PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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WIM 1839 WIN<br />

Wlmsey^-Continued.<br />

" Mayme T. teleph'one op. b. 3014 Hackberry<br />

" T. J. foreman Home Steam Laun^Ti<br />

rooms Hotel Band ,<br />

"Tbos. J. policeman, b. 1124 Race<br />

Winall A. W. sr. sanitary <strong>of</strong>ficer Health<br />

Dept. h. S55 Batbaway<br />

" A: W. jr. cl'k. The Jos. R. Peebles' Sons<br />

Co. b. 860,Jlrath/away<br />

" Obas. E. elk. B.&O.S.W.Ry. Freight Office,<br />

h. 855 Hathaway<br />

" Clifford 1*. storekeeper C.H.&D.Ry. Sbops,<br />

b. 4226 Mad Anthony<br />

" Florence, withi' Tbe Jioibn Sbillito Co. h.<br />

4242 Kirby Av<br />

" Jas. W. b. k. 1200 Plium, b. 4242 Kirby Av<br />

" Mary E, wid. S. J. h. 3483 Evans Plaee<br />

Winans A. Burnett, draftsmnan. Boll & Taylor's,<br />

res. Winton Plac*<br />

" Albert W. clk. C.C.C.&St.L.Ry. Freight<br />

Depot, b. 847 W. 9thL<br />

" Albertina, (»rgands*', h. 841 Oak<br />

" Benj. L. coEecitor C.&O.RX. BFidige, h.<br />

841 Oak<br />

" Cbae. H; painteif, b. ^4 Dodsworth Av<br />

" Cbaumcey, lithio.. artist,, wks. Tbe 11. S.<br />

Printing Co<br />

" Eliza, h., 2ia Dorsey<br />

" P. L. exchange clik, National Lafayette<br />

Bank, h. 841 Oak<br />

" H. A. individiual b. k., Nat|(»alf Lafayette<br />

Bank, h. 2523 AsblaAdl Av<br />

" Harriet B. (wid. Cbass.) saleslaidy, s.w.c.<br />

, 5tb anid Raee, h. flat 4, 2153 Gilbert Av<br />

" Mary, wid. Isiaac, b. 21128 Dorsiey<br />

" Mary L. wid. Adel^hiUSfe, b. 409 W. Stb<br />

" Ross, truEtkmkr. b. 21(2 Doraey<br />

" W. B. b. k. Citizens'' National' Bank, b.<br />

8«t Oak<br />

" Will C. flrei»au, rosiim. 27 B. 7,tb<br />

Winburn Edwardi, waiter, b. 59 St. Clair al.<br />

K 7tb aaft stb<br />

Winch Mary, dressnsikr., bdS. US W. 9th<br />

Winc'bel Jaool^, bart^idler, roomsi 10. E, 13tih<br />

Wincbell CbaB. C bdis. 2322 E.as*3ern' Av<br />

" ClifEoirdi E. gAirebasing, agt, 610 Baymiller,,<br />

b. flat 11,. s.e.Q. Eriie Av. and Bd-wards,<br />

Road<br />

" Geo. D., National Specialties Co. room 34,<br />

621 MaiB', b. flat 6, Parksidle Flats.<br />

Winidbestejr Harry, watcbman., b.. 955 Pillmore<br />

" S. J. salesman', W W. 3d, h. 1406. Elm<br />

Winck Barbaxa, wild. Jacccb^ b'. 2009 vine<br />

" Herman, huckster, b. 2009 Vi:nft .<br />

Winckler Albert P. bfcbtoder, roomisS^a 5ra.in<br />

" Rlcbard P. bkbindier, 322 Main, res. X.atonia,<br />

Ky _<br />

tin^'See also "Winkler'* ^^ ^^^ ^ *.,..„<br />

Wind Danl«U bartend)er, bds.1917' Central Av<br />

" Louis', siboOBkr. rooms i53^ ©remien<br />

Windat© F. H'. trav.salesiraaa, n.w.c 3d' antf<br />

Lpc'k « J ».<br />

Windlau Wm. car repairer, Jf-^^: Audttfeoa<br />

Winddell John 0. butctoer, bd&. 3239 Spring<br />

Windeler A E. groceiry, 1825 Eastern Av<br />

^ S E: •nSdfcal s«uden.«, b. 182? Eastern<br />

Av 1.<br />

" Geo. salesman, Tb© Altos & Dcepfce. Co. h.<br />

'2322 Ea-stern Av ^ _ , _<br />

" J. Henry, salesman, Tbe Alms & Do^ke<br />

Co. b. 93(^ Freeiaaan Av<br />

" LesMe B. printer, b. 2380 ITastem Av<br />

" Mrs. Margaret, milliner, 930 Frweman Av<br />

" Norman G. cHt. lii. 1827 Eastern Aw<br />

" W H b. k. bds. 308 Mfekte<br />

Windels Geukard^ ironwkr. b; 45 . B. Mc-<br />

•ypisiwisr C. C. sigttisaritaTrh. 2ft23! Stanton. Av<br />

•' 9vw^, elk. res. Philip Wiaskler's, Sieuth-<br />

" Rev. J. W. pastor .Sixth Fresteyteriian<br />

CburcL hiu, 20417. Eastern A^<br />


Large collection<br />

just receivea from Europe.<br />

Prices: Inspeciion invited.<br />

$50.00 ta $2000. IzhMt-WSTTSl<br />


Winder—Continued.<br />

" John B. mach. jrooms 524 Walnut<br />

" Mrs. Mary, h. rear 1334 Vine<br />

" W. H. (Queen City Sign Co.) M B. 6tb,<br />

res. Carthage<br />

WI]NI>E:H "W. W., sign Writer, 3 B.<br />

Pearl; Reatdence, Cartbagje<br />

Wind'fuhr ' Kuno, mach. b. Lahmann Road,<br />

Millcreek Tp<br />

Windgassen' Bertha, salesl'ady, 1740' Race, h.<br />

2211 Wheeler<br />

" Chas. clk. 39 E. Sth, h. 502 Ricbmondi<br />

" Edward, maeh. h. 2211 Wheeler<br />

" Emma, dressmkr. h. 2211 Wheeler<br />

" Gitstav, engltaeer, h, 318 Pindaiay<br />

" Louis, maeh. h. 212 Emming -<br />

" Otto, saitdler, b. 2211 Wheeler<br />

Windhauaen Max, artist. The U. S. Printing<br />

Co. res. Newport<br />

Windboltz Jos. macb. wks. 621 W. Front<br />

Windholz R. L. salesman, 3^ W. 4th, b. flat<br />

4, 842 W. 8th<br />

Wimdtoer Amton, b. 802 Walnut<br />

Windhorst Henry, tanner, h. 743 Hopkiins<br />

" Ida, saleslady, 1130 Main, b. 1827? Bay-<br />

" Sophia, wid. Jphn P. h. 1827 Baymiller<br />

" Wm. dry goods, n.w.c. 12th aaid Main,<br />

res. Norwood'<br />

" Wm. H. agt. h. 2283 Oolerain Av<br />

Windich Geo. baker, bds. 1610 CeiEHtral Av<br />

Wtndiachj Cbas. P. secy. The Windisch-<br />

Mublbauser Brewing Co. s.w.c. Liberty<br />

and Plum, h. n.w.e. Clifton Av. andf<br />

Bryant Av<br />

" Fred, brewer, b. 2244 Flora<br />

" John, distiller, h. 283 Renner<br />

" Jobn U. jr. h. 84T Dayton<br />

" Louis' e. b. 1215 Bates Av<br />

" Jjtmisa., wid. Jo^hn F. h. w. s. Clifton Av.<br />

north <strong>of</strong> Bryant Av<br />


ING CO. (THB), GottUeb Muhlhauser,<br />

President; Henry Mublhauser, Vice<br />

President; Chas. P. Windiscb, Secretary;<br />

Hlensy M-ublbauser, jar.. Treasurer,'<br />

s.w.c. Plum and Liberty; Ttelephoae 2358^<br />

WindilsGb-Mublhauser Brewing Co. (The),<br />

bottlfeag dept. 1525 Plum<br />

Windiscb Sophia, wid. Conrad, h. 220 W.<br />

Liberty<br />

" Walter, plumber, h. 1215 Bates Av<br />

" Wm. A. with The Windiscb-Muhlhauser<br />

Brewing Co. s.w.c. Liberty and Plum,<br />

h. 210 (Senmary Av<br />

WiiBidle Bertha, h. rear 3911 Colerain Av<br />

" Jacote* H. engineer, h. 215 Mulberry<br />

F Tou want Job Pxintiag< J>one<br />

I iaiihBB(aaisMji& asd a.t'Wv.Isp<br />

Frlees. take i& to 220 at^ 2Z2<br />

WiBSt Fourttx Street.<br />

WfSSEBEN<br />

CUffTS «t<br />

jeKllflMSfi;<br />


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