^ Job Printijig - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

^ Job Printijig - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

^ Job Printijig - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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VAST «.<br />

LT-D<br />

'*«*.<br />

It* to<br />

: : »<br />

Oceaa <strong>City</strong> Aatoa»obfle Bridge Company** $250,000 structure acrasa Great Egg Harbor Bay from this city to<br />

Somera' Point, baflt by energetic business and pr<strong>of</strong>essional men <strong>of</strong> this resort, with the co-operation <strong>of</strong> other progressive<br />

residents. -<br />

Tbe bridge will be completed by March r, and elaborate ceremonies will mark the formal opening on Easter<br />

Satarday. _ \_'\ . . • • : : '<br />

Dt-AOm*<br />

Waste* 1<br />

H*«<br />

ihr •«••*•<br />

•Urn* I<br />

ItwM<br />

•aty.<br />

Itatfcto 1<br />

wU writ* Dr.<br />

i l»«tf -M( !»•*•• taw<br />

JOMBJUi<br />

^BVi*s^m>**jBsm>i<br />

• to what<br />

jriii |WU«<br />

to Mi at<br />

» MM'* A*»<br />

LV 1 '-"''<br />

•AXiaKT eounrat<br />

1 war cat J. Yoamxy try to]<br />

100 per ceat.'<br />

WrJttea la a Braagstoo papar.<br />

*B***T mebbe*. at niilmlmil toaa. «*<br />

OaaMy. tea tb* Mia • lag to aay <strong>of</strong><br />

«.\BL X Hawatw WHtotta. af Fort VEAL-Va<br />

Omsbstb, antes* <strong>of</strong> tin. Ctaartos K. Cstkt.<br />

I**ra«Ja.*f this ctty. *a4wb*r»b* I* Chop*.<br />

"MM Dr. WUtoti, or rorlEttiabslb,<br />

•at**; down fActst liaat aim flaji<br />

too*. T*U,wttb sahtknl. attoo, ba<br />

Var bto *•*•».<br />

g<br />

tba* n s Ikw<br />

»rt<strong>of</strong>**aa tbry wm* •••<br />

t aadlbacUiar<br />

iaf »aa>a»l»r.O» Decorating<br />

OCCAM CiTV. M.<br />

•or o«jrrM araxrr<br />

• 1AVE yon a cottage, bnng><br />

•% alow or apartment to fur-<br />

1 niftb? We have a line <strong>of</strong><br />

fnmirnre at less than Philadelphia<br />

prices.<br />

It will pay yon to call and see<br />

onr stock before buying else*<br />

where. . .<br />

Window Shades a Specialty.<br />

Aduns & Bra<br />

iibnj Araie<br />

j<br />

MA«wr*cTwat:« or<br />


TTH *ao wear AWC<br />


© «•••>. |>rumpily. All kluda ol uocua and<br />

yard plauU. Hpcctal iKa«l>on- l»u o (iu« anal fa* aalm. Bat K>s <strong>of</strong><br />

• h*ii» an4 uniamxulai tin>> a4ul ltcii at your acrvice. Ftce.<br />

Are J era unCimllLir with building nuUrrials t You arc invilrd<br />

to ocr show rooms, where uamplcs may be t>cen and their relative<br />

i d d i d<br />

Are yon undecided who to have build yonr houi • Readinar Coal<br />

Ate Ktadltac Wood to kan« onrt.<br />

1 • lln ••llil satlte. u<br />

Real Estate and<br />

Search Company<br />


Of SfSWABS:<br />




Cape May Coart Hottse. N. J.<br />

IRA E. WALL<br />

725 Central Ave.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> New Jersey<br />

PUio ut Deeonthn<br />

Paperhanger<br />

A Post Card will bring our acr*<br />

vie©<br />




i a«| tjdv Taaf) • laaMi ',<br />

(tar fttawart'a Iron Work* Co.<br />

Plain mod Omsmtital Inn Vaaea,<br />

Iron RaiUass and Window Uoarda.<br />

Snnlh St ui Him In.<br />

TUCUOAY, VKBaUABV t, tut.<br />

WaabaU togtodtaraottra<br />





.0016 PBOPLB'S<br />


Director FUher CoafcraWlLb H. V. X«lcc, Vice Prcsldcst.<br />

Utility Bcla- AA FkytkalTrala* DR. PBTTIT T4LIS<br />

withUafkU<br />

tlvc to More<br />

tax tot tbe PaptU.<br />

<strong>of</strong> tba wraar, DO*<br />

CSj OoaaaUarioow Babnt Iklw 00 TbaOomnClryBoaid<strong>of</strong><br />

tots* bst aaa (aaeantaaef Vi—lay bad a ooctwoea wtth npm- ottaatsad a* a spaetal<br />

TO TEACBBfiS<br />

good num.<br />

aaDtattvaa<strong>of</strong> tbaBaU aad IatarHnn<br />

ralfrhaot eoapaalas, Oeaaa CUy<br />

DOTS.<br />

Daatita Ucfct Uoaa^oy. and tba<br />

Oeaaa Ctty BlasUto UaUvajOoapaay<br />

A aboit OMOtb.<br />

IbrUaacoecaMrrtiiooor a propoattloo<br />

ta --"'c—*- iba vltas<strong>of</strong> ailtbaat<br />

00 oo# pola tnstaad <strong>of</strong> a<br />

Oo to cnarcb Mil Boodaj. BBmbsr. a* at pts—al. la differed<br />

OoUac** an batnc raoiad tor oail ssoUoos<strong>of</strong> tbactty.<br />

It to Director Weber'e object lo bar*<br />

Eaataf8oaday tola yaarwUJ fail 00 thto aoeompUetktd wtthla a abort lisa*.<br />

April 13<br />

Ttt* <strong>of</strong> aU atn* a* dastrad<br />

•LUbaadaddad tmproTacn*ot ta in*<br />

Bo ail terlas-Uta vaalbat dart at lb*<br />

ajnaatinns <strong>of</strong> tba city, aapseaally 00<br />

sacbafannas b aa *!•«""" and Bay.<br />

Qaaastbagroondbnajaawhlsttiadow<br />

oo Monday.<br />

OaUtac eaady 10 balpeaW>c*u Iba<br />

otcttobUa brtd«*T<br />

s aathat Malatdaj<br />

asTacattfays<strong>of</strong> apctag-Uma oaodtUooa. Tb* B*v.<br />

Tha totttloc <strong>of</strong> Captain Cllatoo L.<br />

moottOy BjiBsrlTH<br />

t paint atoop baa txao rs-<br />

Trade, •pot* ta teror <strong>of</strong> Ib* board<br />

gtrtag a hs.rto.iwa 00 tb* Friday cr*o~<br />

ktaay oottacs oaocn froos<br />

lag bate* Easteraa&uday. wbwa tb*<br />

tomobtto brides across lb* bay<br />

pbta cam* brra 00 Iba axeantoo train<br />

OtomtBtoatty ta BOOMS'PoiatwUl b*<br />

termatly opaoad.<br />

Bood* lot lb« bood<br />

TTxr* eoold b* pit—nl psrhaps al<br />

ar» balacaocrarad and «IU ba raady ta* baoqaati 1 <strong>of</strong> tb* dJ<br />

1 apaotad ta taaapart la Uwbrtdc*<br />

pasted bto drain. ODoIraet bar*. Hia PnaUaU daytoo Balaaa Brick, <strong>of</strong><br />

woefc waa intiaMctifl by Dtneto* lb* boart. appfovadl <strong>of</strong> Iba too<br />

Ftabar.<br />

aad aatd.tt sraotd b* a good thing to<br />

Tba Hmttataan <strong>of</strong> Oapa May. aad tek* op at Ib* oat m—ting <strong>of</strong> tb*<br />

^Oanrfft OKnHas a>at yaattcday'and board, wbkb would praoabiy toealtod<br />

daddad ta aaaka npajn to tba Ttteka. tx aaxt Moodsy *r*nlog to<br />

bb<br />

tato and otbsr ptaoa to* tb*<br />

btay*s tiwitteg yesterday to «iamla* ibis eocid b* doo* ^a<br />

brick ta one aert loo wBhlh*ctty hail<br />

tb* BbaaUaj<br />

Tka nporu<strong>of</strong> u» ftiiunilmfcinan <strong>of</strong><br />

wUJ ba oocUtcarl by<br />

at Ibatr<br />

VX*£k R ', <strong>of</strong> Iba B«artb-<br />

•aocattout. wboaipoila tew •nuthi<br />

la BL FMatabeJS. Via., btoogtil back<br />

twoaiUoton, whlcb b« praaanlai to<br />

Claytoo Halaaa<br />

Mi. aad Mis. NalbanJti Cbamptoo,<br />

<strong>of</strong> TOekaboa, «.tatrstaf1 tbatr caiilao<br />

waddtac aanrranary yaataxday. Tnajr<br />

ats tba pataou <strong>of</strong> Un.Uaon» B.Paraar<br />

i~< Mtm. U. L>. Hfnih. thia dty.<br />

A4aasoblyBaaa t^awta T. ataraoa, <strong>of</strong><br />

Capa May Uoooty. baa <strong>of</strong>lknd a bUI<br />

la tbaBbvta Isolator*<br />

ODaCDO to* a BUM ooraal aebooi to ba<br />

iaad to a toortb,<br />

PBBAONAI3.<br />

Mlaa HUa Haud la rrttod* to<br />

vo.<br />

W. riad. Wan. <strong>of</strong> MUJrUU, IUI<br />

raoaat vtactor baca.<br />

j.^hrc wuda, <strong>of</strong> Ptillxta^Mi. vti La<br />

toaa a law daya ataoa<br />

MawMyrUaQUtotd U *l»«Ui«<br />

UasalKalkln Woodaory.<br />

Uar»«y Y. Laxa apaot tiaoday «Ub<br />

ttL«k a^ai v^aftffm Iff* aV4 • awi mmu^*>t JTJ1<br />

Ctedas P. Bndy. <strong>of</strong> mi<br />

I Manda bm Boodaj.<br />

meet* Pwastsrna scht. <strong>of</strong> Phllsdetft***,<br />

ws* bar* a tew days ago.<br />

Hobrrt Caraoo, <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, wa*<br />

ta Oeaaa CUy do Hag la* week<br />

Mm. Ctark ntmiikwtk. <strong>of</strong> Oarmaatown,<br />

waa bar* a bt day* ago.<br />

Albrrt Fowtor. <strong>of</strong> Etdoea,<br />

Mr*, tvogto Pwtmtdf.nl PhUi<br />

1 <strong>of</strong> tli* aaiamobite<br />

brtlr* company, watch >u<br />

wtintori fa* ymterdsy-W*diMsdsy.<br />

WUUaxa H. Johnano. wlta aad<br />

aatbtcr. <strong>of</strong> tato eky, sHiytyl th*<br />

wadoUAI <strong>of</strong> Tbocaaa H. Holoksa aad<br />

Mta* dausatat <strong>of</strong><br />

Tboma* f"^"~m aod wlta, <strong>of</strong> VVUdwood.<br />

00 Wadosaday nvalut aaabtr» <strong>of</strong> iba or* boa**Ml.<br />

(ttorca, W. W. Adaouaad Flrasaa B.<br />

WUlla.<br />

af taw pabtkt<br />

Macratary La«w K Basllb cslted lb* <strong>of</strong> Ibla eay. •>•* aa<br />

BMietlftc to octtec UMI ••Iwi $ot DCMSVI* raoOr* adrfnas to taw<br />

oaUoo* toe tw»«ai«ul. B. Y. Lot* cseaa <strong>of</strong> lb* aaast y<br />

rtnratn-xil Mr. H«*o. Tka aatraUry Uta satjaal WM Ttkt Salty<br />

cau tb* ballot for Mr. Bwaa aad bs<br />

aad r—vmOea <strong>of</strong> la*<br />

wa* oseUod aaaoted bt tba vasalag<br />

ysar. Harrar V. Lax*, iwimlnarai<br />

tor Ib* «ta* pjssfctoory by Jaba B. allog talk wftb rtows from W*tob *<br />

Uraras, was oacUnd rtooted, tb* mcr*- aebaasbtrs^s bosk o* **Aoat* aad ta><br />

tery oasttog tb* ballot.<br />

Pimrlanl Bwaa appointed Mma.<br />

Uro«*a aad Adam* m**sb*rs <strong>of</strong> tb*<br />

<strong>of</strong> tba<br />

batldLag i*vf twcalr ooaasaltte*<br />

is irti-rH lOa aaaas ta<br />

Wbso Mr. Bwao took th* pracktaaVa T* a apaestl pMtitaeOM *» Uls aad<br />

chair, tbsni ieaU*(araap**Bb. Iba *arly *prtaaj waoatk*," a*U Ot<br />

Ha Ihtoiai tb* board aniaitiri lot -UwUI bawatl, IbaiaMa. la<br />

|b* boooc eo<strong>of</strong>mad apae bbax, a poaV briefly af t&fe Uawalbaaarty<br />

tloo aaoond ta coo* ta tb* etty. b*<br />

notata <strong>of</strong> Iba aaranl.d*.<br />

fatt, aa eaambaneJp ta tb* Board af aa pcaaapt fiangnHlnri <strong>of</strong> UM<br />

Edocaltoo raaksoaaparsftta. If 00*<br />

aba**, any otbar poatttan to lb* city-<br />

Tb*Ba*xab*raaiabroQirbt t»e» ta (sos<br />

wttbeblldrao *ntaTlo( lh* thnaboad<br />

<strong>of</strong> llfa, a Bloat bBpoctaat Us** to Ibatr<br />

Tb* *.p*akar aald It ha* ten bto<br />

plasaar* lo bar* aarrsd on la* boaxd<br />

Co* two ysan, aad ba that Um* bs ba*<br />

assay<br />

ta<br />

tlo l matts ban. Uaaooka<strong>of</strong> tb*<br />

DB**tlafls <strong>of</strong> tba board,<br />

wbleb war* not nnllfct fasftily (slasr.<br />

mca. Oa Ib* 1st m»—tins; <strong>of</strong> tba old<br />

board b* bad. b* aakt. a Cntinc<strong>of</strong><br />

aonow «b*o baaawthna<strong>of</strong> iba<br />

bar** llm* bad toaaaod. bat b*<br />

saw 00 raaaon why tb* nnanlsjHjr <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> tb* aid board sboold aot<br />

com tans Tb* aaayor, b* said, bad<br />

mad* axraiteot **Wrttnn.a. aad tbs<br />

praatdaol <strong>of</strong> tb* board hoped to bar*<br />

iba oo-oparaitoa <strong>of</strong> ib* o*w ouobm<br />

b*<br />

"$ crttlrtaad ta ta* CBUT*. a* tbay ba««<br />

waak, to la* Boliywood Uatbodist too ta tb* past, box rwo—t crUlocus<br />

Ctuudi. Tb* brtd* ba> a oumbaro/ ••lobadaalrad.<br />

Msoda lo tbto dity.<br />

p . Mr. Hwaa «ald:<br />

-If I can Oil aay <strong>of</strong>fla* ** ctsdjlably<br />

Or. ••!•«• tm<br />

a* my tmlfci—ii ta bta loag urm <strong>of</strong><br />

To* Br». Dt. John B. Haloas, paator aantca. I aball b* aaUaoad."<br />

"Moaspa. li^Ddaya,<br />

0/ th* Vint M. K. Chartb, baa bean<br />

b* aak) that many coal- " Wboopto* ooosb. 1-ia daya.<br />

to dtilrsr Iscturca 00 hislacs<br />

reqatrmc aoond Jodcnaot wtll ^•Hota," said tb* doctor, -that tb*<br />

BUtoctaitUNn Unonki, Ham- coca* bscar* lb* baaed, ta looalaa; waaasa «Ub aor* thmal trnrtiHH.<br />

mocilno aad &rtdx*tao. To* coureb •As* la* pto^l*** mooay. ba ataXad, iptilbrH aad KUM trrar-bar*<br />

paopl* <strong>of</strong> lb*a* ptaoaa aoould prapaxs tb* board aMcaasts aboold not b* nar- rary abort ptrloda <strong>of</strong> taeabaUoo."<br />

• Cora ran tiaat.<br />

, ldtacy baearaana<strong>of</strong> Dt. Pwiia loan car* a dau apbvsa-<br />

axtrarafaat ta Iba aaptodUarta. la ttoo <strong>of</strong> tb* trmstaam <strong>of</strong> aaeb <strong>of</strong> lhaa*<br />

wru» >.«&« csksu. th* aatartl<strong>of</strong>i <strong>of</strong> tesebaxa. tb* board<br />

TtMaartkcs<strong>of</strong> H. H. Lake, <strong>of</strong> tbUontKi<br />

bar* b**o (nldad by tattr<br />

ctty. hars b**o chtalnad to laad tba worthy •opannlatvtfil <strong>of</strong> arboolt. H*<br />

eaotr<strong>of</strong> tb* t<strong>On</strong>t M. E.Church, •aid b* IbooiCbt tbty woold Hod I bat<br />

U to b* raorcaoiiad tomorrow *i BapafioUodaoi Btvraoa ha* la* lolai-<br />

It to hla oaalr* to bar* a doobto caai* Ugtooa. amdaoey aad aUUly that will<br />

qoartat la artdtltetn la a chonu <strong>of</strong><br />

mtxaol (otoas.<br />

J. U. Coaster A Co. ba.*riaL<br />

Watttr (Thaadter and wLta. <strong>of</strong>-Willan^pht.<br />

wtrt viaUara ban Honday<br />

Mra. J. K. Ctoaa «r. 4f., <strong>of</strong> famdao.<br />

»a*aaaocs; tb* attttmls at Iba WU-<br />

Tboma* Wartooo aad sltr, <strong>of</strong> Phltedalpbto,<br />

wat* amoog tb* rtottoes ben<br />

Hooday.<br />

W. B. WcnrVcb. <strong>of</strong> Phlladslphis<br />

ootlag* owowr bar*, wa* In town 00<br />

Booday.<br />

Woolatao aad «tf». <strong>of</strong><br />

Blrartan, war* neaot goatte <strong>of</strong> th*<br />

UaouMl U. Maybsrry.<strong>of</strong> West Pblla-<br />

• t mak* ibecn tmt toward him a* b*<br />

(Mr. Bwan) do** that night.<br />

Th* c*w (nasrtiiul paid a eompUeaast<br />

to tb* aaereta/y <strong>of</strong> to* board.<br />

L*wte E. Bmob. "W* bar*." aakl<br />

Mr. t) waa, "on* <strong>of</strong> ib* beat aaeai poscttto<br />

ta in* poaUloo <strong>of</strong> s*ontary. He<br />

to a credit to blm*«l/. th* board aad<br />

lb*etty."<br />

Tb* *[**»«r adraeated gtrtnjr. th*<br />

ehlklrea th* bsst ta b* bad. Then<br />

bar* beta many CTtsngm alao* most<br />

Mrs. Ftaak BcanaVltr<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ib* mem hat* <strong>of</strong> Ib* board attended<br />

•cbooL Mr. Bru dcefaiad thar b*<br />

Vrank. <strong>of</strong> W*at<br />

was glad to bs abto to say that Ooma<br />

aaaoogth* vtotlots bat* ttaoday. Ctty ba* tb* rspotatloo <strong>of</strong> ^r*<br />

A. L. Bowao. <strong>of</strong> WsUsbuco, Pa.. U<br />

rlattlas; COspt. Jtaw InfusoU aod<br />

wtfs. U25 Wart sreooa, thto ctty.<br />

wlfa. <strong>of</strong> B«a*toy's<br />

Point, war* TtoUora <strong>of</strong> Mr. and<br />

Mrs. UUbert Coooo orer Booday.<br />

WUUaa B. Oavto aod famUr ra.<br />

Utroad to Ihlaoty Friday after a few<br />

day*' vtollto Philadelphia Mead*.<br />

sir. aad Mem. Harry Uha&Vr, <strong>of</strong><br />

Philadelphia, war* gosste <strong>of</strong> Captain<br />

aad Mra. Oarld Usadanoo 00 Hooday.<br />

Tb* Bar. Howard IS Tbompsoo;<br />

metor <strong>of</strong> Ubrtot Choreb, Woodbory,<br />

was among raeant rtoltors ta Ibto eliy.<br />

Mra.iababetbUooor*r,or Atlantic<br />

Cuy, wa* a recant *UUorat the hoca*<br />

<strong>of</strong> Mr*, a B. Hampa». 00 WeaWy<br />

TUM.<br />

Mr*. H. r. Cassslberry. who bas<br />

bsea spsodlog Ib* winter la Aodoboo<br />

t» tb* gcMat <strong>of</strong> Mra. William Baock. <strong>of</strong><br />

thlaetty.<br />

-'r'''ii. was In town tba tatUtr part <strong>of</strong> Dr. Uawood OocsoOt <strong>of</strong> Gtoonvxn,<br />

Uatwrak.<br />

Pa, wa* a gamt <strong>of</strong> hb stater. Mb*<br />

W. M. BUlweU. <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia. Kmma Coraoo. <strong>of</strong> this elly, a Arw<br />

among Ib* rtettoc* bar* tb* UUer part daya tb* past<br />

<strong>of</strong> toatwwtk.<br />

Mtos Tifr^to Qsady. «*«?*;t^.* 0/ Mr.<br />

Postmaster eWltoo wa» lo Wtnin-<br />

aad Mn. J. W. Uaodr. <strong>of</strong>ttoairUle. to<br />

rtlto Booday. Hto wKa to neuparatoUlog<br />

bet brother. Autbooy tlandy.<br />

Ung that*. •<br />

and wM*. tolhlactty.<br />

Mr. aad Mrs. J. Hwbtrt Bchall. m<br />

Daniel Clawall aod wife haw. rt-<br />

Omoaotowo. w*r* among Ib* w*«a'*<br />

tom*d la Ibeir bom*, 80» tterenteeolb<br />

•treat, tbto eny, aAar a vMU <strong>of</strong> aeraral<br />

wmk* lo Philadelphia.<br />

MfcjsLAttMjTboaua, <strong>of</strong> rttmaa. la<br />

«lattls«bac*aw«<br />

WUka, <strong>of</strong> Uarmanlowa, »cr* raeaot tatoasla*r*ry.<br />

1. Prompt rsongntHno aad toaia.<br />

l<strong>of</strong> ront aaVni* Has*, as*, taair arosf<br />

» by bMllby eblklora,aad taor-<br />

uld taka cood can <strong>of</strong> tba<br />

eMkltwa'a laroals,<br />

<strong>of</strong> I~"»JMHW dlpothcrla,<br />

, woold b* aroadad. Tb* mabus<strong>of</strong><br />

a fDod *^f *r <strong>of</strong> gcnaeal bodily<br />

bsallh to cood li\*wran*fTf' agalaat any<br />

aad ihaeblM*aoaM aariy ba<br />

traiacd la byscnto babKa. Tbarala*<br />

ad <strong>of</strong><br />

to<br />

*^ oat Dr. PatUt** vary erositorrt<br />

tb* beat gradoalm ta Caps May as highly aspeeemted by bto beano,<br />

County. To —•—+?•" thto rrpotalloo, «i**ag from thetr iHatanlio <strong>of</strong> th*<br />

tb* board auast ooottoo* logtr* Ib* mattetssthectas*.<br />

ehlldno tba bast adraotagm poaatbto Dr. Pwtttt Ukes a suoog |-*T~r*J<br />

Tb* board to at *I1W»1IBIH**». bow- iteeast hi tb* tosUb <strong>of</strong> tba aehool<br />

erer. beeaam <strong>of</strong> paytag torn to teacher* chUdrta ."^1 b* to p**|i)a» altka<br />

toaa th* mlsitoegtran to em n**r- teaehsesaadth* paptla.<br />

bytowoa, wbleb ptaem tb* aopsrtatsodenl<br />

In aa *abarraastag pnajfcrton<br />

Turning toward Vtrmaa B. WUito.<br />

<strong>of</strong>th*H.iX Ctah m*t<br />

Mr Barer, aald Ibat they bar* ,ir*wa«l al tb* bom* <strong>of</strong> Mtos Blaa l**». oo*<br />

pto <strong>of</strong> tb* local high school's tbslr noabrr. sTrUay **camg. aod<br />

gradoatea. Mr. WUtto gradaateil from a few boon ta **wfa<br />

lb* <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty Barb Bebool, etadwd Latac lb*y wan asrradwah<br />

taw aad waa admitted ta th* bar aod. OMOta. Tb* other<br />

U now a member <strong>of</strong> Ib* Board <strong>of</strong> Kdo- loos Adaaas, Baacrloa T61<br />

calloa. -We sboald M peood la aadEUxabaibPtoros. Mn.J<br />

bar* him wtth as thto rrenlng." aakl<br />

Tb* dabwtD<br />

tbe speaker.<br />

fnancsjinw nlgbl at tb*<br />

Uarrey Y. L*k*. tb* next speaker,<br />

•aid that tonight b* bad wound op •<br />

year's serrte* 00 tb* board, aod that*<br />

1 rrtoosd a o*sp ratcnat ta sebool<br />

t»^f»*^ ibat ba woold H^ |*<br />

Itappsandtobstbsrtow<strong>of</strong> aU tb*<br />

II* woold ttka ta aw to-<br />

tsmban tbal tb* tocal sebooto abooM<br />

angttrated a dtOerant way <strong>of</strong> mtootrng<br />

bar* tba bmt laachan arallabtoaod<br />

tbsteachaxs aad tba iw*i»t af tb*<br />

that Iba rit*.h*al<br />

teaehers ratosd. th* board to back up<br />

abookl b* paM 1<br />

th* ataadaid wHb *i eommaosos<br />

•alary Cor th* teaebsra. They ahooid<br />

...k Into to* pseaooaltty <strong>of</strong> tb*<br />

l**eb**»;to M that they at* <strong>of</strong> th*<br />

rirht kind askt* from thstr Us.<br />

Mr. L«k* epok* In taror <strong>of</strong> a system<br />

looking toward tb* phyetaal npboUdlog<br />

<strong>of</strong> tb* Uttto 00**, la otdcf that they<br />

can be helped bath physically aad<br />

mentally. H* nprasssd a dmtn that<br />

Ib* board ehall saod a T*r***mWTt<br />

•eboato to tb* megar oktos ta as* what<br />

tobstngdaoalD thoaa pmom far Ib*<br />

aU>couad adva4Msjsj**jot <strong>of</strong> tb* ohll*<br />

dran.<br />

Th**pa*^k*r*B^b**ppr*etoted tb*<br />

Cfc0**%0m* ^3U a9apE**HeF VJllBSaBiBt*^ v'aflB' lQatrngsvCeafl<br />

•T tb* board, altboogh ba had.<br />

John B. Otoraa aakj ba bad<br />

•peach ta mak* aad prstetad ta Usteo.<br />

Mr. Adams said h* s«n*d with<br />

Piasldant Bwan 00 tb* rmponslhUny p<br />

<strong>of</strong> tb* <strong>of</strong> tba Boaitf <strong>of</strong> BSs*<br />

ealkm and dadand that tbac* to notbtog<br />

too good tor th* chlldrso *o long<br />

*«t<br />

as U to omd lo tba right way. He<br />

. and Mrs.<br />

stated that h* Intends p*rfbrmlag hto<br />

maksr. to tbto etty<br />

daUmtotbsbBst<strong>of</strong> htoahUHy a* Ib*<br />

Hatry W. W Voalds k has rataroed to<br />

bto atttdto* at Ib* University <strong>of</strong> Peon-<br />

HUftlag daring tb*<br />

eylranla after spending a (aw daya Mr. WUIt<strong>of</strong>avaUaabtooplntoalbal<br />

Kbenemc Adam*, <strong>of</strong> Wat »?blhvtet. wKb bto p*r*oti. Dr. and Mra. HTT. th* abU»y <strong>of</strong> tb* UacbsrslolmBaui<br />

Poalda.tnthtoeUy<br />

pbla, was In towo a tow daya during<br />

ibatr kaowtodga U> tb* ebMdrsn to<br />

Wltooo Y. Chrwlan. a dantal<br />

tb*: totter part <strong>of</strong> last wMk.<br />

most Important factor.<br />

a* In* University ol Paoneyt-<br />

Mrs. J. a Bush nturoad Halurday peot to* wrek-eod with bto Tb*nwa*ar*ry<br />

•rafting horn a -««*•* vtoU toll-<br />

_ Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chrtstlao. <strong>of</strong> aebo«w«rkaaddwtlaa d<br />

Ib*<br />

into ctty. H* ws* aooompantad by <strong>of</strong> f iba boat*, b * lla<br />

wbleb BaaL<br />

aaalaea sbor* <strong>of</strong> Maryland.<br />

a totlow atiMtenl, rJdward Conn, <strong>of</strong><br />

db<br />

•lav aUV. Wllfrfg -~* Mtos Doio- DMUto, YYaib.<br />

1<br />

ALSO cractaua n UJMO^CLOIB. ruio, L*jni, M»r«*a.i<br />

mr.-, . . i .^*»<br />

S* S.<br />

<strong>City</strong><br />

today w* Had thai iruaatwrtba <strong>of</strong><br />

Ib* books pobUsbad an wocka <strong>of</strong> Qo-<br />

Uoo aad tban to hardly a<br />

wbteb<br />

Btattdlagthwsdosp ta<br />

ttncataraa* wa do. th* rwry<br />

What ktod <strong>of</strong> Oelh*Cnrt*ti*nyoang<br />

*a*n or<br />

~-r-~ raadl* "<br />

In —ting In miHi Itiw. nisssHmi.<br />

th* B*». Mr.Bobas*gar*aoa<br />

•crtes. aodwrtbt**<br />

a* sbtlowsj Rat, oewwrrsoda<br />

book that grew* mtoa Usaaol D3f. *soood,<br />

B***r csad aa tmpas* book, aad<br />

thtal, n#*w taod a booktbattoanO.<br />

CartoOan,<br />

la elostog bto »ary ahto astmoo, Mr.<br />

ahnev p*Vt hto csa-pecte ta thorn paa*<br />

•nf* ta rtoa aad oactosAaas* wb*t<br />

<strong>of</strong> attraoUraMloa,<br />

th* momto <strong>of</strong><br />

yoatb <strong>of</strong> >hslao«. Mwworasw<br />

srrs^nascnt <strong>of</strong> thatrbst<strong>of</strong>kl<br />

to oatrapttag fan<br />

<strong>On</strong>e, thtOBBjtl th* potsoo <strong>of</strong> bwpautiy<br />

aod TMoaaeam maUltod tata mahi><br />

tadm <strong>of</strong> aaladsby Ih*lro*caoratb4ttg<br />

: .• /<br />

For Rent by tf)B Yeai<br />

7 New onafbrtable brick hoaM* with 6 rootu aad<br />

bath; modern in every irayj hot and cold water; hot<br />

water he*t; gu and electric lights; stationary wash<br />

trays; nice porch.<br />

^ Why live in a house without conveniences and<br />

heat when one can be had a reasanahte rent?'_.']'"<br />

% Would be pleased to show yon 1 throagh these<br />

hoasea if yon will call and see<br />

JISEPII iciLL<br />

mm \ffk<br />


REAL<br />

838 Aabury Avenue<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty New Jereey<br />


Iro Irfc*muir«sri4<br />

,O AaajUKVAVKNUg. OOKAia M. U.<br />

arwao* oaaiEJarsctb<br />

LotoaBboj<br />

roortb<br />

bargan.<br />

Letoa W*<br />

Ptot<strong>of</strong>gn<br />

', tan vw. prie<br />


Clayton Haines Brick .<br />

S Oommn CUy. N. %J.<br />


Bo watUas tat tw* waafca to kaow a yew oaa cat H5<br />

waeaa taUyoo as<br />

Cbsso* eotagaa far,<br />

• il nswiTiiaTwi <strong>of</strong><br />

OosaaOty.<br />

J. M. CHESmOL & CO., :<br />

OCKAM Cmr, N.).<br />

grrwa a m»m rtow <strong>of</strong> UH<br />

AoVrphto. FfaQaoclpoJa 1 HOTEL LOJUtAHfE<br />

. .Mil'<br />

Opaa aa D*>**c.'i<br />

Tht5<br />

E. J. HANN<br />

aoa<br />

* o*w**|<br />

ItOBtaby.atrwdsyvago. AH *o>oy*d<br />

tbatr rtott very aueo. Interesting to Investors<br />

' • — - o n - — . / • • • • " • • • • - ' •<br />

Tonsorlal Parlor Ttes Who IWi • Mnbto Uote (w • SaisaV ttan<br />

rod t*LC<br />

Ory. it it,<br />

SUlr<br />

UndertaW) irwj<br />


•Bwmraliatn "<br />



*M. Opp. P. Bt. B. StcUloa.<br />


Apartment Houses 301 r^JyritK StfCfft • ' • •<br />

are contid«red th« but Income Prodacios ..<br />

RICHARD H. JOHNSON, Pfcml^ and Heating<br />

. Inveatmeot In Oc«aa Ctrjr, and w« have ~<br />

Street eet<br />

aevcral nicely located FOR 8AUE at actual<br />

T AAc<br />

RAYMOND, Electrical Cootracton<br />

coat. . • - • - -• . - - 305 Street .' . . - . . . . - . .<br />

B. J. HANN, Real Estate Broker<br />

noyaoco<strong>of</strong> boU4ta*v Wttttjlorpartlcolata.<br />

" • " . , 1 . 1 . " . •' ;<br />

WEW<br />

1nuiAH DAVIS, Attorney at Law<br />

Massey & Edward*<br />

Room* 2*Mr<br />

Eighth and Central Ave.<br />

JOS. G. CHAMPION, Contfactor and Opctatfan Budder<br />


R o o m s 8 ^ I O . 1 I - ^ — - ••• . •••-- •••>•" • •••-'••• •••"::.• .v<br />


J ONES: JVfl EN'S<br />

755 Anbttfy Ave.. <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong>, N. J* Room B-PATWOTK ORDER' SONS OF AMERICA<br />


W**n*b»w4s«ttesprU«liM0fDert7'bate aad m km atwry<br />

muUOcna<strong>City</strong> *oeMte*jkd*mtheisiaatBtrtoa. W* km m aa* M.mtKk-,<br />

•seat <strong>of</strong> aalncostesaeaaU foaad talsiio* 6f FbUad Brsry OB* • KAIM-<br />

COAT. "Pun Deem Bhwta, *<strong>of</strong>t plmUl bosom.' agaat (at «oJ*Trool<br />

Hostory- ww«sieis.KH Ot<strong>of</strong>**,T)alrfm.i. Begtyaw Oli aWrta. John Marts LumlMrCo,|<br />

nsiliintm. TlMtoi»mi, -IIIIMM. T11I1 raratt asd *d*^Mow*Jtiea.<br />

sTcreon HAT*<br />

!.••••-•"•!«<br />


.UKAL. Kmrkn *9M»tt.~.<br />

"«»«»!.''!v.,,!l<br />

: : ..E..-e^aKKIIJC.'<br />

Real Eetatev<br />

fww.fet•»»•»• _ .^ t__r<br />

ABBOTTtlP *:Ar»J<br />


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