publications ipc 2006-2010 - Institut Paoli-Calmettes

publications ipc 2006-2010 - Institut Paoli-Calmettes

publications ipc 2006-2010 - Institut Paoli-Calmettes


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266. Briganti, A., Chun, F. K., Suardi, N., Gallina, A., Walz, J., Graefen, M., Shariat, S.,<br />

Ebersdobler, A., Rigatti, P., Perrotte, P., Saad, F., Montorsi, F., Huland, H., and<br />

Karakiewicz, P. I.<br />

Prostate volume and adverse prostate cancer features: fact not artifact<br />

European Journal of Cancer,2007; Vol. 43 (18) : 2669-2677.<br />

267. Buron, C., Le Vu, B., Cosset, J. M., Pommier, P., Peiffert, D., Delannes, M., Flam,<br />

T., Guerif, S., Salem, N., Chauveinc, L., and Livartowski, A.<br />

Brachytherapy versus prostatectomy in localized prostate cancer: Results of a French<br />

multicenter prospective medico-economic study<br />

International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics,2007; Vol. 67 (3) : 812-822.<br />

268. Calmels, B., Lemarie, C., Esterni, B., Malugani, C., Charbonnier, A., Coso, D.,<br />

Schiano De Colella, J. M., Deconinck, E., Caillot, D., Viret, F., Ladaique, P., Lapierre, V.,<br />

and Chabannon, C.<br />

Occurrence and severity of adverse events after autologous hematopoietic progenitor cell<br />

infusion are related to the amount of granulocytes in the apheresis product<br />

Transfusion,2007; Vol. 47 (7) : 1268-1275.<br />

269. Cambrosio A, Keating P, Bourret P.<br />

Objectivité régulatoire et système de preuves en médecine: le cas de la cancérologie, in La<br />

gouvernance des innovations médicales<br />

Paris, PUF, 2007, 155-75.<br />

270. Cauwelier, B., Cave, H., Gervais, C., Lessard, M., Barin, C., Perot, C., Van Den<br />

Akker, J., Mugneret, F., Charrin, C., Pages, M. P., Gregoire, M. J., Jonveaux, P., Lafage-<br />

Pochitaloff, M., Mozzicconacci, M. J., Terre, C., Luquet, I., Cornillet-Lefebvre, P.,<br />

Laurence, B., Plessis, G., Lefebvre, C., Leroux, D., Antoine-Poirel, H., Graux, C.,<br />

Mauvieux, L., Heimann, P., Chalas, C., Clappier, E., Verhasselt, B., Benoit, Y., Moerloose,<br />

B. D., Poppe, B., Van Roy, N., Keersmaecker, K. D., Cools, J., Sigaux, F., Soulier, J.,<br />

Hagemeijer, A., Paepe, A. D., Dastugue, N., Berger, R., and Speleman, F.<br />

Clinical, cytogenetic and molecular characteristics of 14 T-ALL patients carrying the<br />

TCRbeta-HOXA rearrangement: a study of the Groupe Francophone de Cytogenetique<br />

Hematologique<br />

Leukemia,2007; Vol. 21 (1) : 121-128.<br />

271. Chandesris, M. O., Cretel-Durand, E., Jean, R., Rey, J., Figarella-Branger, D.,<br />

Sainty, D., and Durand, J. M.<br />

Dermatomyositis associated with meningeal gamma delta T-cell lymphoma.<br />

Revue de Medecine Interne,2007; Vol. 28 (8) : 552-555.<br />

272. Chang-Claude, J., Andrieu, N., Rookus, M., Brohet, R., Antoniou, A. C., Peock, S.,<br />

Davidson, R., Izatt, L., Cole, T., Nogues, C., Luporsi, E., Huiart, L., Hoogerbrugge, N., Van<br />

Leeuwen, F. E., Osorio, A., Eyfjord, J., Radice, P., Goldgar, D. E., and Easton, D. F.<br />

Age at menarche and menopause and breast cancer risk in the International BRCA1/2 Carrier<br />

Cohort Study<br />

Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention,2007; Vol. 16 (4) : 740-746.

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