Visual Basic Tutorials - Nadaun(District-Hamirpur)HP

Visual Basic Tutorials - Nadaun(District-Hamirpur)HP

Visual Basic Tutorials - Nadaun(District-Hamirpur)HP


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Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Short Type Questions<br />

Q1.Three edition of <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> are<br />

Ans. Leaning, Professional, Enterprise<br />

Q 2.The .frm is extension of<br />

Ans. Form<br />

Q 3.The .vbp is an extension of<br />

Ans. Project file<br />

Q 4.Methods are inbuilt function<br />

Ans. True<br />

Q5.Form is a container object<br />

Ans. True<br />

Q6.The title of the form can be change by property text.<br />

Ans.False<br />

Q7.An object always has<br />

Ans.Properties, Events, methods<br />

Q8.A standard module has an extension<br />

Ans. bas<br />

Q9.AddItem is used to manipulate the items in<br />

Ans. List box, combo box<br />

Q10.Form module only contains forms.<br />

Ans. True<br />

Q11.We can’t change the color of the command button.<br />

Ans. False<br />

Q12.Strandard module can contain forms.<br />

Ans. False<br />

Q13.A variable declare as string can store both.<br />

Ans. Numeric and characters.<br />

Q14.A dynamic array can be declared by<br />

Ans.redim<br />

Q15.A Boolean data type stores on true/false<br />

Ans.ture<br />

Q16. The bye data type has the range from 0 to 255.<br />

Ans. True<br />

Q17.Name the function, which is used to compare to string.<br />

Ans. strcmp( ).<br />

Q18. Name the function, which return the intervals between two dates in term of years, month, days?<br />

Ans. Datediff.<br />

Q19.Name the function returns length of string.<br />

Ans.len<br />

Q20.A module level variable is available to procedure in the module<br />

Ans.true.<br />

Q 21.Code window consist of an object box and procedure list.<br />

Ans.true.<br />

Q22.Name the event when the user closes form.<br />

Ans.unload.<br />

Q23.The ______ show method is used to display the form object.<br />

And. show<br />

Q24.Name the function gives you the day of week.<br />

Ans. weekday ()<br />

Q25.While loop executes the blocks of the statement as the condition is<br />

Ans. True<br />

Q26.The for statement is dependent on counter.<br />

Ans. True<br />

Q27.the counter variable is optional to specify with Next keyword.<br />

Ans. True<br />

Q28. ______ Is display as horizontal line between items on a menu bar.<br />

Ans. Separator bar.<br />

Q29. A check mark can be placed on a menu item using _______property.<br />

Ans. Check<br />

Q30. ______and _______ functions are used to add predefined dialog box.<br />

Ans.Inputbox () and Msgbox ().<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Q31.The event occur when user enter a standard ASCII characters.<br />

Ans.keypress<br />

Q32.The ________event occur when user presses any mouse button<br />

Ans. Mouse down<br />

Q33.Mouseup event occur when the user presses the mouse button.<br />

Ans. false<br />

Q34.OLE stands for Object Linking and Embedding.<br />

Ans true<br />

Q35.The P-code stands for _______code.<br />

Ans. Pseudo<br />

Q36.The quick watch value dialog box shows the ________the expressions.<br />

Ans. Value<br />

Q37.Debug.print the value on the form.<br />

Ans. False<br />

Q38.A Runtime error occurs only after the application starts the executions.<br />

Ans true.<br />

Q39.Code that handles runtimes errors is called an _______.<br />

Ans Error Handler<br />

Q40.The Auto Size property of a form automatically sizes the picture load to it.<br />

Ans. True<br />

Q41. The line method can be used to draw rectangles.<br />

Ans. True.<br />

Q42. ___________Functions specifies the files name assigns the picture to the picture property.<br />

Ans. load picture<br />

Q43.The point method returns the ________of a particular pixel.<br />

Ans. Color<br />

Q44. _______ Event occur when the size of the form is change.<br />

Ans. Resize<br />

Q45.DAO provides a framework for using code to manipulate__________.<br />

Ans database<br />

Q46. _____________Are the object that represent collection of records.<br />

Ans .recordset<br />

Q47.Name the three type of recordset.<br />

Ans. dynaset, Snapshots, tables<br />

Q48.Recordset objects contain sets of records from the database.<br />

Ans. true<br />

Q49. SQL is an abbreviated form of Sequential Quick Language.<br />

Ans. False<br />

Q50. RDO is an abbreviated form of Relational Data Object.<br />

Ans. false<br />

Q51.DAO can use OLEDB.<br />

Ans . false<br />

Q52.ODBC stands for.<br />

Ans . Open database connectivity<br />

Q53.OLEDB stands for.<br />

Ans . Object linking and embedding data bound<br />

Q54. ADODC stands for.<br />

Ans . Active x data object data bound<br />

Q55.API stands for.<br />

Ans. Application Program interface<br />

Q56.COM Stands for.<br />

Ans. Component object model<br />

60. Object is the instance of ___________.<br />

Ans. Class<br />

61.DLL are __________components.<br />

Ans .in process<br />

Q62.Exe ‘s are _______components.<br />

Ans . Out of process<br />

Q63. ___________Is a process involving a minimum of two independent entities, one being the client<br />

and the server.<br />

Ans client server architecture<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Q64. The code in an application can be broken into logical components by______process.<br />

Ans .partioning<br />

Q65.The seek method can be used to locate a record in a Dynaset type recordset.<br />

Ans. false<br />

Q66. Quertdefs is a collection of a table object that contains the detailed definition of each data table<br />

in the database.<br />

Ans. False<br />

Q67.A _________is a collection of object classes that the model the structure of relational database<br />

system.<br />

And. Data Access Object<br />

Q68.The ______________Object is a stored query definition, which is a precompiled SQL statement.<br />

Ans. Querydef object<br />

Q69. __________ Are SQL statements that perform specific actions on the database.<br />

Ans. Action Queries<br />

Q70. The ____________method creates a connection between the application and the ODBC<br />

database and assign it to a database type object.<br />

Ans. Open database<br />

Q71.The data control implements data access by using the____________.<br />

Ans. Microsoft Jet engine database<br />

Q72.The visual basic supports three transaction methods such as beginTrans, CommitTrans, and<br />

rollback.<br />

Ans .True<br />

Q73.The Add method of the recordset object is used to add a new row to the record set.<br />

Ans. False<br />

Q74.OLE control is a custom control.<br />

Ans.True<br />

Q75.An OLE control can hold only one object at a time.<br />

Ans. False<br />

Q76. ____________Method is used to display the insert object dialog box.<br />

Ans .InsertobjDig.<br />

Q77. ______Method creates an embedded object at run time.<br />

Ans .CreateEmbed<br />

Q78. Linked objected can be created using _______and ________methods.<br />

Ans . InsertObjdlg, CreateLink<br />

Q79.Polymorphism is the concept of combining of data and characteristics in a single package.<br />

Ans . False<br />

Q80.Inheritance property of object is not supported by <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong>.<br />

Ans. True<br />

Q81.Designing an ActiveXcontrol is similar to designing classes.<br />

Ans. True<br />

Q82.Exitfocus event is similar to Getfocus event.<br />

Ans. False<br />

Q83.The writeProperty method is used to stored a property value.<br />

Ans True<br />

Q84.The user will not be able to read the caption without the Getl1Caption procedure.<br />

Ans. True<br />

Q86.The ______method is used to read a value of a property of the control from the container form<br />

file.<br />

Ans. ReadProperty<br />

Q87.An active X project is compiled the same way a Standard EXE project is compiled.<br />

Ans. True<br />

Q88.An active X DLL is an out of process server.<br />

Ans. False<br />

Q89.An active X EXE , otherwise known as an _______server.<br />

Ans. Out of process<br />

Q90.Active X components are _______designed to be used with other application.<br />

Ans. objectserver<br />

Q91.In case of an in process server, the communication to client can be much can be faster than an<br />

out of process.<br />

Ans. True<br />

Q92.An out of process server runs n the same machine as its client and it can not be moved.<br />

Ans. False<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Q93.Recordset objects contain a set of records from the database.<br />

Ans True<br />

Q94. The counter variable is optional to specify with Next keyword.<br />

Ans. True<br />

Q95. ______ is display as horizontal line between items on a menu bar.<br />

Ans . Separator bar.<br />

Q96.. A check mark can be placed on a menu item using _______property.<br />

Ans. Check<br />

Q97.A Runtime error occurs only after the application starts the executions.<br />

Ans true.<br />

Q98.Code that handles runtimes errors is called an _______.<br />

Ans Error Handler<br />

Q99.The AutoSize property of a form automatically sizes the picture load to it.<br />

Ans. True<br />

Q100.A dynamic array can be declared by<br />

Ans.redim<br />

Q101. List few Properties of Text Box Control?<br />

Ans. Maxlength, Multiline, ScrollBars<br />

Q 102 List Three important properties of CommandButton<br />

Ans: Caption, Picture, and Sytle<br />

Q103. Triggers are used to maintain _______data.<br />

Ans: Integrity<br />

Q104. Change can be made to a record by using just edit method.<br />

Ans : False<br />

Q105 Active X Control has_____file name extension.<br />

Ans: .ocx<br />

Q106. Define Querydef.<br />

Ans : Querydef object is a stored Query definition which are precompiled SQL statement.<br />

107 Q Write graphic method to draw a line<br />

Ans line (600,600) – (2000,2000)<br />

Multiple choice questions<br />

1. What custom control file must be added to toolbox to use a Toolbar?<br />

i. Windows common controls 2(MSCOMCT2.ocx) file<br />

ii. Cool.exe<br />

iii. Windows common controls (Coolbar.ocx) file<br />

iv. None of the above<br />

Ans. iii<br />

2. What does MDI stand for?<br />

i. Master Document Interface<br />

ii. Multiple Document Interface<br />

iii. Master Data Interface<br />

iv. Multiple Data Interface<br />

Ans. ii<br />

3. To display “the first program” in the form’s title bar at the run time, what property of the form needs<br />

to be set?<br />

i. Name<br />

ii. Caption<br />

iii. Windowwstate<br />

iv. Tag<br />

Ans. ii<br />

4. In the statement “Dim abc as string” , Dim is:<br />

i. datatype<br />

ii. variable<br />

iii. constant<br />

iv. none of these<br />

Ans. iv.<br />

5. To indicate a comment block in visual basic, we use...............at the start of line<br />

i. ‘<br />

ii. “<br />

iii. /*<br />

iv. //<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Ans. i<br />

6. Form events are triggered tin what order:<br />

i. (I) activate (II) load<br />

ii. (III) initialize (IV) terminate<br />

iii. (I), (II), (III) and (IV)<br />

iv. (I) , (III), (II) and (IV)<br />

Ans. iii<br />

7. What kind of variable has the broadcast scope?<br />

i. Public<br />

ii. Private<br />

iii. Dim<br />

iv. None of these<br />

Ans. i<br />

8. Can a MDI parent form display a child form as modal?<br />

i. Yes<br />

ii. No<br />

Ans. ii<br />

9. How to specify a field name inside the ADO statement that controls the spaces in its name:<br />

i. within ()<br />

ii. within []<br />

iii. within “ “<br />

iv. within ‘ ‘<br />

Ans. iii<br />

10. The.................statement evaluates a variable for multiple values, and then executes a statement or<br />

a group of statements, depending on the contents of the variable being evaluated.<br />

i. Simple IF<br />

ii. IF-Else<br />

iii. Select case<br />

iv. While<br />

Ans. iii<br />

11. If an arraylist instance has only four elements and the programmer trees to add a fifth<br />

element..............<br />

i. compiler will issue a warning<br />

ii. compiler will stop<br />

iii. the number of elements will increase automatically<br />

iv. the fifth element will be discarded<br />

Ans. iii<br />

12. How is the Variant data type speed compared with other variable types?<br />

i. Same speed<br />

ii. Slower<br />

iii. Faster<br />

iv. None of these<br />

Ans. ii<br />

13. What kind of error is generated in the following code?<br />

dim snhwage as single<br />

dim snhrs as single<br />

dim snyrwage as single<br />

snyrwage = 5500<br />

snhrs = 0<br />

snhrwage = snyrwage/snhrs<br />

i. runtime error<br />

ii. logical error<br />

iii. syntax error<br />

iv. none of these<br />

Ans. i<br />

14. What is the syntax for adding to a control array at run time?<br />

i. set index(n)<br />

ii. unload object (index)<br />

iii. load object (index)<br />

iv. set new index (n)<br />

Ans. iii<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

15. What does COM stand in reference to VB for?<br />

i. COMMand<br />

ii. Command Object Interface<br />

iii. Component Object Model<br />

iv. Command Object Interaction<br />

Ans. iii.<br />

16. Which of the following is /are procedural languages?<br />

i. Cobol<br />

ii. Oracle<br />

iii. MS Office<br />

iv. None of the above<br />

Ans. i<br />

17. A VB project is given the extension...........<br />

i. vbp<br />

ii. prj<br />

iii. pro<br />

iv. None of the above<br />

Ans. i<br />

18. The commenting in VB is done with:<br />

i. ,<br />

ii. /**/<br />

iii. ”<br />

iv. None of the above<br />

Ans. i<br />

19. A variable name can be of length:<br />

i. > 255 characters<br />


Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Ans. i<br />

25. Is the line valid in VB?<br />

i. Yes<br />

ii. No<br />

iii. Validity depends on version<br />

iv. None of the above<br />

Ans. i<br />

26. A.....................form is one which requires action from the user before it can be closed.<br />

i. modal<br />

ii. parent<br />

iii. child<br />

iv. None of the above<br />

Ans. i<br />

27. ......................may be used in Menu editor?<br />

i. &<br />

ii. &&<br />

iii. *<br />

iv. None of the above<br />

Ans. i<br />

28. Which String function is not defined in VB?<br />

i. LTrim<br />

ii. RTrim<br />

iii. Trim<br />

iv. None of the above<br />

Ans. iv.<br />

29. Method(s) defined for Clipboard object is/are:<br />

i. Clear<br />

ii. GetText<br />

iii. SetText<br />

iv. None of the above<br />

Ans. i, ii, iii<br />

30. Find the Correct line(s)<br />

i. 1 inch = 1440 twips<br />

ii. 1 inch = 72 twips<br />

iii. 1 twip = 1440 inches<br />

iv. None of the above<br />

Ans. i<br />

Do as directed<br />

a. Controls hold code that makes them respond to the user’s input.<br />

i. True<br />

ii. False<br />

Ans. False<br />

b. Caption property specifies the command button’s title?<br />

c. Properties support multiple events.<br />

i. True<br />

ii. False Ans. True.<br />

d. True/False property value determines if a check box is selected or not.<br />

e. More than one menu option can be checked at once.<br />

i. True<br />

ii. False<br />

Ans. True<br />

f. Properties can be set at Run Design time.<br />

g. The two methods by which arguments can be passed to a procedure are By value and<br />

By Reference<br />

h. DIM statement is used to declare arrays<br />

i. Database Name property of the Data control specifies the database to be used.<br />

j. Removeitem method is used to remove an item from the list.<br />

k. Form are the only objects that can have menus attached.<br />

l. To remove a command temporality from the menu set the command’s visible property to False.<br />

m. Addnew method of the Data Control appends a record to the table.<br />

n. Additem method is used to add items to the list.<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Short Type Questions<br />

Q1. What is event driven programming?<br />

Ans. In event driven programming the flow of program execution is controlled by the events that occurs<br />

as the program is running. Each time an event occurs, it causes a message to be sent to the<br />

operating system. The system processes the message and broadcasts it to the other windows.<br />

Each window can then take the appropriate action based on its own instruction for dealing with that<br />

particular message.<br />

Events can be triggered by user’s actions, by messages from the system or other application, or<br />

even from the application itself. The sequence of these events determines the sequence in which<br />

the code executes. Thus the path through applications code differs each time the program runs.<br />

Q2. Differentiate between a variable and a constant.<br />

Ans. Constant is a meaningful name that tasks the place of a number or string that does not change<br />

variable in a placeholder in memory. The value in variable can be modified.<br />

Q3. What do you mean by data type?<br />

Ans. A variable is the reference of area in memory, which holds temporary value. The value can change<br />

while an application is running. There are several types of variables, called data types.<br />

e.g.<br />

Integer, Long, Single, Double, Bytes, Boolean, String, Date<br />

Q4. Give the syntax of for loop in VB.<br />

Ans. For variable = start to end step value<br />

.<br />

:<br />

Next<br />

For example<br />

For I = 1 To 10 Step 1<br />

Print I<br />

Next<br />

Q5. What is a form in VB?<br />

Ans. A form is a window that contains an application code and has other objects placed on it to create<br />

the user interface. A form may fill the entire screen or have other forms contained within it or it may<br />

be a custom dialog box.<br />

Q6. What is difference between label and caption?<br />

Ans. Label is a control, which is used to display the text on it.<br />

Caption is the property of an object. It will also show the text, which is assigned to caption property.<br />

Q7. How will you define an array in VB?<br />

Ans. Array is declared by giving name to the array with the upper limit in the parentheses.<br />

e.g.<br />

Dim A (5) as Integer.<br />

Here A is array of type integer, whose length is 6 with index numbers running fro 0 to 5<br />

Q8. When will you use combo Box?<br />

Ans. Combo box is required when we want to show a list of items on form. It will show a list from which<br />

we can select one item.<br />

Q9. How will you define a menu hot key?<br />

Ans. Put & sign before the letter you want to make as hot key in menu editor.<br />

Q10. Give any two advantages of VB?<br />

Ans. We can develop graphical user applications.<br />

It can be attached with any database.<br />

Q11. Why should you change the control names from their default values?<br />

Ans. Default name put number following name of control. It is original practice to change the name of<br />

control according to its respective usage in the application. It will also help in proper<br />

documentation.<br />

Q12. What is difference between decision statement and a looping statement?<br />

Ans. Decision-statement in used to check the condition and then execute a group of statements if<br />

condition is true. The group is executed once whereas looping statement is used to execute a<br />

group of statement more then once till the condition is true.<br />

Q13. Differentiate between a checkbox and an option button.<br />

Ans. Check box more than one in an application can be checked where as in case of option buttons only<br />

one from a group can be selected.<br />

Q14. What is difference between Now and Time function?<br />

Ans. Now function retrieves date and time where as Time function retrieve time only.<br />

Q15. What does ODBC stand for and what is its purpose?<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Ans. Open database connectivity is windows technology that lets a database client application connect<br />

to an external database.<br />

Q16. What is difference between linking and embedding?<br />

Ans. Data associated with a lined object is stored by the application that supplied the object. This<br />

application stores an only link reference that displays a snapshot of the source data.<br />

When an embedded object is created all the data associated with that object is contained in the<br />

object.<br />

Q17. Describe difference between testing and debugging.<br />

Ans. Testing is the procedure to check the application if it is working properly and according to the<br />

requirements specified before coding.<br />

Where as Debugging is the technique to find errors and removing them, so that the application<br />

could work properly.<br />

Q18. What is the purpose of a toolbar in an application?<br />

Ans. It contain several controls that are used t place on a form at design time there by creating the user<br />

interface area.<br />

Q19. What is MS flex Grid control? And why is it used?<br />

Ans. A MS flex Grid control in VB is used to create applications that present information in rows and<br />

columns. It displays the information in cells. The user can select a cell at run time but cannot<br />

change the contents.<br />

Q20. What do objects of same class share?<br />

Ans. Objects of same class share all public members of the class.<br />

Q21. What control draw circles on the form?<br />

Ans. Shape control is used to draw circle.<br />

Q22. What data binding is and how does it work”?<br />

Ans. Data binding is the procedure of including code of other files, which are actually not the part of<br />

current applications code. These are DLLs, which are either predefined or made by the<br />

programmers.<br />

Q23. Differentiate between control array and control collection.<br />

Ans. Control array contains no of controls but of same type where as control collection in group of<br />

controls of heterogeneous type i.e. varying controls are the part of a control collection.<br />

Q24. What are the two controls needed when creating toolbar?<br />

Ans. First is windows common control<br />

Second is image control.<br />

Q25. How are form templates useful when creating a toolbar?<br />

Ans. Templates is used to choose the form type. For example. MDI form, from;<br />

Q26. Write down the various kind of Data type in <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> and how much memory it will<br />

occupy in the main memory.<br />

Ans. Integer 2 bytes<br />

Long 4 bytes<br />

Single 4 bytes<br />

String 1 byte<br />

Byte 1 byte<br />

Date 8 byte<br />

Variant 16 bytes<br />

Double 16 bytes<br />

Q27. Write down various in functions with example.<br />

Ans. These functions are procedures that return a value. Three categories of functions are Date and Time<br />

function, Format function, and String function<br />

1.Date and Time functions: Date and time are internally stored in visual basic. The system current<br />

date and time can be retrieved using now, date, and time function in VB i.e<br />

Year (NOW)<br />

Month (Now)<br />

Day (Now)<br />

Datediff function returns the interval between two dates in terms of years , month or days.<br />

Format functions<br />

The format function accepts numeric values and converts it to string in the format specified by the format<br />

argument.<br />

Format (expression [, format [, firstdaydayof week]])<br />

String Function<br />

VB string functions can manipulate strings in application.<br />

Strcmp() Compare two strings<br />

Len () find the length of string<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Lset(),Rset() justify the string<br />

Q28.Write a note on Msflexgrid.<br />

Ans. A MS FlexGrid control in <strong>Visual</strong> basic is used to create application that presents information in row and<br />

columns. It displays the information in cell. The user can select a cell at run time by clicking it or by using the<br />

arrow keys , but cannot the edit or alter the cell’s contents. The MSFlexGrid control displays and operators<br />

on tabular data. It is necessary that we add the MSFlexGrd.ocx file to our project before we use a<br />

MSFLexGrid control in our application.<br />

Q29.Differentiate between MDI and SDI<br />

Ans. Single Document Interface is an application that can support only one document at a time.<br />

Multiple Document Interface allows you to create an application that maintains multiple forms within<br />

single container form. An MDI application allows the user to display multiple documents at the same time<br />

with each document display in its own windows.<br />

6.List three important properties of command button.<br />

Caption: This property specifies the text that appears on the command button.<br />

Picture: This property specifies a graphic image that appears on the command button in place of caption.<br />

Style: This property specifies whether a command button display a text caption or picture.<br />

Q30.Define the term ADO.<br />

Ans. This is a programming model that eliminates the need to choose from DAO and RDO and all other data<br />

access models. It is designed to provide a common bridge between different database, file systems and<br />

email servers.<br />

Q31.Define Recordset.<br />

Ans. A recordset is an object that contains sets of records from database.<br />

Q32.Write down various list controls.<br />

Ans. list box and Combo box:<br />

List and combo box control present a set of choice that are display vertically in a single column. If the<br />

number of items exceeds the value that can be displayed, scroll bars will automatically appear on the<br />

control.<br />

Q33. what are the variables and constants?<br />

Ans Variables are those whose value changes during the execution of program.<br />

Constant are those whose value does not change during the execution of program.<br />

Q34.What are exit for and exit do statements?<br />

Ans. Exit for and Exit do statement are used to terminate the loop before normal termination of loops.<br />

Q35.What do you mean by focus or control focus.<br />

Ans.The focus and control focus is the currently selected control. <strong>Visual</strong><br />

<strong>Basic</strong> indicates the control with the focus by highlighting the control.<br />

Q36.Explain immediate windows briefly.<br />

Ans. The immediate window is a window inside the visual basic environment in which you can view program<br />

values and print the message during the program’s execution.<br />

Q37.What is native code and P-code?<br />

Ans. visual basic used to produced executable program file in p-code i.e. (pseudo code – it is a technique for<br />

expressing operation of a computer program or an algorithm in a natural language such as English. It was<br />

develop as alternative to flowing chart) rather than native code. But with the later versions of visual basic the<br />

compiler started translating the visual basic, which people can understand, into executable programs<br />

consisting of native machine code that computer can read and understand.<br />

Q38.What do mean by breakpoint?<br />

Ans. A breakpoint works as marker in the code that tells visual basic to suspend program execution.<br />

Breakpoint is temporary and not preserved with in code.<br />

Q39.Explain the debug. print statement.<br />

Ans. The print Method sends output to immediate windows by including<br />

Debug. Print [item];<br />

Q40.Explain the checkbox control?<br />

Ans. A check box offers option for user. A checkbox is an option on a form that is checked when selected<br />

and unchecked when not selected. Use checkbox when you want to offer user two value choice.<br />

Q41.Write a note on inputbox function.<br />

Ans. The inputbox () function displays a model dialog box that asks the user to enter some data. The dialog<br />

box contains a message, an OK button and a cancel button. The first parameter of the inputbox () function is<br />

the message of the dialog box and second parameter is the title of the message box.<br />

e.g.<br />

n = input (“Enter your name”,”name please”)<br />

Q42.What is an array .How to declare an array.<br />

Ans. A sequence of variable by the same name can be referred using arrays. The individual elements of an<br />

array are identified using an index.<br />

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e.g<br />

Dim salary (9) as integers<br />

Q43.Write the syntax of if then else statement in VB.<br />

Ans. The if…then block is used for conditional execution of one or more statements.<br />

If (condition) then<br />

Statement1<br />

Statement2<br />

End if<br />

Q44.Write syntax of select case in VB.,<br />

Ans. Select. …Case structure is an alternative to if…then.elseif for selectivelty executing a single block of<br />

statements from among multiple blocks of statements. Select. …Case is more convenient use than if… else<br />

…end if because it reduces the program complexity. A program is easy to read and follow.<br />

Select case index<br />

Case 0<br />

Statements1<br />

Statements2<br />

Case 1<br />

Statements1<br />

Statements2<br />

End case<br />

Q45. Define Dynaset and Recordset<br />

Ans. Dynaset Type Recordset<br />

The dynaset type recordset object is a set of records that records that represents a table, or attached table,<br />

or the result of queries containing fields from one or more tables. A dynaset enables us to update data from<br />

more than one table.<br />

Snapshot type Recordset<br />

The snapshot type recordset can refer to any table, attached table or query. A snapshot cannot be update<br />

and does not reflect any change made by users.<br />

Q46.Define ODBC.<br />

Ans. A standard protocol that permits applications to connect to variety of external database server or<br />

files.ODBC drivers used by the ODBC driver manager permit access to SQL Server and other Data source.<br />

Q47. Differentiate between procedural programming and event driven programming.<br />

Ans. Events are various things that can happen in a program .In the procedural language a written<br />

application in executed by checking for the program logically through the program statements one<br />

after the another. By in even driven application the program statement are executed only when a<br />

particular event calls a specific part of the code i.e. assign to the even. e.g. text box events are<br />

change, click, mouse move, etc.<br />

Q48. Describe the various mouse events.<br />

Ans. The main mouse events are mouse down, mouse up, mouse move. Mouse down occurs when the<br />

user presses any mouse button and mouse up occurs when the user releases any button. Mouse<br />

move event occurs whenever the mouse pointer is moved to the new point of the screen.<br />

Q49 Write a short note on combo box and their types.<br />

Ans: A combo box combines a features text box and list box. This control enables the user to select either<br />

by typing text in combo box or selecting by an in item from the list.<br />

Types of combo box<br />

1. Dropdown combo (style 0)<br />

2. Simple combo (style 1)<br />

3. Dropdown list (style2)<br />

Private sub form _load ()<br />

combo1. AddItem "MCA"<br />

Combo1.Additem "PGDCA"<br />

The add item method is used to add the value to the combo box and the list box.<br />

Q50 Write a note on IDE.<br />

IDE is integrated development environment, which is used in the programming to describe the<br />

interface and environment that we use to create our applications. It is called integrated because we<br />

can access virtually all the development tools that were need from one screen is called interface.<br />

Q51 Write down the various elements or components of IDE.<br />

Main elements or components of IDE are:<br />

• Menu bar<br />

• Tool bar<br />

• Project explorer<br />

• Properties window<br />

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• Toolbox<br />

• Form Designer<br />

• Object Browser<br />

Q52 Discuss briefly about show method.<br />

Ans The show method is used to display the form object.<br />

e.g, form1.show<br />

Q53 Discuss briefly about unload statement<br />

Ans. The unload statement removes the form from the display and releases its memory. The following<br />

code should be entered<br />

Unload form 1<br />

Q54 write an applicable program by using text box and command button.<br />

Private sub command 1_click ()<br />

Text1. Text="This text box is locked"<br />

End sub<br />

The following code is entered in the command 2 buttons.<br />

Private sub command2_click ()<br />

End<br />

End sub<br />

Q55 Write an application by using Hscroll bar.<br />

Private sub cmdexit_Click ()<br />

End<br />

End Sub<br />

The following code is entered in Hscroll Change event<br />

Private sub HScroll_Change()<br />

Text1.Text=Str(HScroll1.Value)+"mph"<br />

End sub<br />

The following code is entered in HScroll Scroll Event<br />

Private sub HScroll_Scroll ()<br />

Text1_Change<br />

End sub<br />

Q56 Describe the various mouse events.<br />

Ans. The main mouse events are mouse down, mouse up, mouse move. Mouse down occurs when the<br />

user presses any mouse button and mouse up occurs when the user releases any button. Mouse move<br />

event occurs whenever the mouse pointer is moved to the new point of the screen.<br />

Q57. Write a code in <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> to draw a box using graphic method.<br />

Ans Line (600,600) – Step (1000,0)<br />

Line – walk (0,10000)<br />

Line – Step (-1000,0)<br />

Line – Step (0, -1000)<br />

Q 58. Differentiate between procedural programming and event driven programming.<br />

Ans. Events are various things that can happen in a program .In the procedural language a written<br />

application in executed by checking for the program logically through the program statements one<br />

after the another. By in even driven application the program statement are executed only when a<br />

particular event calls a specific part of the code i.e. assign to the even. e.g. text box events are<br />

change, click, mouse move, etc.<br />

Q 59 What is native code and P-code?<br />

Ans. visual basic used to produced executable program file in p-code i.e. (pseudo code – it is a technique for<br />

expressing operation of a computer program or an algorithm in a natural language such as English. It was<br />

develop as alternative to flowing chart) rather than native code. But with the later versions of visual basic the<br />

compiler started translating the visual basic, which people can understand, into executable programs<br />

consisting of native machine code that computer can read and understand<br />

Q60 What are the various startup positions in the VB forms?<br />

Ans. Startup position property is used to set the position of the form when it gets displaced on the screen.<br />

Various options are:<br />

-1. Manual<br />

-1. Center owner<br />

-1. Center Screen<br />

-1. Windows default<br />

Q61 Explain the two tab of properties windows?<br />

Ans. The two labs of properties windows are:<br />

-1. Alphabetic<br />

-1. Categorized<br />

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Sometimes it is convenient to display the properties sorted alphabetically. For this, alphabetic tab<br />

can be used. But sometimes you can group the properties according to their categories. For this,<br />

categorized tab can be used. e.g. categories can be appearance, behavior etc.<br />

Q62 What are various types of list box used in visual basic?<br />

Ans. List box control is used to display a list and terms can be added both at design time and run time.<br />

Following types of list box are provided in visual basic, which can be set through its style property.<br />

-1- Standard.<br />

-1- Checkbox<br />

Q63 What is the one major difference between list box control & combo box control?<br />

Ans. One major difference between list box & combo box control is that in combo box user can enter his<br />

own items whereas in list box user has to select only from the list provided & he can not enter his<br />

own items in the list.<br />

Q64 Write three important properties of command button?<br />

Ans. Three important properties & command button are<br />

0. Name: Name property of command button, which will be used in code windows while<br />

programming any event of command button, which will be used in code window while<br />

programming any event of command button.<br />

0. Caption: Caption property sets the caption of the command button which will be displayed on the<br />

button e.g. O.K. cancel button show in Microsoft products.<br />

0. Enabled: This property is either true or false. If it is true the user can click the button other wise if<br />

false then user is unable to click the button.<br />

Q65 What do you understand by term debugging?<br />

Ans. Debugging a program means correcting the errors in the program while it is running. Immediate<br />

window is used for help in debugging as a program is running in visual basic. IDE. Immediate<br />

windows helps to display the value of the program variables, change the value of the variables.<br />

During debugging, you can insert statement in the code, change the value of variable and then<br />

continue running your program<br />

Q66 Explain RGB() function ?<br />

Ans. For defining colors, visual basic provides the RGB() function, which accepts three arguments.<br />

RGB (Red, Green, Blue)<br />

With RGB() function, you can define any color. The red, green & blue arguments accept<br />

values from 0 to 255. e.g. to change the background color. The red, green & blue arguments<br />

accept values from 0 to 255 e.g. to change the background color, you can write form1.backcolor =<br />

RGB (255,255,0).<br />

Q67 Explain the difference between implicit & explicit declarations?<br />

Ans. In visual basic, there are two types of declarations implicit & explicit. In visual basic, you can<br />

choose not to declare variable & if visual basic sees an undeclared variable, it creates that variable<br />

& type of variable is variant. Such declaration is implicit declaration.<br />

Other type is explicit declaration where variables can be declared by Dim statement followed by<br />

variable's name and type e.g.<br />

Dim meters as integer<br />

For explicit declarations, statement option explicit should be written on top of the form.<br />

Q68 Explain the difference between Access keys & Shortcut keys.<br />

Access Keys Shortcut Keys<br />

1. Access keys starts with alt key 1. Shortcut start with ctrl key<br />

2. Access keys are designated by putting '&' sign 2. Shortcut keys are to be selected from the Menu<br />

in front of the letter.<br />

editor.<br />

3. If designer don't designate access keys. VB 3. There is no such rule for shortcut keys<br />

uses the first character as Access key.<br />

4. Access keys can be defined for command<br />

buttons, menus etc.<br />

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Shortcut keys are only defined for menus.<br />

Q69 Write four important properties of listbox control.<br />

Ans. Four important properties of listbox control are:<br />

0. List (): This property contains all the elements in the list<br />

0. Listcount: This is the number of items in the list.<br />

0. Sorted: By setting this property to true, items in the list are always sorted.<br />

0. Style: This property determines the appearance of the control<br />

Q70. List three file controls used in visual basic?<br />

Ans. Three file controls used in <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> are<br />

0) DriveList box: Displays the names of the drives within & connected to PC<br />

0) DirList box: Displays the folders of the current drive.

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0) FileList Box: Displays the files of current folder.<br />

Q71 Why Dim statement is used in visual basic?<br />

Ans. Dim statement is used in visual basic to declare any variable.<br />

e.g. Dim a as Integer<br />

Above statement declares a variable 'a' of the type integer.<br />

Q72 .Write note on variable naming conventions used in visual basic.<br />

Ans. Following are the few naming conventions used while declaring variables.<br />

0. Must begin with a letter.<br />

0. Can't contain an embedded period or any of the keywords.<br />

0. Must not exceed 255 characters.<br />

0. Must be unique within it scope.<br />

Q73. What is pop up menus?<br />

Ans. Pop up menus are also called context menu or shortcut menu that the user can invoke by right<br />

clicking a form or control. This pop up menu is regular menu & can be displayed anywhere on the form. Pop<br />

up menus are invoked with the PopUpMenu method.<br />

Q 74. Explain the difference between Modules & Class modules.<br />

Ans. Modules store variable declarations and code, which are available to all other components of an<br />

application. But if procedures are to be used in several projects then class Modules are built.<br />

Q75 List three important properties DateTimePicker control.<br />

Ans. Important properties of DateTimePicker control are<br />

0. Value: - This property gives the value of the date & time displayed n the control.<br />

0. Name: - Name property sets the name of the dtpicker, which is used in coding.<br />

0. Format: - It specifies the format of the date or time to be displayed in the control.<br />

Q 76. Write a note on MonthView control.<br />

Ans. MonthView control used to display a calendar that shows one or more months as specified. This control<br />

lets the user move from one place to another. You can also specify selection of dates and specified dates<br />

can be obtained from its value property. By default, the current month of the current year is displayed.<br />

Q77. Name the functions used to create menus with Bitmaps.<br />

Ans. Functions used to create menu with bitmaps are:<br />

0. GetMenu( )<br />

0. GetSubMenu()<br />

0. ModifyMenu( )<br />

0. CreateCompatibleDC( )<br />

0. CreateCompatibleBitmap( )<br />

0. SelectObject( )<br />

Q78. List four important properties of ListView control.<br />

Ans. Add – Adds a new item to listeners collection<br />

Count – Returns number of items in collection.<br />

Item – Retrieves an item specified by and index value or key<br />

Sorting – Whether the items of listview will be sorted or not.<br />

Q79. Explain the function GetDriveType( ).<br />

Ans. GetDriveType () function determines the drive type & is declared as private declare function<br />

Getdrivetype Lib “Kernel32” _<br />

Alias “GetDriveTypeA” (By Val ndrive as string) As long<br />

You pass the drive that you want to check with nDrive argument & function returns a long value, which<br />

describes the type of drive.<br />

Q80 Describe two ways of establishing a connection to database with ADODB.<br />

Ans. Two ways of establishing a connection to database with ADODB are:<br />

0. By passing the connection string to open method of ADODB.<br />

0. By creating a ‘dsn’ that can be passed to open method of ADODB.<br />

Q81 Define data integrity.<br />

Ans. Data integrity states that there should be no duplication of records & database should always be in a<br />

consistent state. Each record in the database should be uniquely identifiable.<br />

Q 82. Write two important properties of data bound list.<br />

Ans. Two important properties of data bound list are<br />

4. Row source – Specifies the source (recordset or data control) for populating the list.<br />

4. Listfield – Specified the field that will be used to fill the list.<br />

Q83. Explain TableDef object.<br />

Ans. A TableDef object represents the definition of table in database object. All TableDef object forms a<br />

collection, the TableDef collection.<br />

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Q84. Explain QueryDef object.<br />

Ans. Database can contain query definitions. The queries that are commonly used on a database can be<br />

stored in the database & called by name. All the queries stored in database can be accessed through the<br />

QueryDef object. QueryDefs object is a collection of QueryDef object, one for each stored query.<br />

Q85. How SQL queries can be executed through active data object<br />

(ADO)?<br />

Ans. SQL queries can be executed through ‘Execute‘ method of active data object. E.g.<br />

ADOconn.Execute “Select * from employees”<br />

Q86. List the advantages of COM.<br />

Ans. COM is a language independent object model that defines many types of services & support for<br />

distributed objects. COM is the only model that provides detailed & open specifications & helps to provide<br />

stability, effective communication protocol & in process server support that developers & end user need.<br />

COM provides easy to use tools & largest set of available applications. It provides Help for reusable<br />

components. COM supports thousands of available applications.<br />

Q87. List two important properties of coolbar control?<br />

Ans. Two important properties of coolbar control are:-<br />

1. Orientation: - This property specifies the orientation of the coolbar. It can be horizontally oriented or<br />

vertically oriented.<br />

2. Align: - Align property specifies the alignment of coolbar control on its container object.<br />

Q 88. What is an active X control?<br />

Ans. Active X controls are user design controls, which have users specific properties.<br />

Q89. Explain the difference between intrinsic controls & ActiveX control.<br />

Ans. Intrinsic controls are those controls, which are there in the toolbox of visual basic whereas ActiveX<br />

controls are custom made controls, which can be build, by the users. Intrinsic controls are standard visual<br />

basic controls whereas you can make controls that have user specific properties. E.g. You can design a text<br />

box control which accepts only numeric values.<br />

Q90. Define Twip<br />

Ans. A screen independent unit used to ensure that placement and proportion of screen elements are<br />

same on all display systems. A twip is a unit of screen measurement equal to 1/20 of printers point.<br />

There are app 1440 twips to a logical inch or 567 twips to a logical centimeter.<br />

Q91. Write a short note on Microsoft Jet database engine.<br />

Ans. It is a database management system that retrieves stores data in user and system databases. The<br />

Microsoft Jet database engine can be thought of as a data manager component with which other<br />

data access systems such as Microsoft Access and visual <strong>Basic</strong> are built.<br />

Q92. What do you mean by DLL?<br />

Ans Dynamic link library. DLL is compiled version of coded. DLLs are components of applications<br />

that provide several functions in a file that can be linked to and used by a program when it is run.<br />

They are extremely useful for to reusing someone’s code or if we want our programs to be smaller.<br />

Q93. What is dynaset?<br />

Ans. A type of Recordset object that returns a dynamic set of pointers to a live database data like a table<br />

or a snapshot type Recordset, a dynaset returns data in records (rows) and fields (columns). Unlike<br />

a table type Recordset, a dynaset type recordset can be there result of a query that joins two or<br />

more tables.<br />

Q94. Define Event.<br />

Ans. An action recognized by an object, such as clicking the mouse or pressing a key and following<br />

which you can write code to respond. Events can occur as a result of a user action or program code, or they<br />

can triggered by the system.<br />

Long Type Questions<br />

Q 1.Write down the various control structure in <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong>.<br />

Ans :<br />

. Select Control structure<br />

Control structure are used to control the flow of program's execution. <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> supports control<br />

structure such as If…. Then, If…. Then …… Else , Select ….. Case and loop structure such as Do<br />

While ….Loop, Do… Loop while and For ……Nest method.<br />

If…. Then … Else Statement<br />

The If….. Then block is used for conditional execution of one or more statements.<br />

If condition then<br />

Statements<br />

End If<br />

The statement is executed only if the condition is true. The condition is usually a comparison, but is can<br />

be any expression that evaluates a numeric value. If then – Else block is used to define several blocks<br />

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Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

of statements, in order to execute to one block. The following block of statement illustrates if…. Else..<br />

End if statement.<br />

if A =1 Then<br />

Statements<br />

Else<br />

Statements<br />

End if<br />

The following example illustrates the If ….. Then.. Else statement.<br />

Example 1.4 Illustrate an example to check for the number of digits in a number and display a message<br />

indicating the number of digits in its within 1000.<br />

• A new Standard EXE project is opened and a TEXT Box and CommandButton is added to the<br />

Form. The following code is entered in the Command 1_Click () procedure.<br />

Private Sub Command 1_Click ( )<br />

If Val (Text1. Text)

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Example 1.5<br />

Private Sub Form _Load ( )<br />

Do<br />

X$ =Inputbox $ ("Password Please ?")<br />

Loop Until X$ ="Vanilla Orange"<br />

End Sub<br />

The above example checks for the password set to open the Format runtime. At run time it asks for the<br />

password and until is entered as "Vanilla Orange" the loop remains infinite . Once the correct password is<br />

typed in the input box and click OK , The Form is opened.<br />

The For ….Next Loop Statement<br />

The For …. Next Loop is another way to make loops in <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong>. The following loop counts<br />

from 1 to 50.<br />

for I =1 to 50 step 1<br />

Text1. Text =Str (I)<br />

Next<br />

In order to count from 1 to 50 in steps of 2, the following loop can be used . :<br />

For 1=1 to 50 step 2<br />

Text1. Text =Str (I)<br />

Next<br />

The loop counts as 1,3,5, etc.<br />

Exit For and Exit Do statement<br />

A For ….Next loop can be terminated by an Exit For statement . Consier the following statement block.<br />

For I= to 100<br />

Text1.Text =Str (I)<br />

If 1=50 Then<br />

Exit for<br />

End if<br />

Next<br />

The proceeding code increments the value of I by 1 until it reaches the condition 1 =50. The Exit for<br />

statement is executed and it terminates the For … Next loop. The following statement block –containing<br />

D0… While loop is terminated using Exit do statement.<br />

I=1<br />

Do while I

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The ReDim statement can appear only in a procedure , which is an executable statement . The same way of<br />

declaration as used for fixed arrays is used for declaring ReDim statements also.ReDim is an executable<br />

statement. The lower and upper limits for each dimension can also be specified explicitly as in a fixed size<br />

array. An example for this given below.<br />

ReDim FirstArray ( 4 to 12)<br />

Each time on executing the ReDim Statement, the current data stored in the array is lost and the default<br />

value is set. But if we want to change the size of the array without losing the previous data, we have to use<br />

the Preserve keyword with the ReDim Statement. This is shown in the example given below.<br />

ReDim Preserve NewArray (Unbound (FirstArray) +1)<br />

When the Preserve keyword is used, only the upper limit of the last dimension in a multidimensional array<br />

can be changed. No other dimensions or the lower limit of the last dimension can be changed.<br />

Q3 Write a short note on option Explicit.<br />

Ans :<br />

It may be convenient to declare variable implicitly, but it can lead to errors that may not be recognized at run.<br />

Say ,e.g. a variable by name intcount is used implicitly and is assigned to a value. In the next step , the field<br />

is incremented by 1 by the following statement.<br />

Intcount =intcont+1<br />

This calculation will result in intcount yielding a value of 1, as intcont would have been initialized to zero.<br />

This because the intcount variable has been mistyped as intcont in the right hand side of the second<br />

variable. But <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> does not view this as a mistake and consider it to the new variable and hence<br />

gives a wrong result.<br />

To prevent errors of this nature, we can declare a variable by adding the following statement to<br />

the general declaration section of the Form.<br />

Option Explicit<br />

This forces the user to declare all the variable .The option explicit statement checks in the module for usage<br />

of any undeclared variable and reports an error to the user. The user can thus rectify the error on seeing this<br />

message.<br />

The Option Explicit statement can be explicitly placed in the general declaration section of each<br />

module using the following steps.<br />

Q 4. Write a short note on Procedure and their types.<br />

Ans: Procedure<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> program can be broke into smaller logical components called procedures. Procedures are<br />

useful for condensing repeated operations such as the frequently used calculations, text and control<br />

manipulation etc. Following are the benefits of using procedures in programming.<br />

• It is easier to debug a program with procedures, which breaks a program into discrete logical<br />

limits.<br />

• Procedures used in one program can act as building blocks for other programs with slight<br />

modification.<br />

A Procedures can be Sub, Function or Property Procedures.<br />

Sub procedures<br />

A sub procedures can be paced in standard , class and form modules. Each time the procedure is<br />

called, the statements between Sub and End Sub are executed. The syntax for a sub procedure is a<br />

follows.<br />

[ Private | Public ] Sub procedurename [arglist)]<br />

[statements]<br />

End Sub<br />

arglist is list of argument names separated by commas. Each argument acs like a variable in the procedure<br />

. There are two types Sub Procedures – general procedures and even procedures.<br />

Event Procedures<br />

An event procedure is a procedure blook that contains the control's actual name, an underscore (_) and the<br />

event name. The following syntax represents –general procedures and event procedure for a Form_Load<br />

event.<br />

Private Sub Form_Load ( )<br />

.. Statement Block ..<br />

End Sub<br />

Q 5 Write down the names of different controls and their purpose.<br />

Ans: Toolbar is contains a set of controls that are used to place in a form at design time thereby creating<br />

the user interface area. Additional control can be included int eh toolbox by using the Components menu<br />

item on the Project menu. A Toolbox is represented in .<br />

• The pointer helps to move and resize the control and Forms.<br />

• Label displays a text that the user can not modify or interact with.<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

• Frame control serves as a visual and functional container for controls.<br />

• Check Box displays a True/False or Yes/No option.<br />

• Textbox is a control used to display message and enter text.<br />

• The List Box displays a list of items from which a user can select one.<br />

• Combo Box contains a Textbox and List Box. This allows the user to select an item from the<br />

dropdown List Box or to type a selection in the Textbox.<br />

• HScroll Bar and Scrollbar controls allow the user to select a value within the specified range of<br />

values.<br />

• Timer control executes timer events at specified intervals of time.<br />

• DirListBox allows the user to select directories and paths, which are displayed .<br />

• Shape control adds a shape (rectangle, square or circle) to a Form.<br />

• Image control is used to display icon, bitmaps , metafiles, etc.<br />

• OLE controls used to link or embed an object , display and manipulate data from other Windows<br />

based applications.<br />

• PictureBox displays icons/ bitmaps and metafiles. It displays text or acts as a visual container for<br />

other control.<br />

• CommanButton carries out the specified action when the user choose it.<br />

• The OptionButton control which is part of an option group allows the user to select one option even<br />

if it displays multiple choices.<br />

• The DriveListBos displays the valid disk drives and allows the user to select one of them.<br />

• The FileListBox displays a set of files from which a user can select the desired one.<br />

• Line control draws a straight line to the Form.<br />

• Data control enables the user to connect to an existing database and displays information from it.<br />

Q 6. Differentiate between Properties, Methods and events.<br />

Ans : All the control in the Toolbox except the Pointer are objects in <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong>. These objects have<br />

associated properties , For example , a flower is loaded with certain color, shape and fragrance. Similarly,<br />

programming objects are loaded with properties.<br />

A property is a named attribute of a programming object. Properties define the characteristic of an<br />

object such as size, color, etc. or sometimes the way in which it behaves. For example , a Textbox accepts<br />

properties such as Enabled, Font, Multi Line , Text, Visible , Width , etc. These are discussed below:<br />

• Enabled property allows the Textbox to be enabled or disabled at run time depending on the<br />

condition set to True or False.<br />

• Font property sets a particular allows the Textbox.<br />

• Multi Line property allows the Textbox to accept the display multiple lines at run time.<br />

• Text property of the Textbox control sets a particular text in the control.<br />

• Visible property is used to hide the object at run time.<br />

• Width property sets the Textbox to the desired width at design time.<br />

The properties that are discussed above are design time properties that can be set at the design<br />

time by selection the Properties widows . But certain properties can not be set at design time.<br />

A method is an action that can be performed on objects. For example, a cat is an object. Its<br />

properties might include long white hair, blue eyes, three pounds weight, etc. A complete definition of<br />

cat must not only encompass on its looks, but should also include a complete itemization of its<br />

activities. Therefore, a cat's method might be move, jump, play, breathe, etc.<br />

Similarly, in object-oriented programming, a method is a connected or built-in procedure, a block of code<br />

that can be invoked to impart some action on a particular object. A method requires an object to provide<br />

them with a context. For example, the word Move has no meaning in <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong>, but the following<br />

statement, performs a very precise action.<br />

Text1. Move 700, 400<br />

The textbox control has other associated methods such as Refresh , SetFocus, ect.<br />

• The Refresh method enforces a complete repaint of the control or a Form. For example, Text1.<br />

Refresh refreshes the Text Box.<br />

• The SetFocus method moves the focus to the control .For example , Tex1. SetFocus sets the<br />

focus to TextBox control Text1.<br />

Q 7 Explain modules and its various types in detail.<br />

Ans. Module is a block of code that performs a specific task and is complete in itself. Modules can be defined<br />

as collection of code that performs a specific task. This code is hidden from rest of the coding on the form.<br />

There are three types of modules in VB.<br />

1. Form Module<br />

2. Standard Module<br />

3. Class Module<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

1. Form Module: The form that you see on the screen is representation of the properties that define its<br />

appearance. For each form in an application, there is a related form module that contains its code and the<br />

form module is created in the file with extension .frm.<br />

Each form module contains event procedures which is section of code to response<br />

to specific code. Forms can contain controls & for each control on the form, there is corresponding set of<br />

event procedures in the form module. Form module can contain sub procedure, event procedures and<br />

function procedures. E.g. Form_load() is a event procedure written for each form on the project if needed and<br />

responds when the form is loaded.<br />

2. Code Module/Standard Module: When larger projects are built in VB, then developer wants to reuse the<br />

code as much as possible. For this reason procedures and functions are stored in separate modules rather<br />

than attaching them to forms.<br />

A standard or code module is set of code that you want to be accessible everywhere in the project. Standard<br />

module has no visual components & is useful for reusing the code. So a module or standard module has a<br />

global scope. Code modules are maintained in a separate folder in project explorer window and these files are<br />

stored with .bas extension on hard disk.<br />

3. Class Module: Class module is used to create objects that can be called from procedures within your<br />

application classes. Standard module contains only code & a class module contains both code & data.<br />

Standard module can never have more than one copy but class module data exists separately for each<br />

instance of the class. Class module helps VB to be an object-oriented language. For each class module you<br />

have to create an object of that class.<br />

The data in a standard module has a program scope i.e. it exists for the life of your program while class<br />

module data for each instance of a class exists only for the lifetime of object.<br />

Q 8 Explain Procedures and its various types in detail.<br />

Ans. Procedure: You can simplify the programming tasks by breaking programs into smaller logical<br />

components & these components are called procedures. Procedures are useful for shared and repetitive<br />

tasks. Procedures can be categorized into two parts<br />

1. Event Procedure<br />

2. General Procedure: These are further classified as sub procedure and function procedure.<br />

1. Event Procedure: All the VB objects have various events e.g. clicking a command button is an event & for<br />

each event there can be specific action to be taken. Every time an action is taken, event procedure is fired.<br />

Event procedure is lines of code that tells VB how to respond to a particular event.<br />

2. General Procedure: Event procedure are core of VB programming but if event procedure are long then it<br />

can be broken down into smaller logical units and are called general procedure. There are two types of<br />

general procedures<br />

(i) Sub Procedure: It is a helper program that is used as needed. Sub Procedures are generalizations<br />

of the event procedures. Unlike functions, which normally return values procedures simply do the things.<br />

The idea is that sub procedure are tool which you can choose if you just want to<br />

write a block of code that does something, much as event procedure does something. Sub procedures can be<br />

without parameters or it can have parameters. These can be called with or without the help of call statement.<br />

With call Statement, parenthesis are required while calling the procedure otherwise parenthesis are not<br />

required.<br />

(ii) Function Procedure: Functions are also block of code just like procedures but they can return<br />

values. There are many built in functions and functions defined by the user are called user-defined functions.<br />

We can call a function anywhere in the project if it is declared Public.<br />

Functions can be of following types:<br />

1. Functions with no arguments and with no return type.<br />

2. Functions with arguments and with no return type.<br />

3. Functions with no arguments and with return type.<br />

4. Functions with arguments and with return type.<br />

Q 9 What is control? Can we create our own control in visual <strong>Basic</strong>?<br />

Ans. A control is which we place on the form to create a user interface. Examples of controls are command<br />

button, textbox control, label, picture box etc. We can add more controls by right clicking on the toolbox and<br />

selecting components from pop up menu. All the controls can be accessed from the toolbox. Nearly every<br />

control has its own properties & methods. We can set the properties at design time and through coding. We<br />

can make controls response to happening of events. For example: change method of textbox responds to<br />

the code written in change method whenever the text in the textbox changes.<br />

We can create our own controls in visual <strong>Basic</strong> & these are called ActiveX controls. User<br />

can design their own controls or can extend the properties of existing controls. For example: you can design<br />

a textbox control that accepts only numeric data.<br />

Q.10) Explain types of dialog boxes.<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Ans. There are three kinds of dialog boxes.<br />

4) Modal dialog box<br />

4) Modeless dialog box<br />

4) System modal dialog box<br />

Modal dialog box: - Model dialog boxes can be called as application modal dialog box. This dialog box insists<br />

the user to respond to them, before continuing in the same application. A modal dialog box while in action<br />

stops running your code until it is close or hidden. The show method of form uses VbModal style to load the<br />

form as a modal dialog box.e.g.<br />

Form1. Show VbModal.<br />

Modeless dialog box: - Modeless dialog box do not need to be closed to loose their focus. They are just like<br />

any other form in your application and loose their focus as soon as you click some other window outside the<br />

application. A form is by default loaded in this state if no arguments are supplied to show method.<br />

System modal dialog box: - A system model dialog box restricts the user from continuing work on the<br />

system unless it gets unloaded. Screen saver with passwords is example of system modal dialog box. The<br />

show method doesn’t have this style but in order to call a default message box in a system modal style, we<br />

can use the following syntax.<br />

MsgBox “Message string “, VbOkOnly + VbSystemModel.<br />

Q 11 Write down the various types of ActiveX controls.<br />

Ans :<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> offers the user three different types of control .The techniques for authoring all ActiveX control<br />

are the same. The type we need to build however depends on the requirement and the amount of<br />

functionality that is required to be included in our control. The different type of ActiveX control. The<br />

different types of ActiveX controls offered by <strong>Visual</strong> basic are as follows.<br />

• User drawn control<br />

• Enhancement to existing <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> control<br />

• New controls built with constituent controls<br />

User Drawn Control<br />

These controls are developed from scratch . The user is responsible for designing the control's interface and<br />

is in control of its appearance and interface. These implementation of these controls is very difficult as<br />

every bit of functionality starting from the control's interface to its appearance has to be written by the<br />

developers/users. They also are the most flexible ones as the user does not have to put up with the<br />

limitations of other controls.<br />

Existing <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> Control<br />

The simplest of custom ActiveX control is one that is based on an existing control. The user can keep most<br />

or all of the original control's functionality and then add custom members.<br />

For example, when the style property of the Combo Box is to 0 (Dropdown) or 1 (Simple Combo), the<br />

user can enter a new field value in the edit box of the control, but the new entry is not appended to the<br />

list of available choices. This can be enhanced by enrapturing the Enter key. When the user presses<br />

Enter, add the entry in the Edit box to the list of options. This can result in the development of a new<br />

control, say Enhanced Combo.<br />

Constituent Control<br />

In cases where most of the functionality we want to include in our custom control already exits, a new<br />

control can be designed that include existing control. The control that form part of the newly developed<br />

custom control are called constituent control.<br />

Q 12.Differentiate between ActiveX EXE and Active X DLL<br />

ANS: Servers can be implemented as ActiveX DLL or Active X EXE components. The difference lies in how<br />

the server is executed. An ActiveX DLL is an in-process server. The DLL is loaded in the same address<br />

space as the client executable that calls the server and it runs on the same thread as the client. At any<br />

given moment however, the client application or the DLL is running. The merits of DLL are that they are<br />

faster, they become part of the application that uses them.<br />

An ActiveX EXE otherwise called as an out-of-process server, as the name indicates runs as a<br />

separate process. When a client application creates an object provided by an EXE server for the first time,<br />

the server starts running as a separate process. If another client application creates the same object, the<br />

running EXE server provides this object . In other words, a single EXE server can service multiple clients.<br />

Out-of-process servers seem to be more efficient in terms of resource allocation , but exchanging<br />

information between servers is a slow process.<br />

We will be working with a client server model. Here the application is client , which sends requests<br />

and the ActiveX Component is the server, which services the request. Though ActiveX DLLs run within the<br />

same application as the client , they are considered as to be servers.<br />

Difference between ActiveX EXE and ActiveX Component<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

The distinction between server types results in difference in testing the components. An ActiveX can be<br />

tested by adding a test project to the ActiveX DLL project. Since both the server component and the test<br />

application run in the same process, we don't need two difference executables.<br />


ANS : <strong>Visual</strong> basic provides a variety of options to access remoter Client\Server database. They are<br />

• Data Access Objects (DAO) It communicates with data sources through the JET database<br />

engine.<br />

• Data Control : It binds data-war –aware to Microsoft Access and other ODBC data sources.<br />

• ODBC Direct It allows accessing of ODBC data sources through the RDO with DAO object,<br />

bypassing the JET database engine.<br />

• Remote Data Object : (RDO): It provides a framework for using code to create and manipulate<br />

components of a remote ODBC database system.<br />

• Remote Data Control (RDC) It binds the controls to an ODBC remote database .<br />

• Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) : This is an API call interface to the open Data<br />

Connectivity libraries and drivers to provide data access to Oracle and other databases that<br />

provide data access to Oracle and other databases that provide an ODBC driver.<br />

• <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> Library for SQL Server (VBSQL) : It is an implementation of the DB library API<br />

specifically designed to provide access to an SQL server through a visual <strong>Basic</strong> Application.<br />

• Active Data Object (ADO) : This is a programming model that eliminates the need to choose<br />

from among DAO and RDO and all other data access methods. It is designed to provide a<br />

command bridge between different database , file system and e-mail servers.<br />

Q 14 Explain the scope the variables.<br />

Ans :A variable is scoped to a procedure or object determines which parts of the code in our application are<br />

aware of the variable's existence .A variable is declared in general declaration section of Form and<br />

hence is available to all the procedures. Local variable are recognized only in the procedure in which<br />

they are declared. They can be declared with Dim and Static keywords. If we want a variable to be<br />

available to all of the procedure s in an application, a variable is declared with broader scope.<br />

Local Variables<br />

A local variable is one that is declared inside a production. This variable is only available to the code<br />

inside the procedure and can be declared using the Dim statement as given below.<br />

Dim int Temp As integer<br />

The local variable exits as long as the procedure in which they are declared, is executing. Once a<br />

procedure is executed, the values of its<br />

local variable are lost and the memory used by these variable is freed and can be reclaimed. Variables that<br />

are declared with keyword Dim exit only as long as the procedure is being executed.<br />

Static Variable<br />

Static variable are not re-initialized each time <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> invokes a procedure and thus retains or<br />

preserves value even when a procedure ends. In case we need to keep track of the number of times a<br />

Command button in an application in clicked, a static counter variable has to be declared. These static<br />

variable are also ideal for making control alternately visible or invisible. A static variable is declared as<br />

given below.<br />

Static inter Permanent as Integer<br />

Variable have a life time in addition to scope . The values in modules level and public variables are<br />

preserved for the lifetime.<br />

Q 15.Explain briefly about COM and DCOM.<br />

Ans : Component Object Model<br />

Component Object model (COM) is the basis for all OCX controls. COM is a specification. It doesn’t tell the<br />

user how to implement a control ; rather it concentrates the way in which two process communicate with<br />

each other and defines some standard interface for them to communicate.COM allows software components<br />

to communicate with each other. It is a binary standard that allows any two components to communicate<br />

regardless of the language the components are written in. The only way to access and interact with a COM<br />

object is through interfaces.<br />

Distributed Component Object Model<br />

Distributed Component is nothing but COM a network. It allows information exchange over the internet , the<br />

local intranet or any other network. While COM is the basis for OCX controls , DCOM is the basis for ActiveX<br />

controls – as ActiveX itself is nothing but internet enable OCX.<br />

Q16 Write a code in <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> to Serach a Record in Database.<br />

Ans Object Properties Setting<br />

Data Name DatabaseName c:\vb\student.mbd<br />

Recordsource Student<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Private Sub Command1_click ()<br />

Data1.Record.FindFirst (“Sname=’” &DBcontrol.text & “ ’ ”)<br />

Text1.Text=Data1.Recordset.fields(5)<br />

Data1.Refresh<br />

End Sub<br />

Q17 Write a code in <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> to update a record in Database.<br />

Ans:<br />

Object Properties Setting<br />

Command button 1 Name Command 1<br />

Caption Modify<br />

Command button 2 Name Command 2<br />

Caption Update<br />

Command button 3 Caption Exit<br />

Data Name Data1<br />

DatabaseName c:\vb\Supplier.mbd<br />

Record source Supplier<br />

The following code entered in the Command button1 click<br />

Private Sub Command1_click()<br />

Msgbox “You are now modify the Current Record”<br />

Data1.Recordset.Edit<br />

Text1.Enable= False<br />

Text2.Enable=False<br />

End Sub<br />

The following code entered in the Command buton2 click<br />

Private sub Command2_click()<br />

Data1.Recordset (2) = Text3.Text<br />

Data1.Recordset (3) = Val (Text4.Text)<br />

Data1.Recordset.Update<br />

Msgbox “Record Update in file”<br />

Data1.refresh<br />

End Sub<br />

Q 18. Write a note on POP-UP menu.<br />

Ans: a popup menu is floating menu that is display over a form independent of the menu bar. Pop<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Up menu are also called context menu, because the items displayed in the pop up menu depend on where<br />

the pointer is located when the right mouse button is clicked.<br />

Any menu can be display as a pop up menu at run time provided it has menu item.<br />

Private sub_form_MouseDown (Button As Integer, Shift As integer, X As Single ,Y As Single)<br />

If button =2 then<br />

PopUpMenu mnuColors<br />

End if<br />

End Sub<br />

Q 19. Write a note on Dragging and Dropping.<br />

Ans: Dragging is the process of clicking the mouse button in a control and moving the mouse while holding<br />

down the mouse button. The action of releasing the mouse button after the dragging is called<br />

Dropping.<br />

DragMode property enable automatic or manual dragging of a control<br />

DragDrop event is recognized when control is dropped onto object<br />

Drag method starts or stops manual dragging.<br />

Q 20.Compare conventional and Object Oriented Programming.<br />

Ans<br />

Conventional Programming using high language such as COBOL , FORTRAN commonly know as<br />

procedure oriented programming.<br />

1.Large programs are divided into smaller programs knows as functions.<br />

2.Most of the function shares global data.<br />

3.Data moves openly around the system from function to function.<br />

4.Funtions transform data from one form to another.<br />

5.Employs top down approach in program design.<br />

Objecting Oriented Programming<br />

1.Programs are divided into what are known as objects.<br />

2.Data Structure are design such that they characterized the objects.<br />

3.Functions that operate on the data of an object are tied together in the data structure.<br />

4.Data is hidden and cannot be accessed by external functions.<br />

5.Objects may communicate with each other through functions.<br />

6 Follows bottom up approach in program design.<br />

Q 21 What is visual basic? From which language is it derived?<br />

Ans. <strong>Visual</strong> basic is object-oriented language, which provides graphical user interface just like Microsoft<br />

windows. <strong>Visual</strong> basic provides integrated development environment. <strong>Visual</strong> basic provides three editions<br />

i.e. Learning edition, professional edition & enterprise edition. <strong>Visual</strong> basic integrated development<br />

environment provides editor, designing, compiler & debugging capabilities. <strong>Visual</strong> basic provides Internet<br />

features, object linking and embedding & various other capabilities to develop robust windows applications.<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> basic applications provides excellent user interface & through VB developer is<br />

capable of connecting to various database. <strong>Visual</strong> basic is derived from language basic.<br />

Q 22) What is control? Can we create our own control in visual <strong>Basic</strong>?<br />

Ans. A control is which we place on the form to create a user interface. Examples of controls are command<br />

button, textbox control, label, picture box etc. We can add more controls by right clicking on the toolbox and<br />

selecting components from pop up menu. All the controls can be accessed from the toolbox. Nearly every<br />

control has its own properties & methods. We can set the properties at design time and through coding. We<br />

can make controls response to happening of events. For example: change method of textbox responds to<br />

the code written in change method whenever the text in the textbox changes.<br />

We can create our own controls in visual <strong>Basic</strong> & these are called ActiveX controls. User<br />

can design their own controls or can extend the properties of existing controls. For example: you can design<br />

a textbox control that accepts only numeric data.<br />

Q 23 Write a short note on common dialog box.<br />

Ans. A common work in most of the applications is to prompt user for filenames, selecting files to open,<br />

saving the file on hard disk, font names & sizes or colors to be used in applications. Common dialog control<br />

is peculiar & provides services to the application but is not displayed on the form at runtime. Common<br />

dialogs control provides built-in windows dialog boxes.<br />

2. Open - File open common dialog box lets user select a file to open.<br />

2. Save As - File save common dialog box lets users select or specify a file name in which current<br />

document will be saved.<br />

2. Color - The color dialog box lets user select colors or specify custom colors.<br />

2. Font - Font common dialog box lets user select font &style to be applied to current text selection.<br />

2. Print - Print common dialog box lets user select and set up a printer.<br />

2. Help- help common dialog box displays help topics.<br />

Q 24 Explain immediate window.<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Ans. When an application of VB is interrupted by pressing Ctrl+Break, a window is shown at the bottom of<br />

the screen called immediate window. When <strong>Visual</strong> basic commands are issued in this window, they execute<br />

immediately with the help of immediate window, you can see the control flow of the program & can work out<br />

which events are fired at what time. It is debugging aid & when an application is running, you can stop it and<br />

use the immediate window to examine or change the values the applications variables. You can step into the<br />

code of the application while it is executing, can change the value of the variables & even insert statements<br />

in the code & then continue the execution of an application.<br />

Immediate window can act as a calculator. For example if you enter following statement in<br />

immediate window.<br />

Print 1888/999 & press enter, the following result is displayed<br />

1.889889889<br />

Q 25 Explain the following.<br />

3. Rnd function.<br />

3. Date function.<br />

3. Time function.<br />

3. Strcomp function.<br />

3. Instr function.<br />

Ans. Rnd function: - Rnd function generates random numbers that doesn’t follow any pattern. For example-<br />

If you write the following code in the form click event.<br />

Private sub form – Click ()<br />

Dim I as integer<br />

For I = 1 to 5<br />

Print Rnd<br />

Next I<br />

End sub.<br />

It will generate five random numbers between 0 & 1.<br />

Date function: - Date function displays the system date eg.<br />

Text 1. Text = Date<br />

It will display the system date in the textbox.<br />

Time function: - Time functions displays the current system time. eg<br />

Text1. Text=Time<br />

It will display system time in the text box.<br />

Strcomp function: - This function can be used to compare strings. Functions returns a value, such as for<br />

example<br />

If you set X=strcomp (A $, B $), then value of x is –1 if A$ is less then B$, 0 if A$ equals B$, 1 if<br />

A$ is greater than B$ and x is NILL if one is empty.<br />

Instr() function :- Instr function tell you whether a string is part of another string and tells you the position<br />

from where that string starts. The syntax is<br />

Instr [string1, string2, compare]<br />

Q 26 Write a short note on RichTextBox control.<br />

Ans. Rich textbox control full-fledged word processor, it provides all the functionality of a textbox control and<br />

gives you capability to mix different fonts, sizes and attributes. You can place images in your text on a rich<br />

textbox control.<br />

Main property of rich textbox control is Text property & contains the<br />

Text currently displayed by the control. You can use RichTextBox control to specify the text’s formatting<br />

including paragraph indentation, font, font size & style etc. The control provides simple properties that turn the<br />

selected text to bold, italics & underline & so on. The two important methods of Rich textbox control are save<br />

file that saves the contents of control on the disk and load file that loads the contents of file from the disk.<br />

Q 27) Describe form life cycle.<br />

Ans. Form life cycle can be describe as when a form loads until the form is unloaded. When a form is loaded<br />

the events fired are referred to as Birth Events such as Initialize Event, Load event Resize Event, Activate<br />

Event. To watch the interaction of the user with the form various events are fired such as mouse move Event,<br />

click event, double click event etc. When the form is unloaded its shutdown events are fired such as<br />

QueryUnload Event, unload event, terminate event. All these events can be tracked through the immediate<br />

window. We can display a message each time an event is fired.<br />

Q 28 Write a short note on masked edit controls.<br />

Ans. Microsoft masked edit controls is used for input validations in a text box. It looks like an ordinary text box.<br />

You can restrict the characters entered without having to write code in the key events. Most important property<br />

is mask property. This property controls what the user can enter.<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

The event dealing with input to Masked edit box is ValidationError event. This event is fired whenever<br />

user tries to enter invalid character.<br />

Q29. What is recursion? Explain with suitable example.<br />

Ans. Recursion can be described as a procedure in which a function or procedure calls itself. Code written in a<br />

function is extended sequentially but when a function calls itself then the same code is executed for each call<br />

to function. In recursion function calls, itself again & again.<br />

E.g. If we want to calculate factorial with the help of recursion then we can write the following<br />

function.<br />

Private Function rec (x as integer)<br />

If x = 1 then<br />

Rec= 1.<br />

Else<br />

F = rec (x – 1)<br />

Rec =f<br />

End If.<br />

Q 30) Write a short note on status bar control.<br />

Ans. Status bars are implemented in visual basic via the status bar control and it runs along the bottom of an<br />

application window and provides the information about the current status of the application. Status bar is a<br />

good place to put information that helps users to keep track of program options they selected.<br />

Status bar control is not an intrinsic control & can be added from components dialog box named<br />

Microsoft Windows Common Control 6.0. status bar is always added at the bottom of the form & you should<br />

set the form’s border style to fixed single so that user cannot change the size of the form.<br />

Q 31) What do you understand by OLE?<br />

Ans. OLE is object linking & embedding. With the help of OLE we can add other objects in your visual basic<br />

application .OLE control is a part of visual basic toolbox. Through OLE control you can insert an object from<br />

one application into another application. The inserted object is copy of original object. For example, you can<br />

embed a range of cells from an excel worksheet in a word document. OLE container control, which allows you<br />

to insert objects from other applications into your program. You can place only one object in the container<br />

control at a time, but there can be multiple OLE container control on a single form. You can embed word<br />

documents, sounds, bitmaps and excel spreadsheets in your VB applications. OLE container control hides all<br />

the complications of OLE from the user & you can build OLE-capable applications.<br />

32) Explain in the term DLL?<br />

Ans. The term DLL’s full form is Dynamic link Library. It is a COM based object, which is not executable by<br />

itself & is intended to be used by another application. Every windows application that is executed must reside<br />

in memory. Active DLLs are loaded into the same process as the application that uses the Active XDLL. This<br />

is why ActiveX DLL are often called in the process components.<br />

To create ActiveX DLL we open an ActiveX DLL project. By default ActiveX DLL has one class<br />

module and its extension is .dll. We create a stand-alone file that can be used independently when a DLL is<br />

created, we can save it anywhere on the disk. Once we have created the DLL we can use it in another<br />

applications by adding a reference to it. We can test the DLL by opening standard EXE and adding a<br />

reference to the DLL by using reference dialog box.<br />

Q 33) Explain the terms passing by value & passing by reference.<br />

Ans. When you call a function or procedure, there are two ways to pass an argument.<br />

4. Passing by reference.<br />

4. Passing by value.<br />

When you pass an argument variable by reference, any changes to the corresponding parameter inside the<br />

procedure will change the value of the<br />

Original argument when the function or procedure finishes, when you pass an argument by value, then<br />

original variable retains the original value after the procedure finishes. For example<br />

Sub Triple (Num as Integer)<br />

Num = 3 * Num.<br />

Print “ I am in the procedure (pass by reference)”<br />

End sub.<br />

Sub triple (BY Val Num as integer)<br />

Num = 3*Num.<br />

Print “ I am in the procedure (Pass by value)”<br />

End sub.<br />

In visual <strong>Basic</strong>, passing an argument by reference is default. If we have to pass an argument by<br />

value then we have to specifically mention the keyboard ‘By Val’.<br />

Q 34) What do you understand by term property pages?<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Ans. Active controls can have property pages. Property pages are similar to the properties windows and they<br />

allow the developer to set the control’s properties. Properly pages are better and have more flexible user<br />

interface.<br />

The properties you set through the properties windows apply to the entire control and property pages<br />

of the control contain several pages on which related properties are grouped. Property pages of a control can<br />

be displayed by Right clicking the control & selecting properties from the pop-up menu .We can design the<br />

property pages through the property page wizard.<br />

Q 35) How an array can be passed to a function?<br />

Ans. An array can be passed to a function in two ways.<br />

3. By reference or by value elements when the function supports one single argument only.<br />

E.g.<br />

Dim A(5) as integer<br />

For x = 0 to 4<br />

Print Sqrt ((x))<br />

Next<br />

3. By reference when the function supports an array argument<br />

Example.<br />

Private function Fun (y () as integer) As Integer<br />

Dim Z(3) as integer<br />

For I = 0 to 2<br />

Z (I) = Y (I) + Y (I)<br />

Next I<br />

Fun = Z<br />

End function<br />

Q 36) What do you understand by file system controls?<br />

Ans. File system controls in visual basic allow users to select a new drive, to see the hierarchical directory<br />

structure of disk or to see the names of the files in a given directory. For these controls you also have to write<br />

code to take full advantage of these controls. There are three main controls named DirList Box, DriveList Box<br />

& FileListBox. Dirlistbox displays the directories in the drives in the computers and any other drive attached to<br />

the computer. File list box displays the files in the current directory .we can attach these controls with each<br />

other so that when a drive is select all its directories should be displayed in the DirListbox and when a<br />

directory is selected its files should be displayed in the file list box. File system controls let you to control the<br />

file system of the computer.<br />

Q 37) What do you understand by transactions?<br />

Ans. Transaction is a database terminology and it is sequence of alterations made to a table in the database.<br />

Transactions can be simply stated as any changes made to the database tables. In visual basic we can make<br />

transactions with database with the help of various controls like DAO, ADO etc. We can create record sets in<br />

VB with which we can manipulate the database tables. <strong>Visual</strong> basic can store all the transactions that it is<br />

making so that if there is any need we can undo them. There are three statements in VB namely BeginTrans,<br />

CommitTrans, RollBack. BeginTrans makes the log of each & every transaction so that at later stage we can<br />

undo them.<br />

CommitTrans commits the changes to database. RollBack roll backs or undo the changes made in the<br />

database.<br />

Q 38) Discuss timer control with suitable example.<br />

Ans. Time control is used to fire on event at specified internals .The code you want to execute is place in the<br />

timer event of timer control. This control has no methods and only one event called timer event. And has<br />

seven properties. This control is invisible at run time. When a timer control is placed on form its Enabled<br />

property is by default true. Whenever this property is set to true the timer control’s timer event is fired at<br />

regular intervals as specified. The unit of measurement is milliseconds. For example, following code will print<br />

how many times the timer has been fired Private Sub Timer1_Timer()<br />

Static counter as long<br />

Counter = Counter +1<br />

Me. caption = “ The timer has been fired “ & str (counter)& “times! “<br />

End Sub<br />

Q 39 What is DAO? Explain .<br />

Ans. DAO is data access object & it is a structure of objects for accessing database through your code. We<br />

can access the database with the help of a data control & DAO provides all the functionally of the data control.<br />

DAO object model has 17 types of objects like database, recordsets, fields etc. Data access<br />

object is implemented through an active control called the data control. We can use DAO by writing a single<br />

line of code. When it is used with other data controls like DbList, DbCombo, DbGrid, it is a very powerful tool.<br />

Information from a database is fetched by the DAO and provided to various controls like Textbox, Dblist etc.<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

DAO accesses database through DbEngine & it is controlled by your application through its object classes,<br />

their methods & properties.<br />

Q 40 What is recordset? Explain.<br />

Ans. Recordsets are objects that represent collections of records from one or more tables .In database<br />

programming, Recordsets are the equivalent of variable in regular programming. Tables of database can’t be<br />

accessed directly. The only way to view or manipulate records is via recordset object. A recordset is similar to<br />

tables in database i.e. it consists of rows & columns and also it can contain data from multiple tables. It is just<br />

like a grid and records in recordset. Recordsets are the result of queries. Recordsets are object variables. It<br />

can store result of queries or an entire table of the database. The contents of the recordset, however, have a<br />

more complicated structure and each cell in this grid can be of a different type. To access the contents of the<br />

recordset, you can use its properties & methods. So a recordset is view of some of the data in the database,<br />

selected from database according to user specified criteria.<br />

Q 41 Write a program in which When you click on add button the new option button is added and<br />

when delete button is clicked option button is deleted and when you click an option button the color<br />

of the picture changes.<br />

Ans. DIM MaxID as integer<br />

Private Sub and Add_Click ()<br />

If MaxID =0 then MaxID =1<br />

If MaxID >8 then Exit Sub<br />

MaxID = MaxID +1<br />

Load optbutton (MaxID)<br />

Opt button (O). Set focus.<br />

Opt button (MaxID). Top = Opt button (MaxID – 1). Top + 400<br />

Opt button (MaxID). Caption = “Option”&MaxID + 1.<br />

End sub<br />

Private Sub delete_Click ()<br />

If MaxID< =1 then exit sub.<br />

Unload opt button (MaxID)<br />

MaxID = MaxID – 1<br />

Opt button (0). Set focus.<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub optbutton_Click (index as integer)<br />

Picdisplay. Back color = QB color (Index +1)<br />

End Sub<br />

Q 42) Explain Scrollbar & Slider controls?<br />

Ans. The scrollbar & slider controls allow the user to specify a magnitude by scrolling a selector between its<br />

minimum and maximum values. Sometimes, the user doesn’t know in advance the exact value of the<br />

quantity to specify. The vertical scroll bar that lets the user move up & down along document. The scroll bars<br />

are the prime mechanism to view large image or text that doesn’t fit entirely in a window. While scrolling a<br />

long document horizontally or vertically, the user doesn’t have to bother about line numbers or pixels.<br />

The slider control is similar to scrollbar control but it does not cover a continuous range of<br />

values. The slider control has a fixed number of tick marks, which the developer can label. The user can<br />

place the slider’s indicator to the desired value. Scrollbar is used where continuous value is important and<br />

slider control is used where discrete values are required, for example slow, medium, fast etc. Scrollbar<br />

control is a long stripe with an indicator that lets the user select a value between two ends of the control<br />

scrollbar can be of two types – horizontal & vertical. The basic properties of scrollbar control are Min, Max<br />

and value. Slider control is similar to the scrollbar control but there is no continuity but there is some specific<br />

range e.g. slow, fast and very fast. Slider control is not an intrinsic control of VB and we can add it from<br />

components dialog box by selecting Microsoft common controls 6.0.<br />

Q 43 Write a program to make a text editor with cut and paste facilities.<br />

Ans. Open a standard EXE project. Place a textbox and place four buttons on it. Name the command button<br />

as cmdcut cmdquit, cmdpaste and cmdreset. Name the text box as text editor & add the following code.<br />

DIM store as string<br />

Private Sub cmdcut_click ()<br />

Cuttext=Texteditor.Seltext.<br />

store=Texteditor.Seltext.<br />

Texteditor.Seltext=” “<br />

Cmdpaste.Enabled=true<br />

Texteditor.Set focus.<br />

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End Sub<br />

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Private Sub cmdQuit_Click ()<br />

Unload me.<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub cmdreset_Click ()<br />

Texteditor. Text=” “<br />

Texteditor. Set focus<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub Text editor_Change()<br />

Cmdcut.Enabled=True<br />

Cmdpaste.Enabled=True<br />

Cmdreset.Enabled=True<br />

Private sub cmdpaste_Click()<br />

Texteditor.Seltext=store<br />

Texteditor.Set focus<br />

End Sub<br />

Q 44 Write a program having one command button and on pressing the button it should display<br />

labels & text boxes of Name, age, Roll No, and Address?<br />

Ans.<br />

Private Sub command1_Click()<br />

Dim captions (10) as string<br />

Dim sizes (10) as integer<br />

Caption (1)=”Name”<br />

Caption (2)=”Age”<br />

Caption (3)=”Roll No.”<br />

Caption (4)=”Address”<br />

Size (1)=20<br />

Size (2)=30<br />

Size (3)=15<br />

Size (4)=40<br />

For I=1to 5<br />

Load labels (I)<br />

Load text boxes (I)<br />

Labels (I).Top=labels (I-1). Top+400<br />

Labels (I).Left=labels (0). Left<br />

Text boxes (I).Top=Text boxes (I-1).Top+450<br />

Text boxes (I).Left=Text boxes (0).Left.<br />

Text boxes (I).Width=Sizes (I) * 60<br />

Labels (I).Caption = Caption (I)<br />

Labels (I).Visible = True<br />

Textboxes (I).Visible = True<br />

Next<br />

Q 45 Explain ADO object model in detail?<br />

Ans. ADO is active data object. ADO object model is similar than the DAO model and it can handle more<br />

databases and has more features. ADO model consists of three objects namely.<br />

1.Connection<br />

2.Command<br />

3.Recordset<br />

1.Connection: - It is a top-level object & represents a connection to the data source. We establish a<br />

connection to a data source and issue a command against the connection object to retrieve the desired<br />

records from the database or to update the database.<br />

2.Command: - This object represents a SQL statement or stored procedure that can be processed by the<br />

data source. The command object doesn’t return any results if it updates the database or returns a recordset<br />

with the requested records. To set up a command object, you specify the SQL statement or stored<br />

procedure and its parameters. We can call the execute method to execute the SQL statement or stored<br />

procedure against the data source. One more approach is to create a recordset object, associate a<br />

command object with it and retrieve the desired records.<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

3.Recordset: - This object stores the results of the execution of command object in a database. Recordsets<br />

can be created without an explicit connection. To access the fields of a recordset object, we can use field’s<br />

collection.<br />

Q 46 Explain in process & out of process servers?<br />

Ans. A class module is server, or an application that provides its services to client applications. When we<br />

create an object variable to access the properties and methods of a class, we involve an executable file,<br />

which runs in the back round & waits to be contacted. Whenever we set or read a property value or call a<br />

method, this executable file performs some actions and return results to your application. Servers can be<br />

implemented as ActiveX EXE or ActiveX DLL components. The difference is how they are executed.<br />

An ActiveX DLL is called in process server. The DLL is loaded in the same address space<br />

as the executable that calls the server. At any point either the application or the DLL is running. A DLL is<br />

faster and becomes part of the application that uses it.<br />

An ActiveX EXE is an out-of-process server and runs as separate process. When an<br />

application creates an object provided by an EXE the server starts running as a separate process. If another<br />

application creates a same object, the new object is provided by the already running EXE. So a single EXE<br />

provides services to multiple applications. Example of out-of-process server is Excel. You can run two or<br />

more applications that requests services of excel and it will be serviced by a single instance of excel.<br />

Q 47 Explain ADO data control.<br />

Ans. Earlier there were DAO & RDO controls which were used to access the databases but these were not<br />

sufficient for more advanced databases like Oracle, SQLServer etc. One of the new controls added to <strong>Visual</strong><br />

<strong>Basic</strong> is Active Data Control or ADO data Control. With ADO data control, We can connect to more databases<br />

of different types.<br />

The simplest way to use ADO in your projects is to add ADO in the project & use it<br />

on the form just like we use DAO. We can add ADO data control from the components. From the project<br />

menu, select components & from the components check Microsoft ADO control 6.0 (OLEDB) option. ADO<br />

control will be displayed in the toolbox of VB.<br />

ADO data control has various properties. Place the control on the form & right click<br />

it to open property pages of ADO control. We now have to specify the name of the data source i.e. name of<br />

the database that ADO data control will connect. There are three types of data sources:<br />

1. File Data source: A database file that all user on the machine can access.<br />

2. User Data source: A database file that a specified user can access.<br />

3. System Data source: A database file that any user that can log on to the machine can access.<br />

When ADO data control is placed & data source is specified we can bind various<br />

other controls like textboxes, list boxes, comboboxes etc. to ADO data control by specifying data source and<br />

data member properties. This is why ADO data control is very effective tool for connecting to databases.<br />

Q 48 What are ActiveX Controls define it and explain any two applications of ActiveX controls.<br />

Ans. ActiveX is a set of reusable components that can be created and utilized by several applications. ActiveX<br />

uses the internet technology to assist in creating compact and reusable applications that can be deployed via<br />

internet or a corporate intranet.<br />

ActiveX provides a familiar client server infrastructure to run your applications. Controls like<br />

coolbar, flatscrollbar, imageCombo are ActiveX controls. ActiveX control can also be used in other ActiveX<br />

compliant programs. These can be embedded and distributed through HTML web pages.<br />

Image List Control: While working with toolbar & coolbar each button is assigned an image and image list<br />

works behind the scene. It is not visible at run time and gives a way to store a group of images in a single<br />

place. The key to work with an Image List control is ListImage object and ListImages collection. The<br />

ListImages collection specifies the images stored. The main properties of Image List control are its custom<br />

properties and are shown as dialog box. You can set pictures in the ImageList control at design time and use<br />

their index to refer them. The Image tab on this dialog box gives a convenient way to add images at design<br />

time.<br />

To use image from imagelist control we can write<br />

Set Picture1.picture=ImageList1.ListImage(1).Picture<br />

Toolbar Control: It is one of the most important tools for providing an easy interface to the users. The toolbar<br />

control provides easy access to options available in your application. To add design time properties to the<br />

controls select its custom properties from the property windows.<br />

A toolbar control contains a collection of Buttons objects used to create toolbar. A<br />

toolbar contains buttons that correspond to items in an application’s menu, providing a graphical interface for<br />

the user to access an application’s most frequently used functions and operations. You can even add an<br />

Image in a button and Image list control is required on the same form, to add images in the toolbar at design<br />

time. You can add buttons at design time in the toolbar using its property pages. The custom property page<br />

has three tabs, General, Buttons and Picture. In the buttons tab you can add more buttons to the toolbar.<br />

Q49 Write about salient features of VB.<br />

Ans. Some features of VB are<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

2. Full set of objects. We draw the application<br />

2. Lots of icons and pictures for use.<br />

2. Response to mouse and keyboard actions<br />

2. Clipboard and printer access.<br />

2. Full array of mathematical, string handling, and graphics function.<br />

2. Can handle fixed and dynamic variable and control arrays.<br />

2. Sequential and random access file support<br />

2. Useful debuggers and error handling facilities.<br />

2. Powerful database access tools.<br />

2. Activex support<br />

2. Package & deployment Wizard makes distributing applications simple.<br />

Q50 Write a program in VB to find the student standing second in a class.<br />

Ans. Public Type Student<br />

Name As String<br />

Marks As Double<br />

End type<br />

DIM S (10) as Student<br />

DIM Temp as student<br />

Public sub enterdata ()<br />

DIM | as Integer<br />

For I= 0 to 10<br />

S(I). Name= Inputbox (“Enter name”)<br />

S(I).marks = Val (Input box (“Enter marks”) )<br />

Next<br />

End sub<br />

Public sub show ()<br />

DIM I As Integer, ) as Integer<br />

For I = 0 to 10<br />

For J = 0 to 10<br />

IF S(I).marks > S(J).marks then<br />

Temp = S(I)<br />

S(I) = S(J)<br />

End If<br />

Next J<br />

Next I<br />

Msgbox S (1). name & “ is second”<br />

End sub<br />

Q51 Classify the operators in VB.<br />

Ans. Arithmetic operators:<br />

+ Used to add two numbers if is used with strings then it will concatenate both.<br />

- Used to subtract two values<br />

* Used to multiply the two numbers.<br />

/ Used to divide two numbers<br />

\ It is integer division operator.<br />

Mod Used to find modules<br />

Relational operators<br />

< less than<br />

< = less than or equal to<br />

> greater than<br />

> = greater than or equal to<br />

= to compare equality<br />

! Not equal to<br />

Logical operators String concalination<br />

AND, NOT, OR String concalination -------&<br />

Q52 Describe Menu Editor in VB.<br />

Ans. Menu editor is used to create new menus and members and new commands to existing menus,<br />

replace existing menu commands with your own commands and change and delete existing menus<br />

and members<br />

To display the Menu Editor<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

From the Tools menu, choose Menu editor<br />

Or<br />

Click the Menu editor button on the toolbar.<br />

The two most important properties for menu controls are:<br />

0. Name: - This is the name you use to reference the menu control from code.<br />

0. Caption: - This is the text that appears on the control.<br />

Q53. Discuss the file handling facilities of VB.<br />

Ans. When we want to store data in visual <strong>Basic</strong> it can be in two forms: a database or an ASC || file.<br />

ASC|| files contain data of all types and can be formatted in a comma-separated values list; Three<br />

modes of files can be<br />

2. Sequential<br />

2. Random Access<br />

2. Binary<br />

Sequential: - When you want to store or retrieve data in VB you may choose to create a sequential<br />

file. A sequential file is a series of lines of text in ASC|| format.<br />

Random access: - Random access also works to retrieve data from ASC|| files, but you have<br />

greater flexibility when you use it instead of sequential mode. Random access allows you to<br />

position yourself anywhere within the file at any time to get the data you need.<br />

Binary Mode: - Binary mode allows you the greatest amount of flexibility when working with files.<br />

When working with binary access mode, you retrieve data sequentially and in chunks; - the binary<br />

mode. The number of bytes read form the file equals the size of the string, in bytes that you want to<br />

read data into.<br />

Q54. Write the enhance comments of VB 6.0 over VB 5.0.<br />

Ans. <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 5.0 released in late 1996. New environment supported creation of Active x controls.<br />

Deleted 16-bit application support.<br />

VB 6.0 includes new features:<br />

• Faster compiler<br />

• New Activex data control object<br />

• Allows database integration with wide variety of applications<br />

• New data report designer.<br />

• New package & report designers<br />

• Additional Internet capabilities.<br />

Q55. What are classes and objects? Discuss how to add properties, events and methods to a<br />

class module?<br />

Ans. A class is a self-sufficient piece of code, which means you can move the class from one project to<br />

another and it should, worked properly without any modification. A class contains properties and<br />

methods that all work together to perform a set of related operations. Object is instance of a class,<br />

which is used to access the members of class.<br />

Methods: - Adding method to a class is just like adding procedure to a code module. You can<br />

prefix the method name with Private or Public, depending on the scope of method.<br />

Properties: - are variables used to store and retrieve data from classes. Properties that are<br />

declared as public are said to be exposed. This means the data within the class can be accessed<br />

from another procedure outside the scope of the class. The exposed properties make up a portion<br />

of the class’s interface. Private properties can be used to keep data and procedures hidden behind<br />

the interface. This prevents programs from directly or unintentionally modifying the contents of data<br />

required for the class to function properly.<br />

Events: - are most interesting portion of class model. They allow the class to communicate<br />

information back to an application when sets of conditions are met. This makes the application<br />

event driven meaning it relies on events to make program operate.<br />

Q56. What are the different types of data reports? How are they created?<br />

Ans. Data report: - It is created by using data environment it may have grouping on some data. To<br />

create data report we must have data environment. After that add command for the report. Double<br />

click the Data Report object in the Project Explorer window.<br />

• Arrange the Data Environment window and the Data Report window so that both the<br />

windows are visible on the screen.<br />

• From data base environment drag the fields onto the appropriate section to add selective<br />

fields or drag command object to include all the fields in the report.<br />

• Each label control and text box control can be arranged in different section of the report<br />

by dragging and dropping as per the requirement set the data source property of Data<br />

Report object to the Data Environment and data member property to command.<br />

Crystal Reports: -<br />

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Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Crystal reports let you customize many of the programs default settings to fit the layout<br />

your work. These setting affect such things as:<br />

0. Your working environment<br />

0. The way you select databases<br />

0. SQL and ODBC access<br />

0. The way various data types are formatted<br />

0. The fonts you use for fields and text.<br />

To create a crystal report-<br />

0. Open crystal Reports<br />

0. Click the new Report button on the button bar. The Report gallery appears<br />

( ) Click one of Report creation expert buttons for step-by-step help in creating a<br />

report.<br />

( ) Click the another Report button to use another report as a template for building<br />

your report.<br />

( ) Click the custom button to build a custom report.<br />

0. When you click custom button the Report Gallery expands.<br />

0. Select report type<br />

0. Select data source<br />

0. Select the fields<br />

0. Format the fields and labels. Apply any others format required on report.<br />

Q57 Explain the visual basic program development process.<br />

Ans. First step in creation of a VB program is to add project. From New tab choose the project template.<br />

After choosing the project type, add forms in your project. Set the properties of form. Third Add<br />

controls if it is simple form are using menu editor define the menu bar. Add controls on the form<br />

and set their properties.<br />

Define the code of controls for the actions events. Add module if necessary.<br />

Save forms and project. Set the default form to run.<br />

Q58. Explain the menu creation through menu editor in visual <strong>Basic</strong>.<br />

Ans. To design menu click on tools Menu editor. Menu editor dialog box will open<br />

Enter caption property and Name property in the first two boxes in menu editor.<br />

You can also choose a short cut key for the current menu control<br />

The left and right arrow buttons are for indenting and outdenting menu controls. A menu title must<br />

be flush with the left margin of the menu list box at the bottom. A menu item is usually indented<br />

once. You would indent a second time to create a submenu item (cascading menu) from the<br />

previous menu item.<br />

The up and down arrow buttons are for changing the order in which menu titles and menu items<br />

appear.<br />

You can type a number in the index field to make the menu control array. These are useful when<br />

you want to list like the ones you see at bottom of file menu in various applications.<br />

The help control ID field in used to link the help menu to a help file through a unique identifies<br />

called help context.<br />

Finally the Negotiate Position field in used to determine where a top-level menu would be<br />

positioned when an MDI child form is maximized and both forms must share the menu bar of MDI<br />

parent form.<br />

Q59. Explain the tasks involved in debugging the visual basic application.<br />

Ans. Debugging in a process by which errors are identified and resolved in source code. Typically<br />

debugging in conducted at various levels. These levels are termed level debugging, level2<br />

debugging, and level3 debugging.<br />

Level debugging: The first level of debugging is the implementation of a debugging procedure and<br />

the necessary tuning to make it operate as expected.<br />

Logical errors occur when the application does not perform as intended and produces correct<br />

results. When a programmer set to write a procedure he/she would have in mind only the expected<br />

output of that procedure. As the develops goes about writing the procedure, he/she finds a better<br />

method that solves many more constraints, thereby working better in the worst of circumstances<br />

also. This five tuning and developing of code functionality in such a way that the program runs<br />

efficiently in called level1 debugging.<br />

Level2 debugging: Second level debugging is the activity required to make a functional unit of<br />

code interact according to plan with other units of code a typically to plan with other units of code<br />

typically before shipping or deploying the completed project. Generally this condition arises when<br />

the user’s procedure does not run properly in a test case.<br />

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Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Level3. Debugging: Level3 debugging is primarily the diagnosis and repairs of problems occurring<br />

in applications that have already been deployed. These bugs are often the most difficult to locate<br />

because they occur on a remote machine. They may be the result of unanticipated circumstances<br />

s. These may be one of the following:<br />

User actions<br />

Program configuration<br />

System configuration<br />

Q60. Explain the find methods to locate any record in the recordset.<br />

Ans. The find methods can be used to locate a record in a dynaset or snapset type recordset. VB<br />

supports four find methods.<br />

Find First: method finds the first record satisfying the specified criteria.<br />

Findlast: method finds the last record satisfying the specified criteria.<br />

Find Next: method finds the next record satisfying the specified criteria, searching forward the<br />

current record.<br />

Find Previous: method finds the previous record satisfying the specified criteria, searching<br />

backward from the current record.<br />

Q61. Write steps to create an MDI application.<br />

Ans. The Multiple Document Interface allows you to create an application that maintains multiple forms<br />

within a single container form. To create an MDI form and its child form use following procedure.<br />

5. Create MDI formby adding MDI form from project menu.<br />

5. Create the applications child form by setting forms MDI child property to true.<br />

Q62. What are various types of modules used in VB?<br />

Ans. <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> has three basic modules<br />

Form module<br />

Standard module<br />

Class module.<br />

2. Form Module: Form module (.FRM file name extension) in the foundation of most visual <strong>Basic</strong><br />

applications. They can contain procedures that handle events. General procedures, and form<br />

level declarations of variables, constants types and external procedure. The code that you<br />

write in a form module in specific to the particular application to which the form belongs. IT<br />

might also refer to other forms or objects within that application.<br />

2. Standard Module: Standard module has BAS extension. There are containers for procedures<br />

and declarations commonly accessed by other modules within the applications. They can<br />

contain global or module level declarations of variables, constants types, external<br />

p[procedures, and global procedures. The code that you write in standard module isn’t<br />

necessarily tied to a particular application a standard module can be reused in many different<br />

applications.<br />

2. Class module: Its extension is .cls. These are used for object oriented programming in VB.<br />

You can write code in class modules to create new objects. These new objects can include<br />

your own customized properties and methods.<br />

Q64. What is use of static variables?<br />

Ans. You can preserve the value of local variable by making the variable static. Static keyword is used to<br />

declare the variable as static.<br />

For example.<br />

The following function calculates a running total by adding a new value to the total of previous<br />

values stored in the static variable accumulate:<br />

Function RunningTotal (num)<br />

Applessold= Applessold + num<br />

Running Total= Applessold<br />

End function<br />

If Applessold was declared with DIM instead of static, the previous accumulated values would not<br />

be preserved across calls to the function and the function would simple return the same value with<br />

which it was called.<br />

Q65. Define constant and its sources.<br />

Ans. A constant in a meaningful name that takes the place of numbers or string that does not change.<br />

Although constant some what resembles a variable, you can’t modify a constant or assign a new<br />

value to it as you can to a variable. There are two sources for constants:<br />

Intrinsic or system-defined:<br />

These constants are provided by applications and controls<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> constants are listed in the visual <strong>Basic</strong> (VB) and <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> for applications (VBA)<br />

object libraries in the object Browser. Other application that provide object Libraries also provide a<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

list of constants you can use with their objects, methods and properties. Constants are also defined<br />

in object library for each Active X control.<br />

Symbolic or user-defined constants are declared using constant statement.<br />

Q66. Write a program to authenticate user/password pair.<br />

Ans. Make a project using standard.exe.<br />

Add a form. Add two text boxes.and two tables. Change caption of first label as username as<br />

second’s as password. Name of first textbox txtusr, and second’s txtpass.<br />

Add a command button and make its caption clickme.<br />

Double click on button to write code for click event.<br />

If txtusr = “Munish” and txtpass= “VB6” then Msgbox “Successful login”<br />

Else<br />

Msgbox “Login denied Reenter User name/Password”<br />

Txtusr = “ “<br />

Txtpass= “ “<br />

End If<br />

Q67. Explain break mode.<br />

Ans. It halts the operation of an application and gives a snapshot of its condition at any instant, as the<br />

program is still active; only i9ts execution is temporarily suspended. All variables retain their values<br />

properties and statements. In this mode you can modify an applications code, or observe the<br />

applications interface condition or determine the active procedures that have been called or even<br />

change the program flow.<br />

If visual <strong>Basic</strong> encounters any of the below mentioned statements, then it enters into the Break<br />

Mode.<br />

Breaks point<br />

Stop statement<br />

Break mode can be entered manually in several ways.<br />

2. Press ctrl + Break<br />

2. Select the Break button on the toolbar<br />

2. Press F5 while your program is running.<br />

Q67:- What do you understand by scope of a variable ? Differentiate between global<br />

variable and local variable.<br />

Ans :- scope of variable is depended upon the variable where it is declared or which keyword is used to<br />

declare the variable. Scope tells the life time of the variable. We can declare variables in two ways.<br />

0. Global<br />

0. Local<br />

0. Global :- When the variable are declared global in the general section then they are accessible with<br />

in the whole form . if with public keyword then they are accessible in whole project with form<br />

reference. If they are declared in module they are also called globally in the project. If these<br />

variables are declare with private or dim keyword in general section then these variables are<br />

callable with in the specified form only.<br />

0. local :- if the variables are declared with dim statement in any procedure of the form then they are<br />

accessible with in that procedure only. We can declare local variable with public or private<br />

keywords.<br />

Q68:- Name and explain in brief various components of <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> IDE?<br />

Ans :- IDE is integrated development environment, which is used in the programming to describe<br />

the interface and environment that we use to create our applications. It is called integrated because<br />

we can access virtually all the development tools that were need from one screen is called<br />

interface.<br />

Main elements or components of IDE are:<br />

• Menu bar :- It contains different types of menus and a group of similar types instructions<br />

are store in a single menu.<br />

• Tool bar :- it contains the shortcuts of the commands those are appears in different<br />

menus. Using these we don’t have any need to open menu again & again. We can select<br />

from the toolbar.<br />

• Project explorer :- it contains list of forms, module and class modules used in the project<br />

• Properties window :- contains the list of properties of the selected control.<br />

• Toolbox :- contains all the implicit controls used in VB.<br />

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Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

• Form Designer :- here we can design the form for vb project.<br />

• Object Browser :- allow us to browse through the various properties, event, and methods<br />

that are made available, or exposed to you.<br />

Q 69:- Explain how a recordset can be created in <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong>?<br />

Ans :- Recordset stroes the results of the execution of command object in a database. Recordset can be<br />

created without an explicit connection. To access the fields of a recordset object, we can use field’s<br />

collection.<br />

Using the following code we can create recordset in vb<br />

Dim cn as new adodb.connection<br />

Dim rs as new adodb.recordset<br />

Cn.open “provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0; Data Source=’c:\student.mdb’”<br />

Rs.open “select * from student”,cn,adopendynamic,adlockoptimistic<br />

To fetch the values from the recordset the following code is used.<br />

Recordset.fields(“fieldname”)<br />

Or<br />

Recordset(indexno)<br />

e.g<br />

msgbox rs(0)<br />

or<br />

msgbox rs.fields(“Name”)<br />

Q 70:- Explain the function and use of Err Object?<br />

Ans :- ErrObject is class in vb to handle errors. It has number of properties and functions.<br />

1.clear :- this method is to clear all the property settings of the error object.<br />

2escription :- return or sets the string expression a descriptive string associated with the error objects.<br />

3HelpContext :- return or sets a context ID for a topic in a help file.<br />

4.helpfile :- return or sets the fully qualified path for help file.<br />

5. lastDLLerror :- returns the system error code by call to DLL.<br />

6.Number :- returns or set a numeric value representing an error.<br />

7.raise :- this function will generate an error at runtime.<br />

8. source :- returns or sets the name of the object that originated the error<br />

Q 71:- Write a VB program that takes a number from user with an input box and displays<br />

its multiplication table in immediate window.<br />

Ans:<br />

Dim n As Integer<br />

n = InputBox("enter number")<br />

For i = 1 To 10<br />

c = n * i<br />

Debug.Print n, "*", i, "=", c<br />

Next<br />

Q 72;- Write a VB program to implement a calculator that coverts a number given a textbox<br />

to its equivalent Binary Hexadecimal and octal number on the click of respective buttons<br />

and display the result in another textbox.<br />

Ans:<br />

Private Sub Cmdbinary_Click()<br />

Text2 = ""<br />

n = Text1<br />

While n > 0<br />

s = n Mod 2<br />

Text2 = Text2 & s<br />

n = Int(n / 2)<br />

Wend<br />

Text2 = StrReverse(Text2)<br />

End Sub<br />

Private sub cmdoct_click()<br />

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Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Text2=oct(text1)<br />

End sub<br />

Private sub cmdhexa_click()<br />

Text2=hex(text1)<br />

End sub<br />

Q 73 Explain in detail the difference between tables, dynasets and snapshots<br />

Ans :-Table:- the table is only one of the potentially many components that will actually make up a<br />

database. tables are the starting point for any database, and they are where the data is stored. Without a<br />

minimum of one table, a database would contain no data and be totally meaningless.<br />

Dynaset :- Dynaset means dynamic set of records . the data in a dynaset does not actually exist-it is extract<br />

from the underlying table or tables and only the criteria are saved. There are some restrictions on editing in<br />

a dynaset.You may not be able to edit data if it threatens referential integrity between more than one table<br />

or master and client table..<br />

Snapshot :- The snapshot type recordset can refer to any table, attached table or query. A snapshot cannot<br />

be update and does not reflect any change made by users.<br />

Q 74: -What modality is and how does it affect the behaviour of your dialog boxes?<br />

Ans :- Modality means whether the dialog box gives its control to next dialog or form without closing or<br />

not. There are two types of dialog boxes.<br />

1 Modal<br />

2 Mode less<br />

Modal :- if the dialog box are modal then the control will not transfer to their master form without giving<br />

the necessary information to the dialog box or close it. E.g of these dialog boxes are msgbox ,inputbox in<br />

VB.<br />

2. mode less :- if the dialog box are mode less than control can be transfer to the master form without<br />

closing the dialog box. E.g of these dialog box is find & replace dialog box.<br />

Q 75 What do you understand by bug(error)? What are the different types of bugs that you may<br />

encounter while programming with visual basic?<br />

Ans Bugs are the errors. These bugs are appear in vb application in different situation and can terminate<br />

the vb application. Some bugs will not terminate the application but produce wrong result. All<br />

these bugs are divided to the following categories.<br />

Syntax bug: These errors occur when we enter an incorrect line of code . Such as a mistake in<br />

typing a keyword, a punctuation is missing or an incorrectly spelled variable.<br />

Runtime bug: These occur when a command attempts to perform an action that is not valid. For<br />

example, a runtime error occurs if we try to assign a string to a numeric variable. Errors handlers<br />

execute only if a run-time errors is encountered.<br />

Logical bug: Occurs when an application executes without syntax error or run-time errors, but the<br />

results are not what we intend. For example, an application might prompt the user for a password<br />

but then may not allow access to the application even if the password is correct.<br />

Q 76:- What is the difference between List View and Tree View? Explain with example.<br />

Ans:- Tree View :- The Tree View control provides a hierarchical view of folders or other items that can be<br />

neatly categorized in a tree- style layout. It is often used in conjunction with a List View control, which is<br />

used to display the contents of the folder selected in the Tree View. This is the ActiveX control which is<br />

available in common window control.<br />

Main properties of Tree View<br />

Name, ImageList, Indentation OLEDragMode, OLEDropMode, LineStyle, Scroll etc<br />

List View :- List View control provides a detailed view of the items appear in the specified folder that we<br />

select in the tree view. Normally this is used with conjunction of tree view. But we can use it separately<br />

also. Any selected item can execute. This also one of the ActiveX control and is available in Common<br />

window controls.<br />

Main Properties of List View<br />

Arrange , SelectedItem ,Name, LabelEdit, LabelWrap, Listitems, view , GridLines etc.<br />

Q77 :- Write a function subprogram to covert the temperature in Fahrenheit to Celsius.<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Ans:-<br />

Public Function ftoc(f As Double) As Double<br />

ftoc = 5 / 9 * (f - 32)<br />

End Function<br />

Using the following statements we can call that function on click of a command button<br />

Private sub command1_click()<br />

Dim f a double<br />

f=inputbox(“enter Fahrenheit”)<br />

msgbox ftoc(f)<br />

end sub<br />

Q78 :- Explain in detail steps needed to change the data in a database record<br />

Ans :- suppose we have student table in micorosoft access student.mdb database and we want to modify the<br />

record we have to perform the following steps.<br />

3. Include reference of ADODB library<br />

3. initialize connection and recordset using following commands in general section<br />

dim cn as new ADODB.connection<br />

dim rs as new ADODB.recordset<br />

3. open connection and recordset on the form activation using following command<br />

cn.open “provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data source=” &app.path &”\student.mdb”<br />

rs.open “select * from student”,cn,adopendynamic, adopenlocopticmistic<br />

3. create a find button to find the record to update and write following commands<br />

private sub cmdfind_click()<br />

dim rno as integer<br />

rno=inputbox (“enter rollno to find”)<br />

rs.movefirst<br />

rs.find “rollno=” & rno<br />

if rs.eof then<br />

msgbox “record not found”<br />

else<br />

txtrollno=rs(“rollno”)<br />

txtname=rs(‘name”)<br />

txtclass=rs(“class”)<br />

end sub<br />

5 modify data what ever u want to modify in the textboxes and click on update button that have the<br />

followng code<br />

private sub cmdupdate_click()<br />

cn.execute “update student set rollno=” &txtrollno &” , name=’” & txtname &”’,class=’”& txtclass & “<br />

where rollno= “ &txtrollno<br />

end sub<br />

Q79 : Write an application that will put a new Textbox control on form every time you click<br />

the command button?<br />

Ans<br />

Dim i As Integer<br />

Private Sub Command1_Click()<br />

i = i + 1<br />

Load Text1(i)<br />

Text1(i).Visible = True<br />

Text1(i).Top = Text1(i - 1).Top + Text1(i - 1).Height<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub Form_Activate()<br />

i = 0<br />

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End Sub<br />

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Q80 Create a project that contains a picture box and two buttons labeled smile and frown.<br />

The smile button will display a happy face in the picture box and frown will display a sad<br />

face. Use pgraphics methods to draw the two faces.<br />

Ans:-<br />

Private Sub Command1_Click()<br />

Picture1.Cls<br />

Picture1.FillStyle = vbSolid<br />

Picture1.FillColor = vbYellow<br />

Picture1.Circle (Picture1.ScaleHeight / 2, Picture1.ScaleWidth / 2), 500<br />

Picture1.FillColor = vbRed<br />

Picture1.Circle (Picture1.ScaleHeight / 3 + 130, Picture1.ScaleWidth / 3 + 100), 100<br />

Picture1.Circle (Picture1.ScaleHeight / 3 + 500, Picture1.ScaleWidth / 3 + 100), 100<br />

Picture1.Circle (Picture1.ScaleHeight / 2, Picture1.ScaleWidth / 2), 200, 2, 3<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub Command2_Click()<br />

Picture1.Cls<br />

Picture1.FillStyle = vbSolid<br />

Picture1.FillColor = vbGreen<br />

Picture1.Circle (Picture1.ScaleHeight / 2, Picture1.ScaleWidth / 2), 500<br />

Picture1.FillColor = vbRed<br />

Picture1.Circle (Picture1.ScaleHeight / 3 + 130, Picture1.ScaleWidth / 3 + 100), 100<br />

Picture1.Circle (Picture1.ScaleHeight / 3 + 500, Picture1.ScaleWidth / 3 + 100), 100<br />

Picture1.Circle (Picture1.ScaleHeight / 2, Picture1.ScaleWidth / 2 + 300), 200, , 0, 3<br />

End Sub<br />

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Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

Q81 :- What care has to be taken while adding updataing and deleting records from linked<br />

tables?<br />

Ans :- following things we have to care while adding , updating and deleting records<br />

0. if any new record is added in the linked table it must have the reference value from the main table<br />

otherwise no insertion is possible<br />

0. if any record is going to update we should change reference key in the secondary table<br />

0. before deleting the records from the parent table all the reference records must be deleted from<br />

the child table.<br />

0. Before updating the key field in parent table must remove the reference of that value from the<br />

child table.<br />

Q82: -What are the common errors in the visual basic?<br />

Ans :- In vb the error can be divided into the following category.<br />

Syntax errors: These errors occur when we enter an incorrect line of code . Such as a mistake in typing<br />

keyword, a punctuation is missing or an incorrectly spelled variable.<br />

Runtime error: These occur when a command attempts to perform an action that is not valid. For<br />

example, a runtime error occurs if we try to assign a string to a numeric variable. Errors handlers execute<br />

only if a run-time errors is encountered.<br />

Logic Errors: Occurs when an application executes without syntax error or run-time errors, but the results<br />

are not what we intend. For example, an application might prompt the user for a password but then may not<br />

allow access to the application even if the password is correct.<br />

Q83:- Write a program that verifies the order in which event occur for the user control. Use<br />

debug.print statement to display the name of each event as it occurs.<br />

Ans : - the following cade we can specify to find the occurrence of event in the user control. And to print<br />

the message on the debug window.<br />

Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()<br />

MsgBox "inalizining event"<br />

Debug.Print "inalizining event"<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub UserControl_Paint()<br />

MsgBox "painting event"<br />

Debug.Print "painting event"<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub UserControl_Resize()<br />

MsgBox "resize event"<br />

Debug.Print "resize event"<br />

End Sub<br />

Private Sub UserControl_Terminate()<br />

MsgBox "terminate event"<br />

Debug.Print "terminate event"<br />

End Sub<br />

Q84 :- Describe the basic concept of array handling in visual basic.<br />

Ans :- Array are the group of elements with single name with similar data type in the continues memory<br />

location. Concept behinde defining the array in vb is that it is difficult member number of variable using<br />

array we can specify the single those are using the same data type and can give different using the different<br />

index value of the array. The following syntax is used to define the array in VB.<br />

Syntax<br />

Dim variable(upperbound) as datatype<br />

e.g<br />

dim rollno(5) as integer<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

In vb we can create the arrays of control if we defining the same control in numbers of time in the form.<br />

This makes the control handling process easy with in the single event which is common to all of the<br />

control can recognize different controls with their index number.<br />

We can create the array of control by inserting the control on the form the using copy and paste option at<br />

design time of the form.<br />

Q85 :- Briefly describe the difference between design mode and run mode?<br />

Ans :- The VB provide two types of modes for an application these modes are<br />

0. design mode<br />

0. run mode<br />

design mode :- when form is open in this mode . we can place different controls that we want must appear<br />

on the form at run time. If we want to sum of control should not work we can specify the disable property<br />

of these controls at design time some of the properties of controls those we can not specify at run time it<br />

can also be specified at design time. At design time using form layout window we can also position the<br />

form for the run time appearance. Shape and line control doesn’t provide any event so it is normally used at<br />

design time.<br />

Run mode :- this mode specify the codes that will execute when we run the form. In which we can specify<br />

the control position according to form size at runtime. The code for events those are attached with different<br />

controls of the form can only define in the run mode. We can define different types of procedures those are<br />

called by the events of the control at runtime.<br />

Q86 List out the mouse pointer properties with at least one pointer example?<br />

Ans :- Returns or sets a value indicating the type of mouse pointer displayed when the mouse is over a<br />

particular part of an object at run time.<br />

The settings for value are:<br />

Constant Value Description<br />

vbDefault 0 (Default) Shape determined by the object.<br />

vbArrow 1 Arrow.<br />

vbCrosshair 2 Cross (crosshair pointer).<br />

vbIbeam 3 I beam.<br />

vbIconPointer 4 Icon (small square within a square).<br />

vbSizePointer 5 Size (four-pointed arrow pointing north, south, east, and<br />

west).<br />

vbSizeNESW 6 Size NE SW (double arrow pointing northeast and<br />

southwest).<br />

vbSizeNS 7 Size N S (double arrow pointing north and south).<br />

vbSizeNWSE 8 Size NW SE (double arrow pointing northwest and<br />

southeast).<br />

vbSizeWE 9 Size W E (double arrow pointing west and east).<br />

vbUpArrow 10 Up Arrow.<br />

vbHourglass 11 Hourglass (wait).<br />

vbNoDrop 12 No Drop.<br />

vbArrowHourglass 13 Arrow and hourglass.<br />

vbArrowQuestion 14 Arrow and question mark.<br />

vbSizeAll 15 Size all.<br />

vbCustom 99 Custom icon specified by the MouseIcon property.<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

This example changes the mouse pointer to an hourglass while circles are drawn across the screen and then<br />

changes the hourglass back to a pointer at the end of the procedure. To try this example, paste the code into<br />

the Declarations section of a form. Press F5 to run the program, and then click the form.<br />

Private Sub Form_Click ()<br />

Dim I .<br />

Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass<br />

' Set random color and draw circles on form.<br />

For I = 0 To ScaleWidth Step 50<br />

ForeColor = RGB(Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255, Rnd * 255<br />

Circle (I, ScaleHeight * Rnd), 400<br />

Next<br />

' Return mouse pointer to normal. Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault<br />

End Sub<br />

Q87 ;- Explain DLL and immediate window.<br />

Ans : - DLL Stands form Dynamic linking library. A .DLL file that contains one or more functions<br />

compiled, linked, and stored separately from the processes that use them. The operating system maps the<br />

DLLs into the process's address space when the process is starting up or while it is running. The process<br />

then executes functions in the DLL. In VB we can create DLL using ActiveX DLL project.<br />

Immediate window :- show the immediate result of the calculation performed in debug window. Print<br />

method debug object is used send output to the immediate window. So this window is one of the part of<br />

debug process in VB to make VB code error free. We can find result of an expression by calculating<br />

directly in immediate window in break mode.<br />

Q88 : - What do you mean by ActiveX controls ? How they are useful in application development?<br />

Ans :-<br />

ActiveX controls add power to your Application form. In addition to creating your own controls, you can<br />

use the Internet controls provided with the Professional and Enterprise editions of <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> to extend<br />

standard applications with Internet technology. For example, you can use ActiveX controls on a Web page<br />

to add customized menus to your Web pages, add a scrolling banner you can use to present advertisements<br />

or important announcements, or add animated effects. Window Common dialog control provides inbuilt<br />

dialog mechanism that is create a simple notepad application.<br />

ActiveX provide number of features those helps developers in development.<br />

Q 89:- Explain the difference between SDI and MDI applications. Give suitable example.<br />

Ans :- <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> provides a great deal of flexibility, allowing you to configure the working environment<br />

to best suit your individual style. You can choose between a single or multiple document interface, and you<br />

can adjust the size and positioning of the various Integrated Development Environment (IDE) elements.<br />

Your layout will persist between sessions of <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong>.<br />

SDI or MDI Interface<br />

Two different styles are available for the <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> IDE: single document interface (SDI) or multiple<br />

document interface (MDI). With the SDI option, all of the IDE windows are free to be moved anywhere on<br />

screen; as long as <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> is the current application, they will remain on top of any other applications.<br />

With the MDI option, all of the IDE windows are contained within a single resizable parent window. Any<br />

single<br />

Created By:- Ajay Verma

Om Edutech Institute Of IT & Applied Technologies <strong>Hamirpur</strong>(H.P)<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> 6.0 <strong>Tutorials</strong><br />

document interface is converted into the multiple document interface by set true value to the MDICHILD<br />

property of the form.<br />

e.g in Vb project the following form is created to perform calculate the sum of two numbers. And another<br />

form shows the welcome message.after inserting an MDI form in the project. We can convert these SDI<br />

form into the MDI with MDICHILD properties of these form<br />

single document interface First form<br />

Single document Interface (Second form)<br />

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Vaishnoo Maa Computers,[Cal-c] A Study Centre of PTU<br />

Subject:-Question Bank of <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> Page No 44 of 48<br />

set firstform.mdichild=true<br />

set secondform.mdichild=true<br />

to make these interface for multiple document interface.<br />

Q90 : - Explain Application deployment with VB?<br />

Ans :- The Package and Deployment Wizard packages your project .dll files and all associated files into a<br />

"cabinet" or .cab file. The wizard can then deploy this cabinet file and its associated support files to a<br />

location you indicate on a Web server.<br />

The application files that must be deployed include:<br />

• The .dll files for the project — including the <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> run-time DLL and the .dsr and .dsx files<br />

for the project. These are automatically packaged into the .cab file when you run the Package and<br />

Deployment Wizard.<br />

• The HTML page or pages associated with the project. The Package and Deployment Wizard does<br />

not package these into the .cab file, but it copies them to the indicated location on the Web site<br />

when you deploy the .cab file.<br />

• Any files referenced by the HTML pages, such as images. The Package and Deployment Wizard<br />

does not automatically recognize these dependencies, but you can add them to the list of additional<br />

files to deploy.<br />

The Deployment Process<br />

These are the steps in deploying your DHTML application to the Internet:<br />

0. Debug and compile your application.<br />

0. Use the Package and Deployment Wizard to build a .cab file that contains the necessary files for<br />

your application.<br />

0. Digitally sign your .cab file and rebuild.<br />

0. Use the Package and Deployment Wizard to deploy your application to the Web server you want<br />

to use.<br />

0. Manually copy any files associated with your application’s HTML pages, such as images, to the<br />

necessary location on your Web server.<br />

Q91 : - Explain the following<br />

Image control<br />

Command button control<br />

Ans 1. image control :- An Image control can display a graphic from a bitmap, icon, or metafile, as well as<br />

enhanced metafile, JPEG, or GIF files. The Image control uses fewer system resources and repaints faster<br />

than a PictureBox control, but it supports only a subset of the PictureBox properties, events, and methods.<br />

Use the Stretch property to determine whether the graphic is scaled to fit the control or vice versa.<br />

Although you can place an Image control within a container, an Image control can't act as a container.<br />

Properties :- there are two main properties of image control are<br />

Picture :- in the picture property the image that we wan to display on the image control can set.<br />

Stretch :- returns or sets whether the image/ graphics resizes to fit the size of an image control.<br />

2. Command Button : - The easiest way to allow the user to interact with an application is to provide a<br />

button to click. You can use the command button control provided by <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong>. Most <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong><br />

applications have command buttons that allow the user to simply click them to perform actions. When the<br />

user chooses the button, it not only carries out the appropriate action, it also looks as if it's being pushed in<br />

and released. Whenever the user clicks a button, the Click event procedure is invoked<br />

Command button control has the default event click and default property is caption.<br />

Q92 :- Explain the followings

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Function procedures<br />

Event procedures<br />

Ans : - Event procedure : - When an object in <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> recognizes that an event has occurred, it<br />

automatically invokes the event procedure using the name corresponding to the event. Because the name<br />

establishes an association between the object and the code, event procedures are said to be attached to<br />

forms and controls.<br />

• An event procedure for a control combines the control's actual name (specified in the Name<br />

property), an underscore (_), and the event name. For instance, if you want a command button<br />

named cmdPlay to invoke an event procedure when it is clicked, use the procedure<br />

cmdPlay_Click.<br />

• An event procedure for a form combines the word "Form," an underscore, and the event name. If<br />

you want a form to invoke an event procedure when it is clicked, use the procedure Form_Click.<br />

(Like controls, forms do have unique names, but they are not used in the names of event<br />

procedures.) If you are using the MDI form, the event procedure combines the word "MDIForm,"<br />

an underscore, and the event name, as in MDIForm_Load.<br />

Function Procedures : - a Function procedure is a separate procedure that can take arguments, perform a<br />

series of statements, and change the value of its arguments. Unlike a Sub procedure, a Function procedure<br />

can return a value to the calling procedure. There are three differences between Sub and Function<br />

procedures:<br />

• Generally, you call a function by including the function procedure name and arguments on the<br />

right side of a larger statement or expression (returnvalue = function()).<br />

• Function procedures have data types, just as variables do. This determines the type of the return<br />

value. (In the absence of an As clause, the type is the default Variant type.)<br />

• You return a value by assigning it to the procedurename itself. When the Function procedure<br />

returns a value, this value can then become part of a larger expression.<br />

Q92 : - Explain ActiveX Documents?<br />

Ans :- ActiveX documents (.dob) are similar to forms, but are displayable in an Internet browser such as<br />

Internet Explorer. The Professional and Enterprise editions of <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> are capable of creating ActiveX<br />

documents<br />

Following steps are used to create ActiveX document.<br />

0. Determine the features your document will provide.<br />

0. Design the appearance of your document.<br />

0. Design the interface for your document; that is, the properties, methods, and events your document<br />

will expose.<br />

0. Create a project consisting of your user document and any auxiliary forms.<br />

0. Add controls and/or code to the UserDocument object.<br />

0. Implement the interface and features of your document.<br />

0. Compile your document to create a .vbd file and test it with all potential target applications<br />

Q93 : - Explain the different Advanced Data Access issues ?<br />

Ans :- Following are five data access scenarios that are more complex than simple Select queries.<br />

• Executing a Parameter Query<br />

• Performing a Parameter-Driven Stored Procedure<br />

1. Executing a Parameter Query : - ADO gives you a lot of flexibility here—more, in some cases<br />

than RDO. Following commands are used to create parameter query<br />

Private Sub ParmQueryButton_Click()<br />

If Cmd.CommandText = "" Then<br />

Cmd.ActiveConnection = cn<br />

With Cmd<br />

.CommandText = "select * from authors where year_born = ?"<br />

.CommandType = adCmdText

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End With<br />

With Parm<br />

.Type = adInteger<br />

.Size = 4<br />

.Direction = adParamInput<br />

.Value = QueryParam.Text<br />

Cmd.Parameters.Append Parm<br />

End With<br />

End If<br />

Cmd.Parameters(0).Value = QueryParam.Text<br />

Set rs = Cmd.Execute()<br />

ADOGrid1.ShowData rs<br />

rs.Close<br />

End Sub<br />

2.Performing a Parameter-Driven Stored Procedure :- it's possible to build your own ADODB<br />

Parameters collection. In this case, you’re performing a simple two-argument SP, "AuthorByYearBorn",<br />

that returns a small resultset<br />

Private Sub RunSPButton_Click()<br />

Dim Qy As New ADODB.Command<br />

Dim Parm As New ADODB.Parameter<br />

Dim Parm2 As New ADODB.Parameter<br />

Set Qy.ActiveConnection = cn<br />

Qy(0)="1947"<br />

Qy(1)="1948"<br />

Qy.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc<br />

Qy.CommandText = "AuthorByYearBorn"<br />

Set rs = Qy.Execute(ShowRows)<br />

ADOGrid1.ShowData rs<br />

End Sub<br />

Q 94 :- Explain the following<br />

(a)Opening a table for exclusive use<br />

(b)Data–Grid Controls<br />

The value of this property, along with the DatabaseName, ReadOnly, and Connect properties, is used to<br />

open a database. In the Professional and Enterprise Editions, this property corresponds to the exclusive<br />

argument in the OpenDatabase method.<br />

The Exclusive property is used only when opening the Database. If you change the value of this property<br />

at run time, you must use the Refresh method for the change to take effect. If someone else already has the<br />

database open, you can't open it for exclusive use and a trappable error results.<br />

Database operations are faster if the database is opened for exclusive use.<br />

After you open a database for exclusive use, your application can have as many instances open as<br />

necessary. However, other applications running on your system are not permitted to open the database.<br />

(b) Data Grid Controls : - The data-aware DataGrid control appears similar to the Grid control; however,<br />

you can set the DataGrid control's DataSource property to a Data control so that the control is<br />

automatically filled and its column headers set automatically from a Data control's Recordset object. The<br />

DataGrid control is really a fixed collection of columns, each with an indeterminate number of rows.<br />

Each cell of a DataGrid control can hold text values, but not linked or embedded objects. You can specify<br />

the current cell in code, or the user can change it at run time using the mouse or the arrow keys. Cells can<br />

be edited interactively, by typing into the cell, or programmatically. Cells can be selected individually or by<br />

row.<br />

If a cell's text is too long to be displayed in the cell, the text wraps to the next line within the same cell. To<br />

display the wrapped text, you must increase the cell's Column object's Width property and/or the<br />

DataGrid control's RowHeight property. At design time, you can change the column width interactively<br />

by resizing the column or by changing the column's width in the Column object's property page.

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Use the DataGrid control's Columns collection's Count property and the Recordset object's<br />

RecordCount property to determine the number of columns and rows in the control. A DataGrid control<br />

can have as many rows as the system resources can support and up to 32767 columns.<br />

When you select a cell, the ColIndex property is set, thus selecting one of the Column objects in the<br />

DataGrid object's Columns collection. The Text and Value properties of the Column object reference the<br />

contents of the current cell. The data in the current row can be accessed using the Bookmark property,<br />

which provides access to the underlying Recordset object's record. Each column of the DataGrid control<br />

has its own font, border, word wrap, and other attributes that can be set without regard to other columns. At<br />

design time, you can set the column width and row height and establish columns that are not visible to the<br />

user. You can also prevent users from changing the formatting at run time.<br />

Q95 : - Explain the following<br />

(a) Web Based deployment<br />

(b) Packaging the Applications<br />

Ans : -(a) :- These are the steps in deploying your web base application to the Internet:<br />

0. Debug and compile your application.<br />

0. Use the Package and Deployment Wizard to build a .cab file that contains the necessary files for<br />

your application.<br />

0. Digitally sign your .cab file and rebuild.<br />

0. Use the Package and Deployment Wizard to deploy your application to the Web server you want<br />

to use.<br />

0. Manually copy any files associated with your application’s HTML pages, such as images, to the<br />

necessary location on your Web server.<br />

0. Test the pages in your application to make sure that all the links to associated files still work. If<br />

not, you may have to adjust the location of your files on the Web server to match the URLs in the<br />

HTML pages.<br />

(b) Packaging the Application Application<br />

Using the Package and Deployment Wizard, you can easily create a professional setup program for your<br />

application or deploy an Internet application to the Web. The wizard performs these steps during the<br />

packaging process:<br />

• Automatic inclusion of your application's main setup program (setup1.exe). The wizard adds<br />

the Setup Toolkit application, Setup1.exe, to the package. This file is the main installation<br />

program for your application.<br />

• Automatic creation of your application's .cab files. The Package and Deployment Wizard can<br />

create a single .cab file or multiple .cab files for your application.<br />

• Script-based sessions. You can select a script from another packaging session with the same<br />

project if you want to use the same or very similar settings as you move through the wizard. This<br />

can save you significant time.<br />

• Optional creation of dependency files. Dependency files identify the run-time files that must be<br />

included with your application when it is distributed.<br />

• Automatic support for data access, Remote Automation, and DCOM features. The wizard<br />

automatically determines whether your project includes functionality that changes the setup<br />

process. For example, if you include certain types of data access, Remote Automation, or DCOM<br />

features, you may need to include drivers or other files in your package. The wizard checks your<br />

projects and displays screens that allow you to specify the appropriate options in these cases.<br />

• Shared file capability. The wizard allows you to install some files as shared files. This means that<br />

the files will not be removed from the system during an uninstall if other applications are using<br />

them.<br />

• Alternate file locations for Internet packages. In Internet packages, the wizard allows you to<br />

specify whether dependency files should be included in the setup program or downloaded from an<br />

alternate Web site.<br />

• Safety settings for Internet packages. If you do not use the IObjectSafety interface in your<br />

project, the Package and Deployment Wizard lets you mark components in your application as<br />


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• Custom destination locations for each file in the project. Most files have a default location to<br />

which they are installed, depending on whether they are project files or system files. You can<br />

change these locations if you want to install the files to a different location.<br />

Q 96:- (a) How can you create your own object?<br />

(b) What are the data bound Control.<br />

Ans : -(a) Class modules (.CLS file name extension) are the foundation of object-oriented<br />

programming in <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong>. You can write code in class modules to create new objects. These new<br />

objects can include your own customized properties and methods. Actually, forms are just class<br />

modules that can have controls placed on them and can display form windows. Following steps are<br />

applied to create new object.<br />

Add class module from the project menu in your project<br />

0. Define variable as private and procedure as public so that they are accessible out side<br />

0. save the class module and refer in the form procedure by specifying the following statements.<br />

Dim objectname as new classname<br />

Or<br />

Dim objectname as classname<br />

Set ojectname=classname<br />

(b) Data bound Control :-<br />

<strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> allows you to mark properties of your control as bindable, allowing you to create data-aware<br />

controls. A developer can associate bindable properties with fields in any data source, making it easier to<br />

use your control in database applications.<br />

The controls supplied with <strong>Visual</strong> <strong>Basic</strong> can be bound to data source fields using their DataSource and<br />

DataField properties : - You can select one property of your control to be bound to the DataField property.<br />

Typically, this will be the most important piece of data your control holds.<br />

Although you can mark only one field as bound to the field specified in the DataField property, you can<br />

mark additional properties of your ActiveX control as bindable. Developers can use the DataBindings<br />

collection to bind these additional bindable properties to data fields.

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