The Rainbow Vol. 09 No. 01 - August 1989 - TRS-80 Color ...

The Rainbow Vol. 09 No. 01 - August 1989 - TRS-80 Color ...

The Rainbow Vol. 09 No. 01 - August 1989 - TRS-80 Color ...


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memory.<br />

Wh at's the nex t step in the evolution of<br />

Multi-Mentt? ·'Multi Tnnls. which lets yo u<br />

create buttons and scroll bars," Alphonso<br />

sa id . "''ll probably add thi s capability to<br />

Multi-Menu. but I may release it as a separate<br />

package you can integrate with Multi­<br />

Menu.<br />

" If I make it a se parate package, I'll<br />

inclu de all the things needed to build a<br />

completely mouse-driven inte1face,'' he said,<br />

" including automatic dialog boxes and an<br />

automatic method to open and read or write<br />

to a file selec ted from a I ist of files presented<br />

in a dialog box simi Jar to the Macintosh<br />

standard file dialog."<br />

Alphonso believes there 's a speed problem<br />

with Multi-Vue. noting that the time<br />

required to update the mouse pointer drags<br />

clown the system a bit. But he had n' t seen<br />

the new GShell+ module. whi ch was enhanced<br />

by the OS-9 Users Group.<br />

What else does Alpha Software se ll ?<br />

"Le,·el II T nnls is a group of programs<br />

that does a number of things I' ve always<br />

needed to clo." Alph onso said. " It gives yo u<br />

wild card commands to efficientl y move<br />

files around . <strong>The</strong>re's a set of tree di spl ay<br />

commands that give yo u a visual ass ist<br />

when yo u are tryin g to find a file. You can<br />

li st an entire directory and actuall y break<br />

out any fi le. "<br />

<strong>The</strong> OS-9 Lerel/1 BBS Release 3 .0 is<br />

Alphonso's most popular program. "We<br />

have more than I 00 people using it,'' he<br />

sa id . Ou r users are spread throughout the<br />

country and Canada. We're busy now setting<br />

up a support group fo rthe board. Mike<br />

Camera will take charge of the new service.<br />

<strong>No</strong>t all of hi s customers. are usin g it to<br />

run a pub lic bulletin board. A few are using<br />

it as a pri vate E-Mail system. Some even<br />

use it as a menu to run their own OS-9<br />

app lications.<br />

"Most people reall y li ke it. '' Alphonso<br />

sa id. "Especiall y the people who prefer<br />

OS-9. I' ve had a few people who don ' t<br />

know a lot about OS-9 a1icl have had troubl e<br />

running it. Others said it forced them to run<br />

OS-9."<br />

Did he have to overcome any techni ca l<br />

problems whil e writing it?<br />

''We II . there was the carrier-detec t problem,''<br />

he said. "<strong>The</strong> AC I APAK driver has thi s<br />

capability built in. but it doesn't always<br />

wo rk quite right."<br />

Alphonso wrote a routine th at ki ll s any<br />

process started by the parent if carri er detect<br />

is lost. It also took him a whil e to solve<br />

the baud-rate detection problem. <strong>The</strong> program<br />

now se ts itse lf up fo r 1200-baud<br />

operation and wa its for a use r to press the<br />

ENTER key. Depending on what OS-9 returns.<br />

it sw itches the speed up or down.<br />

Alp honso was able to te ll which direc-<br />

124 THE RAINBOW <strong>August</strong> <strong>1989</strong><br />

ti on to sw itch the speed to because one<br />

speed ret urn s an arrow, the other returns a<br />

junk charac ter. He checks thi s character,<br />

then resets and goes. If nothin g happens in<br />

four seconds. he resets and goes back to<br />

1200 baud.<br />

A pub I ic doma in version of Gala tic<br />

Cnnflict . a game first published in THE<br />

RAINBOW in <strong>No</strong>vember, 1986, is now<br />

bundl ed with BBS Release 3 .0. It was translated<br />

to BAS IC<strong>09</strong> by John Sebella and Melvin<br />

Gaskins of Hobart, Indi ana.<br />

Hyper-Tech - Another Rising Star<br />

Keith Alphonso wasn't th e on ly yo ung<br />

man at RAINBOWfest, Chicago determined<br />

to capture a piece of the pie crea ted by OS -<br />

9's increased popularity.<br />

We were also pleased to meet and interview<br />

Eri c Cri chl ow ( HYPERTE on DEL­<br />

PHI) and hi s fri end Chester Simpson. Eri c,<br />

17 and Chester, 19, teamed up with Mike<br />

Haa land to form Hyper-Tech in June of<br />

1988. Together, the trio plans to introd uce<br />

several exc iting new OS-9 products in the<br />

near future.<br />

C ri chl ow's labo r of love is Shel/mate, a<br />

$25 program that em ul ates the popular<br />

hands-free fil e management techniques of<br />

the Mac intosh and Ami ga on an OS-9 stage.<br />

It's used to copy, delete, move and rename<br />

f iles. It can also li st files. print them or<br />

di splay pictures from them - even arc and<br />

de-arc them.<br />

"Shel/mate lets yo u perform essentially<br />

every operation you could ever want."<br />

Crichl ow sa id. " It's especiall y handy when<br />

you need to move a large number of files<br />

and want to do it with ve ry few keystrokes<br />

or mouse moves. When I' m through I hope<br />

Shel/mate will have everything Multi-Vue<br />

has built into it-and much more. Besides,<br />

it's my fi rst C program . .. ev,e rythin g I<br />

learn will go into constant upd ates of the<br />

program.<br />

So how did Hyper-Tech get started?<br />

"We felt the <strong>Color</strong> Computer 3 offered<br />

an amazin g amount of potenti al no one was<br />

explorin g under RS-DOS or OS-9,''<br />

Cri chl ow sa id. "We fe lt the on ly way to do<br />

anything to help the CoCo reach its potential<br />

was to write some programs ou rselves."<br />

By thi s tim e, Chester was already proficient<br />

with assembl y language programming<br />

under RS-DOS. Mike and Eri c were<br />

starting to learn C. Cheste1· was already<br />

workin g on graphi cs and animation programs<br />

under RS-DOS.<br />

Chester began to design a graphi cs and<br />

animat ion development system. Mike<br />

started talking to di stri butors and learn ed<br />

there was a big demand for easy an imation<br />

programs. Chester's passion became a major<br />

projec t.<br />

Chester's OS-9 product is so youn g it<br />

doesn't even have a name. An RS -DOS<br />

version already on the market is ca lled<br />

Jnwgemaster. JmagemastN runs on a 128K<br />

system and ed its 64-by-64 pi xel graph ics<br />

images th at can be used to create grap hi cs<br />

images fo r autom ati on sequences.<br />

Eri c and Mike wa nt to do many thin gs .<br />

"Tandy and Microware gave us much power<br />

and opportunity in the OS-9 Level I I windowing<br />

system. Hard ly anyone has clone<br />

anything with it," Crichl ow said. "We wa nt<br />

to do things with Multi-Vue win dows that<br />

most people think are impossible.''<br />

For example?<br />

"Graphics! Me nu s' A clipboard standard,"<br />

Cri chl ow sa id. I' m also attempting<br />

to set up windows yo u can move and resize.<br />

I fi gure it can do it th e same way Multi- Vue<br />

does. If you cli ck on the menu ba r, but not<br />

on a se lec ti on. it will know yo u are ask ing<br />

to move the window."<br />

How will he do it?<br />

'Til dei ni z the window and give yo u a<br />

box the same size as your original window .<br />

<strong>The</strong>n. after yo u move the box and res ize it.<br />

I' II read the parameters of the box aga in and<br />

open a window the size yo u want at the<br />

locati on yo u req ues t. In th e meantime, I<br />

will have saved a buffer wit h all the data<br />

that was in your wi nd ow ori ginall y. After I<br />

crea te the new window. I'll write it back<br />

out aga in.<br />

MVCanvas Promises Speed a nd Ease<br />

MVCam·as is another Hyper-Tech product<br />

that lurks on the immediate horizon. In<br />

fact. it may be available by the time you<br />

read thi s column.<br />

" We plan fo r MVCanms to be j ust as<br />

fun cti onal as any RS-DOS pai nt program<br />

- bar none," Simpson said. " It will also be<br />

just as quick. You' ll be able to access a popup<br />

menu th at hold s all of the draw in g tools<br />

from the menu bar at the top of your sc reen.<br />

Thi s means you' ll have th e entire screen<br />

free fo r yo ur arti sti c masterpiece," he sa id.<br />

"MVCc/17\ 'C/S is an intelligent program.''<br />

Mike grabs a piece of the screen and<br />

holds it in a buffer, then uses a Mulli-Vue<br />

ca ll to make the buffer hi s pointer. Thi s lets<br />

Multi- Vue handle moving the image around<br />

the sc reen.<br />

MVCanms also supports large fonts.<br />

While Mike works on the program , Chester<br />

is creatin g the new fonts- rang in g from 8by-8<br />

to 24-by-32 pixels using lmagemaker.<br />

It was th e impress ive speed of MVCan­<br />

,·as that prodded Chester to make the move<br />

to OS-9. To him , speed is everything.<br />

Simpson is presentl y workin g on a graphics<br />

program that can transport im ages back<br />

and forth between RS-DOS an d OS-9 programs.<br />

He hopes to be ab le to save an image<br />

to the OS-9 clip board. transfer it to an RS­<br />

DOS disk and then load it into lmagemaker

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