Speakers - Ashoka

Speakers - Ashoka

Speakers - Ashoka


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Employment through Empowerment Cluster leader: Norbert Kunz. Cluster language: English<br />

How can we enable people excluded from the labor market to live up to their full productive potential?<br />

In 2010, unemployment in the Euro zone hit 10 percent. One in three Europeans of working age has few or no formal<br />

qualifi cations, making them 40 percent less likely to be employed than those with medium-level qualifi cations, according<br />

to fi gures compiled by an expert group. While economic centers come off comparatively well, many rural areas run<br />

danger of falling completely behind and becoming unable to offer any economic opportunities to their inhabitants, at all.<br />

Rather than trying to compose a complex analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of specifi c labor markets, or taking<br />

up common debates on the defi cits and personal burdens unemployed must overcome in order to become employable,<br />

this cluster will focus on innovative solutions that empower people of all ages and backgrounds to live up to their full<br />

productive potential.<br />

To date, people out of work are regarded as people with certain defi cits who will fi nd work only when they learn specifi c<br />

skills and get engaged. This archaic point of view explains the low success rates of many traditional integration models<br />

on the market. In many regions, these models are doomed to fail anyways as there are simply no jobs where people can<br />

be placed.<br />

Leading social entrepreneurs understand how to leverage and employ so far unused potential. Instead of applying standardized<br />

“one size fi ts all” methods to all their “clients”, they enable people to be part of their own individual solutions.<br />

In this cluster, outstanding <strong>Ashoka</strong> Fellows whose work aims to give people outside the labor market an active role<br />

as co-producers of their solutions explore ways to expand their solutions, learn from each other, integrate their key<br />

success factors in employment policies across Europe – and together with experts from policy and economy realms -<br />

discuss how they can extend the social paradigm from training defi cient non-workers to empowering them.<br />


Fellows include: Christine Theodoloz-Walker, Maurice Lim Miller, Raúl Contreras, Elliot Brown, Franz Dullinger, Jose Maria<br />

Perez Gonzales, Sofi a Appelgren etc.<br />

For a new housing value chain Cluster leader: François Marty. Cluster language: French<br />

Housing is at the crossroads of many issues: environmental with the question of home energy effi ciency, economic<br />

particularly in the context of scarce raw materials, demographic with housing options increasingly inappropriate for the<br />

population they address, but also health and social cohesion, both strongly linked to housing.<br />

However, current models have reached their limits in their capacity to design and build housing successfully and to<br />

involve inhabitants to become active homeowners.<br />

Recently, many initiatives have been undertaken to tackle these barriers by social entrepreneurs, experts, private companies,<br />

and public authorities, some of whom have joined this cluster.<br />

This working session aims at developing a new vision of the housing value chain and identifying the obstacles to overcome<br />

the barriers, in order to allow innovations and new practices to scale up through all possible partnerships.<br />


Fellows include: Stuart Cohen, Rosanne Haggerty, Tomasz Sadowski, Raul Robert, Arnaud Castagnède, etc.<br />


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