Custodian Newsletter - UniCredit Bank Srbija ad Beograd

Custodian Newsletter - UniCredit Bank Srbija ad Beograd

Custodian Newsletter - UniCredit Bank Srbija ad Beograd


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Issue 67<br />

<strong>Custodian</strong> <strong>Newsletter</strong><br />

October 2006<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG


4 AUSTRIA<br />

IPO – CA ImmO INterNAtIONAl AG<br />

SlIGht uPtreNd ON WIeNer BörSe<br />


SArAjevO StOCk exChANGe (SASe) mArkS 5 th<br />

ANNIverSAry<br />

PrIvAtIzAtION Of eNerGOINveSt d.d. SArAjevO<br />

“BOSNAlIjek” d.d. SArAjevO fIrSt tIme ON SArAjevO<br />

StOCk exChANGe lIStING (quOtAtION)<br />

6 BULgARIA<br />

ChANGeS IN the lAW ON PuBlIC OfferING Of SeCurItIeS<br />

OPeN the GAte fOr BSe PrIvAtIzAtION<br />

7 CROATIA<br />

CrOleI INdex CONtINueS tO GrOW<br />


WIth eu<br />

16th ANNuAl zAGreB StOCk exChANGe CONfereNCe<br />

INA-mOl CONSOrtIum SIGN AGreemeNt ON PurChASe Of<br />

eNerGOPetrOl<br />

8 CzECH REpUBLIC<br />

lAuNChING trAdING WIth INveStmeNt CertIfICAteS<br />

lAuNChING Of futureS trAdING<br />

COOPerAtION BetWeeN the PrAGue StOCk exChANGe<br />

ANd the vIetNAmeSe StOCk exChANGe<br />

10 HUNgARy<br />

rANkING Of CuStOdIANS IN huNGAry IN q2, 2006<br />

etf: SOON INtrOduCed tO BSe<br />

11 pOLANd<br />

remOte memBerShIP BuSINeSS IS GAINING IN<br />

ImPOrtANCe<br />

13 ROmANIA<br />

G.e. CO. tO Buy eleCtrOPutere CrAIOvA<br />

PrIvAtIzAtION Of 3 eleCtrICA BrANCheS<br />

14 SERBIA<br />

hvB BANk SerBIA ANd mONteNeGrO Ad BeCOmeS<br />

CuStOdy BANk Of deltA GeNerAlI PrIvAte vOluNtAry<br />

PeNSION fuNd<br />

ImPlemeNtAtION Of lAW ON BANkS StArtS ON 1 OCtOBer<br />

15 SLOvAkIA<br />

BrAtISlAvA StOCk exChANGe’S SePtemBer turNOver<br />

Skk 113.88 BlN.<br />

NeW Squeeze Out ANd Sell Out ruleS tO Be vAlId AS<br />

Of 2007<br />

eleCtrONIC PrOCuremeNt SyStem StArtS ON jANuAry<br />

17 SLOvENIA<br />

telekOm SlOveNIje lISted ON ljuBljANA StOCk<br />

exChANGe<br />

the fIrSt SlOveNIAN CAPItAl mArketS dAy IN vIeNNA<br />

BrIef SummAry Of the mArket ACtIvIty IN SePtemBer<br />

19 UkRAINE<br />

NAtIONAl BANk Of ukrAINe ANd PArlIAmeNt’S fINANCIAl<br />

COmmIttee INSISt ON the ABOlItION Of the PeNSION<br />

fuNd deduCtION<br />



Issue 67, October 2006<br />

dear Clients,<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />

this month, we are pleased to introduce you to our<br />

Custody team in Bosnia and herzegovina and to our<br />

2 new hirings in hungary.<br />

In Bosnia, Adnan Secibovic is our he<strong>ad</strong> of Custody and<br />

Belma kovacevic is the relationship manager for international<br />

clients. Adnan Secibovic has gr<strong>ad</strong>uated last year<br />

from rochester Institute of technology, New york (uSA)<br />

and holds an ac<strong>ad</strong>emic degree in economics. he participated<br />

in professional trainings organized by the World<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> and the IfC and received a professional degree on<br />

Business management from a World <strong>Bank</strong> program.<br />

Adnan has worked for HVB Central Profit <strong>Bank</strong>a for about<br />

a year. Prior to this employment, he worked at the hyatt<br />

International Corporation in Beaver Creek, Color<strong>ad</strong>o<br />

(uSA). In <strong>ad</strong>dition, he did an internship program with the<br />

World <strong>Bank</strong> as a member of the financial team responsible<br />

for the development of Small and medium-size<br />

entities (Sme’s) in Bosnia and herzegovina.<br />

Belma kovacevic lived in Sarajevo until 1996 when she<br />

moved to the uS where she lived until 2004. Belma holds<br />

an ac<strong>ad</strong>emic degree in Business Administration from St.<br />

louis College, missouri (uSA). She has gained vast work<br />

experience, amongst others, having been an office manager<br />

at Wells fargo <strong>Bank</strong> for over 2 years – managing<br />

the internal relationship between the loan department,<br />

hr and the finance division.<br />

In 2004, she moved back to Sarajevo. Belma joined the<br />

Custody team of HVB Central Profit <strong>Bank</strong>a two months<br />

ago as relationship manager for international clients.<br />

Belma Kovacevic and Adnan Secibovic

We h<strong>ad</strong> a couple of on-site visits to Bosnia from vienna’s<br />

side, now Adnan is undergoing cross-training at Custody<br />

vienna.<br />

HVB Central Profit <strong>Bank</strong>a – represented by Adnan and<br />

Belma – will be pleased to discuss with you our Custody<br />

services and your potential securities business in Bosnia.<br />

We wish them all the best in their new positions.<br />

Please join us in welcoming ms. zita márton and ms.<br />

zsanett lencsés to our hungarian team. following an<br />

active recruitment programme, we have expanded our<br />

bench strength in Budapest through these recruitments.<br />

zita has joined our team as the deputy he<strong>ad</strong> of Custody<br />

and securities services – hungary. Given the strong<br />

development of the hungarian market and the active role<br />

Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy, he<strong>ad</strong> of Custody – hungary<br />

took on at the Budapest Stock exchange, the need of a<br />

strong person to support him in managing our hungarian<br />

business was apparent. zita will be responsible for<br />

managing all staff within Custody with a direct reporting<br />

line to Attila. Attila will use his increased capacity to<br />

expand his responsibilities as the he<strong>ad</strong> of Custody and<br />

Securities Services – hungary and as a member of our<br />

Cee Custody Steering team – which is responsible for<br />

group-wide strategy. zita joins us from k&h <strong>Bank</strong> where<br />

she was responsible for a team within corporate banking<br />

sales. Prior to joining k&h in 2002, zita gained practical<br />

experience in the industry having worked for both City<br />

Broker ltd (member of the Budapest Stock exchange)<br />

and Capital financial Group. zita has a degree in eco-<br />

Zita Márton<br />

Zsanett Lencses<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />

nomic engineering – majoring in finance from the Szent<br />

István university. Prior to joining her team in Budapest,<br />

zita underwent a 2 month training programme in vienna<br />

– getting a hands on view of our business from Settlements<br />

through Sales and relationship management.<br />

zsanett lencsés joins the team as a junior relationship<br />

manager having come from raiffeisen <strong>Bank</strong> zrt (rzB).<br />

Prior to raiffeisen, zsanett h<strong>ad</strong> worked with Gordon &<br />

Webster rt – Controlling Advisory during her studies.<br />

zsanett hold a degree in financial Investment and risk<br />

Analysis from Corvinus university of Budapest – the<br />

premier economics university in hungary. She will be<br />

assigned a number international client in the coming<br />

months. Simultaneously, zsanett will undergo intensive<br />

cross-training within the group.<br />

these 2 recruitments are further increases in our total<br />

he<strong>ad</strong> count in Cee Custody. Prior to these appointments<br />

our year to date he<strong>ad</strong> count increase in the Cee region<br />

amounted to 15% over 2005 – thus further underpinning<br />

our commitment to the business and our desire to ensure<br />

that our clients continue to receive the service and attention<br />

to which they have become accustomed.<br />

david penstone<br />

Group He<strong>ad</strong> of Sales & Relationship Management<br />

CEE Custody<br />

Issue 67, October 2006 3


4 Issue 67, October 2006<br />

Source: BA-CA, National Statistics<br />

Se turnover eur 5.4bn<br />

monthly Index Performance (Atx) +3.55%<br />

GdP per Capita (2005, in eur) 28.847,00<br />

GdP real 2006 (Change against prev. year in %) 3.10%<br />

3-month money market rate 3.48%<br />

Inflation (yearly average in %) 1.60%<br />

upcoming holidays none<br />

4400<br />

4200<br />

4000<br />

3800<br />

3600<br />

3400<br />

3200<br />

3000<br />


vOm 29/ 9/05 BIS 29/ 9/06 tAeGlICh<br />

2800<br />

SeP Okt NOv dez jAN feB mAr APr mAI juN jul AuG SeP<br />

AktuelleS<br />

38 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m1)<br />

200 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m2) Source: dAtAStreAm<br />


the exchange-listed company CA Immobilien Anlagen<br />

AG will float up to 49% of the stocks in its subsidiary CA<br />

Immo International AG.<br />

the subscription period for the stocks of CA Immo<br />

International AG started on 9 October 2006. A total of<br />

18,518,074 stocks are to be floated with an <strong>ad</strong>ditional<br />

2,777,771 stocks under a greenshoe option. the price<br />

bandwidth is eur 12.60 to eur 14.30.<br />

The first day of listing on the prime market is planned for<br />

25 October 2006.<br />

http://www.wienerboerse.at/cms/2/48/2767<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by Thomas Rosmanitz<br />

Relationship Manager<br />

Ac<strong>ad</strong>emy of Sciences, Vienna<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />


CA IB expects a slight uptrend on Wiener Börse in the<br />

coming four weeks and the Atx companies to continue to<br />

grow robustly at an average of 30.9% in 2006.<br />

In 2007, corporate earnings are expected to gain another<br />

6.2%. In the first forecast for 2008, experts prognosticated<br />

earnings growth of 9.6%. In the years 2004 to<br />

2005, the earnings of the Atx companies grew by 52.8%<br />

and 43.9%, respectively, according to CA-IB.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by Thomas Rosmanitz<br />

Relationship Manager


Source: BA-CA, National Statistics<br />

Se turnover (Sarajevo Se) BAm 44.98m<br />

Banja luka Se BAm 48.9m<br />

monthly Index Performance (BIfx) 11,31<br />

SASx10 24,84<br />

GdP per Capita (2005, in eur) 2.095,00<br />

GdP real 2006 (Change against prev. year in %) 6.00%<br />

3-month money market rate n.a<br />

Inflation (yearly average in %) 7.00%<br />

upcoming holidays none<br />

eur/BAm 1,95<br />


mARkS 5 TH ANNIvERSARy<br />

to mark their 5 th anniversary, on 4 and 5 October, Sarajevo<br />

Stock Exchange (SASE) held their first International<br />

conference. the two main topics that were discussed<br />

during this conference were: the developing capital<br />

market and the role of media.<br />

the most successful brokerage companies were also<br />

awarded. fImA International brokerage company h<strong>ad</strong> the<br />

highest turnover of 369,8m. raiffeisen Brokers Sarajevo<br />

was at second place with a total turnover of 329,5m.<br />

vGt Broker visoko brokerage house was the most successful<br />

in total transactions realized (74.164), and raiffeisen<br />

Brokers Sarajevo was right behind, with 63.354<br />

transactions.<br />

AW Broker Sarajevo brokerage company got awarded for<br />

the average daily turnover, which was BAm 629 521.<br />

In conclusion, in the five year period total turnover at<br />

SASe was BAm 1.28 bn, and 280.000 transactions have<br />

been executed.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by Adnan Šecibovic<br />

He<strong>ad</strong> of Custody<br />


SARAjEvO<br />

the privatization agency of the federation of Bosnia and<br />

herzegovina (fBih) announced a tender offer for sale<br />

of 67% of the state capital shares of energoinvest d.d.<br />

Sarajevo. the face value of the offered capital is BAm<br />

147.8m, and the sale can be possible under 3 conditions:<br />

payment m<strong>ad</strong>e in cash, keeping the current branch activities<br />

and 733 employees.<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />

In 2005 energoinvest d.d. Sarajevo h<strong>ad</strong> a total revenue<br />

of BAm 267,9m, one year later, BAm 271,2 m, and in the<br />

first 6 months of this year the total revenue amount was<br />

BAm 181,6m .<br />

A tender offer will be available until 5 december 2006.<br />

energoinvest d.d. Sarajevo is one of the most successful<br />

and well-respected engineering company. relying on<br />

the wide-ranging experience and considerable resources<br />

their business doctorine has been evolving through 50<br />

years, with all efforts being directed to create a portfolio<br />

of activities in respect of clients needs and requirements.<br />

the permanent presence of energoinvest in the market,<br />

following trends and events on the current market, is<br />

provided by the activity of the network worldwide through<br />

its own representatives and joint-venture companies<br />

in Bosnia and herzegovina and abro<strong>ad</strong> and its human<br />

resources.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by Adnan Šecibovic<br />

He<strong>ad</strong> of Custody<br />



(qUOTATION)<br />

On 26 September 2006 Sarajevo Stock exchange<br />

(SASe) m<strong>ad</strong>e a public announcement that the Stock<br />

exchange listing Committee m<strong>ad</strong>e a decision about<br />

accepting “Bosnalijek” d.d. Sarajevo securities to the<br />

Stock Exchange listing (quotation). The first official tr<strong>ad</strong>ing<br />

of “Bosnalijek” stocks starts on 9 October 2006.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by Adnan Šecibovic<br />

He<strong>ad</strong> of Custody<br />

Issue 67, October 2006 5

BULgARIA<br />

6 Issue 67, October 2006<br />

Source: BA-CA, National Statistics<br />

Se turnover BGN 18,57m<br />

monthly Index Performance (Atx) 0.84%<br />

GdP per Capita (2005, in eur) 2.777,00<br />

GdP real 2006 (Change against prev. year in %) 5.50%<br />

3-month money market rate 3.48%<br />

Inflation (yearly average in %) 7.30%<br />

upcoming holidays none<br />

eur/BGN 1,96<br />

980<br />

960<br />

940<br />

920<br />

900<br />

880<br />

860<br />

840<br />

820<br />

800<br />


vOm 29/ 9/05 BIS 29/ 9/06 tAeGlICh<br />

780<br />

SeP Okt NOv dez jAN feB mAr APr mAI juN jul AuG SeP<br />

AktuelleS<br />

38 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m1)<br />

200 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m2) Source: dAtAStreAm<br />




there are no obstacles to the privatization of the Bulgarian<br />

Stock exchange – Sofia (BSE) anymore. On 11<br />

October 2006 the Parliament finally approved the amendments<br />

to the law of Public Offering of Securities, allowing<br />

foreign exchanges or associations of exchanges to hold<br />

more than 5% of the capital in the BSe. until now that<br />

was solely the privilege of the State which is holding 44%<br />

of its capital. Interest towards BSE-Sofia in recent years<br />

has been shown by Omx exchanges, the vienna Stock<br />

exchange, euronext and the Athens Stock exchange.<br />

however, it is hard to forecast if and when a privatization<br />

procedure will be invited, although many experts believe<br />

BSE-Sofia could not stay in the region as an independent<br />

player.<br />

the new provision of the Public Offering of Securities Act<br />

regulates the activities of investment underwriters, collective<br />

investment schemes, and management companies.<br />

equalization of initial and secondary public offering of<br />

shares is stipulated as well. The concept of “financial<br />

instruments” has been expanded in the legislative act and<br />

futures on commodities, options, margin contracts, etc.,<br />

which are not tr<strong>ad</strong>ed in Bulgaria yet, have been included<br />

in it. the law-maker has also stipulated a ban on the<br />

transformation of an open type investment company to a<br />

closed type investment company.<br />

Plovdiv, Bulgaria<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />

the market Abuse Act was also passed in the beginning<br />

of October. It covers all financial instruments <strong>ad</strong>mitted for<br />

tr<strong>ad</strong>ing, as well as insider offences and market manipulation.<br />

The fine to be imposed on natural persons who<br />

have violated the law will be in the range of BGN 20,000<br />

– 50,000. the sanction for a repeated infringement shall<br />

be BGN 50,000 – 100,000.<br />

for the same offences juristic persons and sole tr<strong>ad</strong>ers<br />

will be fined to pay BGN 50,000 – 100,000 and BGN<br />

100,000 – 200,000 for a repeated violation.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by miroslav velikov<br />

He<strong>ad</strong> of Custody


Source: BA-CA, National Statistics<br />

Se turnover (zagreb Se) hrk 3.933,13m<br />

(varazdin Se) hrk 367,93m<br />

monthly Index Performance (Crobex/zSe) 2.10%<br />

(vIN/vSe) 0.56%<br />

GdP per Capita (2005, in eur) 6.966,00<br />

GdP real 2006 (Change against prev. year in %) 4.40%<br />

3-month money market rate 3.75%<br />

Inflation (yearly average in %) 3.20%<br />

upcoming holidays none<br />

eur/hrk 7,42<br />

3400<br />

3200<br />

3000<br />

2800<br />

2600<br />

2400<br />

2200<br />

2000<br />


vOm 29/ 9/05 BIS 29/ 9/06 tAeGlICh<br />

1800<br />

SeP Okt NOv dez jAN feB mAr APr mAI juN jul AuG SeP<br />

AktuelleS<br />

38 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m1)<br />

200 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m2) Source: dAtAStreAm<br />


CrOleI, the Croatian le<strong>ad</strong>ing economic Indicator, rose<br />

by 0.46 percent in july compared to june, the Croatian<br />

finance ministry reported. this rise together with the previous<br />

five consecutive growths indicates a ste<strong>ad</strong>y growth<br />

in the industrial activities in the fourth quarter of this<br />

year. CrOleI is a composite index aimed at forecasting<br />

overall economic activities and it consists of 11 indicators.<br />

the CrOleI Index is a joint product of the zagreb-based<br />

Institute and the Croatian finance ministry.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />



the european Commission delegation in Croatia and the<br />

Croatian ministry of foreign Affairs and european Integration<br />

organized a reception on the first anniversary of the<br />

opening of Croatia’s european union entry negotiations,<br />

at which Croatia and the EU said they were satisfied with<br />

the negotiations so far. After a positive assessment of<br />

Croatia’s full cooperation with the hague war crimes tribunal<br />

on 3 October 2005 the Council concluded the same<br />

day that Croatia h<strong>ad</strong> met the last condition for the opening<br />

of the accession negotiations which were launched at an<br />

intergovernmental conference. the he<strong>ad</strong> of the eC delegation<br />

vincent degert and foreign Affairs and european<br />

Krka Waterfalls<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />

Integration minister kolinda Grabar-kitarovic said the<br />

screening of the Croatian legislation’s <strong>ad</strong>justment to european<br />

standards was successfully nearing completion. the<br />

process will wrap up on18 October with a bilateral meeting<br />

on the policy chapter on judiciary and human rights.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />



zagreb Stock exchange (zSe) organizes the tr<strong>ad</strong>itional<br />

annual conference in hotel Park, rovinj, Croatia, from<br />

12 to 15 October 2006. the exchange Conference is the<br />

central annual event, bringing together over 350 financial<br />

industry le<strong>ad</strong>ers, consultants, companies, distinguished<br />

foreign guests and all those who are interested and investing<br />

in Croatian financial markets. The emphasis of the conference<br />

is on the development of the securities market and<br />

its influence on the financial stability and monetary policy<br />

and new investment opportunities on the capital market<br />

before the eu accession; the protection of shareholders<br />

rights and retail market in Croatia. A special overview of<br />

the capital market after completion of Pliva takeover will be<br />

given at the conference.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />



A consortium consisting of the Croatian oil company INA<br />

and the hungarian oil company mOl signed an agreement<br />

on the purchase of the Bosnian oil company energopetrol.<br />

the purchase of energopetrol, which has the most developed<br />

network of petrol stations in the country, will cost the<br />

INA-mOl consortium around 112.5 million euros, including<br />

37.5 million for the company’s shares and liabilities and 75<br />

million for its upgr<strong>ad</strong>ing in the next three years.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Witten and edited by vl<strong>ad</strong>imir Racic<br />

He<strong>ad</strong> of Custody<br />

Issue 67, October 2006 7


8 Issue 67, October 2006<br />

Source: BA-CA, National Statistics<br />

Se turnover Czk 103.59bn<br />

monthly Index Performance (Px) 0.14%<br />

GdP per Capita (2005, in eur) 9.768,00<br />

GdP real 2006 (Change against prev. year in %) 5.70%<br />

3-month money market rate 2.57%<br />

Inflation (yearly average in %) 2.70%<br />

upcoming holidays 17 November<br />

eur/Czk 28,28<br />

1600<br />

1550<br />

1500<br />

1450<br />

1400<br />

1350<br />

1300<br />

1250<br />

1200<br />


vOm 29/ 9/05 BIS 29/ 9/06 tAeGlICh<br />

1150<br />

SeP Okt NOv dez jAN feB mAr APr mAI juN jul AuG SeP<br />

AktuelleS<br />

38 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m1)<br />

200 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m2) Source: dAtAStreAm<br />



On 4 October 2006, the PSe has started tr<strong>ad</strong>ing with the<br />

investment certificates CTX AT0000454186 a CECEXT<br />

AT0000A00M07 on the official free market. Tr<strong>ad</strong>ing with<br />

certificates is based on the participation of one specialist<br />

which is represented by raiffeisenbank a.s., and the<br />

issuer of both certificates is Raiffeisen Centrobank AG.<br />

The certificates are the first of this type of investment<br />

instruments on PSe market.<br />

The general parameters for both Index certificates are<br />

represented in the chart below:<br />

Parameter CTX AT0000454186 CECEXT AT0000A00M07<br />

standard amount (pcs) 200 pcs 200 pcs<br />

max. quotation spre<strong>ad</strong> Czk 12 Czk 8<br />

Source: PSE<br />

Impact on investors: extension of investment opportunities.<br />

Written and edited by Ales polasek<br />

Relationship Manager<br />


On 5 October 2006, the tr<strong>ad</strong>ing in two series of Px index<br />

futures has been launched on a special regulated market.<br />

In accordance with the stock exchange rules, tr<strong>ad</strong>ing in<br />

three- and six-month contracts will be possible within the<br />

SPAd tr<strong>ad</strong>ing segment. market maker contracts have<br />

been concluded with the following companies:<br />

Nepomuk Monument, Prague<br />

➔ Ceská sporitelna, a.s.<br />

➔ fIO, burzovní spolecnost, a.s.<br />

➔ Patria finance, a.s.<br />

General information:<br />

futures series code FPXAA03M1206<br />

futures series name PX FUT Dec06<br />

multiplier 100<br />

tr<strong>ad</strong>ing unit points<br />

tr<strong>ad</strong>ing currency Czk<br />

Issue date 5/10/2006<br />

expiration date 15/12/2006<br />

Business group 9<br />

quotation group B<br />

futures series code FPXAA06M0307<br />

futures series name PX FUT Mar07<br />

multiplier 100<br />

tr<strong>ad</strong>ing unit points<br />

tr<strong>ad</strong>ing currency Czk<br />

Issue date 5/10/2006<br />

expiration date 16/3/2007<br />

Business group 9<br />

quotation group B<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />

Source: PSE<br />

Impact on investors: extension of investment opportunities.<br />

Written and edited by Ales polasek<br />

Relationship Manager



STOCk ExCHANgE<br />

Petr koblic, Chairman of the exchange Chamber and<br />

General director of the Prague Stock exchange, signed<br />

a cooperation agreement between the Prague Stock<br />

exchange and its vietnamese counterpart in ho Chi minh<br />

City on monday, 2 October. Petr koblic is in vietnam<br />

along with the tr<strong>ad</strong>e mission accompanying the Czech<br />

President during his official visit to Asian countries.<br />

the subject of cooperation between the Prague Stock<br />

exchange and the ho Chi min City Securities tr<strong>ad</strong>ing<br />

Center is the exchange of information on the development<br />

of the capital markets in both countries and on<br />

issuers operating in those markets as well as the development<br />

of new tr<strong>ad</strong>ing products, such as derivatives of<br />

newly created indices, etc. the Prague Stock exchange<br />

has also proposed to its vietnamese partners that it will<br />

provide them with information on the current developments<br />

in the area of stock exchange regulation in the eu.<br />

“the vietnamese market represents a very attractive<br />

region for our exchange members,” says Petr koblic,<br />

General director of the Prague Stock exchange, in connection<br />

with the upcoming signing of the agreement.<br />

“the stock exchange in ho Chi minh City, in its current<br />

condition, is very similar to the capital market that we h<strong>ad</strong><br />

known in the Czech republic in the early 1990s. there<br />

are many issues on the market but only rather low tr<strong>ad</strong>ing<br />

volumes, particularly in blocks of shares. It is obvious that<br />

the Czech experience from the development of exchange<br />

tr<strong>ad</strong>ing in a transforming economy may be helpful to our<br />

vietnamese partners,” he <strong>ad</strong>ds.<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />

Signing of the cooperation agreement follows the recent<br />

visit of the vietnamese stock exchange delegation to<br />

Prague, during which the two parties discussed e.g. the<br />

possibility of extending the number of stock exchange<br />

indices, which could be tailor-m<strong>ad</strong>e to the interests of<br />

investors from the partner country. the newly opened<br />

derivatives market on the Prague Stock exchange represents<br />

an opportunity how to expand the offer m<strong>ad</strong>e to<br />

investors by derivates involving indices of vietnamese<br />

and other Asian markets. the vietnamese party has<br />

also expressed its interest in the operation of the tr<strong>ad</strong>ing<br />

system at the Prague Stock exchange which has demonstrated<br />

its quality and efficiency in the past years.<br />

representatives of the Prague Stock exchange have<br />

come to vietnam as part of the tr<strong>ad</strong>e mission accompanying<br />

Czech President Václav Klaus during his official visit<br />

to the russian federation, mongolia, China, vietnam and<br />

Singapore. “We appreciate that we have h<strong>ad</strong> the opportunity<br />

to participate in this mission,” says Petr koblic.<br />

“development of contacts between Czech businessmen<br />

and their foreign partners is beneficial in all respects. It<br />

is, therefore, necessary to appreciate that the President<br />

is providing support for establishing such relationships<br />

during his foreign visits.”<br />

the cooperation agreement will be signed by the top<br />

management officials of both institutions – Petr Koblic,<br />

Chairman of the exchange Chamber and General director<br />

of PSe, on behalf of the Czech party, and tran dac<br />

Sinh, General director of the ho Chi minh City Securities<br />

tr<strong>ad</strong>ing Center, on behalf of the vietnamese party.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by Ales polasek<br />

Relationship Manager<br />

Cesky Krumlov<br />

Source: PSE<br />

Issue 67, October 2006 9

HUNgARy<br />

10 Issue 67, October 2006<br />

Source: BA-CA, National Statistics<br />

Se turnover huf 512.42m<br />

monthly Index Performance (Bux) -2.68%<br />

GdP per Capita (2005, in eur) 8.697,00<br />

GdP real 2006 (Change against prev. year in %) 4.00%<br />

3-month money market rate 8.20%<br />

Inflation (yearly average in %) 3.70%<br />

upcoming holidays none<br />

eur/huf 273,49<br />

000'S<br />

26<br />

25<br />

24<br />

23<br />

22<br />

21<br />

20<br />

19<br />


vOm 29/ 9/05 BIS 29/ 9/06 tAeGlICh<br />

18<br />

SeP Okt NOv dez jAN feB mAr APr mAI juN jul AuG SeP<br />

AktuelleS<br />

38 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m1)<br />

200 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m2) Source: dAtAStreAm<br />


q , 006<br />

According to the recent publication of the hungarian<br />

National <strong>Bank</strong>, hvB hungary maintained its illustrious<br />

first position among the custodians in Hungary and<br />

reached a 18,82% market share in q2, 2006 based on<br />

the assets held under custody.<br />

erSte <strong>Bank</strong><br />

2,35%<br />

CIB <strong>Bank</strong><br />

3,86%<br />

raiffeisen <strong>Bank</strong><br />

4,35%<br />

mkB<br />

4,60%<br />

Ranking of custodians in Hungary based on<br />

assets held under custody<br />

Other custodians<br />

23,78%<br />

k & h<br />

5,39%<br />

ING <strong>Bank</strong><br />

8,58%<br />

OtP<br />

11,90%<br />

hvB <strong>Bank</strong><br />

18,82%<br />

Citibank<br />

16,37%<br />

Sopron<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />


etfs (exchange tr<strong>ad</strong>ed fund) are expected to be<br />

introduced on the Budapest Stock exchange (BSe) in<br />

December 2006. The first BSE-tr<strong>ad</strong>ed ETF will closely<br />

imitate the Bux index and be substantially simpler than a<br />

derivative instrument.<br />

the main reasons for the etf’s popularity among both<br />

private and institutional investors are transparency,<br />

diversification, liquidity and the favourable costs.<br />

however, etfs are not yet widely held in the eastern<br />

european region, professionals predict a dynamic<br />

increase of the etfs woldwide: the volume of the tr<strong>ad</strong>ed<br />

funds in this construction may qu<strong>ad</strong>ruple and exceed<br />

USD 2.000 bn in five years.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by zsanett Lencsés<br />

Relationship Manager

pOLANd<br />

Source: BA-CA, National Statistics<br />

Se turnover PlN 9.23bn<br />

monthly Index Performance (WIG20) 1.59%<br />

WIG -1.44%<br />

GdP per Capita (2005, in eur) 6.395,00<br />

GdP real 2006 (Change against prev. year in %) 5.40%<br />

3-month money market rate 4.10%<br />

Inflation (yearly average in %) 1.30%<br />

upcoming holidays 11 November<br />

eur/PlN 3,91<br />

3400<br />

3200<br />

3000<br />

2800<br />

2600<br />

2400<br />

2200<br />


vOm 29/ 9/05 BIS 29/ 9/06 tAeGlICh<br />

2000<br />

SeP Okt NOv dez jAN feB mAr APr mAI juN jul AuG SeP<br />

AktuelleS<br />

38 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m1)<br />

200 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m2) Source: dAtAStreAm<br />



It is our pleasure to announce that on 2 October 2006,<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria Creditanstalt started direct tr<strong>ad</strong>ing on the<br />

Warsaw Stock exchange (WSe) as a remote broker. BA-<br />

CA became a full member on the equity and the derivatives<br />

market and thanks to the direct line set up between<br />

the tr<strong>ad</strong>ing floors in Vienna and the WSE, BA-CA’s clients<br />

may efficiently tr<strong>ad</strong>e on the Polish market. The decision<br />

of BA-CA regarding the direct membership of the WSe<br />

is a response to increasing demand of retail and institutional<br />

investors and brokers in Polish equities.<br />

transactions executed by BA-CA are settled by <strong>Bank</strong><br />

BPh, acting as a clearing member at the NdS level. <strong>Bank</strong><br />

BPh played a le<strong>ad</strong>ing role in canvassing for introduction<br />

of remote membership and we were the very first local<br />

custodian that, benefiting from the know-how received<br />

from the Vienna office, offered clearing services to<br />

remote brokers.<br />

Since July 2005, when we settled the first remote broker’s<br />

tr<strong>ad</strong>e on the market, we have been appointed as a<br />

clearing member by five out of ten remote members of<br />

the WSe. Based on the data provided by the WSe on a<br />

monthly basis it can be calculated that we settle approximately<br />

two thirds of the turnover generated by remote<br />

brokers. It should be, however, noted that remote brokers’<br />

share in the total WSe tr<strong>ad</strong>ing turnover does not exceed<br />

3-4% at the moment. We believe BA-CA activity shall<br />

significantly improve these statistics.<br />

Krakow<br />

➔<br />

➔<br />

➔<br />

➔<br />

➔<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />

It is commonly expected that with the extension of remote<br />

membership activity and attraction further investment<br />

firms by the Warsaw bourse, the remote business,<br />

launched in Poland only 15 months ago, will develop further.<br />

Although so far remote brokers have not dominated<br />

tr<strong>ad</strong>ing on the market, it is fully justified to believe that<br />

they will generate crucial share in the stock exchange<br />

tr<strong>ad</strong>ing in the future.<br />

As we alre<strong>ad</strong>y mentioned in the April issue of our <strong>Custodian</strong><br />

<strong>Newsletter</strong> (accessible at http://www.hvb-custody.<br />

com/downlo<strong>ad</strong>/Pdf_<strong>Newsletter</strong>/<strong>Newsletter</strong>_April2006.<br />

pdf), in which we described the WSe <strong>ad</strong>mission procedures<br />

both in terms of formal and operational aspects,<br />

remote membership to the WSe has created new tr<strong>ad</strong>ing<br />

possibilities for foreign brokers which are now freely to<br />

choose whether to conclude their tr<strong>ad</strong>es via local brokerage<br />

firms or directly on the Warsaw bourse.<br />

In our opinion, when examining remote tr<strong>ad</strong>ing scheme,<br />

the following <strong>ad</strong>vantages should be taken into consideration:<br />

direct presence on the market<br />

No intermediary fee – reduced costs (please refer to the<br />

attached table)<br />

direct contact with the exchange<br />

Better response time, better control over placed orders<br />

Reliable and flexible technical infrastructure<br />

No doubt, the above are strong incentives, and the grow-<br />

Issue 67, October 2006 11

ing interest in remote tr<strong>ad</strong>ing we can observe will surely<br />

result in further growth and development of this business<br />

on the market.<br />

Impact on investors: establishing of a direct link between BA-CA<br />

and the Warsaw Stock exchange may be seen as a further sign of<br />

growing demand for the Polish securities from foreign investors and<br />

increasing interest in remote tr<strong>ad</strong>ing on the Warsaw bourse.<br />

We are strengthened in our conviction that the WSe,<br />

thanks to the development of remote tr<strong>ad</strong>ing accompanied<br />

by the impressive number of initial public offerings<br />

– including foreign companies, may play a role of a<br />

region le<strong>ad</strong>er.<br />


No <strong>ad</strong>mission fee<br />

Annual fee for the possibility to execute transactions:<br />

a) all financial instruments PLN 33,000<br />

b) all securities PlN 30,000<br />

c) debt instruments PlN 2,000<br />

d) derivatives PlN 10,000<br />


Stocks<br />

value of an order<br />

0 - 100,000 PlN 1 plus 0.039%<br />

100,000 - 2 million PlN 10 plus 0.030%<br />

over 2 million PlN 410 plus 0.010%<br />

(not more than PlN 1000)<br />

Futures<br />

bonds PlN 0.60 per contract<br />

other futures PlN 2 per contract<br />

Options 0.72% of premium<br />

(not less than PlN 0.2 and<br />

not more than PlN 1.44)<br />

Source: WSE Rules<br />

(http://www.gpw.com.pl/zrodla/e_ogieldzie/regulacje/rules_wse.pdf)<br />

Written and edited by krzysztof pekrul<br />

Relationship Manager<br />

1 Issue 67, October 2006<br />

Statue of Nikolaus Kopernikus, Krakow<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG

ROmANIA<br />

Source: BA-CA, National Statistics<br />

Se turnover rON 686,56m<br />

monthly Index Performance (Bet) 3.50%<br />

GdP per Capita (2005, in eur) 3.664,00<br />

GdP real 2006 (Change against prev. year in %) 7.30%<br />

3-month money market rate 9.25%<br />

Inflation (yearly average in %) 7.00%<br />

upcoming holidays none<br />

eur/rOl 3,51<br />

9000<br />

8500<br />

8000<br />

7500<br />

7000<br />

6500<br />

6000<br />

5500<br />


vOm 29/ 9/05 BIS 29/ 9/06 tAeGlICh<br />

5000<br />

SeP Okt NOv dez jAN feB mAr APr mAI juN jul AuG SeP<br />

AktuelleS<br />

38 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m1)<br />

200 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m2) Source: dAtAStreAm<br />


CRAIOvA<br />

the government said in a statement on tuesday that the<br />

u.S. giant General electric Co. is interested in buying<br />

the romanian state-owned electrical equipment maker<br />

electroputere Craiova.<br />

romania’s government has been trying since November<br />

2005 to sell a 62.8% stake in loss-making electroputere,<br />

an industrial enterprise dating from communist days.<br />

“the company is not only interested in electroputere<br />

Craiova, but also in participating in the upgr<strong>ad</strong>ing project<br />

of romania’s locomotive yard,” the statement said.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by Bogdan B<strong>ad</strong>ulescu<br />

Senior Relationship Manager<br />

Building of Association of Romanian Architects, Bucharest<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />



On tuesday the romanian economy ministry published<br />

a sell off proposal confirming that Romania plans to sell<br />

42% stakes in three state-owned electricity distributors to<br />

strategic investors.<br />

the plan includes a capital increase in electrica muntenia<br />

Nord, electrica transilvania Nord and electrica transilvania<br />

Sud, but first it has to be approved by the whole<br />

cabinet.<br />

romania, which will join the european union next year,<br />

has alre<strong>ad</strong>y sold stakes in five out of eight units of the<br />

electrica group, to Czech utility, Germany’s e.ON and<br />

Italy’s enel, for around eur 1.2 billion (uSd 1.5 billion).<br />

“the process of privatization will be done individually<br />

for each subsidiary, by selling 42% of existing shares<br />

to a strategic investor,” the ministry said, and also the<br />

share capital of the companies will be increased by IPO<br />

which would allow an investor to have a 51% stake in a<br />

company it buys. five bidders should be short-listed for<br />

each company, the ministry said. the privatizations will<br />

not become final before 2007.<br />

Impact on investors: New investing opportunity.<br />

Written and edited by Roxana Stoean<br />

Relationship Manager<br />

Issue 67, October 2006 13

SERBIA<br />

14 Issue 67, October 2006<br />

Source: BA-CA, National Statistics<br />

Se turnover CSd 8.998.93<br />

monthly Index Performance 0.05%<br />

GdP per Capita (2005, in eur) 2.561,00<br />

GdP real 2006 (Change against prev. year in %) 6.10%<br />

3-month money market rate n.a<br />

Inflation (yearly average in %) 12.70%<br />

upcoming holidays none<br />

eur/dIN n.a<br />




FUNd<br />

hvB <strong>Bank</strong> Serbia has become the custody bank of the<br />

country’s first private voluntary pension fund, “Delta<br />

Generali Beogr<strong>ad</strong>”. the bank will conduct daily valuations<br />

of the pension fund and report to the National <strong>Bank</strong> of<br />

Serbia (NBS), while serving as a sort of primary control<br />

mechanism over private pension fund management.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by vesna grubesic<br />

Relationship Manager<br />



the implementation of the new law on <strong>Bank</strong>s started<br />

on 1 October 2006. <strong>Bank</strong>s holding an operating license<br />

of the NBS have to bring their operations, organization<br />

and documents into compliance with the provisions of<br />

this law. By the above date at the latest, banks will be<br />

required to, inter alia, obtain National <strong>Bank</strong>’s approval of<br />

documents of incorporation and articles of association<br />

and preliminary approval of appointing chairmen and<br />

members of managing and executive boards.<br />

Prince Lazar, Krusevac Castle<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />

The Law on <strong>Bank</strong>s has introduced a number of significant<br />

novelties, such as a new procedure of founding a<br />

bank, and a modern approach to bank management. Its<br />

provisions also set down that preliminary approval of the<br />

NBS is required before a bank can appoint members of<br />

its managing and executive boards. In order to acquire a<br />

stake amounting to five or more percent of voting rights,<br />

the acquirer will have to obtain prior approval of the NBS.<br />

The law also specifies the types of operational risks to<br />

which banks can be exposed and risk management procedures,<br />

manner of conducting consolidated supervision<br />

and the obligation for banks to appoint an external auditor<br />

from a list compiled by the NBS.<br />

Impact on investors: this will have impact on the foreign investors<br />

mostly in the part of purchasing shares issued by the Serbian<br />

banks. regarding to the new law, prior to investing in any<br />

of Serbian banks, an investor that desires to purchase and / or<br />

hold shares of a bank amounting to the number of shares that<br />

gives more than 5% of voting rights of any Serbian bank would<br />

have to apply for the permission from the National bank of Serbia.<br />

Written and edited by vesna grubesic<br />

Relationship Manager

SLOvAkIA<br />

Source: BA-CA, National Statistics<br />

Se turnover Skk 658m<br />

monthly Index Performance (SAx) 0.51%<br />

GdP per Capita (2005, in eur) 7.084<br />

GdP real 2006 (Change against prev. year in %) 6.50%<br />

3-month money market rate 4.85%<br />

Inflation (yearly average in %) 4.40%<br />

upcoming holidays 17 November<br />

eur/Skk 36,91<br />

480<br />

460<br />

440<br />

420<br />

400<br />

380<br />


vOm 29/ 9/05 BIS 29/ 9/06 tAeGlICh<br />

360<br />

SeP Okt NOv dez jAN feB mAr APr mAI juN jul AuG SeP<br />

AktuelleS<br />

38 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m1)<br />

200 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m2) Source: dAtAStreAm<br />


SEpTEmBER TURNOvER Skk 113.88 BLN.<br />

turnover on the Bratislava Stock exchange (BCPB)<br />

reached Skk 113.88 billion in September, which is a<br />

16.8% decline m/m and a 15.4% y/y drop. the number<br />

of transactions decreased by 10.3% to 6,210 m/m. In<br />

contrast, it grew 8.5-times y/y. the ongoing mandatory<br />

takeover bid announced for all three of Istrokapital’s<br />

share-issues positively influenced the total number of<br />

transactions. from january to the end of September<br />

18,535 deals of Skk 674.86 billion were m<strong>ad</strong>e, decreasing<br />

by almost 25% y/y.<br />

Share tr<strong>ad</strong>ing was Skk 628.5 million with 6,042 transactions<br />

concluded in September. Within mandatory takeover<br />

bids, shares from Istrokapital issues of Skk 209.5<br />

million were transferred in 5,702 deals, which is 33% of<br />

the BCPB’s total turnover. Apart from the aforementioned<br />

bid, the mandatory takeover bids announced for the<br />

shares of the company Geodezia Bratislava and the dairy<br />

humenska mliekaren also expired. No new mandatory<br />

takeover bids were announced in September.<br />

the market capitalization of company shares on the<br />

BCPB reached Skk 157.4 billion in September, up 0.3%<br />

m/m. the actual part of issues that have at least one<br />

market price in their history with the exception of investment-fund<br />

shares and shares of mutual funds rose by<br />

0.4% to Skk 147.1 billion m/m. that was 93.5% of the<br />

total share of market capitalization. the market capi-<br />

Town Hall, Ljubljana<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />

talization of the quoted issues dropped by 0.3% to Skk<br />

82.4 billion since 31 August. No new share issue was<br />

introduced on the BCPB markets in September. tr<strong>ad</strong>ing<br />

in four issues of Skk 246 million was closed. All excluded<br />

titles came from the BCPB regulated free market.<br />

SAX, the official share index, closed September at<br />

406.50 points. the SAx posted a monthly increase of<br />

0.5% and a y/y decline of 11.6%. It hit a monthly high at<br />

408.31 points on 28 September, and the monthly low was<br />

400.50 points on 14 September.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by zuzana milanová<br />

Relationship Manager<br />

410<br />

408<br />

406<br />

404<br />

402<br />

400<br />

398<br />

396<br />

04.09.2006<br />

05.09.2006<br />

SAX index performance from 01.09.2006 to 29.09.2006<br />

06.09.2006<br />

07.09.2006<br />

08.09.2006<br />

11.09.2006<br />

12.09.2006<br />

13.09.2006<br />

14.09.2006<br />

18.09.2006<br />

19.09.2006<br />

20.09.2006<br />

21.09.2006<br />

22.09.2006<br />

25.09.2006<br />

26.09.2006<br />

27.09.2006<br />

28.09.2006<br />

29.09.2006<br />

Issue 67, October 2006 15


TO BE vALId AS OF 007<br />

the rules on squeezing out small shareholders should<br />

become valid in Slovakia as of the start of 2007. the<br />

Cabinet <strong>ad</strong>opted a draft revision to the law on Securities<br />

and Investment Services introducing these rules. the<br />

parliament plans to deal with the draft revision at the next<br />

session starting on 17 October.<br />

When a majority owner’s stake reaches at least 95% of<br />

share assets after terminating a takeover bid, the new<br />

law stipulates that the owner will be entitled to require<br />

owners of remaining shares to sell them to him for an<br />

<strong>ad</strong>equate price. the owner can use this right within<br />

three months of the takeover bid being terminated, but<br />

he will have to get permission from the National <strong>Bank</strong> of<br />

Slovakia. As a protection mechanism for small shareholders,<br />

the majority shareholder will be obliged to buy small<br />

shareholders’ shares for the same price as being asked<br />

to do so.<br />

Impact on Investor: the squeeze out and sell out rules<br />

are in line with eu requirements and are implemented<br />

along with the eu directive on takeover bid.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by zuzana milanová<br />

Relationship Manager<br />



the electronic public-procurement system will operate<br />

in Slovakia from 1 january 2007. despite the launch,<br />

Slovakia still lags behind the other european union (eu)<br />

member states with the introduction of electronic publicprocurement.<br />

from january, Slovakia will have to get<br />

used to public procurers having to procure goods only in<br />

an electronic form in line with the public procurement law.<br />

electronic procurement of services and works will not be<br />

obligatory by law. Procurers will have the opportunity to<br />

use this form. Among public procurers are towns, municipalities,<br />

ministries, central state-<strong>ad</strong>ministration authorities,<br />

and health-care insurers.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by zuzana milanová<br />

Relationship Manager<br />

16 Issue 67, October 2006<br />

Castle, Bratislava<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG

SLOvENIA<br />

Source: BA-CA, National Statistics<br />

Se turnover SIt 16,920 m<br />

monthly Index Performance (SIt20) 2.79%<br />

GdP per Capita (2005, in eur) 13.797,00<br />

GdP real 2006 (Change against prev. year in %) 4.70%<br />

3-month money market rate 3.40%<br />

Inflation (yearly average in %) 2.50%<br />

upcoming holidays none<br />

eur/SIt 239,58<br />

5800<br />

5600<br />

5400<br />

5200<br />

5000<br />

4800<br />

4600<br />

4400<br />


vOm 29/ 9/05 BIS 29/ 9/06 tAeGlICh<br />

4200<br />

SeP Okt NOv dez jAN feB mAr APr mAI juN jul AuG SeP<br />

AktuelleS<br />

38 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m1)<br />

200 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m2) Source: dAtAStreAm<br />



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➔<br />

➔<br />

the Board for the <strong>ad</strong>mission of securities to tr<strong>ad</strong>ing on<br />

the ljubljana Stock exchange <strong>ad</strong>opted a decision on 18<br />

September 2006 to <strong>ad</strong>mit 6,535,478 tlSG shares of<br />

telekom Slovenije, d. d., ljubljana (total nominal value<br />

of SIT 65,354,780,000) to tr<strong>ad</strong>ing on the official market.<br />

First day of tr<strong>ad</strong>ing on the official market was set to be 2<br />

October 2006.<br />

Basic data on the issue of shares:<br />

total nominal value of the issue - SIt 65,354,780,000;<br />

with a total of 6,535,478 shares at SIt 10,000 each.<br />

through entry to the kdd central registry, the shares<br />

were issued as book-entry securities on 3 August 1998.<br />

On 30 August 2006, the issuer acquired the licence from<br />

the Securities market Agency (AtvP) for organized tr<strong>ad</strong>ing<br />

and <strong>ad</strong>opted a decision on the confirmation of the<br />

Organized tr<strong>ad</strong>ing Prospectus, available on the issuers<br />

web page http://www.telekom.si/en/.<br />

One lot - tr<strong>ad</strong>ing unit stands for one share; minimum<br />

volume for tr<strong>ad</strong>ing on the BtS system is one lot.<br />

Short tr<strong>ad</strong>ing code in the BtS system: tlSG; issuer's<br />

code: tlS; ISIN code: SI 003110429 0.<br />

tlSG shares will be tr<strong>ad</strong>ed according to the continuous<br />

tr<strong>ad</strong>ing method.<br />

Town Hall, Ljubljana<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />

According to marko Simoneti, president of the management<br />

Board of ljubljana Stock exchange, the listing<br />

of telekom shares presents an important event for the<br />

ljubljana Stock exchange. Numerous minor shareholders<br />

will from now on be able to tr<strong>ad</strong>e with telekom on<br />

the regulated market in a transparent manner. telekom<br />

will enhance the offer of quality securities listed on the<br />

exchange and in this way appeal to domestic and international<br />

portfolio investors. By taking this step telekom<br />

has committed itself to follow high reporting standards<br />

defined for listed companies, while its business performance<br />

and the scheme for its privatization will thus<br />

become subject to direct scrutiny from domestic as well<br />

as international market participants. Also the president of<br />

the company’s management Board, mr. Bojan dremelj,<br />

emphasised that being listed on the exchange is very<br />

important and also immensely challenging. they have<br />

accepted the rules governing regulated capital markets<br />

and with this their business will begin to expand into<br />

new dimensions. In compliance with the rules, they will<br />

be obliged to provide their shareholders with all relevant<br />

information needed for them to make an informed<br />

assessment of the value of their investment. It is up to the<br />

management and all the employees of the company to<br />

continue to enhance the effectiveness of their business,<br />

to remain the winner on the electronic telecommunications<br />

market, to achieve even better business results and<br />

in that way to maximize the value of the company.<br />

Issue 67, October 2006 17

In the group, Telekom is efficiently managing the costs<br />

and reducing the number of employees (in the last 4<br />

years there have been 600 employees less). they have<br />

a vision, mission, knowledge and infrastructure, the<br />

business results are excellent but are not jet suitable for<br />

public announcement.<br />

Addimition to Stock exchange quotation has brought<br />

some changes. Telekom was the first to accept a rule<br />

book on limitation of insider information. Novelty is also<br />

authorization granted to member firm Abanka Vipa d.d. by<br />

ljSe the status of a liquidity provider for the tlSG shares<br />

of telekom Slovenije, d. d. the member is being granted<br />

the status of a liquidity provider for the period of twelve<br />

months. the purpose of introducing liquidity providers to<br />

the Slovene capital market was to enhance liquidity of the<br />

shares and also of the market. the enhanced liquidity on<br />

a market reduces investor costs as well as hidden costs<br />

of tr<strong>ad</strong>ing with a security.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by Barbara zajc<br />

Relationship Manager<br />


dAy IN vIENNA<br />

On 12 September 2006, ljubljana Stock exchange, kdd<br />

- Central Securities Clearing Corporation ljubljana and<br />

raiffeisen Centrobank AG, hosted a Slovenian Capital<br />

markets day in vienna. the event comprised presentations<br />

of the top Slovene companies from the prime and<br />

the official market of the Ljubljana Stock Exchange as<br />

well as one-on-one meetings with institutional investors.<br />

The seven participating issuers of the prime and official<br />

market were:<br />

➔ Aerodrom ljubljana, d.d.<br />

➔ Gorenje, d.d.<br />

➔ Intereuropa, d.d.<br />

➔ luka koper, d.d.<br />

➔ mercator, d.d.<br />

➔ merkur, d.d.<br />

➔ telekom Slovenije (at that moment telekom was not yet<br />

listed on the official market)<br />

the main purpose of the event was to introduce the business<br />

operations and future plans of the prime Slovenian<br />

issuers to Austrian and other international institutional<br />

investors, to increase the recognition of Slovene capital<br />

market, the most prominent Slovene issuers, to improve<br />

the liquidity of securities and to lower the costs of tr<strong>ad</strong>ing<br />

for investors on ljSe.<br />

regarding the international promotional events, both<br />

the ljSe and the kdd expect a satisfactory long-term<br />

effect on the Slovene capital market. Increased invest-<br />

18 Issue 67, October 2006<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />

ments of international portfolio investors will improve the<br />

recognition of the Slovene capital market. this will help<br />

the absorption capabilities of the market for the potential<br />

new listings and recapitalization and will help to improve<br />

the conditions for the execution of planned privatization<br />

projects and restructuring of Slovene state-owned investment<br />

funds kAd (the Capital Corporation of Pension and<br />

disability Insurance) and SOd (the Slovenian reimbursement<br />

fund) into portfolio investors.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by Barbara zajc<br />

Relationship Manager<br />



the total turnover on the ljubljana Stock exchange in<br />

September 2006 amounted to SIt 21.4 billion and was<br />

therefore 85.3% higher than last year´s average. Compared<br />

to 2005, the total turnover increased in size by<br />

49.15% . the biggest volume of tr<strong>ad</strong>ing was recorded<br />

with shares of listed companies krka, mercator, Sava,<br />

luka koper, which represented 78.9% of all ljubljana<br />

Stock exchange turnover structure. In September, a<br />

total of 17,487 tr<strong>ad</strong>es were executed on ljubljana Stock<br />

exchang, which amounted to 833 tr<strong>ad</strong>es per day. the<br />

average daily turnover in September amounted to SIt<br />

1.02 billion, exceeding last year’s average by 83.8%.<br />

the largest contributors in the market capitalization<br />

were shares of listed companies with 53.5%, followed by<br />

bonds with 41.9%. during the past year, market capitalization<br />

of shares listed on the official market went up<br />

by 50 %, from SIt 1,068.7 billion to SIt 1,608.1 billion.<br />

On 30 September 2006, the market capitalization of all<br />

shares listed on ljSe represented 30.8% of Slovenia<br />

2005 GdP (current prices).<br />

the SIB 20 index rose 2.8% in September and peaked<br />

at 5,603 index points on 29 September, setting a new<br />

record value for the index. the investment funds Index<br />

– PIx gained 3.8 % and the blue-chip index SBI tOP<br />

gained 3.6%, closing on a positive note on 13 tr<strong>ad</strong>ing<br />

days in September.<br />

market makers reported 65 tr<strong>ad</strong>es through the market<br />

makers Segment which amounted to SIt 20.6 billion with<br />

the largest share of turnover recorded by the bonds of<br />

Slovenia, 61st issue, with the most active member firm<br />

Nova ljubljanska banka.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by Barbara zajc<br />

Relationship Manager

UkRAINE<br />

Source: BA-CA, National Statistics<br />

Se turnover uAh 1.98m<br />

monthly Index Performance (PftS) -4.63%<br />

GdP per Capita (2005, in eur) 1.388,00<br />

GdP real 2006 (Change against prev. year in %) 6.00%<br />

3-month money market rate 10.03%<br />

Inflation (yearly average in %) 8.60%<br />

upcoming holidays none<br />

eur/uAh 6,31<br />

4600<br />

4400<br />

4200<br />

4000<br />

3800<br />

3600<br />

3400<br />

3200<br />

3000<br />


vOm 29/ 9/05 BIS 29/ 9/06 tAeGlICh<br />

2800<br />

SeP Okt NOv dez jAN feB mAr APr mAI juN jul AuG SeP<br />

AktuelleS<br />

38 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m1)<br />

200 tAG GleIteNder mIttelWert (m2) Source: dAtAStreAm<br />





the National <strong>Bank</strong> of ukraine (NBu) and the Parliamentary<br />

Committee on finance and <strong>Bank</strong>ing argue about<br />

the abolition of the deduction to the State Pension fund,<br />

which is applied in case of purchase of a foreign currency.<br />

This was suggested by the first deputy chairman of NBU,<br />

Anatoly Shapovalov, and the he<strong>ad</strong> of the parliamentary<br />

committee, Petro Poroshenko, at the meeting of Association<br />

of ukrainian banks (AuB) held on 6/10/2006.<br />

In accordance with mr. Shapovalov, cancellation of the<br />

deduction will help banks to activate their operations in<br />

the inter-currency market.<br />

Golden Gate, Kiev<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />

the law on State Budget of 2006 stipulates the deduction<br />

to the Pension fund applied to transactions with a foreign<br />

currency at 1.3% of the transaction amount. In 2005, the<br />

respective rate was 1.5%. Non-resident investors are<br />

also currently the payers of the deduction.<br />

In accordance with information from the Pension fund of<br />

ukraine, the volume of payments to the Pension fund in<br />

january to September 2006 amounted to uAh 1.7 billion.<br />

Impact on investors: for information purposes only.<br />

Written and edited by Bohdana yefremova<br />

He<strong>ad</strong> of Custody<br />

Issue 67, October 2006 19


0 Issue 67, October 2006<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />

As a service for our clients, please find the following Newsflashes which have alre<strong>ad</strong>y been published. If you are interested<br />

in any of the topics, please visit the downlo<strong>ad</strong> section of our homepage (http://www.hvb-custody.com/).<br />

CEE<br />

Newsflash CEE Region - Successful Projects in 2006<br />


Newsflash AUSTRIA - Holiday Reminder<br />


Newsflash BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA -”Bosnalijek” d.d. Sarajevo first time on Sarajevo Stock Exchange listing (quotation)<br />

Newsflash BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Holiday Reminder<br />

Newsflash BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - First <strong>Custodian</strong> Transaction in BiH<br />

BULgARIA<br />

Newsflash BULGARIA - EFG Eurobank to Buy DZI <strong>Bank</strong><br />

Newsflash BULGARIA -FSC Changes Regulation<br />

Newsflash BULGARIA -Public Offering of Securities Act Amendments<br />

Newsflash BULGARIA - Custody Department of HVB <strong>Bank</strong> Biochim Moved to New Building<br />

Newsflash BULGARIA - BNB Removes Loan Growth Restrictions<br />

Newsflash BULGARIA - S&P Raises Bulgaria's FC Ratings to BBB+<br />

Newsflash BULGARIA - Changes in the LPOS (Securities Act) Published<br />


Newsflash CROATIA - Montmontaza and Zlatni otok shares suspended<br />

Newsflash CROATIA - Pliva sold to Barr<br />

Newsflash CROATIA - Auto-centar Merkur shares suspended<br />

Newsflash CROATIA - Holiday Reminder<br />

Newsflash CROATIA - Holiday Reminder<br />

Newsflash CROATIA - HANFA's Regulation on Suspension of Tr<strong>ad</strong>ing<br />

Newsflash CROATIA - DTT between Korea and Croatia<br />


Newsflash CZECH REPUBLIC - Interest Rates Hiked by 25bps<br />

Newsflash CZECH REPUBLIC - Tr<strong>ad</strong>ing with investment certificates starts today<br />

HUNgARy<br />

Newsflash HUNGARY- Arp<strong>ad</strong> Pal appointed as CEO of BSE<br />

Newsflash HUNGARY - Holiday reminder<br />

Newsflash HUNGARY - Holiday Reminder<br />

pOLANd<br />

Newsflash POLAND - Chairman of the Office for the Financial Supervision appointed<br />

Newsflash POLAND - Amendments to the <strong>Bank</strong>ing Law

ROmANIA<br />

Newsflash ROMANIA - Romania’s EU Accession<br />

Newsflash ROMANIA - BCR Bond Issue<br />

Newsflash ROMANIA - Romanian Constitutional Court clears BCR sale<br />

Newsflash ROMANIA - Moody’s release on Romania<br />

Newsflash ROMANIA - Electroputere Craiova Sale<br />

Newsflash ROMANIA - A&D Pharma Sets Price Range for Initial Public Offering<br />

Newsflash ROMANIA - The Romanian BSE and BMFMS will not merge<br />

Newsflash ROMANIA - Romania to amend law to boost bond issuance<br />

Newsflash ROMANIA - Alumil Rom Industry to set IPO<br />

Newsflash ROMANIA - Goverment announcement<br />

Newsflash ROMANIA - World <strong>Bank</strong> Bonds to be listed on BSE<br />

Newsflash ROMANIA - A&D Pharma raises 120 million Euro in Romania’s first UK IPO<br />

Newsflash ROMANIA - New Romanian Bond Starts Tr<strong>ad</strong>ing<br />

Newsflash ROMANIA - Clarification of the Procedure Regarding Capital Gains Tax of 1%<br />

Newsflash ROMANIA - BCR's Bond Issue Rates at "A"<br />

Newsflash ROMANIA - New Board of Directors on CSD<br />

SLOvENIA<br />

Newsflash SLOVENIA - EURO Adoption<br />

Newsflash SLOVENIA - Transfer of 16 bonds from semi-offical to the official market<br />

Newsflash SLOVENIA - Act Amending Legal Penalty Rate Act<br />

Newsflash SLOVENIA - Holiday Reminder<br />

Newsflash SLOVENIA - EUR Adoption - Fixed Income<br />

Newsflash SLOVENIA - New DTTs in place<br />

SLOvAkIA<br />

Newsflash SLOVAKIA - Holiday Reminder<br />

SERBIA<br />

Newsflash SERBIA - Hypo Alpe-Adria <strong>Bank</strong> to float on BSE starting October 2, 2006<br />

Newsflash SERBIA - Reduced fees of Belgr<strong>ad</strong>e Stock Exchange<br />

Newsflash SERBIA - 5th International BSE Conference<br />

Newsflash SERBIA - Serbia Verifies New Constitution<br />

Newsflash SERBIA - Agro <strong>Bank</strong> Invites Subscriptions to Third Share Issue<br />

UkRAINE<br />

Newsflash UKRAINE - <strong>Bank</strong>s to Become Open Joint-Stock Companies<br />

Newsflash UKRAINE - Reduced Tax Rate for Austrian Financial Institutions<br />

Newsflash UKRAINE - Quorum at General Meeting Will Be Decreased<br />

Newsflash UKRAINE - BA~CS Successfully Implemented<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />

Issue 67, October 2006 1


BA-CA gROUp Rm<br />

david Penstone +43 50505 58547<br />

Andreas Petzl +43 50505 58510<br />

eva kacsirek +43 50505 58511<br />

mirela manea +43 50505 58508<br />

milovan Protic +43 50505 58560<br />


josip kevari +43 50505 58509<br />

Sean eisiminger +43 50505 58512<br />

Stephan hans +43 50505 58513<br />

thomas rosmanitz +43 50505 58515<br />


Adnan Šec’ibovic’ +387 33 562 849<br />

Belma Kovačevic’ +387 33 562 810<br />

BULgARIA<br />

miroslav velikov +359 2 9269 124<br />

daniela Georgieva +359 2 9269 386<br />


vl<strong>ad</strong>imir racic +385 1 6305 014<br />

valerija Bezak +385 1 6305 430<br />


michal Stuchlik +420 2 2111 2581<br />

Ales Polasek +420 2 2111 2580<br />

HUNgARy<br />

Attila Szalay-Berzeviczy +361 301 1910<br />

zita marton +361 301 1911<br />

dóra horváth +361 301 1924<br />

Orsolya kéry +361 301 1921<br />

zsanett lencses +361 301 1920<br />

Issue 67, October 2006<br />

pOLANd<br />

r<strong>ad</strong>oslaw Ignatowicz +4822 531 9441<br />

zbigniew Scislowski +4822 531 9447<br />

katarzyna zakrzewska +4822 531 9443<br />

ROmANIA<br />

Irina Savastre +40 21 203 2297<br />

Bogdan B<strong>ad</strong>ulescu +40 21 203 2294<br />

SERBIA<br />

Aleksandra kraguljevic +381 11 3204 559<br />

jasmina r<strong>ad</strong>icevic +381 11 3204 520<br />

vesna Grubesic +381 11 3204 576<br />

SLOvAkIA<br />

matej letko +421 2 5969 1500<br />

zuzana milanová +421 2 5969 1501<br />

SLOvENIA<br />

vanda mocnik-kohek +386 1 587 6450<br />

Barbara zajc +386 1 587 6453<br />

UkRAINE<br />

Bohdana yefremova +380 44230 3341<br />

Olesya Pyatchanina +380 44590 1209<br />

yelena karas +380 44230 3342<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG

ImpRINT<br />

Statement pursuant to the Austrian Media Act<br />

Publisher and Media Owner<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria Creditanstalt AG<br />

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1030 vienna, vordere zollamtsstrasse 13<br />

<strong>Bank</strong> Austria<br />

Creditanstalt AG<br />

Information requirements pursuant to the Austrian<br />

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membership: Austrian federal economic Chamber, bank and<br />

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Applicable legal regulations: Applicable legal regulations are<br />

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– BWG“, federal law Gazette/BGBl. No. 532/1993, with<br />

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No. 753/1996, with some amendments) an the Austrian Savings<br />

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uniCredit markets & Investment <strong>Bank</strong>ing division<br />

Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG, Munich; <strong>UniCredit</strong> Banca Mobiliare S.p.A., Milan; <strong>Bank</strong> Austria Creditanstalt AG, Vienna; CA IB Corporate Finance GmbH; CA IB<br />

International Markets AG<br />

Issue 67, October 2006 3

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