891.4393 ARM G-252772<br />
1058 Armando Salva<strong>to</strong>re Public Sphere: Liberal Modernity, Catholicism, Islam. 2007 320.011 SAL 244683<br />
1059 Arnab Goswami Combating Terrorism: Legal Challenge. 2002 363.32 GOS G-256301<br />
1060 Arnold Bennett Anna <strong>of</strong> the five Towns. 1936 823 BEN G-254794<br />
1061 Arnold Bennett Old Wives Tale. 1907 823.08 BEN G-255895<br />
1062 Arnold Bennett Old Wives' Tale. 1963 823 BEN G-255253<br />
1063 Arnold J. Toynbee Greek His<strong>to</strong>rian Thought. 1952 938.0082 TOY G-251724<br />
1064 Arnold Wesker Wesker Trilogy. 1959 822 WES G-253445<br />
1065 Arnold Wright Ed.<br />
Southern India: its His<strong>to</strong>ry, People, Commerce, and Industrial<br />
Resource. 2004 954.82 PLA 243627<br />
1066 Arnold Zweig Living thoughts <strong>of</strong> Sinoza. 1943 297.396092 ZWE G-251680<br />
1067 Arpit Rajain Nuclear Deterence in Southern Asia. 2005 355.0217 RAJ G-257269<br />
1068 Arsh Malsiani Abu'sl Kalam Azad: Bulder <strong>of</strong> Modern India. 1976 954.03092 MAL G-251929<br />
1069 Arshad Abdulhameed Sadaaie Aabjoo. 2004 891.4391 ARS G-252875<br />
1070 Arshad Kakovi Meyaari Nazar. 1984 891.43909 ARS G-252808<br />
1071 Arshad Meena Nagri Naye Ujaale. 1999 891.4391 ARS G-252824<br />
1072 Arshad MeenaNagri Ahsaas. 1999 891.4391 ARS G-251239<br />
1073 Arshad Meer Shadi Biyah ke Geet Ghuroiyaan. 1986 783.5 ARS G-256639<br />
1074 Arshad Nazar Barg Darkhshaan. 1984 891.4391 NAZ G-252705<br />
1075 Arshad Siddiqui Naghmae Raaz. 2000 891.439108 SID G-250600<br />
1076 Arshad Syed Karim Pakistan and the Muslim League. 1992 324.25491082 IMA 240276<br />
1077 Arthro Escobar<br />
Encountering Development: Making and unmaaking <strong>of</strong> the Third<br />
World. 1995 338.9 ESC 244903<br />
1078 Arthur Avalon<br />
Arthur Berriedale<br />
Serprent Power. 1958 181.45 SER G-251556<br />
1079 Keith Constitutional His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> india 1600-1935. 1936 954 KEI G-255903<br />
1080 Arthur Bezar Tibbiyat ke Bunyadi Tasawuraat. 1975 530 BAY G-250447<br />
1081 Arthur Canon Doyle Case book <strong>of</strong> Sherlock Holmes. 1959 904 DOY G-255051
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1082 Arthur Canon Doyle Memoirs <strong>of</strong> Sherlock Holmes. 1960 823.092 DOY G-254855<br />
1083 Arthur Conan Doyle Adventures <strong>of</strong> Sherlock Holmes. 1984 823.8 ART G-256394<br />
1084 Arthur D. Innes England Under the Tudors. 1920 936.2 INN G-255959<br />
1085 Arthur D. Innes England Under the Tudors. 1932 942 INN G-255744<br />
1086 Arthur Hailey Money Chnagers. 1975 823 HAI G-253988<br />
1087 Arthur Jeffrey Koran Selected Suras. 1958 297.1229 KOR 240695<br />
1088 Arthur Koesteler Darkness at Noon. 1949 823 KOE G-251832<br />
1089 Arthur Koestler Case <strong>of</strong> the Midwife Toad. 1971 575.0092 KOE G-251274<br />
1090 Arthur MacEwan Neo-Liberalism or Democracy. 2001 330.122 MAC 269465<br />
1091 Arthur Miller All My Sons. 1979 822 MIL G-253980<br />
1092 Arthur Miller Crucible. 1953 822 MIL G-252573<br />
1093 Arthur Miller View from the Bridge All my Sons. 1961 822 MIL G-254691<br />
1094 Arthur Quiller Couch Selected Short S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1957 823.08 COU G-254708<br />
1095 Arthur Quiller-Couch Oxford Book <strong>of</strong> English Verse 1250-1900. 1930 821.08 COU G-254925<br />
1096 Arthur W. Ryder Panchatantra.<br />
Encountering Development: Making and unkmaking <strong>of</strong> the Third<br />
1983 891.23 PAN G-254828<br />
1097 Ar<strong>to</strong>ro Escobar World. 1995 338.9 ESC 269542<br />
1098 Artur F. Kip Electricity and Magnetism.<br />
Environmentality: Technologis <strong>of</strong> Government and the Maing <strong>of</strong><br />
1969 537 KIP G-254017<br />
1099 Arun Agrawal Subject.<br />
Reener Pasttures: Politics Markets and Community among a Migrant<br />
2005 324.187 AGR 241608<br />
1100 Arun Agrawal<br />
Arun Agrawal K.<br />
Pas<strong>to</strong>ral People. 1999 335.0845 GAR 243870<br />
1101 Sivaramakrishnan Ed. Social Nature: Resources, Representations, and Rule in India. 2001 306.0954 AGR 244112<br />
1102 Arun Asaf Ali Resurgance <strong>of</strong> Indian Women. 1991 305.40954 ARU 244010<br />
1103 Arun C. Mehta Elementary Education in India: Where we do Stand. 2005 372.954 MEH G-253757<br />
1104 Arun Chaudhury ITC versus Bat Case for Indian Corporate pr. 1997 659.2 CHA 241843<br />
1105 Arun De Souza Water and Development: Forging Green Communities for Watersheds.<br />
Agrarian Structure and Peasant Movement in Colonial and Post-<br />
2010 631.28 DES 269964<br />
1106 Arun Ghosh<br />
Independence 1990 011.0954 GHO 243130<br />
1107 Arun Ghosh Paradigms <strong>of</strong> Economics Development. 1996 338.9091724 GHO 269915<br />
1108 Arun Kamal Apni keval Dhaar. 1980 891.43108 KAM G-253272<br />
1109 Arun Kamal Naye Ilake main. 1996 891.43108 KAM G-253216<br />
1110 Arun Kumar Ed. Dalits and Economic Reforms. 2010 305.568 DAL 269834<br />
1111<br />
Arun Kumar<br />
Mukhopadhyay Pramatha Chaudhuri. 1983 891.4484092 MUK 241228<br />
1112 Arun Kumar Singh Inter-Linking <strong>of</strong> Rivers in India: Parliamentry Assessment. 2003 333.730954 SIN 242295<br />
1113 Arun Majumder Structural Evolution <strong>of</strong> Indian Economy Early Phase. 1992 330.954 MAJ 243730<br />
1114 Arun Mukhaerjee Crime and Public Disorder in Colonial Bengal. 1995 364.095414 MUK 242950<br />
1115 Arundhati Roy God <strong>of</strong> Small Things. 1997 823.08 ARU G-253829<br />
1116 Arundhati Roy Ordinary Person's guide <strong>to</strong> Empire. 2005 302.230973 ROY 240896<br />
1117 Arundhaty Roy God <strong>of</strong> Small Things. 1997 823.21 ROY G-251455<br />
1118 Arunima<br />
There comes Papa: Colonialism and the transformation <strong>of</strong> Matrilinary<br />
in Kerala Malabar. 2003 306.83095483 ARU 241120
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1119 Arup Maharatna Demographic perspectives on India's Tribes. 2005 307.7720954 MAH 241951<br />
1120 Arvind Dayal<br />
Arvind Krishna<br />
Pakistan <strong>to</strong> Burma. 2005 327.0954 DAY 240086<br />
1121 Mehrotra<br />
Arvind Krishna<br />
Absent Traveller. 1991 821 ABS G-254168<br />
1122 Mehrotra His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Indian Literature in English. 2003 891.1 MEH 243523<br />
1123 Arvind N. Das India Inveded: A Nation in the Making . 2005 307.7720954 DAS 243825<br />
1124 Arvind N. Das India Invented A Nation in the Making. 2005 320.54 DAS 244621<br />
1125 Arvind N. Das Ed.<br />
Arvind N. Das & M.V.<br />
Agrarian Relations in India. 1979 327.063 AGR G-251899<br />
1126 D.Liden<br />
Arvind N.Das M.V.D.<br />
Work and Social Change in Asia: Essays in Hounour <strong>of</strong> Jan Breman. 2003 303.4095 DAS 241994<br />
1127 Linden Work and Social Change in Asia: Essays in Honour <strong>of</strong> Jan Breman. 2003 331.104 WOR 240220<br />
1128 Arvind Ojha Chote Chote Sach. 1985 891.43108 OJH G-253273<br />
1129 Arvind Panagariya India the Emerging Giant.<br />
Politics after Television: Hindu Na<strong>to</strong>nalism and the Reshaping <strong>of</strong> the<br />
2008 330.95405 PAN 268930<br />
1130 Arvind Rajagopal Public in India.<br />
Politics after Television: Hindu Na<strong>to</strong>nalism and the Reshaping <strong>of</strong> the<br />
2001 306.20954 RAJ 240864<br />
1131 Arvind Rajagopala Public in India. 2001 324.73 RAJ 235263<br />
1132 Arvind Sharma Hinduism and Secularism after Ayodhya. 2000 294.50954 SHA 243533<br />
1133 Arvind Sharma<br />
Arvind Singhal &<br />
Sati His<strong>to</strong>rical nad Phenomenological Essays. 1988 393.920 SHAs G-251621<br />
1134 Everett M. Rogers. India's Communication revolution. 2001 303.48330954 SIN 240146<br />
1135 Arya karan Hindutve aur Itehaas: Sindh Sabhyata ke Arykarn ki Koshish. 2000 294.5409 HIN G-253807<br />
1136 AS Bhatnagar Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar His life and Works. 1989 509.2 BHA G-252066<br />
1137 Asa Briggs Age <strong>of</strong> improvement. 1959 942 BRI G-255108<br />
1138 Asad Nimer Busool Forty Hadith. 2004 297.124 BUS 240793<br />
1139 Asad Raza Chand Nagar ki Sair. 2005 891.4394 RAZ G-251503<br />
1140 Asad Raza Shaukhi Qalam. 2003 891.4397 ASA G-250741<br />
1141 Asad Zaidi Apni Zaban. 1994 891.43108 APN G-252987<br />
1142 Asad Zaidi<br />
Asadullah Khan<br />
Yeh Aisa Samay Hai. 1994 891.43108 YEH G-253271<br />
1143 Ghalib<br />
Asadullah Khan<br />
Dewane Ghalib. 2004 891.4391 GHA G-250868<br />
1144 Ghalib Dewane Ghalib. 2004 891.4391 GHA G-250863<br />
1145 Asadullah Wajihi Qatar Mushtari. 2000 891.4391 WAJ G-250343<br />
1146 Asaf A.A. Fyzee Modern Approach <strong>to</strong> Islam. 2008 297 FYZ 244667<br />
1147 Asaf A.A. Fyzee Modern Approach <strong>to</strong> Islam. 2008 297 FYZ 244767<br />
1148 Asaf A.A. Fyzee Outline <strong>of</strong> Muhammadan Law fifth Ed. 1993 340.59 FYZ G-251389<br />
1149 Asaf A.A. Fyzee Outline <strong>of</strong> Muhammadan Law fifth Ed. 2008 340.59 FYZ 244869<br />
1150 Asdullah Khan Aasman Taskhir. 2003 370.17 ASA G-252731<br />
1151 Asghar Surud- Zindagi. 1959 G-255652<br />
1152 Asghar Abbas Rashid Ahmad Siddiqui Asaar Wa Iqdaar. 1984 891.439092 ASG G-256856<br />
1153 Asghar Abbas SardarJafar Shakhsiyat our Fann. 2002 891.4391092 SAL G-250484<br />
1154 Asghar Ali Engineer Communal riots after Independence. 2004 303.623 ENG 240862
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1155 Asghar Ali Engineer Communalism in Secular India: minority perspectives. 2007 302.140954 ASG 268931<br />
1156 Asghar Ali Engineer Firqa Wariyat our Firqa Warana Fasadaat. 1983 303.3 ENG G-252734<br />
1157 Asghar Ali Engineer Islam in out-modern World: prospects and Problems. 2008 297.27 ASG 244994<br />
1158 Asghar Ali Engineer IslamMisgiving and His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2008 297 ENG 244203<br />
1159 Asghar Ali Engineer Lokach our Markasi Tanqeed. 1982 335.409 ENG G-253893<br />
1160 Asghar Ali Engineer Rights <strong>of</strong> Women in Islam. 1992 305.486971 ASG 241872<br />
1161 Asghar Ali Engineer State in Islam: Nature and Scope. 2006 297.272 ASG 244995<br />
1162 Asghar Ali Engineer<br />
Asghar Ali Engineer<br />
State in Islam: Nature and Scope. 2006 297.272 ASG 268932<br />
1163 Ed.<br />
Asghar Ali Engineer<br />
& Amarjit S. Narang<br />
They <strong>to</strong>o Fought for India's Freedom: role <strong>of</strong> Minorities. 2006 954.035 THE 242037<br />
1164 Ed.<br />
Asghar Ali Engineer<br />
& Amarjit S. Narang<br />
Minorities & Police in India. 2006 305.560954 MIN 243405<br />
1165 Ed.<br />
Asghar Ali Engineer<br />
Minorities & Police in India. 2006 305.560954 MIN 243701<br />
1166 Ed.<br />
Asghar Ali Engineer<br />
Communal Riots in Post-Independence India. 1997 303.6230954 COM 244109<br />
1167 Ed.<br />
AsgharAli Engineer<br />
They <strong>to</strong>o Fought for India's Freedom: Role <strong>of</strong> Minorities. 2006 323.44058 ASG 240299<br />
1168 M.Shakir Coomunalism in India. 1985 302.140954 ENG 242759<br />
1169 Ash Narain Roy Third World in the age <strong>of</strong> Globalization. 1999 960 ROY 244246<br />
1170 Asha Bajpai<br />
Asha Kapur Mehta &<br />
Child Rights inIndia: Law Policy, and Practice. 2008 362.760954 BAJ 244773<br />
1171 A. Shephered Ed. Chronic Poverty & Development Policy in India. 2006 339.460954 CHR 242734<br />
1172 Asharani Vohra Phidhiyaan Samantar. 1994 891.43301 VOH G-253677<br />
1173 Ashfaq Husain Ansari Basic Problems <strong>of</strong> OBC & Dalit Muslims. 2007 305.560954 ANS 269004<br />
1174 Ashfaque Ahmad Subah ka Bhula. 1985 891.4393 ASH G-252906<br />
1175 Ashfaque Salim Mirza<br />
Ashirbadilal<br />
Falsafa Kiya Hai ek Madi Tabir. 2005 100 MIR G-252607<br />
1176 Srivastava His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> India. 1982 954.022 SRI G-254297<br />
1177 Ashis sanyal Now Tathagata.<br />
Population Pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> religion in India: Districtwise data from 1991<br />
1973 891.441 SAN G-254194<br />
1178 Ashish Bose<br />
Ashish Bose & Vhai<br />
Census. 1997 200.954 BOS G-256311<br />
1179 Team Health and Development <strong>of</strong> Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Uttaranchal. 2002 362.10954 HEA 270188<br />
1180 Ashish Bose et al. Health Status <strong>of</strong> the Districts <strong>of</strong> India. 2008 314.0954 IND 270168<br />
1181 Ashish K. Vaidya Ed. Globalization Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> Trade Labour and Politics I 2006 337.03 GLO 268954<br />
1182 Ashish K. Vaidya Ed. Globalization Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> Trade Labour and Politics I 2006 337.03 GLO 268955<br />
1183 Ashish Nandy Ambidous Journey <strong>to</strong> the City. 2007 941.081 NAN 244061
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1184 Ashish Nandy Bonfire <strong>of</strong> Creedd: Essentials <strong>of</strong> Ashish Nandy. 2004 320.954 NAN 240993<br />
1185 Ashish Nandy Bonfire <strong>of</strong> Creedd: Essentials <strong>of</strong> Ashish Nandy. 2004 320.954 NAN 244065<br />
1186 Ashish Nandy Exiled at Home. 2005 954 NAN 241150<br />
1187 Ashish Nandy Rromance <strong>of</strong> the State and the fate <strong>of</strong> Dissent in the tropics 2003 321.8 NAN 241167<br />
1188 Ashish Nandy<br />
Secret Politics <strong>of</strong> our Desires Innocence, Culpability and Indian Popular<br />
Cinema. 1998 791.430954 SEC 244527<br />
1189 Ashish Nandy Talking India.<br />
Indian Cinema in the times <strong>of</strong> Celluoid from Boolywood <strong>to</strong> the<br />
2006 320.954 NAN 240316<br />
1190 Ashish Rajdhyaksha Emergency. 2009 791.430954 RAJ 269837<br />
1191 Ashish Sanyal Contribution <strong>of</strong> Bengali Writers <strong>to</strong> National Freedom Movement. 1989 891.4409 SAN G-253970<br />
1192 Ashley Montague Ed. Race and IQ Expanded Edition. 2002 155.82 MON G-257299<br />
1193 Ashok Agarwal Ed. Governance Case Studies. 2007 320.1 AGA 244186<br />
1194 Ashok Gujrati Anguliheen Hatheli. 1990 891.43301 GUJ G-253692<br />
Ashok Gulati & S. Fan Dragon & the Elephant: Agriculture and Rural Reforms in China and<br />
1195 Ed.<br />
India. 2008 630.92054 GUL 244499<br />
1196 Ashok Jain et al. Indica<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>of</strong> Indian Sceince and Technology. 1996 508.0954 IND 242377<br />
1197 Ashok Joshi Sahrachchandra Mutibodh. 1996 891.461092 JOS 241217<br />
1198 Ashok K. Bhattacharya Rakhalds Bandyopadhyay. 1999 954.035092 BHA 241315<br />
1199 Ashok K. Jain Saga <strong>of</strong> Female Foericide in India. 2006 306.7 JAI 244919<br />
1200 Ashok Krishna India;s Armed Forces fifty years <strong>of</strong> War and Peace. 1998 355.0954 ASH G-256265<br />
1201 Ashok Mitra Calcutta Diary. 1976 915.4147 MIT 242693<br />
1202 Ashok Mitra From the Ramparts. 2006 808.863 MIT 241769<br />
1203 Ashok Mitra Prattler's Tale: Bengal Marxism, Governance. 2007 320.531095414 ASH 243452<br />
1204 Ashok Mitra Starkness <strong>of</strong> it. 2008 301 MIT 244815<br />
1205 Ashok Mitra Terms <strong>of</strong> Trade and Class relations. 1979 330.954 MIT G-256506<br />
1206 Ashok Mitra Terms <strong>of</strong> Trade and Class Relations. 2005 380.1 MIT 243686<br />
1207 Ashok Mitra Cutting Corners. 2004 070.44 MIT 242072<br />
1208 Ashok Rudra Intelligencsia as a Ruling Class. 2006 305.552 RUD 242119<br />
1209 Ashok Rudra Political Economy <strong>of</strong> Indian Agriculture. 1985 338.10954 RUD 244325<br />
1210 Ashok Rudra Political Economy <strong>of</strong> Indian Agriculture. 1992 330.954 ASH 244326<br />
1211 Ashok Rudra Political Economy <strong>of</strong> Indian Agriculture. 1992 338.10954 RUD 244325<br />
1212 Ashok V. Desai India's Telecommunications Industry: his<strong>to</strong>ry Analysis, Diagnosis. 2006 384.0954 DES 242092<br />
1213 Ashok Vajpai Indian Horizons: Bees <strong>of</strong> the Invisible Poems from India. 1987 821.08 IND G-252024<br />
1214 Ashok Vajpai Kahin Nahi Vahin: Ashok Vajpai ki Nai Kavitayein. 1990 891.43108 VAJ G-253596<br />
1215 Ashoke Bhattacharya Cuban Revolution Introduc<strong>to</strong>ry Economic analysis. 1980 972.91 BHA G-252062<br />
1216 Ashpal Ved Pehli Barsi. 1962 891.43308 VAI G-253055<br />
1217 Ashraf Abidi Aadarsh Hindo Hotel. 1984 891.443 BAN G-256854<br />
1218 Ashraf Ali Thanvi Jazul Aamal. 1969 297.2 ASH G-257112<br />
1219 Ashraf Rafii Aude Ghazal. 1981 891.4391 ASH G-252585<br />
1220 Ashraf Subuhi Baatuni Kechhua. 2001 808.83 ASH G-251056<br />
1221 Ashraf Subuhi Baatuni Kechhua. 2001 808.83 ASH G-251057<br />
1222 Ashraf Subuhi Badre Shahzadi. 1999 808.83 ASH G-250969<br />
1223 Ashraf Subuhi Badre Shahzadi. 1999 808.83 ASH G-250970
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1224 Ashraf Subuhi Darya Ki Raani. 1999 808.83 ASH G-251098<br />
1225 Ashraf Subuhi Darya Ki Raani. 1999 808.83 ASH G-251099<br />
1226 Ashraf Subuhi Dilli ki Shaadi. 2003 808.83 ASH G-251043<br />
1227 Ashraf Subuhi Dilli ki Shaadi. 2003 808.83 ASH G-251042<br />
1228 Ashraf Subuhi Dilliki Chand Ajeeb Hastiyaan. 1989 920 SUB G-250715<br />
1229 Ashraf Subuhi Dilliki Chand Ajeeb Hastiyaan. 1989 920 SUB G-256656<br />
1230 Ashraf Subuhi Gauhar Shahzadi. 2001 808.83 ASH G-251109<br />
1231 Ashraf Subuhi Gauhar Shahzadi. 2001 808.83 ASH G-251108<br />
1232 Ashraf Subuhi Jaadoo ka Chhalla. 2001 808.83 ASH G-251062<br />
1233 Ashraf Subuhi Jaadoo ka Chhalla. 2001 808.83 ASH G-251063<br />
1234 Ashrafunnisan Nabatiyaat Barai Aathwen Jamat keliye. 2003 580 ASH G-250249<br />
1235 Ashu<strong>to</strong>sh Varshney Ethic Conflict and Civic Life. 2002 954.00882971 VAR 240990<br />
1236 Ashu<strong>to</strong>sh Varshney Ethinic conflict & Civic Life. 2002 291.1770954 VAR 242783<br />
1237 Ashu<strong>to</strong>sh Varshney Hindu-Muslim Riots 1960-93. 1989 294.5172 VAS G-251708<br />
1238 Ashu<strong>to</strong>sh Varshney India and the Politics <strong>of</strong> Developing Countries. 2004 320.954 VER 242294<br />
1239 Ashv Ghosh Tufaan main Jalyan. 1976 891.43108 ASH<br />
305.56333095412<br />
G-253404<br />
1240 Ashwani Kumar<br />
Ashwani Saith & M.<br />
Community Warriors: State, Peasantry and Caste Armies in Bihar. 2008 ASH 244990<br />
1241 Vijyabaskar Ed.<br />
Ashwani Saith<br />
ICTS and Indian Economic Development: economy Work, Regulation. 2005 338.47040954 ICT 240964<br />
1242 Ed. ICTs and Indian Social Change: Diffusion povery, Governance. 2008 303.4830954 ICT 269903<br />
1243 Ashwin Deshpande Globalization and Development: Handbook <strong>of</strong> New Perspectives. 2008 338.9 DES 244836<br />
Ashwini Chhatre & Democratizing Nature: Politics, Governance, and Development in<br />
1244 Vasant K. Saberwal. India. 2006 321.80954 ASH 242196<br />
Ashwini Tambe & H Limits <strong>of</strong> British Colonial Control in South Asia: Spaces <strong>of</strong> Disorder in<br />
1245 arald Fischer-Tine. Ed. the Indian Ocean region. 2009 325.410954 LIM 269289<br />
1246 Asia Siddiqi Trade and Finance in Colonial India 1750- 1860. 1995 380.10954 SID 242296<br />
Asian Development Trade Policy, Industrial Performance, and Private Sec<strong>to</strong>r Development<br />
1247 Bank<br />
in India. 2008 338.90954 TRA 244506<br />
1248 Asif Farrakhi Dunya ki Ajeeb Kahaniyan. 2005 808.83 AAS G-251012<br />
1249 Asif Farrakhi Dunya ki Ajeeb Kahaniyan. 2005 808.83 AAS G-251013<br />
1250 Asif Farrakhi Surkh Maut. 1999 808.83 POO G-251040<br />
1251 Asif Farrakhi Surkh Maut. 1999 808.83 POO G-251041<br />
1252 Asif Farrakhi Zhizun ki Kahaniyan. 1999 640 AAS G-251147<br />
1253 Asif Farrakhi Zhizun ki Kahaniyan. 1999 640 AAS G-251146<br />
1254 Asif Jan Protest Movements in J&K Twentieth Century Perspectives 2005 303.609546 ASI 243336<br />
1255 Asim Bat Ishtehaar Aadmi our dusri kahaniyaan. 2001 891.4393 BAT G-254590<br />
1256 Asim Roy Islamic Syncretistic Tradition in Benmgal. 1983 297.095414 ASI 241873<br />
1257 Asim Roy Islam in South Asia : Regional perspectives. 1996 297.0954 ROY 243428<br />
1258 Asim Roy Ed. Islam in Hisroy and Politics: perspectives from South Asia. 2006 297.0954 ISL 241940<br />
1259 Asim Roy Ed. Islam in His<strong>to</strong>ry and Politics: perspectives from South Asia 2006 297.270954 ROY<br />
Asit K. Biswas ,C. Water Management and Environment Challenges: Appraising<br />
1260 Tortajada<br />
Sustainable Development. 2006 333.91 BIS 244123
S.No. Authors<br />
Asit Kumar<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1261 Bhattacharya. Akshya Kumar Dutta. 1996 891.4412092 BHA 241353<br />
1262 Aslam Farkhi Bachhun ke Mirza Ghalib. 2005 891.4391092 ASL G-251068<br />
1263 Aslam Farkhi Bachhun ke Mirza Ghalib. 2005 891.4391092 ASL G-251069<br />
1264 Aslam Farkhi Bachhun ke Ranga Rang Khusroo. 2005 891.4391092 ASL G-251038<br />
1265 Aslam Farkhi Bachhun ke Ranga Rang Khusroo. 2005 891.4391092 ASL G-251039<br />
1266 Aslam Farrakhi Nizaam Rang. 2003 297.4092 FAR G-250621<br />
1267 Aslam Farrakhi Qulfi Wali Saikal. 2004 808.83 ASL G-250953<br />
1268 Aslam Farrakhi Qulfi Wali Saikal. 2004 808.83 ASL G-250954<br />
1269 Aslam Jadwan Mamahiye. 1979 891.4391 ASL G-252863<br />
1270 Aslam Mahmood Statitical Methods in Geographical Studies. 2008 519.509 ASL 244890<br />
1271 Aslam Mahmood Statitical Methods in Geographical Studies. 2008 519.509 ASL 244891<br />
1272 Aslam Mirzaa Gile Pattun ki Muskaa. 2006 891.4391 ASL G-254470<br />
1273 Aslam Perwez Tahriren. 1991 891.43908 ASL G-250743<br />
1274 Aslam Siddiqui Life and time <strong>of</strong> a Paksitani Citizen. 2001 991.412 SID 240876<br />
1275 Asma Barlas Islam, Muslims and the US: Essays on religoin and Politics. 2004 297.0973 BAR 240306<br />
1276 Asma Barlas Islam, Muslims and the US: Essays on religoin and Politics. 2004 297.297104 BAR 240967<br />
1277 Asmat Chughtaai Dil ki Dunyaa. 1959 891.4393 ASM G-256701<br />
1278 Asmat Chughtaai Do Haath. 1962 891.439308 ASM G-256842<br />
1279 Asmat Chughtaai Kaghzi hai Pairhan. 1994 891.4393 ASM G-256808<br />
1280 Asmat Chughtaai Masumah. 1962 891.4393 ASM G-256960<br />
1281 Asmat Chughtaai Tedhi Lakeer. 1990 891.4393 ASM G-256860<br />
1282 Asmat Chughtaai Teen Anadi. 2001 808.83 ASM G-251035<br />
1283 Asmat Chughtaai Teen Anadi. 2001 808.83 ASM G-251034<br />
1284 Asmat Chughtaai Ziddi. 1959 891.4393 ASM G-256894<br />
1285 Asmat Jahan Siddiqui Talimi Nafsiyaat Kiya hai. 2004 370.15 SID G-250693<br />
1286 Asmat Malihabadi Intekhabe Josh. 1987 891.4391 JOS G-256726<br />
1287 Asok Mitra Towards Independence 1940-1947<br />
Perspectives in Social Sciences: Three Stuudies on the agrarian<br />
1991 323.44092 MIT 242284<br />
1288 Asok Sen<br />
structure I Bemgal 1850-1947. 1982 300.95414 SEN 242549<br />
1289 Asoka Mehta<br />
Asoka Mehta & A.<br />
Who Owns India. 1950 320.110954 MEH 242405<br />
1290 Patwardhan<br />
Asrar Ahmad Khan<br />
Communal Triangle in India. 1942 302.140954 MEH 242339<br />
1291 Durrani<br />
Assa Doron & Alex<br />
Quissa Sher ka Shikari ki Zabaani. 2003 891.4393 DUR G-250297<br />
1292 Broon Health Culture and Religion in South Asia. 2011 362.10954 HEA 270207<br />
1293 Asubhadra Kumar Sen Muhammad Shahidullah. 1998 891.2092 SEN 241253<br />
1294 Ataa Aabidi<br />
Atal Behari Vajpai et<br />
Biyaaz Ghazliyaat. 2003 891.4391 ATA G-252676<br />
1295 al.<br />
Atal bihari Vajpai et<br />
Hindus Betrayed 1994 294.5092 HIN 241912<br />
1296 al. Peace Divided Progress for India & South- Asia. 204 327.172 PEA G-256220<br />
1297 Ataullah Shahzaadi Gulnaar. 2005 808.83 ATA G-250968
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1298 Ataullah Shahzaadi Gulnaar. 2005 808.83 ATA G-250967<br />
1299 Ataur Rahman Ghalihai Mazameen. 1991 891.439076 ATA G-252635<br />
1300 Athar Ali Siddiqui Main Kiya Meri Hayat Kiya. Khud Navist. II 2003 509.2 SID G-254333<br />
1301 Athar Ali Siddiqui Main Kiya Meri Hayat Kiya. Khud Navist. I 2003 509.2 SID G-254357<br />
1302 Athar Ali Siddiqui Meri Nazar Main Main Kiya Meri Hayat Kiya,Khud Navist. 2005 509.209 ATH G-254334<br />
1303 Athar Farooqui Makhmoor Saidi Ek Mutaala. 1986 891.4391092 ATH G-252884<br />
1304 Athar Nabi Jahsne Zarrin Anuman Taraqqi Pasand Musannefeen. 1986 891.43909 TAR G-255609<br />
1305 Athar Perwez Adab Kise Kahte Hain. 1984 891.439 ATA G-251958<br />
1306 Athar Perwez Mashini Ghoda. 1992 891.4393 ATH G-250346<br />
1307 Athar Rizvi Garham Bura Na Maanein. 2006 910.2 RIZ G-255875<br />
1308 Athar Rizvi Meer Taqui Meer aalami Seminaar. 1999 080 RIZ G-250508<br />
1309 Ather Farooqui Redifining Urdu Politics in India. 2006 320.95491439 FAR 243399<br />
1310 Ather Farooqui Ed. Redefining Urdu Politics in India. 2006 491.439 RED 240317<br />
1311 Ather Zia Frame. 1999 821 ZIA G-254477<br />
1312 Atilio a Boron<br />
Empire & Imperialism: Critical reading <strong>of</strong> Michael Hardt and An<strong>to</strong>nio<br />
Negi. 2005 325.32 BOR 244443<br />
1313 Atique Ahmad Yaadun ki Saae. 1974 919 SID G-251256<br />
1314 Atique Husain Mian Chikhungaa. 1994 920 AAT G-252610<br />
1315 Atique Siddiqui Intekhabe Manzoomaat. 1987 891.439108 INT G-256835<br />
1316 Atiqullah Azadi ke baad Dehli Main Urdu Namz. 1990 891.439109 ATI G-256861<br />
1317 Atiqullah Taassubaat. 2005 891.43909 ATI G-254272<br />
1318 Atma Ram Ed. Mulk Raj Anand. 2005 823 MUL 241201<br />
1319 Atmaram Kulkarni Advent <strong>of</strong> Advani. 1995 324.22092 KUL G-256076<br />
1320 Atreyee Sen Shiv Sena Woman: Violence and Communalism in a Bombay Slum. 2007 324.218 SEN 244737<br />
1321 Atreyee Sen Shiv Sena Women Violence and Communalism in Bombay Slum. 2008 302.143036 SEN 244420<br />
1322 Atruna Asaf Ali Private Face <strong>of</strong> a Public Person Study <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru 1989 324.220954092 ARU 244003<br />
1323 Attar Singh Socio- Cultural Impact <strong>of</strong> Islam on India. 2002 306.0954297 ATT 243516<br />
1324 Attia Hosain Sunglight on aBroken Column. 1988 824.3 HOS 240583<br />
1325 Atul Kohli Democracy and Development in India from Socialism <strong>to</strong> Pro-Business.<br />
State-Directed Devlopement: Political power and Industrialization in<br />
2009 352.140954 KOH 269586<br />
1326 Atul Kohli<br />
the Global Periphery. 2005 338.9 KOH 243803<br />
1327 Atul Kohli Ed. India's Democracy: analysis <strong>of</strong> Changing State- Society relations. 1988 321.80954 IND G-251355<br />
1328 Atur Rahman Makhdoom Mohiuddin Hayat our Shaerii. 1998 891.4391092 ATA G-256688<br />
1329 Aubrey Menen Prevalence <strong>of</strong> Witches. 1957 823 MEN G-252544<br />
1330<br />
Audie Klotz & D.<br />
Prakash Qualitative Methods in International Relations. 2008 327.072 QUA 244671<br />
1331 Aurence E. Morehouse Total Fitness in 30 Minutes Aweek. 1975 613.7 MOR G-251658<br />
1332 Aurobindo Foundations <strong>of</strong> Indian Culture. 1980 306.0954 AUR 242217<br />
1333 Aurthur Mee Book <strong>of</strong> Knowledge: The Children Enclopaedia. 1918 003. BOO G-255773<br />
1334 Austan Ishraat Taleem. 1987 370 AUS G-250467<br />
1335 Avanti Bhati Kashmiri Pandits: problems and Perspectives. 2005 954.6 KAS 240888<br />
1336 Avi Shlaim Politics <strong>of</strong> Partition. 1990 956.03092 SHL G-251573<br />
1337 Avijit Pathak Indian Modernity: Contradictions, Paradoxes and Possibilities. 1998 301.0954 PAT 268980
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
Communication technology and Human Development: Recent<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1338 Avik Ghosh<br />
experince in the Indian Social Sec<strong>to</strong>r. 2006 303.48330954 GHO 240435<br />
1339 Avjit Pathak Modernity Globalization and Identity Towards a Reflexive quest. 2006 306 PAT 241681<br />
1340 Avran Sajja<br />
Awadhesh Kumar<br />
Bhasha. 1999 891.4305 BHA G-253794<br />
1341 Singh Empowering Rural Women Thropugh Micr<strong>of</strong>inance. 2008 338.60410954 SIN 269250<br />
1342 Awtar Singh Bahar Ajj ka Tibbat. 1997 951 BAH G-252535<br />
1343 Axel Michaels Hinduism Past and Present. 2005 294.5 MIC 241119<br />
1344 Axel Munthe S<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> San Michele.<br />
Self and Sovereignty: Individual community in South Asian Islam since<br />
1947 823 HUN G-254996<br />
1345 Ayesha Jalal<br />
1850.<br />
Self and Sovereignty: Individual community in South Asian Islam since<br />
2001 212.70297 AYE 241030<br />
1346 Ayesha Jalal<br />
1850.<br />
State <strong>of</strong> Martial Rule: Orgins <strong>of</strong> Pakistan's Political economy <strong>of</strong><br />
2001 297.09540316 JAL 243442<br />
1347 Ayesha Jalal<br />
Defence.<br />
Self and Sovereignty: Individual and Community in South Asian Islam<br />
1990 954.90419 AYE G-251403<br />
1348 Ayesha Jalal<br />
since 1850.<br />
Silent Vioces,Un<strong>to</strong>ld S<strong>to</strong>ries: Women Domestics workers in Pakistan<br />
2000 954.03 JAL 242028<br />
1349 Ayesha Shahid and their Struggle for Empowerment. 2010 305.480954 SHA 270005<br />
1350 Ayn Rand Capitalism: Unknown Ideal. 1946 330.122 RAN G-251734<br />
1351 Azhar Ali Farooqui Uttar Pradesh ke Lok Geet. 1998 784.4 FAR G-250001<br />
1352 Azhar Tyabji Bhuj: art Architecture His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2006 954.052 TYB 242153<br />
1353 Azim Husain Fazl-I- Hussain: Political biography. 1983 324.220954092 AZI G-251920<br />
1354 Azim Iqbal Apni Aahatein. 1979 891.4393 AZI G-253905<br />
1355 Azim Raahi<br />
Azimushshaan<br />
Phol ke Aansoo. 1987 891.439308 RAH G-252855<br />
1356 Siddiqui<br />
Azimushshaan<br />
Mazameen Sayyidain. 1988 891.439 ANI G-256965<br />
1357 Siddiqui Mazameene Sayyidain. 1988 891.4394 SYE G-250833<br />
1358 Aziz Ahmad Khan Daryaft-4. 1986 491.43905 IRT G-254385<br />
1359 Aziz Ahmad Khan Daryaft-4. 1986 491.43905 IRT G-254384<br />
1360 Aziz Ahmad Qasmi Maashiyaat ke Usool. 1989 330 QAS G-250688<br />
1361 Aziz Burney Indian Lose Freedom. 2005 303.6235475 AZI G-252341<br />
1362 Aziz Qaisi Aina dar Ainaa. 1972 891.4391 QAI G-253883<br />
1363 Aziz Qaisi Gard Baad. 1984 891.4391 QAI G-258368<br />
1364 Aziz Qureshi<br />
Azizur Rahman Khan<br />
Kitaab Numa Saaliha Abid Husain Number. 1989 891.4393092 KIT G-251250<br />
1365 & Carl Riskin Inequality and Povertty in china in the age <strong>of</strong> Globalization. 2000 339.50951 KHA 243093<br />
1366 Azra Alavi Ed. Dreams & Destination: Illustration <strong>of</strong> 100 years <strong>of</strong> Women's Education.<br />
The Emergence <strong>of</strong> feminism Among Indian Muslim Women 1920-<br />
2007 370.305409 DRE G-256493<br />
1367 Azra Asghar Ali<br />
B B Bhattacharya<br />
1947. 2000 297.082954 AZR 242750<br />
1368 Arup Mitra Macroeconomics and the Welfare. 2005 339.33 STU 241459<br />
1369 B L Manchanda General Objective and Factual Physics. 1972 530 MAN G-255619
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
Jabalpur Earthquake- an Enquiry in<strong>to</strong> Rehabilitation and Disaster<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1370 B N Deshmukh Management. 1998 658.477 DES 242368<br />
1371 B N Pandey Nehru. 1976 324.220954092 PAN 240525<br />
B S Baviskar, G. Inclusion and Exclusion in Local Goverance: Field Study from Rural<br />
1372 Mathew Ed<br />
India. 2009 320.8080954 INC 269902<br />
1373 B Shaikh Ali Irteqa kainat our Insan wa degar Mazameen. 1998 197 SHA G-250476<br />
1374 B. Arun Kumar Gandhian Protest. 2008 324.220954092 ARU 244690<br />
1375 B. B. Misra<br />
B. Baumslag & B.<br />
Indian Middle Calsses their Growth in Modern Times. 1961 305.550954 MIS G-251910<br />
1376 Chandler Schaum's Outline series Group theory. 1976 513.5 BAU G-254238<br />
1377 B. Ber<strong>to</strong>tti F. de Felice Internationa conference o General Relativity and Gravitation. 1983 530.11 THE G-254086<br />
1378 B. Ber<strong>to</strong>tti F. de Felice Internationa conference o General Relativity and Gravitation. 1983 531.140601 GEN G-254156<br />
1379 B. Haryad Kumari Willa Tol. 1990 891.491092 HAR 241552<br />
1380 B. Hrdayakumari Vallathol Narayana Menon. 1982 894.8121092 HRD 241407<br />
1381 B. L. Worsnop Advanced Practical Physic fro Students. 1963 530 WOR G-256535<br />
1382 B. M. Banerji Prologue. 1953 823.08 BEN G-255864<br />
1383 B. P. Adarkar Report on Labour Conditions in the Rice Mills. 1946 331.11 AND 242430<br />
1384 B. Prasad Sinha Sachidananda Sinha. 169 923.2 SIN G-252006<br />
1385 B. R. Nanda Mahatma Gandhi. 2002 324.220954092 G-250414<br />
1386 B. R. Nanda Motilal Nehru. 1964 324.220954092 G-251965<br />
1387 B. R. Nanda Nehrus Motilal and jawaharlal. 1962 324.220954092 242282<br />
1388 B. R. Nanda Three Statemen Gokhale, Gandhi and Nehru. 2006 324.220954092 244060<br />
1389 B. Rajanikanta Rao Kshetrayya. 1991 894.82712092 RAJ 241393<br />
1390 B. Rajanikanta Rao Ramadasu. 1988 894.82713092 RAO 241341<br />
1391 B. Ram Raju Andhra Pradesh: Lok Sanskirti aur Sahitye. 1980 398.205484 RAJ G-253711<br />
1392 B. Subba Rao<br />
B. V. Subbarayappa<br />
Raganidhi: Comparative Study <strong>of</strong> Hindustani and Karnatak Ragas. 1993 783.0095487 RAO G-256078<br />
1393 Ed.<br />
B.B. Chaudhuri Arun<br />
Science in India Past and Present. 2007 509.54 SUB 242989<br />
1394 Bandopadhyay Ed.<br />
B.B. Chaudhuri Arun<br />
Tribes,Forest and Social Formation in Indian His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2004 306.09 CHA 241986<br />
1395 Bandopadhyay Ed. Tribes,Forest and Social Formation in Indian His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2004 307.772 TRI 240214<br />
1396 B.B. Kale Man <strong>of</strong> Crisis. 1969 920.954 KAL G-252120<br />
1397 B.B. Kudryavtsev Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. 1954 920 KUD G-254022<br />
1398 B.Chakravarti Aboriginees in India and Australia. 2003 306.08 CHA 242308<br />
1399 B.D. Chat<strong>to</strong>padhyaya His<strong>to</strong>ry Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization. 2009 268901<br />
1400<br />
B.D. Dua & M.P.<br />
Singh Indian Federalism in the Millennium. 2003 321.0209554 IND 243703<br />
1401 B.D. Garga From Raj <strong>to</strong> Swaraj: non fiction film in India. 2007 791.430954 GAR 244508<br />
1402 B.D. Gupta Mathematical Physics. 1968 530.12 GUP G-254040<br />
1403 B.D. Khane Chhatrapati Shahu's Crusade Against un<strong>to</strong>uchability. 2006 294.5092 KHA 242109<br />
1404 B.D. Nag Chaudhary New Technological Civilization and Indian Society. 1990 301.0954 CHA 241725<br />
1405 B.D. Nag Chaudhary Technology and Society: Indian View. 1979 303.483 CHA 241710
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1406 B.D.Shukla His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Indian Liberal Party. 1960 324.2160954 SHU 242731<br />
1407 B.E. Dadchanji Indian Currency and Exchange. 1927 332.20954 DAD 242499<br />
1408 B.G. Bhatnagar Co-Operative Organization in British India. 1927 954.03 BHA 242413<br />
1409 B.G. Horniman Amritsar and our Duty <strong>to</strong> India. 1920 954.503 HOR 242421<br />
1410 B.J. Sandesara Dayaram. 1981 891.471092 SAN 241402<br />
1411 B.K. Bharti Adovansh (Punjabi Samudai) ki Gauravgatha. 1959 891.42092 BHA G-253796<br />
1412 B.K. Karanjia Many-Splendoured Cinema. 384.80954 KAR G-257192<br />
1413 B.K.S. Iyengar Illustrated light on Yoga. 1980 181.5 IYE 240397<br />
1414 B.K.Singh Swami Dayanand. 1970 294.5092 SIN G-251947<br />
1415 B.Kesharshivam Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth: a Dalit's Life. 2002 305.5680954 KES 269739<br />
1416 B.Kuppuswamy Social Change in India. 1975 303.40954 KUP 242869<br />
1417 B.M. Abbas A. T. Ganes Water Dispute. 1984 341.442 ABB G-256359<br />
1418 B.M. Pande Qutb Minar and its Monuments. 2006 954.6072594 PAN 243453<br />
1419 B.N. Ganguli Gandhi's Social Philosophy. 1973 324.220954092 243197<br />
1420 B.N. Goel<br />
B.N. Patnaik S.<br />
Aadhunik Ishaie Kahaniyaan. 1981 808.3 AAD G-254503<br />
1421 Imtiyaz Hasnain Ed.<br />
B.N. Patnaik S.Imtiyaz<br />
Globalization Lnaguages, Culture & Media. 2006 306.0954 PAT 241961<br />
1422 Hasnain Ed. Globalization: Language, Culture & Media. 2006 494.8 PAT 241709<br />
1423 B.N.Pande Islam and Indian Culture. 1994 297.0954 PAN 243210<br />
1424 B.P. Adarkar If War Comes Essays on India's Military Problems. 1939 355.00954 ADA 242485<br />
1425 B.R Nanda Collected Works <strong>of</strong> Lala Lajpat Rai. 10 2008 324.220954092 RAI 244820<br />
1426 B.R Nanda Collected Works <strong>of</strong> Lala Lajpat Rai. 12 2009 324.220954092 RAI 269620<br />
1427 B.R. Ambedkar Buddha or Karl Marx. 1987 294 363 AMB 242115<br />
1428 B.R. Ambedkar Mr. Gandhi the Emancipation <strong>of</strong> the Un<strong>to</strong>uchables. 2006 305.568 AMB 242110<br />
1429 B.R. Modak Sayana. 1995 809.95392 MOD G-254212<br />
1430 B.R. Modak Sayana. 1995 891.4914092 MOD 241335<br />
1431 B.R. Mullik Studies in Poets Mil<strong>to</strong>n. 1963 809.95392 MUL G-254230<br />
1432 B.R. Mullik Studies in Poets. 1964 821.092 MUL G-254075<br />
1433 B.R. Nanda Mahatma Gandhi a Biography. 1958 954.035092 NAN 242904<br />
1434 B.R. Nanda Mahatma Gandhi. 1989 324.092 NAN G-251324<br />
1435 B.R. Nanda Raod <strong>to</strong> Pakistna: Life and times <strong>of</strong> Mohd. Ali Jinnah. 2010 954.035 NAN 269799<br />
1436<br />
B.R. Nanda & V.C.<br />
Joshi Studies in Modern Indian His<strong>to</strong>ry. 1972 954.1 NAN G-250560<br />
1437 B.R. Padam Shabnam. 1979 891.43309 PAD G-253561<br />
1438 B.R. Parjapati Ek Mutthi Dhup. 1978 891.43109 PRI G-253503<br />
1439 B.R. Tomlinson Economy <strong>of</strong> Modern India 1860-1970 1998 330.954 TOM 244290<br />
1440 B.R. Tomlinson Economy <strong>of</strong> Modern India 1860-1970 1998 330.954 TOM 244289<br />
1441 B.R.Nanda Ed. Collected Works <strong>of</strong> Lala Lajpat Rai. 6 2005 324.220954092 COL 240245<br />
1442 B.R.Nanda Ed. Collected Works <strong>of</strong> Lala Lajpat Rai. 7 2005 324.220954092 COL 242179<br />
1443 B.R.Nanda Ed. Collected Works <strong>of</strong> Lala Lajpat Rai. 8 2006 324.220954092 COL 240938<br />
1444 B.R.Nanda Ed. Collected Works <strong>of</strong> Lala Lajpat Rai. 9 2007 324.220954092 COL 243006<br />
1445 B.R.Nanda Ed. Collected Works <strong>of</strong> Lala Lajpat Rai. 15 2010 324.220954092 COL 269984<br />
1446 B.Radhakrishna Parvastu Chinaya Suri. 1995 894.8111092 RAD 241427<br />
1447 B.Rahman et at. Ed. Sri Lanka Peace without Process. 2006 320.95493 SRI 242088
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
Gender and Globalization: Copmatrative perspectives between Europe<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1448 B.Ratan Kumari and India. 2010 305.3094371 RAT 270078<br />
1449 B.Romesh Babu Ed. from Verma <strong>to</strong> Jyoti: Political Economy <strong>of</strong> Caste in Indian Formation. 2008 303.4840954 FRO 269301<br />
1450 B.S. B. Vir Singh Naragas Osngs <strong>of</strong> a Sikh 2001 294.682 VIR G-254143<br />
1451 B.S. Sekhar World's great Speeches. 1967 G-255777<br />
1452 B.S.C. Purv Gadh Galp (Nibandh Kahaniyaan). 1985 891.43408 GAD G-253288<br />
1453 B.S.Rajnesh Golden Future: The Hindu Splendor 294.5 GOL G-256365<br />
1454 B.Sen Gupta Journalism as a Career. 1955 070.0692 SEN G-257212<br />
1455 B.Shaikh Ali Hind ki Maya Naaz Hastiyaan. 1992 891.4394 SHA G-250345<br />
1456 B.Shiva Rao Ed. Farming <strong>of</strong> India's Constitution: Selected Documents. 1 2006 342.020954 FRA 244748<br />
1457 B.Shiva Rao Ed. Farming <strong>of</strong> India's Constitution: Selected Documents. 2 2006 342.020954 FRA 244749<br />
1458 B.Shiva Rao Ed. Farming <strong>of</strong> India's Constitution: Selected Documents. 3 2006 342.020954 FRA 244750<br />
1459 B.Shiva Rao Ed. Farming <strong>of</strong> India's Constitution: Selected Documents. 4 2006 342.020954 FRA 244751<br />
1460 B.T. Ranadive Independence Struggle and After. 1988 323.440954 RAN 242299<br />
1461 B.T. Ranadive India's Freedom Struggle. 2002 954.0317 RAN 242952<br />
1462 Babu P. Remesh Dynamics <strong>of</strong> Rural Labour. 2010<br />
338.476782095483<br />
RAM 269794<br />
1463 Babu Rajendra Prasad Young India 1919-1922. 1922 954 GAN 242774<br />
1464 Bachan Kumar Bhils: an Ethno - His<strong>to</strong>ry analysis. 1997 305.56 BAC 243204<br />
1465 Bachchan Meri Kavitai ki Adhi Sadi. 1981 891.43108 BAC G-253664<br />
1466 Bachchan Kiyun ki main Subhye sant. 1960 891.434 BAL G-253601<br />
1467 Bachchan Singh Bihari. 1982 891.431092 SIN G-253036<br />
1468 Bachhan Singh Bihari. 1990 891.431092 BAC 241528<br />
1469 Badal Sarkar Spartacus. 1981 891.441092 SAR G-253939<br />
1470<br />
Baddepudi<br />
Radhakrishnamurti Indian Press Laws. 1976 343.540998 RAD G-257140<br />
1471 Badiuzzaman Khawar Marathi Rang. 1978 891.461 KHA G-254467<br />
1472 Badiuzzaman Khawar Sabzo Saza Nialun ke Anbuh main. 1986 891.4391 KHA G-252643<br />
1473 Badri Narayan Women Heroes and Dalit assertion in North India. 2006 305.5680954 NAR 242139<br />
1474 Badri Narayan Women Heroes and Dalit assertion in North India. 2006 305.56880954 NAR 242972<br />
1475 Badri Narayan<br />
Badri Narayan & A R<br />
fascinating Hindutva Saffron Politics and Dalit Mobilizzation. 2009 324.25405 NAR 269030<br />
1476 Misra Multiple Marginalities.<br />
Documenting Dissent: Contesting Fables Contested Memories and<br />
2004 808.694 BAD 240224<br />
1477 Badrinath Narayan Dalit Political Discourse. 2001 305.51220954 BAD 241714<br />
1478 Bah'U'llah Proclamation <strong>of</strong> Bah'U'llah. 1967 297.393 PRO G-251677<br />
1479 Baibal Kitab Muqaddas Purana our Naya Uhdnama. Baibal. 1978 220.9 BAI G-256816<br />
1480 Baibal Tasauuf ke Nadir Makhtutat. 1992 291.42209 TAS G-252526<br />
1481<br />
Baidyanath Saraswati<br />
Ed. Tribal thought and Culture. 1991 307.7720954 TRI 269249<br />
1482 Bal Apte Supreme Court on Hindutva Extracts and Comments. 2005 327.03554 APT 243397<br />
1483 Bal Raj Madhok R.S.S. and Politics. 1986 324.20954 MAD 241827<br />
1484 Balachandra Nemade Tukaram. 2005 891.46092 NEM 241218
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1485 Baldessae Castiglione<br />
Baldev Ra Nair & T.V.<br />
Etiquette for Renaissance Gentlemen. 1967 945.05 CAS G-254647<br />
1486 Paul India in the World Order: Searching for Major-Power Status. 2004 954.035 NAY 235258<br />
1487 Baldev Raj Rasta Idhar hai. 1978 891.43108 RAS G-253184<br />
1488 Baldev Raj Nayar Geopolitics <strong>of</strong> Globalization. 2005 327.101 NAY 241475<br />
1489 Baldev Raj Nayar Globalization and Politics in India: themes in Politics. 2007 320.954 NAY 244835<br />
1490 Baldev Raj Nayar India's Globalization: Evaluating the Economic Consequences. 2007 338.80954 NAY 243098<br />
1491 Baldev Raj Nayar Modernization Imperialism and Indian Planning. 1972 352.3620954 NAY 242492<br />
1492 Baldev Raj Nayar Myth <strong>of</strong> the Shrinking State: Globalization and the State in India. 2009 320.11 NAY 269581<br />
1493 Baldev Shahi Public relations. 1980 695.2 SAH G-257142<br />
1494 Baldev Singh Jawaharlal Nehru on Science. 1986 324.220954092 NAT 244002<br />
1495 Baldev Singh Mujhe Mera Shahar Wapas Dedo. 1990 891.43308 MUJ G-253749<br />
1496 Baldev Singh Plateform Number Gyarah. 1996 891.42301 SIN G-253083<br />
1497 Baljit Rai Explosion <strong>of</strong> Muslim Population in India. 297.0954 RAI 241863<br />
1498 Baljit Singh Muteer Fanne Tabaat. 1988 771.4 MAT G-254426<br />
1499 Baljit Singh Muteer Hakim Agha Jaan Aish. 1981 891.4391092 MAT G-252894<br />
1500<br />
Balkrishna Govind<br />
Gokhale Fiery Quill: Nationalism and Literature in Maharastra. 1998 891.4609 gOK 242919<br />
1501 Ballabh Dobhal Sainik. 1970 891.431 DOB G-253697<br />
1502 Balraaj Kumal Aglaa Waraque. 1996 891.4391 KHA G-253887<br />
1503 Balraj Komal Intekhabe Makhmoor Jalandhari. 1995 891.439108 MAK G-256749<br />
1504 Balraj Komal Meri Nazmeen. 1954 891.439108 BAL G-256914<br />
1505 Balraj Manraa Min<strong>to</strong> ke gum shuda our ghair Matbua Afssane. 992 891.439308 MAN G-256845<br />
1506 Balraj Manraa Surkh wa Siyaah. 2004 891.4394 MAN 240377<br />
1507 Balraj Sahni Gapaur Sangh Lami Bal Kahani. 1939 891.423 SAH G-256069<br />
1508 Balraj Sahni Hindi Sahityekaraun ke Naam Patre. 1945 891.436 SAH G-256122<br />
1509 Balraj Sahni Hindi Sahityekaraun ke Naam Patre. 1945 891.436 SAH G-256123<br />
1510 Balraj Sharma<br />
Narhandas Bharahtkurt paurushye ramayan ka Paralochnatmak<br />
pardyan. 1974 294.5922076 SHA G-253222<br />
1511 Balram Anchahe Safar. 1988 891.43301 BAL G-253683<br />
1512 Balram Kamal hue Haath. 1981 891.43308 BAL G-253096<br />
1513 Balri Puri Kashmir Insurgency and after. 2008 954.6 PUR 244433<br />
1514 Balsaurup Rahi Bhartiye Kahaniyaan 1983. 1983 891.43301 BHA G-253125<br />
1515 Balwant Jani Harivallabha Bhayani. 2004 891.4714092 BAL 241258<br />
1516 Balwant Singh Kaale Kos. 1991 891.4393 KIR G-256881<br />
1517 Balwant Singh Anand Baba Fareed. 1984 297.4092 AAN 241560<br />
1518 Balwant Singh Anand Baba Farid. 1990 891.4211092 ANA 241400<br />
1519 Bamal Kamar Dat Hindustan ke Zamana Qadeem usta ke Kutaub Khane. 1979 027.954 DUT G-250180<br />
1520 Bamal Parsad Hindustani Kharja Policy Ki Bunyaden. 2002 327.10954 PRA G-250239<br />
1521 Banarsi Prasad Saxena Taarikh Shahjahan. 2000 954.0257 SAX G-250446<br />
1522 Banchit Kaur Pagdandi. 1996 891.433092 KAU G-253060
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1523 Bandula Chandraratna Mirage. 2000 823 CHA G-254147<br />
1524 Banjara Samaj Banjara Samaj. 1947 305.5 BAN G-254524<br />
1525 Banjnaath Garg Sudarshan: Vyaktitv evan Sanskirti. 1983 891.43092 GAR G-253681<br />
1526 Bankim Chandra et al. Our Leaders. 1965 324.220954092 BHA G-252835<br />
1527 Banphol Shri Madhusudan. 1992 891.442 BAN G-253786<br />
1528 Banwari Lal Agarwal Nai Lakeer. 1970 891.43301 AGR G-253074<br />
1529 Bapi Sidhwa Ice- Candy-Man. 1988 823 SID G-254245<br />
1530 Bapsi Nariman Microwave Cooking for the Indian Palate. 2001 641.70954 NAR 240394<br />
1531 Bapsi Sidhwa Ed. City <strong>of</strong> Sin and Splendour writings on Lahore. 2005 954.9143 SID 240956<br />
1532 Bapu Rao Jagtaap Nile Pahad ki Nazmeen. 1986 891.461 JAG G-252902<br />
1533 Baquar Mehdi Kaale Kaaghaz ki Nazmeen. 1946 891.4391 BAQ G-255598<br />
1534 Baraj Muin Ra Shoor. 1981 050 SHA G-257028<br />
1535 Baraj Muin Ra Shoor. 1981 050 SHA G-256850<br />
1536 Baraj Muin Ra Shoor. 1981 050 SHA G-256826<br />
1537 Baraj Muin Ra Shoor. 1981 050 SHA G-256830<br />
1538 Baraj Muin Ra Shoor. 1981 050 SHA G-25030<br />
1539 Barajpat Galilo. 1971 209.2 BRE G-257061<br />
1540 Barbara A. Wilson Ed.<br />
Barbara D. Mecalf &<br />
Rehabilitation Studies Handbook. 1997 617.03 WIL 243793<br />
1541 Thomas R. Metcalf Concise His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> India. 2005 954 MET 241670<br />
1542 Barbara D. Metcalf Islmaic Contestations: Essyas on Mulsims in India and Pakistan. 2004 297.0952 MET 243481<br />
1543 Barbara D. Metcalf Islamic Contestations: Essays on Muslim in India and Pakistan. 2004 297.0954 MET 240036<br />
1544 Barbara D. Metcalf Islamic Contestations: Essays on Muslim in India and Pakistan. 2006 297.0954 MET 244097<br />
1545 Barbara D. Metcalf Ed. Islam in South Asia in Practice. 2009 297.0954 ISL 270080<br />
1546 Barbara Daly Metcalf Islamic revival in British India: Deoband, 1860-1900 2005 297.77083 MET 240954<br />
1547 Barbara Daly Metcalf Perfecting Women: Maulna Ashraf " Ali Thanawi's Bihishti Zewar. 2005 305.4002 MET 243869<br />
1548 Barbara Daly Metcalf Performing Women: Maulana Ashraf " Ali Thanwi's Bihishti Zewar. 1990 297.448024042 243519<br />
1549<br />
1550<br />
Barbara Harriss-White<br />
& S. Janakarajan<br />
Barbara Harriss-White<br />
& S. Janakarajan<br />
Rural India Facing 21st century: Essays on Long Term Village Change<br />
and Recent Development policy. 2004 307.720954 WHI 244253<br />
Rural India Facing 21st century: Essays on Long Term Village Change<br />
and Recent Development policy. 2004 320.8490954 WHI 244678<br />
1551<br />
Barbara Harriss-White<br />
Anushree Sinha Ed. Trade Liberalization and India's Informal Economy. 2007 380.10954 WHI 243020<br />
1552 Barbara Harris-White India Working: Essays on Society and Economy. 2004 330.954 HAR 244297<br />
1553 Barbara Harris-White India Working: Essays on Society and Economy. 2004 330.954 HAR 240198<br />
1554 Barbara Harris-White India Working: Essays on Society and Economy. 2004 330.954 HAR 244298<br />
1555 Barbara Harris-White India Working: Essays on Society and Economy. 2004 330.954 HAR 235257<br />
1556 Barbara Harris-White India's Market Society: Three Essays in Political Economy 2005 331.325 WHI 240942
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1557<br />
Barbara Harris-White<br />
& Anushree Sinha Ed. Trade Liberalization and India's Informal Economy. 2007 332.154 TRA 269530<br />
1558<br />
Barbara Harris-White<br />
& Anushree Sinha Ed.<br />
Barbara Harris-White<br />
Trade Liberalization and India's Informal Economy. 2007 332.154 TRA 269022<br />
1559 Ed. Illfare inIndia: essays on India's Social Sec<strong>to</strong>r in honour <strong>of</strong> S Guhan. 1999 361.10954 ILL 240845<br />
1560 Barbara N. Ramusack Indian Princes and Their States. 2004 954 RAM 242249<br />
1561 Barbara N. Ramusak Indian Princes and Their States. 2005 321.10954 RAM 244587<br />
1562 Barbara Ward Policy for the West. 1951 320.6 WAR G-252011<br />
1563 Barinda Bose Ed. Gender & Censorship. 2006 363.31 BOS 242084<br />
1564 Baris Karapinar Food Crisis and the WTO: World Trade Forum. 2010 338.19 KAR 269972<br />
1565 Barnard Hart Nafsiyat Junoon. 1978 150 HAR G-254437<br />
1566 Baroness Orczy Scardlet Pimpernel. 1964 823.08 ORC G-254008<br />
1567 Barring<strong>to</strong>n Moore Social Origins <strong>of</strong> Dicta<strong>to</strong>rship and Democracy. 1966 309 MOO G-251416<br />
1568 Barrows Dunham Man Against Myth. 2007 398.2 Dun 244405<br />
1569 Barry B. Hughes Improving Global Health Patterns <strong>of</strong> Potential Human Progress. 2011 363.142570954 IMP 270209<br />
1570 Barry Feinberg Poets <strong>to</strong> the People South African Freedom Poems. 1980 821.08 FEI G-252009<br />
1571 Barry Gross Ed. For Our time 24 Essays by 8 Contemporary American. 1970 824 FOR G-251842<br />
1572 Barry Pavier Telengana Movement 1944-51 1981 322.44095484 PAV G-256434<br />
1573 Barry Rubin Ed. Poltical Islam: Critical Concept in Islamic Studies. I 2007 297.272 POL 243231<br />
1574 Barry Rubin Ed. Poltical Islam: Critical Concept in Islamic Studies. II 2007 297.272 POL 243232<br />
1575 Barry Rubin Ed. Poltical Islam: Critical Concept in Islamic Studies. III 2007 297.272 POL 243233<br />
1576 Barry Smart Postmodernity. 2010 303.4 SMA 269929<br />
1577 Barry Turner Statesman's yearbook 2006 2006 052 STA 240955<br />
1578 Barun De Secularism at Bay Uzbekistan at the turn <strong>of</strong> Century. 2005 958.70854 BAR 235251<br />
1579 Barun De Secularism at Bay: Uzbekistan at the turn <strong>of</strong> the Century. 2005 211.60954 BAR 243706<br />
1580 Barun De Ed. Perspectuives in Social Sciencc: His<strong>to</strong>rical Dimensions. 1977 309.1 PER G-251900<br />
1581 Barun Mitra Ed. Keeping the Water Flowing. 2007 333.71 KEE 269220<br />
1582 Basant Kumar Mallik Paradingms <strong>of</strong> Dissent and Protests in Eastern India 2004 303.484095413 243737<br />
1583 Basheshwar Prasad Subaai khud mukhtaar ki Ibtedaa. 2004 954 PRA G-254337<br />
1584 Bashir Badar Aas. 1993 891.439108 BAS G-256622<br />
1585 Bashir Badar Image. 1993 891.439108 AZA G-256621<br />
1586 Basil Boothroyd<br />
Basu Dutta Ray Asok<br />
In My State <strong>of</strong> Health. 1981 828.91407 BOO G-251877<br />
1587 Kumar Ray Ed. Dynamics <strong>of</strong> Relations in Tribal Societies <strong>of</strong> North-East India.<br />
Trade, Tariffs and Empire: Lancashire and British Policy in India 1919-<br />
2006 305.48095416 DYN 269172<br />
1588 Basude Chatterji 1939. 1992 380.95403 CHA 242385<br />
1589 Basudha Chakravarty Kazi Nazrul Islam. 1968 891.441092 CHA G-252028<br />
1590 Bathori Thokdar Kisi ki Nahi Sunta. 1988 891.433 BAT G-253674<br />
1591 Batrohi Anaath Mohalle ke Thul-da. 1991 891.432 BAT G-253696<br />
1592 Batrohi Kahani: Samvad ka Teesra Ayam.<br />
Jammu fox: Biography <strong>of</strong> Maharaja Gulab Singh <strong>of</strong> Kashmir, 1792-<br />
1983 891.4309 BAT G-253314<br />
1593 Bawa Satinder Singh 1857. 1974 954.60310924 SIN 24327
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1594 Bea Grosscup Strategic Terror: the Plitical and Ethics <strong>of</strong> Aerial Bombardmant 2006 303.625 GRO 244444<br />
1595 Beate Lohnert Ed. Coping with Changing Envoironment. 1999 333.72091724 COP 243540<br />
1596 Bedar Bakht Dard ki Had se Pare. 2002 891.4391 AKH G-254473<br />
1597 Bedar Saras Aakash Ganga. 2000 891.431 SAR G-252974<br />
1598 Beertrand De Jouvenel Pure Theory <strong>of</strong> Politics. 1963 320.1 JON G-255116<br />
1599 Begum Anis Qidwai Azadi ki Chain Main. 1980 323.440954 ANI G-256961<br />
1600 Begum Anis Qidwai Ghubaare Kaar Waan. 1983 891.439308 ANI G-256780<br />
1601 Begum Anis Qidwai Nazre Khush Guzre. 1976 891.4394 ANI G--251211<br />
1602 Begum Anis Qidwai Nazre Khush Guzre. 1976 891.4394 ANI G-256957<br />
Begum Jahan Ara et<br />
324.22095491092<br />
1603 al. Quid-I-Azam and Muslim Women. 1976 QUI G-256461<br />
1604 Behzaad Lucknavi Deewan karam balai Karam. 1979 891.4391 BEH G-255701<br />
1605 Bejoy Kumar Singh In Andamans the Indian Bastille. 1939 954.88 SIN 242844<br />
1606 Bejoy Kumar Sinha In Andamanss the Indian Bastille. 1938 954.035 SIN 243208<br />
1607 Ben Johnson Five Plays. 1953 822.08 JON G-255254<br />
1608 Ben Jonson<br />
Benardidas<br />
Every man in his Humor. 1922 822 JON G-252553<br />
1609 Chaturvedi. Charles Freer Andrews. 1982 954.092 CHA 242960<br />
1610 Benarsidas Chatuvedi Charles Freer Andrews. 1949 923.0954 CHA G-252054<br />
1611 Benazir Bhut<strong>to</strong> Reconciliation: Islam, democracy & the West. 2008 297.5 BHU 244714<br />
1612 Benazir Bhut<strong>to</strong> Way out: Inter<strong>view</strong>s, Impressions, Statements and Messages.<br />
Imagined Communities: reflections on the Origin and Spread <strong>of</strong><br />
1988 32095491 BHU G-256331<br />
1613 Benedict Anderson Nationalism.<br />
Imagined Communities: reflections on the Origin and Spread <strong>of</strong><br />
1991 320.540954 AND 244067<br />
1614 Benedict Anderson Nationalism.<br />
Imagined Communities: reflections on the Origin and Spread <strong>of</strong><br />
1991 320.540954 AND 244068<br />
1615 Benedict Anderson Nationalism. 1991 320.540954 AND 244069<br />
1616 Beni Prasad<br />
Benjamin Kohl &<br />
Taarikh Jahangir. 2000 954.0256 BEN G-250450<br />
1617 Linda Farthing Impasse in Bolivia: Neoliberal Hegemony & Popular Resistance. 2006 984 KOH 244445<br />
1618 Benjamin Walker Foundations <strong>of</strong> Islam: Making <strong>of</strong> a World Faith. 2002 297.12209 WAL G-251296<br />
1619 Benjamin Zacharia Developing India: Intelectual and Social His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2005 338.90954 ZAC 244219<br />
1620 Benny Aguiar<br />
Benoit Daviron S.<br />
Indira Gandhi a Political Biography (1966-1984) 2007 324.220954092 269325<br />
1621 Ponte<br />
Ben<strong>to</strong> Graciano<br />
C<strong>of</strong>fe Paradox. 2005 338.17373 DAV 244446<br />
1622 D'Souza Goan Society in transition. 1975 303.4 DSO 242320<br />
1623 Berbard Shaw Doc<strong>to</strong>r's Dilemma. 1958 823 BER G-255269<br />
1624 Bernard Be et al. Media and Meditation. 2005 324.014 MED 241941<br />
1625 Bernard Crick Essays on Citizenship. 2000 323.6 CRI 243112<br />
1626 Bernard Crick<br />
Bernard de Saint<br />
In Defence <strong>of</strong> Politics. 1964 355.6 CRI G-254935<br />
1627 Pierre Paul and Virginia. 1949 823 PIE G-254807
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1628 Bernard Levin All things Considered. 1988 080 LEV G-251431<br />
1629 Bernard Levin Malcolm Muggerigdge the Infernal Grove. 1973 306.7 MUG G-251788<br />
1630 Bernard Malamud Fixer. 1966 823 MAL G-254912<br />
1631 Bernard Malamud Fixer. 1966 823 MAL G-255021<br />
1632 Bernard S. Cohn Anthropologist among the His<strong>to</strong>rians and other Essays. 2006 809.4 COH 244086<br />
1633 Bernard Schmmer Ed. Exploited Child. 2000 331.31 SCH 242997<br />
1634 Bernard Schwartz Ed. Fourteenth Amendment: century in American Law and Life. 1970 340.973 ASC G-254813<br />
1635 Bernard Shaw Back <strong>to</strong> Methuselah. 1945 822 BER G-254752<br />
1636 Bernard Shaw Candida. 1966 822 BER G-255953<br />
1637 Bernard Shaw Cashel Byron's Pr<strong>of</strong>ession. 1957 823.8 SHA G-251478<br />
1638 Bernard Shaw Doc<strong>to</strong>r's Dilemma. 1948 792.12 BER G-252514<br />
1639 Bernard Shaw Everybody's Political What's What. 1944 320.94 BER G-255764<br />
1640 Bernard Shaw Intelliigent Women's Guide <strong>to</strong> Socialism and Capitalism. 1932 335 BER G-255760<br />
1641 Bernard Shaw Penguim Plays. 1966 822 BER G-255131<br />
1642 Bernard Shaw Saint Joan. 1954 822 SHA G-21705<br />
1643 Bernard Shaw Three Plays for Puritans. 1923 822.912 SHA G-251716<br />
1644 Bernard W. Anderson Living world <strong>of</strong> the old Testament. 1957 221 AND G-251390<br />
1645 Bernd Kasemir et at.<br />
Bernd Radtke & John<br />
Public Participation in Sustainable Science. 2003 323 042 PUB 243202<br />
1646 O' Kane Concept <strong>of</strong> Sainthood in Early Islamic Mysticism. 1996 297.4 RAD 243229<br />
1647 Bernhard Radl<strong>of</strong>f. Heidgger and the Question <strong>of</strong> National Socialism. 2007 193 RAD 269358<br />
1648 Ber<strong>to</strong>lt Brecht. Caucasian Chalk Circle 1966 822 BRE G-254970<br />
1649 Bertrad Russell ABC <strong>of</strong> Relativity. 1969 530.11 RUS G-254399<br />
1650 Bertrand Evans Shakespeare's Tragic Practice. 1979 822.33 EVA G-251385<br />
1651 Bertrand Russell ABC <strong>of</strong> Relativity. 1958 530.1 RUS G-251741<br />
1652 Bertrand Russell In Praise <strong>of</strong> Idle. 1963 824.08 RUS G-255290<br />
1653 Bertrand Russell Marriage and Morals. 1976 306.81 RUS G-251515<br />
1654 Bertrand Russell Nightmares <strong>of</strong> Eminent Persons. 1954 823.3 RUS G-251509<br />
1655 Bertrand Russell On Education. 1960 370.1 RUS G-252023<br />
1656 Bertrand Russell Portraits from Memoryand other Essays. 1956 824.08 RUS G-255459<br />
1657 Bertrand Russell Power. 1962 303.3 RUS G-251762<br />
1658 Bertrand Russell Religion and Science. 1936 200 RUS G-252552<br />
1659 Bertrand Russell Road <strong>to</strong> Freedom. 1977 335.18 RUS G-251525<br />
1660 Bertrand Russell Satan in the Suburb and other S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1961 823.08 RUS G-254684<br />
1661 Bertrand Russell Unarmed Vic<strong>to</strong>pry. 1963 972.91 RUS G-255278<br />
1662 Bertrand Russell Wisdom <strong>of</strong> the West. 1964 189 RUS G-251725<br />
1663 Betsy Jane Clary et al. Ethics and the Market: Insights from Social economics. 2006 330.155 CLA 243235<br />
1664 Betty Kirpatrick Autjorized Roget's Thesaurus <strong>of</strong> English Words and Phrases. 1987 423.119 ROG G-251422<br />
1665 Betty Smith Tree Grown in Brooklyn. 1947 823 SMI G-254083<br />
1666 Beverley J. Silver<br />
Beverly Mil<strong>to</strong>n-<br />
Forces <strong>of</strong> Labour : Workers' Movements and globalization since 1870. 2003 331.8 SIL 235275<br />
1667 Edwards. Islam and Violence in the Moderna Era. 2006 297.289 MIL 243534
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1668 Bhabani Bhattacharya Shadow from Ladakh. 1962 954.6 BHA G-254788<br />
1669 Bhabani Sen Gupta Bhutan Towards a Grass-root Participa<strong>to</strong>ry Polity.<br />
Current Negotiationa in the WTO: Options,Opportunities and Risks for<br />
1999 954.98 GUP G-256447<br />
1670 Bhagirath Lal Das Developing Countries. 2005 382.301724 DAS 269470<br />
1671 Bhagirath Lal Das Introduction <strong>to</strong> the WTO Agreements.<br />
World Trade Organization: Guide <strong>to</strong> the Frame work for Internationl<br />
2002 382.92 DAS 269115<br />
1672 Bhagirath Lal Das Trade. 2000 382.92 DAS 269467<br />
1673 Bhagirath Lal Das WTO Agreements Deficiencies, Imbalance and Required Changes. 2002 382.92 DAS 269469<br />
1674 Bhagirath Lal Das WTO and the Multilateral Trading System Past,Present and Future. 2003 382.92 DAS 243071<br />
1675 Bhagirath Lal Das WTO and the Multilateral Trading System Past,Present and Future. 2003 382.92 DAS 269101<br />
1676 Bhagirath Lal Das WTO: the Doha Agenda: new Negotiations on World Trade. 2003 382.92 DAS 269468<br />
1677 Bhagwan Chaurasya Nahi Emaan Nahi. 1983 891.43301 CHA G-253538<br />
1678 Bhagwan Das In Pursuit <strong>of</strong> Ambedkar. 2004 305.568 DAL 269933<br />
1679 Bhagwan Das Aijaz Dekha Kahin Kabir. 2001 891.439108 AIJ G-256125<br />
1680 Bhagwan Das Ajaj Murgnyni. 1988 891.432 EJA G-254513<br />
1681 Bhagwan Das Safdia<br />
Bhagwan<br />
Hammam ka Durdang. 1981 891.432 SAF G-253609<br />
1682 ShreeRajnesh Tantra the suprem understanding 1975 294.385 TAN G-256320<br />
1683 Bhagwan Singh Arya Darvid Bhashanki mulmut Ekta. 1973 891.33 SIN G-253318<br />
1684 Bhagwan Singh<br />
Bhagwan Swurup<br />
Safal Parshashak Govind Ballabh Pant. 1988 354.08 SIN G-252963<br />
1685 Chetanye Dhaniyun ke desh main (1973-74). 1974 891.431 CHA G-252959<br />
1686 Bhagwan Thag<br />
Bhagwat Sharan<br />
Dalit Poetry Today. 1991 821.08 THA G-253838<br />
1687 Upadhyay<br />
Bhagwati Charan<br />
Kaalidas. 1978 891.433 UPA G-253642<br />
1688 Verma<br />
Bhagwati Kumar<br />
Chitralekha. 1966 891.433 VER G-254983<br />
1689 Sharma<br />
Bhagwati Sharan<br />
Surya Lok. 1994 891.473 SHA G-253324<br />
1690 Mishra<br />
Bhagwati<br />
Tairta Hua Taj. 1959 891.43308 MIS G-253562<br />
1691 ShreeRajnesh Messiah. 1987 823.914 RAJ G-256373<br />
1692 Bhairabi Prasad Sahu Land System and Rural Society in Early India. 2004 333.76 SAH 243709<br />
1693 Bhal Chandr Namade Kosla. 1993 891.463 NAM G-253745<br />
1694 Bhanu Partap Shukl<br />
Bharat Singh<br />
Yakchh-Parshan. 1995 070.1 SHU G-253225<br />
1695 Upadhyay Budh aur Baid Sadhak. 1970 294.39092 UPA G-253700<br />
1696 Bhaskar Raj Sakina Haiwaniyaat Bavein Jamat Ke Liye. 2003 591 RIY G-250251<br />
1697 Bhaskarjyoti Basu Exploration in Economic and Social His<strong>to</strong>ry 1200-1900. 2008 954.023 EXP 269642<br />
1698 Bhawana Somaaya Hema Malini: Authorised biography. 2007 791.43092 SOM 244422<br />
1699 Bhimnath Jha Sitaram Jha. 1990 891.4516092 JHA 241415<br />
1700 Bhischam Sahni Basanti Roman. 1948 823 SAH G-256017<br />
1701 Bhisham Sahni Aadhar Chayan Kahaniyaan. 1997 891.43308 SAH G-256092
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1702 Bhisham Sahni Aalamghir. 1999 891.432 SAH G-256111<br />
1703 Bhisham Sahni Apni Baat. 1990 891.43408 SAH G-256110<br />
1704 Bhisham Sahni Balraaj Mera Bhai. 1987 791.4092 SAH G-256641<br />
1705 Bhisham Sahni Bhagye Rekha. 1979 891.43301 SAH G-256096<br />
1706 Bhisham Sahni Bhagye Rekha. 1979 891.43301 SAH G-256114<br />
1707 Bhisham Sahni Bhagye-Rekha. 1969 891.43301 SAH G-256097<br />
1708 Bhisham Sahni Bhagye-Rekha. 1969 891.43301 SAH G-256098<br />
1709 Bhisham Sahni Bhagye-Rekha. 1969 891.43301 SAH G-256095<br />
1710 Bhisham Sahni Charchit Kahaniyaan. 1993 891.43301 SAH G-256099<br />
1711 Bhisham Sahni Hanush. 2002 891.132 SAH G-256108<br />
1712 Bhisham Sahni Jallianwala Bagh. 1979 891.433 SAH G-256101<br />
1713 Bhisham Sahni Kabeera Khada Bazar main. 1995 891.43301 SAH G-256091<br />
1714 Bhisham Sahni Karantu. 1994 891.433 SAH G-256107<br />
1715 Bhisham Sahni Madhavi. 2002 822 SAH 241357<br />
1716 Bhisham Sahni Mere Bhai Balraj. 1985 891.43301 SAH G-256106<br />
1717 Bhisham Sahni Mere Sakchatkar. 1996 891.435 SAH G-256112<br />
1718 Bhisham Sahni Mere Sakchatkar. 1996 891.435 SAH G-256113<br />
1719 Bhisham Sahni Muawaza. 1994 891.432041 SAH G-256109<br />
1720 Bhisham Sahni Nilu Nilima Nil<strong>of</strong>ar. 2000 891.433 SAH G-256100<br />
1721 Bhisham Sahni Pehla Path. 1957 891.43307 SAH G-256090<br />
1722 Bhisham Sahni Prem Chandre Partinidhi Kahaniyaan. 1987 891.43301 PRE G-256115<br />
1723 Bhisham Sahni Rang de Basanti Chola. 1996 891.432 SAH G-256094<br />
1724 Bhisham Sahni Taarikiyaan. 1987 891.433 SAH G-256797<br />
1725 Bhisham Sahni Tamas Winner <strong>of</strong> the Sahitya Akademy Awards. 1988 954.04 BHI G-256482<br />
1726 Bhisham Sahni Tamas. 1995 891.463 SAH G-252943<br />
1727 Bhisham Sahni Tamas. 1998 891.412 SAH G-253880<br />
1728 Bhisham Sahni Tamas. 2001 891.432 SAH G-254339<br />
1729 Bhisham Sahni Tamsh. 2005 891.433 SAH G-256105<br />
1730 Bhisham Sahni Waduchu. 2002 891.43301 SAH G-256104<br />
1731 Bhishan Sahni Mere Saxartkaar. 1996 891.433 SAH G-253006<br />
1732 Bhishan Sahni Mere Saxartkaar. 1996 891.433 SAH G-253005<br />
1733 Bhola Nath<br />
Bhupinder Aziz<br />
Revenue Guide with Quaderennial Digest. 336.02 BHO G-255851<br />
1734 Parihar Josh Malsiyani. 1997 891.421092 PAR 241307<br />
1735 Bhushan Swami Hindi Kahaniyaan Satik. 1993 891.43301 HIN G-253702<br />
1736 Bibek Debroy Anti-Dumping: Global Abuse <strong>of</strong> a Trade Policy Instrument<br />
Trade Game Negotiation Trends at WTO and Concerns <strong>of</strong> Developing<br />
2007 392.92 ANT 269211<br />
1737 Bibek Debroy Ed.<br />
Bibhutibhusahn<br />
Countries. 2006 382.92 TRA 269209<br />
1738 Bandyopadhyay Chandr Pahad. 1994 891.433092 BAN G-253352<br />
1739 Bible Holy Bible. 1981 220 HOL G-252096<br />
1740 Bible Holy Bible. 1981 220 HOL G-251424<br />
1741 Bible New English Bible New Testament. 1961 225 BIB G-255044<br />
1742 Bible New English Bible New Testament. 1961 225 NEW G-254976<br />
1743 Bible New English Bible New Testament. 1961 229.9 NEW G-254817
S.No. Authors<br />
Bidyut Cahkrabarty<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1744 Ed. Communalism Identity in India. 2003 302.140954 COM 243376<br />
1745 Bidyut Chakrabarty Forging Power: Coalition Politics in India. 2006 320.9 CHA 244082<br />
1746 Bidyut Chakrabarty Indian Politics and Society Since Independence. 2008 320.954 CHA 268944<br />
1747 Bidyut Chakrabarty Reinventing Public Administration: the Indian Experience. 2007 352.2 CHA 243160<br />
1748 Bidyut Chakrabarty. Froging Power: Coalition Politics in India. 2006 324.90954 CHA 241736<br />
1749 Bidyut Charabarty Partition <strong>of</strong> Bengal and Assam 1932-1947. 2004 325.0954162 CHA 244566<br />
1750 Bidyut.Chakravarty<br />
Bigit Pfuu-Effenger<br />
Politics <strong>of</strong> Accommodation and Conference. 2003 002 NMM 244035<br />
1751 Ed. Care and Social Integration in European societies. 2005 301.94 EFF 243200<br />
1752 Bilas Bihar Bal Lok kathayein. 2000 891.43301 BIH G-252939<br />
1753 Bill Aitken Divining the Deccan: mo<strong>to</strong>rbike <strong>to</strong> the Heart <strong>of</strong> India. 1998 910.21054 AIT 240610<br />
1754 Bill Aitken Exploring Indian Railways. 2002 395.2 AIT 240670<br />
1755 Bill Ashcr<strong>of</strong>t Ed. Post-Colonial Studies Reader. 1995 820.9358 POS 241660<br />
1756 Bill Clin<strong>to</strong>n. My life. 2004 973.927 CLI G-256303<br />
1757 Bill Dunn Global Political Economy: A Marxist Critique. 2009 335.4 DUN 269120<br />
1758 Bill Gates Road <strong>to</strong> Ahead. 1996 658.4032 GAT G-252503<br />
1759 Bill Jordan Social Policy for the Twenty First- Century. 2006 361.25 JOR 243896<br />
1760 Bilquis Zafirul Hasan Gila Indhan. 1996 891.439108 BIL G-256868<br />
1761 Bimal Jalan Future <strong>of</strong> India: Politics,Economy and Governance. 2005 320.954 JAL 240902<br />
1762 Bimal Krishn Ashk. Maaziyana. 1987 891.439108 ASH G-256667<br />
1763 Bimal Krishn Ashk. Roshni phir Roshni Hai. 1987 891.439108 ASH G-257071<br />
1764 Bimal Mitre Kharidi Kaudyun ke Pol. 1967 891.443 MIT G-253295<br />
1765 Bimal Prasad Jayaprakash Narayan Selected Works I 2000 324.220954092 NAR 243796<br />
1766 Bimal Prasad Jayaprakash Narayan Selected Works II 2001 324.220954092 NAR 243666<br />
1767 Bimal Prasad Jayaprakash Narayan Selected Works V 2005 324.220954092 NAR 240249<br />
1768 Bimal Prasad Jayaprakash Narayan Selected Works V 2005 324.220954092 NAR 243751<br />
1769 Bimal Prasad Jayaprakash Narayan Selected Works VI 2005 324.220954092 NAR 240939<br />
1770 Bimal Prasad Jayaprakash Narayan Selected Works VI 2005 324.220954092 NAR 243700<br />
1771 Bimal Prasad Jayaprakash Narayan Selected Works VIII 2007 324.220954092 NAR 244544<br />
1772 Bimal Prasad Jayaprakash Narayan Selected Works X 2009 324.220954092 NAR 269629<br />
1773 Bimal Prasad Pathsways <strong>to</strong> India's Partition: Foundations <strong>of</strong> Muslim Nationalsim. 2001 954.035 BIM 240203<br />
1774 Bimal Prasad Pathsways <strong>to</strong> India's Partition: March <strong>to</strong> Pakistna 1937-1947. 2009 954.0359 PRA 269627<br />
1775 Bimal Prasad Pathways <strong>to</strong> India's Partition; Foundation <strong>of</strong> Muslim Nationalism. I 1999 325.0297 BIM 242381<br />
1776 Bimal Prasad Pathways <strong>to</strong> India's Partition; Foundation <strong>of</strong> Muslim Nationalism. I 1999 325.0297 BIM 243672<br />
1777 Bimal Prasad Revolutionary's Quest: Selected writings <strong>of</strong> Jayaptrakash Narayan. 1980 324.220954092 NAR 242548<br />
1778 Bimal Prasad Jayaprakash Narayan: Selected Works.<br />
Towards Freedom: Documents on the Movements for Independence in<br />
9 2008 324.22095492 JAY 268927<br />
1779 Bimal Prasad Ed. India. 2003 954.035 TOW 244511<br />
1780 Bina Agarwal Cold Hearths and Barren Slopes. 1986 330.91724 AGA G-250582<br />
1781 Bina Agarwal Gender and Legal Rights in Landed Property in India.<br />
Gender and Command over Property: an economic analysis <strong>of</strong> South<br />
1999 346.04 AGA 241693<br />
1782 Bina Agarwal Asia. 1994 306.32 AGA 241694<br />
Binaybhushan His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Science Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization:<br />
1783 Cahudhuri<br />
Economic His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Inda from Eighteenth Twentieth century. P.3 VIII 2005 320.954 CHA 241686
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1784 Bindeshwar Pathak Road <strong>to</strong> Freedom. 1995 326.80954 PAT 242805<br />
1785 Bindeshwar Ram Land and Society in India: Agrarian Relations in Colonial North Bihar. 1997 338.1095412 RAM 240139<br />
1786 Binod Chandra Naik Gangadhar Meher. 1996 891.45615092 NAI 241348<br />
1787 Bipan Chandra Communalism in Modern India 1987 302.140954 BIP 243494<br />
1788 Bipan Chandra India After Independence 1947-2000. 2002 954.04 CHA 244206<br />
1789 Bipan Chandra India After Independence 1947-2000. 2002 954.04 CHA 244205<br />
1790 Bipan Chandra India National Movement Long-Trem Dynamics. 2008 954.035 CHA 269174<br />
1791 Bipan Chandra India Since Independence. 2000 954.035 CHA 268964<br />
1792 Bipan Chandra India Since Independence. 2000 954.035 CHA 268965<br />
1793 Bipan Chandra India Since Independence. 2000 954.035 CHA 268966<br />
1794 Bipan Chandra India's Struggle for Independence 1857-1947. 1989 954.04 BIP G-251561<br />
1795 Bipan Chandra Rise and Growth <strong>of</strong> Economic Nationalism in India. 2004 338.90954 BIP 244324<br />
1796 Bipan Chandra<br />
Bipan Chandra S.<br />
Rsie and Growth <strong>of</strong> Economic Nationalism in India. 2004 338.909 BIP 244323<br />
1797 Mahajan Composite Culture in a Multicultural Society. 2007 306 BIP 244310<br />
1798 Bipin Chandra Pal Soul <strong>of</strong> India: a Constructive study <strong>of</strong> Indian Thoughts & Ideals. 1911 128.10954 CHA 242340<br />
1799 Bipin Chandra Pal Writings and Speeches <strong>of</strong> Bipin Chandra Pal. 1954 080 PAL G-252080<br />
1800 Bipin Chnadra Pal Character Sketches. 1957 954.0092 CHA 242922<br />
1801 Biplab Dasgupta European Tarde and Colonial Conquest. 2005 380.1094 DAS 244254<br />
1802 Biplab Dasgupta Globalization: India's Adjustment Experience. 2005 337.54 DAS 241645<br />
1803 Biplab Dasgupta<br />
Birendar Kumar<br />
Pateint Issuies: Some Questions some Answers. 1994 630.92 DAS 242583<br />
1804 Bhattachary Perja ka Raj. 1994 891.4513 BHA G-253106<br />
1805 Birendranath Datta Jyotirasad Agarwalla. 1995 891.4513092 DAT 241376<br />
1806 Birinda Pal Singh Punjab Peasantry in Turmoil. 2010 322.20954552 PUN 270074<br />
1807 Birjendar Shrivastav Shahar Khamosh hai. 1994 891.433 SHR G-253178<br />
1808 Birjendar Shrivastav Thali main Chand. 1995 891.431 SHR G-253605<br />
1809 Birsa Bhagwan Life and times <strong>of</strong> Birsa Bhagwan.<br />
And Who will make the Cahpatis?: A Study <strong>of</strong> All-Women Panchayats<br />
1997 294.05092 ORA 242790<br />
1810 Bishakha Datta in Maharashtra. 2000 305.40954792 DAT 241726<br />
1811 Bishambar Lal<br />
Bishwambar Naath<br />
Paigham kaim ke Naam. 1993 891.43108 BIS G-257105<br />
1812 Pandey<br />
Biswa Narayan<br />
Bhartiye Sanskirti Mughal Virasat: Aurangzeb ke Farman. 1993 954.0258 PAN G-253176<br />
1813 Shashtri Anand Wa Ram Barwa.<br />
Regionla Growth Dynamics in India in the Post- Economic Reform<br />
1987 491.2092 SHAs 241495<br />
1814 Biswa Swarup Misra Reriod. 2007 338.954 MIS<br />
266.08694095133PA<br />
269303<br />
1815 Biswamoy Pati Identity Hegemony Resistance. 2003 T 241683<br />
1816 Biswamoy Pati Identity Hegemony Resistance. 2003 306.095413 BIS 241171<br />
1817 Biswamoy Pati Situating Social His<strong>to</strong>ry Orissa (1800-1997) 2007 306.0954 PAT 243728<br />
1818 Biswamoy Pati Ed. The1857 Rebellion:Debates in Indian His<strong>to</strong>ry and Society 2007 954.025 REB 244314<br />
1819 Biswamoy Pati et al. Negotiating India's Past. 2003 915.4 PAT 242277
S.No. Authors<br />
Biswamoy Pati Mark<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1820 Harrison Health Medicine and Empire: Perspectives on Colonial India 2005 613.0954 BIS 243680<br />
1821 Biswanarayan Sahstri Anundoram Barooah. 1984 891.45112092 SHA 241361<br />
1822 Biswanath Banerjee Shudraka. 1999 891.22092 BAN 241215<br />
1823 Biswarup Misra Credit Cooperation in India: Past,Peasnt and Future. 2010 334.2 MIS 270100<br />
1824 Biswarup Sen Of the People: Essays on Indian Population Culture. 2006 306.10954 BIS 242208<br />
1825 Bjorn Lomborg Global Crises, Global Solutions. 2004 337 LOM 243090<br />
1826 Bjorn Lomborg<br />
Bob Glover & Jack<br />
Skeptical Environment: Measuring the Real State <strong>of</strong> the World. 2005 363.7 LOM 243668<br />
1827 Sheperd Runner's Handbook. 1978 796.426 GLO G-251769<br />
1828 Bob Johnson QNT 2008 Operations Management. 1997 658.1554 JOH G-252519<br />
1829 Bob Woodward Bush at War. 2002 973.931 WOO G-256436<br />
1830 Bob Woodward Weil: Secret War <strong>of</strong> the CIA 1981-1987. 1988 327.12097320 WOO G-251704<br />
1831 B<strong>of</strong>org<br />
Bomb Lingard &<br />
B<strong>of</strong>org: Unfinished S<strong>to</strong>ry. 1989 335.821 BOF G-251764<br />
1832 Jenny Ozga Routledge Falmer Reader in Education Policy and Politics 2007 379 ROU 243237<br />
1833 Bonita Aleaz Ed. Ethnicity, Nations & Minorities. 2002 305.560954 ETH 244154<br />
1834 Boris Ford Modern Age. 1964 820.9 FOR G-255386<br />
1835 Boris Ford Ed. Pelican Guide <strong>to</strong> English Literature. 1964 820.74 THE G-251518<br />
1836 Boris Lavrenyov Forty First. 1963 891.7308 LAV G-257110<br />
1837 Boris Pasternak Doc<strong>to</strong>r Zhivago. 1958 891.7408 PAS G-255173<br />
1838 Boris Pasternak Last Summer. 1959 891.7109 PAS G-255277<br />
1839 Boris Polevoi S<strong>to</strong>ry about a real Man. 1952 891.73 POL G-254282<br />
1840 Boris Polevoi S<strong>to</strong>ry about a real Man. 1952 891.73 POL G-254082<br />
1841 Boris Polewai Yeh Chiragh Jalta raha. 139 891.73 POL G-255667<br />
1842 Bradford Smith Why we Behave Like Americans. 1958 327.0973 SMI G-252465<br />
1843 Brahma Chellaney Ed. Security India's Future in the New Millennium. 1999 355.033254 SEC 240098<br />
1844 Brahma Nand Famines in Colinial India: Some Un<strong>of</strong>ficail His<strong>to</strong>rical Narratives.<br />
Village Communities and Land Tenures in Western India Under<br />
2007 363.80954 NAN 241387<br />
1845 Brahma Nand Colonial Rule. 2009 333.30954 VIL 269804<br />
1846 Brahma Singh<br />
Brahmanand S.<br />
Roses <strong>of</strong> Mughal Gardens. 2007 582.13 BRA G-256234<br />
1847 Mavinkurve<br />
Brain Pratt & Peter.<br />
Portrait <strong>of</strong> Community: Chitrapur Saraswat Census Report 1972 342.08 CEN 242791<br />
1848 Loizos Choosing Research Methods: data collection for Development workers. 2009 301.01 PRA 269563<br />
1849 Braj Ranjan Mani<br />
Brajadulal<br />
Debrahmanising His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2005 954 MAN 243819<br />
1850 Cha<strong>to</strong>padhyaya<br />
Brajadulal<br />
Combined Methods in Ideology and other Writings D. D. Kosambi. 2002 954.02 KOS 240064<br />
1851 Cha<strong>to</strong>padhyaya Oxford India Kosambi. 2009 954.035 OXF 269244<br />
1852 Brannon M. Wheeler Teaching Islam 2003 297.071 TEA 242170<br />
1853 Brenda Almond Ed.<br />
Brenda Cossman,<br />
AIDS Moral Issue: Ethical ,Legal and Social Aspects. 1996 362.1042 AID G-251307<br />
1854 R.Kapur Secularism's Last Sigh? 2001 322.10954 COS 241023<br />
1855 Bri. Vivek Ateet. 1997 891.433 KUM G-253487
S.No. Authors<br />
Brian Durrans & R.<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1856 Knox India Past in<strong>to</strong> Present. 1982 954.1 DUR G-252015<br />
1857 Brian Finney Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Isherwood : A Critical Biography. 1979 823.912 FIN G-251382<br />
1858 Brian Keeley International Migration: human face <strong>of</strong> Globalization. 2010 304.6 KEE 270121<br />
1859 Brian Keenan Turlough. 2000 808.3 KEE G-251313<br />
1860 Brian Lapping End <strong>of</strong> Empire. 1989 941.082 LAP G-251592<br />
1861 Brian W. Blouet<br />
Bridget & Raymond<br />
Geoplitics and Globalization in the Twentieth Century. 2001 320.12 BLO 244137<br />
1862 Allchin<br />
Bridget Somekh &<br />
Birth <strong>of</strong> Indian Civilization. 1968 934 BRI G-255541<br />
1863 Cathy Lewin Ed. Research Methods in the Social Science. 2005 300.72 RES 270204<br />
1864 Brig R P singh Sacked or Sunk Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat. 2000 359.0092 SIN 242702<br />
1865 Brigid Keenan Travels in Kashmir : A popular His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Its PeoplePlaces and Crafts. 2006 915.46 KEE 240331<br />
1866 Brij Mohan Sharma Indian Federalism. 1932 321.0209554 SHA 242359<br />
1867 Brij Narain India Analysed Economic Facts. 330.954 IND G-255960<br />
1868 Brij Narain India Before and Since the Crisis. 1939 658.4056054 NAR 242510<br />
1869 Brij Narain India Before and Since the Crisis. 1939 658.4056054 NAR 242511<br />
1870 Brij Narain Indian Economy Life. 1929 330.954 NAR 242512<br />
1871 Brijeshwar Verma Surdas. 1969 891.431092 VER G-253736<br />
1872 Brinda Karat Survival emancipation: notes from Indian women's struggles. 2005 305.40954 KAR 242255<br />
1873 Brinda Karat Survival emancipation: notes from Indian women's struggles. 2005 324.30954 KAR 240894<br />
1874 Brindavanlal Verma Rani Laxmibai. 1968 891.433092 VER G-253739<br />
1875 Broadcasting Book <strong>of</strong> Useless Information. 2002 001.9 BOO G-256215<br />
1876 Bronislaw Malinowski Crime and Cus<strong>to</strong>m in Savage Society. 1947 364 MAL G-255084<br />
1877 Brooks Atkinson. Complete Essays and other Writings <strong>of</strong> Ralph Waldon Emerson.<br />
Capital Ideas and Market Realities: Options Replication, Inves<strong>to</strong>r<br />
1940 824.08 EME G-255009<br />
1878 Bruce I. Jacob Behavior, and S<strong>to</strong>ck Market Crashes. 1999 332.042 JAC 269497<br />
1879 Bruce King Modern Indian Poetry in English. 2004 821.20954 KIN 240554<br />
1880 Bruce M. Swain<br />
Brukrishna<br />
Reporters' ethic. 1978 174.9097 SWA G-257179<br />
1881 Chandiwala<br />
Brundo Dorin & F.<br />
At the Left <strong>of</strong> Bapu. 1954 324.220954092 CHA G-255463<br />
1882 Landy Agriculture and Food in India. 2009 634.04 DOR 269631<br />
1883 Bruno Dorin Indian Enterpreneur. 2003 338.709254 DOR 243663<br />
1884 Brunop Dorin<br />
Bsuedeb<br />
Indian Enterpreneur. 2003 338.6041054 IND 235270<br />
1885 Chat<strong>to</strong>padhyay<br />
Budaraja<br />
Communalism concerned Gujarat Genocide 2002 2002 303.623 CHA 242708<br />
1886 Radhakrsihna<br />
Budaraju<br />
Sri Sri. 1996 894.827092 RAD G-254192<br />
1887 Radhakrishna<br />
Buddhadeb Ghosh &<br />
Mahakavi SriSri. 2000 891.8271092 RAD 241207<br />
1888 Girish Kumar State Politics and Panchayats in India. 2003 321 023 GHO 243738
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1889 Buhzs Muarka Ishq O Buhz Ali. 1962 297.0172 GHU G-255996<br />
1890 Building Building Virtual Communities. 2002 004.67 BUI 242016<br />
1891 Burns H. West<strong>to</strong>n Child Labour and Human Rights Making Children Matters 2007 331.31 WES 242132<br />
1892 Bur<strong>to</strong>n<br />
Bur<strong>to</strong>n J.Brown<br />
Benjamin Urish &<br />
Tales from the Arabian Nights. 1959 398.2 TAL G-251335<br />
1893 Robert L. Carneiro Modern Capitalist Culture. 2009 306.342 WHI 269796<br />
1894 Bushra Farkh Adhuri Muhabbat Ka Pura Safar. 2005 891.43914 BUS G-254588<br />
1895 Bushra Farkh Adhuri Muhabbat Ka Pura Safar. 2005 891.43914 BUS G-254587<br />
1896 Bushra Rahman Urdu ke Ghair Mazhabi Safarname. 1999 910 BUS G-250503<br />
1897 Byron Prisoner <strong>of</strong> Cillon. 1997 821 JOH G-255950<br />
1898 C Dasgupta War and Diplomacy in Kashmir 1947-48.<br />
Development Strategy, Regional Disparities and Centre- State Financial<br />
2002 954.6042 DAS 240174<br />
1899 C H Hanumantha Rao Relations in India. 2005 327.0332954 RAO 241458<br />
1900 C L Wayper<br />
C P Chandrasekhar<br />
Political Thought. 1985 321 WAY G-251799<br />
1901 Ed.<br />
C. H. Hanumantha<br />
India's Socio-Economic Database Surveys <strong>of</strong> Selected Aresa. 2001 339.21072354 IND 240142<br />
1902 Rao Agriculture, Food Security and Environment. 2005 630 RAO 244286<br />
1903 C. Hayavadana Rao Indian Caste System: A study.<br />
Madras Government Museum: Paraiyan and Legend <strong>of</strong> Nandan<br />
2003 305.5122 RAO 243644<br />
1904 C. Karunakara Menon Rev.A.C. Clay<strong>to</strong>n. 2004 954.820690 MAD 243619<br />
1905 C. Lovatt Evans<br />
C. Northcote<br />
Prionciples <strong>of</strong> Humann Physiology. 1945 610 EVA G-255819<br />
1906 Parkinson East and West. 1965 950.PAR G-252558<br />
1907 C. Radhakrishnan Maybe Another Day. 1993 894.8123 RAD G-254289<br />
1908 C. Rajagopalachari Ramayana. 1965 294.5922 RAJ G-255560<br />
1909 C. Rajendran Mahimabhatta. 2000 891.21092 RAJ 241206<br />
1910 C. Roe Goddard Ed. Inetrnational Political Economy. 2005 337 GOD 243055<br />
1911 C. Rupa Reservation Policy Mandal Commission and After.<br />
Nation in Imagination: Essays on Nationalism, Sub-Nationalism and<br />
1992 305.568035225 RUP 242248<br />
1912 C. Vijyasree et at. Ed. Narration.<br />
Nation in Imagination: Essays on Nationalism, Sub-Nationalism and<br />
2007 320.54 NAT 244146<br />
1913 C. Vijyasree et at. Ed. Narration. 2007 320.54 NAT 244842<br />
1914 C. Wright Mills Sociological Imagination. 1966 301 MIL G-257221<br />
1915 C. Wright Mills. Marxists. 1962 335.409 MIL G-251720<br />
1916 C.A Bayly Birth <strong>of</strong> the Modern World 1780-1914.<br />
Rulers, Townsmen and Bazars: North Indian Society in the British<br />
2004 909.8 BAY 242050<br />
1917 C.A. Bayly<br />
Expansion 177-1870. 2004 301.0954 BAY 242533<br />
1918 C.A. Mace Psychology <strong>of</strong> Study. 1968 155 MAC G-251543<br />
1919 C.A.W. Manning Nature <strong>of</strong> International Society. 1962 327.17 MAN G-255086<br />
1920 C.A.W. Manning Nature <strong>of</strong> International Society.<br />
Social Justice and the Constitution <strong>of</strong> India: (with reference <strong>to</strong><br />
1962 327.17 MAN G-255074<br />
1921 C.B. Raju<br />
SC's/ST's) 2007 342.09541 RAJ 269179<br />
1922 C.D. Maclean Manual <strong>of</strong> the Administration <strong>of</strong> the Madras Presidency. I 1987 321.0954 82 MAC 243622
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1923 C.D. Maclean Manual <strong>of</strong> the Administration <strong>of</strong> the Madras Presidency. II 1987 321.0954 82 MAC 243623<br />
1924 C.D. Maclean Manual <strong>of</strong> the Administration <strong>of</strong> the Madras Presidency. III 1987 321.0954 82 MAC 243624<br />
1925 C.D. Narasimhaiah Essays in Commonwealth Literature. 1995 820.9 HAK G-250542<br />
1926 C.Day Levwis Poems 1934-1947 1935 821.08 LEW G-255332<br />
1927 C.Day Levwis Time <strong>to</strong> Dance and other poems. 1935 821.08 LEW G-255175<br />
1928 C.E. Tyndal Biscoe Kashmir in Sunlight & Shade. 1925 954.6 BIS 243335<br />
1929 C.E.M. Joad Introdcution <strong>to</strong> Modern Politcal Theory. 1946 320.1 JOA G-255486<br />
1930 C.E.Montague Writes Notes on his Trade. 1946 411 MON G-255049<br />
1931 C.F. Andrews Zaka Ullah <strong>of</strong> Delhi. 2003 954.56 AND 243441<br />
1932<br />
C.F. Andrews,<br />
G.Mukerji Rise and growth <strong>of</strong> the Congress in India. 1938 324.20954 AND 242837<br />
1933 C.F. Carr Modern Journalism: Complete guide <strong>to</strong> the newspaper craft. 1946 070 CAR G-247150<br />
1934 C.G. Jung Memories Dreams Reflections. 1967 920 JUN G-251816<br />
1935 C.H. Hanumantha Rao Agriculture Food Ssecurity Poverty, and Environment. 2005 338.0954 RAO 244285<br />
1936 C.H. Hanumantha Rao Agriculture Food Ssecurity Poverty, and Environment. 2005 338.0954 RAO 244104<br />
1937 C.H. Hanumantha Rao<br />
C.H. Hanumantha Rao<br />
Regional Disparities, Smaller, States and Statehood for Telangana. 2010 338.0954 RAO 269846<br />
& S. Mahendra Dev Andhra Pradesh development: Economic Reforms and Challenges<br />
1938 Ed.<br />
Ahead. 2003 338.095484 RAO 243689<br />
1939 C.H. Rolph<br />
C.J. Fuller & V. Benei<br />
Kingshel. 1973 070.4092 ROL G-251664<br />
1940 Ed.<br />
C.J. Fuller &<br />
Everyday State & Society in Modern India. 2000 954.052 EVE 240188<br />
1941 Vernoique Benei ed. Everyday State & Society in Modern India. 2000 954.035 EVE 235265<br />
1942 C.J. Jung Modern Man in Search <strong>of</strong> a Soul. 1961 128.1 JUN G-255083<br />
1943 C.J. Roy Kandathil Varghese Mapplai. 2002 070.92 ROY 241314<br />
1944 C.Joe Arun<br />
C.K. Shukla & S. Ali<br />
Constructing Dalit Identity. 2007 305.568 ARU 243014<br />
1945 Ed. Child Labour Socio-Economic Dimensions. 2006 331.31 SHU 269743<br />
C.L. Mallam A.D.F. Census <strong>of</strong> India, 1931 Vol.XV North-East Frontier Province P.I Report<br />
1946 Dundas<br />
& P.II Tables. 2001 315.4 CEN 240280<br />
1947 C.L.Wayper Political Thought 1962 320.52 WAY G-255258<br />
1948 C.M. Naim Introduc<strong>to</strong>ry Urdu . 2002 891.439 NAI G-250597<br />
1949 C.M. Naim Introductpry Urdu . 2002 891.439 NAI G-250598<br />
1950 C.M. Naim Urdu texts and Contexts: the Selected Essays. 2004 491.439 NAI 241081<br />
1951 C.M. Naim Ambiguities <strong>of</strong> Heritage Fivction and Polemics. 1999 823.914 NAI G-251913<br />
1952 C.N. Ramachandran K. Shivarama Karanth. 2001 792.015092 RAM 241311<br />
1953 C.N. Vakil Financial Development in Modern India. 1924 658.150954 VAK 242517<br />
1954 C.P. Chandrasekhar<br />
C.P. ChandraSekhar &<br />
Market that Failed. 2000 338.90954 CHA 269770<br />
1955 Jayati Ghosh Market that Failed: Neoliberal Economic Reforms in India 2006 338.90954 CHA 269770
S.No. Authors<br />
C.P. ChandraSekhar &<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1956 Jayati Ghosh<br />
C.P. ChandraSekhar &<br />
Market that Failed: Neoliberal Economic Reforms in India 2006 338.90954 CHA 269771<br />
1957 Jayati Ghosh<br />
C.P. ChandraSekhar &<br />
Market that Failed: Neoliberal Economic Reforms in India 2006 338.90954 CHA 244164<br />
1958 Jayati Ghosh<br />
C.P. ChandraSekhar &<br />
Market that Failed: Neoliberal Economic Reforms in India 2006 338.90954 CHA 244299<br />
1959 Jayati Ghosh<br />
C.P. ChandraSekhar &<br />
Market that Failed: Neoliberal Economic Reforms in India 2006 338.90954 CHA 244143<br />
1960 Jayati Ghosh Market that Failed: Neoliberal Economic Reforms in India 2006 338.90954 CHA 269772<br />
1961 C.P. Snow Affair. 1960 823 SNO G-255380<br />
1962 C.P. Snow Conscience <strong>of</strong> the Rich. 1958 823 SNO G-254680<br />
1963 C.P. Snow Light and the Dark. 1947 823 SNO G-255203<br />
1964 C.P. Snow Masters. 1952 823 SNO G-255163<br />
1965 C.P. Snow Masters. 1963 823 SNO G-254941<br />
1966 C.P. Snow Masters. 1963 823 SNO G-255010<br />
1967 C.P. Snow Strangers & Brothers. 1958 823 SNO G-255555<br />
1968 C.P.Chandrasekhar Market that Failed neoliberal econmomic reforms in India 2000 338.90954 CHA 244617<br />
1969 C.R. Bijopy India and the Rights <strong>of</strong> Indegenious Peoples. 2010 307.30954 BIJ 27020<br />
1970 C.R. Cheney Handbook <strong>of</strong> Dtaes for Students <strong>of</strong> Bristish His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2000 940.00202 CHE 243783<br />
1971 C.R. Markham Memoir on the Indian Surveys. 2004 526.0954 MAR 243759<br />
1972 C.R. Reddy<br />
C.Raj Kumar & K.<br />
D. Anjaneyulu: Makers <strong>of</strong> Indian Literature. 1980 328.5482092 ANJ 241381<br />
1973 Chockalingam Ed. Huamn Rights, Justice & Contitutional Empowerment. 2007 323.0954 CRA 243100<br />
1974 C.S. Forster Brown on Resolution. 1956 823 FOR G-254863<br />
1975 C.S. Forster General. 1956 823 FOR G-254900<br />
1976 C.S. Forster Gun 1956 823 FOR G-254019<br />
1977 C.S. Forster Lord Hornblower. 1946 823 FOR G-255042<br />
1978 C.S. Forster Passage <strong>to</strong> India. 1924 823 FOR G-255395<br />
1979 C.S. Lakshmi Unhuries City: Writings on Chennai. 2004 910.91 ALT 240574<br />
1980 C.S. Lewis Experoment in Citicsim. 1961 809 LEW G-255364<br />
1981 C.S. Mullan Census <strong>of</strong> India, 1931, Vol. III Assam P. 1992 315.4 CEN 240283<br />
1982 C.S. Mullan Census <strong>of</strong> India, 1931, Vol. III Assam P.II<br />
Negotiated Change: Collective Bargaining, Liberalization and<br />
1992 315.4 CEN 240284<br />
1983 C.S. Venkata Ratnam Restructing in India. 2003 331.890954 RAT G-257294<br />
1984 C.V. Madhavi Change and Turbulence at Sail: S<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Fluctuating Fortunes. 2002 338.76691420 MAD 242519<br />
1985 C.V. Ranganathan Panchsheel and the Future: perspectives on India-China Relations. 2007 327.0954051 RAN 244626<br />
1986 Cahrlotte Bronte Jane Eyre. 1948 823 DEN G-254823<br />
1987 Cahrlotte Bronte Shirley. 1953 823 BRO G-255214<br />
1988 Calvin S. Hall Primer <strong>of</strong> Freudian Psychology. 1954 150.1952 HAL G-255428<br />
1989 Cameron Morrison New Geography <strong>of</strong> The iNdian Empire and Ceylon. 1926 915.4 MOR G-255945<br />
1990 Cantal Mouffe. Challenge <strong>of</strong> Carl Schmitt. 1999 320.092 CHA G-257321<br />
1991 Cantica Hell Comedy <strong>of</strong> Dante Alighieri. 1951 133.336 HEL G-255037<br />
1992 Captain James Cooks Voyages round the World 1768-1780. 1921 910.9 COO G-255796<br />
1993 Carig Baxter Pakistan on the Brink: Political Economics, and Society. 2004 320.95491 BAX 243462
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
1994 Carl Boggs End <strong>of</strong> Politics: Corporate power and the Decline <strong>of</strong> the Public Sphere. 2000 320.7309048 BOG 269491<br />
1995 Carl Sagan The Cosmic Connection. 1975 523.42 SAG G-253992<br />
1996 Carl Sandburg Abraham Lincoln. 1939 324.220954092 SAN G-254732<br />
1997 Carl Skutsch Ed. Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> the Worls'd Minorities. 1 2005 305.8003 ENC 241139<br />
1998 Carl Skutsch Ed. Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> the Worls'd Minorities. 2 2005 305.8003 ENC 241593<br />
1999 Carl Skutsch Ed. Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> the Worls'd Minorities.<br />
Eternal Garden: Mystecism, His<strong>to</strong>ry, and Politics at a South Asian Sufi<br />
3 2005 305.8003 ENC 241594<br />
2000 Carl W. Ernst. Centre.<br />
Eternal Garden: Mystecism, His<strong>to</strong>ry, and Politics at a South Asian Sufi<br />
2002 297.40954 ERN 241089<br />
2001 Carl W. Ernst. Centre. 2004 297.4 ERN 243478<br />
2002 Carl W. Ernst. Following Muhammad rethinking Islam n the Contemporary World. 2005 297.2 ERN 241472<br />
2003 carl W. Ernst. Rethinking Islam in the Contemporary World. 2004 297 ERN 241131<br />
2004 Carles S. Myres Industrial Psychology.<br />
Becoming Che Chevara's Second and Final Trip through Latin<br />
1936 158.7 MYE<br />
2005 Carlos Calica Ferrer.<br />
Carloyn Fluehr-<br />
America. 2009 823 FER 269390<br />
2006 Lobban<br />
Carls M Correa &<br />
Islamic Society in Practice. 1994 297.0962 LOB 240233<br />
2007 Nagesh Kumar Protecting Foreign Investment. 2003 382.92 COR 269204<br />
2008 Carol Schick et at. Contesting Fundamentalism. 2006 233.01 SCH 242184<br />
2009 Caroline Shrodes Readings for Rhe<strong>to</strong>ric. 1967 808.04275 SHR G-251532<br />
2010 Carolyn Merchant Radical Ecology;the Search fro a Liveble World. 1992 304.2 MAR 243255<br />
2011 Carson McCullers. Hearts is a Lonely Hunter. 1961 823 MCC G-254949<br />
2012 Carter Dickson She Died A Lady. 1961 G-255872<br />
2013 Casimo Zene Rish <strong>of</strong> Bangladesh: his<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Chritian Dialogues. 2002 230.95492 ZEN 243515<br />
2014 Catarina Kinnvall<br />
Caterina Kinnvall &<br />
Globalization and Religious Nationalism in India. 2006 320.540954 KIN 269287<br />
2015 K. Jonsson Ed. Globalization and democratization in Asia. 2002 320.954 GLO 242133<br />
2016 Catherine B. Ashar<br />
Catherine B. Ashar<br />
Thoams R. Metcalf.<br />
India Before Europe. 2008 954.02 ASH 268929<br />
2017 Ed. Pereptions <strong>of</strong> South Asia's Visual Past. 1994 954 ASH 242733<br />
Catherine Drink Most Dangerous Man in America sense from the life <strong>of</strong> Benjamin<br />
2018 Bowen<br />
Franklin. 1987 970.03 BOW<br />
307.1412095492<br />
G-251380<br />
2019 Catherine H. Lovell<br />
Cecilia Ng. Manzah<br />
Breaking the cycle <strong>of</strong> poverty. BRAC Strategy. 1992 LOV 256341<br />
2020 Mohamad & T.B.Hui Feminism and the Women's Movement in Malasiya. 2006 305.486971 CEC 243568<br />
Cecilia Ng. Swasti Gender and the Digital Economy: Perspectives from the Developing<br />
2021 Mitter Ed.<br />
World. 2005 305.42091724 GEN 242098<br />
Cecilia Ng. Swasti Gender and the Digital Economy: Perspectives from the Developing<br />
2022 Mitter Ed.<br />
World. 2005 305.42091724 GEN 269430<br />
2023 Chaim Herog Arab-Israel Wars: War and peace in the middle East. 1982 956.04 HER G-251373<br />
2024 Chaim Po<strong>to</strong>k Chosen. 1968 823 POT G-254980
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2025 Chak Bast Lucknavi<br />
Chamsy el-Ojeli, P.<br />
Subhe Watan. 1928 891.439108 CHA G-257022<br />
2026 Hyden<br />
Chand Sengupta &<br />
Critical theories <strong>of</strong> globalization 2006 303.482 ELO 244866<br />
2027 Stuart Corbridge Ed.<br />
Chandar Shekar<br />
Democracy Development and Decentralization in India. 2010 321.80954 DEM 270040<br />
2028 Sakalle Duniya Aaspas ki. 1997 891.43108 SAK G-253227<br />
2029 Chandar Srivastavu Musalman our Secular Dhara. 1983 2987.5 SIR G-252614<br />
2030 Chandni<br />
Chandr Gupt Widya<br />
Chidaun per Chandni. 1964 891.433 VER G-253076<br />
2031 Lanka Hindi Ke Ek Babi Drame. 1975 891.43208 VID G-256613<br />
2032 Chandr Kant Devtale Pathta ki Bench. 1996 891.432 DEV G-253123<br />
2033 Chandr Kiran Rathi Ravindarnaath ke Nibandh. 1996 891.43408 RAT G-253422<br />
2034 Chandr kiran Sonexa Vanchita. 1972 891.433 SON G-253473<br />
2035 Chandra Bhan Prasad Dalit Diary:1999-2003 reflections on apartheid in India 2004 305.568 PRA 242300<br />
2036 Chandra Bhan Prasad Dalit Phobia: why do they hate US?. 2006 305.568 PRA 242177<br />
2037 Chandra Bhan Prasad<br />
Chandra Prakash<br />
Dalit Phobia: why do they hate US?. 2006 305.568 PRA 269327<br />
2038 Dewal<br />
Chandra Shekhar<br />
Tracker. 1993 891.479092 DEW G-254193<br />
2039 Prasad<br />
Chandra Shekhar<br />
Economic Survey <strong>of</strong> India 1947-48 <strong>to</strong> 2008-09. 2008 330.954 PRA 269264<br />
2040 Prasad Economic Survey <strong>of</strong> India. 2008 330.954 PRA 269264<br />
2041 Chandra Singh<br />
Chandra Talpade<br />
North-East India: Politics & Insurgency. 2004 320.95416 SIN 240094<br />
2042 Mohanty<br />
Chandramouli S.<br />
Feminism without Borders: Decolonizing theory Practicing Solidarity. 2003 305.4 MOH 244747<br />
2043 Naikar<br />
Chandramouli S.<br />
Shadaksharadeva. 1995 891.2092 NAI 241232<br />
2044 Naikar<br />
Chandramouli<br />
Shadaksharadeva. 1995 894.814092 NAI G-254188<br />
2045 S.Naikar Patanjali <strong>of</strong> Yogasutras. 2002 181.45092 NAI 241316<br />
2046 Chandrasekhar Patil At the Other End. 1983 821.08 PAT G-256007<br />
2047 Chandreyee Niyogi Ed.<br />
Chandrkant Bali<br />
Reorinting Orientalism. 2006 303.482182054 REO 241939<br />
2048 Shshtri Khakhel parshastri Punarmulyankan. 1988 934.045076 SHA G-253200<br />
2049 Chandrkanta<br />
Chandrsekhar<br />
Apne apne Konark. 1995 891.433 CHA G-253667<br />
2050 Kambaar Siri Sanpige. 1997 894.8142041 KAM G-253495<br />
2051 Chang Tain-Yi Jugli Mungli. 1969 891.43301 TAI G-253558<br />
2052 Changeej Aitmatao Teen Ladhu Upanniyas. 1979 891.4334 AIS G-252945<br />
Channa<br />
Kandy at War: Indigeneous Military Resistance <strong>to</strong> European Expansion<br />
2053 Wickremesekera. in Sri Lanka 1594-1818. 2004 954.93 WIC 243727<br />
2054 Charan Dass Singh Ishwar Chandra Nanda. 2001 792.015092 SID 241245
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2055 Charan Singh Abolition <strong>of</strong> Zamindari. 1947 306.362 CHA 242408<br />
2056 Charan Singh Land Reforms in UP and the Kulaks. 1986 333.31 SIN 242899<br />
2057 Charkes Lamb Essyas <strong>of</strong> Elia. 1950 823 LAM G-254921<br />
2058 Charles & Mary Lamb Tales from Shakespeare. 1953 823.09 CHA G-255027<br />
2059 Charles A. Krause Guyana Massacre: Eyewitness Account. 1979 988.1 KRA G-251409<br />
2060 Charles Allen Plain Tales from the Raj. 1978 954.03 ALL G-255204<br />
2061 Charles Carring<strong>to</strong>n Rudyard Kipling. 1955 920 CAR G-255516<br />
2062 Charles Dickens Bleak House. 1960 823 DIC G-253962<br />
2063 Charles Dickens Bleak House. 1966 823 DIC G-255208<br />
2064 Charles Dickens Bleak House. 1966 823 DIC G-255229<br />
2065 Charles Dickens Great Expectations. 1960 823 DIC G-255313<br />
2066 Charles Dickens Great Expectations. 1966 823 DIC G-255282<br />
2067 Charles Dickens Great Expectations. 1966 823 DIC G-255217<br />
2068 Charles Dickens Great Expectations. 1999 823.09 RAM G-252462<br />
2069 Charles Dickens Hard Times. 1960 823 DIC G-255126<br />
2070 Charles Dickens Old Curiosity Shop. 1966 823 DIC G-255136<br />
2071 Charles Dickens Old Curiosity Shop. 1966 823 DIC G-255326<br />
2072 Charles Dickens Oliver Twist. 1966 823 DIC G-255438<br />
2073 Charles Dickens Personal His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> David Cooperfield. 1966 823 DIC G-255210<br />
2074 Charles Dickens Pick wick Papers. 1959 823 DIC G-255314<br />
2075 Charles Dickens Tale <strong>of</strong> Two Cities. 1966 823 DIC G-253945<br />
2076 Charles Dickens American Notes for General Circulation. 1972 973 DIC G-255281<br />
2077 Charles Dickens. Martin Chuzzlewit. 1966 823 DIC G-254907<br />
2078 Charles Dickson Legends and Lyrics. 1977 821.08 PRO G-255922<br />
2079<br />
Charles E. Butterworth<br />
& I. W. Zartman Ed. Woodrow Wilson Centre Series: Between the State and Islam. 2001 322.1091671 BET 241105<br />
2080 Charles Ellision Bates Gazetter <strong>of</strong> Kshmir. 1980 243362<br />
2081 Charles Fabri<br />
Charles H. Feinstein &<br />
Indian Dress. 1960 391.2094 FAB G-255561<br />
2082 M.Thomas Making His<strong>to</strong>ry Count: Primer in Quantitative methods for his<strong>to</strong>rians. 2002 902.1 FEI 244588<br />
2083 Charles Hugel Travels in Kashmir and the Punjab. 1995 915.46 HUG 243621<br />
2084 Charles Jelavich Tsarist Russia and Balkan Nationalism. 1958 327.4709477 JEL G-256324<br />
2085 Charles Kittel Mechanics. 1965 531 KIT G-254111<br />
2086 Charles Lamb Studies in Prose Writers. 1963 820.92 MUL G-255939<br />
2087 Charles Merivale His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Rome. 1959 945.632 MER G-255811<br />
2088 Charles Morgan<br />
Charles P.<br />
Judge's S<strong>to</strong>ry. 1953 823 MOR G-254749<br />
2089 Kindleberger International Economics. 1976 330 KIN<br />
808.8385054552<br />
G-256534<br />
2090 Charles Swynner<strong>to</strong>n Romanric Tales from the Punjab. 1992 ROM 240877<br />
2091 Charles W. Misner Gravitation. 1932 531.14 MIS G-254108<br />
2092 Charles Webster Foreign Policy <strong>of</strong> Castereagh 1815-1822 1958 327.0954 WEB G-255499<br />
2093 Charlie Huenemann Understanding Rationalism. 2008 149.7 HUE 269143
S.No. Authors<br />
Charlotte & William<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2094 Wiser Behind mud Walls in India. 1932 307.760954 CHA G-255793<br />
2095 Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre. 1963 823 BRO G-255225<br />
2096 Charlotte Bronte Jane Eyre. 1963 823 BRO G-255948<br />
2097 Charlotte Bronte Shirley. 1958 891.73 BRO G-254280<br />
2098 Charlotte Vaudeville Myths, Saints and Legends in Medieval India. 1996 294.5130954 VAU 241864<br />
2099 Charlotte waterlow Superpowers and Victimims Outlook for World Community.<br />
Sexuality, Obscenity,Community: Women, Muslim, and the Hindu<br />
1974 338.91 WAT G-251379<br />
2100 Charu Gupta<br />
Public in Colonial India.<br />
Sexuality, Obscenity,Community: Women, Muslim, and the Hindu<br />
2005 305.420954 GUP 241061<br />
2101 Charu Gupta<br />
Public in Colonial India. 2005 305.420954 GUP 240124<br />
2102 Chaturvedi Badrinath Finding Jesus in Dharma: Christianity in India. 2000 270954 BAD G-256507<br />
2103 Chaturvedi Badrinath Women <strong>of</strong> the Mahabharata: Question <strong>of</strong> Truth. 2008 305.4680954 BAD 244908<br />
2104 Chaucer Spenser Fifteen Poets. 1941 821.082 FIF G-254919<br />
2105<br />
Chaudhury Ghulam<br />
Ahmad firdaus Gum Shuda. 1942 297.07 GHU G-257116<br />
2106 Che Quevara Che Quevara Reader: Writings on Politics & revolution. 2004 972.91 GUE 244149<br />
2107 Che Quevara Che Quevara Reader: Writings on Politics & revolution. 2004 972.91 GUE 244145<br />
2108 Chem Chandr Suman Amar Deep. 1970 920 HUM G-257101<br />
2109 Chernev Move Logical Move Irving Chess. 1957 794.1 CHEs G-253442<br />
2110 Chester Bowles Making <strong>of</strong> a Just Society. 1963 338.9 BOW G-252104<br />
2111 Chester Bowles New Dimensions <strong>of</strong> Peace. 1974 303.66 BOW G-251938<br />
2112 Chhotu Karadia Swaraj Paul Affair. 1984 823.08 KAR G-252057<br />
2113 Chidanand Dasgupta Jivanand Das. 1977 891.439108 SHA G-253448<br />
2114 Chidananda Das Gupta Jibananda Das. 2004 891.4412092 GUP 241306<br />
2115 China Journey in<strong>to</strong> China. 1976 915.10457 JOU G-251461<br />
2116 Chingiz Aitma<strong>to</strong> Ascent <strong>of</strong> Fujiyama. 1981 891.72 AIT G-254144<br />
2117 Chintamoni Kar Classical Indian Sculpture. 1950 730.2 KAR G-255180<br />
2118 Chinua Achebe Arrow <strong>of</strong> God. 1964 823 ACH G-255151<br />
2119 Chinua Achebe Janta ka Aadmi. 1996 891.43364 ACH G-252920<br />
2120 Chinuaq Achibe Anthills <strong>of</strong> the savannah tremendous works and brave one 1987 823.09 ACH G-254848<br />
2121 Chiranjilal Vanprasth Manush ke Kartav. 1999 305.31 VAN G-253705<br />
2122 Chiranjivu J. Nirmal Huamn Rights in India: His<strong>to</strong>rical, Social and Political Perspectives. 2004 323.10954 HUM 241038<br />
2123 Chitra Joshi Lost worlds: Indian Labour and Its Forgotten His<strong>to</strong>ries. 2003 331.110954 JOS 243695<br />
2124 Chitra Mudgal Ek Zamin Apni. 1990 891.433 MUD G-253127<br />
2125 Chitra Subramaniam B<strong>of</strong>ors: the S<strong>to</strong>ry Behind the News.<br />
Languages <strong>of</strong> Belonging: Islam, Regional Identioty, and the Making <strong>of</strong><br />
1993 335.8 SUB G-256391<br />
2126 Chitralekhu Zutshu Kashmir.<br />
Languages <strong>of</strong> Belonging: Islam, Regional Identioty, and the Making <strong>of</strong><br />
2004 954.6 ZUT 241935<br />
2127 Chitralekhu Zutshu Kashmir. 2004 954.6 ZUT 241080<br />
2128 Chitta Panda Decline <strong>of</strong> the Bengal Zamindar: Madnapore 1870-1920. 1996 954.140352 PAN 243375<br />
2129 Chittabrata Palit<br />
Chittaranjan Kumar<br />
Political economy and Protest in Colonial India. 1997 330.95403 SEN 242380<br />
2130 Paty Forest Government and Tribe. 2007 333.75 PAT 243189
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2131 Chote Bharani Dand bharmit. 1979 891.43301 BHA G-253773<br />
2132 Chris Harman People His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the World. 2007 909 HAR 243698<br />
2133 Chris Lawn Gadmer: a guide for the Perplexed. 2006 109.2 LAW 243524<br />
2134 Chris Mullin Tony Benn: Arguments for Socialism. 1980 335.92 BEN G-251780<br />
2135<br />
Chrisne Stark &<br />
Rebecca Whisnant Ed. Feminist Resisting prostitution and Pornography. 2007 304.4 STA 243005<br />
2136 Chrispin Bates Community, Empire and Migration. 2003 305.8914 COM 244918<br />
2137 Christ Boning<strong>to</strong>n Everest the Hard Way. 1976 915.496 BON G-256374<br />
2138 Christian Christian faith and practice in the experience <strong>of</strong> the society <strong>of</strong> Friends. 1959 289.9 CHR G-254816<br />
2139 Christian Karner Ethnicity and Everyday life. 2007 305.8 KAR 243658<br />
2140 Christian Reus-Smit Oxford Handbook <strong>of</strong> International Relations. 2010 327 INT 269960<br />
2141 Christiane Brosius Empowering Visions: the Politics 2005 302.230954 BRO 269355<br />
2142 Christiane Brousius<br />
India's Middle Class: New Forms <strong>of</strong> Urban Leisure, Consumptionand<br />
Prosperity. 2010 307.760954 BRO 269827<br />
2143 Christine Sijbesma Ed. Water and Sanitation: Institutional Challenges in India. 2006 363. 1230954 SIJ 243917<br />
2144 Christine Sijbesma Ed. Water and Sanitation: Institutional Challenges in India. 2006 363.72 SIJ 243848<br />
2145 Christmas Humphreys Introduction <strong>to</strong> Zen Buddhism D.T. Suzuki. 1949 294.3927 SUZ G-251528<br />
2146 Christmas Humphreys Western Approach <strong>to</strong> Zen. 1979 294.3927 HUM G-251421<br />
2147 Christmas Humphreys Zen A Way <strong>of</strong> Life. 1962 294.392 HUM G-251656<br />
2148 Christmas Humphreys Zen Buddhism. 1976 294.3927 HUM G-251429<br />
2149 Chris<strong>to</strong>ph Reuter My Life is a Weapon: Modern His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Suicide Bombing. 2005 362.28062345 REU 240089<br />
2150 Chris<strong>to</strong>ph Von Renaissaince <strong>of</strong> Tibetan Civilization. 1989 909.0515 HAI G-251512<br />
2151 Chris<strong>to</strong>phe Jaffrelot Ambedakr and Un<strong>to</strong>uchability. 2006 954.04092 JAF 241684<br />
2152 Chris<strong>to</strong>phe Jaffrelot Hindu Nationalist movement and Indian Politics.<br />
India's Silent Revolution: The rise <strong>of</strong> the low Castes in Northern Indian<br />
1999 954.0358 JAF 241008<br />
2153 Chris<strong>to</strong>phe Jaffrelot Politics.<br />
India's Silent Revolution: The rise <strong>of</strong> the low Castes in Northern Indian<br />
2005 305.560954 JAF 240116<br />
2154 Chris<strong>to</strong>phe Jaffrelot Politics.<br />
India's Silent Revolution: The rise <strong>of</strong> the low Castes in Northern Indian<br />
2005 305.560954 JAF 240186<br />
2155 Chris<strong>to</strong>phe Jaffrelot Politics.<br />
India's Silent Revolution: The rise <strong>of</strong> the low Castes in Northern Indian<br />
2005 305.560954 JAF 241068<br />
2156 Chris<strong>to</strong>phe Jaffrelot Politics. 2005 305.560954 JAF 243908<br />
2157 Chris<strong>to</strong>phe Jaffrelot Pakistan Nationalism without a Nation. 2002 954.91005 PAK G-256495<br />
2158 Chris<strong>to</strong>phe Jaffrelot<br />
Chris<strong>to</strong>phe Jaffrelot<br />
Pakistan Nationalism without a Nation. 2004 954.91 JAF 243809<br />
2159 Ed. Snaghi Parivar: reader. 2005 302.140954 SAN 241156<br />
2160 Chris<strong>to</strong>phe Jaffrelot. Hindu Nationalist Movement and Indian Politics. 1993 324.254082 JAF 240866
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2161 Chris<strong>to</strong>phe Jaffrelot. Religion Caste & Politics in India. 2010 320.954 JAF 270125<br />
2162 Chris<strong>to</strong>phe Jaffrelot. Sangh Parivar: Critical issues in Politics. Reader 2006 324.20954 JAF 243370<br />
2163 Chris<strong>to</strong>phe Jeffrelot Hindu Nationalist Movement and Indian Politics. 1993 320.540954 JAF G-256251<br />
2164 Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Bliss Trade,Growth, & Inequality. 2007 380.1 BLI 244724<br />
2165 Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Candland. Labour, Democratization and Development in India and Pakistan. 2007 331.0954 CAN 269291<br />
2166 Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Caudwell Studies in a Dyinn Culture. 1947 306.9 CAU G-253983<br />
2167 Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Hewitt. Political Violence and Terrorism in Modern India. 2005 303.620973 HEW 243591<br />
2168 Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Hibbert Roots <strong>of</strong> Evil. 1963 306.09 HIB G-255216<br />
2169 Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Isherwood Mr Norris Changes Trains. 1965 823 ISH G-254971<br />
2170 Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Isherwood<br />
Chris<strong>to</strong>pher McIn<strong>to</strong>sh<br />
Prater Violet. 1961 823 ISH G-254969<br />
2171 Ed.<br />
Chris<strong>to</strong>pher R.<br />
Respecttives on Distance Education. 2005 378.35 LIF G-253756<br />
2172 Hughes.<br />
Chris<strong>to</strong>pher W.<br />
Chinese Nationalism in the Global Era. 2006 320.540951 HUG 269683<br />
2173 London Ed. Arts <strong>of</strong> Kutch. 2000 709.54918 LON 242737<br />
2174 Chris<strong>to</strong>pher Williams Environmetal Victims. 1998 363.728 ENV 269232<br />
2175 Chris<strong>to</strong>phet Tugendhat Multinationals. 1973 658.1149 TUG G-251321<br />
2176 Christphe Jaffrelot Dr. Anbedkar and Un<strong>to</strong>uchability. 2005 305.568 JAF 243729<br />
2177 Christpher Jaffrelot His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Pakistna and Its origins. 2002 954.91 JAF 244255<br />
2178<br />
Chrsi<strong>to</strong>ppher Jeffrelot<br />
PeterVan Der Veer Patterns <strong>of</strong> Middle Class Consumption in India and China. 2008 305.550951 PAT 268994<br />
2179 Chtan Bhatt Hindu Nationalism: Rogins, ideology and Modern Myths. 2001 294.5 BHA 243471<br />
2180 Chtan Bhatt Hindu Nationalism: Rogins, ideology and Modern Myths. 2001 294.5 BHA 244668<br />
2181 CIA CIA Targets Fidel: Secret Assasination report. 1996 363.320973 CIA 244944<br />
2182 CIA CIA Targets Fidel: Secret Assasination report. 1996 363.320973 CIA 244957<br />
2183<br />
Ciru Mwaura & S.<br />
Schmeidl Early Warning and Conflict Management in the Horn Africa 2002 327.170963 MWA 243061<br />
2184 Clare Anderson Convicts in the Indian Ocean. 2000 954.0316 AND 243571<br />
2185 Clare Anderson Indian Uprising <strong>of</strong> 1857-8 2007 954.0317 AND 244967<br />
2186 Claude Hough<strong>to</strong>n Thios was Ivor Trent. 1935 822.08 HOU G-255781<br />
2187 Claude Markovits His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> India 1480 - 1950. 2002 954 MAR 244256<br />
2188 Claude Markovits Un-Gandhian Gandhi: Life and Afterlife <strong>of</strong> Mahatma 2006<br />
324.220954092<br />
MAR 241647<br />
Claude Markovits et Society and Circulation: Mobile peoleand Cultures in South Asia 1750-<br />
2189 al. Ed.<br />
Clement M. Henry &<br />
1950. 2003 305.908166 MAR 243694<br />
2190 Rodney Wilson. Politics <strong>of</strong> Isamic Finance. 2005 332.0297 HEN 243514<br />
2191 Clin<strong>to</strong>n Rossiter Parties and Politics in America. 1960 320.973 ROS G-252085<br />
2192 Clive Erriker Reconstructing religious, Spirirual and Moral Education. 2000 2914.75 ERR 243281<br />
2193 Clive J Dewey Ed. Arrested Development in India. 1988 363.23209 DEW 242502
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2194 Clive Seale Constructing Death: Sociology <strong>of</strong> Dying and Berevement. 1998 306.9 SEA 243512<br />
2195 Clive Seale Social Research Methods: A reader. 2008 301.01 SOC 270194<br />
2196 Clive Seale Social Research Methods: A reader. 2008 301.01 SOC 270195<br />
2197 Colin C. Williams Commodified World: Mapping the Limits <strong>of</strong> Capitalism. 2005 330.122 WIL 244447<br />
2198 Colin Flint Introduction <strong>to</strong> Geopolitics. 2006 320.12 FLI 243901<br />
2199 Colin Leys Total capitalism: Market Politics, Market State. 2008 330.122 LEY 244530<br />
2200 Colin Mackerras New Cambridge Handbook Contemporary China. 2001 951.05 MAC 243752<br />
2201 Colin Mason Short His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Asia. 2000 954.052 MAS 243593<br />
2202 Colin Powel<br />
Colin Thorner, Hasan<br />
American Journey. 1995 355.0092 POW G-256242<br />
2203 Horkuc Said Nursi 2009 297.83 TUR 269241<br />
2204 Colin Thubron Behind the Wall. 1987 910.51 THU G-251358<br />
2205 Colin Thubron Jerusalem. 1969 956.944 THU G-251570<br />
2206 Colin Thubron Lost Heart <strong>of</strong> Asia. 1994 915.8042 THU G-251333<br />
2207 Colin Thubron Mirror <strong>to</strong> Damascus. 1986 915.691 THU G-251629<br />
2208 Colin Thubron The Hills <strong>of</strong> Adonis. 1987 910.53 THU G-251566<br />
2209 Comission Rayat and Statu<strong>to</strong>ry Comission. 345.0253 ROY 242683<br />
2210 Commonwealth Mission <strong>to</strong> South Africa: Commonwealth Report. 1986 968 MIS G-252048<br />
2211 Communalism Selected writings on Communalism. 1997 302.140411 SEL 243284<br />
2212 Communist Party His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Communist party <strong>of</strong> the Soviet Union. 1951 324.2175 HIS G-255837<br />
2213 Communist Party His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Communist party <strong>of</strong> the Soviet Union. 1951 324.2175 HIS G-255825<br />
2214 Comp<strong>to</strong>n Mackenzie Realism <strong>of</strong> Silver one Hundred Years <strong>of</strong> Banking in the East. 1954 332.1094 MAC 242961<br />
2215 Conor Cruise O'brien To Katanga and Back. 1962 341.23 OBR G-255452<br />
2216 Conrad Aiken Comprehensive Anthology <strong>of</strong> American Poetry. 1944 811 AIK G-255181<br />
2217 Conrad Wood Molph Rebellion and Its Genesis. 1987 954.83 WOO 243290<br />
2218 Conrad Wood<br />
Constance Elizabeth<br />
Moplan Rebellion and Its Genesis. 1987 954.8203 WOO 242673<br />
2219 Hunt Thirsty Planet: Strategies for Sustainable Water Management. 2007 363.61 HUN 269219<br />
2220 Coral Bell Negotiation from Strength: Study in the Politics <strong>of</strong> Power. 1962 327.1 BEL G-255101<br />
2221 Coretta Scott King My Life with Martin Luther King Jr. 1970 323.40924 KIN G-252052<br />
2222 Corey Robin Fear The His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> a Political Idea 2004 320.091 ROB 240467<br />
2223 Cornel West Ethical Deimension <strong>of</strong> Marxist thought. 2008 171.7 WES 244985<br />
2224 Count Carlo Sforza Living thoughts <strong>of</strong> Machiavelli. 1942 870.92 SFO G-251706<br />
2225 Couze Venn<br />
Craig Churchil &<br />
Postcolonial Challeng: <strong>to</strong>wards alternative worlds. 2006 325.3 VEN 243656<br />
2226 Cheryl Frankiewicz Making Micr<strong>of</strong>inance Work: Managing for Improved Performance. 2009 332.1753 CHU 269251<br />
2227 Craig Churchil Ed. Protecting the Poor: Micr<strong>of</strong>inance Compendium. 2008 332.38 PRO 269213<br />
2228 Cripps Mission. 1929 954 COU G-255918<br />
2229 Crispin Bates Subalterns and Raj South Asia since 1600. 2007 954.03 BAT 244800<br />
2230 Crispin Bates<br />
Crispin Bates & S.<br />
Community, Empire and Migration south Asians in Diaspora 2001 325.0954 BAT 241118<br />
2231 Basu Rethinking Indian Politiccal Institutions.<br />
Beyond Representation: Colinial and Postcolonial Constructions <strong>of</strong><br />
2005 320.954 RET 269386<br />
2232 Crispin Bates Ed. Indian Identity. 2006 306.0954 BAT 241734<br />
2233 Cuba Cuba: Talking About Revolution. 1994 972.91 CUB G-251444
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2234 Cuban Cuban Short S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1966 860.64301 LIT G-254268<br />
2235 Custave Flaubert Madame Bovary. 1953 823 FLA G-255223<br />
2236 Cynthia Moss Elephant Memories. 1979 599.67 MOS G-251456<br />
2237 Cyril Birch Anthology <strong>of</strong> Chinese Literature. 1965 895.1 BIR G-255345<br />
2238 Cyril Connolly Enemies <strong>of</strong> Promise. 1965 824.08 CON G-254978<br />
2239 Cyril Connolly Golden Horizon. 1953 823.08 CON G-255447<br />
2240 Cyril Connolly Rock Pool. 1947 823 CON G-254856<br />
2241 Cyril Hare He Should Have Died Hereafter. 1957 808.82523 HAR G-254740<br />
2242 Cyril Pearl Morris <strong>of</strong> Penking.<br />
World Safe fro Capitalism: Dollars Diplomacy and America's rise <strong>to</strong><br />
1970 951 PEA G-255143<br />
2243 Cyrus Veeser<br />
Global Power. 2002 337.0973 VEE 269062<br />
2244 D C Sharma<br />
D Mandal Shereen<br />
Kashmir Agriculture & Land Revenue System under the Sikh Rule. 1986 954.602956 SHA 243349<br />
2245 Ratnagar<br />
D Mandal Shereen<br />
Archaeology after Excavation: Ayodhya. 2007 930.10954025 MAN 244402<br />
2246 Ratnagar<br />
D Mandal Shereen<br />
Archaeology after Excavation: Ayodhya. 2007 930.10954025 MAN 244636<br />
2247 Ratnagar Archaeology after Excavation: Ayodhya.<br />
Crusade Against un<strong>to</strong>uchability: Gandhian Movement for Uplift <strong>of</strong><br />
2007 930.10954025 MAN 244832<br />
2248 D N Banerjee Harijans in India. 2006 954.045 BAN 242187<br />
2249 D N Panigrahi Quit India and the Struggle for Freedom. 1984 954.035 PAN G-250538<br />
2250 D P Kumar Nepal Years <strong>of</strong> Decision. 1980 954.96 KUM G-256345<br />
2251 D. Anjaneyulu Kanadukuri Veeresalingam. 1989 923.0954 ANJ G-252086<br />
2252 D. Anjaneyulu Window <strong>to</strong> the West. 1967 914.7 ANJ G-252056<br />
2253 D. Bindra & J.Stewart Motivation: selected readings. 1966 153.8 BIN G-255466<br />
2254 D. Chat<strong>to</strong>padhyaya Indian Philosophy: a Popular introduction. 2007 181.4 CHA 244881<br />
2255 D. D. Kosambi Exasperating Essays. 2007 954.04 KOS 244885<br />
2256 D. Devahuti Unknown Hsuan-Tsang 2006 913.104092 DEV 240309<br />
2257 D. Eugene Smith India as a Secular State. 1967 321.02354 SMI G-251609<br />
2258 D. Herisan Qurbaan Hurf Aarzoo. 1952 891.4391092 QUR G-252627<br />
2259 d. Khursheed S. Dabu Message <strong>of</strong> Zarathustra. 1980 295 MES G-254150<br />
2260 D. Louise Sharp Why Teach. 1957 371.102 SHA G-252466<br />
2261 D. Mackenzie Brown Nationalist Movement: Indian Political thought from Ranade <strong>to</strong> Bhave. 1961 320.10954 BRO G-251964<br />
2262 D. Mackenzie Brown White Umbrella: Indian Political thought from Manu <strong>to</strong> Gandhi. 1964 3620.10954 BRO G-255376<br />
2263 D. Mamin Sibiryak Privalov Fortune. 1954 891.73 SIB G-256531<br />
2264 D. Mandal<br />
D. N. Sharma R.C.<br />
Ayodhya Archaeology after demolition. 2005 934.06 MAN 240102<br />
2265 Sharma<br />
D. N. Sharma R.C.<br />
Science ki Tadrees. 2003 507 SHA G-254409<br />
2266 Sharma Science ki Tadrees. 2003 507 SHA G-250113<br />
2267 D. Pant Commercial Policy <strong>of</strong> the Moguls. 1978 338.90954025 PAN 242955<br />
2268 D. R. Gadgil Hindustan ka Sanati Irtequa. 1978 338 GAD G-250112<br />
2269 D. R. Jawat Dr. AmbedakrVyatitve avam Kartitve. 1988 342.092 JAT G-253653
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2270 D. Stafford-Clark What Freud Really Said. 1977 150.92 CLA G-251803<br />
2271 D. Venkatavadhani Pothana. 1983 894.8272092 VEN 241426<br />
2272 D.A. Hireen Qurbaan Saleeb ka Dard. 1987 891.4391 QUR G-252747<br />
2273 D.A. Washbrook Emergence <strong>of</strong> Provincial Politics: Madras Presidency. 1976 320.95482 WAS 242553<br />
2274 D.Anjaneyulu Bhavan's book Unioversity. 2001 070.92 ANJ G-252092<br />
2275 D.C. Ahir Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches. 2007 306.0954 AHI 244795<br />
2276 D.C. Ahir Poona Pact <strong>of</strong> 1932. 1999 954.035 AHI 242360<br />
2277 D.C. Sharma Mirror <strong>of</strong> English Prose. 080 SHA G-254226<br />
2278 D.Chat<strong>to</strong>padhyaya Indian Atheism: a Marxism analysis. 1969 211.8 CHA G-255088<br />
2279 D.D. Kosambi Qadim Hinduastaan ki Saqafat wa Tahzeeb Taarikhi Pase Manzar. 1988 954 KOS G-250372<br />
2280 D.D. Kosambi Science Society and Peace. 1996 305.235 KOS 244884<br />
2281 D.D. Purohit Rakesh Darakhtaun ka Dard. 1975 891.431 RAK G-253026<br />
2282 D.D. Thakur My Life and Years in Kashmir Politics. 2005 954.052 THA 240444<br />
2283 D.Dennis Hudson<br />
D.Dennis<strong>to</strong>n & P.Mc<br />
Protestant Origins in India: Tamil Evangelical Christians' 1706-1833. 2000 266.04548 HUD 243505<br />
2284 W. TM BOOK How <strong>to</strong> enjoy the rest <strong>of</strong> your life. 1975 158.12 DEN G-251580<br />
2285 D.E. Wacha Rise and Growth <strong>of</strong> Bombay Municipal Government. 320.80954723 WAC 242956<br />
2286 D.E.Nineham Godpel <strong>of</strong> St.Mark. 1963 226 NIN G-254709<br />
2287 D.F. Karaka This India.<br />
Studies <strong>of</strong> Attittude and Morale in Three Units <strong>of</strong> a Large Chemical<br />
1929 954 KAR G-251902<br />
2288 D.H. Jones et al. Process Undertaking. 1964 331.11 STU 242589<br />
2289 D.H. Lawrence Jonhn Thomas and Lady Jane. 1972 823.9123 LAW G-251718<br />
2290 D.H. Lawrence Lady Chatterley's Lovers. 1928 823 LAW G-251829<br />
2291 D.H. Lawrence. Lady Chatterley's Lover. 1953 823 LAW G-255288<br />
2292 D.H. Lawrence. Propos <strong>of</strong> Ldsy Chatteley's lover and other Essyas. 1959 824.08 LAW G-255023<br />
2293 D.H. Lawrence. Rainbow 1949 823 LAW G-253974<br />
2294 D.H. Lawrence. Selected Essays. 1950 823 LAW G-254748<br />
2295 D.H. Lawrence. Selected letters. 1961 823.092 LAW G-254862<br />
2296 D.H. Lawrence. Sons and Lovers. 1963 823 LAW G-255228<br />
2297 D.H. Lawrence. White Peacock. 1949 823 LAW G-255141<br />
2298 D.H.S. Nicholson Oxford book <strong>of</strong> english mystical verse. 1945 821.08 OXF G-255178<br />
2299 D.J. Mulloy<br />
D.J.O'Conner &<br />
American Extremism: His<strong>to</strong>ry, Politics and the movements 2004 322.42073 MUL 243535<br />
2300 B.Powell Elementry Logic. 1980 972.16 CAN G-251785<br />
D.Jayaraj S.<br />
Poverty, Inequality and Population: Essyas in Development and<br />
2301 Subramanian<br />
D.L. Sheth &<br />
Applied Measurement. 2010 306 JAY 270058<br />
2302 G.Mahajan Ed Minority Identities and the Nation-State. 1999 305.560954 SHE 240998<br />
2303 D.M. Thomas Shinx.<br />
Crusade Against Un<strong>to</strong>uchability: Gandhian Movement for Uplift <strong>of</strong><br />
1986 823 THO G-253300<br />
2304 D.N. Banerjee Harijans in India. 2006 305.568 BEN 244034<br />
2305 D.N. Banerjee Early Administrative System <strong>of</strong> the East India Company in Bengal. 1943 954.029 BAN 242326<br />
2306 D.N. Dube Delhi the City <strong>of</strong> Monuments. 1997 915.4560452 DUB G-256428<br />
2307 D.N. Frye Persia. 1968 955 FRY G-256444<br />
2308 D.N. Gupta Communalism and Nationalism in Colonial India. 2008 320.530954 GUP 269409
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2309 D.N. Jha Feudal Order: State, Society and ideology in Early Medieval India. 2002 366.0954051 JHA 243673<br />
2310 D.N. Jha<br />
D.N. Jha E. Vanian<br />
Myth <strong>of</strong> the Holy Cow. 2001 294.5172 JHA 241158<br />
2311 Ed. Mind over Matter: Essays on menalities in Medieval India 2009 954.03 MIN 269532<br />
2312 D.N. Panigrahi India's Partion: S<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Imperialism in Retreat. 2004 954.04 PAN 243387<br />
2313 D.N. Panigrahi<br />
D.Narasimha Reddy &<br />
Jammu and Kashmir: the Cold War and the West. 2009 954.6 PAN 269518<br />
2314 S. Mishra Ed.<br />
D.Narasimha Reddy<br />
Agrarian Crisis in India. 2009 305.5630954 AGR 269239<br />
2315 Ed. Agrarian Reforms Land Markets and Rural Poor.<br />
Interdisciplinary Studies in Science,Society Value and Civilization<br />
2009 333.30954 AGR 269795<br />
2316 D.P. Chat<strong>to</strong>padhyaya<br />
D.P. Chat<strong>to</strong>padhyaya<br />
Dialogue. 2004 501 CHA 241765<br />
2317 Ed.<br />
D.P. Chat<strong>to</strong>padhyaya<br />
His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization 2009 954 HIS 269593<br />
2318 Ed. His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization 2009 954 HIS 269587<br />
2319 D.P. Joshi S.V. Ketkar: Makers <strong>of</strong> Indian Literature. 1991 294.5212092 JOS 241409<br />
2320 D.P. Pattanayak Language and Social Issues. 1946 401.9092 PAT G-251977<br />
2321 D.Pickles Fifthe French Republic. 1962 320.944 PIC G-255081<br />
2322 D.R. Gadgil<br />
D.R. Gadgil & V.R.<br />
Hindustaan Ka Sanati Irtequa. 1978 360.954 GAD G-250463<br />
2323 Gadgil Survey <strong>of</strong> Marketing <strong>of</strong> Fruit in Poona. 1933 380.10954 GAD 242687<br />
2324 D.R. Goyal From Belgrade <strong>to</strong> Harare. 1986 947.35 GOY 242454<br />
2325 D.R. Mankekar Media and the Third World. 1979 891.4437 MAN<br />
324.220954092<br />
G-252044<br />
2326 D.R. Mankekar President Bhut<strong>to</strong> and the Prisoner-<strong>of</strong>-War Issue.<br />
MAN 242774<br />
2327 D.R. Manmekar Ehose Freedom Ahose Order. 1981 001.51 MAN G-257209<br />
2328 D.S. Gordon Usule Talim our Amale Taleem. 1981 370.1 GOR G-250453<br />
2329 D.S. Mehta Mass Communication and Journalism in India. 1979 001.510954 MEH G-257131<br />
2330 D.Shyam Babu RGICS Working Paper Series No. 44,2003 2003 305.568 BAB 242894<br />
2331 D.U. Sastry Cot<strong>to</strong>n Mill Industry in India. 1984 338.4760954 SAS 243201<br />
2332 D.U. Sastry Cot<strong>to</strong>n Mill Industry in India. 1984 677.210954 SAS 243366<br />
2333 D.U. Sastry Cot<strong>to</strong>n Mill Industry in India. 1984 677.210954 SAS 242407<br />
2334 D.W. Brogan Introduction <strong>to</strong> American Politics. 1954 320.973 BRO G-255089<br />
2335 Dadabhai Naoroji Poverty and Un- British Rule in India. 1994 954.035 NAO 241638<br />
2336 Dagmar Engles. Beyond Purdah Women in Bengal. 1996 793.0194 ENG 243513<br />
2337 Daivd Arnold<br />
Daivd Arnold &<br />
Tropics and the Traveling Gaze. 2005 915.409 ARN 241622<br />
2338 S.Blackburn Teling Lives in India. 2004 920 TEL 240642<br />
2339 Daivd Bodanis Undercover Economist 330 HAR 244726<br />
2340 Daivd Bonavia<br />
Daivd C. Mowery &<br />
Chinese. 1981 951 BON G-256370<br />
2341 N. Roseenberg<br />
Daivd Hemson et al<br />
Paths <strong>of</strong> Innovation: technological Change 20th- Century America. 1999 609.7309 MOW 243722<br />
2342 Ed. Poverty and Water: Explorations <strong>of</strong> the Reciprocal Relationship. 2008 362.5 POW 269782
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2343 Daivd Humphreys Forest Politics: Evolution <strong>of</strong> International Cooperation. 2006 634.92 HUM 242200<br />
2344 Daivd Ludden India and South Asia. Short His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2006 954 LUD 243156<br />
2345 Daivd McCrone<br />
Daivd N. Gellner &<br />
Krishna Hachhethu<br />
Sociology <strong>of</strong> Nationalism: <strong>to</strong>morrow's ances<strong>to</strong>rs. 1998 332.54 MCC 243275<br />
2346 Ed. Local Democracy in South Asia. 2008 320.80954 LOC 268997<br />
2347 Daivid C. Mowery Sources <strong>of</strong> Industrial Leadership: Studies <strong>of</strong> Seven Industries. 1999 658.54 SOU 245271<br />
2348 Dalai Lama Freedom in Exile the Au<strong>to</strong>biography <strong>of</strong> the Dalai Lama.<br />
How <strong>to</strong> Develop self-Confidence & Influence People by Public<br />
1992 951.5042092 FRE G-251774<br />
2349 Dale Carnegie Speaking. 1956 158.4 CAR 240656<br />
2350 Dale Carnegie How <strong>to</strong> Enjoy your life and Your Job. 1986 158.4 CAR 240512<br />
2351 Dale Carnegie How <strong>to</strong> Enjoy your life and Your Job. 1998 158.4 CAR 240530<br />
2352 Dale Carnegie How <strong>to</strong> win Friends & Influence Puople. 1982 158.4 CAR 240523<br />
2353 Dale.F.Eicklman Muslim Politics. 19969 297.272 EIC 241130<br />
2354 Dalia Chakrabarti Colonial Clerks Social His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Deprivation and Domination. 2005 954.035 CHA 269911<br />
2355 Dam Jones Ed. Genocide War Cromes & the West. 2004 364.151 JON 241133<br />
2356 Dan Brocking<strong>to</strong>n Frotress Conservation.<br />
Demanding Accountability: Civil-Society Claims and the World Bank<br />
2002 639.9567822 BRO G-257260<br />
2357 Dana Clark ed.<br />
Daniel & Alice<br />
Inspection Panel. 2003 338.919172 DEM 241621<br />
2358 Thorner<br />
Daniel & Alice<br />
Land and Labour in India. 1962 331.110954 DAN 242415<br />
2359 Thorner<br />
Daniel & Alice<br />
Land and Labour in India. 2005 305.5620954 DAN 241609<br />
2360 Thorner Land and Labour in India. 2005 305.5620954 DAN 243682<br />
2361 Daniel Brown Rethinking in Modern Islamic Thoought. 1996 297.14 BRO 241099<br />
2362 Daniel Chernilo Social Theory <strong>of</strong> the Nation-State. 2008 320.101 CHE 244560<br />
2363 Daniel Cohen Globalization and its Enemies. 2007 303.482 COH 244607<br />
2364 Daniel Defoe Journal <strong>of</strong> the Plague Year. 1966 823 DEF G-255371<br />
2365 Daniel Defoe Life ans Adventures <strong>of</strong> Robinson Crusoe. 1965 823 DEF G-254763<br />
2366 Daniel Defoe Life ans Adventures <strong>of</strong> Robinson Crusoe. 1966 823 DEF G-254685<br />
2367 Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe. 1946 823.08 DEF G-255910<br />
2368 Daniel Easterman<br />
Daniel Fischlin M.<br />
New Jerusalems: reflections on Islam. 1992 297.20 EAS G-251625<br />
2369 Nandorfy Concise Guide <strong>to</strong> Global Human Rights. 2007 323 FIS 269305<br />
2370 Daniel Guerin Anarchsim. 2010 335.83 GUE 269759<br />
2371 Daniel J. Rycr<strong>of</strong>t Representing Rebellion.<br />
Representing Rebellion: Visual Aspepcts <strong>of</strong> Counter-insurgency in<br />
2006 954.0317 RYC 240944<br />
2372 Daniel J. Rycr<strong>of</strong>t Colonial India.<br />
Micro Finance and Poverty Eradication: Indian and Global<br />
2006 364.1310954 RYC 242190<br />
2373 Daniel Lazar<br />
Experiences. 2008 338.60420954 MIC 269271<br />
2374 Daniel Neuman Birds, Ballads and Boundaries. 2006 305.80912 BAR 243807<br />
2375 Daniel Oliver First Book Indian Botany. 1985 580.954 OLI G-255818<br />
2376 Daniel Pipes. In the Name <strong>of</strong> God: Islam and Political Power. 2001 297.272 PIP G-251446<br />
2377 Daniel T. Finkbeiner In<strong>to</strong>rduction <strong>to</strong> Matrices and Linear Tranmsformations. 1970 512.5 FIN G-254149
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2378 Daniel T. Reff Plagues,Priests, Demon. 2005 270 REF 241454<br />
2379 Daniel Thorner Agrarian Prospect in India. 1956 307.720954 THO 242416<br />
2380 Daniel Thorner Agrarian Prospect in India. 1973 333.320954 THO G-256496<br />
2381 Daniela Roberti Terri<strong>to</strong><strong>to</strong>ry, soil and society in South Asia. 2009 291.2110954 TER 269146<br />
2382 Danielle Steel Now and Forever. 1982 823 STE G-252511<br />
2383 Daphne de Maurier Birds and other S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1952 598 MAU G-254716<br />
2384 Darakhshaan Tajwar Tilok Chand mahroom ki Shaerii our Jaddo Jihad Azadi Hind. 1998 891.4391092 TAJ G-251220<br />
2385 Dariel Telfer<br />
Darry Reed S.<br />
Guilty Ones. 1965 823 TEL G-254101<br />
2386 Mukherjee Corporate Governement Economic Reforms, and Development. 2004 658.4 COR 241452<br />
2387 Darshan Shankar Agenda for Revitalisation <strong>of</strong> Indian Medicine Heritage. 2004 362.120954 SHA 270174<br />
2388 Darshan Singh Tatla Interanational Sikh Youth. 1998 908.82946 TAT 242121<br />
2389 Darwin Voyage <strong>of</strong> the Beagle, 1967 635.7537 DAR G-255127<br />
2390 Das Kornel Tribal Crop-Lives<strong>to</strong>ck Systems in South-East India. 2006 307.772 KOR 243671<br />
2391 Daud Akhatr Kabri Sarir kabri. 1998 891.4391092 AKH 241492<br />
2392 Daud Ali Ivoking the Past the uses <strong>of</strong> His<strong>to</strong>ry in South Asia.325/- 2002 808.82514 DAU 243858<br />
2393 Daud Ali Courtly Culture and Political Life in Early Medieval India. 2006 954.025 DAU 242984<br />
2394 Daud Ali Ed. Invoking the Psat the uses <strong>of</strong> His<strong>to</strong>ry in South Asia. 2002 954 INV 241049<br />
2395 Daure Assfridi Zikre O Zabaan. 1987 891.43909 DOR G-252651<br />
David Arnold & Nature & Culture & Imperialism: Essays on the Environmetal His<strong>to</strong>ry<br />
2396 R.Guha<br />
<strong>of</strong> South Asia. 2006 333.70954 ARN 244111<br />
2397 David Beving<strong>to</strong>n Shakespeare Hamlet. 1988 822.33 SHA G-251789<br />
2398 David Beving<strong>to</strong>n Shakespeare Othello. 1988 822.33 SHE G-252528<br />
2399 David Bonavia Chinese a Portrait. 1982 951.05 BON G-251771<br />
2400 David Bonavia Hong Kong 1997: the Fianl Settlement. 1985 951.25059 BON G-251328<br />
2401 David Boonin Defence <strong>of</strong> Abortion. 2005 179.76 BOO 243664<br />
2402 David Butler India Decides: Elections 1952-1989 1989 324.0954 BUT G-256455<br />
2403 David Butler India Decides: Elections 1952-1991 1991 324.0954 BUT G-256475<br />
2404 David Butler<br />
David Butler& D.<br />
India Decides: Elections 1952-1995. 1995 324.0954 BUT G-256441<br />
2405 S<strong>to</strong>kes Political Change in Britain. 1971 320.94 BUT G-251958<br />
2406 David Byrne Social Exclusion: Critical Concepts in Sociology. I 2008 302.545 SOC 268915<br />
2407 David Byrne Social Exclusion: Critical Concepts in Sociology. II 2008 302.545 SOC 268916<br />
2408 David Byrne Social Exclusion: Critical Concepts in Sociology. III 2008 302.545 SOC 268917<br />
2409 David Byrne Social Exclusion: Critical Concepts in Sociology. IV 2008 302.545 SOC 268918<br />
2410 David Byrne Social Exclusion: post-industrial capitalism. 2005 302.545 BYR 269056<br />
2411 David C. Potter India;s Political Administra<strong>to</strong>rs 1919-1983. 1986 354.54 POT 243317<br />
2412 David Cecil Early Vic<strong>to</strong>rian Novwelists Essays in Revaluation. 1945 824.08 CEC G-255544<br />
2413 David Cecil Hardy the Novelist an Essyas in Critism. 1942 823.092 CEC G-255251<br />
2414 David Chidester Islam, Hiduism, and Judism in South Africa. 1977 016.200968 CHI 240230<br />
2415 David Cook Understanding Jihad. 2005 297.72 COO 243468<br />
2416 David Crystal Lesaniyaat Kiya Hai. 1988 409 CRY G-250220<br />
2417 David D. Laitin Nations States and Violence. 2007 321.05 LAI 244858<br />
2418 David Daiches Robert Louis Stevenson and His World. 1973 828.809 DAI G-251234
S.No. Authors<br />
David Deutschmann<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2419 Ed.<br />
David Deutschmann<br />
Fidel Castro Reader. 2007 972.91064 FID 244935<br />
2420 Ed. Fidel Castro Reader. 2007 972.91064 FID 269731<br />
2421 David Diaches. Mil<strong>to</strong>n. 1961 821.092 DAI G-253979<br />
2422 David E Lowes Anti- Capitalist Dictionary. 2002 330.12203 LOW 244712<br />
2423 David E. O'Connor Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Global Economy: a guide <strong>to</strong> Students and Researchers. II 2006 330.3 OCO 243141<br />
2424 David E. O'Connor<br />
David Emmanuel<br />
Encyclopedia <strong>of</strong> Global Economy: guide <strong>to</strong> Students and Researchers. I 2006 330.3 OCO 243140<br />
2425 Singh Sainthood and Revela<strong>to</strong>ry Discourse. 2003 297.4092 SIN 242749<br />
2426 David F. Noble Digital Diploma Mills: Auomation <strong>of</strong> Higher Education. 2004 378 NOB 240891<br />
2427 David F. Noble Digital Diploma Mills: Auomation <strong>of</strong> Higher Education. 2004 378 NOB 243137<br />
2428 David Garnett Beany-Eye. 1937 823 GAR G-255052<br />
2429 David Gilmartin<br />
Beyond Turk and Hindu: Rethinking religious Identities in Islamicate<br />
South Asia. 2002 294.5172 GIL 241982<br />
2430 David Goodhart Eddie Shah and the Newspaper Revolution. 1986 072 GOO G-257147<br />
2431 David Guterson Snow Falling on Cedars. 1995 813.54 GUT G-254148<br />
2432 David H. Peters et al. Better Health System for India's Poor. 2002 362.104250954 BET 268985<br />
2433 David Halberstman Powers that Be. 1979 070.40973 HAL G-257177<br />
2434 David Hardiman Gandhi in his time and ours. 2005 324.220954092 HAR 240125<br />
2435 David Hardiman His<strong>to</strong>ries for the Subordinated. 2006 954.0357 HAR 240464<br />
2436 David Hardman His<strong>to</strong>ries for the Subordinated. 2006 352.1409 HAR 243903<br />
2437 David Harvey Limits <strong>of</strong> Capitalism. 1999 335.412 HAR 269498<br />
2438 David Held Political Theory and the Modern State. 1984 320.01 HEL G-257265<br />
2439<br />
David Held & Anthony<br />
McGrewal Globalization / Anti-Globalization. 2002 303.482 HEL 269494<br />
2440 David Hirst Gun and the Olive Branch: Roots <strong>of</strong> Violence in the Middle East. 1977 322.42 HIR G-251278<br />
2441 David Humphreys Deforestation and the Crisis <strong>of</strong> Global Governance. 2008 333.75137 HUM 269237<br />
2442 David J. Elkins Elec<strong>to</strong>ral Paricipation in a South Indian Context. 1975 324.630954 ELK G-250562<br />
2443 David Kinley Civillising Globalization: Human rights and the Global Economy. 2010 323 KIN 269950<br />
2444 David Leopold<br />
2445<br />
Young Karl Marx: German Philosophy, Modern Politics, and Human<br />
Flourishing. 2007 335.4 LEO 244868<br />
David Leopold & Marc<br />
Stears Political theory method and appproaches. 2008 320.01 POL 268912<br />
2446 David Levis Secret Languages <strong>of</strong> Success. 1989 153.69 LEW G-256327<br />
2447 David Ludden Agricultural Production and Indian His<strong>to</strong>ry. 1994 338.170954 LUD 242545<br />
2448 David Ludden Early Capitalism and Local His<strong>to</strong>ry in South Asia. 2005 954.82 LUD 243850<br />
2449 David Ludden Ed. Reading Subaltern Studies.<br />
Origins <strong>of</strong> Himalayan Studies: Brian Hough<strong>to</strong>n Hodson in Nepal and<br />
2001 959 REA 240129<br />
2450 David M. Waterhouse Darjeeling 1820-1858.<br />
What the Marklet Does <strong>to</strong> People: Privatization, Globalization and<br />
2005 954.96 WAT 244592<br />
2451 David Macarov Poverty. 2003 339.46 MAC 244448<br />
2452 David MacGragor Hegel and Marx after the fall <strong>of</strong> Communism. 1998 335.4 MAC 242046
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2453 David MacGragor Hegel and Marx after the fall <strong>of</strong> Communism. 1998 335.4 MAC 243576<br />
2454 David Machin Ethnographic research for Media Studies. 2002 305.8072 MAC G-257298<br />
2455 David Marr Patrick White: A life. 1992 820.9092 MARs G-251650<br />
2456 David N. Lorenzen<br />
Bhakti Religion in North India: Community Identity and Political<br />
Action. 1996 294.5436 LOR 243770<br />
2457 David N. Lorenzon Kabir Legends and Ananta-Sdas's Kabir Parachai. 1991 891.4332 LOR 243504<br />
2458 David N.Gellner Varieties <strong>of</strong> Activist Experience:Civil Society in Saouth Asia. 2010 332.40954 VAR 270019<br />
2459 David Owen Materity and modernity. 1997 190 OWE 243253<br />
2460 David P. Calleo Bankrupting <strong>of</strong> America.<br />
Prelude <strong>to</strong> Partition: Indian Muslims and the Imperial system <strong>of</strong><br />
1992 339.5230973 CAL G-256255<br />
2461 David Page<br />
Control 1920-1932.<br />
Prelude <strong>to</strong> Partition: Indian Muslims and the Imperial System <strong>of</strong><br />
1987 325.320954 PAG 242911<br />
2462 David Page<br />
Control 1920-1932. 1999 389.15 PAG 243852<br />
2463 David Page et al. Partition Omnibus wit an Introduction by Mushirul Hasan. 2006 954.904 PAR 244099<br />
2464 David Reisman Lonely Crowd. 1964 306.0973 RIE G-255058<br />
2465 David Rieff Slaughter house Bosnia and the Failure <strong>of</strong> the West. 1995 949.7 RIE G-251574<br />
2466 David Robertson The Pemguin Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Plitics. 1985 320.03 ROB G-256316<br />
2467 David Selborn An Eye <strong>to</strong> India: unmaking <strong>of</strong> a Tyranny. 1997 324.220954092 SEL G-256560<br />
2468 David Singh Grewal Network Power: dynamics <strong>of</strong> Globalization. 2009 303.482 GRE 269555<br />
2469<br />
David Westendorff &<br />
Deoborah Eade Ed. Development and Cities. 2002 307.76 WEB 242129<br />
2470 David Wood Play the Theatre presents Jack and the Beanstalk. 1987 822 WOO<br />
332.673091724<br />
G-252432<br />
2471 David Woodward Next Crisis: Equity Investment in developing Coutries. 2001 WOO 269475<br />
2472 Davinder Kumar Kebabs Chutney & Breads. 2003 641.70954 KUM 240398<br />
2473 Dawa Kar Rahi Saadi Chaak. 1985 891.4391 RAH G-255970<br />
2474 Daya Krishna Thussu War and the Media Reporting Conflict 24/7. 2003 070.433 WAR 240157<br />
2475 Daya Narayan Nigam Zaman Prem Chand Number. 2002 891.4393092 ZAM G-250213<br />
2476 Daya Shankar Naseem Masnavi Gulzaare Naseem. 2000 891.4391 NAS G-250820<br />
2477 De Quincy<br />
Dean Baker Gerald<br />
Epstein & Robert<br />
Confessions <strong>of</strong> an English Opium-Eater. 1960 824 QUI G-255285<br />
2478 Pollin. Globalization and Progressive Economic Policy. 1998 337 GLO 269496<br />
2479 Dean Ritz Ed. Defying Corporations, Defining Democracy. 2001 322.30973 DEF 269502<br />
2480 Dean Swift. Gulliver's Travels.<br />
Beyond Developmentality: Construting Inclusive Freedom and<br />
1963 823 SWI G-255853<br />
2481 Debal Deb<br />
Sustainability. 2009 338.927 DEB 269451<br />
2482 Debal K Singha Roy Women, New technology and Develpoment. 1995 687.082 ROY 243669<br />
2483 Debal K. Singha Roy Peasant Movements in Post-Colonial India. 2004 305.5633 SIN 240147<br />
Debal K. SinghaRoy Interrogating Social Develiopment: global Perspectives and Local<br />
2484 Ed.<br />
Initiatives. 2010 306.30954 INT 270098<br />
2485 Debasis Dutta Politics <strong>of</strong> Reservation policy in India. 1997 320.954 DUT 242944
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
Globalization, Industrial Restructuring and Labour Standards Where<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2486 Debdas Banerjee India Meets the Global. 2005 331.20470954 BAN 242094<br />
2487 Debi Chatterjee Up Against Caste: Comparative Study <strong>of</strong> Ambedkar and Periyar. 2004 305.5122 CHA 241147<br />
2488 Debjani Gupta<br />
Deborah Shnookal &<br />
Caste and Dalit Lifeworlds Poscolonial Perspectives. 2005 305.51220954 GAN 268990<br />
2489 Pedro Alvarez Tabio<br />
Debshis Chakraborty<br />
Fidel my Yearly Years. 2005 324.22097281092 CAS 244834<br />
2490 & Amir Ullah Khan<br />
Deen K. Chatterjee D.<br />
WTO Deadlocked Understanding the Dynamics <strong>of</strong> International Trade. 2008 382.30954 CHA 269424<br />
2491 E. Scheild Ed. Ethics and Foreign Intervention. 2003 320.019 ETH 235240<br />
2492 Deep Chandr Nirmahi Aur Ketne Andhere. 1995 891.433 NIR G-257098<br />
2493 Deepa M. Ollapally Politics <strong>of</strong> Extremism in South Asia. 2008 320.5309954 OLL 269064<br />
2494 Deepak Budki Chinaar ke Zneche. 2005 891.4393 BUD G-254347<br />
2495 Deepak K.Singh Stateless in South Asia: Chakmas between Banglaesh and India. 2010 305.89144 SIN 269824<br />
2496 Deepak Kanwal Burf ki Aaag. 2001 891.4393 KAN G-254365<br />
2497 Deepak Kumar Science and the Raj. 2006 954.03 DEE 241796<br />
2498 Deepak Kumar Ed. Science and Empire: Essays in Indian Context.<br />
Ethinicity and Christinity: Christians divided by caste and tribe in<br />
1991 509.5420 SCI G-250552<br />
2499 Deepak Kumar Behera<br />
Deepak Kumar Behera<br />
Western Orissa 1989 230 BEH 242629<br />
2500 Ed. Childs in South Asia. 2007 305.230954 CHI 269136<br />
2501 Deepak Nayar Trade and Globalization. 2008 382 NYA 269461<br />
2502 Deepak Nayar Trade and Globalization. 2008 382 NYA 269460<br />
2503 Deepak Nayyar Liberalization and Development. 2008 330.954 NAY 269459<br />
2504 Deepak Nayyar Liberalization and Development. 2008 330.954 NAY 269458<br />
2505 Deepak Nayyar Ed. Governing Globalization: Issues and Institutions. 2006 332.042 GOV 269462<br />
2506 Deepak Nayyar Ed. Governing Globalization: Issues and Institutions. 2006 332.042 GOV 269463<br />
2507 Deepak Qamar Hulle Hulaare. 1924 891.4391 QAM G-253907<br />
2508 Deepali Pant Joshi Micr<strong>of</strong>inance for Macro Change Emerging Challenges. 2010 332.2 JOS 270034<br />
2509 Deepchandr Nirmahi Itehas ke Jharokhe main. 1990 891.43092 NIM G-253017<br />
2510 Deepshika Khaitan Your Rights As an Indian.<br />
Language in Culture and Society: Redear in linguistic and<br />
1993 344.0954 KHA G-251475<br />
2511 Dell Hymes<br />
Anthropology. 1964 305.7 HYM G-255502<br />
2512 Denedict Anderson Under Three Flags: Anarchism and the Anti-Colonial Imagination. 2005 335.83 AND 244715<br />
2513 Denedict Anderson Under Three Flags: Anarchism and the Anti-Colonial Imagination. 2005 335.83 AND 268948<br />
2514 Denins Cankade Azim Baghi. 1969 364.131092 KIN G-256875<br />
2515 Denis Arnold Bach. 1984 778.924 ARN G-251739<br />
2516 Denis Judd Jawaharlal Nehru: Political Portraits. 1993 324.220954092 JUD 241642<br />
2517 Denis Judd Lion and the Tiger: Rise and Fall <strong>of</strong> the British Raj. 2004 954.031 JUD 241652<br />
2518 Denis Mack Smith Italy. 1959 945 SMI G-255474<br />
2519 Denis Vidal et al Violence/Non-Violence: Some Hindu Perspectives. 2003 294.5 VID 243758<br />
2520 Denis Vidal et al Ed. Violence/Non-Violence: someHindu Perspectives. 2003 303.62945095 VIO 242019<br />
2521 Dennis A. Rondinelli Globalization & Change in Asia. 2008 950 RON 244640
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2522<br />
Dennis A. Rondinelli<br />
& John M. Heffron Ed. Globalization & Change in Asia. 2007 303.4825 RON 243543<br />
2523 Dennis Brutus Airs & Tributes. 1987 821 BRU G-254236<br />
Dennis Conway & Nik Globalization's Contradictions: Geographies <strong>of</strong> discipline, destruction<br />
2524 Heynen<br />
and transformation. 2006 303.482 CON 243261<br />
2525 Dennis Smith Globalization: Hidden Agenda. 2006 325.32 SMI 244763<br />
2526 Deputy Nazir Ahmad Fasanai Mubtala. 2004 891.4393 NAZ G-250796<br />
2527 Deputy Nazir Ahmad Ibnul Waqt. 2005 891.4393 NAZ G-250818<br />
2528 Deputy Nazir Ahmad Kulliyate Deputy Nazir Ahmad. Novel. 2003 891.439308 NAZ 240383<br />
2529 Derek Wragge Morley Ant World. 1955 595.7 MOR G-255374<br />
2530 Deric Regin Culture and the Crowd: Cultural His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Peoletarian Era. 1968 901.94 REG G-257233<br />
2531 Derryn Hinch Scrabble. 1977 791.73 HIN G-251752<br />
2532 Desh Purani Aurat. 1952 891.4393 DES G-255973<br />
2533 Desiderio Pin<strong>to</strong> Piri-Muridi Relationship: Study <strong>of</strong> Nizamuddin Dargah 2006 297.57 PIN 243829<br />
2534 Desiderio Pin<strong>to</strong> Piri-Muridi Relationship: Study <strong>of</strong> Nizamuddin Dargah 2006 297.57 PIN 243438<br />
2535 Desmond Bagley Flyway. 1978 823 BAG G-254043<br />
2536 Desmond King-Hele Shelley His Thought and Works. 1962 821.092 HEL G-254130<br />
2537 Desmond Stewart Theodor Herzl Artist and Politician. 1981 324.220942092 STE G-251371<br />
2538 Desraj Goel Rashtriyi Sanysevak Sangh. 1979 291.5 GOE 241924<br />
2539 Dev Nathan from Tribal <strong>to</strong> Caste. 1997 307.772 FRO 270053<br />
2540 Dev Rahi Darar. 1970 891.43308 RAH G-253530<br />
2541 Dev Raj Chanana Slavery in Ancient India. 1960 326.80954 FIL 242350<br />
2542 Dev Raj Chanana Slavery in Ancient India. 1990 915.03 CHA 243202<br />
2543 Dev Vyas Samay Samay per. 1988 891.43309 VIA G-252970<br />
2544 Devaki Jain<br />
Women Development, and the UN: Sixty-year quest from quality and<br />
Justice. 200 305.4 JAI 243143<br />
2545 Devdesh Roy Gatha Sitpar ki. 1997 891.443 ROY G-253329<br />
2546 Devendar Asar Adab our Jadid Zahan. 1968 891.43909 ASR G-253926<br />
2547 Devendar Asar Mustaqbil ke Ru baroo. 1986 891.43909 ASA G-252598<br />
2548 Devendar Asar Mustaqbil ke Ru baroo. 1986 891.43909 ASA G-258371<br />
2549 Devendar Chaubey Samkaleen Chini Kahaniyaan. 1993 895.1301 SAM G-253636<br />
2550 Devendar Dasan Chabban <strong>to</strong> Pahliyaan. 1982 891.42208 DEV G-256047<br />
2551 Devendar Issar Awami Zarae Iblagh Tarsil our Tameer O Taraqqi. 2002 302.2 ISS G-250315<br />
2552 Devendar Issar Khsuhboo Ban ke Lautenge. 1986 891.433 ISS G-253665<br />
2553 Devendar Satyaarthi Gaaye jaa Hindustaan. 1946 891.4394 SAR G-257020<br />
2554 Devendar Satyaarthi Main hun Khan Badoshn. 1941 891.439308 SAT G-256975<br />
2555 Devendar Satyaarthi Nabbe Baras ka Safar: Sapekch-31. 1997 928.05 DEV G-253129<br />
2556 Devendar Upadhyay Aankhar. 1989 891.433 UPA G-253491<br />
2557 Devendr Upadhyay<br />
Devendra Thakur,<br />
Ek aur Wapsi. 1974 891.43301 UPA G-253412<br />
2558<br />
2559<br />
D.N. Thakur Industrialisation in Tribal Areas: Tribal Life in India. 4 2009 307.7720954 TRI 269257<br />
Devendra Thakur,<br />
D.N. Thakur<br />
Role <strong>of</strong> Voluntary Organizations in Tribal Development: Tribal Life in<br />
India. 10 2009 307.7720954 TRI 269263
S.No. Authors<br />
Devendra Thakur,<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2560 D.N. Thakur<br />
Devendra Thakur,<br />
Tribal Agriculture and Animal Husbandry: Tribal Life in India. 3 2009 307.7720954 TRI 269256<br />
2561 D.N. Thakur<br />
Devendra Thakur,<br />
Tribal Development and Planning: Tribal Life in India. 9 2009 307.7720954 TRI 269262<br />
2562 D.N. Thakur<br />
Devendra Thakur,<br />
Tribal Education: Tribal Life in India. 8 2009 307.7720954 TRI 269261<br />
2563 D.N. Thakur<br />
Devendra Thakur,<br />
Tribal Labour and Emoployemnet: Tribal Life in India. 5 2009 307.7720954 TRI 269258<br />
2564 D.N. Thakur<br />
Devendra Thakur,<br />
Tribal Law and Labour: Tribal Life in India. 7 2009 307.7720954 TRI 269260<br />
2565 D.N. Thakur<br />
Devendra Thakur,<br />
Tribal Life and Forests: Tribal Life in India. 1 2009 307.7720954 TRI 269254<br />
2566 D.N. Thakur<br />
Devendra Thakur,<br />
Tribal Settlement and minopr Forest Produce: Tribal Life in India. 2 2009 307.7720954 TRI 269255<br />
2567 D.N. Thakur Tribal Women: Tribal Life in India. 6 2009 307.7720954 TRI 269259<br />
2568 Devendra Vora Health in Yours Hands 133.6 VOR G-256348<br />
2569 Devi Sridhar Battle Against Hunger: Chioice, Circumstances, and the World Bank 2008 332.1532 SRI 269131<br />
2570 Devik Ramesh Hindi Kahani ka Samakalin Parivesh. 1980 891.43308 HIN G-253274<br />
2571 Devin T. Hagerty South Asia in World Politics. 2005 320.954 HAG 243067<br />
2572 Devinder Sharma In the Famine Trap. 1997 338.19 SHA G-250555<br />
2573 Devraj Sharma Gugga Gatha: Sarv maniye Devta ki Katha. 1993 297.4092 SHA 241923<br />
2574 Dewan Chand Sharma. Akshmir under the Sikhs. 1983 954.6 SHA 241828<br />
2575 Dewendar Asar Geet our Angaare. 1952 891.4393 ASR G-253910<br />
2576 Dewendar Sitaarthi Nae Dewtaa. 1943 891.4393 SAT G-256977<br />
2577 Dhananjay Keer Ambedkar Life and Mission. 1962 305.568092 KEE 242338<br />
2578 Dhananjay Varma Aaspas ki Duniyaa. 1983 891.43308 AAS G-253100<br />
2579 Dhara Bhai Dhara Bahti Rahi. 1977 891.43308 DAS G-253193<br />
2580 Dharama Bhanu His<strong>to</strong>ry and Administration <strong>of</strong> the North-Western Provinces. 1955 954.1 BHA 242734<br />
2581 Dharampal aaquil Dhoop Chaoun. 1986 891.4391 DHU G-252806<br />
2582 Dharampal Maini Redaas. 1979 891.43092 MAI G-253771<br />
2583<br />
Dharampal T.M.<br />
Mukundan British origins <strong>of</strong> Cow-Slaughter in India. 2002 954.03 DHA 242723<br />
2584 Dharamveer Bharti Sapna Abhi bhi. 1994 891.431 BHI G-253626<br />
2585 Dharamveer Bharti Yatra Chakr. 1994 891.433 BHA G-256020<br />
2586 Dharma Kumar Ed. Cambridge Economic His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> India. II 2005 330.954 CAM 243874<br />
2587 Dharma Kumar Ed. Cambridge Economic His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> India. II 2005 330.954 CAM 244208<br />
2588 Dharma Kumar Ed. Cambridge Economic His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> India. II 2005 330.954 CAM 244209<br />
2589 Dharma Kumar Ed. Cambridge Economic His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> India. II 2005 330.954 CAM 243981<br />
2590 Dharmaendar Gupta Chand Romancehin Kahaniyaan. 1962 891.43308 GUP G-253268<br />
2591 Dharmaendra Kumar Proselytisation in India the Process <strong>of</strong> Hinduisation in Tribal Societies. 2009 307.772 PRO 268923<br />
2592 Dharmendar Gupt Samkalin Jivan Sandbhar aur Prem Chand. 1980 891.433092 SAM G-253261
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2593 Dharmendar Naath<br />
Dharmendar Naath<br />
Aina Dar Aina. 2006 891.439308 DHA G-255723<br />
2594 Bhanut Naghmae Hayat. 1992 891.439108 SAR G-256848<br />
2595 Dhirendar Asthana Samay Ek Shabd Bhar Nahi hai. 1981 891.433 AST G-253485<br />
2596 Dhirendra Sharma Indian A<strong>to</strong>m Power & Proliferation. 1986 621.4830954 SHA G-254140<br />
2597 Dhnanjei Varma Asrii Hindi Kahaniyaan. 1995 891.439308 VAR G-256604<br />
2598 Dhruv Raina Images and Contexts His<strong>to</strong>riography <strong>of</strong> Science and Modernity in India. 2003 507.20954 RAI 240038<br />
2599 Dhumil<br />
Dhurjati Prasad<br />
Sudama Pandey ka Parja Tantre. 1984 891.43108 DHO G-253521<br />
2600 Mukherji Tagore A Study. 1943 891.44092 MUK G-253852<br />
Diane P. Mines & N. Village Matters: Relocating Village in the Contemporary anthropology<br />
2601 Yazgi<br />
<strong>of</strong> India. 2010 307.762054 VIL 269825<br />
2602 Dianne Doubtfire<br />
Diapk Majumdar S.<br />
Craft <strong>of</strong> Novel-Writing. 1978 411.6 DOU G-252911<br />
2603 Sarkar Globalization, Labour Markets and Inequality in India. 2008 331.12 MAJ 244727<br />
2604 Dick Kooiman Communalism and Indian Princely State.<br />
Bombay Textile Labour: Managers, Trade Unionists and Officials 1918-<br />
2002 302.140954 KOO 241103<br />
2605 Dick Kooiman 1939. 1989 331.88047923 KOO 240209<br />
2606 Dick Kooman Communalism and Indian Princely States. 2002 954.03 KOO 240221<br />
2607 Dick Kooman Communalism and Indian Princely States. 2002 954.840358 KOO 243735<br />
2608 Dick Stivers. Warlord <strong>of</strong> Azatlan. 1963 823 STE G-256485<br />
2609 Dick Stivers. Warlord <strong>of</strong> Azatlan. 1963 823 STE G-256586<br />
2610 Dick Wilson<br />
Didla Venkateswara<br />
Qaurter <strong>of</strong> Mankind. 1966 951.05 WIL G-251690<br />
2611 Rao Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Chhampion <strong>of</strong> Human Rights in India 2006 323.092 RAO 242309<br />
2612 Dietmar Rothermund Government, Landlord and Peasant in India. 1978 333.54 ROT G-251918<br />
2613 Dietmar Rothermund Routledge Companion <strong>to</strong> Decolonization: Independence. 2006 325.39045 ROT 243236<br />
2614 Dietrich Reetz<br />
Digindra Chandra<br />
Islam in the Public Sphere: Religion groups in India. 2006 954.035 REE 241766<br />
2615 Banerjee's None is Responsible. 1959 822 BAN G-254010<br />
2616 Dignity Defining Dignity. 808.8 DEF 241696<br />
2617 Dijendar lal Naath Mohat lal Majumdar. 1992 891.441092 ANT 241555<br />
2618 Dilip Chitre Anubhavanrut. 1996 891.461 SWR G-254258<br />
2619 Dilip Hiro Blood <strong>of</strong> the Earth: Battle fro the World's Vanishing oil Resources. 2007 335.409567 HIR 244787<br />
2620 Dilip Hiro Desert Shield <strong>to</strong> Desert S<strong>to</strong>rm. 1992 956.70441 HIR G-251531<br />
2621 Dilip Hiro Inside Central Asia. 2010 958.042 HIR 270102<br />
2622 Dilip Hiro Longest War. 1990 955.0542 HIR G-251576<br />
2623 Dilip Hiro Longest War: Iran-Iraq Military Conflict. 1990 955.54 HIR G-256402<br />
2624 Dilip Hiro War Without End: the rise <strong>of</strong> Islamist terrorism and Global Response. 2003 297.27 HIR G-256216<br />
2625 Dilip K Basu Ed. Social and Economic Development in India. 1986 338.90954 SOC G-256497<br />
2626 Dilip K. Chakrabarti Oxford Companion <strong>to</strong> Indian Archaeology. 2006 930.10954 CHA 242152<br />
2627<br />
Dilip Kumar<br />
Mukherjee Chaitanya. 1970 294.5512092 MUK G-251962
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2628 Dilip Kumar Roy Sri Aurobindo Came <strong>to</strong> Me. 1964 920 ROY G-254089<br />
2629 Dilip M. Menon Blindness <strong>of</strong> Insight: Essays on Caste in Modern India. 2006 294.5 MEN 244783<br />
2630 Dilip Mukerjee Zulfiqar Ali Bhut<strong>to</strong> Quest for Power. 1972 324.22095491 MUK G-256080<br />
2631 Dilip Simon Politics <strong>of</strong> Labour Under Late Colonialism. 1995 331.34 SIM 242021<br />
2632 Dilip Simon Politics <strong>of</strong> Labour Under Late Colonialism. 1995 331.809547923 SIM 269367<br />
2633 Dimitri Panin Notesbooks <strong>of</strong> Sologdin. 1976 808.883 PAN G-251376<br />
2634 Dina Malhotra Dare <strong>to</strong> Publish. 2004 070.5092 MAL G-251930<br />
2635 Dina Nath Mishra<br />
Dinesh Nandni<br />
RSS: Myth and Reality. 1980 324.20954 MIS 241856<br />
2636 Dalmiya<br />
Dinker Vishnu<br />
Vayuhaband. 2002 891.433 DAL G-253048<br />
2637 Gokhle. Inaugural Address by Presidents <strong>of</strong> Indian National Congress. 1895 324.20954 GOK 242712<br />
2638 Dionne Dunsha Scarred In Gujarat. 2006 240300<br />
2639 Dipa Mukherjee<br />
Dipankar Banerjee<br />
Informal Sec<strong>to</strong>r Economy way Ahead. 2009 338.90954 MUK 269514<br />
2640 Ed.<br />
Dipankar Banerjee<br />
Consolidating Peace in Jammu and Kashmir. 2008 954.6 BAN 244627<br />
2641 Ed. Jammu And Kashmir after the Earthquake. 2007 954.052 BAN 242240<br />
2642 Dipankar Gupta Context <strong>of</strong> Ethnicity. 2002 294.6 GUP 241037<br />
2643 Dipankar Gupta Ethics incorporated: <strong>to</strong>p priority and bot<strong>to</strong>m line. 2006 174.4 GUP 240330<br />
2644 Dipankar Gupta Political Sociology in India. 1995 306.2 GUP 240138<br />
2645 Dipankar Gupta Culture Space and the Nation-State. 2000 306 GUP 240178<br />
2646 Dipankar Gupta Ed. Anti-U<strong>to</strong>pia Essential writings <strong>of</strong> Andre Beteille 2005 304.50954 BET 241743<br />
2647 Dipankar Gupta Ed. Social Stratification. 2004 305.51220954 SOC 241166<br />
2648 Dipesh Chakrabarty Habitations <strong>of</strong> Modernity: Essays in the Wake <strong>of</strong> Subaltern Studies. 2004 954.0072 CHA 241073<br />
Dirk Berg-Schlosser & Poverty and Democracy: Self-help and Political Participation in third<br />
2649 Norbert Kersting. Ed. World Cities. 2003 321.8 POV 269109<br />
2650 Divid Hardiman Feeding the Baniya: Peasnts and Usures in Western India. 2000 954.0316 HAR 241688<br />
2651 Divik Ramesh Divik Ramesh Feather. 1957 821.08 RAM G-254056<br />
2652 Divik Ramesh Khuli Aakhaun main Aakash. 1983 891.431 RAM G-253142<br />
2653 Divya Darshan Pant Cycas and the Cacadales. 1973 586.9 PAN G-255814<br />
2654<br />
Diwakarl<br />
Venktavdhani Potanna. 1978 894.8271092 VEN G-253381<br />
2655 Diwakarnath Sharma Bundel Kesri. 1929 954.2 SHA G-252844<br />
2656 Diwan Jarmani Dass Maharaja Diwan Jarmani Dass. 1919 G-255886<br />
2657 Doc<strong>to</strong>r Mirza Tibiyaat barai Nawien Jamat ke Liye. 2003 530 ZAK G-250256<br />
2658 Dom Moraes Frank Unedith Best <strong>of</strong> Frank Simoes. 2003 823.092 SIM G-256204<br />
2659 Dom Moraes Matter <strong>of</strong> People. 1974 301.32 MOR G-252071<br />
2660 Dom Moraes Matter <strong>of</strong> People. 1974 301.32 MOR G-256401<br />
2661 Dom Moraes Mrs Gandhi. 1980 954.0450924 MOR G-256354<br />
2662 Dom Moris Answered by Flutes Reflections from Madhya Pradesh. 1983 915.430452 MOR G-256439<br />
2663 Dominic Lawson Specta<strong>to</strong>r Annual. 1993 072 SPE G-251194
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
Conversations and Shifting Idnetities: Ramdev Pir and the Ismailis in<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2664 Dominique-Sila Khan Rajasthan.<br />
Conversations and Shifting Idnetities: Ramdev Pir and the Ismailis in<br />
2003 297.82209544 KHA 243842<br />
2665 Dominique-Sila Khan Rajasthan. 2003 297.82209544 KHA 243497<br />
2666 Don Martindale Nature Sociological thoery. 1960 301.01 MAR G-257224<br />
2667 Donald A. Mackenzie Myths & Legends <strong>of</strong> India. 1988 294.5422 MAC 240627<br />
2668 Donald A.R. George<br />
Donald B. Rosenthal<br />
Issues in Heterdox ecomnomics. 2008 330 GEO 269388<br />
2669 Ed.<br />
Donald B. Rosenthal<br />
City in Indian Politics. 1976 320.954 CIT G-256225<br />
2670 Ed. City in Indian Politics. 1976 320.954 ROS 242357<br />
2671 Donald J. Tighe Ways <strong>of</strong> Communicating anthology. 1975 808.04275 TIG G-251327<br />
2672 Donald L. Horowitz Courts and Social Policy. 1977 347.731 HOR G-255741<br />
2673 Donald L. Horowitz.<br />
Donald M. Macraild &<br />
Deadly Ethic riot. 2002 303.623 HOR 243377<br />
2674 Avram Taylor. Social Theory and Social His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2004 306.09 MAC 241135<br />
2675 Donald Quatatert Ot<strong>to</strong>man Empire 1700-1922. 2005 956.015 QUA 243806<br />
2676 Donatus I. Nwogwa West African verse. 1984 080.96 NOW G-254045<br />
2677 Donia Nachshen Works <strong>of</strong> Oscar Wilde. 1957 820.92 WIL G-255377<br />
2678 Doodhnaath Singh Yamgatha. 1989 891.432 SIN G-253256<br />
2679 Dophne du Maurier Informal World <strong>of</strong> Branwell Bronte. 1962 823 MAU G-254774<br />
2680 Doranveer Kohli Waah Kemp. 1998 891.433 KOH G-253211<br />
2681 Doris Fuchs Business Power in Global Governance. 2008 338.881 FUC 244894<br />
2682 Doris Lessing Grass is Singing. 1961 823.91 LES G-251637<br />
2683 Doris Lessing Memoirs <strong>of</strong> a Survivor. 1974 823.91092 LES G-251419<br />
2684 Doris Lessing New English Dramatists.<br />
Religion Geneder in Sikh His<strong>to</strong>ry: Transformation, Meaning and<br />
1959 823.08 LES G-254739<br />
2685 Doris R. Jakobsh Identity. 2003 294.682 JAK 241035<br />
2686 Dorothy Gillies Guide <strong>to</strong> EC Encironmental Law. 1999 344.046 GIL 269227<br />
2687 Dorothy L.Sayers Dante the First three circle <strong>of</strong> Hell. 1949 291.23 DAN G-254646<br />
2688 Dorothy Whitelock Benginnings <strong>of</strong> English Society. 1952 306.094 WHI G-251998<br />
2689 Dos<strong>to</strong>yevsky Crime and Punishment. 1955 823.6 DOS G-252575<br />
2690 Dos<strong>to</strong>yevsky Devils. 1971 891.73 DOS G-254096<br />
2691 Dos<strong>to</strong>yevsky Notes from undeground the Double. 1972 891.73 DOS G-254933<br />
2692 Douglas Allen<br />
Douglas E. Haynes et<br />
Religion and Political conflict in south Asia. 1993 322.10954 ALL 243328<br />
2693 at Ed. Towrads a His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Consumption in South Asia. 2010 339.470954 TOW 269852<br />
2694 Douglass C. North Understanding the Process <strong>of</strong> Economic Change. 2006 330 NOR 241634<br />
2695 Dr. Maheshwar D.P. Singh ki Despensari. 1991 891.43308 MAH G-253694<br />
2696 Dr. Zakir Husain Jivan Ziual Hasan Farooqui. 1991 920 ZAK G-252475<br />
2697 Dr. Zakir Husain Aala Taleem. 1997 080 ZAK G-250721<br />
2698 Drude Dahlerup Women Quotas and Politics. 2007 304.5 DAH 243651<br />
2699 Dubravka Zarkov Ed. Gender Violent Conflict & Development. 2008 305.2355 GEN 244913<br />
2700 Duchess <strong>of</strong> Atholl Searchlight on Spain. 1933 914.6 DUC G-255758<br />
2701 Dugald S. Arbuckle Student Personla Services in Higher education. 1953 378 ARB G-255769
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
Caste and Christianity: Attitude and Politics on Caste <strong>of</strong> Anglo-Saxon<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2702 Duncan B. Forrester Protestant Mission in India. 1979 305.5122 FOR 243313<br />
2703 Duncan Forbes Dictionary. P.I Hindustani & English P.II English & Hindustani. 2004 491.43321 DIC G-250084<br />
2704 Duncan Green From Poverty <strong>to</strong> Power. 2008 339.46 GRE 269170<br />
2705 Duranveer Kohli Takseem. 1994 891.433 KOH G-253014<br />
2706<br />
Durba Ghosh & Dane<br />
Kennedy Ed. Decentring Empire: Britain, India and the Transcolonial World. 2006 354.03 GHO 242155<br />
2707 Durban Ghosh<br />
Durga Bahadur<br />
Sex and the Family in Colonial India. 2008 306.850954 GHO 244413<br />
2708 Shrestha Kashi Bahadur Shrestha. 2003 792.015092 SHR 241312<br />
2709 Durga Charan Kuanr Utkalmani Gopanbandhu Das. 2000 891.4561092 KUA 241228<br />
2710 Durga Das India from Curzon <strong>to</strong> Nehru After. 1969 954.035 DAS 243209<br />
2711 Durga Das India from Curzon <strong>to</strong> Nehru After. 1969 954.0355 DAS 242261<br />
2712 Durga Das Basu Introduction <strong>to</strong> the Constitution <strong>of</strong> India. 1960 342. 020954 BAS G-252067<br />
2713 Durga das Basu Law <strong>of</strong> the Press in India. 1980 343.0954 BAS G-256393<br />
2714 Durga Sharma Hajarun Hajar Nange Jism. 1987 891.432 HAR G-254536<br />
2715 Durganand Sinha Mughal Syndrome: Psychology Study <strong>of</strong> Intergenerational Differences. 1972 323.0954 052 SIN 242810<br />
2716 Durgayan Durgayan. 1946 891.431 DUB G-253308<br />
2717 Dushyantha Mendis<br />
Dwarkannath H.<br />
Elec<strong>to</strong>ral Processes and Governance in South Asia. 2008 320.60954 MEN 244224<br />
2718 Kabadi<br />
Dwijendra Tripathi &<br />
Kabadi's Chmmericks. 1994 811 KAB G-254070<br />
2719 Jyoti Jumani Concise oxford Hsi<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Indian Business. 2007 650.954 TRI 242230<br />
2720 Dya Narayan Nigam Hindu Muslim Masala. 1993 294.5172 ZAMs 242765<br />
2721 Dylan Thomas Collected Poems 1934-1952. 1953 821.08 THO G-255494<br />
2722 Dyson Carter Fatherless Sons. 1957 891.73 CAR G-254279<br />
Dzodzi Tsikata & Land Tenure, Gender and Globalization: Research and Analysis from<br />
2723 Pamela Ed. Golah Africa Asia and Latin america. 2010 333.3082 LAN 270050<br />
2724 E. Dinamani Singh Hijam Anganghal singh. 1997 954.4092 SIN 241257<br />
2725 E. Jaiwant Paul By My Sword and Shield: traditional Weapons <strong>of</strong> the Indian Warriors. 2004 355.824109 PAU G-256196<br />
2726 E. Kazakevich House on the Square. 1963 891.7308 KAZ G-256548<br />
2727 E. Nageswar Rao Abburi Ramakrishna Rau. 2002 813.52092 NAG 241284<br />
2728 E. Nageswara Rao Abburi Ramakrsihna Rau. 2002 894.8273092 RAO 241211<br />
2729 E. Peyorny Les Eyzeins and Vezere Valley. 1959 930.1 PEY G-255542<br />
2730 E. Sreedharan Textbook <strong>of</strong> His<strong>to</strong>riography 500 BC <strong>to</strong> AD 2000. 2005 907.2054 SRE 241751<br />
2731 E. Stanley Jones Conversion Connebsion. 1997 395.59 JON 242608<br />
2732 E.A. Asratyan I.P. Pavlov his life and Works. 1949 920 ASR G-254087<br />
2733 E.A. Gait Census <strong>of</strong> India Vol.I India P.II Tables. 1987 315.4 CEN 240171<br />
2734 E.A. Gait Census <strong>of</strong> India, 1911, Vol. India 1987 315.4 CEN 240270<br />
2735 E.A. J. Robinson Ejarah. 1978 330 ROB G-254410<br />
2736 E.A. J. Robinson Musabaqati Sanat Ki Sakht. 1985 360 RIZ G-254463<br />
2737 E.A. Ramaswamy Question <strong>of</strong> Balance Labour-Management Relations in Practice. 1999 331.80941 RAM 240122
S.No. Authors<br />
E.A.Douma<strong>to</strong>,G.Starre<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2738 tt Teaching Islam: Textbooks and Religion in the Middle East. 2008 297 DOU 244242<br />
2739 E.A.H. Blunt Census <strong>of</strong> India Vol. XV United Provinces <strong>of</strong> Agra & Oudh P. I Report.<br />
Census <strong>of</strong> India Vol. XV United Provinces <strong>of</strong> Agra & Oudh P.II<br />
1987 315.4 CEN 240265<br />
2740 E.A.H. Blunt<br />
Imperial Tables. 1987 315.4 CEN 240266<br />
2741 E.F.Schumacher Small is Beautiful. 1975 338.9 SCH G-255110<br />
2742 E.J. Hobsbawm Bandits. 1969 364.109 HOB G-251661<br />
2743 E.L. Wheelwright Chinese road <strong>to</strong> Socialism. 1970 330.951 WHE G-251697<br />
2744 E.L. Woodeard Age <strong>of</strong> Reform 1815-1870. 1939 942 WOO G-255122<br />
2745 E.M. Forster Abinger Harvest. 1936 824.08 FOR G-255318<br />
2746 E.M. Forster Collected Short S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1963 823 FOR G-254926<br />
2747 E.M. Forster Collexted Short S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1961 823.08 FOR G-254873<br />
2748 E.M. Forster Collexted Short S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1961 823.08 FOR G-254889<br />
2749 E.M. Forster Howards End. 1946 823 FOR G-254858<br />
2750 E.M. Forster Howards End. 1989 823.9 FOR G-251627<br />
2751 E.M. Forster Longest Journey. 1907 823 FOR G-254887<br />
2752 E.M. Forster Longest Journey. 1960 823 FOR G-255237<br />
2753 E.M. Forster Maurice. 1972 823.912 FOR G-251509<br />
2754 E.M. Forster Passage <strong>to</strong> India. 1924 823 FOR G-255530<br />
2755 E.M. Forster Passage <strong>to</strong> India. 1924 823 FOR G-254901<br />
2756 E.M. Forster Passage <strong>to</strong> India. 1974 823.912 FOR G-251737<br />
2757 E.M. Forster Room with with a View. 1908 823 FOR G-254899<br />
2758 E.M. Forster Sky and the Forest. 1961 823 FOR G-254901<br />
2759 E.M. Forster Two Cheer for Democracy. 1951 321.8 FOR G-254886<br />
2760 E.M. Forster Where Angels Fear <strong>to</strong> Tread. 1905 823 FOR G-254899<br />
2761 E.M. Forster Where Angels Fear <strong>to</strong> Tread. 1959 823 FOR G-254888<br />
E.M. S.<br />
324.2175095483<br />
2762 Namboodiripad Communist Party in Kerala: six Decades <strong>of</strong> Struggle and Advance. 1994 NAM 242283<br />
2763 E.M.Foster Hill <strong>of</strong> Devi: being Letters from Dewas state Senior. 1953 320.10954 FOR G-255495<br />
2764 E.M.S. Namboodiripad Frontline Years. 2010 954 NAM 269777<br />
2765 E.M.S. Namboodiripad Nahatma and the Ism. 1959<br />
2766<br />
324.220954092<br />
NAM G-256563<br />
E.M.S.<br />
Namboodoripad Kerala A Society and Politics: His<strong>to</strong>rical Survey. 1984 954.83 NAM G-256321<br />
2767 E.M.W. Tillyard Mil<strong>to</strong>nic setting past and present. 1961 092 TIL G-254200<br />
2768 E.P. Menon Hour o Dawn, 1979 823 MEN G0-254011<br />
2769 E.P. Menon Silent S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1986 823 MEN G-253812<br />
2770 E.P. Rajagopalan Cherukat Govinda Pisharody. 1988 891.2092 RAJ 241298<br />
2771 E.P. Thompson Poverty <strong>of</strong> Theory. 1995 339.46 THO 244133<br />
2772<br />
E.P. Thompson & Dan<br />
Smith Protest and Survive: s<strong>to</strong>p Nuclear War. 2009 327.174 PRO 269658<br />
2773 E.S. Bukhari Patras ke Mazameen. 1961 891.439308 BUK G-253730<br />
2774 E.S. Reddy Struggle for Freedom in Southern Africa. 1986 327.68 RED G-251973
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2775 E.V. Ilyenkov Dialectical Logic: Essays on Its His<strong>to</strong>ry and Theory. 2008 335.412 ILY 244833<br />
2776 E.V. Ilyenkov Dialectics <strong>of</strong> the Abstract and the Concrete in Marx's Capital. 2008 335.4 ILY 244839<br />
2777 E.V. Rieu Four Gospels. 1961 226 FOU G-255043<br />
2778 E.V. Rieu Homer The Odyssey. 1951 823 HOM G-255046<br />
2779 E.V. Rieu Odyssey. 1946 823 HUX G-256301<br />
2780 E.V. Rieu Odyssey. 1946 823 HUX G-255264<br />
2781 E.V.Ramasami Periyar on rural development. 1998 307.1412 RAM 241903<br />
2782 E.W. Parker Pageant <strong>of</strong> Longer Poems. 1965 821.08 PAR G-253946<br />
2783 Eckart Ehlers Ed. Shahjahanabad Old Delhi: Tradition and Colonial Change 2003 954.6 EHL 243436<br />
2784 Eckart Ehlers Ed. Shahjahanabad/Old Delhi: Tradition and Colonial Change 2003 954.56 HEL 243826<br />
2785 Eckehard Kulke Parsees in India: Minority as Agent od Social Change. 1974 303.695054 KUL G-251572<br />
2786<br />
Eckhard Hein, Arne<br />
Heise & Achin Truger<br />
Ed.<br />
Wages, Employement, Distribution and Growth: International<br />
Perspective. 2006 331.21 HEI 243572<br />
2787 Eddy Asirvatham Political Theory. 1936 320.11 ASI G-251198<br />
2788 Edgar Allan Poe Selected Tales. 1956 808.04276 GOL G-251744<br />
2789 Edgar Allan Poe Tales <strong>of</strong> Mystery and Imagination. 1964 823.08 POE G-255305<br />
2790 Edgar Allan Poe Tales <strong>of</strong> Mystery and Imagination. 1964 823.08 POE G-254776<br />
2791 Edgar Elan Poe Kup aur Kaal. 1993 813.008 POE G-253733<br />
2792 Edgar M. Favaro Ed. Fiscal Policies and Sustainable Growth in India. 2006 336.30954 FIS 241944<br />
2793 Edgar Snow China Long Revolution. 1972 951 SNO G-254842<br />
2794 Edgar Snow<br />
Edgar Thurs<strong>to</strong>n & K.<br />
Red Star Over China. 1963 951 SNO G-255488<br />
2795 Rangachari<br />
Edgar Thurs<strong>to</strong>n & K.<br />
Castes and Tribes <strong>of</strong> Southern India. T - Z 7 2010 307.772095416 THU 269949<br />
2796 Rangachari<br />
Edgar Thurs<strong>to</strong>n & K.<br />
Castes and Tribes <strong>of</strong> Southern India. A - B. 1 2010 307.772095416 THU 269943<br />
2797 Rangachari<br />
Edgar Thurs<strong>to</strong>n & K.<br />
Castes and Tribes <strong>of</strong> Southern India. C - J. 2 2010 307.772095416 THU 269944<br />
2798 Rangachari<br />
Edgar Thurs<strong>to</strong>n & K.<br />
Castes and Tribes <strong>of</strong> Southern India. K 3 2010 307.772095416 THU 269945<br />
2799 Rangachari<br />
Edgar Thurs<strong>to</strong>n & K.<br />
Castes and Tribes <strong>of</strong> Southern India. K- M. 4 2010 307.772095416 THU 269946<br />
2800 Rangachari<br />
Edgar Thurs<strong>to</strong>n & K.<br />
Castes and Tribes <strong>of</strong> Southern India. M - P. 5 2010 307.772095416 THU 269947<br />
2801 Rangachari Castes and Tribes <strong>of</strong> Southern India. P- S. 6 2010 307.772095416 THU 269948<br />
Edgar Thurs<strong>to</strong>n K.<br />
305.5122095482<br />
2802 Bangachari Caste and Tribes <strong>of</strong> Southern India 2001 THU 243630<br />
Edgar Thurs<strong>to</strong>n K.<br />
305.5122095482<br />
2803 Bangachari Caste and Tribes <strong>of</strong> Southern India 2001 THU 243631<br />
Edgar Thurs<strong>to</strong>n K.<br />
305.5122095482<br />
2804 Bangachari Caste and Tribes <strong>of</strong> Southern India 2001 THU 243632<br />
Edgar Thurs<strong>to</strong>n K.<br />
305.5122095482<br />
2805 Bangachari Caste and Tribes <strong>of</strong> Southern India 2001 THU 243633
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
Edgar Thurs<strong>to</strong>n K.<br />
305.5122095482<br />
2806 Bangachari Caste and Tribes <strong>of</strong> Southern India 2001 THU 243634<br />
Edgar Thurs<strong>to</strong>n K.<br />
305.5122095482<br />
2807 Bangachari Caste and Tribes <strong>of</strong> Southern India 2001 THU 243635<br />
Edgar Thurs<strong>to</strong>n K.<br />
305.5122095482<br />
2808 Bangachari Caste and Tribes <strong>of</strong> Southern India 2001 THU 243636<br />
2809 Edith Whra<strong>to</strong>n House <strong>of</strong> Mirth. 1962 823 WHA G-255045<br />
2810 Edmon L. Volpe Ed. Poetry Drama Fiction. 1967 820 POE G-251420<br />
2811 Edmund D. Jones English Critical Essyas. 1947 824.08 JON G-255193<br />
2812 Edmund D. Jones English Critical Essyas. 1950 823.08 JON G-255197<br />
2813 Edna Fernandes Holy Warriors. 2006 291.0954 FER 240441<br />
2814 Edna O'Brien Mother Ireland. 1976 941.7082092 OBR G-251711<br />
2815 Edna O'Brien Pagan Place. 1970 823 OBR G-254956<br />
2816 Eduard Galeano<br />
Eduardo A<br />
Open Veins <strong>of</strong> Latin America. 2008 330.98 GAL 269176<br />
2817 vasconcellos Urban Transfort, Environment and Equity. 2001 388.40912 VAS 269229<br />
2818 Educatin Debating Education. 2005 370 DEB 241783<br />
2819 Education Saffron Agenda In Education Espose. 2001 379.54 SAS 241930<br />
2820 Education Committee Communalisation <strong>of</strong> Education: Assault on His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2002 907 ASS 242757<br />
2821 Edvard Radzinsky Rasputin File. 2000 947.083092 RAD G-251433<br />
2822 Edvin Arnold<br />
Edward A.<br />
Light <strong>of</strong> Asia and the Indian song <strong>of</strong> songs ( Gita-Govinda). 1949 294.301 ARN G-252572<br />
Feigenbaum & Pamela Fifth Generation: Artificial Intelligence and Japan;s Cmputer<br />
2823 McCorduck.<br />
Challenge <strong>to</strong> the World. 1984 609.52 FEI G-254042<br />
2824 Edward Albee Tiny Alice A Play. 1963 822 ALB G-255507<br />
2825 Edward Behr Anyone here read & speaks English. 1981 070.433092 BEH G-256377<br />
2826 Edward Carpenter Healing <strong>of</strong> Nation and the Hidden Sources <strong>of</strong> Their Strife. 1915 G-255859<br />
2827 Edward Conze Buddhist Scriptures. 1959 294.382 BUD G-251750<br />
2828 Edward Crankshaw Khrushev's Russia. 1962 947.0852 CRA G-251541<br />
2829 Edward De Bono New Think. 1971 153.42 BON G-255347<br />
2830 Edward De Bono Tactics The art & Science <strong>of</strong> Success. 1985 158.119 DEB G-251401<br />
2831 Edward Dowden Works <strong>of</strong> Shakespeare: Tragedy <strong>of</strong> Hamlet. 1911 G-255441<br />
2832 Edward Fitzgerald Rubaiyat <strong>of</strong> Omar Khayyam <strong>of</strong> Naishapur. 2001 891.4391 FIT 240388<br />
2833 Edward FitzGerald Rubiyat <strong>of</strong> Omar Khayyam Euphranor Salaman & Absal. 1959 891.551 KHA G-255234<br />
2834 Edward FitzGerald Rubiyat <strong>of</strong> Omar Khayyam Euphranor Salaman & Absal. 1959 891.551 KHA G-254072<br />
2835 Edward Fullbrook Guide <strong>to</strong> What's wrong with Economics. 2005 330 FUL 244257<br />
2836 Edward Fullbrook Guide <strong>to</strong> What's wrong with Economics. 2005 330 FUL G-257325<br />
2837 Edward G. Browne Literary His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Persia. 2002 891.5 BRO 240801<br />
2838 Edward Hallett Carr Bolshevik Revolution 1917-1923. 1961 947.0841 CAR G-256420<br />
Edward L. Webb & Decentralization, Forests and Rural Communities: Policy Outcomes in<br />
2839 Ganesh P. Shivakoti South and Southeast Asia. 2008 333.750954 WEB 244225<br />
2840 Edward M. Graham Global Corporations and National Governemtns. 1996 338.88 GRA 269495<br />
2841 Edward M. Purcell Electricity and Magnetism. 1963 530 PUR G-254114<br />
2842 Edward Marielle Penguin book <strong>of</strong> French Short S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1960 840.301 PEN G-251794
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
Multilateralism under Challenge: Power International order, and<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2843 Edward Newman Ed. Structure Change. 2009 327.101 MUL 269614<br />
2844 Edward Rutherfurd Russka the Novel <strong>of</strong> Russia. 1991 823.914 RUT G-251365<br />
2845 Edward Simpson<br />
Edward Simpson A.<br />
Muslim Society and the Western Ocean. 2006 305.697106475 SIM 243228<br />
2846 Kapadia Idea <strong>of</strong> Gujarat: His<strong>to</strong>ry, Ethnography and text. 2010 954.75 IDE 270085<br />
2847 Edward Strachey Morte Darthur. 1889 823 STR G-255786<br />
2848 Edward Thompson Rabidranath Tagore Poet and Dramatist. 1948 821.092 THO G-255481<br />
2849 Edward Thompson Robert Bridges 1844-1930 1945 821.092 THO G-255187<br />
2850 Edward W. Said Music at the Limits Three decaeds <strong>of</strong> Essays and articles on Music. 2008 780.9 SAI 269843<br />
2851 Edward W. Said Orientalism: Western conceptios <strong>of</strong> the Orient. 1995 306.0954 SAI 241663<br />
2852 Edward W. Said Peace & Its Discontents Gaza Jericho 1993-1995. 1994 956.0420 SAI G-251587<br />
2853 Edward W. Said<br />
Politics <strong>of</strong> Dispossession: Struggle for Palestinian Self-Determination<br />
1969-1994. 1995 956.9404 SAI G-251611<br />
2854 Edward Whitemore<br />
Edwards C. Page &<br />
Jerusalem Poker. 1978 823 WHI G-251782<br />
2855 Bill Jenkins. Policy Bureaucracy: Government with a Cast <strong>of</strong> Thousands. 2005 303.35 PAG 240946<br />
2856<br />
Edwards S. Herman &<br />
Robert W.McChesney Global Media: the new missions <strong>of</strong> corporate Capitalism. 1988 302.23 HER 244265<br />
2857 Edwin Arnold<br />
Edwin F. Bryant, L.L.<br />
Song Celestial or Bhagvad-Gita 1945 294.5924 ARN G-254769<br />
2858 Pat<strong>to</strong>n Indo-Aryan Controversy Evidence and Inference in Indian His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2005 934.02 BRY 243214<br />
2859 Edwin J F D'Souza VJP Saldanha. 2004 891.463092 DSO 241234<br />
2860 Eger<strong>to</strong>n Sykes Everyman's Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Non-Classical Mythoplogy. 1952 398.203 SYK G-255333<br />
2861 Eileen Power Medieval People. 1954 823 POW G-254746<br />
2862 Ejaz Ghani Ed. Service Revolution in South Asia. 2010 338.0954 SER 269801<br />
2863 Eleanor M. Hough Co-operative Movement in India. 333.0954 HOU 242928<br />
2864 Eleanor Zelliot From Un<strong>to</strong>uchabe <strong>to</strong> Dalit: Essays on the Ambedakr Movement. 2005 305.568 ZEL 241970<br />
2865 Eleanor Zelliot From Un<strong>to</strong>uchable <strong>to</strong> Dalit: Essays on the Ambedkar Movement. 2005 954.035 ZEL 243843<br />
2866 Eleanor Zelloit. Ambedkar's Conversion. 2005 294.3 ZEL<br />
305.5633096892<br />
242117<br />
2867 Elias C. Mandala Work and Control in a Peasantry Economy. 1990 MAN 243696<br />
2868 Elie Kedourie<br />
Elisio Salvado<br />
Nationalism. 1961 320.54 KED G-255080<br />
2869 Macamo Negotiating Modernity: Africa's Ambivalent Experience 2005 306.30954 MAC 269106<br />
2870 Elizabeth Ezra Ed. Transnational Cinema the Film reader. 2006 791.43 TRA 240321<br />
2871 Elizabeth Kolsky Colonial Justice in British India White Violence and the Rule <strong>of</strong> Law. 2010 345.009 KOL 269880<br />
2872<br />
Elizabeth Poole &<br />
John E. Richardson<br />
Ed. Muslims and the Media. 2006<br />
302.238802971<br />
MUS 240298<br />
2873 Elizabeth R. Desombre Global Environmental Institutions. 2005 658.408 DES 243902
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2874 Elizabeth Sharpe Eight Hundred Year old Book <strong>of</strong> Indina Medecine and Fromulas.<br />
Citizens <strong>to</strong> Lords: Social His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Western Political Thought from<br />
1979 615.10954 SHA 243628<br />
2875 Ellen Meiksins Wood antiquity <strong>to</strong> the Middle Ages. 2008 320.01109 WOO 269297<br />
2876 Ellen Meiksins Wood Democracy against Capitalism. 2007 909.81 WOO 243945<br />
2877 Ellen Meiksins Wood Democracy Against Capitalism: Renewing His<strong>to</strong>rical Materialism. 2007 330.122 WOO 244936<br />
2878 Ellen Meiksins Wood Empire <strong>of</strong> Capital. 2005 321.030973 WOO 243960<br />
2879 Ellen Meiksins Wood Empire <strong>of</strong> Capital. 2005 321.030973 WOO 243961<br />
2880 Ellen Meiksins Wood Empire <strong>of</strong> Capital. 2005 321.030973 WOO 243962<br />
2881 Ellen Meiksins Wood Empire <strong>of</strong> Capital. 2005 321.030973 WOO 243963<br />
2882 Ellen Meiksins Wood<br />
Ellen Meiksins Wood<br />
In Defence <strong>of</strong> His<strong>to</strong>ry: Marxism and the Postmodern Agenda. 2006 901 IND 241673<br />
2883 & J.B. Foster In Defence <strong>of</strong> His<strong>to</strong>ry: Marxsim and the Postmodern Agenda. 2006 335.4 WOO 243135<br />
2884 Ellen Meiksins Woods. Democracy Against Capitalism. 2007 321.8 WOO 243196<br />
2885 Elliot Roberts Selected Verses <strong>of</strong> Vemana, 1995 894.827108 VEM G-254307<br />
2886 Elsbree & McNally Elementry School Administration and Supervision. 1951 371.2 ELS G-252498<br />
2887<br />
Emadul Hasan Azad<br />
Faroqui Hindustan Main Islami Ulum o Adabiyat. 1986 297.0954 FAR G-250665<br />
2888 Emajuddin Ahmed Military Rule and the myth <strong>of</strong> Democracy. 1988 322.5095492 AHM G-256369<br />
2889 Emajuddin Ahmed Military Rule and the myth <strong>of</strong> Democracy. 1988 322.5095492 AHM G-256368<br />
2890 Emil Ludwig Napolean. 1967 940.27 LUD G-251732<br />
2891 Emile Zola La Bete Humaine. 1977 823 ZOL G-251740<br />
2892 Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights. 1963 823 BRO G-255232<br />
2893 Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights. 1963 823 BRO G-255263<br />
2894 Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights. 1965 823 BRO G-254879<br />
2895<br />
Emma Crew & E.<br />
Harrison Whose Development? An Etthnography. 2002 301 CRE 269539<br />
2896 Emma Duncan Breaking the Curfew: Political Journey through Pakistan. 1990 954.9105 DUN G-256350<br />
2897 Emma Tarlo Unsettling Memories: Narratives <strong>of</strong> India's Emergency. 2003 954.045 TAR 243725<br />
2898 Emma Tarlo Unsettling Memories: Narratives <strong>of</strong> India's Emergency. 2003 954.05 TAR 241070<br />
2899 Emma Tarlo Unsettling Memories:Narratives <strong>of</strong> the Emergency in Delhi 2003 954.05 TAR 241934<br />
2900 Emmanuel Ludot Repreasewnting Saddam Hussain. 2004 956.7 LUD 243639<br />
2901 Emyr Humphreys Change <strong>of</strong> Heart: A Comedy. 1951 823 HUM G-255286<br />
2902<br />
Enakshi Ganguly<br />
Thukral Ed. Big Bams Displaced People. 1992 331.3154 THU 242794<br />
2903 Encyclopaedia Selections form the Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> the Social Sciences. 1929 300.3 ENC G-252344<br />
2904 England Mid Century English Poetry. 1960 821.09 WRI G-255387<br />
2905 Engseng Ho Graves <strong>of</strong> TarimL Genealogy and Mobility across the Indian Ocean. 2006 951.35 ENG 243573<br />
2906 Enrique Bour Ed. Latin American Economic Crisis Trade and Labour. 2004 338.542098 LAT 244879<br />
2907 Ep Thompson Romantics Wordsworth Coleridge the wall. 1997 808.83085 THO 244132<br />
2908 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- April 14 1979 244328<br />
2909 EPW Economic and Political Weekly April- June 30 1995 244365<br />
2910 EPW Economic and Political Weekly April- June 31 1996 244369<br />
2911 EPW Economic and Political Weekly April- June 35 2000 244382<br />
2912 EPW Economic and Political Weekly April- June 36 2001 244386
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2913 EPW Economic and Political Weekly April- June 37 2002 244390<br />
2914 EPW Economic and Political Weekly April- June 38 2004 244394<br />
2915 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- April 14 1980 244331<br />
2916 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- April 16 1981 244334<br />
2917 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- April 17 1982 244337<br />
2918 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- April 18 1983 244340<br />
2919 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- April 20 1985 244343<br />
2920 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- April 21 1986 244346<br />
2921 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- April 23 1988 244349<br />
2922 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- April 24 1989 244352<br />
2923 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- April 25 1990 244355<br />
2924 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- April 28 1993 244358<br />
2925 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- April 29 1994 244361<br />
2926 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- April 32 1997 244372<br />
2927 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- April 33 1998 244375<br />
2928 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- April 34 1999 244378<br />
2929 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- Mar 30 1995 244364<br />
2930 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- Mar 31 1996 244368<br />
2931 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- Mar 35 2000 244381<br />
2932 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- Mar 36 2001 244385<br />
2933 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- Mar 37 2002 244389<br />
2934 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Jan- Mar 38 2004 244393<br />
2935 EPW Economic and Political Weekly July- September 30 1995 244366<br />
2936 EPW Economic and Political Weekly July- September 31 1996 244370<br />
2937 EPW Economic and Political Weekly July- September 35 2000 244383<br />
2938 EPW Economic and Political Weekly July- September 36 2001 244387<br />
2939 EPW Economic and Political Weekly July- September 37 2002 244391<br />
2940 EPW Economic and Political Weekly July- September 38 2004 244395<br />
2941 EPW Economic and Political Weekly May- Aug. 14 1979 244329<br />
2942 EPW Economic and Political Weekly May- Aug. 15 1980 244332<br />
2943 EPW Economic and Political Weekly May- Aug. 16 1981 244335<br />
2944 EPW Economic and Political Weekly May- Aug. 17 1982 244338<br />
2945 EPW Economic and Political Weekly May- Aug. 18 1983 244341<br />
2946 EPW Economic and Political Weekly May- Aug. 20 1985 244344<br />
2947 EPW Economic and Political Weekly May- Aug. 21 1986 244347<br />
2948 EPW Economic and Political Weekly May- Aug. 23 1988 244350<br />
2949 EPW Economic and Political Weekly May- Aug. 24 1989 244353<br />
2950 EPW Economic and Political Weekly May- Aug. 25 1990 244356<br />
2951 EPW Economic and Political Weekly May- Aug. 28 1993 244359<br />
2952 EPW Economic and Political Weekly May- Aug. 29 1994 244362<br />
2953 EPW Economic and Political Weekly May- Aug. 32 1997 244373<br />
2954 EPW Economic and Political Weekly May- Aug. 33 1998 244376<br />
2955 EPW Economic and Political Weekly May- Aug. 34 1999 244379<br />
2956 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Oct.- December 30 1995 244367<br />
2957 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Oct.- December 31 1996 244371
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
2958 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Oct.- December 35 2000 244384<br />
2959 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Oct.- December 36 2001 244388<br />
2960 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Oct.- December 37 2002 244392<br />
2961 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Oct.- December 38 2004 244396<br />
2962 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Sept.- December 14 1979 244330<br />
2963 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Sept.- December 15 1980 244333<br />
2964 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Sept.- December 16 1981 244336<br />
2965 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Sept.- December 17 1982 244339<br />
2966 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Sept.- December 18 1983 244342<br />
2967 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Sept.- December 20 1985 244345<br />
2968 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Sept.- December 21 1986 244348<br />
2969 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Sept.- December 23 1988 244351<br />
2970 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Sept.- December 24 1989 244354<br />
2971 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Sept.- December 25 1990 244357<br />
2972 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Sept.- December 28 1993 244360<br />
2973 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Sept.- December 29 1994 244363<br />
2974 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Sept.- December 32 1997 244374<br />
2975 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Sept.- December 33 1998 244377<br />
2976 EPW Economic and Political Weekly Sept.- December 34 1999 244380<br />
2977 EPW Gandhian Perspectives. 2001 050. GAN G-252604<br />
2978 EPW To Live in Knowledge To live in Peace. 1999 070.19 LIV G-256076<br />
2979 Eric Chou Dragon and the Phonix. 1972 306.7 CHO G-252584<br />
2980 Eric de Mare Colour Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy. 1968 770 MAR G-255155<br />
2981 Eric Hobsbawm Age <strong>of</strong> Capitalism. 1975 940.28 HOB 240514<br />
2982 Eric Hobsbawm Age <strong>of</strong> Empire. 2001 940.28 HOB 240559<br />
2983 Eric Hobsbawm Age <strong>of</strong> Extremes Short twentieth Century 1914-1991. 1994 940.27 HOB 240531<br />
2984 Eric Hobsbawm Age <strong>of</strong> Revolution 1789-1848. 1962 951.033 HOB 243958<br />
2985 Eric Hobsbawm Age <strong>of</strong> Revolution. 1962 940.27 HOB 240548<br />
2986 Eric Hobsbawm Age <strong>of</strong> Revolution. 1996 940.28 HOB 240515<br />
2987 Eric Hobsbawm Globalization, Democracy and Terrorism. 2007 321.8 HOB 244688<br />
2988 Eric Hobsbawm Globalization, Democracy and Terrorism. 2007 909.82 HOB 243929<br />
2989 Eric Hobsbawm Industry and Empire. 1999 940.27 HOB 240532<br />
2990 Eric Hobsbawm Interseting Times Twentieth- Century life. 2002 920 HOB 240680<br />
2991 Eric Hobsbawm On His<strong>to</strong>ry. 1997 940.27 HOB 240586<br />
2992 Eric Hobsbawm On His<strong>to</strong>ry. 1997 940.28 HOB 240686<br />
2993 Eric J. Hobsbawm Across times and Continets. 2003 954.03 ACR 240016<br />
2994 Eric J.Hobsbawm Age <strong>of</strong> Empire1875- 1914. 1989 321.03171236 HOB 243922<br />
2995 Eric J.Hobsbawm Age <strong>of</strong> Empire1875- 1914. 1989 321.03171236 HOB 243923<br />
2996 Eric J.Hobsbawm Age <strong>of</strong> Empire1875- 1914. 1989 321.03171236 HOB 243924<br />
2997 Eric J.Hobsbawm Age <strong>of</strong> Empire1875- 1914. 1989 321.03171236 HOB 243925<br />
2998 Eric Maria Remarque All Quiet on the Western Front. 1929 823 RAM G-255830<br />
2999 Eric Maria Remarque Black Obelisk. 1957 823 REM G-254963<br />
3000 Eric Newby Book <strong>of</strong> traveller's Tales. 1985 910.40951 BUR G-251405<br />
3001 Eric Newby Short Walk in the Hindu Kush. 1958 915.81 NEW G-255433<br />
3002 Eric Newby Short Walk in the Hindu Kush. 1958 910.9581 NEW G-251477
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3003 Eric New<strong>to</strong>n European Painiting and Sculpture. 1956 750.94 NEW G-254725<br />
3004 Eric Segal Love S<strong>to</strong>ry. 1970 823 SEG G-253994<br />
3005 Erich Fromm Man for Himself: an enquiry in<strong>to</strong> the psychology <strong>of</strong> ethics. 1947 170 FRO G-252448<br />
3006 Erick S. Reinert Hoa Rich Countries got Rich and Why Poor Countire Stay Poor.<br />
Surviving Capitalism: how we learn <strong>to</strong> live with the market and<br />
2007 338.9 REI 244677<br />
3007 Erik Ringmar remained almost Human. 2005 306.342 RIN 268986<br />
3008 Erna Paris Long Shadows Truth, Lies and His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2001 940.5318 PAR 243611<br />
3009 Ernest Barker Politcs <strong>of</strong> Aris<strong>to</strong>tle. 1961 321.5 BAR G-255476<br />
3010 Ernest Barker Principles <strong>of</strong> Sociology and Political theory. 1961 320.011 BAR G-255431<br />
3011 Ernest Gowers Complete Plain Words. 1969 428.18 GOW G-251669<br />
3012 Ernest Hemingway Old Man & the Sea. 1956 823 HEM G-255369<br />
3013 Ernest Hemingway Short Happy Life <strong>of</strong> Francis Macomber and other s<strong>to</strong>ries. 1939 823 HEM G-254890<br />
3014 Ernest Hemingway Snows <strong>of</strong> Kilimanjaro and other S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1963 823.08 HEM G-255782<br />
3015 Ernest Hemingway Snows <strong>of</strong> Kilimanjaro and other S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1963 823.08 HEM G-254891<br />
3016 Ernest Hemingway Snows <strong>of</strong> Kilimanjaro and other S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1963 823.08 HEM G-254800<br />
3017 Ernest Hemingway Snows <strong>of</strong> Kilimanjaro. 1963 823.91 HEM G-251689<br />
3018 Ernest L. Boyer College: Undersgraduate Experience in America. 1987 378.78 BOY G-252101<br />
3019 Ernest Mandel Marxist Economic Theory. 1977 301.01 MAN 244134<br />
3020 Ernest Rhys Everyman's Library. 1943 321.5 ELL G-255470<br />
3021 Ernest Rhys Golden Treasury <strong>of</strong> Longer Poems. 1939 821.08 RHY G-255016<br />
3022 Ernes<strong>to</strong> Che Guevara Bolivian Diary. 2006 918 GUE 244823<br />
3023 Ernes<strong>to</strong> Che Guevara Gurerrila Warfare. 2006 322.42097291 GUE 244793<br />
3024 Ernes<strong>to</strong> Che Guevara Mo<strong>to</strong>rcycle Diaries Notes on a Latin American Journey. 2004 918 GUE 244798<br />
3025 Ernes<strong>to</strong> Che Guevara Reminiscences <strong>of</strong> the Cuban Revolutionary War. 2006 322.42097291 GUE 244792<br />
3026 Ernes<strong>to</strong> Che Guevara Guerrilla Warfare. 2006 355.0218 GUE 244824<br />
3027 Ernes<strong>to</strong> Che Guevara Our American and Theirs. 2006 972.91064 GUE 244979<br />
3028 Ernes<strong>to</strong> Laclau On Populatist Reason. 2007 324.2732 LAC 244512<br />
3029 Ernst fischer How <strong>to</strong> Karl Marx. 2008 335.4 FIS 244849<br />
3030 Ernst Haeckel The Riddle <strong>of</strong> the University. 1937 113 HAE G-255866<br />
3031 Ernst Mandal Marxsim Economic Theory. I 2008 335.401 MAN 244982<br />
3032 Ernst Mandal Marxsim Economic Theory. II 2008 335.401 MAN 244983<br />
3033 Erwin Wickert Middle Kingdom inside china <strong>to</strong>day. 1981 951.036 WIC G-251396<br />
3034 Ester Boserup Women's Role in Economic Development. 2008 331.409172 BOS 244911<br />
3035 Esther Forbes. Johnny Tremain. 1958 823 FOR G-254105<br />
3036 Ethan B. Kapstein Economic Justice <strong>to</strong>ward levewl Playing Field in an Unfair World. 2006 337.01 KAP 244686<br />
3037 Etinne Balibar Spinoza and Plitics. 2008 320.01 BAL 269144<br />
3038 Eugen Herigel<br />
Eugene L. Rogan, avi<br />
Zen in the art <strong>of</strong> archery. 1971 294.301 HER G-251634<br />
3039 Shlaim War for Palestine Rewriting the His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> 1948. 2001 956.94042 ROG 241809<br />
3040 Eunice De Souza Early Indina Poetry in English 1829-1947. 2005 828.993419 SOU 240437<br />
3041 Eunice De Souza Purdah anthology.<br />
Women's Political Representation and Empowerment in India: Million<br />
2004 793.0194 DES 241357<br />
3042 Evelin Hust<br />
Indiras Now<br />
Women's Political Representation and Empowerment in India: Million<br />
2004 305.420954 HUS 243816<br />
3043 Evelin Hust<br />
Indiras Now 2004 305.40954 HUS 243731
S.No. Authors<br />
Evelin Hust M. Mann<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3044 Ed. Urbanization and Governance in India.<br />
Brished Revisited: the secred and pr<strong>of</strong>ane <strong>of</strong> Memories <strong>of</strong> Captain<br />
2005 320.84054 URB 240239<br />
3045 Evely Waugh<br />
Charles Ryder. 1945 914 WAU G-255499<br />
3046 Evelyn Waugh A Little oRder. 1977 824.912 WAU G-251584<br />
3047 Evelyn Waugh B;ack Mischief. 1962 823.91 WAU G-251682<br />
3048 Evelyn Waugh Black Mischef. 1962 823 WAU G-254976<br />
3049 Evelyn Waugh Black Mischief. 1962 823 WAU G-254697<br />
3050 Evelyn Waugh Decline and Fall. 1928 823.912 WAU G-255685<br />
3051 Evelyn Waugh Labels. 1985 910.09 WAU G-251620<br />
3052 Evelyn Waugh Little Learning. 1983 823.91 WAU G-251615<br />
3053 Evelyn Waugh Loved One. 1967 823 WAU G-254959<br />
3054 Evelyn Waugh Loved One. 1979 823.91 WAU G-251298<br />
3055 Evelyn Waugh Ordeal <strong>of</strong> Gilbert Pinfold. 1963 823.08 WAU G-255030<br />
3056 Evelyn Waugh Ordeal <strong>of</strong> Gilberth Pinfold. 1962 823.91 WAU G-251616<br />
3057 Evelyn Waugh Scoop. 1954 823 WAU G-254721<br />
3058 Evelyn Waugh Sword <strong>of</strong> Honour Trilogy. 1961 823.914 WAU G-251628<br />
3059 Evelyn Waugh Vile Bodies. 158 823 WAU G-251819<br />
3060 Evelyn Waugh Vile Bodies. 1955 823 WAU G-254846<br />
3061 Evgenia S. Ginzburg In<strong>to</strong> the Whirlwind. 1967 365.64092 GIN G-251471<br />
3062 Ezra F. Vogel Japan as No. Lessond for Aerican. 1979 338.90954 VOG G-252047<br />
3063 Ezra Vogel Can<strong>to</strong>n Under Communism. 1969 320.95127 VOG G-257234<br />
3064 F. A. Afzal Hawai Darbaar. 2001 651.5 AFZ G-251159<br />
3065 F. A. Afzal Hawai Darbaar. 2001 651.5 AFZ G-251158<br />
3066 F. A. Lea Voice in the Wilderness from poetry <strong>to</strong> Prophercy. 1977 821.09 LEA G-253830<br />
3067 F. Husain Nayi Urdu Aathwein Kitaab. 808.8 NAI G-256190<br />
3068 F. Husain Nayi Urdu Chati Kitaab. 808.8 NAI G-256188<br />
3069 F. Husain Nayi Urdu Saatvein Kitaab. 808.8 NAI G-256189<br />
3070 F. Lewis Allen Only Yesterday. 1959 973 ALL G-251817<br />
3071 F. Myne Life <strong>of</strong> Nicholas Emperor <strong>of</strong> Russia. 1855 947.073 MAY G-25583.8<br />
3072 F. R. Leavis Great Tradition. 1962 809 LEP G-255362<br />
3073 F. Scott Fitzgrald Tender is the Night. 1955 823 FIT G-254731<br />
3074 F. Tomasson Jannuzi Agrarian Crisis in India: Case <strong>of</strong> Bihar. 1974 333.3209512 JAN G-256232<br />
3075 F. Zigel Wonders <strong>of</strong> the Night Sky. 1968 520 ZOG G-256521<br />
3076 F..C. Bailey Witch-Hunt in an Indian Village or the Triumph <strong>of</strong> Morality. 1997 307.720954 BAI 242949<br />
3077 F.B. Bradley-Birt Chota Nagpore: A Little-Known Province <strong>of</strong> the Empire. 1903 333.2 BIR 242328<br />
3078 F.D.Herbertson Clarendon Geography. 1920 914 HER G-255928<br />
3079 F.De Romanis Crossings Early Meditarranean Contacts with India. 2005 327.1709532 DER 243764<br />
3080 F.E. Sillanpaa Meek Heritage: Nobel prize winner. 1967 823 SIL G-254950<br />
3081 F.G. Bailey A Witch- Hunt in an Indian Village or the triumph <strong>of</strong> Morality. 1994 307.762 BAI 243385<br />
3082 F.G. Selby Bacon's Essays. 1952 824.08 SEL G-255032<br />
3083 F.Karaka Ed. Dangers <strong>of</strong> Caste- Mark. 1998 297.5 KAR 241902<br />
3084 F.M.F.R.Ansari New Muslim World in Making March <strong>of</strong> Islam in the West. 297 ANS G-259557<br />
3085 F.N. Souza White Flag Revolution. 1982 153.42 SOU G-252020<br />
3086 F.S. Aijaz Jinsha Allmi Urdu Afsane. 1974 050 INS G-257041
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3087 F.S. Aijaz Malike Yaumiddin. 1986 891.439108 AIJ G-252836<br />
3088 F.S. Aijazuddin From A Head, Through a Head, <strong>to</strong> A Head. 2000 327.7305194721 AIJ G-251400<br />
3089 F.Steingass Comprehensive Persian-English Sictionary. 2007 491.55321 STE 269575<br />
3090 F.T. Giles Criminal Law. 1963 345 GIL G-255160<br />
3091 F.T. Palgrave Golden Treasury. 1963 821.08 PAL G-255137<br />
3092 F.Tomasson Jannuzi India's Persistent Dilemma: Political Economy <strong>of</strong> Agrarian Reforms. 1994 333.3154 JAN 240115<br />
3093 F.W. Seatras Nooriyaat. 1981 535 SEA G-250208<br />
3094 Fabian Escalante JFK: the Cuba File Un<strong>to</strong>ld S<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Plot <strong>to</strong> kill Kennedy. 2006 972.9105 esc 244981<br />
Fahimul Quadir & Democracy and Civil Society in Asia: Democratic Transitions and<br />
3095 J.Lele ed.<br />
Social Movements in Asia. II 2004 320.95 DEM 241178<br />
Fahimul Quadir & Democracy and Civil Society in Asia: Globalization, Democracy and<br />
3096 J.Lele ed.<br />
Civil Society in Asia I 2004 320.95 DEM 241172<br />
3097 Fahmeda Begum Qadeem Urdu Nazm. 1995 891.4391 QAD G-250010<br />
3098 Fahmeeda Riyaaz Badan Daridah. 1974 891.4391 FEH G-255584<br />
3099 Fahmeeda Riyaaz Pathhar ki Zabaan. 1982 891.439108 FAH G-256670<br />
3100 Fahmeedah Kabir Urdu Novil main Aurat ka Tasawwur. 1992 891.439309 FAH G-250716<br />
3101 Faiyaz Rafat Indra Ghandi. 2003 329.54092 IND G-251257<br />
3102 Faiz Ahmad Faiz Daste Saba. 1953 891.439108 FAI G-256714<br />
3103 Faiz Ahmad Faiz Daste Tahe Tang. 1949 891.439108 FAI G-256915<br />
3104 Faiz Ahmad Faiz Ghalib. 1991 891.43905 GHA G-253896<br />
3105 Faiz Ahmad Faiz Mah Saale Aashnaai Yadun ka Majmua. 1979 914.7 FAI G-256626<br />
3106 Faiz Ahmad Faiz Meezan. 1982 891.43909 FAI G-256673<br />
3107 Faiz Ahmad Faiz Mere Dil Mere Musaafir. 1985 891.439108 FAI G-257096<br />
3108 Faiz Ahmad Faiz Naqsh Faryaad. 1945 891.439108 FAI G-256891<br />
3109 Faiz Ahmad Faiz Naqsh Faryaad. 1977 891.4391 FAI G-255700<br />
3110 Faiz Ahmad Faiz Nuskhahai Wafa. 2001 891.4391 FAI G-250382<br />
3111 Faiz Ahmad Faiz Saleebain mere dariche main. 1982 891.4396 FAI G-256681<br />
3112 Faiz Ahmad Faiz Sardiye Sainaa. 1991 891.439108 FAI G-256916<br />
3113 Faiz Ahmad Faiz Shaame Shahryaar. 1987 891.439108 FAI G-256630<br />
3114 Faiz Ahmad Faiz Zinda Naama. 1985 891.439108 FAI G-256631<br />
3115 Faiz Ahmad Faiz Zindaa Naama. 1977 891.4391 FAI G-255648<br />
3116 Fakhar Zaman Kamzaat Punjaabi Novel. 1996 891.423 FAK G-252656<br />
3117 Fakhruddin Aaarfi Sulagte Khimun ka Shahar. 1984 891.4393 ARF G-252716<br />
3118 Fakhruz Zaman Tukah Main. 2005 891.4393 FAK G-254336<br />
3119 Fakri Mohan Das Bhakta Kavi Gopala Krishna. 2000 891.4561092 DAS 241294<br />
3120 Fanishwar Naath Renu Shrvshest Kahaniyaan. 1973 891.43301 FAN G-253646<br />
3121 Farancis Fukuyama After the Neocons: America at the Crossroads. 2006 327.10973 FUK 243532<br />
3122 Faraz kafka Kafka Kahaniyaan. 1992 891.863 KAF G-254589<br />
3123 Fared Kazmi Human rights myth and Reality. 1987 323 KAZ G-255841<br />
3124 Fareed Ahmad Syed Nawab Afsar. 1984 891.4391 FAR G-252649<br />
3125 Fareed Ahmad Syed Nawab Afsar. 1984 891.4391 FAR G-252748<br />
3126 Fareed Parbati Aabe Neesyaan. 1991 891.4391 FAR G-250610<br />
3127 Fareed Parbati Aabe Neesyaan. 1991 891.4391 FAR G-251225<br />
3128 Fareed Zakaria Illiberal Democaracy at Home & Abraod: the Future <strong>of</strong> Freedom. 2003 321.8 ZAK 241007
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3129 Farhang Farhang Islahaat Tibiyaat Eng- Urdu. 2001 530.03 FAR<br />
323.44095429761<br />
G-254457<br />
3130 Farhat Tabassum Deoband Ulema's Movement for the Freedom <strong>of</strong> India. 2006 TAB 242203<br />
3131 Farida Aziz<br />
Farida Rahmatullah<br />
Pakistan National Security Problems. 1984 320.95491 FAR G-256287<br />
3132 Khan Kismat ke Gharidaar. 1991 891.4393 FAR G-252704<br />
3133 Fariduddin Ahmad Mawasalati Saiyyare. 1991 621.38 FAR G-251181<br />
3134 Fariduddin Ahmad Mawasalati Saiyyare. 1991 621.38 FAR G-251180<br />
3135 Fariduddin Ahmad Science ki Dunyaa. 2005 508 FAR G-251071<br />
3136 Fariduddin Ahmad Science ki Dunyaa. 2005 508 FAR G-251070<br />
3137 Farish A. Noor Writings on the War on Terror. 2006 808.80358 NOO 243451<br />
3138 Farring<strong>to</strong>b Daniels<br />
Fasahat Jung Bahadur<br />
Direct use <strong>of</strong> the Sun's Energy. 1964 523.7 DAN G-254106<br />
3139 Jalil<br />
Fasihuddin Ahmad<br />
Meyaar Urdu Zabane Urdu ki Mahawaraat. 1994 491.4395 JAL G-250807<br />
3140 Sidiqui Koila. 1986 553.24 SID G-250207<br />
3141 Fasihullah Naquib Ek Shakhs Ek Shaerii, Ghani Aijaz. 1997 891.4391092 NAQ G-252828<br />
3142 Fasil Nahum Constitution for a Nations: Ethoppian Prospect. 1997 963.055 NAH 243587<br />
3143 Fathullah Quadri Armughaan Sukhan. 2002 891.4391 QAD G-251216<br />
3144 Fatima Hasan Kalame Zaamin. 1981 891.4391 ZAM<br />
324.22095491092<br />
G-255590<br />
3145 Fatima Jinnah My Brother. 1987 FAT 241830<br />
3146 Fatima Mernissi Beyond The Veil: Male-Female Dynamics in Modern Muslim Society. 1987 305.486297 MER 243461<br />
Fa<strong>to</strong>umata Jawara & Behind the Success at the WTO: real world <strong>of</strong> International trade<br />
3147 Aileen Kwa<br />
Negotiations the Lessons <strong>of</strong> Cancun. 2004 382.92 JAW 269095<br />
3148 Fazeel Jafri Sehraa main Lfz. 1994 891.439109 JAF G-250832<br />
3149 Fazlur Rahman Islam & Modernity: translation <strong>of</strong> an Intellectual Trdaition. 1984 297.122601 FAZ 243435<br />
3150 Fazlur Rahman Revival and reform in Islam. 2006 297.09 FAZ 241463<br />
3151 Fazlur Rahman Urdu Encyclopaedia. I 1996 891.43903 URD G-250086<br />
3152 Fazlur Rahman Urdu Encyclopaedia. II 1996 891.43903 URD G-250087<br />
3153 Fazlur Rahman Urdu Encyclopaedia. III 1996 891.43903 URD G-250088<br />
3154<br />
Federio Sturzenergger<br />
& Jeromin Zettelmeyer Debt Defaults and Lessons from a Decade <strong>of</strong> Crises. 2006 336.345091724 STU 243569<br />
3155 Fedor Dos<strong>to</strong>ieffsky Idiot. 1959 823 DIC G-255381<br />
3156 Feffrey D. Long Vision for Hinduism: beyond Hindu Na<strong>to</strong>nalism. 2007 294.5 LON 243072<br />
3157 Fernando Claudin Communist Movement from Commonterm <strong>to</strong> commonform. 1975 324.175 CLA G-257226<br />
3158 Fernando Franco et al.<br />
Feroz Ahmed and<br />
Journeys <strong>to</strong> Freedom Dalit Narratives. 2004 305.568 FRA 244772<br />
3159 Suresh Garg Forty years <strong>of</strong> Kothari Commission: Re<strong>of</strong>rms and Reflections. 2007 370.96 REP 242158<br />
3160 Fethullah Julen Essyas Perpsectives Opinions. 1999 297.092 GUL G-250568<br />
3161 Fhillipon Kimyami Jang. 1984 358 FIL G-255654<br />
3162 Fidel Castro Capitalism in Crisis. 2004 330.973 CAS 244953
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3163 Fidel Castro Che A Memoir 2007 909 CHE 244880<br />
3164 Fidel Castro Che A memoir. 2006 980.03092 CAS 269547<br />
3165 Fidel Castro Face <strong>to</strong> Face Coversation with <strong>to</strong>mas Borge. 1993 080 FAC G-251441<br />
3166 Fidel Castro Fighters for National Liberation. 1983 324.22 FIG G-251717<br />
3167 Fidel Castro Gigantic Casino: Reflections on the World Financial Crisis 2008 332 CAS 269376<br />
3168 Field Marshal Forty-One Years in India . 1969 954.03 ROB G-255742<br />
3169 Field Marshal Path <strong>to</strong> Leadership. 1961 335.33041092 PAT G-251994<br />
3170 Fikre Taunsvi<br />
Filippo Osella<br />
Warrant Giraftaari. 1966 891.437 TON G-253093<br />
3171 K.Gardner Ed. Migration, Modernity and Social Tranformation in South Asia. 2004 303.490954 OSE 243049<br />
3172 Firaque Gorakhpuri Geetanjali. 1971 821 TAG G-255658<br />
3173 Firaque Gorakhpuri Gulhaaie Pareshaan. 1959 891.439108 FIR G-256689<br />
3174 Firaque Gorakhpuri Naghma Numaa. 1993 891.439108 FIR G-256919<br />
3175 Firaque Gorakhpuri Roop. 1961 891.439108 FIR G-257086<br />
3176 Firdaus Haider Baarishun ki Aarzoo. 1988 891.439308 HAI G-253890<br />
3177 Firoz Ahmad Mehdi Afaadi. 1985 891.439409 FEE G-252860<br />
3178 Firoz Mukharji Lucknow our SarShaar ki Dunyaa. 2000 891.43909 MUK G-254315<br />
3179 Firoz Mukharji Lucknow our SarShaar ki Dunyaa. 2000 891.43909 MUK G-254316<br />
3180 Firoz Mukharji Lucknow our SarShaar ki Dunyaa. 2000 891.43909 MUK G-254314<br />
3181 Firoz Muzaffar Saaghar Banam Zakiyaah. 2003 891.43916 SAG G-252797<br />
3182 Firque Gorakhpuri Irtequa. 2004 891.439109 IRT G-250489<br />
3183 Firque Gorakhpuri Irtequa. 2004 891.439109 IRT G-250490<br />
3184 Flaubert Three Tales. 1961 823.08 FLA G-254670<br />
3185 Flavia Agenes Law and Gender Inequality: Politics <strong>of</strong> women's rights in India 2004 323.340954 AGN 241021<br />
3186 Fr.James Channan Christian-Muslim Dialogue in Pakistan.<br />
Contemporary Economic Sociology: Globalization, Production,<br />
1995 261.27095491 CHA 242570<br />
3187 Fran Tonkiss<br />
Inequality. 2006 306.3 TON G-257292<br />
3188 Frances Dawe Silver Cord: books <strong>of</strong> Poems. 1944 821.08 DAW G-255955<br />
3189 Frances Rubin Basic Guide <strong>to</strong> Evaluation for development Workers. 2009 331.259 RUB 269560<br />
3190 Frances Taft Ed. From Purdah <strong>to</strong> the People. 2000 305.409544 TAF G-252459<br />
3191 Frances W Pritchett Marvelous Encounters Folk Romance in Urdu and Hindi. 1985 398.09 PRI 241852<br />
3192 Frances W Pritchett Marvelous Encounters Folk Romance in Urdu and Hindi. 1985 398.09 PRI 243296<br />
3193 Frances Winwar His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the World's most Glorious Girl: Joan <strong>of</strong> ARC. 1948 823.08 WIN G-254398<br />
3194 Francine R. Frankle India's Political Economy 1947-2004. 2006 330.954 FRA 244327<br />
3195 Francine R. Frankel Indian's Political Economy 1947-2004. 2006 330.954 FRA 244160<br />
3196 Francine R. Frankel India's Political economy 1947- 2004. 2005 330.954 FRA 240053<br />
3197 Francine R. Frankel India's Political economy 1947- 2004. 2006 330.954 FRA 241040<br />
3198 Francine R. Frankel India's Political economy 1947- 2004. 2006 330.954 FRA 244160<br />
3199 Francine R. Frankel India's Political economy 1947- 2004. 2006 330.954 FRA 244489<br />
3200 Francine R. Frankel India's Political economy 1947- 2004. 2006 330.954 FRA 244490<br />
3201 Francine R. Frankel India's Political economy 1947- 2004. 2006 330.954 FRA 244491<br />
3202 Francine R. Frankel<br />
Francine R. Frankel et<br />
India's Political economy 1947- 2004. 2006 330.954 FRA 244492<br />
3203 al. Transforming Social and Political Dynamics <strong>of</strong> Democracy. 2005 320.954 TRA 241041<br />
3204 Francis A. Jenkins Fundamentals <strong>of</strong> Optics. 1957 335 JEN G-254051
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
Insider & Outsiders: Citizenship and Xenophobia in Contemporary<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3205 Francis B. Nyamnjoh Southen Africa.<br />
Journey from Madrs through the Countries <strong>of</strong> Mysore, Canara and<br />
2006 323.6096 NYA 244450<br />
3206 Francis Buchanan Malabar.<br />
Journey from Madrs through the Countries <strong>of</strong> Mysore, Canara and<br />
1999 915.482 BOU 243614<br />
3207 Francis Buchanan Malabar.<br />
Journey from Madrs through the Countries <strong>of</strong> Mysore, Canara and<br />
1999 915.482 BOU 243615<br />
3208 Francis Buchanan Malabar. 1999 915.482 BOU 243616<br />
3209 Francis Huxley The Invsibles. 1966 306.96 HUX G-255094<br />
3210 Francis Robinson Islam, South Asia, and the West.<br />
Separation among Indian Muslim: the Politics <strong>of</strong> the United Provinces<br />
2007 297.0954 ROB 243483<br />
3211 Francis Robinson Muslims 2008 297.0954 ROB 244700<br />
3212 Francis Robinson Ulama <strong>of</strong> Farangi Mahal and Islamic Culture in South Asia. 2001 297.4092 ROB 243892<br />
3213 Francis Robinson Ulama <strong>of</strong> Farangi Mahall and Islamic Culture in South Asia. 2001 297.50954 ROB 241078<br />
3214 Francis Robinson Ulama <strong>of</strong> Farangi Mahall and Islamic Culture in South Asia. 297.380954 ROB 243367<br />
3215 Francis Scarfe Audin and After Liberation <strong>of</strong> Poetry 1930-1941. 1944 821.08 SCA G-252002<br />
3216 Francis W. Coker Recent Political Thought. 1962 320.001 COK G-255456<br />
3217 Francis X. Dealy Power and the Money: Inside the wall street Journal. 1993 071.3 DEA G-251277<br />
3218 Francis Younghusband Kashmir. 1996 954.6 YOU 243645<br />
3219 Franco Venturi Roots <strong>of</strong> Revolution. 2001 947.083 VET 243979<br />
3220 Francois Bernier Travels in the Mogul Empire 1656-1668. 2004 954.025 BER 243642<br />
3221<br />
Francols Polet & Cetri.<br />
Ed. Globalization resistance: the State <strong>of</strong> Struggle 2004 303.484 GLO 268956<br />
3222 Frank Brady Pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> a Prodigy: Life and Game <strong>of</strong> Bobby Fischer. 1965 796.092 BRA G-251651<br />
3223 Frank Giles Saundry Times Auotbiography. 1986 070.924 GIL G-257182<br />
3224 Frank Harris Oscar Wilde. 1938 828.809 HAR G-251468<br />
3225 Frank Moraes Jawaharlal Nehru: a Biography. 2005 324.220954092 244509<br />
3226 Frank Webster Theories <strong>of</strong> the Information society. 2006 301 01 WEB 243269<br />
3227 Frank Yungman Political Economy <strong>of</strong> Adul Education and Development. 2000 374.91724 YOU 269475<br />
3228 Franklyn S.Haiman Speech and Law in a Free Society. 1987 342.730853 HAI G-257206<br />
3229 Frans J Schuurman Beyond the Impass: New Directions in Development theory. 2004 335.4 SCH 244713<br />
3230 Frantz Fanon Wretched <strong>of</strong> the Earth. 1963 335.096 FAN G251935<br />
3231 Franz Fuhmann Car with the Yellow Star. 1968 823 FUH G-253976<br />
3232 Franz Kafka America. 1967 973 KAF G-254801<br />
3233 Franz Kafka Castle 1930 823 KAF G-251764<br />
3234 Franz Kafka Castle. 1930 823 KAF G-254872<br />
3235 Franz Kafka Metamorphosis and other S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1931 833.9118 KAF G-251595<br />
3236 Franz Kafka Metamorphosis and other S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1968 823.08 KAF G-253981<br />
3237 Franz Schurmann Imperial China. 1967 951 IMP G-251811<br />
3238 Franz Werfel Forty Days <strong>of</strong> Musa Dagh. 1961 823 WER G-251760<br />
3239 Fred Engels. Parivar Niji Sampati aur Raj ki autpati. 2008 306.85 ENG 244398<br />
3240 Fred Halliday Islam & the Myth <strong>of</strong> Conferentation. 2003 297.09 HAL 240697<br />
3241<br />
Fred Magd<strong>of</strong>f &<br />
Michael D. Yates ABCs <strong>of</strong> the Economic Crisis: what working people Need <strong>to</strong> Know. 3010 330.973 MAG 269762
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3242 Fred Reinfeld Target book <strong>of</strong> Chess. 1968 794.1 REI G-252582<br />
3243 Fred W. Friendly Due <strong>to</strong> Circumstances beyond our Control. 1958 808.8225 FRI G-254938<br />
3244 Frederic C. Thomas Calcutta Poor: Elegies on a City Above Pretense. 1996 362.50954147 THO 269418<br />
3245 Frederic Gauntlett Introduction <strong>to</strong> Indian Government Audit. 1923 657.835045 GAU 242862<br />
3246 Frederick A. Pottle Boswell's London Jopurnal. 1950 914.21 MOR G-255365<br />
3247 Frederick A. Pottle Boswell in Holland 1763-1764. 1952 914.92 BOS G-255317<br />
3248 Frederick Engls Ludgwing Feuerbach and the outcome <strong>of</strong> Classical Philosophy. 1985 193 ENG G-256231<br />
3249 Frederick Mosteller Probalbility with statistical Application. 1972 519.2 MOS G-255093<br />
3250 Frederick Mosteller Probability and Statistics. 1967 519.5 MOS G-255092<br />
3251 Fredric Jameson Archaeologis <strong>of</strong> the Future: Desire u<strong>to</strong>pia and other Science fiction. 2005 813.087209372 JAM 244859<br />
3252 Fredric Jameson Modernnist Papers. 2007 820.9 JAM 244829<br />
3253 Fredric Landy<br />
Fredric Landy &<br />
Feeding India: Spatial Parmeters <strong>of</strong> Food Grain Policy. 2009 338.19 LAN 269516<br />
3254 B.Chaudhry Globaization and Local Development in India. 2004 320.80954 LAN 241456<br />
3255 Fredrick Engels Herr Eugen Duhring's Revolution in Science. 1947 335 ENG G-255768<br />
3256 Fredrick Grare Political Islam in the Indian Subcontinent: The Jamaat-i-Islami. 2005 297.562 GRA 243814<br />
3257 Fredrick Grare Political Islam in the Indian Subcontinent: The Jamaat-i-Islami.<br />
State Terrorism and the United States from counterinsurgery <strong>to</strong> the war<br />
2005 297.562 GRA 243432<br />
3258 Fredrick H. Gareau on terrorism. 2004 303.625 GAR 244449<br />
3259 Fredrick Jameson Late Marxism: Adorno or the persistence<strong>of</strong> the Dialectic. 2007 193 JAM 269141<br />
3260 Freud Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Psychonalysis. 1963 150.19503 FRE G-251784<br />
3261 Frey Stark Valleys <strong>of</strong> the Assassins. 1975 910.4 STA G-251235<br />
3262 Fritjos Capra Tao <strong>of</strong> Physics. 1975 530.2914 CAP G-253997<br />
3263 Fritz Spiegl Keep Taking the Tabloids. 1983 780.321 SPI G-257202<br />
3264 Fydor Dos<strong>to</strong>yevsky Crime and Punishment. 1964 364.1 DOS G-254966<br />
3265 Fynn Mister God, This is Anna: Anna's Book. 1986 823 FYN G-252505<br />
3266 Fyodor Dos<strong>to</strong>evsky Crime and Punishment. 1955 824 DOS G-255437<br />
3267 G Ramakrishna Living Marx. 1983 335.4 RAM G-254272<br />
3268 G Shailaja International Finance. 2008 332 SHA<br />
324.22095491092<br />
244622<br />
3269 G. Allana Quid-E- Azam Jinnah. 1967 ALL G-256392<br />
3270 G. Aloysius Nationalism without a Nation. 2004 320.54 ALO 241042<br />
3271 G. Balachandaran India and the World Economy 1850-1950.<br />
India and the World Economy 1850-1950. debates in Indian His<strong>to</strong>ry<br />
2005 337.10954 IND 240060<br />
3272 G. Balachndran and Society.<br />
India and the World Economy 1850-1950. debates in Indian His<strong>to</strong>ry<br />
2003 338.09 BAL 269024<br />
3273 G. Balachndran and Society. 2003 338.09 BAL 244117<br />
3274 G. D. Birla In the Shadow <strong>of</strong> the Mahatma. 1972 954.035092 BIR G-256270<br />
3275 G. Findlay Shirras Indian Finance and Banking. 1919 332.10954 SHI 242938<br />
3276 G. Gopa Kumar Nehru and Modern India: Ana<strong>to</strong>my <strong>of</strong> Nation-Building. 2010 954.035 KUM 270096<br />
3277 G. K. Bhatt Bhav Bhuti. 1980 891.812092 GEO G-253379<br />
3278 G. K. Chester<strong>to</strong>n Collected Poems <strong>of</strong> G.K. Chster<strong>to</strong>n. 1943 821.08 COL G-255532<br />
3279 G. K. Lieten First Communist Ministry in Kerala 1957-9 1982 320.95483 LIE 243128<br />
3280 G. K. Lieten Power Politics and Rural Development Essays on India 2003 307.1412 LIE 243716
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3281 G. Kamitsch Englishman and His Island Home. 1929 990 KAM G-254277<br />
3282 G. Plenkhanov Development <strong>of</strong> the Monist View <strong>of</strong> His<strong>to</strong>ry. 1974 335.411 PLE G-257223<br />
3283<br />
G. Raghava Reddy P.<br />
Subrahmanyam Ed. Dynamics <strong>of</strong> Sustainable Rural Development. 2003 333.76 DYN 269054<br />
3284 G. RajagopalaChari Mahabharata: Bhagvan's book University. 1955 294.5923 RAJ G-254977<br />
3285 G. Rakshit Steel Industry in the Public Sec<strong>to</strong>r. 1985 338.273 RAK 242792<br />
3286 G. Ramachandrudu Health Plannig in India. 1997 362.10954 RAM 270148<br />
3287 G. Ramesh Babu<br />
G. Romilly &<br />
Research Methodology in Social Sciences. 2008 300.72 BAB 269008<br />
3288 Alexander<br />
G. S. Bhalla & M.<br />
Hostages at Colditz. 1973 364.154 ROM G-251800<br />
3289 Agarwal World Economy in Transition: Indian Perspectives. 1997 330.9 WOL 269912<br />
3290 G. S. Ghurye Mahadev Kolis 1963 307.772 GHU 242307<br />
3291 G. S. Ghurye Scheduled Tribals. 1943 307.772 GHU 242306<br />
3292 G. Vanmikanathan Appar. 1996 894.81111092 VAN 241356<br />
3293 G. Venkatasubbaiah D.V. Gundappa. 2002 894.81416092 VEN 241320<br />
3294 G. Wilson Knight Wheel <strong>of</strong> Fire. 1960 822.09 KNI G-255543<br />
3295 G.A Henty Tiger <strong>of</strong> Mysore: S<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the war with ippoo Saib. 2005 808.82514 HEN 243620<br />
3296<br />
G.A. Almond & G.B.<br />
Powell Comparative Politics. 1966 320.3 LAM G-256259<br />
3297 G.A. Oddie Religion in South Asia. 1991 209.54 ODD 243294<br />
3298 G.Aloysius Interpreting Kerala's Social Development. 2005 303.4095483 ALO 242108<br />
3299 G.Aloysius Periyar on Buddhism. 2005 294.3 ALO 242113<br />
3300 G.B. Caird Gospel <strong>of</strong> St. Luke. 1963 226 CAI G-254722<br />
3301 G.B. Harrison Book <strong>of</strong> English Poetry. 1945 821 HAR G-255147<br />
3302 G.B. Harrison Tragedy <strong>of</strong> King Lear. 1964 822.33 SHA G-251670<br />
3303 G.C. Vaillant Azetecs <strong>of</strong> Mexico. 1950 972.018 VAI G-255413<br />
3304 G.C.Pande Mahamahopadhyaya Gopinath Kaviraj. 1996 891.216092 PAN 241347<br />
3305 G.D. Birla In the Shadow <strong>of</strong> the Mahatma. 1972 324.220954092 BIR 242534<br />
3306 G.D.H. Cole What Everybody wants <strong>to</strong> Know About Money. 1933 332.46 COL G-255956<br />
3307<br />
G.D.H. Cole & R.<br />
Postgate Common People. 1938 947 COL G-255454<br />
3308 G.E. Fogg Growth <strong>of</strong> Plants. 1963 581.7 FOG G-255356<br />
3309 G.E. Kirk Short His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Middle East. 1981 956 KIR G-251297<br />
3310 G.E. Von Grunebaum Classical Islam A His<strong>to</strong>ry 600 A.D. <strong>to</strong> 1258 A.D. 2005 297.09 GRU 241643<br />
3311 G.E.M. Joad Guide <strong>to</strong> modern thought. 190 JOA G-255927<br />
3312 G.F. Maine Works <strong>of</strong> Oscar Wilde. 1957 820.92 WIL G-255107<br />
3313 G.H. Jansen Militant Islam. 1979 297.7 JAN G-251347<br />
3314 G.H. Ramade Music in Maharashtra. 1967 780.9547823 RAN G-252025<br />
3315 G.Hanumantha Rao Comparative Aesthtics Eastern and Western. 1974 111.85 RAO G-252042<br />
3316 G.K. Chester<strong>to</strong>n Incredulity <strong>of</strong> Father Brown. 1926 823 CHE G-254924<br />
3317 G.K. Chester<strong>to</strong>n Selected Essays. 1961 824.08 CHE G-255168<br />
3318 G.K. Cheste<strong>to</strong>n St. Francis <strong>of</strong> Assisi. 270.92 CHE G-255190<br />
3319 G.K. Lieten Ed. Small Hand in South Asia: Child Labour in Perspective. 2004 331.31 SMA 240219<br />
3320 G.K. Lieten Ed. Small Hand in South Asia: Child Labour in Perspective. 2004 331.310954 SMA 243746
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3321 G.L.Verma Conversion <strong>of</strong> Hindu Temples in Medieval India (1000-1800 A.D.) 1990 294.535 VER 243500<br />
3322 G.M. Carstairs. Island Now. 1962 823 CAR G-255547<br />
3323 G.M. Syed Shah Latif and his Message. 1996 891.41092 SAY 243344<br />
3324 G.M. Syed Struggle for New Sind. 1996 954.918 SYE 241820<br />
3325 G.M. Trevelyan English Social His<strong>to</strong>ry.<br />
English Social His<strong>to</strong>ry: survey <strong>of</strong> six centuries Chaucer <strong>to</strong> queen<br />
1957 820.9 TRE G-254139<br />
3326 G.M. Trevelyan Vic<strong>to</strong>ria. 1944 306.094 TRE G-255124<br />
3327 G.M. Trevelyan Illustrated English Social His<strong>to</strong>ry: 4 1960 306.094 TRE G-255408<br />
3328 G.M. Trevelyan . England under the Stuarts. 1904 942 TRE G-255744<br />
3329 G.M. Trevelyan .<br />
G.M.Carstairs<br />
Illustrated English Social His<strong>to</strong>ry 1979 940 TRE G-255144<br />
3330 &R.L.Kapur Great universe <strong>of</strong> Kota. 1976 307.720954 CAR 242321<br />
3331 G.MacDonald Ross<br />
G.N. Devy Ge<strong>of</strong>frey<br />
V.Davis & K.K.<br />
Leibniz. 1984 193 ROS G-251745<br />
3332 Chakravarty Indigeneity: Culture and Representation. 2009 306.08 IND 269372<br />
3333 G.N. Gauhar Abdul Ahad Azad. 1997 891.449092 GAU 241304<br />
3334 G.N. Gauhar<br />
G.N. Gauhar Shahwar<br />
Elections in Jammu & Kashmir. 2002 324.9546 GAU 240082<br />
3335 Gauhar Military Operation in Kashmir Insurgency at Charar-e- Sharief. 2001 355.40546 GAU 240091<br />
3336 G.N.S. Raghavan Aruna Asaf Ali. 2001 320.92 RAG G-250586<br />
3337 G.P. Deshpande Dialectics <strong>of</strong> Defeat.<br />
perspective in Health Human Power Developmetn in India: Medical,<br />
2006 891.309 DES 243027<br />
3338 G.P. Dutta<br />
Nursing and Paramedical Education. 2004 372.37 DUT 270175<br />
3339 G.P. Pradhan Ram Ganesh Gadkari. 1992 891.4618092 PRA 241344<br />
3340 G.P. Pradhan Sane Guruji. 1995 891.461092 PRA 241331<br />
3341 G.Parthasarathi Ed. Jawaharlal Nehru Letter <strong>to</strong> Chief Minister 1947-1959 I 1985 080 NEH 240729<br />
3342 G.Parthasarathi Ed. Jawaharlal Nehru Letter <strong>to</strong> Chief Minister 1950-1952 II 1985 080 NEH 240730<br />
3343 G.Parthasarathi Ed. Jawaharlal Nehru Letter <strong>to</strong> Chief Minister 1952 1954 III 1985 080 NEH 240731<br />
3344 G.Parthasarathi Ed. Jawaharlal Nehru Letter <strong>to</strong> Chief Minister 1958-1964 V 1989 080 NEH 240733<br />
3345 G.Parthasarathi Ed. Jawaharlal Nehru Letter <strong>to</strong> Chief Minister1954-1957 IV 1988 080 NEH 240732<br />
3346 G.R. Madan Sestern Sociologist on Indian Society 1979 301.01 MAD 242870<br />
3347 G.R. Malik Rasul Mir. 1990 891.4391092 MAL 241367<br />
3348 G.R. Sharma<br />
G.R.Krishnamurthy et<br />
His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>to</strong> Prehis<strong>to</strong>ry. 1980 930.1 SHA G-252083<br />
3349 al. Indian: Health Scenario: Perspectives and Dimensions 2008 304.60954 IND 269045<br />
3350 G.S. Narwani Tribal Law in India. 2004 340.5254 NAR 240443<br />
3351 G.S. Amur A.N. Krishnarao. 1983 894.81486092 AMU 241399<br />
3352 G.S. Amur Dattarey Ramachandra Bendre. 1994 894.8141092 AMU G-254308<br />
3353 G.S. Amur Dattatreya Ramachandra Bendre. 1994 891.8141092 AMU 241380<br />
3354 G.S. Amur Selected Kannada Short S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1993 89.818140831 SEL G-254292<br />
3355 G.S. Bhalla Nehru and the Indina Peasantry. 2003 002 NMM 244038<br />
3356 G.S. Bhalla Condition <strong>of</strong> Indian peasntry. 2006 305.56330954 BHA 244766<br />
3357 G.S. Cheema Forgotten Mughals. 2005 954.029 CHE 240229<br />
3358 G.S. Fraser Lawrence Durrell. 1970 821.092 FRA G-252568
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3359 G.S. Kapse Madhurachenna. 2005 792.015092 KAP 241249<br />
3360 G.S. Lewis Reflections on the Psalms. 1958 223.2 LEW G-254751<br />
3361 G.S.Lokhande Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar: Study in Social Democracy. 1982 335.5092 LOK G-250550<br />
3362 G.T. Garratt Legacy <strong>of</strong> India. 306.0954 GRA G-255319<br />
3363 G.V. Tagare Eknath. 1993 891.4616092 TAG 241368<br />
3364 G.Volkov Era <strong>of</strong> Man or robot. 1967 891.73 VOL G-254231<br />
3365 Gabriel Chevallier<br />
Gabriel Garcia<br />
Clochemerle. 1958 841.3 CHE G-251821<br />
3366 Marquez<br />
Gabriel Garcia<br />
Love in the time <strong>of</strong> Colera 1988 863 MAR G-254006<br />
3367 Marquez No one Writes <strong>to</strong> the colonel.<br />
Khilafat Movement: religious Symbolism and Political Mobilization in<br />
1968 863 MAR G-254050<br />
3368 Gail Minault<br />
India.<br />
Secluded Scholars: Womens' Education and Muslim Social Reforms in<br />
1982 324.220297 MIN 242903<br />
3369 Gail Minault<br />
Colonial India. 1999 371.822 MIN 241084<br />
3370 Gail Omvedt Ambedkar <strong>to</strong>wards Enlightened India. 2004 305.568092 OMV 241013<br />
3371 Gail Omvedt Buddhism in India: Challenging Brahmanism and Caste. 294.30954 OMV 243860<br />
3372 Gail Omvedt Buddhism in India: Challenging Brahmanism and Caste. 294.30954 OMV 240162<br />
3373 Gail Omvedt Buddhism in India: Challenging Brahmanism and Caste. 294.30954 OMV 242525<br />
3374 Gail Omvedt Buddhism in India: Challenging Brahmanism and Caste. 294.30954 OMV 241054<br />
3375 Gail Omvedt Buddhism in India: Challenging Brahmanism and Caste.<br />
Dalit Vision: anti caste movement and the construction <strong>of</strong> an Indian<br />
294.30954 OMV 240161<br />
3376 Gail Omvedt<br />
Identity. 2006 294.50954 OMV 241755<br />
3377 Gail Omvedt Dalit Visions: Tracts fro the Times. 2006 305.568 OMV 243880<br />
3378 Gail Omvedt Dalits and the Democratic Revolution. 1994 954.03508694 OMV 241057<br />
3379 Gail Omvedt Jatirao phule and the Ideology <strong>of</strong> Social Revolution in India. 2004 294.5092 OMV 242111<br />
3380 Gail Omvedt Seeking Begumpura: The Social vision <strong>of</strong> Anticaste intellectuals. 2008 294.50954 OMV 269387<br />
3381 Gail Sheehy Man who Changed the World: lives <strong>of</strong> Mikhail S. Gorbackev. 1991 947.0854092 SHE G-251610<br />
3382 Galina Kerilanko Abjad Falsafa Kiya Hai. 1985 100 KIR G-256874<br />
3383 Gamini Salgado Cony-Catcher and Bawdy Baskets. 1972 823 SAL G-255443<br />
3384 Gamini Salgado Three Jacobean Tragedies. 1965 823.08 SAL G-255270<br />
3385 Gandhi Gandhi Au<strong>to</strong>biograpie ou mes experiece de verte 1988 324.220954092 240654<br />
3386 Gandhi Making <strong>of</strong> a Great Communication Gandhi. 1997 302.2242 MAK G-252337<br />
3387 Gandhi Number Khas Number Sawera. 1994 050 N SAV G-256907<br />
3388 Gandhi Number Naya Urdu Avadhi Number. 1994 050 NAY G-257036<br />
3389 Gandhi Number Naya Urdu Gandhi Number. 1994 050 NAY G-257037<br />
3390 Ganesh Kumar Ed. Libralizing Foodgrains Markets. 2010 338.19095 LIB 270016<br />
3391 Ganesh Saili Ed.<br />
Ganesh Y.<br />
Glorious Garwal. 1995 920.9095496 GLO G-256205<br />
3392 Deshpandey Abhingupt. 1995 891.43092 DES G-253353<br />
Ganeshan Wignaraja Competitiveness Strategy in Developing Countries: manual for policy<br />
3393 Ed.<br />
analysis. 2003 333.8 WIG 244263<br />
3394 Ganeshdatta Poddar<br />
Ganeshi Lal Vyas<br />
Globalization, Liberalization and Environmentalism. 2009 333.70954 POO 269401<br />
3395 Ustad Aag. 1982 891.43108 UST G-253204
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3396 Ganga Prasad Vimal Ek Dusre se Alag. 1979 891.43208 EAK G-254498<br />
3397 Ganga Prasad Vimal Intezar main Ghatna. 1993 891.43308 VIM G-253010<br />
3398 Ganga Prasad Vimal Yudarn Yok<strong>of</strong> ki Kahaniyaan. 1963 891.81308 YOV G-253613<br />
3399 Ganpat Gompertz. Magic Ladakh. 2000 306.09546 GAN 243643<br />
3400 Garabchan Chandan Jam Jahanuma Urdu Sahafat. 1992 070.4 GUR G-250739<br />
3401 Garabchan Chandan Jamna Das Akhtar Shakhsiyat or Adabi Sahafati Khidmat 1996 070.92 JAM G-250767<br />
3402 Garret Mattingly Renaissance Diplomacy. 1955 945.05 MAT G-255063<br />
3403 Garrett Ward Sheldon Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> Political Thought. 2008 320.503 SHE 269050<br />
3404 Garry Leech Crude Interventions: United States, Oil and the New world 2006 330.126 LEE 244451<br />
3405 Gary Jeffrey Jacobshn Wheel <strong>of</strong> law: India's secularism n copmpararive constitutional context. 2003 211.6 JAC 241026<br />
3406 Gary K. Bertsch et al. Engaging India: US Strategic relations with World Largest Democracy. 1999 327.73054 ENG 243530<br />
3407 Gas<strong>to</strong>n Roberge Eisensten's Ivan the Terrible. 1980 947.043 ROB G-252093<br />
3408 Gats GATS and Education. 2003 370 GAT G-256558<br />
3409 Gauhar Shaikhuravi<br />
Gaurav Desai & S.<br />
Ghubaare Fikre. 1991 891.4391 GOH G-252715<br />
3410 Nair Ed.<br />
Gauri Shankar Raj<br />
Postcolonialism anthology <strong>of</strong> Cultural theory and critism 2005 307.1412 DES 241669<br />
3411 Hans Tum phir aana. 1976 891.433 RAJ G-253539<br />
3412 Gauri Viswanathan Outside the fold & Cobersation, Modernity, and Belief. 2001 291.42 VIS 24152<br />
3413 Gavin Flood Ed. Blackwell Companion <strong>to</strong> Hinduism. 2003 294.5 BLA 241136<br />
3414 Gay Gay Tales Un<strong>to</strong> the Sons. 1992 808.3 TAL G-251271<br />
Gayatri Chakrabarty Critique <strong>of</strong> Postcolonial Reason Toward a His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Vanishing<br />
3415 Spivak<br />
Present. 1999 325.3 SPI 240013<br />
Gayatri Chakrabarty Critique <strong>of</strong> Postcolonial Reason Toward a His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Vanishing<br />
3416 Spivak<br />
Present. 1999 325.3 SPI 243691<br />
3417 Gayelord Hauser Look Younger Live Longer. 1939 362.1 HAU G-255839<br />
3418 Geddes & Grosset Complete Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.<br />
everyday Politics <strong>of</strong> Labour: Working Lives in India's Informal<br />
2003 808.3 DOY 240626<br />
3419 Geert De Neve economy. 2005 331.11 NEV 242241<br />
3420 Geeta Dharmarajan Katha prize S<strong>to</strong>ries Vol.5 1996 823.08 KAT G-254009<br />
3421 Geeta Dharmarajan Katha prize S<strong>to</strong>ries Vol.5 1996 823.08 KAT G-253965<br />
Geeta Kingdon & Political Economy <strong>of</strong> Education in India: Teacher Politics in Uttar<br />
3422 Mohd Muzammil Pradesh. 2003 379.0954 KIN 240984<br />
3423 Geeta Patel<br />
Geeta Sen & Molly<br />
Lyrical Movements, His<strong>to</strong>rical Hauntings. 2005 891.4391 MIR 243708<br />
3424 Kaushal Journeys Heroes, Pilgrims, Explorers. 2004 910.91 JOU 240637<br />
3425 Geeta Sharma Dr.Ram Vials Shrma aur Parampara Mulyankan. 1991 891.433083 SHA G-253002<br />
3426 Geetanjali Gangoli Indian Feminisms: Law, Patriarchies and Violence in India. 2007 305.420954 GAN 243650<br />
3427 Geeti Sen Ed. India: A National Culture. 2003 320.540954 IND 240994<br />
3428 Genghis Aitma<strong>to</strong>v Jamila. 1943 891.73 AIT G-254069<br />
3429 Genrik Volkev<br />
Ge<strong>of</strong>f Andrews &<br />
Yugpurush ka Janm. 1982 923.2 VOL G-253779<br />
3430 M.Saward Living Political Ideas. 2005 320.01 NAD 241729
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3431 Ge<strong>of</strong>frey Beattie England After Dark. 1990 942.0858 BEA G-251483<br />
3432 Ge<strong>of</strong>frey Dut<strong>to</strong>n Literature <strong>of</strong> Australia. 1964 899.15 DUT G-251941<br />
3433<br />
Ge<strong>of</strong>frey Jones J.<br />
Zeitlin Oxfrod Handbook <strong>of</strong> Business His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2008 338.09 OXF 268933<br />
3434 Ge<strong>of</strong>frey Moorhouse Calcutta. 1971 954.174 MOO G-251479<br />
3435 Ge<strong>of</strong>frey Moorhouse Imperial City: Rise and rise <strong>of</strong> New York. 1981 915.4710443 MOO G-251334<br />
3436 Ge<strong>of</strong>rey Robertson Levellers the Puney Debates.<br />
Peripheray and Centre: Studies in Orissan His<strong>to</strong>ry Religion and<br />
2007 941.062 PUT 269125<br />
3437 Georg Pfeffer ED. Anthropology. 2007 954.13 PRE 243022<br />
3438 George A. Bar<strong>to</strong>n<br />
George A. Works<br />
Empiore Forestry and the Origins <strong>of</strong> Environmentalism. 2002 354.55 BAR 240199<br />
3439 Simon O. Lesser Rural America Today Its School and Community life. 1947 307.720973 WOR G-252474<br />
3440 George Bearce<br />
George Berkemer et al<br />
British Attitudes Towards India 1784-1858. 1958 954.031 BEA G-251585<br />
3441 Ed. Explorations in the His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> South Asia. 2001 954.03 EXP 240225<br />
3442 George Brown<br />
George Clement Bond<br />
In my Way Political memoirs <strong>of</strong> Lord George Brown 1971 320.9092 BRO G-251961<br />
3443 & N.C. Gibson Ed. Contested Terrains and Constructed Categories. 2002 338.0956 BON 243590<br />
3444 George E. Reedy Twilight <strong>of</strong> the Presidency. 1970 321.0973 REE G-251969<br />
3445 George Eliot Adam Bede. 1963 823 ELI G-255315<br />
3446 George Eliot Felix Holt. 1963 823 ELI G-254972<br />
3447 George Eliot Mill on the floss. 1962 823 ELI G-255140<br />
3448 George Eliot Silas Marner. 1953 823 ELI G-255001<br />
3449 George Eliot Sillas Marner: lifted Veil: Brother Jacob and A Selected <strong>of</strong> Poems. 1962 821.08 ELI G-255240<br />
3450 George Eliot Silas Marner. 1962 823 ELI G-255521<br />
3451 George F. Kennan Russaia and the West under Lenin and Stalin. 1960 947 KEN G-252033<br />
3452 George F. Kennean Nuclear Delusion: Soviet- American relations in the A<strong>to</strong>mic age. 1976 327.470973 KEN G-256261<br />
3453 George F. Kneller Introduction <strong>to</strong> the Philosophy <strong>of</strong> Education. 1964 370.1 KNE G-252472<br />
3454 George Grote His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Greece. 1929 948.5 GRO G-255810<br />
3455 George Grote His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Greece. 1929 948.5 GRO G-255809<br />
3456 George Grote His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Greece. 1929 948.5 GRO G-255808<br />
3457 George Grote His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Greece. 1929 948.5 GRO G-255911<br />
3458 George Grote His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Greece. 1929 948.5 GRO G-255919<br />
3459 George H. Sabine His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Political Theory. 1973 320.01 SAB G-251459<br />
3460 George Kris<strong>to</strong>ff Lieten<br />
George Kris<strong>to</strong>ffel<br />
Colonialism Class and Nation. 1983 320.54 KED 242719<br />
3461 Lieten Colonialism Class and Nation. 1984 325.3 LIE 243127<br />
3462 George Lukac His<strong>to</strong>rical Novel. 1962 833.09 LAU G-253993<br />
3463 George Lukacs Studies in European realism. 1978 370.12094 LUK 242996<br />
3464 George Lukacs Studies in European realism. 1978 370.12094 LUK 242995<br />
3465 George Lukacs. Defence <strong>of</strong> His<strong>to</strong>ry Class Consciousness. 2000 335.4110 LUK 240332<br />
3466 George Lukcs His<strong>to</strong>ry and Class Consciousness. 1968 335.4108 LUK G-257238<br />
3467 George MacMunn<br />
Lure <strong>of</strong> the Indus being the final Acquisition <strong>of</strong> India by the East India<br />
Company. 1934 954.03 MAC 240278
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
Foreign Aid for Development: Issues, Challenges, and the New<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3468 George Mavrotas Ed. Agenda. 2010 338.954 FOR 270003<br />
3469 George Melly Revolt in<strong>to</strong> Style. 1970 709.0407 MEL G-255467<br />
3470 George Meredith Egoist A Comedy in Narrative. 1948 823 MER G-254834<br />
3471 George Mikes Hungarian revolution. 1958 953.91 MIK G-251742<br />
3472 George Monbiot Europe INC. 2003 940.17 EUR G-257203<br />
3473 George Monbiot<br />
Pulping the South: Industrial Tree Plantations & the World Paper<br />
Economy. 1996 338.174983 CAR 269476<br />
3474 George Moore Esther Waters. 1952 823 MOO G-255106<br />
3475 George Munster Rupert Murdoch: A Paper prince. 1985 070.5092 MUN G-257180<br />
3476 George Orwell Animla Farm A Fairly s<strong>to</strong>ry. 1957 823 ORW G-254707<br />
3477 George Orwell Burmese Days. 1934 823 ORW G-254930<br />
3478 George Orwell Clergyman's Daughter. 1935 823 ORW G-255549<br />
3479 George Orwell Decline <strong>of</strong> the English Murder. 1946 824.08 ORW G-254701<br />
3480 George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-Four. 1958 823 ORW G-254683<br />
3481 George Orwell Road <strong>to</strong> Wigan Pier. 1937 823 GRW G-254669<br />
3482 George Perkovich<br />
George Pfeffer, D.K.<br />
India's Nuclear Bomb: Impact on Global Proliferation. 2002 355.02170954 PER 240865<br />
3483 Bahera<br />
George Pfeffer, D.K.<br />
Contemporary Society Tribal Studies. 1 1997 307.7720954 TRI 269272<br />
3484 Bahera<br />
George Pfeffer, D.K.<br />
Contemporary Society Tribal Studies. 2 1997 307.7720954 TRI 269273<br />
3485 Bahera<br />
George Pfeffer, D.K.<br />
Contemporary Society Tribal Studies. 3 1999 307.7720954 TRI 269274<br />
3486 Bahera<br />
George Pfeffer, D.K.<br />
Contemporary Society Tribal Studies. 4 1999 307.7720954 TRI 269275<br />
3487 Bahera<br />
George Pfeffer, D.K.<br />
Contemporary Society Tribal Studies. 5 2002 307.7720954 TRI 269276<br />
3488 Bahera<br />
George Pfeffer, D.K.<br />
Contemporary Society Tribal Studies. 6 2005 307.7720954 TRI 269277<br />
3489 Bahera<br />
George Pfeffer, D.K.<br />
Contemporary Society Tribal Studies. 7 2008 307.7720954 TRI 269278<br />
3490 Bahera Contemporary Society Tribal Studies. 8 2009 307.7720954 TRI 269279<br />
3491 George Ryley Scott. His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Corporal Punishment. 301.09 SCH 242808<br />
3492 George Sampson Hazlitt Selected Essays. 1940 824.08 HAZ G-255324<br />
3493 George Smiley Lecarre Call for the Dead. 1972 823.914 CAR G-251350<br />
3494 George Soros Age <strong>of</strong> Fallibility: Consequences <strong>of</strong> the War on terror 2006 303.625 SOR 243577<br />
3495 George Soule Introduction <strong>to</strong> Economics Science. 1958 330 SOU G-256561<br />
3496 George W. Hartmann Gestalt Psychology: a Survey <strong>of</strong> Fact and Principles. 1935 150 HAR G-242492<br />
3497 George Watson Literary Critics. 1962 820.9 WAT G-255388<br />
3498 Georgi Vladimov Faithful Ruslan. 1979 891.7344 VLAs G-251624<br />
3499<br />
Georgina Blakeley &<br />
Valerie Bryson Impact <strong>of</strong> Feminism on Political Concepts and debates. 2007 324.3 BLA 264608<br />
3500 Georgina Harding Tranquebar A Season in South India. 1993 954.82 HAR G-251470<br />
3501 Georgwe W. Cronon Cummunism Ki Pehli Kitaab Du Sawaal our Unka Jawab 1960 335.4 KRO G-252841
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3502 Gerald Bullett Mill on the floss. 1952 823.08 ELI G-253850<br />
3503 Gerald Durrell My Family and other Animals. 1956 590 DUR G-254745<br />
3504 Gerald Guthrie Basic Research Methods: Entry <strong>to</strong> Social Science Research. 2010 300.72 GUT 270144<br />
3505 Gerald James Larson India's Agony over Religion. 1995 291.0954 LAR 243506<br />
3506 Gerald James Larson<br />
Gerald James larson<br />
India's Agony over Religion. 1997 291.0954 LAR 241812<br />
3507 Ed.<br />
Gerald James larson<br />
Religion and Personal Law in Secular India: A Call <strong>to</strong> Judgment. 2001 344.54096 REL 241104<br />
3508 Ed.<br />
Gerald M.Meier, J,<br />
Religion and Personal Law in Secular India: A Call <strong>to</strong> Judgment. 2001 344.54096 REL 240190<br />
3509 E.Rauch Leading Issues in Economic Development.<br />
Women in Colonial India: essays on Politics, and Medicines, and<br />
2009 338.9 MEI 269529<br />
3510 Geraldine Forbes His<strong>to</strong>riography. 2008 305.40954 FOR 269641<br />
3511 Geraldine Forbes Women in Modern India: the New Cambrdge his<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> India. 2004 305.40954 FOR 241016<br />
3512 Geraldine Forbes Women in Modern India: the New Cambrdge his<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> India. 2004 305.40954 FOR 242259<br />
3513 Geraldine Forbes Women in Modern India: the New Cambridge his<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> India. 2004 305.40954 FOR 24<br />
3514 Gerard Chaliand Report from Afghanistan. 1980 958.1044 CHA G-251458<br />
3515 Germanie Greer Female Eunuch. 1970 G-252060<br />
3516 Gertrude Burford Discourse on Method and Metaphisical Mediations <strong>of</strong> Rene Descrates. 110 RAW G-255761<br />
Ghalib Lakhnavi & Adventures <strong>of</strong> Mair Hamza: Lord <strong>of</strong> the Auspicious Planetry<br />
3517 Abdullah Bilgrami Conjuction. 2007 891.4393 GHA 244761<br />
3518 Ghanshyam Shah Caste association and Politiccal Progress in Gujarat. 1975 305.5122 SHA 242853<br />
3519 Ghanshyam Shah Social Movements in Idnia. 2004 303.40954 RAO 244655<br />
3520 Ghanshyam Shah Protest movements in two Indian States. 1977 303.60954 SHA 242274<br />
3521 Ghanshyam Shah Ed. Caste and Democratic Politics in India 2004 305.51220954 CAS 240122<br />
3522 Ghanshyam Shah Ed. Caste and Democratic Politics in India 2004 305.51220954 CAS 240187<br />
3523 Ghanshyam Shah Ed. Caste, and Democratic Politics in India. 2005 321.80954 CAS 244108<br />
3524 Ghanshyam Shah Ed. Social Movements and the State. 2002 303.40954 SOC 240154<br />
3525 Ghanshyam Shah Ed. Social Movements and the State. 2002 303.40954 SOC 240155<br />
3526 Ghanshyam Shah et al. Un<strong>to</strong>uchability in Rural India.<br />
Dalit Identity and Politics: Cultural subordinate and the dalit<br />
2006 305.568 UNT 242082<br />
3527 Ghanshyan Shah Ed. Challenges, Vol. 2<br />
Dalit Identity and Politics: Cultural subordinate and the dalit<br />
II 2001 305.568 DAL 240153<br />
3528 Ghanshyan Shah Ed.<br />
Ghawja<br />
Challenges, Vol. 2 II 2001 305.568 DAL 241056<br />
3529 Ghulamussaiyesdain<br />
Ghayasuddin<br />
Fikre Insaani Ka Safar Irtequa. 1998 891.43904 GHU G-256788<br />
3530 Deshmukh<br />
Ghazala Shahabuddin<br />
Saahil. 1993 891.4393 DES G-252713<br />
3531 & M. Rangarajan Ed.<br />
Ghazala Shahabuddin<br />
Making Conservation Work. 2007 320.52 MAK 268996<br />
3532 Ed. Making Conservation Work. 2007 320.52 MAK 268996
S.No. Authors<br />
Ghazi Ghulam Nabi<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3533 Kashmiri<br />
Ghenrikh M.<br />
Zindagi Ek Daryaa Hai. 2003 891.4391 GHU G-250534<br />
3534 Kasparyan<br />
Ghislaine Glasson<br />
Deschaumes, Rada<br />
Domination in 2,545 Endgame Studies. 1974 794.124 KAS G-251679<br />
3535 Ivekovic Divided Countries, Separated Cities: modern Legacy <strong>of</strong> Partition. 2003 320.120954 DIV 240039<br />
3536 Ghosh Tale <strong>of</strong> Two Cities. 1979 823 GHO G-255969<br />
3537 Ghulam Ahmad Khan Talkhisul Atam. 1959 891.551092 GHU G-256886<br />
3538 Ghulam Haidar Anis Number Kitaab Numaa. 2002 891.4391092 KIT G-250760<br />
3539 Ghulam Haidar Europi Adab ki Kuch Naadir Kahaniyan. 2005 894 EUR G-251506<br />
3540 Ghulam Haideer Europi Adab ki Kuch Nadir Kahaniyaan. 2005 843 MUP G-250705<br />
3541 Ghulam Haideer Khan Kamyab Zindagi. 1929 371.2 GHU G-255674<br />
3542 Ghulam Hassan Khan<br />
Ghulam Mohd Lal<br />
Freedom Movement in Kashmir. 1980 954.6 KHA 243319<br />
3543 Raaz Afghanistan main Jadid Dari (Farsi) Shaerii. 1999 891.55109 LAL G-250300<br />
3544 Ghulam Nabi Gauhar Pap Punye. 1997 891.4393 GAU G-252980<br />
3545 Ghulam Nabi Gauhar Shaikh Nooruddin Wali. 1996 891.4991092 GAU 241548<br />
3546 Ghulam Nabi Nazir Kasgur Dewane Ghalib. 1988 891.4394 GHA G-250862<br />
3547 Ghulam Rabbani Kahani Bhi Malumaat Bhi. 1999 500 GHU G-251152<br />
3548 Ghulam Rabbani<br />
Ghulam Rabbani<br />
Kahani Bhi Malumaat Bhi. 1999 500 GHU G-251153<br />
3549 Taban Sheriyaate se Siyasiyaat Tak. 1994 891.4394 TAB G-250661<br />
3550 Ghulam Rasool Mahar Ghalib. 1991 891.4391092 MEH G-256985<br />
3551 Ghulam Rizvi Gardish Akhtaruliman. 2000 891.4391092 GAR 241301<br />
3552 Ghulus Sayyidein Aandhi main Chiragh. 1982 920 GHU G-256842<br />
3553 Gibert Rist His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Development from Western Origins <strong>to</strong> Global Faith.<br />
Eastern Cauldron: Islam,Afghanistan, Palestine and Iraq in a Maexist<br />
2008 338.909 RIS 269205<br />
3554 Gilbert Achcar Mirror 2006 327.730560954 ACH 244978<br />
3555 Gilbert Rist His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Development from Western Origins <strong>to</strong> Global Faith. 2008 338.909 RIS 269540<br />
3556 Gilbert Slater<br />
Gill Cox, Sheila<br />
Economic Studies. 1918 330 SLA 242514<br />
3557 Dainow Making the Most <strong>of</strong> Yourself. 1991 150 COX G-252438<br />
3558 Gilles Bre<strong>to</strong>n Ed. Universities and Globalization: Private Linkages, Public Trust. 2006 378.09 UNI G-253752<br />
3559 Gilles Chuyen Who ia a Brahmin?: Politics <strong>of</strong> Identity in India. 2004 294.5 CHU 235254<br />
3560 Gilles Chuyen Who ia a Brahmin?: Politics <strong>of</strong> Identity in India. 2004 294.5 CHU 240231<br />
3561 Gilles Dorronsoro Revolution Unending: Afghanistan: 1979 <strong>to</strong> the Present. 2000 958.1 DOR 243466<br />
3562 Gilles Kepel<br />
Gilles Tarabout &<br />
War for Muslim Minds Islam and the West. 2008 909.0976783 KEP 244895<br />
3563 Ranabir Samaddar Ed. C<strong>of</strong>licts, Power and the Landscape <strong>of</strong> Constitutionalism. 2008 343.03 TAR 244435<br />
3564 Gilliam Youngs Global Political Economy in the Information Age. 2007 338.9 YOU 243244<br />
3565 Gillian Youngs Global Political Economy in the Information Age. 2007 338.9 YOU 243244<br />
3566 Giorgio Agamben Infacny and His<strong>to</strong>ry: on the Destruction <strong>of</strong> Experience. 2007 901 AGA 269127<br />
3567 Giorgio Vasari Lives <strong>of</strong> three Renaissance Artists. 1965 709.024092 VAS G-254648
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
Giovanni Anrea Inequality Growth, and Poverty in an Era <strong>of</strong> Liberalization and<br />
3568 Cornia Ed.<br />
Globalization. 2005 339.22 INE 241942<br />
3569 Giovanni Gaureschi Don Camillo's Dillemma 1954 823.08 GAU G-254795<br />
3570 Girdhar Rathi Shabd Setu. 1994 891.432 NAG G-253357<br />
3571 Giri Raj Kishore Ant Dharvans. 1990 891.433 KIS G-253645<br />
3572 Giri Raj Kishore Log. 1984 891.433 KIS G-253781<br />
3573 Giri Raj Kishore Pehla Girmitya. 2000 891.433092 KIS G-253045<br />
3574 Giri Raj Kishore<br />
Giri Raj Kumar<br />
Uatraayein. 1971 891.433 KIS G-253703<br />
3575 Mathur Kalpantar. 1983 891.43309 HAR G-253391<br />
3576 Giriraj Kishore<br />
Girish Agrawal C.<br />
Knight's Move. 1996 823.794144 KIS G-254256<br />
3577 Gonsalves<br />
Girish Chandra<br />
Dalits and the Law. 2005 305.560954 AGR 241773<br />
3578 Dwivedi Jats Their role in the Mughal Empires. 1989 954.0258 DWI 243354<br />
3579 Girish Kumar Local Democracy in India:Interpreting Decentralization 2006 320.80954 GIR 242146<br />
3580 Girish Kumar Ed. Health Sec<strong>to</strong>r Reforms in India. 2009 362.10954 HEA 270155<br />
3581 Girish Pande Holistic Education. 2001 370.11 PAN G-251524<br />
3582 Girish Pandey Jivokarashi. 1998 891.4308 PAN<br />
324.220954092<br />
G-252534<br />
3583 Girja Kumar Brahmacharya Gandhi & His Women Associates. 2006 KUM 242210<br />
3584 Girjesh Pant India:Emerging Energy Player. 2008 333.790954 GIR 244198<br />
3585 Gisele Freund Pho<strong>to</strong>graphy & Society. 1980 770 FRE G-256308<br />
3586 Gita Gopalakrishnan M.S. Swaminathan one man's quest for hunger-free world 2002 630.92 GOP G-250879<br />
3587 Gita Gopalakrishnan M.S. Swaminathan one man's quest for hunger-free world 2002 630.92 GOP G-250879<br />
3588 Gitesh Sharma Dharam ke Per Naam. 1994 209 SHA G-252930<br />
3589 Gitesh Sharma Nazrul Islam Vidrohi Kavi. 2000 891.441092 SHA G-253179<br />
3590 Githa Hariharan In time <strong>of</strong> Siege. 2003 808.83 HAR 240433<br />
3591 Giulio C. Argan Planning and Cities: renaissance City. 1969 711.4 AGR G-257167<br />
3592 Giyan Chandre Lesaani Mutalee. 1973 491.43909 GIY G-250216<br />
3593 Giyan Chandre Jain Aaam Lisaniyaat. 2003 410 JAI G-250021<br />
3594 Glyn Barlow Naganathan at School. 1952 823 BAR G-255899<br />
3595 Glyn Daniel Idea <strong>of</strong> Prehis<strong>to</strong>ry. 1962 930.1 DAN G-255340<br />
3596 Gnana Moonesinghe Thus Have I Heard.<br />
PTI S<strong>to</strong>ry Origins and Growth <strong>of</strong> the Indian Press and the News<br />
2000 294.3823 THU G-256415<br />
3597 GNS Raghvan Agency. 1987 G-257143<br />
3598 Goband Malhi Meksam Gorki Shakhs our Fankaar. 1984 891.73092 MAL G-253938<br />
3599 Gobind Thukral Troubled Reflections: Reporting Violence. 2009 302.230954 THU 270015<br />
3600 God Periyar on God and Man. 1998 291.11 ARM 242310<br />
3601 Godfrey Gunatilleke Ethical Dilemmas <strong>of</strong> Development in Asia. 1983 330.9540428 ETH G-256435<br />
3602 Godwin C. Chu Radical Change through Communication in Mao'sChina 1997 301.5920951 CHU G-252046<br />
3603 Goethe Letter from Italy. 1962 808.86 GOE G-254645<br />
3604 Goh Cheng Leong Certificate Physical and Human Geography. 1975 599.95 LEO G-255891<br />
3605 Goi D. Gopasan Hire ka Haar. 1993 843 MOP G-253177<br />
3606 Golda Meir My life : Au<strong>to</strong>biography. 1975 324.2209546092 G-251481
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3607 Gopa Sabharwal Ethinicity and Class: Social Divisions in an Indian City. 2006 306.3490954 SAB 241675<br />
3608 Gopa Sabharwal Ethinicity and Class: Social Divisions in an Indian City. 2006 306.3490954 SAB 241952<br />
3609 Gopa Sabharwal India Since 1947 the Independence years. 2007 954.0359 SAB 244305<br />
3610 Gopal Balakrishnan Debating Empire. 2003 335 DEB 241740<br />
3611 Gopal Ganesh Privatisation and Labour Restructuring. 2008 331.12042 GAN 269215<br />
3612 Gopal Guru Ed. Dalit Intellectual Collective: Atrophhy in Dalit Politics. 2005 305.568 GUR 241633<br />
3613 Gopal Guru V.Geetha Dalit Intellectual Activism: Recent Trends. 2004 305.568 GOP 242845<br />
3614 Gopal Haldar Kazi Nazrul Islam. 1977 891.441092 HAL G-253367<br />
3615 Gopal Haldar Qazi Nazrul Islam. 1992 891.441092 HAL 241559<br />
3616 Gopal Krishna Contributions <strong>to</strong> South Asian Studies. 2 1982 306.0954 KRI 242544<br />
3617 Gopal Singh Unstruck Melody. 1964 891.421 SIN G-254000<br />
3618 Gopi Chand Narag Urdu: Readings in Literary Urdu Prose. 2002 491.4395 NAR G-250592<br />
3619 Gopi Chand Narang Aazadi ke Bad Urdu Afsaane. 2003 891.439309 AAZ G-250049<br />
3620 Gopi Chand Narang Aazadi ke Bad Urdu Afsaane. 2003 891.439309 AAZ G-250050<br />
3621 Gopi Chand Narang Anis our Dabir Dop sala Seminar. 2005 891.4391092 ANI 241588<br />
3622 Gopi Chand Narang Balwant Singh ki Sarvashet Kahaniyan. 1997 891.433 BAL G-253332<br />
3623 Gopi Chand Narang Balwant Singh Selected Short S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1996 808.831 BAL G-254259<br />
3624 Gopi Chand Narang Guru Narang. 1995 294.6092 TAL 241532<br />
3625 Gopi Chand Narang Hindustan ki tahreek Azadi our UrudShaerii. 2003 891.439109 NAR G-250425<br />
3626 Gopi Chand Narang Hindustani qissun se Maakhuz Urdu Masnaqiyyan. 2001 891.439109 NAR G-250195<br />
3627 Gopi Chand Narang Intezaar Husain our unke Afsaane. 1986 891.439308 INT G-256959<br />
3628 Gopi Chand Narang Lughat Navesi ke Masail. 1985 891.439031 KIT G-251257<br />
3629 Gopi Chand Narang Naya urdu Afsaana Intekhab, Tajziye our Mubahis. 1988 891.439309 NAR G-256966<br />
3630 Gopi Chand Narang Puranun Ki Kahaniya. 1976 294.5925 NAR G-256834<br />
3631 Gopi Chand Narang Qazahati Kitab. 1996 011 NAR G-25044<br />
3632 Gopi Chand Narang Quari Asas Tanquied Mazhariyyat our Quari Ki Wapsi. 1992 891.43909 NAR G-256831<br />
3633 Gopi Chand Narang Saakhtiyaat Pase Saakhtiyaat our Mashraqui Sheriyaat. 1993 808.83 NAR G-256849<br />
3634 Gopi Chand Narang Taraqqi Pasand Jadidiyat ma Baad Jadidiyat. 2004 891.4394 NAR G-250873<br />
3635 Gopi Chand Narang Urdu Ghazal our Hindustani Zahan wa Tahzeeb. 2002 891.439109 NAR G-250462<br />
3636 Gopi Chand Narang Urdu per Khula Daricha. 2002 954.439109 NAR G-252373<br />
3637 Gopi Chand Narang Urdu: Readings in Literary Urdu Prose. 2001 891.439 NAR G-250593<br />
3638 Gopi Chand Narang Wazahati Kitab. 1998 011 NAR G-250442<br />
3639 Gopi Chand Narang<br />
Gopikanath Roy<br />
Wazahati Kitabiyat 1978 011 NAR G-250344<br />
3640 Chowdhury Prabhatkumar Mukhopadhyay. 1995 891.44092 CHO 241226<br />
3641 Gopinaath Mahanti. Radhanath Ray. 1959 891.4561092 MOH G-253342<br />
3642 Gopinath Mohanty Bed <strong>of</strong> Arrows and other S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1995 891.45637 MOH G-254137<br />
3643 Gopinath Mohanty Radhanath Ray. 1983 891.45092 MOH 241343<br />
3644 Gor Dayal Singh<br />
Gor Dayal Singh<br />
Yeh Hamari Zindagi Dilip Aadhe Chand ki Raat. 1976 891.423 KOR G-257000<br />
3645 Bhatia Shayad Kisi Qabil Ho. 1997 891.4391 AAR G-253894<br />
3646 Gorakh Parshad Mohaddid Geometary. 1985 516 PAR G-254454<br />
3647 Gordon Childe What Happened in His<strong>to</strong>ry.<br />
Shopping for Bombs: Nuclear Pr<strong>of</strong>liferation Global Insecurity and the<br />
1969 G-252020<br />
3648 Gordon Corera rise and fall <strong>of</strong> the A.Q. Khan Network 2006 590.2 CUR 242231
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3649 Gordon D. Newby Concise Encyclopadia <strong>of</strong> Islam. 2006 297.03 NEW 244553<br />
3650 Gordon Johnson<br />
Gordon Redding, M. A<br />
Provincial Politics and Indian Nationalism. 1973 320.954 JOH 242529<br />
3651<br />
3652<br />
Witt Future <strong>of</strong> Chines Capitalism: Choices and Chances. 2007 330.1220951 RED 244409<br />
Gordon Wilson, P.<br />
Furniss and Ri<br />
Kimbowa Ed.<br />
Environment, Development, and Sustainability: Perspectives and Cases<br />
from around the World. 2010 333.7 ENV 269878<br />
3653 Gore Vidal Messiah. 1956 813.5420 VID G-251723<br />
3654 Gore Vidal Pink Triangle & Yellow Star. 1982 808.84 VID G-251808<br />
3655 Gorodn Bowker<br />
Goror Ramsvami<br />
Pursued bu Furies A Life <strong>of</strong> Malcolm Lowry. 1993 823.913 BOW G-251229<br />
3656 Ayyangar Mere Gaon ki Rasik. 1978 891.8143 AYY G-253698<br />
3657 Gorshran Singh Ajib<br />
Govind Kelkar Dev<br />
Nathan & Pierre<br />
Bartanvi Punjabi Ghazal. 1983 891.42109 AJI G-256040<br />
3658 Walter Ed.<br />
Govind Kelkar Dev<br />
Nathan & Pierre<br />
Gender Relations in Forest Society in Asia: Patriarchy at Odds. 2003 305.30954 GEN 269340<br />
3659 Walter Ed. Gender Relations in Forest Society in Asia: Patriarchy at Odds. 2003 305.30954 GEN 242314<br />
3660 Govind Mishra Anat pur. 1976 891.43308 MIS G-253470<br />
3661 Govind Mishra Hojur Darbar. 1959 891.433 MIS G-253392<br />
3662 Govind Mishra Naye Purane Maan-Baap. 1973 891.43308 MIS G-253481<br />
3663 Govind Mishra Paanmch Angaunwala Ghar. 1995 891.433 MIS G-253690<br />
3664 Govind Mishra Yeh Apna Chehra. 1979 891.433 MIS G-253413<br />
3665 Govinda Jha Umesh Mishra. 1995 891.454092 JHA 241440<br />
3666 Govindchanre Pandey Gopinaath Kaviraj. 1993 891.441092 PAN G-253359<br />
3667 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Accessibility <strong>of</strong> the Poor <strong>to</strong> the Rural Water Supply. 1980 363.61 ACC 242818<br />
3668 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Action Research Villages: Right <strong>to</strong> Infiormation Compaign 2007 332.153ACT G-256517<br />
3669 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Adminitration Report <strong>of</strong> the department for Fasli Year.<br />
Agaisnt Communication <strong>of</strong> Education:essays Press Commentary<br />
1949 630 ADM 242883<br />
3670 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Reporage. 2002 379.54 AGA 241931<br />
3671 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Agricultural Statistiocs at a glance 2008 2008 338.1749 AGR 269201<br />
3672 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India All-India Manufacturers Organization.<br />
Alternative Economic Survey, 2001-02: Economic Reforms:<br />
1966 658.4 ALL 242874<br />
3673 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Development Denied. 2002 338.9 ALT 244523<br />
3674 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Alternative Economic Survey, 2002-03 Liberation Sans Social Justice.<br />
Alternative Economic Survey, India 1991-1998: Seven Years <strong>of</strong><br />
2003 338.9 ALT 244524<br />
3675 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Structural Adjustment.<br />
Alternative Economic Survey, India 1991-1998: Seven Years <strong>of</strong><br />
2008 338.9 ALT 244525<br />
3676 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Structural Adjustment. 2008 338.9 ALT 242361<br />
3677 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Alternative Economic Survey, India 2005-06: Dispowering Masses. 695/- 001.4330954 DIS 243051<br />
3678 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Alternative Economic Survey, India 2005-06: Dispowering Masses. 695/- 338.9 ALT 244526
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
Alternative Economic Survey, India 2006-07: Pampering Corporates,<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3679 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Papuerizing Masses.<br />
Alternative Economic Survey, India 2007-08 Decline <strong>of</strong> the<br />
2006 330.954 PAM 244178<br />
3680 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Developmental State.<br />
Alternative Economic Survey, India 21998-2000: Two Years <strong>of</strong><br />
2008 338.9 ALT 269178<br />
3681 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Markets Fundamentalism. 695/- 338.9 ALT 244522<br />
3682 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Andaman And Nicobar Islands Development Report. 2008 338.95488 IND 244971<br />
3683 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Annual Report 2007-08. 2008 354.7127083 ANN 269321<br />
3684 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Annual Report <strong>of</strong> the Registrar <strong>of</strong> Newspapers for India.<br />
Annual Report on Industrial Co-operative Societies and Village<br />
1958 070.10954 ANU 242886<br />
3685 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Industries in the State <strong>of</strong> Bombay 1955-56 1956 338.642 ANN 242880<br />
3686 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Annual Status <strong>of</strong> Education Repor (Rural) 2006 2007 370 ANN G-256235<br />
3687 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Archaeology in India. 1967 930.1 ARC G-252007<br />
3688 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Asian Strategic Re<strong>view</strong> 1994-95 1995 335.0330954 ASI G-256243<br />
3689 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Asian Strategic Re<strong>view</strong> 1996-97 1997 335.0330954 ASI G-256253<br />
3690 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Asian Strategic Re<strong>view</strong> 1997- 98.<br />
Bactrian Gold from the Excavations <strong>of</strong> the tilly-tepe necropolis in<br />
1998 355.033095 ASI G-256254<br />
3691 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Northern Afghanistan.<br />
Banned & Bannable Drugs: Ynbiased Drug Information Essential<br />
1985 669.220396 BAC G-254126<br />
3692 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Drugs and Rational Drug Policy. 2004 363.194 SHI 270190<br />
3693 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Best <strong>of</strong> the week 1982 <strong>to</strong> 2002. 2002 070.44 BES 242246<br />
3694 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Bharat Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce:<br />
Bhopal Document: Charting a New Course for dalits for the 21st<br />
1965 380.1060954 BHA 242875<br />
3695 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Century. 2002 305.5680953 BHO 242366<br />
3696 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Bihar Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce: Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee. 1955 380.106095412 BIH 242875<br />
3697 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India BJP Resolutions Economics 1980-1999. 2000 324.203354 BJP 242373<br />
3698 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Bulletins <strong>of</strong> Indian Industries & Labour 1934 331.7940954 BUL 242913<br />
3699 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Bulletins <strong>of</strong> Indian Industries & Labour 1937 331.7940954 BUL 242934<br />
3700 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Bulletins <strong>of</strong> Indian Industries & Labour<br />
Bulletins <strong>of</strong> Indian Industries and Labour: Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the third<br />
1941 331.7940954 BUL 242929<br />
3701 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Conference <strong>of</strong> Departments <strong>of</strong> Induustries<br />
Bulletins <strong>of</strong> Indian Industries and Labour: Proceedings <strong>of</strong> the 11th<br />
1921 338.06 PRO 242930<br />
3702 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Industry Conference held on 23 & 24 Jan, 1939<br />
Bulletins <strong>of</strong> Indian Industries and Labour: Proceesings <strong>of</strong> the Tenth<br />
1939 338.06 PRO 242912<br />
3703 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Industry Conference held on 23 & 24 Jan,1939 1939 338.06 PRO 242931<br />
3704 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Centenary Sovenir 1889-1989. 1989 297.86 CEN 242854<br />
3705 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Century in Malabar: His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Peirce leslie & Co. Ltd.<br />
Challenges <strong>to</strong> Democracy by one Party Dominance: Comparative<br />
1962 665.335095482 LAN 242509<br />
3706 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Assessment. 2006 321.80968 CHA G-256225<br />
3707 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India China Human Development Report 1999 1999 330.951059 CHI 241032<br />
3708 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Citizen's Fifthe Report: State <strong>of</strong> India's Environment. 2002 910.1333702 CEN 269689<br />
3709 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Citizen's Fifthe Report: State <strong>of</strong> India's Environment. 2002 910.1333702 CEN 269690<br />
3710 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Citizen's Report on Governance and Development 2007. 2007 320.954 CIT 244191<br />
3711 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Citizen's Report on Governance and Development 2008-09. 2009 361.250954 NAT 269456<br />
3712 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India CNF Years Book 2006: Energy Security: Indian Perpectives. 2006 658.47 ENE G-256283
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3713 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Common Faith 40 years <strong>of</strong> Indo U S Cooperation.<br />
Comparartive Contexts <strong>of</strong> Distribution: Social Exclusion and Equal<br />
1987 338.954073 COM G-256396<br />
3714 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Opportunity Policies in Asia. 2008<br />
3715 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Congress Agrarian Enquiry Committee Report, 1936.<br />
Cooking and Banking for Kids: lots <strong>of</strong> delicious recipes for kids <strong>to</strong><br />
1961 305.4633 CON G-251901<br />
3716 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India make and bake for Creating Cooking. 2004 641.8 COO 240395<br />
3717 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Cross-Section. 1970 080 CRO G-254098<br />
3718 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India CSO Financial Managemnet Manual For Civil Society Organizations. 2007 332.153 CSO G-256505<br />
3719 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Delhi Development Report. 2009 338.9546 IND 269570<br />
3720 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Delhi ka ek yadgar Shahi Mushira. 1943 891.439109 BEG G-255647<br />
3721 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Demarcation <strong>of</strong> Responsiblities in governemnt <strong>of</strong> India. 1990 338.180954 DEM 242679<br />
3722 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Digital Revies <strong>of</strong> Asia Pacific 2007-08 2008 338.9095 DIG 244220<br />
3723 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Documents <strong>of</strong> Great Debate( Feb. 1956- Jun. 1963. I 2005 947 DOC 241784<br />
3724 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Documents <strong>of</strong> Great Debate( Feb. 1956- Jun. 1963. II 2005 947 DOC 241785<br />
3725 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Documents <strong>of</strong> Great Debate( Feb. 1956- Jun. 1963. III 2005 947 DOC 241786<br />
3726 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Documents <strong>of</strong> the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China. I 2008 951.057 DOC 269010<br />
3727 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Documents <strong>of</strong> the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China. P.I II 2008 951.057 DOC 269011<br />
3728 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Documents <strong>of</strong> the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China. P.I III 2008 951.057 DOC 269013<br />
3729 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Documents <strong>of</strong> the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China. P.II II 2008 951.057 DOC 269012<br />
3730 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Documents <strong>of</strong> the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China. P.II III 2008 951.057 DOC 269014<br />
3731 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Dogs for Hot Climates. 1931 636.7 SHA G-255862<br />
3732 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Economic Survey 2005-2006. 2006 337.10723 ECO 241653<br />
3733 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India<br />
Economic and Social Survey <strong>of</strong> Asia and the Pacific 2008: Sustaining<br />
Growth and Sharing Propesrity. 2008 338.9 ECO 269891<br />
3734 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Economic and Social Survey <strong>of</strong> Asia Pacific 2005 2005 300.723 ECO 240978<br />
3735 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Economic and Social Survey <strong>of</strong> Asia Pacific 2006. 2006 300.723 ECO 240494<br />
3736 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Economic Survey 2007-08. 2008 330.1 ECO 244692<br />
3737 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Economic Survey 2008-09. 2009 330.954 IND 269573<br />
3738 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Economic Survey 2009-10.<br />
Education and National Development: Report <strong>of</strong> the Education<br />
2010 330.954 IND 269792<br />
3739 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Commission 1964-66.<br />
Education and National Development: Report <strong>of</strong> the Education<br />
I 1966 370.119 EDU G-251986<br />
3740 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Commission 1964-66.<br />
Education and National Development: Report <strong>of</strong> the Education<br />
II 1966 370.119 EDU G-252043<br />
3741 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Commission 1964-66.<br />
Education and National Development: Report <strong>of</strong> the Education<br />
I 1966 370.63 EDU G-250545<br />
3742 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Commission 1964-66. III 1966 370.63 EDU G-250546<br />
3743 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Edwin Arling<strong>to</strong>n Robinson. 1963 G-255539<br />
3744 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India EFA Global Moni<strong>to</strong>ring Report Literacy for Life. 2006 374.0124 EDU G-2583758
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3745 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Effective Board Governance Manual For Civil Society Organizations. 2007 332.453 EFF G-256512<br />
3746 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Entry <strong>of</strong> Foreign Direct Incvestment in Print Media. 2002 338.3887 ENT G-252335<br />
3747 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Essential Encyclopaedia 1999 030 ESS G-252455<br />
3748 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Etiquette for Gentlemen: Guide <strong>to</strong> the Observances <strong>of</strong> Good Society.<br />
Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Central Sponsored Scheme for Rehabilitation <strong>of</strong> Bonded<br />
1929 G-255780<br />
3749 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Labour. 1984 331.2592 EVA 242825<br />
3750 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Evaluation report on Family Planning Programme. 1986 363.96 EVA 242819<br />
3751 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Evaluation Study <strong>of</strong> rural Industries Projects. 1978 338.642 EVA 242817<br />
3752 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Exoploring Karnataka. 1981 954.87 EXP G-256413<br />
3753 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunity for All. 2006 331.12 FAIs 269210<br />
3754 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Field Reporting on the Working <strong>of</strong> Comminity <strong>List</strong>ening Scheme. 1969 305.562 FIE 242816<br />
3755 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India First Citizen's Report: State <strong>of</strong> India's Environment. 1982 910.1333702 CEN 269686<br />
3756 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India First Report <strong>of</strong> National Income Committee April, 1951. 1951 339.5 FIR 242860<br />
3757 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India<br />
Foods, Flood Plains and Environmental Myths: State <strong>of</strong> India's<br />
Environment. 2005 910.1333702 CEN 269687<br />
3758 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Footprints <strong>of</strong> Enterprise: Indian Business Through the Ages 1999 380.10954 FIC 242849<br />
3759 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Gandhiji's Correpondence with the Government.1924-44 1945 324.220954092 G-255068<br />
3760 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Gender Manual For Civil Society Organizations. 2007 332.153 GEN G-256511<br />
3761 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Genocide Gujarat 2002. 2002 364.151095475 COH 242709<br />
3762 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Global economoc Prospects: Managing the Next wave Globalization. 2007 330 GLOs 243009<br />
3763 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Global Health Watch: Alternative World Health Report. 2005 362.1 GLO 244452<br />
3764 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Global Health Watch2: Alternative World Health Report. 2008 362.105 GLO 269786<br />
3765 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Global Wages Report-2008-09. 2008 331.210954 INT 269607<br />
3766 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India<br />
Governance <strong>of</strong> the Health Sec<strong>to</strong>r in India: Has the State abdicated its<br />
Role. 2008 614.0954 IND 270167<br />
3767 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Government Explains: study <strong>of</strong> the Information Services. 1965 354.42068 OGI G-257135<br />
3768 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Great World Atlas. 2002 241138<br />
3769 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Grimm's Fairy Tales. 398.2 GRI G-254090<br />
3770 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Handbook for Teachers. I 2003 371 HAN G-253760<br />
3771 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Handbook for Teachers. II 2003 371 HAN G-253761<br />
3774 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Handbook <strong>of</strong> Industrial Data. 1966 338.09 HAN 242429<br />
3775 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Health Care Rights <strong>of</strong> Patients.<br />
Health Promotion in India: Frameworks & Strategic for Community<br />
2007 362.1 COS 270169<br />
3776 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Based Initiatives. 2004 362.10954 HEA 270189<br />
3777 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India High Courts on R.S.S.<br />
High Level Crops and Maketing: Trategi coptions for Deveopment in<br />
2000 347.403242 HIG 241833<br />
3778 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Uttarakhand.<br />
His<strong>to</strong>ry as it Happened Selected articles from Monthly Re<strong>view</strong> 1949-<br />
2009 381.409551 HIG 269617<br />
3779 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India 1998. 2006 954.04 HIS 269710<br />
3780 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Corps <strong>of</strong> Engineers Indian Army 1947-72. 1980 358.220954 HIS 242690<br />
3781 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Naval Backyard Bombay 1989 359.09547923 SRI 242346
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3782 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Communist Movement in India 1920-1933 I 2005 335.409 HIS 240958<br />
3783 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Communist Movement in India 1920-1933 I 2005 335.409 HIS 240904<br />
3784 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Pathan: Sarabhi Pathan. 2007 297.809 HAR 242747<br />
3785 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Reserve Bank <strong>of</strong> India (1935-51) I 2005 332.110954 RES 241953<br />
3786 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Reserve Bank <strong>of</strong> India (1951-67) II 2005 332.110954 RES 241954<br />
3787 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Reserve Bank <strong>of</strong> India (1968-81) III 2005 332.110954 RES 241955<br />
3788 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Histroy <strong>of</strong> Freedom Movement. I 2004 954.035 HIS 242651<br />
3789 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Histroy <strong>of</strong> Freedom Movement. II 2004 954.035 HIS 242655<br />
3790 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Histroy <strong>of</strong> Freedom Movement. III 2004 954.035 HIS 242652<br />
3791 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Histroy <strong>of</strong> Freedom Movement. IV 2004 954.035 HIS 242653<br />
3792 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Histroy <strong>of</strong> Freedom Movement. V 2004 954.035 HIS 242654<br />
3793 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Human Development in South Asia 2004. 2004 613.940954 HUM 240923<br />
3794 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Human Development Report 2005. 2005 333.914 HUM G-256473<br />
3795 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Human Development Report 2007-2008. 305.58 HUM 244311<br />
3796 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Human Rights in India: Updated Amnesty International Report. 1983 323.40954 HUM G-256087<br />
3797 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Imperailiam Condemned. 1985 325.32 IMP G-2255749<br />
3798 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Implementation <strong>of</strong> Government food and Livelihood Schemes. 2007 332.153 IMP G-256516<br />
3799 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Implementation <strong>of</strong> National Rural Health Mission: Initial Re<strong>view</strong>. 2007 332.153 IMP G-256514<br />
3800 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India 2006: reference Annual 2006. 2006 915.4005 IND 241637<br />
3801 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India 2009. 2009 050.954 IND 269175<br />
3802 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India Infrastructure Report 2007: Rural Infrastructure. 2007 307.20954 IND 244119<br />
3803 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India Infrastructure Report 2007: Rural Infrastructure. 2007 307.20954 IND 243139<br />
3804 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India Infrastructure Report 2009. 2009 333.910954 IND 269591<br />
3805 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India<br />
India Infrastructure Report 2011: Water policy and Performance for<br />
Sustainable Development. 2011 302.20954 IND 270213<br />
3806 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India Infratructure Report 2008: Business Models <strong>of</strong> the Future. 2008 339.5 IND 244940<br />
3807 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India Report <strong>of</strong> the Sugar Committee. 1929 572.5620954 REP 242470<br />
3808 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India Rural Infrastructure Report. 2007 363.60954 NAT G-257296<br />
3809 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India Social Development Report 2006 2006 362.954 IND 241461<br />
3810 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India<br />
India Social Development Report 2008: Development and<br />
Displacemnet. 2008 338.9 IND 268926<br />
3811 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India Urban Poverty Report 2009. 2009 330.91732 IND 269270<br />
3812 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India Who's Who: 2008-09 Thirtieth Edition. 2009 269093<br />
3813 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Indian Cinema 1998<br />
Indian Cot<strong>to</strong>n Committee Minutes <strong>of</strong> Evidence taken before the Indian<br />
1999 791.430954 IND G-256463<br />
3814 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Cot<strong>to</strong>n Committee.<br />
Indian Cot<strong>to</strong>n Committee Minutes <strong>of</strong> Evidence taken before the Indian<br />
3 1920 338.17351 MIN 242427<br />
3815 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Cot<strong>to</strong>n Committee. 4 1920 338.17351 MIN 242428<br />
3816 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Indian Defence Products. 1994 355.60954 IND G-252517<br />
3817 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Indian Horizons: Indian Realitites. 1994 915.4 IND G-252084<br />
3818 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Indian Labour Year Book 1946. 1948 331.110954 IND 242431<br />
3819 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India<br />
Indian National Congress: resolutions on Economic Policy Progaramme<br />
and and Allied Matters 1924-1969. 1969 338.9 IND G-252001<br />
3820 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Indian Panorama 2002 2002 791.430954 IND G-256360<br />
3821 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Indian Public Finance Statistics 2003-2004 2004 336.0954 IND 242561
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3822 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Indian Social Development Report. 2006 362.954 INDs 269897<br />
3823 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India's Financial Sec<strong>to</strong>r an Assessment. 1 2009 G-257251<br />
3824 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India's Financial Sec<strong>to</strong>r an Assessment. 2 2009 G-257252<br />
3825 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India's Financial Sec<strong>to</strong>r an Assessment. 3 2009 G-257253<br />
3826 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India's Financial Sec<strong>to</strong>r an Assessment. 4 2009 G-257254<br />
3827 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India's Financial Sec<strong>to</strong>r an Assessment. 5 2009 G-257255<br />
3828 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India's Financial Sec<strong>to</strong>r an Assessment. 6 2009 G-257256<br />
3829 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Indira Gandhi on Peoples & Problems. 1947 954.0450924 IND G-256470<br />
3830 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Industrial India. 1908 338.0954 IND 242471<br />
3831 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Information Economy Report 2005: E-Commerce and Development. 2005 338.9 INF 240326<br />
3832 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Information Economy Report 2006: Development Perspectives. 2006 338.9 INF 244232<br />
3833 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Intach Vision 2020.<br />
Internationa Capital Markets: Developments, Prospects, and Key Policy<br />
2004 306 INT G-250876<br />
3834 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Issues.<br />
International Journal <strong>of</strong> Child Rights research and Education<br />
1999 332.11 INT 269508<br />
3835 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India (IJRRE).<br />
Internationalisation and Trade in Higher Education: Opportunities and<br />
2006 269323<br />
3836 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Challenges.<br />
Interpretive analysis <strong>of</strong> Selected Papers from Changes in rice farming<br />
2004 378.09 INT G-253759<br />
3837 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India inn Selected areas <strong>of</strong> Asia. 1978 664.720951 CHA 242890<br />
3838 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Issues in the Governance <strong>of</strong> Central Banks. 2009 332.11 ISS 269507<br />
3839 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Joint Farming X-Rayed the Problem and oits Solutions. 1959 630 CHA 242889<br />
3840 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Kargil Re<strong>view</strong> Comitte Report: from Surprise <strong>to</strong> Reckoning. 2000 954.604 FRO 240167<br />
3841 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Karnataka Development Report. 2007 338.95487 IND 244965<br />
3842 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India<br />
Kashmir: V.K. Krishna Menon's Speeches in the Security Council Jan<br />
Feb, 1957 1957 080.95456 MEN 242456<br />
3843 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Kerala Development Report.<br />
Knowing our Rights: Woemn, Family, Laws Cus<strong>to</strong>ms in the Muslim<br />
2008 338.95483 IND 244960<br />
3844 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India World. 2003 305.486971 KNO 241096<br />
3845 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Labour Investigation Committee. 1929 331.1794 LAB 242504<br />
3846 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Lakshadeep Development Report. 2007 338.95481 IND 244975<br />
3847 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Latest Development Countries 2000 Report. 2000 330.9 UNI 269510<br />
3848 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India <strong>List</strong>ening <strong>to</strong> People Living in Poverty in Nepal. 2004 362.509546 LIS 240297<br />
Lok Sabha Debates: fifthe Session (Eleventh Lok Sabha). Special<br />
3849 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India sittings <strong>to</strong> Commemorate: 50 th Anniversary <strong>of</strong> India's Independence. 1999 328.10954 LOK 242611<br />
3850 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Madras Tercentenary Commemoration Volume. 1939 954.82 MAD 243625<br />
3851 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Maharshtra Development Report. 2007 338.954792 IND 243101<br />
3852 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Making the Most Your Brain. 1993 312 MAK G-256429<br />
3853 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Malayalam Short S<strong>to</strong>ries<br />
Managing Large Scale Development Initiatives by Civil Society<br />
2000 894.8123 MAL G-254241<br />
3854 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Organization. 2007 301 MAN 269721<br />
3855 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India March Forward Unitary Agianst New Economic Policy <strong>of</strong> Government. 1997 338.9 NEW 242271<br />
3856 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India McCullain an In<strong>to</strong>rduction by John Le Carre Hearts <strong>of</strong> Darkness. 1980 779.0924 MCC G-256424
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3857 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Meal manual For Civil Society Organizations. 2007 332.153 MEA G-256509<br />
3858 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Media Problems and Prosects. 1983 G-257138<br />
3859 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Media Problems and Prospects 1983 001.51954 MED G-257137<br />
3860 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Media Problems and Prospects. 1983 302.23 MED G-252280<br />
3861 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Media Problems and Prospects. 1983 302.23 MED G-252279<br />
3862 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Media Problems and Prospects. 1983 302.23 MED G-252278<br />
3863 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Migration, Development and Poverty Reduction in Asia. 2008 304.8095 MIG 269221<br />
3864 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Military Balance 1981-1982 1982 355.033205 MIL G-256237<br />
3865 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Military Law, then, now & beyond. 2005 642.0412 NIL G-252375<br />
3866 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Minutes <strong>of</strong> evidence taken before Indian Co<strong>to</strong>n Committee. 1920 338.17351 MIN 242426<br />
3867 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Museums <strong>of</strong> Kiev. 1984 727.60223 MUS G-256015<br />
3868 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Muslim Communities in non-Kuslim States. 1980 297 0307 MUS 243288<br />
3869 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Muslim India: Reference, Research and Documentation. 1983 954.0082971 MUS G-251462<br />
3870 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Muslim India: Reference, Research and Documentation. 1983 954.0082971 MUS G-251463<br />
3871 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Muslim India: Reference, Research and Documentation. 1983 954.0082971 MUS G-251464<br />
3872 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Muslim India: Reference, Research and Documentation. 1983 954.0082971 MUS G-251465<br />
3873 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Muslim India: Reference, Research and Documentation. 1983 954.0082971 MUS G-251466<br />
3874 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Muslim India: Reference, Research and Documentation. 1983 954.0082971 MUS G-251467<br />
3875 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India National Commission for Schedule Castes and Schedules Tribes. 1994 307.772 REP 242316<br />
3876 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India National Knowledge Commission: Report <strong>to</strong> the Nation 2006-09. 2009 370..954 REP 269892<br />
3877 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India National Study on Socio-Economic condition <strong>of</strong> Muslism in India. 2006 297.0954 NAT 243357<br />
3878 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Non-fiction Collection. I 2007 823.08 NON 244852<br />
3879 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Non-fiction Collection. II 2007 823.08 NON 244853<br />
3880 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Non-fiction Collection. III 2007 823.08 NON 244854<br />
3881 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India North India Human Development Report. 2003 330.95405 NOR 241033<br />
3882 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India OECD Economic Surveys, India. 2007 330.120954 OEC 244739<br />
3883 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India On the Abyss: Pakistan After the Coup. 2002 954.9105 ONT G-256258<br />
3884 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India on the track <strong>of</strong> Discovery. 1967 509 ONT G-253745<br />
3885 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Operation Management. 1997 658.1554 JOH G-252518<br />
3886 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Outer Space and Man. 1964 520 Tal G-256542<br />
3887 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Oxford Referencwe Atlas for India and the World. 2010 269790<br />
3888 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Palestine Problem: Aggression Resistance, Ways <strong>of</strong> Settlement. 1984 956.9 PAL G-251539<br />
3889 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Perspectives on Dalit Question & the Future <strong>of</strong> Dalit Politics. 1963 305.60954 PER G-256508<br />
3890 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Planning Commission Report on Labour and Employement 2002 331.11 PLA 269217<br />
3891 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Portraits and Statues in Parliament House. 324.22 POR G-256490<br />
3892 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India<br />
Post War educational Dvelopment in India: report by the Central<br />
Advisory Board <strong>of</strong> education. Jan. 1944. 1964 370.954 POS 242389<br />
3893 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Pratichi Health Report.<br />
Press in India-198125th Annual Report <strong>of</strong> the Registratrar <strong>of</strong><br />
2005 613.122 PRA 242074<br />
3894 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Newspapers for India. 1969 G-257174<br />
3895 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Pretichi Education Report 2002 370.63 PRA 242073<br />
3896 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Private Memoirs <strong>of</strong> Moghal Emperor Humayun Texkerah Al Vakiyat. 2009 954.025 PRI 269328<br />
3897 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Problems <strong>of</strong> Coordination in Agricultural Programmes. 1965 630 PRO 242828<br />
3898 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Proposal for Indian Constitutional Reform. 1933 342.03 PRO 242334
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3899 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Publishing for Rural areas in Developing Countries. 1980 070.509172 PUB G-257218<br />
3900 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Quaida's Corresponedence. 1987 954.91 QUA G-256460<br />
3901 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Rajasthan Deveopment Report. 2006 338.9544 IND 268924<br />
3902 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Recommendations <strong>of</strong> the National Knowledge Commission 2009 361.3954 IND 269567<br />
3903 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Reducing Global Patterns <strong>of</strong> Potential Human Progress. 2008 362.583 RED 269578<br />
3904 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Reforming Public Services in India: Drawing Lessons from Success. 2006 352.3670954 REF 241938<br />
3905 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Remembering Lala Shri Ram Reminiscences on his 100th birthday.<br />
Report Justice Nanavati Commission <strong>of</strong> Inquiry (1984 anti Sikh<br />
1993 646.6092 JOS 242959<br />
3906 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Riots).<br />
Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee Bihar Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce for the year<br />
2005 322.4 JUS 242762<br />
3907 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India 1952.<br />
Report <strong>of</strong> Heavy Chemicals and Electro-Chemical Industries panels:<br />
1953 380.10954 REP 242877<br />
3908 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Palnning Development Department. 1963 661.08 REP 242467<br />
3909 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> Indian Delegation <strong>to</strong> China on Agrarian Co-operatives. 1957 323.5095495 REP 242826<br />
3910 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Advisory Committee on the Press Council 1968. 1968 070.444 REP 242479<br />
3911 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Agrarian Problem enquiry Committee. 1949 307.72 REP 242503<br />
3912 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India<br />
Report <strong>of</strong> the Christian Missionary activities enquiry Committee M.P.<br />
1956 1956 266.09543 REP 242688<br />
3913 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Commissioner for Scheduled castes & Scheduled Tribes.<br />
report <strong>of</strong> the Committee <strong>of</strong> the Calcutta Biri, Tobacco Merchants<br />
1955 307.772 SHR 242838<br />
3914 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Association.<br />
Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee <strong>of</strong> the Muslim Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce,<br />
1953 338.173 REP 242881<br />
3915 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Calcutta, 1953-54. 1955 380.297 REP 242819<br />
3916 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee <strong>of</strong> the Muslim Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce. 1939 380.1 REP 242468<br />
3917 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee on Co-Operation in India. 1915 303.34 REP 242505<br />
3918 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee on Co-operative Credit.<br />
Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee on Distribution <strong>of</strong> Income and Levels <strong>of</strong><br />
1960 334.2 REP 242398<br />
3919 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India living.<br />
Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee on Distribution <strong>of</strong> Income and Levels <strong>of</strong><br />
1964 339.47 REP 242822<br />
3920 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India living: Challneges in levels <strong>of</strong> Living. 1969 339.47 REP 242823<br />
3921 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee on News Agencies<br />
Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee <strong>to</strong> Exmanine Implementation <strong>of</strong> the<br />
1977 070.435 REP 242486<br />
3922 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Recommendations <strong>of</strong> Gujral Committee for Promotion <strong>of</strong> Urdu, 1990. 1990 491.439063 REP 241881<br />
3923 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee: Biahr Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce Patna. 1956 380.1095412 REP 242879<br />
3924 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee: Biahr Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce. 1955 380.1095412 REP 242878<br />
3925 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Committee: Gunny Trades Association. 1959 380.106 REP 242884<br />
3926 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Congress Agrarain Reforms Committee. 1991 328 REP G-252682<br />
3927 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Enquiry Committee on Small Nespapers 1965. 1965 070.1 REP 242481<br />
3928 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Enwuiry Committee on Small Newspapers 1965. 1965 G-257173<br />
3929 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Fact finding Committee on Newspaper Economics. 1975 707.10954 REP 242482<br />
3930 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Fact-Committee Handloom and Mills. 1969 680 REP 242390<br />
3931 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Fiscal Comission 1949-50 4 1950 336..18 REP 242394<br />
3932 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Independent Commission on Health in India 1997 362.10954 REP 270158<br />
3933 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Indian Railway Wnquiry Committee 1947 385.0954 REP 242936
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
Report <strong>of</strong> the Mahmoodur Rehman Commission <strong>of</strong> Inquiry in<strong>to</strong> the<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3934 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India 1971 war. 1993 954.9205102 REP 235253<br />
3935 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Monopolies Inquiery Commission. 1965 338.9 REP 242507<br />
3936 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Mysore Resources and Economy Committee<br />
Report <strong>of</strong> the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and<br />
1962 338.9 REP 242420<br />
3937 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Scheduled Tribe. 1993 305.56 REP 242315<br />
3938 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the national Commission on Labour I 2002 331.11 REP 242400<br />
3939 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the national Commission on Labour II 2002 331.11 REP 242402<br />
3940 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the national Commission on Labour P II I 2002 331.11 REP 242401<br />
3941 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the National Commissions on Labour. 2003 331.11 REP 269218<br />
3942 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Official Language Commission. 1956 400.35225 REP 242886<br />
3943 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Proceddings <strong>of</strong> the Executive Committee. 1952 380.1 REP 242882<br />
3944 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Seminar and Shibir. 1955 305.568 REP G-252806<br />
3945 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Seventh Indian Industrial C<strong>of</strong>erence. Held at Calcutta.<br />
Report <strong>of</strong> the Silk Panel: Government <strong>of</strong> India Department <strong>of</strong> Industries<br />
1911 338.06954 REP 242406<br />
3946 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India and Supplies.<br />
Report <strong>of</strong> the Study team om Import and Export Trade Control<br />
1947 677.39 REP 242676<br />
3947 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Organization.<br />
Report <strong>of</strong> the Study team om Import and Export Trade Control<br />
I 1965 380.109548 TAW 242065<br />
3948 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Organization.<br />
Report <strong>of</strong> the Study Team: Adminitration <strong>of</strong> Union Terri<strong>to</strong>ries and<br />
II 1965 382.5 REP G-252066<br />
3949 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Nefa.<br />
Report <strong>of</strong> the Study Team: Adminitration <strong>of</strong> Union Terri<strong>to</strong>ries and<br />
I 1972 321.023 REP 242714<br />
3950 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Nefa.<br />
Report <strong>of</strong> the Textile Labour Enquiry Committee <strong>of</strong> the Central<br />
II 1972 321.023 REP 242715<br />
3951 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Province & Berar. 1938 677.0092 REP 242587<br />
3952 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the United Provinces Jails Inquiry Committee 1929. 1929 365.340954 REP 242332<br />
3953 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Working Group on District Planning.<br />
Report <strong>of</strong> the Working Group on Identification <strong>of</strong> Communication<br />
1985 305.56 REP 242820<br />
3954 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Requirements in the Power Sec<strong>to</strong>r. 1984 302.2 REP 242821<br />
3955 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report <strong>of</strong> the Working Group on Industrial Co-operatives. 1958 305.562 REP 242397<br />
3956 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report on Evluation <strong>of</strong> the Rural Electrifiaction Programme. 1965 333.7932 REP 242829<br />
3957 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report on Minoprities<br />
Report on the cold S<strong>to</strong>rage and Transport <strong>of</strong> Perishadble Produce in<br />
1983 241899<br />
3958 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Delhi: Agricultural Marketing in India.<br />
Report on the Continuance <strong>of</strong> Protection <strong>to</strong> the Au<strong>to</strong>moble Sparking<br />
1937 664.02852 REP 242861<br />
3959 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Plug Industry.<br />
Report on the Continuance <strong>of</strong> Protection <strong>to</strong> the Cot<strong>to</strong>n Textile<br />
1965 337.3 REP 242887<br />
3960 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Machinery. 1957 337.3 REP 242888<br />
3961 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report on the Marketing <strong>of</strong> Grapes in India and Burma.<br />
Report on the Marketing <strong>of</strong> Bananas in India: Agriculture marketing in<br />
1940 338.10954 REP 242423<br />
3962 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India.<br />
Report on the Marketing <strong>of</strong> Cashew Nuts in India: Agriculture<br />
1947 380.10954 REP 242425<br />
3963 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India marketing in India. 1947 380.10954 REP 242424
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3964 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report on the Marketing <strong>of</strong> C<strong>of</strong>fee in India and Burma. 1940 380.1410954 AGR 242885<br />
3965 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report on the Price Structure <strong>of</strong> Man-Made Fibres and Yarns Industry. 1972 337.3 IND 242889<br />
3966 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report on the Survey <strong>of</strong> Urban Co-operative Banks. 1961 334.2030776 REP 242894<br />
3967 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report on Trend and Progress <strong>of</strong> Banking in India 2007-08. 2008 332.10954 REP 269318<br />
3968 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Report Punjab Unioversity Enquiry Committee, 1932,33 1933 378.095451 PUN 242850<br />
3969 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Representative Men <strong>of</strong> Southern India. 1896 920.95482 REP 242531<br />
3970 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Resource Mobilisation Manual For Civil Society Organizations. 2007 332.153 RES G-256510<br />
3971 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Rich Lands Poor People: State <strong>of</strong> India's Environment Citizen's Report. 2008 52.095412 CEN 269691<br />
3972 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Rights <strong>of</strong> the Child. 1969 362.70621 RIG G-251604<br />
3973 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Ros<strong>to</strong>w on Growth: Mon- Communist Manifes<strong>to</strong>. 335.4 ROS G-222079<br />
3974 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Russia's March <strong>to</strong>wrds India. 1986 327.09540947 RUS G-256279<br />
3975 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India SAARC Regional Study: Potential for Trade in Services Under Safta. 2009 338.9009 SAA 269877<br />
3976 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Searching for Success in Judicial Reform. 2009 347.4202 SEA 269153<br />
3977 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India See, but not heard.<br />
Selected record:Collected from the central provinces and berar<br />
2002 362.82970954 SEE 270157<br />
3978 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Secretatriat relations <strong>to</strong> the Suppression.1829-1832<br />
Selestec Comesa Countries: Study <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> India's Trade and Investment<br />
1939 320.954 SEL G-255406<br />
3979 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India potentials.<br />
Shramshakti Report: National Commissionn on Self Employed Women<br />
332.10954 SEL G-256457<br />
3980 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India and Women in the Informal Sec<strong>to</strong>r. 1987 G-257153<br />
3981 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Sikkim Development Report. 2008 338.954167 IND 244961<br />
3982 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Silk and art sil mills Association limited.<br />
Social economic and Educational Status <strong>of</strong> the Muslim Community <strong>of</strong><br />
1963 746.0439 SIL 242897<br />
3983 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India: A Report.<br />
Social economic and Educational Status <strong>of</strong> the Muslim Community <strong>of</strong><br />
2006<br />
3984 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India: A Report.<br />
Social Watch India: Citizens Report on Governance and Development<br />
2006<br />
3985 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India 2006.<br />
Social,Economic and Educational Status <strong>of</strong> the Muslim Community <strong>of</strong><br />
2006 320.954 SOC 241797<br />
3986 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India India. 2006 297.270954 SOC 269322<br />
3987 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Socio-Economic Survey <strong>of</strong> Primitive Tribes in Madhya Pradesh. 1963 309.15433 SOC 242939<br />
3988 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Some succesful Cooperation Commission. 1960 658.4012 PRO 242832<br />
3989 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India South Asia Year <strong>of</strong> Trade and Dvelopment. 2009 382.0954 SOU 269223<br />
3990 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India South Asia Year <strong>of</strong> Trade and Dvelopment. 2009 382.0954 SOU 269621<br />
3991 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Splender <strong>of</strong> Kerala. 1979 720.95483 SPL G-256478<br />
3992 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Splender <strong>of</strong> the Vijayanagar Empire. 1981 720.95484 SPL G-256477<br />
3993 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Sri Lanka at 50 on the Wings <strong>of</strong> Freedom. 1998 954.9303 ONT G-256411<br />
3994 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India State <strong>of</strong> Democracy in South Asia. 2008 321.80954 STA 244234<br />
3995 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India State <strong>of</strong> the Indian Cities 2001.<br />
State <strong>of</strong> the World's Childeren 2007: Women and Children Double<br />
2001 307.760954 STR 242469<br />
3996 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Dividend <strong>of</strong> Gender Equility. 2006 331.31 STA G-256235<br />
3997 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India State <strong>of</strong> the World's Cities 2006/2007. 2006 320.4049 STA 243070
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
3998 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India State -Sponsored Carnage in Gujarat. 2002 307.774095475 STA 241925<br />
3999 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Statistical Abstract India, 2007 2007 315.405 IND 269558<br />
4000 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Status <strong>of</strong> NREGA Implementation 2006-07.<br />
Structural Adjustment: Policy Roots <strong>of</strong> Economic Criis, Poverty and<br />
2007 332.153 STA G-256515<br />
4001 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Inequality. 2004 362.5 STR 244478<br />
4002 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Studies in Cooperation Farming. 1956 630 STU 242831<br />
4003 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Studies on Adolescent Girls: An Analytical re<strong>view</strong>.<br />
Study on Elected Women Representatives in Panchayati Raj<br />
2008 305.3350954 STU 269319<br />
4004 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Institutions. 2000 305.480954 STU 269320<br />
4005 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Successful Governance Initiatives and Best Practices. 2003 338.954 SUC 269207<br />
4006 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Suchna ka Adhikar. 2005 332.153 SUC G-256513<br />
4007 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Swiss TNCs in India. 1996 380.10954 WSI 244273<br />
4008 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Swiss TNCs in India. 1996 380.10954 WSI 244274<br />
4009 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Symposium on Cinema in Developing Countires. 1979 791.4309172 SYM G-257171<br />
4010 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Tamil Nadu Development Report. 2005 338.95482 IND 244964<br />
4011 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Theatre India National School <strong>of</strong> Drama Theatre Journal. 1998 792.0954 THE G-254157<br />
4012 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Toron<strong>to</strong> Re<strong>view</strong> <strong>of</strong> Contemporary writing Abroad 050 TOR G-254180<br />
4013 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Trade and Development Report, 1998 1998 380.102 UNI 269520<br />
4014 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Trade and Development Report, 1999 1999 380.102 UNI 269528<br />
4015 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Trade and Development Report, 2001<br />
Trade and Development Report, 2006: Global Partnership and National<br />
2001 380.102 UNI 269521<br />
4016 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Policies for Development. 2006 380.1 TRA 242233<br />
4017 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Twentieth Century Socialism. 1956 335 TWE G-251957<br />
4018 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Twenty Years <strong>of</strong> the Nonaligned Movement. 1986 338.9 TWE G-256407<br />
4019 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Vital Statistics <strong>of</strong> India, 1995 based on Civil registration System. 1995 325.84 VIT 242562<br />
4020 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India War Problem <strong>of</strong> India's Future Constitution. 1961 954.91051 WAR G-255898<br />
4021 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Watershed in Global Governance. 2001 333.9115 CEN 269506<br />
4022 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Weekend Breaks from Delhi 52 breaks for 52 Weekend. 2003 915.4 WEE G-252461<br />
4023 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India West and Central India Human Development Report. 2002 330.95405 WES 241034<br />
4024 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India What ails the Indian Press? 1970 079.54 WHA G-257164<br />
4025 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Where there is No Doc<strong>to</strong>r: a Health care handbook. 2010 362.1 WHE 270161<br />
4026 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Where there is no Doc<strong>to</strong>r: Resource guide for Women's Health. 2001 613.0424 WHE 270162<br />
4027 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India White Paper on Misuse <strong>of</strong> Mass Media during the Internal Emergency.<br />
Who was Taken away our song: an anthology <strong>of</strong> Short S<strong>to</strong>ries form<br />
1977 302.23 WHI 242483<br />
4028 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Palestine. 1989 823.08 WHO G-252082<br />
4029 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Working <strong>to</strong>gether for Health: World Health Report 2006 2006 362.10425809 WOR 243035<br />
4030 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Working <strong>to</strong>gether for Health: World Health Report 2006<br />
World Economic and Social Survey 2007: Development an Ageing<br />
2006 362.10425809 WOR 242226<br />
4031 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Word. 2007 300.723 WOR 244717<br />
4032 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India World e-Parliament Report 2008. 2008 269745<br />
4033 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India World Health Report 2005 Make Every mother and Child Count.<br />
World Investment Report: 2005 Transitional Corporations and the<br />
2005 613.202 THE 240976<br />
4034 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Internationalization <strong>of</strong> R&D. 2005 332.67302 WOR 240294
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
World Migration-2008: Managing Labour Mobility the Evolving<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4035 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Global Economy. 2008 331.89 WOR 269653<br />
4036 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India World Population Policies-2005.<br />
World Resources 2005: Weath <strong>of</strong> the Poor: Managung Ecosysten <strong>to</strong><br />
2006 304.6 WOR 240449<br />
4037 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India Fight Poverty. 2005 330.16 WOR 240485<br />
4038 Govt. <strong>of</strong> India World Women 2005: Progress in Statistics. 2005 305.4021 WOR 241651<br />
4039 Govt.<strong>of</strong> India Case Studies <strong>of</strong> Selected Youth Clubs. 1969 305.325 CAS 242830<br />
4040 Govt.<strong>of</strong> India Communalism and Industrial Workers.<br />
Evaluation Report on Working <strong>of</strong> Community Projects and N.E.S.<br />
1994 302.14 COM 242753<br />
4041 Govt.<strong>of</strong> India<br />
Blocks. 1956 305.562 EVA 242914<br />
4042 Govt.<strong>of</strong> India Mass Media and Man's View <strong>of</strong> Society. 302.23 MAS G-257197<br />
4043 Govt.<strong>of</strong> India Mass Media in India 1978. 1978 302.230954 MAS G-257195<br />
4044 Govt.<strong>of</strong> India Mass Media in India 1979-80. 1980 302.230954 MAS G-257166<br />
4045 Govt.<strong>of</strong> India Mass Media in India 1984. 1907 302.23 MAS G-257144<br />
4046 Govt.<strong>of</strong> India News Agencies pool <strong>of</strong> Non- Aligned Countries. 1983 302.23 NEW G-257196<br />
4047 Grace Davie<br />
Graham Bannock &<br />
Sociology <strong>of</strong> Religion. 2007 297.175 DAV 244395<br />
4048 William Manser. Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Finance. 2007 332.03 BAN 244896<br />
4049 Graham Bannock et al.<br />
Graham Bannock,<br />
Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Business. 2006 332.03 BAN 244898<br />
4050 R.Baxter & E.Davis Dictionary <strong>of</strong> Economics. 2007 332.03 BAN 244897<br />
4051 Graham E. Fuller Future <strong>of</strong> Political Islam. 2003 320.540955 FUL 240234<br />
4052 Graham Greene Twenty-One S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1960 823.08 GRE G-254906<br />
4053 Graham Greene A Burnt-Out Case. 1975 823 GRE G-254903<br />
4054 Graham Greene Brigh<strong>to</strong>n Rock. 1938 823 GRE G-254905<br />
4055 Graham Greene Brigh<strong>to</strong>n Rock. 1938 823 GRE G-254882<br />
4056 Graham Greene Brigh<strong>to</strong>n Rock. 1938 823 GRE G-254859<br />
4057 Graham Greene Burnt-Out Case. 1962 823 GRE G-254765<br />
4058 Graham Greene Comedians. 1966 823 GRE G-254197<br />
4059 Graham Greene Comedians. 1967 823 GRE G-254883<br />
4060 Graham Greene Heart <strong>of</strong> the Matter. 1950 823 GRE G-255400<br />
4061 Graham Greene Loser Takes All. 1955 823 GRE G-255026<br />
4062 Graham Greene On Man in Havana. 1958 823 GRE G-255498<br />
4063 Graham Greene Power and the Glory. 1962 823 GRE G-254904<br />
4064 Graham Greene Quiet American. 1955 823 GRE G-255359<br />
4065 Graham Greene Quiet American. 1955 823 GRE G-254831<br />
4066 Graham Greene Comedians. 1966 808.3 GRE G-251275<br />
4067 Graham Greene Dr. Fischer <strong>of</strong> Geneva or the Bomb Party. 1980 823.91 GRE G-251626<br />
4068 Graham Greene End <strong>of</strong> the Affair. 1962 823.6 GRE G-252571<br />
4069 Graham Greene Honorary Consul. 1980 823.91 GRE G-251849<br />
4070 Graham Greene In Ssearch <strong>of</strong> a Character. 1964 823.6 GRE G-252559<br />
4071 Graham Greene Travels with My Aunt. 1969 808.3 GRE G-251320<br />
4072 Graham Jones Toiling World: Nurturinga healthy Press for India's rural Millions 1979 079.54 JON G-252063<br />
4073 Graham P. Chapman Geopolitics <strong>of</strong> South Asia. 2000 954.035 CHA 243527
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4074 Granville Austin Indian Constitution Corners<strong>to</strong>ne <strong>of</strong> A Nation. 1985 342.02954 AUS G-251231<br />
4075 Granville Austin Working A Democratic Constitution: His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Indian Experience. 2004 342.0290954 AUS 240057<br />
4076 Greg Buckman Globalization: time it or Scrap IT. 2004 330 BUC 244244<br />
4077 Gregor Ben<strong>to</strong>n Ed. Mao Zedong and the Chinese Revolution. I 2008 951.042 MAO 268907<br />
4078 Gregor Ben<strong>to</strong>n Ed. Mao Zedong and the Chinese Revolution. II 2008 951.042 MAO 268908<br />
4079 Gregor Ben<strong>to</strong>n Ed. Mao Zedong and the Chinese Revolution. III 2008 951.042 MAO 268909<br />
4080 Gregor Ben<strong>to</strong>n Ed. Mao Zedong and the Chinese Revolution. IV 2008 951.042 MAO 268910<br />
4081 Gregory C. Kozlowski<br />
Gregory Daivd<br />
Muslim Endowments and Society in British India. 1985 345.40656 KOZ 242692<br />
4082 Roberts. Shahntaram.<br />
Putting Islam <strong>to</strong> Work: Edcation Politcs and Religious Transformation<br />
2003 808.3 ROB 240609<br />
4083 Gregory Starrett in Egypt. 1998 306.60962 STA 244873<br />
4084 Groucho Marx Groucho and Me. 1959 920 GRO G-251790<br />
4085 Grove Wilson Great men <strong>of</strong> Science teir lives and Discoveries. 1929 509.2 WIL G-254557<br />
4086 Guardian Bedside Guardian 40. 1991 082.05 BED G-251300<br />
4087 Guftagu Adyan Zaatul Islaam. 2005 297.05 RAH G-254987<br />
4088 Gul Muhammad Khan Quest for Islamization the Legal Way. 1999 297.35 KHA 243295<br />
4089 Gulab Das Broker Narmada Shankar. 1976 894.827092 SAS G-253345<br />
4090 Gulabdas Broker Narmadashankar. 1998 891.471092 BRO 241121<br />
4091 Gulbarg Singh Kang Teja Singh. 1996 370.92 KAN 241572<br />
4092 Gulshan Chirag Mahfil fasahat. 1941 891.43909 CHI G-255599<br />
4093 Gulzaar Aandhi Manzar Nama. 2004 791 GUL G-250182<br />
4094 Gulzaar Aandhi Manzar Nama. 2004 791 GUL G-250376<br />
4095 Gulzaar Ho Tu Tu Manzar Nama. 2004 791 GUL G-250312<br />
4096 Gulzaar Khushboo Manzar Nama. 2004 791 GUL G-250183<br />
4097 Gulzaar Khushboo Manzar Nama. 2004 791 GUL G-250377<br />
4098 Gulzaar Libaas Manzar Nama. 2004 791 GUL G-250313<br />
4099 Gulzaar Meera Manzar Nama. 2004 791 GUL G-250314<br />
4100 Gulzaar Mirza Ghalib Ek Sawaneh Manzar Nama.<br />
Barahe Raast Jahan Daanish ke Mukhtar wa Muntakhab Ahle Qulam<br />
2005 891.43913092 GUL G-250052<br />
4101 Gulzaar Javed se Mukalma. 2004 891.439092 JAV G-254331<br />
4102 Gulzaar Javed Mitti ke Matwale. 2004 891.4393 JAV G-254362<br />
4103 Gulzar Mirza Ghalib: A Biographical Scenario. 2005 891.439092 Gul 240389<br />
4104 Gulzar Raat Pachmine ki. 2003 891.431 GUL 240432<br />
4105 Gunnar Myrdal Asian Drama: Inquiry in<strong>to</strong> the Poverty <strong>of</strong> Nations. I 2004 330.954 MYR 269050<br />
4106 Gunnar Myrdal Asian Drama: Inquiry in<strong>to</strong> the Poverty <strong>of</strong> Nations. II 2004 330.954 MYR 269051<br />
4107 Gunnar Myrdal Asian Drama: Inquiry in<strong>to</strong> the Poverty <strong>of</strong> Nations.<br />
Landscapes and the Law: Environmental Politics, Regional His<strong>to</strong>ries,<br />
III 2004 330.954 MYR 269052<br />
4108 Gunnel Cederl<strong>of</strong><br />
Gunnel Cederl<strong>of</strong> & K.<br />
and Contests over Nature. 2008 363.7 CED 244945<br />
4109 Sivaramakrishnan Ecoligical Nationalism. 2005 320.54 CED 243704<br />
Gunnel Cederl<strong>of</strong> & K. Ecological Nationalisms: Nature Livelihoods, and Identities in South<br />
4110 Sivaramakrishnan Asia. 2005 320.540954 ECO 243894<br />
4111 Gunter Grass Cat and Mouse. 1963 833 GRA G-255028
S.No. Authors<br />
Gurbachan Singh<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4112 Talib Baba Sheikh Farid Sjakar Ganj. 1905 297.092 TAL G-251954<br />
4113 Gurban Singh Talib. Guru Nanak. 2001 294.6092 TAL 241268<br />
4114 Gurcharan Singh Waris Shah. 1991 891.4213092 GUR 241442<br />
4115 Gurdayal Singh Parsa. 1996 891.433 SIN G-253137<br />
4116 Gurdayal Singh Sab Des Paraya. 1996 891.433 SIN G-253550<br />
4117 Gurdial Singh Last Flicker. 1993 823 GUR G-253835<br />
4118 Gurharpal Singh Ethinic Conflict in India: Case Study <strong>of</strong> Punjab.<br />
Multicultural Path: Issues <strong>of</strong> Diversion and Discrimination in<br />
2000 305.80954552 SIN G-257283<br />
4119 Gurpreet Mahajan Democracy.<br />
Multicultural Path: Issues <strong>of</strong> Diversion and Discrimination in<br />
2002 305.8 MAH 240169<br />
4120 Gurpreet Mahajan Democracy. 2002 305.8 MAH 241053<br />
4121 Gurpreet Mahajan Identities and Rights: Aspects <strong>of</strong> Liberal Democracy in India. 2001 320.510954 MAH 240989<br />
4122 Gurpreet Mahajan Ed. Public & the Private: Issues <strong>of</strong> Democratic Citizenship. 2003 323.1 PUB 240181<br />
4123<br />
Gurpreet Mahajan &<br />
Surinder S. Jodhka Ed. Religion, Community & Development. 2010 320.954 REL 270028<br />
4124 Gurudatt Pandey Narbhashi. 1995 891.432 PAN G-253809<br />
4125 Gustav Schmidt Ed. His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Na<strong>to</strong> Fifty Years I 2001 355.031091821 SCH 243657<br />
4126 Gustav Schmidt Ed. His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Na<strong>to</strong> Fifty Years II 2001 355.031091821 SCH 243658<br />
4127 Gustav Schmidt Ed. His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Na<strong>to</strong> Fifty Years III 2001 355.031091821 SCH 243659<br />
4128 Guy Attewell Refiguring Unani Tibb Plural Healing in Late colonial India 2005 615.1 ATT 243080<br />
4129 Guy De Maupassant Miss Harriet and other S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1951 823.08 MAU G-255247<br />
4130 Guy de Maupassant Woman's Life. 1965 823 MAU G-254661<br />
4131 Guy Mountfort Saving the Tiger. 1981 598.74428 MOU G-256410<br />
4132 Guy Poitevin Vioce and the Will: Subaltern Agency: Froms and Motives. 2002 305.4 POI 242007<br />
4133 Guy Staniding Ed. Promoting Income Security as a Right: Europe and North America. 2004 362.582 PRO G-257287<br />
4134 Guy Starkey Radio in Context. 2004 791.440232 STA 240322<br />
4135 Guy Wint British in Asia.<br />
Colonialism Modernity and Religious Identities: religious from<br />
1969 950 WIN G-255170<br />
4136 Gwilym Beckerlegge Movements in South Aisa. 2008 954.035 COL 244946<br />
4137 Gyan Chand Urdu ki Nasri Daastaanin. 2002 891.4393 GIA G-250041<br />
4138 Gyan Chand Jain Ek Bha Sha: Do Likhawat, Do Adab. 2005 891.43909 JAI G-254324<br />
4139 Gyan Chandr Jain Sansar ki Sharesht kahaniyaan. 1993 891.43308 SAN G-253213<br />
4140 Gyan Ranjan Partinidhi Kahaniyaan. 1984 891.43301 GYA G-253662<br />
4141 Gyan Ranjan Sapna Bahi. 1988 891.43301 GYA G-253110<br />
4142 Gyanendra Panday Routine Violence: Nations. Frangrants His<strong>to</strong>ries. 2006 303.6 PAN 243910<br />
4143 Gyanendra Pande Construction <strong>of</strong> Communalism in colonial N.India 2006 302.14 PAN 241611<br />
4144 Gyanendra Pandey Construction <strong>of</strong> Communalism in Colonial North India. 1997 302.140954 PAN 242778<br />
4145 Gyanendra Pandey Remembering Partition. 2003 954.0359 PAN 241015<br />
4146 Gyanendra Pandey<br />
Gyanendra Pandey P.<br />
Routine Violence: Nations. Frangrants His<strong>to</strong>ries. 2006 303.640954 GYA 240311<br />
4147 Geschiere Ed. Forging <strong>of</strong> Nationhood. 2003 320.54 PAN 241989<br />
4148 Gyanesh Kudaisya Region, Nation, Heartland: Uttar Pradesh in India's Body Politics. 2006 320.5409542 KUD 243115
S.No. Authors<br />
Gyani Mahinder Singh<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4149 Sethi Kalame Sethi. 1985 891.4391 SET G-252552<br />
4150 Gyanvati Darbar Glimpses <strong>of</strong> India. 1962 306.0954 DAR G-255212<br />
4151 H D Kumar Energy and Natural Resources: Sustainability and Management. 2008 333.7 KUM 269407<br />
4152 H D Singh 543 Faces <strong>of</strong> India. 1996 324.0954 SIN G-256440<br />
4153 H M Trivedi Indian Shipping in Prespective. 1980 387.50954 TRI 242684<br />
4154 H. Altaf Ahmad Azmi Mmubadiyaat-E-Tib per Ek Tahquiqui Nazar. 1991 610.9 ALT G-250375<br />
4155 H. Beecher S<strong>to</strong>we Uncle Tom's Cabin. 1963 823 STO G-253950<br />
4156 H. Bellis Paths <strong>of</strong> Peace. 1934 823.08 BEL G-255920<br />
4157 H. Coombes Literature and Critism. 1953 809 COO G-251730<br />
4158 H. Das Gupta Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das. 1960 923.2 GUP G-251932<br />
4159 H. Kotani Ed. Caste System Un<strong>to</strong>uchability and the Depressed 1999 305.568 KOT 241973<br />
4160<br />
H. Mohd Asrarul<br />
Haque. Tarikh Atibbae Bihar. 1984 610.92 ASR G-252907<br />
4161 H. Mohd Kabiruddin Bayaze Kabir. 1959 615 KAB G-255643<br />
4162 H. Mohd Kabiruddin Tashrihi Tasaawir Ashkaal Azaam. 2002 612.75 TAS G-250374<br />
4163 H. Montgomery hyde Famous Trials 7 Oscar Wild. 1962 820.9 HYD G-254786<br />
4164 H. Montgomery Hyde Oscar Wilde. 1976 808.092 HYD G-251375<br />
4165 H. Sharp Selections from Educational Records. 1920 370.31 SHA 242606<br />
4166 H. Spens DD<br />
H. Syed Mohd Hassan<br />
Republic <strong>of</strong> Pla<strong>to</strong>. 1960 948.5 SPE G-255881<br />
4167 Nigrami Tairikh-E-Tib: Ibtedaa ta Uhde Hazir. 1989 610.9 NIG G-250042<br />
4168 H. Syed Safiuddin Ali Unani Adviya Mafroozah. 1979 610 SAF G-250181<br />
4169 H. Thipperudr Swami<br />
H.. Ahteshamul Haque<br />
Basveshwar. 1982 894.814092 THI G-253029<br />
4170 Qureshi Illaj Bazariyaa Ghaza. 1999 613.2 QUR G-250401<br />
4171 H.A. Galesan Tauzihi Lesaniyaat. 1979 410 GLE G-250163<br />
4172 H.A. R. Gibb IBN Batuta Travels in Asia and Africa. 2006 915.092 IBN 243736<br />
4173 H.A. Walter Ahmadiya Movements. 1991 297.86 WAL 243323<br />
4174 H.A.L. Fisher Napoleon. 1979 944.05 FIS G-251340<br />
4175 H.A.R. Gibb Travels <strong>of</strong> IBN Battuta. 2003 910.92 IBN 240792<br />
4176 H.C. Fanshawe Delhi Past and Present. 1998 954.56 FAN 242619<br />
4177 H.C. Hart Works <strong>of</strong> Shakespear tragedy <strong>of</strong> othello. 1905 822.09 HAR G-255518<br />
4178 H.D. Malaviya Village Panchayats in India. 1656 320.80954 MAL 242720<br />
4179 H.D. Malaviya India- U S Blunt and Cold Relationship. 1978 327.0954073 MAL 242458<br />
4180 H.D. Malviya Peaking Leadership treachery and Betrayal. 1979 303.340951 MAL 242772<br />
4181 H.D. Sharma 100 Signaficant Pre-Independence Speeches 158-1947 2007 324.220954092 SHA 243007<br />
4182 H.D. Shourie Great Crusadar for People's Causes. 361.3092 COM G-252601<br />
4183 H.D.P.Lee<br />
H.E. Badrul Hasan<br />
Pla<strong>to</strong> the Republic. 1959 184 PLO G-255348<br />
4184 Jamali Jamaliyaat. 1990 891.4391 JAM G-252804<br />
4185 H.E. Bates Daffodil Sky and other S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1959 823.6 BATs G-252563<br />
4186 H.E. Bates Death <strong>of</strong> a Huntsman. 1957 823 BAT G-251845<br />
4187 H.E. Bates Daffodil Sky and other S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1959 823 BAT G-254928
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4188 H.E. Bates<br />
H.E.Chehabi & J.J.<br />
Dear Life. 1950 823 BAT G-255004<br />
4189 Linz Sultanistic Religimes. 1991 321.909 CHE 243537<br />
4190 H.G. Wells Food <strong>of</strong> the Gods. 1979 823 WEL G-251700<br />
4191 H.G. Wells War <strong>of</strong> the World. 1967 823 WEL G-254771<br />
4192 H.H. Dodwell Cambridge His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> India. 1937 954 BUR G-255121<br />
4193 H.H. Honda<br />
H.H. Syed Habibur<br />
One Hundred Poems from One Hundred Poets. 1957 895.61 HON G-253818<br />
4194 Rahman Kulliyaat-E- Nabz Wa Bol O Baraz. 1999 610 HAB G-250404<br />
4195 H.J. Laski Reflections on the Constituions. 1957 342.0294 LAS G-255462<br />
4196 H.K. Kaul His<strong>to</strong>ric Delhi: an Anthology. 1985 954.6 KAU 242353<br />
4197 H.L. Dholakia Future Trading and Future Markets in Cot<strong>to</strong>n. 1949 338.17351 DHO 242926<br />
4198 H.L. Seneviratne Ed. Identity, Consciousness and the Past. 1999 305.51220954 IDE 241047<br />
4199 H.L. Seneviratne Ed. Identity, Consciousness and the Past. 240049<br />
4200 H.L.Ahuja Refresher Course inEconomic Organization and Development. 1963 338.9 AHU 243716<br />
H.L.O.Garrett &<br />
378.15420954143<br />
4201 Abdul Hamid His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Government Lahore 1864-1964. 1964 GAR 242660<br />
4202 H.M. Margoliouth Wordsworth and Coleridge 1795-1834. 1953 820.9 MAR G-255183<br />
4203 H.M. Percival Tennyson in Memoriam. 1925 920 TEN G-252576<br />
4204 H.Mohd Mastaan Ali Uniani Dawasazi. 2002 615.1 MAS G-250393<br />
4205 H.N. Sinha Hindustani Siyasi Nizam ka Taarikhi Irtequa. 1999 954 SIN G-250237<br />
4206 H.P. Blavatsky Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> the Synthesis <strong>of</strong> Science, Philosophy and Religion. 1 2006 243594<br />
4207 H.P. Blavatsky Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> the Synthesis <strong>of</strong> Science, Philosophy and Religion. 2 2006 243595<br />
4208 H.P. Blavatsky Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> the Synthesis <strong>of</strong> Science, Philosophy and Religion. 3 2006 243596<br />
4209 H.P. Blavatsky Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> the Synthesis <strong>of</strong> Science, Philosophy and Religion. 4 2006 243597<br />
4210 H.P. Blavatsky Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> the Synthesis <strong>of</strong> Science, Philosophy and Religion.<br />
His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Growth and Development <strong>of</strong> Western Education in the<br />
5 2006 243598<br />
4211 H.R. Mehta<br />
Punjab 1929 420.954552 MEH 242721<br />
4212 H.S. Saksen et at. Perspectives on Tribal Development Focus on Uttar Pradesh. 1998 307.77209542 PER 242566<br />
4213 H.S. Saksena Scheduled Tribes and Development. 2006 305.5680954 SCH 269332<br />
4214 H.S. Vasudevan Asia Annual 2008 Understanding Popular Culture. 2010 954 ASI 269803<br />
4215 H.S. Verma OBCs and the Dynamics <strong>of</strong> Social Exclusion in India 2005 302.5450954 OBC 269333<br />
4216 H.S. Woodfall Junius including Letters. 1929 920 WOO G-255772<br />
4217<br />
H.Tappe Rudrah<br />
Sawami Basveshwar. 1990 891.73092 SWA 241529<br />
4218 H.V.Seshadri Tragic S<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Parition. 20025 325 SES 242640<br />
4219 H.V.Seshadri Ed. Dr.Hedgewar the Epoch-maker: A Biography. 1981 324.2092 DES 242639<br />
4220 H.Van Wersch Bombay Textile strike 1982-83. 1992 331.89209 WER 242550<br />
4221 H.W. Bellew Kashmir and Kashghar. 1989 915.46 BEL 243641
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Art: Survey <strong>of</strong> the Major Visual arts from the Dawn <strong>of</strong><br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4222 H.W. Janson<br />
His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>to</strong> the Present Day. 1968 709.21 JAN G-251460<br />
4223 H.W. Lewis Why Flip a Coin? 1997 153.83 LEW G-251195<br />
4224 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. 1 1988 324.220954092 NEH 240740<br />
4225 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. 2 1988 324.220954092 NEH 240741<br />
4226 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. 3 1988 324.220954092 NEH 240742<br />
4227 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. 4 1988 324.220954092 NEH 240743<br />
4228 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. 5 1988 324.220954092 NEH 240744<br />
4229 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. 6 1988 324.220954092 NEH 240745<br />
4230 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. 7 1988 324.220954092 NEH 240746<br />
4231 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. 8 1988 324.220954092 NEH 240747<br />
4232 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. 9 1988 324.220954092 NEH 240748<br />
4233 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. 10 1988 324.220954092 NEH 240749<br />
4234 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. 11 1988 324.220954092 NEH 240750<br />
4235 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. 12 1988 324.220954092 NEH 240751<br />
4236 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. 13 1988 324.220954092 NEH 240752<br />
4237 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. 14 1988 324.220954092 NEH 240753<br />
4238 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. 15 1988 324.220954092 NEH 240754<br />
4239 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 1 1984 324.220954092 NEH 240755<br />
4240 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 2 1984 324.220954092 NEH 240756<br />
4241 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 3 1985 324.220954092 NEH 240757<br />
4242 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 4 1985 324.220954092 NEH 240758<br />
4243 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 5 1987 324.220954092 NEH 240759<br />
4244 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 6 1987 324.220954092 NEH 240760<br />
4245 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 7 1988 324.220954092 NEH 240761<br />
4246 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 8 1989 324.220954092 NEH 240762<br />
4247 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 9 1990 324.220954092 NEH 240763<br />
4248 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 10 1990 324.220954092 NEH 240764<br />
4249 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 11 1991 324.220954092 NEH 240765<br />
4250 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 12 1991 324.220954092 NEH 240766<br />
4251 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 13 1992 324.220954092 NEH 240767<br />
4252 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 17 1995 324.220954092 NEH 240774<br />
4253 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 18 1996 324.220954092 NEH 240775<br />
4254 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 19 1996 324.220954092 NEH 240776<br />
4255 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 20 1997 324.220954092 NEH 240777<br />
4256 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 21 1997 324.220954092 NEH 240778<br />
4257 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 22 1998 324.220954092 NEH 240779<br />
4258 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 23 1998 324.220954092 NEH 240780<br />
4259 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 24 1999 324.220954092 NEH 240781<br />
4260 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 25 1999 324.220954092 NEH 240782<br />
4261 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 26 2000 324.220954092 NEH 240783<br />
4262 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 27 2000 324.220954092 NEH 240784<br />
4263 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 28 2001 324.220954092 NEH 240785<br />
4264 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 29 2001 324.220954092 NEH 240786<br />
4265 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 30 2002 324.220954092 NEH 240787
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4266 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 31 2002 324.220954092 NEH 240788<br />
4267 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 32 2003 324.220954092 NEH 240789<br />
4268 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 33 2004 324.220954092 NEH 240790<br />
4269 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 34 2005 324.220954092 NEH 240791<br />
4270 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 35 2005 324.220954092 NEH 240901<br />
4271 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 36 2005 324.220954092 NEH 241617<br />
4272 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 37 2006 324.220954092 NEH 240465<br />
4273 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 40 2009 324.220954092 NEH 269625<br />
4274 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. 41 2010 324.220954092 NEH 270123<br />
4275 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. I 14 1992 324.220954092 NEH 240768<br />
4276 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. I 15 1993 324.220954092 NEH 240770<br />
4277 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. I 16 1994 324.220954092 NEH 240772<br />
4278 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. II 14 1993 324.220954092 NEH 240769<br />
4279 H.Y. Sharada Prasad Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. II 15 1993 324.220954092 NEH 240771<br />
4280 H.Y. Sharada Prasad<br />
H.Y. Sharada Prasad<br />
Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Jawaharlal Nehru. Second Series. II 16 1994 324.220954092 NEH 240773<br />
4281 Ed.<br />
Haaron Khan<br />
Edi<strong>to</strong>rs on Editing. 1993 808.027 EDI G-251487<br />
4282 Sherwani<br />
Habib Ahmad Anjum<br />
Musalmanun ke siyasi Afkaar our unka Intezam Hukumat 2001 909.0917176 SHE G-250385<br />
4283 Detawari Zameer ki Aawaaz. 1998 891.4391 ANJ G-251263<br />
4284 Habib Haque Classici Yunani: Tahzeeb, Falsafa, funoon Latifa. 2004 949 HAB G-250456<br />
4285 Habib Khan Khalique Anjum. 1995 891.439092 DOC G-250755<br />
4286 Habiba Bano<br />
Habibur Rahman<br />
Kulliyat Aish Hakim Agha jan Aish dehlavi 1983 891.4391 AIS G-250155<br />
4287 Chughtaai<br />
Habibur Rahman<br />
Jarnal. 2000 005 KHU G-250491<br />
4288 Humairah Yasmeen Nabtaat Navein Jamat Ke Liye. 2003 580 HAB G-250037<br />
4289 Hadi Hasan Mughal Poetry: Its Cultural and His<strong>to</strong>rical Value. 2008 891.43913 HAS 244988<br />
4290 Hafeez Banarsi Ghazalan. 1984 891.4391 HAF G-252864<br />
4291 Hafeez Hoshyaar puri<br />
Hafiz Syed Hamid<br />
Shaame Ghazal. 1973 891.4391 HAF G-253908<br />
4292 Jalali Allama Iqubal ki Azdawaji Zindagi. 1990 891.4391092 HAM G-256867<br />
4293 Hafizullah Newelpuri Udissa main Urdu. 2001 891.439109 HAF G-250329<br />
4294 Haidar Taba Tabai<br />
Haider Baksh<br />
Aaine Sakhnoori. 1999 891.43909 TBT G-252531<br />
4295 Mukhtalash Qissa Haatim Taai ka. 2004 891.4393 HAI G-250813<br />
4296 Haider Qureshi Aetmi Jung. 1999 891.4393 QUR G-254475<br />
4297 Haider Qureshi Afsaane Roshni ki Basarat our Qisse Kahaniyaan. 1999 891.4393 QUR G-250603<br />
4298 Haider Qureshi Jogindar pal fan our Shakhsiyat. 1985 891.4393092 JOG G-253873<br />
4299 Hajari Prasad Trivedi Charu Chandre Lekh. 1964 891.433 DWI G-254495<br />
4300 Hajira Kumar Status <strong>of</strong> Muslim Women in India:<br />
East Asian Development Experience: Miracle, the Crisis and the<br />
2002 305.486971954 STA 241738<br />
4301 Ha-Joon Chang Future. 2006 330.9096 CHA 269102<br />
4302 Ha-Joon Chang Globalization, Ecopnomic Development and the Role <strong>of</strong> the State. 2004 338.9 CHA 244453
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4303 Ha-Joon Chang Institutional Change and Economic Development.<br />
Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategies in His<strong>to</strong>rical<br />
2007 338.9 INS 244172<br />
4304 Ha-Joon Chang Perspective. 2002 355.02 CHA 244258<br />
4305 Ha-Joon Chang<br />
Ha-Joon Chang &<br />
Rethinking Development Economics. 2006 338.909 CHA 241364<br />
4306 I.Grabel Reclaming Development: alternative Economic Policy Manual. 2004 338.90091724 CHA 240294<br />
4307 Hakim Mohd Saeed Noor ke Phool. 2002 170 SAI G-250974<br />
4308 Hakim Mohd Saeed Noor ke Phool. 2002 170 SAI G-250973<br />
4309 Hakim Siewharvi Lamaat Noor. 1985 891.4391 HAK G-252591<br />
4310 Halide Edib Inside India. 2003 954.035 EDI 244094<br />
4311 Halide Edib Inside India. 2009 954.035892 EDI 269233<br />
4312 Halil Inalick Middle East and the Balkans under the Ot<strong>to</strong>man Empire. 1993 956.1015 INA G-256416<br />
4313 Halqua Adab Ek Khuwab Our. 1965 891.4391 SAR G-253858<br />
4314 Hamedullah Nadvi Hindustani Our Mashraqui Ustaa ke Tejarati Taluqaat. 1985 327.9540956 HAM G-254448<br />
4315 Hameed Naseem Paanch Jadid Shaer. 1997 891.4391092 HAM G-250707<br />
4316 Hameed Raazi Anehare Tum Door. 2005 891.423 ANH G-254586<br />
4317 Hameed Raazi Dhund Punjabi Kahaniyaan. 2003 891.423 RAZ G-254584<br />
4318 Hameed Raazi<br />
Hameed Sultaan<br />
Ekiwin Sadi De Bohe. 1999 891.432 RAZ G-254585<br />
4319 Ahmad Jagan Naath Azad our uski Shaaerii. 1964 891.4391092 HAM G-257021<br />
4320 Hamid Enayat Modern Islamic Political Thougt. 2004 297.272 HAM 241805<br />
4321 Hamid Kashmiri Kare gah Shisha Giri. 1982 891.4391092 HAM G-252893<br />
4322 Hamid Kashmiri Kitaab Numa Khusussi Shumara. 2002 891.4391092 KIT G-250848<br />
4323 Hamid Khuhro Mohammad Ayub Khuhro A Life <strong>of</strong> Courage in Politics. 1988 324.295491092 KHU G-254639<br />
4324 Hamida Masood Khu<strong>to</strong>ote Ghalib Fanni Tajziyah. 1982 891.439609 HAM G-252744<br />
4325 Hamidi Kaashmiri Tafheem Wa Tanquid. 1988 891.43909 HAM G-250858<br />
4326 Hamidi Kashmiri Intekhabe Ghazaliyaat Meer. 2003 891.439108 MEE G-250187<br />
4327 Hamidulmaas Fan Muredaat. 1987 894.814 BAS G-252874<br />
4328 Hamil<strong>to</strong>n A.R. Gibb Studes on the Civilization <strong>of</strong> Islam. 1962 297 GIB 244685<br />
4329 Han Suyin Cast but One Shadow and Winter Love. 1962 823 SUY G-254676<br />
4330 Han Suyin China in the Year 2001. 1970 303.440951 SUI G-251822<br />
4331 Han Suyin Mao Tse Tung. 1935 294.392 SUY G-251633<br />
4332 Hanafi Kitabbutalaq az Kitab Mazhb Hanafi. 1959 297.0173 MAH G-255795<br />
4333 Haneef Tazeen Kitaabe Sehraa. 1995 891.4391 HAN G-253901<br />
4334 Hanif Kaifi Urdu main Nazm muarra our Azad Nazm. 2003 891.439109 KAI G-250095<br />
4335 Hanif Kureishi Intimacy. 1988 823.912 KUR G-251645<br />
Han-Peter Brunner & Productivity, Competitiveness and Income in Asia: Evolutionary theory<br />
4336 P.M. Allen<br />
Hans Christian<br />
<strong>of</strong> International Trade. 2005 380.1095 BRU 243585<br />
4337 Andersen Fairy Tales. 1914 823.08 AND G-255182<br />
4338 Hans J. Morgenthau<br />
Hans L<strong>of</strong>gren & P.<br />
Politics Among Nations: Struggle for Power and Peace. 1960 327 MOR G-251230<br />
4339 Sarangi Politics and Culture <strong>of</strong> Globalization: India and Australia. 2009 320.954 POL 269389<br />
4340 Hansraaj Rahbar Parkati Titli. 1981 891.4393 RAH G-252711
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong><br />
Casino Capitalism: how the Financial crisis came about and what <strong>to</strong> be<br />
Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4341 Hans-Werner Sinn done now. 2010 330.90511 SIN 270088<br />
4342 Haorld J. Cook Ed. His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Social Determinant <strong>of</strong> Health. 2009 954.035 HIS 269561<br />
4343 Happymon Jacob Rise, Fall and Resurgence <strong>of</strong> the Taliban. 2006 324.20958 JAC 244628<br />
4344 Happymon Jacob Rise, Fall and Resurgence <strong>of</strong> the Taliban. 2006 327.09581045 JAC 240966<br />
4345 Har Charan Chawla Akse aaene ke afsaane. 1975 891.4393 CHA G-253942<br />
4346 Har Charan Chawla Ret Samundar our Jhaag. 1980 891.4393 CHR G-253941<br />
4347 Harbans Mukhia Exploring India's Medieval Centuries. 2010 954 MUK 269831<br />
4348 Harbans Mukhia Mughals <strong>of</strong> India. 2005 954.025 MUK 242030<br />
4349 Harbans Mukhia Perspectuives on Medieval His<strong>to</strong>ry. 1994 954.025 MUK 242696<br />
4350 Harbans Mukhia Ed. feudalism Debate. 2000 321.3 FEU 240213<br />
4351 Harbans Singh Bhai Veer Singh. 1972 891.42092 SIN G-253344<br />
4352 Harbans Singh Bhai Vir Singh. 1984 891.4285092 HAR 241358<br />
4353 Harbans Singh Bhar Vir Singh. 1972 891.42092 SIN G-254191<br />
4354 Harbans Singh Guru Gobind Singh 1966 294.663092 SIN G-253836<br />
4355 Harbans Singh Punjab Past and Present Essays in Honour <strong>of</strong> Dr. Ganda Singh. 1996 954.5 PUN G-254154<br />
4356 Hardarshan Sahgal Tuti hui Zameen. 1996 891.433 SHE G-253263<br />
4357 Hari Dev Sharma Ed. Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Acharya Naredra Deva. 1 1998 370.92 NAR 243993<br />
4358 Hari Dev Sharma Ed. Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Acharya Naredra Deva. 2 1998 370.92 NAR 243994<br />
4359 Hari Dev Sharma Ed. Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Acharya Naredra Deva. 3 1998 370.92 NAR 243995<br />
4360 Hari Dev Sharma Ed. Selected Works <strong>of</strong> Acharya Naredra Deva. 4 1998 370.92 NAR 243996<br />
4361 Hari Kerishn Das Patanjali Ak Falsafa Yog. 1910 181.45 GOI G-254552<br />
4362 Hari Kriashn Kaul Tokri bhar Dhoop. 1976 891.43301 KAU G-253099<br />
4363 Hari P. Sharma Critical Perspectives on China's Economic Tranformation. 2007 330.951 LAN 244615<br />
4364 Hari Shankar Saxena Andhere ki Partein. 1985 891.43301 SAX G-253806<br />
4365 Harihar Prasad Saansaun ki Vasiyat. 1981 891.43308 PRA G-253086<br />
4366 Harinarayan Vyas<br />
Harinder A.Singh B.P.<br />
Murg aur Turushna. 1983 891.432 VYA G-253159<br />
4367 Singh R.K. Narayan His Social Vision.<br />
Rethinking Progress: Towards a Creative Transformation <strong>of</strong> Global<br />
2006 306.092 SIN 242987<br />
4368 Harinder S. Lamba Society.<br />
India's New Capitalists: Caste Business and Industry in a Modern<br />
2005 338.9 LAM 241629<br />
4369 Harish Damodaran Nation. 2008 330.1220954 DAM 244951<br />
4370 Harish K. Puri Ed. Dalits in Regional Context. 2004 305.568 PUR 241145<br />
4371 Harishankar Parsai Partinidhi Vyang. 1986 891.43408 PAR G-253782<br />
4372 Harjeet Singh Doda an Insurjency in the Wilderness. 1999 954.6 HAR 243417<br />
4373<br />
Harkrishna Singh<br />
Surjeet Land Reforms in India: Promises and Performance. 1992 331.310954 SUR 242515<br />
4374 Harold A.Gould Sacralization <strong>of</strong> A Social Order. 1987 305.51220954 GOU 269377<br />
4375 Harold Evans Front Page His<strong>to</strong>ry. 1987 909.82 EVA G-257154<br />
4376 Harold F. Brooks Ed. Arden Shakespeare A Mindsummer Nights's Dream. 1983 822.33 SHA G-251338<br />
4377 Harold Gould Sikhs, Swamis, Students, and Spies. 2006 324.40973 GOU 242083<br />
4378 Harold J. Laski Rise <strong>of</strong> European Liberalism. 2005 954.03 LAS 243930<br />
4379 Harold J. Cook<br />
Matters <strong>of</strong> Exchange: Commerce, Medicine and Science in the Age <strong>of</strong><br />
Empire. 2007 954 COO 244623
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4380 Harold J. Laski Rise <strong>of</strong> European Liberalism. 2005 940.32051 LAS 241756<br />
4381 Harold J. Laski A Grammar <strong>of</strong> Politics. 2005 320.5 LAB 240860<br />
4382 Harold J. Laski Libeerty in the Modern State. 1961 821.023 LAS G-255112<br />
4383 Harold J. Laski Rise <strong>of</strong> European Liberalism. 2005 320.51094 LAS 242180<br />
4384<br />
Harold Kincaid , Don<br />
Boss Oxford Handbook <strong>of</strong> Philosophy <strong>of</strong> Economics. 2009 330.01 OXF 2695858<br />
4385 Harold Monro.<br />
Haroon Khan<br />
Twentieth Century Poetry. 1934 821.09 MON G255526<br />
4386 Sherwani Dakan ke Bahmani Salateen. 1998 954.84 SHE G-250178<br />
4387 Harper & Brothers Talim ki Maqasid our Wasail. 2004 370 HAR G-254441<br />
4388 Harriet Beecher S<strong>to</strong>we<br />
Harriet Bradley & J. V.<br />
Uncle Tom's Cabin. 1963 823.08 STO G-253819<br />
4389 Ho<strong>of</strong> Young People in Europe: Labour Markets and Citizenship 2005 362.64 YOU 243604<br />
4390 Harrison Salisbury Without fear or Favour. 1980 071.47119 SAL G-251550<br />
4391 Harry Braverman Labour Monopoly Capital. 2006 338.82 BRA 244049<br />
4392 Harry Levin Essential James Joyce. 1948 821.08 LEV G-255020<br />
4393 Harry M. Bracken Descartes. 2009 194 BRA 244396<br />
4394 Harry Magd<strong>of</strong>f Age <strong>of</strong> Imperialism: Economics <strong>of</strong> U.S. foreign Policy. 2010 382.30973 MAG 270030<br />
4395 Harry Magd<strong>of</strong>f Essays on Imperialism and Globalization 2002 325.32 MAG 241787<br />
4396 Harry Magd<strong>of</strong>f Essays on Imperialism and Globalization 2002 325.32 MAG 244053<br />
4397 Harry Magd<strong>of</strong>f Essays on Imperialism and Globalization 2002 325.32 MAG 244054<br />
4398 Harry Magd<strong>of</strong>f Imperialim without colonies. 2007 337.091722 MAG 243966<br />
4399 Harry Magd<strong>of</strong>f Imperialim without colonies. 2007 337.091722 MAG 243965<br />
4400 Harry Magd<strong>of</strong>f Imperialim without colonies. 2007 337.091722 MAG 243964<br />
4401 Harry Magd<strong>of</strong>f Imperialim without colonies. 2007 337.091722 MAG 243937<br />
4402 Harry Magd<strong>of</strong>f Imperialim without colonies. 2007 337.091722 MAG 243967<br />
4403 Harry Magd<strong>of</strong>f<br />
Harry Magd<strong>of</strong>f & Paul<br />
Imperialism from the Colonial age <strong>to</strong> the Present. 2009 325.32 MAG 269660<br />
4404 M. Sweezy Stagnation and the Financial Explosion.<br />
Research Against Communication and Religious Foundamentalism in<br />
2008 330.122 MAG 244822<br />
4405 Harsh Kapoor<br />
Harsh Mander, Vidya<br />
India. 1995 305.486971 RES G-256228<br />
4406 Rao<br />
Hartmut Brandt &<br />
Ageing for caring: Interventions for Marginalised Groups. 1996 305.489816 MAN 270172<br />
4407 Uwe Otzen Poverty Orientated Agricultural and Rural Development. 2007 338.1 BRA 243560<br />
4408 Harun- or- Rashid Foreshadowing <strong>of</strong> Bangladesh. 2003 320.95492 HAR 243696<br />
4409 Harvey Klehr Communist Experience in America: Political andSocial His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2010 320.5322097 KLE 270055<br />
4410 Hary Shutt Decline <strong>of</strong> Capitalism. 2005 330.122 SHU 269098<br />
4411 Hasah Aarzoo Saadat yaar Khan Rangeen. 1984 891.4391092 AAR G-253886<br />
4412 Hasan Aabid No Nasri Nazmeen. 2005 891.4391 ABI G-254370<br />
4413 Hasan Abbas Meksam Gorki ki Dairy. 1969 891.73092 GOR G-256555<br />
4414 Hasan Abid Irteqa: Firaque Number. 1999 891.4391092 IRT G-254612<br />
4415 Hasan Abid Irteqa: Firaque Number. 1999 891.4391092 IRT G-254634<br />
4416 Hasan Abid Irteqa: Firaque Number. 1999 891.4391092 IRT G-254376
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4417 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 1990 891.43905 IRT G-254607<br />
4418 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 1991 891.43905 IRT G-254605<br />
4419 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 1993 891.43905 IRT G-254606<br />
4420 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 1993 891.43905 IRT G-254624<br />
4421 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 1995 891.43905 IRT G-254603<br />
4422 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 1995 891.43905 IRT G-254602<br />
4423 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 1995 891.43905 IRT G-254604<br />
4424 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 1996 891.43905 IRT G-254601<br />
4425 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 1997 891.43905 IRT G-254600<br />
4426 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 1998 891.43905 IRT G-254611<br />
4427 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 1998 891.43905 IRT G-254608<br />
4428 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 1998 891.43905 IRT G-254609<br />
4429 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 1999 891.43905 IRT G-254610<br />
4430 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 2000 891.43905 IRT G-254613<br />
4431 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 2000 891.43905 IRT G-254615<br />
4432 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 2001 891.43905 IRT G-254614<br />
4433 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 2001 891.43905 IRT G-254616<br />
4434 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 2001 891.43905 IRT G-254617<br />
4435 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 2001 891.43905 IRT G-254618<br />
4436 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 2002 891.43905 IRT G-254619<br />
4437 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 2002 891.43905 IRT G-254621<br />
4438 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 2003 891.43905 IRT G-254622<br />
4439 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 2003 891.43905 IRT G-254633<br />
4440 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 2004 891.43905 IRT G-256006<br />
4441 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 2005 891.43905 IRT G-254623<br />
4442 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 2005 891.43905 IRT G-254620<br />
4443 Hasan Abid Irtequa. 2005 891.43905 IRT G-254625<br />
4444 Hasan Askari Kazmi Alberuni ke Jughrafiyai Nazriyaat. 1988 535 KAZ G-254446<br />
4445 Hasan Chisti Mujtaba Husain ke Muntakhab Kalam. 2004 891.4397 MUJ G-255987<br />
4446 Hasan Manzar Nadidi. 1982 891.439308 HAS G-253903<br />
4447 Hasan Manzoor Rahai. 1977 891.4393 HAS G-2537876<br />
4448 Hasan Mosanna Mujtaba Husain. 2003 891.439309 MOS G-252360<br />
4449 Hasan Zaki Kazmi Tabedaari Robotaun ki Kahani. 2001 629.892 KAZ G-251148<br />
4450 Hasan Zaki Kazmi Tabedaari Robotaun ki Kahani. 2001 629.892 KAZ G-251149<br />
4451 Hasan-Askari Rizvi Military, State and Society in Pakistan. 2000 355.5095491 RIZ 243531<br />
4452 Hasan-Askari rizvi Military,State and Society in Pakistan. 2000 322.5095491 RIZ 240333<br />
4453 Hasnain Azimabadi Nishaate Khatir. 1988 891.4394 HAS G-252868<br />
4454 Hasnuddin Ahmad Shirimad Bhagwat Gita. 1949 294.5924 SHI G-256882<br />
4455 Hasnuddin Ahmad Shirimad Bhagwat Gita. 1975 294.5924 SHI G-250307<br />
4456 Hastings Donnan Interpreting Islam. 2002 297.2 INT 240175<br />
4457 Havard Fast Sahitye aur Yatarth. 1984 891.434 FAS G-253589<br />
4458 Haward Fast. Pradividrohi. 1988 928.96 FAR G-253049<br />
4459 Hayatiyaat Hayatiyaat Middle School ke Liye. 1975 570 HAY G-250077<br />
4460 Hayatullah Ansari Das Din Main Urdu. 1949 491.439 ANS G-255633<br />
4461 Hazari Prasad Trivedi Annamdas ka potha ath rek avyaan. 1976 891.433 DUI G-253513
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4462 Health Physical Fitness. 1960 613.7 PHY G-251767<br />
4463 Hebert W. Briggs. Law <strong>of</strong> Nations: Cases, Documetns, and Notes. 1952 340 BRI G-255480<br />
4464 Hec<strong>to</strong>r Boltho Jinnah Crea<strong>to</strong>r <strong>of</strong> Pakistan. 1981 954.9042 BOL G-251484<br />
4465 Hedrick Smith New Russains. 1991 947.085 SMI G-251314<br />
4466 Hedrick Smith Russians. 1976 947 SMI G-254908<br />
4467 Heidi Holland Struggle: His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the African National Congress. 1989 324.2096 HOL G-251814<br />
4468 Heikki Pa<strong>to</strong>maki Democratising Globalization: Leverage <strong>of</strong> the Tobin Tax.<br />
Tools and Ideas: beginings <strong>of</strong> Local Indutrialization in South Gujarat<br />
2001 336.2 PAT 244270<br />
4469 Hein Streekerk 1970-2000 2006 338.06095475 STR 242175<br />
4470 Heinrich Harrer Return <strong>to</strong> Tibet. 1984 913.51 HAR G-251844<br />
4471 Heinrich Harrer Seven Years in Tibet. 1955 951.5 HAR G-254822<br />
4472 Heinrich Harrer Seven Years in Tibet. 1988 951.5042092 HAR G-251603<br />
4473 Heinrich Harrer Seven Years in Tibet. 1997 910.515 HAR 240571<br />
4474 Heinrich Zimmer<br />
Helaine Selin &<br />
Roddam Narasimha<br />
Myths and Symbols in Indian art and Civilization. 1962 709.54 ZIM G-255486<br />
4475 Ed. Encyclopaedia <strong>of</strong> Classical Indian Science. 2007 500.30954 ENC 269556<br />
4476 Helen Briassoulis Ed. Policy Integration for Complex Environment Problems. 2005 333.736091822 POL 242124<br />
4477 Helen Gardner Metaphysical Poets.<br />
Rebel Lives: Revolutionary Activists, Better Known for her Blindness<br />
1957 821.092 GAR G-255563<br />
4478 Helen Keller<br />
Helen O'Neill & John<br />
than her Radical Social Vision. 2003 362.410924 HEL 244996<br />
4479 Toye Aorld Without Famine: New Approaches <strong>to</strong> AID and Development. 1998 363.883 ONE 243522<br />
4480 Helen Zenna Smith Not So Qiet Stepdaughters <strong>of</strong> War. 1930 823 SMI G-255792<br />
Helena Paul & Richard Hungry Corporations: Tranformational Biotech Companies Colonise<br />
4481 Steinbrecher.<br />
the Food Chain. 2003 338.19 PAU 244454<br />
4482 Hem Barua Lakshminath Bezbaroa. 1982 891.45092 BAR 241422<br />
4483 Hem Chandr Pandey Abaai Kunanbayev Chainika. 1995 891.593108 KUN G-253375<br />
4484 Hemanshu Joshi Bharat Ratn Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant. 1988 354.08 JOS G-253118<br />
4485 Hemanshu Joshi Kagar ki Aag. 1976 891.433 JOS G-253695<br />
4486 Hemanshu Joshi Samay Sachhi hai. 1981 891.433 JOS G-253633<br />
4487 Hemanshu Joshi Suraaj. 1959 891.433 JOS G-253415<br />
4488 Hemant G Desai Kalapi. 1990 891.471092 DES 241375<br />
4489 Hemant Shesh Jaari Itehaas ke Virudh. 1974 891.431 SHE G-253025<br />
4490 Hemayat Ali Shaer Harf Harf Roshni. 1986 891.439108 SNA G-256783<br />
4491 Hemingway Hemingway A Moveable Feast. 1950 823 HEM G-252545<br />
4492 Henri Lefebvre Explosion: Marxism and the French Upheval. 2009 335.4 LEF 269662<br />
4493 Henri Lefebvre Sciology <strong>of</strong> Marx. 1969 355.43 LEF G-257240<br />
4494 Henri Lhote Tassili Frescoes rock paintings <strong>of</strong> the Sahara. 1959 751.73 LHO G-255158<br />
4495 Henrik Ibsen Doll's House and two other Plays. 1938 822.08 IBS G-255527<br />
4496 Henrik Ibsen Master Builder and other Plays. 1958 822.08 IBS G-255268<br />
4497 Henrik Ibsen Peer Gynt Dramatic Poem. 1966 822 IBS G-254934<br />
4498 Henrik Ibsen Peer Gynt. 1936 823 IBS G-254806<br />
4499 Henrikk Ibsen Doll's House The Wild Duck the Lady from the Sea. 1960 822 IBS G-252564
S.No. Authors<br />
Henry A. Giroux &<br />
Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4500 Patrick Shannon Ed Edcuation and Cultural Studies <strong>to</strong>wards a performtive Practice. 1997 370.115 GIR 243279<br />
4501 Henry A. Groux et al. Counter Narratives. 1996 370.115 COU 243280<br />
4502 Henry Cecil Friends at Court. 1962 823 CEC G-254794<br />
4503 Henry Fielding His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Tom Jones. 1950 823 HEL G-255418<br />
4504 Henry Fielding His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Tom Jones. 1951 823.08 FIE G-255252<br />
4505 Henry Fielding Joseph Andrews. 1960 823 FIE G-254851<br />
4506 Henry Franfort Before Philosophy. 1954 100 BEF G-251997<br />
4507 Henry Harland My Friend Prospero. 1947 823 HAR G-251751<br />
4508 Henry Hazlitt Eonomics in one Lesson. 1948 530 HAZ G-256562<br />
4509 Henry Heller Cold War and the New Imperialiam. 2007 325.3209054 HEL 244051<br />
4510 Henry Heller Cold war and the New Imperialism. 2007 909.825 HEN 244973<br />
4511 Henry Heller Cold war and the New Imperialism. 2007 909.825 HEN 244997<br />
4512 Henry James Ambassadors. 1960 823 JAM G-254880<br />
4513 Henry James Ambassadors. 1960 823 JAM G-255287<br />
4514 Henry James Awkward Age. 1966 823.08 JAM G-254909<br />
4515 Henry James Bos<strong>to</strong>nians. 1975 923 JAM G-255018<br />
4516 Henry James Selected Short S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1975 823.08 JAM G-255300<br />
4517 Henry James Washing<strong>to</strong>n Square. 1963 823 JAM G-255399<br />
4518 Henry James Spoils <strong>of</strong> Poy<strong>to</strong>n. 1972 822 JAM G-251777<br />
4519 Henry James<br />
Henry John, Stedman<br />
Wings <strong>of</strong> the Dove. 1965 823 JAM G-254735<br />
4520 Cot<strong>to</strong>n New India or India in Transition.<br />
Does America Need a foreign Policy: Toward a Diplomacy for 21st<br />
1904 954 JOH 242962<br />
4521 Henry Kissinger Century. 2001 327.73 KIS G-256238<br />
4522 Henry Kyemba State <strong>of</strong> Blood: Inside S<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> IDI Amin's Reign <strong>of</strong> Fear. 1977 967.61042 KYE G-251482<br />
4523 Henry Miller Quit Days in Clichy. 1969 823.6 MI G-252560<br />
4524 Henry Solomon Exercise Myth. 1963 613.7 SOL G-251200<br />
4525 Henry V<br />
Hens Christian<br />
William Shakepeare. 1968 822.33 SHA G-252546<br />
4526 Anderson<br />
Hens Christian<br />
Chaqmaaq Ki Dibbiyaan. 2005 808.83 AND G-251180<br />
4527 Anderson Chaqmaaq Ki Dibbiyaan. 2005 808.83 AND G-251178<br />
4528 Hent de Vries Political theologies public Religion in a Post-seclarismworld. 2007 291.2 VRI 244825<br />
4529<br />
Herald Fischer-Tine<br />
and Michael Mann Ed. Colonialism as Civilizing Mission. 2004 325.3 TIN 244259<br />
4530 Herald W. Bernard Darje ke Ustaad ke liye Zehni Hifzaan. 1987 375 BER G-250382<br />
4531 Herald W. Bernard Darje ke Ustaad ke liye Zehni Hifzaan. 1987 375 BER G-252476<br />
4532 Herbert Aptheker And why not everyman. 1961 301.45220973 AND G-251801<br />
4533 Herbert Benson Relaxation Response. 1975 613.79 BEN G-255347<br />
4534 Herbert Butterfield Statecraft <strong>of</strong> Machiavelli. 1960 945 BUT G-255484<br />
4535 Herbert Grierson Background <strong>of</strong> English Literature. 1962 820.9 GRI G-253995<br />
4536 Herbert Kuhn On the Track <strong>of</strong> Prehis<strong>to</strong>ric Man. 1958 569.9 KUH G-255412
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4537 Herbert Markcuse Eros and Civilization. 1969 113 MAR G-254038<br />
4538 Herbert O. Yardley Education <strong>of</strong> Poker Player. 1990 794.412 YAR G-252578<br />
4539 Herbert Psencer Man Versus the State. 1940 335 SPE G-251960<br />
4540 Herbert read Meaning <strong>of</strong> Art. 1931 701 REA G-254007<br />
4541 Herbert Rsiley People <strong>of</strong> India. 1991 306.0954 RIS 242358<br />
4542 Herbert V. Guenther Buddhist Philosphy in theory and practice. 1972 294.301 GUE G-251655<br />
4543 Herbert. L. Sttrauss.<br />
Hereward Lester<br />
Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction. 1968 530.12 STR G-254274<br />
4544 Cooke National Gallery od Art in Washing<strong>to</strong>n.<br />
Empires: logics <strong>of</strong> World Domination from Ancient Rome <strong>to</strong> United<br />
1973 709.73 COO G-255329<br />
4545 Herfried Munkler States. 2007 321.03 MUN 243920<br />
4546 Heritage Common Heritage. 1997 823.08 COM G-253837<br />
4547 Herman Hesse Steppenwolf. 1951 823 HES G-251783<br />
4548 Herman Melville Billy Dudd, Sailor and Other S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1948 823.08 MEL G-255303<br />
4549 Herman Melville Four Short Novels. 1963 823.08 MEL G-255012<br />
4550 Herman Melville Moby Dick. 1926 412 MEL G-255357<br />
4551 Herman Melville Moby Dick. 1961 823 MEL G-255233<br />
4552 Hermann Hesse<br />
Hermann Kulke & D.<br />
Siddhartha. 1922 891.433 HES G-254843<br />
4553 Rothermund<br />
Hermann Kulke & D.<br />
His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> India. Fourth Ed. 2004 954 KUL 242013<br />
4554 Rothermund His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> India. Fourth Ed. 2004 954 KUL 243390<br />
4555 Hesketh Pearson G.B.S. A Full Length Portrait. 1942 324.220942092 PEA G-251192<br />
4556 Hesketh Pearson Johnson and Boswell. 1958 920 PEA G-255515<br />
4557 Hetkar Jha Amaranatha Jha. 1997 954.035092 JHA 241300<br />
4558 Hetkar Jha Ganganatha Jha 1992 491.2092 JHA 241384<br />
4559 Hilaire Belloc Selected Cautionary Varses. 1958 808.888 BEL G-254779<br />
4560 Himani Bannerji Investing Subjects: studies in Hegemony, patriarchy and Colonialism. 2001 306.0954 BAN 240144<br />
4561<br />
Himanshu Prabha<br />
Ray& Edward A.<br />
Alpers Ed.<br />
Cross Currents and Community Networks: His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> the Indian Ocean<br />
World. 2007 551.460954 RAY 243068<br />
4562 Hina Birjees Khusooan ki Waadi se. 2004 891.4391 HIN 241589<br />
4563 Hindi Hindi Short S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1997 808.831 HIN G-254215<br />
4564 Hindi Dash Bhartiyr Gantantre main Hindi Dasha aur Disha. 2000 891.43909 BHA 244019<br />
4565 Hindu Hindu Myth. 1975 294.513 HIN G-251596<br />
4566 Hira Nand Soz Jungle Jungle Shahar. 1995 891.4393 SOZ G-252701<br />
4567 Hira Nand Soz Sahil, Samundar our Seep. 1987 891.439308 SOZ G-252849<br />
4568 Hiralal Maheswari Jambhoji. 1981 891.479092 MAH G-253032<br />
4569 Hiranmay Banerji Iswarchandra Vidyasagar. 1994 891.441092 BAN 241330<br />
4570 Hiranmay Karlekar Bangladesh the Next Afghanistan. 2005 320.557095492 KAR 240972<br />
4571 Hirdai Hirdai Visheshank. 1967 891.43309 SAN G-253746<br />
4572 Hiren Mukerjee Marx, Great Oc<strong>to</strong>ber, India and the Future 1984 335.40654 MUK 242552<br />
4573 Hiren Mukerjee<br />
Under Communism's Crimson Colours: Reflections on marxism, India<br />
and the World Scene. 1982 335.4654 MUK 244012
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4574 Hiren Mukherjee Epic Vic<strong>to</strong>ry: Soviet triump over Fascism 1941-1945. 1985 947 MUK<br />
324.220954092<br />
G-255961<br />
4575 Hiren Mukherjee Gandhi: a His<strong>to</strong>ry. 1991 MUK 242841<br />
4576 Hiren Mukherjee Gentle Colossus: A Study <strong>of</strong> Jawhaharlal Nehru 1992 080 MUK<br />
4577 Hir<strong>of</strong>umi Uzawa Economic Analysis <strong>of</strong> Social Common capital. 2009 333.7 UZA 269130<br />
4578 Hiroyuki Kotani Western India in His<strong>to</strong>rical Transition. 2002 954.03 KOT 240207<br />
4579 Holy Book <strong>of</strong> Psalms. 223.2 BOO G-254840<br />
4580 Holy Daily Dua. 2004 297.382 DUA 240795<br />
4581 Homar Uodesi. 2002 914.95 HOM G-250451<br />
4582 Homen Borgohain As<strong>to</strong>rag Sunset. 1996 891.4513 bOR G-254260<br />
4583 Homer Homer Odyssey. 1964 883 HOM G-255375<br />
4584 Homi K. Bhabha Ed. Nation and Narration. 1990 320.54 BHA 241143<br />
4585 Homi Mody Pherozeshah Mehta. 1967 923.2 MOD G-252010<br />
4586 Hon Emily Eden Up the Country. 1966 915.4 EDE G-255159<br />
4587 Honore De Balzac. Old Goriot.<br />
Kunwar Mohammad Ashrafan Indian Scholar and Revolutionary 1903-<br />
1951 823 BAL G-255013<br />
4588 Horst Kruger Ed. 1962. 1969 324.220954092 ASH G-252295<br />
Howard D. Leathers & World Food Problem: Tackling the Causes <strong>of</strong> Understanding in the<br />
4589 Phillips Foster Third World. 2005 363.809 LEA 244641<br />
4590 Howard Fast Citizen Paine. 1958 823 FAS G-255753<br />
4591 Howard Fast Citizen Tom Paine. 1946 823.08 FAS G-2253900<br />
4592 Howard Fast Mr Glorious. 1948 823 FAS G-254085<br />
4593<br />
Howard Simon &<br />
Joseph A. Califano Ed. Media and the Law. 1976 343.730998 MED G-257172<br />
4594 Hubert M. Blalock Social Statistics. 1960 310 BAL G-257225<br />
4595 Hugh Publish and be Damned 1953 072 CUD G-257218<br />
4596 Hugh Brogan Kennedy Pr<strong>of</strong>iles in Power. 1988 324.220978392 BRO 243609<br />
4597 Hugh D. Hindman Ed. World <strong>of</strong> Child Labour: His<strong>to</strong>rical and Regional Survey. 2009 331.31 WOR 269979<br />
4598 Hugh Gaitskell Challenge <strong>of</strong> Co-Existence. 1957 341.23 GAI G-255103<br />
4599 Hugh Kennedy His<strong>to</strong>rical Atlas <strong>of</strong> Islam. 2002 241137<br />
4600 Hugh O'shaughnessy Grenada: Population Invasion and Aftermath. 1984 972.984519 OSH G-251551<br />
4601 Hugh Tinker South Asia: A Short His<strong>to</strong>ry. 1990 954.035 TIN 243529<br />
4602 Hugh Tredennick Pla<strong>to</strong> the last days <strong>of</strong> socrates. 1959 180 PLA G-254720<br />
4603 Hugh Tredennick Pla<strong>to</strong> the last days <strong>of</strong> socrates. 1969 183.2 PLA G-254784<br />
4604 Hugh Walker English Esssya and Essayist. 1959 824.08 WAL G-255852<br />
4605 Hugh Walker Selected English short S<strong>to</strong>ries. 1963 823.08 SEL G-254768<br />
4606 Hugo Chavez Understanding the Venezuelan Revolution. 2005 987.0642092 CHA 241636<br />
Un<strong>to</strong>uchable Citixzen's Dalit Movement and Democratization in Tamil<br />
305.5688095482<br />
4607 Hugo Gorringe Nadu. 2005 GOR 241001<br />
4608 Hukm Chand Bharill Aacharya Kunkund aur unke panch Parmagam. 1988 891.43309 BHA G-255979<br />
4609 Hukm Chand Bharill Dharm Dashlakshan. 1981 294..4 BHA G-253604<br />
4610 Hum Asre Shair Hum Asr Urdu Number. 1969 050 SHA G-257093<br />
4611 Huma Qureshi Kashmir Un<strong>to</strong>ld S<strong>to</strong>ry. 2004 320.10546 QUR 240886<br />
4612 Humairah Yasmeen Nabtaat Dasvein Jamat Ke Liye. 2003 580 HAB G-250250
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4613 Humayun Kabir Muslim Politics 1906-47 and Other Essays. 1969 320.954 HUM 243821<br />
4614 Humayun Kabir Education in New India. 1961 370.954 KAB 242530<br />
4615<br />
Humayun Khan &<br />
G.Parthasarathy Diplomatic Divide: cross border talk. 2004 327.2 KHA G-256194<br />
4616 Hunri Devid Thuro Waldun. 1960 180.92 THO G-256983<br />
4617 Husain Farooqui Sharab Noshi our Manshiaat ki Lat. 1989 364.142 FAR G-254435<br />
4618 Husain Farooqui Teemardaari. 1980 610 FAR G-250167<br />
4619 Husain Haqqani Pakistan between Mosque and Military. 2005 322.509549 HAQ 241644<br />
4620 Hushman Fathea'Azam New Garden. 1983 297.93 FAT G-251336<br />
4621 Husn Naeem Ashaar. 1971 891.4391 NAI G-252785<br />
4622 Husnuddin Ahmad Fitri Ilaaj. 1979 610 HAS G-250473<br />
4623 Hutchinson<br />
Hyder Ali Khan<br />
Dictionary <strong>of</strong> world His<strong>to</strong>ry. 1994 909.0903 HUT G-257329<br />
4624 Bahadur His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Hyder Shah and <strong>of</strong> his Son Tipu Sultan. 1955 954.87 HIS 242840<br />
4625 I Ching Book <strong>of</strong> Changes. 1964 133.3 ICH G-251827<br />
4626 I. Allan Sealy Hero a Fable. 1991 808.3 SEA G-251430<br />
4627 I. Allan Sealy Trotter Nama. 1988 823.19 SEA G-251398<br />
4628 I. Comp<strong>to</strong>n-Burnett Parents and Children. 1941 823 BUR G-254957<br />
4629 I. Deutscher Stalin political Biography. 1950 947.0842 DEU G-255161<br />
4630 I. L. Kandel American Education in the Twentieth Century. 1957 370.973 KEN G-252450<br />
4631 I. P. Rao Valmiki: Makers <strong>of</strong> Indian Literature. 2000 294.50922 RAO 241233<br />
4632 I. Satya Sundaram Micr<strong>of</strong>inance in India. 2007 332.0954 SUN 269253<br />
4633 I. Schapera Government & Politics in Tribal Societies. 1963 321.1 SCH G-255113<br />
4634 I. Serebryakov<br />
I. Sharath Babu &<br />
Punjabi Literature. 1991 891.42092 SER G-254020<br />
4635 Rashmi Shetty Social Justice and Labour Jurisprudence. 2007 344.5401 IYE 244223<br />
4636 I.I.Rubin Essays on Marx's theory <strong>of</strong> Value. 2008 335.4112 RUB 244843<br />
4637 I.J. Singh Infinite Bliss. 111.6 SIN G-254155<br />
4638 I.P. Massey Minority Rights Discourse in India. 2002 305.560954 MAS 241706<br />
4639 I.P. Pavlov Sceintific Session on the Physiological Teachings <strong>of</strong> Academician.<br />
ICTs Community Access and Development: Case Studies six Develping<br />
1951 571 Pav G-255878<br />
4640 I.T.Union<br />
Countries. 2010 303.438091724 ICT 269935<br />
4641 Ian Bryant Wells Ambassador <strong>of</strong> Hindu-Muslim 2005 954.035 WEL 243473<br />
4642 Ian Bryant Wells.<br />
Ian Butler & Mark<br />
Jinnah's Early politics Ambassador <strong>of</strong> Hindu-Muslim Unity 2005 324.220954092 244088<br />
4643 Drakeford. Scandal ,Social Policy and Social Welfare. 2003 361.250954 BUT 243562<br />
4644 Ian Cardozo Param Vir Our Heroes in Battle. 2003 355.134 CRA G-256211<br />
4645 Ian Copland Princes <strong>of</strong> India in the Endgame <strong>of</strong> Empire. 1999 954.03 COP 244583<br />
4646 Ian Copland Princes <strong>of</strong> India in the Endgame <strong>of</strong> Empire. 1999 954.03 COP 242262<br />
4647 Ian Copland Federalism: Comparatives from India and Australia. 2001 321 COP 243676<br />
4648 Ian J. Barrow Making His<strong>to</strong>ry, Drawing Terri<strong>to</strong>ry. 2003 954.03 BAR 240037<br />
4649 Ian J. Barrow Surveing and Mapping in Colonial Sri Lanka. 2008 915.493 BAR 244771<br />
4650 Ian J. Kerr Building Railwyas <strong>of</strong> the Raj 1850-1900. 1977 385.37095403 KER 242940<br />
4651 Ian J. Kerr Railways in Modern India. 2005 384.0954 RAI 240050
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4652 Ian J. Kerr Railways in Modern India. 2005 385.370954 KER 242941<br />
4653 Ian M.L. Hunter Memory. 1962 153.1 HUN G-251691<br />
4654 Ian M.L. Hunter<br />
Ian MacKillop &<br />
Memory. 1966 153.12 HUN G-254978<br />
4655 Richard S<strong>to</strong>rer Ed.<br />
Ian Press & Stefan<br />
F.R. Leavis: Essays and Documents. 1995 801.954092 LEV G-257315<br />
4656 Pugh Colloquial Ukrainian: Complete Language Course. 1994 947.7 PRE 240250<br />
4657 Ian Richard Net<strong>to</strong>n Islamic and Middle Estern Geographers and Travellers. I 2008 910.92 ISL 244662<br />
4658 Ian Richard Net<strong>to</strong>n Islamic and Middle Estern Geographers and Travellers. II 2008 910.92 ISL 244663<br />
4659 Ian Richard Net<strong>to</strong>n Islamic and Middle Estern Geographers and Travellers. III 2008 910.92 ISL 244664<br />
4660 Ian Richard Net<strong>to</strong>n Islamic and Middle Estern Geographers and Travellers. IV 2008 910.92 ISL 244665<br />
4661 Ian Shapiro Moral Foundations <strong>of</strong> Politics. 2004 320 SHA 241672<br />
4662 Ian Talbot Epicentre <strong>of</strong> Violence. 2006 915.491 TAL 243715<br />
4663 Ian Talbot Pakistan Modern His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2005 954.91 TAL 244593<br />
4664 Ian Talbot Pakistan Modern His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2005 954.91 TAL 240917<br />
4665 Ibn Hasan Sultanate Mughaliya ka markazi Nizame Hukumat. 1999 954.025 IBN G-250302<br />
4666 Ibn Inshaa Chand Nagar. 1955 891.4391 IBN G-256611<br />
4667 Ibn Kanwal Bostane Khaiyal. 2005 891.4394 KAN G-250873<br />
4668 Ibn Kanwal Daastan se Novil Tak. 2003 891.4394 KAN G-250874<br />
4669 Ibn Nishaati Phool Ban. 1978 891.439109 IBN G-250048<br />
4670 IBN Warraq Ed. Origins <strong>of</strong> the Koran. 1995 297.1221 ORI 242043<br />
4671 IBN Warraq Ed. What the Koran Really Says: Language,text & Commentary. 2006 297.122 KOR 240484<br />
4672 Ibraahim Akhtar Aatish Sang. 1991 891.439308 AKH G-252710<br />
4673 Ibrahim Ashk Ilhaam. 1991 891.4391 ASH G-252789<br />
4674 Ibrahim Jalees Zamin Jaag Rahi Hai. 1945 891.43908 JAL G-253930<br />
4675 Ibrahim Yusuf Hindi Drame Ka Irtequa. 1985 891.43209 IBR G-251264<br />
4676 Ibrahim Yusuf Urdu Drame ki Tanquid ka Jaizaa. 1994 891.439209 IBR G-251206<br />
4677 Ibsan Samundari Lutere. 1959 822 IBS G-257070<br />
4678 Ida Jafri Saaze Sukhan. 1988 891.439108 ADA G-256851<br />
4679 Idies Shah Oriental Mgic. 1968 398.4 SHA G-251814<br />
4680 Ifor Evans. Short S<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> English Literature. 1963 820.9 EAV G-255954<br />
4681 Ifram Rozan Abnormal Nafsiyat. 1985 150 ROZ G-254442<br />
4682 Ifran Habib Ed.<br />
On Socialism: Selection from Writings <strong>of</strong> karl Marx, Fredrick Engels,<br />
V.I. Lenin J.V. Stalin Mao Zedong. 2009 335.009 SOC 269736<br />
4683 Iftekhar Aarif Mahar do Neem. 1983 891.439108 IFT G-256596<br />
4684 Iftekhar Alam Khan Drawin our Uska Nazariya Irtequa. 1991 576.82 IFT G-256885<br />
4685 Iftekhar Alam Khan Sir Syed our Fann Tamir. 2001 378.092 IFT G-252359<br />
4686 Iftekhtar Alam Khan Sir Syed our Scientific Society Ek Baazyaft. 2000 378.54092 IFT G-250724<br />
4687 Iftekhtar Alam Khan Siyasi Nigarr Khana. 2004 320.954 IFT G-254343<br />
4688 Igor Yaroslavtsev Zionism Stands Accused. 1963 320.54095694 YAR G-251701<br />
4689 Ihsan H. Nadim Thar: Great Pakistani Desert land His<strong>to</strong>ry People. 2001 954.918 NAD 243356<br />
4690<br />
Ihteramuddin Ahmad<br />
Shaghil Usmani Sahifae Khushnavesiyan. 2002 745.6 SHA G-254417<br />
4691 IIC Water Culture, Politics and Management. 2010 333.91 ICC 269937<br />
4692 IIMC Communication and the Media. 1981 001.510954 COM G-257158
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4693 IIMC Manual for News Agency Reporters. 1980 070.43 MAN G-257124<br />
4694 Ilan Pappe His<strong>to</strong>ry <strong>of</strong> Modern Plaestine one Land , Two Peoples. 2004 956.94 PAP 241975<br />
4695 Illiam Allen White Au<strong>to</strong>biography <strong>of</strong> Illiam Allen White. 1960 818.52092 AUT G-252032<br />
4696 Ilyas Farhat Lams kaAlamiyah. 1994 891.439308 FAR G-252665<br />
4697 Ilyas Shauqi Urdu Afsaana Bombai main 1970 ke bad. 1994 891.439309 KIT G-250837<br />
4698 Ima Noil Kant Tanqidi Aqle Mahz.<br />
Directions for Reform: Future <strong>of</strong> the Intyernational Monetary and<br />
2002 152.1 KAN G250420<br />
4699 IMF<br />
Financial System.<br />
Global Economic & Financial Crisis: Essays from Economic & Political<br />
332.042 DIR G-251978<br />
4700 IMF<br />
Weekly. 2009 332.042 GLO 269582<br />
4701 Imlendo bos Maikal madhusudan dat. 1995 891.441092 BOS 241537<br />
4702 Imrana Qadeer<br />
Imrana Qadeer,<br />
Kasturi Sen & K.R.<br />
Public Health in India: Critical Reflections. 2011 362.10954 QAD 270206<br />
4703 Nayar Ed. Public Health and the Poverty <strong>of</strong> Reforms: South Asian Predicament. 2001 362.10954 PUB 270044<br />
4704 Imroz Jahan Jazbaun ki Aag. 1990 891.439308 AMR G-252855<br />
4705 Imtiyaaz Ahmad Aal Ahmad Sarwar. 2005 891.4309092 IMT 241447<br />
4706 Imtiyaz Ahmad<br />
Imtiyaz Ahmad &<br />
Caste, and Social Stratification among the Muslims. 1973 323.095491 IMT 243320<br />
4707 Helmut Reifeld Ed.<br />
Imtiyaz Ahmad &<br />
Middle Class Values in India & Western Europe. 2003 305.550954 MID 235261<br />
4708 Helmut Reifeld Ed.<br />
Imtiyaz Ahmad &<br />
Shashi Bhushan<br />
Middle Class Values in India & Western Europe. 2003 305.550954 MID 240192<br />
4709 Upadhyay Ed.<br />
Imtiyaz Ahmad &H.<br />
Dalit Assertion in Society, Literature and His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2010 305.568 DAL 270062<br />
4710 Reifeld Lived Islam in South Asia: Adoptation, Accomodation & Conflict. 2004 297.80429754 LIV 240189<br />
4711 Imtiyaz Ahmad Ed.<br />
Imtiyaz Ahmad et. Al.<br />
Modernization and Social Change among Muslim in India. 1993 297.0954 MOD 241825<br />
4712 Ed.<br />
Imtiyaz<br />
Pluralism and Equity: Values in Indian Society and Politics. 2000 303.372 PLU 240183<br />
4713 Ahmad,H.Reifeld Lived Islam in South Asia: Adoptation, Accomodation & Conflict. 2004 297.0954 LIV 235260<br />
4714 Imtiyaz Ahmed State and Foreign Policy: India's Role in South Asia. 1993 327.10954 IMT 242447<br />
4715 Imtiyaz Ahmed State,Society and Displacement Peole in South Asia. 2004 325.210954 IMT 243748<br />
4716 Imtiyaz Ali Ed. Divorce and Remarriage among Muslims in India 2003 297.563 DIV 241987<br />
4717 Imtiyaz Ali Ed. Divorce and Remarriage among Muslims in India 2003 297.563 DIV 243820<br />
4718 Imtiyaz Ali Taj Anaarkali. 1931 891.4392 TAJ G-255651<br />
4719 INB Warraq Why I am not a Muslim 1995 297 INB 242042<br />
4720 Inderjit Lal Science ki Baatein. 1982 504 LAL G-250174<br />
4721 INDIA INDIA 2004 A Rference Annual 2004 050.954 IND G-256372<br />
4722 INDIA INDIA 2008 A Rference Annual 2008 050.954 IND 244704<br />
4723 INDIA India Round Table Confrence 12th Nov.1930-19th January,1931 1931 050.954 IND 242333<br />
4724 INDIA Manpower pr<strong>of</strong>ile India Yearbook 2008 2008 050.954 IND 244550<br />
4725 INDIAN Manpower Pr<strong>of</strong>ile India Yearbook 2007 2007 050.954 IND 244507<br />
4726 Indian Archives Indian Archieves 1983 027.0954 IND 242616
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4727 Indian Archives Indian Archieves 1986 027.0954 IND 242619<br />
4728 Indian Archives Indian Archieves 1988 027.0954 IND 242621<br />
4729 Indian Archives Indian Archieves 1988 027.0954 IND 242620<br />
4730 Indian Archives Indian Archieves 1990 027.0954 IND 242617<br />
4731 Indian Archives Indian Archieves 1990 027.0954 IND 242618<br />
4732 Indian Archives Indian Archieves 1991 027.0954 IND 242615<br />
4733 Indira Gandhi My Truth. 145/- 324.220954092 240651<br />
4734 Indira Goswami Dakshini Kamrup ki Gatha. 1997 891.513 GOS G-253328<br />
4735 Indira Jaising Ed.<br />
4736<br />
Men's Laws Women's Lives: a constitutional perspectives on religion,<br />
common law and culture in South Asia. 2005 305.3 JAI 242078<br />
Indira Viswanathan<br />
Peterson Performing Pasts: reinventing the arts in Modern South India. 2008 781.680954 PET 244827<br />
4737 Indr Naath Madan Abhivayakti. 1969 891.43208 ABH G-253281<br />
4738 Indra Goswami Jindagi Koi Sauda Nahi. 1992 891.4513092 GOS G-253015<br />
4739 Indraj Bedadher Ram Naresh Tirpathi. 1991 891.431092 ADH 241516<br />
4740 Indramani Pradhan Parasmani Pradhan 1997 491.4395092 PRA 241222<br />
4741 Indrani Chatterjee Ed. Unfamiliar Relations: family and His<strong>to</strong>ry in South Asia 2004 306.850954 UNF 269637<br />
4742 Indrani Sen Memsahibs' Writings: Colonial Narratives on Indian Women. 2008 305.480954 MEM 244907<br />
4743 Indrani Sen<br />
Women and Empire: representations in the Writings <strong>of</strong> British India<br />
(1858-1900) 2002 305.409171 IND 244906<br />
4744 Indu Indu Noveles. 1988 823 IND G-256018<br />
4745 Indu Bali Bina Chhat ka Makan. 1982 891.43301 BAL G-253095<br />
4746 Indu Bali Madhya Kalin Hindi Paromarvayan. 1969 891.43 BAL G-253104<br />
4747 Indu Banga Causation in His<strong>to</strong>ry. 1992 635.3509 BAN 241724<br />
4748 Indu Banga Ed. City in Indian His<strong>to</strong>ry. 2005 307.760954 BAN 243740<br />
4749 Indu Banga Ed. City in Indian Hsi<strong>to</strong>ry Urban Demgraphy, Society, and Politics. 1991 306.70954 CIT 241372<br />
4750 Indu Bharti V.I. Lenin Kiya Karein. 2008 947.0841 LEN 244400<br />
4751<br />
Indu Prakash Ram<br />
krishna Text Book <strong>of</strong> Practical Physics. 1970 530 IND G-256539<br />
4752 Indumati Scheory P. Y. Deshpande. 1992 891.4611092 SHE 241434<br />
4753 Ingrid Rima Development <strong>of</strong> economics Analysis. 2009 330.09 RIM 269123<br />
4754 Intezaar Husain Aage Samundar hai. 1995 891.4393 INT G-250730<br />
4755 Intezaar Husain Aakhrii Aadmi. 1993 891.4393 INT G-256857<br />
4756 Intezaar Husain Alamatun ka Zawaal. 1983 891.43909 INT G-251207<br />
4757 Intezaar Husain Alamatun ka Zawaal. 1983 891.43909 INT G-256791<br />
4758 Intezaar Husain Basti. 1980 891.4393 INT G-256935<br />
4759 Intezaar Husain Intezaar Husain ke Satrah Afsaane. 1980 891.439308 INT G-256982<br />
4760 Intezaar Husain Kankari. 1955 891.439308 INT G-256591<br />
4761 Intezaar Husain Pakistaani Kahaniyaan. 1998 891.439308 INT G-257011<br />
4762 Intezaar Husain Tazkerah. 1987 891.4393 INT G-256962<br />
4763 Intezamullah Shahabi Ghalib ke Latifee. 1947 891.439108 GHA G-255686<br />
4764 Intezar Husain Ajmal Azam. 1995 920 INT G-251925<br />
4765 Iona & Peter Opie Oxford Nursery Rhyme Book. 1957 398.8 ION G-255327<br />
4766 Iqbal Shair Ghalib Number. 050 SHA G-257038<br />
4767 Iqbal Shair Iqbal Number. 1991 050 SHA G-257040
S.No. Authors Titles <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Books</strong> Vol Year Call No. Acc. No<br />
4768 Iqbal Shoor. 050 SHA G-257029<br />