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National Association of State Boards of Education<br />

Bandwidth Usage for Common Internet Activities that<br />

Support Student Learning Per User<br />

Email and Internet Browsing 500 Kbps<br />

Online Learning 250 Kbps<br />

HD Video Streaming 4 Mbps<br />

Video Chat for 7 or more People 8 Mbps<br />

Current Genera� on Standardized Mul� ple-Choice Online Assessments 64 Kbps/student<br />

Common Core Consor� a Assessments TBD, but almost certainly greater<br />

than 64 Kbps/student<br />

Source: Adapted from Chris� ne Fox, John Waters, Geoff Fletcher, and Douglas Levin, The Broadband Impera� ve:<br />

Recommenda� ons to Address K-12 Educa� on Infrastructure Needs (State Educa� onal Technology Directors<br />

Associa� on, Washington, DC, 2012), 21.<br />

these activities. While it might be beyond a state board<br />

of education’s authority to set bandwidth recommendations,<br />

it is important to keep these bandwidth numbers in<br />

mind when the state is developing a vision and strategy<br />

for how to use technology in education. If the vision is<br />

to provide immersive digital content that streams high<br />

quality video, there could be a disconnect between the<br />

state’s vision and the amount of bandwidth available in<br />

schools and communities to fully realize the benefi ts.<br />

Additionally, the State Education Technology Directors<br />

Association (SEDTA) notes that out-of-school access to<br />

broadband is a key factor in making education available<br />

anytime, anyplace, anywhere for students. 113 Broadband<br />

use across the country has hovered around 65 percent<br />

of households for the last few years. 114 While almost 90<br />

percent of households with greater than $50,000 income<br />

report having access to a computer or the Internet, less<br />

than 66 percent of households under that income level<br />

report the same. 115<br />

States need to consider and address penetration of technology<br />

in various communities as they move forward<br />

with statewide education technology initiatives. Because<br />

schools provide more and more educational resources<br />

through digital means in an on-demand fashion, it is<br />

imperative that all students have the ability to access<br />

these resources once they leave the school building. As<br />

states consider building a robust education technology<br />

infrastructure, innovative uses of E-Rate funding could<br />

help increase access to the Internet for the community.<br />

Identifying the Current Capacity of States to Integrate<br />

Technology<br />

As was discussed in the educators chapter of this report,<br />

effective integration of technology takes more than just a<br />

device for a student and a connection to the Internet. There<br />

must also be a strategy for how teachers and students<br />

interact with these technologies and provide appropriate<br />

time and training to ensure they are used in ways that<br />

maximize learning. However, for some schools in various<br />

parts of the country, there is not suffi cient education technology<br />

infrastructure to even begin having a conversation<br />

about effective uses of technology in the classroom. While<br />

there are great potential benefi ts of meaningful technology<br />

integration into the classroom, it is important that each<br />

state have an accurate assessment of the kinds of technologies<br />

being used in districts and schools across a state.<br />

To begin answering these questions, both of the main<br />

Common Core assessment consortia, Smarter Balanced<br />

and the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for<br />

College and Careers (PARCC), are providing a technology<br />

readiness tool for participating states to determine<br />

their ability to provide the online assessments being<br />

developed. 116 Results from the initial state surveys will<br />

be available in the fall of 2012, which will help evaluate<br />

where states are regarding technology and infrastructure<br />

e. 117 However, while these evaluations will be a good<br />

start to determine technology capabilities within a state,<br />

these surveys will only be focused on a school’s ability to<br />

administer the consortium assessments. Education tech-<br />


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