PDF Part 2 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 2 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati

PDF Part 2 - Virtual Library of the Public Library of Cincinnati


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HAR 1651 HAT<br />


/ 486 Main<br />

Leiding & DeForce, 465 Central Av<br />

Lindemann Auguct K. 1114 Vine<br />

liohr J. H. n.e.c. 9ih and Main •<br />

Ludlow Walter S. 131 W. 4th<br />

McOarthv Bros, s.w.c. Madisonville Pike and<br />

Myrtle Av., Walnut Hills<br />

Niebrugge B. H. & Son, 643 Vine<br />

Niehaus Sc Meyer, 290 W. Sth<br />

Oberheu L. 0. 971 Central Av<br />

.ppenheimer Hardware Oo. (The\ 183 W. 4th<br />

PPhillips C. W. 480 Eastern Av<br />

ICKERINO T. A A.,<br />

Main and Sth<br />

Ro<strong>the</strong>rt Bros. 592 Cefltral Av<br />

Sandmann G. H. 16SS Eastern Av<br />

Scholle Chas. H. 175 York<br />

Schroder J. B. A Co. n.e.o 3d and Elm<br />

Seymour John, 69 E. Pearl<br />


One <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> attractions <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> city is to see <strong>the</strong> students<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong><br />


EtrOAOED in<br />


Hat Manufs.<br />

(Silk.)<br />

Cranert Chas. 610 Vine<br />

Ewing Wm. Se Co. 30 Lodge<br />

Hibbert Bros. 37 E. Pearl<br />

Norris Benj. 184 Race<br />

Nummensen Sc Wal<strong>the</strong>r, 12.W.^th<br />

O'Donnell Patrick, 160 Plum<br />

Placke & Boughen, 116 W. Sth<br />

Thill Geo. 626"Vine<br />

Sugenheim<br />

W<br />

J. 382 W. 6ih<br />

AYNE J. I.., JR.,<br />

Volkert Phil, 114 Burnet b. 3d and 4th and Vine<br />

140 and 142 Main<br />

and Race<br />

Wellman F. H. n.e.c. 6th and Main<br />

Hats and Caps.<br />

Werner 0 iristopher, 493 Vine<br />

(Wholesale.)<br />

Hardware Specialties. Balz, Finn & Co. 134 Race<br />

M<br />

Baum Se Balz, 155 W. .3d<br />

ENDENHALl. I..AWRENCE, Room Brown. Laufer Sc Oo. 80 W. Pearl<br />

16, n.w.c. 4th and Race<br />

Burkhardt A. E. Sc Co. 113 W. 4th<br />

Startsman W. G. & Co. 31 E. 3d<br />

Dickinson W. S. Sc Co. n.w.c. Vine and Pearl<br />

Gibson Bros. 87 W. Pear!<br />

Hardware Specialty Manufs. Goodrich, Peelle A Co. 133 Race<br />

Jorling H. Sc Co. 56 W. Pearl<br />

Barker Hardware Co. 228 W. 4th<br />

Mayer Albert & Bros. HI W. Pearl<br />

<strong>Cincinnati</strong> Tool Co. 216 W. 2d<br />

Mendel, Berman Sc Co. 114 W. 3d<br />

National Wrought Iron Co. (The), 98 E. Pront Queen City Job Lot House, s.e.c. Pearl and<br />

Simpson & Gault Manuf. Co. (The), n.w.c. Front Walnut<br />

and John<br />

Roberts, Ringel & Sellers, 105 W. Pearl<br />

Tatum Samuel 0. & Oo. n.e.c. John and Water<br />

Hardware Manufs.<br />

Hats and Caps.<br />

(Retail.)<br />

<strong>Cincinnati</strong> Tool Co. 216 W. 2d<br />

Abel Marcellus, 969 Central Av<br />

Gleason John & Co. 179 W. Pearl<br />

Alden Frank H.S Emery Arcade<br />

Haven Jas. L. Sc Oo. 56 Plum<br />

Allen W. A. 924 Central Av<br />

Knecht Sc Brown, 195 Wade<br />

Allman Se Co. 256 W. Sth and 289 Central Av<br />

Lomas Forge and Bridge Works, 222 W. 2d Biedenbender J. 236 Main<br />

WNational Wrought Iron Co. (The), 98 E. Front Boebinger John Se Co. 42 W. Sth<br />

AYNE HARDWARE CO., Burkhardt A. E. Sc Co. 113 W. 4th<br />

140 Main Burkhardt. Fred. B. 1«5 Main<br />

Harness Oil.<br />

Cadv W. Frank, 262 W. 5th<br />

Central Hat Emporium. 289 Central Av<br />

Vetran Harness Oil Co. 41 12th<br />

<strong>Cincinnati</strong> Hat Co. 46 Emery Arcade<br />

Harness Pads.<br />

Danburv Hat Co. 185 Main<br />

Dewald'Philip, s.w.c. Laurel and Linn<br />

(Patent.)<br />

Drury T. 53 E. Pearl<br />

Engelke Julius, 376 Main<br />

Famous Hat Store, 162 W. Sth<br />

Fanger John H. Sc Son, 85 E. Pearl<br />

Harness Manufs.<br />

Gilsey J. 79 E. Pearl<br />

(Wholesale.) ,<br />

Hibbert Bros. 37 E. Pearl<br />

Kendall H. H. 122 W. 4th<br />

Perkins, Camphell Sc Co. 92 Main<br />

Kohlbrand August, n.e.c. 13th and Walnut<br />

Hassock and Ottoman Manufs. Krehnbrink & Bro. 20t W. Slh<br />

Kraus Louis, rear 537 Main<br />

Luebbermann J. A. 287 Main<br />

Matz John, junc. Vine and MeMicken Av<br />

Mabley Se Carew, 78 W. Sth<br />

Wehner Jacob, 103 Elder<br />

Meinze Henrv. 554 Main<br />

Newman Louis, 553 Centr.il Av<br />

Hat Back Manufs.<br />

Newman Wm. 572 Vine<br />

Alms The F. W. Manufacturing Co. 15 Buckeye New York Hat Co. 204 W. Sth<br />

PFolding Hat Rack On. 203 E. Front<br />

Pape Mrs. Caroline. 80 Harrison Av<br />

H ,mr<br />

Hat and Cap Manufs., Cloth. Sliker Valentine, 49 E. Pearl<br />

(See also Cap Manufacturers.) Steohen- W. R. 39^Emery Arcade<br />

Strobel John. 273 rreeman Av<br />

Benjamin .lo^. 114 Baker<br />

Thill Geo. 6'2G Vine<br />

Schelder Fred. 4.58 Walnut<br />

Thill Jos. 466 Vine<br />

Tobias Chas. & Hro. 11 W. Pearl<br />

Thumsn J. HennHn, 642 Race<br />

Hat Tip Printers.<br />

Winter Thos. 265 W. 8th<br />

Biedenbender Jacob, jr. 236 Main<br />

Woodruff<br />

W<br />

H. W * Co. 100 W 4,h<br />

Siirgnv L I. ,51 ft"OP<br />


?UR STORE (THE, 162 W.Sth

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