VB 03-04 MG.pmd - Montana State University - Billings

VB 03-04 MG.pmd - Montana State University - Billings

VB 03-04 MG.pmd - Montana State University - Billings


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Libero FAQs<br />

1. What is the basic definition of a libero, and how do I pronounce it?<br />

� The libero is a designated back-row player, intended to be used as a ball-control specialist. The libero is allowed to replace any player<br />

in the back row without counting as a substitution. There is no limit to the number of libero replacements a team is allowed. The<br />

pronunciation is “LEE-bah-ro”.<br />

2. What uniform restrictions apply to the libero?<br />

� The color of the libero’s uniform must contrast from the color of her teammates’ uniforms. The libero’s shorts must be the same as her<br />

teammates’. The style and trim of the designated libero’s uniform may differ from her teammates’. The referees will ultimately decide if the<br />

amount of contrast is sufficient.<br />

3. Does the libero’s uniform have to have a number on it?<br />

� Yes, the libero must wear a legal number.<br />

4. Can the coach designate a different libero for each game?<br />

� Yes, one libero is designated on the lineup sheet prior to each game. If a libero is not designated on a lineup sheet for a game, the team<br />

may not use a libero.<br />

5. Can the libero designated for a game play as a non-libero in subsequent games?<br />

� Yes. That player must retain the same number throughout the match. All non-libero players in any game must wear identical uniforms,<br />

so if a player ceases to be a libero in a subsequent game, she must wear a uniform identical to her teammates.<br />

6. What playing restrictions apply to the libero?<br />

� The libero plays only in the back row.<br />

� The libero may not serve.<br />

� The libero may not block or attempt to block.<br />

� The libero may not attack the ball if contact is made while the ball is completely above the height of the net.<br />

� A teammate may not attack a ball that is completely above the height of the net IF the libero set that ball to her from the attack zone<br />

using an overhand finger pass.<br />

7. When can a teammate attack a ball coming from the libero?<br />

� When the libero contacts the ball without overhand finger action (e.g., beach dig or forearm pass), OR<br />

� When the libero contacts the ball using ANY technique from behind the attack line.<br />

8. How does the libero replace a back-row player?<br />

� The libero and the player on the court exchange places between the attack line and the end line. No referee action is required. This<br />

replacement can only take place at the end of a rally before the whistle for the next service.<br />

9. When and how does the player who was replaced get back in the game?<br />

� The libero is never substituted (except in cases of exceptional substitutions), they are replaced. The libero MUST be replaced by the<br />

same player that replaced her. That replacement can take place at any time while the libero is on the back row, and must take place when the<br />

libero rotates to the front row.<br />

� For example, if the libero (player #7) replaced #6 on the back row, then #6 is the only player that may come back in for the libero. If<br />

the coach does not want #6 to remain in the game, s/he must request a substitution.<br />

10. How many team substitutions will be allowed for the 20<strong>03</strong> season?<br />

� In addition to unlimited libero replacements, 12 team substations will be allowed.<br />

11. Does the libero ever have to leave the game?<br />

� Yes. When the libero is replaced, she must remain on the bench for one rally before re-entering for a back-row player.<br />

12. Can the libero be the floor captain?<br />

� Yes. Before the match begins, the referees will ask the coach to indicate which player will become the captain when the libero is not on<br />

the floor.<br />

13. Can the libero be a starting player?<br />

� No, the libero cannot be designated as one of the six starting players on the lineup. Immediately after the second referee checks the<br />

lineups, the libero may replace any back-row player except for the first server of the team that is serving first.<br />

14. If the teams line up for introductions on the end line, may the libero join them?<br />

� Yes, and the libero may be introduced as the seventh starter.<br />


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