^ Job Printijig - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

^ Job Printijig - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City

^ Job Printijig - On-Line Newspaper Archives of Ocean City


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tabtoalaaUstb<br />

,«Utft*k*M,«*<br />

BatarcTay aftuuaop. to which<br />

aMJWHa>U fcrvM. Tba lotar-<br />

Ma* WlUMetCatW-Uy Curt Homes<br />

Hr.CnaM>«MaJtkha4lwio falling<br />

past year or avon. do*<br />

tt t<br />

Mlr p y<br />

M M aga.- r*t OM taat taw<br />

l M * J l U d<br />

w«* ever aart*-(y Ul ta bto Ufa and<br />

hwJwip, jjcttea,'<br />

loafty; aa«ll h» tr*<br />

*»•»•<br />

ti<br />

Wrm to ib*<br />

Hedtod<br />

IliUaryeanaadboBor. '<br />

At bto bedside whsw kwtxplnd war*<br />

Mr. Crease. Mr*. Leeaalag aad Mr*.<br />

Bastt HaaxL three <strong>of</strong> bto roor<br />

i-ilfciS*<br />

dw X«w<br />

Mr. Cram, win waa a tmeel da-<br />

l <strong>of</strong> tb* aahaoo<br />

•raaa relcnoec to a part <strong>of</strong> tba text,<br />

J«*9« 4tfarbt'* Mm aaaal :b» tba son<br />

Irwmdattnn <strong>of</strong> ebaraa«r tf •••rvlob*<br />

«a«adby tb*t ttfr: If «• ar* to bttom*<br />

tb« «oo« <strong>of</strong> Ood by Ufa) pow«t.<br />

• tMMXltCUt. RAPTIBT.<br />

Tb* n«r. Howard Joluuoo,<br />

Cbntcr. praacbed la<br />

BaptM«-nareb8aaday.<br />

Uurtttlgnty <strong>of</strong> Character" n»<br />

tb**saj«e«<strong>of</strong> bl» (aotalaK<br />

Ha *pok« rn part aa tallan:<br />

Tminrn *ay*. -I<br />

tboia who- IMaaad to IJORI Vbatbaaa<br />

than anyf btos |bu -bm aatd<br />

WbUa oor «5r««>baald ba'tro* I<br />

oondvc*. tbn* H to • Godly Uf*<br />

opanopl*<br />

> ^ V Chax<br />

aetcr. an *ansia*lnK.' or -eouinx In<br />

pro caw, aoat really cot into tb*<br />

aad not tw •apnfletel. Tbaaertpton*<br />

lbaV"O*ja> oceda oat caly aalra^<br />

loo by faitb, bat groaftb b> Bhatartfr*<br />

"Jloat ebaractan can ba elaadocd.<br />

bbt M *aa»U*iht. Ha «ab too Ug<br />

Cbaraetir «aa aH MLbaeaas*<br />

Ptar |mtal*«d thK Patar beeanx tb*<br />

tMt^toMdf CbrbUattry<br />

••JaM>* b*Ua**4 bitbvWv<br />

«baraeta» ao'siBeb'tha He »<br />

tb* »lusdn«< Of Ood, 6ot Ot, In,-<br />

atloa.orpablteatkw<strong>of</strong> booka, bu. u><br />

laraabMlUkUtelolotvalTacbaraotan.<br />

«l«*ft>«f "boa* (8lpar«tst) rasntoad<br />

10 H«^ .lMaaglj>a*SiiM<br />

Lump Steak, . . .<br />

otuid Steak,<br />

»OC<br />

PO«|Cv-C<br />

•f Some suggestions for j-ou to think O\TT between now and com-<br />

ing spring. % A Gas RnJUtor to take the chill <strong>of</strong>f the room* and<br />

help care on the coal bill*. % A Ga» ranRt beyond question.<br />

"J An Incerted WetHhach Lamp to help brighten up yoar hoaie<br />

and an ornament as well, ^j In (act. give the- gas situation aerioos<br />

thoogbt. as it is a cumrutxlity which helps make trp Home Life.<br />

Very tmly yonrs,<br />

"•"-Jlf.r-S* <strong>City</strong> Gas LJsHt Co.<br />


Spenoer B. Swan<br />

Carpenter<br />

and Builder<br />

1*4* Aassrr Areas*. Oessa CMy, N. *.<br />


SEAL<br />


JOHN T. SEAL<br />


oincr<br />

OCCAM CII»<br />


Contractor and Builder<br />

»n««tb at. aata Bay •»«.<br />

Occa* CMy New Jrtwy<br />

Bell Phone tB Inter-State Pho ie<br />

. Prices and Goods aa Represented or Money Cheerfnlly Refunded<br />

Stewart's Sanitary Market<br />

Twelfth Stre-t and A»bary Avcnoe<br />

BeU Phone, 54B-A .Coast Pbooe.<br />

[ AVE yoa a. cottage, bang-<br />

alow or apartment to fur-<br />

nish? We have a line <strong>of</strong><br />

furniture at less than Phila-<br />

delphia prices.<br />

It will pay yon to coll and see<br />

oar stock before buying else-<br />

where.<br />

Window Shades a Specialty.<br />

rocDptly. All kloda <strong>of</strong> boos* aod<br />

yard plants. Hpertal seashore lawn grass sssd for sale. Bart grades <strong>of</strong><br />

shads aod ornamealal Irm ant] bctlglnjr.. Would be pleased to do your<br />

wo4k fur you. Tut. «o4l maid lu any •i.uanUly ani special fetllltur ft*<br />

your Ouwer beoV<br />


• *O MOOS.LVN TCamACC<br />

I OC««»»»C<br />

• car tn<br />


Contractor, Ballder<br />

and <strong>Job</strong>bing<br />

No. U W. Fosrtoaatfe SO«rt<br />

OCEAN aiV.H.J a<br />

A. Q. WINKLER<br />


•TUMI itKM U»-X.<br />

HUM. »•<br />

en. 0. AOAMS A MO.<br />


uua LATae. tu^ EK.<br />

Atl Wt aod grow and fructify?<br />

AI.'' tr porUoo <strong>of</strong> tb* aaad 1<br />

>a a rosk, and. aaaooo a*it apraog<br />

up. It withered away, her* me It bad<br />

oo aoolsK-e.' la ibis class are lo.<br />

eluded all wbo are mrveot for<br />

tin*, bat » fervor sooo dies away,<br />

because tt ba- .iad*i and rnrr !•>-<br />



Ham ta a*w baak bnlWIIr^<br />

Cape May Court Hottse, N. J.<br />

IRA E. WALL<br />

725 Central Ave.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> New Jersey<br />

Plain and Dttarathe<br />

Paperhaneer<br />

A Post Card will bring oor ser*<br />

vice to you.<br />

L A. STEEUMN<br />


Practical Harswtadig<br />


Cba mt DptM Tnp • S»«bBi<br />

A«ent tor Btawart'a Iron Worka Co.<br />

Plato and Ornamental Iron JTaooa,<br />

Iron BatltoKaaBd Wladoar UoanU.<br />

Snaotb SL ul Ham An<br />

Kjes Eiiffllned Witboit Drops<br />

Ua»|>r«a>l<br />

A. EL.Y<br />

Uaa raaiaa Door.<br />

. ,<br />

OccAnCltySetitiricl<br />

THUEftDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1814<br />

W*abaU be glad lo ncetra tteaupf<br />

n«wa aod cotnaiunloaUoaa <strong>of</strong> tntai<br />

lo Into eoanmantly aod oor reader*<br />

everywhere.<br />

All onmmnntOBl>ocs aboold ba ao-<br />

eccapaatod wttb. tba fall<br />

address <strong>of</strong> tba writer, not nm—illy<br />

for pabllcatloa, bat a* a guaranta* <strong>of</strong><br />

good faith.<br />

DOTS.<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> CUy ri a bad place fortale-<br />

phoo* thieve*.<br />

Beal estate operator* ar* preparing<br />

to torn* thatr booklau <strong>of</strong> cottage* for<br />

not.<br />

Tb* Rev. Janx* K Lak* will preach<br />

In Immannrt Bapttat Cburrb neit<br />

Hunday.<br />

Mayo* Raadley tus beeo elected a<br />

number <strong>of</strong> lbs Yoong Meo's Progre*.<br />

alrsLtague.<br />

Tbe turkey supper atveo by tb*<br />

Lwllea' Auxiliary <strong>of</strong> Ib* Prashitetton<br />

Cburch waa a financial success. Tbe<br />

proceed* esectdrd Ibaezpcetatioo* <strong>of</strong><br />

all tb* member* o' Ibe auxiliary.<br />

Itk* Yooug Men'* Frogrssalrs<br />

Letgot, at Iba request <strong>of</strong> Ib* Red Mru.<br />

will assist them lo tbelr efforts to get<br />

Iheaooaal gathering <strong>of</strong> tb* Bed Men's<br />

Urea! Council bere la March o/oaxt<br />

year.<br />

Tb* Vouug Meo'a PIO*T.I*SBIT»<br />

, at Urn mcsUng Tuesday otgbt,<br />

g. B, Willis, U. H~^T Hboe-<br />

makeraod \V. I. Ray mood aa a cocn-<br />

mttte* to npresfot Ibe league at th*<br />

public masting In tbe loiersst <strong>of</strong> tb*<br />

public library toeaorrow eveolng. Th*<br />

Ucrao Clly Hurl ness Mm'a Assoets-<br />

tloo ha* Darned tb* following com-<br />

mutes: Lawto Bteeimao. Tbeo. V<br />

TDWoseod aod B. a MoAlllsts*.<br />

Wm. l*kc Began laying <strong>On</strong><br />

•eaort oa Friday, Febru-<br />

ary 13, 1880.<br />

WUIIaa Lak*. oo* <strong>of</strong> IbU resort'..<br />

aged, active aod respected ra-Wrnls.<br />

on rrstay. FMnary U. itaO. bsrao<br />

work bere tor ibe Ootao Ctty Assort*-<br />

Uoo aod drove tbe first stake lo tbe<br />

earvey <strong>of</strong> wbat to DOW Aitary aveao*<br />

With Mr. Lake ea trtmiDsra wtre<br />

Amos Lnk, <strong>of</strong> Boaters' Point, aod<br />

John E. Aoetln and aimsoo U. Miller.<br />

<strong>of</strong> Into etty, Mr. Miller was tba soo<br />

<strong>of</strong> Parker MUUr. tb* first sealer 00<br />

tot* Islaod. Mr Aastla was Parker<br />

M mar's *oo tn Uw. Jo* Robtse<br />

Ut*r nkeknamsd "Ooreroor" or lbs<br />

Islaod. waa among Ibe helpers.<br />

tUmoo Lake, eacntary <strong>of</strong> lbs as.<br />

•oclalioa. was also prawn I at tbla<br />

start <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> CHy. wblcb. mads an<br />

r>*rtd*y, the thlrteeoib. baa proved<br />

•orosstful. d*spU» |b* supersuttoo<br />

attached by some to ihla day aod date<br />

But the fooodera <strong>of</strong> Oceao Ctty bad<br />

00 Uae far eaeh tbooghta. TtJay fall<br />

that tbey wars Inspired by lb* Lord to<br />

lay oat Into groond as a great camp<br />

PBRSONAI3.<br />

_ Ula Uyrtie Hoarp la xtoUlng frtsnds<br />

lo Ptaiadalpbla,<br />

£dwln A. Moalev U cunt vl.U lo<br />

friends In Clartuboto.<br />

Mrs J. T. rUltngtr, uf fblladelptila.<br />

waa In Iowa a fsw daya *go.<br />

W. M. HlllweJl. <strong>of</strong> PMladelpbU. was<br />

amoeg lUa week's arrlrels bar*.<br />

Mra. Tltrnnss J. Uoocan baa re-<br />

lumed from a vtsll lo Pblladclptila.<br />

J BberUrOoraou.<strong>of</strong> Cape May Court<br />

Haass, wm* • visitor here this week.<br />

Edwlu A. Snap*, <strong>of</strong> Clrrmanlowo.<br />

was a receot guast <strong>of</strong> tbe Wyotalng.<br />

Robert \V. Hcott and wlfs. <strong>of</strong> Over-<br />

brook, were la town during Ib* week.<br />

Him Btmie Cobb, <strong>of</strong> Ueeen Vssw, U<br />

vtslilng ibe Mtssea Datnrtd to Inla<br />

city.<br />

The Ml—c Amy aud Mary liutUtid<br />

spaot Hatonlay and K^oday lo Peters-<br />

burg.<br />

J. I. Hortuo.<strong>of</strong> Uoortalowa, rtgls-<br />

. tertd at 1U0 Hesrlluga during the<br />

w«tk.<br />

Harry 1.. Lake lias returned bom*<br />

from • pleasant «tslt lo frkods lo<br />

I'blladalpbla.<br />

Clark Dlllenbeck. or Cbsstnut Hilt,<br />

was in towo looklnjial bis aiAncacnla<br />

a few days ago.<br />

Paymaster Huiiou and J. U. Cbca-<br />

ter, <strong>of</strong> Ibis clly, were lo Washington.<br />

O. C. Toesday.<br />

J. H. Kenuo, <strong>of</strong> MercnautvUle. was<br />

bere recently. He asm a summer<br />

borne In tola clly.<br />

William KnucUHmllb and family.<br />

<strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, were vi«llor» bere<br />

daring tbe week.<br />

Gears* K. Petiuy.s PblladeJpbU bua-<br />

luesa mm. la taking • rest here, a<br />

Kuest <strong>of</strong> Ibe Klscayoe.<br />

William K. tUirlter. <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia,<br />

was In towo a few daya ago, and reg-<br />

istered at lb* Bttrllng.<br />

Mrs. Prank Bcbnekter and two sons,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, visited friends In IbU<br />

city aeveral daya recently.<br />

Mrs. Robert Steward, <strong>of</strong> Hprlog <br />

Intending lb* task <strong>of</strong> clearing <strong>of</strong>f tbe<br />

bolly aod cedar Irses aod tb* brush<br />

and briars that covered Ib* ground.<br />

Tbsrs wen stibtaeo or twscly mm<br />

ployed. Tbe brush sod briar<br />

<strong>of</strong> soeb height end<br />

daosUylbatlwooelhrssgangs<strong>of</strong> meo<br />

coald not as* each other .although oaly<br />

short dlstenc* apart, and meo cook]<br />

walk over plants placed on lop <strong>of</strong><br />

Ibsse heavy growths.<br />

8000 after became here, Mr. Fi«ber<br />

was pecked out by IbeHev. Kirs B.<br />

Lake, one <strong>of</strong> lbs founders <strong>of</strong> tbe re-<br />

sort, to act a* bisclark, and, aa ibuoe<br />

wbo know htm will assunyou.be<br />

nitod Ibe position most acceptably.<br />

Tb* <strong>of</strong>ficer* <strong>of</strong> Iba association al<br />

that time wen: t'nalaeot, lb* IUV.<br />

Will tarn 11. Wood; secretary, Hjmou<br />

Lake, (atber <strong>of</strong> UM I.*ke brother*, by<br />

whom lb*resort ws»«Jsrtrd; irrawircr,<br />

'hartes Matbavs. rather <strong>of</strong> Charles<br />

Mstbsws, <strong>of</strong> Pblladelpbla, who re-<br />

•tdes bere most <strong>of</strong> Ih* jar; Mjperio-<br />

Ibe Hev. Kua R. Lake.<br />

Lak.* was Ibe grandfather <strong>of</strong><br />

ihxkoo I>aks. wbo !• fsmed as lbs la-<br />

nlor <strong>of</strong> a •uumarine boat.<br />

Parker MUlsr, ib* Drat settler here,<br />

was the (slber <strong>of</strong> B H. Miller. Mrs.<br />

John Vusa, Mrs. Habecca Wsrt aod<br />

Mia* Amy Miller, will mldLujr here,<br />

aod Mra. John AuaJtD, <strong>of</strong> Pleasant-<br />

vUle. HU bouaa stand* ou<br />

avenue, between 8evenlb and<br />

sUceta,o*sr where tbe Orst Make was<br />

drlrtn. Tba Door ol the wcond st'jry<br />

uf IbU bouse was constructed from<br />

IU* deck <strong>of</strong> Ibacablo <strong>of</strong> • ve»el Ibst<br />

iml asbors bere at Ibe lime the<br />

welling was 6*iug built, pruuably<br />

xly )ears ago.<br />

Tba <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty llfe-aavlna; slallon,<br />

wblcb ts now at Fourth street and At-<br />

ianllc avenue, wn«lbea on Ooeao ave-<br />

QUa, betwreo Fourth aod r*lftb streets.<br />

In Ihoae days, drores <strong>of</strong> callle ran<br />

over tbe meadows here lo more or leas<br />

wild coodUloo. Tb* cattle would bo<br />

required to tucks their way across tbe<br />

bay from Allanlio Couuiy. aud Ibea,<br />

wben they were ready 10 be killed,<br />

Ibey would ba driven Into pens la the<br />

ground eoustroetsd for I bat purpoao<br />

Many <strong>of</strong> these caltle were owned Ly<br />

lUcnardL Bomers. <strong>of</strong> Allanttc County.<br />

Mark Lake, E. U. KaglUb and<br />

othera wbo were bot* and young men<br />

al tbat lime, had exciting advenlorts<br />

tn those daya, and Ibey bad some oar-<br />

pes from Ibe wild cattle. Oc-<br />

casionally, a cow or steer would gel<br />

00 tbe tracks <strong>of</strong> tbe West Jersey and<br />

ckeashore Hallroal and dispute Ibe<br />

right <strong>of</strong> the engine to proceed. Tbe<br />

end <strong>of</strong> tbe argument was Dually du-<br />

estroc* to th* bovma*<br />

Surveyor Lske.wbo Is still In Ibe har-<br />

es*, and feeto ItrU he can give mauy<br />

j-ounger man a "good"run for bis<br />

money." was born tn Bargalntown,<br />

Uaollc Coanly, April 27, 1838. He<br />

baa held several public <strong>of</strong>flcea and<br />

many poallioa* <strong>of</strong> trust In this etty.<br />

Hi. Lake baa two gavels In ciune<br />

<strong>of</strong> making, wbleb be will present 10<br />

the First National Bank and tbe <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

L/lly Title aod Trust Company 'or u»e<br />

<strong>of</strong> the president* <strong>of</strong> these Institutions<br />

at tbe meetings <strong>of</strong> the boards <strong>of</strong> direc-<br />

tor*. These gavels are each made<br />

torn th* wood <strong>of</strong> bolly end cedar tree a<br />

hat grew on this Island.<br />

Mr. Lake says that. In addition la<br />

holly *od cedar trees, gr»pevlne-» wtll<br />

flourish on Ibis «oll.<br />

Possibly, w^-.oc mlglit llud II a<br />

peylng proposUtoo 10 start ralalug<br />

ton to extensive scale In <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

:«y.<br />

The Rev. Mr. Bohncr<br />

on Botne Oreai<br />

Baalc Pacts <strong>of</strong> Order.<br />

A verytnteraMlog ssrrlea waa bsM<br />

In ih* First fiesriiisiUu Vborehoo<br />

Bauday eveoug. •two ibe<br />

CUy Lodge. No. 171, FT** aod Accepted<br />

Masoo*. «tt«od«d ta a body There<br />

were aboet oo* hundred a» sea here<strong>of</strong><br />

tb* order present, ooeapylog •sata<strong>of</strong><br />

hcoorlolb*ooctgrsg»ttoo. Th* steto<br />

aodltonom <strong>of</strong> ibe eborch waa OXiad<br />

aod there waa a Urge overflow Into<br />

Ib* Booday school room. Tbe paster,<br />

b* Hev. Charto* U. Boboer. prsMhed<br />

a fordbto and lostroetlr* HTaooooo<br />

•Th* Foursquare Life." taking a* b'a<br />

text. Rev. 3; IS: "ThecUy 1Mb four-<br />

square."<br />

Tb* choir <strong>of</strong> tbcetuuehraodered a<br />

ep*oUI musical program, which waa<br />

greatly enjoyed, the "Osorto to Kxcei-<br />

sla" from Ucon 1 * Twatflh al ass being<br />

parUcaUrty flae. Mkss Louts* T.<br />

Corsoa sang a very bceattfui sopnoo<br />

*oJo.soUU*d."Fs*r Hot Y*.Ob Israel.'<br />

aod Dr. J. Tborntoy Uogbes a tenor<br />

solo called "I Koow That My 1U-<br />

dafmrr Urea." Both these solos war*<br />

soog err*p< locally well and added<br />

graatly 10 ih* beauty <strong>of</strong> the service.<br />

lo opening hto •^TTrv wn . the Rev. Mr<br />

Bobner drew an tateresUng persltol<br />

betweco Ib* ctty which John saw la<br />

hi* apocaiypltc vUtoo a* lying apoo<br />

foandstloas Ibat srere perfsetly four-<br />

square aod Ibe earthly<br />

frame-1 by men and ealtod Mucory,<br />

which also rests 00 foar-sqoare fnnnda-<br />

lioos. At th* very basis <strong>of</strong> Masonry<br />

> lb* BlUe. tb* Bqoare. Ib* Com-<br />

•a* sod tb* Warrant. All <strong>of</strong> thsas<br />

ar* absolutely<br />

some moolha, was among Ibe vUllora<br />

bcr*ye*l*rd*y.<br />

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. Junes aud<br />

Howard Jooea, or Uermanlowo, are<br />

eojoytog a mouth's atsy In Florid*-<br />

Tney en summer residents end owo<br />

. cottage h*re-<br />

Edsrard WUkle, manager <strong>of</strong> tn*<br />

Bulek Auto Company, PtilUdaJpbU.<br />

accompanied by bis family, waa the<br />

goest <strong>of</strong> Clayton Haloes Brick and<br />

wife, <strong>of</strong> this clly. Saturday evening<br />

and Sunday.<br />

Tbe R*v. Joeeph B. Norwood, <strong>of</strong><br />

East Tort, Maine, and tbe Rev. It W.<br />

Norwood. London, Canada, Enlsco|«l<br />

ministers, attended Ibe funeral or the<br />

late John ClUntx being Ibe guests <strong>of</strong><br />

and Mrs. Warren Smltb. NrJ9<br />

central avenue<br />

Waller U. Bousall. <strong>of</strong> tbe ilrui <strong>of</strong><br />

pangler * Co.. aovelop* msnufac<br />

uirars. <strong>of</strong> Philadelphia, and a wel<br />

known resident summer <strong>of</strong> thl. t-lty<br />

bis oreo recaperallng al Lakewood<br />

He wMaecompanledly bis win.<br />

The dale for rrcelvlug bids for re-<br />

paln to Board «*ik al.ps, «*.. to post-<br />

boned till February 28. at 8 o'clock, a*<br />

KSon. OOBICBT FlHHsB.<br />

edrTlt Director.<br />





Another Meeting o* «lllal*fw<br />

to tb* const 1-<br />

tulloo <strong>of</strong> a lodge, and ta th* abssao*<br />

<strong>of</strong> any ooa uf them no lodge can be<br />

lawfully eoovened.<br />

Foremast amoog I bee* great b*rtc<br />

Is <strong>of</strong> Masoory, <strong>of</strong> 000re*. Is the<br />

Bible." said th* speaks*. "It ta called<br />

the' -Urealsr Ltghl' <strong>of</strong> Masonry, for<br />

from Ibe omtsr <strong>of</strong> th* tadgskt poors<br />

(orth upoo lb* East and Weal aod<br />

rSootb Us lustroos rajs <strong>of</strong> dlvln* troth<br />

The light <strong>of</strong> tb* Holy Book Leam«<br />

upon tb* Masoo In bU prugrru<br />

Ibroogh all lbs degress. Wllhlb*<br />

PaalmM. every Masoo says, -Thy<br />

word Is a'Ump uou cay feet and a<br />

light unto my path.'<br />

"Next, afl-r lbs Blbl*. 00 evety<br />

Masoulo altar la Ib* Square. Wttboot<br />

tb* Square resting Uxr* upoo tb*<br />

ipeo Bibto no todgs ss ever cooraoed.<br />

l la Iba symbol <strong>of</strong> morality, and to<br />

nttolncoleaf Ihsteasoce<strong>of</strong> troth<br />

ess and boocaty. It U lbs great<br />

:! <strong>of</strong> Mssoory ""M»f erety<br />

Mason al wars lo act upoo Ib* Square;<br />

lo ever soaks bka coodoci square wUb<br />

bis protassloo.<br />

•Tbe third great tlibt 00 every<br />

Masonic altar, sod without which no<br />

lodg* U ever oooveoed. ere the Com-<br />

Aa tbe Bible gives us light 00<br />

our duly lo Ood. aud lbs Bquare Ulos.<br />

(rale, our duty lo oor brother, so th*<br />

Compasses give Ibat addtlfcmel llfbl<br />

which Is to Irutrud us In Ibe duty we<br />

owe oarsciv be great, tmpenilva<br />

luty <strong>of</strong> ctrcumsctlbtng oar pssstrxis<br />

and keeplog our d**4rea wltUlo do*<br />

bounds.<br />

"In ibcfour-aquarellfa<strong>of</strong> ilasoory,"<br />

continued Mr. Bohuer, "Iber* ta an-<br />

other thing <strong>of</strong> Importance, and ibal to<br />

Ibe Warrant. IlUfrod the warrsnl<br />

bat every lodg* <strong>of</strong> Masoo* derives Us<br />

authority. Wttboat a Warrant 00<br />

lodge can proceed to boslneaa Whet<br />

lbs Warrant ts to Ib* lodg*. religtou ss<br />

lo tb* Individual Maaoo. Maaoory I*<br />

IKX opposed to reltgtoo. All that to<br />

beat lo Masonry, lo doetrto* aod prac-<br />

tice. Is baaed 00 the reHgtoo <strong>of</strong> tbe Old<br />

and New ToUmeols. It reeocouea<br />

ibat Ibere ts no moral light Ibat baa<br />

been shed upoo as that we* Dot Irt at<br />

laltar<strong>of</strong>oorbolynltgioo. As sooo<br />

tbe eandidat* for tb* very first<br />

legree enters Ibe lodge, a prayer I*<br />

iflered teaching blm that be ahall<br />

lever enter upoo any Important andct-<br />

aklug wltbout Invoking th* blessing<br />

<strong>of</strong>lbeDtely. luatead <strong>of</strong> being a sub-<br />

stitute for religion. Masonry -is the<br />

bumble baud maid and follower <strong>of</strong><br />

rellgloo, reminding us <strong>of</strong> that living<br />

Faith wblrh never doobta, <strong>of</strong> tbat<br />

Hope which uever faluta, and <strong>of</strong> tbat<br />

harlty which shall radial* Us stream*<br />

<strong>of</strong> living light through th* rolling ages<br />

<strong>of</strong> eternUy."<br />

Mr. Bonnet's masterly discourse<br />

waa greatly appreciated not only by<br />

d<br />

he members <strong>of</strong> Ibe lodge<br />

reseat.<br />

bot all<br />


•Ma K. s_ strait** B/vtcssaBs *>ta»esl<br />

Ctve<br />

Miss Ernestine L. Scoll gave a live<br />

hundred card party at be* bom*Satur-<br />

day eveulng All present spent a lew<br />

hours very pleasantly.<br />

Miss Scull's guests were Mr. aod<br />

Mra. A lieu Scull, Mr. and Mrs. Parker<br />

Miller, Mr. sod Mrs C. 8. Scull,<br />

Misses Clara, D. Mrllvalue, Louba<br />

Coreoo, Kdna Bchareb. Harriet<br />

Scburch. O. Pearl ScaJI. Margaret<br />

Parker. Bertha Campbell and Berths<br />

II, U*org* t*<br />

funiiaan<br />

Brebew<br />

iiaan yean<br />

bewaama<br />

t<br />


Baack SMcectfav Wa*s<br />

AswQrtrHon.<br />

AiibaasoqlUy oMttlng<strong>of</strong> I b* <strong>Ocean</strong><br />

.|t* Qafldtojf aad J^saa A*a<strong>of</strong>4atloo<br />

ttatanaiy aiealag. WiUku* Lake re-<br />

•Ba^*ae*tiaa**r»tef ibeoriWBmsllow.<br />

Htoieatgoailaai era* aeeepted aad fae<br />

wa* a>aae 00* <strong>of</strong> tbe aMaabara <strong>of</strong> tbe<br />

board <strong>of</strong> «Ir*erore.<br />

VTitHsaBst. Ban«k,wnowmsoa tba<br />

board <strong>of</strong> dlraMora, wa* stoctad te<br />

weead Mr, Lake */» tnasorer.<br />

Mr. Lftke baa **rr*d as irsaMrvr lot<br />

etoven yean. He was ncreUry (be<br />

75S Aflniry Aye. I i<br />

Tb* ftUhnrteg ra*olutk«D* bar* bees<br />

adopted by tb* <strong>Ocean</strong> CMy BaJJdtag<br />

Wbereae. WUItoa* Lake, traaannr<br />

<strong>of</strong> ibe <strong>Ocean</strong> tx* BaOdtag aod Loan<br />

At bavin* reatgoed a* koeb<br />

l d l<br />

•Tier being etoetsdsj to* aoooal<br />

lag beld 00 tb* tenth day <strong>of</strong> January,<br />

ooeihoosaod otoe hood red aad fbor<br />

t*sn;«od<br />

WsBsrea*. titaun <strong>of</strong> daHlnlea- year*<br />

aadHsfwaflh. WUtkua LakaxtryMi<br />

lawgimiiju. wubed to be HOrsadaf<br />

Ibsdattoe, •> treason*, be leartngtba<br />

hto otatara eg* aad Ul beatlb wooid<br />

oot pareitt blm to fnlflll tb* dattoa, r*.<br />

qOUad by aakt <strong>of</strong>flcs; aod<br />

Wberaaa, at and by iba rsqasat «l<br />

*"""—*n— n'n-Tg-'rrwiiTirng if<br />

tba.Boara <strong>of</strong> piraaior* c«tha<br />


Annual White Sal* Now Going on<br />

and Will Contlnu* All This M t<br />


MtlSLIN<br />


' Eotire Urn<br />

<strong>of</strong>SuapltsbaStle Heretf<br />

fcefttlfcr WboIeaAJe'fciDBt,' ^<br />


r^syk*rj yatds'for : ! '. IKS"" -* "' '<br />

u«« Wtrfts Stripe<br />


ta>li<br />

Bantrad. try tb* Board <strong>of</strong> p»reotor*<br />

<strong>of</strong> lb* <strong>Ocean</strong> ctty RoOulog aad I-oaa<br />

lloo, la ecoepUog Uksrtatgna-<br />

Moq<strong>of</strong> WUltoaa Lake, as traesarar.*<br />

M«O *m« regnti aa be, **aa oSe*al<br />

(lileauyeen. aa<br />

OeaaoCery BaUdMcaad Lsaa<br />

(ton wttb hto atasoM abrBty! ead,<br />

bettranber •''<br />

)Moit»d,lh*t1whO»d*eilolagysari<br />

»odUI Nailh b«v» casstd WiUtoaa<br />

Lake to csas* aetrvtiy. to a degree,<br />

tale aU others, wte ba«a arrrtwl at<br />

btosjesjdaeiaswertw1Ui.iTiasai.ysr.<br />

bs»f«itttfolosset» and Ibe dtoebarg*<br />

Of bto dotes*- ra lbs Itrtsrsst Of Ib*<br />

Oetao CUy Banding end Lcs>o A<br />

ctoiioa will hib'g b* rvaeeabtrsd.<br />

' Apprwid, Ftbrnary H. I81«. ' '<br />

. CITV BONOS 8OI.D<br />

S. S. McAllister<br />

Oo«an Qfty -<br />


aceai*|wsii*<br />

Bids for the I1J1.000 tooduig bcod*<br />

were o'paotd by Ib* CUy <strong>On</strong>tomist<br />

sspoera U their waesjy sassUug aa lot-<br />

Iowa:<br />

A.B Leach 4 Oo. aad B. M. Oraat<br />

* Co. <strong>of</strong> Hew York,|M1179and lo-<br />

st; Massey A Edwards, gun US,<br />

Ooseh Ctty T«lto and Trost Cbeapaoy.<br />

r^»nds*cro*dtnlsrsst;PUstHaUon«l<br />

Baak. <strong>of</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong> <strong>City</strong> t par aod aceracd<br />

.Co*3iB*pdooer Tbora sa«t tbat. inaa-<br />

BkM± ae a qoseUoo<strong>of</strong> Ib* legality <strong>of</strong><br />

aagaotloo 00 a bcJ May baa beeo<br />

be moved tbai tbe •Msler ta<br />

baid over uctlJ a o'clock tb* fotlowlag<br />

afteroooo. wblcb was agreed to.<br />

Tb* award was meda to A. B. Lrech<br />

* t\5 . and n M. (Irani A Co. Friday<br />

The mayor has been taatroctsdby<br />

tba CHy CCWB fntortrmere to saaks terms<br />

wttb J. W. HBjrtsoo.cfCtaytoo.fb*<br />

tbs employment ot Ha-rtscaj'a Band<br />

gtv* fre* ODoont* la tb* nutate<br />

rlboo b«t« next aommsr for tbs<br />

BBVB* number <strong>of</strong> w**ka a* the bead<br />

was. engaged Uat season. Harrtooa<br />

baa agreed to bring bto band<br />

laatyear. If Boardwalk easrehaotaoc<br />

otosn desire to employ the band lot<br />

aa addMioneJ two weak* toward the<br />

• <strong>of</strong> *amm** the band eaa b* bad<br />

aftbeaam* ratio. It waaauud.<br />

Commodore Cbarto* j. Coma aod<br />

•rmer Commodore J. Baiph Wltooo,<br />

<strong>of</strong> Phlladelpbta, were Ip towp Bai-<br />

arday aXuntoon. and were warmly<br />

greeted by ibsUmany btooda. • Tbey<br />

were bere to boom tbe five hundred<br />

card party gives - In HorUeattsral<br />

Hall, Philadelphia, last *veolog. by<br />

tbemembere<strong>of</strong> tbeLsdtoa' Auxtltary<br />

Of the <strong>Ocean</strong> CMy Yatnt Clap.<br />

M. m. Vwwt •saaeia*<br />

At a m**tlog<strong>of</strong> lb* regatta.<br />

•a<strong>of</strong> tb* <strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty Yacht Clab betd<br />

lo PhllsdsJphl* but Thursday, He*.<br />

". Fort WMetoetea cbaurman <strong>of</strong><br />

mitts*. Mr. Fort baa<br />

aetlv* member <strong>of</strong> tb* club fori<br />

ilclropoaiaa Swdtaiy<br />

Tonsorlal Parlor<br />

^ Aehasy *****<br />

4qltii M. Roacobaum<br />

sjosstsis"<br />

CtttUaa- aUwslloa Olw lo GaUdraa's Hair<br />

MOROAN-F<br />

pivu. KMrnriaam ajio<br />

J».<br />

New comfortable brick Itottte* '•Htb 6 rooitti'stjid<br />

; modern in every way; hot tali cold inter, hot<br />

water neat; gu and electric If^hti* jt^igrbttry ( i»sl}*<br />

t r a y a ; - n i c e p o r c h . • -.••.. .- ••••.» T — :„-..•.•<br />

T| Why live in a house withont coaveniences and<br />

heat when one can be had a reasonable, rent? : '','<br />

% Would be pleased to show yoo thrbngu these<br />

hooges if yoa will call and<br />


Apartment JT.Ti<br />

are considered tbe beat Itjr<strong>of</strong>B Prydocinj.<br />

Invcatmaat Iq Ocaao <strong>City</strong>, and ••*« have)'-<br />

aeveral nicel* located ROR 8AXJE at actual<br />

TERMS BABY and yoa are aaved an the an- •'<br />

poyanco <strong>of</strong> betiding. Writs for particolara.. .,'<br />

Massey<br />

. Eighth eind Central Av©.<br />



838 Atbury Avenue<br />

Ooeen <strong>City</strong> New Jersey<br />


and Rr« Insurance<br />

1OM A8MUHV AVgNUC.<br />

rwo enosce lota on Btaapaoo aveno* Dear n<br />

Proa<br />

CAN OITV." M. a.<br />

g<br />

alty apartasaot tar setooo O*Laoca<br />

Cwatral aveca* near Btoveotb atraat,<br />

a vena* o*ar Foartb Btnet,<br />

Lot 00 Blapaoo aveoo* oaarFoartb 1<br />

UK oa Central avanne paar Etoveotb<br />

^ l Mar 8Mtttb<br />

Lot oa Wattory aveoa* near BMSeantb<br />

Plot <strong>of</strong> grooad oar. First aad Weafcry<br />

vary naaoaabkx-<br />

uas.prta<br />


Clayton Haines Brick<br />

411 ElsHtKi St. Oo««n <strong>City</strong>. N,<br />


Ho watting IM two waaks to kaowtfyoocea get ftUwaj<br />

ooe*. Bargains m Bay aaAOe— "—<br />

amla, Atoo Ms Ibr tnuatwi<br />

<strong>Ocean</strong> Ctty. . Apply ta<br />

roi<br />

GOOD R^lrMTING . - -<br />


- .... , OCCAM ctrW.'ii;.,<br />

*•*;' •-.' °--:,wOT-giairr*lftl "<br />

f>MIUla«l.*MlA<br />

*aa •. TarorriiTN araavr<br />

aMsetaa CMD e*iis«t LHVIHO<br />

1 - ^ , . - • ! • - • > ' • - • < • - r - . • < • - • - . » . j<br />

ruRHITUMI Of AU'aiMM<br />

- r. • • ! \-<br />

t "<br />

- • '•<br />

. ^.. i».. -•»•;,.. ^.r<br />

.wi/.U M. ..." . .-J i: -ris , — n :,.••!<br />

I.,.. vU<br />

« • ' *£iji .•: !•<br />

J« M. CHESTER 4LGO.<br />

, i : • > 1 r-fcS«SB. - . : L f i«BH - - I . .<br />

Interesting to investors<br />

Wlo Wbfc ,1 .NrinMi! IttUiwi In •<br />


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