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Workflow Management<br />

in Museen<br />

ICOM/CIDOC Entwicklungen<br />

Walter Koch<br />

Graz, 2012-11-22<br />

Technologie.Transfer.Anwendung.<br />

© 2012 Steinbeis | Technologie.Transfer.Anwendung. | www.stw.de W.Koch: Workflow Management in Museen, Graz 2012-11-22<br />


Agenda<br />

• Einführung<br />

�<br />

Folien: 3 - 19<br />

• CIDOC Arbeitsgruppe für<br />

„Museum Process Implementation (MPI)“<br />

�<br />

Folien: 20 - 27<br />

• Modellierung des „Acquisition Process“<br />

�<br />

• Übung<br />

�<br />

Folien: 28 – 48<br />

Folie: 49<br />

© 2012 Steinbeis | Technologie.Transfer.Anwendung. | www.stw.de W.Koch: Workflow Management in Museen, Graz 2012-11-22<br />


Steinbeis-Verbund<br />

Transfernetz (2011)<br />

� 855 Dezentrale Steinbeis-Unternehmen und Tochterunternehmen sowie<br />

Kooperations- und Projektpartner weltweit (134 Mio Euro Gesamtumsatz)<br />

� Zentrale Steinbeis-Marke mit organisatorischem und rechtlichem Rahmen<br />

Mitarbeiter (2011)<br />

Rund 700 Professoren, 1.400 Angestellte und 3.600 freie Mitarbeiter<br />

Leistungsbereiche<br />

� Beratung<br />

� Forschung und Entwicklung<br />

� Analysen und Expertisen<br />

� Aus- und Weiterbildung<br />

Kompetenzen in allen Technologie- und Managementbereichen<br />

Kunden<br />

Über 10.000 pro Jahr; Unternehmen, Organisationen aller Branchen und<br />

Größen, Einzelpersonen<br />

© 2012 Steinbeis | Technologie.Transfer.Anwendung. | www.stw.de W.Koch: Workflow Management in Museen, Graz 2012-11-22<br />


Sitz der Zentrale - IMCHI<br />

Steinbeis-Transferzentrum IMCHI:<br />

Informationsmanagement und Kulturerbe-Informatik<br />

Klosterwiesgasse 32/1; A-8010 Graz<br />

Leitung: ao.Univ.-Prof.em.Dr.Walter Koch<br />

Seit 2010 Mitglied des CIDOC Vorstandes<br />

Email: walter.koch@stw.de<br />

Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart –<br />

Sitz der Zentrale der Steinbeis-Stiftung<br />

und des Steinbeis-Verbundes<br />

© 2012 Steinbeis | Technologie.Transfer.Anwendung. | www.stw.de W.Koch: Workflow Management in Museen, Graz 2012-11-22<br />


Workflow Management in Museen<br />

Definitionen<br />

Workflow-Management bedeutet 1) :<br />

planen, steuern und protokollieren von betrieblichen Abläufen<br />

(Geschäftsprozessen) zwischen Personen in Abhängigkeit ihrer Rollen<br />

in einer Organisation. Der Arbeitsfluss besteht aus einer Reihe von<br />

Tätigkeiten (Aktivitäten).<br />

Ein Geschäftsprozess ist 2) :<br />

die inhaltlich abgeschlossene, zeitliche und sachlogische Folge von<br />

Aktivitäten, die zur Bearbeitung eines betriebswirtschaftlich<br />

relevanten Objekts (zB Museumsobjekt) notwendig sind.<br />

Ein Museum ist 3) :<br />

„eine gemeinnützige, ständige, der Öffentlichkeit zugängliche<br />

Einrichtung im Dienst der Gesellschaft und ihrer Entwicklung, die zu<br />

Studien-, Bildungs- und Unterhaltungszwecken materielle Zeugnisse<br />

von Menschen und ihrer Umwelt beschafft, bewahrt, erforscht,<br />

bekannt macht und ausstellt“.<br />

1) http://www.enzyklopaedie-der-wirtschaftsinformatik.de/wi-enzyklopaedie/lexikon/is-management/Systementwicklung/Softwarearchitektur/Middleware/Workflow-<br />

Management-System/index.html 2012-11-20<br />

2) http://www.enzyklopaedie-der-wirtschaftsinformatik.de/wi-enzyklopaedie/lexikon/is-management/Systementwicklung/Hauptaktivitaten-der-<br />

Systementwicklung/Problemanalyse-/Geschaftsprozessmodellierung/index.html 2012-11-20<br />

3) http://www.museumsbund.de/de/das_museum/geschichte_definition/definition_museum/ 2012-11-20<br />

© 2012 Steinbeis | Technologie.Transfer.Anwendung. | www.stw.de W.Koch: Workflow Management in Museen, Graz 2012-11-22<br />


Beispiel: Objektzugang (DMB)<br />

Arbeitsgruppe Sammlungsmanagement der<br />

Fachgruppe Dokumentation im<br />

Deutschen Museumsbund<br />

http://www.agsammlungsmanagement.de/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5<br />

7&Itemid=8 2012-11-21<br />

© 2012 Steinbeis | Technologie.Transfer.Anwendung. | www.stw.de W.Koch: Workflow Management in Museen, Graz 2012-11-22<br />


Beispiel: Object Entry (SPECTRUM 4)<br />

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7<br />

http://www.collectionslink.org.uk/spectrum-standard 2012-11-21

Pool (Organi-<br />

sation/Rolle)<br />

Beispiel: Object Delivery (CIDOC-MPI)<br />

Ereignis Aktivität<br />

Sequenzfluss Gateway<br />

Nachrichtenfluss<br />

depositor<br />

sends a<br />

notification<br />

curator<br />

consults a<br />

checklist<br />

museum informs the<br />

depositor whether the<br />

object is acceptable<br />

depositor informs the<br />

museum about the<br />

arrival of an object<br />

curator<br />

makes a<br />

record<br />

© 2012 Steinbeis | Technologie.Transfer.Anwendung. | www.stw.de W.Koch: Workflow Management in Museen, Graz 2012-11-22<br />


DMB/SPECTRUM: Prozesslandkarte<br />

Die Prozesslandkarte beschreibt die Struktur der Unternehmensprozesse<br />

und das Zusammenwirken der einzelnen Teil-Prozesse 1)<br />

1) http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prozessvisualisierung Beispiel (auf SPECTRUM aufbauend):<br />

Arbeitsgruppe<br />

Sammlungsmanagement der<br />

Fachgruppe Dokumentation im<br />

Deutschen Museumsbund<br />

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9<br />

http://www.ag-sammlungsmanagement.de/images/Kurztexteonline/Deckblatt%20AG%20Sammlungsmanagement.pdf<br />

2012-<br />


Kategorien von Prozessen oder Prozeduren<br />

Gruppierung der in einem Museum vorhandenen Prozesse/Prozeduren nach:<br />

• Eingang<br />

(Entry, Arrival)<br />

• Verarbeitung<br />

(Handling, Movement)<br />

• Ausgang<br />

(Exit, Departure)<br />

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SPECTRUM Procedures (Primary Procedures)<br />

P01 Pre-entry<br />

P02 Object entry<br />

P03 Loans in<br />

P04 Acquisition<br />

P05 Inventory control<br />

P06 Location and movement<br />

control<br />

P07 Transport<br />

P08 Cataloguing<br />

P09 Object condition checking<br />

and technical assessment<br />

P10 Conservation and<br />

collections care<br />

P11 Risk management<br />

P12 Insurance and indemnity<br />

management<br />

P13 Valuation control<br />

P14 Audit<br />

P15 Rights management<br />

P16 Use of collections<br />

P17 Object exit<br />

P18 Loans out<br />

P19 Loss and damage<br />

P20 Deaccession and disposal<br />

P21 Retrospective<br />

documentation<br />

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Beispiel: Gewichtung von Prozessen<br />

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Erhebung von Prozessen oder Prozeduren<br />

DIYSA: Do It YourSelf Analysis<br />

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Erhebungsbeispiel (CIDOC Summerschool)<br />

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Prozessbildung aus SPECTRUM Prozeduren<br />

As an example the target process to be modelled will be the<br />

„acquisition process“ 1)<br />

This process can be derived from the description of different steps of the<br />

SPECTRUM procedures, eg (only some steps for demonstration used):<br />

� P04 acquisition:<br />

� Step 3: evaluate and authorise acquisitions<br />

� P02 object entry:<br />

� Step 3: prepare for the arrival of an object<br />

� Step 4: make record of the object<br />

� Step 5: check the condition and make a record<br />

� Step 6: give a copy of the recorded information<br />

� Step 7: send them a copy of the receipt<br />

� P09 condition check:<br />

� Step 4: prepare the area<br />

� Step ...<br />

� P...<br />

Also steps not included in SPECTRUM could be added as appropriate and<br />

necessary.<br />

1) 404 Museum procedures and business processes, CIDOC Summerschool 2012, Lubbock, Tx<br />

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Wertschöpfungskette (Porter)<br />

Zuordnung von Prozessgruppen (Kategorien) zu den Primäraktivitäten des<br />

Wertschöpfungsmodells von Porter<br />

1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_chain (access: 2012-05-12)<br />

Process<br />

Categories:<br />

Object-<br />

� Entry<br />

� Handling<br />

� Exit<br />

Mapped to<br />

Porter‘s<br />

Value<br />

Chain 1)<br />

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Porter: The Museum Value Chain<br />

http://www.isc.hbs.edu/pdf/Strategy_for_Museuems_20060427.pdf 2012-11-21<br />

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Was bringt eine Prozessautomation ?<br />

• Processes1) provide data that can be used to create statistics of your<br />

object handling<br />

• Processes help to organize your business and be on time<br />

• Processes help introducing Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) at the<br />

technical level<br />

• Easier to monitor every object‘s status<br />

• Unified processes ease communication<br />

• Reliably reproduce results<br />

• Systematically increase performance<br />

Personnel is guided through the<br />

process with assigned tasks<br />

Guided means:<br />

• The process is available in the<br />

system<br />

• It always knows the next step<br />

• The personnel completes the<br />

tasks<br />

1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_process 2012-11-21<br />

A few people<br />

know what to do<br />

when problems<br />

arise and can<br />

continue to<br />

handle the object<br />

successfully<br />

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Probleme<br />

• Definition von Proceduren und Prozessen<br />

• Kategorisierung (Eingang, Verarbeitung, Ausgang)<br />

• Trennung in Kern- und Unterstützungsprozesse<br />

• Einteilung in „allgemeine“ (verallgemeinbare) und „spezielle“ (nur<br />

in speziellen Einrichtungen vorhandene) Prozesse<br />

• Einführung von Standards bei:<br />

– Prozesserhebung<br />

– Prozessmodellierung<br />

– Prozesseinführung<br />

• DV-Implementierung und Validierung von Prozessmodellen<br />

• ...<br />

� CIDOC Arbeitsgruppe: Museum Process Implementation<br />

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CIDOC<br />

Supporting Museum Documentation<br />

Documentation is essential to all aspects of a museums activities. Collections without<br />

adequate documentation are not true "museum" collections.<br />

CIDOC, ICOM's International Committee for Documentation, provides the museum<br />

community with advice on good practice and developments in museum<br />

documentation.<br />

CIDOC: Arbeitsgruppen<br />

– Archaeological Sites<br />

– Co-reference<br />

– CRM Special Interest Group<br />

– Data Harvesting and Interchange<br />

– Digital Preservation<br />

– Documentation Standards<br />

– Information Centres<br />

– Transdisciplinary Approaches in Documentation<br />

– MPI - Museum Process Implementation<br />

CIDOC is managed by a Board, the core members of which are elected by<br />

the full membership at the ICOM Triennial Conference. The current Board<br />

was appointed in 2010 and will remain in post until the next Triennial<br />

Conference in 2013.<br />

Chair: Nicholas Crofts, Switzerland: nicholas[at]crofts.ch<br />

Vice-chair: Hans Rengman, Sweden: hans.rengman[at]meta.se<br />

Secretary: Regine Stein, Germany: r.stein[at]fotomarburg.de<br />

Treasurer: Stephen Stead, UK: steads[at]paveprime.org<br />

Editor: Frances Lloyd-Baynes [co-opted]: flloydbaynes[at]yahoo.co.uk<br />

Members:<br />

Nancy van Asseldonk, Netherlands: nancy.vanasseldonk[at]ahk.nl<br />

Marie-France Cardonna: marie-france.cardonna[at]culture.gouv.fr<br />

Walter Koch, Austria: kochw[at]ait.co.at<br />

Martina Krug, Germany: Martina.Krug[at]t-online.de<br />

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CIDOC-MPI Working Group<br />

• Ziele:<br />

– Design and Implementation of Reference Workflows for main Business<br />

Processes as found in museums, galleries and similar organisations<br />

– Development of Guide Books supporting the Process Development<br />

Process<br />

• Arbeitsprogramm:<br />

– Preparation of a Cooperative Platform and Tools supporting the work<br />

of the Working Group �<br />

– Identification and Categorization of Workflows<br />

– High Level Specification of Workflows � CIDOC Process References (CPR)<br />

– Implementation of Core Processes �<br />

CPR – Best Practice Guides<br />

– Extension of the Business Process Models by a consistent Data Model (DM)<br />

� CIDOC Reference Model for Collection Management Systems (CRM-CMS)<br />

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Collaboration Platform and Tools<br />

• Cooperative Platform<br />

– http://test119.ait.co.at/share/page/site/community-collaboration/dashboard<br />

• Business Level Process Modeller<br />

– http://test119.ait.co.at/cidoc/p/explorer (needs windows & flash)<br />

• Implementation Level Process Designer and Execution Engine<br />

–http://test119.ait.co.at/bonita/console/login.jsp?redirectUrl=%2Fbonita%2Fconsole%2Fhomepage%3Fui%<br />

3Duser<br />

• Form Builder (Checklists, Data Entry Screens, Reports)<br />

– http://test119.ait.co.at/orbeon/fr/orbeon/builder/summary<br />

• XML Data Base<br />

• Tools (Open Source):<br />

– http://www.alfresco.com/<br />

– http://www.signavio.com/en.html<br />

– http://www.bonitasoft.com/<br />

– http://www.orbeon.com/<br />

– http://exist-db.org<br />

– http://www.ubuntu.com/<br />

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First Steps (definition of work)<br />

• Done (2012):<br />

– Establishment of a Cooperative Platform<br />

– Installation of Modelling Tools (Signavio for WebModelling, Bonitasoft<br />

for Implementation purposes, Orbeon as Forms Designer)<br />

– Draft versions of first Guide Books<br />

– Development of a methodology for process design and implementation<br />

(included in the "404" CIDOC Summer School course)<br />

– Definition and implementation of a reference model for the<br />

"Acquisition" process<br />

• To be done (2013 - 2015):<br />

– Group Work:<br />

�<br />

�<br />

Definition of processes used in museums and categorization in three categories:<br />

� Entry (Arrival)<br />

� Handling (Movement)<br />

� Exit (Departure)<br />

Contribute to the elaboration of Guide Books<br />

– Implementation Work:<br />

�<br />

Conversion of processes into executable models<br />

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First Steps (development of a methodology)<br />

© 2012 Steinbeis | Technologie.Transfer.Anwendung. | www.stw.de W.Koch: Workflow Management in Museen, Graz 2012-11-22 24

First Steps (development of a methodology)<br />

process<br />

landscape<br />

description<br />

of target<br />

process<br />

Start End<br />

1) develop a process<br />

landscape<br />

2a) describe target<br />

process<br />

(SOP 1) alike)<br />

2b) describe needed<br />

sub processes<br />

(SOP 1) alike)<br />

executable<br />

process in<br />

BPMN 2.0<br />

process<br />

descriptions<br />

in BPMN 2.0<br />

description<br />

of sub<br />

processes<br />

4) elaborate low level<br />

BPMs 2) in BPMN 2.0<br />

3) elaborate high level<br />

BPMs 2) in BPMN 2.0<br />

1) Standard Operating Procedure 2) Business Process Model<br />

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First Steps (starting point)<br />

Process Landscape<br />

Process<br />

Landscape<br />

derived from<br />


procedures,<br />

divided in:<br />

Core-<br />

and<br />

Support-<br />

Processes<br />

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First Steps (starting point)<br />

Guide Books<br />

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Demo: The Acquisition Process<br />

Modelling without specific tools<br />

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Step 1:<br />

Process Landscape<br />

The process landscape can be taken from SPECTRUM 1) where 21 procedures (bold:main<br />

procedures) are defined:<br />

P01 Pre-entry<br />

P02 Object entry<br />

P03 Loans in<br />

P04 Acquisition<br />

P05 Inventory control<br />

P06 Location and movement control<br />

P07 Transport<br />

P08 Cataloguing<br />

P09 Object condition checking and<br />

technical assessment<br />

P10 Conservation and collections care<br />

P11 Risk management<br />

P12 Insurance and indemnity management<br />

P13 Valuation control<br />

P14 Audit<br />

P15 Rights management<br />

P16 Use of collections<br />

P17 Object exit<br />

P18 Loans out<br />

P19 Loss and damage<br />

P20 Deaccession and disposal<br />

P21 Retrospective documentation<br />

1) http://www.collectionslink.org.uk/programmes/spectrum (access: 2012-05-12)<br />

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Step 2a:<br />

Acquisition Process (1)<br />

As an example the target process to be modelled will be the „acquisition<br />

process“.<br />

This process can be derived from the description of different steps of the SPECTRUM<br />

procedures, eg (only some steps for demonstration used):<br />

� P04 acquisition:<br />

� Step 3: evaluate and authorise acquisitions<br />

� P02 object entry:<br />

� Step 3: prepare for the arrival of an object<br />

� Step 4: make record of the object<br />

� Step 5: check the condition and make a record<br />

� Step 6: give a copy of the recorded information<br />

� Step 7: send them a copy of the receipt<br />

� P09 condition check:<br />

� Step 4: prepare the area<br />

� Step ...<br />

� P...<br />

Also steps not included in SPECTRUM could be added as appropriate and necessary.<br />

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Step 2a:<br />

Acquisition Process (2)<br />

The „acquisition process“ should be modelled as a „chain“ of sub processes.<br />

Steps 3, 4 , 6, and 7 of P02 (object entry) can form a sub process called „delivery“<br />

All steps of SPECTRUM procedure P09 (condition check) can form a sub process called<br />

„condition check“.<br />

Using the „Special Notation for Process Descriptions“ [Chapter: „Standard Operating<br />

Procedure (SOP)“] the diagram for a sub process chain representing a<br />

simplified version of a acquisition process looks like this:<br />

new<br />

object<br />

delivery<br />

acquire object<br />

condition<br />

check<br />

object is part<br />

of collection<br />

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Step 2b:<br />

Delivery Sub Process (1)<br />

Description of the sub process Delivery:<br />

Delivery is the first sub process in the sub process chain. There are different<br />

activities which form this sub process:<br />

• In this sub process the museum gets a notification from a depositor that an object<br />

is available.<br />

• The museum will decide (consulting a checklist) whether the object is accepted<br />

or not.<br />

• If the object is accepted, the depositor will be informed and sends the object to<br />

the museum.<br />

• The museum has to make a record of the object (using a data entry mask).<br />

• The museum generates a receipt and sends it to the depositor.<br />

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Step 2b:<br />

Delivery Sub Process (2)<br />

Using SPECTRUM Procedures as starting point:<br />

• 3 1) Prepare for the arrival of an object.<br />

– Depositor sends a notification to the museum � process start.<br />

– Museum (curator) consults a checklist.<br />

– Museum informs the depositor whether the object is acceptable for the<br />

museum or not (send rejection letter to depositor).<br />

• 4 Make record of the object.<br />

– Depositor informs the museum about the arrival of an object.<br />

– Museum (curator) makes a record (database) of the object (deposit).<br />

• 6 Give a copy of the recorded information (to the depositor).<br />

• 7 Send a copy of the receipt.<br />

– Generate a receipt, send a copy to the depositor and ask for a copy to be<br />

signed and returned.<br />

– Depositor sends and museum receives signed copy � process end.<br />

1) Step numbers derived from SPECTRUM<br />

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Step 2b:<br />

Delivery Sub Process (3)<br />

Start<br />

Depositor sends a<br />

notification to the<br />

museum<br />

Curator consults a<br />

checklist<br />

Museum informs the<br />

depositor whether the<br />

object is acceptable<br />

for the museum or not<br />

1<br />

Record<br />

1<br />

Is the object<br />

accepted ?<br />

yes<br />

Depositor informs the<br />

museum about the<br />

arrival of an object<br />

Curator makes a<br />

record of the object<br />

Send rejection<br />

letter to<br />

depositor<br />

Depositor sends and<br />

museum receives a<br />

signed copy<br />

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no<br />

End<br />

Generate a receipt, send a<br />

copy to the depositor and<br />

ask for a copy to be signed<br />

and returned<br />

Give a copy of the<br />

recorded information (to<br />

the depositor)<br />


Demo: The Acquisition Process<br />

Modelling and implementing with specific<br />

tools<br />

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Step 3:<br />

Delivery Sub Process (1)<br />

depositor<br />

sends a<br />

notification<br />

Description in BPMN 2.0 (Web Modeler)<br />

curator<br />

consults a<br />

checklist<br />

museum informs the<br />

depositor whether the<br />

object is acceptable<br />

depositor informs the<br />

museum about the<br />

arrival of an object<br />

curator<br />

makes a<br />

record<br />

curator<br />

generates<br />

a receipt<br />

give a copy of the recorded<br />

information and the receipt<br />

to the depostor<br />

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Step 3:<br />

Delivery Sub Process (2)<br />

Elaboration of the high level BPM 1) :<br />

There are three types of actors:<br />

1. Depositor (can be a person or organisation).<br />

2. Museum with persons (human actors) having the role: curator.<br />

3. IT-Services (the technical system) which provides „services“ to the<br />

museum:<br />

– S01: provide a checklist (C01) to the curator.<br />

– S02: provide a data entry screen (mask M01) to the curator.<br />

– S03: generate a report (receipt R01) for the curator.<br />

Note: the services provided by the technical system can be existing software<br />

systems (eg part of a collection management system). It is also possible to tell<br />

the curator to do a manual operation (eg. fill in a catalogue card).<br />

1) Business Process Models (BPM) have to be elaborated for all required sub processes<br />

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Step 4:<br />

Acquisition Process (1)<br />

Based on the description of the target process (step 2a) and the needed<br />

sub processes (step 2b and step 3) low level Business Process Models<br />

(BPMs) have to be elaborated.<br />

This work has to be done by an experienced person (not necessary an<br />

IT-specialist) using a professional BPM1) -System. In this step all<br />

functionalities have to be added which allow the generation of an<br />

executable process (implemented for example on a native BPMN<br />

Engine). Such functionalites include:<br />

– Definition of roles.<br />

– Call to WebServices.<br />

– User Interfaces for the process communication (messaging<br />

between activities/actors.<br />

– Definition of connectors to existing systems (eg data base<br />

connection, access to a content management system or document<br />

repository, etc).<br />

– …<br />

1) Here: Business Process Management<br />

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Step 4:<br />

Acquisition Process (2)<br />

pool<br />

activity: sub<br />

process<br />

sequence<br />

flow<br />

end event<br />

Bonita Studio 1)<br />

BPM diagramme<br />

for:<br />

acquisition<br />

process<br />

delivery sub<br />

process called:<br />

entry point:<br />

call depositor<br />

1) http://www.bonitasoft.com/ (access:2012-05-12)<br />

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Step 3:<br />

Delivery Sub Process (3)<br />

start event<br />

pool<br />

sequence flow<br />

swim lane message<br />

start event<br />

activity:<br />

service task<br />

data base<br />

exclusive gateway<br />

Bonita Studio: BPM diagram for sub process: delivery (part)<br />

activity:<br />

human task<br />

message<br />

end event<br />

message flow<br />

message<br />

end event<br />

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Demo:<br />

User Interface (send message)<br />

process<br />

Pool of process<br />

acquisition<br />

Pools of sub<br />

process delivery<br />

request to depositor<br />

actor:<br />

depositor<br />

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Demo:<br />

User Interface (get message)<br />

pool in<br />

process<br />

delivery<br />

Pool of process<br />

acquisition<br />

Pools of sub<br />

process delivery<br />

request to depositor<br />

© 2012 Steinbeis | Technologie.Transfer.Anwendung. | www.stw.de W.Koch: Workflow Management in Museen, Graz 2012-11-22 42<br />

actor:<br />

curator<br />

received<br />


Demo:<br />

Service: Check List Processing<br />

request to curator<br />

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Demo:<br />

Check List Editor<br />

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Demo:<br />

Service Steps (checklist)<br />

© 2012 Steinbeis | Technologie.Transfer.Anwendung. | www.stw.de W.Koch: Workflow Management in Museen, Graz 2012-11-22 45<br />

service<br />

type<br />

checklist<br />


Demo:<br />

Process Steps (depositor)<br />

start time<br />

10:48<br />

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User:<br />

admin<br />

end time<br />

11:22<br />

Completion<br />

time 34 min

Demo:<br />

Activity Report (depositor) - 1<br />

depositor‘s<br />

activity<br />

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Demo:<br />

Activity Report (depositor) - 2<br />

Completion<br />

time<br />

Interval:<br />

one hour<br />

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Übung<br />

• Aufgabe:<br />

– Beschreiben Sie die Schritte der Objekt-Registrierung in Ihrer<br />

Organisation und verwenden Sie dazu das DIYSA-Formblatt (Folie 13)<br />

• Verfügbare Zeit:<br />

– 15-20 Minuten<br />

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Workflow Management in Museen<br />

Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!<br />

Steinbeis-Transferzentrum<br />

IMCHI Informationsmanagement und<br />

Kulturerbe-Informatik<br />

Leiter: ao.Univ.-Prof.em.Dr.Walter Koch<br />

Klosterwiesgasse 32/1, A-8010 Graz<br />

Email: walter.koch@stw.de<br />

Internet: www.stw.de<br />

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