PDF Part 2 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 2 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 2 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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SCH 1213 SCH<br />

Schwenker F. W. window shades, 579 Walnut,<br />

h. Madison St., Corryville<br />


Schwenker Fred. W. dairy, Evans st., 22d<br />

Ward<br />


Schwenker Henry, molder, h. 536 Race<br />

Schwenker Lohis, poi'ter, h. .373 Walnut<br />

Schwenker Louis, press feeder, h. 373 Walnut<br />

Schwenker Oscar L. res. Fred. W. Schwenk- MILLINERY^GLOAES<br />

er's, Corryville<br />

Schwenkraeyer C. Fred, cooper shop, 280 157 WEST FOURTH STREET.<br />

Western Av<br />

Sohwenkraeyer Henry W. salesman, 360 W. Schwering Henry, tailor, bds. n.e.c. Front and<br />

6th, h. 280 Western Av<br />

Central Av<br />

SCHWENKMEYER W. H., Queen City Schwering Jos. tailor, h. 485 Walnut<br />

C<strong>of</strong>fee, Spice and Mustard Mills, 360 W. Schwertmann Jos. paper carrier, h. 130 Springs<br />

6th; Residence, 280 Western Av<br />

Sohwesinger Adara, h. 208 Calhoun<br />

Schwenn Chas. lab. h. 4th Av., Camp Washing­ Schwesin.ger Margaret, candies, 208 Calhoun<br />

ton<br />

Schwetter Louis J. dray. h. 46 Rittenhouse<br />

Sohwenniger Alex, elevator tender, h. 113 Clay Sehwettmann Henry, carp. h. 102 Spring Grove<br />

Schwenniger Anton, porter, h. 113 Clay<br />

Av<br />

SchwennfgOr Lizzie, dress mkr. h. 113 Clay Sehwettmann Wm. raolder, h. 28 Ellen ,<br />

Schwenninger Anton, vinegar mkr. bds. 88 Schwey Rosa, widow, h. .32 w. s. Jackson<br />

CentralAv<br />

Schwiederski Ferd. chair mkr. h. 30 Plum<br />

Schwenninger Caroline, widow, h. rear 40 Ha­ Schwier Annie, h. 68 Webster<br />

mer<br />

Schwier Anthony, carp. h. 156 Oliver<br />

Schwenninger Frank, porter, h. 26 Hughes Schwier Christ, huckster, h. 134 Pleasant<br />

Schwenninger Henry, huckster, h. rear 40 Ha­ Schwier Christ. A. bar k. h. 73 W. 6th<br />

mer<br />

Schwier Fred. (Finke Se S.) h. 210 Poplar<br />

Schwenninger Julius, tailor, h. rear 532 Plum Schwier Henry C. carp. bds. 73 W. 6th<br />

Schwenninger Louis, coal peddler, res. Maria Schwiering Antonetta, widow, h. 26 Fountain<br />

Schwenninger's, Sedamsville<br />

Schwiering Eraraa, saleslady, h. 26 Fountain<br />

Sehwenninger Louisa, h. rear 40 Hamer Schwiering Martha, h. 26 Fountain<br />

Schwenninger Maria, widow, h. Delhi Pike, Schwiering Matilda, teacher, h. 26 Fountain<br />

Sedamsville<br />

Schwierjnhann Minnie, widow, h. 14 Dunlap<br />

SchWenn'inger Mary, seainstress, res. Maria SCHWIERKINO HEKRY, Cigars and<br />

Schwenninger's, Sedarasville<br />

Tobacco, 9 B. Liberty; Residence, 180 Clay<br />

Schwenninger Max, peddler, h. n.e.c. Race and Schwietering Jos. upholsterer, h. 108 Hunt<br />

Liberty<br />

Schwietert Annie, domestic. 594 Eastern Av<br />

Schwenninger Theresa, huckster, h. rear 40 Schwietert Benj. J. pressman, h. 62 Budd<br />

Hamer<br />

Schwietert John H. driver, bds. 916 Eastern Av<br />

fi®"See also "SCHWKNINGER"<br />

Schwieting Josephine, dress mkr. h. 166 Bank<br />

Schwensen Erich, h. 26 Abigail<br />

Schwieting Sadie, dress mkr. h. 156 Bank<br />

Schwepe Alois, hi Edwards Road, E. Walnut Schwilk John, lab. h. s.e.c. Clay and Allison<br />

Hills<br />

Schwill Albert, (Albert S. Sc Co.) h. Tusculum<br />

SehwepeBen, h. Edwards Road, B. Walnut Av., Mt. Tusculum ' '<br />

Hills<br />

Schwill Albert, jr, b.k. 470 Walnut, h. 77 Au­<br />

Bohwepe Henry, dairy, Edwards Road, E. Walburn Av., Mt. Auburn<br />

nut Hills<br />

SCHWIIiE AliRERT A CO., (Albert S.<br />

Schwepe Jos. h. Edwards Road, E. Walnut & H. A. Langhorst) Maltsters and Dealers in<br />

Hills<br />

Hops and Brewers' Supplies, 124 and 124>^<br />

Schwepe Mary, h. EdWards Road, E. Walnut and 176,178, ISO, 182 and 184 McMickenAv.;<br />

Hills<br />

Telephone Call, 7413<br />

Sehwer A. daily market, 509 Central Av SCHWIliIi F. A., Maltster and Dealer in<br />

Sohwer Christ, cigar mKr. h. 205 MeMicken Av Grain and Brewers' Supplies, 468 and 470<br />

Sehwer Emma, tailoress, h. 205 MeMicken Av Walnut; Residence, 77 Auburn Av., Mt.<br />

Sehwer Fredericka, widow, h. 205 MeMicken Auburn<br />

Av<br />

Schwind Christ, mach. hand, h. rear 110 Pleas­<br />

Sohwer J. W. carp, rooms 622 W. Sth<br />

ant ••<br />

Sehwerdt Aloysius, boots and shoes. 110 Hunt Schwind Frank, car. trimmer, h. rear 110 Pleas­<br />

Schwerdt Fred, blksraith, bds. 505 W. .5th<br />

ant<br />

Schwerdtfeger Carrie L. tailoress, h. 223 Schwind Lena, widow, h. 99 MeMicken Av<br />

Browne<br />

Schwind Leopold, cab. mkr. h. 103 Logan<br />

Schwerdtfeger Fred, gilder, h. 565 Vine Schwind Louis, saloon, 403 Vine<br />

Schwerdtfeger Fred. jr. jeweler, h. 666 Vine Schwind Oscar, bar k. h. 403 Vine<br />

Schwerdtfeger Kate. Kate! Pi polisher, h. 565 Vine Schwind Peter, daily market, 1 Elder<br />

Schwerdtfeger Wqrdtfeger Mrs Mrs. lOT Mary, dress " rakr h. 223 Schwind Peter, hostler, bds. 468 Main<br />

Browne<br />

Schwind Severin, type breaker, h. 244 Pleasant<br />

Schwerdtfeger Mary, tailoress, h. 223 Browne Schwindt Christ, daily market, 385 Walnut<br />

schwerdtfeger Wm. porter, h. 223 Browne Schwing Frank, conductor, h.928 Eastern Av<br />

S^iiwerdtfeger Wra. H. butcher, h.223 Browne Schwing Frank, engine turner, wks. Duhme Sc<br />

senwerdtner Geo. cab. mkr. rooras 15 12th Co.'s<br />

schwerer Carrie K. paper box mkr. h. 101 E. Schwing John J. mach. hand, h. 325 Clifton Av<br />

Front<br />


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