PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 3 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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WIN 1843<br />

Winter—Continued.<br />

" Geo. coachman, b. 2330 S. Blih<br />

" Geo. lab. h. ,2961 Hensbaw Av<br />

" Geo. plasterer, h. 2712 Colerain Av<br />

" Geo. jr. plasterer, 519 David)<br />

" Geo. H. V. Salesman, h. 262 B. Auburn<br />

Av<br />

" Geo. J. 61k. b. Belmont Av., Hyde Park<br />

" Geo. T.-daily..market, 629 Sedam' •<br />

" Harry, b. k. manuf. dept. The H. & S.<br />

Pogue Co. h. 30 W.- 13Jili<br />

" Henry; lab. bds. 2177 Central Av •<br />

" Heiiry, porter,' rooms Nonpareil Hotel<br />

" Henry, sboeinifer. h..30 W. 13tb.<br />

" Henry; -wlilifeWasber, 1522 Plum .-<br />

" Henry H. wringer repairer, b. 511 Betts<br />

" Jacob P. b. 1721 Ceiitral Av<br />

" John, eigarmkr. h. -802 Oliver •<br />

" Jolin, polisiber, h. 5115 Queen City Av ,<br />

" Johiiii A., (Vdige & W.) 429 Main, res. Newport<br />

,,.,..<br />

" John H. salesman, b- 262 E. Auburn Av,<br />

" John P. imacli. band, b-709 Donnersberger<br />

" L. W. painter, bds. 3727 Follett<br />

" Laura, B. wid. ThO'S. F. b. 1616 Main<br />

" Louisa, b. k. 226 Broadway, h. 3781 BlOsedale<br />

Av v , -•'• >-<br />

" Mrs. Mary, h. rear 133^ Vin^e<br />

" Mata, Wid. Jobn; h. 117 Gdetbe<br />

" Minnie, saleslad'y, iMie Aims & Doepke<br />

Co. b. 1340 Spring -*-••- -<br />

•' Nioholas, farniier, b. 2115 QUeen City Av<br />

" Peter, lab. h. 1942 Baitiinore Av<br />

•' Peter,, sawyer, h. 8403 Golden Av<br />

" Roland, clk. local car aocountajit's OflSce,<br />

bC.C.C.^StJj'.R^. b. Eidg-ar west <strong>of</strong> Clyde<br />

" Simon, paper bOxes, 30 W. 13thi,. •<br />

" Sophia, wid. Geo. h. Belmont Av., Hyde<br />

" Tberesie, dressmkr. h. 21 Green<br />

" l^alentijie, daily market,.. 1721. OentraLAv<br />

" W A commissary clk. The Pullman Co.,<br />

Pennsylvania Passenger Yard, res. New-<br />

" W\ As flagm'an, rooms 743,W. 6th! ,<br />

WINTER tV- A,, Pbysipian;! Office and<br />

Resideiwje, n.w.c. 1tib< and John<br />

" Wni. h..-717 B,» M.cMillan ,<br />

" Wm. sawyer, b. 3403 Golden Av<br />

" Wm. A. fii'acb-. b. 7J()9 Doniiersberger<br />

" Wm J. plumber, h. 511 Betts -<br />

" WUsoi (Bfirlet; W. & Co.) 208 B. Pedri,<br />

. -. .rek.. CrooKsarille; -0 ^^ »„^ »-<br />

Winterberger^Alex. molder, ^^^^^ 2257,Bttck<br />

" Frank*, foreman. printer, 29 Longwortb,<br />

res. .BHanger,. Ky , ^. ; mi,^ rL<br />

-V^ibtftrbottom- W. vJ. -gen'l supt. The . CincSinali<br />

Transfer Co. 58 Mitchell Bldg,<br />

Win^fbS^'^dJdrd,, ticket: seller. People's<br />

Theater, b. 1315 Central-Av..<br />

" John h. flat 12, 1315-Central Av ._^<br />

Wint^rfeidt Ba<strong>the</strong>r, h. 232 B.^University Av<br />

Wintfef'l^ldl I. .B. b. 211 W. 9tb .<br />

Wtntffiter Chas. macb. wks. Commercial<br />

TJPbune/,;, J' ••' >.-. / •••<br />

" Conrad, lab. h. 1554 Barton . ^<br />

" Max,.,teamAter; *. I^\^^^^^^^ .<br />

" Stephen, shoemkr. li-1528 Piea^an^<br />

Wintering Adelheid, wid. Tbeo. b. 2914 Sid-<br />

" F^tlkH. asst. supt. h. 410 Woodward<br />

"Henrv dry.goods,, 1710 Race '...L^.<br />

" mlVy F^. kfesman, 1730' Blm, h ^ Vme<br />

" John C. toolmkr. b. 2§27 Sidney Ay.<br />

" Wm. B. torema^i flnisber, s.e.c. 2d and<br />

jokh, res. Norwood t..-- «nc -p<br />

Winterajan Henry, eigarmkr. wks. 205 U..<br />

Win5Sute.Robt. C. phys. 129 W. 7th, res.<br />

Win?embe°im^ Fred, tankmkr. b. 2843 Mc-<br />

" Gu^'^rvTcii. h. 2843 Mcl^icken Av<br />

Pianos<br />

Call at once if you <<br />

int«&tl ito tiny. W«<br />

4«n •&•« yoin ^76.<br />

[THERUDOLPH ^\mmMmiA^si<br />

Winters Adel3,ide,, stenograpber, 115 W.<br />

Front, h. 643 W. 8th<br />

" Allen, lab. b- 1402 0ha,se Av<br />

" Ainelia, dressni'kr. 527 Broadway<br />

" Mrs. Amelia, inatron Place <strong>of</strong> Detention,<br />

,b. 1712 Holloway Av<br />

" Amos, stonemason, b.- 4145 Columbia Av<br />

" Anna M. wid. Chas. H. h. 417 W. Stb<br />

" Augustus, lab. b. 1402 Chase Av<br />

" B'enj. lab. h. 1402 Chase Av<br />

" Cbas. V. Prints, b. 1798 Denbfim<br />

" D. W. clk. 403,E}. 3a, rooms Indiana Hotel<br />

" Daniel, boilerir^r.. b, rear 830,E. Pearl<br />

" Dayid, jr., stock-keeper, 26 W. 3d, bds.<br />

Indiana Hotel<br />

" Elizabeth, h. 1111 Myrtle Av<br />

" Elizabeth, wid. Chas. h. 532 IJixinyth AV<br />

" Frank,..lab. b- 738 W. Court . ,<br />

" F;pant p., clk. 906 Sycamore, b. 4247 Virijni^<br />

Av .,.<br />

" Pred. engineer, h. s.w.c, .2d and Broadway<br />

" liarry, press feCjdej-, b. 3403 Golden Av<br />

"J. C. b.,k. bd's. 649, W;., Tth<br />

" Jas. lab. h. 115 Broadway<br />

" Jas. iab. bds. 521 Broadway,<br />

" Jessie, wid. Wallace,,h, 919 Hopkins.<br />

" John, lieut <strong>of</strong> .police, h, 4247 Virginia, Av<br />

" John, jr. fbrei|ia'n mlach. n.w.c. Garrard<br />

Av. and Biani, h-, 4247 .Virginia Av<br />

" John E. lab. b. 625 Biroidway<br />

" John L^, millwrigjbt, - Riverside Malting &<br />

-,Elevator Co.; Riverside ,<br />

" Louise, dressmkr. h. 527 Bro^dyay<br />

" Marie, wid. Vingpot, h., 643 W- 8th -,<br />

" Mary, (wid. SamU^l)., oook, h.,4ll gtojie<br />

" Michael, poultry dresser, h. 115 Broadway<br />

" Scott L. ironwkr, wks. 212 Larwjrence<br />

" Van B. trav. salesman, 62 ,Walnut ,<br />

" W. H. trav. salesman, 62 Walnut, rooms<br />

Tbe MuhTO , -<br />

" Walter, copductor; h.,3349,Fairfield Av<br />

" ivm. blksmith, h. 1676 Central Av<br />

" Wm. plumber, ,Ji.. 1337 Main<br />

r?"'See also "Winter", ^.,. ,^ ... ...<br />

Wintersmitb E4ward,B. manager men's furnishing<br />

,dept. n.w.c. Stb and Race, b.<br />

aiOO Grand ,.,.,, , . ,<br />

#intersoble John, candymkr. wks. 920 Blin<br />

Linton John, agt, .room's =326 ,W., 6tb . .<br />

Wintrich Mary,,.seam'stress, b..21J7 Loth<br />

Wintz John, foreman; b. 49 B. Clifton Av<br />

" Jos. b. 302 Calhoun ,<br />

" Jos. jr. packer, b- 247 Donahue<br />

Wintzinger Albert J. clk. 226 W. McMillan,<br />

b. 1191 Jlarrisbn Av . . .<br />

" Anna, clk. h. 1191 Harrison Av<br />

Western Methodist Book Concen<br />

Epworth Leagub Deiiartiiiehi<br />

M AKES • Specialty <strong>of</strong> Badges and all League Supplies.<br />

Libraries for Toung People's Sooletiei<br />

lelected with care. Send for Catalogue.<br />

CURTS & JENNINGS, Agents,<br />

820 and 222 West Fourth Street.

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