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ET 2002 ASEFA-1 Asefa Taa, D G Tanner* and A T P Bennie. Effect of stubble management, tillage<br />

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Science J. 10 67-79<br />

With Kulumsa Research Centre EARO, Asella ET and University of the Free State, Bloemfonte<strong>in</strong> ZA<br />

ET 2002 ASEFA-2 Asefa Taa, D Tanner* and A T P Bennie. Effects of wheat straw on wheat<br />

seedl<strong>in</strong>g growth, development and nutrient content Ethiopian J. Natural Resources 4 1-20<br />

With Kulumsa Research Centre EARO, Asella ET and University of the Free State, Bloemfonte<strong>in</strong> ZA<br />

ET 2002 EFREM Efrem Bechere, R J Peña* and Demisse Mitiku. Gluten<strong>in</strong> composition, quality<br />

characteristics, and agronomic attributes of durum wheat cultivars released <strong>in</strong> Ethiopia African<br />

Crop Science J. 10 173-182<br />

With Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center EARO, Debre Zeit ET<br />

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ID 1981 MONTGOMERY Roger Montgomery. Maize yield <strong>in</strong>creases <strong>in</strong> East Java Bull. Indonesian<br />

Economic Studies 27 (3) 74-85<br />

With Central Research Institute for Agriculture, Bogor and Malang ID<br />

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IL 1983 EYAL Z Eyal, I Wahl and J M Prescott*. Evaluation of germplasm response to Septoria leaf<br />

blotch of wheat Euphytica 32 439-446 AGRIS 84-042640<br />

With Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv IL<br />

IL 1983 YECHILEVICH-AUSTER Meira Yechilevich-Auster, Edna Levi and Z Eyal. Assessment<br />

of <strong>in</strong>teractions between cultivated and wild wheats and Septoria tritici Phytopathology 73 1077-<br />

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From Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv IL<br />

IL 1990 DANON T Danon and Z Eyal. Inheritance of resistance to two Septoria tritici isolates <strong>in</strong><br />

spr<strong>in</strong>g and w<strong>in</strong>ter bread wheat cultivars Euphytica 47 203-214 AGRIS 90-072332<br />

From Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv IL<br />

IL 1991 ZELIKOVITCH Noga Zelikovitch and Z Eyal. Reduction <strong>in</strong> pycnidial coverage after<br />

<strong>in</strong>oculation of wheat with mixtures of isolates of Septoria tritici Plant Disease 75 907-910 AGRIS<br />

93-066172<br />

From Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv IL<br />

IL 1992 EYAL Z Eyal. The response of field-<strong>in</strong>oculated wheat cultivars to mixtures of Septoria tritici<br />

isolates Euphytica 61 25-35 AGRIS 93-002928<br />

From Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv IL<br />

IL 1992 ZELIKOVITCH Noga Zelikovitch, Z Eyal and Y Kashman. Isolation, purification and<br />

biological activity of an <strong>in</strong>hibitor from Septoria tritici Phytopathology 82 275-278 AGRIS 92-<br />

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From Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv IL and Institute for Plant Protection IPO, Wagen<strong>in</strong>gen NL<br />

IL 1993 COHEN L Cohen and Z Eyal. The histology of processes associated with the <strong>in</strong>fection of<br />

resistant and susceptible wheat cultivars with Septoria tritici Plant Pathology 42 737-743 AGRIS<br />

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From Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv IL<br />

IL 1996 GRESSEL J Gressel, L Segel and J K Ransom*. Manag<strong>in</strong>g the delay of evolution of<br />

herbicide resistance <strong>in</strong> parasitic weeds International J. Pest Management 42 113-129 AGRIS 97-<br />

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With Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot IL<br />


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