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Appendix 5 - Additional Comment from Consultation<br />

D<br />

It is interesting, and perhaps illuminating, the council's view of car transport, that the objectives of this expensive<br />

scheme do not include any mention of improving conditions for the private motorist. The main problems in this area are<br />

not on the stretch affected by these proposals, but rather between Harehills Rd and the traffic lights at the roundhay<br />

Rd/Harehills Ln/Easterly Rd junction. With a little imagination and very little cost (eg block off the 2 side roads entering<br />

Roundhay Rd on that stretch, and moving the Leeds-bound bus stop to the other side of Harehills Rd junction) vast<br />

improvements to traffic flow could be achieved.<br />

It's a long time coming. The congestion, morning and night, is awful. We need easier cycle routes and more efficient<br />

D<br />

bus services<br />

D In busy areas like Roundhay Rd I think priority should be given to public transport<br />

Debateable if cost & disruption to be incurred with this plan will actually relieve any congestion - or just add to it.<br />

D<br />

Prioritise repairing appalling roads.<br />

D I am concerned about the value of the bus lane. On street parking appears root cause.<br />

D The pedestrian island by Elford Grove is important - people tend to run across the road there.<br />

D Please improve quality of roads as they are broken on suggested routes!!<br />

The main congestion is at the junction with Harehills Lane where buses are delayed in rush hour. The proposed bus<br />

D<br />

lane needs to be extended<br />

D Useful changes to the road infrastructure especially the footway build-outs<br />

Very frequent bus user with annual bus pass, comes off my Council wages. I live in Belle Isle and work near sheepscar,<br />

12, 13, 13A bus routes will all be affected by these works so hopefully that will be taken into account for the bus<br />

D I don't drive so have no choice but to use buses to and from work<br />

timetable. Up to 4 buses a day, 5 days a week, 39 weeks a year in school term time!<br />

Good idea to put a bus lane/cycle in. There's a lot of crazy driving on roundhay Rd and this would hopefully make it<br />

D<br />

safer for cyclists<br />

Should try & get a permanent cycle lane from Roundhay to city centre. Needs double yellow lines from Roundhay to city<br />

D<br />

- all parking on side roads<br />

D It would be great if there was a nice, safe cycle lane from Roundhay to city centre and back.<br />

The biggest problem is illegal parking on R Rd in front of Farm Foods, Kwik Save. All traffic from Oakwood has to<br />

D<br />

funnel into 1 lane.<br />

D Worried that I may be late for work as I will need to get a second bus after getting the 12/13.<br />

D<br />

In principal I support improving public transport, but I think short bus lanes are counter productive as it causes further<br />

delays to motorists channelling into 1 lane and motorists queuing to go into centre lane could block them.<br />

E Yes already affects our business on R Rd. Double yellow lines outside no good. CAN'T DO business affected very badly. Thank you!!<br />

E The parking on R Rd would stop but all the side streets would be used making it useless for residents<br />

There is already a lack of parking for businesses (clients and customers) + people working in the area. This will have a<br />

No bus lane required as they would slow the flow of traffic due to forcing motorists to single file.<br />

E negative impact on business.<br />

E Strongly agree with signals at top of Shepherds Lane<br />

Good luck enforcing the 1 way only system. The local driver population do not seem to adhere to the road like<br />

E<br />

"20mph" zones<br />

Will just slow traffic up even more. NB Cyclists should cycle on the road not in special lanes or on pedestrian<br />

Just resurface it!and with the money saved by not doing all the other stuff resurface easterly Road and Harehills Road<br />

E crossings/Toucan crossings<br />

ad infinitum.<br />

E No adverse effect<br />

E I think we need two lanes to improve(?) the traffic to flow faster<br />

There should be cycle lanes on all major routes into town. I have lost count the times I have almost been killed on my<br />

E<br />

W<br />

bicycle.<br />

I strongly support these proposals. It's really difficult and dangerous to come out of or turn into Shepherds Lane and<br />

cross Roundhay Road on a bike. I resort to dismounting and using the pedestrian crossing except at very quiet times.<br />

There need to be more places to cross safely between the Lascelles Terrace crossing and the Fford Greene pedestrian<br />

crossing. They're a long way apart so people (especially less mobile people who want to avoid walking further than they<br />

have to) try and cross dangerously across up to 4 lanes of traffic. Please don't put in lots of metal fences between the<br />

road and the pavement. I think they're really dangerous for cyclists as they can get crushed into them.<br />

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