publications ipc 2006-2010 - Institut Paoli-Calmettes

publications ipc 2006-2010 - Institut Paoli-Calmettes

publications ipc 2006-2010 - Institut Paoli-Calmettes


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195. El-Cheikh, J., Faucher, C., Furst, S., Duran, S., Berger, P., Vey, N., Stoppa, A. M.,<br />

Bouabdallah, R., Gastaut, J. A., Viens, P., Blaise, D., and Mohty, M.<br />

High-dose weekly liposomal amphotericin B antifungal prophylaxis following reducedintensity<br />

conditioning allogeneic stem cell transplantation<br />

Bone Marrow Transplantation,2007; Vol. 39 (5) : 301-306.<br />

196. Etienne, A., Gelsi-Boyer, V., Carbuccia, N., Adelaide, J., Barba, G., La, Starza R.,<br />

Murati, A., Eclache, V., Birg, F., Birnbaum, D., Mozziconacci, M. J., Mecucci, C., and<br />

Chaffanet, M.<br />

Combined translocation with ZNF198-FGFR1 gene fusion and deletion of potential tumor<br />

suppressors in a myeloproliferative disorder<br />

Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics,2007; Vol. 173 (2) : 154-158.<br />

197. Etienne, A., Esterni, B., Charbonnier, A., Mozziconacci, M. J., Arnoulet, C., Coso,<br />

D., Puig, B., Gastaut, J. A., Maraninchi, D., and Vey, N.<br />

Comorbidity is an independent predictor of complete remission in elderly patients receiving<br />

induction chemotherapy for acute myeloid leukemia<br />

Cancer,2007; Vol. 109 (7) : 1376-1383.<br />

198. Etienne, A., Carbuccia, N., Adelaide, J., Bekhouche, I., Remy, V., Sohn, C., Sainty,<br />

D., Gastaut, J. A., Olschwang, S., Birnbaum, D., Mozziconacci, M. J., and Chaffanet, M.<br />

Rearrangements involving 12q in myeloproliferative disorders: possible role of HMGA2 and<br />

SOCS2 genes<br />

Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics,2007; Vol. 176 (1) : 80-88.<br />

199. Fabre-Lafay, S., Monville, F., Garrido-Urbani, S., Berruyer-Pouyet, C., Ginestier,<br />

C., Reymond, N., Finetti, P., Sauvan, R., Adelaide, J., Geneix, J., Lecocq, E., Popovici, C.,<br />

Dubreuil, P., Viens, P., Goncalves, A., Charafe-Jauffret, E., Jacquemier, J., Birnbaum, D.,<br />

and Lopez, M.<br />

Nectin-4 is a new histological and serological tumor associated marker for breast cancer<br />

BMC Cancer,2007; Vol. 7 (73-<br />

200. Fauriat, C., Just-Landi, S., Mallet, F., Arnoulet, C., Sainty, D., Olive, D., and<br />

Costello, R. T.<br />

Deficient expression of NCR in NK cells from acute myeloid leukemia: evolution during<br />

leukemia treatment and impact of leukemic cells in NCRdull phenotype induction<br />

Blood,2007; Vol. 109 (1) : 323-330.<br />

201. Filaci, G., Fenoglio, D., Fravega, M., Ansaldo, G., Borgonovo, G., Traverso, P.,<br />

Villaggio, B., Ferrera, A., Kunkl, A., Rizzi, M., Ferrera, F., Balestra, P., Ghio, M., Contini,<br />

P., Setti, M., Olive, D., Azzarone, B., Carmignani, G., Ravetti, J. L., Torre, G., and Indiveri,<br />

F.<br />

CD8+CD28 T Regulatory Lymphocytes Inhibiting T Cell Proliferative and Cytotoxic<br />

Functions Infiltrate Human Cancers<br />

Journal of Immunology,2007; Vol. 179 (7) : 4323-4334.

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