Inlet dredging 1 leaving much ; to be desired |I - new, improved

Inlet dredging 1 leaving much ; to be desired |I - new, improved

Inlet dredging 1 leaving much ; to be desired |I - new, improved


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Pi.<br />

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7 »<br />

A6 THESENT1NEL-1£BGER OooonCJty, N,J. Thursday Nov«mb«r 16.1999<br />

1520 Asbury A»t Phone 399-1575<br />

South Jersey's No. 1 Wail $ Window Boutique<br />

; • • Tile« '' • Vdricate , • Wail P.ipe* '<br />

Creatwe 9 * '• 1tr<strong>to</strong> fiIindi * ' Pv - l< ' ltl -" d ^ Vjd -"-<br />

D s , ' «9< -,;rj'd '<br />

• , ' • - . - . - . • ' • - • ' ' - < *<br />

1<br />

OCEAN CITY — fyl^and •<br />

are planned;<br />

Mrs. James Bailey of Phllaby<br />

Lincoln Graphics,<br />

'd'elphio-. inwiouncc the<br />

'/•COURT- HOUSE' —. Mr/<br />

Cherry Hi!L . v : .<br />

engagement of their daugh-<br />

and 'Mrs/ Rodger J. .Douglass<br />

of. Cape May Cpwt<br />

... Jaftios.S. and Roso ' ter, Joyce tynri.<strong>to</strong> R. Scott<br />

Miss-Nenll is the grond-<br />

House.'-. announce . -ih.c "Beliino,, .-' - Slzernorc, s0n<br />

rfaiijjMor of. the late Mr. and<br />

Cf»g.igement o{ their douflh-<br />

Mrs. Davin Page Smith of<br />

tcr,: Christine; M Jon X><<br />

er<br />

Wyncute, Pa., and-Ocean<br />

Bjork-stch; :."•' I;' ' . • •<br />

—)arnes '$.<br />

City and of the late Mr. and<br />

5?<br />

Mrs. Frederick Myerle<br />

N'ciill of Merchiinlvillo and<br />

Ocean (Jitv •-..''. ' , '<br />

No date Ji.i-s brcn ;;ot for<br />

(hi' u'eddin^. ' • .<br />

% of. Dp'n/ia .'<br />

•Jean Smith aiid,<br />

V<br />

. Miss DoMglnsf.is a gradu-<br />

Boy Avc^iiio celebrated.<br />

ate of* Wildwo-bd- High<br />

thcir.5^th wedding apniyer-<br />

School and ajtteridcd/AtlanT<br />

dM IkUi'<br />

heComrnunity, College, '• '<br />

National Family<br />

S BEAUTY SAIMNj Co<strong>to</strong>ny.Club President Doris Bowker, right,.and.Paula<br />

. Piorca, ^mem<strong>be</strong>r of the .American Homo Department<br />

.•-.•-•"Complete /-..'••, look on as Ocean CilyMayof Roy Gillian proclaims Nov.<br />

Beauty Services •20:25 Nntionai'Faniijy Wpek in.tfio city; Each/year.t.fuj..<br />

j YearVRound Federated Wpi^erfS • .Clubs ninionaUy 'fccbgniizo- Uio<br />

importance: 6» tho family-during"trtanksfjitfrig woofc, .'"• - ; Mr. Ijjorksten, grandson<br />

of Mr. and.Mrs. Harold\\.<br />

Powell; of Ocean Ciiy and<br />

: Ocean .Roof. Clob, Fb:<br />

'<br />

: y<br />

birthday Noy'. 3 >vith atrip<br />

<strong>to</strong> Nassait in the Bahamas.<br />

.. The couple has <strong>be</strong>en in'<br />

their current .home for 20<br />

year.* They h«i vc a daugh-<br />

; is a tL>r, Rosernaric of Tu'rners-<br />

graduate of The Perinirig<strong>to</strong>n. viUe; a son. James P. of..<br />

•School and .S<strong>to</strong>ck<strong>to</strong>n-''State .Tampa, Fla.; a grancj^tjgh-<br />

College.: . . '. j".-. .' '.•.•''<br />

.-.TKo. 'wedding will hike<br />

place May/,12,1-990. '•' ."' '"';'<br />

1 q<br />

: -<br />

• ; i n d - . . . : - ; ; . - • ;•.-..• ; . ' . - : • ; • . . : . ' ' : ; •<br />

•'. , A resident of. this city;<br />

Miss Bailey is.a grtd.uauy o.f.'<br />

; Corrn,Tn<strong>to</strong>wn,', Hos'plV*I<br />

. Schopl of 'Nursing and'<br />

UaSafle .Uniyer.Hit.y and:<br />

received her • inast'ciVdegfpe<br />

in iuqternal-child<br />

health from Texas' Woman's<br />

University, Slie-i-i'jrtvolved. .Jb^c©LyhriBaitey .<br />

in drlig.and• a,!i:ohbl educa- . and R. Scott Sizornore •<br />

tion and counseling- for n'ev<br />

.. ^] HUFFY<br />

-.. BICYCLES ;<br />

Hutty* Good'V/bral/on«-« 294Q4<br />

• Q'st» B:>ch cc'cf .<br />

Mil"<br />

' . . ' , n i i . . O c t . X . - • • ' . • '<br />

rh.ivid and : Jennifer (F3ex-'.<br />

romt..) v.r., Ov-t". ?. •*. . •••<br />

• Wi1i;Jrii' .'.nii LyTin ([>.).- •;<br />

'.ISMH! \1jwr»;Oct.•«::•,- •" ,,.<br />

Rtr.-^ 1 !. 1 >\n, \v>'il' tjjs -thi;<br />

^.f:v!lPr> _ VJth ..win'nir:);. C»i;Jr?i y will p,rfv,cnt ;.ts Tre,>:.vJrr> C'orr.cV.-Ci'ifT^e •''-Til<br />

e:-.;r;es i.r. flu- shtny.. T5-.»y -1.2nd annu,i!»Chri^tni J S Comer (M.TV>n£ -iiin< h' a-nd -C!l<br />

'••••'-*^' . .. ' ."- '-ij-.^t, - M O.nsiTTi.»i :n Toy- .'; : *;-. > .'wV.:rii.-.y,Ni»V.. ••«./: S.int.; .V.-..T >-,v| ."*;., 7 n r^ o.Ir:<br />

• :>•,';,:;• • • . . . . ..- • • * . ;<br />

'-* '. '. I . -I.,. • - - *-'L •>•'*<br />

r.'j-. .- -. • v«-v' * -£- • --<br />

-,- r. •..>'-,- r. i •> •• • •>»*<br />

\ > i' %. • z *M •' f - .J' . rA v*'<br />

'. -T.- ; r.r-,. -v..i -" r» '-•<br />

BERG<br />

32nd SL "4 AsiHify Aw.<br />

. 399-0076.<br />

55^/1 St & Haven.Ave.<br />

393-0040 •<br />

I7ih & Boardwalk<br />

399-2911<br />

Beactwaich<br />

?!hi Boardwalk<br />

398-550Q<br />

133 Sa Shore<br />

.; - Tr.t Ovrrr" !i'Jf.ifr-> i.^-^-.'. -i^t:l'*>>iv,i;:.if'Vi.-' ~ ," " .'••"?.!<br />

1" Vinyl BLINDS<br />

is----:-<br />

t •.-•;•<br />

Now^.99<br />

•Cotrf a*l<br />

ii<br />

u- ii--, n ir-<br />


RETAfU<br />

OOff<br />

Top of the line<br />

Blinds & Shades<br />

•Shop at homo<br />


Call ma e! home<br />

For the <strong>be</strong>st<br />

prices on:<br />

• &&!i' L»yO*Of<br />

• Louvw Onpt<br />

• Hurrtef DcujUi<br />

Buiktera Discounts<br />

WE INSTALL Ofl -<br />

DOfT<br />


Holy 'Redeemer Visiting . "-OCEAN' "CITY—- Mare"<br />

NJurses Association will than 70 mem<strong>be</strong>rs and<br />

sponsiM- a bus Jrip <strong>to</strong>. Jjhowr guesl'i.-attended the Ocean<br />

boat • Casino, 9:3ti. a.m. T.ues-City.<br />

Hoard'- of Hea.l<strong>to</strong>rs g«-'n-<br />

•'.djay,'. N'oV: 2 j' from. the tyth oral mem<strong>be</strong>rship meeting aV<br />

'Strcrt^buj station. Cost'isS10. "Mac's recently.' ' •-• •. -.<br />

•i"he 'dislna'v\iH' give $10 In<br />

coins and S3 in fax! With $5<br />

deferred. .*•_.'•' .<br />

• Tickets are' avail.ib.le • by<br />

: .canin ^98ii^5; :;' '<br />

: • IVjffiy.VVilljams ;is-'Real<strong>to</strong>r-<br />

Assooiote of tHo. Year.' He<br />

a.fso presented SI,000 'Real<strong>to</strong>rs<br />

I'ljliiical •Action .Com-<br />

•m it tee" KfOt lrrvtv pi n s •• fo •<br />

. Prarrklln. Wiilianis; Sr. -and<br />

Novy JersOy Association- 'Franklin Williams jr.; ;•'"'-'<br />

of -Roal<strong>to</strong>rs. Via- President . Guest speaker Larry'Beni-<br />

cojjntzcd- bry \tl the' state Real Estate.<br />

[„ 1 (offman as the. , Cpmrrnsiiio'n.itpxikw on. cur-..<br />

of the-Yeaf' and' r.eitt"»"ear estate', laws and-<br />

N CITY '—. Liti|rl»- Co/-.irifH<br />

d~ Art -depBhruont -.' 1R OCEAN CTPY ~:<br />

,- Vonturo<br />

\-xrid<br />

hi><br />

.'progra'riis ii'.-highlighted; "«V TC^ume. of their. hvv.a. •' "<br />

rccen't mwtin^of the •>ln club blrsiril'S's; i('<br />

Cn'r> Kcst-arc-ji Club at St. anjiounco'd ih.it the dub*i<br />

Peter's . United . Methodist 6<br />

Church. ' .,'..'<br />

Mrv.' Samuel<br />

' reviewed "The<br />

Seekers" by Ros'amudo<br />

Pilcher, a's<strong>to</strong>ry of a family<br />

whose .nU'mbcrs nil have<br />

ideas- alxfot how <strong>to</strong> profit<br />

f.rom "The Shell Seekers,""a<br />

• v.ifu.iblc' -vvork of .irl created<br />

by 'tl'c' grandfather. The<br />

mother choo<br />

Q! the- fsTatiottal'-<br />

•Association yf Real<strong>to</strong>r; cdn-<br />

.'th anniversary luncheon<br />

: u;i!I -ioke place <strong>to</strong>friorrtW,;<br />

Yin^st N'ov.'.17. atvThe"'Hnnderi-<br />

S h e l l ' " " l e i . •''••• .- . - '.<br />

1<br />

1<br />

yeiStion in Dallas Nov. ^-14'*<br />

and" "the N}AR conventuvv •<br />

"in AfLinticCity- tkv. 5-6-'-'! •' •<br />

'.Jt -wJ.-i noted »that pc6e'eeiis"<br />

of : the j%inqul I-ali<br />

.Coif Tournament would po<strong>to</strong>.<br />

victims of . Hurricane'<br />

• .riuj;o.. .:. . •..'.-.;<br />

Half .of (he--50/50 draw-,<br />

nig prcjceed.s also'went <strong>to</strong>ih:y,i)'relief<br />

efforts.<br />

irfriit'r th: 1 . yean at.trie I'hila-'-<br />

. JcJpf.ia.'.i'jM'ur.i of Art:<br />

T"' 1 /"> •'Cli'vVl of jxiintiru^,.<br />

•ahe i.i^J, n'rifjinaiird in<br />

Fi:ri>fv du'nnj; tht' ., .<br />

by art-.<br />

->. • jrj,. air<br />

\Jt..n\i<br />

The<br />

•MAPLE TREE]<br />

Gift Shop<br />

Where, eiich brarieti- is<br />


\ Fridav NoV; 24 tTirii.Su'ndav Nov. 25 -.'•<br />

' ' i T.I ' t . 1<br />





HffilDEfiltA, AMO COMMERCIAL<br />

S30 ASBCRy AVSNUt. OCSAW c> sjnips -.- •<br />

77//' 'DrulJ J : !/Zur Shop.<br />


Don't hcia back on your gift crnng oev:.?e T-DJ ?iec a*\ f<br />

.'. - appliance 00 BOTH: Buy ycur app^'"-'*- ;;•-»;'<br />

NO PA YMENTS TIL FEB. . .'<br />

•"•-.-•.- I •-.•.--• • • i' . • ' < • ** - * t *'^t'* J U '<br />

,Larry Be'mrxy of tfve $iaie RearEstaieO>mrni4sibn,-'<br />

led, spoke recently <strong>to</strong> areg reiuiors about stala regutations.'<br />

Ho is shown with area Board pi Real<strong>to</strong>rs president<br />

Franklin. J. WHfanis Jr .'• * • .. .<br />

De Felice Caterers<br />

Reserve Your<br />

Holiday<br />

Celebration Now!<br />

Accepting Thanksgiving Orders'<br />

"••• at otir Retail Shop ^<br />

tradiiion^laurkeydiiirier? ..; •<br />

purppkins pies. • mince pics<br />

cherry pies 1 '-•.apple pics<br />

' ihx cakes & cheesecakes •.<br />

9127 3898<br />

^ J<br />

• -v- -<br />

825 Bay Ave. ,<br />

Somcrs Pouif<br />

V^; V;>JTI>'.K1-J down-<br />


t . t - > . J . . - - . - . • : , • '<br />

.. , •' * fi , i T*. . . » / >-' . >.,• C-.«.>-.. ». •»-' -• i'.<br />

-• * - -:••': -JA« >.-!•.. .- .><br />


'•$599.95- :<br />

,•..»„-- • - - ! •'••*' " "» » " • • ' • ' "<br />

? A.'. *iU-> - : -A «<br />

•5299.95";is>.<br />


\ 5499<br />

I.<br />

$199.95<br />

5279:95<br />


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