Voice Control Function - Holtek Semiconductor Inc.

Voice Control Function - Holtek Semiconductor Inc.

Voice Control Function - Holtek Semiconductor Inc.


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HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

D/N: HA0305E<br />

Introduction<br />

The <strong>Holtek</strong> HT98R068-1 is an ASSP OTP (One-Time Programmable) MCU specifically<br />

designed for two-way radio communication applications. The internal in-band tone/sub-tone<br />

processor supports functions, such as emphasis/de-emphasis, CTCSS/DCS encoder/<br />

decoder, DTMF encoder/decoder, scramble/descramble, VOX…etc., transmitted to the<br />

other port by a radio frequency carrier. Using the code to mark the product extended series,<br />

but it’s still avalible in this text such as the HT98R068-1.<br />

Operating Principles<br />

� Sub-tone<br />

� CTCSS encode/decode<br />

� DCS encode/decode<br />

� In-band tone processor<br />

� DTMF encode/decode<br />

� Selective call tone (EEA standard)<br />

� In band tone(user define)<br />

� Other signals<br />

� DCS turn-off tone<br />

� Advanced audio processor<br />

� Scrambling<br />

� Companding<br />

� Emphasis/De-emphasis<br />

� Digital filter: 12.5k / 25k / HPF(300) filter<br />

� In-band signal level adjustment function<br />

� <strong>Voice</strong> <strong>Control</strong>(VOX)<br />

� MIC AGC<br />


Block Diagram<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Hardware Block <strong>Function</strong> Decription<br />

� Audio processor unit: A signal process unit, responsible for the audio and signal<br />

processing.<br />

� Input unit: The input source selection including MIC OPA, multiplexer and PGA.<br />

Multiplexer provides selectable audio and modulation signal input such as MICO, AUX,<br />

BEEP1 and DEMI.<br />

� Output unit – MOD/SMOD: The signal output port includes MODO for the in-band<br />

signal output and SMODO for the sub-tone signal output (can use this port if you want<br />

to decode sub-tone).<br />

� Output unit – Audio: The audio output port with selective DAC1 and BEEP0 multiplexer<br />

outputs.<br />

� MCU unit: The MCU control unit is applied to control the user program code for I/O<br />

control, flow control etc.<br />


Application Circuit<br />

The application circuit is divided into three main parts.<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

� Clock/PLL circuit: Y1, R7, C16 and C17 are from the PLL external clock source where<br />

Y1 is a 32,768 KHz crystal to lock the PLL so as to the set frequency. R6, C14 and C15<br />

are the PLL filter circuits. Refer to the component values for correct circuit designing.<br />

� MIC/AUX/DEMOD – The microphone/secondary audio/in-band input port: The MIC<br />

section includes an internal OPA with a gain value = R2<br />

� . The R2 value can be altered<br />

R1<br />

according to actual application requirments. If the internal AGC function is to be used,<br />

please refer to the AGC section to select this resistance. DEMOD is the in-band signal<br />

input port after RF demodulation. AUX: This external audio input supports external<br />

audio applications. In principle, the input signal must be limited in: {signal * PGA<br />

amplification ratio ≦ VDD*0.7(AD maximum)}.<br />

� MOD/SMOD/AUDO – In-band/sub-tone/audio output port: The MOD output can<br />

generate in-band signals connected to the RF input port. The SMOD generates<br />

sub-tone signals to be applied in applications requiring sub-tones. AUDO: The audio<br />

signals after demodulation can generate tones through a LPF circuit connected to the<br />

speaker drive circuit (ex: HT82V739). The output signals showing likes a ladder which<br />

is applied in describing the precise relation of the adjacent channel power and tone<br />

quality, but it must be followed with a LPF circuit.<br />

� Power circuit: The power consumption is so much (25mA@3.3V) at the moment<br />

turning on the audio processor. Hence, note that the VCC changement effection. Where,<br />

C11 is the tantalum capacitor for compensation. Considering the mutual interference of<br />

anolog and digtal signals, it’s recommended that seperate VCC and GND into two<br />

parts. The power supply and ground portion then are connected respectively by BEAD.<br />


System Clock Switches<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

In the system setup preliminary stage, the operating frequency controlled by two groups of<br />

registers, CTRL2 [7-5, 3-0] and CTRL0 [0] is firstly selected. The description is as follows:<br />

System <strong>Control</strong> Register 2 (CTRL2)<br />

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0<br />


POR 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0<br />

CTRL2 [3]: ON/OFF PLL mode 1. This bit controls the PLL on/off. The CTRL2 [7-6] bits<br />

select the PLL ascending frequency which has four system frequencies to meet different<br />

application requirmennts. The CTRL2 [5] bit selects the PLL divider ratio of the audio<br />

processor with one and two times provided. The CTRL2 [2-1] bits is the MCU PLL<br />

divider/multiplier select bits with 1, 2, 4 ratio selections. The CTRL2 [0] bit is LXT low<br />

speed selection bit, which can request the system to enter the IDLE mode when used<br />

together with HALT instruction.<br />

System <strong>Control</strong> Register 0 (CTRL0)<br />

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0<br />


POR 0 0 - - - 0 0 1<br />

The CTRL0 [0] bit selects the MCU high speed mode. If CTRL0 [0] =1, the MCU operates<br />

in the low speed mode (32,768kHz). If CTRL0 [0] = 0, the MCU operates in the PLL mode.<br />

When using the PLL mode, it is important to note that when the PLL is enabled the PLL<br />

ascending frequency ratio, MCU and audio processor divider ratio must be first selected<br />

after which a delay of 10ms (PLL stabilising time) mus be implemented before allowing it<br />

to be a device clock source. When the MCU is on by using the CTRL0 [0] bit and the<br />

audio processor is turned on by using the CTRL2 [4] bit, the MCU operates in the PLL<br />

mode, it is not recommended that change the PLL divider setting.<br />

PLLEN M1,M0<br />

PLL<br />

Speed<br />

MCU<br />

PLLD1 , PLLD0<br />

0,1 (÷1) 1,0 (÷2) 1,1 (0,0)<br />

Audio Processor<br />

PLLD2<br />

0 (÷1) 1 (÷2)<br />

0 X 32.768K 32.768K 32.768K<br />

1 00 8.192M 8.192M 4.096M 2.048M 8.192M 4.096M<br />

1 01 10.24M 10.24M 5.12M 2.56M 10.24M 5.12M<br />

1 10 12.288M 12.288M 6.144M 3.072M 12.288M 6.144M<br />

1 11 16.384M 16.384M 8.192M 4.096M 16.384M 8.192M<br />

X: Don’t care<br />

MCU & Audio Procrssor PLL Divider Table<br />


PLL <strong>Control</strong> Flow - for MCU<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Setup the PLL divider and PLL enable.<br />

: Delay 10ms which is to wait the PLL to stabilise.<br />

: Set the MCU to be in the PLL mode.<br />

<strong>Control</strong>ling Audio Processor<br />

Audio Processor Reset<br />

After the PLL is setup, the next step is to enable the audio processor by setting the<br />

CTRL2 [4] bit, which is the audio processor reset signal control bit. Use a 1 � 0 � 1<br />

sequence, which drives POR=0. Also do not set CTRL[4]= 1 when configuring the PLL.<br />

After a reset, it is necessary to wait for 200ms~300ms (fSYS_Audo=16MHz (Note) ) before<br />

sending the control command. This waiting perios is for the audio processor internal<br />

initialisation, including RAM initialisation, ADC, DAC ...etc. Any SPI commands during<br />

this period will be invalid as shown below:<br />


Audio Processor Reset Flow<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Flow description:<br />

: This is the audio processor reset bit. The correct reset sequence is 1 � 0<br />

� 1, with two nope instructions in between.<br />

: This is the audio processor initial time. Any SPI data transmitted during this<br />

period may be overwritten by the audio processor and become invalid , which may waste<br />

250ms~300ms.<br />

Audio Processor Turn on Timing<br />

Note: fSYS_Audo is audio processor fSYS.<br />

Audio processor Turn on Timing<br />


SPI Command<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

The audio processor uses the SPI interface as the communication interface with two methods<br />

of communicating through the internal (SPICR [7] =1) SPI circuit or the external (SPICR [7] =0)<br />

pin-shared I/Os (the following unit will describe). The internal communication can control the<br />

practical circuit by using the control bit as the following table shows:<br />

SPI <strong>Control</strong> Register(SPICR)<br />

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0<br />


POR 1 - 0 1 0 0 x x<br />


SPICR[7]=1 SPICR[3] SPICR[2] SPICR[1] SPICR[4] SPICR[0]<br />

SPICR[7]=0 PC6 PC4 PA5 PC7 PC5<br />

SPI <strong>Control</strong> Signal Table<br />

One complete data transmission is 20 bits long, starting from MSB to the 20 th bit LSB. The<br />

data includes a 4-bit group command and a 16-bit data. The group is divided into two<br />

categories, I/O and CLI. Their maximum SPI pulse frequencies are 16MHz and 150kHz.<br />

When designing, it’s recommended that the frequency should be less than 150kHz that<br />

the SPI receive and transmit program can be shared. The I/O command is applied in<br />

some application areas, such as for circuit control, sharing data etc, marked as I/O<br />

CMD-NNh in this document. The CLI (<strong>Control</strong> layer interface) command can access the<br />

audio processor related parameters, such as the threshold parameters, modulation,<br />

advanced application control and so on. Its usage is different from the I/O group and<br />

requires three commands to write a command completely. Reading data requires two<br />

commands. These are marked as CLI CMD–NNNNh in this document. See the following<br />

for details:<br />

SPISS<br />

SPICK<br />

MOSI<br />

MISO<br />

SPIRQ<br />

C3 C2 C1 C0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0<br />

C3 C2 C1 C0 D15 D14 D13 D12 D11 D10 D9 D8 D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 D1 D0<br />

HT98R068-1 SPI Communication Format<br />


SPI Application Example Program<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

The source codes are attached in the HT98R068-1_App<strong>Inc</strong>.inc file where the SPI<br />

application section contains:<br />

� SPI command Macro = SPITX (macro)<br />

� SPI Write = Procedure_SPI_Tx (procedure)<br />

� SPI Read = Procedure_SPI_Rx (procedure)<br />

� I/O Command (C[3-0]:Write/Read=8xxxx/9xxxx)<br />

The [19-16] bits are setting differs for reading and writing. Set to “8(Dec)” for a write<br />

command and “9(Dec)” for a read command. The audio processor will not reply with any<br />

information during data writing. D7-D0 will be in a “Don’t Care” condition during a read<br />

command execution. A7~A0 are the register addresses. D7~D0 are the access datas.<br />

Write I/O CMD:<br />

Master write:<br />

SPI[19:16] SPI[15:8] SPI[7:0]<br />

4’b1000 Address(A7~A0) Data(D7~D0)<br />

Audio processor reply:<br />

SPI[19:16] SPI[15:8] SPI[7:0]<br />

x (No signal) x (No signal) x (No signal)<br />

Read I/O CMD:<br />

Master Write:<br />

SPI[19:16] SPI[15:8] SPI[7:0]<br />

4’b1001 Address(A7~A0) x (Don’t care)<br />

Audio processor reply:<br />

SPI[19:16] SPI[15:8] SPI[7:0]<br />

4’b1001 Address(A7~A0) Data(D7~D0)<br />

Ex: Write C3h to the I/O register “1Eh” and then read this register to confirm if it is<br />

correctly written.<br />

� Write 1Eh Flow<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Enable the DAC2, DAC1, AMP2, AMP1, Buffer, MIC and PGA circuits.<br />

There will be no data response after the command is transmitted.<br />


� Read 1Eh Flow<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Read the 1Eh register. A data response will be sent to 1Eh after this<br />

command is transmitted.<br />

CLI Command<br />

This interface protocol is different from the I/O command. For the write mode it must<br />

contain three bytes of 20-bit SPI data and two for the read mode. To excute the CLI<br />

command, the first byte is ID code, then the 16-bit address and finally the 16-bit data.<br />

Reading data will have no data byte. The ID code of the read/write mode is different.<br />

IDcode >> Read/Write: 14181/14082, must be correct so that the audio processor will<br />

continue to receive successive data. When the data is written, the audio processor will<br />

reply with 14000 which means that the data is correctly written, otherwise it means no<br />

data written.<br />

� Write CLI CMD<br />

� Master Write<br />

CLI_CMD Major Minor Multi Length<br />

4’b0001 4’b0100 4’b0000 4’b1000 4’b0010<br />

4’b0001 Address[15:0]<br />

4’b0001 Data[15:0]<br />

� Audio processor reply<br />

CLI_CMD Major Minor Multi Length<br />

4’b0001 4’b0100 4’b0000 4’b0000 4’b0000<br />

� Read CLI CMD<br />

� Master Write<br />

CLI_CMD Major Minor Multi Length<br />

4’b0001 4’b0100 4’b0001 4’b1000 4’b0001<br />

4’b0001 Address[15:0]<br />

� Audio processor reply<br />

CLI_CMD Major Minor Multi Length<br />

4’b0001 4’b0100 4’b0001 4’b1000 4’b0001<br />

4’b0001 Data[15:0]<br />


HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Ex: Write FFFFh (with MOD and SMOD outputs at the maximum modulation) to the CLI<br />

register "04CBh" and then read this register.<br />

� Write 04CBh Flow<br />

Flow description:<br />

: The CLI writeS ID code. To execute a write operation with the CLI Command,<br />

it is necessary to execute this command first. No data response will be provided.<br />

: Select the 04CB register. Set as a write register. No data response will be<br />

provided.<br />

: Set the data: FFFFh. Write data to the register. A data response of 14000<br />

means that it is correctly written, otherwise it means that no data has been correctly<br />

written.<br />

� Read 04CBh Flow:<br />

Flow description:<br />

: The CLI read ID code. To execute a read operation with the CLI command,<br />

it is necessary to execute this command first. No data response will be provided.<br />

: Select the 04CB register. Set the read register. After the command, it will<br />

reply with 14181 firstly, then responses the read data 1FFFFh (the 04CBh data is<br />

FFFFh). There are two bytes of data in all.<br />


External <strong>Control</strong><br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

For different audio processing control requirements, in addition to the internal MCU<br />

connections, external SPI control is also supported. However, before using the external<br />

control, some relevant initialisation must be executed which includes the PLL, reset and<br />

SPI path. After the PLL is setup and the audio processor is reset (the flow is the same<br />

with the previous unit), set SPICR [7] (IEMC) =0 to switch the SPI path to be an external<br />

pin-shared port so that the external SPI command can be excuted. The five occupied I/O<br />

ports cannot be applied for other functions at this time.<br />


SPICR[7]=1 SPICR[3] SPICR[2] SPICR[1] SPICR[4] SPICR[0]<br />

SPICR[7]=0 PC6 PC4 PA5 PC7 PC5<br />

SPI <strong>Control</strong> Signal Table<br />

Points to note when using external control<br />

� when required to reduce the PLL frequency or entering the sleep mode<br />

� when the SPI is returned to the internal MCU control<br />

� Usable pins decrease<br />

When 1 or 2 problems of those described above occurs, it’s recommended that use<br />

master slave control signal in the SPI external control unit and internal MCU or establish<br />

a control protocol, for the objective of internal register control for frequency adjustment or<br />

audio processor control.This will reduce the loading on the master MCU (external MCU)<br />

for calculations and flow control. See the following for description:<br />

External MCU Connection Diagram<br />


� Use External <strong>Control</strong> Flow<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Enable and set the PLL.<br />

: Reset the audio processor.<br />

: Check the control signal status and select the SPI path to be<br />

external or internal.<br />

: Excute the MCU SPI external/internal control bit configuration.<br />

: Excute the external/internal MCU system flow.<br />

IDLE/SLOW/TX/RX Mode Select Setting<br />

When applied in a radio walkie talkie application, the ON/OFF circuit and function for<br />

different modes are different, as well as the ON/OFF timing. Switch to the correct input or<br />

output source and disable any unnecessary circuits so as to save power and eliminate<br />

interference among signals (Note that turning on the circuit needs a stable time<br />

(according to the circuit, it is usually about 250ms) except that the system enters the<br />

sleep mode to wait). This control is designed in the I/O command group.This part is in the<br />

I/O command making signal control easier and empty the unnecessary processing<br />

resources.The following describes the three mode setups (see SLOW Mode in VOX):<br />


IDLE M ode<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

When the audio processor is not processing data, entering this mode can save power,<br />

however the quantity depends on the actual practical situation. The device provides many<br />

ways to enter the idle mode (see to the datasheet). Here we use the simplest method.<br />

The I/O CMD-51h can control the audio processor operation-stop/operate: FAh/F8h. Note<br />

that it must be separated into two parts of commands. Stop the audio processor by using<br />

an F8h � FAh � DAh sequence while operating by using DAh � FAh � F8h. Disable<br />

the audio processor clock when no event is happening, then use the MCU to detect the<br />

external signals, and enable the audio processor after the signal is identified as shown<br />

below.<br />

� IDLE Mode Setup Flow<br />

Flow description:<br />

When there is no output or input signal are waiting to be processed, the audio<br />

processor can be disabled. After it’s enabled, operating can be restarted without<br />

needing re-initialise.<br />

: Enable the audio circuit power supply or select to enable the needed circuit<br />

only.<br />

: Enable the audio processor pulse frequency first stage switch.<br />

: Enable the audio processor pulse frequency second stage switch.<br />

//<br />

: Disable the audio circuit power supply to lower or turn down unnecessary<br />

power consumption.<br />

: Set the input/output line input/output path as common-mode bias voltage to<br />

reduce misunderstanding and reset the receive status.<br />

: Disable the audio processor pulse frequency first stage switch.<br />

: Disable the audio processor pulse frequency second stage switch.<br />


TX Mode<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Entering the TX mode depens on the input data trigger, such as pressing PTT, audio<br />

signal (VOX)…etc.The mode switches, input source selection, circuit disabling etc will be<br />

generally executed in this mode. As for the audio buffer input source, it is recommended<br />

to switch to bias voltage to reduce noise, or disable the buffer (I/O CMD-1Eh [3]), or even<br />

choose both. During TX/RX switching, it is recommended to execute circuit ON/OFF �<br />

path select � mode switch so as to decrease the generation of error signals. The<br />

following illustrates the PTT processing:<br />

Ex: Setup the TX mode, Input = MIC, Output = MOD, No Sub-tone.<br />

� Tx Mode Setup Flow<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Enable the DDAC1, AMP1, MIC and PGA circuits. Setup the circuit switch<br />

first. DAC1, AMP1 on-enable the MOD output. MIC on-enable the microphone circuit,<br />

PGA on- enable the PGA input source.<br />

: Select the input PGA and audio input source paths. Select the PGA input<br />

source to be MIC and the audio output to be DAC common-mode bias voltage to<br />

reduce noise.<br />

: Enter the TX mode. Select the TX mode as the final step to enter the TX<br />

processing flow.<br />


RX Mode<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

This mode is mainly applied for in-band signal demodulation. Although it is acceptable to<br />

wait for the RF signal in this mode, it is recommended that the MCU should verify the<br />

RSSI (Receive signal strength indicator) signal before switching the input source to the<br />

DEMOD path and then enable the audio processor for management. In this way, power<br />

can be saved and in the meantime avoid erroneous signal judgments. The modes<br />

switching, paths selection, circuit ON/OFF and the SPI command settings are as follows:<br />

Ex: RX mode, Input = DEMOD, Output = AUDO (source = DAC1), No Sub-tone.<br />

� RX Mode Setup Flow<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Confirm if the RF signal is OK.<br />

: Enable the DAC1, buffer and PGA circuits. Setup the circuit switches first.<br />

DAC1 on-enable DAC1 output, AUDO output buffer on- enable the audio output circuit,<br />

PGA on- enable the PGA input source.<br />

: Select the PGA and audio input source paths. Select the PGA input source<br />

to be DEMOD, the audio output to be DAC1 and then switch the DAC1 pin source path<br />

to the internal common-mode bias voltage in order to prevent the audio leaking from<br />

MOD.<br />

: Enter the RX mode. Select the RX mode as the final step to enter the RX<br />

processing flow.<br />


Audio Processor IRQ<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

When an audio process event occurs, the audio processor will use this signal as an<br />

interrupt request, during which time the master should send a SPI signal to read the<br />

20-bit data, transmitting 100h as the first 12 bits data with the last data corresponding to<br />

the I/O CMD-23h, the last byte data bit will generate an interrupt if there is a status<br />

changing event (0 � 1 or 1 � 0). Hence, read the I/O CMD-23h command again to<br />

acknowledge the event is OK or end. The I/O CMD-22h is the interrupt mask selection,<br />

and is used as an interrupt request. The main interrupt source must be enabled (I/O<br />

CMD-22h [6] =1). This application does not need to use a polling method. Managing after<br />

the interrupt generation makes the MCU more efficient. The format description is as<br />

follows:<br />

Event Interrupt Mask - 22h Address<br />

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0<br />

Name — IRQ<br />

DTMF<br />

INT<br />

Selective<br />

call INT<br />

CTCSS<br />

INT<br />

DCS<br />

INT<br />

Audio Processor IRQ Event Masking <strong>Control</strong> Register<br />

Off_Tone<br />

INT<br />

Event VOX DCS CTCSS SelCal_Tone DTMF Off_Tone<br />

IRQ SPI Data 10001h 10004h 10008h 10010h 10020h 10002h<br />

Polling I/O<br />

Command 23h<br />

01h 04h 08h 10h 20h 02h<br />

Polling I/O<br />

Command 30h<br />

— — 01h — — —<br />

IRQ & Polling Comparision Table (when generating an active signal)<br />

Ex: Detect the CTCSS tone.<br />

� CTCSS Interrupt Flow<br />

Step 1: Enable CTCSS INT.<br />

16<br />

VOX<br />


Step 2: Rx AUP ISR.<br />

Step 3: Rx 23h detection flow.<br />

Flow description (1):<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

: Set the interrupt enabled selection. Select the CTCSS interrupt, enable the<br />

interrupt source.<br />

Flow description (2):<br />

: Confirm this interrupt signal is CTCSS event.<br />

: Poll event status.<br />

Flow description (3):<br />

: Confirm this interrupt signal is approved by CTCSS (92308) or<br />

don’t decode CTCSS (92300) correctly.<br />


Audio Processor Status Reset<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

When decoding normally, the audio processor processes depending on the signal data<br />

code, frequency and amplitude. Its status (I/O CMD-23h, 30h) will change if the<br />

communication flow meets with that RF ok � signal ok � signal fail � RF fail. When the<br />

audio status changes by a sequence 0 � 1 � 0, it can decode again in the next<br />

communication setup. However, sometimes due to using of various combinations, there<br />

is no way to get the audio processor decoding again and it remains the false status.<br />

Hence, we need a mechanism to make it back to the decoding stage to decode again.<br />

There are two ways:<br />

� Reset using command (I/O CMD: 10000), but note that this command will make the<br />

original data wrote to the CLI automatically overwritten.<br />

� Reset basing on signal. Set the PGA source to be VAG and increase the de-response<br />

delay time to make the audio processor return to none decoding automatically, the<br />

status register will be changed to 0, then switched to the Rx mode to detect the signal<br />

again. But the disadvantage is that it must consum time to delay.<br />

The other situation is sub-audio tail-tone detection status, CTCSS anti-tone (I/O<br />

CMD-30h [0] =1) or DCS off-tone (I/O CMD-23h [1] =1). When decoding a CTCSS<br />

off-tone, the I/O CMD-30h[0]=1, this status will be remained(because it is belong to<br />

respective decode), so we must load I/O CMD: 12000 and make it reset sub-audio<br />

tail-tone decoding detection, set I/O CMD-30h[0]=0 or I/O CMD-23h[1]=0. Hence, take it<br />

to consider that at the moment decoding the tail-tone it excutes the command<br />

immediately when designing.<br />

Internal Audio <strong>Function</strong><br />

In the open public radio system (such as aviation communication), when someone wants<br />

to select to call some users or resist to receive irrelevant information, the selective call<br />

function is always applicated in specifying the person to communicate with. When calling<br />

someone, the tranimitter will firstly transmit the specification information of 2 or 5 tones<br />

audio (selective call), then send the sound signal. Each receiver of the same frequency<br />

will receive this radio signal then decodes the data of 2 or 5 tones at the same time and<br />

compare them. If the decoded selective call code is the same with the receiver’s, the<br />

process end will open the speaker to make it heared to complete the communication<br />

information transmission of the ends. Besides, the signals such as DTMF are applied in<br />

keys triggle, can be used in transmitting the data input by the user to the other end to<br />

decode or application of the same selective call use. This product provides two audio<br />

selection, selective call and DTMF, which include transmit encoder and receive decoder<br />

as the following shows.<br />


Selective Call Setting<br />

19<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

It’s a sine wave frequency anolog signal, has 16 groups of signals. It meets with the<br />

standard international specification (EIA, EEA, CCIR, ZVEI 1, ZVEI 2…etc), also, the<br />

user can define the frequency channel to applicate flexibly. It can be achieved from<br />

300Hz to 3000Hz. Set this function by using I/O CMD-11h [4-2] = b’010. Select the TX<br />

encode channel by using I/O CMD-2Ah [3-0]. Each channel data is separately stored in<br />

the two proximate CLI CMD registers. For example, the channel 0 data is located in CLI<br />

CMD-04E0 and 04E1. It can generate required frequency by application program. In the<br />

Rx mode, the process unit will detect the incoming signal frequency and compare the<br />

datas in the channel list (CLI CMD-04E0~04FF). If the comparision is successful, locate<br />

the decoding frequency channel number in I/O CMD-2Eh [3-0] and set the status bit I/O<br />

CMD-23h [4]. In addition, note that the threshold setting when decoding, the generally<br />

accepted threshold is CLI CMD-0324 and the published threshold is CLI CMD-0325.<br />

They respectively control the decoding low value and the non-decoding high value which<br />

are described as the following.<br />

Ex: TX mode, Output = MOD, Selective call tone = 00h.<br />

� Set the Selective Call TX Mode Flow<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Select selective call channel. Select zeroth group frenquency channel (default<br />

EEA: 1981Hz).<br />

: Enable DAC1 and AMP1 circuit. DAC1, AMP1 on- enable MOD output.<br />

: Select input PGA and audio input source paths. Select PGA input source as<br />

VAG, the audio output as DAC common-mode bias voltage to reduce noise. The DAO1<br />

input source is DAC1.<br />

: Enter the TX mode. Select the TX mode and turn on the in-band audio =<br />

selective call function.

Ex: RX mode, Input = DEMOD, Output =null, Non sub-tone.<br />

� Set Selective Call RX Mode Flow<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Acknowledge the RF signal is OK.<br />

: Enable the PGA circuit, PGA on – enable the input source PGA.<br />

: Select input PGA and audio input source paths. Select the PGA input source<br />

as DEMOD, the audio output as DAC common-mode bias voltage to reduce noise. DAO1<br />

and DAO2 are DAC common-mode bias voltage.<br />

: Enter Rx mode. Select RX mode and enable in-band audio = selective call<br />

function.<br />

: Acknowledge that the signal a steady frenquency in the selective<br />

call frequency channel list.<br />

: Read the selective call detection data. Read the frenquency channel of this<br />

selective call detection data.<br />

: Store the number after detection. Store this number data<br />

temporarily. After finishing the complete byte data receiving, use it to the application.<br />

: Enter the IDLE mode. Before the RSSI signal is ok, enter the waiting<br />

mode firstly.<br />


DTMF Setting<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

DTMF is a dual tone multiple frequency anolog signal, which includes high frequency<br />

tone and low frequency tone. There are 16 groups signals (0~D), common in telephone<br />

system dialing or keypad tone. Set I/O CMD-11h [4-2] = b’100. Select the TX encode<br />

channel by using the I/O CMD-2Dh [3-0] bits and select the frequencies in the list. In the<br />

Rx mode, the process unit will detect the incoming signal and compare the 16 groups of<br />

frequencies. If the comparision is successful, locate the decoding frequency channel<br />

number in the I/O CMD-2Fh [3-0] and set the status bit I/O CMD-23h [5]. In addition, there<br />

is a power threshold (CLI CMD-01C4). It selects the minimum amplitude one of the two<br />

frequencies as the measurement standard, which is described in the following note.<br />

Ex: RX mode, Input = MOD, DTMF tone= 00h.<br />

� Set DTMF TX Mode Flow<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Select DTMF channel. Select DTMF zeroth group frenquency channel.<br />

: Enable DAC1 and AMP1 circuit. DAC1, AMP1 on- enable MOD output.<br />

: Select input PGA and audio input source paths. Select PGA input source to be<br />

VAG, the audio output to be DAC common-mode bias voltage to reduce noise. The DAO1<br />

input source is DAC1.<br />

: Enter the Tx mode. Select the TX mode and enable the in-band audio = DTMF<br />

function.<br />


Ex: RX mode, Input = DEMOD, Output = null, Non sub-tone.<br />

� Set the DTMF RX Mode Flow<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Acknowledge the RF signal is OK.<br />

: Enable the PGA circuit, PGA on – enable the input source PGA.<br />

: Select input PGA and audio input source path. Select the PGA input source to<br />

be DEMOD, the audio output to be DAC common-mode bias voltage to reduce noise.<br />

DAO1 and DAO2 are DAC common-mode bias voltage.<br />

: Enter the TX mode. Select the TX mode and enable the in-band audio = DTMF<br />

function<br />

: Acknowledge that the signal a steady frenquency in the DTM<br />

frequency channel list.<br />

: Read the DTMF detection data. Read the frenquency channel of this DTMF<br />

detection data.<br />

: Store the number after detection. Store this number data<br />

temporarily. After finishing the complete byte data receiving, use it to the application.<br />

Mode>: Enter the IDLE mode. Before the RSSI signal is ok, enter the<br />

waiting mode firstly.<br />


Sub-tone <strong>Function</strong><br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

For the open systems such as walkie-talkies, under conditions of limited frequency<br />

channels, a sub-tone method can be applied to increase the same frequency channel<br />

numbers and to receive the required signals. Users at the receiving port should select the<br />

correct sub-tone type and channel so as to decode the data properly and reduce<br />

unnecessary signals. This will help to reduce the problems of mutual interference and<br />

frequency bands. The device provides two main sub-tone options described as follows.<br />

CTCSS Setting<br />

This produces analog signals of sinusoidal frequency from 62.5Hz~254.1Hz and contains<br />

51 groups of standard channel selections which meet the relevant specifications. An<br />

additional user-defined channel is provided to increase the flexibility of data protection.<br />

The channel is selected by using I/O CMD-2Bh sharing with DCS. For the audio<br />

processor, there are still two registers in which data changes should be noted when being<br />

used. In the Rx mode, it is acceptable to use polling (I/O CMD-23h [3]) or interrupt (10008<br />

I/O CMD-23h [3]) methods to detect whether it is the same as the setup channel. The<br />

table below provides relevant table and design descriptions.<br />

Tone CTCSS Tone CTCSS Tone CTCSS<br />

number freq.(Hz) number freq.(Hz) number freq.(Hz)<br />

01h 67 12h 123 23h 225.7<br />

02h 71.9 13h 127.3 24h 233.6<br />

03h 74.4 14h 131.8 25h 241.8<br />

04h 77 15h 136.5 26h 250.3<br />

05h 79.7 16h 141.3 27h 69.3<br />

06h 82.5 17h 146.2 28h 62.5<br />

07h 85.4 18h 151.4 29h 159.8<br />

08h 88.5 19h 156.7 2Ah 165.5<br />

09h 91.5 1Ah 162.2 2Bh 171.3<br />

0Ah 94.8 1Bh 167.9 2Ch 177.3<br />

0Bh 97.4 1Ch 173.8 2Dh 183.5<br />

0Ch 100 1Dh 179.9 2Eh 189.9<br />

0Dh 103.5 1Eh 186.2 2Fh 196.6<br />

0Eh 107.2 1Fh 192.8 30h 199.5<br />

0Fh 110.9 20h 203.5 31h 206.5<br />

10h 114.8 21h 210.7 32h 229.1<br />

11h 118.8 22h 218.1 33h 254.1<br />

CTCSS Frequency and Tone Numbers Table<br />

The device supports coded mark inversion designing of 180° and 120°. The Tx mode is<br />

controlled by the I/O CMD-31h [0] bit. It will generate a reversion signal by 1 � 0 or 0 � 1.<br />

The Rx mode detection is selected by the I/O CMD-31h [1] bit. If detecting a phase<br />

chaing, the I/O CMD-30h [0] bit will change to 1{note: this bit must clear to 0 automatically<br />

(see the Audio Processor Status Reset section)}. And the interrupt SPI data is sharing<br />

with (it is 10008h too). Hence, when using the CTCSS anti-tone detection function, you<br />

must check the I/O CMD-23h [3] and I/O CMD-30h [0] bits. The table below provides<br />

relevant table and design descriptions.<br />


Event 2 <strong>Control</strong> - 31h Address<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0<br />

Name — — — — — —<br />

Event 2 Status - 30h Address<br />

Event 2 <strong>Control</strong> Register<br />

En_CTC<br />

Rx_Anti-tone<br />

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0<br />

Name — — — — — — —<br />

Event 2 Status Register<br />

En_CTC<br />

Tx_Anti-tone<br />

CTC Anti-<br />

Tone Event<br />

Ex: TX mode, Input = MIC, Output = MOD & SMOD, Sub-tone = CTCSS, CTCSS tone<br />

=01h.<br />

� CTCSS Tx Mode Setup Flow<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Setup the sub-tone channel by selecting the first group of the CTCSS channel.<br />

: Enable the DAC1, DAC2, AMP1, AMP2, MIC and PGA circuits. DAC1, AMP1<br />

on- enable the MOD output. DAC2, AMP2 on- enable the SMOD output, MIC on–enable<br />

the microphone circuit. PGA on–enable the PGA input source.<br />

: Select the PGA and audio input source locations. Select the PGA input source<br />

to be MIC and audio out to be DAC common-mode bias to reduce noise.<br />

: Enter the TX mode. Select the TX mode and enable the Sub-tone = CTCSS<br />

function.<br />


HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Ex: RX mode, Input = DEMOD, Output = AUDO (sources = DAC1), Sub-tone = CTCSS,<br />

CTCSS tone = 01h<br />

� CTCSS RX Mode Setup Flow<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Confirm the RF signal is OK.<br />

: Enable the PGA circuit. PGA on and enable the PGA input source.<br />

: Select the PGA and audio input source path. Select the PGA input source to be<br />

DEMOD with audio out to be DAC common-mode bias to reduce noise.<br />

: Enter the RX mode. Select the RX mode and enable the Sub-tone = CTCSS<br />

function.<br />

: To be confirmed that the signal has the CTCSS sub-tone of the same<br />

channel.<br />

: Enable the DAC1, buffer and PGA circuits. DAC1 on and enable the DAC1<br />

output. AUDO output buffer on and enable the audio output circuit. PGA on and enable<br />

the PGA input source.<br />

: Select the PGA and audio input source paths. Select the PGA input source to<br />

be DEMOD, audio out sources to be DAC1 and switch the DAC1 pin source paths to the<br />

internal common-mode bias voltage in order to prevent the audio leaking from MOD.<br />


DCS Setting<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

DCS is a data waveform formed by a digital carrier signals using “0” and “1” data. The<br />

23-bit data signal includes the checksum and data codes. It provides a choice of 83x2<br />

(reverse codes included) standard channels and one user-defined channel. Set this<br />

function by using I/O CMD-11h[1-0] = b’01. The TX encode channel is selected by I/O<br />

CMD-2B h [6-0] (sharing with CTCSS). The encoding data is located in CLI CMD-04DC<br />

(DCS code bit0~bit15) and CLI CMD-04DD (DCS code bit16~bit22). When the<br />

communication is to be end, it will transmit an end signal (usually about 200ms~300ms),<br />

which is set by the channel selecting I/O CMD-82B [3-0] = h’7F. User can set CLI<br />

CMD-04DC, CLI CMD-04DD and set I/O CMD-2Bh [6-0] = h’00 to encode. But two points<br />

must be noted that the data can be recovered and it is transmitted starting from MSB. For<br />

example, set the DCS code to be 1BF1C8h, but it’s observed for 763813h by the<br />

waveform (right to left).<br />

� 1BF1C8h = 001, 1011, 1111, 0001, 1100, 1000<br />

� After resevering= 110, 0100, 0000, 1110, 0011, 0111<br />

� Oscilloscope observation(left to right,read from LSB) = (first) 1110, 1100, 0111, 0000,<br />

0010, 011<br />

7 6 3 8 1 3<br />

In the RX mode, detecting the incoming DCS code depends on the I/O CMD-2Bh<br />

pre-defined value. When detecting a correct code, the DCS event will sense that by<br />

polling (I/O CMD-23h [2]) or the interrupt (10004 � I/O CMD-23h [2]) with the DCS<br />

turn-off tone (I/O CMD-23h [1]) event checking it up which can indicate the end of DCS<br />

information (some systems provide this function to disable the audio output). The related<br />

configuration is shown in the table below:<br />

Tone DCS Tone DCS Tone DCS Tone DCS Code Tone DCS Code Tone DCS Code<br />

Number Code Number Code Number Code Number Inverted Number Inverted Number Inverted<br />

01h 023 1Dh 174 39h 445 81h 023 9Dh 174 B9h 445<br />

02h 025 1Eh 205 3Ah 464 82h 025 9Eh 205 BAh 464<br />

03h 026 1Fh 223 3Bh 465 83h 026 9Fh 223 BBh 465<br />

04h 031 20h 226 3Ch 466 84h 031 A0h 226 BCh 466<br />

05h 032 21h 243 3Dh 503 85h 032 A1h 243 BDh 503<br />

06h 043 22h 244 3Eh 506 86h 043 A2h 244 BEh 506<br />

07h 047 23h 245 3Fh 516 87h 047 A3h 245 BFh 516<br />

08h 051 24h 251 40h 532 88h 051 A4h 251 C0h 532<br />

09h 054 25h 261 41h 546 89h 054 A5h 261 C1h 546<br />

0Ah 065 26h 263 42h 565 8Ah 065 A6h 263 C2h 565<br />

0Bh 071 27h 265 43h 606 8Bh 071 A7h 265 C3h 606<br />

0Ch 072 28h 271 44h 612 8Ch 072 A8h 271 C4h 612<br />

0Dh 073 29h 306 45h 624 8Dh 073 A9h 306 C5h 624<br />

0Eh 074 2Ah 311 46h 627 8Eh 074 AAh 311 C6h 627<br />

0Fh 114 2Bh 315 47h 631 8Fh 114 ABh 315 C7h 631<br />

10h 115 2Ch 331 48h 632 90h 115 ACh 331 C8h 632<br />

11h 116 2Dh 343 49h 654 91h 116 ADh 343 C9h 654<br />

12h 125 2Eh 346 4Ah 662 92h 125 AEh 346 CAh 662<br />

13h 131 2Fh 351 4Bh 664 93h 131 AFh 351 CBh 664<br />

14h 132 30h 364 4Ch 703 94h 132 B0h 364 CCh 703<br />

15h 134 31h 365 4Dh 712 95h 134 B1h 365 CDh 712<br />

16h 143 32h 371 4Eh 723 96h 143 B2h 371 CEh 723<br />

17h 152 33h 411 4Fh 731 97h 152 B3h 411 CFh 731<br />

18h 155 34h 412 50h 732 98h 155 B4h 412 D0h 732<br />

19h 156 35h 413 51h 734 99h 156 B5h 413 D1h 734<br />

1Ah 162 36h 423 52h 743 9Ah 162 B6h 423 D2h 743<br />

1Bh 165 37h 431 53h 754 9Bh 165 B7h 431 D3h 754<br />

1Ch 172 38h 432 9Ch 172 B8h 432<br />

DCS Code and Tone Numbers Table<br />


HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Ex: TX mode, Input = AUX, Output = MOD & SMOD, Sub-tone = DCS, DCS tone = 01h<br />

� DCS TX Mode Setup Flow<br />

(1)Tx DCS Signal<br />

(2) Transmit an off_tone signal at the end of the signal<br />

Flow description (1):<br />

: Setup the sub-tone channel by selecting the first DCS channel group.<br />

: Enable the DAC1, DAC2, AMP1, AMP2 and PGA circuits. DAC1、AMP1<br />

on-enable the MOD output. DAC2、AMP2 on- enable the SMOD output. PGA on–enable<br />

the PGA input source.<br />

: Select the PGA and audio input source paths. Select the PGA input source to<br />

be AUX with the audio out to be DAC common-mode bias voltage to reduce noise.<br />

: Enter the TX mode. Select the TX mode and enable the sub-tone = DCS<br />

function.<br />


HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

* * * After the DCS signal is transmitted * * *<br />

Flow description (2):<br />

: Select the OFF-tone to produce 134Hz signals.<br />

: Return to the idle mode. Complete the DCS and return to the standby status.<br />

Ex: RX mode, No audio tone signal, DCS sub-tone, AUDO sources = DAC1, DAC2 off,<br />

MIC off, DCS tone = 01h. All are implemented using interrupts (IRQs) in this example.<br />

When a DCS event interrupt is received, add an additional command to read the I/O<br />

CMD-23h for event status judgment:<br />

� DCS RX Mode Setup Flow<br />

(1) RF Signal Detection<br />

(2) Audio Processor IRQ Management<br />


(3) Enable and output the Audio_out signal<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Flow description (1):<br />

: Confirm the RF signal is OK.<br />

: Enable the PGA circuit, PGA on - enable the PGA input source.<br />

: Select the PGA and Audio input source paths. Select the PGA input source to<br />

be DEMOD and audio out to be DAC common-mode bias voltage to reduce noise.<br />

: Enter the RX mode. Select the RX mode and enable the Sub-tone = DCS<br />

function.<br />

Flow description (2):<br />

: Confirm the interrupt is the DCS sub-tone signal of the same channel.<br />

: Check again the event status. Confirm the DCS status is 1 or 0.<br />

Flow description (3):<br />

: To be confirmed that the signal contains a DCS sub-tone of same<br />

channel.<br />

: Enable the DAC1, Buffer, PGA circuits. DAC1 on - enable the DAC1 output,<br />

AUDO output buffer on–enable the audio output circuit. PGA on–enable the PGA input<br />

source.<br />

: Select the PGA and audio input source paths. Select the PGA input source to<br />

be DEMOD, audio out sources to be DAC1 and switch the DAC1 pin source path to the<br />

internal common-mode bias voltage in order to prevent the audio leaking from MOD.<br />


Audio Advanced <strong>Function</strong><br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

The device provides multiple audio processors, including scrambler, compandor,<br />

emphasis, HPF, LPF…etc. for a wide range of applications. The function switches are<br />

located in I/O CMD-2Ch [7-2]. As the audio processor operating frequencies are different,<br />

there are some restrictions in enabling the function groups and for using the TX/RX. See<br />

the appendix for reference:<br />

Audio <strong>Control</strong> - 2Ch Address<br />

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0<br />

Name EN_Scram EN_Comp EN_Emp EN_NBW EN_WBW EN_HPF300 EN_VOX EN_AGC<br />

Advanced Audio Process <strong>Control</strong> Register<br />

Audio – Low Pass Filter/High Pass Filter <strong>Function</strong> Set<br />

In a communication system, signal interference and noise from adjacent channels will<br />

destroy the data to be transmitted or received. Suitable filtering can improve this problem.<br />

The device provides a 3.0kHz broad band and a 2.55kHz narrow band for a low pass filter<br />

as well as a 300Hz high pass filter to filte the sub-tones and signals outside the channel.<br />

The control bit I/O CMD-2Ch [4-2] is setup as follows.<br />

� 12.5k LPF & 300 HPF Enable Flow<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Setup data: 14h. 2Ch [4] = 1 enables 12.5k LPF. 2Ch [2] = 1 enables 300Hz<br />

HPF.<br />


HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Audio – Pre-emphasis/de-emphasis Funtction Set<br />

The Emphasis function is used to modulate the high/low frequencies of the power<br />

spectrum so as to obtain a more average power spectrum density and a better S/N ratio.<br />

The high frequency power spectrum of a typical signal tends to reduce while noise will<br />

increase rapidly as the frequency rises. This is quite opposite to the signals and will<br />

cause a bad S/N ratio, so emphasis will be used to improve this unbalanced situation.<br />

The control bit I/O CMD-2Ch [5] is setup as follows:<br />

� Emphasis Enabe Flow<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Setup data: 220h. 2Ch [5] = 1 enables the Emphasis.<br />


HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Audio – Scrambler/De-scrambler <strong>Function</strong> Setting<br />

Scrambling implements reversion signal processing which is an encryption method for<br />

the transmitted signals. In the TX mode, signals transmitted through a scrambler will<br />

become meaningless and impossible to use. Likewise, when in the RX mode, after the<br />

descrambler is used, the scrambled signals will be returned back to their original signals.<br />

The device provides eight reversion frequencies selection (CLI CMD-013A, 013B).<br />

Disable the scrambler before changing the frequency setting, and set the reversion<br />

frequency to be changed, enable the scrambler function to complete the frequency<br />

change. This function is controlled by the I/O CMD-2Ch [7] bit by using the following<br />

setup.<br />

� Scrambler Enable Flow<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Setup data: 80h. 2Ch [7] = 1 enables the scrambler.<br />


HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

� Change Scrambling Code Inversion Frequency (3200Hz) Flow<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Setup data: 00h. 2Ch [7] = 0 disable the scrambler.<br />

: The CLI wrote ID code. To execute a write operation with the CLI Command,<br />

it is necessary to execute this command first. No data response will be provided.<br />

: Select the 013A register. Setup it as a write register. No data response will<br />

be provided.<br />

: Setup data: 9873h. Write data to the register. A data response of 14000<br />

means that it is correctly written; otherwise it means that no data has been correctly<br />

written.<br />

: The CLI wrote ID code. To execute a write operation with the CLI Command,<br />

it is necessary to execute this command first. No data response will be provided.<br />

: Select the 013B register. Setup it as a write register. No data response will<br />

be provided.<br />

: Setup data: 4B3Eh. Write data to the register. A data response of 14000<br />

means that it is correctly written; otherwise it means that no data has been correctly<br />

written.<br />

: Setup data: 80h. 2Ch [7] = 1 enable the srambler.<br />


Audio – Compandor <strong>Function</strong> Setting<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Companding is applied to lower the dynamic range by compressing or expanding the<br />

signals. Dynamic range: 60dB, output 30dB, value = 0.5 (subject: MIC in). In a radio<br />

transmission process, the RF signals will include noise after reception. Therefore, before<br />

the signals are transmitted, the data is compressed by a certain setup ratio. When the<br />

original signals are retrieved by the descrambler expanded with the same ratio, most of<br />

RF noise that does not belong to the original signals will be eliminated after the expansion<br />

and will thus greatly reduce the noise in the output. Set the companding amplitude turning<br />

point by CLI CMD-012A in the TX mode and CLI CMD-012B in the RX mode. It’s<br />

important to note that the TX/RX setting value is different in the same turning point. For<br />

example, in the turning point of 100mV, the 1V signal in the TX mode will be measured to<br />

be 550mV by MOD but in the Rx mode it is 1900mV. Note that if the signal exceeds the<br />

limiter by companding. <strong>Control</strong> for this is setup using the I/O CMD-2Ch [6] bit as follows:<br />

� Compandor <strong>Function</strong> Enable Flow<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Setup data: 40h. 2Ch [6] = 1 enables the compandor.<br />


In-band Signal Level Adjustment <strong>Function</strong><br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

The output modulation differs between different system applications. The device provides<br />

multi-level modulating settings for different paths and also provides a mixer. The<br />

modulation diagram and description are as follows:<br />

Modulation Path Block Diagram<br />

� VR1: The internal audio generator modulation level select (I/O CMD-11h [4-2: b’010]),<br />

256 levels. Default: 00h.<br />

� VR2: Sub-tone modulation level select, 256 levels. Defaul: 00h.<br />

� VR3: Mixer modulation option/setting. When VR3=0, it means no MIX function, 256<br />

levels. Default: 00h.<br />

� VR4: The MOD (pin) in-band output modulation select, 1024 levels. Default: 3FFh.<br />

� VR5: The SMOD (pin) sub-tone output modulation select, 1024 levels. Default: 3FFh.<br />

The MOD output depends on the VR1 setting (if a tone generator is used), VR4 and the<br />

system operating voltages. The SMOD output depends on VR2, VR5 and the system<br />

operating voltages. However, there may be some distortion in the actual output (RC<br />

filter etc.). For example, in a 3V system, MOD Output (max) ~= 2780mv, SMOD Output<br />

(max) ~= 1920mv due to the default value of the audio processor. Users must enable or<br />

change the path modulation level for their application.<br />

In the high frequency modulation mechanism TX mode, CTCSS and DCS always<br />

seperate the signals to access so that the digital signal of the DCS high and low fast<br />

changing can be processed efficiently. The device ouput by using the same SMOD pin, so<br />

the mixer mechanism is designed specially for output the DCS to be modulated by the<br />

MOD signal. The generic method is that the CTCSS sub-audio is output by SMOD and<br />

VR3 is disabled (CLI CMD-04D2h=0000h). The CTCSS signal is determined by VR2 and<br />

VR5. However, the DCS signal is output by MOD mixed with the audio signal. VR3 is<br />

enabled and has a numerical value to scale while VR5 is diabled (CLI CMD-04D5=0000h)<br />

or it’s OK to disable the DAC2 output. At this time, the DCS is determined by VR2 and<br />

VR3. All are aiming at taking advantages of the TX DCS function. Note that: Whether the<br />

system can applicate in this way or not is depending on the actual condition.<br />

Ex: Operating voltage = 3V, setup and enable the maximum modulation of the sub-audio<br />

path, VR5 = default (3FFh):<br />


� Sub-audio Path Modulating Flow<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Flow description:<br />

: The CLI wrote ID code.<br />

: Select the register: 04CB<br />

: Setup data: 00FFh. VR2 = FFh enables the maximum VR2 level.<br />

: The audio processor writes an acknowledge reply.<br />


<strong>Voice</strong> <strong>Control</strong> <strong>Function</strong> -- VOX<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

The VOX function is often applied in some special applications. From the VOX high level<br />

threshold (CLI CMD-04CD) and low level threshold (CLI CMD-04CE) which are related to<br />

the MIC voice volume, the input source can be determined whether it is above the<br />

threshold (I/O CMD-29[1-0]=02h) or below the threshold (I/O CMD-29[1-0]=01h). The<br />

control bit is I/O CMD-2Ch [1].<br />

Audio <strong>Control</strong> - 2Ch Address<br />

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0<br />

Name EN_Scram EN_Comp EN_Emp EN_NBW EN_WBW EN_HPF300 EN_VOX EN_AGC<br />

VOX Selection Register<br />

VOX Detection Status Chart<br />

In this mode, setup the slow mode, then lower the audio processor operating frequency<br />

(16MHz 4MHz) and disable any unused circuits (output related components) to meet the<br />

minimum power consumption (16mA - 10mA @3.3V). When the signal is acknowledged,<br />

enter the TX mode to continue with signal transmission. The control flow is shown below:<br />

� VOX Enable Flow<br />

(1) VOX and Slow Mode Setting<br />


(2) VOX Signal Status Detection<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Flow description (1):<br />

: Enable the MIC and PGA circuits. MIC on–enable the microphone circuit, PGA<br />

on–enable the PGA input source.<br />

: Select the PGA and Audio input source paths. Select the PGA input source to<br />

be MIC and the audio out to be DAC common-mode bias voltage to reduce the noise.<br />

: Setup to slow mode.<br />

& : Set the audio processor to the lowest<br />

frequency - 4MHz.<br />

: Setup data: 02h. 2Ch [1] = 1 enable the VOX function.<br />

Flow description (2):<br />

: To be confirmed it is a VOX event.<br />

: The VOX high/low threshold status. Read the VOX threshold status. 29h [1-0] =<br />

b’10, above the high threshold = a VOX event. 29h [1-0] = b’01, below the low threshold =<br />

end a VOX event.<br />

: Go back to the slow mode and wait.<br />

& : Set the audio processor to the maximum<br />

frequency - 16MHz (assumed to be the original setup value.)<br />

: Enter the Tx control flow.<br />


Auto Gain <strong>Control</strong> -- AGC<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

The audio input magnitude to microphones usually varies influencing the quality of the<br />

audio output. This problem is usually resolved by the addition of an AGC circuit which<br />

requires less circuit space but incurs a cost increase. This device includes an internal<br />

AGC function which can fully implement an automatic gain control mechanism when<br />

accompanied with its internal microphone amplifier (with a fixed gain of 5) and digital<br />

control. The range is selected by using the control bit I/O CMD-2Ch [0].<br />

Audio <strong>Control</strong> - 2Ch Address<br />

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0<br />

Name EN_Scra<br />

m<br />

� AGC Enable Flow<br />


C<br />

AGC Selection Register<br />

Flow description:<br />

: Setup data: 01h. 2Ch [0] = 1 enable the AGC function.<br />

Ex: With 3.3V voltage, try to select OPA ratio (standard MIC=16rms)<br />

Sol:<br />

� Step 1: The maximum AD range: 3.3 * 0.7 = 2310mV<br />

� Step2: Input source: 16rms * (2/√2) = 45.3mV<br />

� Step3: Specification→ 2310 ≧ 45.3 * 8 * C (8 = PGA max ratio, C = Amplification ratio)<br />

→ C = 6.37<br />

� Step4: Carry out the OPA resistance: R2 / R1 = 6.37<br />

→ if R1 = 10K → R2 = 62K.<br />

AGC Application Circuit @3.3V :<br />


Parameter Setting<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

The audio processor frequency generation, threshold detection, variation values, drop<br />

time and limiting values can be modified according to actual requirements and generate<br />

the required setting parameters using the application program in the appendix:<br />

� Use the program HT98R068-1_AppProg_Vxx.exe to generate the required<br />

parameters.<br />

� For details, see the HT98R068-1_AppProgNote_Vxx.pdf.<br />

Tool Development Considerations<br />

� Use the development tool specifically for the HT98R068-1. Real ICE: MEV (Lot<br />

No.:M1001C) DEV (Lot No.: D1044A) or the update version).<br />

� To meet with the stabilish requirement, it’s recommended that be used by connecting<br />

with power externally to provide correct detection voltage (See e-ICE manual).<br />

� Some modifications should be made to the ICE circuit by adding a PLL Clock Sources<br />

(32.768 rystal) and a filter (PLLC Circuit). Check the figure below (Please note the pin<br />

name and the circuit. The pin name is the ICE defined pin.):<br />

ICE Gain Circuit:<br />


Real<br />

Chip<br />

Pin<br />

Real Chip<br />

Pin Name<br />

ICE pin assignment of the 64LQFP real chip:<br />

J5 J5<br />

Real Chip<br />

Pin Name<br />

Real<br />

Chip Pin<br />

Real<br />

Chip<br />

Pin<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Real Chip<br />

Pin Name<br />

J6 J6<br />

Real Chip<br />

Pin Name<br />

VSS 46 45 VSS VSS 46 45 VSS<br />

Real Chip<br />

Pin<br />

37 PA2 44 43 PA3 38 39 PC0 44 43 PC1 40<br />

35 PA0 42 41 PA1 36 41 PC2 42 41 PC3 42<br />

33 PB6 40 39 PB7 34 43 PD4 40 39 PD5 44<br />

NC 38 37 NC 45 PD6 38 37 PD7 46<br />

NC 36 35 NC NC 36 35 NC<br />

NC 34 33 NC NC 34 33 PA7/RESB 50<br />

NC 32 31 NC 51 PA6 32 31 PA5 52<br />

NC 30 29 NC 53 PA4 30 29 PC4 54<br />

NC 28 27 NC 55 PC5 28 27 PC6 56<br />

NC 26 25 VDD 27/28/29 57 PC7 26 25 PD0 58<br />

24 XOUT 24 23 VSS 25/26 59 PD1 24 23 NC<br />

22 PLLC 22 21 XIN 23 NC 22 21 VSS 60/61<br />

20 PB4 20 19 PB5 21 NC 20 19 NC<br />

18 PD2 18 17 PD3 19 NC 18 17 NC<br />

16 PB2 16 15 PB3 17 63 MIC_O 16 15 MIC_I 64<br />

14 PB0 14 13 PB1 15 1 DEMOD 14 13 VAG 2<br />

NC 12 11 NC 3 VAGREF 12 11 VCCA1 4<br />

NC 10 9 NC 5 AUX 10 9 PE1 6<br />

NC 8 7 NC 7 PE0 8 7 SMOD 8<br />

NC 6 5 NC 9 MOD 6 5 AUDO 10<br />

NC 4 3 NC 11 VCCA2 4 3 VSS 12<br />

VDD 2 1 VDD VEXT 2 1 VEXT<br />


Real<br />

Chip<br />

Pin<br />

Real Chip<br />

Pin Name<br />

ICE pin assignment of the 48LQFP real chip:<br />

J5 J5<br />

Real Chip<br />

Pin Name<br />

Real<br />

Chip<br />

Pin<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Real<br />

Chip<br />

Pin<br />

Real<br />

Chip<br />

Pin Name<br />

J6 J6<br />

Real Chip<br />

Pin Name<br />

VSS 46 45 VSS VSS 46 45 VSS<br />

30 PA2 44 43 PA3 31 32 PC0 44 43 PC1 33<br />

28 PA0 42 41 PA1 29 34 PC2 42 41 PC3 35<br />

26 PB6 40 39 PB7 27 PD4 40 39 PD5<br />

NC 38 37 NC PD6 38 37 PD7<br />

NC 36 35 NC NC 36 35 NC<br />

NC 34 33 NC NC 34 33 PA7/RESB 36<br />

NC 32 31 NC 37 PA6 32 31 PA5 38<br />

NC 30 29 NC 39 PA4 30 29 PC4 40<br />

NC 28 27 NC 41 PC5 28 27 PC6 42<br />

NC 26 25 VDD 25 43 PC7 26 25 PD0 44<br />

23 XOUT 24 23 VSS 24 45 PD1 24 23 NC<br />

21 PLLC 22 21 XIN 22 NC 22 21 VSS 46<br />

19 PB4 20 19 PB5 20 NC 20 19 NC<br />

17 PD2 18 17 PD3 18 NC 18 17 NC<br />

15 PB2 16 15 PB3 16 47 MIC_O 16 15 MIC_I 48<br />

13 PB0 14 13 PB1 14 1 DEMOD 14 13 VAG 2<br />

NC 12 11 NC 3 VAGREF 12 11 VCCA1 4<br />

NC 10 9 NC 5 AUX 10 9 PE1 6<br />

NC 8 7 NC 7 PE0 8 7 SMOD 8<br />

NC 6 5 NC 9 MOD 6 5 AUDO 10<br />

NC 4 3 NC 11 VCCA2 4 3 VSS 12<br />

VDD 2 1 VDD VEXT 2 1 VEXT<br />

42<br />

Real<br />

Chip<br />


Appendix<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

In the different functional groups, the audio processor system clock speed table.<br />

Sub-audio Audio Scrambler Compandor Emphasis LPF HPF fSYS_Audo<br />

None<br />

CTCSS<br />

DCS<br />

None<br />

DTMF<br />

Audio<br />

Band<br />

None<br />

DTMF<br />

None<br />

DTMF<br />

ˇ ˇ 8M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 8M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

VOX 4M<br />

Rx <strong>Function</strong>al Combination Capability Table<br />

“fSYS_Audo”: Audio processor fSYS.<br />


44<br />

HT98R068-1 Two-way Radio OTP MCU<br />

Sub-audio Audio Scrambler Compandor Emphasis LPF HPF Fsys_Audo<br />

None<br />

CTCSS<br />

DCS<br />

None<br />

DTMF / Audio<br />

Band tone<br />

None<br />

DTMF / Audio<br />

Band tone<br />

None<br />

DTMF / Audio<br />

Band tone<br />

ˇ ˇ 8M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 8M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 12M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

Tx <strong>Function</strong>al Combination Capability Table<br />

ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M<br />

ˇ ˇ ˇ 16M

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