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Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего<br />

профессионального образования<br />



Ю.В.Иванова, В.П.Овчаренко<br />

TEST<br />


Таганрог 2005

УДК 378.148:801<br />

Ю.В. Иванова, В.П. Овчаренко<br />

Test Yourself. Пособие для самостоятельной работы по<br />

подготовке студентов базового уровня к аттестационному<br />

тестированию.<br />

Учебно-методическое пособие. Под общей редакцией д.п.н., проф. И.А.<br />

Цатуровой. Таганрог:<br />

Изд-во ТРТУ, 2005. 65 с.<br />

Цель учебно-методического пособия – развитие и совершенствование<br />

Рецензенты:<br />

лингвистической компетенции студентов базового уровня. Пособие<br />

представляет блок заданий для самостоятельной работы студентов<br />

базового уровня.<br />

Краснощекова Г.А, к.п.н., доцент, зав. кафедрой иностранных языков ТРТУ<br />

Новикова А.А., к.п.н., старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков и<br />

русской словесности ТИУиЭ


Одна из актуальных проблем современной методики обучения<br />

иностранным языкам – ориентация всего учебного процесса на<br />

активную самостоятельную работу обучаемых, создание условий для<br />

их самовыражения и саморазвития. Овладение приемами<br />

самостоятельной работы является обязательным условием развития<br />

навыков самообразования.<br />

Самостоятельная работа – вид учебной деятельности,<br />

выполняемый студентами без непосредственного контакта с<br />

преподавателем или управляемый преподавателем опосредованно<br />

через специальные учебные материалы. Самостоятельная работа<br />

является неотъемлемым обязательным звеном процесса обучения,<br />

предусматривающим прежде всего индивидуальную работу студентов<br />

в соответствии с установкой преподавателя или учебника, программы<br />

обучения. Она представляет собой особую, высшую степень учебной<br />

деятельности и обусловлена индивидуальными психологическими<br />

различиями студентов и личностными особенностями, требует<br />

высокого уровня самосознания, рефлексивности.<br />

Данное пособие разработано для подготовки студентов базового<br />

уровня неязыковых вузов к аттестационному тестированию по<br />

окончании базового уровня, основанному на материалах пособия<br />

Headway Pre Intermediate, и предназначено для работы как во<br />

внеаудиторное время, так и на аудиторных занятиях в письменной и<br />

устной формах. Самостоятельная работа может быть индивидуальной,<br />

парной или коллективной. Набор заданий обеспечивает возможность<br />

индивидуального выбора и определения объема материала,<br />

необходимого для достижения учебной цели. Задания носят активный<br />

и творческий характер, стимулируют поиск самостоятельных решений.<br />

Задания, предназначенные для самостоятельной работы,<br />

дифференцированы по уровням (задания повышенной сложности<br />

отмечены знаком *). В конце пособия даны ключи, которые помогут<br />

студентам проверить правильность выполнения заданий.<br />



I. В каждом ряду определите слово, отличающееся от других слов<br />

по какому-либо признаку.<br />

1. constitution elect vote martyr<br />

2. spinster widow hero bride<br />

3. bowl wok chop saucepan<br />

4. cauliflower cucumber peach Brussels sprout<br />

5. walkman CD player video tape-recorder<br />

6. keyboards prose drums guitar<br />

7. customer governess stockbroker spy<br />

8. palace bulb mansion castle<br />

9. stamina stardom power energy<br />

10. pyjamas jumper pillow shirt<br />

11. roast bake peel fry<br />

12. platform sail yacht life-raft<br />

13. good-looking stupid boring mean<br />

14. ugly messy untidy dusty<br />

15. invention celebration discovery research<br />

16. throat stomach headache neck<br />

17. pond lake wave mansion<br />

18. fit healthy weak strong<br />

19. award prize reward charity<br />

20. deer snake sword mouse<br />

II. Определите, имеют ли слова в каждом ряду схожее или<br />

противоположное значение. Поставьте в колонке С букву Е<br />

(equivalent), если следующие слова близки по значению, и букву О<br />

(opposite), если они противоположны по значению.<br />


A B С<br />

1. dear expensive 1. E<br />

2. wonderful marvelous 2.<br />

3. design construct 3.<br />

4. injure wound 4.<br />

5. same different 5.<br />

6. until since 6.<br />

7. calm nervous 7.<br />

8. noisy quiet 8.<br />

9. whisper shout 9.<br />

10. get receive 10.<br />

11. always never 11.<br />

12. win fail 12.<br />

13. shy reserved 13.<br />

14. clever smart 14.<br />

15. heaven hell 15.<br />

16. wealthy poor 16.<br />

17. boring interesting 17.<br />

18. pretty beautiful 18.<br />

19. dirty messy 19.<br />

20. agree argue 20.<br />

III. Подберите к слову из колонки А слово или словосочетание из<br />

колонки В и запишите свой выбор в колонке С.<br />

Part A<br />

A B С<br />

1. tell a) money 1. d<br />

2. air b) bin 2.<br />

3. exchange c) glasses 3.<br />


4. spend d) a joke 4.<br />

5. rubbish e) conditioning 5.<br />

6. chewing f) rate 6.<br />

7. wear g) gum 7.<br />

Part B<br />

A B C<br />

1. standard a) a bill 1.<br />

2. take b) jam 2.<br />

3. department c) driver 3.<br />

4. pay d) processor 4.<br />

5. traffic e) of living 5.<br />

6. taxi f) a photograph 6.<br />

7. word g) store 7.<br />

Part C<br />

A B C<br />

1. play a) the washing-up 1.<br />

2. alarm b) clock 2.<br />

3. make c) a horse 3.<br />

4. post d) the drums 4.<br />

5. pack e) a letter 5.<br />

6. do f) a suitcase 6.<br />

7. ride g) a phone call 7.<br />

Part D<br />

A B C<br />

1. order a) a film on TV 1.<br />

2. wear b) post 2.<br />

3. sign c) a van 3.<br />

4. watch d) hour 4.<br />


5. rush e) a cheque 5.<br />

6. drive f) a meal 6.<br />

7. cash g) a suit 7.<br />

IV. Прочитайте тексты и заполните пропуски данными словами,<br />

предшествующими тексту.<br />

Text A<br />

ambitious, to write, the bank, in touch, decided, computers, software,<br />

finished, professionals, period<br />


Teenager David Bolton has just put £9,000 in (1) the bank - after only<br />

six months of part-time work as a computer consultant.<br />

It was only about a year ago, however, that he (2) ______ to get serious<br />

about computers. He went to night school to learn how (3) ______ business<br />

programs, and did a correspondence course with an American college.<br />

He got (4) _______ with a computer seller, Eltec, who gave him<br />

computers and (5) ______ worth more than £3,000. He helps companies by<br />

suggesting which (6) ______ they should buy, and by writing individual<br />

programs for them.<br />

He can work more quickly than many older (7) _______. In one case, he<br />

went to a company where a professional programmer worked for six months<br />

and couldn’t find the problem. David (8) ______ the job in five days.<br />

It is because of work of this standard that in short (9) _____ he has been<br />

in business David made about £9,000.<br />

How did he do it? “You have to be (10) ______, and you have to really<br />

want to get to the top. Believe in yourself, and tell yourself you’re the best.”<br />

Text B<br />

generosity, tidied, gardens, family, horses, village, Perhaps, problems, to<br />


fight, old<br />


Vet Peter Pocock has been left a fortune by a spinster whose (1) horses and<br />

dogs he looked after.<br />

The 90-year-old spinster, Miss Marguerite de Beaumont, was helped in many<br />

ways by Mr Pocock. He cleaned and (2) _____ her 11-room Elizabethan<br />

mansion when she became too (3) _____ and ill to care for it. When she died<br />

she left him everything in her will: her money, the house and (4) _____, her<br />

stables – all of which is worth $3 million.<br />

Miss de Beaumont’s (5) ______ are furious. Her niece, Mrs Charmian<br />

Pickford said “We are very upset. We are going (6) _____ the will. My aunt<br />

didn’t know what she was doing – she was senile in her last years.”<br />

Mr Pocock lives in the next (7) ______ with his wife and baby daughter.<br />

They were shocked by Miss de Beaumont’s (8) _______. “We can’t believe it,”<br />

said Mrs Pocock, “So much money is wonderful, but will it make us happier?<br />

Money can bring (9) ______. Our hope is that the mansion will be made<br />

beautiful again. (10) _____ we can do it now with the money.”<br />

Text C<br />

sharks, a life-raft, to hit, a machine, Costa Rica, raw, the water, hands, Then,<br />

condition<br />


A couple from Miami, Bill and Simone Butler, spent 66 days in (1) a life-<br />

raft in the seas of Central America after their yacht sank. They survived in very<br />

good (2) ________.<br />

21 days after they left Panama in their yacht they met some whales. “They<br />

started (3) ______ the side of the boat,” said Bill, “and then suddenly we heard<br />

water.” Two minutes later, the yacht was sinking. They jumped into the life-raft<br />

and watched the boat go under (4) _____.<br />

For twenty days they had tins of food, biscuits, and bottles of water. They<br />

also had a fishing-line and (5) _______ to make salt water into drinking water –<br />


two things which saved their lives. They caught some fish every day and ate<br />

them (6) ____. Then the line broke. “So we had no more fish until something<br />

very strange happened. Some (7) _____ came to feed, and the fish under the raft<br />

were afraid and came to the surface. I caught them with my (8) _____”.<br />

After 50 days at sea the life-raft was beginning to break up. (9) _____<br />

suddenly it was all over. A fishing boat saw them and took them to (10)<br />

_____. Their two months at sea was over.<br />

Text D<br />

to destroy, cathedrals, the animals, communicators, billion, jungles,<br />

voices, the moon, present, the world<br />


There are five (1) billion people in the world and they live in all different<br />

corners of it. They live on the snow and ice of the Poles and in the tropical (2)<br />

____ on the equator. They have climbed the highest mountains and walked on<br />

the sea bed. Some of them have even left the earth and visited (3) _____.<br />

The human species is the most numerous and the most powerful of all (4)<br />

_____ on earth. How did this happen? In many ways animals can do things<br />

better than we can. But we are different. No other animal builds (5) ______,<br />

plays football, tells jokes or gets married.<br />

There is one thing above all that makes people and animals different. People<br />

love to talk – talk – talk. We are the great (6) ________! And we can<br />

communicate so many things in so many ways – with our faces, our hands, our<br />

bodies, and our (7) ______. Also we have a sense of past and future, not just (8)<br />

______.<br />

We are the only species that can change (9) ________, and we can choose<br />

either to look after our world or (10) _____ it.<br />



I. Прочитайте предложения и заполните пропуски артиклями, где<br />

это необходимо.<br />

Example: I’d like to go on an excursion to the Crimea.<br />

1.___ President of ___ United States lives in ___ White House in ___<br />

Washington D.C.<br />

2. What do you think of Jane? - She's ___ extremely nice person.<br />

3. Mary is wearing ___ beautiful ring today. It is made of ___ gold.<br />

4. ___ beef is a kind of ___ meat.<br />

5. I have ___ idea. Let's go on ___ picnic on ___ Saturday.<br />

6. We went to ___ South of ___ Russia ____last year.<br />

7. ____ St. Paul’s Cathedral was designed by Sir Christopher Wren.<br />

8. I’d like to have ___ hamburger for ___ breakfast.<br />

9. Can you play ___ piano?<br />

10. Will you play ___ chess with me?<br />

11. At ___ night I had ___ terrible headache after I had drunk ___ lot of<br />

coffee in ___ evening.<br />

12. Thomas Nixon is ___ last person I want to see.<br />

13. My favourite subject at school was ___ History.<br />

14. He knows ___ history of ___ French Revolution well.<br />

15. Could you phone later, please? Ann is having ___ shower.<br />

II. Прочитайте предложения и выберите правильный вариант<br />

ответа.<br />

Example: They're listening ____ the news.<br />

A. at B. to C. –<br />


1. Who is she looking ______?<br />

A. on B. at С. to<br />

2. What's the matter.______ him?<br />

A. by B. with С. from<br />

3. No large ships can go ________ that bridge.<br />

A. over B. across C. under<br />

4. It's time for coffee. All the students are coming ______ their classes.<br />

A. off B. out of С. out<br />

5. What time does your plane take ______?<br />

A. off B. out С. from<br />

6. After failing his driving test four times, he finally gave ______ trying<br />

to pass.<br />

A. in B. off C. up<br />

7. I go to school on foot, but yesterday I went to school _____ bus.<br />

A. on B. in C. by<br />

8. Bye, see you ______ Monday morning.<br />

A. on B. at C. in<br />

9. She got married ______ the age of 19.<br />

A. in B. of C. at<br />

10. Jim is a person I can rely ______.<br />

A. at B. on C. for<br />

11. According ______ the forecast the weather will remain better than<br />

usual for this time of year.<br />

A. for B. to C. of<br />

12. I haven’t seen her ______ Monday.<br />

A. since B. for C. by<br />

13. My little brother is afraid ______ spiders.<br />

A. to B. for C. of<br />

14. You shouldn’t depend ______ Tom, he’s always late.<br />

A. of B. on C. to<br />


15. Who has paid ______ the meal?<br />

A. for B. out C. with<br />

16. The banks close ______ 7 o’clock in the evening.<br />

A. in B. at C. on<br />

17. Bob is going to play tennis ______ next Sunday.<br />

A. – B. in C. on<br />

18. My sister is always angry ______ me when I am late.<br />

A. at B. on C. with<br />

19. I can’t open the door, I’m looking ______ the key.<br />

A. for B. after C. in<br />

20. Don’t laugh ______ my little sister.<br />

A. on B. at C. about<br />

III. Заполните пробелы одним из следующих местоимений:<br />

somebody, anybody, something, anything, somewhere, anywhere.<br />

Example: First, I didn’t know anybody in my new class.<br />

1. ______ has broken my vacuum cleaner.<br />

2. I’ve got ______ for you. I hope you’ll like it.<br />

3. I feel bored. Let’s go ______.<br />

4. Do you have ______ romantic to read?<br />

5. It’s a pity, but we can’t do ______ .<br />

6. Does ______ mind if I open the window?<br />

7. If you are so hungry, let’s go ______ to eat.<br />

8. ______ has told me you’re getting married. Congratulations!<br />

9. Oh! There’s ______ very heavy in your suitcase.<br />

10. I’ll take ______ to read before going to the beach.<br />

11. Have you already invited ______ to your party?<br />

12. I haven’t got ______ to wear at all!<br />


13. Let’s ask ______ to sing.<br />

14. Don’t ask me! I don’t want to go ______ .<br />

15. Look! ______ is waving you.<br />

16. Have you bought ______ ?<br />

17. I want to go _______ exotic on holiday.<br />

18. Give us _______ to drink, please.<br />

19. Please don’t tell ______ about this accident.<br />

20. I haven’t got ______ to talk to you about.<br />

21. I think there’s _______ wrong with my watch. I must go to the repair<br />

shop.<br />

22. I’m sure there’s ______ inside, just knock louder!<br />

23. Do you know ______ here?<br />

24. There is always _______ I don’t understand.<br />

25. There isn’t ______ we can do now.<br />

26. Can ______ serious come out of this?<br />

27. I haven’t got ______ to say.<br />

28. Quick, let’s go! There’s ______ coming.<br />

29. Nobody can find ______ about when the exams will be.<br />

30. Sally, there’s ______ downstairs who wants to speak to you.<br />

IV. Прочитайте предложения и выберите правильный вариант<br />

ответа.<br />

Example: Mary speaks Japanese_______ than Spanish.<br />

A. the worst B. worse C. more bad<br />

1. I weigh 80 kilos. You’re ______ me.<br />

A. lighter B. lighter than C. light as<br />

2. The Nile is ______ river in the world.<br />

A. longest B. the longest C. long<br />


3. Who is _______ singer in France?<br />

A. more famous B. the most famous C. most famous<br />

4. I think jazz is ______ rock music.<br />

A. better B. the best C. better than<br />

5. The ring wasn’t as ______ I expected.<br />

A. expensive B. expensive as C. expensive than<br />

6. You look ______ you did yesterday.<br />

A. worse B. worse than C. worst than<br />

7. What’s ______ month of the year in India?<br />

A. wettest B. wetter C. the wettest<br />

8. My ______ holiday was in France.<br />

A. more enjoyable<br />

9. Is cheese ______ meat?<br />

B. the most enjoyable C. most enjoyable<br />

A. healthier than B. healthier C. healthy than<br />

10. Your daughter is as ______ her mother.<br />

A. beautiful B. beautiful as C. beautiful than<br />

11. The Amazon is ______ river in the world.<br />

A. wider B. widest C. the widest<br />

12. The North Pole isn’t as ______ the South Pole.<br />

A. cold B. cold as C. colder as<br />

13. The black mamba is ______ land snake.<br />

A. the fastest B. fastest C. the most fast<br />

14. Bob is ______ than his brother.<br />

A. as polite B. more polite C. the more polite<br />

15. Chemistry is ______ physics.<br />

A. easier B. as easy C. easier than<br />

16. China has ______ population in the world.<br />

A. big B. bigger C. the biggest<br />

17. The sweater is small. I need ______ size.<br />

A. a larger B. the largest C. large<br />


18. The Mississippi is ______ the Nile.<br />

A. shorter B. shorter than C. the shorter than<br />

19. I don’t feel ______ as yesterday.<br />

A. tired B. as tired C. more tired<br />

20. This task is ______ than I expected.<br />

A. difficult B. as difficult C. more difficult<br />

21. This book is ______ than that one.<br />

A. thicker B. thick C. thickest<br />

22. Her hair is short. My hair is ______ than hers.<br />

A. long B. longer C. longest<br />

23. Today is ______ day of the year.<br />

A. warmer B. the warmest C. more warm<br />

24. ______ people smoke these days than before.<br />

A. Less B. Few C. Fewer<br />

25. This way is ______ than the other.<br />

A. the safest B. safer C. more safer<br />

26. The patient looks much ______ today.<br />

A. best B. the best C. better<br />

27. Jack’s ______ brother was my classmate.<br />

A. the oldest B. elder C. the eldest<br />

28. Ann is as ______ as her mother.<br />

A. tall B. the tallest C. taller<br />

29. His manners are even ______ than his sister’s.<br />

A. most bad B. worst C. worse<br />

30. Don’t send a letter. It’s ______ to phone him.<br />

A. easier B. more easy C. the easiest<br />


V. Прочитайте предложения и выберите правильный вариант<br />

ответа.<br />

Example: When I entered the room, she _____________ on the sofa.<br />

A. lay B. is lying C. was lying<br />

1. Your sister always drinks strong coffee, _______________ she?<br />

A. doesn’t B. does C. isn’t<br />

2. I ___________________ here since September.<br />

A. am B. was C. have been<br />

3. We’ve got tickets, and tomorrow evening we _________________ to<br />

the cinema.<br />

A. are going B. go C. have gone<br />

4. The day before yesterday we _____________ to the restaurant by Tom.<br />

A. are invited B. were invited C. invited<br />

5. She asked me ____________________ a car.<br />

A. do I have B. if did I have C. if I had<br />

6. I’m hot because I ___________________!<br />

A. have been running B. have run C. ran<br />

7. My dentist says I _________________ eat so many sweets.<br />

A. can’t B. don’t have to C. shouldn’t<br />

8. The weather is nice today, but it __________________ bad yesterday.<br />

A. was B. is C. has been<br />

9. Dad ____________________ on Saturdays.<br />

A. is usually working B. usually works C. is usually worked<br />

10. ____________________ you understand what I’m saying?<br />

A. Can B. Should C. Must<br />

11. Mr. Harrison said that he ____________________ again.<br />

A. will call B. would call C. calls<br />

12. His smile was something she _________________ before.<br />

A. had never seen B. has never seen C. never saw<br />


13. Mom isn’t at home. She ___________________ to the shops and she<br />

will be back soon.<br />

A. has gone B. has been C. went<br />

14. It _______________________ in this part of the world.<br />

A. is often raining B. was often raining C. often rains<br />

15. Nylon __________________ in the early 1930s.<br />

A. was invented B. invented C. will be invented<br />

16. Last week my Dad ______________________ to work on foot.<br />

A. was going B. has gone C. went<br />

17. While my son __________________ for my call, somebody knocked at<br />

the door.<br />

A. waited B. was waiting C. was waited<br />

18. He can play golf well, ____________________ he?<br />

A. doesn’t B. can C. can’t<br />

19. Run downstairs. Your sister _________________ for you.<br />

A. waits B. is waiting C. waited<br />

20. How long ______________________ here?<br />

A. have you sat B. did you sit C. have you been sitting<br />

21. Listen! That boy __________________ the saxophone.<br />

A. plays B. is playing C. played<br />

22. George _____________________ swimming yesterday.<br />

A. go B. has gone C. went<br />

23. We __________________ from him since he left for Kenya.<br />

A. didn’t hear B. haven’t heard C. hadn’t heard<br />

24. You ___________ a lovely song when I entered the room. What was it?<br />

A. were singing B. sang C. had sung<br />

25. Little children like books with large print. They<br />

____________________ read them more easily.<br />

A. should B. have to C. can<br />

26. Tom _________________ as a postman for a month.<br />

A. is working B. has been working C. works<br />


27. ‘Sunflowers’ _____________________ by Van Gogh.<br />

A. was painted B. painted C. was painting<br />

28. She asked me _________________.<br />

A. if I smoked B. if I smoke C. did I smoke<br />

29. Sam doesn’t work hard, _________________ he?<br />

A. is B. does C. isn’t<br />

30. He was tired because he ________________ hard in the garden all day.<br />

A. worked B. has worked C. had been working<br />

31. ‘What ____________ in your spare time?’ – ‘I often go to the cinema.’<br />

A. do you do B. are you doing C. have you done<br />

32. I went away while the others _________________ lunch.<br />

A. had B. were having C. had had<br />

33. After it _____________________ raining, we went out.<br />

A. had stopped B. stopped C. would stop<br />

34. The children are drawing. They _____________ since they came home.<br />

A. have been drawing B. have drawn C. have been drawn<br />

35. I don’t know Spanish, but I _____________________ it now.<br />

A. learn B. am learning C. have learnt<br />

36. They sent a letter the day before yesterday, _______________ they?<br />

A. did B. hadn’t C. didn’t<br />

37. The doctor told me __________________ more exercise.<br />

A. to do B. doing C. do<br />

38. _________________ I speak to Jane, please?<br />

A. Could B. Must C. Shall<br />

39. I asked her ___________________ a phone call.<br />

A. was there B. if there was C. if was there<br />

40. Coca-Cola ______________________ for over one hundred years.<br />

A. has been produced B. has produced C. was produced<br />


VI. Составьте вопросы, расположив данные слова в правильном<br />

порядке.<br />

Example: earn much a she How does year?<br />

How much does she earn a year?<br />

1. you You Madrid don’t live in?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

2. borrow you Whose did car?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

3. whisky you ever drunk Have?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

4. the broke last Monday Who window?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

5. you lived How town in long your have?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

6. you on Where year go did last holiday?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

7. George’s Who you girlfriend about told?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

8. my you in for looking What are bag?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

9. countries she She visiting doesn’t exotic like does ?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

10. has many he How countries visited foreign?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

11. Why I invited your wasn’t party to?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

12. was castle When this built?<br />

_____________________________________<br />


13. your watching Does comedies mother enjoy ?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

14. Tom What Sally about are and talking?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

15. English When you learning start did?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

16. tennis often she How does play?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

17. dictionary you Why got a haven’t?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

18. was Where she she did child live a when?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

19. sandwiches is Who make going to?<br />

_____________________________________<br />

20. to Who she married did get?<br />

_____________________________________<br />



Прочитайте тексты и выполните задания, следующие за ними.<br />

Text A<br />


The press, television and radio (mass media) play an important part in the<br />

life of society. They influence the way people look at the world and make<br />

them change their views. Some people say, ‘news is not what happens – it is<br />

what you see or read in mass media.’ In other words, mass media shapes<br />

public opinion. (Sometimes it is good, but sometimes it is terribly bad. It<br />

depends.)<br />

Millions of people watch TV and read newspapers and magazines in their<br />

spare time. Television dominates one’s life if the family watches it most of<br />

the time. Television informs, educates, and entertains people, but it is also a<br />

habit-forming drug impossible to resist.<br />

Various TV shows, such as quiz, and music programmes attract a large<br />

audience. During TV quiz programmes the questions are answered by the<br />

viewers at home.<br />

Then there are daily TV serials known as soap operas. Some people find<br />

them boring, others consider them to be good entertainment and relaxation.<br />

Some people say there is too much violence on television, which has a<br />

bad influence on young viewers. Television often shows scenes of violence.<br />

But it is hardly fair to say that TV doesn’t try to raise the cultural level of<br />

the people or develop their artistic taste. Many TV programmes are<br />

excellent: they are made in good taste and with great professional skill.<br />

Television brings into millions of homes not only news and entertainment,<br />

but also cultural and educational programmes.<br />

Good or bad, television brings the world into our home and brings us<br />

closer to other people. Besides, it is good company for people who live<br />

alone.<br />


I. Найдите слова из первой колонки в тексте и соотнесите с их<br />

значением во второй колонке.<br />

1. society a. to oppose<br />

2. shapes b. free<br />

3. spare<br />

c. force that damages<br />

4. to resist d. people living together<br />

5. violence e. forms<br />

II. Дополните предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста и<br />

подчеркните правильный вариант ответа.<br />

1. Mass media a) forms b) ignores c) resists public opinion.<br />

2. According to the text, various TV shows are a) interesting b) terrible c)<br />

stupid.<br />

3. You can watch soap operas a) every month b) every week c) every day.<br />

4. Violence on TV is a) good b) pleasant c) bad for young viewers.<br />

5. Television brings a) culture b) money c) health to our homes.<br />

III. Соответствуют ли следующие утверждения содержанию<br />

текста? Если да, запишите букву T (TRUE), если нет – буквой F<br />

(FALSE).<br />

1. Sometimes people believe TV more than anything else.<br />

2. TV cannot influence people’s opinion.<br />

3. Soap operas are liked by everybody.<br />

4. Few TV programmes are made in good taste.<br />

5. TV is a good opportunity not to be alone<br />

Text B<br />


We tend to imagine that ancient people were ‘environmentally friendly’<br />


and lived in harmony with nature. Some people (such as the American<br />

Indians) did indeed respect and protect their environment. But there are<br />

many examples of ancient peoples who destroyed the land they inhabited. In<br />

doing this, some of them destroyed their own livelihood.<br />

The great city of Ur was destroyed by floods after its people had cut<br />

down the trees on the banks of the river Euphrates to use as fuel for their<br />

fires. Although the Bible says that the cause of floods was anger of God, the<br />

real cause of the flood was probably environmental damage caused by man.<br />

The dodo was a large bird, rather like a turkey, that lived on the island of<br />

Mauririus in the Indian Ocean. When the first man arrived in Mauritius in<br />

the early 16 th century, they found that the dodos were very tame. The<br />

settlers killed the dodos partly for food and partly for sport. By 1680, less<br />

than 200 years after the first man settled on Mauritius, the last dodo was<br />

dead. Only the expression ‘as dead as a dodo’ lives on in the English<br />

language.<br />

I. Найдите слова из первой колонки в тексте и соотнесите с их<br />

значением во второй колонке.<br />

1. tend<br />

a. lived in<br />

2. ancient<br />

b. not afraid of people<br />

3. protect<br />

c. have an inclination, tendency<br />

4. inhabited<br />

d. defend<br />

5. tame<br />

e. very old<br />

II. Дополните предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста и<br />

подчеркните правильный вариант ответа.<br />

1. According to the passage, our ancestors a) respected and protected<br />

their environment b) were probably as selfish as modern people c) lived<br />

in harmony with nature.<br />

2. The passage states that the great city of Ur was probably destroyed by<br />

a) fires b) the anger of God c) floods after cutting down trees.<br />


3. According to the Bible, floods were a) punishment b) reward c) help of<br />

God.<br />

4. In the 15 th century there were a) only dodos b) no people c) many<br />

settlers in Mauritius.<br />

5. People hunted dodos a) for pleasure b) for food c) for food and for<br />

pleasure.<br />

II. Соответствуют ли следующие утверждения содержанию текста?<br />

Если да, запишите букву T (TRUE), если нет – буквой F (FALSE).<br />

1. Modern people think the ancient people protected the environment.<br />

2. American Indians destroyed their environment.<br />

3. The great city of Ur was destroyed by great water.<br />

4. Now we can find dodo only on the island of Mauritius.<br />

5. ‘As dead as a dodo’ is an English idiom.<br />

Text C<br />


All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great<br />

ambition: to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay for her<br />

purchases. For this was what the notice inside the entrance promised. It<br />

said: ‘Remember, once a week, one of our customers gets free goods. This<br />

may be your lucky day!’<br />

For several weeks Mrs. Edwards hoped, like many of her friends, to be<br />

the lucky customer. Unlike her friends, she never gave up hope. The<br />

cupboards in her kitchen were full of things which she did not need. In vain<br />

her husband tried to dissuade her. She dreamed of the day when the<br />

manager of the supermarket would approach her and say: ‘Madam, this is<br />

your lucky day. Everything in your basket is free.’<br />

On Friday morning, after she had finished her shopping and had taken it<br />

to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy any tea. She dashed back<br />


to the supermarket, got the tea and went towards the cash desk. As she did<br />

so, she saw the manager of the supermarket approach her. ‘Madam,’ he<br />

said, holding out his hand, ‘I want to congratulate you! You are our lucky<br />

customer and everything you have in your basket is free!’<br />

I. Найдите слова из первой колонки в тексте и соотнесите с их<br />

значением во второй колонке.<br />

1. ambition<br />

a. left<br />

2. purchases<br />

b. with no result<br />

3. gave up<br />

c. ran quickly<br />

4. in vain<br />

d. buyings<br />

5. dashed<br />

e. wish<br />

II. Дополните предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста и<br />

подчеркните правильный вариант ответа.<br />

1. The housewives learnt about the offer of free goods a) from the<br />

manager b) at the supermarket c) from their friends.<br />

2. Mrs. Edwards’s husband tried to a) make her unhappy b) cheer her up<br />

c) stop her buying things.<br />

3. Mrs. Edwards wanted to a) get a free basket of goods b) meet the<br />

manager c) fill all her cupboards very much.<br />

4. Mrs. Edwards went shopping a) on foot b) in a friend’s car c) by car.<br />

5. Mrs. Edwards must have been a) embarrassed b) delighted c)<br />

disappointed.<br />

II. Соответствуют ли следующие утверждения содержанию текста?<br />

Если да, запишите букву T (TRUE), если нет – буквой F (FALSE).<br />

1. All the housewives who went to the new supermarket wanted to get free<br />

goods.<br />

2. Friends of Mrs. Edwards didn’t hope to be the lucky customer any<br />

more.<br />


3. Mrs. Edwards bought a lot of useless things.<br />

4. On Friday morning she returned to the supermarket to drink some tea.<br />

5. The dream of Mrs. Edwards came true.<br />

Text D<br />


When Mr. Holland was a young man, he played a lot of football, and he<br />

had always been thin and very strong. But then he worked in an office for<br />

many years, and he drove to work in a car, so when he was forty, he was fat<br />

and very soft. He did not wish to get fatter and softer every year.<br />

One day one of his friends said to him, ‘Would you like to be thinner,<br />

Fred?’<br />

‘Of course I would’, Mr. Holland answered.<br />

‘Well,’ his friend said, ‘stop going to your office by car, and get a<br />

bicycle.’<br />

Mr. Holland had not ridden a bicycle for many years. ‘It’s very hard to<br />

learn to ride a bicycle again at your age,’ his wife said.<br />

But it was not too hard for Mr. Holland to do. He usually sat in his living<br />

room and read the newspaper in the evening, but he bought a bicycle for his<br />

birthday and practiced riding that every evening instead. He hoped that it<br />

would help him to get thinner, and he got a lot of pleasure from it.<br />

Later he began to go to his office on his bicycle. Sometimes all the cars<br />

stopped at a red light, and he went past them to the front, because his<br />

bicycle was narrow. Then he was very happy.<br />

Yesterday he stopped at a red light, and a man came up behind him on<br />

another bicycle. He stopped, too, and said to Mr. Holland, ‘have the police<br />

taken your driving licence away, too?’<br />

I. Найдите слова из первой колонки в тексте и соотнесите с их<br />

значением во второй колонке.<br />


1. soft<br />

2. instead<br />

3. pleasure<br />

4. narrow<br />

5. behind<br />

a. not wide<br />

b. at the back of<br />

c. not strong<br />

d. in place of something else<br />

e. gladness, satisfaction<br />

II. Дополните предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста и<br />

подчеркните правильный вариант ответа.<br />

1. When Mr. Holland was forty he was a) thin b) fat c) strong.<br />

2. It was a) difficult b) easy c) necessary for Mr. Holland to learn to ride a<br />

bicycle.<br />

3. Mr. Holland practiced a) in the evening b) in the morning c) on his<br />

birthday.<br />

4. He a) enjoyed b) hated c) couldn’t stand riding a bicycle.<br />

5. At the traffic lights he met a) his friend b) a policeman c) a man<br />

without a driving licence.<br />

III. Соответствуют ли следующие утверждения содержанию<br />

текста? Если да, запишите букву T (TRUE), если нет – буквой F<br />

(FALSE).<br />

1. When Mr. Holland was young he was very fit.<br />

2. Mr. Holland didn’t like being fat.<br />

3. Mr. Holland’s wife advised him to ride a bicycle<br />

4. Mr. Holland believed that a bicycle would help him to get thinner.<br />

5. The police took Mr. Holland’s driving licence away.<br />



I. Соотнесите слово в колонке А с его определением из колонки В.<br />

Запишите свой выбор в колонке С.<br />

A B C<br />

1. to compress a) to turn into gas or vapour 1. b<br />

2. propulsion b) to push together in a small space 2.<br />

3. unique c) driving forward 3.<br />

4. valuable d) the only one of its type 4.<br />

5. to evaporate e) to produce, e.g. electricity 5.<br />

6. to generate f) important, worth a lot of money 6.<br />

7. principle a) substance used for killing insects 7.<br />

8. charge b) the smallest particle of a substance which can 8.<br />

exist on its own<br />

9. pressure c) the electricity contained by a body or a battery 9.<br />

10. insecticide d) a law of nature, usually with uses in science or 10.<br />

technology<br />

11. thrust e) the force of a substance on another substance 11.<br />

12. molecule f) a pushing force 12.<br />

13. violent a) substance used for cleaning 13.<br />

14. flood b) small amount of a substance, usually taken for 14.<br />

testing<br />

15. sample c) power needed to do work 15.<br />

16. to grind out d) sudden and powerful 16.<br />

17. energy e) to shape by rubbing together 17.<br />

18. detergent f) overflow of water on to land which is usually dry 18.<br />


19. minute a) slowly, little by little 19.<br />

20. horizontal b) very small 20.<br />

21. organism c) very small pieces 21.<br />

22. particles d) substance which combines with acids to form 22.<br />

salts<br />

23. gradually e) flat, level 23.<br />

24. alkali f) any living thing, plant or animal 24.<br />

25. to create a) path of one body around another 25.<br />

26. theory b) outside of a body or the top of a liquid 26.<br />

27. surface c) idea which explains or tries to explain facts 27.<br />

or events<br />

28. to revolve d) waste organic substance, usually from 28.<br />

households<br />

29. sewage e) to make, cause 29.<br />

30. orbit f) to go round and round 30.<br />

31. ancient a) instrument which changes the voltage of a 31.<br />

current<br />

32. spectrum b) process of sending out heat, light or X-rays 32.<br />

33. to expand c) very old, belonging to past times 33.<br />

34. transformer d) to grow bigger in volume 34.<br />

35. fall-out e) different colours which light consists of 35.<br />

36. radiation f) radio-active particles in the atmosphere 36.<br />

II.* Подберите слово к определению в колонке А. Запишите свой<br />

выбор в колонке В.<br />


А В<br />

1. very important 1. vital<br />

2. to bring a ray of light to a fixed point 2.<br />

3. the sort of power that lights our homes 3.<br />

4. half the diameter 4.<br />

5. place where something comes from 5.<br />

6. uncovered 6.<br />

7. a movement of electricity 7.<br />

8. a watercourse 8.<br />

9. flow of electricity, air or sea-water 9.<br />

10. man-made 10.<br />

11. the process of bringing water to dry areas 11.<br />

12. a flat surface 12.<br />

13. the smallest particle of an element, which can take part 13.<br />

in a chemical change<br />

14. to change from gas to liquid 14.<br />

15. a natural or artificial moon which revolves around a 15.<br />

planet<br />

16. to make things seem bigger 16.<br />

17. to look at very closely and carefully 17.<br />

18. the smallest living unit 18.<br />

19. to clean 19.<br />

20. to make dirty 20.<br />

21. to put down, to leave behind 21.<br />

22. to move out or send out in all directions from a 22.<br />

common centre<br />

23. a substance which speeds up a chemical change 23.<br />

without changing itself<br />

24. the soil found on the bed of a river 24.<br />

25. wet to touch 25.<br />

26. to build on 26.<br />


27. to look at something very closely and try to find things 27.<br />

about it<br />

28. a river of ice high in the mountains 28.<br />

29. to be made up of 29.<br />

30. to shape, to form 30.<br />

31. connected 31.<br />

32. to remove by the action of water 32.<br />

33. to put to practical use 33.<br />

34. the thing built by man, usually with a special function 34.<br />

35. the usual weather conditions in a certain area 35.<br />

36. borders, limits between areas of land or countries 36.<br />

37. a regular arrangement of molecules in a certain 37.<br />

structure<br />

38. oil used for burning 38.<br />

39. movement 39.<br />

40. a sudden flash of light 40.<br />

III. Выполните расчеты в колонке А и запишите свой вариант<br />

решения в колонку В.<br />

А В<br />

1. Take the square root of 25. Add 10. Divide by 3. Multiply 1. 10<br />

by 2. What is the answer?<br />

2. Calculate the length of a rectangle which has an area of 35<br />

cm 2 2.<br />

and a width of 5 cm.<br />

3. Calculate the length of the base of a triangle, which has an<br />

area of 36 cm 2 3.<br />

and a height of 9 cm.<br />

4. Calculate the volume of a rectangular solid with a length of 4.<br />

10 cm, a height of 7 cm and a width of 5 cm.<br />

5. A week ago a cyclist travelled non-stop from Liverpool to 5.<br />

London. The distance is 200 miles and the journey took 8<br />

hours. What speed did the cyclist travel at?<br />


6. Bob’s car does 40 miles per gallon of petrol. A gallon of<br />

petrol costs 80 pence. (100p = £1). How much will it cost<br />

Bob to get from Liverpool to London and back if the<br />

distance between Liverpool and London is 200 miles?<br />

7. Subtract eight from twenty-four. Divide by two. Add two.<br />

Multiply by ten. What is the answer?<br />

8. Add six to seven. Multiply by four. Subtract four. Divide by<br />

twelve. What is the answer?<br />

9. Yesterday Alan went shopping with $10 in his pocket. He<br />

bought a pound of bananas for 70 cents, a loaf of bread for<br />

60 cents and a cake for $1.70. How much money did he<br />

have when he got back?<br />

10. Calculate the area of a triangle, which has a length of the<br />

base of 6 cm and a height of 8 cm.<br />

11. Divide twenty by four. Multiply by nine. Add thirty-two.<br />

Subtract seventeen. What is the answer?<br />

12. Calculate the area of a rectangle, which has a length of 6 cm<br />

and a width of 8 cm.<br />

13. Yesterday a car traveled non-stop from Liverpool to<br />

London at a speed of 40 mph. The distance is 200 miles.<br />

How long did the journey take?<br />

14. Multiply 7 by 4. Add 20. Subtract 6. Divide by 6. What is<br />

the answer?<br />

15. Calculate the area of a rectangle which has a length of 9 cm<br />

and a width of 4 cm.<br />

16. Yesterday in the morning Jack had $ 5. During the day he<br />

bought a kilo of apples for $ 1.4, a sandwich for $ 0.7 and<br />

stamps for $ 0.9. How much money did he have in the<br />

evening?<br />

17. Multiply eight by eleven. Add twelve. Divide by five.<br />

Subtract ten. What is the answer?<br />

32<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

8.<br />

9.<br />

10.<br />

11.<br />

12.<br />

13.<br />

14.<br />

15.<br />

16.<br />


18. Calculate the height of a triangle which has a base of 10 cm<br />

and an area of 50 cm 2 .<br />

19. Divide six by three. Subtract one. Add four. Multiply by<br />

five. What is the answer?<br />

20. Mike’s car does 25 miles per gallon of petrol. A gallon of<br />

petrol costs 70 pence. How much will it cost Mike to cover<br />

the distance of 350 miles?<br />

21. Calculate the height of a triangle which has an area of 32<br />

cm 2 and a length of the base of 8 cm.<br />

22. Take the square root of 81. Add the square root of 16.<br />

Multiply by 12. Divide by 4. What is the answer?<br />

23. Willy’s car does 40 miles per gallon of petrol. A gallon of<br />

petrol costs $ 1.2. How much will it cost Willy to cover the<br />

distance of 100 miles?<br />

24. Calculate the height of the triangle, which has an area of 35<br />

cm 2 and a length of 10 cm.<br />

25. Jack goes shopping with $7.50 in his pocket. He buys a<br />

pound of bananas for 70 cents, a loaf of bread for 60 cents<br />

and four rump steaks for $2.20. How much money does he<br />

have when he gets back?<br />

26. Calculate the length of a box which has a volume of 60 cc, a<br />

height of 4 cm and a width of 3 cm.<br />

27. Take the square root of 49. Add the square root of 64.<br />

Subtract 5. Multiply by 6. Divide by 20. What is the<br />

answer?<br />

28. Divide forty four by eleven. Multiply by five. Add seven.<br />

Subtract eight. What is the answer?<br />

29. A circle has a circumference of 21 cm. Calculate the<br />

diameter.<br />

33<br />

18.<br />

19.<br />

20.<br />

21.<br />

22.<br />

23.<br />

24.<br />

25.<br />

26.<br />

27.<br />

28.<br />


30. Calculate the length of a box which has a volume of 96 cc, a 30.<br />

height of 4 cm and a width of 3 cm.<br />

31. Multiply seven by four. Add twenty. Subtract six. Divide by 31.<br />

six. What is the answer?<br />

32. Take the square root of 4. Add the square root of 81. 32.<br />

Multiply by 6. Divide by 3. What is the answer?<br />

33. Calculate the width of a box which has a volume of 144cc, 33.<br />

a height of 6 cm and a length of 6 cm.<br />

34. Oil is pumped into a 2,000-gallon tank at a rate of 4 gallons 34.<br />

per second. How long does it take to fill the tank?<br />

35. Divide 20 by 5. Multiply by 9. Add 32. What is the answer? 35.<br />

36. Multiply seven by nine. Add nine. Divide by six. Subtract 36.<br />

three. What is the answer?<br />

37. Take the square root of 36. Add 14. Multiply by 5. Subtract 37.<br />

1. What is the answer?<br />

38. Take the average of 20, 24, 26 and 30. Multiply by 10. 38.<br />

What is the answer?<br />

39. Calculate the width of a rectangle, which has an area of 40<br />

cm 2 39.<br />

and a length of 8 cm.<br />

40. Multiply six by eleven. Add fourteen. Divide by twenty. 40.<br />

Subtract three. What is the answer?<br />

IV. Прочитайте тексты и в каждый пропуск запишите подходящее<br />

слово из данных. Обратите внимания, что к каждому тексту даны<br />

три лишних слова.<br />

Text А<br />

invented surface expanded depth freezes moulded<br />

effect property Glaciers quantity<br />

It is a well-known physical (1) property of water that it (2) __________<br />

at 0 0 C. But what (3) __________ has this property had on the earth’s<br />


(4)__________? Millions of years ago, solid layers of ice (5) __________<br />

the lakes and hills of Europe and North America. (6) __________ formed<br />

the bare faces of the Alps. Water froze and (7) __________ in the cracks of<br />

big rocks and broke them down into smaller ones.<br />

Text В<br />

stored pressure transmitted gradually vital fractional<br />

concentrates liquid structure evaporates<br />

Oxygen is (1) __________ to life; it is needed by the body cells of all<br />

animals. It is also very useful in industry. It is produced in the following<br />

way. Air is put into containers under great (2)__________. This turns it into<br />

(3) __________ and makes it very cold. It is then (4) __________ warmed<br />

up and each substance (5)__________ at a different temperature. The<br />

boiling point of oxygen is – 183 0 C. It is caught and (6)__________ in<br />

strong steel cylinders at a pressure of 136 atmospheres. The process is<br />

known as (7) __________ distillation.<br />

Text С<br />

unique heat turbine steam expansion jet propulsion<br />

rotates source evaporates<br />

A simple (1) __________ engine was built by a Greek scientist, Hero of<br />

Alexandria, about 2,000 years ago. So the principle of jet (2) __________ is<br />

not a new one! Hero knew that water (3) __________ and expands when it<br />

is heated. One cubic centimeter of water produces about twelve cubic<br />

centimeters of (4)__________. When water changes into steam, the (5)<br />

__________ gives energy to the water molecules. They move in all<br />

directions, thus causing (6)__________. This is why compressed steam is a<br />

valuable (7) __________ of energy.<br />

Text D<br />

signals telescopes orbits increased artificial solar<br />

measure attracted sources transmitted<br />


Before the days of (1) __________ satellites and manned space flight,<br />

scientists used (2) __________ to obtain information about the planets and<br />

stars. Big radio telescopes like the one at Jodrell Bank in England are also<br />

valuable (3) __________ of information. They pick up radio (4)<br />

__________ from space. Our knowledge has been (5) __________ even<br />

more by information (6) __________ by instruments which have been<br />

landed on the moon, Mars and Venus. Every satellite, which is sent up is<br />

like a small laboratory, packed with instruments to (7) __________<br />

everything from temperature to radiation levels.<br />

V. Подберите к началу предложения из колонки А окончание<br />

предложения в колонке B. Запишите свой выбор в колонку С:<br />

А В С<br />

1. Currents of very cold air a) but also sound, heat and<br />

electricity.<br />

1. c<br />

2. Physicists study not only<br />

light<br />

b) and are cold-blooded.<br />

2.<br />

3. We are slowly poisoning<br />

our<br />

c) make the water vapour in clouds<br />

freeze.<br />

3.<br />

4. Mercury is d) most important natural resource. 4.<br />

5. Reptiles are covered with<br />

scales<br />

e) highly poisonous.<br />

5.<br />

6. Lightning is a sudden a) between high and low pressure<br />

areas.<br />

7. Oil floats on water and<br />

does not<br />

b) discharge of electricity.<br />

8. Wind is simply the c) the heat gives energy to the water<br />

movement of air<br />

molecules.<br />

36<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />


9. Outside the solar system d) dissolve in it. 9.<br />

10. When water changes into<br />

steam<br />

e) distances are so great that very<br />

little has been found out.<br />

10.<br />

11. Water evaporates and<br />

expands<br />

a) is needed by plants to make<br />

sugars.<br />

11.<br />

12. Big radio telescopes b) which have no backbones. 12.<br />

13. Insects are small animals c) is measured with a barometer. 13.<br />

14. Atmospheric pressure d) when it is heated. 14.<br />

15. Carbon dioxide e) pick up radio signals from space. 15.<br />

16. Oxygen a) is produced by the evaporation of<br />

water and by breathing of living<br />

things.<br />

16.<br />

17. Mercury is used as b) is vital to life. 17.<br />

18. Compounds<br />

substances which<br />

are c) air and their controls are<br />

aerodynamic.<br />

18.<br />

19. The moisture<br />

atmosphere<br />

in the d) consist of two or more elements.<br />

19.<br />

20. Hovercraft<br />

cushion of<br />

ride on a e) a catalyst in the production of<br />

plastics.<br />

20.<br />

21. Fuel oil a) is a valuable source of energy. 21.<br />

22. Dams are immense<br />

structures<br />

b) produces forward motion.<br />

22.<br />

23. Compressed steam c) contains sulphur. 23.<br />

24. Air increases in d) which hold back the water of a<br />

river.<br />

24.<br />


25. Backward thrust e) volume as the temperature rises. 25.<br />

26. Chemists not only<br />

analyze compounds<br />

a) before it is pumped back into<br />

rivers, seas.<br />

26.<br />

27. Amphibians usually have b) hydro-electric power. 27.<br />

28. Sewage is treated and<br />

broken down<br />

c) it rises.<br />

28.<br />

29. As water vapour is<br />

lighter than air<br />

d) but also combine elements to form<br />

compounds.<br />

29.<br />

30. Dams are used to<br />

produce<br />

e) moist skin.<br />

30.<br />

31. The bigger the difference<br />

between the pressures<br />

a) than all other chemical compounds<br />

together.<br />

31.<br />

32. The rushing water b) consist of only one cell. 32.<br />

33. Action is c) the stronger the wind is. 33.<br />

34. There are more carbon<br />

compounds<br />

d) drives the turbines.<br />

34.<br />

35. Some living things e) equal to reaction. 35.<br />

36. When oil is burnt in<br />

industry<br />

a) an unchanging body temperature.<br />

37. Snowflakes are crystals b) produces about 12 cubic<br />

centimeters of steam.<br />

38. A microscope is an c) some poisonous substances are<br />

instrument<br />

formed.<br />

39. One cubic centimeter of d) which magnifies very small<br />

water<br />

objects.<br />

38<br />

36.<br />

37.<br />

38.<br />


40. Mammals have e) with a beautiful patterned<br />

structure.<br />

41. Oxygen is needed a) to find their way when land was<br />

out of sight.<br />

41.<br />

42. Amphibians are animals b) varies all the time. 42.<br />

43. Ancient sailors used the<br />

sun and the stars<br />

c) life-giving water to the deserts<br />

around.<br />

43.<br />

44. The pressure of the<br />

atmosphere<br />

d) which live both on land and in<br />

water.<br />

44.<br />

45. Irrigation channels bring e) by the body cells of all animals. 45.<br />

46. Electro-magnets generate a) is like a small laboratory, packed<br />

with instruments.<br />

46.<br />

47. Every satellite which is<br />

sent up<br />

b) with a naturally dry skin.<br />

47.<br />

48. Reptiles are animals c) is very useful in industry. 48.<br />

49. A cubic metre of cold air<br />

is heavier than<br />

d) the same volume of warm air.<br />

49.<br />

50. Oxygen e) current in coils of wire. 50.<br />

VI. Прочитайте предложения в колонке А и выберите правильный<br />

вариант ответа. Запишите свой выбор в колонку В.<br />

А В<br />

1. A chemist uses a) a microscope b) a balance c) a prism to 1. b<br />

weigh some substances.<br />

2. a) Insects b) Mammals c) Amphibians are small animals which 2.<br />

have no backbones.<br />

39<br />


3. It is a well known physical property of water that it a) boils b)<br />

evaporates c) freezes at 0 0 C.<br />

4. The silt which is picked up by a river is a) moulded b) deposited<br />

c) shaped near its mouth.<br />

5. Atmospheric a) change b) temperature c) pressure is measured<br />

with a barometer.<br />

6. Lightning is a sudden a) charge b) discharge c) pressure of<br />

electricity from cloud to cloud or from cloud to earth.<br />

7. Air a) increases b) decreases c) condenses in volume as the<br />

temperature rises.<br />

8. The a) spark b) moisture c) climate in the atmosphere is<br />

produced by the breathing of living things.<br />

9. Nowadays we know when to expect a) radiation b) eclipses c)<br />

explosion of the moon and sun.<br />

10. Before the days of artificial a) satellites b) instruments c) radio,<br />

scientists used telescopes to obtain information about the planets<br />

and stars.<br />

11. Compressed a) water b) heat c) steam is a valuable source of<br />

energy.<br />

12. Oxygen is needed by the body a) elements b) cells c)<br />

compounds of all animals.<br />

13. Mercury is used as a a) detergent b) catalyst c) waste in the<br />

production of plastics.<br />

14. Oil floats on water and does not a) evaporate b) dissolve c)<br />

concentrate in it.<br />

15. The electro-magnets generate a) current b) water c) voltage in<br />

coils of wire.<br />

16. Carbon a) acid b) chloride c) dioxide is needed by plants to<br />

make sugars.<br />

17. Backward a) reaction b) thrust c) propulsion produces forward<br />

motion.<br />

40<br />

3.<br />

4.<br />

5.<br />

6.<br />

7.<br />

8.<br />

9.<br />

10.<br />

11.<br />

12.<br />

13.<br />

14.<br />

15.<br />

16.<br />


18. Dams are not only used to produce hydro-electric a) turbine b)<br />

electricity c) power.<br />

19. Reptiles are covered with a) lungs b) scales c) seeds and are<br />

cold-blooded.<br />

20. A microscope is an instrument which a) magnifies b) solidifies<br />

c) preserves very small objects.<br />

41<br />

18.<br />

19.<br />



I Соотнесите следующие английские выражения в колонке А с их<br />

русскими эквивалентами в колонке B. Запишите свой выбор в<br />

колонке С.<br />

A B C<br />

1) income a) долгосрочный 1. f<br />

2) to satisfy b) доля 2.<br />

3) aim c) удовлетворять 3.<br />

4) partnership d) расходы 4.<br />

5) long-term e) цель<br />

f) доход<br />

5.<br />

g) партнерство<br />

A B C<br />

6) share a) цель 6.<br />

7) promotion b) неэффективный 7.<br />

8) spending c) богатство 8.<br />

9) inefficient d) удовлетворять 9.<br />

10) wealth e) содействие<br />

f) доля<br />

g) расходы<br />

10.<br />

A B C<br />

11) money payments a) акционер 11.<br />

12) distribution b) страхование 12.<br />

13) stockholder c) долгосрочный 13.<br />

14) ownership d) денежные платежи 14.<br />

15) insurance e) раход 15.<br />

f) распределение<br />

g) собственность<br />


A B C<br />

16) profit a) содействие 16.<br />

17) expense b) прибыль 17.<br />

18) to possess c) поток 18.<br />

19) developing d) развивающийся 19.<br />

20) flow e) расход<br />

f) богатство<br />

g) владеть<br />

20.<br />

A B C<br />

21. trade-off a) прибыль 21.<br />

22. advancement b) перераспределять 22.<br />

23. majority c) прогресс, успех 23.<br />

24. gain d) компромисс 24.<br />

25. to redistribute e) большинство<br />

f) ослаблять<br />

g) объем<br />

25.<br />

A B C<br />

26. unequal a) предпринимательство 26.<br />

27. entrepreneurship b) допущение 27.<br />

28. benefit c) недостаток 28.<br />

29. assumption d) выгода 29.<br />

30. transaction e) неравный<br />

f) достигать<br />

g) сделка<br />

30.<br />

A B C<br />

31. to reach a) благосостояние 31.<br />

32. percentage b) ссуда 32.<br />

33. to undertake c) достигать 33.<br />


34. loan d) расход 34.<br />

35. welfare e) процентное отношение 35.<br />

f) предпринимать<br />

g) прогресс<br />

A B C<br />

36. scarcity a) наличные 36.<br />

37. solvency b) выбор 37.<br />

38. bank rate c) недостаток 38.<br />

39. cash d) оборот 39.<br />

40. real estate e) недвижимость 40.<br />

f) кредитоспособность<br />

g) банковский процент<br />

II. Соотнесите слово в колонке A с его определением из колонки B.<br />

Запишите свой выбор в колонке С.<br />

A B С<br />

1. trade-off a) any situation where goods and<br />

services are exchanged freely<br />

1. b<br />

2. export b) sacrifice of one item for another 2.<br />

3. capital resources c) money and goods that are used<br />

to produce consumer products<br />

3.<br />

4. market d) goods taken out from the country 4.<br />

5. private property e) goods that are owned by individuals<br />

and by businesses<br />

5.<br />

A B С<br />

6. contract a) items provided by nature and used<br />

to produce goods<br />

6.<br />

7. needs b) the cost of sacrifice 7.<br />


8. natural resources c) money used in the country 8.<br />

9. opportunity cost d) agreement of individuals to buy and<br />

sell goods and services<br />

9.<br />

10. currency e) goods and services necessary for survival 10.<br />

A B С<br />

11. demand a) looking to the past for the answers 11.<br />

12. traditional b) business that is owned and<br />

controlled by one person<br />

12.<br />

13. profit c) amount of a good or service a 13.<br />

14. sole<br />

consumer is willing and able to buy<br />

d) the amount of money that remains after 14.<br />

proprietorship all costs of production have been paid<br />

15. international e) a voluntary exchange of goods and 15.<br />

trade services among people in different nations<br />

A B С<br />

16. franchise a) the difference between the value of a<br />

nation’s imports and its exports<br />

16.<br />

17. consumer b) the study of the choices people make in<br />

an effort to satisfy their needs and wants<br />

17.<br />

18. the balance c) goods that are owned by individuals or 18.<br />

of trade businesses, rather than by the government<br />

19. private property d) a contract in which a company agrees to<br />

let another person or group start a business<br />

using its name to sell goods or services<br />

19.<br />

20. economics e) a person who buys products 20.<br />


A B С<br />

21. corporation a) a physical object that can be purchased 21.<br />

22. technology b) an action or activity done for others for a fee 22.<br />

23. good c) the certificate of ownership in a corporation 23.<br />

24. stock d) the use of science to create new products or<br />

more efficient ways to produce products<br />

24.<br />

25. service e) a business organization that is treated by law 25.<br />

as if it were a person<br />

III. Подберите к началу предложения из колонки А окончание<br />

предложения в колонке B. Запишите свой выбор в колонке С.<br />

A B С<br />

1. Most choices, however a) the answers to the three basic<br />

questions.<br />

1. c<br />

2. Self-interest is the force b) is considered a human resource. 2.<br />

3. A traditional economy looks c) involve more or two trade-offs.<br />

to the past for<br />

3.<br />

4. Anyone who works d) that directs the action of individuals 4.<br />

and businesses in the market system.<br />

5. Many of the poorer, less e) receive economic assistance from 5.<br />

industrialized nations, often a variety of sources.<br />

called developing nations,<br />

A B С<br />

6. Choosing among alternative a) help individuals, businesses, and<br />

uses for available resources governments exchange foreign<br />

6.<br />

currencies.<br />

7. A mixed economy combines b) to increase production of a good or 7.<br />

elements of service.<br />

8. Foreign exchange markets c) do not remain constant. 8.<br />


9. In the real world, technology d) forces people to make sacrifices. 9.<br />

and the other factors of<br />

production<br />

10. Higher sales and higher prices e) the pure-market and the pure 10.<br />

are signals to producers -command economic models.<br />

A B С<br />

11. A production possibilities a) the economic systems of all the 11.<br />

curve shows all of the<br />

possible combinations of<br />

goods and services<br />

nations of the world.<br />

12. Interdependence links b) products are called capital resources. 12.<br />

13. The money and capital c) the poorer, less industrialized 13.<br />

goods used to produce countries of the world.<br />

14. ‘Developing nations’ is the d) of their private property as they 14.<br />

term given choose.<br />

15. Property owners are free to e) that can be produced within a stated 15.<br />

use or dispose time period.<br />

A B C<br />

16. A franchise is a contract in a) by establishing laws and rules that 16.<br />

which a company agrees to individuals<br />

follow.<br />

and businesses must<br />

17. A pure command economy<br />

relies on officials<br />

18. The government regulates<br />

the economy<br />

19. The goal of economic<br />

security refers to a nation’s<br />

efforts<br />

b) to protect its members from<br />

poverty, business and bank failures.<br />

c) arise because different groups in<br />

the nation have different needs.<br />

d) let another person or group start a<br />

business using its name to sell goods<br />

or services.<br />

47<br />

17.<br />

18.<br />


20. Even at a single point in<br />

history, conflicts among goals<br />

e) in the government to answer the<br />

three basic economic questions.<br />

A B C<br />

21. The money payments that a) efforts to make the best use of 21.<br />

households receive from scarce resources.<br />

business firms and<br />

22. Combinations that lie<br />

inside the curve<br />

23. The goal of economic<br />

efficiency refers to<br />

24. The goal of economic<br />

growth refers to<br />

25. By households, economists<br />

mean all persons<br />

b) efforts to increase the amount of<br />

goods and services each worker in<br />

the economy can produce.<br />

c) represent the inefficient use of<br />

existing resources.<br />

20.<br />

22.<br />

23.<br />

d) who live in the same residence. 24.<br />

e) the government in exchange for<br />

the households’ resources are called<br />

income.<br />

48<br />



I. Соотнесите следующие английские выражения в колонке А с их<br />

русскими эквивалентами в колонке B. Запишите свой выбор в<br />

колонке С.<br />

A B C<br />

21) departure lounge a) зал ожидания 1. a<br />

22) track b) купе 2.<br />

23) berth c) взлет 3.<br />

24) schedule d) путь 4.<br />

25) booking-office e) полка (в вагоне)<br />

f) касса<br />

g) расписание<br />

5.<br />

A B C<br />

26) compartment a) ремень безопасности 6.<br />

27) hand luggage b) взлет 7.<br />

28) take off c) взлетно-посадочная полоса 8.<br />

29) seat belt d) путь 9.<br />

30) runway e) купе 10.<br />

f) расписание<br />

g) ручной багаж<br />

A B C<br />

11. destination a) отпускник 11.<br />

12. fare b) брать плату за что-либо 12.<br />

13. to charge for smth. c) пункт назначения 13.<br />

14. holiday maker d) купе (в поезде) 14.<br />

15. to tip e) плата за проезд<br />

f) давать на чай<br />

g) носильщик<br />

15.<br />


A B C<br />

16. reservation a) официант 16.<br />

17. porter b) приземляться 17.<br />

18. single room c) бронь 18.<br />

19. service d) обслуживание 19.<br />

20. waiter e) совершать частые поездки 20.<br />

f) комната для одного человека<br />

g) носильщик<br />

A B C<br />

21. bill a) аэровокзал 21.<br />

22. seaside resort b) пункт назначения 22.<br />

23. to land c) морской курорт 23.<br />

24. destination d) справочное бюро 24.<br />

25. inquiry office e) удобства<br />

f) счет<br />

25.<br />

g) приземляться<br />

A B C<br />

26. commute a) арендовать 26.<br />

27. sightseeing b) обслуживание 27.<br />

28. to book c) совершать частые поездки 28.<br />

29. to rent d) таможня 29.<br />

30. customs e) плата за проезд<br />

f) заказывать<br />

30.<br />

g) осмотр достопримечательностей<br />

II. Соотнесите слово в колонке A с его определением из колонки B.<br />

Запишите свой выбор в колонке С.<br />


A B С<br />

1. cockpit a) a company that arranges travel tours 1. c<br />

2. departure b) a boat that carries people or goods across 2.<br />

a river/channel<br />

3. voyage c) the area in a plane where the pilots sit 3.<br />

4. ferry d) the start of a journey 4.<br />

5. tour operator e) a long journey (usually in a ship) 5.<br />

A B С<br />

6. overseas a) a bus with comfortable seats used for<br />

long journeys<br />

6.<br />

7. destination b) pretty, interesting, beautiful (about a<br />

place or a landscape)<br />

7.<br />

8. picturesque c) a place that somebody is going to 8.<br />

9. cruise d) abroad 9.<br />

10. coach e) a journey by ship for pleasure 10.<br />

III. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски данными словами и<br />

словосочетаниями:<br />

progress, travel, role, move, car<br />

Traveling in the USA<br />

Americans love traveling, they have always been people on the (1)<br />

move. It is very normal to (2) _______________________when you retire.<br />

In the American system of values change is strongly linked to development,<br />

improvement, (3) _______________________, and growth.<br />

They divide the whole of American history into America BC and<br />

modern America. In American jargon BC means 'Before (4)<br />

________________________'.<br />


American culture is often called a "car culture", since American<br />

mentality is "car-oriented". A driver's license in America plays the same (5)<br />

______________________ as a passport in Russia - you can get a bank loan<br />

with it and do several other things, which require your identification.<br />

catch, tickets, booking-office, comfort, railroad<br />

Traveling by train<br />

Modern life is impossible without traveling. Of course the fastest way<br />

of traveling is by plane. But many people prefer traveling by train as with a<br />

train you have speed, (6) _________________________ and pleasure<br />

combined.<br />

If you are going to travel by train you’d better book (7)<br />

_______________________ beforehand because many people are fond of<br />

traveling by train. There are some reasons why people choose (8)<br />

__________________________. Train is the cheap means of traveling. If it<br />

is summer it will be better to think of your trip before the vocation starts. To<br />

understand how true it is, you only have to go to a railway station. There<br />

you will see hundreds of people hurrying to (9)<br />

_________________________ a train. You’ll waste a lot of time standing<br />

near the (10) __________________________ trying to buy the ticket.<br />

danger, seat-belt, board, smoking, get in, various, notices, height,<br />

numerous, booking office, taking off, beforehand, luggage, journey,<br />

useful<br />


One of these days you may find it possible to visit England. From the<br />

moment you go on ________ (11) the ship or the airliner, you will see signs<br />

and ____________ (12) that will give you ____________ (13) information.<br />


If you come by air, ________________ (14) is forbidden while the<br />

plane is on the ground, while it is __________________ (15) and until it<br />

has risen to a good _________________ (16). You can find two leather<br />

belts fastened to the sides of your seat. The ends of these must be fastened<br />

together so that the belt is across your lap. When the plane is well up in the<br />

air you are allowed to smoke and may unfasten your ______________ (17).<br />

If you come by ship you may find ________________ (18) notices to<br />

show you parts of the ship, for example dining-saloon or boat deck where<br />

you will find the boats that can be lowered to the water if there is any<br />

________________ (19) of the ship sinking.<br />

Most of us still have to use trains in a large station where there will be a<br />

waiting room where you may rest until it is time to ________________ (20)<br />

your train. Passengers are everywhere: in the refreshment room, on the<br />

platforms. Those who have not taken precaution of getting their tickets<br />

_________________ (21) have to wait in queues at the<br />

__________________ (22). At the bookstalls people choose books,<br />

magazines or newspapers for the __________________ (23). At the cloakroom<br />

others deposit or withdraw their ________________ (24).<br />

Nowadays, those who wish to travel, either for pleasure or on business<br />

have at their disposal ___________________ (25) means of transport, from<br />

humble inexpensive bicycle to luxurious ships that cross seas and oceans<br />

from one continent to another.<br />

to be forbidden – быть запрещенным; a lap – колено; humble – обычный,<br />

простой; a queue – очередь<br />


LAW<br />

I. Соотнесите следующие английские выражения в колонке А с их<br />

русскими эквивалентами в колонке B. Запишите свой выбор в<br />

колонке С.<br />

A B C<br />

1. legal activities a) консультация юриста 1. b<br />

2. legal advice b) правомерная, законная деятельность 2.<br />

3. legal age c) юридическое лицо 3.<br />

4. legal entity d) решение суда 4.<br />

5. legal decision e) совершеннолетие 5.<br />

A B C<br />

6. to enjoy one’s legal rights a) правовая защита 6.<br />

7. to enter the legal profession b) судопроизводство 7.<br />

8. legal procedure c) использовать законное право 8.<br />

9. legal protection d) законные права 9.<br />

10. legal rights e) стать юристом 10.<br />

A B C<br />

11. legal costs a) юрисконсульт 11.<br />

12. legal expert b) профессиальная этика юриста 12.<br />

13. legal document c) судебные издержки 13.<br />

14. legal ethics d) правовой <strong>документ</strong> 14.<br />

15. legal language e) юридическая терминология 15.<br />

II. Соотнесите слово в колонке B с его определением из колонки A.<br />

Запишите свой выбор в колонке С.<br />

A B С<br />

1. a solemn appeal to a court to witness one’s<br />

determination to speak the truth<br />

a) case 1. f<br />


2. the use of magic power, especially with the aid of b) witness<br />

evil spirits<br />

2.<br />

3. an accepted social custom or practice c) trial 3.<br />

4. the trying of a person in a law court d) evidence 4.<br />

5. any proceeding, action, cause, lawsuit or e) witchcraft 5.<br />

controversy initiated through the court system<br />

by filing a complaint, petitioner information<br />

f) oath<br />

g) convention<br />

A B С<br />

6. a person who gives evidence in a law court a) injury 6.<br />

7. payment for damage or loss, restitution b) trial 7.<br />

8. a punishment imposed for a violation of law or rule c) case 8.<br />

9. harm or damage done or suffered d) evidence 9.<br />

10. a form of proof legally presented at a trial e) witness 10.<br />

through witnesses, records, documents, etc f) penalty<br />

g) compensation<br />

III. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски данными словами и<br />

словосочетаниями:<br />

customs, injuries, legal text, life, slaves<br />

The Birth of Law<br />

Rules and laws - and the conventions or (1) customs from which they<br />

are descended - have been a part of human (2)<br />

______________________________ ever since our ancestors first began to<br />

live in large and settled groups. But our knowledge is vague of laws that<br />


were in effect, before the invention of writing in about 3500 B.C. The<br />

earliest known (3) ______________________________ was written by Ur-<br />

Nammu, a king of the Mesopotamian city of Ur, in about 2100 B.C. It dealt<br />

largely with compensation for bodily (4)<br />

_________________________________, and with the penalties for<br />

witchcraft and runaway (5) ______________________________.<br />

wrongdoer, oath, method, innocence, trial<br />

Early Juries<br />

In medieval Europe, trials were usually decided by ordeals, in which it<br />

was believed God intervened, revealing the (6)<br />

________________________ and upholding the righteous. In the ordeal by<br />

water, for instance, a priest admonished the water not to accept a liar. The<br />

person whose oath was being tested was then thrown in. If he floated, his<br />

(7) _________________________ was deemed to have been perjured. If he<br />

was telling the truth, he might drown but his (8)<br />

_________________________ was clear.<br />

In 1215, however, the Catholic Church decided that (9)<br />

__________________________ by ordeal was superstition, and priests<br />

were forbidden to take part. As a result, a new (10)<br />

__________________________ of trial was needed, and the jury system<br />

emerged.<br />



I.<br />

1. martyr<br />

2. hero<br />

3. chop<br />

4. peach<br />

5. video<br />

II.<br />

1. e<br />

2. e<br />

3. e<br />

4. e<br />

5. o<br />

III.<br />

A<br />

1. d<br />

2. e<br />

3. f<br />

4. a<br />

5. b<br />

6. g<br />

7. c<br />


6. prose<br />

7. customer<br />

8. bulb<br />

9. stardom<br />

10. pillow<br />

6. o<br />

7. o<br />

8. o<br />

9. o<br />

10. e<br />

B<br />

1. e<br />

2. f<br />

3. g<br />

4. a<br />

5. b<br />

6. c<br />

7. d<br />

11. peel<br />

12. platform<br />

13. good-looking<br />

14. ugly<br />

15. celebration<br />

57<br />

11. o<br />

12. o<br />

13. e<br />

14. e<br />

15. o<br />

C<br />

1. d<br />

2. b<br />

3. g<br />

4. e<br />

5. f<br />

6. a<br />

7. c<br />

16. headache<br />

17. mansion<br />

18. weak<br />

19. charity<br />

20. sword<br />

16. o<br />

17. o<br />

18. e<br />

19. e<br />

20. o<br />

D<br />

1. f<br />

2. g<br />

3. b<br />

4. a<br />

5. d<br />

6. c<br />

7. e

V.<br />

Text A<br />

1. the bank<br />

2. decided<br />

3. to write<br />

4. in touch<br />

5. software<br />

6. computers<br />

7. professionals<br />

8. finished<br />

9. period<br />

10. ambitious<br />


I.<br />

1. the, the, the, –<br />

2. an<br />

3. a, –<br />

4. –, –<br />

II.<br />

1. B<br />

2. B<br />

3. C<br />

4. B<br />

5. A<br />

Text B<br />

1. horses<br />

2. tidied<br />

3. old<br />

4. gardens<br />

5. family<br />

6. to fight<br />

7. village<br />

8. generosity<br />

9. problems<br />

10. Perhaps<br />

5. an, –, –<br />

6. the, –, –<br />

7. –<br />

8. a, –<br />

6. C<br />

7. C<br />

8. A<br />

9. C<br />

10. B<br />

Text C<br />

1. a life-raft<br />

2. condition<br />

3. to hit<br />

4. the water<br />

5. a machine<br />

6. raw<br />

7. sharks<br />

8. hands<br />

9. Then<br />

10. Costa Rica<br />

9. the<br />

10. –<br />

11. –, a, a, the<br />

12. the<br />

11. B<br />

12. A<br />

13. C<br />

14. B<br />

15. A<br />

58<br />

Text D<br />

1. billion<br />

2. jungles<br />

3. the moon<br />

4. the animals<br />

5. cathedrals<br />

6. communicators<br />

7. voices<br />

8. present<br />

9. the world<br />

10. to destroy<br />

13. –<br />

14. the, the<br />

15. a<br />

16. B<br />

17. A<br />

18. C<br />

19. A<br />

20. B

III.<br />

1. somebody<br />

2. something<br />

3. somewhere<br />

4. anything<br />

5. anything<br />

6. anybody<br />

7. somewhere<br />

8. somebody<br />

9. something<br />

10. something<br />

11. anybody<br />

12. anything<br />

13. somebody<br />

14. anywhere<br />

15. somebody<br />

16. anything<br />

17. somewhere<br />

18. something<br />

19. anybody<br />

20. anything<br />

21. something<br />

22. somebody<br />

23. anybody<br />

IV.<br />

1. B 6. B 11. C 16. C 21. A 26. C<br />

2. B 7. C 12. B 17. A 22. B 27. B<br />

3. B 8. C 13. A 18. B 23. B 28. A<br />

4. C 9. A 14. B 19. B 24. C 29. C<br />

5. B 10. B 15. C 20. C 25. B 30. A<br />

V.<br />

1. A<br />

2. C<br />

3. A<br />

4. B<br />

5. C<br />

6. A<br />

7. C<br />

8. A<br />

9. B<br />

10. A<br />

11. B<br />

12. A<br />

13. A<br />

14. C<br />

15. A<br />

16. C<br />

17. B<br />

18. C<br />

19. B<br />

20. C<br />

VI.<br />

1. You live in Madrid, don’t you?<br />

2. Whose car did you borrow?<br />

3. Have you ever drunk whisky?<br />

21. B<br />

22. C<br />

23. B<br />

24. A<br />

25. C<br />

59<br />

26. B<br />

27. A<br />

28. A<br />

29. B<br />

30. C<br />

24. something<br />

25. anything<br />

26. anything<br />

27. anything<br />

28. somebody<br />

29. anything<br />

30. somebody<br />

31. A<br />

32. B<br />

33. A<br />

34. A<br />

35. B<br />

36. C<br />

37. A<br />

38. A<br />

39. B<br />

40. A

4. Who broke the window last Monday?<br />

5. How long have you lived in your town?<br />

6. Where did you go on holiday last year?<br />

7. Who told you about George’s girlfriend? (Who told George’s girlfriend<br />

about you?)<br />

8. What are you looking for in my bag?<br />

9. She doesn’t like visiting exotic countries, does she?<br />

10. How many foreign countries has he visited?<br />

11. Why wasn’t I invited to your party?<br />

12. When was this castle built?<br />

13. Does your mother enjoy watching comedies?<br />

14. What are Tom and Sally talking about? (What are Sally and Tom<br />

talking about?)<br />

15. When did you start learning English?<br />

16. How often does she play tennis?<br />

17. Why haven’t you got a dictionary?<br />

18. Where did she live when she was a child?<br />

19. Who is going to make sandwiches?<br />

20. Who did she get married to?<br />


Text A Text B<br />

I. II. III.<br />

I. II.<br />

1. d 1. a 1. T<br />

1. c 1.b<br />

2. e 2. a 2. F<br />

2. e 2. c<br />

3. b 3. c 3. F<br />

3. d 3. a<br />

4. a 4. c 4. F<br />

4. a 4. b<br />

5. c 5. a 5. T<br />

5. b 5. c<br />

60<br />

III.<br />

1. T<br />

2. F<br />

3. T<br />

4. F<br />

5. T

Text C Text D<br />

I. II. III.<br />

I. II.<br />

1. e 1. b 1. T<br />

1. c 1. b<br />

2. d 2. c 2. T<br />

2. d 2. b<br />

3. a 3. a 3. T<br />

3. e 3. a<br />

4. b 4. c 4. F<br />

4. a 4. a<br />

5. c 5. c 5. T<br />

5. b 5. c<br />


I.<br />

1. b<br />

2. c<br />

3. d<br />

4. f<br />

5. a<br />

6. e<br />

II.<br />

1. vital<br />

2. to focus<br />

3. electricity<br />

4. radius<br />

5. source<br />

6. bare<br />

7. discharge<br />

8. a channel<br />

9. current<br />

10. artificial<br />

7. d<br />

8. c<br />

9. e<br />

10. a<br />

11. f<br />

12. b<br />

13. d<br />

14. f<br />

15. b<br />

16. e<br />

17. с<br />

18. a<br />

11. irrigation<br />

12. a plain<br />

13. an atom<br />

14. to condense<br />

15. satellite<br />

16. to magnify<br />

17. to examine<br />

18. a cell<br />

19. to purify<br />

20. to pollute<br />

19. b<br />

20. e<br />

21. f<br />

22. c<br />

23. a<br />

24. d<br />

25. e<br />

26. c<br />

27. b<br />

28. f<br />

29. d<br />

30. a<br />

21. to deposit<br />

22. to radiate<br />

23. a catalyst<br />

24. silt<br />

25. moist<br />

26. to base on<br />

27. to observe<br />

28. a glacier<br />

29. to consist of<br />

30. to grind out<br />

61<br />

III.<br />

1. T<br />

2. T<br />

3. F<br />

4. T<br />

5. F<br />

31. c<br />

32. e<br />

33. d<br />

34. a<br />

35. f<br />

36. b<br />

31. jointed<br />

32. to wash away<br />

33. to apply<br />

34. construction<br />

35. climate<br />

36. boundaries<br />

37. a pattern<br />

38. fuel<br />

39. motion<br />

40. lightning

III.<br />

1. 10<br />

2. 7 cm<br />

3. 8 cm<br />

4. 350 cc<br />

5. 25 mph<br />

6. £8<br />

7. 100<br />

8. 4<br />

IV.<br />

Text A<br />

1. property<br />

2. freezes<br />

3. effect<br />

4. surface<br />

5. moulded<br />

6. Glaciers<br />

7. expanded<br />

V.<br />

1. с<br />

2. a<br />

3. d<br />

4. e<br />

5. b<br />

VI.<br />

1. b<br />

2. a<br />

6. b<br />

7. d<br />

8. a<br />

9.e<br />

10.c<br />

3. c<br />

4. b<br />

9. $7<br />

10. 24 cm²<br />

11. 60<br />

12. 48 cm²<br />

13. 5 hours<br />

14. 7<br />

15. 36 cm²<br />

16. $2<br />

11. d<br />

12. e<br />

13. b<br />

14. c<br />

15. a<br />

5. c<br />

6. b<br />

Text B<br />

1. vital<br />

2. pressure<br />

3. liquid<br />

4. gradually<br />

5. evaporates<br />

6. stored<br />

7. fractional<br />

16. b<br />

17. e<br />

18. d<br />

19. a<br />

20. c<br />

7. a<br />

8. b<br />

17. 10<br />

18. 10 cm<br />

19. 25<br />

20. £9.8<br />

21. 8 cm<br />

22. 39<br />

23. $3<br />

24. 7 cm<br />

21. c<br />

22. d<br />

23. a<br />

24. e<br />

25. b<br />

9. b<br />

10. a<br />

25. $4<br />

26. 5 cm<br />

27. 3<br />

28. 19<br />

29. 12 cm<br />

30. 8 cm<br />

31. 7<br />

32. 22<br />

Text C<br />

1. jet<br />

2. propulsion<br />

3. evaporates<br />

4. steam<br />

5. heat<br />

6. expansion<br />

7. source<br />

26. d<br />

27. e<br />

28. a<br />

29. c<br />

30. b<br />

11. c<br />

12. b<br />

62<br />

31. c<br />

32. d<br />

33. e<br />

34. a<br />

35. b<br />

13. b<br />

14. b<br />

36. c<br />

37. e<br />

38. d<br />

39. b<br />

40. a<br />

15. a<br />

16. c<br />

33. 4 cm<br />

34. 500 sec<br />

35. 68<br />

36. 9<br />

37. 99<br />

38. 250<br />

39. 5 cm<br />

40. 1<br />

Text D<br />

1. artificial<br />

2. telescopes<br />

3. sources<br />

4. signals<br />

5. increased<br />

6. transmitted<br />

7. measure<br />

41. e<br />

42. d<br />

43. a<br />

44. b<br />

45. c<br />

17. b<br />

18. c<br />

46. e<br />

47. a<br />

48. b<br />

49. d<br />

50. c<br />

19. b<br />

20. a


I<br />

1. f 6. f 11. d 16. b 21. d 26. e 31. c 36. c<br />

2. c 7. e 12. f 17. e 22. c 27. a 32. e 37. f<br />

3. e 8. g 13. a 18. g 23. e 28. d 33. f 38. g<br />

4. g 9. b 14. g 19. d 24. a 29. b 34. b 39. a<br />

5. a 10. c 15. b 20. c 25. b 30. g 35. a 40. e<br />

II<br />

1. b 7. e 13. d 19. c 25. b<br />

2. d 8. a 14. b 20. b<br />

3. c 9. b 15. e 21. e<br />

4. a 10. c 16. d 22. d<br />

5. e 11. c 17. e 23. a<br />

6. d 12. a 18. a 24. c<br />

III<br />

1. c 7. e 13. b 19. b 25. d<br />

2. d 8. a 14. c 20. c<br />

3. a 9. c 15. d 21. e<br />

4. b 10. b 16. d 22. c<br />

5. e 11. e 17. e 23. a<br />

6. d 12. a 18. a 24. b<br />


I<br />

1. a 7. g 13. b 19. d 25. d<br />

2. d 8. b 14. a 20. a 26. c<br />

3. e 9. a 15. f 21. f 27. g<br />

4. g 10. c 16. c 22. c 28. f<br />

5. f 11. c 17. g 23. g 29. a<br />

6. e 12. e 18. f 24. b 30. d<br />


II<br />

1. c 3. e 5. a 7. c 9. e<br />

2. d 4. b 6. d 8. b 10. a<br />

III<br />

1. move 8. railroad 14. smoking 20. get in<br />

2. travel 9. catch 15. taking off 21. beforehand<br />

3. progress 10. booking-office 16. height 22. booking-office<br />

4. car 11. board 17. seat-belt 23. journey<br />

5. role 12. notices 18. numerous 24. luggage<br />

6. comfort 13. useful 19. danger 25. various<br />

7. tickets<br />

LAW<br />

I<br />

1. b 4. c 7. e 10. d 13. d<br />

2. a 5. d 8. b 11. c 14. b<br />

3. e 6. c 9. a 12. a 15. e<br />

II<br />

1. f 3. g 5. a 7. g 9. a<br />

2. e 4. c 6. e 8. f 10. d<br />

III<br />

1. customs 3. legal text 5. slaves 7. oath 9. trial<br />

2. life 4. injuries 6. wrongdoer 8. innocence 10. method<br />



Предисловие …………………………………………….……………..3<br />

Vocabulary …………………………………………………………..….4<br />

Grammar ………………………………………………….………........10<br />

Reading Comprehension……………………………………..…………21<br />

English For Science..…………………………………...…………….…28<br />

Economics………………………………………………………………42<br />

Tourism…………………………………………………………………49<br />

Law…………………………………………………...…………………54<br />

Ответы к заданиям ……………………………………………………57<br />


Ю.В. Иванова, В.П. Овчаренко<br />


ЛР № 020565 от 23.06.1997 Подписано к печати<br />

Формат 60x84 1/16 Бумага офсетная<br />

Ус.п.л. - Уч.-изд.л. -<br />

Тираж экз Заказ №<br />

«С»<br />

____________________________________________________________<br />

Издательство Таганрогского государственного радиотехнического<br />

университета<br />

Таганрог, 28, пер. Некрасовский, 44<br />

Типография Таганрогского государственного радиотехнического университета<br />

Таганрог, 28, пер. Энгельса, 1<br />


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