junior english text books (sample) - Liberal Party

junior english text books (sample) - Liberal Party

junior english text books (sample) - Liberal Party


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This is the first Unit of the Grade 6 Junior English Textbook published by<br />

International Book House for the use of Sri Lankan students.<br />

As noted in the introduction, ‘ this book explains elements of English in a manner<br />

that will help both students and teachers to understand what they learn and teach.<br />

..Each unit contains one or more reading <strong>text</strong>s, on which several exercises are<br />

based. Pre-reading questions are given in some instances, and … writing tasks<br />

should be given due attention and … Each unit also includes a Conversation<br />

section, which avoids the familiar practice of setting out a dialogue which<br />

students learn by rote. Students should first develop understanding of the speech<br />

patterns they use, and for this purpose they should first fill in the blanks as<br />

indicated. Initially much help may be required, and group work may be<br />

desirable….Teachers are also advised, on the pattern of the <strong>text</strong>s included here, to<br />

encourage active learning of useful subjects… including matters of wider interest<br />

that will be useful for students in the future.’<br />

These <strong>books</strong> are available at 151 A Dharmapala Mawata, Colombo 3. You can<br />

contact the publisher for further information at newpet@sltnet.lk or 037-2225884<br />

or 011-2330742.<br />

Grade 6: Unit One – A Visit to the Zoo<br />

When you study this unit, pay careful attention to the building blocks of language<br />

given below. Be careful to write and speak carefully, after you study these<br />

sounds and the shape of these letters. Also be careful to use correctly the<br />

grammar of English that you learn here. Also pay attention to the new words you<br />

learn.<br />

Using these building blocks or tools of the language carefully, you will soon be<br />

able to use English actively. The order in which you should do the exercises is<br />

suggested by the numbers. Read the <strong>text</strong> carefully before you do the exercises,<br />

and also practice the Conversation section carefully.<br />

The Tools of English<br />

Simple and Capital Letters – writing Proper Nouns, shaping difficult letters<br />

Pronunciation – focus on v,w,f,p,s and pronouncing the s in plurals<br />

Grammar – the ‘be’ verb (am, is,are); pronouns; prepositions

Reading Text - A visit to the Zoo<br />

Mala and Ravi are asleep in their beds. Their mother comes into the room<br />

“Get up, children. We must leave early today.”<br />

Ravi looks at her sleepily from the bed. “Why must we go early? Where will we<br />

go?”<br />

“We will visit the Zoo today,” she tells him.<br />

“Oh, good,’ shouts Mala and jumps out of her bed.<br />

The children get ready quickly. They are happy to go to the Zoo.<br />

The bus stops at the Dehiwela Zoo. They get off and go in.<br />

“Look at those birds,” says Mala. “What is that bird with a long tail? Look at its<br />

colours – red, green, yellow and white.”<br />

“That is a parrot,” Ravi tells his sister.<br />

Ravi likes to look at the lions, tigers, leopard and bears in their cages.<br />

“Don’t they look big and strong? Look. See how they walk up and down in their<br />

cages. I think they want to come out,” he tells Mala.<br />

Mala does not like to think about that.<br />

Then they go to see the elephants. It is 3 o’clock, and the elephants have tea and<br />

then dance round in a ring. Mala’s eyes open wide as she watches them. “Look<br />

how they hold the cups with their trunks,” she says. “This is the best part of our<br />

visit.”<br />

“Let us have some ice-cream while we watch the elephants,” says their father.<br />

Mala and Ravi are very happy. They like ice-cream.<br />

It is late when they get back from the Zoo. Mala is very tired and her father has to<br />

carry her.<br />

Ravi is excited. “I want to be a zoo-keeper when I am big,” he tells his parents.

Learning to speak and to write<br />

Exercise 1<br />

Say the following sentences aloud. Listen carefully to your teacher so that you<br />

say the words correctly. Notice the difference in how you pronounce the letter ‘v’<br />

and the letter ‘w’.<br />

“Where will we go?”<br />

“We will visit the zoo today,” she tells him.<br />

Practice this in pairs, replacing ‘the zoo’ with ‘the river’, ‘the stream’, ‘the sea’,<br />

‘the pond’, ‘the pool’, ‘the forest’. Which one of these six words is different in<br />

meaning from the others? Notice the difference in how you pronounce the letter<br />

‘v’ and the letter ‘w’.<br />

Write these two letters in their simple and capital forms. Notice how they are<br />

similar in size, and where they appear on the line on which you write.<br />

Exercise 5<br />

Practice the sentences in Exercise 1 again, in pairs, replacing ‘the zoo’ with ‘the<br />

kovil’, ‘the temple’, ‘the mosque’, ‘the church’, ‘the pola’, ‘the factory’. Which two<br />

of these five words is different in meaning from the others? Notice the difference<br />

in how you pronounce the letter ‘f’ and the letter ‘p’.<br />

Write these two letters in their simple and capital forms. They are similar in size.<br />

Both capital letters appear in the same place on the line on which you write, but<br />

one of the simple letters goes below the line. What are the other simple letters<br />

that go below the line?<br />

Exercise 8<br />

Read these sentences also aloud. Practice them carefully.<br />

Ravi likes to look at the lions, tigers, leopards and bears in their cages.<br />

Mala’s eyes open wide as she watches them. “Look how they hold the cups with<br />

their trunks,” she says. “This is the best part of our visit.”<br />

It is late when they go back after their visit to the Zoo. Mala is very tired and her<br />

father has to carry her.

Be careful when you read words that end in the letter ‘s’. When it comes after<br />

another consonant (letters except a,e,i,o,u), you must pronounce both letters. In<br />

English we usually form the plural (more than one) of nouns, by adding ‘s’ to the<br />

singular. We must pronounce this clearly when we speak.<br />

Some words that end in s or y have different ways of forming the plural (dressdresses,<br />

baby-babies) and in a few words there are big changes, but for most<br />

words you only need to add s.<br />

Exercise 2<br />

Write down the words that begin with capital letters in this passage. Some words<br />

begin with capital letters only when they come at the beginning of a sentence.<br />

Write down names of people that begin with the following letters – d, m, r, s, v<br />

Names of people must always begin with capital letters.<br />

Exercise 6<br />

Write down names of places that begin with the following letters – b c, j, k, m.<br />

These must always begin with capital letters.<br />

The names of places and people are called proper nouns. They always begin<br />

with capital letters. Nouns are naming words. Other nouns, that name things<br />

or animals for instance – room, bed, bird, bus – are called common nouns, and<br />

begin with simple letters (except when they begin a sentence).<br />

You must always use simple and capital letters correctly when you write English.<br />

If you remember the rules given above, this will not be difficult.<br />

Reading and Writing<br />

Group work.<br />

Exercise 3<br />

What are the animals mentioned in this story? Write down the names of animals<br />

that begin with the following letters – a, c, d, m, o. You can include birds and<br />

insects in your list.<br />

Exercise 10<br />

Why do you think Ravi wants to be a zoo-keeper? Discuss in groups what each<br />

of you what to be when you are big. Individually write this down, with reasons.

Individual work.<br />

Exercise 4<br />

Show the meanings of the following words through actions – sleepily, quickly,<br />

tired, big, happy, excited, wide, jump, dance, open<br />

Write down the opposites of the following words - quickly, big, happy, wide, open.<br />

Use them in sentences of your own.<br />

Exercise 12<br />

Write five sentences about your favourite animal. You should describe it, and<br />

also why you like it.<br />

Grammar<br />

Exercise 7<br />

Write down the words ‘am’, ‘is’ and ‘are’ when they appear in the passage.<br />

Use the correct word to fill in the blanks in the following sentences<br />

Who ….. you?<br />

I ….. Mala. I … ten years old.<br />

Who ….. that?<br />

That …. my brother. He …. twelve. His name …. Ravi. What …. your name?<br />

My name …. Priya. I …. also ten. My brother …. Suresh and my sister …..<br />

Lakshmi.<br />

How old ….. they?<br />

He …. three years older than me and she …. one year younger than him.<br />

I see. So he …. thirteen and she …. twelve.<br />

You … right.<br />

Where …. they?<br />

They ….. at school now.<br />

Exercise 9<br />

Look at the following table. Copy it into your exercise book.<br />

I Me My<br />

You You Your<br />

He Him His<br />

She Her Her<br />

We Us Our<br />

It It Its<br />

They Them Their

These words are called pronouns. Find out those that appear in the passage,<br />

and underline them in the table in your book. The words in the first five rows are<br />

used usually of people and those in the sixth of animals or things. The words in<br />

the last row are used of people and animals. See the examples in the passage.<br />

The words in the last column are used to show ownerships. Look at the following<br />

paragraph.<br />

I have a dog. Its name is Bindu. It is white, with black spots. I love my dog very<br />

much. It greets me when I come home from school and licks my feet. Then it tries<br />

to bite my toes.<br />

Sometimes people like to treat their pets as people, so they call them ‘him’ or<br />

‘her’.<br />

Write a short paragraph like the one given above, about a pet or about a brother<br />

or sister. You can also look at the conversation in Exercise 7.<br />

Exercise 11<br />

Find the words ‘bed’ (or ‘beds’) and ‘Zoo’ (or ‘Dehiwela Zoo’) in the above<br />

passage. Look at the words that come before them. Apart from pronouns and<br />

‘the’ you find<br />

in, from, out of, to, at, from<br />

These words are called prepositions. They link words. In English prepositions<br />

come before the noun or pronoun that they link to the rest of the sentence.<br />

Find other examples of these prepositions, and of others – with, of – in the<br />

passage, and say to what noun they are connected.<br />

Use the following prepositions correctly in sentences of your own – to, from<br />

The word ‘in’ is in the box shown below. Copy the box in your exercise <strong>books</strong>,<br />

and write down the following prepositions in suitable places – on, under, above.<br />

Use arrows to indicate to, from.<br />


Conversation<br />

Introduce yourself<br />

Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with suitable words from the list<br />

below. Then fill them up correctly with information about yourself.<br />

Teacher – Hello, everybody. I’m your teacher. My name is Miss ……. I come<br />

from Kuliyapitiya. Tell me about yourselves.<br />

Students – Good morning, ……….<br />

I am …..<br />

I’m …..<br />

My name is…..<br />

I am ….. years old<br />

I’m ………<br />

I come from ……….<br />

My home is in ……..<br />

I live in ………<br />

Mala, eleven, Ratnapura, teacher, Kuliyapitiya, Ravi, Lakshmi, twelve, Vavuniya,<br />

Fernando<br />

Write cards with names and ages and places. Students pick these out and<br />

introduce themselves according to the cards they have.

This is Unit 2 of the book for Grade 10 in the Secondary English Series<br />

published by International Book House. These <strong>books</strong> are available at 151 A<br />

Dharmapala Mawata, Colombo 3. You can contact the publisher for further<br />

information at newpet@sltnet.lk or 037-2225884 or 011-2330742.<br />

Grade 10: Unit 2 - Exercise 1<br />

Read the first five verses of the following poem aloud. You can take it in turns,<br />

with individuals reading the first four lines of each verse, and the last two lines<br />

being read together. Write a brief description of what happens as though you<br />

were Wilhelmine. End with a couple of sentences to indicate what you expect<br />

your grandfather to say about the battle.<br />

After Blenheim<br />

(Robert Southey, 1774 – 1843)<br />

It was a summer evening,<br />

Old Kaspar’s work was done,<br />

And he before his cottage door<br />

Was sitting in the sun:<br />

And by him sported on the green<br />

His little grandchild Wilhelmine.<br />

She saw her brother Peterkin<br />

Roll something large and round<br />

Which he beside the rivulet<br />

In playing there had found;<br />

He came to ask what he had found<br />

That was so large and smooth and round.<br />

Old Kaspar took it from the boy<br />

Who stood expectant by ;<br />

And then the old man shook his head,<br />

And with a natural sigh,<br />

‘‘Tis some poor fellow’s skull,’ said he,<br />

‘Who fell in the great victory.<br />

‘I find them in the garden,<br />

For there’s many here about ;<br />

And often when I go to plough<br />

The ploughshare turns them out.<br />

For many thousand men,’ said he,<br />

‘Were slain in that great victory.’

‘Now tell us what ‘twas all about,’<br />

Young Peterkin, he cries;<br />

And little Wilhelmine looks up<br />

With wonder-waiting eyes:<br />

‘Now tell us all about the war,<br />

And what they fought each other for?’<br />

Noun Clauses<br />

Look at the following pairs of sentences<br />

He asked a question<br />

He asked what he had found<br />

Tell us the truth<br />

Tell us what it was all about<br />

Ask and tell are transitive verbs. They need an object, which is usually a noun.<br />

However, they can also take a clause as their object, as in the second sentence<br />

in each of the above pairs.<br />

Such clauses are called noun clauses, because they take the place of a noun.<br />

Sentences with a main clause and a noun clause are also called complex<br />

sentences.<br />

Note that, when you have a noun clause, the main clause is not complete in<br />

itself, because it needs a noun (object, or sometimes a subject) to make sense.<br />

Exercise 2<br />

Fill the blanks in the following sentences with a noun clause selected from those<br />

given beneath.<br />

I will eat…….<br />

………… will be punished<br />

She said….<br />

………… will be provided.<br />

He asked ………..<br />

that she was tired, whoever stole the money, when the train was due, what you<br />

need, what you give me<br />

Now read the rest of the poem.<br />

‘It was the English,’ Kaspar cried,<br />

‘Who put the French to rout :<br />

But what they fought each other for

I could not well make out.<br />

But everybody said,’ quoth he,<br />

‘That ‘twas a famous victory.<br />

‘My father lived at Blenheim then,<br />

Yon little stream hard by :<br />

They burnt his dwelling to the ground.<br />

And he was forced to fly:<br />

So with his wife and child he fled,<br />

Nor had he where to rest his head.<br />

‘With fire and sword the country round<br />

Was wasted far and wide,<br />

And many a childing mother then<br />

And newborn baby died :<br />

But things like that you know, must be<br />

At every famous victory.<br />

‘They say it was a shocking sight<br />

After the field was won ;<br />

For many thousand bodies here<br />

Lay rotting in the sun :<br />

But things like that, you know, must be<br />

After a famous victory.<br />

‘Great praise the Duke of Marlboro’ won<br />

And our good Prince Eugene!’<br />

‘Why, ‘twas a very wicked thing!’<br />

Said little Wilhelmine;<br />

‘Nay …. Nay … my little girl,’ quoth he,<br />

‘It was a famous victory.<br />

‘And everybody praised the Duke<br />

Who this great fight did win.’<br />

‘But what good came of it at last?’<br />

Quoth little Peterkin: -<br />

‘Why, that I cannot tell,’ said he,<br />

‘But ‘twas a famous victory.’<br />

In this section Kaspar describes the battle. However, he is talking about<br />

something that happened when he was small, so he has to report what other<br />

people said. What he says is presented in inverted commas, which we call direct<br />

speech. When he reports what other people say, he uses what is called indirect<br />

speech. Look at these examples –<br />

Everybody said that it was a famous victory.<br />

They say it was a shocking sight.

Indirect speech uses a noun clause after a verb of saying or asking. It can also<br />

be used for thoughts and ideas as in<br />

I believe it will rain tomorrow.<br />

I thought she would pass the exam.<br />

I could not make out what they fought each other for. (taken from the first verse)<br />

The noun clause in indirect speech is introduced by that, or a suitable question<br />

word. Note that when you report speech in the past, the verbs must be changed<br />

to the past tense, and pronouns should be changed as required. Look at the<br />

following examples –<br />

‘How are you?’ she said. She asked how he was.<br />

‘I will see you next week,’ he said. He promised that he would see her the<br />

following week.<br />

‘I want to know what she told you,’ he said. He said that he wanted to know what<br />

she had told him.<br />

Exercise 3<br />

Turn the following into reported speech. The word ‘quoth’ means ‘said’ or ‘asked’.<br />

‘It was the English,’ Kaspar cried, ‘Who put the French to rout: But what they<br />

fought each other for I could not well make out.’<br />

‘Why, ‘twas a very wicked thing!’ said little Wilhelmine;<br />

‘My little girl,’ quoth he, ‘It was a famous victory.And everybody praised the Duke<br />

who this great fight did win.’<br />

‘But what good came of it at last?’ quoth little Peterkin.<br />

‘‘Tis some poor fellow’s skull,’ said he, ‘Who fell in the great victory. I find them in<br />

the garden, for there’s many here about; and often when I go to plough, the<br />

ploughshare turns them out.’<br />

Comprehension<br />

Exercise 4<br />

Say whether the following sentences are true or false<br />

1. The English defeated the French in the battle of Blenheim<br />

2. The battle was fought when Kaspar was a young man.<br />

3. The Duke of Marlboro led the French army.<br />

4. Kaspar’s father lived near a stream at Blenheim.<br />

5. Peterkin had found a round stone in the river.<br />

6. Kaspar could not answer his grandchildren’s questions.<br />

7. Kaspar used to farm the land where the battle had been fought.<br />

8. More than thousand people died in the battle.<br />

9. The battle of Blenheim took place in the 19 th century.<br />

10. Wilhelmine did not approve of the battle.

Exercise 5<br />

Discuss in pairs what ideas the writer wants to give you about war. Write a brief<br />

paragraph about what you think of war after reading Southey’s poem.<br />

Now read the following poem, which was written during the First World War<br />

(1914-1918) and answer the following questions<br />

Exercise 6<br />

1 What does the poet suggest has happened to him?<br />

2. What phrase suggests that many people have died?<br />

3. How does the poet indicate that the war continues?<br />

4. To whom is the poem addressed?<br />

5. What does he want them to do?<br />

.<br />

In Flanders Fields<br />

(Colonel John McCrae, 1872-1918)<br />

In Flanders fields the poppies blow<br />

Between the crosses, row on row,<br />

That mark our place; and in the sky<br />

The larks still bravely singing fly<br />

Scarce heard amid the guns below.<br />

We are the Dead. Short days ago<br />

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,<br />

Loved and were loved, and now we lie<br />

In Flanders fields.<br />

Take up our quarrel with the foe!<br />

To you from failing hands we throw<br />

The torch - be yours to hold it high!<br />

If ye break faith with us who die,<br />

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow<br />

In Flanders fields.<br />

Exercise 7<br />

Contrast the impressions created in your mind about war by this poem and the<br />

earlier one. In actual fact the writer of this poem was killed shortly before the war<br />

ended. Does that affect your attitude to this poem and the ideas it gives?

Exercise 8<br />

Now read the following poem, and find the answers to the following questions<br />

1. What is happening at Netherby Hall when Lochinvar enters?<br />

2. What words indicate his bravery?<br />

3. What lines make clear his attitude to the bride?<br />

4. Pick out the words that refer to his horse or horse riding.<br />

5. What do you think happens at the end of the poem?<br />

Young Lochinvar<br />

(Sir Walter Scott, 1771-1832)<br />

Oh, Young Lochinvar is come out of the west:<br />

Through all the wide border his steed was the best;<br />

And save his good broadsword he weapons had none;<br />

He rode all unarmed and he rode all alone.<br />

So faithful in love, and so dauntless in war,<br />

There never was knight like the young Lochinvar!<br />

So boldly he entered the Netherby Hall,<br />

Among bridesmen and kinsmen, and brothers and all:<br />

Then spoke the bride's father, his hand on his sword<br />

(For the poor craven bridegroom said never a word),<br />

‘O come ye in peace here, or come ye in war,<br />

Or to dance at our bridal, young Lord Lochinvar?’ -<br />

‘I long wooed your daughter, my suit you denied, -<br />

Love swells like the Solway, but ebbs like its tide!<br />

And now am I come, with this lost love of mine,<br />

To lead but one measure, drink one cup of wine:<br />

There are maidens in Scotland more lovely by far,<br />

That would gladly be bride to the young Lochinvar.’<br />

The bride kissed the goblet. The knight took it up,<br />

He quaffed off the wine, and he threw down the cup.<br />

She looked down to blush, and she looked up to sigh,<br />

With a smile on her lips, and a tear in her eye.<br />

He took her soft hand, ere her mother could bar, -<br />

‘Now tread we a measure!’ said young Lochinvar.<br />

One touch to her hand, and one word in her ear,<br />

When they reached the hall door, and the charger stood near;<br />

So light to the croup the fair lady he swung,<br />

So light to the saddle before her he sprung!<br />

So daring in love, and so dauntless in war,<br />

Have ye e'er heard of gallant like young Lochinvar?

Exercise 9<br />

Match the italicized words above with these meanings – dance, drank, cowardly,<br />

refused, grows, before, wedding, reduces, brave, horseback<br />

Exercise 10<br />

Describe this incident from the point of view of the bride’s mother.

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