ΠΟΡΦΥΡΑ - Porphyra

ΠΟΡΦΥΡΑ - Porphyra

ΠΟΡΦΥΡΑ - Porphyra


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A Prôtospatharios, Magistros, and Strategos Autokrator of 11 th cent.<br />

the equipment of Georgios Maniakes and his army according to the Skylitzes Matritensis miniatures<br />

and other artistic sources of the middle Byzantine period.<br />

best auspices for the Roman Army : 13 cities of East-Sicily -<br />

among these Siracusa, Messina, Rometta - were conquered and<br />

fortified by Maniakes. 17 At Siracusa he found the remains of<br />

Saint Lucia, which he sent to Constantinople. 18 In 1040 the<br />

decisive battle took place, nearby Troina, where Maniakes<br />

defeated decisively the joint Arabian forces, under the command<br />

of Abd-Allah, the Kalif Kairuan’son 19 .<br />

The φθονοs, i.e. envy, ruined the brilliant General : the<br />

Normans abandoned the Army considering themselves damaged<br />

by division of the spoils 20 ; because of a quarrel with the Fleet<br />

Commander, Stephan, the Emperor’s Brother in law, Maniakes<br />

was removed from the command; and accused of high treason,<br />

he was taken in fetters to Constantinople on donkey-back in the<br />

same year 1040. 21<br />

Maniakes would soon be released by the Emperor<br />

Michael V ; and returned to Italy as commander in chief of the<br />

Imperial troops in the Peninsula 22 ; after a viscious campaign<br />

against the Apulian rebels 23 he was recalled to Constantinople<br />

by slander 24 ; and raised the rebellion flag, he was proclaimed<br />

himself Emperor and he will find death in 1043 on a battlefield<br />

in Macedonia 25 .<br />

The Sicilian conquests were briefly lost after Maniakes<br />

departure: but up to today the castle placed on the Ortigia<br />

promontory at Siracusa still brings his name 26 , in order to<br />

Manager; the famous Harald Haardrade, future King of Norway who died in 1066 at the battle of Stamford Bridge, is<br />

recorded also in Islamic Sources : s. Amari, Storia, II, p. 380 ; Ostrogovsky, History of the Byzantine Empire, Munchen<br />

1963-Torino 1968, p. 303. On the subject s. S. Blöndal, “The last Exploits of Harald Sigurdson in Greek Service ; a<br />

Chapter of the History of the Varangians”, in Classica and Medievalia, 2, 1939, (3-7). For the military role played by<br />

the Varangians in this campaign see Ibid., The Varangians of Byzantium, Cambrigde University Press, London, 1978,<br />

pp. 67-71.<br />

17 Zonaras, p. 591 ; Skylitzes 403 = Kedrenos 520 ; cf. also Von Falkenhausen-Cavalli, I Bizantini in Italia, Milano<br />

1982, p. 119.<br />

18 Amato, 68 ; Leo Marsicanus, 675 ; cf. also M. Scaduto, Il monachesimo basiliano nella Sicilia Medioevale, rinascita<br />

e decadenza, sec. XI-XIV, Roma 1947, p. 108.<br />

19 Amari, II, p. 389 ff. ; Skylitzes 405-406 = Kedrenos 522 ; for a brief description of the battle cf. Felix, Byzanz, p.<br />

210 ; the authors are still divided among the true date of the battle, if i.e. it took place in spring or summer 1040.<br />

Zonaras pp. 592-593 tell us that “a so big number of Africans died, that the number was countless”, and Skylitzes-<br />

Kedrenos mentions 50.000 killed among the Arabs.<br />

20 Amato, 72-73 and cf. notes for the different version of Anonymi Vaticani, Historia Sicula, col. 749, in Muratori,<br />

Rerum Italicarum Scriptores, VIII ; Skylitzes 425 = Kedrenos 545; Gaufredus Malaterrae, p. 10 ; cf. also Felix p. 210<br />

n. 69.<br />

21 Maniakes blamed Stephanos for the flight of Abd-Allah ben al Mu-izz, beating him with a flail ; Skylitzes 407, 425 =<br />

Kedrenos, pp. 523, 545 ; Zonaras, p. 593 ; Michael Attaliates, Historia, Bonn 1853, pp. 18 ff.. ; cf. Von Falkenhausen-<br />

Cavalli, I Bizantini, p. 119.<br />

22 Michael Psellos, Chronographia, II Vol., Milano 1984, VI p. 78 ; Michael Attaliates, p. 11 ; Skylitzes 427 =<br />

Kedrenos 547 ; s. also Von Falkenhausen, La Dominazione, p. 60 and.95. In this occasion we are more informed about<br />

the dignity received by Maniakes : Magistros, Protospatharios and Strategos Autokrator - Katepano tes Italias.<br />

23 Guglielmo di Puglia, vv. 441-575; Annales Barenses, p. 56 ; Lupus Protospatharius, MG Scriptores, V, p. 58;<br />

Michael Attaliates, pp. 18 ff. cf. Von Falkenhausen-Cavalli, I Bizantini, p. 120.<br />

24 Zonaras, p. 621 ; Skylitzes 427 ff. = Kedrenos 547-549 ; Psellos, VI, pp. 79-81 and n. 209 p. 396 of commentary.<br />

25 It is the battle of Ostrovo, march 1043 ; Psellos, VI, 79-87 ; here the rebellion of Maniakes is described in depth, as<br />

the last battle of the Roman hero is represented with the most intensive pathos ; cf. also Michael Attaliates, pp. 11 ff. ;<br />

Aristakès Lastivert, Rècit, p. 43 and notes.<br />

26 Gabrieli-Scerrato, Gli Arabi, p. 86 ; Felix, Byzanz, p. 210 n. 68 ; Von Falkenhausen-Cavalli, I Bizantini, p. 119.<br />


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