Contents - Musée Maillol

Contents - Musée Maillol

Contents - Musée Maillol


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4. « Love on the walls »<br />

by Antonio Varone, Excavations Director at Pompeii<br />

In the middle of the 18 th century the excavations started on the Pompeii site. As the work<br />

advanced, an entire town was returning to the light of day, with its streets, monuments and<br />

houses – and, inside these, furniture, paintings and splendid mosaics. Besides material<br />

things, they were rediscovering the organisation and cultural way of life of a whole society.<br />

Imagine the surprise of the archeologists of the time at the discovery of numerous outsized<br />

phalluses, some even that had wings or animal features! They were all over the place: along<br />

the streets, on walls and floors, as well as outside certain shops. The were sculpted in lowrelief<br />

or in the round but they were found in paintings too, where seemingly at every street<br />

corner visitors to the ruins were stunned by the sight of men endowed with gigantic,<br />

monstrous penises.<br />

Then when houses were uncovered with painted frescoes showing erotic scenes in crude<br />

realism, Pompeii was immediately judged to be a town of perversion and luxury from a moral<br />

point of view, a new Sodom which must have deserved its divine punishment. These moral<br />

judgments meant that Pompeii artifacts showing erotic acts, or with even with a hint of the<br />

erotic about them, were very soon dispatched to the “secret cabinet” in the Naples Museum.<br />

Thus they tried to bury this far too explicit reality in an inaccessible place where it wouldn’t<br />

cause offence. At the same time the places where this kind of object and image had<br />

remained in situ were closed to the public almost until the present day. What was even more<br />

shocking than the images themselves was the explicit way in which they were in full view of<br />

everyone.<br />

If we want to have a full understanding of this phenomenon, first we have to place the town<br />

of Pompeii in its historical context. There was nothing unusual about it; it was a very ordinary<br />

town in the Roman world, close enough to Rome in this first century AD to be completely<br />

integrated in its social fabric. We also have to try to get rid of our preconceptions, the result<br />

of f 2,000 years of change in thought and religion. These are what influence our approach to<br />

the matter, both morally and socially, to a greater or lesser extent .<br />

We have to recognise that in a society that knew neither doubt nor sin nor prudishness nor<br />

the malice typical of out time, sex was experienced with much greater simplicity. Of course<br />

this spontaneity often showed itself in a crude way and eroticism looked completely different<br />

from what we are used to today.<br />

The Roman world didn’t need circumlocution or veils, physical or mental, to cover up human<br />

nudity. The rules about sex were mainly concerned with purely social aspects, not morality.<br />

They eagerly but apparently innocently pursued practices that today are considered as<br />

perversions, without ever thinking of them as such. The very concept of obscenity didn’t<br />

exist, no more than that of morbidity, even for acts and habits that unanimously offend our<br />

current sensitivities as being unacceptable violations.<br />

Above all, sex for the Romans was a positive phenomenon, a source of joy and life, a thing<br />

of magic. It even had a religious aspect that linked it to human destiny. The “physical” was<br />

the goddess of reproducing life whom the people of Pompeii worshipped as their protectress<br />

during the Samnite period. In the Roman era she quite naturally became identified with the<br />

goddess of love, Venus.<br />

That’s why the phallus was shown on the tombs of men and the uterus on those of women,<br />

to show respectively the genius and the luno of the dead, this supernatural germinating force<br />


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