2012 Koorda Show Schedule.pdf - Webs

2012 Koorda Show Schedule.pdf - Webs

2012 Koorda Show Schedule.pdf - Webs


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The The <strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Koorda</strong> & & Districts Districts Agricultural Agricultural Society Society (Inc.)<br />

(Inc.)<br />

Proudly presents<br />

The The The Act Act-Belong Act<br />

Belong Belong-Commit<br />

Belong Commit<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Koorda</strong> Community Community Community <strong>Show</strong> <strong>Show</strong><br />

<strong>Show</strong><br />

Saturday Saturday 8th 8th September September <strong>2012</strong><br />

<strong>2012</strong><br />

at at at the the the <strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Koorda</strong> Recreation Recreation Grounds Grounds<br />

Grounds<br />

<strong>2012</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>, The The Year Year of of The The Farmer<br />

Farmer<br />

72nd 72nd Year Year of of the the <strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Agricultural <strong>Show</strong><br />

<strong>Show</strong><br />


President Mrs Kim Storer Ph. (08) 9684 4088<br />

E: president@koordashow.com<br />

Vice President Mr Kurt Fuchsbichler Ph. (08) 9684 3034<br />

E: kkfuchsbichler@bigpond.com<br />

Secretary<br />

Treasurer<br />

Finance<br />

Commi�ee<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> & Districts Agricultural Society (Inc.)<br />

Affiliated with the Royal Agricultural Society of WA<br />

<strong>2012</strong> Officials<br />

Mrs Suzanne Clarke Ph. (08) 9684 1787<br />

E: secretary@koordashow.com<br />

Kim Storer<br />

Kurt Fuchsbichler<br />

3<br />

Ph. (08) 9684 4088<br />

E: treasurer@koordashow.com<br />

Entries Secretary Mrs Sandra Styns Ph. (08) 9684 1094<br />

E: daleandsandra1@ac�v8.net.au<br />

Chief Steward Mr Grahme Fuchsbichler Ph. (08) 9684 1281<br />

E: vancarla@bigpond.com<br />

Pavilion Steward Mrs Dee Hutchison Ph. (08) 9682 1044<br />

Ground Steward Mr Jeff Larkman Ph. (08) 9684 1049<br />

E: koordafarmtrees@westnet.com.au<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Shears Mr Campbell Jones Ph. (08) 9681 5007<br />

E: modestyfarm@reachnet.com.au<br />

Mrs Bev Harrap Ph. (08) 9684 6027<br />

E: bev.harrap@gmail.com<br />

Corn Dollies Mrs Lesley McNee Ph. (08) 9682 1025<br />

Mrs Dee Hutchison Ph. (08) 9682 1044<br />

E: rjdchutch@harboursat.com.au<br />

Mrs Dorothy Crogan E: crogandcjf@bbnet.com.au<br />

Car Compe��on Mr Tony Clarke<br />

Mrs Suzanne Clarke<br />

Ph. (08) 9684 1787<br />

E: yunderuppanelandpaint@hotmail.com<br />

Equestrian Events Mrs Megan Brooks Ph. (08) 9684 1012<br />

E: matmog4@bigpond.com

<strong>2012</strong> Guest Of Honor<br />

Caroline Robinson<br />

2011 RIRDC rural women’s award na�onal winner.<br />

Caroline Robinson is passionate about hockey, facilita�ng and building strong business<br />

and community connec�ons in remote rural areas, sausage dogs and sheep. They’re<br />

passions that don’t come in any par�cular order and which she cannot ra�onally<br />

explain, except to say that the land and all it stands for stole her heart.<br />

“I have a sausage dog called Frank. he doesn’t contribute very much. He’s a li�le<br />

overweight and too long, but I love taking him for a walk down the drive or into the<br />

paddock and seeing the sheep. I love sheep. They’re funny things to be passionate<br />

about, but I am.” Back in her early twen�es, as a commerce graduate working in<br />

Perth’s CBD, Caroline says she found herself walking into the city thinking there had to<br />

be more to life.<br />

The strength of her dissa�sfac�on was so great it spurred her on to train as a teacher,<br />

something she’d always wanted to do, and then to take a post in Southern Cross the<br />

town centre of the Shire of Yilgarn.<br />

Moving in with a family to be close to work, on the first night she sat down to dinner<br />

with them in walked her future husband. The rest, so the cliché goes, is history.<br />

Caroline lives on a wheat and sheep property, that is “so far out” she and her husband<br />

joke, if they stand on the highest point and look east, they see Adelaide. She no longer<br />

teaches school because of her own business commitments, but s�ll teaches ballet<br />

across three communi�es, which is a three hour round trip each week.<br />

The need for communica�on and basic local knowledge led her to set up the<br />

Wheatbelt Business Network (WBN), which has been connec�ng businesses, shires,<br />

individuals and communi�es in the Central and Eastern Wheatbelt regions of WA since<br />

2010.<br />


Rural Ambassador for 2013<br />

The Rural Ambassador Awards recognize young leaders from country communi�es<br />

who are interested in the promo�on of development in regional Australia.<br />

This annual compe��on is open to young men and women between 20 to 30 years<br />

of age, who currently live, or have lived in <strong>Koorda</strong> or surrounding districts.<br />

The selec�on process begins at the local society level, progresses to Eastern Districts<br />

Group, then to State level at the Royal Agricultural Society of Perth and concluding<br />

at the Na�onal �tles.<br />

Entrants are rewarded with a�rac�ve prizes throughout the compe��on process.<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> entrants are presented with 12 months membership to the <strong>Koorda</strong><br />

Agricultural Society, receive $100.00 in cash toward any cost they may incur, and<br />

included in the Official Party for the Official opening ceremony.<br />

If you are interested in represen�ng <strong>Koorda</strong> in the 2013 Rural Ambassador Awards,<br />

please contact us.<br />

We offer a mentoring program, which includes past entrants, life members and<br />

current commi�ee members to assist and advise you every step of the way.<br />


Page:<br />

Index<br />

2. Guest of Honour<br />

5. Major Awards<br />

6. Message of Apprecia�on & Special No�ce to exhibitors<br />

7. Past Presidents, Life Members and 2011 Members<br />

10. President’s Message<br />

12. Du�es of Stewards<br />

13 - 15. Rules and Regula�ons<br />

16 - 18. 2011 Trophy donors and winners<br />

19 - 21. 2011 <strong>Koorda</strong> Shears results and sponsors list<br />

21. 2011 Equestrian results<br />

24 & 25. Sec�on A - Sheep<br />

28 & 29. Sec�on B - Wool<br />

32 & 33. Sec�on C - Farm Produce<br />

34. Sec�on Ca - Crop Compe��on<br />

38. Sec�on D - Vegetables<br />

40. Trade Display Compe��on<br />

42. <strong>2012</strong> Garden Compe��on<br />

43 - 46. Sec�on F - Floriculture<br />

48 & 49. Sec�on G - Cookery<br />

50 & 51. Sec�on H - Preserves and Home Produce<br />

52 & 53. Sec�on I - Kni�ng and Crochet<br />

53. Sec�on J - Make Bake and Grow<br />

54 & 55. Sec�on K - Handicra�<br />

58 & 59. Sec�on L - Corn Dollies<br />

60 & 61. Sec�on M - Photography<br />

62. Sec�on N - Art<br />

64 & 65. Sec�on O - 16 Years and Under<br />

66 & 67. Sec�on P - 12 Years and Under<br />

68. Sec�on Q - 9 Years and Under<br />

69. Sec�on R - 7 Years and Under<br />

70. Sec�on S - 5 Years and Under<br />

72. Sec�on T - Collec�on of One Person’s Work<br />

75. Sec�on U - <strong>Koorda</strong> Shears<br />

76. Sec�on V - <strong>Koorda</strong> Car Compe��on<br />

77 - 79 Equestrian Events<br />

94 & 95 Membership Applica�on forms<br />


<strong>2012</strong> Major Awards<br />

The President’s Trophy, will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the<br />

most points in the Exhibi�on Hall.<br />

First Prize - 5 points, Second Prize - 3 points, Champion - 3 points.<br />

Points must be gained in at least three sec�ons.<br />

(Schoolwork is not counted in this prize)<br />

The Ross Family Trophy, is awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most<br />

points in the Sheep, Wool and Farm Produce sec�ons.<br />

First Prize - 5 points, Second Prize - 3 points, Champion - 3 points.<br />

Exhibitors must enter and gain points in at least two of the three<br />

sec�ons to qualify for this trophy.<br />

The G & N Fuchsbichler Trophy is awarded to the exhibitor gaining the<br />

most points in the Wool and Sheep sec�ons, Farmers sec�ons only.<br />

Exhibitors must enter and gain points in both Wool and Sheep sec�ons<br />

to qualify for this trophy.<br />

The Braid Family Memorial Trophy, is awarded for most points gained<br />

by a family over all classes. (minimum 3 members)<br />

A family consists of immediate family only, i.e. parents and their<br />

children.<br />

The Roley & Gladys Brooks Trophy, is awarded for most points gained in<br />

the Cooking, Kni�ng & Crochet, Preserves and Handicra� sec�ons.<br />

Exhibitors must enter and gain points in at least three of the above<br />

sec�ons to qualify for this trophy.<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society (Inc.)<br />

PO Box 83, KOORDA. W.A. 6475.<br />

Ph. (08) 9684 4088<br />

E: president@koordashow.com<br />

<strong>Webs</strong>ite: www.koordashow.com<br />

Contact Informa�on<br />


Message of Apprecia�on<br />

The <strong>Koorda</strong> & Districts Agricultural Society, wishes to convey its warmest<br />

apprecia�on for the help and support received during the year from:<br />

◊ Members<br />

◊ Sponsors<br />

◊ Exhibitors<br />

◊ Judges<br />

◊ Stewards<br />

◊ All volunteers and helpers<br />

◊ Businesses and individuals who have generously supported the<br />

show with trophies and/or prize money.<br />

Thank You<br />

All trophy dona�ons are acknowledged in the relevant sec�ons of this schedule<br />

Special No�ce to Exhibitors<br />

Exhibitors are urgently requested to assist the execu�ve by having their<br />

exhibits in posi�on by the ADVERTISED TIME.<br />

Each entry must have an accompanying sec�on card a�ached.<br />

Sec�on cards are issued by the Entries Secretary upon receipt of entry<br />

forms.<br />

Exhibitors are responsible for the correct carding of their entries.<br />

Please check at the top of each sec�on for entry details.<br />

Most entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong>, this also<br />

includes, Sheep, Wool, Farm Produce and Floriculture sec�ons.<br />

Pavilion exhibits MUST be in posi�on by 12 noon, Friday,<br />

7th September, <strong>2012</strong>, ready for judging to take place at 1:00 pm.<br />

The pavilion will be closed at 12 noon.<br />

Please don’t be late.<br />


<strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society (Inc.)<br />

Past Presidents<br />

Mr S. Hook, Mr A. Aitken, Mr C.H. Smith, Mr C.A. Henning, Mr A.F. Gamble,<br />

Mr J.W. Price, Mr H.E.H. Stevenson, Mr G.E.S. Best, Mr D. Bannister,<br />

Mr F.G. Storer, Mr J. Harcourt-Smith, Mr D.C Macquarie, Mrs E.E. Strahan,<br />

Mrs A.G. Leeke, Mr G. W. Fuchsbichler, Mrs W.J. McNee, Mr R. Storer,<br />

Mrs J. Crogan.<br />

Honorary Life Members * denotes deceased<br />

1936 Alex Aitken Esq. J.P.* 1997 Mrs R. Strahan<br />

1973 Mr A.F . Gamble * 1999 Mr A.G. Leeke *<br />

1973 Mr J.W. Price * 1999 Mrs P. Leeke<br />

1973 Mr G.E.S Best * 2003 Mrs S. Brio�<br />

1973 Mrs N.A. Braid * 2003 Mrs L. McNee<br />

1984 Mr N. Braid * 2011 Mr G.W. Fuchsbichler<br />

1994 Mr J. Harcourt-Smith 2011 Mrs D. Crogan<br />

Anzic S<br />

Beaton F & L<br />

Boyd S & K<br />

Boyne R & F<br />

Brio� P<br />

Brooks G<br />

Clarke A & S<br />

Clarke V & L<br />

Cooke H<br />

Cooke M & L<br />

Cooper B & V<br />

Delane M<br />

Fuchsbichler N<br />

Fuchsbichler K & K<br />

Fuchsbichler C & R<br />

Fuchsbichler V<br />

Greaves N & H<br />

Greaves G & P<br />

Hawkins J<br />

Hawkins W<br />

Henning M & M<br />

Henning P & M<br />

2011 Members<br />

Hutchison R & D<br />

Hutchison G<br />

Inman D & E<br />

Jones C & A<br />

Jones B & L<br />

Larkman J & C<br />

Longmuir C<br />

Longmuir I & S<br />

Longmuir P & L<br />

Maher P<br />

McNee K<br />

McNee W<br />

Nicholls B & M<br />

Nicholls S & M<br />

Nicholls P<br />

Pauley G<br />

Ross G<br />

Ross J & L<br />

Scally C<br />

Strahan C & M<br />

9<br />

Storer R & D<br />

Storer R & K<br />

Storer T & L<br />

Styns S<br />

Sutherland D<br />

Sutherland R & N

The The Wentworth Wentworth Plaza Plaza proudly proudly proudly supports supports the<br />

the<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Agricultural <strong>Show</strong>.<br />

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Welcome to the Comfort Inn Wentworth Plaza Hotel Perth<br />

Wentworth Plaza Hotel is one of the only "Family owned and operated" Hotels le� in the Perth<br />

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The Comfort Inn Wentworth Plaza Hotel is famous for its friendly staff, personalised service,<br />

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facili�es, which are a visi�ng must when frequen�ng Perth city.<br />

The Hotel is located in the heart of Perth's Central Business District, on the corner of Murray<br />

and Willam Streets, (next to the new Perth Railway Sta�on) amongst major shopping malls,<br />

bou�ques, art galleries, theatres, cinemas and all that Perth has to offer in other<br />

entertainment, fes�ve and local a�rac�ons.<br />

The Hotel is only a short stroll to the beau�ful Swan River and Kings Park, with domes�c and<br />

Interna�onal airport shu�le services available to the Hotel door with the airports located only<br />

25 minutes away.<br />

Perth transport is close by, with train and bus sta�ons opposite the hotel and north and south<br />

ramps to the freeway are nearby. Also close at hand is the ferry terminal should you be looking<br />

at taking a trip to WA's famous Ro�nest Island.<br />

Only minutes away try your luck at the Casino or a day trip to the Swan Valley to sample some<br />

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• Mini bar available<br />

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• Complimentary movie channels including kids movies<br />

• Clock radio<br />

• Non smoking floors<br />

• Safety deposit boxes<br />

• 24 hour recep�on<br />

• Tourist informa�on sta�on<br />

• Room service<br />

• Microwave facility in some rooms<br />

• Plus our famous restaurants and bars<br />


Presidents Report.<br />

<strong>2012</strong> “Year of the Farmer”<br />

The year has started off as a bit of a worry, with many farmers pu�ng their<br />

<strong>2012</strong> seeding program in dry, but I am happy to say that we have had some very<br />

welcome rain and there has been a huge sigh of relief throughout the farming<br />

community. Here’s hoping that this is just a taste of things to come.<br />

<strong>2012</strong> is the “Year of the Farmer” and this has been chosen as the theme for this<br />

year’s show. We are hoping that past farmers and/or their families will come<br />

back to <strong>Koorda</strong> to join us in the celebra�ons.<br />

It has been a rather quiet year for the <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society Commi�ee.<br />

Decisions were made earlier in the year to step back and give members a bit of<br />

breathing space, so we have not held any events this year.<br />

We have however put a crop in and we hope that this will yield well and give us<br />

some much needed funds. Many thanks to all those who were involved in the<br />

project and to the owner Rick Hillier for the use of his land.<br />

The <strong>Koorda</strong> Shears will host the <strong>2012</strong> Trans Tasman selec�on compe��on,<br />

which will see the Top 5 shearers compete. We will also be holding a speed<br />

shears on Friday night and the Drive In will be showing movies.<br />

The equestrian events will be held on the oval, adding a new aspect to the day,<br />

with lots of ac�on for everyone to enjoy.<br />

Many talented people live in <strong>Koorda</strong> and we are sure that the exhibi�on hall will<br />

be full of quality entries for visitors to look at. We have made a few changes to<br />

the sec�ons to keep up to date with current trends whilst ensuring there is s�ll a<br />

place for some of the old favourites.<br />

We are also bringing back the Crop Compe��on sec�on as part of our<br />

celebra�ons in the ‘Year of the Farmer’, which will be held in the la�er part of<br />

September.<br />

The <strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Show</strong> wouldn’t be possible without help from the Commi�ee and<br />

Community combined. We are very grateful to everyone who has donated<br />

money or �me to help us bring this celebra�on together for everyone to enjoy.<br />

On a personal note, I would like to express my sincere thanks to Commi�ee<br />

Members who always put 100% effort into making sure the <strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Show</strong> is<br />

something we can all be proud of. Thanks also to the <strong>Koorda</strong> Shire for ensuring<br />

the facili�es are available for our use and the town is clean and �dy.<br />

We look forward to seeing you all at the <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Show</strong> and hope you enjoy<br />

the day as much as we enjoy bringing it to you.<br />

Kim Storer<br />



Gate Roster for <strong>Show</strong> Day <strong>2012</strong><br />

The gate will need to be manned throughout the day. In the past we have<br />

been very fortunate to be able to call upon various spor�ng clubs in our<br />

town to assist us, if your spor�ng club has been asked to assist with the<br />

gate roster, could you please ensure there are two people on duty? If you<br />

are unable to find volunteers to man the gate for your �me slot , could<br />

you arrange an exchange with another club please?<br />

Check out the kids sections on<br />

pages - 64 to 70<br />


Stewards in all sec�ons shall:<br />

Du�es of Stewards<br />

⇒ be in a�endance by 10:00 am on Friday 7th September <strong>2012</strong>. Judging<br />

will commence at 1:00pm un�l 3:00pm.<br />

⇒ a�end to the receiving, classifica�on and placing of all exhibits and<br />

other ma�ers having reference thereto.<br />

⇒ wait upon the judges, furnish them with award sheets, prize cards<br />

and ribbons, and afford them all informa�on and a�en�on to the<br />

discharge of their du�es.<br />

⇒ at the conclusion of judging of their sec�on, write the winners names<br />

on the prize cards.<br />

⇒ arrange among themselves for the:<br />

• constant and effec�ve supervision of their sec�on.<br />

• convenience of the exhibitor.<br />

• behaviour of the a�endants in their sec�ons.<br />

⇒ in case they deem it necessary, advise the commi�ee to reject any<br />

exhibit, in which case prompt ac�on will be taken.<br />

⇒ during the judging, be under control of the judges and shall not pass<br />

any comment concerning the exhibits.<br />

⇒ ensure that no exhibit competes in more than one class.<br />

(ring events exempt)<br />

It is essen�al that stewards are in the pavilion on �me.<br />

Personal possessions and equipment: The <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society (Inc.)<br />

will not accept any responsibility for anything le� in the pavilion.<br />

Stewards badges: Stewards badges may be obtained from the Secretary’s<br />

office and should be worn while judging is in progress.<br />

Pavilion area steward: Mrs Lesley McNee will be Chief Steward of the<br />

pavilion, and ma�ers appertaining to stewards may be referred to her.<br />

If you cannot fulfil your du�es as a steward, please no�fy the Chief<br />

Ground Steward, Grahme Fuchsbichler, 9684 1281, or, the Pavilion<br />

Steward, Lesley McNee, 9682 1025, so they can organise a replacement.<br />


Rules and Regula�ons<br />

1. The show will be open to the public at 10:00 am on Saturday, 8th September,<br />

<strong>2012</strong>. Admission prices for Members (free), Adult $10.00, Aged pensioner $5.00,<br />

Child under 16 (free), 16-18 years $5.00 on produc�on of student pass.<br />

Tickets for use on day of issue only and are not transferrable.<br />

2. Members subscrip�on is $20.00 per person, en�tling members to free admission<br />

to the show, pos�ng of show schedule and four (4) annual newsle�ers. Any firm<br />

or company becoming members shall nominate a representa�ve to act for it, who<br />

may be elected to office.<br />

3. Entries for most sec�ons close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong> (please<br />

check for closing dates at the top of each sec�on)<br />

4. Entries by post will not be accepted unless entry forms are properly filled in and<br />

accompanied by full entry fees.<br />

5. All entries received are subject to these show regula�ons and by-laws, the special<br />

regula�ons in each sec�on, and to the uniform by-laws made under the Royal<br />

Agricultural Society Act 1926<br />

6. The society may refuse any entry without giving reason therefore.<br />

7. Livestock which has been exhibited at any unregistered show shall be disqualified<br />

from compe�ng at any show of the society, and the exhibitor of such stock shall<br />

also be disqualified.<br />

8. During the period of such disqualifica�on, no entry will be received from any<br />

person disqualified by the Royal Agricultural Society of WA (Inc.) or by any society<br />

affiliated therewith and should any entry be accidentally accepted, it shall be<br />

deemed to be void and the entry fee will be returned.<br />

9. No exhibit can take two prizes, except Championship and Ring Events.<br />

10. All exhibits, except vehicles and harness, must be the property of the exhibitor .<br />

(Ute/Car compe��on vehicles must be owned by the exhibitor).<br />

11. Exhibits must be marked by correct sec�on cards and placed in posi�on as<br />

directed by the stewards before 12:00 pm on the day of judging. (Pavilion Friday,<br />

7th September, <strong>2012</strong>). Closing �me for Sheep, Wool & Farm Produce is 9:00am<br />

on Saturday, 8th September, <strong>2012</strong>. Exhibits offending against this rule may be<br />

displayed at the discre�on of the Commi�ee, but will not be judged.<br />

12. No stallion shall be on the ground without approved headgear.<br />

13. No diseased or vermin infested animals are allowed on the grounds.<br />

14. No dogs, except exhibits under control, are allowed on the grounds.<br />

15. Livestock and vehicles, may be removed from the oval from 4:30pm<br />

onwards.<br />

16. No exhibits in the pavilion are to be removed before 5:00pm on <strong>Show</strong> Day without<br />

the permission of the society.<br />


Rules and Regula�ons cont.<br />

17. Every reasonable care will be taken with exhibits, but no responsibility will be<br />

taken by the society, which will not be responsible for any accident that may<br />

befall any exhibit or exhibitor. It shall be a condi�on of entry that each exhibitor<br />

shall hold the Society blameless, indemnified against loss, damage, the� or any<br />

legal proceeding arising out of them or any liability whatsoever.<br />

18. Stock exhibits shall not be rugged while the <strong>Show</strong> is open to the public.<br />

19. Compe�tors shall leave the pavilion before judging commences, except those<br />

engaged as stewards in other sec�ons.<br />

20. During the judging, stewards shall be under the control of the judges and shall not<br />

pass any comments concerning exhibits.<br />

21. Breeding year: Horses, August 1st in each year. Ca�le, March 1st in each year.<br />

The judges shall have the power to decide the age of any animal.<br />

22. Colours: The following shall be the colours of the Society; Champion - blue,<br />

First prize - blue, Second prize - red, Third prize - green, Fourth prize - Gold<br />

and Fi�h prize - white.<br />

23. Judges are requested to make a reserve number of the exhibit next in merit<br />

below those awarded prizes.<br />

24. In the event of less than three entries being received in any class, second prize<br />

shall be le� to the judges discre�on. All exhibits must be up to show standard to<br />

gain a prize.<br />

25. All prizes are subject to any altera�on the Commi�ee deems advisable.<br />

25. Prize winners shall apply to the Treasurer personally between 2:00pm and 5:00 pm<br />

on show day, or by wri�en request a�er show day. Prizes not claimed within one<br />

week will be forfeited to the society.<br />

27. Protests must be in wri�ng, lodged with the Secretary, within one (1) hour of<br />

judging being completed and must be accompanied by a deposit of one dollar<br />

and five cents ($1.05) which shall be forfeited to the society.<br />

28. Prizes awarded by judges, but withheld in consequence of valid protest, may be<br />

awarded to the exhibit next in merit or forfeited to the society.<br />

29. Prize winners contravening any of the society’s regula�ons may, at the discre�on<br />

of the commi�ee, forfeit any prize awarded to them.<br />

30. The commi�ee may at any �me disqualify from exhibi�ng either indefinitely or<br />

for such a period as it may think fit, any exhibitor who has, in the opinion of the<br />

commi�ee, been guilty of any breach of these regula�ons, or whose conduct,<br />

whether at, or during any show of the society, has in the opinion of the commi�ee<br />

been such that he/she is unfit to exhibit at any show of the society.<br />

31. Any person so disqualified may, at the discre�on of the commi�ee, forfeit all<br />

prizes.<br />


Rules and Regula�ons cont.<br />

32. No person who has been disqualified from exhibi�ng at any show of the Royal<br />

Agricultural Society of WA (Inc.), or at any show of any society affiliated therewith,<br />

shall, during the period of disqualifica�on, be allowed to act as agent,<br />

representa�ve or servant of any exhibitor, at any show of the society.<br />

33. The commi�ee reserves the right to reject or remove from the grounds any<br />

exhibitor, trade display, sideshow, food van, servant, a�endant, or spectator<br />

without giving reason for its ac�on.<br />

34. No unlawful games to be played on the grounds.<br />

35. Sideshows, food and confec�onary vendors will be at the discre�on of the<br />

commi�ee.<br />

36. Space for trade displays may be arranged with the Ground Steward, fees not less<br />

than $30.00. (Non profit organisa�on displays are free, unless entering in the Trade<br />

Display compe��on)<br />

37. The decision of the commi�ee in all ma�ers concerning the show shall be final,<br />

unless appealed against in proper form to the council of the Royal Agricultural<br />

Society of WA (Inc.).<br />

38. That in all sec�ons, except the garden compe��on, exhibitors must gain a<br />

minimum of eight (8) points before being eligible to win a trophy.<br />

39. In the event of less than three entries being received in any class, second prize shall<br />

be le� to the judges discre�on.<br />

Alloca�on of points: First = five (5) Second = three (3) Champion = three (3)<br />

Important No�ce<br />

The pavilion will be open to receive entries on<br />

Thursday 6th September from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm<br />

and then again on<br />

Friday 7th September from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon<br />

Please note: The pavilion will be locked at 12:00 noon to allow<br />

stewards �me to get the entries in their sec�ons ready for judging.<br />

Become a member of the <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society.<br />

Membership nomina�on forms are in the back of this schedule<br />


Trophy Donor Sec�on Winner<br />

President’s Trophy Most points gained in the Exhibi�on Hall Grace Ross<br />

Ross Family Trophy Most points gained in Sheep, Wool , Farm Produce Lesley McNee<br />

G & N Fuchsbichler Trophy Wool & Sheep No entries<br />

Braid Family Memorial Trophy Most points gained by a family in all sec�ons Karyna Shields family<br />

Roley & Gladys Brooks Trophy Most points gained in home cra� sec�ons Grace Ross<br />

RB & BG Anderson Trophy Sheep - Farmers Classes No entries<br />

Wallambin Park Best Crossbred Lambs No entries<br />

Westlund Livestock Trophy Wool - Open Class Carly Longmuir<br />

SE & KT Boyd Trophy Wool - Farmers Gary Greaves<br />

Elders Trophy Farm Produce Hayden Cooke<br />

B & V Cooper Trophy Vegetable Bev Harrap<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> CWA Floriculture Lesley McNee<br />

Mrs H Thompson Trophy Floriculture - Specimen Bev Harrap<br />

Northam Garden Centre Floriculture - Po�ed Plant Grace Ross<br />

Garden Compe��on<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Shire Council Trophy Garden as a whole 1st place No entries<br />

I & S Longmuir Trophy Garden as whole 2nd place No entries<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society Trophy Garden as a whole 3rd place No entries<br />

Mrs Pat Longmuir Trophy Any Sec�on of a garden Marj Delane<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> IGA Trophy Display of Po�ed Plants Bev Harrap<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> CRC Trophy Vegetable garden 1st place Bev Harrap<br />

R & D Hutchison Trophy Vegetable garden 2nd place No entries<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Shire Council Trophy Wheelbarrow garden No entries<br />

Mrs Marj Delane Trophy Outdoor living area/Shade house Bev Harrap<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Farm Trees Trophy Water Feature No entries<br />

Mrs R. Parkes Trophy Most points gained in Cookery Grace Ross<br />


Mrs E. McWha Trophy <strong>Schedule</strong> Recipe Grace Ross<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Hotel Trophy Preserves and Home Produce Grace Ross<br />

Mrs W. Aitken Memorial Trophy Kni�ng Sharon Powell<br />

Mrs Pheobe Henning Memorial Trophy Crochet Sharon Powell<br />

Gamble Family Memorial Trophy Handicra� Lynne Clarke<br />

Mrs Roma Strahan Trophy Corn Dolly - Open Dorothy Crogan<br />

R. Lodge Family Award Most points gained in Corn Dollies classes 1 & 2 Dee Hutchison<br />

Mrs D. Hutchison Trophy Corn Dolly - Children No entries<br />

Mrs D. Crogan Trophy Corn Dolly - Beginners No entries<br />

Brendon Grylls MLA Trophy Photography Dorothy Greenham<br />

Greaves Family Trophy 16 years and under Ka�e Larkman<br />

Mrs Pat Leeke Trophy 12 years and under Sarah Inman<br />

Mrs Leonie Beaton Trophy 9 years and under Nigel Mitchell<br />

Bev & Barry Harrap Trophy 7 years and under Kye Macnamara<br />

Shire President’s Trophy 5 years and under Drew West<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Meat Supply Trophy Most points gained in Art sec�on John Gosper<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Shire Council Trophy Most outstanding Art exhibit Hayley Leeke<br />

Mr & Mrs D. Inman Trophy Make, Bake & Grow Trophy Bev Harrap<br />

PJ & NA Strahan Trophy One Persons work Bev Harrap<br />

Tex Leeke Memorial Trophy Trade display sec�on A Boekeman Machinery<br />

JK Williams Trophy Trade display sec�on B Oral Jewel<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Car Museum Best Modified Car Wayne & Lisa Keys<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Car Museum Best Original Car Enzo Taberni�<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Car Museum Best Ute Brock Sco�<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Car Museum Best Feral Nobby Clark<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Car Museum Best Individual Display <strong>Koorda</strong> Motor Museum<br />

Bob Browne Memorial Trophy Best Car Overall Enzo Taberni�<br />


Trophy donor Sec�on Winner<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society Spud in a bucket - Most spuds in a bucket Kurt & Kristen Fuchsbichler<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society Spud in a bucket - Biggest spud Toby & Sophie Fuchsbichler<br />

Wentworth Plaza Lucky gate �cket accommoda�on prize Houston Family<br />

2011 Raffle $1000.00 cash Mick & Sam Quinn<br />

If you are a trophy donor and would like to con�nue with your dona�on for 2013,<br />

could you please fill in this sec�on and return it to the society?<br />

This will assist us when we are preparing for the 2013 show.<br />

Your dona�on is greatly appreciated.<br />

20<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

Sec�on:<br />

I would like to select a trophy myself: (please just place a �ck in this sec�on if choosing this op�on)<br />

I would like the society to purchase a trophy for me and enclose: $<br />

Please return this form to <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society PO Box 83, KOORDA. W.A.

2011 <strong>Koorda</strong> Shears Results<br />

Open Shears<br />

Placing Name Points<br />

1st Place Damien Boyle - Broomehill 73.700<br />

2nd Place Mark Buscomb - Williams 79.300<br />

3rd Place Glen Askew - Boyup Brook 81.100<br />

4th Place Todd Wegner - Nungarin 83.200<br />

5th Place Don Boyle - Broomehill 90.600<br />

Senior Shears<br />

Placing Name Points<br />

1st Place Ben Wood - Broomehill 78.250<br />

2nd Place Richard Sturis - Manjimup 78.550<br />

3rd Place Callum O’Brien - Pingelly 83.65<br />

4th Place Gavin Craig - Trayning 88.075<br />

5th Place Ricky Storer - <strong>Koorda</strong> 97.238<br />

Intermediate Shears<br />

Placing Name Points<br />

1st Place Bob Mauchline - Northam 79.317<br />

2nd Place Tom Reed - York 80.367<br />

3rd Place Trystan MacKay - Dowerin 80.700<br />

4th Place Belinda Box - Broomehill 83.450<br />

5th Place Tom (the pom) Reed - Woodvale 94.667<br />

Under 21 Shears<br />

Placing Name Points<br />

1st Place Beau Wegner - Nungarin 68.400<br />

2nd Place Shane Buscumb - Williams 72.100<br />

3rd Place Todd Mar�n - Dowerin 90.800<br />

4th Place Janna Komene - <strong>Koorda</strong> 120.300<br />

Novice Shears<br />

Placing Name Points<br />

1st Place Andrew Humphries - York 54.500<br />

2nd Place Corey Bell - Kellerberrin 79.000<br />

3rd Place Cheyenne Tairi - <strong>Koorda</strong> 118. 00<br />


2011 <strong>Koorda</strong> Shears Results<br />

Open Wool Handling<br />

Placing Name Points<br />

1st Place Aroha Garvin - York 11.267<br />

2nd Place Mere Staples - Katanning 17. 633<br />

3rd Place Esmerelda Harmer - York 18.833<br />

4th Place Dairne Smith - <strong>Koorda</strong> 25.533<br />

Intermediate Wool Handling<br />

Placing Name Points<br />

1st Place Beau Wegner - Nungarin 29.500<br />

2nd Place Janna Komene - <strong>Koorda</strong> 41.650<br />

3rd Place Cheyenne Tairi - <strong>Koorda</strong> 46.850<br />

4th Place Charlene Leach - Bencubbin 47.750<br />

Thanks to the following Sponsors of the 2011 <strong>Koorda</strong> Shears<br />

J & J Arrow R & F Boyne BM Jones & Sons<br />

Smith Shearing J & L Ross VN & J Shields<br />

Warrie Shearing Products Dowerin Shearing AJ, RM & PA Leeke<br />

Hon Mia Davies MLC C & A Jones RJ & DC Hutchison<br />

Hon Brian Ellis MLC SE & KT Boyd Agencies Top Gun Shearing Supplies<br />

Hon Phillip Gardiner MLC Heiniger D & RC Storer<br />

Hon Grant Woodhams MLA Mollerin Rock Dohne Stud FW & L Beaton<br />

Primaries Cooper BW & M Nicholls<br />

G & S Westlund Clik G & T Storer<br />

J Harrap & Co CSBP M & W Clarke<br />

Yelbeni Shearing Bunnings C & M Strahan<br />

The entry form for this compe��on is in the centre of this schedule and is also<br />

available from our website www.koordashow.com<br />


Western Australian Challenge<br />

Place Name Points<br />

1st Place Damien Boyle - Broomehill 69.958<br />

2nd Place Mark Buscumb - Williams 74.875<br />

3rd Place Glen Askew - Boyup Brook 79.325<br />

4th Place Brendon Boyle - Broomehill 81.308<br />

5th Place Beau Guelfi - Australind 84.658<br />

In this compe��on, each shearer had to shear six (6) Dohne ewe hoggets<br />

and six (6) Merino ewes<br />

Damien Boyle, Mark Buscumb and Glen Askew will represent Western Australia in the<br />

2011 Na�onal Shearing Compe��on<br />

Results of the 2011 Speed Shears World Record A�empt<br />

OPEN<br />

1 st Todd Wegner, Nungarin 57.48 seconds<br />

2 nd Mark Buscumb, Williams 1.02.46<br />

3 rd Damian boyle, Broomehill 1.15.88<br />


1 st Dus�n Stubna, Ravenswood 1.16.60<br />

2 nd Corey Ma�hews, Bencubbin 1.17.53<br />

The world record of 39.31 seconds was not broken, another<br />

a�empt will be made on Friday 7th September <strong>2012</strong><br />

Equestrian Events Winners<br />

Most points gained in Lead Rein Group 1 Kirby Brooks<br />

Most points gained in Lead Rein Group 2 Maya Nicholls<br />

Most points gained in Under 10 years Charli Sprigg<br />

Most points gained in 10 - 12 years Kaitlyn Sprigg<br />

Most points gained in 13 - 15 years Chelsea Su�on<br />

Most points gained in 16 years and over Nicole Henning<br />

Thanks to the following sponsors of the Equestrian Events:<br />

JK Williams & Co Europa Saddlery WJ & LM McNee<br />

Ma� and Megan Brooks Darryl & Lore�a Barber Mark & Helen Su�on<br />

Michelle & Steve Nicholls Priscilla & Lieven Bouckaert Terri & Shane Wheeler<br />


Your local Transport Company<br />

9682 1013 0428 828 860<br />


Railway Street <strong>Koorda</strong><br />

For all your livestock, wool and merchandise.<br />


CONTACT: Wayne Maher<br />

Phone. (08) 9684 1004<br />

Fax. (08) 9684 1080<br />

Mobile. 0427 841 004<br />

A/H. (08) 9684 1362<br />

Proud sponsors of the Farm Produce Sec�on<br />



KOORDA WA 6475<br />

P/F: (08) 9684 1393<br />

A proud sponsor of Children's entertainment at the <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural <strong>Show</strong><br />

Book a stall for show day<br />

Are you a work from home business, or have something you would like to sell?<br />

Bookings are open for the <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Show</strong>.<br />

Indoor stalls (marquee) are only $30.00, which includes a trestle and free entry<br />

into the show before 10:00 am<br />

Your stall automa�cally goes into the Trade Display sec�on to win a great trophy.<br />

Please contact Jeff Larkman on 9684 1049 for more informa�on<br />


Sec�on A—Sheep<br />

Entries close at 5:00 pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 50c.<br />

Steward: Mathew Stra�ord<br />

Prizes: First = $1.00 Second = 50c<br />

The RB & BG Anderson Trophy is awarded to the exhibitor gaining most points in the<br />

Sheep sec�on.<br />

The Wallambin Park Trophy is awarded for the Best Crossbred Lambs.<br />

(Farmers classes 12 & 13)<br />

Entries in classes 1 to 25 form part of the GW & N Fuchsbichler Trophy.<br />

Championship ribbons will be awarded for the following:<br />

• Champion ram of the show.<br />

• Champion ram, resident in <strong>Koorda</strong> district for not less than twelve (12) months.<br />

• Champion ewe.<br />

Farmers Classes:<br />

1. Merino or poll merino ram, any age, in wool, judged on type.<br />

2. Merino ewe, any age, in wool, judged on type.<br />

3. Merino ewe, up to 1½ years old, in wool, judged on type.<br />

4. Merino ewe, in wool, rearing lamb (lamb to be exhibited)<br />

5. Ewe, in wool, rearing lamb (lamb to be exhibited)<br />

6. Pen of three merino breeding ewes, in wool, judged on type and evenness.<br />

7. Dual purpose ewe, up to 1½ years old, in wool, judged on type<br />

8. Dual purpose ewe, in wool, rearing lamb (lamb to be exhibited)<br />

9. Pen of three dual purpose breeding ewes, in wool, judged on type and evenness<br />

10. Pen of three trade lambs, in wool<br />

11. Pen of three trade lambs, shorn<br />

12. Pen of three crossbred lambs, shorn<br />

13. Pen of three crossbred lambs, in wool<br />

14. Pen of three trade wethers, shorn<br />

15. Pen of three trade wethers, in wool<br />

16. Merino ram, over 1½ years old, autumn shorn<br />

17. Merino ewe, over 1½ years old, autumn shorn<br />

18. Merino ewe, up to 1½ years old, autumn shorn<br />

19. Merino ram, up to 1½ years old, autumn shorn<br />

20. Ewe rearing lamb, autumn shorn (lamb to be exhibited)<br />

21. Pen of three merino breeding ewes, judged on type and evenness, autumn shorn<br />

22. Pen of three wethers, autumn shorn<br />

23. Pen of three wethers, up to 1½ years old, autumn shorn<br />


Sheep sec�on cont.<br />

24. Ram, any breed, any age<br />

25. Ewe, any breed, any age<br />

26. Pet lamb, under 6 months<br />

27. Pet sheep, any age<br />

Stud Breeders Classes<br />

28. Merino ram, strong wool, any age<br />

29. Poll merino ram, strong wool, any age<br />

30. Poll merino ram, fine or medium wool, any age<br />

31. Three merino rams, autumn shorn<br />

32. Merino ram, over 1½ years old, autumn shorn<br />

33. Merino ewe, strong wool, any age<br />

34. Merino ram, fine or medium wool, any age<br />

35. Merino ram, up to 1½ years old, autumn shorn<br />

36. Merino ewe, fine or medium wool, any age<br />

37. Pen of three merino breeding ewes, judged on type and evenness in the wool<br />

38. Poll merino ram, over 1½ years old, autumn shorn<br />

39. Three poll merino rams, autumn shorn<br />

40. Poll merino ram, up to 1½ years old, autumn shorn<br />

41. Ram, any breed<br />

42. Ram, up to 1½ years old, any breed<br />

43. Pen of three ewes, any breed<br />

Notes for exhibitors:<br />

• Exhibitors entering rams in any class must state how long the rams have been<br />

in the district.<br />

• Date of shearing to be no�fied in all autumn shorn classes.<br />

The judging of the sheep sec�on will be held on Saturday, 8th September, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Sheep must be penned and ready for judging by no later than 9:00 am on show day<br />

Judging will commence at 10:00 am sharp<br />

Compare up to 10 different breeds of sheep<br />

from around the district at the Multi Sheep<br />

display on the oval<br />


On property Field Day<br />

45kms North East of <strong>Koorda</strong> on Longmuir Road<br />

Wednesday August 22nd, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Rams will be penned for inspection from 1:00pm<br />

For more information please call Ian Longmuir<br />

Ph. (08) 9684 6061 Mobile: 0427 770 728<br />

Or<br />

Elders <strong>Koorda</strong> - Wayne Maher (08) 9684 1004<br />

Stud Stud Calendar Calendar <strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Show</strong> Saturday,8th September <strong>2012</strong><br />

Ram Ram Sale Sale Friday 14th September <strong>2012</strong><br />

Proud supporters of the <strong>Koorda</strong> Shears<br />

Spud and Cathy<br />

have a shearing team ready for immediate start<br />

Plant hire also available<br />

Please phone. 0428 831 041<br />

Proud supporters of the <strong>Koorda</strong> Shears<br />


General Hardware Supplies and<br />


of WA Pty Ltd<br />

Contact Shane or Karen Boyd<br />

Ph. (08) 9684 1235<br />

Fax. (08) 9684 1395<br />

Mobile: 0427 841 235<br />

E: boydkoorba@bigpond.com<br />

Proud sponsors of the Wool Sec�on - Farmers Classes.<br />


Sec�on B—Wool<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 50c<br />

Steward: Gary Greaves<br />

Prizes: First = $1.00 Second = 50c<br />

A Championship ribbon will be awarded for the Champion Fleece<br />

The Westlund Livestock Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the<br />

most points in the Open classes.<br />

The SE & KT Boyd Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most<br />

points in the Farmers classes.<br />

Entries in classes 10 to 26 form part of the GW & N Fuchsbichler Trophy.<br />

Notes for exhibitors:<br />

• The number of days growth must be shown on all entries.<br />

• Wool exhibited in all lamb classes must be from lambs dropped a�er March<br />

1st, <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

• Autumn shorn wool prior to May 31st, <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

• All fleeces are to be skirted.<br />

• All wool to be from current seasons clip.<br />

• The judge has the power to transfer to its proper class any exhibit which has<br />

been wrongly entered.<br />

Open:<br />

1. Strong wool, ewe or wether, one fleece<br />

2. Medium wool, ewe or wether, one fleece<br />

3. Strong wool, ewe or wether, two fleeces<br />

4. Medium wool, ewe or wether, two fleeces<br />

5. Fine wool, ewe or wether, one fleece<br />

6. Lambs wool, one fleece<br />

7. Ram fleece, fine wool<br />

8. Ram fleece, medium wool<br />

9. Ram fleece, strong wool<br />

Farmers classes:<br />

10. Strong wool, ewe or wether, one fleece, spring shorn<br />

11. Strong wool, ewe or wether, one fleece, autumn shorn<br />

12. Medium wool, ewe or wether, one fleece, spring shorn<br />

13. Medium wool, ewe or wether, one fleece autumn shorn<br />

14. Fine wool, ewe or wether, one fleece, spring shorn<br />

15. Fine wool. ewe or wether, one fleece, autumn shorn<br />

Please note: Entries in all classes MUST have the breed named.<br />


Wool sec�on cont.<br />

16. Medium lambs wool, one fleece, spring shorn<br />

17. Medium lambs wool, one fleece, autumn shorn<br />

18. Fine lambs wool, one fleece, spring shorn<br />

19. Fine lambs wool, one fleece, autumn shorn<br />

20. Ewe or wether fleece, one fleece, judged on commercial value<br />

21. Ram fleece, fine wool, spring shorn<br />

22. Ram fleece, fine wool, autumn shorn<br />

23. Ram fleece, medium wool, spring shorn<br />

24. Ram fleece, medium wool, autumn shorn<br />

25. Ram fleece, strong wool, spring shorn<br />

26. Ram fleece, strong wool, autumn shorn<br />

Entries in all classes, MUST have the breed named.<br />

Reminder to exhibitors:<br />

The judging of this sec�on will be held on Saturday, 8th September, <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

Please ensure fleeces are in place no later than 9:00am<br />

Judging will commence at 10:00 am sharp.<br />

FARMAC<br />

Spray Service<br />

Contact Les Mactaggart<br />

0428 843 027<br />


Made in Australia<br />

Healthy gentle stretch top<br />

Reinforced for strength<br />

32<br />

Unique construc�on holds sock in place<br />

External wear pads<br />

External wear pads<br />

Reinforced for strength<br />

Cushioned sole for shock, blisters and comfort<br />

Product Range<br />

Outback Style<br />

Boot Sock Boot Sock SPINFX Style<br />

Sportswear Sportswear Anklet<br />

Business Sock Crew Anklet<br />

Junior<br />

For more informa�on please visit www.stockpile.com.au<br />

(on line ordering now available from the web site)<br />

Ph: (03) 5229 7211 Fax: (03) 5229 7277<br />

Postal Address: PO Box 21236, GEELONG. VICTORIA. 3220.<br />

ABN: 82 081 424 115


Grace Street, Wyalkatchem. 6485.<br />

• General freight and chiller freezer to<br />

Goomalling, Dowerin, Wyalkatchem,<br />

Yelbeni, Trayning, Mukinbudin,<br />

Bencubbin, Beacon and <strong>Koorda</strong><br />

• Gypsum and lime supplied, delivered<br />

and spread<br />

• Low loader service<br />

• Grain and fer�liser cartage<br />

D & D Transport, servicing the central wheatbelt since 1977<br />

Ph. (08) 9681 1117 Fax. (08) 9681 1110<br />

Mobile. 0427 918 904<br />

E. david@ddtransport.com.au<br />


Sec�on C—Farm Produce<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Steward: Carl Fuchsbichler<br />

Prizes First = 50c Second = 25c<br />

The Elders Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most points in<br />

the Farm Produce sec�on.<br />

Grains:<br />

1. Wheat, 6kg, variety named<br />

2. Wheat, WA hard, 6kg, variety named<br />

3. Noodle wheat, 6kg, variety named<br />

4. Seed wheat, 6kg, variety named<br />

5. Barley, two row, 6kg, variety named<br />

6. Oats, 6kg, variety named<br />

7. Lupins, 6kg, Albus variety<br />

8. Lupins, 6kg, Angus�folius variety<br />

9. Seed tri�cale, 6kg, variety named<br />

10. Canola, 6kg, variety named<br />

11. Faba beans, 6kg, variety named<br />

12. Chick peas, 6kg, variety named<br />

13. Field peas, 6kg, variety named<br />

Fodder:<br />

14. Wheaten hay, green, one sheaf, 6kg, hand cut<br />

15. Oaten hay, green, one sheaf, 6kg, hand cut<br />

16. Sheaf of wheat, green, for grain, 6kg, hand cut<br />

17. Sheaf of barley, green, for grain, 6kg, hand cut<br />

18. Sheaf of oats, green, for grain, 6kg, hand cut<br />

19. Wheaten hay, new seasons, half bale<br />

20. Wheaten hay, old seasons, half bale<br />

21. Oaten hay, new seasons, half bale<br />

22. Oaten hay, old seasons, half bale<br />

23. Barley hay, old seasons, half bale<br />

24. Tri�cale, hand cut, 6kg<br />

25. Lupins, hand cut, 6kg, Albus variety<br />

26. Lupins, hand cut, 6kg, Angus�folious variety<br />

27. Lupins, hand pulled, 6kg, Albus variety (roots a�ached)<br />

28. Lupins, hand pulled, 6kg, Angus�folious variety (roots a�ached)<br />

29. Canola, hand cut, 6 plants<br />


Farm produce cont.<br />

30. Faba beans, hand pulled, 6kg, (roots a�ached)<br />

31. Field peas, hand pulled, 6kg, (roots a�ached)<br />

Pasture:<br />

32. 30cm square, medic<br />

33. 30cm square, subterranean clover<br />

34. 30cm square, serradella, pink, variety named<br />

35. 30 cm square, lucerne<br />

36. 30cm square, any other pasture<br />

37. 30cm square, paddock grazed balanced pasture, light land<br />

38. 30cm square, paddock grazed balanced pasture, heavy land<br />

39. 30cm square, paddock lupins, any variety<br />

40. Best collec�on of fodder plants, three varie�es, judged on suitability to<br />

district<br />

Salt land pasture:<br />

41. Wavy leaf saltbush, 3kg, hand cut<br />

42. Old man saltbush, 3kg, hand cut<br />

43. River saltbush, 3kg, hand cut<br />

44. Bluebush, 3kg, hand cut<br />

45. Bambas� Panic, 3kg, hand cut<br />

46. Tall wheat grass, 3kg, hand cut<br />

47. Lucerne, 3kg, hand cut<br />

48. Selec�on of any three varie�es<br />

<strong>2012</strong> Celebrating the Year of the Farmer<br />


Sec�on C a—Crop Compe��on<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Monday, 10th September, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Judging will take place in late September on a Field Day basis when the winners<br />

will be announced.<br />

Prizes will be awarded to the winners of each class.<br />

Please note: This compe��on is a one off to coincide with the “Year of the<br />

Farmer”<br />

Class:<br />

1. Barley - 20ha<br />

2. Canola - 20ha<br />

3. Lupins, Angus�folius - 20ha<br />

4. Wheat on light or heavy land - 20ha<br />

Entries will be judged on the following:<br />

1. Yield by visual appraisal<br />

2. Evenness<br />

3. Freedom from weeds and disease<br />

4. Purity and strain<br />

5. 20ha block in any one paddock<br />

6. Crop variety to be stated on entry form<br />


The Morris paired row opener<br />

allows more efficient use of<br />

your land by providing better<br />

seed bed utilisation - on 25.4<br />

cm (10”) spacing the distance<br />

between rows is approximately<br />

15.2 cm (6”) and on<br />

30.5 cm (12”) spacing the<br />

distance is approximately 20.3<br />

cm (8”) and the paired row<br />

ensures an excellent stand for<br />

swathing.<br />

Morris introduces the C2 Contour with a dynamic new shank design that<br />

significantly improves trash flow and makes opener adjustments easier.<br />

The C2 Contour’s improved ability to shed trash is the new shank. With<br />

the angle being reclined 12 degrees, the new design moves trash up<br />

and off the shank faster. When trash flows off the shank instead of<br />

building up, the potential for bunching is greatly reduced. The new 12degree<br />

angle replaces the vertical shank of the Contour.<br />

Here are more ways the C2 Contour helps you cut through the trash:<br />

• The distance to the lowest trash catch point has increased from 13.5”<br />

to 21.”<br />

• This change represents a 60% improvement in under clearance.<br />

• Increased trash clearance helps when seeding in challenging field<br />

conditions.<br />

• Proven parallel linkage gives outstanding seed depth accuracy and<br />

more yield potential.<br />

• A higher opener cam makes adjustments easier and faster.<br />

McIntosh & Son - Wongan Hills - Ph. 9671 1300<br />

Dave Thorne 0429 948 902 David Trindall 0428 939 214 Anthony Ryan 0427 206 000<br />

37<br />

The paired row double shoot opener places<br />

2 distinct rows of seed 10 cm (4”) apart. Seed<br />

is first placed in two distinct rows 5 cm (2”) to<br />

each side of the knife followed by a fertilizer<br />

band that is placed directly behind the knife<br />

and 2 cm (3/4”) below the seedbed. This<br />

patented design results in outstanding fertiliser<br />

- seed separation and improved seed bed<br />

contingency through minimising soil fracturing.

The <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Koorda</strong> Community<br />

<strong>Show</strong> is proudly sponsored by<br />


Proud supporters of the<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural <strong>Show</strong><br />

“Your local supplier of BP and Castrol Fuel and Lubricants<br />

in the Central Wheatbelt”<br />


Stewards:<br />

Sec�on D—Vegetables<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Peter Longmuir & Chris Larkman<br />

Prizes: First = 50c Second = 25c<br />

The B & V Cooper Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most points<br />

gained in the Vegetables sec�on<br />

Class:<br />

1. Vegetables, collec�on of at least six varie�es<br />

2. Cabbage, one<br />

3. Zucchini, one<br />

4. Celery, one head<br />

5. Broccoli, one head<br />

6. Cauliflower, one head<br />

7. Le�uce, iceberg variety, one<br />

8. Le�uce, collec�on<br />

9. Pumpkin, one, complete with stalk<br />

10. Silver beet, bundle of six stalks<br />

11. Spinach, any variety, bundle of six stalks<br />

12. Sweet potato, one, washed<br />

13. Potatoes, three, washed<br />

14. Peas, ten pods<br />

15. Snow peas, ten pods<br />

16. Carrots, three<br />

17. Collec�on of soup vegetables<br />

18. Swedes, bunch of two<br />

19. Turnips, bunch of three<br />

20. Beetroot, bunch of three<br />

21. Brown onions, bunch of three<br />

22. White onions, bunch of three<br />

23. Spring onions, bunch of six<br />

24. Broad beans, six pods<br />

25. Radish, bunch of six<br />

26. Herbs, collec�on, (to be named)<br />

27. Rhubarb, six s�cks<br />

28. Collec�on of salad vegetables<br />

29. Collec�on of citrus fruits, one of each variety<br />

30. Lemons, three<br />

31. Grapefruit, three<br />

32. Oranges, three<br />

33. Mandarins, three<br />

34. Passionfruit, three<br />

35. Any other fruit not previously men�oned<br />

36. Any other vegetable not previously men�oned<br />


Hints for the vegetable sec�on:<br />

• Bunches of vegetables, tops and roots to be le� on and �ed together<br />

• Collec�ons are to be arranged together in a box or similar<br />

• Peas, potatoes, beans and fruit are to be arranged on a paper plate or similar<br />

• All vegetables should be washed<br />

• Pumpkins are to have some of the stalk a�ached<br />

• Cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage to have the outside leaves intact (only remove<br />

if the leaves are really badly damaged)<br />

• Any entry in this sec�on may be cut if the judge deems necessary<br />

Not sure if you have entered in the right class?<br />

Need to ask some advice?<br />

Give one of our friendly stewards a call.<br />

Dee Hutchison Chief pavilion steward for all classes (08) 9682 1044<br />

Pat Leeke Cookery (08) 9682 1024<br />

Noreen Fuchsbichler Children’s sec�ons (08) 9684 1281<br />

Mathew Stra�ord Sheep (08) 9684 1105<br />

Grahme Fuchsbichler Wool & Farm Produce (08) 9684 1281<br />


Steward: Jeff Larkman<br />

Trade display Compe��on<br />

This compe��on is open to all trade displays that have paid a ground space fee of<br />

no less than $30.00.<br />

The Tex Leeke Memorial Trophy will be awarded to the best Trade Display in<br />

sec�on A<br />

The JK Williams & Co Trophy will be awarded to the best Trade Display in sec�on B<br />

Sec�on A consists of all trade displays in the open e.g. Machinery & Large Displays<br />

Sec�on B consists of all trade displays under cover e.g. Cra� stalls<br />

Points will be awarded for the following<br />

Display and Presenta�on 35<br />

Variety and Public Appeal 25<br />

Labelling and Informa�on 5<br />

Ease of Access for Inspec�on 20<br />

Safety 15<br />

Total possible points 100<br />

Judging of the trade display commences at 11:00am<br />

Book your ground space now for the <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Show</strong><br />

Standard Commercial Site $30.00<br />

Price includes 1 trestle table & free entry into the showgrounds before 10:00 am<br />

Large Commercial Site $35.00<br />

Price includes 1 trestle table & free entry into the showgrounds before 10:00 am<br />

Non Profit Organisa�ons Free<br />

Includes 1 trestle table only, no free entry.<br />

Addi�onal trestle tables are available @ $10.00 each<br />

For more informa�on, please contact the Ground Steward - Jeff Larkman<br />

(08) 9684 1049 E: koordafarmtrees@westnet.com.au<br />

Ground space applica�on forms can be downloaded from our website<br />

www.koordashow.com in the forms and documents sec�on.<br />


Extra copies of all entry forms along with ground<br />

space application forms, are available from our<br />

website www.koordashow.com<br />

If you don’t have the internet, please give us a call<br />

on 9684 4088 and we will be happy to fax one.<br />

This schedule is also available online at<br />

www.koordashow.com<br />

(All the above are in the forms and documents section)<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Farm Trees<br />

For all your tree seedlings<br />

Chris & Jeff Larkman<br />

Rae Street, <strong>Koorda</strong><br />

Ph: (08) 9684 1049<br />

Fax: (08) 9684 1500<br />

Proud sponsors of the <strong>2012</strong> Garden Compe��on<br />


<strong>2012</strong> Garden Compe��on<br />

Entries Close at 5:00pm on Monday, 20th August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Judging will be held on Friday, 24th August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = $1.00<br />

Steward:<br />

Sec�on 1:<br />

Garden as a whole<br />

1st prize donated by <strong>Koorda</strong> Shire Council<br />

2nd prize donated by I & S Longmuir<br />

3rd prize donated by <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society<br />

Sec�on 2:<br />

Any sec�on of a garden<br />

Trophy donated by Mrs R. Longmuir<br />

Sec�on 3:<br />

Display of po�ed plants<br />

(plants successfully grown in pots for decora�ve purposes)<br />

Trophy donated by <strong>Koorda</strong> IGA<br />

Sec�on 4:<br />

Vegetable garden<br />

1st prize donated by <strong>Koorda</strong> Community Resource Centre<br />

2nd prize donated by R & D Hutchison<br />

Sec�on 5:<br />

Wheelbarrow garden<br />

Trophy donated by <strong>Koorda</strong> Shire Council<br />

Sec�on 6:<br />

Outdoor living area/shade house<br />

(incorpora�ng plants in containers and/or garden beds)<br />

Trophy donated by Mrs M Delane<br />

Sec�on 7:<br />

Water Feature<br />

Trophy donated by <strong>Koorda</strong> Farm Trees<br />

Sec�on 8:<br />

Waterwise garden<br />

Trophy donated by R & K Storer<br />

Please note: All pot plants must have been the property of the exhibitor for not<br />

less than three (3) months before judging.<br />

Points will be given in all sec�ons for layout and design, culture, colour,<br />

and neatness.<br />

In the vegetable sec�on, points will be given for variety.<br />


Sec�on F—Floriculture<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Thursday, 7th September, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Stewards: Fran Boyne & Chris Larkman<br />

Prizes: First = 50c Second = 25c<br />

The <strong>Koorda</strong> Branch of the CWA Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining<br />

the most points in the Decora�ve classes.<br />

The Mrs L. Thompson Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most<br />

points in the Specimen classes.<br />

The Northam Garden Centre Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining<br />

the most points in the Po�ed Plants classes.<br />

The Champion Ribbon will be awarded to the champion exhibit of the show,<br />

which will be chosen by the judge from all exhibits in the floriculture sec�on.<br />

Hints for floriculture decora�ve classes:<br />

• Flowers in decora�ve classes do not have to be grown by the exhibitor.<br />

• Fresh flowers must make up at least 75% of the arrangement unless<br />

otherwise stated.<br />

• Ar�ficial flowers may be inconspicuously mixed with the fresh, but should<br />

not be more than 25% of the total. Ar�ficial flowers should be silk or paper<br />

based, not plas�c. The one excep�on is anthurium, as the real ones look<br />

like plas�c. If using plas�c flowers, please be sure they look realis�c.<br />

• Accessories (statue�es, corn dollies, rocks, jewellery, etc.) should not be<br />

more than 25% of the whole. If using more than one accessory, be sure<br />

they are in scale with each other as well as the flowers.<br />

• Arranged bowl. The arrangement must conform to the shape and<br />

symmetry of the container.<br />

• Bowls must be round, the opening to be greater in width than in height. It<br />

may have a ‘foot’ which must be no greater than one third the total height<br />

of the bowl.<br />

• A stated number of flowers. Once a bud is showing colour, or is half open,<br />

it is considered a flower. Do not put any buds in classes which are for<br />

stated number of flowers e.g. one, three, or five flower arrangements, as<br />

buds will always open when you don't want them to.<br />

• A vase must be higher than it is wide.<br />


Floriculture cont.<br />

Decora�ve classes:<br />

1. Decora�vely arranged bowl, to be viewed all round<br />

2. Arrangement using fresh foliage only<br />

3. Arrangement for a special occasion<br />

(name of occasion , typed/wri�en on small no�ce next to entry)<br />

4. Decora�vely arranged vase, to be viewed all round<br />

5. Arrangement using shades of one colour, including foliage<br />

6. Arrangement of three flowers (fresh), with any foliage or accessories<br />

7. Arrangement of one flower, (fresh), with any foliage or accessories<br />

8. Buffet arrangement (flowers, fruit and /or foliage op�onal)<br />

9. Miniature arrangement, no more than 10cm (4”) overall, fresh only<br />

10. Arrangement using a novel or song �tle, named (as per class 3)<br />

11. Dry arrangement, all natural material, but may be treated<br />

(painted, glycerine, wired etc.)<br />

12. Arrangement of fresh flowers origina�ng from bulbs, rhizomes or corms<br />

13. Arrangement of wild flowers (fresh flowers only)<br />

14. Arrangement, tall and elegant (fresh flowers only)<br />

15. Arrangement in celebra�on of The Year of The Farmer<br />

(no restric�ons, but there must be some fresh flowers, the percentage hint<br />

may be ignored)<br />

Hints for specimen classes:<br />

All blooms in the specimen class must have been grown by the exhibitor.<br />

Exhibitors must provide their own containers.<br />

All specimens must be displayed in a small drink bo�le where possible. (there is<br />

a limited number of containers available from the office)<br />

Three cuts, takes the place of ‘collec�on’ The condi�on of flowers is important<br />

and half dead and wind blown blooms should be excluded.<br />

The calyx on a fresh flower is firm and holds the petals and gains points against<br />

a bigger flower with a jaded calyx.<br />

Carna�ons bloom to form a half sphere. Bo�om of calyx to equal as near as<br />

possible the height of the rest of the bloom and should not be burst, debud.<br />

Snapdragons and Stocks must be stripped of laterals, leaves permissible.<br />

Sweet peas are judged on placement on stem, forma�on of flower, texture,<br />

good colour, number of florets per stem (three of these fully open), length of<br />

stem and arrangement of exhibit.<br />


Hints for specimen classes cont.<br />

Pansies, the schedule states, Pansies to be put on one collar, create a<br />

collar for pansies by cu�ng a circle from card, making three holes for the<br />

stems to sit in the water while the petals are displayed on the card.<br />

Dis�nct, means they must be different, this may be colour, type or<br />

anything else stated.<br />

NND means ‘not necessarily dis�nct.’ If it is a flower or cut then each<br />

flower or cut may be different in type or colour.<br />

Specimen classes:<br />

16. Garden flowers, three cuts, dis�nct (not including shrubs)<br />

17. Sweet peas, three stems, any colour combina�on, in one container<br />

18. Carna�on, one bloom<br />

19. Nastur�ums, three cuts, NND, in one container<br />

20. Stocks, one cut<br />

21. Stocks, three cuts, NND, in separate containers<br />

22. Violets, three cuts, in one suitable sized container<br />

23. Snapdragons, three cuts, three colours<br />

24. Geranium, three cuts, single, NND, no climbers<br />

25. Geranium, single, one cut<br />

26. Geranium, double, one cut<br />

27. Pelargonium, one cut<br />

28. Climbing geranium, three cuts, NND<br />

29. Gladioli, one spike<br />

30. Flower of bulb, corm, rhizome or tuber, three cuts NND, any<br />

combina�on<br />

31. Flower of bulb, corm, rhizome or tuber, one cut<br />

32. Iceland poppies, three cuts, any colours<br />

33. Pansies, three cuts, any colour combina�on, on one collar, in one<br />

container<br />

34. Calendulas, three cuts, NND<br />

35. Single petunias, three cuts, any colour combina�on, one container<br />

36. Double petunias, three cuts, any colour combina�on, one container<br />

37. Anemones, three cuts, colours NND<br />

38. Ranunculi, three cuts, colours NND<br />

39. Daffodil, one cut<br />

40. Daffodil, three cuts, NND<br />


Specimen classes cont.<br />

41. Gerbera, single, one cut<br />

42. Gerbera, double, one cut<br />

43. Three cuts of garden shrubs, dis�nct<br />

44. Nemesias, three cuts, any colour combina�on<br />

45. Iris, one cut<br />

46. Any flower not previously men�oned<br />

Hints for the Po�ed plant classes:<br />

A single plant should be placed in the centre of the pot.<br />

In most cases, the judge is looking for roundness of the plant. This may be<br />

achieved by turning the pot or hanger one quarter every week, however, there<br />

are some plants that will never grow round, Put them in anyway.<br />

Pots should be clean<br />

Do not put a scruffy pot inside a good one, this is known as double po�ng and<br />

is not allowed.<br />

Be sure the size of your pot suits the size of the plant, if the pot is too big, it is<br />

known as over po�ng and if the pot is too small, it is known as under po�ng,<br />

both will lose points.<br />

All pot plants, must have been the property of the exhibitor for not less than<br />

three (3) months before show day.<br />

Pot Plant classes:<br />

47. Pot plant in bloom<br />

48. Foliage pot plant, any kind, in container<br />

49. Fern, Maidenhair<br />

50. Fern, any other variety<br />

51. Cac� and/or succulent, one variety in bloom<br />

52. Cac� and/or succulent, collec�on, maximum of six<br />

53. Hanging container, fern<br />

54. Hanging container, foliage<br />

55. Hanging container, in flower<br />

56. Hanging container, incorpora�ng two or more varie�es<br />

57. Plant in an unusual container<br />

58. Collec�on of herbs<br />

59. Bonsai<br />

60. Topiary<br />

61. Any other po�ed plant not previously men�oned<br />


Sutherland Stock Transport<br />


STOCK<br />



Contact Danny Sutherland<br />

Ph. (08) 96842 1026<br />

Fax. (08) 9682 1032<br />

Mobile. 0427 380 103<br />


Sec�on G—Cookery<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Stewards: Pat Leeke and Ann Reid<br />

Prizes: First = 50c Second = 25c<br />

The Mrs Robyn Parkes Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most<br />

points in the Cooking sec�on.<br />

The Mrs Elvie McWha Trophy will be awarded to the winner of class 4. (schedule<br />

recipe)<br />

Please note:<br />

• All exhibits must be on appropriate sized plas�c plates, exhibitors are to<br />

provide clear oven bags to cover cooking. (plas�c wrap is not permi�ed)<br />

• Cakes baked on the same day as judging will not be accepted.<br />

• Cakes are not to be iced unless stated.<br />

• 20cm (8”) round sandwich �n to be used for sponges.<br />

• Ring �ns are not acceptable.<br />

• Defini�on: Cookies are dropped from a spoon, whereas a biscuit is pressed<br />

or rolled.<br />

Class:<br />

1. Quiche, filling op�onal<br />

2. Sponge, double, corn flour and/or custard powder<br />

3. Swiss roll, raspberry jam filling, do not cut ends<br />

4. <strong>Schedule</strong> recipe on page 45<br />

5. Dark fruit cake, boiled<br />

6. Cupcakes, six, decorated<br />

7. Nut and fruit roll<br />

8. Date loaf<br />

9. Plum pudding, steamed<br />

10. Chocolate cake<br />

11. Orange cake, iced, baked in orange cake �n (loaf �n, approx. 21cm x 11cm)<br />

12. Lamingtons, six<br />

13. Carrot cake<br />

14. Date slice, six pieces, iced<br />

15. Slices, collec�on of four varie�es, three of each<br />

16. Cream puffs, no cream, six<br />

17. Muffins, six, named<br />


Cookery cont.<br />

18. Muffins, savoury, six, named<br />

19. Sultana cake<br />

20. Scones, six<br />

21. Cookies, collec�on of four varie�es, three of each<br />

22. Biscuits, collec�on of four varie�es, three of each (points given for variety<br />

of mixtures)<br />

23. Lunch for a school child<br />

24. Health cake or loaf (list of ingredients)<br />

25. Presenta�on box of home made chocolates<br />

26. Rum balls, six<br />

27. Homemade bread rolls, six<br />

28. Homemade bread, one loaf, white (not machine made)<br />

29. Homemade bread, one loaf, wholemeal (not machine made)<br />

30. Homemade bread, one loaf, white (machine made)<br />

31. Homemade bread, one loaf, wholemeal (machine made)<br />

32. Smoko in the shed, a plate of eight (8) items containing two plain scones,<br />

two ANZAC biscuits, and two by two things of your choice, that would be<br />

served for smoko in the shearing shed<br />

<strong>Schedule</strong> Recipe<br />

Frangipani Cake<br />

Cake Ingredients: Topping Ingredients:<br />

½ cup bu�er ½ cup coconut<br />

½ cup sugar 1 tablespoon sugar<br />

2 egg yolks 2 egg whites<br />

Juice and rind of 1 lemon<br />

3 tablespoons of milk<br />

1 cup of Self Raising flour<br />

Method for cake mixture:<br />

Cream bu�er and sugar, add beaten egg yolks, juice and rind of lemon, then<br />

si�ed flour and milk. Place mixture in a greased (20cm) square or round baking<br />

�n then add the topping.<br />

Method for topping:<br />

Beat egg whites, add sugar and gradually add coconut. Place on top of cake<br />

mixture and bake in moderate oven for approximately 45 minutes.<br />


Sec�on H—Preserves and Home Produce<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Stewards: Grace Ross & Bev Harrap<br />

Prizes: First = 50c Second = 25c<br />

The <strong>Koorda</strong> Hotel Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most points<br />

in the Preserves and Home Produce sec�on.<br />

Please Note:<br />

• Jars to be of uniform size for collec�on classes.<br />

• Screw on lids preferable for all classes except 1-6.<br />

• All jars must have a label not larger than 3.5cm x 6.5cm.<br />

• All commercial lids must not have the brand name exposed. (paint, paste<br />

paper or place contact over the name)<br />

• Only one (1) entry from each batch per class.<br />

Classes:<br />

1. Fruit in syrup, collec�on of four<br />

2. Apricots in syrup, one bo�le<br />

3. Peaches in syrup, one bo�le<br />

4. Pears in syrup, one bo�le<br />

5. Preserved vegetables, collec�on of three, pickled<br />

6. Preserved vegetables, collec�on of three, vacola<br />

7. Lemon bu�er, one jar<br />

8. Orange marmalade, one jar<br />

9. Carrot marmalade, one jar<br />

10. Grapefruit marmalade, one jar<br />

11. Marmalade, any variety, one jar<br />

12. Jams, homemade, collec�on of four<br />

13. Fig jam, one jar<br />

14. Grape jam, one jar<br />

15. Plum jam, one jar<br />

16. Apricot jam, one jar<br />

17. Collec�on of melon jams, any combina�on<br />

18. Relish, one jar<br />

19. Glace fruit or peel<br />

20. Crystallized fruit or peel<br />

21. Jelly, any variety, one jar<br />

22. Pickled onions, one bo�le<br />


Preserves and Home Produce cont.<br />

23. Cauliflower pickles, one jar<br />

24. Tomato relish, one jar<br />

25. Collec�on of three (3) or more preserves, chutney, pickles and/or sauces,<br />

jar size not relevant (points given for variety of ingredients)<br />

26. Sweet chutney, one jar<br />

27. Salad dressing, any variety<br />

28. Honey, one jar<br />

29. Homemade citrus cordial, one bo�le concentrate, undiluted<br />

30. Homemade cordial, any variety, one bo�le concentrate, undiluted<br />

31. Ginger beer<br />

32. Herb vinegar, one bo�le<br />

33. Hen eggs, six, white, standard weight<br />

34. Hen eggs, six, brown, standard weight<br />

Home Brew:<br />

35. Lager<br />

36. Bi�er<br />

37. Stout<br />

38. Ale<br />

39. Wine<br />

40. Any other variety, home brew, cold in esky<br />

Agricultural Society Annual Street Stall<br />

Thursday, 16th August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

Donations of all saleable goods<br />

most appreciated<br />


Sec�on I—Kni�ng and Crochet<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Steward: Ruth Boulazeris<br />

Prizes: First = 50c Second = 25c<br />

The Mrs W Aitken Memorial Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor<br />

gaining the most points in the Kni�ng classes.<br />

The Mrs Phoebe Henning Memorial Trophy will be awarded to the<br />

exhibitor gaining the most points in the Crochet classes.<br />

Please note:<br />

• Laundered work is not accepted.<br />

• All ar�cles entered for compe��on must be worked by the<br />

exhibitor, otherwise they can be entered for exhibi�on only.<br />

• Crocheted finish on kni�ed garments is acceptable and vice versa.<br />

• Any ar�cle winning first prize in kni�ng, crochet, and handicra�<br />

sec�ons may not be entered in future <strong>Koorda</strong> shows.<br />

Kni�ng classes:<br />

1. Scarf/Shawl<br />

2. Slippers or bed socks<br />

3. Child’s kni�ed jumper or cardigan<br />

4. Cap, beanie or beret<br />

5. Baby’s kni�ed ar�cle<br />

6. Collec�on of kni�ed ar�cles, four or more (points given for variety)<br />

7. Kni�ed toy or animal<br />

8. Character jumper or cardigan<br />

9. Dressed doll, kni�ed<br />

10. Tea Cosy (more points gained if cosy is lined)<br />

11. Knee rug<br />

12. Any kni�ed ar�cle not previously men�oned<br />

Crochet classes:<br />

13. Slippers or bed socks<br />

14. Baby’s crocheted ar�cle<br />

15. Baby’s crocheted coat or ma�nee jacket<br />

16. Collec�on of crocheted ar�cles, four (points given for variety)<br />

17. Crocheted doilies, two different pa�erns<br />

18. Crocheted table centre<br />

19. Crocheted toy or animal<br />


Kni�ng and Crochet cont.<br />

20. Knee rug<br />

21. Dressed doll, crocheted<br />

22. Tea cosy (more points gained if cosy is lined)<br />

23. Any crocheted ar�cle not previously men�oned<br />

Sec�on J—Make, Bake and Grow<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Monday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Steward: Chris Larkman<br />

Prizes: First = 50c Second = 25c<br />

The Mr & Mrs D Inman Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the<br />

most points in this sec�on.<br />

Make something<br />

Bake something<br />

Grow something (home grown entry must be the property of the exhibitor for<br />

at least three (3) months)<br />

The three items above, make up your entry for the Make, Bake and Grow<br />

sec�on.<br />

Afternoon tea will be available from the tearooms at 3:00pm<br />


Sec�on K—Handicra�<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Steward: Lynne Clarke<br />

Prizes: First = 50c Second = 25c<br />

The Gamble Family Memorial Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor<br />

gaining the most points in the Handicra� sec�on.<br />

Please note:<br />

• Linen which has been boiled or starched will not be accepted.<br />

• Materials may be washed prior to making up, but garments must not<br />

have been worn.<br />

• The embroidery only, will be judged in the embroidery classes, not any<br />

edging.<br />

• Knots in smocking are permissible.<br />

• Any ar�cle winning first prize in the kni�ng, crochet and handicra�<br />

sec�ons may not be entered in future <strong>Koorda</strong> shows.<br />

Classes:<br />

1. Recycled garment , fabric<br />

2. Bookmark, any medium<br />

3. Stuffed toy, not kni�ed or crocheted<br />

4. Beadwork, wearable<br />

5. Teddy bear, any medium, not kni�ed or crocheted<br />

6. Floor rug, backing permissible<br />

7. Handmade stylish hat, for a special occasion<br />

8. Handmade fascinator<br />

9. Patchwork ar�cle<br />

10. Patchwork wall hanging<br />

11. Patchwork cushion cover<br />

12. Patchwork quilt (professional quil�ng allowed)<br />

13. Handmade patchwork<br />

14. An ar�cle of patchwork and machine embroidery<br />

15. An ar�cle of patchwork and hand embroidery<br />

16. An ar�cle of patchwork and machine and hand embroidery<br />

17. Quilted ar�cle machine made<br />

18. Quilted ar�cle handmade<br />


Handicra� cont.<br />

19. Handmade card, stamped and decorated, any medium<br />

20. Handmade card, any medium, construc�on, (i.e. using layering, paper<br />

folding, collage etc. where the card is created using mul�ple layers)<br />

21. Handmade card, punch art<br />

22. Handmade card, embossed<br />

23. Christmas decora�on, any medium<br />

24. Fridge magnet, any medium<br />

25. Dressed doll<br />

26. Coat hanger, fancy<br />

27. Covered lamp shade<br />

28. Any handicra� ar�cle not previously men�oned<br />

29. Scrap booking, single page, any medium<br />

30. Scrap booking, double page, any medium<br />

31. Ar�cle, leather<br />

32. Fancy dress ou�it, child or adult<br />

33. Handmade bag, kits allowed, must be func�onal<br />

34. Woodwork, turned or lathed<br />

35. Ar�cle, woodwork<br />

36. Metalwork, forged<br />

Embroidery classes:<br />

37. Cross s�ch, any ar�cle<br />

38. Candle wicking, any ar�cle<br />

39. Tapestry, any ar�cle<br />

40. Table centre<br />

41. Place mats, set of two, hand worked<br />

42. Machine embroidery, any ar�cle<br />

43. Smocking, any ar�cle (knots permissible)<br />

44. Ar�cle with appliqué, machine made<br />

45. Ar�cle with appliqué, handmade<br />

46. Ribbon embroidery<br />

47. Ba�enberg lace, one ar�cle<br />

48. Long s�tch, any ar�cle<br />

49. Lavender bag, one ar�cle<br />

50. Pin cushion, one ar�cle<br />

51. Hardanger, one ar�cle<br />

52. Any embroidery ar�cle not previously men�oned<br />


There is something for everyone<br />

at the <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Show</strong><br />


Corn Corn Dolly Dolly Dolly Country<br />

Country<br />

In 1974, at the sugges�on of the late Councillor Mr Colin Cooke, the design of the<br />

simple ‘countryman’s favour’ first brought to <strong>Koorda</strong> by Mr Frank Lodge in 1911, was<br />

adopted as the Shire Emblem.<br />

Mr Frank Lodge would keep some wheat stalks from his harvest to plait into<br />

‘countryman’s favours’ and freely gave them away to people he met, especially new<br />

arrivals to town, on his regular Friday shopping trip. He would also give them to the<br />

ladies when the local dances where held in the Town Hall.<br />

Today corn dollies no longer have the ritual significance they once enjoyed, but with<br />

modern ideas and techniques, have evolved into a crea�ve and decora�ve art form.<br />

Corn dolly work of some form is seen all over the world in cereal growing areas,<br />

American plaiters call their work ‘wheat weaving’, Swiss plaiters are renowned for<br />

their ‘split straw work’. England is the centre for annual ‘Corn Dolly’ workshops and<br />

Harvest maidens can be found in Indonesia where they use rice straw. The women in<br />

Belarus in Russia plait beau�fully designed items of clothing for decora�ve purposes.<br />

Further informa�on can be obtained by contac�ng;<br />

Mrs Lesley McNee 9682 1025<br />

Mrs Dee Hutchison 9682 1044<br />

Please visit the display of Corn Dollies in the Pavilion at the <strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Show</strong><br />

A collec�on of Corn Dollies are on show all year and available for sale at the<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Post Office and the <strong>Koorda</strong> Community Resource Centre.<br />


Sec�on L—Corn Dollies<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Steward: Lesley McNee<br />

Open and beginners prizes: First = $2.00 Second = $1.00<br />

Children’s prizes: First = $1.00 Second = 50c<br />

The Mrs E.E. Strahan Trophy will be awarded for the most points gained in the<br />

Open classes.<br />

The Mrs D. Crogan Trophy will be awarded for the most points gained in the<br />

Beginners classes.<br />

The Mrs D. Hutchison Trophy will be awarded for the most points gained in the<br />

Children’s classes.<br />

The <strong>Koorda</strong> Shire Council will award an Acquisi�ve Prize for sec�on 9 only, which<br />

will be retained by the Shire for collec�on and display.<br />

The R. Lodge Family Award will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most<br />

points in sec�ons 1 & 2.<br />

Please note:<br />

• Any hollowed straw is suitable and permissible.<br />

• Points are given for balance, shape, evenness, concealed joints and<br />

unblemished straws.<br />

Open classes:<br />

1. Countryman’s favours, collec�on of three, different plaits including lovers<br />

knot, unmounted<br />

2. Countryman’s favour, <strong>Koorda</strong> emblem, unmounted<br />

3. Wall hanging, one item<br />

4. Hanging dollies, chandelier etc., one item only<br />

5. Harvest Maiden<br />

6. Cornucopia, one ar�cle<br />

7. Corn neck, horseshoe etc., one ar�cle<br />

8. Corsage<br />

9. An original design symbolic of the <strong>Koorda</strong> district, framed (design to be<br />

named)<br />

10. Straw work, item of jewellery or fashion accessory<br />

11. Swiss lace, split straw thread work, wall plaque or picture<br />

12. Decora�ve straw art, framed, must include plaited work and wheat heads<br />

13. Finial, one ar�cle, suitable for house or haystack<br />

14. Straw art framed, must include marquetry or straw embroidery, twisted,<br />

braided, etc., wheat heads not essen�al.<br />


Corn dollies cont.<br />

Open classes:<br />

15. Item of clothing, 50% of straw minimum<br />

Defini�on of beginner: Those who have not previously entered corn dollies.<br />

Beginners classes:<br />

16. Countryman’s favour, collec�on of three, different plaits including lovers<br />

knot, unmounted.<br />

17. Countryman’s favour, <strong>Koorda</strong> emblem, unmounted<br />

18. Fan, unmounted<br />

19. Corn or Harvest maiden, one item only<br />

20. Corn neck, horseshoe etc., one ar�cle<br />

21. Religious symbol, one ar�cle<br />

22. Any ar�cle using flat plait<br />

23. Straw work, any other item<br />

Children’s classes:<br />

24. <strong>Koorda</strong> emblem<br />

25. Two countryman’s favours<br />

26. Ar�cle spiral work<br />

27. Any other item.<br />

There There There are are are various various food food vendors vendors around around the the grounds<br />

grounds<br />

to to to feed feed the the masses masses for for Lunch Lunch and and Dinner<br />

Dinner<br />

Spend Spend a a a great great day day out out with with with the the the family<br />

family<br />


Sec�on M—Photography<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Stewards: Ross Leeke and Lesley Foote<br />

Prizes: First = 50c Second = 25c<br />

The Brendon Grylls MLA Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the<br />

most points in the Photography sec�on.<br />

Please note:<br />

• Print size not to exceed 15cm x 10cm, unless otherwise specified.<br />

• Entries must be mounted on card with a 2cm border.<br />

• Photos must be the work of the exhibitor and must not have won a<br />

previous prize at a <strong>Koorda</strong> show.<br />

• Entrants are limited to five (5) entries per class.<br />

Defini�ons:<br />

• A portrait, is when the person or people are posing for the camera.<br />

• A study, is when the person or people are engrossed in their ac�vity and<br />

are unaware of the camera.<br />

Classes:<br />

1. Ac�on study, child or children<br />

2. Ac�on study, people<br />

3. Close up, not posed<br />

4. Sport ac�on shot<br />

5. Pet close up<br />

6. Animal in the wild<br />

7. Bird/s in the wild<br />

8. Historical building, Australian<br />

9. Historical building, Overseas<br />

10. Unique, something different<br />

11. Portrait, head and shoulders only, coloured<br />

12. Portrait, head and shoulders only, black and white<br />

13. Silhoue�e<br />

14. Sunrise<br />

15. Sunset<br />

16. Panoramic, open<br />

17. Landscape, Australian<br />

18. Landscape, Overseas<br />

19. Seascape, Australian<br />

20. Seascape, Overseas<br />


Photography cont.<br />

21. Inland waters<br />

22. Urbanscape, Australia<br />

23. Urbanscape, Overseas<br />

24. Single tree<br />

25. Wildflowers<br />

26. Flower, single<br />

27. Flower, mass display of flowers (garden flowers acceptable)<br />

28. Enlargement, posed<br />

29. Enlargement, candid<br />

30. Enlargement, black and white<br />

31. Enlargement, coloured<br />

32. Comical, cap�on allowed<br />

33. Vehicle<br />

34. Seasonal work, cap�on allowed<br />

35. Digitally enhanced photo, any subject<br />

Photos of local scenes may be selected by the <strong>Koorda</strong> Community Resource<br />

Centre for a collec�on to go in their 2013 calendar. Please advise the<br />

stewards of this sec�on if you do not wish your prints to be included in the<br />

collec�on.<br />

We�think�the�fireworks�are�great�<br />

and�beautiful�to�watch,�but�..�<br />

Cats�<br />

and�<br />

dogs�<br />

Don�t�like�them�at�all,�so�please�<br />

make�sure�your�pet�is�securely�tied�<br />

up�or�inside�the�house,�they�may�run�<br />

away�from�the�noise�if�they�are�left�<br />

home�alone.�<br />


Sec�on N—Art<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = $1.00<br />

Stewards: Ross Leeke and Lesley Foote<br />

Prizes: First = $4.00 Second = $2.00<br />

The <strong>Koorda</strong> Meat Supply Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the<br />

most points in the Art sec�on.<br />

The <strong>Koorda</strong> Shire Council will award a prize of $100.00 to the Most Outstanding<br />

Art Exhibit.<br />

Please note: Your art work may be nominated by the judge to enter the 2013<br />

Perth Royal <strong>Show</strong> Agricultural Art Award. (Please see details on page 59)<br />

Classes:<br />

1. Water colour pain�ng, subject op�onal<br />

2. Oil/Acrylic pain�ng, landscape<br />

3. Oil/Acrylic pain�ng, portrait<br />

4. Oil/Acrylic pain�ng, s�ll life<br />

5. Open<br />

6. Black and White drawing, in pen, pencil or charcoal<br />

7. Characteriza�on, humorous, any medium<br />

8. Pastel, any subject<br />

9. Digital art form, any subject<br />

10. Abstract, style and medium op�onal<br />

11. Drawing, any medium<br />

12. Pen and wash drawing<br />

13. Junk Art<br />

14. Artwork depic�ng The Year of the Farmer, any medium or combina�on of<br />

mediums<br />

15. Tex�les<br />

16. Sculpture<br />

Indigenous art classes:<br />

17. Landscape<br />

18. Oil pain�ng<br />

19. Sculpture or carving<br />


Agricultural Art Award 2013<br />


The aim of the Agricultural Art Award is to iden�fy and promote works of a<br />

rural nature of the highest ar�s�c merit.<br />

The Royal Agricultural Society of WA (The RAS of WA) is associated with numerous<br />

approved compe��ve fine arts awards and affiliated agricultural society art awards that<br />

are held throughout Wester Australia. From these awards, entries are nominated and<br />

submi�ed to the Perth Royal <strong>Show</strong> annual Agricultural Art Award where the Adamus<br />

Resources First Prize for Best Artwork Overall receive $1,800.00, the Runner Up $600.00<br />

and the Public Choice $100.00. There is an extra prize, The J J Award for Commenda�on<br />

and Encouragement, of $200.00<br />


The Society’s General Regula�ons and Sec�on Condi�ons regulate the conduct of the<br />

Perth Royal <strong>Show</strong>. Upon acceptance of an entry the Exhibitor is contracted to be bound<br />

by those General Regula�ons and Sec�on Condi�ons.<br />

A copy of the Society’s General Regula�ons may be obtained on applica�on or<br />

downloaded from the website www.perthroyalshow.com.au Sec�on Condi�ons<br />

applicable to the Agricultural Art Award are listed in the <strong>Schedule</strong>. An exhibitor who<br />

infringes any General Regula�on or Sec�on Condi�on may be disqualified, or suspended<br />

for any period, fined or otherwise penalised.<br />

Enquiries to:<br />

Rebecca De Vincenzo, Sec�on Coordinator Ph. 6263 3131 E: agart@perthroyalshow.com.au<br />


All agricultural socie�es/approved art groups within Western Australia are free to<br />

nominate one of their winners into the Agricultural Art Award provided the nominee<br />

lives in the same Shire/Council as the agricultural society/approved art group.<br />


Sec�on O—16 Years and Under<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Steward: Lynne Cooke<br />

Prizes: First = 50c Second = 25c<br />

The Greaves Family Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most<br />

points in the 16 years and under sec�on.<br />

Floriculture classes:<br />

1. Posy of wildflowers<br />

2. Vase of flowers, decora�vely arranged<br />

3. Miniature arrangement, under 15cm<br />

4. Arrangement in an old shoe<br />

Cooking classes:<br />

5. Pikelets, six<br />

6. Chocolate cake<br />

7. Scones, six<br />

8. Cookies, two varie�es, three of each<br />

9. Decorated cup cakes, six (only the decora�on will be judged)<br />

10. Decorated cake, novelty, plas�c and royal icing (only the decora�on will be<br />

judged)<br />

11. Iced cake, decora�ve material op�onal (only the decora�on will be judged)<br />

12. Sponge cake<br />

13. Homemade chocolates, three varie�es<br />

14. Packet cake, top of packet to be a�ached to the entry card<br />

15. Muffins, six, any variety<br />

16. Lunch box (what you would like in your lunch box)<br />

Handicra� classes:<br />

17. Ar�cle featuring football team colours<br />

18. Decorated thong (footwear) (thongs must be new and have no commercial<br />

decora�ons)<br />

19. Beadwork, wearable<br />

20. Ar�cle made from metal<br />

21. Ar�cle made from wood<br />

22. Christmas decora�on, any medium<br />

23. Fridge magnet, any medium<br />

24. Cross s�tch ar�cle (only the embroidery will be judged not the edgings)<br />

25. Patchwork ar�cle<br />

26. Bookmark, any medium<br />


16 years and under cont.<br />

Please note:<br />

• Artwork is originals only, traced subject are not allowed.<br />

• Wall hangings must have provision to hang.<br />

Art classes:<br />

27. Pain�ng, any paint, any subject<br />

28. Sketch in black and white, pen, pencil or charcoal<br />

29. Pencil drawn characteriza�on<br />

30. Oil/Acrylic pain�ng<br />

31. Any other art medium<br />

32. Photograph, subject op�onal<br />

33. Photograph, pets<br />

34. Photograph, landscape<br />

35. Gree�ng card, computer generated<br />

36. Design a CD/DVD cover<br />


Sec�on P—12 Years and Under<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Steward: Lynne Cooke<br />

Prizes: First = 50c Second = 25c<br />

The Mrs Pat Leeke Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most<br />

points in the 12 years and under sec�on.<br />

Floriculture classes:<br />

1. Flowers, decora�vely arranged in an egg cup<br />

2. Vase of wildflowers, decora�vely arranged<br />

3. Decorated wet sand, in saucer (saucer to be covered)<br />

Cooking classes:<br />

4. Sponge cake<br />

5. Damper (see recipe at the end of the cooking sec�on)<br />

6. Cookies, six<br />

7. Packet cake (top of packet to be a�ached to the entry card)<br />

8. Decorated cup cakes, six (only the decora�on will be judged)<br />

9. Decorated cake, novelty (only the decora�on will be judged)<br />

10. Fruit and Coconut Slice, six pieces.<br />

11. Marshmallows, six<br />

12. Fudge, six<br />

13. Lunch box (what you would like in your lunch box)<br />

Damper recipe:<br />

• 2 cups of Self Raising flour<br />

• 1 pinch of salt<br />

• Water to mix<br />

Mix flour and salt with enough water to make a s�ff dough, mould into a flat cake shape, dust<br />

with a li�le extra flour, preheat oven to 200°C and bake for 30 minutes. Test with a skewer, if<br />

skewer comes out clean and damper sounds hollow when tapped the damper is ready.<br />

Handicra� classes:<br />

14. Gi� wrap a box (no larger than a shoe box)<br />

15. Christmas decora�on, any medium<br />

16. Decorated face mask<br />

17. Decorated picture frame<br />

18. Model made from a kit (car, plane etc.)<br />

19. Any ar�cle<br />

20. Ar�cle made from lego<br />

21. Lego model, base to be no larger than 30cm x 21cm<br />


12 years and under cont.<br />

Please note:<br />

• Artwork is originals only, traced subject are not allowed.<br />

• Wall hangings must have provision to hang.<br />

Art classes:<br />

22. Pain�ng, any paint, any subject<br />

23. Pencil, or charcoal sketch<br />

24. Pa�ern<br />

25. Photograph, subject op�onal<br />

26. Texta drawing<br />

27. Any other art form<br />

28. Design a CD/DVD cover.<br />

Fruit and Coconut Slice Recipe:<br />

Ingredients:<br />

1 large cup of Self Raising flour<br />

1 cup of coconut<br />

¾ cup sugar<br />

125 grams bu�er or margarine<br />

1 tablespoon of Golden Syrup<br />

1 egg<br />

Method:<br />

Mis all dry ingredients, add melted bu�er or margarine and syrup, then add<br />

beaten egg.<br />

Press into a well greased swiss roll �n.<br />

Bake for approximately ½ hour in a moderate oven<br />

When cool, cut into fingers or squares.<br />

Extra note: The slice can be iced with lemon icing and sprinkled with coconut<br />


Sec�on Q—9 Years and Under<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Steward: Emma Larkman<br />

Prizes: First = 50c Second = 25c<br />

The Mrs Leonie Beaton Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most<br />

points in the 9 years and under sec�on.<br />

Floriculture classes:<br />

1. Flowers, decora�vely arranged in an egg cup<br />

2. Vase of wildflowers, decora�vely arranged<br />

3. Decorated wet sand, in saucer (sand to be covered)<br />

Cooking classes:<br />

4. Damper (recipe at the end of the cookery classes)<br />

5. Cookies, six<br />

6. Decorated cup cakes, six (only the decora�ons are judged)<br />

7. Fruit and Coconut Slice, six pieces (see recipe on page 69)<br />

8. Lunch box (what you would like in your lunch box)<br />

Damper recipe:<br />

• 2 cups of Self Raising flour<br />

• 1 pinch of salt<br />

• Water to mix<br />

Mix flour and salt with enough water to make a s�ff dough, mould into a flat cake shape, dust<br />

with a li�le extra flour, preheat oven to 200°C and bake for 30 minutes. Test with a skewer, if<br />

skewer comes out clean and damper sounds hollow when tapped the damper is ready.<br />

Handicra� classes:<br />

9. Bookmark, any medium<br />

10. Gi� wrap a box (no larger than a shoe box)<br />

11. Novelty ar�cle<br />

12. Scarecrow on a wooden spoon<br />

13. Miniature farmyard/fairy garden in a sand tray (no larger than 45cm x 45cm)<br />

14. Gree�ng card<br />

15. Lego model, base to be no larger than 30cm x 21cm (kit allowed)<br />

Art classes:<br />

Please note: Art must be originals only, traced subjects are not allowed.<br />

16. Pa�ern<br />

17. Crayon drawing<br />

18. Lead pencil/charcoal sketch<br />

19. Pain�ng, any paint, any subject<br />

20. Any other art form<br />


Sec�on R—7 Years and Under<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Steward: Noreen Fuchsbichler<br />

Prizes: First = 50c Second = 25c<br />

The Bev & Barry Harrap Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most<br />

points in the 7 years and under sec�on.<br />

Floriculture classes:<br />

1. Flowers decora�vely arranged in an egg cup<br />

2. Decorated wet sand, in saucer (sand to be covered)<br />

3. Vase of wildflowers, decora�vely arranged<br />

4. Necklace, using floriculture material/flowers, string and glue allowed<br />

Cooking classes:<br />

5. Chocolate crackles, three<br />

6. Decorated Teddy Bear biscuits three (only the decora�on will be judged)<br />

7. Lunch box (what you would like to have in your lunch box)<br />

Handicra� classes:<br />

8. Bookmark, any medium<br />

9. Gi� wrap a box (no larger than a shoe box)<br />

10. Scrap book, subject op�onal<br />

11. Miniature farmyard/fairy garden, in a sand tray (no larger than 45cm x 45cm)<br />

12. Any mobile<br />

13. Lego/Duplo model, base to be no larger than 30cm x 21 cm (kit allowed)<br />

Art classes:<br />

Please note: Art must be originals only, traced subjects are not allowed.<br />

14. Pain�ng, any paint, any subject<br />

15. Pa�ern<br />

16. Crayon drawing<br />

17. Lead pencil/Charcoal sketch<br />

18. Gree�ng card<br />

19. Collage<br />


Sec�on S—5 Years and Under<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Steward: Robyn McKeig<br />

Prizes: First = 50c Second = 25c<br />

The Shire President’s Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most<br />

points in the 5 years and under.<br />

Class:<br />

1. Crayon drawing<br />

2. Pain�ng, any paint, any subject<br />

3. Picture made from noodles<br />

4. Gree�ng card<br />

5. Mask made from a paper plate<br />

6. Decorated plaster mould<br />

7. Lego/Duplo model, base to be no larger than 30cm x 21cm (kit allowed)<br />

8. Any ar�cle made from play dough or plas�cine<br />

9. Item made from a fruit or vegetable<br />

10. Sand picture<br />

11. Miniature farmyard/fairy garden in a sand tray (no larger than 45cm x 45cm)<br />

12. Decorated wet sand, in saucer (sand to be covered)<br />

13. Flowers decora�vely arranged in an egg cup<br />

14. Vase of wildflowers, decora�vely arranged<br />

15. Chocolate crackles, three<br />

16. Decorated biscuits, three (only the decora�on will be judged)<br />

17. Bookmark, any medium<br />


Visit the<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Youth Group<br />

tent to get your show<br />

bags, play heaps of fun<br />

games and get your<br />

$10.00<br />

all day ride ticket!<br />


Sec�on T—Collec�on of One Person’s Work<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday, 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

NO LATE ENTRIES Entry fee = 20c<br />

Steward: Chris Larkman<br />

Prizes: First = 50c Second = 25c<br />

The PJ & NA Strahan Trophy will be awarded to the exhibitor gaining the most<br />

points in the Collec�on of one persons work sec�on.<br />

Criteria for Collec�on of One Person’s Work:<br />

• A variety of eight (8) items from Sec�on F, Class 1, to Sec�on S, Class 12,<br />

inclusive.<br />

• Items are to be arranged on an area of approximately one metre square.<br />

• items are to be listed showing sec�on and class number and descrip�on<br />

on the special score sheet on the opposite page.<br />


Entry for Collec�on of One Person’s Work<br />

Please do not submit this page with your entry form, it needs to be filled in by the<br />

entrant and put in place with your collec�on of work at �me of se�ng up for judging.<br />

Sec�on T - Collec�on of One Person’s work: Sec�on J - Make, Bake & Grow<br />

Entry No. (provided by office with your sec�on �ckets)<br />

Sec�on &<br />

Class<br />

Descrip�on<br />

(from schedule)<br />

Please note: Points are awarded for each item plus;<br />

• The variety of work submi�ed<br />

• The overall arrangement and presenta�on<br />

����<br />

Please remove this entry form or photocopy from the schedule to place with your<br />

entry, alterna�vely a copy is available for downloading from our website<br />

www.koordashow.com in the forms and documents sec�on.<br />

75<br />

Item Points<br />

Sub Total<br />

Variety of Work<br />

Arrangement /Presenta�on<br />


43 Railway St, <strong>Koorda</strong> WA<br />

P: 08 96841 081 F: 08 96841 488 E: koorda@crc.net.au<br />


Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm<br />

Providing the following services to the <strong>Koorda</strong> Community<br />

• Internet<br />

• Faxing<br />

• Conference facili�es<br />

• Photoshop<br />

• Courses<br />

• Picture Kiosk<br />

• Power point presenta�on<br />

• Desktop publishing<br />

• Binding<br />

76<br />

• Centrelink<br />

• Grant submissions<br />

• Community Development<br />

• Club Development<br />

• Résumé prepara�on<br />

• Lamina�ng<br />

• Visitors informa�on<br />

• Crèche facili�es<br />

• Video conferencing

Sec�on U—<strong>Koorda</strong> Shears<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Wednesday, 5th September, <strong>2012</strong><br />


Entry fee = $35.00 Novice entry fee = $20.00<br />

Late nomina�ons must be received by 8:00am and will incur a $5.00 penalty<br />

Stewards: Campbell Jones and Bev Harrap.<br />

Prize money amounts will be decided pending sponsorship.<br />

Shearing classes:<br />

1. Open<br />

2. Senior<br />

3. Intermediate<br />

4. Under 21<br />

5. Novice<br />

Wool handlers classes:<br />

6. Open<br />

7. Novice<br />

Please note: You must register at the scorers desk on your arrival and prior to<br />

compe��on closing �mes as follows:<br />

Open 9:15 am<br />

Senior 9:00 am<br />

Intermediate 8:45 am<br />

Under 21 8:15 am<br />

Novice 8:15 am<br />

All care, but no responsibility will be taken by the organisers.<br />

The <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society accepts no liability, all par�cipants are liable for<br />

their own insurance.<br />

The <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society would like to express their sincere thanks to;<br />

Moz’s Transport for transpor�ng the sheep to and from the showgrounds.<br />

Mollerin Rock Dohne Stud for the supply of sheep for compe�tors<br />

All businesses, companies and farmers who have made a cash dona�on and/or<br />

donated goods for the prize pool.<br />

Any enquiries to Campbell Jones (08) 9685 1007 or Bev Harrap (08) 9684 6027<br />


Sec�on V—Car Compe��on<br />

Entries close at 5:00pm on Friday 31st August, <strong>2012</strong><br />

No entry fee if vehicle in display area before 10:00am<br />

Late entries at the discre�on of the organisers.<br />

Stewards: Tony Clarke and Suzanne Clarke<br />

Prizes: Will be decided pending sponsorship.<br />

Classes:<br />

1. Best Original<br />

2. Best Modified<br />

3. Best Ute<br />

4. Best Feral<br />

5. Best Individual Display<br />

Rules and Regula�ons:<br />

Vehicles and owners are to be in place by 10:00am.<br />

Judging will commence at 2:00pm sharp.<br />

There is no age limit of vehicles.<br />

Entry form in the centre of this schedule, also available on our web site<br />

www.koordashow.com in the forms and documents sec�on.<br />

Any enquiries please contact Tony Clarke (08) 9684 1787.<br />

All care will be taken, but the <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society will take no<br />

responsibility for loss or damage to vehicles while they are on display or at the<br />

showgrounds.<br />


Equestrian Events<br />

Events will commence at 9:00 am<br />

Entry Fee = $1.00 per event.<br />

Parents, Guardians, Non Members or persons over the age of 16, who are not<br />

compe�ng in the equestrian events must pay a gate fee of $10.00.<br />

The WJ & LM McNee Trophy will be awarded to the rider gaining the most<br />

points in the 9 years and under sec�ons<br />

The S & M Nicholls Trophy will be awarded to the rider gaining the most<br />

points in the 10 to 12 years sec�ons<br />

The L & P Bouckaert Trophy will be awarded to the rider gaining the most<br />

points in the 13 to 16 years sec�ons<br />

The M & H Su�on Trophy will be awarded to the rider gaining the most points<br />

in the 17 years and over sec�ons<br />

The MF & MR Brooks Trophy will be awarded to the rider gaining the most<br />

points in the Leading Rein sec�ons<br />

Thanks to the following sponsors<br />

Europa Saddlery Horseland Midland<br />

JK Williams & Co Dowerin Elders <strong>Koorda</strong><br />

S & T Wheeler IGA <strong>Koorda</strong><br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Meat Supply R & K Storer<br />

Condi�ons of Entry<br />

1. The Organisers/Commi�ee of the <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society reserve<br />

the right to cancel, alter or combine any event/s they may deem neces-<br />

sary on the day.<br />

2. All persons on horseback are required to wear a recognised STANDARD<br />

APPROVED helmet and boots, as a condi�on of entry.<br />

3. Riders age will be as at the day of the event.<br />

4. Stallions are not permi�ed.<br />

5. The judges decisions are final. Under no circumstance is approaching the<br />

judge, judging or coaching from the side or the arena/ring permi�ed.<br />

Failure to abide by this rule will lead to disqualifica�on and forfeit of en-<br />

try fees.<br />


6. Dogs are not permi�ed.<br />

Condi�ons of entry cont.<br />

7. The <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society and its Commi�ee, Judges and Officials,<br />

DO NOT accept any liability for any accident, loss, damage, illness or injury<br />

to horses, riders, spectators or any other person or property whatsoever.<br />

Entry to grounds is at your own risk and the Waiver of Liability Form must<br />

be signed by all entrants prior to par�cipa�on.<br />

8. Cruelty or abuse to horses will absolutely NOT be tolerated.<br />

Plai�ng and Jackets are op�onal.<br />

Dress Code<br />

Australian Standards approved safety helmets and boots are compulsory.<br />

Tack must be clean and safe, random checks will take place.<br />

Equestrian Events<br />

Unofficial Hacking Sec�on.<br />

Events commence at 9:00 am<br />

Entry Fee = $1.00 per event.<br />

Ribbons will be awarded to fourth (4th) place.<br />

• Leading Rein riders must be a minimum of 4 years of age and under 8<br />

years of age at the commencement of the <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural <strong>Show</strong>.<br />

1. Leading Rein Best Presented Combina�on<br />

1(a) Pony/Horse with the nicest tail<br />

1(b) Pony/ Horse with the fluffiest coat<br />

2. Leading Rein - Rider<br />

3. Leading Rein - Pleasure Pony/Horse<br />

4. Rider 9 years and under<br />

5. Rider 10 - 12 years<br />

6. Rider 13 - 16 years<br />

7. Rider 17 years and over<br />

8. Pleasure Pony/Horse - Rider 9 years and under<br />

9. Pleasure Pony/Horse - Rider 10 - 12 years<br />

10. Pleasure Pony/Horse - Rider 13 - 16 years<br />

11. Pleasure Pony/Horse - Rider 17 years and over<br />

12. Pony Hack under 14hh<br />

13. Hack over 14hh<br />

• Please note: Age grouping may change depending on the number of entries.<br />


<strong>Show</strong> jumping Sec�on.<br />

Events will commence at approximately 11:00 am<br />

Entry fee = $2.50 per event<br />

Ribbons will be awarded to fourth (4th) place.<br />

Riders may compete in no more that two (2) height classes<br />

14. Horse and Pony 30cm (AM7)<br />

1st place $15.00 2nd place $10.00 3rd place $5.00<br />

Sponsored by S & T Wheeler<br />

15. Horse and Pony 45cm (AM7)<br />

1st place $25.00 2nd place $15.00 3rd place $10.00<br />

Sponsored by Elders <strong>Koorda</strong><br />

16. Horse and Pony 60cm (AM7)<br />

1st place $25.00 2nd place $15.00 3rd place $10.00<br />

Sponsored by IGA <strong>Koorda</strong><br />

17. Horse and Pony 70/80cm (AM7)<br />

1st place $25.00 2nd place $15.00 3rd place $10.00<br />

Sponsored by <strong>Koorda</strong> Meat Supply.<br />

Games<br />

Events commence at approximately 2:00 pm<br />

Entry fee = $1.00 per event<br />

Ribbon will be awarded to fourth (4th) place<br />

Age Groups: Leading Rein 9 Years and under, 10 - 12 years,<br />

13 - 16 years & 17 years and over.<br />

18. Bending Race (Leading Rein)<br />

19. Can Race (Leading Rein)<br />

20. Egg & Spoon (Leading Rein)<br />

21. Walk, Trot and Lead (Leading Rein)<br />

22. Western Bending (all other age groups)<br />

23. Flag Race (all other age groups)<br />

24. Sack Race (all other age groups)<br />

25. Ride and Run (all other age groups)<br />


<strong>Koorda</strong> Museum<br />

Opening �mes over the show weekend<br />

Friday 1:00pm - 3:00pm<br />

Saturday 1:00pm - 3:00pm<br />

Sunday 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm<br />

Wonderful display of hospital paraphernalia, farm machinery and<br />

household items from a �me gone by.<br />


<strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Koorda</strong> Motor Motor Museum Museum and and and Military Military Collection<br />

Collection<br />

Established 2009, situated in the wheatbelt town of <strong>Koorda</strong>, only 2 hours drive from Midland<br />

The Museum contains various cars and memorabilia including a Peter Brock<br />

Special.<br />

The Military collec�on ranges from the Boer war to current conflicts, which the<br />

Australian Defence Forces have been, and s�ll are, ac�ve.<br />

There is a collec�on of arms, memorabilia and uniforms depic�ng the Major<br />

ba�les in which Australians have served.<br />

A café is on site, serving tea, coffee, cappuccino, milkshakes and cool drinks.<br />

Located in the centre of town and within walking distance of all local businesses.<br />

The Museum will be open on the following days:<br />

Friday 7th September 10:00am - 3:00 pm<br />

Saturday 8th September 10:00am - 3:00pm<br />

Sunday 9th September 9:00 am - 11:00am<br />


<strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Koorda</strong> Wildflower Wildflower Park<br />

Park<br />

Situated Situated 11 11 kms kms North North of of of <strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Koorda</strong> on on the the Mulji Mulji Road<br />

Road<br />

Open Open to to the the public public every every day.<br />

day.<br />

Wildflowers are prolific in the <strong>Koorda</strong> Shire through the months of August<br />

and September, with the <strong>Koorda</strong> Rose (pictured below) flowering mainly in<br />

the latter part of the season.<br />

With the assistance of the <strong>Koorda</strong> Shire Council, Royalties for Regions and<br />

the <strong>Koorda</strong> Men’s Shed, most reserves now have a gazebo, barbeque, seating<br />

and eco toilets for visitors use. Pathways have also been cleared at the<br />

Wildflower Park for visitors to walk along.<br />

Only Only Only Only take take take take photos photos photos photos and and and and memories memories memories memories home, home, home, home, picking picking picking picking of of of of wildflowers wildflowers wildflowers wildflowers is is is is prohibited. prohibited. prohibited. prohibited.<br />

Only Only Only Only leave leave leave leave your your your your footprints footprints footprints footprints behind. behind. behind. behind.<br />

There are also natural reserves throughout the shire where wildflowers can be seen in<br />

their natural environment, please contact the <strong>Koorda</strong> Shire Council for directions.<br />

Ph. (08) 9684 1219 Monday to Friday.<br />


<strong>Koorda</strong> Hotel<br />

H H e e aa a a r r t t & & & S S o o u u l l l oo o f f t t h h e e e CC C C ee e e n n tt t r r aa a a l l l W W h h ee e e aa a a t t b b ee e e ll l l t<br />

t<br />

85<br />

K H 1<br />

29 Railway Street <strong>Koorda</strong> WA 6475 t ~ 0896841226 f ~ 0896841222 e ~ koordahotel@skymesh.com.au

Keep up to date by visi�ng our website<br />

www.koordashow.com<br />

There are lots of things happening during the year and we are<br />

constantly pu�ng informa�on about what we are doing on<br />

our website, please visit us regularly to see what is<br />

happening not only for the show, but various events in our<br />

town and around the district.<br />

All care has been taken to ensure informa�on in this<br />

schedule is correct at the �me of publishing, however<br />

should you find any errors, please bring them to our<br />

a�en�on so we can correct them for the 2013 schedule.<br />

(dates etc. will be changed when the 2013 show date has been set)<br />


<strong>Koorda</strong> Meat Supply<br />

34 Allenby Street, <strong>Koorda</strong>.<br />

Open Monday to Friday 8:30am—5:30 pm<br />

Graeme & Lynn Sto�<br />

Ph. (08) 9684 1223<br />

Fax. (08) 9684 1595<br />

A wide selec�on of poultry, fish, and meat for all occasions and palates<br />

Proud sponsors of the Art Sec�on<br />

Northam Northam Northam Garden Garden Garden Centre Centre<br />

Centre<br />

4 Ensign Place, Northam. 6401.<br />

Ph. (08) 9622 5117 Fax. (08) 9621 2212<br />

Email: northamgardencentre@bigpond.com<br />

For all your gardening requirements call Bob or one of his<br />

friendly staff and they will be happy to assist you.<br />

Coming to the <strong>2012</strong> <strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Show</strong> Saturday 8th September.<br />

For delivery to the <strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Show</strong> please place orders two<br />

weeks in advance.<br />

Proud sponsors of the Floriculture Sec�on<br />


Take the family to see the best in<br />

the west try for 1st place in the<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Shears<br />

competition starts at 9.00 am<br />

in the shearing complex<br />

For all your sheep carting needs<br />

Proudly servicing the <strong>Koorda</strong> Area<br />

Ask for Moz via your stock agent or contact him directly on:<br />

Ph/fax: 9684 1196<br />

Mobile: 0407 070 149<br />

E: moz_pam@activ8.net.au<br />

The <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society expresses its thanks to Moz and Pam<br />

for the transportation of the sheep for the <strong>Koorda</strong> Shears competition<br />


Accommoda�on Guide<br />

Caravan Park<br />

Units<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Hotel<br />

For Caravan Park and Unit bookings, please contact the <strong>Koorda</strong> Shire<br />

9684 1219 Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm<br />

For Hotel accommoda�on please contact the <strong>Koorda</strong> Hotel 9684 1226<br />

Open every day from 11:00 am<br />


The <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society would like to thank the <strong>Koorda</strong> Shire<br />

Council for their con�nued assistance, and for keeping our town �dy and<br />

facili�es clean and presentable.<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> CWA Branch<br />

Serving the <strong>Koorda</strong> Community<br />

for 81 years<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Community Shop<br />

Second Hand clothing for the whole family, books and household items<br />

Run to benefit the <strong>Koorda</strong> community<br />

Open most days<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Community Men’s Shed<br />

building friendships and a stronger community<br />


Narkal Narkal Notes<br />

Notes<br />

Local News, published and printed by the<br />

<strong>Koorda</strong> Community Resource Centre<br />

Available in printed form or on line via our email service.<br />

If you would like to advertise or receive the Narkal Notes,<br />

please contact the <strong>Koorda</strong> Community Resource Centre<br />

Ph. 9684 1081<br />

E: koordatc2@westnet.com.au<br />

Interested in becoming a Steward or Judge?<br />

Just give us a call, we will be happy to assist you and<br />

organise a time for you to go through the procedures<br />

with a qualified steward and/or judge.<br />


<strong>Koorda</strong> is situated 245 kms from the Perth CBD<br />

Travel �me is approximately 3 hours 11 minutes.<br />

Fuel is available 7 days a week 24 hours a day from the Great<br />

Southern Fuel Depot, via an electronic bowser,<br />

which accepts BP fuel cards, or credit cards.<br />

Please take care on the road<br />


<strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society (Inc.) Mee�ng dates for 2013<br />

The <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society members hold a general mee�ng on the<br />

fourth Thursday in the months of February, March, April, May, June, July &<br />

October. The August mee�ng is the third Thursday of the month , there is no<br />

mee�ng in the months of November, December, January and September,<br />

We also have a <strong>Schedule</strong> mee�ng in March, the date will be advised through<br />

the local paper the Narkal Notes.<br />

Everyone is welcome, mee�ngs commence at 8:00 pm in the Society ‘s<br />

building at 21 Railway Street, <strong>Koorda</strong>.<br />

The <strong>2012</strong> Annual General Mee�ng will be held on Thursday 23rd October<br />

commencing at 8:00pm. Followed by a general mee�ng.<br />

Dates for 2013 Mee�ngs<br />

February 28th<br />

March 28th<br />

April 18th (one week early due to Anzac Day)<br />

May 23rd<br />

June 27th<br />

July 25th<br />

August 15th (one week early due to Dowerin Field Days)<br />

Please note: Dates are subject to change. Members will be no�fied via email<br />

or fax and changes will be published in the Narkal Notes.<br />


<strong>Koorda</strong> & Districts Agricultural Society (Inc.)<br />

ABN: 69 081 514 021<br />

<strong>2012</strong> Membership Applica�on Form.<br />

Please post to: The <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society, PO Box 83, KOORDA. W.A. 6475.<br />

<strong>2012</strong> Membership is $20.00 per person. Junior Membership is $1.00.<br />

I understand that membership en�tles me to:<br />

• One (1) vote at any mee�ng of the Society.<br />

• Receive a <strong>Show</strong> Day <strong>Schedule</strong> via Post or Email.<br />

• Receive a copy of minutes from all mee�ng via Post or Email. (on request)<br />

• Receive four (4) newsle�ers per year via Post or Email.<br />

• Free entry to the Annual <strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Show</strong>.<br />

I hereby apply for membership to the <strong>Koorda</strong> & Districts Agricultural Society (Inc.)<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

All membership applica�ons must be received by the 31st July <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

The membership year for the society is from Sunday, 18th September 2011 to<br />

Saturday 8th September <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

Post Code:<br />

Phone: Fax: Mobile:<br />

Email:<br />

Signature:<br />

Membership Fees enclosed $20.00 per adult.<br />

$1.00 for Junior members.<br />

Total:<br />

The financial year for the society is from 1st November, to 31st October in any year.<br />

Assigned Membership No. (Office use only)<br />

Please complete applica�on on next page if more than one person is applying.<br />

Membership applica�on forms are also available from our website<br />

www.koordashow.com in the forms and documents sec�on.<br />

96<br />


<strong>Koorda</strong> & Districts Agricultural Society (Inc.)<br />

ABN: 69 081 514 021<br />

<strong>2012</strong> Membership Applica�on Form.<br />

Please post to: The <strong>Koorda</strong> Agricultural Society, PO Box 83, KOORDA. W.A. 6475.<br />

<strong>2012</strong> Membership is $20.00 per person. Junior Membership is $1.00.<br />

I understand that membership en�tles me to:<br />

• One (1) vote at any mee�ng of the Society.<br />

• Receive a <strong>Show</strong> Day <strong>Schedule</strong> via Post or Email.<br />

• Receive a copy of minutes from all mee�ng via Post or Email. (on request)<br />

• Receive four (4) newsle�ers per year via Post or Email.<br />

• Free entry to the Annual <strong>Koorda</strong> <strong>Show</strong>.<br />

I hereby apply for membership to the <strong>Koorda</strong> & Districts Agricultural Society (Inc.)<br />

Name:<br />

Address:<br />

All membership applica�ons must be received by the 31st July <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

The membership year for the society is from Sunday, 18th September 2011 to<br />

Saturday 8th September <strong>2012</strong>.<br />

The financial year for the society is from 1st November, to 31st October in any year.<br />

97<br />

Post Code:<br />

Phone: Fax: Mobile:<br />

Email:<br />

Signature:<br />

Membership Fees enclosed $20.00 per adult.<br />

$1.00 for Junior members.<br />

Total:<br />

Assigned Membership No. (Office use only)<br />


<strong>Show</strong> Sugges�ons<br />

We really appreciate feed back as this helps us to ascertain what people want to see<br />

and do at future shows, so while everything is fresh in your mind, or there is any<br />

changes you can suggest, whether in the schedule sec�ons, or entertainment ideas,<br />

we would really love to hear it. All ideas are listed on the agenda for discussion by the<br />

commi�ee and will be addressed at the next general mee�ng of the society.<br />

<strong>Schedule</strong> sec�on changes are addressed at the <strong>Schedule</strong> mee�ng, which is usually<br />

held in March, please be aware that once the schedule mee�ng has been held no<br />

further changes will be made to the schedule except for correc�ons.<br />


There’s never been a better time to put the Time, Money and Fuel saving<br />

advantages of a John Deere Guidance System to work for you.<br />

Tractors, Harvesters and Sprayers—we have an AutoTrac solution for<br />

each. Come and see just how easy and affordable it is to put the power<br />

of a guidance system to work in your operation.<br />

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Pay!<br />



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