Abel Pann - artist

Abel Pann - artist

Abel Pann - artist


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Leybovich Ieshayagu - biochemist, writer<br />

Leybovich Kagan (Caen), Ber (Boris) Abraham - physician<br />

Leybovich Nehama - teacher<br />

Leynvand Michael - accordionist, teacher<br />

Leytman Abram, teacher<br />

Leytman Aron Veniaminovich<br />

Leyzerovich Kazriel Zelik - circus musician<br />

Leyzerovich Shmuel - circus worker<br />

Leyzerovich Zelik - violist<br />

Lezte nayes - Newspaper (Riga. 1925)<br />

Lezte nayes - Newspaper (Riga. 1928)<br />

Libauer folksblat - Newspaper (Liepaja)<br />

Libaueshe nayes - Newspaper (Liepaja)<br />

Libaueshe shtime - Newspaper (Liepaja)<br />

Libertal Masha - lawyer<br />

Libesman Hayman<br />

Libgott Denis - Israeli athlete<br />

Libinson Abram<br />

Libman Aron – master of circus conferance<br />

Libman Michael – master of arts, art-historian<br />

Libman Yakov<br />

Lichtenberg Nahum - musician<br />

Lichtenberg Solomon - lawyer<br />

Liechtenstein Haim Pejsah Abramovich - teacher<br />

Liepaja (Libava) - utown<br />

Liepaja Jewish community<br />

Lifland Province<br />

Lifshin Lazar - lawyer<br />

Lifshits Fridman Alexander - physician<br />

Lifshits Haim David - mohel<br />

Lifshits Hatskel<br />

Lifshits Joya - pianist, teacher<br />

Lifshits Moses - mohel<br />

Lifshits Tovy - conductor and violinist<br />

LifshitsJohanan - rabbi<br />

Lihtenshteyn Levi - rabbi<br />

Lilienthal Max - teacher, public figure<br />

Limbazi - town<br />

Limuviya - NGO<br />

Linati-Gatsedek - hospital and maternity hospital<br />

Linati-Gatsedek - NGO<br />

Lines Avsey - impresario<br />

Lines Leo - violinist<br />

Lines Oscar - composer<br />

Linkemer Kalman - prisoner of the ghetto, poet, memorialist<br />

Lipkin-Itzik Aaron - volunteer for antifascist war in Spain in 1936<br />

Lipman Jacob - biochemist<br />

Lipman Levi - financier<br />

Lippa Zelig - cantor<br />

Lipshic (Lipshyuts) Alexander - physiologist<br />

Lipshic Arkadij<br />

Lisagor Elena – cheef of secondary school<br />

Lisagor Joseph - veteran, lawyer<br />

Lisagor Raphael - lawyer

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