Impacts des changements climatiques sur les flux de carbone ...

Impacts des changements climatiques sur les flux de carbone ...

Impacts des changements climatiques sur les flux de carbone ...


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Thèse <strong>de</strong> l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris VI<br />

Laboratoire d’Océanographie <strong>de</strong> Villefranche (UMR 7093)<br />

Spécialité<br />

Océanologie – Météorologie – Environnement<br />

Présenté par<br />

Simon Bélanger<br />

Pour l’obtention du gra<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Docteur <strong>de</strong> l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie<br />

Sujet <strong>de</strong> thèse:<br />

<strong>Impacts</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong> <strong>climatiques</strong> <strong>sur</strong> <strong>les</strong> <strong>flux</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong><br />

stimulés par la lumière dans l'Océan Arctique:<br />

Quantification et suivi <strong>de</strong> la photo-oxydation <strong>de</strong> la matière organique dissoute dans<br />

la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort par télédétection spatiale<br />

Response of light-related carbon <strong>flux</strong>es in the Arctic Ocean to<br />

climate change:<br />

Quantification and monitoring of dissolved organic matter photo-oxidation in the<br />

Beaufort Sea using satellite remote sensing<br />

Devant le jury compose <strong>de</strong> :<br />

Rapporteurs :<br />

Dr. Rainer M. W. Amon<br />

Pr. Dave A. Siegel<br />

Soutenue le 28 novembre 2006<br />

Éxaminateurs :<br />

Dr. Ingrid Obernosterer<br />

Pr. Alain Saliot (Prési<strong>de</strong>nt)<br />

Pr. Warwick F. Vincent (co-directeur <strong>de</strong> thèse)<br />

Dr. Marcel Babin (directeur <strong>de</strong> thèse)

Remerciements<br />

On ne vient pas à bout d’une thèse <strong>de</strong> doctorat sans le soutient financier <strong>de</strong> différent<br />

organismes subventionnaires, <strong>de</strong> celui professionnel <strong>de</strong> nos pairs et personnel <strong>de</strong> nos<br />

proches. Donc pour commencer je tiens à exprimer ma gratitu<strong>de</strong> envers <strong>les</strong> déci<strong>de</strong>urs du<br />

programme <strong>de</strong> bourse <strong>de</strong> thèse du Fond Québécois pour la Recherche <strong>sur</strong> la Nature et <strong>les</strong><br />

Technologies (FQRNT). En plus <strong>de</strong> m’avoir attribué un salaire raisonnable durant mes trois<br />

années <strong>de</strong> thèse, ils m’ont <strong>sur</strong>tout donné carte blanche pour réaliser mon projet <strong>de</strong> recherche<br />

dans un pays étranger. Projet qui fût aussi soutenu à travers le programme <strong>de</strong> recherche<br />

Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES), financé par le Conseil Canadien <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

Sciences Naturel<strong>les</strong> et Génie (CRSNG) et dirigé par le Dr Louis Fortier. Cette plate-forme<br />

m’a permis d’obtenir <strong>les</strong> données nécessaires à mes étu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> et d’acquérir une expérience<br />

« Arctique » si enrichissante. Un autre acteur important dans la réalisation <strong>de</strong> la campagne<br />

CASES, que je remercie pour la place qu’il m’a réservée <strong>sur</strong> le navire, est Mr Pierre Larouche<br />

<strong>de</strong> l’Institut Maurice-Lamontagne à Mont-Joli. Aussi à propos <strong>de</strong> la campagne en mer à bord<br />

du brise-glace canadien CCGS Amundsen, j’en profite aussi pour remercier ses capitaines et<br />

ses membres d’équipages qui ont su mener à bon port nos aventures entre mer, terre et glace,<br />

ainsi que mes collègues scientifiques et amis dont l’enthousiasme m’a permi <strong>de</strong> passer 12<br />

semaines inoubliab<strong>les</strong>.<br />

Sur le plan scientifique, plusieurs personnes ont consacré nombre d’heures <strong>de</strong> leur<br />

temps pour m’ai<strong>de</strong>r dans l’interprétation et la publication <strong>de</strong> mes résultats. Je remercie tous<br />

ces personnes, et plus particulièrement ceux qui, malgré leur éloignement, ont contribué <strong>de</strong><br />

façon très significative à mes travaux : Dr Warwick Vincent, Dr Huixiang Xie, Dr Nick<br />

Krotkov et Jens Ehn. Je dois ajouter au passage que la présence <strong>de</strong> Warwick a été une source<br />

<strong>de</strong> motivation importante lors <strong>de</strong> mes passages à Québec. Merci Warwick d’avoir accepté <strong>de</strong><br />

me co-diriger. Tu seras toujours un modèle <strong>de</strong> motivation, et je compte bien m’en inspirer<br />

durant mon nouveau travail <strong>de</strong> professeur à Rimouski.<br />

Plus près <strong>de</strong> moi, j’ai aussi eu une chance immense <strong>de</strong> bénéficier <strong>de</strong> l’expertise d’un<br />

certain nombre <strong>de</strong> mes collègues du Laboratoire d’Océanographie <strong>de</strong> Villefranche-<strong>sur</strong>-mer.<br />

Plus qu’une chance, ce fût un privilège <strong>de</strong> côtoyer l’un <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> plus grand chercheur <strong>de</strong><br />

l’océanographie mo<strong>de</strong>rne, le Prof André Morel. Je n’oublierai jamais <strong>les</strong> nombreux matins<br />


passés à discuter <strong>de</strong> tout et <strong>de</strong> rien dans sa « caverne d’Ali Baba », laquelle est pratiquement<br />

toujours éclairée par le chaud soleil <strong>de</strong> Villefranche...<br />

Marcel, quand j’ai pris contact avec toi il y a quatre ans, je ne doutais pas que tes<br />

qualités professionnel<strong>les</strong> m’ai<strong>de</strong>raient à mener à bien mon projet <strong>de</strong> recherche. Mais j’étais<br />

loin d’imaginer à quel point te côtoyer allait m’apporter au niveau personnel. Merci pour le<br />

temps que tu m’as consacré, pour ta patience et ta disponibilité, pour ton sens <strong>de</strong> la<br />

perfection et ta rigueur scientifique, pour m’avoir appris à mieux gérer mon stress (et mes<br />

gestes durant mes présentations!), pour avoir su comment me redonner confiance quand il le<br />

fallait, etc., etc.. Je pourrais continuer ainsi pour <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> pages! Je te considère avant tout comme<br />

un ami, et ensuite comme un collègue. Ma porte sera toujours ouverte pour toi à Rimouski…<br />

Il y a plusieurs personnes avec <strong>les</strong>quel<strong>les</strong> je me suis lié d’amitié entre le quai <strong>de</strong> la<br />

darse, la Colle St-Michel, le Mont Boron, le cap Ferrat, Nice, la Corse, le Hockey, Monaco,<br />

Roma, Barcelone, Lavello, Paris, etc. Je <strong>les</strong> quitte avec un gros pincement au cœur. Ces<br />

personnes sauront se reconnaître en lisant ces lignes, nul besoin d’en ajouter.<br />

Il y a une personne en particulier à qui je dois beaucoup plus que tout au mon<strong>de</strong>,<br />

c’est ma blon<strong>de</strong> adorée. Sans toi, je ne m’en serais jamais sorti!! Merci d’avoir toujours été là,<br />

prête à me couper un peu <strong>de</strong> jambon, ou à me cuisiner une p’tite crêpe bretonne.<br />

Pour terminer, je tiens à m’excuser auprès <strong>de</strong> mes proches du Québec qui m’ont très<br />

peu vu durant ces années passées <strong>sur</strong> la côte d’azur. Je <strong>les</strong> retrouve avec empressement et<br />

près à rattraper le temps passé outre Atlantique.<br />


V<br />

À la mémoire <strong>de</strong> père

Résumé <strong>de</strong> la thèse<br />

L’oxydation photochimique <strong>de</strong> la matière organique dissoute colorée (CDOM), et la<br />

production <strong>de</strong> CO 2 qui en résulte, est maintenant reconnue comme étant un processus<br />

majeur dans le cycle du <strong>carbone</strong> dans le système ocean-atmosphère. L’Océan Arctique fait<br />

parti <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> environnements où ce processus risque <strong>de</strong> jouer un rôle <strong>de</strong> plus en plus important<br />

dans le contexte <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong> <strong>climatiques</strong> à cause <strong>de</strong> : 1) l’augmentation du CDOM<br />

d’origine terrigène transporté à l’Océan côtier en réponse à la fonte du pergélisol et à<br />

l’augmentation du débit <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> rivières; 2) la diminution du couvert <strong>de</strong> glace estivale permettant<br />

au rayonnement solaire <strong>de</strong> pénétrer dans la colonne d’eau; et 3) l’augmentation du<br />

rayonnement ultraviolet (UV) dans cette région.<br />

Un modèle couplé « optique-photochimique » a été utilisé pour examiner le rôle <strong>de</strong> la<br />

photooxydation dans le cycle du <strong>carbone</strong> organique <strong>de</strong> l’Océan Arctique. Pour calculer la<br />

photoproduction <strong>de</strong> CO 2 (P DIC), l’éclairement spectral inci<strong>de</strong>nt, incluant <strong>les</strong> UV, a été<br />

modélisé avec un modèle <strong>de</strong> transfert radiatif nécessitant <strong>les</strong> concentrations <strong>de</strong> glace <strong>de</strong> mer,<br />

d’ozone, d’aérosols atmosphériques et le couvert nuageux observés par satellite entre 1979 et<br />

2004. Les ren<strong>de</strong>ments quantiques apparents pour calculer la P DIC ont été déterminés en<br />

laboratoire <strong>sur</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> échantillons provenant <strong>de</strong> la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort et du Fleuve Mackenzie. La<br />

contribution du CDOM au coefficient d’absorption totale ([a CDOM/a t]), un paramètre clé du<br />

modèle, a été déterminée soit à partir <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> me<strong>sur</strong>es in situ, soit dérivée <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données <strong>de</strong> la<br />

couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan à l’ai<strong>de</strong> d’un nouvel algorithme empirique.<br />

Contrairement aux métho<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> semi-analytiques trouvées dans la littérature,<br />

l’algorithme empirique proposé permet <strong>de</strong> séparer, à l’échelle régionale, <strong>les</strong> coefficients<br />

d’absorption du CDOM et <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> particu<strong>les</strong> non-alga<strong>les</strong>. Cependant, l’utilisation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données <strong>de</strong><br />

la couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan dans <strong>les</strong> hautes latitu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> est souvent compromise par la présence <strong>de</strong><br />

glace <strong>de</strong> mer qui contamine <strong>les</strong> données. Ce problème a été abordé dans le cadre <strong>de</strong> la<br />

présente étu<strong>de</strong>, et une métho<strong>de</strong> a été proposée afin <strong>de</strong> détecter et éliminer <strong>les</strong> données<br />

contaminées par la glace <strong>de</strong> mer.<br />

Enfin, il a été démontré que <strong>les</strong> valeurs <strong>de</strong> P DIC sont similaires aux taux <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong><br />

organique provenant <strong>de</strong> la production primaire marine qui est séquestré dans <strong>les</strong> sédiments<br />

océaniques; et que l’augmentation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> UV et la diminution <strong>de</strong> la glace <strong>de</strong> mer estivale au<br />

cours <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> 26 <strong>de</strong>rnières années a conduit à une augmentation <strong>de</strong> P DIC d’environ 15%. Ces<br />

résultats indiquent que la photooxydation joue un rôle significatif dans le cycle du <strong>carbone</strong><br />

actuel, et que la diminution <strong>de</strong> l'étendue <strong>de</strong> la glace <strong>de</strong> mer, prévue par <strong>les</strong> modè<strong>les</strong><br />

<strong>climatiques</strong>, risque d'amplifier significativement la reminéralisation photochimique du<br />

<strong>carbone</strong> organique dissous d'origine terrigène dans l'Océan Arctique.<br />


Thesis abstract<br />

Photochemical oxidation of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), and the<br />

resulting production of CO2, is now known to be a significant process in the cycling of<br />

carbon in the ocean-atmosphere system. One environment where that process may play a<br />

major role in the context of climate change is the Arctic ocean because of: 1) the<br />

increasing amount of terrestrial CDOM released by the melting permafrost and brought to<br />

coastal ocean by rivers, 2) the <strong>de</strong>creasing summer ice cover that allows more solar<br />

radiation to penetrate the water column, and 3) the continuing increase in UV radiation<br />

over that region.<br />

A coupled optical-photochemical mo<strong>de</strong>l was used to assess the role of photooxidation<br />

in the carbon cycle of the Arctic Ocean. To calculate the photoproduction of<br />

CO2 (PDIC), the incoming spectral irradiance, including UV, was mo<strong>de</strong>led with a radiative<br />

transfer mo<strong>de</strong>l that uses satellite observations of sea ice, ozone, aerosols and cloud cover<br />

covering the 1979 to 2004 period. In situ <strong>de</strong>terminations of the apparent quantum yield<br />

for the photoproduction of CO2 ma<strong>de</strong> in the Beaufort Sea were used for the calculations.<br />

A key parameter in the mo<strong>de</strong>l was the contribution of CDOM to the total absorption<br />

coefficient. It was either obtained from in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements or <strong>de</strong>rived from Ocean<br />

Color imagery using a new empirical algorithm.<br />

Unlike most semi-analytical approaches found in the literature, the proposed<br />

empirical algorithm provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> a mean to separate CDOM absorption coefficient from nonalgal<br />

partic<strong>les</strong> absorption coefficient at the regional scale. The use of Ocean Color remote<br />

sensing at high latitu<strong>de</strong> is, however, compromised by the presence of sea ice that<br />

contaminates the data. This problem was addressed in the present study, and a method<br />

was proposed to <strong>de</strong>tect and eliminate contaminated pixels.<br />

Finally, it was shown that the level of PDIC is similar to the level of sequestered<br />

rates of organic carbon in the ocean sediments, which was produced through marine<br />

photosynthesis; and that the increase in UV and <strong>de</strong>crease in summer sea ice over the last<br />

26 years have led to an increased in PDIC by about 15%. These results indicate that the<br />

predicted trend of ongoing contraction of sea ice cover will greatly accelerate the<br />

photomineralization of CDOM in Arctic <strong>sur</strong>face waters.<br />


Table <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> matières<br />

Remerciements ....................................................................................................... III<br />

Résumé <strong>de</strong> la thèse ..................................................................................................VI<br />

Thesis abstract....................................................................................................... VII<br />

Table <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> matières................................................................................................VIII<br />

Liste <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> figures..................................................................................................... XII<br />

Liste <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> tableaux .............................................................................................. XVIII<br />

Avant propos .........................................................................................................XIX<br />

Chapitre I : Introduction et problématique générale .................................1<br />

I.1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 2<br />

I.2. Problématique ..................................................................................................... 5<br />

I.2.1. Importance <strong>de</strong> la matière organique dissoute d’origine terrigène dans l’Océan<br />

Arctique et impact du réchauffement <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> écosystèmes terrestres nordiques .................... 5<br />

I.2.2. Importance <strong>de</strong> la photooxydation et impact <strong>de</strong> la fonte <strong>de</strong> la glace <strong>de</strong> mer et <strong>de</strong><br />

l’augmentation du rayonnement ultraviolet dans l’Arctique ................................................ 8<br />

I.2.3. Quantification <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> processus photochimiques........................................................... 12<br />

I.2.4. La télédétection <strong>de</strong> la couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan : un outil <strong>de</strong> choix pour quantifier <strong>les</strong><br />

processus photochimiques aux échel<strong>les</strong> océaniques............................................................ 15<br />

I.2.4.1. Propriétés optiques <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux arctiques et algorithmes pour l’estimation du coefficient<br />

d’absorption du CDOM........................................................................................................... 17<br />

I.2.4.2. La glace <strong>de</strong> mer : un problème pour la télédétection <strong>de</strong> la couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan..................... 22<br />

I.3. Objectifs et Organisation <strong>de</strong> la Thèse.............................................................. 25<br />

I.4. Thesis objectives and organization................................................................... 27<br />

Chapitre II : L’Océan Arctique, la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort et le Plateau du<br />

Mackenzie................................................................................................. 29<br />

II.1. Introduction...................................................................................................... 30<br />

II.2. Généralités <strong>sur</strong> l’Océan Arctique..................................................................... 32<br />

II.3. Généralités <strong>sur</strong> la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort et le Plateau du Mackenzie ..................... 35<br />

II.3.1. Cyc<strong>les</strong> Saisonniers <strong>sur</strong> le Plateau du Mackenzie ....................................................... 37<br />

II.3.2. Bilan <strong>de</strong> Carbone Organique <strong>sur</strong> le Plateau du Mackenzie..................................... 41<br />

Chapitre III: Photominéralisation <strong>de</strong> la matière organique dissoute<br />

d’origine terrigène dans <strong>les</strong> eaux côtières arctiques entre 1979 et 2003:<br />

Variabilité interannuelle et implications <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong> <strong>climatiques</strong> 43<br />

III.A Résumé ........................................................................................................... 44<br />

III.B Article publié dans la revue Global Biogeochemical Cyc<strong>les</strong> :<br />

“Photomineralization of terrigenous dissolved organic matter in Arctic coastal<br />

waters from 1979 to 2003: Interannual variability and implications of climate<br />

change” .................................................................................................................... 45<br />

Acknowledgments ................................................................................................... 46<br />


Abstract .................................................................................................................... 47<br />

III.1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 48<br />

III.2. Materials and methods ................................................................................... 51<br />

III.2.1. Sample collection and storage ................................................................................... 51<br />

III.2.2. Optical mea<strong>sur</strong>ements ................................................................................................ 52<br />

III.2.3. Irradiation experiments .............................................................................................. 53<br />

III.2.4. DIC mea<strong>sur</strong>ement and calculation of φ DIC .............................................................. 54<br />

III.2.5. Mo<strong>de</strong>ling DIC photoproduction............................................................................... 55<br />

III.3. Results and discussion ................................................................................... 59<br />

III.3.1. Apparent Quantum Yield for DIC photoproduction............................................ 59<br />

III.3.2. Role of DIC photoproduction in the organic carbon cycling .............................. 62<br />

III.3.3. Interannual variability in DIC photoproduction .................................................... 65<br />

III.3.4. Implications for tDOC cycling in Arctic coastal waters........................................ 69<br />

III.4. Summary and conclusions ............................................................................. 72<br />

III.5. Auxiliary material: On the <strong>de</strong>termination of the Apparent Quantum Yield for<br />

DIC photoprodcution .............................................................................................. 73<br />

III.6. References ...................................................................................................... 77<br />

Chapitre IV : Quantification améliorée <strong>de</strong> la photooxydation <strong>de</strong> la<br />

matière organique dissoute colorée dans <strong>les</strong> eaux côtières à l’ai<strong>de</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

propriétés optiques inhérentes dérivées <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong><br />

l’océan ....................................................................................................... 83<br />

IV.A Résumé............................................................................................................ 84<br />

IV.B. Article soumis à la revue Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans (28<br />

décembre 2006): “Improved quantification of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic<br />

Matter photooxidation in coastal waters using satellite-<strong>de</strong>rived inherent optical<br />

properties” ............................................................................................................... 85<br />

Abstract .................................................................................................................... 86<br />

IV.1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 87<br />

IV.2. Materials and Methods ................................................................................... 89<br />

IV.2.1. Data sets <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cription and mea<strong>sur</strong>ements................................................................. 89<br />

IV.2.2. Description of the [aCDOM/at] algorithm............................................................. 96<br />

IV.3. Results and Discussion................................................................................... 96<br />

IV.3.1. Variability of [a CDOM/a t] and [a CDOM/a CDM] in coastal waters.................................. 96<br />

IV.3.2. Retrieval of [a CDOM/a t] from remote sensing reflectance ....................................... 98<br />

IV.3.4. Application to SeaWiFS imagery............................................................................. 113<br />

IV.4. Summary and conclusions.............................................................................116<br />

IV.5. Notations........................................................................................................120<br />

IV.6. References......................................................................................................121<br />

Chapitre V: Impact <strong>de</strong> la glace <strong>de</strong> mer <strong>sur</strong> <strong>les</strong> estimations <strong>de</strong> la<br />

réflectance marine, la concentration <strong>de</strong> chlorophylle a et <strong>les</strong> propriétés<br />

optiques inhérentes dérivés <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données satellita<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong> la Couleur <strong>de</strong><br />

l’Océan .....................................................................................................125<br />


V.A. Résumé ...........................................................................................................126<br />

V.B. Article soumis à la revue Remote Sensing of Environment (1 novembre 2006):<br />

“Impact of sea ice on the retrieval of water-leaving reflectance, chlorophyll a<br />

concentration and inherent optical properties from satellite Ocean Color data”..128<br />

Abstract ...................................................................................................................129<br />

V.1. Introduction .....................................................................................................130<br />

V.2. Methodology....................................................................................................132<br />

V.2.1. Definitions ................................................................................................................... 132<br />

V.2.2. Description of the <strong>sur</strong>face reflectance spectra........................................................ 133<br />

V.2.3. Simulations of the adjacency effect .......................................................................... 136<br />

V.2.4. Simulations of sea ice contamination within an ocean pixel................................. 136<br />

V.2.5. Atmospheric correction and bio-optical processing.............................................. 137<br />

V.3. Results and discussion ....................................................................................138<br />

V.3.1. Impact of the adjacency effect on the retrieval of [ρ w] N, CHL and IOPs .......... 138<br />

V.3.2. Impact of sub-pixel sea ice contamination on the retrieval of [ρ w] N, CHL and<br />

IOPs.......................................................................................................................................... 147<br />

V.3.3. Detection of pixels affected by sea ice (adjacency effect and sub-pixel<br />

contamination) ........................................................................................................................ 153<br />

V.4. Summary and conclusions...............................................................................157<br />

Acknowledgment ....................................................................................................158<br />

Appendix V.1. Water reflectance mo<strong>de</strong>l .................................................................158<br />

Appendix V.2. Post-treatment of 6s output ............................................................161<br />

Appendix V.3. Modification of the QAA ................................................................163<br />

V.5. References .......................................................................................................165<br />

Chapitre VI : Utilisation <strong>de</strong> l’imagerie « couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan » pour la<br />

quantification <strong>de</strong> la photooxydation dans la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort...............169<br />

VI.A Résumé...........................................................................................................170<br />

VI.B. Article en preparation: “The use of Ocean Color imagery for the<br />

quantification of photooxidation in the Beaufort Sea” ..........................................171<br />

Abstract ...................................................................................................................172<br />

VI.1. Introduction ...................................................................................................173<br />

VI.2. Methods .........................................................................................................174<br />

VI.2.1. SeaWiFS Level 2 and 3 processing.......................................................................... 174<br />

VI.2.2. DIC photoproduction calculation........................................................................... 177<br />

VI.3. Results............................................................................................................179<br />

VI.3.1. Validation of the SeaWiFS water-leaving reflectance........................................... 179<br />

VI.3.2. Spatial-temporal variability in [a CDOM/a t](412)....................................................... 183<br />

VI.3.3. Spatial-temporal variability in DIC photoproduction.......................................... 186<br />

VI.4. Discussion......................................................................................................189<br />

VI.4.1. SeaWiFS data quality................................................................................................. 189<br />

VI.4.2. Quantification of DIC photoproduction using satellite Ocean Color .............. 190<br />

VI.5. Conclusions....................................................................................................193<br />

VI.6. References......................................................................................................193<br />

Chapitre VII: Conclusion générale et perspectives ................................196<br />


VII.A. Version anglaise: Overall Conclusion and Perspectives ............................ 204<br />

Bibliographie générale ............................................................................ 211<br />

Annexe 1 : Modification <strong>de</strong> l’algorithme Quasi-Analytique pour<br />

l’application à la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort...........................................................231<br />

Annex A1. Modification of the Quasi-Analytical Algorithm for an application to<br />

the Beaufort Sea..................................................................................................... 232<br />

A1.1. Introduction and motivation......................................................................... 232<br />

A1.2. Quasi-Analytical Algorithm <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cription....................................................... 232<br />

A1.3. Results and discussion.................................................................................. 237<br />

A1.3.1. Application of QAA to in situ data set.................................................................. 237<br />

A1.3.2. Estimation of a CDOM.................................................................................................. 240<br />

A1.4. References..................................................................................................... 242<br />


Liste <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> figures<br />

Figure I.1. Anomalie débit d’eau douce (trait noir) <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> six plus grands fleuves sibériens qui<br />

se déchargent dans l’Océan Arctique <strong>de</strong>puis 1940. L’augmentation (7%) est corrélée à<br />

l’augmentation <strong>de</strong> la température <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face à l’échelle globale (trait bleu), ainsi qu’avec<br />

l’indice climatique NAO (trait rouge) (source : Peterson et al., 2002)................................. 7<br />

Figure I.2. Observations <strong>de</strong> l’étendue moyenne du couvert <strong>de</strong> glace saisonnier au cours du<br />

20 ième siècle (source <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données : ACIA, 2005). La diminution <strong>de</strong> la glace est plus<br />

importante au printemps et en été, qu’en automne et en hiver. .......................................... 9<br />

Figure I.3. Étendue <strong>de</strong> la banquise Arctique observée par satellite annuellement au mois <strong>de</strong><br />

septembre entre 1979 et 2005. (Source <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données: National Snow and Ice Data Center,<br />

2006)........................................................................................................................................... 10<br />

Figure I.4. Éclairement spectral dans <strong>les</strong> parties UV-A et UV-B pour trois concentrations<br />

en ozone tel<strong>les</strong> qu’indiquées <strong>sur</strong> la figure (DU = Dobson Units), et un exemple <strong>de</strong><br />

ren<strong>de</strong>ment quantique apparent (voir la section suivante pour plus d’explications)<br />

exprimé en unités relatives, représentant la réactivité photochimique du CDOM en<br />

fonction <strong>de</strong> la longueur d’on<strong>de</strong> (courbe grisée).................................................................... 11<br />

Figure I.5. Trajectoires possib<strong>les</strong> dans le système atmosphère-océan pour un photon émis<br />

par le soleil par temps dégagé (voir aussi encadré 4). De la quantité <strong>de</strong> photon diffusée<br />

dans l’océan qui parvient à sortir <strong>de</strong> l’océan en direction du satellite (a; L w), une partie<br />

sera transmise à travers l’atmosphère jusqu’au capteur (b) alors que l’autre partie sera<br />

perdue par diffusion ou absorption dans l’atmosphère (c). Certains photons en<br />

provenance du soleil sont transmis directement (d) ou indirectement (e) dans le champ<br />

<strong>de</strong> visée du capteur après avoir été réfléchis <strong>de</strong> façon spéculaire par l’interface air-mer<br />

(L r, en anglais sun glint ou glitter). Comme pour L w, une partie sera transmise (g) et l’autre<br />

sera perdue dans l’atmosphère (f). Dans la partie visible du spectre, plus <strong>de</strong> 90% <strong>de</strong><br />

l’énergie reçue au satellite provient <strong>de</strong> l’atmosphère (L p) et comprend : <strong>les</strong> photons<br />

diffusés une (h) ou plusieurs (i) fois par <strong>les</strong> molécu<strong>les</strong> ou <strong>les</strong> aérosols atmosphériques.<br />

Dans <strong>les</strong> régions polaires où la glace <strong>de</strong> mer est présente, il faut ajouter à ce<br />

schéma la contribution <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> photons réfléchis par la glace à l’extérieur du champ <strong>de</strong><br />

visée qui sont redirigés vers le capteur (l; effet <strong>de</strong> l’environnement). Enfin, quand la<br />

glace se trouvant dans le champ <strong>de</strong> visée du capteur, une partie <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> photons qu’elle<br />

réfléchira sera transmise (m; contamination sub-pixel) et l’autre sera perdue dans<br />

l’atmosphère (n). Les contributions indirectes (l) et directes (m) posent problème<br />

puisqu’ils ne sont pas pris en compte dans le traitement <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong><br />

l’océan......................................................................................................................................... 23<br />

Figure II.1. Patrons <strong>de</strong> circulation générale <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face dans l’Océan Arctique. Les<br />

eaux Atlantique et Pacifique (en rouge) pénètrent dans l’Arctique via la Mer <strong>de</strong> Barents<br />

et le détroit <strong>de</strong> Bering respectivement. Le Tourbillon <strong>de</strong> Beaufort et le courant<br />

Transpolaire (en bleu) sont <strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux principaux chemins empruntés par <strong>les</strong> eaux<br />

Arctiques, <strong>les</strong>quel<strong>les</strong> sont éventuellement exportées vers l’Atlantique Nord via <strong>de</strong><br />

détroit <strong>de</strong> Fram et l’Archipel Canadien. Ces eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face sont fortement influencées<br />

par <strong>les</strong> grands fleuves Sibériens et Nord Américains. Les huit plus importants sont<br />

indiqués avec, entre parenthèses, leur débit annuel (volume d’eau douce en km 3 ans -1 ).<br />

Le cadre noir localise la zone d’étu<strong>de</strong>. (Source <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> informations : ACIA, 2005)............ 31<br />


Figure II.2. Carte <strong>de</strong> localisation <strong>de</strong> la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort avec la direction <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> principaux<br />

courants : la Gyre <strong>de</strong> Beaufort (en gris); le sous-courant <strong>de</strong> Beaufort (c.f., Beaufort<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>rcurrent; en bleu); la dispersion attendue du panache du Mackenzie (en rouge) qui<br />

varie selon la direction et l’intensité <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> vents dominants. L’encadré en gris montre <strong>les</strong><br />

limites <strong>de</strong> l’échantillonnage effectué durant le programme CASES.................................. 36<br />

Figure II.3. Cycle saisonnier <strong>de</strong> l’eau douce <strong>sur</strong> le Plateau du Mackenzie caractérisé par <strong>les</strong><br />

apports continentaux et la glace <strong>de</strong> mer : A) englacement (apports continentaux faib<strong>les</strong>,<br />

la glace commence à se former); B) fin <strong>de</strong> l’hiver (apports continentaux faib<strong>les</strong>, la glace<br />

a atteint son épaisseur maximale et a arrêté <strong>de</strong> croître); C) débâcle printanière (apports<br />

continentaux élevés, la glace <strong>de</strong>meure intacte et reste près <strong>de</strong> la côte); D) été (apports<br />

continentaux élevés, la glace a fondue ou a été exportée vers l’intérieur <strong>de</strong> l’Océan).<br />

(Modifiée <strong>de</strong> Macdonald, 2000).............................................................................................. 37<br />

Figure II.4. Variabilité journalière entre 1976 et 1998 (A) du débit du fleuve Mackenzie, (B)<br />

du <strong>flux</strong> <strong>de</strong> particu<strong>les</strong> en suspension d’origine terrigène, et (C) <strong>de</strong> l’éclairement<br />

photosynthétique inci<strong>de</strong>nt à 71°N et la température <strong>de</strong> l’air me<strong>sur</strong>és à Tuktoyaktuk situé<br />

à l’embouchure du fleuve. (Modifiée <strong>de</strong> O’Brien et al., 2006)............................................ 38<br />

Figure II.5. Image SeaWiFS acquise le 15 Juin 2004 montrant le début <strong>de</strong> la débâcle.<br />

Rapi<strong>de</strong>ment <strong>les</strong> eaux turbi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> du Mackenzie occupent une large partie <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux<br />

ouvertes du plateau continental (~15 000-20 000 km²)...................................................... 40<br />

Figure II.6. Coupe transversale effectuée à partir <strong>de</strong> l’embouchure du fleuve Mackenzie<br />

(Kugmalit Bay) jusqu’à la limite du plateau continental en juillet 2004 dans le cadre du<br />

programme CASES : a) <strong>de</strong>nsité; b) salinité........................................................................... 41<br />

Figure III.1. Location of CASES stations sampled for absorption mea<strong>sur</strong>ements in 2004<br />

over the Mackenzie Shelf (open circ<strong>les</strong>), in Amundsen Gulf (open triang<strong>les</strong>), and in<br />

Canada Basin (open squares). ARDEX and CASES samp<strong>les</strong> collected for φDIC <strong>de</strong>termination are shown as closed squares. ......................................................................... 50<br />

Figure III.2. φDIC spectra <strong>de</strong>termined on water samp<strong>les</strong> collected during ARDEX (R5a, R5d,<br />

and R9; solid thin lines) and CASES (108, 406 and 409; dashed thin lines). The grey<br />

curves are the average φDIC spectra published by Vähätalo et al. [2000] for a boreal lake,<br />

and by Johannessen and Miller [2001] for inshore, coastal and offshore waters.................. 58<br />

Figure III.3. (a) Variation of aCDOM(330) with salinity for water samp<strong>les</strong> collected in<br />

Mackenzie Shelf (open circ<strong>les</strong>), Amundsen Gulf (open triang<strong>les</strong>), Canada Basin (open<br />

squares). Samp<strong>les</strong> collected for φDIC are shown as closed squares. (b) Variation of<br />

weighted quantum yield normalized to the integrated irradiance, φ DIC , with salinity. .. 61<br />

Figure III.4. Average DIC photoproduction rates, P DIC, calculated using the φ DIC<br />

representing each sub-region: R5a, R5d and R9 for the Mackenzie Shelf; 108 for the<br />

Amundsen Gulf; 406 and 409 for the Canada Basin........................................................... 62<br />

Figure III.5. Average spectral light fraction absorbed by CDOM in the <strong>sur</strong>face waters at<br />

stations (Fig. III.1) sampled over the Mackenzie Shelf (dashed line), in Amundsen Gulf<br />

(dash-dotted line), and in Canada Basin (thin line).............................................................. 63<br />

Figure III.6. Trends in the annual DIC photoproduction for period 1979-2003 for the<br />

Mackenzie Shelf, the Amundsen Gulf, the Canada Basin, and the sums of the three<br />

sub-regions. ............................................................................................................................... 65<br />

Figure III.7. Correlation between the annual DIC photoproduction and the annual average<br />

area of open water for: (a) Mackenzie Shelf, DIC = 0.91x10 6 * X; (b) Amundsen Gulf,<br />


DIC = 0.52x10 6 * X ; (c) Canada Basin, DIC = 0.63x10 6 * X. (X = open water area in<br />

km 2 ; slope in Gg C y -1 km -2 ; n=25). ....................................................................................... 66<br />

Figure III.8. Trends in open water area for the three sub-regions as observed by<br />

SMMR/SSMI between 1979 and 2003. The left panels show the day of the year when<br />

>50% of the <strong>sur</strong>face area is ice free. The right panels show the number of days having<br />

open water. ................................................................................................................................ 67<br />

Figure III.9. Trends in monthly O3 concentration over the study area as observed by<br />

TOMS between 1979 and 2001. Note the changes of scale among the panels. ............. 68<br />

Figure III.A.1. Absorption spectra of CDOM for before (black line) and after the<br />

irradiation for the sample un<strong>de</strong>r WG280 cutoff filter (red line). The time of irradiation<br />

and the irradiance level un<strong>de</strong>r the cutoff filter are also shown.......................................... 75<br />

Figure III.A.2. Mo<strong>de</strong>led versus mea<strong>sur</strong>ed DIC photoproduction rates for the Single<br />

exponential (squares) and Quasi-exponential (circ<strong>les</strong>) functional forms.......................... 76<br />

Figure IV.1. Map of the study area showing location of stations where IOPs (dots), SPMR<br />

(triang<strong>les</strong>) and ASD (squares) mea<strong>sur</strong>ements were ma<strong>de</strong>. Contour lines of sea ice<br />

concentration of 50% are also shown for June 1 st (red), July 1 st (blue) and August 1 st<br />

(green)......................................................................................................................................... 91<br />

Figure IV.2. Frequency distributions of the contribution of CDOM to (a) the total light<br />

absorption at 412 nm ([aCDOM/at]), and (b) to the colored <strong>de</strong>trital material ([aCDOM/aCDM]). Note that the graph inclu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> 54 additional COASTlOOC or CASES stations where<br />

only IOP were available........................................................................................................... 98<br />

Figure IV.3. Comparison between retrieved and mea<strong>sur</strong>ed [aCDOM/at] at 412 nm for the<br />

COASTlOOC and CASES datasets. [aCDOM/at](412) was calculated using equation 6<br />

with coefficients obtained using the whole data set (N=255; Table IV.2). ..................... 99<br />

Figure IV.4. Error analysis of [aCDOM/at] at 412, calculated using region-in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

coefficients, as a function of: a) the ratio of ap(412) to Rrs(555); b) the relative<br />

contribution of CDOM to the total CDM absorption coefficient at 412 nm. Only the<br />

statistically significant relationships are shown. ................................................................. 103<br />

Figure IV.5. Same as Fig. IV.3 but for region specific coefficients for Eq. 6 (Table IV.2).104<br />

Figure IV.6. Apparent Quantum Yield spectra for DIC production <strong>de</strong>termined for two<br />

stations located in the southeastern Beaufort Sea. AQY1 was <strong>de</strong>termined on <strong>sur</strong>face<br />

waters influenced the by the Mackenzie River (salinity = 8.2 ‰; Station R5a), while<br />

AQY2 was <strong>de</strong>termined on <strong>sur</strong>face waters collected in the Amundsen Gulf, away from<br />

direct riverine influence (salinity = 30.0 ‰; Station 108) [Bélanger et al., 2006]. ............ 106<br />

Figure IV.7. Spectral production of DIC for different values of [aCDOM/at](412) and for A)<br />

AQY1 and B) AQY2. .............................................................................................................. 107<br />

Figure IV.8. Relative difference in DIC production as a function of the absolute difference<br />

between the retrieved and true [aCDOM/at](412) values for the two AQYs and two initial<br />

values for [aCDOM/at] true (412) of 0.3 and 0.7. The thick line at the bottom illustrate the<br />

95% confi<strong>de</strong>nce interval in the [aCDOM/at] retrieval using Eq 6........................................ 108<br />

Figure IV.9. Variability of SCDOM as a function of the aCDOM(412) value mea<strong>sur</strong>ed in the<br />

<strong>sur</strong>face waters of the southeastern Beaufort Sea during summer 2004 (n=65). A<br />

second-or<strong>de</strong>r polynomial fit between the SCDOM values and the logarithm of aCDOM(412) provi<strong>de</strong>d a strong <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cription of the observations (r 2 =0.79; n=65): .............................. 110<br />

2<br />

S CDOM = 0. 0186 − 0.<br />

0019log[<br />

aCDOM<br />

( 412)<br />

] + 0.<br />

0031log[<br />

aCDOM<br />

( 412)]<br />

................................ 110<br />

Figure IV.10. Spectral absorption by particulate matter normalized to 440 nm value<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>ed in the <strong>sur</strong>face waters of the southeastern Beaufort Sea during summer 2004<br />


N<br />

(thin grey lines). The thick black line represent the average ap (λ) values. The<br />

sensitivity the PDIC (eq 1) to the extrapolation to the UV domain is explore within the<br />

limits given by 95% probability of the normal distribution (i.e. ±1.96*Standard<br />

Deviation (σ); dashed lines). The ap(λ) values for λ

Figure V.10. Retrieved Angström exponent parameter (α) using the atmospheric correction<br />

algorithm, as a function of σR ice, for τ a=0.1 and four types of sea ice............................149<br />

Figure V.11. Ratio of CHL estimated from OC4v4 (solid line) and OC4L (dotted line) when<br />

sea ice is present within the water pixel to CHL estimated without sea ice as a function<br />

of σR ice(865). The results are presented for three initial concentrations of chlorophyll<br />

(with f CDOM =50% and SPM NAP =0.0 g m -3 ), as indicated, for τ a=0.1 and four types of sea<br />

ice. The dashed lines represent a 35% error range. ........................................................... 150<br />

Figure V.12. Ratio of a t estimated at 443 nm using QAA when sea ice is present within the<br />

water pixel to a t estimated with no sea ice as a function of σR ice(865). The results are<br />

presented for each water type as shown in figure 2 and for the landfast ice covered by<br />

fresh snow. The dashed lines represent a 35% error range.............................................. 151<br />

Figure V.13. Same as Fig. V.12, but for b bp estimated at 555 nm using QAA....................... 151<br />

Figure V.14. Same as Fig. V.12, but for the ratio [a CDOM/a t] estimated at 412 nm................ 152<br />

Figure V.15. Example of sea ice contamination on the CHL estimation (OC4v4) for a<br />

SeaWiFS scene of the Beaufort Sea acquired on the 8 th of September 2002. Upper panel<br />

is the true color composite showing the sea ice field offshore........................................ 153<br />

Figure V.16. Reflectance ratio between [ρ w] N at 412 and [ρ w] N at 443 nm as a function of<br />

[ρ w] N at 555 nm for: 1) in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of the water-leaving reflectance conducted<br />

in the Southeastern Beaufort Sea [Bélanger et al., submitted manuscript. 2006] (closed<br />

circ<strong>les</strong>); 2) mo<strong>de</strong>led water-leaving reflectance with the bio-optical mo<strong>de</strong>l presented in<br />

Appendix V.1 (closed squares); and 3) SeaWiFS pixels extracted from the image<br />

presented on Fig. V.17 (light grey dots).............................................................................. 155<br />

Figure V.17. Example of application of the adjacency flag to a SeaWiFS scene from the<br />

Southeastern Beaufort Sea acquired on the 16 th of June 1998. The R rs at 555 nm is<br />

shown on colored log scale as indicated on the right; the flagged pixels for adjacency<br />

are i<strong>de</strong>ntified with dark red color. The sea ice and land are shown in dark and light grey<br />

respectively. Because of known problem with the standard SeaWiFS atmospheric<br />

correction over the turbid waters, we apply the algorithm proposed by Ruddick et al.<br />

[2000]........................................................................................................................................ 156<br />

Figure V.A1. Schematic representation of a water pixel located at distance D 0 from an ice<br />

edge........................................................................................................................................... 162<br />

Figure VI.1. A schematic representation of the DIC photoproduction mo<strong>de</strong>ling. The mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

ingests four inputs: (1) For a given day, when data are available, the spatio-temporal<br />

variability in the [a CDOM/a t] parameter is specified by interpolating the values of the<br />

months before and after. If monthly IOP are not available (due to either sea ice or<br />

cloud cover), the data from the climatology is taken. The spectral interpolation of the<br />

[a CDOM/a t](412) is perform as <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed in section IV.3.4. (2) The daily spatial variability<br />

in the area of open water. (3) The spectral daily downward irradiance calculated as<br />

<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed in section III.2.5. (4) The spectral apparent quantum yield for the DIC<br />

production (AQY, or φ DIC). Two methods are compared for the choice of the φ DIC for a<br />

given day and pixel. Method 1 is based on the regional <strong>de</strong>finition <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed in section<br />

III.2.5. In the Method 2, the φ DIC varies as a function of the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of the CDOM<br />

(see text for <strong>de</strong>tails). ............................................................................................................... 178<br />

Figure VI.2. A) CDOM photoreactivity as a function of a CDOM(412). B) Spectral variability<br />

of the pooled φ DIC spectra for low and high a CDOM(412) value.......................................... 179<br />


Figure VI.3. Comparison of in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of water-leaving radiance with coinci<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

spectra from the SeaWiFS image processed with the standard and the turbid water AC<br />

algorithms. ............................................................................................................................... 181<br />

Figure VI.4. Scatterplots of the in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements versus SeaWiFS-<strong>de</strong>rived variab<strong>les</strong><br />

employed in the empirical algorithm used to estimate [a CDOM/a t](412) (eq. IV.6): a) the<br />

logarithm of water-leaving reflectance ratio of 412 to 555 nm; b) the logarithm of<br />

water-leaving reflectance ratio of 490 to 555 nm............................................................... 182<br />

Figure VI.5. Seasonal variability of the SeaWiFS-<strong>de</strong>rived [a CDOM/a t](412) for 1998 and 2004<br />

(1 x 1 km resolution). Sea ice (or cloud) is shown in grey................................................ 184<br />

Figure VI.6. Variability of the SeaWiFS-<strong>de</strong>rived b bp(555) for June and July 1998 and 2004 (1<br />

x 1 km resolution)................................................................................................................... 185<br />

Figure VI.7. Variability of the SeaWiFS-<strong>de</strong>rived a t(412) for June and July 1998 and 2004 (1 x<br />

1 km resolution)...................................................................................................................... 185<br />

Figure VI.8. Annual maps of DIC photoproduction rates from 1998 to 2004 in<br />

southeastern Beaufort Sea..................................................................................................... 188<br />

Figure A1. Schematic representation of the quasi-analytical algorithm <strong>de</strong>veloped to <strong>de</strong>rive<br />

the partic<strong>les</strong> backscattering coefficient at 555 nm and the spectral total absorption<br />

coefficient. The data (parallelogram) necessary for each steps of the algorithm<br />

(rectangular boxes) are i<strong>de</strong>ntified by the dotted arrows, while the outputs are i<strong>de</strong>ntified<br />

by the thin line with filled arrows. The final outputs, i.e. b bp(555) and a t(λ), are i<strong>de</strong>ntified<br />

by the think line with filled arrows at bottom right of the diagram. The equations<br />

(i<strong>de</strong>ntified with upper script number) are listed in Table A1........................................... 236<br />

Figure A2. Comparison between retrieved and mea<strong>sur</strong>ed a t with the ac9 at A) 412 nm and B)<br />

440 nm. Total absorption coefficients were retrieved using the optimized version of<br />

QAA proposed by Lee et al. [2002] that use λ 0 555 and 640 nm (open circ<strong>les</strong>) and the<br />

tuned QAA with the CASES dataset (inverted triang<strong>les</strong>)................................................. 238<br />

Figure A3. Comparison between QAA-<strong>de</strong>rived b bp(555) and mea<strong>sur</strong>ed b p(555)................... 240<br />

Figure A4. Retrieved versus mea<strong>sur</strong>ed a CDOM(412) in the Beaufort Sea. Statistical parameters<br />

of the Type II regression are also shown............................................................................ 241<br />


Liste <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> tableaux<br />

Table III.1. Chemical and physical properties of samp<strong>les</strong> used for the φDIC........................... 52<br />

Table III.2. CDOM properties and mo<strong>de</strong>l parameters for φDIC. .............................................. 58<br />

Table III.3. Comparison between daily DIC photoproduction, and total and new primary<br />

production rates in open water (in mg C m -2 d -1 )................................................................. 64<br />

Table III.4. Mean annual DIC photoproduction and estimates of tDOC mineralized by<br />

photooxidation.......................................................................................................................... 71<br />

Table IV.1. Relative contribution of CDOM to the colored <strong>de</strong>trital matter<br />

(CDM=CDOM+NAP) and to the total absorption coefficients at 412 nm, respectively,<br />

for the different regions covered by our data set................................................................. 97<br />

Table IV.2. Empirical coefficients of Eq. 6 <strong>de</strong>termined by multiple regression for the<br />

different coastal environments. .............................................................................................. 99<br />

Table IV.3. Performance of Eq. 6 for the retrieval of [aCDOM/at] at 412 nm. For each region,<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt data set is used to obtain the empirical coefficients for Eq. 6. ................. 100<br />

Table VI.4. Coefficient of <strong>de</strong>termination of the linear regression between Δ[aCDOM/at] (shown in Fig. IV.4) and 1) the logarithm of the ratio [ap(412)/Rrs(555)] and 2) the ratio<br />

[ a CDOM / aCDM<br />

] at 412 nm. NS = the slope is not significantly different from 0 at 95%<br />

confi<strong>de</strong>nce level (Type II regression). ................................................................................. 101<br />

Table IV.5. ΔPDIC ( in %), due to error in the spectral extrapolation of [aCDOM/at](412) to the<br />

true<br />

300-600 nm range resulting from variation in the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of at(412). PDIC is<br />

N<br />

calculated with averaged SCDOM , ap (λ), and for different at(412) values. PDIC is<br />

calculated assuming aw(λ) is null........................................................................................... 112<br />

Table IV.6. ΔPDIC ( in %), due to error in the spectral extrapolation of [aCDOM/at](412) to the<br />

N true<br />

300-600 nm range resulting from variation in SCDOM and ap (λ) spectra. PDIC is<br />

N<br />

calculated with averaged SCDOM , ap (λ), and at(412)........................................................... 112<br />

Table V.1. Distance (in km) from ice eg<strong>de</strong> within which the error on CHL > 35% (Rice fresh<br />

snow). Values in parenthesis are for the OCL4 algorithm............................................... 141<br />

Table VI.1. Number of SeaWiFS Level 1A MLAC images processed................................... 175<br />

Table VI.2. Location, date, time interval, and the sun zenith angle at the time of sampling of<br />

the match-ups.......................................................................................................................... 180<br />

Table VI.3. Comparison of in situ with SeaWiFS-<strong>de</strong>rived [aCDOM/at](412) values using<br />

Standard and MUMM AC algorithms. ................................................................................ 183<br />

Table VI.4. Annual DIC photoproduction estimation using various methods. The value in<br />

parenthesis for methods 1 and 2 is the difference relative (in %) to GBC method. .... 186<br />

Table A2. Performance of the QAA to retrieved at(λ) with empirical relationships of Lee et<br />

al. [2002] versus QAA tuned with CASES dataset (n=46)............................................... 239<br />


Avant propos<br />

Cette thèse fût d’abord et avant tout motivée par mon désir d’apprendre, mon<br />

émerveillement face à la beauté <strong>de</strong> la Nature, ainsi que pour mon goût d’aventures. En<br />

particulier, vivre l’expérience <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique, où en été <strong>les</strong> jours sont interminab<strong>les</strong>, était pour<br />

moi un rêve qui est <strong>de</strong>venu réalité. Mais au fur et à me<strong>sur</strong>e que je me suis plongé dans mes<br />

étu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>, mon sentiment d’inquiétu<strong>de</strong> face à l’avenir <strong>de</strong> notre planète s’est fait ressentir <strong>de</strong> plus<br />

en plus fort. Si <strong>les</strong> <strong>changements</strong> <strong>climatiques</strong> font partie <strong>de</strong> l’histoire <strong>de</strong> la Terre et sont, par<br />

conséquent, tout à fait naturels, la situation dans laquelle nous nous trouvons aujourd’hui est<br />

sans précé<strong>de</strong>nt dans cette histoire vieille <strong>de</strong> quatre milliards d’années. En exploitant <strong>les</strong><br />

ressources énergétiques fossilisées, nous avons, avec une inconscience presque légitime,<br />

modifié notre environnement au point qu’il déstabilise le fragile équilibre <strong>de</strong> la planète. Mon<br />

sentiment d’inquiétu<strong>de</strong> provient justement du fait que <strong>les</strong> conséquences <strong>de</strong> ce déséquilibre<br />

restent hors <strong>de</strong> portée pour nous, « bipè<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> bien intentionnés ». Dans l’état actuel <strong>de</strong> nos<br />

connaissances il est impossible <strong>de</strong> savoir si nous allons ou pas vers une catastrophe naturelle<br />

irrévocable, et ce malgré toutes nos technologies aussi avancées soient-el<strong>les</strong>. Reste<br />

qu’aujourd’hui, lorsque nous faisons une rétrospective environnementale du siècle <strong>de</strong>rnier<br />

(e.g., déforestation, <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>truction <strong>de</strong> la couche d’ozone, contamination <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> systèmes aquatiques,<br />

augmentation du dioxy<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> dans l’atmosphère, etc, etc), nous pouvons nous<br />

attendre au pire 1 . En effet, il a été démontré que la mauvaise gestion <strong>de</strong> l’environnent a<br />

souvent été l’une <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> causes premières (pas la seule bien sûre!) expliquant l’effondrement <strong>de</strong><br />

plusieurs sociétés humaines du passé (e.g., l’île <strong>de</strong> Pâques, Viking en Amérique) 2 .<br />

Le sujet que je traite dans ce manuscrit concerne <strong>les</strong> <strong>changements</strong> <strong>climatiques</strong>. Si<br />

cette thèse apporte <strong>de</strong> nouveaux indices qui montrent l’importance <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong><br />

<strong>climatiques</strong>, en particulier ceux qui se produisent dans l’Océan Arctique, elle ne propose<br />

aucune solution qui permettrait d’en atténuer ses conséquences. De plus, la quantité<br />

1 Plusieurs scientifiques renommés se sont aujourd’hui engagés dans une campagne <strong>de</strong> conscientisation <strong>de</strong> la<br />

population. À ce sujet, je recomman<strong>de</strong>rais notamment <strong>les</strong> essais d’Hubert Revees (Mal <strong>de</strong> terre, édition Le seuil),<br />

<strong>de</strong> David Suzuki (L’équilibre sacré – redécouvrir sa place dans la nature, édition Fi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>), et <strong>de</strong> Jared Diamond<br />

(Effondrement, édition Gallimard).<br />

2 J. Diamond, Effondrement.<br />


phénoménale <strong>de</strong> gaz à effet <strong>de</strong> serre qui fut utilisée pour réaliser ce projet <strong>de</strong> thèse (<strong>les</strong><br />

nombreux aller-retour France-Québec, navire océanographique, satellite, Fiat Panda, MBK,<br />

etc., etc.) pèse lourd <strong>sur</strong> ma bonne conscience. Néanmoins, comme le dit si bien David<br />

Suzuki, « le plus important, à l’heure actuelle, est l’échange d’idées; il faut se passer le mot en travaillant<br />

tous à réduire notre effet négatif <strong>sur</strong> la planète, en développant <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> infrastructures qui permettront d’adopter<br />

un mo<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> vie durable et <strong>de</strong> susciter dans le public un appui qui changera à la fin <strong>les</strong> priorités politiques ».<br />

J’espère que mon travail <strong>de</strong> thèse puisse me donner au moins la crédibilité nécessaire pour<br />

éduquer et sensibiliser <strong>les</strong> générations futures aux conséquences éventuel<strong>les</strong> que court notre<br />

planète. En tant que « futur » professeur <strong>de</strong> géographie, je compte jouer un rôle en ce sens,<br />

aussi minime soit-il.<br />

Dans mon premier chapitre, qui s’adresse à un large public, j’ai tenté d’expliquer avec<br />

le plus <strong>de</strong> détails possible, dans un nombre limité <strong>de</strong> pages, la problématique générale <strong>de</strong><br />

l’ensemble <strong>de</strong> ma thèse. Ensuite, après un court chapitre qui introduit la zone d’étu<strong>de</strong> où ont<br />

été réalisés mes travaux, on retrouvera trois chapitres qui constituent ce qu’on pourrait<br />

appeler « le cœur <strong>de</strong> la thèse ». La science le voulant ainsi, ces trois chapitres sont assez<br />

pointus et sont écrits en anglais, la langue avec laquelle mes travaux seront le mieux<br />

disséminés au niveau international. Chacun <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> chapitres écrits en anglais est précédé d’un<br />

résumé en français qui décrit l’essentiel du contenu. Enfin, une discussion axée <strong>sur</strong> <strong>les</strong><br />

problèmes majeurs qui restent à explorer complètera le travail en guise <strong>de</strong> conclusion<br />

générale. Sur ce, je vous souhaite une lecture agréable et instructive.<br />


Chapitre I : Introduction et problématique<br />

générale<br />


I.1. Introduction<br />

La vitesse avec laquelle l’Arctique se réchauffe est sans précé<strong>de</strong>nt dans l’histoire<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>rne <strong>de</strong> la société humaine. Les nombreuses conséquences du réchauffement <strong>de</strong><br />

l’Arctique, et d’autres <strong>changements</strong> environnementaux (e.g., augmentation du rayonnement<br />

ultraviolet), ont récemment fait l’objet d’un important rapport scientifique présenté par<br />

l’Arctic Council (Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, ACIA, 2005). Bien que <strong>les</strong> causes exactes <strong>de</strong><br />

ce réchauffement restent mal comprises, ce d’après le <strong>de</strong>rnier rapport <strong>de</strong> l’Intergovernmental<br />

Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2001), il semble que <strong>les</strong> émissions anthropiques <strong>de</strong> gaz à effet<br />

<strong>de</strong> serre soient, en gran<strong>de</strong> partie, responsab<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong> la situation qu’on observe aujourd’hui. En<br />

particulier, l’augmentation <strong>de</strong> la concentration atmosphérique en dioxy<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> (CO 2)<br />

est significative <strong>de</strong>puis le milieu <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> années 50 (Keeling, 1986; Sch<strong>les</strong>inger, 1990). Le CO 2 a<br />

la particularité, comme d’autre gaz à effet <strong>de</strong> serre tel que le méthane (CH 4), d’absorber le<br />

rayonnement infrarouge qui est réémis par la <strong>sur</strong>face <strong>de</strong> la Terre. Une meilleure<br />

compréhension <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> processus qui influencent la concentration <strong>de</strong> CO 2 dans l’atmosphère est<br />

donc primordiale dans le contexte <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong> <strong>climatiques</strong>. Le sujet <strong>de</strong> cette thèse<br />

s’intègre dans l’effort international qui vise à mieux comprendre le cycle global du <strong>carbone</strong><br />

afin <strong>de</strong> mieux appréhen<strong>de</strong>r l’évolution du climat.<br />

L’Océan Arctique joue un rôle primordial dans le système climatique global en<br />

permettant à la chaleur accumulée aux basses latitu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> et transportée dans <strong>les</strong> hautes latitu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> s’échapper, pour ainsi équilibrer le bilan énergétique <strong>de</strong> la planète. C’est aussi une région<br />

qui agit comme un « moteur » pour la circulation océanique globale avec la production d’eau<br />

<strong>de</strong>nse. Par exemple, l’Atlantique Nord est le site où se forme la masse d’eau profon<strong>de</strong><br />

connue sous le nom North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW), laquelle tapisse <strong>les</strong> fonds d’une vaste<br />

partie <strong>de</strong> l’Océan Mondial. La circulation générée par la formation <strong>de</strong> cette masse d’eau est<br />

<strong>de</strong> type thermohaline car elle résulte d’un changement <strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>nsité causé par <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong><br />

<strong>de</strong> température (thermo-) ou <strong>de</strong> salinité (-haline). À l’ai<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> modèle <strong>de</strong> circulation global,<br />

Rahmstorf (2002) a mis en évi<strong>de</strong>nce l’impact <strong>de</strong> la production <strong>de</strong> NADW <strong>sur</strong> le transport <strong>de</strong><br />

chaleur à l’échelle planétaire. Par exemple, <strong>les</strong> températures <strong>de</strong> l’air en <strong>sur</strong>face dans<br />

l’hémisphère Nord seraient jusqu’à 6°C inférieures sans la formation <strong>de</strong> cette masse d’eau<br />

(Rahmstorf, 2002).<br />


En plus d’influencer la circulation océanique globale, <strong>les</strong> phénomènes dits <strong>de</strong><br />

«rétroactions» 1 sont très importants dans l’Arctique. Les rétroactions peuvent soit accélérer le<br />

réchauffement global actuel (positive), soit l’inverser (négative). Les trois plus importantes,<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntifiées dans le rapport <strong>de</strong> l’ACIA (2005) sont l’albédo <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face 2 , la circulation<br />

thermohaline, et l’émission <strong>de</strong> gaz à effet <strong>de</strong> serre.<br />

1. Rétroaction due à l’albédo : la glace <strong>de</strong> mer, et son couvert <strong>de</strong> neige, réfléchie<br />

pratiquement 90% du rayonnement solaire vers l’espace. En réduisant l’étendue du<br />

couvert <strong>de</strong> glace, une plus gran<strong>de</strong> quantité d’énergie pénètre dans l’océan, induisant<br />

une augmentation <strong>de</strong> la température <strong>de</strong> la couche d’eau superficielle qui accélère la<br />

fonte <strong>de</strong> la glace. C’est une rétroaction positive.<br />

2. Rétroaction liée à la circulation thermohaline : l’augmentation du volume d’eau<br />

douce dans la couche superficielle <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique (en réponse à l’augmentation du<br />

débit <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> rivières Arctiques et <strong>de</strong> la fonte <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> glaces) intensifie la stratification <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face <strong>de</strong> l’Atlantique Nord, ce qui diminue la formation d’eaux <strong>de</strong>nses et<br />

un ralentissement global <strong>de</strong> la circulation thermohaline profon<strong>de</strong>. De tels<br />

<strong>changements</strong> risquent d’entraîner un refroidissement généralisé dans l’Hémisphère<br />

Nord (localisé), et peut être même à l’échelle globale. On parlera donc d’une<br />

rétroaction négative, mais cela reste très incertain à ce jour.<br />

3. Rétroaction due à l’émission <strong>de</strong> gaz à effet <strong>de</strong> serre d’origine naturelle : une gran<strong>de</strong><br />

quantité <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> organique se trouve « séquestré» dans le pergélisol (c.f. permafrost<br />

en anglais; le sol qui est gelé en permanence) situé en marge <strong>de</strong> l’Océan Arctique. Le<br />

pergélisol, qui représente 25% <strong>de</strong> la <strong>sur</strong>face continentale <strong>de</strong> l’hémisphère nord, subit<br />

<strong>de</strong>puis une quarantaine d’années une augmentation <strong>de</strong> sa température et, à plusieurs<br />

endroits, une fonte progressive. Cette fonte conduit à une mobilisation du <strong>carbone</strong><br />

organique séquestré, qui est alors accessible à la minéralisation 3 microbienne<br />

aérobique (production <strong>de</strong> CO 2) et anaérobique (production <strong>de</strong> CH 4). Comme on<br />

s’attend à ce que la minéralisation excè<strong>de</strong> la production primaire (fixation <strong>de</strong> CO 2),<br />

on parlera <strong>de</strong> rétroaction positive.<br />

1<br />

Dans le contexte particulier <strong>de</strong> l’étu<strong>de</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong> <strong>climatiques</strong>, on utilise le terme feedback pour signifier<br />

un phénomène physique, biologique ou chimique qui, soumis à un réchauffement climatique, produit une<br />

action qui augmente (positif) ou diminue (négatif) le réchauffement (Woodwell et al., 1998).<br />

2<br />

Albédo planétaire : proportion <strong>de</strong> l’énergie solaire inci<strong>de</strong>nte qui est simplement réfléchie vers l’espace par le<br />

système terre.<br />

3<br />

Minéralisation : transformation <strong>de</strong> la matière organique en composés inorganiques (e.g. CO2, CH4).<br />


Dans cette thèse je m’intéresserai <strong>sur</strong>tout au <strong>de</strong>rnier point, i.e. à la rétroaction<br />

positive due à l’émission <strong>de</strong> gaz à effet <strong>de</strong> serre d’origine naturelle. Dans <strong>les</strong> sections<br />

suivantes, on détaillera la problématique <strong>de</strong> la thèse. Brièvement, la fonte du pergélisol et<br />

l’augmentation du débit <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> rivières <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique <strong>de</strong>vraient mobiliser une partie du <strong>carbone</strong><br />

organique sous forme dissoute vers l’Océan Arctique (section I.2.1). Dans l’océan, le <strong>carbone</strong><br />

organique dissous d’origine terrigène peut être minéralisé soit par <strong>les</strong> microorganismes, soit<br />

par la lumière. La minéralisation par la lumière est un phénomène physico-chimique<br />

complexe appelé photooxydation (pour oxydation photochimique) (section I.2.2). Les<br />

rayons ultraviolets (UV) sont <strong>les</strong> principaux responsab<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong> la photooxidation. Dans<br />

l’Arctique, <strong>les</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face sont « protégées » <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> UV grâce à la présence <strong>de</strong> la glace <strong>de</strong><br />

mer. En parallèle, la diminution <strong>de</strong> l’ozone stratosphérique permet à une plus gran<strong>de</strong><br />

quantité <strong>de</strong> rayons UV d’atteindre la <strong>sur</strong>face <strong>de</strong> la Terre (section I.2.2). L’hypothèse centrale<br />

<strong>de</strong> cette thèse est que la photooxydation, suite à l’augmentation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> apports<br />

continentaux et du rayonnement UV pénétrant dans la colonne d’eau, est un<br />

mécanisme clé qui contribue à accélérer la minéralisation du <strong>carbone</strong> organique<br />

terrigène, produisant du CO 2 dans la couche superficielle <strong>de</strong> l’océan Arctique, qui<br />

autrement aurait été « séquestré » dans l’océan profond.<br />

L’objectif fixé est <strong>de</strong> quantifier <strong>les</strong> processus <strong>de</strong> photooxydation dans une région<br />

<strong>de</strong> l’Arctique afin d’établir l’importance <strong>de</strong> ce phénomène dans le contexte actuel et<br />

d’appréhen<strong>de</strong>r <strong>les</strong> conséquences potentiel<strong>les</strong> du réchauffement climatique <strong>sur</strong> cette<br />

rétroaction positive.<br />


I.2. Problématique<br />

I.2.1. Importance <strong>de</strong> la matière organique dissoute d’origine terrigène dans l’Océan<br />

Arctique et impact du réchauffement <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> écosystèmes terrestres nordiques<br />

Bien qu’il soit connu <strong>de</strong>puis le début <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> années 70 que <strong>les</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face <strong>de</strong><br />

l’Arctique sont riches en <strong>carbone</strong> organique dissous (DOC 1 ) (Kinney et al., 1971), ce n’est<br />

que récemment qu’on a démontré l’importance <strong>de</strong> la contribution <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> apports terrigènes. En<br />

effet, <strong>de</strong> 5 à 40% du DOC <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique serait d’origine terrigène<br />

(Wheeler et al., 1997; Guay et al., 1999; Opsahl et al., 1999). L’Océan Arctique ne représente<br />

que 1% du volume <strong>de</strong> l’Océan global mais reçoit 11% <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> apports fluviaux mondiaux<br />

annuels (Rachold et al., 2004). En plus <strong>de</strong> contribuer au maintient <strong>de</strong> la stratification haline<br />

caractéristique <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique (voir Chap. 2), ces eaux douces, riches en <strong>carbone</strong> organique<br />

dissous, expliquent donc en partie <strong>les</strong> fortes concentrations <strong>de</strong> DOC observées dans<br />

plusieurs secteurs <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique (e.g., Kinney et al., 1971; An<strong>de</strong>rson et al., 1998; Kattner et al.,<br />

1999; Bussmann et Kattner, 2000; An<strong>de</strong>rson 2002; Amon, 2004; Benner et al., 2005). En plus<br />

<strong>de</strong> la gran<strong>de</strong> quantité <strong>de</strong> DOC déchargée dans l’Arctique, le mélange conservatif du DOC<br />

observé dans <strong>les</strong> estuaires – e.g. Lena (Cauwet et Sidorov, 1996), Yenisei et Ob (Köhler et al.,<br />

2003; Amon et Meon, 2004) - suggère que <strong>les</strong> processus <strong>de</strong> minéralisation sont pratiquement<br />

inexistants dans <strong>les</strong> environnements estuariens polaires. En aval <strong>de</strong> la zone <strong>de</strong> floculation, où<br />

<strong>les</strong> <strong>changements</strong> ioniques provoquent la transformation d’une fraction du DOC en particu<strong>les</strong><br />

(i.e. dans <strong>les</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> salinité ~0-4; Droppo et al., 1998; Köhler et al., 2003), le DOC est<br />

éliminé soit par l’oxydation microbienne, soit par la photooxydation. L’importance<br />

relative <strong>de</strong> ces <strong>de</strong>ux processus <strong>de</strong> minéralisation est inconnue. Pour expliquer que seulement<br />

~40% <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> apports terrigènes annuels en DOC est exporté à l’extérieur <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique, Hansell<br />

et al. (2004) ont suggéré que <strong>les</strong> processus microbiens <strong>de</strong>vaient être responsab<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong> la<br />

majeure partie <strong>de</strong> la dégradation observée. Cependant, aucune étu<strong>de</strong> n’a permis <strong>de</strong> vérifier<br />

cette hypothèse. Au contraire, d’après l’étu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Meon et Amon (2004), le DOC d’origine<br />

terrigène est très réfractaire et ne constitue pas une source significative <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> organique<br />

pour <strong>les</strong> bactéries (Mer <strong>de</strong> Kara). Concernant la photooxydation, <strong>les</strong> étu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> d’Amon et al.<br />

(2003), Amon et Meon (2004) et <strong>de</strong> Benner et al. (2004; 2005) suggèrent que ce mécanisme<br />

n’est pas important dans <strong>les</strong> zones polaires, sans toutefois le démontrer quantitativement.<br />

1 DOC : dissolved organic carbon.<br />


Les processus responsab<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong> la minéralisation <strong>de</strong> la matière organique d’origine terrigène<br />

dans l’Océan Arctique restent énigmatiques.<br />

Une meilleure compréhension <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> processus <strong>de</strong> minéralisation <strong>de</strong> la matière<br />

organique d’origine terrigène (et/ou <strong>de</strong> sa préservation) est cruciale dans le contexte<br />

<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong> environnementaux récemment observés dans <strong>les</strong> écosystèmes<br />

terrestres nordiques. En effet, la tendance selon laquelle <strong>les</strong> écosystèmes terrestres <strong>de</strong><br />

l’Arctique agissent comme puits net <strong>de</strong> CO 2 et <strong>de</strong> CH 4 atmosphérique <strong>de</strong>puis la fin <strong>de</strong> la<br />

<strong>de</strong>rnière glaciation pourrait être renversée avec le réchauffement. Ces écosystèmes pourraient<br />

alors <strong>de</strong>venir une source significative <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> pour l’atmosphère (e.g. Oechel et al., 2000).<br />

Les tourbières arctiques ont accumulées approximativement 455 x 10 15 g <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong><br />

organique <strong>de</strong>puis la <strong>de</strong>rnière glaciation (Gorham, 1991), soit près d’un tiers <strong>de</strong> la quantité <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>carbone</strong> organique contenu dans <strong>les</strong> sols à l’échelle globale (Dixon et al., 1994). La majeur<br />

partie <strong>de</strong> ce <strong>carbone</strong> (~400 x 10 15 g C) se trouve actuellement emprisonnée dans le pergélisol<br />

(Davidson et Janssens, 2006; et références citées).<br />

Plusieurs étu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> récentes suggèrent que la mobilisation d’une partie du <strong>carbone</strong><br />

contenu dans <strong>les</strong> sols arctiques se fera sous forme dissoute par le réseau hydrographique<br />

(Freeman et al., 2001, 2004; Mack et al., 2004; Billett et al., 2004). En accord avec ces étu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>,<br />

Frey et Smith (2005) prévoient que la quantité <strong>de</strong> DOC exportée <strong>de</strong> la Sibérie vers l’Océan<br />

Arctique augmentera <strong>de</strong> 29 à 46% au cours du siècle présent. Ce scénario n’est pas<br />

<strong>sur</strong>prenant vu l’augmentation prévue du débit <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> rivières (jusqu’à 31%; Arnell, 2005) et la<br />

fonte progressive du pergélisol (Camill, 2005; Hinzman et al., 2005). Bien que la mobilisation<br />

du <strong>carbone</strong> « séquestré » n’a pas été détectée avec <strong>les</strong> analyses d’isotopes stab<strong>les</strong> du DOC<br />

dans <strong>les</strong> fleuves arctiques (Benner et al., 2004; Amon et Meon, 2004; Guo et Macdonald,<br />

2006), l’augmentation du débit <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> fleuves observée <strong>de</strong>puis <strong>les</strong> années 60 suggère une<br />

augmentation significative <strong>de</strong> l’export <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> écosystèmes terrestres vers l’océan<br />

(Figure I.1; Peterson et al., 2002, 2006; McClelland et al., 2006). Dans ce contexte, on peut se<br />

poser <strong>les</strong> questions suivantes :<br />

• Quel est le <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>tin <strong>de</strong> ce <strong>carbone</strong> organique dissous d’origine terrigène dans<br />

l’océan Arctique?<br />

• Quels sont <strong>les</strong> processus <strong>de</strong> dégradation dominants?<br />


Figure I.1. Anomalie débit d’eau douce (trait noir) <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> six plus grands<br />

fleuves sibériens qui se déchargent dans l’Océan Arctique <strong>de</strong>puis 1940.<br />

L’augmentation (7%) est corrélée à l’augmentation <strong>de</strong> la température <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>sur</strong>face à l’échelle globale (trait bleu), ainsi qu’avec l’indice climatique NAO 1<br />

(trait rouge) (source : Peterson et al., 2002).<br />

1 NAO: north atlantic oscillation. L’indice NAO décrit la variabilité <strong>de</strong> pression atmosphérique entre l’Islan<strong>de</strong><br />

et <strong>les</strong> Açores. Le NAO est positif quand la pression atmosphérique aux Açores est plus élevé que la normale et<br />

plus faible en Islan<strong>de</strong> que la normale.<br />


I.2.2. Importance <strong>de</strong> la photooxydation et impact <strong>de</strong> la fonte <strong>de</strong> la glace <strong>de</strong> mer et <strong>de</strong><br />

l’augmentation du rayonnement ultraviolet dans l’Arctique<br />

En raison <strong>de</strong> son caractère réfractaire, l’absence d’un fort signal indiquant la présence<br />

<strong>de</strong> matière organique dissoute d’origine terrigène (tDOM 1 ) dans l’océan (Meyers-Schulte et<br />

Hedges, 1986) intrigue <strong>les</strong> océanographes <strong>de</strong>puis <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> décennies (voir Hedges et al., 1997 et<br />

réf. citées). À l’ai<strong>de</strong> d’un traceur moléculaire caractéristique <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> végétaux terrestres, la lignine,<br />

Opsahl et Benner (1997) et Hernes et Benner (2002; 2006) ont estimé le temps moyen <strong>de</strong><br />

rési<strong>de</strong>nce <strong>de</strong> la tDOM à 21-93 et ~90 ans dans <strong>les</strong> océans Atlantique et Pacifique,<br />

respectivement, ce qui suggère une minéralisation relativement rapi<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> cette matière<br />

organique dans le milieu océanique.<br />

En 1977, Oliver C. Zafiriou suggérait que <strong>les</strong> processus photochimiques pouvaient<br />

jouer un rôle significatif dans le maintient <strong>de</strong> la transparence <strong>de</strong> l’eau <strong>de</strong> mer, et comme puits<br />

pour le DOC réfractaire dans l’océan. Ce n’est que récemment qu’on a pu mettre en<br />

évi<strong>de</strong>nce le rôle prépondérant que jouaient <strong>les</strong> réactions photochimiques dans la<br />

transformation et la minéralisation du DOC d’origine terrigène dans l’océan côtier (Kieber et<br />

al., 1990; Miller et Zepp, 1995; Amon et Benner, 1996; Opsahl et Benner 1998; Benner et<br />

Opsahl 2001; Hernes et Benner 2003). Puisque <strong>les</strong> processus photochimiques n’affectent que<br />

la couche superficielle <strong>de</strong> l’océan (i.e.

2003), <strong>les</strong>quels sont <strong>les</strong> principaux responsab<strong>les</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> réactions photochimiques en milieu<br />

aquatique (Zafiriou, 1977).<br />

On assiste <strong>de</strong>puis la fin <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> années 50 à une réduction <strong>de</strong> l’étendue du couvert estival<br />

<strong>de</strong> glace dans l’Arctique (Fig. I.2). La diminution observée est particulièrement importante en<br />

été, saison pendant laquelle l’étendue moyenne est passée <strong>de</strong> ~11 à ~7.5 10 6 km 2 en un <strong>de</strong>mi<br />

siècle. Cette tendance semble même s’accélérer d’après <strong>les</strong> observations satellita<strong>les</strong> qui ont<br />

enregistré une étendue minimale du couvert <strong>de</strong> glace pluriannuelle 1 durant quatre années<br />

consécutives <strong>de</strong>puis 2002 (Serreze et al., 2003; Stroeve et al., 2005; National Snow and Ice Data<br />

Center, 2006). En septembre 2005, le couvert <strong>de</strong> glace atteignait seulement ~5.5 10 6 km 2 , ce<br />

qui représente une réduction <strong>de</strong> l’ordre <strong>de</strong> 27% <strong>de</strong>puis le début <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> observations satellita<strong>les</strong>,<br />

il y a 26 ans (Figure I.3).<br />

Figure I.2. Observations <strong>de</strong> l’étendue moyenne du couvert <strong>de</strong> glace<br />

saisonnier au cours du 20 ième siècle (source <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données : ACIA, 2005). La<br />

diminution <strong>de</strong> la glace est plus importante au printemps et en été, qu’en<br />

automne et en hiver.<br />

1 La glace pluriannuelle est celle qui <strong>sur</strong>vit à au moins un cycle <strong>de</strong> gel-dégel. Elle est observée <strong>de</strong> manière<br />

distincte quand l’étendue du couvert est minimale en septembre.<br />


Figure I.3. Étendue <strong>de</strong> la banquise Arctique observée par satellite<br />

annuellement au mois <strong>de</strong> septembre entre 1979 et 2005. (Source <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données:<br />

National Snow and Ice Data Center, 2006).<br />

En parallèle au rétrécissement du couvert <strong>de</strong> glace, on assiste à une diminution <strong>de</strong> la<br />

concentration en ozone stratosphérique en réponse aux émissions anthropiques <strong>de</strong><br />

chlorofluorocarbures (CFC) qui, par une série <strong>de</strong> réactions chimiques avec <strong>les</strong> composés<br />

chlorés et bromés, conduit à la <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>truction <strong>de</strong> l’ozone stratosphérique. Entre 1979 et 2000, la<br />

concentration d’ozone a diminué <strong>de</strong> 11% en moyenne au printemps au <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>sus <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique<br />

(ACIA, 2005). L’augmentation du rayonnement ultraviolet reçu à la <strong>sur</strong>face en est une<br />

conséquence directe. La Figure I.4 montre un exemple <strong>de</strong> l’impact <strong>de</strong> l’ozone <strong>sur</strong><br />

l’éclairement UV reçu à la <strong>sur</strong>face <strong>de</strong> l’océan au midi solaire, à la latitu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> 70°N, durant le<br />

solstice d’été. Dans la littérature, le rayonnement ultraviolet comprend <strong>les</strong> longueurs d’on<strong>de</strong><br />

allant <strong>de</strong> 100 nm à 400 nm et se divise en trois sous-groupes : UV-C (100-280 nm), UV-B<br />

(280-315 nm) et UV-A (315-400 nm). Si l’ozone absorbe presque entièrement <strong>les</strong> UV-C, elle<br />

laisse pénétrer une partie <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> UV-B et n’affecte pratiquement pas <strong>les</strong> UV-A.<br />

En milieu aquatique, le rayonnement UV-B agit <strong>sur</strong> <strong>les</strong> cyc<strong>les</strong> biogéochimiques. Par<br />

exemple, il diminue la productivité primaire, accélère la décomposition du DOC et du<br />

tDOM, entraîne la production <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> gaz volati<strong>les</strong> et favorise le recyclage <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> micronutriments<br />

tel que le fer et le cuivre (voir la récente revue par Zepp et al., 2003). Gibson et al. (2000) se<br />


sont intéressés aux facteurs contrôlants l’exposition <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> microorganismes aquatiques aux<br />

radiations UV dans l’Arctique. Ils ont démontré que <strong>les</strong> variations <strong>de</strong> la concentration en<br />

matière organique dissoutes colorée (CDOM 1 ) jouent un rôle plus important que l’ozone <strong>sur</strong><br />

cette exposition. L’impact <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong> environnementaux <strong>sur</strong> <strong>les</strong> réactions<br />

photochimiques impliquant le CDOM reste cependant inexploré.<br />

Récemment, Amon et Meon (2004), en se basant <strong>sur</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> expériences <strong>de</strong><br />

photooxidation réalisées <strong>sur</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux provenant <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> fleuves Ob et Yenisei, confirmèrent la<br />

forte réactivité du CDOM, et suggèrent que « […] with reduced ice cover in the Arctic Ocean the fate<br />

of terrestrial DOM could be significantly different compared to present situation ». Ces diverses<br />

considérations m’amènent à formuler <strong>les</strong> questions suivantes :<br />

• Peut-on quantifier l’impact du rétrécissement du couvert <strong>de</strong> glace et <strong>de</strong><br />

l’augmentation du rayonnement UV-B <strong>sur</strong> la photooxidation du CDOM dans<br />

l’Arctique?<br />

• Quels sont <strong>les</strong> principaux facteurs (i.e. couvert <strong>de</strong> glace, UV-b, nébulosité,<br />

photoréactivité et concentration du CDOM) à prendre en compte?<br />

Figure I.4. Éclairement spectral dans <strong>les</strong> parties UV-A et UV-B pour trois<br />

concentrations en ozone tel<strong>les</strong> qu’indiquées <strong>sur</strong> la figure (DU = Dobson<br />

Units), et un exemple <strong>de</strong> ren<strong>de</strong>ment quantique apparent (voir la section<br />

suivante pour plus d’explications) exprimé en unités relatives, représentant la<br />

réactivité photochimique du CDOM en fonction <strong>de</strong> la longueur d’on<strong>de</strong><br />

(courbe grisée).<br />

1 CDOM : chromophoric dissolved organique matter. On quantifie sa concentration en me<strong>sur</strong>ant <strong>les</strong> propriétés<br />

d’absorption <strong>de</strong> l’eau <strong>de</strong> mer filtrée avec <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> filtres dont la porosité est d’environ 0.2 – 0.7 μm (on parlera du<br />

coefficient d’absorption du CDOM : a CDOM).<br />


I.2.3. Quantification <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> processus photochimiques<br />

Dans <strong>les</strong> bilans <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> globaux ou régionaux, il est primordial <strong>de</strong> quantifier <strong>les</strong><br />

<strong>flux</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> entre <strong>les</strong> réservoirs organique et inorganique, et particulaire et dissous. Dans<br />

le présent travail, je me suis intéressé à quantifier la transformation du <strong>carbone</strong> organique<br />

dissous (DOC) en <strong>carbone</strong> inorganique. Pour se faire, j’ai quantifié la production<br />

photochimique (i.e. photoproduction) <strong>de</strong> CO 2, le composé inorganique le plus important <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

réactions photochimiques en milieux aquatiques (e.g. Miller et Zepp 1995). En réalité, la<br />

photoproduction <strong>de</strong> CO 2 est légèrement inférieure à minéralisation du DOC par<br />

photooxydation en milieu marin (Miller et Zepp 1995; Miller et Moran, 1997; Gao et Zepp,<br />

1998; Mopper et Kieber, 2002). En effet, le CO 2 représente le produit final d’une série <strong>de</strong><br />

réactions physiques et chimiques déclanchés par l’absorption <strong>de</strong> l’énergie radiative par le<br />

CDOM (Zafiriou, 1977). Parmi <strong>les</strong> mécanismes connus conduisant à la production<br />

photochimique <strong>de</strong> CO 2, on retrouve la photo<strong>de</strong>carboxylation (Mi<strong>les</strong> et Brezonik, 1981;<br />

Budac et Wan, 1992), où <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> groupes carboxyliques (-COOH) rattachés à <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> chaînes <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>carbone</strong> organique sont clivés. Par ailleurs, il a récemment été démontré que le clivage <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

structures aromatiques <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> substances humiques 1 pouvait aussi être responsable <strong>de</strong> la<br />

production <strong>de</strong> CO 2 dans <strong>les</strong> eaux riches en DOC d’origine terrigène (Vähätalo et al., 1999;<br />

Xie et al., 2004). Si <strong>les</strong> processus exacts menant à la production <strong>de</strong> CO 2 sont complexes et<br />

toujours mal connus (Mopper et Kieber, 2002), il est néanmoins possible d’estimer la<br />

photooxydation du DOC en milieu marin si <strong>les</strong> paramètres suivant sont connus (Zafiriou,<br />

1977) (voir aussi encadré 1.1):<br />

• L’éclairement solaire inci<strong>de</strong>nt à la <strong>sur</strong>face <strong>de</strong> l’océan, E(λ), qui dépend<br />

principalement <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> conditions atmosphériques (concentration en H 2O, O 3, aérosol,<br />

nuage, etc);<br />

• le spectre du coefficient d’absorption <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> chromophores organiques dissous, a CDOM;<br />

• l’efficacité avec laquelle le CO 2 est produit suite à l’excitation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> chromophores par<br />

<strong>les</strong> photons absorbés, i.e. le ren<strong>de</strong>ment quantique apparent (AQY 2 ou φ).<br />

1 Substances humiques : mélange <strong>de</strong> matières organiques, <strong>de</strong> couleur foncée, fortement polymérisées, que l'on<br />

peut extraire <strong>de</strong> l'humus du sol par l'action <strong>de</strong> solutions alcalines diluées et qui sont précipitab<strong>les</strong> par <strong>les</strong> aci<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>.<br />

2 AQY: Apparent Quantum Yield.<br />


Encadré 1. Modèle <strong>de</strong> production photochimique <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> inorganique à partir du<br />

<strong>carbone</strong> organique dissous<br />

En milieu aquatique, le CO2 se dissous et forme <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> ions bicabonatés (H2CO3 et HCO3 -). L’ensemble<br />

forme le <strong>carbone</strong> inorganique dissous ou DIC1. Le taux <strong>de</strong> photoproduction <strong>de</strong> DIC, PDIC, à une<br />

profon<strong>de</strong>ur z et suite à l’absorption <strong>de</strong> photons <strong>de</strong> longueur d’on<strong>de</strong> λ, peut être exprimé<br />

mathématiquement par :<br />

0<br />

( λ , z)<br />

= E ( λ,<br />

z)<br />

a ( λ,<br />

z)<br />

φ ( λ,<br />

z)<br />

, (E.1)<br />


où E 0 est l’éclairement scalaire en mo<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong> photon m -2 s -1 (i.e., l’intégrale <strong>de</strong> l’énergie provenant <strong>de</strong><br />

toute <strong>les</strong> directions dans l’espace tridimensionnel), aCDOM est le coefficient d’absorption du CDOM en<br />

m -1(voir Encadré 2) et φDIC est le ren<strong>de</strong>ment quantique pour la photoproduction <strong>de</strong> DIC en mo<strong>les</strong><br />

DIC (mo<strong>les</strong> photon) -1. φDIC est le rapport entre le nombre <strong>de</strong> mo<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong> DIC produit par mo<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

photons absorbés par le CDOM.<br />

Dans le cadre <strong>de</strong> cette étu<strong>de</strong>, je m’intéresserai à la photoproduction intégrée dans toute la colonne<br />

d’eau (<strong>sur</strong> la verticale) par unité <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face. Comme on ne connaît pas la variabilité verticale <strong>de</strong> tous<br />

<strong>les</strong> paramètres <strong>de</strong> l’équation E.1, j’adopterai <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> hypothèses simplificatrices, sans perdre pour autant<br />

trop <strong>de</strong> précision. Tout d’abord, <strong>les</strong> propriétés optiques <strong>de</strong> l’eau <strong>de</strong> mer sont supposées homogènes<br />

dans la couche où <strong>les</strong> réactions photochimiques prennent place. Cette hypothèse est vali<strong>de</strong> tant que la<br />

couche <strong>de</strong> mélange est plus gran<strong>de</strong> que la couche éclairée par le rayonnement UV et bleu, et que φDIC<br />

est indépendant <strong>de</strong> l’intensité <strong>de</strong> E 0 (contrairement à la production primaire par exemple). Ainsi, il<br />

suffira <strong>de</strong> connaître la quantité d’énergie qui pénètre la <strong>sur</strong>face <strong>de</strong> l’océan et la fraction qui est<br />

absorbée par le CDOM dans la colonne d’eau. En abandonnant la dimension verticale, on peut<br />

réécrire plus simplement l’équation E.1 comme :<br />

− aCDOM<br />

( λ)<br />

PDIC ( λ) = Ed<br />

( λ,<br />

0 ) [ 1−<br />

R(<br />

λ)<br />

] φDIC<br />

( λ)<br />

, (E.2)<br />

at<br />

( λ)<br />

où Ed est l’éclairement <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cendant juste sous l’interface air-mer (indiqué par 0-), R est la réflectance<br />

<strong>de</strong> l’océan (i.e. le pourcentage d’énergie rétrodiffusée vers l’atmosphère, voir Encadré 2) et at est le<br />

coefficient d’absorption totale <strong>de</strong> tout <strong>les</strong> constituants optiquement efficaces (i.e. l’eau <strong>de</strong> mer pure,<br />

<strong>les</strong> particu<strong>les</strong> détritiques et minéra<strong>les</strong>, le phytoplancton et le CDOM). Dans la plupart <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> conditions<br />

océaniques, le facteur [1-R] approche 1 et peut donc être abandonné. Enfin, en intégrant l’équation<br />

E.2 dans le domaine spectral photochimiquement efficace, i.e. entre 290 nm et 600 nm, on obtient la<br />

production intégrée <strong>de</strong> DIC dans la colonne d’eau,<br />

600<br />

− aCDOM<br />

( λ)<br />

PDIC = ∫ Ed<br />

( λ,<br />

0 ) φDIC<br />

( λ)<br />

dλ<br />

. (E.3)<br />

λ=<br />

290<br />

a ( λ)<br />

Parmi <strong>les</strong> paramètres <strong>de</strong> l’Eq. E.3, le ren<strong>de</strong>ment quantique apparent pour la<br />

photoproduction <strong>de</strong> CO 2 (ou DIC), φ DIC(λ), est <strong>de</strong> loin le moins bien connu. Le manque <strong>de</strong><br />

données <strong>sur</strong> φ DIC dans <strong>les</strong> eaux océaniques s’explique par <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> difficultés expérimenta<strong>les</strong><br />

diffici<strong>les</strong> à <strong>sur</strong>monter. Tout d’abord, étant donné que la concentration <strong>de</strong> DIC dans l’eau <strong>de</strong><br />

mer s’éleve à ~2000 μM, une production photochimique <strong>de</strong> moins <strong>de</strong> 10 μM <strong>de</strong> DIC<br />

1 DIC: dissolved inorganic carbon.<br />

13<br />


(pendant une expérience d’une durée <strong>de</strong> ~12 h) s’avère indétectable (Johannessen, 2000). Les<br />

premières me<strong>sur</strong>es <strong>de</strong> φ DIC(λ) proviennent donc <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux douces récoltées soit dans <strong>les</strong><br />

rivières (Gao et Zepp, 1998), soit dans <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> lacs (Vähätalo et al., 2000) où <strong>les</strong> concentrations<br />

initia<strong>les</strong> en DIC sont faib<strong>les</strong>, ce qui rend possible la me<strong>sur</strong>e directe <strong>de</strong> la production<br />

photochimique <strong>de</strong> DIC. Gao et Zepp (1998) ont publié <strong>les</strong> premières valeurs <strong>de</strong> φ DIC à trois<br />

longueurs d’on<strong>de</strong> dans la partie UV du spectre (290, 350, et 390 nm) pour <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux très<br />

riches en DOC provenant <strong>de</strong> la rivière Satilla (Georgia, USA). Vähätalo et al. (2000) ont<br />

proposé une métho<strong>de</strong> pour estimer le spectre <strong>de</strong> φ DIC à partir d’incubation in situ à différentes<br />

profon<strong>de</strong>urs. Grâce à un modèle spectral <strong>de</strong> propagation <strong>de</strong> la lumière couplé à un modèle<br />

<strong>de</strong> photooxidation, la photoproduction <strong>de</strong> DIC est calculée en exprimant φ DIC(λ)=x x 10 yλ .<br />

Les coefficients x et y sont retrouvés en minimisant la différence entre <strong>les</strong> productions<br />

calculées et me<strong>sur</strong>ées (par une procédure d’optimisation mathématique). La métho<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

Vähätalo et al. (2000), qui <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> temps d’incubation in situ <strong>de</strong> l’ordre d’une semaine,<br />

n’est pas adaptée aux applications océanographiques où le temps passé à une station<br />

d’échantillonnage est relativement court (souvent

I.2.4. La télédétection <strong>de</strong> la couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan : un outil <strong>de</strong> choix pour quantifier <strong>les</strong><br />

processus photochimiques aux échel<strong>les</strong> océaniques<br />

Durant <strong>les</strong> étés <strong>de</strong> 1967 et 1968, <strong>les</strong> chercheurs américains George L. Clarke, Gifford<br />

C. Ewing et Carl J. Lorenzen effectuaient <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>sur</strong>vols <strong>de</strong>puis Cape Cod jusqu’à la mer <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

Sargasses à bord d’un avion équipé d’un spectromètre me<strong>sur</strong>ant la lumière rétrodiffusée par<br />

l’océan. Ainsi <strong>les</strong> premiers spectres <strong>de</strong> lumière sortant <strong>de</strong> la mer étaient me<strong>sur</strong>és à distance; la<br />

télédétection <strong>de</strong> la couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan voyait le jour. Avec <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> me<strong>sur</strong>es in situ simultanées <strong>de</strong><br />

concentration en chlorophylle a, Clarke et al. (1970) démontraient la possibilité d’utiliser la<br />

télédétection pour cartographier, <strong>de</strong>puis l’espace, la distribution <strong>de</strong> ce pigment à <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> échel<strong>les</strong><br />

spatia<strong>les</strong> encore jamais explorées à cette époque. Pour expliquer <strong>les</strong> anomalies <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> spectres<br />

ne pouvant pas être attribuées à la chlorophylle a, Clarke et al. (1970) suggéraient entre autre<br />

la présence <strong>de</strong> particu<strong>les</strong> en suspension et <strong>de</strong> « biochromes ». Ces travaux pionniers<br />

ouvraient la voie, avec le lancement en octobre 1978 du satellite Nimbus-7 équipé du capteur<br />

Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) (Hovis et al., 1980; Gordon et al., 1980), à la télédétection<br />

spatiale <strong>de</strong> la couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan. Depuis, <strong>les</strong> applications utilisant <strong>les</strong> données « couleur <strong>de</strong><br />

l’océan » acquises <strong>de</strong>puis l’espace se sont multipliées. Ne sont citées ici que <strong>les</strong> plus<br />

courantes : étu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> la distribution spatiale et <strong>de</strong> l’évolution temporelle <strong>de</strong> la biomasse<br />

phytoplanctonique aux échel<strong>les</strong> régionale et globale, production primaire à l’échelle globale,<br />

étu<strong>de</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> structures physiques océaniques tels <strong>les</strong> tourbillons et <strong>les</strong> méandres du Gulf Stream.<br />

À l’heure actuelle, on compte neuf capteurs en orbite autour <strong>de</strong> la terre qui fournissent <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

données <strong>de</strong> façon quasi-continue (voir site internet <strong>de</strong> l’IOCCG 1 ).<br />

En 1997, Cullen et al. proposaient l’idée d’utiliser <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan<br />

pour estimer l’atténuation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> UV en milieu marin afin <strong>de</strong> quantifier <strong>les</strong> <strong>flux</strong> photochimiques<br />

et <strong>les</strong> dommages causés par <strong>les</strong> UV aux microorganismes planctoniques. Quelques années<br />

plus tard, Johannessen (2000) développait une métho<strong>de</strong> empirique pour estimer l’atténuation<br />

diffuse (voir Encadré 2) <strong>de</strong> la lumière dans l’UV à partir <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> me<strong>sur</strong>es du capteur SeaWiFS<br />

(Sea Wi<strong>de</strong> Field-of-View Sensor), un capteur en orbite <strong>de</strong>puis septembre 1997. Les valeurs du<br />

coefficient d’atténuation diffuse dans l’UV permettaient ainsi d’i<strong>de</strong>ntifier trois types d’eaux le<br />

long <strong>de</strong> la côte Est américaine, pour <strong>les</strong>quel<strong>les</strong> <strong>les</strong> spectres <strong>de</strong> φ DIC(λ) avaient été déterminés<br />

(Johannessen et Miller, 2001). Il s’agissait là <strong>de</strong> la première tentative d’utiliser la télédétection<br />

1 IOCCG : International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group, www.ioccg.org/sensors/current.html .<br />


<strong>de</strong> la couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan comme un outil pour la quantification <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> processus<br />

photochimiques. Plus récemment, Cédric G. Fichot proposait une métho<strong>de</strong> statistique<br />

robuste permettant d’estimer, à partir <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données SeaWiFS, l’atténuation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> UV,<br />

l’absorption du CDOM et le taux <strong>de</strong> photoproduction <strong>de</strong> monoxy<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> dans la<br />

colonne d’eau à l’échelle globale. Les travaux <strong>de</strong> Fichot (2004), bien que peu connus,<br />

représentent probablement le meilleur exemple <strong>de</strong> l’utilité <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan<br />

pour l’estimation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>flux</strong> photochimiques à partir <strong>de</strong> l’espace. Il s’agit, néanmoins, d’une<br />

application encore peu exploitée dont le plein potentiel reste à découvrir.<br />

Les données couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan peuvent servir à améliorer la quantification <strong>de</strong><br />

la photoproduction <strong>de</strong> CO 2 (ou DIC) dans l’Arctique. Cependant, l’exploitation <strong>de</strong> ces<br />

données dans <strong>les</strong> régions polaires pose plusieurs problèmes qui <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>nt <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> étu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> plus<br />

approfondies. Dans le cas <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique, on peut mentionner :<br />

1) le manque <strong>de</strong> connaissance <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> propriétés optiques <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux Arctiques, plus<br />

particulièrement <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> plateaux continentaux, et l’absence d’algorithmes pour<br />

estimer le CDOM;<br />

2) la présence <strong>de</strong> glace <strong>de</strong> mer qui empêche la télédétection <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> propriétés optiques <strong>de</strong><br />

l’eau sous-jacente et complique celle <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux environnantes;<br />

3) l’éclairement solaire faible, voire nul, pour la majeur partie <strong>de</strong> l’année limite la<br />

pério<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> détection entre mai et août;<br />

4) l’angle zénithal solaire 1 élevé qui représente un problème particulier pour l’estimation<br />

<strong>de</strong> la contribution <strong>de</strong> l’atmosphère au signal me<strong>sur</strong>é au niveau du satellite, laquelle est<br />

essentielle afin <strong>de</strong> retrouver le signal marin.<br />

Dans mon travail <strong>de</strong> thèse, j’ai examiné <strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux premiers points. Je présenterai d’abord une<br />

revue <strong>de</strong> la littérature <strong>sur</strong> <strong>les</strong> propriétés optiques me<strong>sur</strong>ées dans <strong>les</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique. Je<br />

montrerai pourquoi il est difficile d’estimer le coefficient d’absorption du CDOM à partir <strong>de</strong><br />

la télédétection. Enfin, j’expliquerai comment la glace <strong>de</strong> mer peut ruiner la qualité <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

données couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan.<br />

1 L’angle zénithal solaire est l’angle qui se me<strong>sur</strong>e entre la normale sortant <strong>de</strong> la <strong>sur</strong>face <strong>de</strong> la mer et la direction<br />

du soleil. Un angle <strong>de</strong> 0° correspond à un soleil au zénith.<br />


I.2.4.1. Propriétés optiques <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux arctiques et algorithmes pour l’estimation du<br />

coefficient d’absorption du CDOM<br />

Les premières me<strong>sur</strong>es optiques réalisées dans l’océan Arctique ont été rapportées<br />

par Raymond C. Smith en 1973, qui a déterminé <strong>les</strong> valeurs spectra<strong>les</strong> du coefficient<br />

d’atténuation diffuse, K d(λ) et d’atténuation (c(λ)) (voir encadré 2). Dans la partie verte du<br />

spectre, ces valeurs s’avéraient comparab<strong>les</strong> aux eaux <strong>les</strong> plus claires connues à l’époque.<br />

Avec ces me<strong>sur</strong>es, toutes réalisées sous le couvert <strong>de</strong> glace en mai, on a longtemps cru que<br />

<strong>les</strong> eaux arctiques faisaient partie <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux <strong>les</strong> plus transparentes au mon<strong>de</strong>.<br />

Il a fallu attendre plus <strong>de</strong> quinze ans avant que d’autres me<strong>sur</strong>es spectra<strong>les</strong> soient<br />

réalisées dans l’Arctique. Topliss et al. (1989) ont analysé <strong>les</strong> me<strong>sur</strong>es <strong>de</strong> K d(λ) acquises dans<br />

le nord <strong>de</strong> la Baie <strong>de</strong> Baffin (Ouest du Groënland) suggérant que ces eaux diffèrent <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux<br />

du Cas 1 tel<strong>les</strong> que définies par Morel et Prieur (1977). Topliss et al. (1989) ont noté que le<br />

coefficient <strong>de</strong> diffusion <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> particu<strong>les</strong> était plus élevé que pour <strong>les</strong> eaux du Cas 1, et que la<br />

contribution <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> produits <strong>de</strong> dégradation était relativement importante. Peu après, <strong>les</strong><br />

données <strong>de</strong> K d(λ) acquises dans la Mer <strong>de</strong> Barents et dans le détroit <strong>de</strong> Fram (Fram Strait),<br />

publiées par Mitchell (1992), montraient clairement la présence d’un fort signal provenant <strong>de</strong><br />

matière non-corrélée avec le phytoplancton (voir Figure 3 <strong>de</strong> Mitchell, 1992). En comparant<br />

ces observations avec d’autres faites en Antarctique, Mitchell (1992) concluait que <strong>les</strong> eaux<br />

<strong>de</strong> l’Arctique étaient probablement plus influencées par le CDOM d’origine terrigène. Cette<br />

hypothèse a largement été vérifiée récemment grâce aux me<strong>sur</strong>es in situ <strong>de</strong> fluorescence 1 du<br />

CDOM (F CDOM) et d’absorption du CDOM (a CDOM) réalisées dans différents secteurs <strong>de</strong><br />

l’Arctique :<br />

• Arctique central (F CDOM, Guay et al., 1999; a CDOM Pegau 2002);<br />

• Détroit <strong>de</strong> Fram (F CDOM, Amon et al., 2003);<br />

• Mers <strong>de</strong> Chukchi et Beaufort (a CDOM, Wang et al., 2005a; F CDOM et a CDOM,Guéguen et al.,<br />

2005);<br />

• Polynie <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux du Nord (a CDOM, Scully et Miller, 2000).<br />

1 Une fraction <strong>de</strong> l’énergie absorbée par le CDOM fait passer <strong>les</strong> électrons d’un chromophore à un niveau<br />

d’énergie supérieur. En retournant très rapi<strong>de</strong>ment à leur niveau d’énergie initial, ces molécu<strong>les</strong> émettent <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

photons. C’est la fluorescence. La fluorescence du CDOM est souvent utilisée pour estimer la concentration en<br />

DOC (e.g. Vodacek et al.,1997; Ferrari, 2000; Guay et al., 1999; Amon et al., 2003)<br />


Dans la partie Ouest <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique, i.e. la région qui nous intéressera dans cette thèse<br />

(Chap. 2), <strong>les</strong> étu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>de</strong> Pegau (2002), Wang et al., (2005a) et Guéguen et al. (2005) ont<br />

confirmé que l’absorption dans la partie bleue du spectre était largement dominée par le<br />

CDOM. Pegau (2002) attribue <strong>les</strong> fortes valeurs <strong>de</strong> a CDOM dans <strong>les</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face à<br />

l’abondance <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> apports terrigènes et <strong>les</strong> faib<strong>les</strong> taux <strong>de</strong> photooxydation dans ces eaux<br />

couvertes <strong>de</strong> glace.<br />

Une forte absorption <strong>de</strong> la lumière par le CDOM caractérise <strong>les</strong> propriétés<br />

optiques <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux Arctiques; par rapport aux autres bassins océaniques (e.g., Barnard et al.,<br />

1998). Il est reconnu que la présence <strong>de</strong> CDOM d’origine terrigène influence la réflectance<br />

<strong>de</strong> la mer (e.g., Car<strong>de</strong>r et al., 1989, 1991), et que l’estimation <strong>de</strong> a CDOM à partir <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> images<br />

satellita<strong>les</strong> est possible (e.g., Sathyendranath et al., 1989). Cependant aucune métho<strong>de</strong> n’est<br />

actuellement disponible pour estimer a CDOM à partir du spectre <strong>de</strong> réflectance. Or il s’agit d’un<br />

paramètre nécessaire, avec le coefficient d’absorption totale (en fait, le rapport [a CDOM/a t]),<br />

pour quantifier <strong>les</strong> <strong>flux</strong> photochimiques (Eq. E.2).<br />


Encadré 2. Définition <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> propriétés optiques inhérentes et apparentes<br />

En optique marine il est utile <strong>de</strong> distinguer <strong>les</strong> propriétés optiques dites inhérentes et apparentes.<br />

Cette distinction fut proposée par Preisendorfer (1961) afin <strong>de</strong> faciliter l’interprétation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> me<strong>sur</strong>es<br />

optiques et <strong>de</strong> la théorie du transfert radiatif en milieu marin. Les propriétés inhérentes (IOP1) sont<br />

indépendantes <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong> dans la distribution du champ radiatif et ne dépen<strong>de</strong>nt que <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

propriétés intrinsèques <strong>de</strong> la matière. Il s’agit <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> coefficients d’absorption (a) et <strong>de</strong> l’indicatrice<br />

angulaire <strong>de</strong> diffusion (β(ψ, Φ); avec ψ, l’angle <strong>de</strong> diffusion, compris entre 0 et π, et Φ, l’angle<br />

azimutal compris entre 0 et 2π). Le coefficient <strong>de</strong> diffusion (b) se calcule en intégrant l’indicatrice <strong>de</strong><br />

diffusion dans toutes <strong>les</strong> directions :<br />

∫<br />

π<br />

b ( λ)<br />

= 2π<br />

β ( λ,<br />

ψ ) sin( ψ ) dψ<br />

(E.4)<br />

0<br />

Le coefficient <strong>de</strong> rétrodiffusion (bb) se calcule <strong>de</strong> la même manière, mais en n’intégrant que la partie<br />

arrière <strong>de</strong> β, i.e. avec π/2 < ψ < π. La somme <strong>de</strong> a et b donne le coefficient d’atténuation (c). a, b et c<br />

varient en fonction <strong>de</strong> la longueur d’on<strong>de</strong> (λ) et l’unité <strong>de</strong> me<strong>sur</strong>e est le m -1. Dans <strong>les</strong> eaux naturel<strong>les</strong>,<br />

<strong>les</strong> IOP tota<strong>les</strong> peuvent être obtenues en additionnant <strong>les</strong> coefficients <strong>de</strong> l’eau pure, du<br />

phytoplancton, <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> détritus, <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> particu<strong>les</strong> minéra<strong>les</strong>, et du CDOM.<br />

Les propriétés optiques apparentes (AOP1) dépen<strong>de</strong>nt à la fois <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> IOP et <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong> dans la<br />

distribution du champ radiatif (e.g., élévation du soleil, présence <strong>de</strong> nuages, état <strong>de</strong> la <strong>sur</strong>face <strong>de</strong> la<br />

mer). Les AOP s’obtiennent par la combinaison <strong>de</strong> quantité d’énergie me<strong>sur</strong>able tels l’éclairement (E)<br />

et la luminance (L). La luminance est le rayonnement électromagnétique enregistré dans <strong>de</strong> petits<br />

ang<strong>les</strong> soli<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> pointés <strong>sur</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> directions données, alors que l’éclairement est l’intégrale <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

luminances dans un espace tridimensionnel donné. Par exemple, l’éclairement <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cendant, Ed(λ),<br />

me<strong>sur</strong>é par un capteur cosinus est<br />

2π<br />

π / 2<br />

∫ = 0 ∫ =<br />

Ed ( λ) = L(<br />

θ,<br />

ϕ,<br />

λ)<br />

cosθ<br />

sinθdθdϕ<br />

(E.5)<br />

ϕ<br />

θ 0<br />

où θ et ϕ représentent <strong>les</strong> ang<strong>les</strong> zénithaux et azimutaux respectivement. L’éclairement ascendant,<br />

Eu(λ), se calcule <strong>de</strong> la même façon mais en intégrant L avec θ allant <strong>de</strong> π/2 à π. Le coefficient<br />

d’atténuation diffus, Kd(λ) est souvent utilisé en optique marine pour désigner le taux <strong>de</strong> décroissance<br />

verticale <strong>de</strong> Ed(λ) dans la colonne d’eau :<br />

d ln( Ed<br />

( λ))<br />

K d ( λ) = − (m<br />

dz<br />

-1). (E.6)<br />

Pour quantifier <strong>les</strong> variations spectra<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong> la couleur <strong>de</strong> la mer, on fait référence à la réflectance qui<br />

se calcule soit comme le rapport entre l’éclairement montant et l’éclairement <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cendant (sans unité):<br />

Eu<br />

( λ)<br />

R ( λ)<br />

= , (E.7)<br />

E ( λ)<br />

d<br />

soit comme le rapport entre la luminance sortant <strong>de</strong> l’eau (Lw) dans une direction donnée (θ, ϕ) et<br />

l’éclairement <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cendant qui est en quelque sorte une réflectance « directionnelle » (en anglais remote<br />

sensing reflenctance):<br />

Lw<br />

( λ,<br />

θ , ϕ)<br />

R rs ( λ)<br />

= . (sr<br />

E ( λ)<br />

-1) (E.8)<br />

d<br />

À partir d’un jeu limité <strong>de</strong> données acquises dans <strong>les</strong> mers <strong>de</strong> Chukchi et <strong>de</strong> Beaufort,<br />

Wang et Cota (2003) ont évalué <strong>de</strong>ux algorithmes permettant <strong>de</strong> retrouver <strong>les</strong> IOP <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

1 IOP and AOP : Inherent and Apparent Optical Property.<br />


principaux constituants <strong>de</strong> l’eau. Ces métho<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>, dites semi-analytiques, se basent <strong>sur</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

formes simplifiées <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> équations du transfert radiatif qui relient la réflectance <strong>de</strong> la mer aux<br />

IOP (voir encadré 3 et aussi Mobley, 1994). Les algorithmes semi-analytiques <strong>de</strong> Lee et al.<br />

(1999, 2001) et <strong>de</strong> Maritorena et al. (2002) testés par Wang et Cota (2003) se sont avérés<br />

fiab<strong>les</strong> pour l’estimation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> coefficients d’absorption du phytoplancton et <strong>de</strong> rétrodiffusion<br />

<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> particu<strong>les</strong> en suspension, mais peu performantes quant à l’estimation du coefficient<br />

d’absorption par <strong>les</strong> matières détritiques colorées (CDM 1 ). En effet, la plupart <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> métho<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

d’inversion regroupent le a CDOM avec l’absorption par <strong>les</strong> particu<strong>les</strong> non-alga<strong>les</strong> (NAPs)<br />

(a CDM=a CDOM+a NAP) en raison <strong>de</strong> la similarité <strong>de</strong> leur spectre d’absorption. Ceux-ci peuvent<br />

être décris avec une fonction exponentielle du type (Bricaud et al., 1981; Roesler et al., 1989),<br />

−S<br />

( λ−λ0<br />

)<br />

a cdm = acdm<br />

( λ0<br />

) e<br />

(I.1)<br />

où λ 0 est la longueur d’on<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> référence et le paramètre S est connu comme étant la pente<br />

spectrale. Seigel et al. (2002) publiaient récemment <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> cartes <strong>de</strong> distribution globale <strong>de</strong> l’a CDM<br />

(dont la variabilité était attribuée principalement au CDOM qui représente en moyenne<br />

~82% du a CDM) qui apportèrent <strong>de</strong> nouveaux indices <strong>sur</strong> <strong>les</strong> processus régulant sa<br />

concentration dans <strong>les</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face (i.e. transport vertical, blanchiment). Dans l’objectif<br />

d’utiliser <strong>les</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan pour l’étu<strong>de</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> processus<br />

photochimiques, il est essentiel <strong>de</strong> distinguer a CDOM <strong>de</strong> a NAP. Parmi <strong>les</strong> 12 algorithmes<br />

semi-analytiques récemment évalués par l’IOCCG (2005) pour estimer <strong>les</strong> IOPs, aucun ne<br />

permettait <strong>de</strong> faire cette distinction. Quelques étu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> ont proposé <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> algorithmes<br />

empiriques régionaux pour estimer a CDOM (Kahru et Michtell, 2001; D’Sa et Miller, 2003;<br />

Johannessen et al., 2003; Kowalczuk et al. 2005). Cependant, dans <strong>les</strong> eaux côtières<br />

optiquement complexes où la contribution <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> NAPs à l’absorption peut être supérieure à<br />

celle du CDOM (Babin et al., 2003b), <strong>les</strong> algorithmes empiriques sont en général peu fiab<strong>les</strong><br />

(IOCCG, 2006). Enfin pour pouvoir calculer la photoproduction <strong>de</strong> DIC intégrée dans la<br />

colonne d’eau (encadré E.1), il nous faudra connaître le rapport entre l’absorption du<br />

CDOM et l’absorption totale. Par conséquent, une métho<strong>de</strong> pour estimer la contribution<br />

du CDOM à l’absorption totale se doit d’être mise au point pour améliorer <strong>les</strong><br />

estimations du taux <strong>de</strong> photoproduction <strong>de</strong> DIC intégrée dans la colonne d’eau.<br />

1 CDM : colored <strong>de</strong>trital material.<br />


Encadré 3. Modè<strong>les</strong> semi-analytiques <strong>de</strong> réflectance <strong>de</strong> la mer.<br />

Des solutions numériques (e.g. Monte Carlo) aux équations <strong>de</strong> transfert radiatif permettent <strong>de</strong><br />

déduire <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> relations simplifiées entre <strong>les</strong> IOPs et <strong>les</strong> AOPs (Gordon et al., 1975; Morel et Prieur,<br />

1977). Plusieurs auteurs ont proposé <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> expressions simplifiées pour exprimer la réflectance (Rrs;<br />

voir encadré 2), en fonction du rapport bb/a+bb en se basant <strong>sur</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> analyses théoriques et <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

simulations numériques. Les plus connues ont été proposées par Morel et ses collègues (Morel et<br />

Gentili, 1991, 1993, 1996; Loisel et Morel, 2001; Morel et al., 2002),<br />

− f ⎛ bb<br />

⎞ f ' ⎛ bb<br />

⎞<br />

R = ⎜ ⎟ = ⎜<br />

⎟<br />

rs ( 0 )<br />

(E.9)<br />

Q ⎝ a ⎠ Q ⎝ a + bb<br />

⎠<br />

et par Gordon et al. (1988a),<br />

− ⎛ bb<br />

⎞ ⎛ bb<br />

⎞<br />

R ( 0 ) = 1 ⎜<br />

⎟ + 2 ⎜<br />

⎟<br />

rs g g<br />

, (E.10)<br />

⎝ a + bb<br />

⎠ ⎝ a + bb<br />

⎠<br />

où <strong>les</strong> facteurs f/Q et f’/Q dépen<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong> la géométrie <strong>de</strong> visé, <strong>de</strong> l’angle zénithal solaire et <strong>de</strong> la<br />

concentration en chlorophylle (valable pour <strong>les</strong> eaux du Cas 1; Morel et al., 2002), et g1 et g2 sont <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

constantes (0.0949, 0.0794; Gordon et al., 1988a). Plusieurs modè<strong>les</strong> d’inversion utilisés en<br />

télédétection <strong>de</strong> la couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan, i.e. <strong>les</strong> modè<strong>les</strong> permettant <strong>de</strong> retrouver <strong>les</strong> IOPs à partir <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

me<strong>sur</strong>es d’AOPs, s’appuient <strong>sur</strong> la relation proposée par Gordon et al., (1988a). On peut citer à titre<br />

d’exemple <strong>les</strong> métho<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> : d’optimisation spectrale <strong>de</strong> Garver et Siegel (1997) et <strong>de</strong> Lee et al., (1996;<br />

1999); d’inversion matricielle <strong>de</strong> Hoge et al. (1995) et <strong>de</strong> Hoge et Lyon (1996); et d’algorithme quasianalytique<br />

<strong>de</strong> Lee et al. (2002).<br />

Les IOP <strong>de</strong> l’équation E.10 sont simplement la somme <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> IOP <strong>de</strong> chacun <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> constituants <strong>de</strong> l’eau.<br />

En générale, l’absorption est<br />

a = a + a + a = a + a + a + a<br />

(E.11)<br />

w<br />

p<br />

CDOM<br />

où <strong>les</strong> indices w, p, NAP, phy et CDOM représentent, l’eau, <strong>les</strong> particu<strong>les</strong>, <strong>les</strong> particu<strong>les</strong> non-alga<strong>les</strong>,<br />

le phytoplancton et le CDOM, respectivement. Quant à la rétrodiffusion, on fait la somme entre <strong>les</strong><br />

coefficients <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> particu<strong>les</strong> et <strong>de</strong> l’eau pure :<br />

b = b + b<br />

(E.12)<br />

b<br />

bw<br />

21<br />

w<br />

bp<br />

NAP<br />

2<br />

phy<br />


I.2.4.2. La glace <strong>de</strong> mer : un problème pour la télédétection <strong>de</strong> la couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan<br />

La télédétection <strong>de</strong> la couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan dans <strong>les</strong> hautes latitu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> fait face à un<br />

problème additionnel, comparé aux basses et moyennes latitu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>, directement lié à la<br />

présence <strong>de</strong> glace <strong>de</strong> mer. En effet, la glace <strong>de</strong> mer est la plupart du temps recouverte <strong>de</strong><br />

neige pouvant réfléchir plus <strong>de</strong> 90% <strong>de</strong> la lumière visible et du proche-infrarouge inci<strong>de</strong>nte<br />

(e.g. Grenfell et Maykut, 1977; Perovich et al., 1998, 2002). En comparaison, l’océan réfléchi<br />

en général moins ~10% <strong>de</strong> la lumière dans le visible, et moins <strong>de</strong> 3% <strong>de</strong> la lumière du proche<br />

infrarouge (e.g. Morel, 1988; Morel et Maritorena, 2001). À l’époque du capteur CZCS, cette<br />

différence <strong>de</strong> réflectance causait <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> problèmes pour la télédétection <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux le long <strong>de</strong> la<br />

glace en « aveuglant » <strong>les</strong> détecteurs du capteur (Comiso et al., 1990). L’amélioration <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

performances radiométriques <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> nouveaux capteurs (e.g., le capteur SeaWiFS; Gordon et<br />

Wang, 1994) permet aujourd’hui <strong>de</strong> faire <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> observations même à proximité <strong>de</strong> la glace <strong>de</strong><br />

mer (Wang et al., 2005b). Cependant, la présence <strong>de</strong> glace génère <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> problèmes d’autres<br />

natures. En comparant <strong>les</strong> estimations <strong>de</strong> chlorophylle a obtenues par SeaWiFS avec <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

me<strong>sur</strong>es in situ couvrant la plupart <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> bassins océaniques, Gregg et Casey (2004) ont<br />

i<strong>de</strong>ntifié un biais <strong>de</strong> l’ordre <strong>de</strong> 100% dans <strong>les</strong> eaux situées en marge <strong>de</strong> l’océan Arctique (mer<br />

<strong>de</strong> Barents), soit la pire performance <strong>de</strong> SeaWiFS à l’échelle régionale. Pour expliquer cette<br />

piètre performance, ces auteurs suggéraient que « […] contamination by drifting, subpixel-scale sea<br />

ice un<strong>de</strong>tected in the processing algorithms […] » <strong>de</strong>vait en être la cause. Pour illustrer le problème,<br />

j’ai représenté schématiquement <strong>les</strong> trajectoires possib<strong>les</strong> d’un photon émis par le soleil par<br />

temps dégagé, dans un système atmosphère-océan influencé par la présence <strong>de</strong> glace <strong>de</strong> mer<br />

(Fig. I.5). En plus <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> trajectoires connues, et prises en compte dans le traitement <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

données couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan (voir encadré 4), la glace <strong>de</strong> mer peut contribuer au signal détecté<br />

au niveau du satellite <strong>de</strong> façon 1) directe, quand, <strong>de</strong> taille bien inférieure à celle d’un pixel,<br />

elle se trouve à l’intérieure dans un pixel (contamination sub-pixel), ou 2) indirecte, quand<br />

elle se trouve à proximité et que la lumière qu’elle réfléchie est redirigée par diffusion vers le<br />

capteur qui vise un pixel occupé que par <strong>de</strong> l’eau (effet dit <strong>de</strong> l’environnement; Tanré et al.,<br />

1979, 1981).<br />

L’impact <strong>de</strong> la contamination <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan par la glace <strong>de</strong><br />

mer n’a jamais fait l’objet d’étu<strong>de</strong>. Ayant comme objectif d’utiliser <strong>les</strong> données acquises<br />

par télédétection pour estimer le taux <strong>de</strong> photoproduction <strong>de</strong> DIC dans <strong>les</strong> eaux arctiques,<br />


une étu<strong>de</strong> dédiée au problème spécifique que pose la glace <strong>de</strong> mer vis-à-vis <strong>de</strong> l’exploitation<br />

<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan, était nécessaire.<br />

Figure I.5. Trajectoires possib<strong>les</strong> dans le système atmosphère-océan pour un<br />

photon émis par le soleil par temps dégagé (voir aussi encadré 4). De la<br />

quantité <strong>de</strong> photon diffusée dans l’océan qui parvient à sortir <strong>de</strong> l’océan en<br />

direction du satellite (a; L w), une partie sera transmise à travers l’atmosphère<br />

jusqu’au capteur (b) alors que l’autre partie sera perdue par diffusion ou<br />

absorption dans l’atmosphère (c). Certains photons en provenance du soleil<br />

sont transmis directement (d) ou indirectement (e) dans le champ <strong>de</strong> visée du<br />

capteur après avoir été réfléchis <strong>de</strong> façon spéculaire par l’interface air-mer (L r,<br />

en anglais sun glint ou glitter). Comme pour L w, une partie sera transmise (g) et<br />

l’autre sera perdue dans l’atmosphère (f). Dans la partie visible du spectre,<br />

plus <strong>de</strong> 90% <strong>de</strong> l’énergie reçue au satellite provient <strong>de</strong> l’atmosphère (L p) et<br />

comprend : <strong>les</strong> photons diffusés une (h) ou plusieurs (i) fois par <strong>les</strong><br />

molécu<strong>les</strong> ou <strong>les</strong> aérosols atmosphériques. Dans <strong>les</strong> régions polaires où la<br />

glace <strong>de</strong> mer est présente, il faut ajouter à ce schéma la contribution <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

photons réfléchis par la glace à l’extérieur du champ <strong>de</strong> visée qui sont<br />

redirigés vers le capteur (l; effet <strong>de</strong> l’environnement). Enfin, quand la glace<br />

se trouvant dans le champ <strong>de</strong> visée du capteur, une partie <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> photons qu’elle<br />

réfléchira sera transmise (m; contamination sub-pixel) et l’autre sera<br />

perdue dans l’atmosphère (n). Les contributions indirectes (l) et directes (m)<br />

posent problème puisqu’el<strong>les</strong> ne sont pas prises en compte dans le traitement<br />

<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan.<br />


Encadré 4. Introduction au traitement <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan<br />

Un instrument dédié à la télédétection <strong>de</strong> la couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan doit enregistrer une certaine quantité<br />

d’énergie radiative en la convertissant en un courant électrique dont l’intensité sera fonction <strong>de</strong><br />

l’énergie reçue. Le signal ainsi créé est ensuite digitalisé et traité pour être converti en une quantité<br />

physique en W m -2 nm -1 (corrections radiométriques élémentaires: première calibration, application<br />

<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> gains, etc.) La quantité d’énergie enregistrée dépend <strong>de</strong> la portion du spectre électromagnétique<br />

concernée et également du champ <strong>de</strong> vue instantané (IFOV en anglais pour Instantaneous field-of-view),<br />

qui correspond à l’élément <strong>de</strong> base observable (pixel). Le rayonnement électromagnétique enregistré,<br />

i.e. la luminance, est qualifiée <strong>de</strong> luminance totale (Lt), dans la me<strong>sur</strong>e où son intensité dans une<br />

direction donnée est déterminée aussi bien par <strong>les</strong> propriétés optiques <strong>de</strong> l’océan que par cel<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

l’interface air-mer et <strong>sur</strong>tout cel<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong> l’atmosphère (y compris <strong>les</strong> nuages ou la glace s’ils sont<br />

présents). Comme cette luminance contient <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> informations <strong>sur</strong> la totalité du système océanatmosphère,<br />

il faut en premier lieu retrancher <strong>de</strong> ce signal la contribution atmosphérique.<br />

L’ensemble <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> opérations nécessaires pour extraire la « luminance marine » (Lw) du signal total est<br />

connu sous le terme <strong>de</strong> « corrections atmosphériques ». El<strong>les</strong> consistent en effet à éliminer la partie<br />

du rayonnement qui a été rétrodiffusée par <strong>les</strong> molécu<strong>les</strong> (LR) et <strong>les</strong> aérosols <strong>de</strong> l’atmosphère (LA et<br />

LRA), éventuellement aussi réfléchie par la <strong>sur</strong>face <strong>de</strong> l’océan (Lr), mais qui n’a jamais pénétré l’océan.<br />

Les corrections atmosphériques sont en général basées <strong>sur</strong> une décomposition du signal en<br />

différentes contributions tel<strong>les</strong> que<br />

Lt = (LR + LA + LRA) + TLr + tLw . (E.13)<br />

Les <strong>de</strong>ux contributions majeures au signal me<strong>sur</strong>é proviennent <strong>de</strong> la diffusion par <strong>les</strong> molécu<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

l’air et <strong>de</strong> la diffusion par <strong>les</strong> aérosols (LR + LA + LRA = Lp). L’estimation <strong>de</strong> la part du signal due à la<br />

diffusion par <strong>les</strong> molécu<strong>les</strong> (LR) ne pose pas <strong>de</strong> problèmes majeurs (e.g., Gordon et al., 1988b ;<br />

Gordon et Wang, 1992a,b). Le terme comprenant la réflexion spéculaire du soleil (TLr) par l’interface<br />

air-mer peut être estimé en connaissant la vitesse et la direction du vent, le coefficient <strong>de</strong> réflexion <strong>de</strong><br />

Fresnel, et l’angle par rapport au soleil (Cox et Munk, 1954; Ebuchi et Kizu, 2002).<br />

L’estimation <strong>de</strong> la part du signal dû à la diffusion par <strong>les</strong> aérosols (LA + LRA) est, en revanche, la<br />

difficulté majeure <strong>de</strong> la correction atmosphérique, puisque ni la concentration, ni l’indicatrice <strong>de</strong><br />

diffusion sont connues a priori, c’est-à-dire avant <strong>de</strong> réaliser la correction du signal. Pour déterminer<br />

ces <strong>de</strong>ux inconnues, au moins <strong>de</strong>ux équations doivent être posées, ce qui signifie dans la pratique que<br />

<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> informations doivent être obtenues à au moins <strong>de</strong>ux longueurs d’on<strong>de</strong>. La plupart <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> techniques<br />

actuellement utilisées reposent <strong>sur</strong> l’observation du système océan + atmosphère dans au moins <strong>de</strong>ux<br />

canaux du proche infrarouge, pour <strong>les</strong>quels le signal océanique est nul (en tout cas dans <strong>les</strong> eaux du<br />

Cas 1). Une fois corrigé <strong>de</strong> l’effet <strong>de</strong> la diffusion moléculaire et <strong>de</strong> la réflexion spéculaire, le signal<br />

restant est entièrement dû aux aérosols. À partir <strong>de</strong> l’intensité <strong>de</strong> ce signal et <strong>de</strong> sa dépendance<br />

spectrale entre <strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux longueurs d’on<strong>de</strong> considérées, on obtient suffisamment d’informations <strong>sur</strong><br />

l’aérosol en présence pour pouvoir en extrapoler la contribution vers <strong>les</strong> longueurs d’on<strong>de</strong> du<br />

domaine visible, et ainsi corriger <strong>les</strong> luminances me<strong>sur</strong>ées <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> effets atmosphériques (pour plus<br />

détails voir : Gordon et Wang, 1994 ; Gordon, 1997 ; Antoine et Morel 1999).<br />


I.3. Objectifs et Organisation <strong>de</strong> la Thèse<br />

La problématique décrite ci-<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>sus a été abordée dans le cadre du programme<br />

CASES (Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study). CASES est un vaste programme <strong>de</strong> recherche<br />

canadien mis <strong>sur</strong> pied en 2000 avec la collaboration <strong>de</strong> scientifiques provenant <strong>de</strong> sept pays<br />

différents (Canada, État-Unis, Japon, Danemark, Norvège, Espagne, France). Le but ultime<br />

<strong>de</strong> CASES est <strong>de</strong> mieux comprendre <strong>les</strong> conséquences biogéochimiques et écologiques<br />

résultant <strong>de</strong> la fonte <strong>de</strong> la glace présente <strong>sur</strong> le plateau continental du Mackenzie. Entre<br />

octobre 2003 et août 2004, le navire <strong>de</strong> recherche canadien CCGS Amundsen est resté <strong>sur</strong> le<br />

site d’étu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> CASES. Les données optiques et photochimiques qui furent acquises dans ce<br />

cadre ont permis <strong>de</strong> poursuivre <strong>les</strong> objectifs spécifiques suivants :<br />

1. Déterminer, pour la première fois, le ren<strong>de</strong>ment quantique pour la production <strong>de</strong><br />

DIC <strong>sur</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> échantillons d’eau provenant <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique.<br />

2. Afin <strong>de</strong> déterminer l’importance relative <strong>de</strong> la photooxydation dans le bilan <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>carbone</strong> actuel, comparer le taux <strong>de</strong> photoproduction <strong>de</strong> DIC aux taux <strong>de</strong><br />

production primaire totale, nouvelle et séquestrée, ainsi qu’à la <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong> en <strong>carbone</strong><br />

par <strong>les</strong> bactéries.<br />

3. À partir <strong>de</strong> l’archive d’observations satellita<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong> la glace <strong>de</strong> mer, <strong>de</strong> l’ozone<br />

stratosphérique et du couvert nuageux obtenue entre 1979 et 2003, évaluer l’impact<br />

<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong> <strong>climatiques</strong> <strong>sur</strong> la photoproduction annuelle <strong>de</strong> DIC.<br />

4. Développer une métho<strong>de</strong> pour estimer le rapport entre <strong>les</strong> coefficients d’absorption<br />

du CDOM et total ([a CDOM/a t]) dans <strong>les</strong> eaux côtières à partir <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur<br />

<strong>de</strong> l’océan. Évaluer la sensibilité du modèle <strong>de</strong> photoproduction <strong>de</strong> DIC à<br />

l’extrapolation [a CDOM/a t], estimé à 412 nm, entre l’UV et le vert.<br />

5. Décrire et comprendre l’influence <strong>de</strong> la glace <strong>de</strong> mer <strong>sur</strong> l’estimation <strong>de</strong> la luminance<br />

marine à partir <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan, ainsi que <strong>les</strong> erreurs résultantes <strong>sur</strong><br />

<strong>les</strong> produits géophysiques qui sont dérivés <strong>de</strong> ces luminances contaminées (i.e. la<br />

chlorophylle, <strong>les</strong> IOPs). Proposer une métho<strong>de</strong> pour détecter <strong>les</strong> pixels contaminés<br />

par la glace <strong>de</strong> mer.<br />

6. Quantifier la photoproduction <strong>de</strong> DIC en utilisant <strong>les</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan.<br />

Afin <strong>de</strong> familiariser le lecteur à la zone d’étu<strong>de</strong>, le Chapitre II présente une brève<br />

revue <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> caractéristiques généra<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong> l’Océan Arctique et du sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort.<br />


Ensuite, <strong>les</strong> objectifs énumérés ci-<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>sus seront abordés à travers quatre chapitres<br />

relativement indépendants et présentés sous forme d’artic<strong>les</strong> scientifiques. Chacun est<br />

constitué <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> sections introduction, métho<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>, résultats, discussion et conclusion. Le<br />

Chapitre III répond aux trois premiers objectifs concernant le problème <strong>de</strong> la<br />

photooxidation du CDOM dans <strong>les</strong> eaux arctiques. Dans le chapitre IV, je propose une<br />

métho<strong>de</strong> qui permet d’estimer la fraction <strong>de</strong> l’énergie radiative absorbée par le CDOM dans<br />

la colonne d’eau à partir <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan. Le problème supplémentaire que<br />

pose la présence <strong>de</strong> glace <strong>de</strong> mer <strong>sur</strong> la qualité <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan acquises en<br />

milieu polaire est développé dans le chapitre V. Le Chapitre VI démontre l’utilité <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

données couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan pour l’estimation <strong>de</strong> la production photochimique <strong>de</strong> DIC dans<br />

<strong>les</strong> eaux côtières <strong>de</strong> la mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort.<br />

En guise <strong>de</strong> conclusion, quelques perspectives d’avenir <strong>sur</strong> <strong>les</strong> travaux nécessaires à<br />

faire dans <strong>les</strong> domaines d’étu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> abordés au cours <strong>de</strong> ma thèse seront discutées.<br />


I.4. Thesis objectives and organization<br />

The problematic <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed above has been addressed within the frame work of the<br />

CASES program (Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study). CASES is an important<br />

Canadian initiative created in 2000 with the collaboration of scientists coming from seven<br />

different countries (Canada, United States, Japan, Norway, Spain and France). The<br />

ultimate objective of CASES is to better un<strong>de</strong>rstand the ecological and biogeochemical<br />

consequences resulting from the reduction in the sea ice cover over the Mackenzie Shelf<br />

and in the Amundsen Gulf. Between October 2003 and August 2004, the Canadian<br />

research vessel CCGS Amundsen stayed in the CASES study area. The optical and<br />

photochemical mea<strong>sur</strong>ements collected during this field campaign allowed me to address<br />

the following specific objectives:<br />

1. To <strong>de</strong>termine, for the first time, the apparent quantum yield for the<br />

photoproduction of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) on samp<strong>les</strong> collected in the<br />

Arctic.<br />

2. To assess the relative importance of CDOM photooxidation in the carbon budget,<br />

by comparing the rate of DIC photoproduction to 1) the rates of the total, new and<br />

sequestered primary production, and 2) the rate of bacterial carbon <strong>de</strong>mand.<br />

3. To assess the impact of environmental changes on the annual DIC<br />

photoproduction using archived satellite observations of sea ice, ozone and cloud<br />

cover from 1979 to 2003.<br />

4. To <strong>de</strong>velop a method to <strong>de</strong>rive the ratio between chromophoric dissolved organic<br />

matter (CDOM) and total absorption coefficients ([aCDOM/at]) from Ocean Color<br />

data in coastal waters, which is a parameter of the DIC photoproduction mo<strong>de</strong>l.<br />

To assess the impact of the spectral extrapolation of [aCDOM/at], mea<strong>sur</strong>ed at 412<br />

nm, from the UV to the green part of the spectrum on the DIC photoproduction<br />

estimation.<br />

5. To <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribe and to better un<strong>de</strong>rstand the effect of sea ice on the retrieval of the<br />

water leaving radiance from satellite Ocean Color data, and the resulting errors on<br />

the geophysical parameters <strong>de</strong>rived from the contaminated spectrum (i.e.<br />


chlorophyll a concentration, IOP, [aCDOM/at]). To propose a method to <strong>de</strong>tect the<br />

contaminated pixels by the sea ice.<br />

6. To quantify the <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated DIC photoproduction using Ocean Color data.<br />

Except the Chapter II, which provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> a brief overview (in french) of the main<br />

characteristics of the Arctic Ocean, the Beaufort Sea and the Mackenzie Shelf, each<br />

Chapter is presented un<strong>de</strong>r the form of an usual scientific paper with: abstract,<br />

introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion and conclusions sections. Chapter<br />

III addresses the first three objectives enumerated above, which are related to the role of<br />

CDOM photooxidation in the Arctic waters. In Chapter IV, I propose a method to<br />

estimate the contribution of CDOM to the total light absorption coefficient from Ocean<br />

Color data in coastal waters. The specific problems posed by the presence of sea ice in<br />

the exploitation on Ocean Color imagery at high latitu<strong>de</strong> are studied in Chapter V. Using<br />

the results of Chapters III to V, the Chapter VI <strong>de</strong>monstrates the utility of Ocean Color<br />

remote sensing to quantify the DIC photoproduction in the coastal waters of the Beaufort<br />

Sea.<br />

In the overall conclusions and perspectives, I will discuss a number of issues<br />

related to Ocean Color remote sensing and to the quantification of the CDOM<br />

photooxidation in the Arctic waters that required more investigation in the future.<br />


Chapitre II : L’Océan Arctique, la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort<br />

et le Plateau du Mackenzie<br />


II.1. Introduction<br />

La Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort est située dans la partie ouest <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique, le long <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> côtes <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

Territoires du nord-ouest du Canada et <strong>de</strong> l’Alaska (Fig. II.1). Afin <strong>de</strong> mieux comprendre le<br />

contexte géographique et océanographique <strong>de</strong> la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort, ce chapitre offre d’abord<br />

une <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cription générale <strong>de</strong> l’Océan Arctique : <strong>les</strong> masses d’eau, la circulation générale, <strong>les</strong><br />

différents types <strong>de</strong> glace et la biologie au sens large. Ensuite je décris un cycle annuel typique<br />

<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> conditions physiques qui caractérisent le Plateau du Mackenzie, qui se situe dans le sud-<br />

est <strong>de</strong> la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort. L’emphase sera mise <strong>sur</strong> la variabilité <strong>de</strong> la glace <strong>de</strong> mer et <strong>de</strong> la<br />

distribution <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux douces qui proviennent du Fleuve Mackenzie et/ou <strong>de</strong> la fonte <strong>de</strong> la<br />

glace. Enfin je résume, en quelques lignes, le bilan <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> organique du Plateau du<br />

Mackenzie. Ce bilan, tel que synthétisé par Macdonald et al. (1998 ; 2004b), intègre <strong>les</strong><br />

connaissances accumulées <strong>de</strong>puis <strong>les</strong> années 70 à travers <strong>de</strong> nombreuses étu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> réalisées dans<br />

cette région connue pour ses réserves en hydrocarbures.<br />


Figure II.1. Patrons <strong>de</strong> circulation générale <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face dans l’Océan<br />

Arctique. Les eaux Atlantique et Pacifique (en rouge) pénètrent dans<br />

l’Arctique via la Mer <strong>de</strong> Barents et le détroit <strong>de</strong> Bering respectivement. Le<br />

Tourbillon <strong>de</strong> Beaufort et le courant Transpolaire (en bleu) sont <strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong>ux<br />

principaux chemins empruntés par <strong>les</strong> eaux Arctiques, <strong>les</strong>quel<strong>les</strong> sont<br />

éventuellement exportées vers l’Atlantique Nord via <strong>de</strong> détroit <strong>de</strong> Fram et<br />

l’Archipel Canadien. Ces eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face sont fortement influencées par <strong>les</strong><br />

grands fleuves Sibériens et Nord Américains. Les huit plus importants sont<br />

indiqués avec, entre parenthèses, leur débit annuel (volume d’eau douce en<br />

km 3 ans -1 ). Le cadre noir localise la zone d’étu<strong>de</strong>. (Source <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> informations :<br />

ACIA, 2005)<br />


II.2. Généralités <strong>sur</strong> l’Océan Arctique<br />

L’Océan Arctique représente 2.6% <strong>de</strong> la <strong>sur</strong>face <strong>de</strong> l’Océan mondial, mais seulement<br />

1% en terme <strong>de</strong> volume. Cela s’explique par sa géomorphologie caractérisée par un large<br />

plateau continental occupant 52.7% <strong>de</strong> son étendue (Jakobsson et al., 2004). Les échanges<br />

avec <strong>les</strong> océans Pacifique et Atlantique sont relativement limités et confinées entre <strong>les</strong><br />

continents Eurasien, Américain et le Groenland (Fig. II.1), ce qui fait <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique un Océan<br />

dit « méditerranéen ». La majeure partie <strong>de</strong> ces échanges se fait avec l’Atlantique à travers le<br />

détroit <strong>de</strong> Fram (Fram Strait; voir Ru<strong>de</strong>ls et al., 2005) et la mer <strong>de</strong> Barents (voir Indvaldsen et<br />

al., 2004). Les eaux d’origine Atlantique sont plus salées (S~35; Indvaldsen et al., 2004) que<br />

cel<strong>les</strong> d’origine Pacifique (31.9-33; Woodgate et al., 2005b). Lors <strong>de</strong> son passage dans la mer<br />

<strong>de</strong> Barents et le détroit <strong>de</strong> Fram, une partie <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux Atlantiques se refroidit et plonge pour<br />

renouveler <strong>les</strong> masses d’eau profon<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique. Le temps <strong>de</strong> rési<strong>de</strong>nce <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux<br />

profon<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> arctiques est <strong>de</strong> ~25 ans entre 200 et 1000 m, et <strong>de</strong> ~300 ans au <strong>de</strong>là <strong>de</strong> 1000 m<br />

<strong>de</strong> profon<strong>de</strong>ur (Macdonald et al., 2004a). Les eaux profon<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> sont isolées <strong>de</strong> la <strong>sur</strong>face par la<br />

une couche connue sous le nom <strong>de</strong> halocline (50 à 200 m). Cette <strong>de</strong>rnière est alimentée par<br />

<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux formées <strong>sur</strong> <strong>les</strong> plateaux durant la formation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> glaces (e.g., Aagaard et al., 1981), et<br />

par <strong>les</strong> eaux du Pacifique qui pénètrent dans l’Arctique via le détroit <strong>de</strong> Bering (e.g.,<br />

Woodgate et al., 2005a). La halocline joue un rôle important dans la stabilité <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique car<br />

elle isole l’atmosphère et la glace superficielle d’un important réservoir <strong>de</strong> chaleur sous-jacent<br />

(e.g., Aagaard et al., 1981; Ru<strong>de</strong>ls et al., 1996).<br />

La couche <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face, appelée « couche mélangée polaire » (Polar Mixed Layer, PML),<br />

s’étend en 0 et 50 m avec une salinité caractéristique <strong>de</strong> ~31.6 (Aagaard et al., 1981). Elle est<br />

maintenue en gran<strong>de</strong> partie par <strong>les</strong> apports continentaux (e.g., Bauch et al., 1995). Les grands<br />

fleuves <strong>de</strong> Sibérie et <strong>de</strong> l’Amérique du Nord déchargent annuellement un volume d’eau<br />

douce <strong>de</strong> 4000 km 3 dans <strong>les</strong> différentes mers environnantes (Fig. II.1; Barents, Kara, Laptev,<br />

Est Sibérienne, Chukchi, Bering et Beaufort), soit ~11% <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> apports continentaux globaux<br />

(Aagaard et Carmack, 1989; Rachold et al., 2004). Ces propriétés varient saisonnièrement<br />

avec la formation et la fonte <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> glaces, ainsi qu’avec la crue estivale. En été, la <strong>sur</strong>face est<br />

souvent occupée par une couche <strong>de</strong> 5 à 10 mètres d’eau relativement douce résultant <strong>de</strong> la<br />

fonte <strong>de</strong> la glace <strong>de</strong> mer et <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> apports fluviaux (Macdonald et al., 2004a).<br />


La circulation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face dans l’Arctique est relativement bien connue grâce<br />

au suivi <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> glaces dérivantes. Les trois composantes principa<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong> la circulation sont (Fig.<br />

II.1) :<br />

1) le courant anticyclonique <strong>de</strong> la Gyre <strong>de</strong> Beaufort située dans la partie<br />

ouest <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique;<br />

2) le courant « Transpolaire » (Transpolar Drift) qui s’écoule <strong>de</strong>puis la côte<br />

Sibérienne jusqu’au détroit <strong>de</strong> Fram;<br />

3) <strong>les</strong> courants cycloniques côtiers induits par la force <strong>de</strong> Coriolis.<br />

Le Tourbillon <strong>de</strong> Beaufort et le Courant Transpolaire sont influencés fortement par <strong>les</strong><br />

différentes phases (cyclonique et anticyclonique) <strong>de</strong> la circulation atmosphérique. Lorsque la<br />

circulation anticyclonique prédomine (e.g. dans <strong>les</strong> années 80), le Tourbillon <strong>de</strong> Beaufort<br />

s’élargit et tend à faire recirculer <strong>les</strong> eaux <strong>sur</strong>faces du Courant Transpolaire dans le Bassin<br />

Canadien. Sous ces conditions, <strong>les</strong> glaces s’accumulent dû à la convergence et à la formation<br />

<strong>de</strong> crêtes <strong>de</strong> pression (ice ridges). Lorsque la circulation cyclonique prédomine (e.g. <strong>de</strong> 1989 à<br />

1996), le Tourbillon <strong>de</strong> Beaufort s’affaiblit, <strong>les</strong> glaces sont transportées le long <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> côtes <strong>de</strong><br />

l’Alaska et <strong>de</strong> l’Eurasie et sont exportées hors <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique via le Courant Transpolaire (voir<br />

Rigor et al., 2002). Sous le PML, <strong>les</strong> courants sont cycloniques et sont influencés par <strong>les</strong><br />

apports provenant <strong>de</strong> l’Atlantique et du Pacifique (e.g., Pickart, 2004).<br />

Une caractéristique unique <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique par rapport aux autres océans est la<br />

présence d’un couvert <strong>de</strong> glace permanent (multi-year ice) dont l’épaisseur varie <strong>de</strong> 1.8 à 5 m<br />

(e.g., Wadhams et Davis, 2000). Aujourd’hui, la banquise pluriannuelle s’étend <strong>sur</strong> ~5.5 10 6<br />

km 2 (Fig. I.3). La variabilité saisonnière du couvert <strong>de</strong> glace résulte <strong>de</strong> la formation/fonte <strong>de</strong><br />

glace annuelle (first-year ice) dont l’étendue peut atteindre entre 7 et 9 millions <strong>de</strong> km 2 au<br />

début du printemps. Comme la glace pluriannuelle, la majeure partie <strong>de</strong> la glace annuelle est<br />

mobile. Le long <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> côtes arctiques, cependant, une banquise continentale (landfast ice),<br />

immobile, se développe progressivement à partir d’octobre ou novembre. En hiver,<br />

néanmoins, une frange libre <strong>de</strong> glace se forme entre la banquise continentale et le couvert<br />

mobile <strong>de</strong> glace présent plus au large. L’étendue <strong>de</strong> ces zones varie selon le mouvement <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

glaces provoqué par <strong>les</strong> vents et <strong>les</strong> courants. Ces zones d’échanges directs <strong>de</strong> chaleur entre<br />

l’océan et l’atmosphère se nomment polynies ou leads (Smith et al., 1990).<br />

La glace <strong>de</strong> mer joue un rôle limitant pour: 1) la pénétration <strong>de</strong> la lumière dans la<br />

colonne d’eau; 2) <strong>les</strong> échanges <strong>de</strong> chaleur entre l’atmosphère et l’océan; 3) l’action mécanique<br />


<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> vents et le mélange vertical. À première vue, la présence <strong>de</strong> glace dans l’Arctique est<br />

défavorable au développement <strong>de</strong> la vie marine. Bien que la présence <strong>de</strong> glace <strong>de</strong> mer limite<br />

la pénétration <strong>de</strong> la lumière dans la majeur partie <strong>de</strong> l’Océan Arctique, la production<br />

biologique y est malgré tout significative (Wheeler et al., 1996). En me<strong>sur</strong>ant <strong>les</strong> taux <strong>de</strong><br />

production primaire et bactérienne, Wheeler et al. (1996) mettaient en évi<strong>de</strong>nce le rôle<br />

prédominant que jouaient <strong>les</strong> microorganismes dans le cycle du <strong>carbone</strong> dans <strong>les</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong><br />

l’Arctique. En particulier, <strong>les</strong> travaux <strong>de</strong> Wheeler et al. (1996) démontrent l’importance <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

organismes hétérotrophes dans la reminéralisation relativement rapi<strong>de</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> nutriments en<br />

<strong>sur</strong>face. D’après An<strong>de</strong>rson et al. (2003), >90% <strong>de</strong> la production primaire totale (~15 g C m -2<br />

an -1 ; Gosselin et al., 1997) est minéralisée dans <strong>les</strong> 50 premiers mètres <strong>de</strong> la colonne d’eau. La<br />

production primaire est, cependant, beaucoup plus élevée dans <strong>les</strong> mers situées en marge <strong>de</strong><br />

la banquise centrale (voir Sakshaug, 2004 et réf. citées). Pour <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> superficies similaires, la<br />

production primaire <strong>sur</strong> <strong>les</strong> plateaux continentaux Arctiques est environ quatre fois plus<br />

élevée que la production dans <strong>les</strong> bassins profonds (329 vs 50 Tg C an -1 ; Sakshaug, 2004). À<br />

titre d’exemple, dans la polynie <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux du Nord (en anglais North Water Polynya), <strong>les</strong> taux <strong>de</strong><br />

production primaire totale peuvent atteindre 377 g C m -2 an -1 (Klein et al., 2002), soit <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

valeurs comparab<strong>les</strong> à la plupart <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> zones côtières <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> basses latitu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> (e.g., Antoine et al.,<br />

1996). Ces observations indiquent que, régionalement, la production biologique varie <strong>de</strong> plus<br />

d’un ordre <strong>de</strong> gran<strong>de</strong>ur dans l’Arctique.<br />


II.3. Généralités <strong>sur</strong> la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort et le Plateau du Mackenzie<br />

La Figure II.2 montre <strong>les</strong> principaux courants rencontrés dans la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort.<br />

En <strong>sur</strong>face, au large, <strong>les</strong> eaux se déplacent d’est en ouest dans le mouvement anticyclonique<br />

généré par le Tourbillon <strong>de</strong> Beaufort. L’intensité <strong>de</strong> ce courrant dépend fortement <strong>de</strong> la<br />

direction générale <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> vents <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face (section précé<strong>de</strong>nte; Rigor et al., 2002). Près <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> côtes,<br />

<strong>les</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face peuvent circuler soit vers l’Est par temps calme sous l’influence <strong>de</strong> la<br />

force <strong>de</strong> Coriolis, soit vers l’Ouest quand <strong>les</strong> vents dominants proviennent <strong>de</strong> l’Est ou du<br />

Sud-Est (Carmack et Macdonald, 2002). À une centaine <strong>de</strong> mètres <strong>de</strong> profon<strong>de</strong>ur, à la limite<br />

du Plateau continental <strong>de</strong> l’Alaska, un fort courant cyclonique <strong>de</strong> sub-<strong>sur</strong>face transporte <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

eaux provenant du Pacifique et <strong>de</strong> la Mer <strong>de</strong> Chukchi (Pickart, 2004).<br />

Le sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort est caractérisé par la présence d’un large plateau<br />

continental occupant plus <strong>de</strong> 60 000 km 2 , bordé à l’est par le Golfe d’Amundsen, à l’ouest<br />

par le canyon du Mackenzie, au sud par le <strong>de</strong>lta du fleuve Mackenzie, et par la Mer <strong>de</strong><br />

Beaufort au nord (Fig. II.2). D’après Macdonald (2000), le Plateau du Mackenzie est le plus<br />

estuarien <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> plateaux Arctiques où le temps <strong>de</strong> rési<strong>de</strong>nce <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face est inférieur à<br />

une année. La circulation y est très variable, souvent reliée à l’importante saisonnalité du<br />

débit du fleuve Mackenzie. Ce <strong>de</strong>rnier décharge ~330 km 3 d’eau douce chaque année<br />

(Macdonald, 2000), soit le quatrième plus important à l’échelle <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique et le quinzième à<br />

l’échelle global (Mckee et al., 2004).<br />


Figure II.2. Carte <strong>de</strong> localisation <strong>de</strong> la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort avec la direction <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

principaux courants : la Gyre <strong>de</strong> Beaufort (en gris); le sous-courant <strong>de</strong><br />

Beaufort (c.f., Beaufort Un<strong>de</strong>rcurrent; en bleu); la dispersion attendue du panache<br />

du Mackenzie (en rouge) qui varie selon la direction et l’intensité <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> vents<br />

dominants. L’encadré en gris montre <strong>les</strong> limites <strong>de</strong> l’échantillonnage effectué<br />

durant le programme CASES.<br />


II.3.1. Cyc<strong>les</strong> Saisonniers <strong>sur</strong> le Plateau du Mackenzie<br />

Inspirée du modèle conceptuel présenté par Macdonald et al. (1995), Macdonald<br />

(2000) et Carmack et Macdonald (2002), cette section présente un cycle typique <strong>de</strong> la<br />

dispersion <strong>de</strong> l’eau douce et la formation/fonte <strong>de</strong> la glace <strong>de</strong> mer <strong>sur</strong> le Plateau du<br />

Mackenzie (Fig. II.3).<br />

Figure II.3. Cycle saisonnier <strong>de</strong> l’eau douce <strong>sur</strong> le Plateau du Mackenzie<br />

caractérisé par <strong>les</strong> apports continentaux et la glace <strong>de</strong> mer : A) englacement<br />

(apports continentaux faib<strong>les</strong>, la glace commence à se former); B) fin <strong>de</strong><br />

l’hiver (apports continentaux faib<strong>les</strong>, la glace a atteint son épaisseur maximale<br />

et a arrêté <strong>de</strong> croître); C) débâcle printanière (apports continentaux élevés, la<br />

glace <strong>de</strong>meure intacte et reste près <strong>de</strong> la côte); D) été (apports continentaux<br />

élevés, la glace a fondue ou a été exportée vers l’intérieur <strong>de</strong> l’Océan).<br />

(Modifiée <strong>de</strong> Macdonald, 2000).<br />

Avant la formation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> premières glace à l’automne, i.e. en septembre, l’eau douce<br />

provenant <strong>de</strong> la fonte <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> glace et du fleuve est mélangée dans <strong>les</strong> 15-20 premiers mètres <strong>de</strong><br />

la colonne d’eau sous l’action <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> vents (Carmack et al., 1989). L’intensité du mélange<br />

influence la salinité <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face, et par conséquent, la formation d’eau profon<strong>de</strong><br />

(Macdonald et al., 1995). Par exemple, si le mélange est intense, <strong>les</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face seront<br />

plus salées et, par conséquent, la <strong>de</strong>nsité <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux saumâtres produites lors <strong>de</strong> la formation<br />

<strong>de</strong> la glace sera plus élevée (formation d’eau profon<strong>de</strong> plus efficace).<br />


Figure II.4. Variabilité journalière entre 1976 et 1998 (A) du débit du fleuve<br />

Mackenzie, (B) du <strong>flux</strong> <strong>de</strong> particu<strong>les</strong> en suspension d’origine terrigène, et (C)<br />

<strong>de</strong> l’éclairement photosynthétique inci<strong>de</strong>nt à 71°N et la température <strong>de</strong> l’air<br />

me<strong>sur</strong>és à Tuktoyaktuk situé à l’embouchure du fleuve. (Modifiée <strong>de</strong> O’Brien<br />

et al., 2006).<br />


À partir du mois d’octobre, la glace se forme rapi<strong>de</strong>ment à me<strong>sur</strong>e que <strong>les</strong><br />

températures diminuent (Fig. II.4C). Pendant ce temps, le débit du fleuve diminue et ses<br />

eaux se dispersent sous la glace. Au large, la divergence <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> glaces crée <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> zones d’eau<br />

ouverte. À la fin <strong>de</strong> l’hiver, la banquise continentale fait environ 2 m d’épaisseur et s’étend<br />

jusqu’à l’isobathe d’environ 20 m (Fig. II.3B). La marge externe <strong>de</strong> la banquise continentale<br />

est soumise aux mouvements <strong>de</strong> la banquise Arctique qui se déplace sous l’effet <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> vents.<br />

Ces mouvements favorisent l’accumulation <strong>de</strong> glace <strong>de</strong> mer pouvant atteindre plusieurs<br />

mètres d’épaisseur (>20m). La zone d’accumulation, communément appelé stamukhi, forme<br />

un barrage naturel <strong>de</strong> glace retenant près <strong>de</strong> la côte <strong>les</strong> eaux du Fleuve Mackenzie. Au début<br />

du printemps, <strong>les</strong> eaux accumulées forment un « lac » saisonnier contenant jusqu’à 70 km 3<br />

d’eau douce (le lac Herlinveaux). Au-<strong>de</strong>là du stamukhi, on retrouve un corridor d’eau ouverte<br />

entre <strong>les</strong> banquises continentale et Arctique qui varie selon <strong>les</strong> conditions <strong>de</strong> vents et qui fait<br />

quelques dizaines <strong>de</strong> km <strong>de</strong> large (flaw lead polynya). Cette zone, libre <strong>de</strong> glace et en contact<br />

direct avec l’atmosphère, est le lieu d’importants échanges <strong>de</strong> chaleur favorisant la<br />

convection profon<strong>de</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux situées à la marge continentale. La production primaire y est<br />

faible au cours <strong>de</strong> cette pério<strong>de</strong> car limitée par la lumière (cycle solaire, glace, mélange<br />

vertical intensif).<br />

La débâcle printanière commence au sud par la crue du fleuve Mackenzie et<br />

progresse graduellement vers le nord (Fig. II.3C). En juin, le débit du fleuve est maximal (Fig.<br />

II.4A) et inon<strong>de</strong> la zone côtière jusqu’à ce que le stamukhi cè<strong>de</strong> sous la pression générée par<br />

la masse d’eau douce se trouvant en amont. Cette poussée d’eau relativement chau<strong>de</strong> et très<br />

turbi<strong>de</strong> intervient souvent avant même que la glace n’ait commencé à fondre sous l’action du<br />

rayonnement solaire. Rapi<strong>de</strong>ment, le panache s’étend <strong>sur</strong> plusieurs milliers <strong>de</strong> kilomètres<br />

carrés au-<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>sus du plateau continental. Une image acquise par le capteur SeaWiFS au<br />

moment <strong>de</strong> la débâcle illustre bien la dispersion <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux du Fleuve Mackenzie au moment<br />

<strong>de</strong> la débâcle (Fig. II.5). La couleur brunâtre <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux du Mackenzie indique la présence<br />

d’une forte concentration <strong>de</strong> particu<strong>les</strong> en suspension à cette époque <strong>de</strong> l’année. L’étendue<br />

du panache arrive même au-<strong>de</strong>là du plateau continental, sous la banquise Arctique.<br />


Figure II.5. Image SeaWiFS acquise le 15 Juin 2004 montrant le début <strong>de</strong> la<br />

débâcle. Rapi<strong>de</strong>ment <strong>les</strong> eaux turbi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> du Mackenzie occupent une large<br />

partie <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux ouvertes du plateau continental (~15 000-20 000 km²).<br />

En été, la glace <strong>de</strong> mer font graduellement avec la chaleur apportée par <strong>les</strong> eaux du<br />

Fleuve Mackenzie (~15°C) et l’énergie solaire absorbée en <strong>sur</strong>face. En règle générale, <strong>les</strong><br />

eaux sont fortement stratifiées, dû à l’importance <strong>de</strong> l’eau douce présente (Macdonald et al.,<br />

1989; Carmack et al., 1989). La Figure II.6 montre l’étendue <strong>de</strong> la stratification <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> 40<br />

premiers mètres <strong>de</strong> la colonne d’eau au-<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>sus du plateau continental. Le déplacement du<br />

panache turbi<strong>de</strong> du Fleuve Mackenzie dépend principalement <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> conditions <strong>de</strong> vent (Fig.<br />

II.2). Quand <strong>les</strong> vents sont calmes, la force <strong>de</strong> Coriolis tend à maintenir <strong>les</strong> flots d’eau douce<br />

le long <strong>de</strong> la côte en direction est, avant d’éventuellement d’entrer dans le Golfe<br />

d’Amundsen (Macdonald et al., 1987; Carmack et Macdonald, 2002). Par vent d’est,<br />

cependant, <strong>les</strong> eaux du Mackenzie sont transportées au large dans le Bassin Canadien (e.g.<br />

Macdonald et al. 1999, 2002). La direction que prennent <strong>les</strong> eaux du Fleuve Mackenzie est<br />

importante car elle influence le temps <strong>de</strong> rési<strong>de</strong>nce <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux douces dans l’Arctique. Il<br />

semble que <strong>les</strong> <strong>changements</strong> dans la circulation atmosphérique (dominante cyclonique),<br />

observés <strong>de</strong>puis la fin <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> années 80, aient favorisé l’accumulation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux douces dans le<br />

Bassin Canadien (voir <strong>les</strong> discussions <strong>de</strong> Macdonald et al., 2002 et <strong>de</strong> Proshutinsky et al., 2002<br />

<strong>sur</strong> <strong>les</strong> conséquences potentiel<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong> ce changement).<br />


Figure II.6. Coupe transversale effectuée à partir <strong>de</strong> l’embouchure du fleuve<br />

Mackenzie (Kugmalit Bay) jusqu’à la limite du plateau continental en juillet<br />

2004 dans le cadre du programme CASES : a) <strong>de</strong>nsité; b) salinité.<br />

II.3.2. Bilan <strong>de</strong> Carbone Organique <strong>sur</strong> le Plateau du Mackenzie<br />

Un bilan <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> organique pour le Plateau du Mackenzie a été proposé par<br />

Macdonald et al. (1998, 2004b). Ce budget ne concerne que la fraction particulaire du<br />

<strong>carbone</strong>. Selon ce budget, le Plateau du Mackenzie est une zone majeure d'enfouissement <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>carbone</strong> organique à l'échelle <strong>de</strong> l'Arctique. Bien que la production primaire génère plus <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>carbone</strong> organique particulaire que l'apport du Mackenzie, le <strong>carbone</strong> enfoui est presque<br />

entièrement d'origine terrigène. En effet, le Mackenzie exporte annuellement 2.1 x 10 12 g <strong>de</strong><br />

POC d’origine terrigène, soit l’équivalant d’environ <strong>de</strong>ux tiers <strong>de</strong> la production primaire<br />

marine (3.3 x 10 12 g <strong>de</strong> C an -1 ; Macdonald et al., 1998). À l’échelle régionale, si 65% du<br />

<strong>carbone</strong> terrigène est préservé dans <strong>les</strong> sédiments du <strong>de</strong>lta (40%) et du plateau continental<br />

(25%), 97% <strong>de</strong> la production primaire est minéralisé (Macdonald et al. 1998, 2004b).<br />

Cependant, on connaît encore peu <strong>de</strong> chose <strong>sur</strong> <strong>les</strong> processus exacts <strong>de</strong> minéralisation <strong>de</strong> la<br />


matière organique (activité hétérotrophique dans la colonne d’eau et <strong>les</strong> sédiments), et/ou le<br />

transfert vers <strong>les</strong> échelons supérieurs <strong>de</strong> la chaîne alimentaire (e.g. zooplankton, etc). En<br />

faisant le bilan, le Plateau du Mackenzie représente une source <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> inorganique (i.e.<br />

CO 2) <strong>de</strong> l’ordre 0.64 x 10 12 g <strong>de</strong> C an -1 (l’écosystème est dit « hétérotrophe net »).<br />

Il est intéressant <strong>de</strong> noter que le <strong>carbone</strong> particulaire terrigène transporté par le fleuve<br />

Mackenzie est en majeure partie « ancien » (>7000 ans) (Goñi et al. 2005). Il semble donc<br />

qu’il proviendrait essentiellement du pergélisol (Goñi et al. 2005). Guo et Macdonald (2006)<br />

suggéraient récemment que la dégradation du pergélisol pourrait entraîner la mobilisation <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>carbone</strong> « ancien », principalement sous forme particulaire. De plus, la modification <strong>de</strong> la<br />

toundra arctique vers un écosystème <strong>de</strong> type « forêt boréale » sous un climat plus chaud<br />

(Hinzman et al., 2005), risque d’augmenter <strong>les</strong> apports en <strong>carbone</strong> « mo<strong>de</strong>rne ». Se <strong>de</strong>rnier est<br />

facilement dégradable en milieu côtier (Goñi et al. 2005). Par conséquent, le réchauffement<br />

global risque <strong>de</strong> modifier sensiblement le cycle du <strong>carbone</strong> particulaire <strong>sur</strong> le Plateau du<br />

Mackenzie en modifiant la quantité et la qualité <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> apports allochtones.<br />

Contrairement au <strong>carbone</strong> particulaire, le cycle du <strong>carbone</strong> dissous est pratiquement<br />

inconnu <strong>sur</strong> le Plateau du Mackenzie. D’après Telang et al. (1991), le fleuve Mackenzie<br />

transporte 1.3 x 10 12 g <strong>de</strong> C organique dissous, soit le quatrième plus important à l’échelle <strong>de</strong><br />

l’Arctique. Le <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>tin <strong>de</strong> ce <strong>carbone</strong> terrigène reste pratiquement inconnu, mais si l’on se fit<br />

au mélange conservatif du DOC observé ailleurs en Arctique (Cauwet et Sidorov 1996 ;<br />

Köhler et al., 2003), la majeur partie serait exportée vers l’océan Arctique ou l’Archipel<br />

Canadien. D’après Gosselin et al. (1997), la production <strong>de</strong> DOC par <strong>les</strong> algues <strong>de</strong> glace<br />

Arctique représente entre 20 et 65 % <strong>de</strong> la production primaire totale. La production<br />

primaire marine est donc certainement une source significative <strong>de</strong> DOC <strong>sur</strong> le Plateau du<br />

Mackenzie. Cependant, il semble que ce <strong>carbone</strong> soit rapi<strong>de</strong>ment utilisé par <strong>les</strong> organismes<br />

hétérotrophes (Davis et Benner, 2005).<br />


Chapitre III: Photominéralisation <strong>de</strong> la matière<br />

organique dissoute d’origine terrigène dans <strong>les</strong><br />

eaux côtières arctiques entre 1979 et 2003:<br />

Variabilité interannuelle et implications <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

<strong>changements</strong> <strong>climatiques</strong><br />


III.A Résumé<br />

La minéralisation photochimique (photominéralisation) <strong>de</strong> la matière organique dissoute<br />

d’origine terrigène (tDOM) dans l’Océan Arctique est limitée par la présence d’un couvert <strong>de</strong><br />

glace permanant qui réduit la quantité d’énergie ultraviolette (UV) atteignant la colonne d’eau<br />

sous-jacente. En réponse à la diminution <strong>de</strong> l’étendue et <strong>de</strong> l’épaisseur du couvert <strong>de</strong> glace<br />

causée par le réchauffement global, <strong>les</strong> processus biogéochimiques qui dépen<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong><br />

l’énergie UV <strong>de</strong>vraient s’amplifier dans cette région. Dans cette étu<strong>de</strong>, nous avons réalisé<br />

pour la première fois <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> estimations quantitatives <strong>de</strong> la photominéralisation <strong>de</strong> la tDOM<br />

dans un écosystème côtier Arctique sous <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> conditions <strong>de</strong> glace actuel<strong>les</strong> et futures. Nous<br />

avons employé un modèle couplé optique-photochimique utilisant en entrée <strong>les</strong> propriétés<br />

optiques inhérentes <strong>de</strong> la colonne d’eau et <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> me<strong>sur</strong>es <strong>de</strong> production photochimique<br />

(photoproduction) <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> inorganique dissous (DIC), le principal produit <strong>de</strong> la<br />

photooxidation <strong>de</strong> la DOM. Les ren<strong>de</strong>ments quantiques apparents <strong>de</strong> photoproduction <strong>de</strong><br />

DIC ont été déterminés <strong>sur</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> échantillons provenant <strong>de</strong> l’estuaire du Fleuve Mackenzie, du<br />

Plateau du Mackenzie, et du Golfe d’Amundsen. Grâce à un modèle <strong>de</strong> transfert radiatif<br />

atmosphérique, l’éclairement UV journalier inci<strong>de</strong>nt juste sous l’interface air-mer a été estimé<br />

en combinant <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> me<strong>sur</strong>es 1) <strong>de</strong> luminance rétrodiffusée par l’atmosphère et la <strong>sur</strong>face et 2)<br />

<strong>de</strong> micro-on<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> passives émises par la <strong>sur</strong>face. La photoproduction annuelle <strong>de</strong> DIC dans <strong>les</strong><br />

eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face du sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort où l’absorption <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> UV est dominée par la<br />

tDOM colorée déchargée par le Fleuve Mackenzie, est, en moyenne entre 1979 et 2003,<br />

estimé à 66.5 ± 18.5 Gg <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong>. Cette valeur est équivalente à environ 10% du taux <strong>de</strong> le<br />

respiration bactérienne dans <strong>les</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face, 8% du taux <strong>de</strong> production primaire, et 2.8 ±<br />

0.6% <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> 1.3 Tg <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> organique dissous (DOC) déchargé annuellement par le Fleuve<br />

Mackenzie dans cette région. Durant <strong>les</strong> pério<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> où le couvert <strong>de</strong> glace est fortement réduit<br />

(comme en 1998), cette <strong>de</strong>rnière estimation peut atteindre 5.1% <strong>de</strong> la masse du DOC<br />

d’origine terrigène déchargé annuellement par le Fleuve. En simulant un été où la région<br />

serait pratiquement libre <strong>de</strong> glace durant la pério<strong>de</strong> estivale, le modèle prédit une<br />

photoproduction annuelle <strong>de</strong> 150.5 Gg <strong>de</strong> DIC, minéralisant 6.2% <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> apports annuels en<br />

DOC par le Fleuve Mackenzie. Ces résultats indiquent que si <strong>les</strong> prédictions <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> modè<strong>les</strong><br />

<strong>climatiques</strong> concernant la réduction du couvert <strong>de</strong> la Arctique sont correctes, la<br />

photominéralisation <strong>de</strong> la tDOM dans <strong>les</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face Arctiques s’accélérera gran<strong>de</strong>ment<br />

dans le futur.<br />


III.B Article publié dans la revue Global Biogeochemical Cyc<strong>les</strong> :<br />

“Photomineralization of terrigenous dissolved organic matter in Arctic coastal<br />

waters from 1979 to 2003: Interannual variability and implications of climate<br />

change”<br />

Simon Bélanger 1 , Huixiang Xie 2 , Nickolay Krotkov 3 , Pierre Larouche 4 , Warwick F.<br />

Vincent 5 and Marcel Babin 1<br />

1 Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, Laboratoire d'océanographie <strong>de</strong> Villefranche,<br />

06230 Villefranche-<strong>sur</strong>-Mer, France ; CNRS, Laboratoire d'océanographie <strong>de</strong><br />

Villefranche, 06230 Villefranche-<strong>sur</strong>-Mer, France<br />

2 Institut <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> Sciences <strong>de</strong> la Mer <strong>de</strong> Rimouski, Université du Québec à Rimouski,<br />

Rimouski, Canada<br />

3 Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center, University of Maryland Baltimore<br />

County, USA<br />

4 Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, Pêches et Océans Canada, Mont-Joli, QC, Canada G5H<br />

3Z4<br />

5 Département <strong>de</strong> Biologie & Centre d’Étu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> Nordiques, Université Laval, Québec City,<br />

Canada<br />


Acknowledgments<br />

This study was ma<strong>de</strong> possible with financial support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering<br />

Research Council of Canada (NSERC), the Fonds Québécois pour la Recherche <strong>sur</strong> la Nature et<br />

<strong>les</strong> Technologies (FQRNT) (to HX), and the Fonds France Canada pour la Recherche (FFCR to<br />

MB and WFV) and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (to SB). SB receives a doctoral<br />

fellowship from the FQRNT. We thank Dr S.H. Lee for providing the primary production rates<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>ed in the Gulf of Amundsen. We are grateful to Dr. C. Osburn and Dr. M. Tzortziou for<br />

their constructive comments on the manuscript. We appreciate the efforts of S. Cizmeli in CASES<br />

field mea<strong>sur</strong>ements, T. Lou in DIC mea<strong>sur</strong>ement and J. Caveen in Matlab programming. We<br />

thank the crews of the CCGS Amundsen cruises for their enthusiastic help onboard the ship. This<br />

is a contribution to the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES) un<strong>de</strong>r the overall<br />

direction of L. Fortier. S. C. Johannessen and one anonymous referee are acknowledged for<br />

constructive comments on the manuscript.<br />


Abstract<br />

Photomineralization of terrigenous dissolved organic matter (tDOM) in the Arctic Ocean<br />

is limited by persistent sea ice cover that reduces the amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation<br />

reaching the un<strong>de</strong>rlying water column. UV-<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt processes are likely to accelerate<br />

as a result of shrinking sea ice extent and <strong>de</strong>creasing ice thickness caused by climatic<br />

warming over this region. In this study, we ma<strong>de</strong> the first quantitative estimates of<br />

photomineralization of tDOM in a coastal Arctic ecosystem un<strong>de</strong>r current and future sea<br />

ice regimes. We used an optical-photochemical coupled mo<strong>de</strong>l incorporating water<br />

column optics and experimental mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of photoproduction of dissolved inorganic<br />

carbon (DIC), the main carbon product of DOM photochemistry. Apparent quantum<br />

yields of DIC photoproduction were <strong>de</strong>termined on water samp<strong>les</strong> from the Mackenzie<br />

River estuary, the Mackenzie Shelf, and Amundsen Gulf. UV irradiances just below the<br />

sea <strong>sur</strong>face were estimated by combining satellite backscattered and passive microwave<br />

radiance mea<strong>sur</strong>ements with a radiative transfer mo<strong>de</strong>l. The mean annual DIC<br />

photoproduction between 1979 and 2003 was estimated as 66.5 ± 18.5 Gg carbon in the<br />

<strong>sur</strong>face waters of the southeastern Beaufort Sea, where UV absorption is dominated by<br />

chromophoric dissolved organic matter discharged by the Mackenzie River. This value is<br />

equivalent to 10% of bacterial respiration rates, 8% of primary production rates and 2.8 ±<br />

0.6% of the 1.3 Tg of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) discharged annually by the<br />

Mackenzie River into the area. During periods of reduced ice cover such as 1998, the<br />

latter value could rise to 5.1% of the annual riverine DOC discharge. Un<strong>de</strong>r an ice-free<br />

scenario, the mo<strong>de</strong>l predicted that 150.5 Gg of DIC would be photochemically produced,<br />

mineralizing 6.2% of the DOC input from the Mackenzie River. These results show that<br />

the predicted trend of ongoing contraction of sea ice cover will greatly accelerate the<br />

photomineralization of tDOM in Arctic <strong>sur</strong>face waters.<br />


III.1. Introduction<br />

Terrigenous dissolved organic matter (tDOM) is an abundant component of Arctic<br />

polar <strong>sur</strong>face waters [see Benner et al., 2005 and references therein] as a result of the<br />

large amounts of riverine tDOM that enter the Arctic Ocean relative to its volume<br />

[Aagaard and Carmack, 1989]. The refractory character of tDOM, as observed in several<br />

Arctic marginal seas [e.g., Dittmar and Kattner, 2003; Meon and Amon, 2004], may also<br />

contribute to the high concentrations of Arctic Ocean tDOM. Recent studies suggest that<br />

slightly more than 50% of the annual input of terrigenous dissolved organic carbon<br />

(tDOC) to the Arctic Ocean is remineralized before its transport to the North Atlantic<br />

[Hansell et al., 2004]. However, quantitative information on major tDOM loss processes<br />

in the Arctic is still lacking.<br />

There is growing evi<strong>de</strong>nce indicating a major role of photooxidation in the<br />

remineralization of tDOM in the coastal oceanic environment [e.g., Benner and Opsahl,<br />

2001; Hernes and Benner, 2003; Kieber et al., 1990]. Other studies suggested that a large<br />

fraction of the marine plankton-<strong>de</strong>rived dissolved organic carbon (DOC) pool also can be<br />

photochemically mineralized in the open ocean [Johannessen, 2000; Johannessen and<br />

Miller, 2001]. Although there is molecular evi<strong>de</strong>nce that photochemical transformation of<br />

tDOM occurs in the Arctic Ocean [Benner et al., 2005], this mechanism is not consi<strong>de</strong>red<br />

of importance because of the prevailing low solar angle, cloudy conditions and<br />

permanent sea ice cover [Amon and Meon, 2004; Benner et al., 2004]. Sea ice and its<br />

overlying snow cover is known to be a strong attenuator of ultraviolet (UV) radiation in<br />

both polar regions [Vincent and Belzile, 2003].<br />

Recent observations in the Arctic reveal that sea ice conditions are changing, with<br />

a 20% <strong>de</strong>crease in the summer areal extent of sea ice over the last three <strong>de</strong>ca<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> [e.g.,<br />

Cavalieri et al., 2003]. In addition, the thinning of sea ice has also been observed in<br />

several parts of the Arctic Ocean [e.g., Wadhams and Davis, 2000], permitting more UV<br />

radiation to reach the water column. Moreover, a complete loss of summer ice is<br />

predicted for later this century [ACIA, 2005]. In parallel, a <strong>de</strong>crease in stratospheric ozone<br />

concentration (O3), which results in an increase of UVB (280-320 nm) radiation at sea<br />

<strong>sur</strong>face, was recently reported over the high northern latitu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> [Fioletov et al., 2004; Rex<br />


et al., 2004]. These observations suggest that the amount of photochemically active UV<br />

radiation (280-400 nm) penetrating into the Arctic waters could have significantly<br />

increased in the last <strong>de</strong>ca<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>, and that this effect may accelerate in the coming years.<br />

In addition to alteration in sea ice dynamics, a number of other recent<br />

observations suggest that the Arctic is currently experiencing rapid and extensive<br />

environmental changes in response to global climate warming [Overland et al., 2004;<br />

Serreze et al., 2000]. Arctic rivers account for about 10% of global terrestrial organic<br />

carbon export to the ocean [Rachold et al., 2004]. This percentage is likely to increase<br />

markedly during the next century [Frey and Smith, 2005] as a result of increasing river<br />

discharge [Peterson et al., 2002] and thawing of the permafrost [Camill, 2005]. The latter<br />

stores one third of the global soil carbon and contains 7 to 26% of all terrestrial organic<br />

carbon stored since the last glacial maximum [Smith et al., 2004]. To assess and predict<br />

the impact of climate change on the marine carbon cycle, it is critical to <strong>de</strong>termine the<br />

transformation and fate of the exported terrestrial carbon, including photochemical<br />

production of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), which is the main carbon product of<br />

chromophoric DOM (CDOM) photochemistry [Miller and Zepp, 1995; Mopper and<br />

Kieber, 2002].<br />

The objectives of this study are to assess the present significance of<br />

photooxidation of CDOM in the tDOM cycling in ice-free Arctic seawaters, and to assess<br />

the potential impact of the reduction of sea ice extent on the removal of tDOM through<br />

this process. Our field study was conducted in the Canadian Shelf of the Beaufort Sea<br />

where a large amount of tDOM is discharged by the Mackenzie River (Figure III.1). In<br />

terms of dissolved organic carbon export, the Mackenzie River is the fourth largest<br />

among the Arctic rivers, discharging ~1.3 Tg of tDOC per year [Telang et al., 1991]. This<br />

large tDOC <strong>flux</strong> explains the high concentration of terrestrial CDOM found in the entire<br />

Western Arctic Ocean [Guay et al., 1999; Guéguen et al., 2005]. As this area has<br />

experienced a significant <strong>de</strong>crease in sea ice areal extent between 1979 and 2000 [Barber<br />

and Hanesiak, 2004], photooxidation may have become a significant component of the<br />

tDOM cycling in this Arctic coastal ecosystem. In this study, experimentally <strong>de</strong>termined<br />

wavelength-specific apparent quantum yields (AQY) of DIC production, along with<br />

remote sensing-<strong>de</strong>rived spectral irradiances (300 to 600 nm) and <strong>sur</strong>face areas of open<br />


waters, were used to mo<strong>de</strong>l the <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated photochemical production rates of DIC<br />

in the ice-free waters of the southeastern Beaufort Sea . To assess recent trends in the<br />

DIC production, we calculated the annual photochemical production of DIC for the<br />

period 1979 to 2003.<br />

Figure III.1. Location of CASES stations sampled for absorption<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>ements in 2004 over the Mackenzie Shelf (open circ<strong>les</strong>), in<br />

Amundsen Gulf (open triang<strong>les</strong>), and in Canada Basin (open squares).<br />

ARDEX and CASES samp<strong>les</strong> collected for φDIC <strong>de</strong>termination are shown<br />

as closed squares.<br />


III.2. Materials and methods<br />

III.2.1. Sample collection and storage<br />

Sampling was conducted in June and July 2004 onboard the CCGS Amundsen in<br />

the Mackenzie Shelf, the Gulf of Amundsen, and the Arctic Canada basin (Fig. III.1) as<br />

part as the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES) program, and onboard the<br />

CCGS Nahidik in the Mackenzie River estuary in late July during the Arctic River-Delta<br />

Experiment (ARDEX). Surface water samp<strong>les</strong> were collected at 79 locations during<br />

CASES (Fig. III.1) for mea<strong>sur</strong>ement of the absorption coefficients of CDOM (aCDOM) and<br />

suspen<strong>de</strong>d partic<strong>les</strong> (ap). The samp<strong>les</strong> were filtered through 0.2-μm Anotop® syringe<br />

filters (Whatman) and collected into 100-mL acid-cleaned amber glass bott<strong>les</strong>.<br />

Suspen<strong>de</strong>d partic<strong>les</strong> were retained by 25-mm GF/F glass fiber filters (Whatman) by<br />

filtering 0.1 to 3.5 L of seawater. The glass bott<strong>les</strong> and GF/F filters were stored frozen<br />

(seawater: -20 °C; particle: -80 °C) in the dark until being analyzed ca. four months later<br />

in the land-based laboratory at Rimouski (aCDOM) and Villefranche-<strong>sur</strong>-mer (ap).<br />

Six stations were sampled for <strong>de</strong>termination of the apparent quantum yield (AQY)<br />

spectra of DIC photoproduction: two in the Mackenzie River estuary, one on the<br />

Mackenzie Shelf (ARDEX cruise), and three in the Amundsen Gulf (CASES cruise) (Fig.<br />

III.1; Table III.1). Surface water (∼5 m <strong>de</strong>ep) in the Amundsen Gulf was taken with<br />

Teflon-coated Niskin bott<strong>les</strong> and gravity-filtered through a Pall AcroPak 1000 Capsule<br />

sequentially containing 0.8-μm and 0.2-μm polyethersulfone membrane filters. During<br />

the ARDEX cruise, <strong>sur</strong>face water was collected using an acid-cleaned plastic bucket and<br />

transferred to acid-cleaned carboys. Both the bucket and carboys were profusely rinsed<br />

three times with sample water. The <strong>sur</strong>face water was then filtered through sequential 3-<br />

μm and 0.2-μm pore-size polysulfone filters (PALL corporation). All filtered samp<strong>les</strong><br />

were stored cold (4 °C) in the dark in acid-cleaned 4-L clear glass bott<strong>les</strong> and shipped to<br />

the laboratory at Rimouski.<br />


Table III.1. Chemical and physical properties of samp<strong>les</strong> used for the φDIC.<br />

Station- Date of Lat Lon Depth S T<br />

Mission sampling (°N) (°W) (m)<br />

(°C)<br />

R5d-ARDEX 31-07 69.28 133.97 0 1.57 16.1<br />

R5a-ARDEX 31-07 69.42 133.5 0 8.19 12.2<br />

R9-ARDEX 28-07 70.05 133.42 0 25.81 9.23<br />

108-CASES 07-06 70.63 123.22 10 30.09 -1.08<br />

406-CASES 16-06 71.30 127.75 5 30.77 0.51<br />

409-CASES 23-07 71.46 127.3 5 28.79 3.46<br />

III.2.2. Optical mea<strong>sur</strong>ements<br />

The frozen seawater samp<strong>les</strong> were thawed and warmed to room temperature.<br />

Their optical <strong>de</strong>nsities (OD), referenced to pure water, were mea<strong>sur</strong>ed in a 10-cm quartz<br />

cuvette between 250 and 800 nm with 1-nm increments using a Perkin-Elmer Lambda 35<br />

dual beam spectrophotometer. A background correction was applied by subtracting the<br />

absorbance value averaged over an interval of 5 nm around 685 nm from all the spectral<br />

values [Babin et al., 2003]. The spectral absorption coefficient of CDOM, aCDOM(λ) (m -1 ),<br />

was calculated as :<br />

a CDOM<br />

2.<br />

303 OD(<br />

λ)<br />

( λ ) = (1)<br />

l<br />

where l is the optical pathlength (0.1 m). Note that aCDOM(λ) spectra of frozen samp<strong>les</strong><br />

were lower in magnitu<strong>de</strong> (~10%) than the refrigerated samp<strong>les</strong> used for irradiation<br />

experiments.<br />

The spectral absorption coefficients of the partic<strong>les</strong> retained on the GF/F filters,<br />

ap(λ) (m -1 ), were <strong>de</strong>termined at 1-nm resolution between 350 and 750 nm according to<br />

the transmittance-reflectance technique <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed by Tassan and Ferrari [1995] using a<br />

Perkin-Elmer Lamda-19 spectrophotometer equipped with a 60-mm integrating sphere.<br />

Before the mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of the OD, the frozen filters were hydrated with 1-2 ml of<br />

filtered seawater and warmed to room temperature to avoid phytoplankton cells lyses.<br />

The OD of partic<strong>les</strong> on filter, obtained by subtracting the mean OD of 10 hydrated blank<br />

GF/F filters at each wavelength from the total mea<strong>sur</strong>ed OD with the reference beam in<br />

air, was converted to ap using the expressions given by Tassan and Ferrari [2002].<br />

Assuming that particle absorption is negligible in the near-IR [Babin and Stramski, 2002],<br />

ap(750) was subtracted from ap at all wavelengths < 750 nm.<br />


III.2.3. Irradiation experiments<br />

The irradiation setup and procedure for <strong>de</strong>termining the AQY of DIC production,<br />

φDIC (mol C (mol photons) -1 ), were similar to those adopted by Johannessen and Miller<br />

[2001]. Briefly, stored samp<strong>les</strong> were refiltered through 0.2-μm polycarbonate membrane<br />

filters (Millipore), acidified with HCl to pH ~3 and purged with CO2-free air for ~24 h to<br />

reduce the background DIC to un<strong>de</strong>tectable levels. The purging gas was humidified<br />

(100% relative humidity) so that no net loss of water occurred due to evaporation. The<br />

DIC-free water samp<strong>les</strong> were buffered back to approximately the original pH values with<br />

pow<strong>de</strong>red sodium borate (ACS gra<strong>de</strong>) and transferred into pre-combusted (420 °C), gas-<br />

tight quartz-windowed cylindrical cells (internal diameter: 0.02 m; length: 0.14 m) and<br />

irradiated in a thermostated incubator (0 ± 0.5 °C) using a SUNTEST CPS solar<br />

simulator equipped with a 1-kW Xe lamp. Eight spectral treatments were examined<br />

employing successive Schott long-pass glass filters; the Schott numbers of these filters<br />

are WG280, WG295, WG305, WG320, WG345, GG395, GG435 and GG495. Spectral<br />

irradiance un<strong>de</strong>r each filter was mea<strong>sur</strong>ed with an Optronics OL-754 UV-vis<br />

spectroradiometer fitted with a fibreoptic cable. The irradiance level un<strong>de</strong>r the WG280<br />

filter was set to 190 W m -2 for stations R5a, R5d and R9, and to 585 W m -2 for stations<br />

108, 406 and 409, and the irradiation time varied from 24.5 to 46 h, <strong>de</strong>pending on the<br />

abundance of CDOM in the irradiated samp<strong>les</strong> (Fig 1 in Supplementary Materials). The<br />

rationale for choosing these irradiation times and light intensities was to obtain<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>able DIC while minimizing the extent of photobleaching. Parallel incubations in<br />

the dark were conducted to correct for potential nonphotochemical production of DIC.<br />

Extreme caution was taken to minimize bacterial contamination during sample handling<br />

and transfer. Small increases of DIC in the dark controls were often observed, but they<br />

were always similar to or <strong>les</strong>s than the amounts of DIC formed in the quartz cell un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

the GG495 filter. The dark control values were subtracted during the calculation of DIC<br />

photoproduction in each irradiated vessel.<br />


III.2.4. DIC mea<strong>sur</strong>ement and calculation of φDIC<br />

After irradiation, 1.50 mL of sample (in triplicates) were mixed with 1 mL of 10%<br />

DIC-free H3PO4 in an acid trap and purged with ultra-high-purity nitrogen. DIC in the<br />

sample was converted into CO2 which was introduced by a nitrogen carrier stream to a<br />

LI-COR 6262 CO2/H2O analyzer for quantification. The whole system was calibrated<br />

immediately before and after sample mea<strong>sur</strong>ement with varying volumes (usually 0.20,<br />

0.40, 0.60, and 0.8 mL) of a 12-μM DIC standard. This working standard was daily<br />

prepared by diluting a 600-μM sodium carbonate stock solution; the stock solution was<br />

ma<strong>de</strong> by dissolving dried sodium carbonate (Na2CO3, BDH AnalaR) in DIC-free pure<br />

water. All calibration curves resulted in R 2 > 0.999. The analytical precision was<br />

<strong>de</strong>termined to be ∼2 % at a concentration of 4 μM DIC.<br />

The spectral apparent quantum yield of DIC production, φDIC(λ), was <strong>de</strong>fined as<br />

the mo<strong>les</strong> of DIC photochemically produced per mole of photons absorbed by CDOM at<br />

wavelength λ. To <strong>de</strong>rive the φDIC(λ) values, the iterative curve-fitting method of<br />

Johannessen and Miller [2001] was applied. Briefly, this method assumes an appropriate<br />

mathematical functional form with unknown parameters to express the change of φDIC as<br />

a function of wavelength. Decreasing exponential functional forms are usually chosen for<br />

photochemical quantum yield spectra. The amount of DIC produced in an irradiation cell<br />

over the expo<strong>sur</strong>e time can then be predicted as a product of three terms: the assumed<br />

φDIC(λ) functional form, the mea<strong>sur</strong>ed inci<strong>de</strong>nt irradiance, and the sample absorption<br />

coefficient. The optimum values of the unknown parameters in the assumed φDIC(λ)<br />

functional form are obtained by varying these parameters from initial estimates until<br />

minimum difference between the mea<strong>sur</strong>ed and predicted DIC production is achieved.<br />

The absorption coefficient was mea<strong>sur</strong>ed before and after irradiation and was averaged<br />

according to first-or<strong>de</strong>r kinetic <strong>de</strong>cay, which well <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribes photobleaching [Del Vecchio<br />

and Blough, 2002; Xie et al., 2004]. We followed the recommendation of Hu et al. [2002]<br />

for the calculation of the number of photons absorbed by CDOM and adopted the<br />

following modified exponential form to fit the data:<br />

where k1, k2 and k3 are fitting parameters.<br />

k2<br />

/ ( λ + k3)<br />

φ DIC ( λ)<br />

= k1<br />

e<br />

(2)<br />


III.2.5. Mo<strong>de</strong>ling DIC photoproduction<br />

Assuming that the seawater optical properties are vertically constant in the photic<br />

zone and that the <strong>flux</strong> of photons backscattered to the atmosphere is negligible, the daily<br />

<strong>de</strong>pth-integrated DIC photoproduction rate, PDIC (mol C m -2 d -1 ), can be calculated as:<br />

a ( λ)<br />

DIC λ ( λ)<br />

dλ<br />

(3)<br />

P<br />

600<br />

−<br />

= ∫ Ed<br />

( 0 ,<br />

λ=<br />

300<br />

)<br />

CDOM<br />

at<br />

( λ)<br />

φDIC<br />

where at(λ) (m -1 ) is the total absorption coefficient (i.e., sum of absorption by seawater,<br />

−<br />

CDOM and partic<strong>les</strong>) and ( 0 , λ)<br />

E d (mol photons m -2 d -1 ) is the spectral daily<br />

downward irradiance just beneath sea <strong>sur</strong>face. Eq. 3 was used to calculate the temporal<br />

changes in PDIC in different regions of the Beaufort Sea over the period between 1979 and<br />

2003. Constant regional values of aCDOM(λ)/at(λ) and φDIC(λ) <strong>de</strong>termined from our field<br />

and laboratory work were assumed (see below). Note that in the open ocean where the<br />

fraction of light absorbed by the CDOM (i.e., the ratio aCDOM(λ)/at(λ)) approaches the<br />

value of 1 in the UV domain, PDIC can be approximated by integrating the product<br />

−<br />

of E ( 0 , λ)<br />

and φDIC(λ) over λ [e.g. Johannessen, 2000]. When partic<strong>les</strong> compete for<br />

d<br />

light absorption in the UV domain, as in coastal waters, the parameter aCDOM(λ)/at(λ) of<br />

Eq. 3 is necessary to avoid overestimation of PDIC.<br />

By using constant regional value for φDIC(λ), our approach did not explicitly take<br />

into account any potential <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce on light dose of this quantity; i.e., the effect of<br />

CDOM light history on φDIC(λ). Johannessen and Miller [2001] observed a 2.3 times<br />

increase in the φDIC(λ) after a coastal water sample was extensively photobleached (loss<br />

of absorbance in the UV wavelengths > 50%) while Vähätalo and Wetzel [2004] found a<br />

13% <strong>de</strong>crease in the DOC loss AQY of a lake water sample with a 9% increase in the<br />

photons absorbed by CDOM. Therefore, both the direction and magnitu<strong>de</strong> of change in<br />

photomineralization AQY in response to light dose remain unclear. In the present study,<br />

significant photobleaching was incurred during the AQY experiments (Fig. III1 in<br />

Supplementary Materials) while no appreciable photobleaching seemed to have taken<br />

place during the transport of CDOM from the estuary of the Mackenzie River to the Shelf<br />

or even further seaward (see Results and Discussion). I<strong>de</strong>ally, experimentally <strong>de</strong>termined<br />


AQYs only apply to timesca<strong>les</strong> over which the amount and spectral quality of the light<br />

absorbed by CDOM in the field are equivalent to those of the light absorbed by CDOM in<br />

irradiation experiments. On larger geochemically significant timesca<strong>les</strong> (e.g., the<br />

resi<strong>de</strong>nce times of the Mackenzie River’s runoff in the Canada Basin or the entire Arctic<br />

Ocean), the uncertainties in the calculation of PDIC associated with the dose <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

of φDIC(λ) should be smaller, since the extent of photobleaching in the field on these<br />

timesca<strong>les</strong>, as compared to the timesca<strong>les</strong> of land-to-sea CDOM transport, are likely<br />

closer to that occurring in our laboratory irradiations.<br />

The spectral daily downward irradiance received at the sea <strong>sur</strong>face was calculated<br />

using a radiative transfer method that uses as inputs satellite mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of total<br />

atmospheric ozone column content and of cloud cover <strong>de</strong>rived from Total Ozone<br />

Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) data [Herman et al., 1999; Krotkov et al., 2002; Krotkov<br />

et al., 1998; Krotkov et al., 2001]. The calculations were ma<strong>de</strong> for each day between<br />

February 1979 to April 1993, and between August 1996 to November 2001, which<br />

correspond to the periods when TOMS data were available. Calculations were done for<br />

conditions with and without cloud cover. The method was modified in two respects. First,<br />

instead of using the monthly minimum Lambertian equivalent reflectivity (MLER) for<br />

the <strong>sur</strong>face albedo (As) from climatology, we used a linear combination of albedos for<br />

open water and sea ice:<br />

As water<br />

ice<br />

= A ( 1−<br />

SIC)<br />

+ A SIC<br />

(4)<br />

where SIC is the fractional sea ice <strong>sur</strong>face concentration (dimension<strong>les</strong>s, from 0 to 1), and<br />

Awater and Aice are the water and sea ice albedos, respectively. Note that As must be<br />

accounted for in the calculation of E (λ)<br />

because multiple scattering between sea<br />

d<br />

<strong>sur</strong>face and atmosphere can be significant in the UV domain. Daily SIC data were<br />

obtained from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) and were <strong>de</strong>rived from<br />

observations of the Scanning Multi channel Microwave Radiometer (SMMR; 1979-1987)<br />

or Special Sensor Microwave Imager (SSM/I; 1987-2003) using the NASA Team<br />

algorithm [Cavalieri et al., 1990]. The values for Awater (0.05) and Aice (0.76) were<br />

adopted from the MLER climatology for summer (SIC = 0) and winter (SIC = 1) seasons,<br />

respectively, published by Herman and Celarier [1997] and Herman et al. . Second, the<br />

calculations of irradiance were spectrally exten<strong>de</strong>d to cover the range from 300 to 600 nm<br />


(with 0.5 nm resolution). As the above procedure yields downward irradiance just above<br />

sea <strong>sur</strong>face, we applied a factor of 0.95 to account for specular reflection and to<br />

−<br />

obtain E ( 0 , λ)<br />

just beneath <strong>sur</strong>face as nee<strong>de</strong>d in Eq. 3.<br />

d<br />

For the calculation of total DIC photoproduction, the Southeastern Beaufort Sea<br />

was divi<strong>de</strong>d into three sub-regions: the Mackenzie Shelf (MS; 80 000 km 2 ; <strong>de</strong>pth < 200m;<br />

west of Cape Bathurst), the Amundsen Gulf (AG; 87 000 km 2 ; >118°W) and the Canada<br />

Basin (CB; 240 000 km 2 ;

Figure III.2. φDIC spectra <strong>de</strong>termined on water samp<strong>les</strong> collected during<br />

ARDEX (R5a, R5d, and R9; solid thin lines) and CASES (108, 406 and<br />

409; dashed thin lines). The grey curves are the average φDIC spectra<br />

published by Vähätalo et al. [2000] for a boreal lake, and by Johannessen<br />

and Miller [2001] for inshore, coastal and offshore waters.<br />

Table III.2. CDOM properties and mo<strong>de</strong>l parameters for φDIC.<br />

φ ( λ)<br />

= k e<br />

Station aCDOM330 SCDOM a DIC<br />

1<br />

k2<br />

/ ( λ + k3<br />

)<br />

(m -1 ) k1 k2 k3<br />

2 b<br />

r φ DIC (x10 -6 )<br />

R5d 5.44 0.0190 1.2x10 -6 726. -176. .998 20.3<br />

R5a 4.50 0.0201 4.9x10 -6 352. -224. 1.00 25.8<br />

R9 1.50 0.0204 9.6x10 -6 128. -257. .984 18.9<br />

108 0.72 0.0200 2.7x10 -10 5232. 88.7 .976 8.8<br />

406 0.69 0.0191 6.7x10 -8 1538. -111. .996 6.6<br />

409 0.62 0.0217 7.44x10 -6 128. -256. .994 14.6<br />

a<br />

Spectral slope of the the mo<strong>de</strong>l aCDOM(λ)=aCDOM(λ0) Scdom*(λ0-λ) .<br />

b 2<br />

The correlation coefficient (r ) is from the linear regression between mo<strong>de</strong>led and mea<strong>sur</strong>ed<br />

DIC production.<br />


III.3. Results and discussion<br />

III.3.1. Apparent Quantum Yield for DIC photoproduction<br />

The six φDIC spectra <strong>de</strong>termined during this study are shown in Fig. III.2 and the<br />

parameters of the quasi-exponential mo<strong>de</strong>l (Eq. 2) are given in Table III.2. The<br />

exponential form adopted here has a steeper slope and fits better the mea<strong>sur</strong>ed production<br />

(r 2 > 0.97) than the two-parameter single exponential form used by Johannessen and<br />

Miller and Vähätalo et al. . A <strong>de</strong>tailed comparison between these two functional forms is<br />

provi<strong>de</strong>d in the supplementary online material. To compare the photoreactivity of the<br />

CDOM, we calculated the mean φDIC value weighted by an inci<strong>de</strong>nt solar irradiance<br />

spectrum:<br />

600<br />

∫<br />

E<br />

( 0<br />

=<br />

280<br />

d<br />

600<br />

∫<br />

280<br />

59<br />

−<br />

, λ)<br />

φ<br />

( λ)<br />

dλ<br />

φ DIC . (5)<br />

E<br />

−<br />

( 0 , λ)<br />

dλ<br />

Here Ed (0 - , λ) was mo<strong>de</strong>led using the Tropospheric Ultraviolet Visible (TUV) mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

[Madronich and Flocke, 1999] for summer solstice at latitu<strong>de</strong> of 70°N with clear sky,<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>rate aerosols concentration (optical thickness at 550 nm of 0.1), and total ozone<br />

column content of 330 DU. Note that only the spectral shape of Ed (0 - , λ) influenced the<br />

value of φ DIC (e.g., for a total ozone column content of 480 DU, the difference in φDIC<br />

35) waters with 174.0 and 786.5 × 10 -6 mol C<br />

(mol photons) -1 , respectively. However, our φDIC<br />

DIC<br />

values for low-salinity water samp<strong>les</strong><br />

(R5a and R5d, salinity < 9) are comparable to the inshore (S < 31) value of 30.4 × 10 -6<br />

mol C (mol photons) -1 mea<strong>sur</strong>ed by Johannessen and Miller [2001] and to the average<br />


φDIC<br />

of 25.9 x 10-6 mol C (mol photons) -1 reported by Vähätalo et al. [2000] for water<br />

samp<strong>les</strong> from Valkea-Kotinen, a humic lake located in coniferous forest of Finland<br />

(61°14′N; 25°04′E). While CDOM was mixed conservatively over the shelf estuary, as<br />

suggested by the negative linear correlation between aCDOM and salinity (Fig. III.3a), we<br />

observed a nonlinear <strong>de</strong>crease of φ DIC with increasing salinity (Fig. III3b). This behavior<br />

possibly resulted from a conservative mixing of high-φDIC inshore waters with low-φDIC<br />

offshore waters and a non-conservative changes in the photoreactivity of CDOM across<br />

the salinity gradient. The <strong>de</strong>crease of φ DIC with salinity observed in this study is opposite<br />

to the trend observed by Johannessen and Miller [2001] who proposed that, as the<br />

terrestrial aromatic structures in terrestrial CDOM are eliminated by photochemical<br />

fading or as marine-<strong>de</strong>rived CDOM increasingly dominates the light absorption, the<br />

proportion of DIC-producing to non-DIC-producing chromophores in CDOM increases.<br />

In the present study, photochemical fading of terrestrial CDOM is not supported by the<br />

conservative behavior of aCDOM(λ) (Fig. III.3a). In contrast, the lower φ DIC values were<br />

observed at stations 108 and 406 (S = 30-31) sampled in June and away from direct input<br />

of the Mackenzie River. Overall, Fig III.3b suggests that the photoreactivity of tDOM<br />

drained into the Mackenzie River changed when it was mixed into coastal and offshore<br />

waters (S

Figure III.3. (a) Variation of aCDOM(330) with salinity for water samp<strong>les</strong><br />

collected in Mackenzie Shelf (open circ<strong>les</strong>), Amundsen Gulf (open<br />

triang<strong>les</strong>), Canada Basin (open squares). Samp<strong>les</strong> collected for φDIC are<br />

shown as closed squares. (b) Variation of weighted quantum yield<br />

normalized to the integrated irradiance, φ DIC , with salinity.<br />


III.3.2. Role of DIC photoproduction in the organic carbon cycling<br />

The yearly pattern of DIC photoproduction (PDIC), averaged over the period<br />

corresponding to TOMS data availability (01/1979 to 04/1993; 08/1996 to11/2001), is<br />

shown in Fig. III.4. At summer solstice, PDIC reached 6.1, 2.9 and 4.1 mg C m -2 d -1 for<br />

MS, AG and CB, respectively. Given that the spectral irradiance was similar for each<br />

sub-region, the difference in PDIC was mainly due to regional differences in φDIC (Fig.<br />

III.2) and in the fraction of light absorbed by CDOM (Fig. III.5). While CDOM largely<br />

dominated the total light absorption at wavelengths 90%), the<br />

high concentration of particulate matter in the MS reduced light availability to CDOM by<br />

10 to 20% compared with the other two sub-regions. Neverthe<strong>les</strong>s, PDIC was larger in the<br />

MS due to the higher φDIC in the intermediate salinity range (Fig. III.3b).<br />

Figure III.4. Average DIC photoproduction rates, PDIC, calculated using<br />

the φDIC representing each sub-region: R5a, R5d and R9 for the Mackenzie<br />

Shelf; 108 for the Amundsen Gulf; 406 and 409 for the Canada Basin.<br />


Figure III.5. Average spectral light fraction absorbed by CDOM in the<br />

<strong>sur</strong>face waters at stations (Fig. III.1) sampled over the Mackenzie Shelf<br />

(dashed line), in Amundsen Gulf (dash-dotted line), and in Canada Basin<br />

(thin line).<br />

To assess the importance of photomineralization relative to other biogeochemical<br />

processes affecting the marine carbon cycle, our DIC photoproduction rates were<br />

compared with published bacterial respiration and primary production data for the same<br />

areas. Based on leucine uptake rates, Garneau et al. [2006] reported low bacterial<br />

production rates of 12 to 112 μg C m -3 d -1 (mean: 48 μg C m -3 d -1 ) in the fall of 2002 in<br />

the vicinity of the Mackenzie River estuary. Assuming a typical growth efficiency of<br />

27% for coastal Arctic bacteria [Meon and Amon, 2004], the bacterial respiration rate<br />

would be ~3.2 mg C m -2 d -1 in the upper 25 m of the water column. For comparison, PDIC<br />

was 0.6 mg C m -2 d -1 at that time of the year (Fig. III.4), equivalent to ~19% of the<br />

bacterial respiration. In late June and early July 2004, when primary productivity and<br />

temperature are higher, the bacterial respiration rate in the upper 25 m ranged from 20.2<br />

to 77.8 mg C m -2 d -1 (mean: 49.0 mg C m -2 d -1 ) on the shelf [M.-È. Garneau, unpub data].<br />

During the same period, PDIC in the MS was 5.1 mg C m -2 d -1 (Fig. III.4; Table III.3),<br />

equivalent to 10.4% of the bacterial respiration.<br />

Wavelength (nm)<br />


Table III.3. Comparison between daily DIC photoproduction, and total and new primary<br />

production rates in open water (in mg C m -2 d -1 ).<br />

Sub-region Period Primary Production PDIC<br />

Mackenzie Shelf<br />

(80 000 km 2 )<br />

Canada Basin<br />

(240 000 km 2 )<br />

Late July<br />

Total New<br />

67-134 (1) 3.5-5.0<br />

100-200 (1)<br />

Late August 79-145 (106) (2)<br />

64<br />

14-26 (19) (2) 1.3-1.8<br />

Amundsen Gulf<br />

(87 000 km 2 )<br />

Late August<br />

13.2 (2) 1.0<br />

(1) From Carmack et al. [2004].<br />

(2) From Lee and Whitledge [2005], personal communication of S. Lee for AG values.<br />

91.9 (2)<br />

Table III.3 compares our PDIC values with recent published values of primary<br />

production (PP) and new production (sensus Dugdale and Goering [1967]) for open<br />

waters in the same areas. PP in the MS is typically 100 to 200 mg C m -2 d -1 in late July<br />

while new production (based on nitrate drawdown) is 67 to 134 mg C m -2 d -1 [Carmack et<br />

al., 2004]. Values reported for late August in the Canada Basin range from 79 to 145 mg<br />

C m -2 d -1 for PP, with a mean of 106 mg C m -2 d -1 , and from 14 to 26 mg C m -2 d -1 for<br />

new production (based on nitrate and ammonium uptake), with a mean of 19 mg C m -2 d -1<br />

[Lee and Whitledge, 2005]. In the AG, primary and new productions in late August 2002<br />

were 91.9 and 13.2 mg C m -2 d -1 , respectively [S. H. Lee, personal communication].<br />

Based on our estimates of PDIC, photomineralization of DOC occurs at a rate equivalent<br />

to 2.6-7.8, 6.8-9.4 and 7.6% of the amount of organic carbon produced by new<br />

production in MS, CB, and AG, respectively. Note that for the small area near the Cape<br />

Bathurst, however, satellite-based PP rates can reach up to 2800 mg C m -2 d -1 during the<br />

spring phytoplankton bloom [Arrigo and van Dijken, 2004]. Therefore the relative<br />

contribution of photomineralization to the organic carbon cycling could be much lower<br />

during short periods of bloom conditions.

III.3.3. Interannual variability in DIC photoproduction<br />

Figure III.6 shows the annual photoproduction of DIC from 1979 to 2003. The<br />

mean annual production (± s. d.) was 24.9 ± 5.2, 13.7 ± 3.3 and 27.8 ± 11.8 Gg C in the<br />

MS, AG and CB, respectively. When all regions are pooled together, the photoproduction<br />

was on average 66.5 ± 18.4 Gg C y -1 . Because of the large interannual variability, the<br />

positive slopes of the linear regressions between the production rate and time are not<br />

significantly different from zero. Neverthe<strong>les</strong>s, the positive trends observed over the 25<br />

years are higher for the AG and CB (+ 1.5 and + 2.1 Gg C <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong> -1 , respectively) than for<br />

the MS (+ 0.5 Gg C <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong> -1 ). Based on these trends, the DIC photoproduction increased<br />

by 5.0%, 26.3%, and 18.1% between 1979 and 2003 for the MS, AG, and CB,<br />

respectively, with an overall increase of 14.8%.<br />

Figure III.6. Trends in the annual DIC photoproduction for period 1979-<br />

2003 for the Mackenzie Shelf, the Amundsen Gulf, the Canada Basin, and<br />

the sums of the three sub-regions.<br />


Figure III.7. Correlation between the annual DIC photoproduction and<br />

the annual average area of open water for: (a) Mackenzie Shelf, DIC =<br />

0.91x10 6 * X; (b) Amundsen Gulf, DIC = 0.52x10 6 * X ; (c) Canada Basin,<br />

DIC = 0.63x10 6 * X. (X = open water area in km 2 ; slope in Gg C y -1 km -2 ;<br />

n=25).<br />

The large interannual variability of the DIC photoproduction is mainly due to<br />

variability in sea ice cover. Figure III.7 shows the strong positive correlation between the<br />

annual photoproduction of DIC and the average area of open water for each sub-region.<br />

Note that the timing of the opening of sea ice is also important due to the strong seasonal<br />

variability of PDIC (Fig. III.4). For instance, the presence or absence of an ice cover in<br />

June has a stronger impact on the annual DIC photoproduction than it does in September.<br />


Figure III.8 shows the changes in the number of days with open water (<strong>de</strong>fined as >50 %<br />

of the area free of ice) and in the date when the opening begins (i.e., first appearance of<br />

open water) for each sub-region. The number of days with open water was on average (±<br />

s. d.) 116.8 ± 25.7, 125.7 ± 26.9 and 52.6 ± 47.6, and increased at a rate of 3.3, 12.0, and<br />

9.3 days per <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong> for MS, AG and CB, respectively. Concurrently, the opening<br />

occurred on average at day 170.9 ± 20.3, 167.1 ± 18.9 and 181.6 ± 74.3, and <strong>de</strong>creased at<br />

rates of 1.9, 14.1 and 6.8 days per <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>, for MS, AG and CB, respectively. As expected,<br />

we observed a larger interannual variability in sea ice concentration in the Canada Basin,<br />

which was due in part to the movement of the Arctic central packed ice associated with<br />

dominant anticyclonic or cyclonic circulation regime [e.g., Comiso et al., 2003]. For<br />

instance, the open-water area in the CB remained 120 days of fully open water were observed in 1987,<br />

1993 and 1998.<br />

Figure III.8. Trends in open water area for the three sub-regions as<br />

observed by SMMR/SSMI between 1979 and 2003. The left panels show<br />

the day of the year when >50% of the <strong>sur</strong>face area is ice free. The right<br />

panels show the number of days having open water.<br />


In addition to the variability in sea-ice cover and in the timing of its opening, the<br />

interannual variation of the atmospheric ozone concentration and cloud cover also<br />

contributed to the variability of DIC photoproduction. Figure III.9 gives the trends<br />

between 1979 and 2001 in monthly averaged ozone column content as observed by<br />

TOMS over the southeast Beaufort Sea. In May, the ozone content was high and varied<br />

within a narrow range (379.5 ± 4.1 DU). In June and July, it <strong>de</strong>creased down to 322.4 ±<br />

10.5 and 287.8±7.22 DU, respectively. In August, the year-to-year variability was higher,<br />

as indicated by a higher standard <strong>de</strong>viation, 344.1 ± 37.2 DU, and a larger range, 270 to<br />

400 DU. Linear regression gave a significant negative slope (p < 0.05) for July and<br />

August, -5.4 and -24 DU <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong> -1 , respectively. Neverthe<strong>les</strong>s, the influence of the<br />

<strong>de</strong>creasing trends in the summer ozone column content on the DIC photoproduction was<br />

largely overshadowed by the variability in sea-ice cover (Fig. III.7).<br />

Figure III.9. Trends in monthly O3 concentration over the study area as<br />

observed by TOMS between 1979 and 2001. Note the changes of scale<br />

among the panels.<br />


These results show that variation of sea-ice cover is the most important factor<br />

controlling the photochemical production of DIC in the Arctic <strong>sur</strong>face waters. Our<br />

calculations did not account for seasonal variability in φDIC and optical properties of<br />

<strong>sur</strong>face waters since they are unknown. Fortunately, our field sampling took place at the<br />

time of year (June and July) when both irradiance and river plume extent were maximal,<br />

and therefore when photooxidation processes were most intense. Our sampling time,<br />

however, might not a<strong>de</strong>quately capture the influence of particulate matter dynamics on<br />

the availability of light to CDOM photochemistry. For instance, the continental shelf was<br />

sampled in early July, shortly after the ice breakup when the particle-rich river plume was<br />

spread over most of the shelf area [Carmack and Macdonald, 2002]. Later in the season<br />

the river discharge and suspen<strong>de</strong>d particulate matter abundance <strong>de</strong>crease sharply,<br />

allowing more light available for photochemical processes. The PDIC for the MS, based<br />

on the ratio of aCDOM / at obtained in early July, might therefore be un<strong>de</strong>restimated for late<br />

summer. In contrast, spring bloom events, as observed in the area of Cape Bathurst<br />

polynya [Arrigo and van Dijken, 2004], could temporarily <strong>de</strong>crease aCDOM / at in some<br />

areas.<br />

The trend in sea-ice cover extent observed in the southeastern Beaufort Sea is<br />

coherent with the trend observed over the whole Arctic Ocean [e.g., Cavalieri et al., 2003;<br />

Rothrock and Zhang, 2005]. The rate of change in the northern hemisphere sea-ice cover<br />

extent between 1979 and 2002 was estimated to be -0.36 ± 0.05 x 10 6 km 2 <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong> -1<br />

[Cavalieri et al., 2003]. If the PDIC calculated in this study is applicable to the rest of the<br />

Arctic Ocean, the increase in DIC production since 1979 can be estimated for the whole<br />

Arctic. Using the area-normalized slope (in g C y -1 km -2 ) for the CB (Fig. III.7), we<br />

estimated that photochemical production of DIC in the northern hemisphere increased by<br />

19.6-26.0 Gg C y -1 between 1979 and 2002.<br />

III.3.4. Implications for tDOC cycling in Arctic coastal waters<br />

Physical transport appears the main mechanism responsible for the removal of<br />

tDOC in the Arctic Ocean. Benner et al. [2005] reported that physical transport of tDOC<br />

to the northeast Atlantic Ocean represents 25 to 33% of the 25 Tg tDOC y -1 input into the<br />

Arctic Ocean. In addition, a similar fraction of tDOC may be exported through the<br />


Canadian archipelago into the northwest Atlantic [Amon, 2004] and into the Arctic <strong>de</strong>ep<br />

basin resulting from the sinking of brine-enriched waters formed over the shelves<br />

[Dittmar, 2004]. The remaining fraction (~34 to 50%) should accumulate or be removed<br />

by biological and photochemical processes in the Polar Surface Water (PSW). The<br />

relative importance for the removal of tDOC by microbial and photochemical processes<br />

is unknown [Amon, 2004]. Our study is a first attempt to quantify the photochemical sink<br />

of tDOC in an Arctic coastal environment affected by large inputs of terrestrial DOM.<br />

The main source of CDOM in the study area is the terrestrial runoff from the<br />

Mackenzie River [Guay et al., 1999; Guéguen et al., 2005]. To estimate tDOM<br />

mineralization, one needs to know the fraction of light absorbed by the terrigenous<br />

CDOM (aCDOM ter ). This fraction (in %) was approximated as<br />

a<br />

a<br />

ter<br />

CDOM<br />

CDOM<br />

⎛<br />

= ⎜<br />

⎝<br />

6.<br />

5<br />

6.<br />

5 f ⎞<br />

⎟ * 100 , (6)<br />

f + 0.<br />

5(<br />

1−<br />

f ) ⎠<br />

where f is the fraction of runoff in the <strong>sur</strong>face layer, and 6.5 and 0.5 are the aCDOM(330)<br />

values for the riverine and marine end-members, respectively (Fig. III.3a). Based on<br />

conservative estimates for f of ~25% in the MS [Macdonald et al., 1995] and ~8% in the<br />

CB [Macdonald et al., 2002], we calculated that 80 and 50% of the aCDOM is of<br />

terrigenous origin in the MS and CB, respectively (Table III.4). The contribution of<br />

aCDOM ter in the Amundsen Gulf is <strong>les</strong>s certain and <strong>de</strong>pends on the <strong>sur</strong>face currents and the<br />

autochthonous production of CDOM. Un<strong>de</strong>r calm wind conditions, the Mackenzie River<br />

plume tends to flow eastward and enter the gulf [Carmack and Macdonald, 2002].<br />

However, since PP appears relatively important around Cape Bathurst [Arrigo and van<br />

Dijken, 2004], we assume that only 20% of the CDOM in the AG is of terrigenous origin.<br />

This number represents a typical contribution of tDOC to PSW [Benner et al., 2005].<br />

Based on these assumptions, tDOC photomineralization is estimated to be 19.9 ± 4.2,<br />

13.1 ± 5.9 and 2.8 ± 0.7 Gg C y -1 for the MS, CB and AG, respectively (Table III.4),<br />

representing 1.53 ± 0.32%, 1.0 ± 0.5% and 0.21 ± 0.04% of the tDOC <strong>flux</strong> into the<br />

southeastern Beaufort Sea via the Mackenzie River. Put together, these estimates<br />

represent 2.8 ± 0.55% of the annual input of tDOC (1.3 Tg) [Telang et al., 1991].<br />

Therefore, our results corroborate the speculation by Benner et al. [2005] that<br />


photochemical transformation of tDOM occurs in the PSW but that this removal process<br />

is a small fraction of the total organic carbon <strong>flux</strong>.<br />

Table III.4. Mean annual DIC photoproduction and estimates of tDOC mineralized by<br />

photooxidation.<br />

Sub-region DIC<br />

photoproduction (1)<br />

Gg C y -1<br />

a<br />

a<br />

ter<br />

CDOM<br />

71<br />

CDOM<br />

(%)<br />

tDOC<br />

mineralized (1)<br />

Gg C y -1<br />

Mackenzie Shelf 24.9 ± 5.2 80 19.9 ± 4.2<br />

Canada Basin 27.8 ± 11.8 50 13.9 ± 5.9<br />

Amundsen Gulf 13.7 ± 3.3 20 2.8 ± 0.7<br />

Total 66.5 ± 18.5 36.6 ± 7.1<br />

(1) Average ± s. d. calculated from 1979 to 2003.<br />

Amon and Meon [2004] suggested that the fate of tDOM un<strong>de</strong>r reduced ice cover<br />

could become significantly different from the present situation, and our results allow<br />

further analysis of this prediction for photomineralization losses. Un<strong>de</strong>r the minimal sea<br />

ice conditions observed during spring-summer 1998, DIC photoproduction nearly<br />

doubled relative to the averaged value for the period from 1979 to 2003 (123.0 vs. 66.5<br />

Gg C y -1 , P

30.0, 32.5 and 4.2 Gg y -1 of tDOC to be photomineralized in 1998 in the MS, CB, and<br />

AG respectively, the sum of these numbers representing 5.1% of the annual tDOC release<br />

from the Mackenzie River. The ice-free scenario gives an equivalent estimate of 6.2%<br />

(assuming no change in tDOC input). For these conditions, we estimated that 43.5 Gg y -1<br />

of allochthonous DOC would be photomineralized in the Canada Basin, which is higher<br />

than the estimates for autochthonous organic carbon sequestered in the <strong>de</strong>ep ocean basin<br />

(22.8 to 42 Gg C y -1 ). This range is based on the assumptions that 1% of the annual PP is<br />

buried in sediments [Stein and Macdonald, 2004] and that PP rate ranges from 9.5 to 17.4<br />

g C m -2 in the open water of CB [Lee and Whitledge, 2005].<br />

In this study, photooxidation of CDOM within or un<strong>de</strong>r sea ice was not<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>red because most of the radiative energy is either backscattered to the atmosphere<br />

or absorbed by the freshly produced biogenic material accumulated at the bottom of sea<br />

ice . Although photochemical reactions within the organic-rich bottom ice layer is likely<br />

to play a role in the marine DOM cycling [Xie and Gosselin, 2005], it does not affect the<br />

un<strong>de</strong>rlying terrigenous DOM. Due to the lack of tDOM data in sea ice [Amon, 2004], it is<br />

impossible at present to estimate the photomineralization of tDOC in sea ice.<br />

III.4. Summary and conclusions<br />

This study represents the first attempt to quantify photomineralization of DOM in<br />

an Arctic coastal ecosystem that receives large riverine inputs of terrigenous materials.<br />

The quantum yield spectra for DIC photoproduction (φDIC) are the first to be obtained for<br />

the Arctic, and among the first for marine waters in general. The non-conservative<br />

behavior of φDIC in the freshwater-saltwater transitional zone suggests that the<br />

photoreactivity of tDOM transported by Mackenzie River changed when it was mixed<br />

into coastal and offshore waters, and/or that marine algae-<strong>de</strong>rived DOM was <strong>les</strong>s<br />

photoreactive than tDOM in terms of photoproduction of DIC.<br />

Photomineralization of DOC in the study area, as estimated from DIC<br />

photoproduction, occurred at a rate equivalent to ~10% of the bacterial respiration rate<br />


esponse to the <strong>de</strong>creasing sea ice extent. Our estimates of tDOC photomineralization<br />

confirm that photooxidation presently is not a major removal pathway for tDOM in the<br />

Arctic. The photochemical sink for tDOM is, however, anticipated to grow in the future<br />

due to <strong>de</strong>crease in sea-ice extent as predicted by the Global Circulation Mo<strong>de</strong>l [ACIA,<br />

2005]. In addition to remineralizing CDOM to CO2, photolysis also produces biologically<br />

labile DOM compounds [e.g., Kieber et al., 1989; Mopper et al., 1991]. The latter may<br />

provi<strong>de</strong> another pathway by which Arctic tDOM is removed, thereby amplifying the<br />

effect of <strong>de</strong>crease in sea ice cover on tDOM cycling in the Arctic Ocean.<br />

III.5. Auxiliary material: On the <strong>de</strong>termination of the Apparent Quantum Yield for<br />

DIC photoprodcution<br />

In sections III.2.3 and III.2.4, we <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed the method adopted to <strong>de</strong>termine of<br />

the Apparent Quantum Yield for DIC photoproduction. Briefly, we exposed filtered<br />

seawater to artificial sunlight. To obtain spectral value for φDIC, the inci<strong>de</strong>nt light was<br />

filtered using eight Schott long-pass glass filters. For each of the six experiments, spectral<br />

absorption by colored dissolved organic matter (aCDOM) was mea<strong>sur</strong>ed before and after<br />

the irradiation. Figure III.A.1 presents the mea<strong>sur</strong>ed aCDOM for the six stations before<br />

(black) and after (red) the irradiation experiments. The loss of absorption observed is due<br />

to photobleaching. This change was accounted for in the calculation of the AQY by using<br />

an appropriately averaged absorption coefficient. To calculated the amount of energy<br />

absorbed by the CDOM during the course of the experiment, Qa, the following equation<br />

was used:<br />

⎛ a ⎞ CDOM<br />

= E(<br />

0)<br />

× ⎜ × S × [ 1−<br />

exp( −a<br />

× L)<br />

]<br />

a ⎟<br />

, (mol photons s<br />

⎝ t ⎠<br />

-1 nm -1 ),<br />

Qa t<br />

S: cross-section of the irradiation cells;<br />

L: pathlength of the irradiation cells;<br />

E(0): irradiance just below the upper window of the irradiation cells<br />

at: total absorption coefficient, which is only acdom+awater since the sample was filtered<br />

before irradiation.<br />


Note that in all samp<strong>les</strong>, the fraction aCDOM/atotal is >90% in the UV-blue domain.<br />

aCDOM was averaged according to first-or<strong>de</strong>r kinetic <strong>de</strong>cay (i.e., mean aCDOM =<br />

exp((ln(ainitial)+ln(aend))/2)).<br />

To <strong>de</strong>rive the φDIC(λ) values, the iterative curve-fitting method of Johannessen<br />

and Miller [2001] was applied. Briefly, this method assumes an appropriate mathematical<br />

functional form with unknown parameters to express the change of φDIC as a function of<br />

wavelength. Decreasing exponential functional forms are usually chosen for<br />

photochemical quantum yield spectra. The amount of DIC produced in an irradiation cell<br />

over the expo<strong>sur</strong>e time can then be predicted as a product of three terms: the assumed<br />

φDIC(λ) functional form, the mea<strong>sur</strong>ed inci<strong>de</strong>nt irradiance, and the sample absorption<br />

coefficient. The optimum values of the unknown parameters in the assumed φDIC(λ)<br />

functional form are obtained by varying these parameters from initial estimates until<br />

minimum difference between the mea<strong>sur</strong>ed and predicted DIC production is achieved.<br />

We tested two exponential form to fit the data<br />

1.<br />

2.<br />

φ<br />

−(<br />

m1<br />

+ m2<br />

( λ + 290)<br />

DIC ( λ)<br />

= e (Single exponential, as in Johannessen and<br />

Miller [2001]);<br />

k2<br />

/ ( λ + k3)<br />

φ DIC ( λ)<br />

= k1<br />

e (Quasi-exponential).<br />

where m1, m2, k1, k2 and k3 are fitting parameters. Figure III.A.2 shows the mea<strong>sur</strong>ed<br />

versus the mo<strong>de</strong>led DIC within each irradiated cells. Table III.A.1 gives the regression<br />

coefficients for each mo<strong>de</strong>l and station. These show that the performance of Quasi-<br />

exponential form mo<strong>de</strong>l was better than the single exponential form as previously used<br />

by Johannessen and Miller [2001].<br />


Figure III.A.1. Absorption spectra of CDOM for before (black line) and<br />

after the irradiation for the sample un<strong>de</strong>r WG280 cutoff filter (red line).<br />

The time of irradiation and the irradiance level un<strong>de</strong>r the cutoff filter are<br />

also shown.<br />


Table III.A.1. Comparison of statistical results between the single exponential and quasiexponential<br />

functional forms<br />

Station R5d R5a R9 108 406 409<br />

r Single exponential 0.990 0.994 0.964 0.956 0.994 0.988<br />

2<br />

Quasi-exponential 0.998 1.00 0.984 0.976 0.996 0.994<br />

∑(mo<strong>de</strong>led- Single exponential 0.173 0.065 0.028 0.075 0.010 0.011<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>ed) 2 Quasi-exponential 0.025 0.002 0.009 0.020 0.006 0.003<br />

Figure III.A.2. Mo<strong>de</strong>led versus mea<strong>sur</strong>ed DIC photoproduction rates for<br />

the Single exponential (squares) and Quasi-exponential (circ<strong>les</strong>) functional<br />

forms.<br />


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Chapitre IV : Quantification améliorée <strong>de</strong> la<br />

photooxydation <strong>de</strong> la matière organique dissoute<br />

colorée dans <strong>les</strong> eaux côtières à l’ai<strong>de</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

propriétés optiques inhérentes dérivées <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan<br />


IV.A Résumé<br />

Pour estimer le taux <strong>de</strong> photooxydation <strong>de</strong> la matière organique dans <strong>les</strong> eaux côtières, le<br />

rapport entre <strong>les</strong> coefficients d’absorption <strong>de</strong> la matière organique dissoute colorée (CDOM)<br />

et total ([a CDOM/a t]) se doit d’être connu <strong>de</strong>puis l’ultraviolet (UV) jusqu’à la partie verte du<br />

spectre électromagnétique. La variabilité <strong>de</strong> ce rapport à 412 nm, observée à 307 stations<br />

visitées dans plusieurs environnements côtiers, est très importante, soit entre 20 et 94%. Une<br />

relation empirique est proposée pour estimer [a CDOM/a t](412) à partir <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> me<strong>sur</strong>es spatia<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

la réflectance <strong>de</strong> l’océan. L’incertitu<strong>de</strong> absolue <strong>de</strong> l’algorithme <strong>de</strong> [a CDOM/a t](412) est <strong>de</strong> ±<br />

14%. Dans <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> environnements tels que la Mer Baltique et la Mer du Nord, l’algorithme<br />

permet <strong>de</strong> séparer le CDOM <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> particu<strong>les</strong> non-alga<strong>les</strong> à l’échelle régionale. À l’ai<strong>de</strong> d’un<br />

modèle spectral <strong>de</strong> photoproduction <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> inorganique dissous (DIC) intégrée dans la<br />

colonne d’eau, on a évalué l’impact <strong>de</strong> 1) l’erreur <strong>de</strong> [a CDOM/a t](412) retrouvé, et <strong>de</strong> 2)<br />

l’extrapolation <strong>de</strong> ce rapport entre l’UV et le vert, <strong>sur</strong> la photooxydation. L’incertitu<strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong> la<br />

valeur absolue <strong>de</strong> [a CDOM/a t](412) retrouvée résulte en une incertitu<strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong> la photoproduction<br />

<strong>de</strong> DIC inférieure à 50%. Si la valeur du coefficient d’absorption total à 412 nm est connue,<br />

l’erreur due à l’extrapolation spectrale <strong>de</strong> [a CDOM/a t](412) est inférieure à 20%. L’algorithme a<br />

été appliqué à une image SeaWiFS du sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort où <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> ren<strong>de</strong>ments<br />

quantiques apparents spectraux (AQY) pour la photoproduction <strong>de</strong> DIC furent déterminés<br />

dans <strong>les</strong> principa<strong>les</strong> masses d’eau. En se basant <strong>sur</strong> ces spectres <strong>de</strong> AQY, la variabilité<br />

spatiale du taux <strong>de</strong> photoproduction <strong>de</strong> DIC résultant <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> variations du spectre <strong>de</strong> [a CDOM/a t]<br />

était <strong>de</strong> l’ordre d’un facteur trois au-<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>sus du plateau continental et au-<strong>de</strong>là. Ces résultats<br />

démontrent clairement qu’il est nécessaire <strong>de</strong> tenir compte <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> variations spatia<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

[a CDOM/a t] pour quantifier <strong>les</strong> processus <strong>de</strong> photooxydation dans <strong>les</strong> eaux côtières.<br />


IV.B. Article soumis à la revue Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans (28<br />

décembre 2006): “Improved quantification of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic<br />

Matter photooxidation in coastal waters using satellite-<strong>de</strong>rived inherent optical<br />

properties”<br />

Simon Bélanger 1 , Marcel Babin 1 and Pierre Larouche 2<br />

1 Laboratoire d’Océanographie <strong>de</strong> Villefranche, Centre National <strong>de</strong> la Recherche<br />

Scientifique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6, 06230 Villefranche-<strong>sur</strong>-mer,<br />

France<br />

2 Institut Maurice-Lamontagne, Pêches et Océans Canada, Mont-Joli, QC, Canada G5H<br />

3Z4<br />


Abstract<br />

To estimate the rate of organic matter photooxidation in coastal waters, the ratio between<br />

chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and total absorption coefficients<br />

([aCDOM/at]) must be known from the UV to the green spectral range. At 307 sites<br />

sampled in various coastal marine environments, the [aCDOM/at] at 412 nm was found to<br />

vary within wi<strong>de</strong> range, between 20 and 94%. An empirical algorithm was <strong>de</strong>veloped to<br />

retrieve [aCDOM/at](412) from satellite remote sensing reflectance. The absolute<br />

uncertainty on the [aCDOM/at] retrieval was ±14%. As exampled with the data from the<br />

Baltic and North Seas, the algorithm provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> a mean to separate the CDOM from the<br />

colored <strong>de</strong>trital material (i.e. CDM=CDOM+non-algal partic<strong>les</strong>) absorption coefficient at<br />

the regional scale. Using a <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated spectral dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC)<br />

photoproduction mo<strong>de</strong>l, we assessed the impact of 1) the error on the <strong>de</strong>rived [aCDOM/at]<br />

ratio, and 2) the extrapolation of this ratio over the green and UV spectral domains, on<br />

photooxidation. The uncertainty associated with retrieved [aCDOM/at](412) results in an<br />

uncertainty on DIC photoproduction estimates of

IV.1. Introduction<br />

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the ocean is a major pool of carbon in the<br />

earth system of 685 Gt C [Hansell and Carlson, 1998], a value comparable to the mass of<br />

atmospheric carbon dioxi<strong>de</strong> (CO2). In the context of global warming, it is important to<br />

better un<strong>de</strong>rstand and quantify the sources and sinks of DOC in the ocean [Carlson,<br />

2002]. The role of photochemical oxidation (c.f. photooxidation) of the chromophoric<br />

dissolved organic matter (CDOM) has received increasing attention because it may<br />

represent a major sink for DOC from terrestrial [Kieber et al., 1990; Miller and Zepp,<br />

1995; Benner and Opsahl, 2001] and marine [Johannessen, 2000] origins, in the ocean.<br />

Neverthe<strong>les</strong>s, quantitative assessment for this carbon sink at global- or regional-scale are<br />

scarce [e.g., Johannessen, 2000; Bélanger et al., 2006].<br />

Quantitative assessment of CDOM photooxidation requires the knowledge of the<br />

inci<strong>de</strong>nt irradiance in the ultraviolet (UV) and blue part of the spectrum, the spectral<br />

absorption properties of seawater and its constituents, and the spectral apparent quantum<br />

yield of the reaction (AQY). The latter is <strong>de</strong>fined as the ratio of the number of<br />

photoproduct molecu<strong>les</strong> formed per photon absorbed by the CDOM. Carbon monoxi<strong>de</strong><br />

(CO) and carbon dioxi<strong>de</strong> (CO2, mea<strong>sur</strong>ed as dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC)) are the<br />

two major photoproducts of CDOM photooxidation [see review by Mopper and Kieber,<br />

2002]. Assuming that all inci<strong>de</strong>nt radiation penetrating an optically homogenous water<br />

column is absorbed un<strong>de</strong>rneath, the <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated photoproduction rate of DIC (or CO)<br />

can be calculated as:<br />

P<br />

=<br />

λ max<br />

∫<br />

λ min<br />

E<br />

( 0<br />

a ( λ)<br />

, λ) AQY ( λ)<br />

dλ<br />

− CDOM<br />

d , (1)<br />

at<br />

( λ)<br />

where λmin - λmax is the spectral range within which photooxidation is efficient, aCDOM(λ)<br />

and at(λ) are the spectral CDOM and total absorption coefficients, respectively, and<br />

−<br />

E ( 0 , λ)<br />

is the spectral downward irradiance just beneath sea <strong>sur</strong>face (see the list of<br />

d<br />

Notation). In Eq. 1, the ratio of aCDOM(λ) to at(λ) is the fraction of the inci<strong>de</strong>nt light<br />

absorbed by the CDOM in the whole water column. While this ratio approaches 0.9-1.0<br />

in the UV domain in the open ocean [Johannessen, 2000], absorbing partic<strong>les</strong> may<br />

compete for light absorption in coastal environments. Because this is where<br />


photooxidation may be particularly important as rivers discharge form buoyant and<br />

shallow plumes that promote the expo<strong>sur</strong>e of CDOM to solar radiation [see Dagg et al.,<br />

2004 and references therein], information on the ratio of aCDOM(λ) to at(λ) is highly<br />

<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>irable to improve quantification of photochemical processes.<br />

On a volume basis, the Arctic Ocean receives the highest amount of terrigenous<br />

DOC relative to the world ocean [Rachold et al., 2004]. During the past <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>, dramatic<br />

changes have been observed in the Arctic ice climate, ocean circulation, storage of<br />

freshwater, ozone concentration, permafrost thawing and riverine discharge [ACIA, 2005].<br />

Recently, Bélanger et al. [2006] have shown that CDOM photooxidation in the<br />

southeastern Beaufort Sea (western Arctic) could increase significantly in the future in<br />

response to the predicted trend of ongoing reduction of sea ice cover. Because this region<br />

is influenced by the Mackenzie River, which annually supplies enormous amount of<br />

runoff (330 km 3 ), suspen<strong>de</strong>d partic<strong>les</strong> (124 Tg) and DOC (1.3 Tg) [Telang et al., 1991;<br />

Macdonald et al., 1998], optical properties of the <strong>sur</strong>face waters are largely controlled by<br />

terrigenous inputs. The spatial and temporal variability of the optical properties of the<br />

<strong>sur</strong>face waters are, therefore, expected to be high during the spring-summer season when<br />

the photooxidation occurs and the river plume spreads over the continental shelf.<br />

Bélanger et al. [2006] found the ratio [aCDOM/at] in the UV-blue part of the spectrum to<br />

vary between 30 and 95%. In their calculation of photoxidation at the scale of the<br />

Beaufort Sea, they could only use regionally averaged values for [aCDOM/at], and<br />

therefore only partly account for that variability in the optical properties of the <strong>sur</strong>face<br />

waters. This is a limitation of their approach that perhaps impacts on large-scale<br />

photooxidation estimates, and certainly does small ones.<br />

Satellite remote sensing is particularly suited for monitoring CDOM<br />

photooxidation in the Arctic Ocean. Remote observations of sea ice concentration, cloud<br />

cover and total atmospheric ozone content allow the calculation of UV and visible<br />

radiation <strong>flux</strong>es penetrating the water column. For example, satellite-<strong>de</strong>rived UV<br />

radiation has been used to study the impact of the <strong>de</strong>cline in ozone on the oceanic<br />

primary production in Antarctica [Arrigo et al., 2003], and the impact of the <strong>de</strong>cline in<br />

sea ice concentration on the CDOM photooxidation in the Arctic [Bélanger et al., 2006].<br />

Ocean Color remote sensing can provi<strong>de</strong> relevant bio-optical indicators to refine the<br />


quantification of CDOM photooxidation. During the last two <strong>de</strong>ca<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>, several algorithms<br />

have been proposed to <strong>de</strong>rive inherent optical properties (IOP) from the remote sensing<br />

reflectance spectrum [see review by IOCCG, 2006]. None of them, however, are<br />

specifically <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>igned to <strong>de</strong>rive separately the total and CDOM absorption coefficients.<br />

In<strong>de</strong>ed, because CDOM and non-algal partic<strong>les</strong> (NAP) are characterized by similar<br />

exponentially <strong>de</strong>creasing absorption spectrum with increasing wavelength [Bricaud et al.,<br />

1981; Roesler et al., 1989], current algorithms fail to distinguish them and, as a practical<br />

solution, combine them into a unique absorption coefficient referred to as colored <strong>de</strong>trital<br />

material [CDM=CDOM+NAP, see Siegel et al., 2002]. While CDM is dominated by<br />

CDOM at the global scale [~0.817±0.14 at 440 nm; Siegel et al., 2002], the relative<br />

contribution of CDOM to CDM varies within a wi<strong>de</strong> range in coastal waters, i.e. from<br />

0.25 to 0.95 (see below).<br />

In view of mo<strong>de</strong>ling <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated photooxidation in oceanic coastal waters,<br />

our first objective was to document the variability in the ratio [aCDOM/at]. Using an<br />

extensive data set covering various coastal environments, we observed that [aCDOM/at] at<br />

412 nm varies between 0.20 to 0.90, with an average of 0.53 and a standard <strong>de</strong>viation (σ)<br />

of 0.16, which stresses the importance of the variability in [aCDOM/at](412) in coastal<br />

waters. The second objective was to propose an algorithm for the retrieval of [aCDOM/at]<br />

at 412 from the remote sensing reflectance spectrum. In what follows, we first present the<br />

in situ data sets used to <strong>de</strong>velop our empirical algorithm. Next we quantify the sensitivity<br />

of the <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated photoproduction of DIC to 1) the inaccuracy of the retrieved<br />

[aCDOM/at](412), and 2) to the extrapolation of [aCDOM/at] from 412 nm over the whole<br />

spectral range efficient for CDOM photooxidation (300 to 600 nm). Finally, using Sea-<br />

viewing Wi<strong>de</strong> Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) data, we <strong>de</strong>monstrate the benefit of the<br />

proposed method for the quantification of photooxidation in the Southeastern Beaufort<br />

Sea.<br />

IV.2. Materials and Methods<br />

IV.2.1. Data sets <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cription and mea<strong>sur</strong>ements<br />

Two different data sets collected in various coastal environments are used in this<br />

study: the Coastal Surveillance Through Observation of Ocean Color (COASTlOOC) and<br />


the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES) data sets. Details on the time period<br />

and sampling locations of COASTlOOC can be found in Babin et al. [2003a; 2003b].<br />

Only the COASTlOOC data collected in coastal (so-called Case 2) waters were retained<br />

for the algorithm <strong>de</strong>velopment and validation: 29 stations in the northern Adriatic Sea; 53<br />

stations in the southwestern Baltic Sea; 68 stations in the North Sea; and 58 stations in<br />

the English Channel along the southern coast of England. Although our prime interest is<br />

photooxidation in the Arctic ocean, we also used the COASTlOOC data to reach more<br />

general conclusions about [aCDOM/at] variability in coastal waters, and to <strong>de</strong>velop a more<br />

robust [aCDOM/at] algorithm.<br />

CASES sampling was conducted in June and July 2004 onboard the CCGS<br />

Amundsen in the southeastern Beaufort Sea (Fig. IV.1). The Amundsen Gulf was first<br />

sampled after the sea ice opening in June and was revisited in late July when most of the<br />

area was free of ice . The <strong>sur</strong>face waters were, therefore, influenced by melt waters at few<br />

stations. The Mackenzie Shelf was sampled during late June and early July when the<br />

Mackenzie River discharge peaks [Macdonald et al., 1998], making those stations typical<br />

Case 2 waters. At 47 stations, our whole set of in situ optical mea<strong>sur</strong>ements was<br />

achieved, while at other stations only IOP mea<strong>sur</strong>ements (52 and 25 spectra of the<br />

particle and CDOM absorption coefficient, respectively) were ma<strong>de</strong> because of either sun<br />

elevation too high for proper apparent optical properties (AOP) mea<strong>sur</strong>ements (sun zenith<br />

angle >70°) or occasional technical problems with instruments (Fig. IV.1).<br />


Figure IV.1. Map of the study area showing location of stations where<br />

IOPs (dots), SPMR (triang<strong>les</strong>) and ASD (squares) mea<strong>sur</strong>ements were<br />

ma<strong>de</strong>. Contour lines of sea ice concentration of 50% are also shown for<br />

June 1 st (red), July 1 st (blue) and August 1 st (green).<br />

IV.2.1.1. Inherent optical properties<br />

Details on the IOP mea<strong>sur</strong>ements for COASTlOOC can be found in Babin et al.<br />

[2003a; 2003b]. Similar protocols were adopted during CASES including a few<br />

modifications as <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed below. At each station a sample of ~20 L of <strong>sur</strong>face water was<br />

collected with a clean bucket for spectrophotometric analyses. Subsamp<strong>les</strong> for the<br />

<strong>de</strong>termination of aCDOM were filtered through 0.2-μm Anotop® syringe filters (Whatman)<br />

and kept into 100-mL acid-cleaned amber glass bott<strong>les</strong>. For the <strong>de</strong>termination of the<br />

absorption coefficient of partic<strong>les</strong>, ap, suspen<strong>de</strong>d partic<strong>les</strong> were retained onto 25-mm<br />

GF/F glass fiber filters (Whatman; pore size of 0.7-μm) by filtering 0.1 to 3.5 L of<br />

seawater. The glass bott<strong>les</strong> and GF/F filters were stored frozen (seawater: -20 °C; particle:<br />

-80 °C) in the dark until being analyzed two to four months later in the land based<br />

laboratory. Samp<strong>les</strong> treatment and methods applied to <strong>de</strong>termine the ap and aCDOM spectra<br />

are <strong>de</strong>tailed in Bélanger et al. [2006]. Briefly, ap(λ) was <strong>de</strong>termined at 1-nm resolution<br />

between 350 and 750 nm according to the transmittance-reflectance protocol <strong>de</strong>veloped<br />

by Tassan and Ferrari [1995; 2002]. After ap mea<strong>sur</strong>ements, the filters were soaked<br />

during ~30 minutes in 90% methanol to extract phytoplankton pigments [Kishino et al.,<br />


1985], and the transmittance-reflectance mea<strong>sur</strong>ements were then repeated for the<br />

<strong>de</strong>termination of non-algal absorption (aNAP). The absorption coefficient by the<br />

phytoplanktonic pigments (aφ) is calculated as ap(λ) – aNAP(λ). The aCDOM(λ) was<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>ed in 10-cm quartz cuvettes between 250 and 800 nm with 1-nm increments using<br />

a dual beam spectrophotometer (Perkin-Elmer Lambda 35). A baseline correction was<br />

applied by subtracting the absorbance value averaged over an interval of 5 nm around<br />

685 nm from all the spectral values [Babin et al., 2003b]. After applying a baseline<br />

correction to the aCDOM(λ) spectrum, a non-linear least squares curve fitting (Levenberg-<br />

Marquardt) procedure was used to fit an exponential mo<strong>de</strong>l to the data between 300 and<br />

500 nm:<br />

SCDOM<br />

*( λ0<br />

−λ<br />

)<br />

a CDOM ( λ)<br />

= aCDOM<br />

( λ0<br />

) e , (2)<br />

where λ0 is a reference wavelength (e.g. 412 nm) and SCDOM is the spectral slope of the<br />

aCDOM(λ) spectrum.<br />

The spectral absorption and beam attenuation coefficients of seawater constituents<br />

(i.e. excluding pure seawater itself), at-w and ct-w, were <strong>de</strong>termined at nine wavelengths<br />

(412, 440, 488, 510, 532, 555, 650, 676 and 715 nm) using a submersible<br />

spectrophotometer (ac-9, WET Labs Inc.). The ac-9 was either operated onboard the ship<br />

laboratory where ~20 L of <strong>sur</strong>face water were passed through the instrument by gravity,<br />

or <strong>de</strong>ployed from the <strong>de</strong>ck or from a zodiac to obtain vertical profi<strong>les</strong> from <strong>sur</strong>face down<br />

to ~40 m. The manufacturer calibration was checked daily using ~10 L of water purified<br />

onboard (Milli-Q Gradient A10, pre-filtered with a Millipore RiOs 8). Temperature and<br />

salinity corrections were applied using the latest coefficients <strong>de</strong>termined by the<br />

manufacturer [M. Twardowski, pers. comm.]. The ac-9 overestimates absorption<br />

coefficients due to the loss of scattered photons that do not reach the <strong>de</strong>tector [Zaneveld<br />

et al., 1994]. To correct for that error, the following expression was applied:<br />

m<br />

m<br />

a − ( λ)<br />

= a ( λ)<br />

− εb<br />

( λ)<br />

, (3)<br />

t<br />

w<br />

where a m (λ) is the mea<strong>sur</strong>ed absorption coefficient, b m (λ) is the mea<strong>sur</strong>ed scattering<br />

coefficient calculated as the difference ct-w(λ) - a m (λ)), and ε is the fraction of the<br />

scattering coefficient that corresponds to photons not <strong>de</strong>tected by the sensor. We used the<br />

matrix inversion procedure proposed by Gallegos and Neale [2002] to estimate ε. The<br />


spectral shapes for aCDOM(λ), aNAP(λ) and aφ(λ), and the relationship between aNAP(440)<br />

and b m (440), which are necessary in the inversion, were <strong>de</strong>termined using mea<strong>sur</strong>ements<br />

on discrete water samp<strong>les</strong> (<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed above) following the statistically augmented method<br />

<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed by Gallegos and Neale [2002]. When available, the vertical at-w(λ) profi<strong>les</strong><br />

were optically averaged from <strong>sur</strong>face down to the first attenuation length using the<br />

weighting function approach proposed by Gordon [1992].<br />

The ratio [aCDOM/at](412) was computed using the spectrophotometrically<br />

<strong>de</strong>termined IOPs, excepted for seven of the CASES stations where aCDOM(412) was not<br />

available and was computed as at-w(412) – ap(412). A comparison of the two methods<br />

indicates that the [aCDOM/at](412) agree within ±0.11 at 95% confi<strong>de</strong>nce level.<br />

IV.2.1.2. Remote sensing reflectance<br />

During COASTlOOC, irradiance mea<strong>sur</strong>ements were carried out from helicopter<br />

(202) and from ship (6). Vertical profi<strong>les</strong> of the spectral upwelling irradiance, Eu(z, λ),<br />

and the spectral downwelling irradiance just above the sea <strong>sur</strong>face, Es(0 + , λ), were<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>ed at 13 wavebands (412, 443, 456, 490, 510, 532, 560, 620, 665, 683, 705, 779<br />

and 866 nm) with a Satlantic free-fall SPMR (SeaWiFS Profiling Multichannel<br />

Radiometer) and SMSR (SeaWiFS Multichannel Surface Reference), respectively. Both<br />

radiometers had been calibrated <strong>les</strong>s than 3 months before each cruise by the instrument<br />

manufacturer. Platform (ship or helicopter) shadow was avoi<strong>de</strong>d and, in the specific case<br />

of helicopter, instruments were <strong>de</strong>ployed from an altitu<strong>de</strong> high enough to avoid<br />

perturbation at sea <strong>sur</strong>face created by the rotor air <strong>flux</strong>. After excluding data with an<br />

instrument tilt > 5°, the in-water profi<strong>les</strong> start beyond ca. 2 m when the radiometer was<br />

<strong>de</strong>ployed in free-falling mo<strong>de</strong> from a ship, and beyond ca. 0.2 m when <strong>de</strong>ployed from a<br />

helicopter using a winch. To estimate upward irradiance just below the sea <strong>sur</strong>face (at 0 -<br />

m), Eu(z, λ) profi<strong>les</strong> were extrapolated up to <strong>sur</strong>face by fitting the data to an exponential<br />

function. Eu(0 - , λ) was propagated through water-air interface using a factor of 0.543<br />

[Mueller et al., 2003] to obtained Eu(0 + , λ). The spectral remote sensing reflectance is<br />

calculated as,<br />


+<br />

1 Eu<br />

( 0 , λ)<br />

R rs ( λ ) =<br />

, (4a)<br />

+<br />

Q E ( 0 , λ)<br />

where Q factor is the ratio between Eu and Lu. Here a Q value of 3.8 was used, which falls<br />

within calculated range for turbid coastal waters [Loisel and Morel, 2001].<br />

94<br />

s<br />

During CASES, the remote sensing reflectance at 13 wavebands (405, 412, 434,<br />

442, 490, 510, 520, 532, 555, 590, 665, 683 and 700 nm), Rrs(λ), was calculated from the<br />

vertical profile of Lu(z, λ), and Es(0 + , λ) mea<strong>sur</strong>ed with a SPMR and SMSR, respectively.<br />

At each station, three to five SPMR casts were performed at least 50 m away from the<br />

ship. The upwelling radiances were extrapolated to the sub-<strong>sur</strong>face, Lu(0 - , λ), using a<br />

linear fit to all ln[Lu(z, λ)] data points mea<strong>sur</strong>ed within a <strong>de</strong>pth interval of 1-2 m within<br />

the <strong>sur</strong>face layer, and propagated through water-air interface to obtained Lw(0+, λ). Note<br />

that both Eu(0 - , λ) and Lu(0 - , λ) were corrected for instrument self-shading following the<br />

method proposed by Gordon and Ding [1992] as applied by Zibordi and Ferrari [1995]<br />

using at-w(λ) mea<strong>sur</strong>ements ma<strong>de</strong> with the ac-9 and the aw(λ) values published by Pope<br />

and Fry [1997]. The spectral remote sensing reflectance is calculated as,<br />

+<br />

Lw(<br />

0 , λ)<br />

R rs ( λ ) = .<br />

(4b)<br />

+<br />

E ( 0 , λ)<br />

s<br />

For each station, we averaged Rrs(λ) obtained from different casts (2 to 4) after<br />

elimination of the spectra different from the mean value by more than 10% in the blue.<br />

Out of 40 stations with SPMR mea<strong>sur</strong>ements, 34 Rrs(λ) were retained for the algorithm<br />

<strong>de</strong>velopment (section 2.2). Note that four spectra were eliminated because the difference<br />

among all replicates was > 10%, and two because of the <strong>sur</strong>face waters stratification.<br />

In shallow water areas or when <strong>sur</strong>face waters were stratified (i.e. 14 stations), the<br />

Rrs(λ) was mea<strong>sur</strong>ed above the sea <strong>sur</strong>face using a hyperspectral radiometer (336 to 1062<br />

nm with Δλ = 1.42 nm; Analytical Spectral Device, ASD). To make mea<strong>sur</strong>ements away<br />

from the ship shadow and bubble clouds, the instrument was mounted at the end of the<br />

ship bow and <strong>de</strong>ployed either on the port or starboard si<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>pending of the sun position<br />

and the sea state. The mea<strong>sur</strong>ements were ma<strong>de</strong> only when inci<strong>de</strong>nt irradiance conditions<br />

were stable (clear or uniformly cloudy skies). To avoid calibration issues that generally<br />

result from the use of several sensors, the mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of the radiance (acceptance

angle of 10°) coming from sea <strong>sur</strong>face (Lt), downwelling sky (Lsky), and a lambertian<br />

reflector (grey Spectralon) (Lp) were performed successively, within a few minutes, using<br />

an unique sensor. To obtain one Rrs spectrum, five to ten scans of each quantity were<br />

quality checked and averaged. Note that the ASD automatically adjusts the integration<br />

time of the mea<strong>sur</strong>ements to optimize the signal-to-noise ratio (1.09 to 4.35 s for Lt, and <<br />

1 s for Lsky and Lp). The above-water remote sensing reflectance is calculated as [Mobley,<br />

1999]:<br />

R<br />

rs<br />

( Lt<br />

( λ)<br />

− ρ sky ⋅ Lsky<br />

( λ))<br />

⋅ R p<br />

( λ)<br />

= , (5)<br />

πL<br />

( λ)<br />

where ρsky is the air-water interface specular reflection coefficient for radiance, and Rp is<br />

the albedo of the lambertian panel (88.3%). The value of Rp, spectrally constant in the<br />

visible and near infrared parts of the spectrum, was <strong>de</strong>termined using a calibrated<br />

lambertian panel (P. Minnett, U. of Miami; calibration performed on 4 th of May 2004 by<br />

Avian Technologies LLC inc.). As recommen<strong>de</strong>d by Mobley [1999], Lt was mea<strong>sur</strong>ed<br />

with a viewing zenith angle of ~40° and a relative azimuth angle of ~135°. For this<br />

viewing configuration and for a solar zenith angle >45°, i.e. the conditions encountered<br />

during this study, ρsky <strong>de</strong>pends only on wind speed (Figure 9 in Mobley, 1999). ρsky varies<br />

from ~0.0256 to ~0.038 for wind speed of 0 and 15 m s -1 , respectively, un<strong>de</strong>r clear sky<br />

condition [Mobley, 1999]. For cloudy sky condition, a value 0.0256 was adopted for ρsky.<br />

An additional spectrally neutral correction was applied to Rrs(λ) based on the known<br />

spectral shape of Rrs in the near infrared (NIR) part of the spectrum [Ruddick et al., 2006].<br />

This correction aims to correct the Rrs spectra for uncertainty due to the air-sea reflection<br />

correction (e.g. glitter) and the instrument-related errors (e.g. integration time, sky<br />

radiance distribution) [for <strong>de</strong>tails see web appendix 2 in Ruddick et al., 2006]. The<br />

correction assumes that the ratio of water leaving reflectance between two wavelengths in<br />

the NIR is known (here 780 and 870 nm were used), allowing the computation of a<br />

residual error that is then subtracted to Rrs(λ).<br />

95<br />


IV.2.2. Description of the [aCDOM/at] algorithm<br />

To improve the quantification of photooxidation (Eq. 1), we need to know the<br />

spectral contribution of aCDOM to the total light absorption coefficient of seawater. As<br />

mentioned in the Introduction, because of the similar spectral absorption spectra of<br />

CDOM and NAP, semi-analytical algorithms currently found in the literature fail to<br />

discriminate them. Here we propose an empirical method to obtain the ratio [aCDOM/at] at<br />

412 nm, directly from the Rrs spectrum. The [aCDOM/at](412) was regressed against<br />

several combinations of Rrs and ratios of Rrs selected according to the following rationa<strong>les</strong>:<br />

in coastal waters, 1) reflectance at 412 nm is the most affected by CDOM absorption<br />

compared with other channels, 2) reflectance at 490 nm is the most affected by<br />

phytoplankton absorption, 3) variations in reflectance at 555 nm is most driven by light<br />

scattering by partic<strong>les</strong>, and 4) a major distinctive property of CDOM is that it does not<br />

contribute to particle scattering. These consi<strong>de</strong>rations led us to propose the following<br />

empirical algorithm for the retrieval of [aCDOM/at], based on multiple regression<br />

conducted using mea<strong>sur</strong>ed [aCDOM/at](412) and Rrs(λ):<br />

⎡a<br />

⎢<br />

⎣ at<br />

⎤<br />

⎛ R ( 412)<br />

⎞ ⎛<br />

rs<br />

R ( 490)<br />

⎞<br />

rs<br />

⎥(<br />

412)<br />

= α + β ⋅log10<br />

⎜ + ⋅log10<br />

+ ⋅log10<br />

( rs ( 555)<br />

)<br />

Rrs<br />

( 555)<br />

⎟ χ ⎜<br />

Rrs<br />

( 555)<br />

⎟ δ<br />

, (6)<br />

⎦<br />

⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠<br />

CDOM R<br />

where α, β, χ and δ are empirical coefficients. When CDOM increases, for instance, the<br />

ratio Rrs(412)/Rrs(555) <strong>de</strong>creases and [aCDOM/at](412) tends to increase (negative slope for<br />

β). In contrast, when phytoplankton pigments increase, the ratio Rrs(490)/Rrs(555)<br />

<strong>de</strong>creases and [aCDOM/at](412) tends to <strong>de</strong>crease (positive slope for χ). Finally, when the<br />

total amount of suspen<strong>de</strong>d partic<strong>les</strong> increases, Rrs(555) increases and [aCDOM/at](412)<br />

tends to <strong>de</strong>crease (negative slope for δ).<br />

IV.3. Results and Discussion<br />

IV.3.1. Variability of [aCDOM/at] and [aCDOM/aCDM] in coastal waters<br />

Figure IV.2a illustrates the observed variability in the ratio [aCDOM/at] in the violet<br />

part of the spectrum in various coastal environments including the Adriatic Sea, Baltic<br />

Sea, English Channel, Gulf of Lyon, North Sea, and Beaufort Sea. Overall, [aCDOM/at] at<br />

412 nm varies between 0.2 and 0.9, with an average of 0.53 and a standard <strong>de</strong>viation (σ)<br />


of 0.16, which confirms the large variability of [aCDOM/at](412) in coastal waters. The<br />

frequency distribution is slightly flat compared with a normal distribution (negative<br />

kurtosis).<br />

The contribution of CDOM to the total dissolved and <strong>de</strong>trital material (CDM) also<br />

varies over a wi<strong>de</strong> range in coastal waters, from 0.26 to 0.95 (Fig. IV.2b; Table IV.1),<br />

even at regional scale (e.g. North Sea, 0.26 to 0.91). For comparison, Siegel et al. [2002]<br />

reported a mean value for the ratio [aCDOM/aCDM] of 0.817 at 440 nm (with a σ of 0.13)<br />

from a global collection of absorption mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of aCDOM and aNAP. This is<br />

significantly higher than most values found in coastal waters influenced by river runoff or<br />

sediment resuspension. The GSM01 semi-analytical ocean color mo<strong>de</strong>l [Garver and<br />

Siegel, 1997; Maritorena et al., 2002] is currently implemented in the SeaWiFS data<br />

processing chain to retrieve aCDM(440). The use of this algorithm is of limited utility for<br />

quantifying CDOM photooxidation in coastal waters because it provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> no information<br />

either on the ratio [aCDOM/aCDM] nor [aCDOM/at]. Since coastal zones may be major sites<br />

for terrigenous CDOM photooxidation [Kieber et al., 1990; Miller and Zepp, 1995;<br />

Benner and Opsahl, 2001], the following method is specifically <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>igned to estimate<br />

[aCDOM/at] in turbid coastal waters.<br />

Table IV.1. Relative contribution of CDOM to the colored <strong>de</strong>trital matter<br />

(CDM=CDOM+NAP) and to the total absorption coefficients at 412 nm, respectively, for<br />

the different regions covered by our data set.<br />

[ a CDOM / aCDM<br />

] (412) [ a CDOM / at<br />

] (412)<br />

Area N Min. Max. Average Min. Max. Average<br />

± σ<br />

± σ<br />

Adriatic 29 .38 .87 .63 ± .12 .22 .66 .40 ± .09<br />

Baltic 53 .60 .84 .76 ± .05 .38 .72 .60 ± .06<br />

Eng. Channel 58 .30 .91 .72 ± .13 .24 .69 .50 ± .10<br />

North Sea 68 .26 .91 .61 ± .16 .20 .81 .49 ± .13<br />

Beaufort Sea 47 .41 .95 .82 ± .13 .39 .94 .75 ±.13<br />

All 255 .26 .95 .71 ± .14 .20 .94 .55 ± .15<br />


Figure IV.2. Frequency distributions of the contribution of CDOM to (a)<br />

the total light absorption at 412 nm ([aCDOM/at]), and (b) to the colored<br />

<strong>de</strong>trital material ([aCDOM/aCDM]). Note that the graph inclu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> 54 additional<br />

COASTlOOC or CASES stations where only IOP were available.<br />

IV.3.2. Retrieval of [aCDOM/at] from remote sensing reflectance<br />

Table IV.2 provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> the multiple regression results for the empirical coefficients<br />

of Eq. 6 and the <strong>de</strong>termination coefficients (R 2 ) obtained for the whole dataset (global<br />

algorithm), and separately for the five different regions of the data set (region-specific<br />


algorithms). Figure IV.3 compares the [aCDOM/at] at 412 nm retrieved using the global<br />

algorithm with the mea<strong>sur</strong>ed values.<br />

Table IV.2. Empirical coefficients of Eq. 6 <strong>de</strong>termined by multiple regression for the<br />

different coastal environments.<br />

Area N α β χ δ R 2<br />

Adriatic 29 -.015 -.321 .691 -.223 .46<br />

Baltic 53 .078 -.133 .674 -.280 .81<br />

Eng. Channel 58 -.048 -.423 .539 -.204 .33<br />

North Sea 68 -.480 -.255 .526 -.483 .65<br />

Beaufort Sea 47 -.514 -.546 .480 -.454 .42<br />

All 255 -.387 -.387 .577 -.390 .70<br />

Figure IV.3. Comparison between retrieved and mea<strong>sur</strong>ed [aCDOM/at] at<br />

412 nm for the COASTlOOC and CASES datasets. [aCDOM/at](412) was<br />

calculated using equation 6 with coefficients obtained using the whole<br />

data set (N=255; Table IV.2).<br />

To evaluate rigorously the ability of our global algorithm to retrieve<br />

[aCDOM/at](412) in a given region, we conducted the following validation exercise: the<br />

empirical coefficients of Eq. 6 for a given region were also <strong>de</strong>rived using the data from<br />

the four other regions. The algorithm could thereby be tested with a data set different<br />


from that used for algorithm tuning. For the Beaufort Sea, for example, the coefficients of<br />

Eq. 6 were <strong>de</strong>rived using the whole COASTlOOC data set (i.e. Adriatic Sea, Baltic Sea,<br />

English Channel and North Sea). Note that these coefficients are not provi<strong>de</strong>d as they<br />

were <strong>de</strong>rived for validation purpose only. Table IV.3 provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> the results from a<br />

comparison between retrieved and mea<strong>sur</strong>ed [aCDOM/at] for each region, achieved using<br />

Type-II regression. The algorithm captures part of the variability within each region as<br />

the regression slopes are all significantly positive, (p < 0.05), although they are<br />

significantly < 1 (p < 0.05), except for the English Channel. This result indicates that<br />

further tuning is necessary to get the variability of [aCDOM/at](412) right within a given<br />

region. Neverthe<strong>les</strong>s, the overall absolute uncertainty of the global algorithm with the<br />

coefficient <strong>de</strong>rived in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly is ±0.18 at the 95% confi<strong>de</strong>nce interval (Table IV.3).<br />

Despite the relatively high heterogeneity among the five coastal areas consi<strong>de</strong>red here,<br />

the algorithm is able to retrieve the average [aCDOM/at](412) value for each region<br />

(Δ[aCDOM/at]±0.04), except for the Beaufort Sea where the estimation is slightly biased (-<br />

0.078).<br />

Table IV.3. Performance of Eq. 6 for the retrieval of [aCDOM/at] at 412 nm. For each<br />

region, in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt data set is used to obtain the empirical coefficients for Eq. 6.<br />

Area N Intercept a<br />

Slope a<br />

Δ[aCDOM/at] b CI 95%c<br />

Adriatic 29 .22 [.11, .31] .44 [.21, .71] 0.001 ±0.13<br />

Baltic 53 .28 [.20, .34] .54 [.43, .67] 0.000 ±0.07<br />

Eng. Channel 58 .00 [-.30,.17] 1.06 [.69, 1.64] 0.039 ±0.20<br />

North Sea 68 .27[.22, .32] .45 [.36, .54] 0.013 ±0.17<br />

Beaufort Sea 47 .30 [.13, .46] .56 [.36, .80] -.078 ±0.20<br />

All d 255 .16 [.12, .20] .70 [.63, .76] -.002 ±0.18<br />

a<br />

Numbers in brackets are for the range of 95 % Confi<strong>de</strong>nce Interval computed for a Type II<br />

regression.<br />

b<br />

[ ] [ ] [ ] mea<strong>sur</strong>ed<br />

1 n<br />

retrieved<br />

.<br />

Δ a CDOM / at<br />

= ∑ aCDOM<br />

/ at<br />

− aCDOM<br />

/ at<br />

n<br />

i<br />

a CDOM / at<br />

retrieval.<br />

d<br />

These results were obtained by comparing the [aCDOM/at] values retrieved within each region<br />

using the global algorithm <strong>de</strong>rived in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly, with the mea<strong>sur</strong>ed values (see text).<br />

c 95% Confi<strong>de</strong>nce Interval of the [ ]<br />

In an attempt to un<strong>de</strong>rstand the above results, we further analyzed the absolute<br />

difference between the retrieved and mea<strong>sur</strong>ed [aCDOM/at](412) values (Δ[aCDOM/at]).<br />

Again for each region, [aCDOM/at](412) was retrieved using Eq. 6 with the coefficients<br />

<strong>de</strong>rived in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly. Figure IV.4a compares Δ[aCDOM/at] with the ratio between the<br />


particulate absorption at 412 nm and the remote sensing reflectance at 555 nm<br />

([ap(412)/Rrs(555)]). Positive Δ[aCDOM/at] values indicate an overestimation of<br />

[aCDOM/at](412) by the empirical algorithm. Low values of [ap(412)/Rrs(555)] indicate<br />

that the partic<strong>les</strong> are weakly absorbing blue photons relative to the their scattering<br />

properties in the green, while high values indicate the contrary. The former may indicate<br />

the presence of mineral partic<strong>les</strong>, and the latter the presence of phytoplankton and/or<br />

<strong>de</strong>tritus [Gallegos and Neale, 2002]. Since the absolute value of Rrs(555) is used in the<br />

algorithm as an indicator of the total amount of partic<strong>les</strong>, variability in the<br />

[ap(412)/Rrs(555)] will affect the performance of the algorithm. Statistically significant<br />

positive slopes of the regression (Type II) between Δ[aCDOM/at] and the logarithm of<br />

[ap(412)/Rrs(555)] were observed in the Adriatic Sea, Baltic Sea, English Channel and the<br />

North Sea (Table IV.4). These results suggest that the [aCDOM/at](412) value is, as argued<br />

above, un<strong>de</strong>restimated in presence of weakly absorbing partic<strong>les</strong>, while it is<br />

overestimated in presence of highly absorbing ones. This is because the enhance of<br />

Rrs(555) in presence of weakly absorbing partic<strong>les</strong> results, for instance, in an<br />

overestimation of the contribution of partic<strong>les</strong> to the total light absorption at 412 nm.<br />

Based on these observations, one can ask why in the Baltic Sea, where partic<strong>les</strong> are<br />

predominantly organic (87%; Babin et al. [2003b]) and highly absorbing (Fig. IV.4a), the<br />

[aCDOM/at](412) is not systematically overestimated? The answer can be found in Fig.<br />

IV.4b.<br />

Table VI.4. Coefficient of <strong>de</strong>termination of the linear regression between Δ[aCDOM/at]<br />

(shown in Fig. IV.4) and 1) the logarithm of the ratio [ap(412)/Rrs(555)] and 2) the ratio<br />

[ a CDOM / aCDM<br />

] at 412 nm. NS = the slope is not significantly different from 0 at 95%<br />

confi<strong>de</strong>nce level (Type II regression).<br />

a / (412) a<br />

Area N [ap(412)/Rrs(555)] a [ ]<br />

101<br />

CDOM aCDM<br />

Adriatic 29 .23 (NS) .18 (.17)<br />

Baltic 53 .51 (NS) .34 (NS)<br />

Eng. Channel 58 .46 (.14) NS (.23)<br />

North Sea 68 .46 (.33) .58 (.25)<br />

Beaufort Sea 47 NS (.21) .22 (.27)<br />

All 255 .15 (.08) .21 (.14)<br />

a Values in parenthesis are for the regionally tuned algorithm, while the bold numbers indicate the<br />

parameter that explains most the error for a given region.

Figure IV.4b plots the Δ[aCDOM/at] as a function of the ratio between aCDOM to<br />

aCDM at 412 nm. Statistically significant negative slopes of the linear regression (Type II)<br />

between Δ[aCDOM/at] and [aCDOM/aCDM](412) were observed in the Adriatic Sea, Baltic<br />

Sea, North Sea and Beaufort Sea (Table IV.4). Altogether, the R 2 of the regression<br />

reaches 21%. Generally, when NAP dominates the CDM the empirical algorithm tends to<br />

overestimate the contribution CDOM to the total light absorption. This is because the<br />

ratio of Rrs(412)/Rrs(555) used in the algorithm is an indicator of the total CDM rather<br />

than just the CDOM. The fact that relatively high [aCDOM/aCDM](412) is found in the<br />

Baltic Sea partly explains why we do not observed a systematic overestimation of<br />

[aCDOM/at](412). In the Beaufort Sea, the systematic un<strong>de</strong>restimation of [aCDOM/at](412)<br />

by the empirical algorithm (-0.078; Table IV.3) is probably due to the dominance of<br />

CDOM to CDM (Table IV.1).<br />


Figure IV.4. Error analysis of [aCDOM/at] at 412, calculated using regionin<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt<br />

coefficients, as a function of: a) the ratio of ap(412) to<br />

Rrs(555); b) the relative contribution of CDOM to the total CDM<br />

absorption coefficient at 412 nm. Only the statistically significant<br />

relationships are shown. The color coding is the same as Fig. IV.3.<br />

The trends <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed above can be attenuated if the algorithm is tuned with the<br />

region-specific data. Figure IV.5 compares the retrieved and mea<strong>sur</strong>ed [aCDOM/at](412)<br />

values when the coefficients of Eq. 6 are <strong>de</strong>rived for each region individually (Table<br />

IV.2). For the Baltic Sea and North Sea, the regional tuning leads to R 2 > 0.65. In the<br />


North Sea, in particular, where the composition of CDM is highly variable (%CDOM =<br />

26 to 91%; Table IV.1), the algorithm is able to discriminate the CDOM from the total<br />

absorption within a CI 95% of 0.13. In the Baltic Sea, where the optical properties of<br />

partic<strong>les</strong> are relatively homogeneous (Fig. IV.4), the algorithm performance is excellent<br />

(R 2 = 0.81, CI 95% = ±0.05). For the English Channel, in contrast, the algorithm poorly<br />

performs as indicated by the low R 2 of 0.33. For the Adriatic Sea and Beaufort Sea,<br />

because most of the mea<strong>sur</strong>ed [aCDOM/at](412) values felt within a narrow range, it is<br />

difficult to draw clear conclusions from this analysis. The absolute uncertainty of the<br />

region-specific algorithm is ±0.14 at the 95% confi<strong>de</strong>nce interval.<br />

Figure IV.5. Same as Fig. IV.3 but for region specific coefficients for Eq.<br />

6 (Table IV.2).<br />

In general, an algorithm based on the ratios Rrs(412)/Rrs(555) and<br />

Rrs(490)/Rrs(555), and on Rrs(555) seems suitable to discriminate aCDOM from at at 412 nm<br />

with good accuracy. We also applied this combination to the synthetic data set <strong>de</strong>veloped<br />

by the International Ocean Color Coordinating Group to test and compare algorithms<br />

(available at: http://www.ioccg.org/groups/OCAG_data.html). The performance of the<br />

algorithm was similar to that found with our in situ data set (R 2 =0.65, CI 95% ±0.15), but<br />

the β and χ coefficients of Eq. 6 were quite different (-.385, -1.105, 1.33 and -.342 for<br />


α, β, χ and δ respectively). This difference may be ascribed to the wi<strong>de</strong> range of IOPs<br />

covered by the synthetic data set, and in particular to the highly variable ratio between the<br />

scattering and absorption coefficients of NAP (more than one or<strong>de</strong>r of magnitu<strong>de</strong>). In<br />

addition, the synthetic data set inclu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> clear waters for which the pure water absorption<br />

is no longer negligible at 412 nm (up to 33% of at). This fourth optically active<br />

component complicates the estimation of [aCDOM/at](412) with the proposed algorithm.<br />

Our method was also tested on the NASA bio-Optical Marine Algorithm Data set<br />

(NOMAD) [Wer<strong>de</strong>ll and Bailey, 2005]. The algorithm did not perform as well as on our<br />

in situ data set or on the IOCCG data set (R 2 =0.30, CI 95% ±0.22). Two possible<br />

explanations for this poor result is 1) the relatively low influence of terrestrial inputs in<br />

most of the NOMAD dataset compare to our dataset, and 2) the lack of consistency<br />

among the different sub-datasets that form the NOMAD dataset, in terms of methods to<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>e the absorption coefficients adopted by different investigator. For some specific<br />

sub-datasets found in NOMAD, however, results similar to the one presented above were<br />

obtained (e.g., R 2 of 0.81 and CI 95% of 0.14 for the ONR-Chesapeake program). These<br />

results suggest that our algorithm works properly only in coastal waters influenced by<br />

terrestrial inputs, and that more data mea<strong>sur</strong>ed following an unique protocols, for the<br />

absorption in particular, are necessary to validate the algorithm.<br />

3.3. Sensitivity of the <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated photooxidation mo<strong>de</strong>l to errors on [aCDOM/at](λ)<br />

In this section, we assess the relative error ma<strong>de</strong> on the <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated<br />

production of dissolved inorganic carbon (PDIC) resulting from the error on the<br />

[aCDOM/at](412) estimate, and from the uncertainty in its extrapolation over the 300-600<br />

nm range. As mentioned in the Introduction, DIC is the main product of CDOM<br />

photooxidation. For our purpose, the sub-<strong>sur</strong>face spectral irradiance, Ed (0 - , λ), was<br />

calculated using the Tropospheric Ultraviolet Visible (TUV) mo<strong>de</strong>l [Madronich and<br />

Flocke, 1999] for the summer solstice, at latitu<strong>de</strong> of 70°N, un<strong>de</strong>r clear sky, mo<strong>de</strong>rate<br />

aerosols concentration (aerosol optical thickness at 550 nm of 0.1), and total ozone<br />

column content of 330 DU. Because the magnitu<strong>de</strong> and spectral shape of apparent<br />

quantum yield for DIC photoproduction vary wi<strong>de</strong>ly between coastal and open ocean<br />

[Johannessen and Miller, 2001; Bélanger et al., 2006], the calculations were ma<strong>de</strong> for<br />


two contrasting AQY spectra mea<strong>sur</strong>ed in the Beaufort Sea (Fig. IV.6). The two AQY<br />

spectra show marked differences in shape, with the relative contribution of longer<br />

wavelengths being more important for AQY1.<br />

Wavelength (nm)<br />

Figure IV.6. Apparent Quantum Yield spectra for DIC production<br />

<strong>de</strong>termined for two stations located in the southeastern Beaufort Sea.<br />

AQY1 was <strong>de</strong>termined on <strong>sur</strong>face waters influenced the by the Mackenzie<br />

River (salinity = 8.2; Station R5a), while AQY2 was <strong>de</strong>termined on<br />

<strong>sur</strong>face waters collected in the Amundsen Gulf, away from direct riverine<br />

influence (salinity = 30.0; Station 108) [Bélanger et al., 2006].<br />

Figure IV.7 shows the spectral PDIC(λ) calculated using Eq. 1 with different<br />

values of [aCDOM/at](412). While the maximum PDIC occurs in the spectral range from<br />

325 to 335 nm for both AQYs, the relative contribution of the visible radiation to DIC<br />

photoproduction is different. The <strong>de</strong>crease in [aCDOM/at](412) has a greater impact on<br />

PDIC(λ) when using AQY1 than when using AQY2 (Fig. IV.7). This is because<br />

[aCDOM/at](λ) variability is more pronounced in the visible relative to the UV. So, the<br />

magnitu<strong>de</strong> of the error on PDIC resulting from the uncertainty on [aCDOM/at](412), <strong>de</strong>pends<br />

on the spectral shape of the AQY. To illustrate that, Fig. IV.8 shows the relative error in<br />

spectrally integrated DIC photoproduction (ΔPDIC=100*[PDIC-PDIC true ]/ PDIC true ) as a<br />


function of Δ[aCDOM/at](412). If the true [aCDOM/at](412) value of 0.7 is overestimated (or<br />

un<strong>de</strong>restimated) by 0.18, the overall uncertainty of our algorithm, the ΔPDIC reaches ~±24<br />

and ~±18% for AQY1 and AQY2, respectively. When the initial [aCDOM/at](412) value is<br />

0.3, ΔPDIC can reach as much as ~±40%. Overall, PDIC can be predicted with an<br />

uncertainty of 50% (Fig. IV.8). Note that ignoring the impact of partic<strong>les</strong> by using<br />

constant [aCDOM/at](λ) values of one, e.g. as in Johannessen [2000], can lead to an error<br />

in PDIC of up to 3-fold.<br />

Wavelength (nm)<br />

Figure IV.7. Spectral production of DIC for different values of<br />

[aCDOM/at](412) and for A) AQY1 and B) AQY2.<br />


Figure IV.8. Relative difference in DIC production as a function of the<br />

absolute difference between the retrieved and true [aCDOM/at](412) values<br />

for the two AQYs and two initial values for [aCDOM/at] true (412) of 0.3 and<br />

0.7. The thick line at the bottom illustrate the 95% confi<strong>de</strong>nce interval in<br />

the [aCDOM/at] retrieval using Eq 6.<br />

The above error analysis assumes that a perfect spectral extrapolation of [aCDOM/at]<br />

from 600 nm to the UV domain is achieved. Here we conduct a sensitivity study of<br />

spectral extrapolation of [aCDOM/at] on the <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated DIC photoproduction. The<br />

extrapolation is achieved as follows:<br />

where<br />

and<br />

a<br />

CDOM<br />

a<br />

t<br />

aCDOM<br />

( λ)<br />

( λ)<br />

= , (7)<br />

a ( λ)<br />

+ a ( λ)<br />

+ a ( λ)<br />

CDOM<br />

p<br />

{ [ a / a ] ( 412)<br />

* a ( 412)<br />

} exp[<br />

S * ( 412 ) ]<br />

a ( λ) − λ<br />

(7a)<br />

CDOM<br />

= CDOM t<br />

t<br />

CDOM<br />

N<br />

ap(λ) = [ at(412) − aCDOM (412) − aw(412) ]* ap (λ). (7b)<br />

In Eq. 7, aw(λ) is the pure water absorption spectrum, SCDOM is the slope of the aCDOM<br />

N<br />

spectrum, and ap (λ) is the particulate absorption spectra normalized at 412 nm<br />

N<br />

( ap (λ) = ap (λ) /a p(412)). As recommen<strong>de</strong>d by Fry [2000], aw(λ) values were taken<br />

108<br />


from Quicken<strong>de</strong>n and Irvin [1980] for 300 nm ≤ λ ≤ 320 nm, Pope and Fry [1997] for<br />

380 nm ≤ λ ≤ 600 nm, and were extrapolated for the λ between those ranges. The<br />

N<br />

sensitivity study is conducted for various values for SCDOM, ap (λ) and at(412). These<br />

parameters are required, in addition to [aCDOM/at](412), to operate Eq. 7.<br />

Figure IV.9 shows the variability SCDOM as a function of aCDOM(412) in the<br />

Beaufort Sea. SCDOM ranged from 0.0177 to 0.0303 nm -1 with an average value of 0.022<br />

nm -1 , and a standard <strong>de</strong>viation of 0.002 nm -1 . The SCDOM values observed over the<br />

Mackenzie shelf (~0.018 nm -1 ) were within the range reported by Guéguen et al. [2005]<br />

for this area, and similar to others reported for coastal environments [e.g., Blough and<br />

Del Vecchio, 2002; Babin et al., 2003b]. Offshore, near the Arctic packed ice, SCDOM<br />

reached 0.025 to 0.030 nm -1 , which is higher than the values previously reported for the<br />

Canada Basin [Guéguen et al., 2005], but within the upper range found in the literature<br />

for oligotrophic seawaters [Blough and Del Vecchio, 2002]. Neverthe<strong>les</strong>s, the high SCDOM<br />

may also be due the freezing of our sample during the storage, which is known to affect<br />

to some extent the CDOM absorption spectra (C. Belzile, personal communication, 2005).<br />

Furthermore, when aCDOM is low, the spectral range choosen (e.g. 300 to 500 nm) to<br />

calculate SCDOM using a single exponential greatly affects the results [see Twardowski et<br />

al., 2004]. Interestingly, the relationship we observed between SCDOM and aCDOM(412) is<br />

very similar to the one reported for the Baltic Sea by Kowalczuk et al. [2006] (see their<br />

Figure 4). The sensitivity analysis of the UV extrapolation is conducted using 0.018 and<br />

0.026 nm -1 as the lower and upper values (corresponding to the 95% confi<strong>de</strong>nce interval).<br />

Figure IV.10 shows the 99 ap(λ) spectra normalized to the value at 412 nm<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>ed in the <strong>sur</strong>face waters during the CASES field campaign. Except for a few<br />

number of spectra where the presence of phytoplankton pigments was dominant (with a<br />

ap(λ) peak at ~440 nm), most spectra show an exponential increase toward shorter<br />

wavelengths, which indicates the dominance of the aNAP in the total particulate matter<br />

N<br />

absorption (62 ± 18% at 443 nm). The average ap (λ) values ± 1.96*σ (i.e. a 95%<br />

confi<strong>de</strong>nce interval) was chosen to represent the limits of the ap spectrum for low and<br />

high spectral <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncy, respectively.<br />


Figure IV.9. Variability of SCDOM as a function of the aCDOM(412) value<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>ed in the <strong>sur</strong>face waters of the southeastern Beaufort Sea during<br />

summer 2004 (n=65). A second-or<strong>de</strong>r polynomial fit between the SCDOM<br />

values and the logarithm of aCDOM(412) provi<strong>de</strong>d a strong <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cription of<br />

the observations (r 2 =0.79; n=65):<br />

2<br />

S CDOM = 0. 0186 − 0.<br />

0019log[<br />

aCDOM<br />

( 412)<br />

] + 0.<br />

0031log[<br />

aCDOM<br />

( 412)]<br />

.<br />

Figure IV.10. Spectral absorption by particulate matter normalized to 412<br />

nm value mea<strong>sur</strong>ed in the <strong>sur</strong>face waters of the southeastern Beaufort Sea<br />

during summer 2004 (thin grey lines). The thick black line represents the<br />

N<br />

averaged ap (λ) values. The sensitivity the PDIC (eq 1) to the extrapolation<br />

to the UV domain is explored within the limits given by 95% probability<br />

of the normal distribution (i.e. ±1.96*σ; dashed lines). The ap(λ) values<br />

for λ

If we assume that the pure water absorption coefficient is negligible over the 300<br />

to 600 nm range, the spectral extrapolation of [aCDOM/at](412) can be achieve without the<br />

N<br />

absolute value of at(412) by using SCDOM and ap (λ) only. In the Beaufort Sea, the total<br />

absorption coefficient at 412 nm mea<strong>sur</strong>ed in the <strong>sur</strong>face waters varied between 0.048<br />

and 2.7 m -1 with an averaged value of 0.41 m -1 and a standard <strong>de</strong>viation of 0.61 m -1 . So,<br />

these values are used to examine the impact of at(412) on the spectral extrapolation and<br />

PDIC. The null aw(λ) assumption can lead to error > 25% when at(412) is low and the<br />

[aCDOM/at](412) is high (Table IV.5). In most situations, however, the error on PDIC ma<strong>de</strong><br />

using the null aw(λ) assumption is < 10%. In turbid coastal waters where at(412) is larger<br />

than ~0.2 m -1 , aw(λ) could be neglected without losing to much accuracy in PDIC.<br />

N<br />

The variability in the SCDOM and ap (λ) can also lead to some error in PDIC. For<br />

extreme cases, i.e. when [aCDOM/at](412) is low and the spectral <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncy of both<br />

aCDOM(λ) and ap(λ) are opposite, the ΔPDIC reaches ~10% and ~18% for AQY1 and AQY2<br />

respectively (Table IV.6). Figure IV.11 shows several examp<strong>les</strong> of PDIC(λ) spectra<br />

calculated for relatively high proportions of particulate matter to the total absorption, i.e.<br />

[aCDOM/at](412) of 0.3. Differences in the PDIC(λ) spectra are notable for both AQYs<br />

(note the different y-axis sca<strong>les</strong>). As expected, the sensitivity of PDIC to the spectral<br />

extrapolation <strong>de</strong>creases when the relative contribution of the CDOM to the total<br />

absorption increases. In fact, for a [aCDOM/at](412) value of 0.7, ΔPDIC is

Table IV.5. ΔPDIC ( in %), due to error in the spectral extrapolation of [aCDOM/at](412) to<br />

the 300-600 nm range resulting from variation in the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of at(412). PDIC true is<br />

N<br />

calculated with averaged SCDOM , ap (λ) , and for different at(412) values. PDIC is<br />

calculated assuming aw(λ) is null.<br />

AQY1 AQY2<br />

[aCDOM/at] [aCDOM/at] [aCDOM/at] [aCDOM/at]<br />

= 0.3 = 0.7 = 0.3 = 0.7<br />

at(412) = 2.7 m -1 1.3 3.4 0.4 0.8<br />

at(412) = 0.41 m -1 at(412) = 0.048 m<br />

4.7 10.7 1.5 2.6<br />

-1 14.5 26.4 6.0 8.1<br />

Table IV.6. ΔPDIC ( in %), due to error in the spectral extrapolation of [aCDOM/at](412) to<br />

N<br />

the 300-600 nm range resulting from variation in SCDOM and ap (λ) spectra. PDIC true is<br />

N<br />

calculated with averaged SCDOM , ap (λ), and at(412).<br />

[aCDOM/at]<br />

= 0.3<br />

112<br />

AQY1 AQY2<br />

[aCDOM/at]<br />

= 0.7<br />

[aCDOM/at]<br />

= 0.3<br />

[aCDOM/at]<br />

= 0.7<br />

N<br />

ap (λ) ; SCDOM = 0.018 nm -1 -2.0 4.1 -8.2 -0.9<br />

N<br />

ap (λ) ; SCDOM = 0.026 nm -1 3.2 -3.4 8.1 0.6<br />

N<br />

ap (λ) - 1.96σ ; SCDOM = 0.022 nm -1 7.2 -0.3 11.3 1.9<br />

N<br />

ap (λ) + 1.96σ ; SCDOM = 0.022 nm -1 -3.8 0.9 -8.0 -1.5<br />

N<br />

ap (λ) - 1.96σ ; SCDOM = 0.018 nm -1 4.9 4.1 3.4 1.5<br />

N<br />

ap (λ) + 1.96σ ; SCDOM = 0.018 nm -1 -5.0 4.8 15.9 -2.9<br />

N<br />

ap (λ) - 1.96σ ; SCDOM = 0.026 nm -1 10.2 -3.8 18.7 -2.0<br />

N<br />

ap (λ) + 1.96σ ; SCDOM = 0.026 nm -1 -1.0 -2.3 0.3 -0.4

Figure IV.11. Example of spectral production of DIC for<br />

[aCDOM/at] true (412) value of 0.3 for various spectral shape for aCDOM(λ) and<br />

ap(λ) and for AQY1 (a-c) and AQY2 (d-f). The grey curves on the bottom<br />

N<br />

panels (b-c; e-f) is PDIC(λ) computed using averaged SCDOM and ap (λ).<br />

IV.3.4. Application to SeaWiFS imagery<br />

We applied our algorithm to a full resolution SeaWiFS image of the southeastern<br />

Beaufort Sea acquired on June 21 st 1998 (day 172). On that year, sea ice cover was<br />

exceptionally reduced in early spring over the study area, which allowed good ocean<br />

color observations over the whole Mackenzie Shelf and a large portion of the Canada<br />

Basin. The application of a turbid-water <strong>de</strong>tection algorithm [Morel and Bélanger, 2006]<br />

revealed that almost two thirds of the ice-free waters were turbid. Because the standard<br />


atmospheric correction, which is based on invalid assumptions of null water-leaving<br />

radiance in the NIR bands (765 and 865 nm) [Gordon and Wang, 1994], generally gives<br />

rise to negative water leaving radiances in the blue, the scene was processed using the<br />

turbid-water atmospheric correction algorithm <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed by Ruddick et al. [2000]. The<br />

[aCDOM/at](412), calculated using Eq. 6 with region-specific coefficients (Table 2), shows<br />

coherent patterns over the continental shelf and beyond (Fig. IV.12). First, [aCDOM/at](412)<br />

values increase from the river mouth to the bor<strong>de</strong>r of the continental shelf (~0.40 to<br />

~0.90). This reflects the <strong>de</strong>creasing contribution of the terrigenous partic<strong>les</strong> to the total<br />

light absorption in the <strong>sur</strong>face waters when the partic<strong>les</strong> gradually settle over the shelf.<br />

Interestingly, the highest values (> 0.85) are found beyond the continental shelf in waters<br />

influence by the Mackenzie runoff. Further offshore in the Canada Basin and in the<br />

Amundsen Gulf, the [aCDOM/at](412) is relatively uniform, with values between 0.7 and<br />

0.8. These lower offshore values probably reflect the absence of direct influence of river<br />

runoff. The values observed there fall within the range observed in those areas during<br />

CASES.<br />

Figure IV.12. Spatial distribution of the [aCDOM/at](412) as <strong>de</strong>rived from<br />

SeaWiFS data acquired the 21 st of June 1998. The grey color co<strong>de</strong><br />

represents sea ice.<br />

Figure IV.13 shows the spatial distribution of the <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated DIC<br />

photoproduction rate (in mg C m -2 d -1 ) for both AQYs, as calculated using the satellite-<br />

<strong>de</strong>rived [aCDOM/at](412) values (Fig. IV.12). The spectral of [aCDOM/at](412) was<br />


achieved with the averaged spectral shape of aCDOM and at, and using the total absorption<br />

at 412 <strong>de</strong>rived from the Rrs spectrum using a modified version of the quasi-analytical<br />

algorithm proposed by Lee et al. [2002] (see Annex A1). The daily spectral irradiance<br />

−<br />

just below the sea <strong>sur</strong>face, E ( 0 , λ)<br />

, was obtained using the TUV mo<strong>de</strong>l with the<br />

d<br />

ozone observed by TOMS and aerosols concentrations <strong>de</strong>rived from SeaWiFS data. The<br />

spatial distribution of the PDIC is similar to that of [aCDOM/at](412) with the highest<br />

values of ~10-12 and ~3.6-3.8 mg C m -2 d -1 for AQY1 and AQY2, respectively, observed<br />

at the bor<strong>de</strong>r of the continental shelf. The spatial variability in PDIC is slightly higher for<br />

AQY1 (~2.5-fold) than for AQY2 (~2-fold). These results confirm that the spatial<br />

variability in PDIC resulting from the optical properties of the water column alone is<br />

important.<br />


Figure IV.13. Spatial distribution of <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated DIC<br />

photoproduction as calculated using both AQYs and the satellite-<strong>de</strong>rived<br />

[aCDOM/at](412) as shown in Fig. IV.12.<br />

IV.4. Summary and conclusions<br />

This study was motivated by the need to improve the quantification of the<br />

<strong>de</strong>pth-integrated DIC photoproduction in the Arctic coastal waters where a rapid <strong>de</strong>crease<br />

in the summer sea ice cover is observed, and expected to culminate with totally open<br />

waters during September before the end of this century [ACIA, 2005]. This major change<br />

will expose river runoff to light, including UV radiations [Bélanger et al., 2006]. Depth-<br />

integrated DIC photoproduction was assessed here using a simple spectral mo<strong>de</strong>l that<br />


needs as input the ratio between the CDOM and total absorption coefficients ([aCDOM/at]).<br />

To account for the important variability in this ratio in coastal waters, an empirical<br />

algorithm was proposed to estimate the [aCDOM/at] ratio at 412 nm from the remote<br />

sensing reflectance spectrum. The algorithm was <strong>de</strong>veloped and validated using an<br />

extensive data set of in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of spectral absorption coefficients and<br />

reflectance ma<strong>de</strong> in contrasting coastal waters. The absolute uncertainty of the algorithm<br />

was found to be ±0.18 (±0.14 for regional tuning). This uncertainty in [aCDOM/at](412)<br />

results in a potential error on the <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated photoproduction of DIC

aspects that need more attention for future semi-analytical algorithms to be successful in<br />

discriminating aCDOM from the total absorption coefficient in coastal waters: the IOP<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>l formulation and the inversion approach.<br />

While the fact that NAP scatters light and CDOM do not is a source of ambiguity<br />

when pooling CDOM and NAP, it provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> discrimination power when CDOM and NAP<br />

are distinguished in an IOP mo<strong>de</strong>l. So, semi-analytical algorithms need to be based on an<br />

IOP mo<strong>de</strong>l that inclu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> a good link between aNAP and bNAP (or bbNAP). Gallegos and<br />

Neale [2002] successfully applied such an approach to <strong>de</strong>convolve the absorption<br />

contribution by phytoplankton, CDOM and NAP in total absorption spectra mea<strong>sur</strong>ed in<br />

situ. But, obviously, the inversion of remotely sensed reflectance is more challenging<br />

than inverting absorption spectra mea<strong>sur</strong>ed in situ.<br />

Again, the fact that our empirical algorithm succee<strong>de</strong>d in discriminating aCDOM<br />

from aNAP means that the necessary information is contained in the reflectance spectrum.<br />

This information, however, must be extracted properly, and this is probably one<br />

weakness of current semi-analytical mo<strong>de</strong>ls. In coastal waters, variations in reflectance<br />

are primarily due to variations in turbidity [Sathyendranath et al., 1989]. Subtle changes<br />

in the shape of the reflectance spectrum that may result from changes in the proportions<br />

of phytoplankton, CDOM and NAP, are overwhelmed by the change in the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of<br />

reflectance at all wavelengths due to variations in turbidity. So, when some specific<br />

information is nee<strong>de</strong>d from the reflectance spectrum, such as the ratio of aCDOM to at,<br />

some specific spectral regions provi<strong>de</strong> <strong>les</strong>s ambiguous information. The rationa<strong>les</strong><br />

consi<strong>de</strong>red in the <strong>de</strong>velopment of our empirical algorithm are valid for a semi-analytical<br />

algorithm. The latter must go beyond finding the best fit between calculated and observed<br />

reflectance spectra, at all wavelengths [e.g., Roesler and Perry, 1995; Lee et al., 1996;<br />

Garver and Siegel, 1997]. This procedure must not be blurred by the large changes in<br />

reflectance magnitu<strong>de</strong> due to variations in turbidity, and be misled by reflectance at<br />

wavelengths where the information is ambiguous.<br />

The simple method proposed in this study represents, to our knowledge, a first<br />

step toward the integration of Ocean Color information to quantify of CDOM<br />

photooxidation in coastal waters. Further research studies in that field needs to be<br />

conducted co-jointly with specialists of both optics/remote sensing and photochemistry<br />


sciences in or<strong>de</strong>r to document in parallel AOPs, IOPs and CDOM photoreactivity (i.e.<br />

AQY) in coastal waters. The latter is critical for the quantification of CDOM<br />

photooxidation and is <strong>de</strong>finitely the least documented at the moment [Johannessen and<br />

Miller, 2001; Mopper and Keiber, 2002; Bélanger et al., 2006].<br />


IV.5. Notations<br />

Parameter Description<br />

λ Light wavelength (nm)<br />

a m (λ) Mea<strong>sur</strong>ed absorption coefficient with the ac-9 (m -1 )<br />

ax(λ) Absorption coefficient for constituent x (m -1 ),<br />

where subscript x is either t (total), w (water), CDOM (Chromophoric Dissolved Organic<br />

Matter), p (partic<strong>les</strong>), NAP (Non-algal partic<strong>les</strong>),CDM (Colored Dissolved and Detritic<br />

Material) or φ (phytoplankton).<br />

b(λ) Total scattering coefficient (m -1 )<br />

b m (λ) Mea<strong>sur</strong>ed scattering coefficient with the ac-9 (m -1 ), i.e. c(λ)-a m (λ).<br />

bp(λ) Particulate scattering coefficient (m -1 )<br />

bb(λ) Total backscattering coefficient (m -1 )<br />

bbp(λ) Particulate backscattering coefficient (m -1 )<br />

bbw(λ) Water backscattering coefficient (m -1 )<br />

c(λ) Beam attenuation (m -1 )<br />

Es(λ) Irradiance just above the sea <strong>sur</strong>face (W m -2 nm -1 )<br />

Ed(λ,z) Downwelling irradiance at <strong>de</strong>pth z (W m -2 nm -1 or mol photon m -2 nm -1 )<br />

Lu(λ,z) Upwelling radiance at <strong>de</strong>pth z (W m -2 nm -1 sr -1 )<br />

Lw(λ) Water-leaving radiance (W m -2 nm -1 sr -1 )<br />

Rrs(λ) Remote sensing reflectance above the sea <strong>sur</strong>face (nm -1 sr -1 )<br />

AQY (λ) Apparent quantum yield for dissolved inorganic carbon (mol C nm -1 (mol<br />

PDIC<br />

120<br />

photon) -1 )<br />

Depth-integrated photochemical production of dissolved inorganic carbon<br />

(mol C m -2 s -1 )

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Chapitre V: Impact <strong>de</strong> la glace <strong>de</strong> mer <strong>sur</strong> <strong>les</strong><br />

estimations <strong>de</strong> la réflectance marine, la<br />

concentration <strong>de</strong> chlorophylle a et <strong>les</strong> propriétés<br />

optiques inhérentes dérivés <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données<br />

satellita<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong> la Couleur <strong>de</strong> l’Océan<br />


V.A. Résumé<br />

À l’ai<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> simulations numériques et d’observations, on a décrit <strong>de</strong>ux phénomènes<br />

physiques impliquant la glace <strong>de</strong> mer qui contaminent <strong>les</strong> me<strong>sur</strong>es spatia<strong>les</strong> <strong>de</strong> la couleur <strong>de</strong><br />

l’océan dans <strong>les</strong> hautes latitu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> : 1) l’effet <strong>de</strong> l’environnement qui se produit le long <strong>de</strong> la<br />

bordure <strong>de</strong> la banquise <strong>de</strong> glace et 2) la contamination sub-pixel due à la présence d’une<br />

faible quantité <strong>de</strong> glace à l’intérieur d’un pixel classifié océanique. Le signal reçu au sommet<br />

<strong>de</strong> l’atmosphère (TOA) a été simulé à l’ai<strong>de</strong> un modèle <strong>de</strong> transfert radiatif permettant la<br />

modélisation <strong>de</strong> l’effet <strong>de</strong> l’environnement pour divers types <strong>de</strong> glace <strong>de</strong> mer entourant une<br />

<strong>sur</strong>face d’eau ouverte. Ont été utilisés pour ces simulations <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> spectres <strong>de</strong> réflectance <strong>de</strong> la<br />

glace <strong>de</strong> mer obtenus avant et pendant la pério<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> fonte <strong>de</strong> la glace en 2004 dans la Mer <strong>de</strong><br />

Beaufort. Pour la contamination sub-pixel, le signal TOA a été simulé en utilisant <strong>les</strong><br />

propriétés atmosphériques utilisées dans le traitement <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données SeaWiFS, pour différents<br />

spectres <strong>de</strong> réflectance <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face obtenus en combinant linéairement <strong>les</strong> spectres <strong>de</strong><br />

réflectance marine (ρ w) et <strong>de</strong> glace <strong>de</strong> mer. Les algorithmes <strong>de</strong> correction atmosphérique<br />

standard <strong>de</strong> SeaWiFS ont été appliqués aux spectres TOA simulés afin <strong>de</strong> retrouver le<br />

spectre ρ w, à partir duquel <strong>les</strong> concentrations en chlorophylle a (CHL) et <strong>les</strong> propriétés<br />

optiques inhérentes (IOP) sont calculées. Lorsque que <strong>les</strong> conditions atmosphériques sont<br />

claires, l’effet <strong>de</strong> l’environnement introduit une <strong>sur</strong>estimation significative (>0.002) <strong>de</strong> ρ w<br />

dans la partie bleue du spectre (i.e. 443 nm), et ce à une distance aussi gran<strong>de</strong> que 24 Km <strong>de</strong><br />

la bordure <strong>de</strong> glace. La CHL, calculée empiriquement à partir d’un algorithme utilisant <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

rapports <strong>de</strong> réflectance entre le bleu et le vert, était soit sous-estimée, soit <strong>sur</strong>estimée,<br />

dépendamment <strong>de</strong> la concentration réelle en CHL. Pour <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> CHL <strong>de</strong> modérées à élevées (><br />

0.5 mg m -3 ), tout <strong>les</strong> pixels se trouvant à une distance inférieure à 10-20 Km <strong>de</strong> la bordure <strong>de</strong><br />

glace doivent être éliminés. Il <strong>de</strong>vient crucial <strong>de</strong> considérer l’effet <strong>de</strong> l’environnement lorsque<br />

l’on veut estimer le coefficient d’absorption total (a t) <strong>de</strong> l’eau <strong>de</strong> mer à partir d’un algorithme<br />

d’inversion semi-analytique. À 443 nm, a t est sous-estimé par plus <strong>de</strong> 35% à ~20 Km <strong>de</strong> la<br />

bordure <strong>de</strong> glace quand CHL est > 0.5 mg m -3 . L’effet <strong>sur</strong> l’estimation du coefficient <strong>de</strong><br />

rétrodiffusion par <strong>les</strong> particu<strong>les</strong> (b bp) n’est important que lorsque que <strong>les</strong> eaux sont<br />

relativement peu turbi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> (i.e. CHL < 0.05 mg m -3 et matière en suspension < 0.2 g m -3 ).<br />

L’impact <strong>sur</strong> le rapport entre <strong>les</strong> coefficients d’absorption par la matière organique dissoute<br />

colorée (CDOM) et total ([a CDOM/a t]) à 412 nm, calculé empiriquement, est similaire à celui<br />


<strong>sur</strong> a t (i.e. sous-estimation). À l’opposé, la contamination sub-pixel produit une sous-<br />

estimation systématique <strong>de</strong> ρ w dans la partie bleue du spectre. En générale, la contamination<br />

sub-pixel résulte en une <strong>sur</strong>estimation <strong>de</strong> la CHL, <strong>de</strong> a t, et <strong>de</strong> [a CDOM/a t], et en une<br />

sousestimation <strong>de</strong> b bp. Une métho<strong>de</strong> simple a été proposée pour i<strong>de</strong>ntifier <strong>les</strong> pixels<br />

contaminés par <strong>les</strong> effets d’environnement.<br />


V.B. Article soumis à la revue Remote Sensing of Environment (1 novembre 2006):<br />

“Impact of sea ice on the retrieval of water-leaving reflectance, chlorophyll a<br />

concentration and inherent optical properties from satellite Ocean Color data”<br />

Simon Bélanger a , Jens K. Ehn b and Marcel Babin a<br />

a CNRS, Laboratoire d'océanographie <strong>de</strong> Villefranche, 06230 Villefranche-<strong>sur</strong>-Mer,<br />

France ; Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, Laboratoire d'Océanographie <strong>de</strong><br />

Villefranche, 06230 Villefranche-<strong>sur</strong>-Mer, France<br />

b Centre for Earth Observation Science, Department of Environment and Geography,<br />

Clayton H. Rid<strong>de</strong>ll Faculty of Earth, Environment and Resources, 467 Wallace Building,<br />

University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, R3T 2N2, phone: 204-474-6961, fax 272-1532,<br />

umehnjjk@cc.umanitoba.ca<br />


Abstract<br />

Through simulations and observations, we <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed two physical phenomena by which<br />

satellite remotely sensed ocean color data are contaminated by sea ice at high latitu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>: 1)<br />

the adjacency effect that occurs along sea ice margins and 2) the sub-pixel contamination<br />

by a small amount of sea ice within an ocean pixel. The signal at the top of the<br />

atmosphere (TOA) was simulated using a radiative transfer co<strong>de</strong> that allows mo<strong>de</strong>ling of<br />

the adjacency effect for various types of sea ice <strong>sur</strong>rounding an open water area. In situ<br />

sea ice reflectance spectra obtained prior to and during the melt period are used in the<br />

simulations. For sub-pixel contamination, the TOA signal was simulated using the<br />

SeaWiFS atmospheric look-up tab<strong>les</strong> with various <strong>sur</strong>face reflectances obtained by linear<br />

mixture of both sea ice and water-leaving reflectances (ρw). The standard atmospheric<br />

correction algorithms were applied to the simulated TOA spectra to retrieve the ρw<br />

spectrum from which chlorophyll a concentration (CHL) and inherent optical properties<br />

(IOP) are <strong>de</strong>rived. Un<strong>de</strong>r clear atmospheric conditions, the adjacency effect introduced<br />

large overestimation in ρw (>0.002), as far as 24 km from an ice edge in the blue part of<br />

the spectrum (443 nm). The CHL, estimated using standard blue-to-green reflectance<br />

ratio, is either over- or un<strong>de</strong>restimated <strong>de</strong>pending on the actual concentration. For<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>rate to high CHL (>0.5 mg m -3 ), any pixel located within a distance of ~10-20 km<br />

from the ice edge should be discar<strong>de</strong>d. It is very important to consi<strong>de</strong>r the adjacency<br />

effect when the total absorption coefficient (at) is to be retrieved using a semi-analytical<br />

algorithm. The at(443) was un<strong>de</strong>restimated by more than 35% at a distance of ~20 km<br />

from an ice edge for CHL > 0.5 mg m -3 . The effect on the partic<strong>les</strong> backscattering<br />

coefficient (bbp) retrieval was important only for clear waters (CHL ~0.05 mg m -3 ). The<br />

impact on the ratio between chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) and total<br />

absorption coefficients ([aCDOM/at]) at 412 nm, estimated empirically, is similar to at(443)<br />

(i.e. un<strong>de</strong>restimation). In contrast, sub-pixel contamination by small amount of sea ice<br />

produces systematic un<strong>de</strong>restimation of ρw in the blue. In general, sub-pixel<br />

contamination results in an overestimation of CHL, at and [aCDOM/at], and an<br />

un<strong>de</strong>restimation of bbp. A simple method was proposed to flag the pixels contaminated by<br />

adjacency effect.<br />


V.1. Introduction<br />

Polynyas and flaw leads are areas of open water, or much reduced sea ice cover,<br />

at high latitu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> where full sea ice cover is expected [Smith et al., 1990]. Due to their<br />

high biological productivity, polynyas and leads are sites of reproduction for several<br />

species of birds, fishes and mammals [Stirling, 1997]. At high latitu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>, intense primary<br />

productivity also occur in Marginal Ice Zones (MIZ) where melt water provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> enough<br />

vertical stability in the water column for phytoplankton to grow un<strong>de</strong>r high-light and<br />

high-nutrients conditions [Smith and Nelson, 1986; Sakshaug and Skjoldal, 1989].<br />

Because polar regions are especially susceptible to global warming (i.e., + ~3°C in 2050)<br />

[ACIA, 2005], the timing and magnitu<strong>de</strong> of the primary productivity in polynyas, leads<br />

and MIZ are likely to be affected in the coming years.<br />

Global warming can also alter the amount and fate of terrigenous material (e.g.,<br />

organic matter, nutrients, and sediments) input into the Arctic Ocean, which is a key<br />

component of the Arctic carbon cycle [Stein and MacDonald, 2004]. For example,<br />

increase in river discharge [McClelland et al., 2006] and accelerate permafrost thawing<br />

[Camill, 2005] could lead to the mobilization of significant amount of terrigenous<br />

dissolved and particulate carbon toward to coastal Arctic ocean during the next century<br />

[Frey and Smith, 2005; Guo and Macdonald, 2006]. Furthermore, amplified<br />

photomineralization of terrigenous dissolved organic carbon in the Arctic coastal waters<br />

is expected as a response to the <strong>de</strong>crease in summer ice cover that allows more solar<br />

radiation to penetrate the water column [Bélanger et al., 2006]. Since global warming can<br />

modify either marine or terrigenous components of the carbon cycle, continuous<br />

monitoring systems for the biological state of north polar seas are urgently nee<strong>de</strong>d.<br />

Satellite remote sensing of the ocean color provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> a means for studying long-<br />

term and large-scale changes in the biological processes occurring in the polar waters.<br />

The most common bio-optical parameter <strong>de</strong>rived from ocean color is the concentration of<br />

chlorophyll a (CHL), the key molecule of photosynthesis and a common in<strong>de</strong>x of<br />

phytoplankton biomass in the ocean. With a <strong>sur</strong>face estimate of CHL, the gross primary<br />


productivity can be calculated using various mo<strong>de</strong>ls [e.g., Antoine and Morel, 1996;<br />

Behrenfeld and Falkowski, 1997; Arrigo et al., 1998]. Furthermore, the present<br />

generation of bio-optical algorithms [Lee et al., 2002; Maritorena et al., 2002] can<br />

provi<strong>de</strong>, in addition to CHL, other optical indicators like some of the inherent optical<br />

properties (IOP).<br />

Good retrieval of CHL and IOP from remotely sensed ocean color data requires (1)<br />

a reliable retrieval of the spectral water leaving radiance, Lw, or reflectance, ρw, which<br />

relies mainly on the quality of the sensor calibration and of the atmospheric correction,<br />

and (2) robust bio-optical algorithms. In polar seas, the former may be strongly<br />

compromised by the presence of sea ice [e.g. Gregg and Casey, 2004]. Despite the fact<br />

that this problem might represent a major obstacle to the use of ocean color in Polar<br />

Regions, that problem has never been addressed quantitatively.<br />

In view of using satellite remote sensing of bio-optical properties to study<br />

biogeochemical processes occurring in polar seas, the purpose of this study is to quantify<br />

the error on the estimate of ρw due to the presence of sea ice, and its consequences on the<br />

retrieval of CHL and IOP. Sea ice can introduce biases in the interpretation of ocean<br />

color data in two ways: 1) the adjacency effect is the process by which a photon, reflected<br />

from a <strong>sur</strong>face adjacent to a targeted pixel, is scattered by the atmosphere between the<br />

sensor and the target, blurring the sharp boundary between sea ice and open water [e.g.,<br />

Tanré et al., 1979; Tanré et al., 1981]; 2) sub-pixel contamination when a small amount<br />

of sea ice within an ocean pixel (a pixel not flagged as cloud or ice), may be wrongly<br />

interpreted as a high aerosol concentration and/or high seawater turbidity. The first<br />

phenomenon is observed throughout the year, but may be more important in spring time<br />

when leads and polynyas start to open and adjacent sea ice is still covered by highly<br />

reflective fresh snow; while the second can occurs during summer when ice floes,<br />

transported by water currents and winds, melt progressively in the ocean.<br />

In what follows, we first <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribe the methodology which is adopted to simulate<br />

the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reflectance spectra, ρTOA, with and without the effects of<br />

sea ice. Then we apply the Sea-viewing Wi<strong>de</strong> Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS)<br />

atmospheric correction [Gordon and Wang, 1994] to our simulated TOA spectra to<br />

quantify the errors in water-leaving reflectance resulting from the presence of ice. Next<br />


the CHL is calculated using two empirical algorithms: 1) the standard NASA global<br />

algorithm OC4v4 used in both SeaWiFS and MODIS processing [O'Reilly et al., 2000]<br />

and 2) the Arctic’s regionally “tuned” OC4L algorithm [Cota et al., 2004]. For testing the<br />

effect of sea ice on the retrieval of IOPs, we applied an improved version of the algorithm<br />

of Lee at al. [2002] <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>igned to estimate the total absorption (at) and particulate<br />

backscattering coefficients (bbp). Finally, we tested an algorithm recently <strong>de</strong>veloped to<br />

retrieve the ratio [aCDOM/at], which is necessary to estimate CDOM photooxidation<br />

[Bélanger et al., Improved quantification of Chromophoric Dissolved Organic Matter<br />

photooxidation in coastal waters using satellite-<strong>de</strong>rived inherent optical properties,<br />

submitted manuscript, 2006; (hereinafter referred to as Bélanger et al., submitted<br />

manuscript, 2006)].<br />

V.2. Methodology<br />

V.2.1. Definitions<br />

The radiance received by a sensor at the TOA in a given direction, LTOA, is<br />

converted into remote sensing reflectance, ρTOA, using the following expression [Gordon,<br />

1997] (note that geometrical <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncy of the following quantities is omitted for<br />

simplicity):<br />

π LTOA<br />

( λ)<br />

ρ TOA(<br />

λ)<br />

= , (1)<br />

F ( λ)<br />

cos( θ )<br />

132<br />

0 s<br />

where F0 is the extraterrestrial solar irradiance, θs is the sun zenith angle and λ is the<br />

wavelength (in nm). Ocean Color applications commonly use the “normalized” water-<br />

leaving reflectance (or radiance), [ρw]N (or [Lw]N), <strong>de</strong>fined as [Gordon and Clark, 1981]:<br />

π<br />

π L ( λ)<br />

ρ w = ( λ)<br />

=<br />

, (2)<br />

N<br />

) t<br />

[ ] ( λ)<br />

[ L ]<br />

F0 ( λ)<br />

w N<br />

w<br />

F0<br />

( λ)<br />

cos( θs<br />

where Lw is the water-leaving radiance and t0 is the diffuse transmittance from sun to<br />

pixel. Note that [Lw]N/F0 is equivalent to the commonly used remote sensing reflectance<br />

(Rrs) <strong>de</strong>fined as the ratio of water-leaving radiance to the downwelling plane irradiance<br />

just above the sea <strong>sur</strong>face [see Morel and Mueller, 2002].<br />


V.2.2. Description of the <strong>sur</strong>face reflectance spectra<br />

V.2.2.1. Sea ice reflectance spectra<br />

The spectral irradiance reflectance spectrum of sea ice (Rice) was <strong>de</strong>termined at<br />

three locations during the spring-summer 2004 onboard the CCGS Amundsen in the<br />

Southeastern Beaufort Sea as part as the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES)<br />

program. Radiometric mea<strong>sur</strong>ements were performed at 512 wavelengths ranging from<br />

340 to 1060 nm with a dual-hea<strong>de</strong>d spectroradiometer (FieldSpec, Analytical Spectral<br />

Devices Inc., Boul<strong>de</strong>r, Colorado) equipped with a cosine collector that was placed 0.7 m<br />

above the sea ice <strong>sur</strong>face, yielding mea<strong>sur</strong>ement of upwelling and downwelling<br />

irradiance, Eu and Ed, respectively, and a second cosine collector for simultaneous<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of<br />

ref<br />

E d to correct for changes in inci<strong>de</strong>nt solar <strong>flux</strong> during the Eu and Ed<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>ement. The irradiance reflectance is calculated as<br />

ref<br />

Eu<br />

( λ)<br />

Ed<br />

( λ)<br />

R ice ( λ) = . (3)<br />

ref<br />

E ( λ)<br />

E ( λ)<br />

d<br />

d<br />

The Rice spectrum was <strong>de</strong>termined over four different <strong>sur</strong>faces: 1) 2-m-thick<br />

landfast ice overlayed by a 15-cm-thick dry and fresh snow cover mea<strong>sur</strong>ed in early May<br />

at 70.25°N and 126°W (in Franklin Bay, Canadian Arctic); 2) an ice floe covered by<br />

melting snow [Perovich et al., 1998]; 3) a white ice floe with a drained high-scattering<br />

<strong>sur</strong>face layer; 4) a mixed white-grey ice floe with a drained low-scattering <strong>sur</strong>face layers.<br />

The ice floes were mea<strong>sur</strong>ed in the Amundsen Gulf (71.25°N, 127.66°W). The additional<br />

spectrum from Perovich et al. [1998] was inclu<strong>de</strong>d to cover the conditions that may be<br />

observed later during melting season (June-July) on landfast ice when the snow cover<br />

vanishes. The five Rice spectra (Fig. V.1) are representative of Arctic sea ice at different<br />

stages of their seasonal evolution. In early spring, the landfast ice is covered by fresh<br />

snow that reflects >91% at all visible wavelengths. During summer time, the reflectance<br />

can <strong>de</strong>crease below 10% and the spectral variations may become more pronounced (e.g.<br />

the ice floe). During the melting season, however, the <strong>sur</strong>face of an ice floe is a mixture<br />

of different ice <strong>sur</strong>face types. The <strong>sur</strong>face of the ice floes encountered in the Amundsen<br />

Gulf at the end of June was typically composed of about 30% of white ice and the rest of<br />

grey ice (i.e. White and Grey ice spectra shown in Fig. V.1). Therefore, it was more<br />

representative to average the two ice floe spectra mea<strong>sur</strong>ed on June 26 as: 0.3* Rwhite ice +<br />


0.7*Rgrey_ice. This spectral composite is called hereinafter “grey ice”. An extensive study<br />

of the sea ice <strong>sur</strong>face reflectance is out of the scope of this study.<br />

Figure V.1. Reflectance spectra for five types of Arctic sea ice at different<br />

stages during the melting season. The spectrum of landfast ice covered by<br />

melting snow was taken from Perovich et al. [1998], while the other<br />

spectra were mea<strong>sur</strong>ed in the Southeastern Beaufort Sea during the<br />

CASES expedition.<br />

V.2.2.2. Water-leaving reflectance spectra<br />

We calculated 20 water-leaving reflectance spectra using the semi-analytical<br />

forward mo<strong>de</strong>l <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed in the Appendix V.1 (Fig. V.2). The parameterization of the<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>l was <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>igned to simulate spectra typical of both Open Ocean (Case 1) and coastal<br />

(Case 2) waters. The three input parameters used to set the spectral IOP (i.e. absorption<br />

and backscattering coefficients) are: 1) the phytoplankton chlorophyll a concentration<br />

(CHL); 2) the dry weight of partic<strong>les</strong> that do not co-vary with phytoplankton (SPM NAP )<br />

(in g m -3 ); and 3) the contribution of CDOM to the non-water absorption coefficient at<br />

443 nm [fCDOM = aCDOM/(aφ+aNAP+aCDOM)]. To generate Case 1 water reflectance spectra,<br />

fCDOM and SPM NAP are set to 0, and the IOPs are a function of CHL as in Morel and<br />

Maritorena [2001] (for <strong>de</strong>tails, see Appendix V.1). To represent a wi<strong>de</strong> range of trophic<br />


and turbidity conditions that could be encountered at high latitu<strong>de</strong>, the following input<br />

parameters were used:<br />

1. 4 values for SPM NAP (0, 0.2, 2.0 and 20 g m -3 );<br />

2. 3 values for CHL (0.05, 0.5, 5.0 mg m -3 ) (excepted when SPM = 20.0 g m -3<br />

because [ρw]N spectra are almost i<strong>de</strong>ntical for any CHL values);<br />

3. 2 levels for fCDOM (50% and 80%).<br />

To be more representative of polar waters where the contribution of the colored dissolved<br />

and <strong>de</strong>trital material (CDM) to the total light absorption at 440 nm is high (>50%) [Siegel<br />

et al., 2005, see their Figure 2a], high values for fCDOM were chosen. In the Arctic, in<br />

particular, the strong CDOM signal is due to the high concentration of DOC that is<br />

maintained by the large amount of river runoff entering into polar <strong>sur</strong>face waters annually<br />

[see Benner et al., 2005 and ref. therein].<br />

Figure V.2. Mo<strong>de</strong>led normalized water-leaving reflectance spectra for<br />

various chlorophyll concentration (mg m -3 ), as indicated. The solid curves<br />

are produced by introducing an fCDOM value of 50% while dotted curves<br />

are produced with fCDOM =80%. Four concentrations of non algal partic<strong>les</strong><br />

(SPM NAP ) are presented: a) 0.0 g m -3 ; b) 0.2 g m -3 ; c) 2.0 g m -3 ; d) 20 g m -3 .<br />


V.2.3. Simulations of the adjacency effect<br />

The adjacency effect is significant at high latitu<strong>de</strong> because the sea ice, that<br />

reflects up to 90% of the inci<strong>de</strong>nt light, are adjacent to seawater with a reflectance < 5-<br />

10%. The Second Simulation of the Satellite Signal in the Solar Spectrum (6S) radiative<br />

transfer co<strong>de</strong> [available online at http://www-loa.univ-<br />

lille1.fr/SOFTWARE/Msixs/msixs_gb.html, Vermote et al., 1997] was used to simulate<br />

ρTOA for the eight SeaWiFS spectral bands (i.e. 412, 443, 490, 510, 555, 670, 765, and<br />

865 nm). The ρTOA spectra are simulated for water pixels located at 1 to 50 km from the<br />

coast to offshore along a transect perpendicular to an hypothetical linear ice edge of<br />

infinite length (for <strong>de</strong>tails, see Appendix V.2). The gas concentration and the<br />

atmospheric pres<strong>sur</strong>e, temperature, ozone and water vapor profi<strong>les</strong> for the U.S. standard<br />

atmosphere [Mc Clatchey et al., 1971] were used as input parameters. The 6s maritime<br />

aerosol mo<strong>de</strong>l composed of 95 and 5% of oceanic and water-soluble components,<br />

respectively [Vermote et al., 1997], was used in the simulations. The aerosols optical<br />

thickness at 550 nm (τa(550)) was set to 0.03, 0.1 and 0.2 to cover very clear to turbid<br />

atmospheric conditions (note that global mean is 0.1). Finally, the illumination and<br />

viewing geometry is set for typical SeaWiFS observation in mid-June at 70°N, for a pixel<br />

located in the center of the field of view (i.e., θ0 = 50°; satellite viewing angle from nadir,<br />

θv = 22°; azimuth angle between the sun-pixel and pixel-sensor half planes, Δφ = 8°). The<br />

calculations were performed for four different types of ice and for various water-leaving<br />

spectra as <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed above (Section V.2.2).<br />

V.2.4. Simulations of sea ice contamination within an ocean pixel<br />

During the summer season, after the breakup of the ice cover, oceanic pixels may<br />

be contaminated by the presence of sea ice. Physically, the phenomenon can be compared<br />

to the effect of sea foam or whitecaps [Frouin et al., 1996]. In such a case, the TOA<br />

reflectance can be expressed as:<br />

TOA<br />

path<br />

[ ( 1 − σ )[ ρ R ]<br />

ρ = ρ + t ] + σ<br />

0 tv<br />

w N ice , (4)<br />

where ρpath is the atmospheric path reflectance, tv is the diffuse atmospheric transmittance<br />

from sea <strong>sur</strong>face to the sensor and σ is the fractional sea ice <strong>sur</strong>face concentration within<br />


the pixel (dimension<strong>les</strong>s, from 0 to 1). Thus in equation 4, the bracketed term represent<br />

<strong>sur</strong>face reflectance, which is simply a linear mixture of both sea ice and water-leaving<br />

reflectances. Here, ρpath, tv and t0 were taken from the SeaWiFS lookup tab<strong>les</strong> for an<br />

atmosphere containing maritime aerosol with relative humidity of 90%. The illumination<br />

and viewing geometry and aerosol concentrations were the same as <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed in Section<br />

2.3. Simulations were done for several values of σRice(865) between 0 and 3.2%, a range<br />

at which the pixel may not be masked as cloud. Above this value, the pixel is generally<br />

masked as a cloud. For example, SeaWiFS cloud masking is perform using a single<br />

threshold (here set to 3%) on the TOA reflectance at 865 nm corrected for the molecular<br />

scattering contribution (Rayleigh). So, <strong>de</strong>pending on the magnitu<strong>de</strong> the ice albedo (Fig.<br />

V.1), the σ values ranged from 0 to ~3.5% for the fresh snow, and to ~25% for the grey<br />

ice.<br />

V.2.5. Atmospheric correction and bio-optical processing<br />

In or<strong>de</strong>r to apply the SeaWiFS atmospheric algorithm to the simulated spectra, the<br />

ρTOA were converted into LTOA (Eq. 1) and processed using the SeaWiFS Data Analysis<br />

Software (SeaDAS 4.6). The standard atmospheric correction algorithm based on the<br />

black pixel assumption in the near infrared (NIR) [Gordon and Wang, 1994] was used to<br />

process most simulated spectra. An atmospheric correction algorithm <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>igned for turbid<br />

waters [Stumpf et al., 2003] was used to process the simulated spectra un<strong>de</strong>r mo<strong>de</strong>rately<br />

turbid water conditions (Fig. V.2d). For chlorophyll a concentration estimation, we used<br />

the global OC4v4 algorithm, which is a forth-or<strong>de</strong>r polynomial function that uses the<br />

maximum reflectance band ratio between 443, 490 and 510 nm upon 555 [O'Reilly et al.,<br />

2000]:<br />

with,<br />

CHL<br />

a<br />

+ a * R + a * R<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

= 10 0 1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4 ,<br />

R =<br />

log 10<br />

⎛ max<br />

⎜<br />

⎝<br />

137<br />

+ a<br />

* R<br />

+ a<br />

{ [ ρ ] ( 443,<br />

490,<br />

510)<br />

}<br />

* R<br />

[ ] ⎟ ⎞<br />

w N<br />

, (5a)<br />

ρw<br />

( 555)<br />

N<br />

and where ai are empirical coefficients (0.366, -3.067, 1.93, 0.649, -1.532, respectively).<br />

We also tested the regionally tuned OC4L algorithm proposed by Cota et al. [2004] for<br />

the Arctic ocean,<br />

b0<br />

b1<br />

* R<br />

CHL 10<br />

+<br />

= , (5b)<br />

where R is the same maximum band ratio that is used in OC4v4 (0.592 and -3.609 for b1<br />

and b2, respectively).<br />

For testing the influence of sea ice on the IOP retrieval, we examine the quasi-<br />

analytical algorithm (QAA) [Lee et al., 2002], as modified here (see Appendix V.3).<br />

Finally, we applied an empirical algorithm <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>igned to estimate the ratio between the<br />

CDOM and total absorption coefficients [Bélanger et al., submitted manuscript, 2006]:<br />

⎡ a<br />

[ ρ ] ( 412)<br />

[ ρ ] ( 490)<br />

CDOM ⎤<br />

⎛ w ⎞ ⎛ w ⎞<br />

N<br />

N<br />

( 412)<br />

= c0<br />

+ c1<br />

⋅ log ⎜ ⎟<br />

10<br />

+ c2<br />

⋅ log ⎜ ⎟<br />

10<br />

+ c3<br />

⋅ log10<br />

( [ ρ w ] ( 555)<br />

/ π ) , (6)<br />

⎥<br />

N<br />

a<br />

⎜ [ ρ ] ( 555)<br />

⎟ ⎜ [ ρ ] ( 555)<br />

⎟<br />

⎢<br />

⎣<br />

t<br />

⎦<br />

⎝<br />

w<br />

N<br />

where ci are empirical coefficients (-0.51, -0.54, 0.48 and -0.45, respectively).<br />

V.3. Results and discussion<br />

V.3.1. Impact of the adjacency effect on the retrieval of [ρw]N, CHL and IOPs<br />

⎠<br />

Figure V.3 shows the absolute difference between the retrieved [ρw]N after<br />

application of the atmospheric correction algorithm to the simulated ρTOA in presence and<br />

absence of adjacency effect (Δ[ρw]N), at 443 and 555 nm for clear water (CHL=0.05 mg<br />

m -3 ; fCDOM=50%), five types of sea ice, and for low and high concentrations of aerosols<br />

(τa(550) = 0.03 and 0.2 respectively). The difference is always larger at 443 than at 555<br />

nm because of the properties of the atmospheric light scattering. In<strong>de</strong>ed, the adjacency<br />

effect is a result of increased scattering by atmospheric molecu<strong>les</strong> and aerosols with<br />

<strong>de</strong>creasing wavelength (referred to as Rayleigh and Mie scattering) [Tanré et al., 1979].<br />

Therefore, a larger number of blue photons reflected by the ice environment are scattered<br />

above the targeted water <strong>sur</strong>face compared to the number of green photons. Accordingly,<br />

the adjacency effect is even smaller in the near infrared part of the spectrum, where the<br />

atmospheric correction algorithm estimates the aerosol type and concentration. The<br />

adjacency effect is only partly removed by atmospheric correction. Although the increase<br />

in the NIR signal is interpreted as an increase in aerosol concentration, and thus<br />

138<br />

⎝<br />

w<br />

N<br />

subtracted from ρTOA, the atmospheric correction algorithm does not totally remove the<br />

additional signal at shorter wavelengths that result from the adjacency effect. This is<br />

because the adjacency effect is mainly due to the molecular scattering, which has a<br />

steeper spectral <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncy than aerosols scattering (λ -4 versus ~λ 0 to λ −2 ). This also<br />

explains why the adjacency effect has <strong>les</strong>s impact when the aerosol concentration<br />

increases and Rayleigh scattering becomes relatively <strong>les</strong>s important (Fig. V.3). Un<strong>de</strong>r<br />

clear skies (i.e., τa(550) = 0.03), the total atmospheric scattering approaches the<br />

molecular spectral <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncy resulting in a strong spectral <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce for the<br />

adjacency effect. Un<strong>de</strong>r a turbid sky (i.e., τa(550) = 0.2), in contrast, the spectral<br />

<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncy of the adjacency effect approaches the aerosol scattering <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncy (∼λ −1 )<br />

and the contamination is better removed by the atmospheric correction algorithm.<br />

Figure V.3. Error on [ρw]N (<strong>de</strong>noted as Δ[ρw]N) at 443 and 555 nm for four<br />

types of sea ice and two concentrations of aerosol (τa=0.03 and 0.2), as a<br />

function of the distance from the ice edge. The dashed line represents the<br />

acceptable error limit on [ρw]N at 443 nm (i.e. ±2 x 10 -3 ) for precise<br />

chlorophyll estimation [Antoine and Morel, 1999].<br />


As expected, the extent of the adjacency contamination also <strong>de</strong>pends on the<br />

magnitu<strong>de</strong> of sea ice reflectance. Δ[ρw]N is larger when the landfast ice is covered by<br />

fresh snow that reflects >90% of the inci<strong>de</strong>nt light, and <strong>de</strong>creases by a factor of ~4 for<br />

<strong>les</strong>s reflective sea ice <strong>sur</strong>faces (Figs. V.3a-d). If we take 0.002 as an acceptable error limit<br />

on [ρw]N(443) for good CHL retrieval [Antoine and Morel, 1999], then the adjacency<br />

effect would be significant within 20-25 km of the landfast ice <strong>sur</strong>face covered by fresh<br />

or melting snow (Figs. V.3a-b), and within 5-15 km for an ice floe <strong>sur</strong>face (Figs. V.3c-d).<br />

The impact of the adjacency effect on the bio-optical parameters retrieval is<br />

examine for τa(550) = 0.1 with an adjacent target covered by dry fresh snow. Therefore,<br />

with this setting, the effect is nearly at its maximum. Figure V.4 shows the impact CHL<br />

estimation. Only the results for water-leaving spectra generated with fCDOM = 50% and<br />

SPM NAP = 0 g m -3 are presented here because they are more representative of the high<br />

latitu<strong>de</strong> open ocean waters (see Section V.2.2.2). The dashed lines represent SeaWiFS<br />

mission requirement of 35% error on CHL [Hooker and McClain, 2000]. Interestingly,<br />

the adjacency effect can lead to an over- and un<strong>de</strong>r-estimation of chlorophyll<br />

concentration <strong>de</strong>pending on the actual chlorophyll a concentration. When the<br />

concentration is low (0.05 mg m -3 ), the CHL is increasingly overestimated when<br />

approaching the ice edge. This is because, at low CHL, the blue-to-green radiance ratio<br />

is higher for seawater than for the photons originating from ice and scattered by the<br />

atmosphere to the sensor. In this case, the adjacency effect tends to <strong>de</strong>crease the blue-to-<br />

green radiance ratio, which leads to CHL overestimates. In contrast, when the initial CHL<br />

is >0.5 mg m -3 , the blue-to-green radiance ratio is lower for seawater than for the photons<br />

reflected by ice and scattered by the atmosphere to the sensor. In this case, the adjacency<br />

effect tends to increase the blue-to-green reflectance ratio, which leads to CHL<br />

un<strong>de</strong>restimates. In general, the error on CHL falls within the 35% range for low initial<br />

concentration (0.05 mg m -3 ) but becomes significant when CHL is >0.5 mg m -3 . In the<br />

worst case simulated (i.e. when CHL = 5.0 mg m -3 , τa = 0.03, and sea ice is covered by<br />

fresh snow), the retrieved CHL are of unacceptable reliability (i.e., error >35%) within 20<br />

km from an ice edge (Table V.1). Compared to OC4v4 algorithm, the Arctic OC4L<br />

algorithm shows somewhat higher sensitivity to the adjacency contamination (Fig. V.4;<br />

Table V.1).<br />


Figure V.4. Ratio of CHL estimated from OC4v4 (solid line) and Arctic<br />

OC4L (dotted line) when adjacency effect are present to CHL estimated<br />

without adjacency effect as a function of the distance from the ice edge.<br />

The results are presented for three initial concentrations of chlorophyll<br />

(with fCDOM =50% and SPM NAP =0.0 g m -3 ) as indicated, τa=0.1 and for<br />

four types of sea ice. The dashed lines represent a 35% error range.<br />

Table V.1. Distance (in km) from ice eg<strong>de</strong> within which the error on CHL > 35% (Rice<br />

fresh snow). Values in parenthesis are for the OCL4 algorithm.<br />

Initial CHL τa<br />

(mg m -3 ) 0.03 0.1 0.2<br />

0.05 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (10)<br />

0.5 12 (14) 10 (17) 8.5 (11)<br />

5.0 19 (20) 17 (19) 17 (18)<br />

Figure V.5 shows the impact of the adjacency effect on at retrieval at 443 nm<br />

when the nearby ice is covered by fresh snow and aerosols are at mo<strong>de</strong>rate concentration<br />

(τa(550) = 0.1). Here the error on at(443) is examined for the 20 water-leaving spectra<br />

presented on Fig. V.2. As for the CHL retrieval, we assume an error acceptable when it is<br />


<strong>les</strong>s than 35%. In all cases, at(443) is increasingly un<strong>de</strong>restimated when approaching the<br />

ice edge. At low CHL (0.05 mg m -3 ) and fCDOM (50%), the errors are

Figure V.6 shows results similar to those in Fig. V.5, but for the retrieval of the<br />

particulate backscattering coefficient (bbp) at 555 nm. In general, bbp(555) is increasingly<br />

overestimated when approaching the ice edge when CHL is

Figure V.6. Same as Fig. V.5, but for bbp estimated at 555 nm using the<br />

QAA.<br />

Figure V.7. Same as Fig. V.5, but for the ratio [aCDOM/at] estimated at 412<br />

nm.<br />


The impact of the adjacency effect on ocean color data is illustrated by the pixels<br />

extracted along a 37-km transect starting from 70.24°N and 124.6°W to 70.54°N and<br />

124.3°W taken from the SeaWiFS scene acquired on the 31 st of May 2004 over the<br />

Amundsen Gulf (70.25°N; 124.5°W) (Fig. V.8). The SeaWiFS level 1a image with<br />

Local-Area-Coverage (LAC) resolution (1 km) received by the University of Fairbanks in<br />

Alaska was obtained from the Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) and processed<br />

to Level 2 using SeaDAS 4.7. Note that this transect is located in clear waters adjacent to<br />

the offshore ice edge. Therefore, it can be reasonably assumed that all bio-optical<br />

variab<strong>les</strong> do not vary much in that area and that any change in them can be ascribed to the<br />

adjacency effect. The aerosol optical thickness (τa) ranges between 0.10 and 0.11 away<br />

from the ice edge (> 40 km), while it increases to ~0.125 toward the ice edge (Fig. V.8a).<br />

This increase in τa is most likely due to the effect of adjacent ice edge, which had not<br />

started to melt significantly at that time, as corroborated by in situ observations in this<br />

area during the CASES expedition (data not shown). At 443 nm, the [ρw]N increased from<br />

~0.01 offshore to 0.038 close to the ice edge, while [ρw]N(555) increased from 0.008 to<br />

0.013 (Fig. V.8b). Consequently, the CHL estimation <strong>de</strong>creases from ~0.55 to ~0.22 mg<br />

m -3 and from ~0.55 to 0.1 mg m -3 using OC4v4 and OC4L, respectively (Fig. V.8c). Note<br />

that if the chlorophyll concentration was really <strong>de</strong>creasing toward the ice edge, [ρw]N at<br />

555 nm should also <strong>de</strong>crease (see Fig. V.2). These results therefore confirm that the<br />

adjacency effect actually occurs and is not corrected for by current SeaWiFS algorithms.<br />

Interestingly, if the correct concentration is ~0.55 mg m -3 (i.e. the offshore value) the<br />

error on CHL is >35% within the first 10 and 15 km from the ice edge for OC4v4 and<br />

OC4L respectively, as predicted by our numerical simulations (see Fig. V.4). The impact<br />

on the IOPs and [aCDOM/at](412) retrievals is also evi<strong>de</strong>nt on this transect (Figs. V.8d-e),<br />

and coherent with the predicted impact of the adjacency effect.<br />


Figure V.8. SeaWiFS along-track transect extracted from an image of the<br />

Amundsen Gulf acquired on the 31 st of May 2004: (a) τa; (b) [ρw]N at 443<br />

and 555 nm; (c) CHL; (d) at and bbp at 443 and 555 nm, respectively; (e)<br />

[aCDOM/at] at 412 nm.<br />


V.3.2. Impact of sub-pixel sea ice contamination on the retrieval of [ρw]N, CHL and IOPs<br />

The impact of the sub-pixel sea ice contamination is presented here as a function<br />

of the product between the fraction of ice within a given pixel and its reflectance at 865<br />

nm (σRice(865)). This way, the shape of the Rice rather than its magnitu<strong>de</strong>, produce<br />

different results on the retrieval of ρw. Therefore, results presented in this section must be<br />

interpreted with keeping in mind that ice floes can have a fresh snow- or a melting snow-<br />

liked reflectance spectrum (Fig. V.1).<br />

In general, the absolute error in the normalized water-leaving reflectance, Δ[ρw]N,<br />

<strong>de</strong>creases with increasing σRice(865) (Fig. V.9). This is explained by the overestimation<br />

of the aerosol contribution resulting from the enhanced reflectance in the NIR due to sea<br />

ice. As for the adjacency effect, the contamination is more pronounced at 443 nm than at<br />

555 nm, except in presence of grey ice (Fig. V.9d). The larger negative Δ[ρw]N values at<br />

the shorter wavelengths result from the extrapolation of the aerosol reflectance to the<br />

visible from the NIR. Note that un<strong>de</strong>r turbid atmospheric condition (e.g., τa = 0.2), pixels<br />

become flagged as clouds when σRice(865) gets larger than ca. 0.017 if a one-band<br />

threshold test at 865 nm, as for SeaWiFS, is used for cloud <strong>de</strong>tection (resulting in the<br />

truncation of the black full lines in Fig. V.9). Because the spectral shape of Rice in the<br />

NIR influences the selection by the atmospheric correction algorithm of the aerosol<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>ls, the type of sea ice has a significant impact on the retrieval of [ρw]N. For instance,<br />

because the landfast ice covered by melting snow and the grey ice have a steeper<br />

<strong>de</strong>crease towards longer wavelengths (see Fig. V.1), they have the greatest impact on the<br />

retrieval of [ρw]N at all wavelengths (Fig. V.9b,d). Note that the landfast ice cases can<br />

only occur for pixels which are partly overlapping landfast ice, in which case the<br />

adjacency effect would completely mask the sub-pixel contamination effect (e.g., Fig.<br />

V.8) that are computed assuming no contribution from adjacent pixels.<br />


Figure V.9. Error on [ρw]N at 443 and 555 nm for four types of sea ice and<br />

two concentrations of aerosol (τa=0.03 and 0.2), as a function of the<br />

product of fractional sea ice <strong>sur</strong>face concentration and its reflectance<br />

values at 865 nm, σRice(865). The dashed line represents the acceptable<br />

error limit on [ρw]N at 443 nm.<br />

To illustrate the impact of sub-pixel contamination on the aerosol mo<strong>de</strong>l selection,<br />

Fig. V.10 shows the angstrom exponent (α) as a function of σRice(865) for the different<br />

types of sea ice. Here, the α refers to the exponent of the power law in λ −α for the spectral<br />

variation in τa. The α increases by a factor >2 for the landfast ice covered by melting<br />

snow and the grey ice floe, which explain the greatest Δ[ρw]N values obtained for these<br />

type of ice (Figs. V.9b,d). For spectrally neutral Rice spectra such as for the landfast ice<br />

covered by fresh snow and the ice floe covered by melting snow (see Fig. V.1), α<br />

remains relatively unchanged in presence of sea ice. Although these sea ice types do not<br />

significantly affect the selected aerosol mo<strong>de</strong>ls, they still introduce an error in [ρw]N. In<br />

fact at TOA, σRice is modulated by the diffuse transmittance (tv and t0 in Eq. 4) which<br />

<strong>de</strong>creases exponentially with <strong>de</strong>creasing wavelengths. For example, the tvt0 values are<br />


0.71, 0.86 and 0.96 at 443, 555 and 865 nm, respectively, for a τa(865) value of 0.1 and<br />

the sun-viewing geometry adopted here.<br />

Figure V.10. Retrieved Angström exponent parameter (α) using the<br />

atmospheric correction algorithm, as a function of σRice, for τa=0.1 and<br />

four types of sea ice.<br />

Figure V.11 shows the implication of errors in [ρw]N on the CHL estimation for<br />

the four sea ice types (with τa(550) = 0.1). As for [ρw]N, the error on CHL is dramatic in<br />

presence of the landfast ice (Figs. 11a-b). For CHL > 5.0 mg m -3 , a 10-fold<br />

overestimation could be reached, even for a small amount of sea ice within the pixel<br />

(σRice~0.05-0.01; Fig. V.11b). For low CHL (0.05 mg m -3 ), the un<strong>de</strong>restimation can be<br />

important in the presence of melting snow (Fig. 11b) due to the fact that the band ratio<br />

tends toward infinity. In presence of ice floes, strong overestimation of CHL occur when<br />

the actual concentration is >0.5 mg m -3 (Figs. 11c-d). As for the adjacency effect, the<br />

OC4L algorithm is more sensitive to the contamination than OC4v4 is.<br />

Figures V.12 and V.13 show the impact of the sub-pixel contamination by sea ice<br />

covered by fresh snow on the retrievals of the at(443) and bbp(555), respectively. In<br />

general, the negative Δ[ρw]N result in an overestimation of at(443) (Fig. V.12). The error<br />

increase when both CHL and fCDOM increase. At low CHL (0.05 mg m -3 ), the error is<br />


Figure V.12. Ratio of at estimated at 443 nm using QAA when sea ice is<br />

present within the water pixel to at estimated with no sea ice as a function<br />

of σRice(865). The results are presented for each water type as shown in<br />

figure 2 and for the landfast ice covered by fresh snow. The dashed lines<br />

represent a 35% error range.<br />

Figure V.13. Same as Fig. V.12, but for bbp estimated at 555 nm using<br />

QAA.<br />


The impact of sub-pixel contamination on the [aCDOM/at](412) retrieval is shown<br />

in Fig. V.14. The un<strong>de</strong>restimation of the blue reflectance produces an overestimation of<br />

[aCDOM/at](412) in all situations. When CHL is >0.5 mg m -3 and SPM NAP is

high aerosol optical thickness (not shown) suggests that it is an artifact resulting from sea<br />

ice contamination. The artifact is, in counterpart, restricted to only a few pixels within the<br />

ice field.<br />

Figure V.15. Example of sea ice contamination on the CHL estimation<br />

(OC4v4) for a SeaWiFS scene of the Beaufort Sea acquired on the 8 th of<br />

September 2002. Upper panel is the true color composite showing the sea<br />

ice field offshore.<br />

V.3.3. Detection of pixels affected by sea ice (adjacency effect and sub-pixel<br />

contamination)<br />

In this section, we propose a simple method to <strong>de</strong>tect pixels contaminated by the<br />

adjacency effect. Due to the highly dynamic nature of summertime sea ice and its quickly<br />


changing optical properties, the adjacency effect could not easily be corrected or<br />

predicted without external information. Although sea ice distribution and reflectance<br />

properties may be obtained from other satellite sensors (e.g., SSMI, AVHRR, ERS), the<br />

sensitivity, or time and space sca<strong>les</strong> do not always match those of Ocean Color data.<br />

Therefore, a spectral test on the retrieved [ρw]N spectrum is a straightforward way to<br />

<strong>de</strong>tect and eliminate contaminated pixels. As the adjacency effect increase with<br />

<strong>de</strong>creasing wavelengths (see section V.3.1), the blue part of the spectrum is most<br />

appropriate to <strong>de</strong>tect such contamination. As mentioned above, [ρw]N spectra observed at<br />

high latitu<strong>de</strong> show a typical <strong>de</strong>pression at λ < 450 nm [Reynolds et al., 2001; Wang and<br />

Cota, 2003]. Figure V.16 shows the variation of the ratio [ρw]N(412)/[ρw]N(443) as a<br />

function of [ρw]N(555) (which is an indicator of the water turbidity), for the CASES data<br />

set and for mo<strong>de</strong>led reflectance spectra generated using the reflectance mo<strong>de</strong>l <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed<br />

above (with values for CHL and SPM NAP as specified above, and with fCDOM = 20, 50<br />

and 80%). So the ratio of [ρw]N(412)/[ρw]N(443) is generally < 1, and <strong>de</strong>crease as the<br />

turbidity increase. This behavior is opposite to the adjacency contamination for which the<br />

increase in [ρw]N at 555 nm is accompanied by an increase in the reflectance ratio<br />

[ρw]N(412)/[ρw]N(443). The black line on Fig. V.16 represents an upper limit, though<br />

arbitrary, below which the ratio [ρw]N(412)/[ρw]N(443) should be for a given [ρw]N(555)<br />

value. So the contaminated pixels are i<strong>de</strong>ntified as soon as the inequality<br />

[ ρ ]<br />

[ ρ ]<br />

is satisfied. The threshold value is<br />

w N ≥<br />

w<br />

N<br />

( 412)<br />

( 443)<br />

Threshold<br />

Threshold = . 64 − 0.<br />

14log<br />

([ ρ ] ( 555))<br />

. (7)<br />

0 10 w N<br />

An example of application to a SeaWiFS image of the Southeastern Beaufort Sea<br />

is shown in Figs. V.16 and V.17. The image presents a wi<strong>de</strong> variety of water types from<br />

turbid waters inshore to relatively clear waters offshore. Pixels <strong>sur</strong>rounding the central<br />

Arctic packed ice are well i<strong>de</strong>ntified. As expected, the violet-to-blue reflectance ratio of<br />

those pixels increases together with [ρw]N(555) (Fig. V.16). In addition, a number of<br />

turbid pixels, located on the continental shelf east of the Mackenzie River and adjacent to<br />

the remaining landfast ice, are also flagged for adjacency contamination (Fig. V.17).<br />


Interestingly, those pixels would not have been <strong>de</strong>tected if a fix threshold (i.e. 1.0) had<br />

been adopted instead of using equation 7. Some pixels within the Amundsen Gulf, away<br />

from the ice edges, were neverthe<strong>les</strong>s flagged, which is likely a result from the adjacency<br />

effect due to the presence ice floe apart from a continuous sea ice cover. The robustness<br />

of the method was examined by applying it to several SeaWiFS scenes from the Beaufort<br />

Sea. In some situations when the actual ratio [ρw]N(412)/[ρw]N(443) was very low (i.e. in<br />

high CDM waters), only pixels where the contamination was extreme were <strong>de</strong>tected.<br />

Clearly, for an application of this flag to images from Antarctica or North Atlantic, an<br />

adjustment of the threshold is likely necessary since the abundance of CDM is lower in<br />

those regions compared to the Arctic coastal waters [Siegel et al., 2005].<br />

Figure V.16. Reflectance ratio between [ρw]N at 412 and [ρw]N at 443 nm<br />

as a function of [ρw]N at 555 nm for: 1) in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of the waterleaving<br />

reflectance conducted in the Southeastern Beaufort Sea [Bélanger<br />

et al., submitted manuscript. 2006] (closed circ<strong>les</strong>); 2) mo<strong>de</strong>led waterleaving<br />

reflectance with the bio-optical mo<strong>de</strong>l presented in Appendix V.1<br />

(closed squares); and 3) SeaWiFS pixels extracted from the image<br />

presented on Fig. V.17 (light grey dots).<br />


Figure V.17. Example of application of the adjacency flag to a SeaWiFS<br />

scene from the Southeastern Beaufort Sea acquired on the 16 th of June<br />

1998. The Rrs at 555 nm is shown on colored log scale as indicated on the<br />

right; the flagged pixels for adjacency are i<strong>de</strong>ntified with dark red color.<br />

The sea ice and land are shown in dark and light grey respectively.<br />

Because of known problem with the standard SeaWiFS atmospheric<br />

correction over the turbid waters, we apply the algorithm proposed by<br />

Ruddick et al. [2000].<br />

In this study we do not propose a method to <strong>de</strong>tect the sub-pixel contamination<br />

specifically. It is, however, possible to i<strong>de</strong>ntify contaminated pixel when they are<br />

relatively isolated by applying a spatial analysis of the distribution of the aerosol optical<br />

thickness. In<strong>de</strong>ed, sub-pixel contamination will introduce some noise in the τa which may<br />

be removed using a filtering scheme similar to the one proposed by Franz et al. [2003]<br />

for reducing noise in the SeaWiFS NIR bands. In addition, the overcorrection for aerosol<br />

due to sea ice results in negative water-leaving reflectance at 412 nm which can be used<br />

as a data quality control flag. A visual examination of several individual full resolution<br />

SeaWiFS scenes from the Southeastern Beaufort Sea led us to the conclusion that the<br />

sub-pixel contamination is not an extensive phenomenon in this area. It appears that the<br />

melting sea ice field is generally <strong>de</strong>nse enough to be flagged as cloud, or to produce<br />

adjacency effect. Clearly from this visual analysis, we conclu<strong>de</strong> that adjacency effect is<br />

far more important than sub-pixel contamination and must be accounted for when<br />

processing and interpreting Ocean Color data.<br />


V.4. Summary and conclusions<br />

The adjacency effect and the sub-pixel contamination by a small amount of sea<br />

ice within an ocean pixel affect the quality of the water-leaving reflectance retrieval from<br />

satellite Ocean Color data at high latitu<strong>de</strong>. Both contaminations introduce large errors in<br />

[ρw]N in the blue wavelength region reducing the quality of the bio-optical parameters<br />

<strong>de</strong>rived from the water-leaving spectrum. The bio-optical parameters retrieval evaluated<br />

in this study are the chlorophyll a, total absorption and partic<strong>les</strong> backscattering<br />

coefficients respectively, as well as the ratio between CDOM to total absorption<br />

coefficient. While adjacency effect results in an overestimation of the [ρw]N, sub-pixel<br />

contamination result in a systematic un<strong>de</strong>restimation of the water-leaving reflectance in<br />

the blue. These errors result either in un<strong>de</strong>r- and over-estimation of the CHL <strong>de</strong>pending<br />

on the actual chlorophyll a concentration. The impact on IOP retrieval is more<br />

straightforward: 1) adjacency effect results in an un<strong>de</strong>restimation of at and [aCDOM/at],<br />

and an overestimation of bbp; 2) sub-pixel contamination results in an overestimation of at<br />

and [aCDOM/at], and an un<strong>de</strong>restimation of bbp. Because adjacency effect appear to be<br />

more frequent compared to the sub-pixel contamination, a simple spectral test on the<br />

retrieved [ρw]N was proposed to flag contaminated pixels. The method relies on the fact<br />

that adjacency contamination increases both the reflectance ratio between 412 and 443<br />

nm and the [ρw]N value at 555 nm, which is opposite to trend observed when seawater<br />

turbidity increases (i.e. [ρw]N(412)/[ρw]N(443) <strong>de</strong>creases when [ρw]N(555) increases).<br />

Clearly the adjacency effect must be accounted for when the aim is to use Ocean<br />

Color data for quantifying bio-optical properties and biogeochemical processes in ice<br />

covered seas. The method proposed to eliminate contaminated pixel by this effect could<br />

be easily inclu<strong>de</strong>d in the data processing chain, but more data in polar seas are nee<strong>de</strong>d to<br />

adjust the threshold. Neverthe<strong>les</strong>s, because open water nearby sea ice are important<br />

biologically speaking, an extension of the atmospheric correction scheme to inclu<strong>de</strong> a<br />

correction for adjacency effect is <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>irable. This might be done by including additional<br />

LUTs generated accounting for the adjacency effect. Those LUTs would be used in the<br />

processing only when contaminated pixels are <strong>de</strong>tected. On the other hand, the sub-pixel<br />


contamination, which is not an extensive problem, could probably i<strong>de</strong>ntified using<br />

simultaneous high resolution mea<strong>sur</strong>ements (e.g. MODIS 250-m and MERIS 330-m<br />

channels).<br />

Finally, it must be stressed that similar effect could also be observed world-wi<strong>de</strong><br />

in the <strong>sur</strong>rounding of thick cloud. In<strong>de</strong>ed the adjacency-flagging procedure proposed<br />

above frequently eliminates the pixels located nearby clouds in the study area. Further<br />

study on the adjacency contamination due to thick cloud found at different altitu<strong>de</strong> in the<br />

atmosphere is necessary. The contamination might be particularly important in the<br />

equatorial zones where irradiance and could cover are high.<br />

Acknowledgment<br />

This study was ma<strong>de</strong> possible with financial support from the Fonds Québécois pour la<br />

Recherche <strong>sur</strong> la Nature et <strong>les</strong> Technologies (FQRNT) (to SB), the Fonds France-Canada<br />

pour la Recherche (FFCR to MB) and Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (to SB). We<br />

are grateful to the Laboratoire d’Optique Atmosphérique (LOA) for providing the 6S<br />

radiative transfert co<strong>de</strong>. Pierre Larouche and Dave Barber are kindly acknowledged for<br />

providing instrumentation and field assistance. Yannick Huot, Fabrizio D’Ortenzio and<br />

André Morel are specially thanked for their valuable comments on the manuscript. We<br />

thank the CCGS Amundsen cruise members for their enthusiastic help onboard the ship.<br />

This is a contribution to the Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES) un<strong>de</strong>r the<br />

overall direction of L. Fortier.<br />

Appendix V.1. Water reflectance mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

The water-leaving reflectance spectra were generated using the semi-analytical<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>l proposed by Park and Ruddick [2005] valid for both case 1 and case 2 waters. The<br />

remote sensing reflectance (Rrs) is expressed using a forth-or<strong>de</strong>r polynomial parameter as:<br />


4 ⎡ b ⎤ b<br />

Rrs ( λ)<br />

= ∑ gi<br />

( λ)<br />

⎢ ⎥ ( λ)<br />

, (A1)<br />

i=<br />

1 ⎣at<br />

+ bb<br />

⎦<br />

where bb and at are the total backscattering and absorption coefficients respectively, and<br />

gi are coefficients tabulated in a look-up table (LUT) for as a function of Sun-Viewing<br />

geometry and of a phase function parameter, γb(λ). γb(λ) is <strong>de</strong>fined as the relative<br />

contribution of partic<strong>les</strong> to the total backscattering (i.e. bbp(λ)/bb(λ)).<br />

The spectral total absorption coefficient is subdivi<strong>de</strong>d into four additive<br />

components as:<br />

159<br />

i<br />

a ( ) = a ( λ)<br />

+ a ( λ)<br />

+ a ( λ)<br />

+ a ( λ)<br />

, (A2)<br />

t λ w ϕ NAP<br />

CDOM<br />

where subscripts w, φ, NAP and CDOM stand for water, phytoplankton, non-algal<br />

partic<strong>les</strong>, and colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), respectively. Similarly, the<br />

spectral total backscattering coefficient is express with three components as:<br />

b ( ) = b<br />

~<br />

( λ)<br />

+ b<br />

~<br />

b ( λ)<br />

+ b b ( λ)<br />

, (A3)<br />

b λ bw bϕ<br />

φ<br />

bNAP NAP<br />

where bφ and bNAP are the volume scattering coefficients for phytoplankton and NAP<br />

respectively, and b bϕ<br />

~ and b bNAP<br />

~<br />

are the ratio of backscattering to scattering coefficients<br />

for phytoplankton and NAP respectively. Spectral values for aw and bbw are taken from<br />

Pope and Fry [1997] and Morel [1974], respectively.<br />

Spectral absorption coefficient for phytoplankton and its co-varying materials are<br />

computed as a function of CHL using the bio-optical mo<strong>de</strong>l proposed by Morel and<br />

Maritorena [2001] (hereafter referred as MM01). To avoid confusion with current<br />

literature on the phytoplankton absorption [Bricaud et al., 1995], the IOP computed using<br />

MM01 will be <strong>de</strong>noted as acase1 and bbcase1 (thus co-varying CDOM and NAP absorption<br />

are inclu<strong>de</strong>d in acase1(λ)). Non-algal particle absorption varies as a function of SPM NAP<br />

according to:<br />

[ S ( 443 λ)<br />

]<br />

*<br />

NAP<br />

a ( λ) a ( 443)<br />

SPM exp − , (A4)<br />

NAP<br />

= NAP<br />

NAP<br />

*<br />

where a ( 443)<br />

is the mass-specific absorption coefficient <strong>de</strong>fined as ratio of aNAP(443)<br />

NAP<br />

to the SPM NAP (in m 2 g -1 ), and SNAP is the spectral slope of the aNAP(λ) spectrum. Here,<br />

*<br />

a ( 443)<br />

= 0.0534 m 2 g -1 and SNAP = 0.010 nm -1 . Those values were observed in the<br />

NAP<br />

turbid waters of the Mackenzie River [S. Bélanger and P. Larouche, unpublished data].

Spectral CDOM absorption is generated assuming a given contribution of the<br />

CDOM to the non-water constituents absorption coefficients at 443 nm (fCDOM) as:<br />

and<br />

a<br />

CDOM<br />

( 443)<br />

[ a ( 443)<br />

+ a ( 443)<br />

]<br />

f CDOM NAP<br />

case1<br />

= , (A5)<br />

( 1 − f )<br />

CDOM<br />

160<br />

[ S ( 443 ) ]<br />

a ( λ) a ( 443)<br />

exp − λ . (A6)<br />

CDOM<br />

= CDOM<br />

CDOM<br />

Here, SCDOM is fixed at 0.022 nm -1 , the average value mea<strong>sur</strong>ed in the Southeastern<br />

Beaufort Sea [Bélanger et al., submitted manuscript, 2006].<br />

The scattering coefficient at 555 nm for the phytoplankton and its co-varying<br />

partic<strong>les</strong> is obtained using a statistical relationship established for Case 1 Loisel and<br />

Morel [Loisel and Morel, 1998]:<br />

−0.<br />

766<br />

bcase 1(<br />

555)<br />

= 0.<br />

41CHL<br />

. (A7)<br />

To obtain the backscattering coefficient for phytoplankton and its co-varying partic<strong>les</strong>,<br />

the backscattering ratio is computed following MM01 as:<br />

~<br />

= 0.<br />

002 + 0.<br />

01 0.<br />

5 − 0.<br />

25log<br />

( CHL)<br />

. (A8)<br />

bbcase1 [ ]<br />

The spectral backscattering coefficients are obtained using a power law function in<br />

λ ν where the exponent increases from -1 to 0 with respect to CHL as:<br />

calculated as:<br />

= 0. 5*<br />

(log10<br />

( CHL)<br />

− 0.<br />

3)<br />

ν , 0.03 < CHL < 2.0 mg m -3<br />

10<br />

ν = 0, CHL > 2.0 mg m -3 . (A9)<br />

For NAP, which does not covary with phytoplankton, the scattering coefficient is<br />

b ( 555)<br />

*<br />

NAP<br />

*<br />

NAP<br />

= bpNAP<br />

( 555)<br />

SPM , (A10)<br />

*<br />

where b ( 555)<br />

is the mass-specific scattering coefficient <strong>de</strong>fined as ratio of bNAP(443)<br />

pNAP<br />

to the SPM NAP (in m 2 g -1 *<br />

). A b ( 555)<br />

value of 0.5 m 2 g -1 , typical of coastal waters<br />

pNAP<br />

[Babin et al., 2003], was adopted. The backscattering ratio for NAP was assumed to be<br />

1.83%, as mea<strong>sur</strong>ed by Petzold [1972] in the San Diego Harbor. The spectral bbNAP(λ)<br />

values were assumed to follow a λ -1 law.

Appendix V.2. Post-treatment of 6s output<br />

The 6s co<strong>de</strong> computes the ρTOA for a circular target of radius r, <strong>sur</strong>roun<strong>de</strong>d by an<br />

environment of different reflectivity (see Tanré et al. [1981]). Briefly, the reflectance at<br />

the TOA, ρTOA, is express as<br />

TOA<br />

[ ρ + ρ ( r)<br />

ρ ( r)<br />

]<br />

ρ = + , (A11)<br />

tg path `t<br />

arg et env<br />

where tg is the total gas transmission (i.e. O2, H2O and O3), ρpath is the atmospheric path<br />

reflectance, ρtarget is the target reflectance, and ρenv is the environment reflectance. The<br />

reflectances of the target (e.g. water-leaving, ρw) and the environment (e.g. sea ice, ρice)<br />

are expressed as<br />

−τ<br />

T ( θs<br />

) ⎛ cos( θ ) ⎞ v<br />

ρ t arg et ( r) = ⎜ ρwe<br />

⎟<br />

(A12)<br />

1−<br />

〈 ρ〉<br />

( r)<br />

S ⎝ ⎠<br />

and<br />

T ( θs<br />

)<br />

ρ env(<br />

r) = ( 〈 ρ〉<br />

( r)<br />

td<br />

( θv<br />

) ) , (A13)<br />

1−<br />

〈 ρ〉<br />

( r)<br />

S<br />

where T(θs) is the total transmittance (direct + diffuse), S is the spherical albedo of the<br />

atmosphere,<br />

e<br />

−τ<br />

cos( θv<br />

)<br />

is the direct upward transmittance, td is the diffuse transmittance,<br />

and 〈ρ 〉 (r)<br />

is a spatial average of each pixel reflectance over the whole <strong>sur</strong>face. Here<br />

〈ρ 〉 (r)<br />

is a function of the atmospheric conditions and the <strong>sur</strong>face reflectance which is<br />

given by<br />

〈 ρ 〉 ( r ) = ρ F(<br />

r)<br />

+ ( 1−<br />

F(<br />

r))<br />

R , (A14)<br />

w<br />

ice<br />

where F(r) is the environment function, which <strong>de</strong>pends on the atmospheric conditions<br />

(for <strong>de</strong>tails see Tanré et al. [1981] and Vermote et al. [1997]). ρtarget and ρenv were<br />

computed for several r (0.5 to 100 km), and four types of sea ice (Section 2.2.1). Since<br />

more or <strong>les</strong>s linear ice edges rather than circular target is expected, ρtarget(r) and ρenv(r)<br />

were used to estimate the contribution of the environment and the target at TOA of a<br />

pixel located at distance D0 from an ice edge as (see Fig. V.A1)<br />

π<br />

2<br />

edge 1<br />

arg et ( D0) = ∫ ρt<br />

arg et<br />

2π<br />

−π<br />

2<br />

ρt ( D)<br />

dα<br />

(A15)<br />

and<br />


π<br />

2<br />

1<br />

D0 ) =<br />

2 ∫ ρenv<br />

π −π<br />

2<br />

edge<br />

ρenv (<br />

( D)<br />

dα<br />

, (A16)<br />

with cos ( )<br />

1 −<br />

D = D α .<br />

0<br />

When 6s is run for an inhomogeneous <strong>sur</strong>face, the specular reflection of the diffuse<br />

skylight toward the sensor is not account for. The sky radiance reflected by the air-water<br />

interface transmitted to the TOA, ρsky, can be estimated as<br />

ρ<br />

sky<br />

π Lsky<br />

⋅ ρ Fresnel<br />

= tv<br />

(A17)<br />

ε F θ )<br />

0<br />

cos( 0<br />

where ρFresnel is the reflectance of a flat air-water interface given by Fresnel’s formula<br />

(typically ~2.3% for satellite viewing angle), Lsky is the radiance at <strong>sur</strong>face coming from<br />

the diffuse sky, and tv is the upward transmittance from pixel to sensor. Assuming a<br />

perfectly isotropic sky, then<br />

diff<br />

Ed<br />

L sky = , (A18)<br />

0.<br />

5π<br />

where<br />

diff<br />

E d is the diffuse downward irradiance at <strong>sur</strong>face and 0.5 is the mean cosine for<br />

an isotropic sky. Since<br />

path reflectance.<br />

diff<br />

Ed and tv are given by 6s, ρsky was estimated and ad<strong>de</strong>d to the<br />

Figure V.A1. Schematic representation of a water pixel located at distance<br />

D0 from an ice edge.<br />


Appendix V.3. Modification of the QAA<br />

The quasi-analytical algorithm (QAA) proposed by Lee et al. [2002] was<br />

modified in respect to 1) the formulation of Rrs versus the IOP, 2) the empirical<br />

formulations for the absorption coefficient at reference wavelength (λ0), and 3) the use of<br />

a single value for the exponent of the power law used to mo<strong>de</strong>l the particulate<br />

backscattering spectrum (Y).<br />

First, a semi-analytical remote-sensing reflectance mo<strong>de</strong>l <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>igned to account for<br />

the bidirectional effects (Eq. A1) [Park and Ruddick, 2005] is used instead of the Gordon<br />

et al. [1988] formulation. Equation A1 requires a priori information on backscattering<br />

nature of the medium (i.e. molecular versus particulate) to operate. Therefore, the original<br />

QAA is used to provi<strong>de</strong> an initial estimate of γb at a reference wavelength. With the initial<br />

value of γb(λ0) and Rrs(λ0, θs, θv, Δφ, W), [bb/(at+bb)](λ0) is estimated by inverting the<br />

fourth-or<strong>de</strong>r polynomial using a numerical solution [Laguerre's method, or the zroots<br />

function in Chap 9.5 of Press et al., 1992]. Two iterations are sufficient to obtain a<br />

difference between two consecutives estimate of γb(λ0)

available on our ac-9. The value of at(650) is calculated empirically as (r 2 = 0.71, N = 14<br />

at-w(555)>0.5aw(555)):<br />

164<br />

⎡ Rrs<br />

( 650)<br />

⎤<br />

−0.<br />

69+<br />

1.<br />

41log10<br />

⎢ ⎥<br />

⎣ Rrs<br />

( 555)<br />

⎦<br />

a ( 650)<br />

= a ( 650)<br />

+ 10<br />

(A20)<br />

t<br />

w<br />

where aw(650)=0.34 [Pope and Fry, 1997]. For continuity in the at retrieval, when at-<br />

w(555) falls between 0.03 and 0.06 m -1 the a linear combination of the two results<br />

obtained with λ0 = 555 and 650 nm is performed following Eq. 20 in Lee et al. [2002].<br />

Third, the spectral partic<strong>les</strong> backscattering coefficient (bbp) is calculated using λ −Y<br />

law with Y = 1.

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Wang, J., and G. F. Cota (2003), Remote-sensing reflectance in the Beaufort and Chukchi<br />

seas: observations and mo<strong>de</strong>ls, Appl. Opt., 42(15), 2754-2765.<br />


Chapitre VI : Utilisation <strong>de</strong> l’imagerie « couleur <strong>de</strong><br />

l’océan » pour la quantification <strong>de</strong> la<br />

photooxydation dans la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort<br />


VI.A Résumé<br />

La production photochimique <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> inorganique dissous (DIC) intégrée dans la<br />

colonne d’eau a été estimée l’ai<strong>de</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> propriétés optiques inhérentes dérivées <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données<br />

SeaWiFS <strong>de</strong> la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort obtenues entre 1998 et 2004. Plus <strong>de</strong> 300 images SeaWiFS<br />

ont été traitées à l’ai<strong>de</strong> d’un algorithme <strong>de</strong> correction atmosphérique adapté pour <strong>les</strong> eaux<br />

turbi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> qui a permis <strong>de</strong> retrouver <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> spectres <strong>de</strong> réflectance marine <strong>de</strong> bonne qualité. Après<br />

l’élimination <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données contaminées par <strong>les</strong> effets d’environnement dus à la glace <strong>de</strong> mer,<br />

le rapport entre <strong>les</strong> coefficients d’absorption <strong>de</strong> la matière organique dissoute colorée<br />

(CDOM) et totale ([a CDOM/a t]) a été calculé à partir du spectre <strong>de</strong> réflectance marine à l’ai<strong>de</strong><br />

d’un algorithme empirique. La photoproduction annuelle <strong>de</strong> DIC estimée à l’ai<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong><br />

[a CDOM/a t] dérivé <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données SeaWiFS est faiblement inférieure (~10%) aux estimations<br />

réalisées avec <strong>les</strong> valeurs régiona<strong>les</strong> constantes <strong>de</strong> [a CDOM/a t] obtenues à partir <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> me<strong>sur</strong>es in<br />

situ. En faisant l’hypothèse que le rapport [a CDOM/a t] est <strong>de</strong> 0.9 <strong>sur</strong> tout le spectre, la<br />

photoproduction annuelle <strong>de</strong> DIC était <strong>sur</strong>estimée d’environ 60%. Ces résultats suggèrent<br />

que <strong>les</strong> données <strong>de</strong> Couleur <strong>de</strong> l’Océan peuvent être utilisées pour estimer [a CDOM/a t] <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>les</strong><br />

eaux côtières arctiques, lequel<strong>les</strong> sont souvent inaccessib<strong>les</strong> et <strong>les</strong> me<strong>sur</strong>es in situ n’y sont pas<br />

toujours disponib<strong>les</strong>. En plus <strong>de</strong> fournir [a CDOM/a t], l’estimation <strong>de</strong> la valeure absolue <strong>de</strong><br />

a CDOM, obtenue grâce à l’estimation semi-analytique <strong>de</strong> a t, a aussi permis <strong>de</strong> tenir compte <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

variations spatia<strong>les</strong> du ren<strong>de</strong>ment quantique apparent pour la photoproduction <strong>de</strong> DIC (φ DIC).<br />

Dans le futur, d’autres produits dérivés <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan pourront être<br />

utilisés afin d’évaluer la variabilité <strong>de</strong> φ DIC. Le manque <strong>de</strong> données <strong>sur</strong> ce <strong>de</strong>rnier limite,<br />

cependant, le développement d’un tel modèle prédictif <strong>de</strong> φ DIC.<br />


VI.B. Article en preparation: “The use of Ocean Color imagery for the<br />

quantification of photooxidation in the Beaufort Sea”<br />

Simon Bélanger and Marcel Babin<br />

Laboratoire d’Océanographie <strong>de</strong> Villefranche, Centre National <strong>de</strong> la Recherche<br />

Scientifique, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6, 06230 Villefranche-<strong>sur</strong>-mer,<br />

France<br />


Abstract<br />

Depth-integrated photochemical production of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the<br />

Southeastern Beaufort Sea was assessed for the period from 1998 to 2004 using<br />

SeaWiFS-<strong>de</strong>rived water inherent optical properties. More than 300 SeaWiFS images<br />

were processed using a turbid-water atmospheric correction algorithm that provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

reliable water-leaving reflectance retrieval. After eliminating data contaminated by the<br />

adjacency effect due to sea ice, the ratio between chromophoric dissolved organic matter<br />

(CDOM) and the total absorption coefficients ([aCDOM/at]) was calculated from the water-<br />

leaving reflectance spectrum using an empirical algorithm. The annual DIC<br />

photoproduction estimated using SeaWiFS-<strong>de</strong>rived [aCDOM/at] was slightly lower (~10%)<br />

than the estimation ma<strong>de</strong> using regionally constant [aCDOM/at] spectra <strong>de</strong>termined from in<br />

situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements. In contrast, assuming a spectrally constant value for [aCDOM/at] of 0.9,<br />

the annual DIC photoproduction was overestimated by ~60%. These results suggest that<br />

satellite Ocean Color data could be used to estimate [aCDOM/at] in the remote Arctic<br />

coastal waters where in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements are still unavailable. In addition, the<br />

estimation of the absolute value in aCDOM, as obtained from at calculated using a semi-<br />

analytical algorithm, was used to account for the spatio-temporal variability in the<br />

apparent quantum yield for the DIC photoproduction (φDIC). In the future, other Ocean<br />

Color products may also be used to account for the variability in φDIC, but such data are<br />

currently lacking to <strong>de</strong>velop a robust parameterization of φDIC.<br />


VI.1. Introduction<br />

In Chapter III I quantified, for the first time, the amount of dissolved organic<br />

carbon mineralized through CDOM photooxidation in the Beaufort Sea. A coupled<br />

optical-photochemical was used to calculate the <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated photoproduction of DIC<br />

in ice-free Arctic waters. I showed that CDOM photooxidation in the southeastern<br />

Beaufort Sea (western Arctic) may increase significantly in the future in response to the<br />

predicted trend of ongoing reduction of sea ice cover. Interestingly, the predicted<br />

increased in terrigenous dissolved organic carbon (tDOC) mineralization is nearly<br />

equivalent to the amount of particulate marine organic carbon actually buried into the<br />

<strong>de</strong>ep sediments. This result confirms the relative importance of this <strong>flux</strong> in the balance of<br />

the Arctic Organic Carbon Budget.<br />

In our initial approach, satellite observations of sea ice, ozone, aerosols and cloud<br />

cover were used with a radiative transfer mo<strong>de</strong>l to estimate the spectral irradiance that<br />

penetrates the water column. The regional variability of the <strong>sur</strong>face water optical<br />

properties as <strong>de</strong>rived from in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements was used in the calculation, which partly<br />

controlled the rates of CDOM photooxidation in the water column. This variability is<br />

expressed by the [aCDOM/at] parameter, which is the light fraction absorbed by the CDOM<br />

in an optically homogenous water column. In Chapter IV, we <strong>de</strong>veloped an Ocean Color<br />

algorithm to retrieve this parameter from the remote sensing reflectance (Rrs)<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>ements. The absolute accuracy of the regionally tuned [aCDOM/at] algorithm is<br />

±14%. Interestingly, <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>pite UV light are the most efficient radiation in terms of DIC<br />

photoproduction, the variability in [aCDOM/at] in the violet part of the spectrum (412 nm)<br />

is nearly proportional to the spectrally-integrated photoproduction of DIC. We have<br />

shown that using averaged spectral shapes for CDOM and particulate matter, spectral<br />

[aCDOM/at] values can be obtained. The error in terms of DIC photoproduction attributed<br />

to the spectral extrapolation is

to examine the specific problem posed to ocean color remote sensing by the presence of<br />

this almost perfect reflector (Chap. V). The adjacency effect that is due to nearby sea ice<br />

cover is only partly removed by atmospheric correction, resulting in a contamination of<br />

the water-leaving reflectance retrieval and the subsequent estimation of [aCDOM/at](412)<br />

from it. In general, [aCDOM/at](412) is un<strong>de</strong>restimated by more than 0.15 at a distance of<br />

10-15 km from an ice edge. As the adjacency effect increases with <strong>de</strong>creasing<br />

wavelengths, the blue part of the spectrum was used to <strong>de</strong>tect and discard pixels affected<br />

by such contamination.<br />

The main goal of the present chapter is to estimate the DIC photoproduction using<br />

satellite-<strong>de</strong>rived [aCDOM/at] in open waters free of adjacency contamination. The revised<br />

estimations are compare to the ones obtained using in situ and constant [aCDOM/at] values.<br />

Specifically, I want to know if, when in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of [aCDOM/at] in a given<br />

coastal region are not available, ocean color data can be used instead. I first <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed the<br />

data processing of a seven years time-series of Sea wi<strong>de</strong> Field-of-View (SeaWiFS)<br />

acquired between 1998 and 2004. Two different methods in which satellite-<strong>de</strong>rived<br />

information is used to calculate the DIC photoproduction are <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed. The first one<br />

make used of [aCDOM/at] only, whereas in the second method, the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of the<br />

CDOM absorption coefficient at 412 nm is used to i<strong>de</strong>ntify two water classes with<br />

different photoreactivity. In the Results section, I present a validation of SeaWiFS water-<br />

leaving reflectance by comparing coinci<strong>de</strong>nt satellite and in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements obtained<br />

in 2004 in the study area. Then the observed spatio-temporal variability of some IOP is<br />

presented. Finally, I discuss the quality of the SeaWiFS data and the utility of ocean color<br />

imagery to quantify <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated DIC photoproduction in the Arctic coastal zones.<br />

VI.2. Methods<br />

VI.2.1. SeaWiFS Level 2 and 3 processing<br />

SeaWiFS Level 1A MLAC data (merged Local Area Coverage) gathering all<br />

available SeaWiFS HRPT (High Resolution Picture Transmission) and LAC data for a<br />

given orbit were downloa<strong>de</strong>d from the NASA Ocean Color Web site<br />

(www.oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov). The Level 1A MLAC data contains raw radiance<br />

values for each of the eight SeaWiFS bands (412, 443, 490, 510, 555, 670, 765, and 865<br />


nm) and have a spatial resolution of 1.1 km at nadir. At the latitu<strong>de</strong> of 70°N, a daily<br />

temporal coverage is available with SeaWiFS (up to 3 images per day). However, due to<br />

the presence of sea ice or clouds, only the scenes where open water were present were<br />

processed to Level 2. A total of 335 scenes acquired during the summer months from<br />

1998 to 2004 were processed to Level 2 (Table VI.1).<br />

Table VI.1. Number of SeaWiFS Level 1A MLAC images processed<br />

May June July August Total<br />

1998 14 19 28 17 78<br />

1999 10 11 19 19 59<br />

2000 0 0 9 16 25<br />

2001 6 9 17 15 47<br />

2002 5 10 9 25 39<br />

2003 5 16 11 10 42<br />

2004 1 22 13 9 45<br />

Total 335<br />

The Level 2 processing was performed image-by-image in two steps: 1)<br />

atmospheric corrections (AC) were achieved to subtract the atmospheric scattering<br />

components from the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) reflectance and obtain the water-leaving<br />

reflectance for the visible bands; and 2) the water-leaving reflectance spectrum was<br />

analyzed to <strong>de</strong>rive inherent optical properties (IOP).<br />

The SeaWiFS standard atmospheric correction scheme over clear open ocean<br />

waters is based on the “black pixel assumption” [e.g., Gordon and Wang, 1994; Gordon,<br />

1997; Siegel et al., 2000]. This assumption is based on fact that water-leaving reflectance<br />

for the near-infrared bands at 765 nm and 865 nm is null, and that the mea<strong>sur</strong>ed signal at<br />

those bands in entirely due to the atmosphere. Then the atmospheric aerosols properties<br />

obtained in the NIR can be extrapolated to the visible using recomputed look-up-tab<strong>les</strong>.<br />

Typically over turbid waters, the black pixel assumption results in negative water-leaving<br />

reflectance in the blue part of the spectrum (< 443 nm) due to an overestimation of the<br />

aerosol signal extrapolated from the NIR bands. Because of the violation of the “black<br />

pixel assumption” in turbid coastal waters, the AC was performed using a modified<br />

version of the Multi-Sensor Level-1 to Level-2 (MSL12) software. The modified MSL12<br />


was provi<strong>de</strong>d by the Belgian Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Mo<strong>de</strong>ls<br />

(MUMM; www.mumm.ac.be/OceanColour/). In the MUMM’s MSL12, the assumption<br />

of null water-leaving reflectance in the NIR bands is replaced by the assumptions of<br />

spatial homogeneity of the 765:865-nm ratios for aerosol reflectance and for water-<br />

leaving reflectance [Ruddick et al., 2000]. These ratios can be fixed as calibration<br />

parameters during the processing. While the ratio of water-leaving reflectance is expected<br />

to be rather in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt of region and time [Ruddick et al., 2006], the aerosol reflectance<br />

ratio is expected to vary in space and time in response to variations in aerosol particle<br />

type and concentration. But here, it is assumed that the aerosol type is constante and that<br />

only the amount of aeraosol is variable for a given image. Therefore, the aerosol<br />

reflectance ratio (<strong>de</strong>noted hereafter as "eps78") needs to be assessed on an image-by-<br />

image basis by inspection of the Rayleigh-corrected reflectance scatterplot [Ruddick et al.,<br />

2000]. Instead of inspecting the Rayleigh-corrected reflectance scatterplot, which could<br />

be contaminated by clouds or sea ice, I obtained eps78 by the inspection of the<br />

atmospheric products <strong>de</strong>rived using the standard AC algorithm. In general I chose an<br />

averaged eps78 value obtained in an area away from the turbid waters, but as close as<br />

possible. In general, the aerosol eps78 values were within the range from 1.0 to 1.15,<br />

which is typical of marine aerosols. When large areas were still showing negative water-<br />

leaving reflectance after the application of turbid water AC algorithm, the image was<br />

reprocessed using a slightly lower value for eps78. To avoid negative reflectance in the<br />

blue, therefore, I often had to choose lower values for eps78.<br />

After AC processing, the pixels affected by the adjacency effect (Chap. V), as<br />

well as standard flagged pixels [e.g, Bailey and Wer<strong>de</strong>ll, 2006], were not consi<strong>de</strong>red for<br />

further bio-optical processing. Typically, when the sea ice melting begins in early season,<br />

more than 50% of the open water pixels must be eliminated. This number <strong>de</strong>creases to<br />

~15% during the summer season. Note that the cloud bor<strong>de</strong>rs were also <strong>de</strong>tected by the<br />

adjacency effect <strong>de</strong>tection algorithm (Section V.3.3.), resulting sometime in more than<br />

50% of invalid pixels even in August. For each valid pixels, the ratio [aCDOM/at] at 412<br />

nm was calculated using the empirical algorithm <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed in Chapter IV, with the<br />

region-specific coefficients (Table IV.2). The total absorption coefficient at 412 nm (at)<br />


and particulate backscattering coefficient at 555 nm (bbp) were computed using a<br />

modified version of the quasi-analytical algorithm (QAA) proposed by Lee et al. [2002]<br />

(see Annex A1). The former coefficient is further used in the DIC photoproduction<br />

processing to extrapolate [aCDOM/at](412) to the full UV-to-green spectrum (300 and 600<br />

nm) (see section IV.3.3) and to estimate the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of aCDOM at 412 nm.<br />

The Level 3 processing consists in binning the Level 2 geophysical products in<br />

time and space. First, the Level 2 data were remapped on an azimuthal projection grid<br />

with pixel resolution of 1 x 1 km. Then, the monthly averages were produced for each<br />

pixel of the grid with all valid pixels available. Finally, for the DIC photoproduction<br />

calculation, the SeaWiFS monthly averages were remapped onto the grid used by the<br />

National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) for the sea ice concentration data<br />

distribution. The NSIDC grid is polar stereographic projection with grid elements of<br />

approximately 25x25 km resolution.<br />

VI.2.2. DIC photoproduction calculation<br />

The DIC photoproduction calculation is essentially the same as the one <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed<br />

in section III.2.5. Here the spatially integrated DIC photoproduction (in mol DIC d -1 ),<br />

however, is done for each element of the NSIDC grid as:<br />

P<br />

×<br />

DIC<br />

600<br />

∫<br />

λ = 300<br />

( x,<br />

y,<br />

d)<br />

= OpenWaterArea(<br />

x,<br />

y,<br />

d)<br />

− ⎡a<br />

⎤ CDOM<br />

Ed<br />

( 0 , λ, d)<br />

⎢ ⎥<br />

⎣ at<br />

⎦<br />

,<br />

( λ,<br />

x,<br />

y,<br />

d)<br />

φDIC<br />

( λ)<br />

dλ<br />

(1)<br />

where the OpenWaterArea (m 2 ) is the area of open water of a given NSIDC pixel,<br />

−<br />

E ( 0 , λ)<br />

(mol photons m -2 d -1 ) is the spectral daily downward irradiance just beneath<br />

d<br />

sea <strong>sur</strong>face, φDIC is the spectral apparent quantum yield for the DIC production, x and y<br />

are the longitu<strong>de</strong> and the latitu<strong>de</strong>, respectively, and d is the day of the year. A schematic<br />

representation of the DIC mo<strong>de</strong>ling is shown and <strong>de</strong>tailed in Fig. VI.1.<br />

In Chapter III, the southeastern Beaufort Sea was sub-divi<strong>de</strong>d in three sub-regions:<br />

Canada Basin, Mackenzie Shelf, and Amundsen Gulf. For each of those, the φDIC spectra<br />

were assumed constant based on the location of the in situ sampling. Here an alternative<br />

method is proposed to select the φDIC as a function of the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of the aCDOM(412). It<br />

appears, at a first approximation, that the CDOM photoreactivity in the study area is<br />


higher when the CDOM concentration is higher (Fig. VI.2a). For the low values of<br />

CDOM absorption coefficient at 412 nm (i.e. aCDOM(412) < 0.2 m -1 ) the φDIC for station<br />

108, 406 and 409 were pooled together, while R5a, R5d and R9 were average to represent<br />

the high CDOM concentration (see Fig. III.1 for station locations; Fig. VI.2b). In the<br />

processing, aCDOM(412) is calculated as the product of the empirically-<strong>de</strong>rived<br />

[aCDOM/at](412) and the QAA-<strong>de</strong>rived at(412) (see Annex A1).<br />

Figure VI.1. A schematic representation of the DIC photoproduction<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>ling. The mo<strong>de</strong>l ingests four inputs: (1) For a given day, when data<br />

are available, the spatio-temporal variability in the [aCDOM/at] parameter is<br />

specified by interpolating the values of the months before and after. If<br />

monthly IOP are not available (due to either sea ice or cloud cover), the<br />

data from the climatology is taken. The spectral interpolation of the<br />

[aCDOM/at](412) is perform as <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed in section IV.3.4. (2) The daily<br />

spatial variability in the area of open water. (3) The spectral daily<br />

downward irradiance calculated as <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed in section III.2.5. (4) The<br />

spectral apparent quantum yield for the DIC production (AQY, or φDIC).<br />

Two methods are compared for the choice of the φDIC for a given day and<br />

pixel. Method 1 is based on the regional <strong>de</strong>finition <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed in section<br />

III.2.5. In the Method 2, the φDIC varies as a function of the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of<br />

the CDOM (see text for <strong>de</strong>tails).<br />


VI.3. Results<br />

Figure VI.2. A) CDOM photoreactivity as a function of aCDOM(412). B)<br />

Spectral variability of the pooled φDIC spectra for low and high aCDOM(412)<br />

value.<br />

VI.3.1. Validation of the SeaWiFS water-leaving reflectance<br />

To assess the quality of the retrieved water-leaving reflectance (Rrs) with the<br />

MUMM’s algorithm, coinci<strong>de</strong>nt satellite and in situ observations (from hereafter called<br />

“match-ups”) are compared. Out of 48 Rrs spectra mea<strong>sur</strong>ed during CASES (section<br />

IV.2.1.2), six match-ups of good quality were retained for the analysis. The match-ups<br />

used for the assessment were collected within a lag shorter than three hours between in<br />

situ sampling and the satellite overpass, to minimize perturbations due to the temporal<br />


variability of seawater optical properties (Table VI.2). Satellite data were obtained from<br />

the average of the 3 x 3 image elements centered on the mea<strong>sur</strong>ement site, and were<br />

consi<strong>de</strong>red as valid for comparison when all of the 9 elements were not flagged for cloud<br />

or adjacency effect. Table VI.2 provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> the <strong>de</strong>tails on the match-ups location, date, time<br />

interval, and the sun zenith angle at the time of sampling.<br />

Table VI.2. Location, date, time interval, and the sun zenith angle at the time of sampling<br />

of the match-ups<br />

CASES<br />

Station<br />

Date Lat.<br />

(°N)<br />

Long.<br />

(°W)<br />

SeaWiFS image<br />


Time interval<br />

(hh:mm)<br />

Sun<br />

zenith<br />

ID<br />

(°)*<br />

CA-20 17-Jul 70.43 126.35 S2004199221315 00:25 51.9 (50.9)<br />

309-1 18-Jul 71.12 125.84 S2004200225405 02:10 54.8 (50.3)<br />

309-2 19-Jul 71.17 126.2 S2004201215611 00:05 52.3 (52.2)<br />

721 26-Jul 69.84 133.29 S2004208232426 01:40 55.5 (62.9)<br />

115 29-Jul 70.84 125.09 S2004211220929 02:40 57.5 (54.9)<br />

215 30-Jul 70.95 123.52 S2004212225019 01:10 54.8 (61.9)<br />

* The value in parenthesis is the sun zenith angle at the time of the in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements.<br />

The in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of the water-leaving reflectance spectra are compared to<br />

SeaWiFS data processed with both the standard and the turbid water AC algorithms (Fig.<br />

VI.3). Mo<strong>de</strong>rate turbidity was observed at station 721 located in the Mackenzie Shelf<br />

(Rrs(555)=0.005 sr -1 ), while the turbidity was relatively low at the stations located in the<br />

Amundsen Gulf. The results of the match-ups analysis can be summarized as follows:<br />

1. When the turbidity is low (i.e. Rrs(555) < 0.002 sr -1 ; stations 309 and 215), the<br />

water-leaving reflectance at wavelengths larger than 490 nm retrieved using the<br />

standard algorithm is in good agreement with the in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements.<br />

2. The standard AC algorithm produced a systematic un<strong>de</strong>restimation of the<br />

reflectance at 412 and 443 nm, regard<strong>les</strong>s of the water turbidity. For the most<br />

turbid station (721), negative reflectance at 412 nm was return by the standard AC<br />

algorithm, certainly because of the violation of the black pixel assumption.<br />

3. The turbid water AC algorithm (MUMM) produced an overestimation of the Rrs<br />

spectrum all wavelengths (except at stations CA-20 and 115). The overestimation<br />

is in general more pronounced when the turbidity is low (stations 309 and 215).<br />


4. In all cases, the spectral shape of the Rrs spectrum retrieved using the turbid water<br />

AC algorithm is good agreement with the in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements.<br />

Figure VI.3. Comparison of in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of water-leaving<br />

radiance with coinci<strong>de</strong>nt spectra from the SeaWiFS image processed with<br />

the standard and the turbid water AC algorithms.<br />

Figure VI.4 compares satellite-<strong>de</strong>rived versus in situ reflectance ratios employed<br />

in the [aCDOM/at](412) empirical algorithm, i.e. the log[Rrs(412)/Rrs(555)] and<br />

log[Rrs(490)/Rrs(555)]. The SeaWiFS-<strong>de</strong>rived ratios from both the standard and the turbid<br />

water AC algorithms are shown. Larger discrepancies (> 3 fold) in the<br />

log[Rrs(412)/Rrs(555)] are obtained with the standard relative to the turbid water AC<br />


algorithm (Fig. VI.4a). On the other hand, both algorithm provi<strong>de</strong> similar results for the<br />

retrieval of the log[Rrs(490)/Rrs(555)] (Fig. VI.4b).<br />

Figure VI.4. Scatterplots of the in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements versus SeaWiFS<strong>de</strong>rived<br />

variab<strong>les</strong> employed in the empirical algorithm used to estimate<br />

[aCDOM/at](412) (eq. IV.6): a) the logarithm of water-leaving reflectance<br />

ratio of 412 to 555 nm; b) the logarithm of water-leaving reflectance ratio<br />

of 490 to 555 nm.<br />

The mean absolute difference between in situ and satellite-<strong>de</strong>rived [aCDOM/at](412)<br />

was, on average, +0.188 and -0.105 for the standard and turbid water AC algorithms,<br />

respectively (Table VI.3). While the use of the standard AC results in systmatic<br />

overestimation in [aCDOM/at](412), the overestimation of the retrieved water-leaving<br />

reflectance at 555 nm using the turbid water AC algorithm results in a systematic<br />

un<strong>de</strong>restimation of [aCDOM/at](412). The [aCDOM/at](412) computed with the reflectance<br />


spectrum <strong>de</strong>rived using the standard AC can reach values above 1, which is physically<br />

impossible. Using the turbid water AC algorithm, the [aCDOM/at](412) retrieval falls<br />

within the algorithm accuracy (±0.14 see Chap. IV), except for stations 309-2 and 721.<br />

The latter station was sampled in an area where the spatial variability was very high and<br />

the vertical distribution of IOPs was not homogenous (data not shown). Un<strong>de</strong>r such<br />

conditions large discrepancy between satellite retrievals and in situ Rrs spectra can be<br />

expected (Fig. VI.3). In the next section, only the results using MUMM algorithm are<br />

presented as they appears more reliable than the one obtained using standard AC (see<br />

Discussion VI.4.1 section).<br />

Table VI.3. Comparison of in situ with SeaWiFS-<strong>de</strong>rived [aCDOM/at](412) values using<br />

Standard and MUMM AC algorithms.<br />

CASES Station<br />

ID<br />

[aCDOM/at](412)<br />

in situ Standard MUMM<br />

CA-20 0.88 1.07 (+.19) 0.83 (-.05)<br />

309-1 0.81 1.14 (+.33) 0.69 (-.13)<br />

309-2 0.82 0.96 (+.14) 0.66 (-.16)<br />

721 0.81 NA 0.63 (-.18)<br />

115 0.71 0.83 (+.12) 0.68 (-.03)<br />

215 0.76 0.92 (+.16) 0.68 (-.08)<br />

VI.3.2. Spatial-temporal variability in [aCDOM/at](412)<br />

An example of the seasonal variability in the [aCDOM/at](412) parameter for the<br />

summers of 1998 and 2004 (lowest sea ice concentration of the time serie) is shown on<br />

Fig. VI.5. Most of the study area is characterized by [aCDOM/at](412) values ranging from<br />

0.6 to 0.7. These values may be slightly un<strong>de</strong>restimated for the reasons explained above.<br />

For example, the SeaWiFS averaged value in the Amundsen Gulf in July 2004 was 0.66,<br />

while the in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements obtained in this area during the same period range<br />

between 0.60 and 0.94, with an average value of 0.78. In the sector of the Mackenzie<br />

Shelf where the Mackenzie river input are high, however, the SeaWiFS-<strong>de</strong>rived values<br />

ranging from 0.30 to 0.40 are similar to those observed in 2004 near the Mackenzie River<br />

Delta. To better see the turbid river plume, Fig. VI.6 shows the particulate backscattering<br />

coefficient at 555 nm (bbp) observed during June and July. In fact, bbp(555) is a robust<br />

indicator of the total suspen<strong>de</strong>d material. For both years, the plume extent was maximum<br />


in June and <strong>de</strong>crease in July. The <strong>de</strong>crease in suspen<strong>de</strong>d material explains the increase in<br />

[aCDOM/at](412) observed over the Mackenzie Shelf during summer, as the river discharge<br />

<strong>de</strong>clines (Fig. VI.5).<br />

Figure VI.5. Seasonal variability of the SeaWiFS-<strong>de</strong>rived [aCDOM/at](412)<br />

for 1998 and 2004 (1 x 1 km resolution). Sea ice (or cloud) is shown in<br />

grey.<br />


Figure VI.6. Variability of the SeaWiFS-<strong>de</strong>rived bbp(555) for June and<br />

July 1998 and 2004 (1 x 1 km resolution).<br />

Figure VI.7. Variability of the SeaWiFS-<strong>de</strong>rived at(412) for June and July<br />

1998 and 2004 (1 x 1 km resolution).<br />


Further offshore at the Shelf break or along southern coasts of the Amundsen Gulf<br />

and Alaskan Shelf, higher [aCDOM/at](412) values (>0.8) can be observed. These high<br />

values are observed within highly absorbing waters likely coming from the rivers (Fig.<br />

VI.7), but where the amount of suspen<strong>de</strong>d partic<strong>les</strong> is relatively low (Fig. VI.6). The<br />

striking extent of the Mackenzie River plume toward the west in the Canada Basin during<br />

July 1998 is obvious on both [aCDOM/at](412) and at(412) maps. Interestingly, a little<br />

amount of partic<strong>les</strong> is transported beyond the continental shelf at that time (Fig. VI.6). In<br />

2004, the presence of a persistent sea ice cover obscures the visualization of the<br />

Mackenzie River plume extent, but the bbp(555) pattern observed in June and the high<br />

at(412) values around the location 72°N and 140°W (~ 0.2 m -1 ) in July suggest that the<br />

plume was taking approximately the same westward “route” as in 1998.<br />

VI.3.3. Spatial-temporal variability in DIC photoproduction<br />

The DIC photoproduction was reassessed with taking into account the spatio-<br />

temporal variability in [aCDOM/at]. Table VI.4 compares the annual DIC photoproduction<br />

calculated using four different approaches: 1) with regionally constant values for<br />

[aCDOM/at](λ) and φDIC(λ), as <strong>de</strong>fined in our previous study (Chapter III; the “GBC<br />

method”); 2) with SeaWiFS-<strong>de</strong>rived [aCDOM/at](λ) and regional φDIC(λ) values (“Method<br />

1” in Fig. VI.1); 3) with SeaWiFS-<strong>de</strong>rived [aCDOM/at](λ) and variable φDIC(λ) as a<br />

function of aCDOM(412) (“Method 2” in Fig. VI.1); 4) spectrally constant [aCDOM/at] value<br />

of 0.9 and regional φDIC(λ) (“Constant method”).<br />

Table VI.4. Annual DIC photoproduction estimation using various methods. The value in<br />

parenthesis for methods 1 and 2 is the difference relative (in %) to GBC method.<br />

Year GBC Method 1 Method 2 Constant<br />

1998 122.3 108.2 (-11.5) 115.5 (-5.6) 195.7 (+60.0)<br />

1999 71.3 65.6 (-8.0) 72.3 (+1.4) 114.5 (+60.6)<br />

2000 47.9 43.0 (-10.2) 47.2 (-1.5) 77.1 (+61.0)<br />

2001 52.6 48.7 (-7.4) 56.4 (+7.2) 82.3 (+56.5)<br />

2002 60.8 53.5 (-12.0) 54.1 (-11.0) 99.7 (+64.0)<br />

2003 67.7 61.0 (-9.9) 61.5 (-9.1) 109.8 (+62.2)<br />

2004 73.6 69.1 (-6.1) 75.4 (+2.4) 120.6 (+63.9)<br />


Comparison between GBC method and Method 1, which differ only in terms<br />

[aCDOM/at], suggest that our former annual DIC photoproduction estimations were<br />

overestimated by 6 to 12%. However, this could be partly attributed to the<br />

un<strong>de</strong>restimation of [aCDOM/at](412) by SeaWiFS (see above). But a regional comparison<br />

reveals that the largest differences were found mainly in the Canada Basin (~25%, data<br />

not shown). This is probably due to the fact that the stations used to represent the Canada<br />

Basin in our former estimation were biased toward higher [aCDOM/at] values. In fact, the<br />

Canada Basin’s stations are located at the fringe of the shelf (see Fig. III.1), where<br />

[aCDOM/at] is generally higher than over the <strong>de</strong>ep basin (e.g., June and July 1998; Fig.<br />

VI.5). In contrast, using a spectrally constant [aCDOM/at] value of 0.90 results in a severe<br />

overestimation of the DIC photoproduction (~+60% compare to GBC method).<br />

Method 2 is an alternative method to account for the variability of φDIC(λ) based<br />

on <strong>de</strong>rived aCDOM(412) magnitu<strong>de</strong> The annual DIC photoproduction is slightly higher<br />

than using Method 1 (Table VI.4). In particular, the production is significantly higher in<br />

the Amundsen Gulf (~30 %) where most of the southern part appears to be affected river<br />

runoff. The spatial variability in the DIC photoproduction rate (in gC m -2 y -1 ) <strong>de</strong>rived<br />

using Method 2 is shown in Fig. VI.8. Although most of the spatial variability is<br />

explained by the sea ice concentration, higher DIC photoproduction is found in the waters<br />

influenced by the river runoff. With the regionally constant φDIC(λ), the runoff was<br />

blurred on the DIC photoproduction maps (data not shown). Finally, the variability in<br />

DIC photoproduction observed between 1998 and 2004 is extremely important both in<br />

time and space, with rates ranging between ~0.05 and 0.65 gC m -2 y -1 . Most of this<br />

variability is, neverthe<strong>les</strong>s, explained by the variability in sea ice concentration.<br />


Figure VI.8. Annual maps of DIC photoproduction rates from 1998 to 2004 in southeastern Beaufort Sea.<br />


VI.4. Discussion<br />

VI.4.1. SeaWiFS data quality<br />

The visual inspection of several SeaWiFS images confirms that the Rrs(412)<br />

retrieved using the standard AC algorithm was often negative, or unrealistically too low,<br />

even several kilometers away from the turbid waters. It is not clear why the standard AC<br />

produces systematic un<strong>de</strong>restimation of Rrs(412) over clear waters. Because this<br />

systematic un<strong>de</strong>restimation of the water-leaving reflectance at 412 nm results in negative<br />

values or severe un<strong>de</strong>restimation of the log[Rrs(412)/Rrs(555)] ratio (Fig. VI.4a), the<br />

whole SeaWiFS data set was processed using the turbid water AC. I<strong>de</strong>ally, the turbid<br />

water atmospheric correction should be applied only over area where seawater is actually<br />

turbid. For the three match-ups where clear waters were present, the aerosols optical<br />

thickness at 865 nm was reduced by a value of ~0.01 (from ~0.04 to 0.03) using the<br />

turbid water AC, resulting into an un<strong>de</strong>restimation of the aerosol radiances over the<br />

whole visible spectrum and an overestimation of the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of the Rrs (Fig. VI.3).<br />

Several reasons can be invoked to explain this results. First, the radiometric calibration of<br />

the NIR channels may not be perfect, leading to the selection of an aerosol type with<br />

higher spectral <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ncy than it should. This would explained the systematic<br />

un<strong>de</strong>restimation of Rrs < 490 nm, and the relatively good retrieval for channels ≥ 490 nm<br />

obtained with the standard AC algorithm (Fig. VI.3). Second, in clear waters, the<br />

765:865-nm water-leaving reflectance ratio tends to be higher than the value of 1.72 that<br />

is given as a constant in the turbid water AC algorithm (see Figure 4 in Ruddick et al.<br />

[2006]). Consequently, when applying the turbid water AC algorithm over clear water<br />

pixels, the concentration of aerosol is un<strong>de</strong>restimated, obtained by solving the set of two<br />

equations for the near infrared bands (for <strong>de</strong>tails see Ruddick et al. [2000]). While fixing<br />

the type of aerosol significantly reduced the amount of negative reflectance at 412 nm, it<br />

causes an un<strong>de</strong>restimation of the aerosol concentration over the clear waters.<br />

One way to obtain consistent reflectance in the blue part of the spectrum may be<br />

to revise the vicarious calibration coefficients. The vicarious calibration coefficients are<br />

factors applied to the TOA radiances that have been estimated a posteriori to improve the<br />

quality of the water-leaving radiance. The current coefficients were <strong>de</strong>termined using<br />


MOBY (Marine Optical Buoy) in situ match-up located west of Hawaiian island of Lanai<br />

characterised by Case 1 water with low pigment concentration. It is known that if the<br />

environmental conditions of a given region, in particular the type and the concentration of<br />

atmospheric aerosols, <strong>de</strong>part from the “typical” conditions encountered at the MOBY site,<br />

then vicarious coefficients may not be valid [e.g. of the Baltic Sea, Oh<strong>de</strong> et al., 2002]. In<br />

addition, the sun zenith angle encountered at the MOBY site is always lower than 50°<br />

(except at the winter). For example, a recent validation of satellite reflectances obtained<br />

over the Adriatic Sea indicates a <strong>de</strong>gradation of the data quality when the sun zenith<br />

angle exceed 40° [Zibordi et al., 2006]. To revise the SeaWiFS vicarious calibration for<br />

the Arctic Ocean, however, a large number of match-ups is required, which are scarce in<br />

this region. Clearly, more work is nee<strong>de</strong>d to better un<strong>de</strong>rstand the reasons of the failure of<br />

the standard AC algorithm over the clear water area.<br />

VI.4.2. Quantification of DIC photoproduction using satellite Ocean Color<br />

To my knowledge, there is only three other studies that proposed the used of<br />

Ocean Color data to calculate photochemical rates in the marine environment. The first<br />

two methods, proposed by Cullen et al. [1997] and Johannessen et al. [2003], were never<br />

tested nor validated on satellite imagery to <strong>de</strong>rive <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated photoproduction of<br />

DIC. More recently, Fichot [2004] proposed a method to <strong>de</strong>rive empirically the diffuse<br />

attenuation coefficients at several UV wavelengths and CDOM absorption coefficient at<br />

320 nm. A data set gathering 335 in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements was used to <strong>de</strong>velop his method,<br />

which was validate using a synthetic data set (IOCCG) and 217 SeaWiFS match-ups data<br />

set. Fichot [2004] further apply his method to SeaWiFS imagery to <strong>de</strong>rive <strong>de</strong>pth-resolved<br />

and <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated photoproduction of carbon monoxi<strong>de</strong> (CO) at the global scale.<br />

These methods are briefly <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed and discussed below.<br />

Cullen et al. [1997] suggested an approach in several steps which makes use of<br />

the SeaWiFS 412 nm sensor: (1) find empirical relationships between the ratio of<br />

reflectance at two visible wavelengths (412 nm and 555 nm) and diffuse attenuation<br />

coefficient (Kd) at several UV wavelengths; (2) calculate spectrally resolved total UV<br />

absorption from Kd(UV); (3) <strong>de</strong>termine the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of absorption by partic<strong>les</strong>,<br />

particularly phytoplankton; (4) subtract absorption due to partic<strong>les</strong> and water from the<br />


total to calculate the CDOM absorption; and (5) apply an action spectrum to calculate<br />

photochemical production. The estimates of absorption and attenuation could be<br />

combined with <strong>sur</strong>face irradiance to calculate absorption by CDOM as a function of<br />

<strong>de</strong>pth.<br />

Johannessen et al. [2003] modified Cullen’s approach by finding direct,<br />

empirical relationships between the Rrs(412)/Rrs(555) and Kd(UV), and then by using a<br />

constant ratio between Kd(UV) and aCDOM(UV). These authors did not, however, used<br />

their method to estimate the <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated DIC photoproduction. But for her DIC<br />

photoproduction calculation, Johannessen [2000] only used the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of the<br />

SeaWiFS-<strong>de</strong>rived Kd to <strong>de</strong>fine three water classes for which φDIC(λ) were <strong>de</strong>termined<br />

[Johannessen and Miller, 2001]. Johannessen [2000] then computed the <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated<br />

DIC photoproduction in the wavelength range going from 300 to 450 nm assuming a<br />

constant [aCDOM/at](λ) value of 1.0.<br />

Fichot [2004] proposed two methods to estimated Kd at 320, 340, 380, 412, 443,<br />

and 490 nm based on the principal components (PC) of the visible Rrs spectrum (at six<br />

SeaWiFS bands 412, 443, 490, 510, 555 and 670 nm). In the first one (SeaUV), the log-<br />

transformed Rrs spectrum is reduced into the first four PCs which are correlated to Kd at<br />

different wavelengths through a multiple regression. Next, aCDOM(λ) is obtained assuming<br />

a constant ratio between Kd(320) and aCDOM(320) and a spectral slope for the CDOM<br />

absorption spectrum (SCDOM) of 0.0194 nm -1 . In the second method (SeaUVc), the water<br />

is first classified using the first 2 PCs into one of the seven pre<strong>de</strong>fined classes. The Kd at<br />

different wavelengths is then calculated empirically using the coefficients <strong>de</strong>termined for<br />

the given class. For each class, a different value for the ratio Kd(323)/aCDOM(323) is used<br />

with SCDOM = 0.0194 nm -1 to obtain aCDOM(λ). With both aCDOM(λ) and Kd(λ), and further<br />

assumptions on the light field distribution (i.e., the conversion of the planar into scalar<br />

irradiance), Fichot [2004] estimated the <strong>de</strong>pth-resolved photoproduction of carbon<br />

monoxi<strong>de</strong> (CO). However, the global maps of <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated CO photoproduction<br />

presented by Fichot [2004] follow the inci<strong>de</strong>nt irradiance distribution and are mostly<br />

in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt of the water column optics. This is because the proposed method by Fichot<br />

[2004] only captures part of the variability of the contribution of CDOM to the total light<br />

absorption. There are some evi<strong>de</strong>nces suggesting limitations in Fichot’s method for the<br />


estimation of the <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated photoproduction of CO (or DIC). First, in large sub-<br />

tropical ultraoligotrophic gyre, CDOM is almost impossible to mea<strong>sur</strong>e and pure water is<br />

likely completely dominating the full UV-visible [Morel et al., in press in L&O, 2006].<br />

Thus the <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated CO photoproduction should be much lower in those area.<br />

Similarly, the <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated CO photoproduction should be reduced in coastal waters<br />

rich in particulate matter, and higher in river plumes where CDOM is concentrated at the<br />

<strong>sur</strong>face (e.g. Amazone and Oricono Rivers). Those general trends were not visible on the<br />

maps presented by Fichot [2004], likely because of the assumptions ma<strong>de</strong> on the ratio<br />

Kd(323)/aCDOM(323). Therefore, if one would like to adopt this method to estimate the<br />

<strong>de</strong>pth-integrated CO (or DIC) photoproduction, the validity of the above assumptions on<br />

the ratio Kd(323)/aCDOM(323) adopted by Fichot [2004] need to be evaluated in more<br />

<strong>de</strong>tails.<br />

We proposed an alternative method to use Ocean Color data for photooxidation<br />

quantification in which <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated DIC photoproduction varies as function of<br />

[aCDOM/at]. Because assuming constant proportion [aCDOM/at], as for example 0.90, may<br />

lead to significant overestimation of the DIC photoproduction (Table VI.4), I recommend<br />

to use either in situ or satellite-<strong>de</strong>rived [aCDOM/at]. Note that a value of 0.9 may appear<br />

unrealistically high, but based on in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of [aCDOM/at], this value is<br />

generally valid for wavelength < 350 nm, where maximum photooxidation occurs (see<br />

Fig. IV.7).<br />

The difference between total annual DIC photoproduction calculated in the<br />

Beaufort Sea using the satellite-<strong>de</strong>rived and in situ [aCDOM/at] is not significant (i.e. <strong>les</strong>s<br />

than the algorithm accuracy). Because in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of [aCDOM/at] are not<br />

available for every season and region of the Arctic Ocean, then the use of ocean color<br />

data could be useful. If one would like to use ocean color data for DIC photoproduction<br />

calculation, a particular attention should be paid to the data processing. First, it is<br />

strongly recommen<strong>de</strong>d to process the satellite data on an image-by-image basis in or<strong>de</strong>r<br />

to check the consistency of the water-leaving reflectance retrieval in the blue part of the<br />

spectrum. Second, adjacency effect due to sea ice could be extremely important, in<br />

particular at the beginning of the summer when a significant snow cover is still present.<br />


VI.5. Conclusions<br />

I conclu<strong>de</strong> that the proposed method on the use of satellite-<strong>de</strong>rived [aCDOM/at]<br />

could improve the estimation of <strong>de</strong>pth-integrated DIC photoproduction in regions where<br />

in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements are lacking. Neverthe<strong>les</strong>s, good estimation can be obtained if<br />

realistic assumption on [aCDOM/at] are ma<strong>de</strong>. Such assumptions, however, should be based<br />

on a sufficient number in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements to cover the spatio-temporal variability in<br />

[aCDOM/at]. At the moment, in situ optical mea<strong>sur</strong>ements are lacking for most of the<br />

Arctic coastal area (e.g. Kara and Laptev seas).<br />

The proposed method was tested using SeaWiFS imagery, but it could be applied<br />

to any ocean color sensors having ~412, ~490 and ~555 nm channels (e.g., MERIS and<br />

MODIS). Future improvements in the radiometric calibration and in the atmospheric<br />

correction over turbid waters should simplify the application of the method to satellite<br />

imagery.<br />

One important parameter to take into account for the estimation of DIC<br />

photoproduction is the variability in the apparent quantum yield. Besi<strong>de</strong> providing<br />

[aCDOM/at], Ocean Color data may be useful to predict the variability of φDIC(λ). Here, a<br />

method was tested to account for the variability in φDIC(λ) based on the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of the<br />

CDOM absorption coefficient at 412 nm (Method 2). The lack of information on the<br />

φDIC(λ) preclu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> any further attempt to mo<strong>de</strong>l, or predict, its spatio-temporal variability<br />

from other external environmental conditions (e.g. mixed layer vs photic layer <strong>de</strong>pth,<br />

temperature, turbidity, salinity, etc.). Therefore, the AQY needs to be extensively<br />

documented and its variations un<strong>de</strong>rstood. Besi<strong>de</strong> the origin of CDOM, its light history,<br />

including the role of vertical mixing, is certainly a major aspect of the problem.<br />

VI.6. References<br />

Bailey, S. W., and P. J. Wer<strong>de</strong>ll (2006), A multi-sensor approach for the on-orbit<br />

validation of ocean color satellite data products, Remote Sens. Environ., 102, 12-<br />

23.<br />

Cullen, J. J., R. F. Davis, J. S. Barlett, and W. L. Miller (1997), Toward remote sensing<br />

of UV attenuation, photochemical <strong>flux</strong>es, and biological effects of UV in <strong>sur</strong>face<br />


waters, in Current and Emerging Issues in Aquatic Science: Aquatic Science<br />

meeting, Am. Soc. Limnol. and Oceanogr., Santa Fe, N. M.<br />

Fichot, C. G. (2004), Marine photochemistry from space: Algorithms for the Retreival of<br />

Diffuse Attenuation and CDOM absorption Coefficients (320-490 nm) from<br />

Ocean Color and Estimation of Depth-resolved photoproduction Rates of Carbon<br />

Monoxi<strong>de</strong> (CO) at Global Sca<strong>les</strong> using SeaWiFS imagery, Master of Science<br />

thesis, 217 pp., Dalhousie, Halifax, Canada.<br />

Gordon, H. R. (1997), Atmospheric correction of ocean color imagery in the Earth<br />

Observation System era, J. Geophys. Res., 102(D14), 17081-17106.<br />

Gordon, H. R., and M. Wang (1994), Retrieval of water-leaving radiance and aerosol<br />

optical thickness over the oceans with SeaWiFS: a preliminary algorithm, App.<br />

Opt., 33(3), 443-452.<br />

Johannessen, S. C. (2000), A photochemical sink for dissolved organic carbon in the<br />

ocean,176 pp., Dalhousie University, Halifax.<br />

Johannessen, S. C., and W. L. Miller (2001), Quantum yield for the photochemical<br />

production of dissolved inorganic carbon in seawater, Mar. Chem., 76, 271-283.<br />

Johannessen, S. C., W. L. Miller, and J. J. Cullen (2003), Calculation of UV attenuation<br />

and colored dissolved organic matter absorption spectra from mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of<br />

ocean color, J. Geophys. Res., 108(C9), 3301, doi:10.1029/2000JC000514.<br />

Lee, Z.-P., K. L. Car<strong>de</strong>r, and R. A. Arnone (2002), Deriving inherent optical properties<br />

from water color: a multiband quasi-analytical algorithm for optically <strong>de</strong>ep waters,<br />

App. Opt., 41(27), 5755-5772.<br />

Morel, A., B. Gentili, H. Claustre, M. Babin, A. Bricaud, J. Ras, and F. Tièche (in press,<br />

2006), Optical properties of the "clearest" natural waters, Limnol. Oceanogr.<br />

Oh<strong>de</strong>, T., B. Sturm, and H. Siegel (2002), Derivation of SeaWiFS vicarious calibration<br />

coefficients using in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements in Case 2 water of the Baltic Sea, Remote<br />

Sens. Environ., 80, 248-255.<br />

Ruddick, K. G., V. De Cauwer, Y.-J. Park, and G. Moore (2006), Seaborne<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of near infrared water-leaving reflectance: The similarity spectrum<br />

for turbid waters, Limnol. Oceanogr., 51(2), 1167-1179.<br />

Ruddick, K. G., F. Ovidio, and M. Rijkeboer (2000), Atmospheric correction of SeaWiFS<br />

imagery for turbid coastal and inland waters, App. Opt., 39(6), 897-895.<br />

Siegel, D. A., M. Wang, S. Maritorena, and W. Robinson (2000), Atmospheric correction<br />

of satellite ocean color imagery: the black pixel assumption, App. Opt., 39(21),<br />

3582-3591.<br />


Zibordi, G., F. Mélin, and J.-F. Berthon (2006), Comparison of SeaWiFS, MODIS and<br />

MERIS radiometric products at a coastal site, Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L06617,<br />

doi:10.1029/2006GL025778.<br />


Chapitre VII: Conclusion générale et perspectives<br />


Le couvert <strong>de</strong> glace pluriannuel <strong>de</strong> l’Océan Arctique se rétréci en étendu et en<br />

épaisseur, laissant <strong>de</strong>rrière <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> étendues d’eau ouverte <strong>de</strong> plus en plus gran<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>. En parallèle,<br />

au cours <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>de</strong>rnières décennies, on a assisté à une augmentation significative du<br />

rayonnement UV reçu à la <strong>sur</strong>face <strong>de</strong> la mer en réponse à la diminution <strong>de</strong> l’ozone<br />

stratosphérique. Le travail réalisé dans le cadre <strong>de</strong> cette thèse représente un effort afin<br />

d’appréhen<strong>de</strong>r l’impact <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> ces <strong>changements</strong> environnementaux <strong>sur</strong> le cycle du <strong>carbone</strong><br />

organique dissous (DOC) dans l’Océan Arctique. En particulier, je me suis intéressé au<br />

<strong>carbone</strong> d’origine terrigène (tDOC) car il représente une importante fraction du pool <strong>de</strong><br />

DOC dans <strong>les</strong> eaux côtières <strong>de</strong> l’Océan Arctiques et que la fonte du pergélisol risque<br />

d’augmenter gran<strong>de</strong>ment cet apport dans le futur. Afin <strong>de</strong> mieux comprendre le rôle relatif<br />

que joue la lumière dans le cycle du DOC mon objectif principal était d’estimer la quantité<br />

<strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> organique qui est minéralisée à la <strong>sur</strong>face <strong>de</strong> l’océan par <strong>les</strong> processus <strong>de</strong><br />

photooxydation. Grâce à un modèle couplé optique/photochimique simple nécessitant en<br />

entré <strong>de</strong> l’information dérivée d’observations satellita<strong>les</strong>, j’ai quantifié pour la première fois la<br />

production photochimique <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> inorganique dissous (DIC) dans une région <strong>de</strong><br />

l’Arctique.<br />

Les conclusions majeures <strong>de</strong> ce travail sont que : 1) la photoproduction <strong>de</strong> DIC dans<br />

le Sud-est <strong>de</strong> la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort a augmenté <strong>de</strong> ~15% au cours <strong>de</strong> la pério<strong>de</strong> allant <strong>de</strong> 1979 à<br />

2004, principalement en réponse à la diminution <strong>de</strong> l’étendue <strong>de</strong> glace <strong>de</strong> mer, et 2) <strong>les</strong> taux<br />

<strong>de</strong> minéralisation du tDOC sont pratiquement équivalents aux taux actuels d’enfouissement<br />

<strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> organique particulaire dans <strong>les</strong> sédiments marins. Cette <strong>de</strong>rnière conclusion<br />

confirme l’importance relative <strong>de</strong> ce <strong>flux</strong> pour la balance nette du Bilan <strong>de</strong> Carbone<br />

Organique Arctique. En raison <strong>de</strong> l’intensité <strong>de</strong> sa stratification, <strong>les</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face arctiques<br />

sont généralement riches en tDOC et pauvres en nutriments inorganiques, expliquant en<br />

partie sa faible production primaire (e.g., couche euphotique plus mince due à la présence <strong>de</strong><br />

CDOM, mélange verticale faible, etc.). Si la minéralisation <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> organique allochtone<br />

(i.e., terrigène) par <strong>les</strong> processus <strong>de</strong> « photooxydation/respiration bactérienne » est plus<br />

gran<strong>de</strong> que la séquestration <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> organique autochtone (i.e. marin) dans <strong>les</strong> sédiments<br />

profonds, alors l’Océan Arctique doit être considéré comme une source nette <strong>de</strong> CO 2 pour<br />

la biosphère (i.e. hétérotrophie nette). La question à savoir si l’Océan Arctique agit comme<br />

un puits ou une source <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> reste entièrement ouverte à ce jour.<br />


Cette thèse représente un premier pas vers une meilleure compréhension du rôle que<br />

joue la photooxydation du CDOM dans le bilan <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> organique <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique. Elle<br />

fournit aussi <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> pistes quant à l’utilisation simultanée <strong>de</strong> paramètres divers dérivés <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

données acquises <strong>de</strong>puis <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> plateformes satellita<strong>les</strong> pour quantifier, à <strong>de</strong> larges échel<strong>les</strong><br />

spatia<strong>les</strong>, <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> processus physico-chimiques telle que la photooxydation du CDOM. Dans ce<br />

qui suit, sont discutés certains aspects liés à la télédétection <strong>de</strong> la couleur <strong>de</strong> l’Océan, et à la<br />

quantification <strong>de</strong> la photooxydation dans <strong>les</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> l’Océan Arctique.<br />

Vers une estimation semi-analytique du coefficient d’absorption du CDOM à partir<br />

<strong>de</strong> la couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan<br />

Puisque la modélisation <strong>de</strong> la photooxydation du CDOM nécessite la connaissance<br />

<strong>de</strong> certaines propriétés optiques <strong>de</strong> l’eau <strong>de</strong> mer, un effort particulier a été mis <strong>sur</strong><br />

l’extraction <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> paramètres bio-optiques pertinents. Or<br />

dans la littérature, <strong>les</strong> algorithmes semi-analytiques d’inversion proposés ne permettent pas<br />

<strong>de</strong> distinguer <strong>les</strong> coefficients d’absorption du CDOM et <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> particu<strong>les</strong> non-alga<strong>les</strong> (NAP).<br />

Ceci s’explique par la similarité <strong>de</strong> leurs spectres d’absorption respectifs. J’ai donc proposé<br />

un simple algorithme empirique permettant <strong>de</strong> retrouver directement la contribution du<br />

CDOM au coefficient d’absorption totale ([a CDOM/a t]) directement à partir du spectre <strong>de</strong><br />

réflectance <strong>de</strong> l’eau.<br />

Cependant, <strong>les</strong> relations empiriques peuvent empêcher notre compréhension <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

fon<strong>de</strong>ments physiques, et par conséquent, limiter <strong>les</strong> futurs avancements dans le domaine <strong>de</strong><br />

la télédétection <strong>de</strong> la couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan (IOCCG, 2006). Pour cette raison, <strong>les</strong> approches<br />

semi-analytiques basées <strong>sur</strong> <strong>les</strong> fon<strong>de</strong>ments physiques <strong>de</strong> l’optique hydrologique <strong>de</strong>vraient<br />

êtres préférées aux métho<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> empiriques. Or pour estimer a CDOM à l’ai<strong>de</strong> d’algorithmes semi-<br />

analytiques, <strong>les</strong> modè<strong>les</strong> bio-optiques se doivent d’être formulés <strong>de</strong> manière différente <strong>de</strong><br />

celle présentement adoptée. Le fait que, contrairement au CDOM, <strong>les</strong> NAP diffusent la<br />

lumière offre un pouvoir discriminant lorsque ceux-ci sont considérés individuellement dans<br />

la formulation du modèle d’IOPs. Ainsi, pour que <strong>les</strong> algorithmes semi-analytiques soient<br />

performant dans la discrimination <strong>de</strong> a CDOM et a NAP, ils <strong>de</strong>vront se baser <strong>sur</strong> un modèle<br />

d’IOPs qui inclura un lien robuste entre <strong>les</strong> propriétés <strong>de</strong> rétrodiffusion et d’absorption <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

NAP (e.g. Gallegos et Neale, 2002). Une difficulté majeure d’un tel paramétrage est qu’il<br />

n’est présentement pas possible <strong>de</strong> me<strong>sur</strong>er distinctement <strong>les</strong> propriétés <strong>de</strong> rétrodiffusion <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />


particu<strong>les</strong> alga<strong>les</strong> et non-alga<strong>les</strong>. Le succès <strong>de</strong> notre algorithme empirique suggère néanmoins<br />

que ce type <strong>de</strong> paramétrage est possible dans certain environnement (e.g. Mer Baltique et<br />

Mer du Nord).<br />

Un autre aspect du problème lié à l’utilisation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> modè<strong>les</strong> semi-analytiques concerne<br />

la métho<strong>de</strong> avec laquelle l’information contenue dans le spectre <strong>de</strong> l’eau est extraite. Dans <strong>les</strong><br />

eaux côtières, <strong>les</strong> variations dans <strong>les</strong> spectres <strong>de</strong> réflectance sont principalement dues aux<br />

variations <strong>de</strong> la turbidité <strong>de</strong> l’eau (e.g., Sathyendranath et al., 1989). Les subti<strong>les</strong> variations<br />

pouvant résultées <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong> <strong>de</strong> proportions entre le phytoplancton, le CDOM et <strong>les</strong><br />

NAP, sont « camouflés » par <strong>les</strong> <strong>changements</strong> d’amplitu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> la réflectance causés par <strong>les</strong><br />

variations dans la turbidité à toutes <strong>les</strong> longueurs d’on<strong>de</strong>. Par conséquent, lorsqu’une<br />

information bien spécifique se doit d’être dérivée d’un spectre <strong>de</strong> réflectance, comme par<br />

exemple [a CDOM/a t], seu<strong>les</strong> <strong>les</strong> parties du spectre fournissant l’information la moins ambiguë<br />

possible se doivent d’être considérées par le modèle d’inversion. La justification du choix<br />

<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> longueurs d’on<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> utilisées dans notre algorithme empirique est donc tout autant valable<br />

pour <strong>les</strong> algorithmes semi-analytiques.<br />

Est-ce que <strong>les</strong> effets d’environnement dus à la présence <strong>de</strong> glace <strong>de</strong> mer peuvent être<br />

corrigés?<br />

La télédétection spatiale <strong>de</strong> la couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan peut fournir <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> informations uti<strong>les</strong><br />

pour la quantification <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> processus photochimiques dans <strong>les</strong> eaux <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique souvent<br />

inaccessib<strong>les</strong>. Mais l’utilisation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan dans <strong>les</strong> hautes latitu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> est<br />

compliquée par la présence <strong>de</strong> glace <strong>de</strong> mer. Au début <strong>de</strong> la pério<strong>de</strong> estivale, près <strong>de</strong> la moitié<br />

<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> eaux ouvertes observéee <strong>de</strong>puis l’espace sont contaminées par <strong>les</strong> effets d’environnement.<br />

Ce phénomène comprommets sévèrement l’utilisation <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan<br />

dans <strong>les</strong> mers polaires où la glace est omniprésente. Par conséquent, il serait souhaitable <strong>de</strong><br />

mettre au point une métho<strong>de</strong> permettant <strong>de</strong> corriger <strong>les</strong> effets d’environement. Ceci pourrait<br />

être fait en générant <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> tab<strong>les</strong> pré-calculées (LUTs) additionnel<strong>les</strong> pour <strong>les</strong>quel<strong>les</strong> <strong>les</strong> effets<br />

d’environnement seraient inclus. Dans ce cadre, une étu<strong>de</strong> plus approfondie <strong>de</strong> la variabilité<br />

<strong>de</strong> la réflectance <strong>de</strong> la glace mer, aux échel<strong>les</strong> correspondant aux me<strong>sur</strong>es <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong><br />

l’océan (i.e. ~1 Km <strong>de</strong> résolution), serait utile pour définir <strong>les</strong> types <strong>de</strong> glace <strong>les</strong> plus<br />

fréquents dans l’Arctique. Pour chaque type <strong>de</strong> glace, une LUT pourrait être générée. La<br />

réflectance <strong>de</strong> la glace pourrait éventuellement être me<strong>sur</strong>ée à partir du même instrument, et<br />


ainsi le type <strong>de</strong> glace i<strong>de</strong>ntifié <strong>de</strong>puis l’espace. Finalement, ces LUTs pourraient être utilisées<br />

dans le traitement <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données uniquement lorsque <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> pixels contaminés par <strong>les</strong> effets<br />

d’environnement sont détectés avec la métho<strong>de</strong> proposée dans cette thèse.<br />

À propos <strong>de</strong> la variabilité naturelle du ren<strong>de</strong>ment quantique apparent pour la<br />

photoproduction <strong>de</strong> DIC, et <strong>de</strong> sa détermination<br />

Le φ DIC est un paramètre fondamental pour la modélisation <strong>de</strong> la photooxydation du<br />

CDOM. Il est, à l’heure actuelle, <strong>de</strong> loin le paramètre du modèle <strong>de</strong> photooxydation le moins<br />

bien documenté. Quelle est la représentativité <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> spectres <strong>de</strong> φ DIC me<strong>sur</strong>és dans <strong>les</strong> eaux du<br />

Fleuves Mackenzie, du Plateau du Mackenzie, et du Golfe d’Amundsen, du pool <strong>de</strong> CDOM<br />

<strong>de</strong> l’Arctique? Pour étendre notre étu<strong>de</strong> régionale à l’échelle <strong>de</strong> l’Océan Arctique, il est<br />

nécessaire <strong>de</strong> déterminer φ DIC dans <strong>les</strong> autres régions côtières <strong>de</strong> l’Arctique. En général, on<br />

s’attend à ce que la composition <strong>de</strong> la matière organique dissoute (DOM) provenant <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

quatre plus grands fleuves arctiques (i.e, Ob, Yenisei, Lena and Mackenzie) diffère<br />

significativement. D’une part, <strong>les</strong> structures phénoliques <strong>de</strong> la lignine (Benner et al., 2005), <strong>les</strong><br />

aci<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> aminées et <strong>les</strong> sucres neutres (Amon et Benner, 2003), <strong>les</strong> propriétés <strong>de</strong> fluorescence<br />

(Amon et al., 2003; Retamal et al., 2006), tous indiquent <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> différences dans la composition<br />

moléculaire <strong>de</strong> la DOM provenant ces différents systèmes. D’autre part, <strong>les</strong> caractéristiques<br />

physiques et chimiques du Fleuve Mackenzie semblent être particulièrement différentes<br />

comparées aux autres grands fleuves sibériens : <strong>les</strong> plus frappantes sont ces fortes<br />

concentrations en particu<strong>les</strong> en suspension (> 4.3 fois; Rachold et al., 2004), son alcalinité et<br />

son pH élevés (e.g., Millot et al., 2003). Sous <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> conditions aussi différentes, on peut<br />

s’attendre à <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> différences significatives quant à la photoréactivité du CDOM entre ces<br />

environnements côtiers. Comme il a été mentionné précé<strong>de</strong>mment, l’augmentation attendue<br />

<strong>de</strong> la photominéralisation du tDOC est importante pour déterminer si l’Océan Arctique agira<br />

comme un puits ou une source <strong>de</strong> CO 2 pour la biosphère dans le futur. Pour mieux évaluer<br />

cet impact, il est nécessaire d’estimer la proportion relative <strong>de</strong> CDOM d’origine terrigène<br />

versus marine, ainsi que <strong>de</strong> connaître leur photoréactivité respective. La proportion <strong>de</strong><br />

chacun <strong>de</strong> ces composants est actuellement inconnue. Dans cette étu<strong>de</strong>, on a me<strong>sur</strong>é φ DIC <strong>de</strong><br />

l’ensemble du pool <strong>de</strong> CDOM. Il nous a donc par été possible d’estimer avec précision<br />

combien <strong>de</strong> DIC fut réellement produit suite à la photooxydation du tDOC. Par conséquent,<br />


il semble que φ DIC doit être déterminé en parallèle avec une caractérisation moléculaire du<br />

pool <strong>de</strong> CDOM.<br />

Outre la composition moléculaire du CDOM, la dose <strong>de</strong> lumière absorbée par une<br />

molécule <strong>de</strong> CDOM précé<strong>de</strong>nt son échantillonnage (i.e. son « histoire lumineuse ») est<br />

certainement importante pour déterminer sa photoréactivité. Comme il est pratiquement<br />

impossible <strong>de</strong> connaître l’histoire lumineuse d’un échantillon récolté en mer à un temps t,<br />

l’effet <strong>de</strong> l’histoire lumineuse <strong>sur</strong> φ DIC se doit d’être évaluée en laboratoire. Les étu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>sur</strong> <strong>les</strong><br />

ren<strong>de</strong>ment quantique apparent (AQYs) autres que pour le CO 2 fournissent <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> pistes quant à<br />

l’effet <strong>de</strong> l’histoire lumineuse <strong>sur</strong> la photoréactivité du CDOM. Par exemple, Andrews et al.<br />

(2000) rapportaient une diminution <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> AQYs pour la consommation photochimique d’O 2<br />

et la photoproduction <strong>de</strong> H 2O 2, alors que Zhang et Xie (2006) observaient <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> tendances<br />

similaires pour <strong>les</strong> AQYs pour la photoproduction <strong>de</strong> CO. Cependant, l’effet <strong>de</strong> l’histoire<br />

lumineuse <strong>sur</strong> φ DIC est inconnu, et <strong>les</strong> résultats trouvés dans la littérature sont conflictuels.<br />

Vähätälo et Wetzel (2004) concluaient que <strong>les</strong> AQYs pour la perte en DOC (i.e. ~φ DIC)<br />

diminuaient en fonction <strong>de</strong> la dose <strong>de</strong> lumière absorbée par le CDOM. À l’opposé,<br />

Johannessen et Miller (2001) ont trouvé que le φ DIC avait pratiquement doublé après le<br />

photo-blanchissement intensif <strong>de</strong> l’échantillon (i.e., diminution <strong>de</strong> a CDOM <strong>de</strong> > 50%). Puisse<br />

qu’il est impossible <strong>de</strong> tirer <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> conclusions claires <strong>de</strong> ces observations, plus d’étu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> sont<br />

nécessaires afin <strong>de</strong> déterminer l’effet <strong>de</strong> l’histoire lumineuse <strong>sur</strong> φ DIC.<br />

Parmi <strong>les</strong> autres aspects qui <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>nt plus d’étu<strong>de</strong>, l’impact <strong>de</strong> l’acidification que<br />

doivent subir <strong>les</strong> échantillons avant leurs incubations semble être cruciale. Cette étape est<br />

essentiel pour éliminer le DIC initial contenu dans l’échantillon qui masquerait totalement la<br />

photoproduction durant <strong>les</strong> incubations. Une façon d’évaluer <strong>les</strong> effets <strong>de</strong> l’acidification est<br />

<strong>de</strong> regar<strong>de</strong>r si <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong> dans le AQY pour la photoproduction <strong>de</strong> CO (i.e. un proxy<br />

pour φ DIC) <strong>sur</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> échantillons traités <strong>de</strong> la même manière que ceux pour la détermination <strong>de</strong><br />

φDIC. Si l’acidification induit <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong> majeurs dans <strong>les</strong> valeurs <strong>de</strong> CO-AQY, on peut<br />

donc s’attendre à <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong> similaires <strong>de</strong> φDIC. Une autre métho<strong>de</strong> pourrait être <strong>de</strong><br />

travailler avec <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> échantillons provenant <strong>de</strong> lacs où <strong>les</strong> concentrations en DIC sont<br />

naturellement faib<strong>les</strong>. Ainsi, l’impact <strong>de</strong> l’acidification pourrait être évalué directement <strong>sur</strong><br />

φDIC. À côté <strong>de</strong> l’acidification, <strong>les</strong> effets <strong>de</strong> l’intensité <strong>de</strong> la lumière utilisé durant <strong>les</strong><br />

incubations et le stockage <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> échantillons pendant <strong>de</strong> longue pério<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> temps (i.e. > 4<br />


mois) peuvent aussi avoir un impact <strong>sur</strong> l’amplitu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> φ DIC. Il est clair que ces aspects<br />

méthodologiques <strong>sur</strong> la détermination <strong>de</strong> φ DIC méritent plus d’attention.<br />

Enfin, si on arrive à mieux comprendre quels sont <strong>les</strong> paramètres biologiques,<br />

chimiques et physiques qui contrôlent φ DIC, ainsi il sera possible d’estimer, ou d’approximer,<br />

sa variabilité à partir d’observations environnementa<strong>les</strong>.<br />

Sur la modélisation <strong>de</strong> φφφφ DIC à partir d’informations dérivées <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données satellita<strong>les</strong><br />

Le plein potentiel <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> observations satellita<strong>les</strong> pour la quantification <strong>de</strong> la<br />

photoproduction <strong>de</strong> DIC n’a pas été totalement exploré. En plus <strong>de</strong> fournir le rapport entre<br />

le a CDOM et a t, <strong>les</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan peuvent servir à modéliser la variabilité <strong>de</strong><br />

φ DIC. Par exemple, il semble qu’une relation entre φ DIC et a CDOM(412) pourrait exister (Chap.<br />

VI). D’autres produits dérivés <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données <strong>de</strong> couleur <strong>de</strong> l’océan, comme la chlorophylle et<br />

le coefficient d’atténuation diffus, peuvent certainement fournir <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> informations clés. Alors<br />

que la chlorophylle est un proxy <strong>de</strong> la productivité primaire, et donc <strong>de</strong> la production <strong>de</strong><br />

CDOM marin, l’atténuation diffuse peut servir à déterminer la profon<strong>de</strong>ur <strong>de</strong> la couche<br />

euphotique dans laquelle la photoproduction <strong>de</strong> DIC prend place.<br />

Un modèle prédictif <strong>de</strong> φ DIC, basé <strong>sur</strong> <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> observations satellita<strong>les</strong>, doit probablement<br />

être développé en parallèle avec un modèle <strong>de</strong> mélange vertical. En effet, <strong>les</strong> taux <strong>de</strong> mélange<br />

verticaux et la profon<strong>de</strong>ur <strong>de</strong> la couche euphotique doivent être connus pour évaluer<br />

l’histoire lumineuse du CDOM, et ainsi pour prédire <strong>les</strong> <strong>changements</strong> <strong>de</strong> φ DIC. Dans un<br />

premier temps, la profon<strong>de</strong>ur <strong>de</strong> la couche mélangée peut être dérivée <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> données<br />

climatologiques <strong>de</strong> température et salinité (e.g. Steele et al., 2001). Mais un modèle <strong>de</strong><br />

mélange vertical utilisant <strong>les</strong> forcages dérivés d’observations satellita<strong>les</strong> (vitesse <strong>de</strong> vent,<br />

température <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face, éclairement solaire, glace <strong>de</strong> mer, etc.) pourait être développé dans le<br />

futur pour l’Océan Arctique. Encore une fois, le manque d’information <strong>sur</strong> φ DIC empêche,<br />

pour le moment, toute tentative <strong>de</strong> modélisation <strong>de</strong> sa variabilité spatio-temporelle à partir<br />

d’autres observations environnementa<strong>les</strong>.<br />

Implication <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> <strong>changements</strong> <strong>climatiques</strong> <strong>sur</strong> la minéralisation du Carbone<br />

Organique Terrigène dans l’Océan Arctique<br />


La couche mélangée polaire Arctique (PML) contient <strong>les</strong> plus fortes concentrations<br />

<strong>de</strong> tDOC par rapport aux autres océans. Ceci est en partie le résultat <strong>de</strong> la gran<strong>de</strong> quantité<br />

d’apport terrigène qui alimente la PML par rapport à son volume. Une autre explication est<br />

la présence <strong>de</strong> ce couvert <strong>de</strong> glace permanent qui réduit fortement la pénétration <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> UV<br />

dans la colonne d’eau, limitant ainsi la dégradation du tDOC par <strong>les</strong> processus <strong>de</strong><br />

photooxydation.<br />

Selon plusieurs étu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> récentes (e.g., Opsahl et al., 1999; Amon et al., 2003; Hansell et<br />

al., 2004), environ la moitié <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> apports annuels en tDOC dans la PML sont exportés vers<br />

l’Océan Atlantique Nord via <strong>les</strong> Détroit <strong>de</strong> Fram et l’Archipel Canadien. D’autres évi<strong>de</strong>nces<br />

récentes suggèrent qu’une fraction significative <strong>de</strong> ce matériel est ensuite exportée hors <strong>de</strong> la<br />

<strong>sur</strong>face <strong>de</strong> l’océan durant la formation <strong>de</strong> la masse d’Eau Profon<strong>de</strong> Nord Atlantique<br />

(NADW) (e.g., Benner et al., 2005). Dans <strong>les</strong> profon<strong>de</strong>urs <strong>de</strong> l’océan, le temps <strong>de</strong> rési<strong>de</strong>nce<br />

du tDOC est <strong>de</strong> plusieurs centaines d’années (Hernes et Benner, 2006). À l’opposé, la<br />

minéralisation du tDOC dans la couche <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face est très rapi<strong>de</strong> en raison <strong>de</strong> l’efficacité <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

processus <strong>de</strong> photooxydation et <strong>de</strong> respiration microbienne (e.g. Kieber et al. 1990; Miller et<br />

Zepp 1995; Hernes et Benner 2003), et ainsi ce <strong>carbone</strong> peut en partie retourner en dans<br />

l’atmosphère sous forme <strong>de</strong> CO 2.<br />

En me basant <strong>sur</strong> ces observations, je suggère que la réduction du couvert <strong>de</strong> glace<br />

pluriannuel accélèrera la minéralisation du tDOC dans la couche <strong>de</strong> <strong>sur</strong>face Arctique,<br />

réduisant l’export <strong>de</strong> ce <strong>carbone</strong> dans <strong>les</strong> eaux profon<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> océaniques, et augmentant la<br />

quantité <strong>de</strong> CO 2 pouvant retourner dans l’atmosphère. Cependant, comme il a été suggéré<br />

par Gobeil et al. (2001), la réduction du couvert <strong>de</strong> glace peut en contre partie augmenter la<br />

productivité primaire et la séquestration <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong> organique dans l’Océan Arctique. Par<br />

conséquent, l’augmentation prévue <strong>de</strong> l’oxydation du tDOC en <strong>sur</strong>face suite à une<br />

diminution <strong>de</strong> la glace pourrait être compensée, et peut être même <strong>sur</strong>passée en terme <strong>de</strong><br />

<strong>flux</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>carbone</strong>, par l’augmentation <strong>de</strong> la production primaire. Dans mes travaux futurs, <strong>les</strong><br />

conditions <strong>de</strong> glace prévues par <strong>les</strong> modè<strong>les</strong> globaux <strong>de</strong> circulation générale Atmosphère-<br />

Ocean (ACIA, 2005) serviront à évaluer la balance nette entre <strong>les</strong> processus stimulés par la<br />

lumière, c’est-à-dire la photooxydation du tDOC et la production primaire.<br />


VII.A. Version anglaise: Overall Conclusion and Perspectives<br />

The permanent sea ice cover of the Arctic Ocean is currently experiencing an<br />

important reduction in its extent and thickness, leaving behind increasingly wi<strong>de</strong>r area of<br />

open water. In parallel, the UV radiation reaching the sea <strong>sur</strong>face has increased<br />

significantly during the last <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong> as a response of the stratospheric ozone <strong>de</strong>pletion.<br />

The work achieved in this thesis represents an effort to evaluate the consequence of these<br />

environmental changes on the cycling of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the Arctic<br />

Ocean. In or<strong>de</strong>r to better un<strong>de</strong>rstand relative role of the light into the DOC cycling, in<br />

particular the terrigenous component (tDOC) as it represent a significant fraction of the<br />

DOC pool in the coastal Arctic Ocean, my main objective was to estimate how much<br />

organic carbon is mineralized in the <strong>sur</strong>face waters through photooxidation. Using a<br />

simplified mo<strong>de</strong>l that uses as inputs information <strong>de</strong>rived from satellite remote sensing<br />

instruments, I quantified for the first time the photoproduction of dissolved inorganic<br />

carbon in a region of the Arctic.<br />

The major conclusions of the present work are that 1) the DIC photoproduction in<br />

the southeastern Beaufort Sea has increased over the period from 1979 to 2004 by ~15%,<br />

mainly in response to the <strong>de</strong>creasing sea ice extent, and 2) the estimated rate of tDOC<br />

mineralization is nearly equivalent to that of particulate marine organic carbon currently<br />

buried into the <strong>de</strong>ep sediments. The latter conclusion confirms the relative importance of<br />

this <strong>flux</strong> in the net balance of the Arctic Organic Carbon Budget. Due to their strong<br />

stratification, the <strong>sur</strong>face Arctic waters are generally rich in tDOC and poor in inorganic<br />

nutrients, which results in low primary production (e.g., thinner euphotic zone due to<br />

high CDOM, weak mixing, etc.). If the mineralization of allochthonus organic carbon (i.e.<br />

terrigenous) through photo-oxidation/bacterial respiration is higher than the sequestration<br />

of autochtonous organic carbon (i.e. marine) in the <strong>de</strong>ep sediment, then the Arctic Ocean<br />

should be consi<strong>de</strong>r as a net source of CO2 for the biosphere (i.e. net heterotrophic).<br />

Whether the Arctic acts as a net source or sink of carbon still remains an open question.<br />

This thesis represents a first step toward a better un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the role of<br />

CDOM photooxidation in the Arctic Ocean Organic Carbon Budget. It also provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong><br />

valuable insights on how various satellites remote sensing information can be merged to<br />


quantify large scale processes such as CDOM photooxidation. Below, a number of<br />

unresolved issues related to the ocean color remote sensing and to the quantification of<br />

CDOM photooxidation in the Arctic Ocean are discussed.<br />

Toward semi-analytical estimation of CDOM absorption coefficient from ocean<br />

color<br />

Because mo<strong>de</strong>ling CDOM photooxidation involved in-water optical properties, a<br />

particular effort was ma<strong>de</strong> to extract relevant bio-optical parameters from satellite Ocean<br />

Color data. The current semi-analytical ocean color inversion algorithms found in the<br />

literature do not distinguish the CDOM and non-algal partic<strong>les</strong> (NAP) absorption<br />

coefficients because of the similarity in their respective spectral shapes. I proposed a<br />

simple empirical algorithm to retrieve the contribution of CDOM to the total absorption<br />

coefficient ([aCDOM/at]) from the remote sensing reflectance.<br />

Simple empirical relationships may prevent un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the basics and,<br />

therefore, limit advancement in ocean color remote sensing [IOGGC, 2005]. For this<br />

reason semi-analytical approaches based on fundamentals of hydrological optics should<br />

be preferred. To <strong>de</strong>rive aCDOM using semi-analytical algorithms, however, the bio-optical<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>l must be formulated in a way different from that presently adopted. The fact that<br />

NAP scatters light, and CDOM do not, provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> discrimination power when CDOM and<br />

NAP are distinguished in an IOP mo<strong>de</strong>l. So, for future semi-analytical algorithms to be<br />

successful in discriminating aCDOM from aNAP using water reflectance, they will need to be<br />

based on an IOP mo<strong>de</strong>l that inclu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> a good link between aNAP and bNAP (or bbNAP) [e.g.,<br />

Gallegos and Neale, 2002]. One major difficulty is that the partic<strong>les</strong> backscattering<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>ements do not make the difference between the algal and non-algal partic<strong>les</strong>. The<br />

success of our empirical algorithm suggests that regional parameterization of the NAP<br />

optical properties is possible in certain environmental conditions (e.g. Baltic Sea and<br />

North Sea).<br />

The necessary information contained in the reflectance spectrum to discriminate<br />

aCDOM from aNAP, however, must be extracted properly, and this is probably one weakness<br />

of current semi-analytical mo<strong>de</strong>ls. In coastal waters, variations in reflectance are<br />

primarily due to variations in turbidity [Sathyendranath et al., 1989]. Subtle changes in<br />


the shape of the reflectance spectrum that may result from changes in the proportions of<br />

phytoplankton, CDOM and NAP, are overwhelmed by the change in the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of<br />

reflectance at all wavelengths due to variations in turbidity. Also, when some specific<br />

information is nee<strong>de</strong>d from the reflectance spectrum, such as the ratio of aCDOM to at, only<br />

the spectral regions that provi<strong>de</strong> <strong>les</strong>s ambiguous information must be consi<strong>de</strong>red in the<br />

inversion. The rationa<strong>les</strong> consi<strong>de</strong>red in the <strong>de</strong>velopment of our empirical algorithm are<br />

valid for a semi-empirical algorithm.<br />

Is the correction of the adjacency effect due to sea ice possible?<br />

Ocean Color remote sensing can provi<strong>de</strong> valuable information for the<br />

quantification of photochemical processes in the remote Arctic waters. But the use of<br />

ocean color remote sensing at high latitu<strong>de</strong> is complicated by the presence of sea ice.<br />

During spring time, more than the half of the open water area observed from space is<br />

contaminated by the adjacency effect. This phenomenon severely compromises the use of<br />

ocean color data over ice covered seas. Therefore, an extension of the atmospheric<br />

correction scheme to inclu<strong>de</strong> a correction for adjacency effect is highly <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>irable. This<br />

might be done by generating additional look-up-tab<strong>les</strong> (LUTs) that would account for the<br />

adjacency effect. For this purpose, further study <strong>de</strong>dicated to the variability of the sea ice<br />

reflectance would be necessary to <strong>de</strong>fine a number of typical Arctic sea ice reflectance<br />

spectra. For each type of ice, a LUT could be generated. In turns the sea ice reflectance<br />

could be mea<strong>sur</strong>es using the same Ocean Color instrument, and thus the type of ice<br />

obtained from space for the correction. Those additional LUTs could be used in the<br />

processing only when contaminated pixels are <strong>de</strong>tected, for instance, using the flagging<br />

approach <strong>de</strong>veloped in this thesis.<br />

On the natural variability of the apparent quantum yield for the DIC<br />

photoproduction, and its <strong>de</strong>termination<br />

The φDIC is fundamental for mo<strong>de</strong>ling CDOM photooxidation and is <strong>de</strong>finitely the<br />

least documented parameter of photooxidation mo<strong>de</strong>ls. How representative are the φDIC<br />

spectra for the Mackenzie River and Shelf and from the Amundsen Gulf, of the whole<br />

Arctic CDOM pool? To extend our regional study to the whole Arctic Ocean, it is<br />


necessary to <strong>de</strong>termine φDIC in other regions of the coastal Arctic. In general, the<br />

composition of DOM from the four major Arctic river systems (i.e. the Ob, Yenisei, Lena<br />

and Mackenzie) is expected to differ to some extent. For example, the lignin phenols<br />

[Benner et al., 2005], amino acids and neutral sugars analysis [Amon and Benner, 2003]<br />

and excitation/emission fluorescence spectrometry [Amon et al., 2003; Retamal et al.,<br />

2006] indicate varying composition of the DOM in these river systems. In addition, the<br />

Mackenzie River is also very different in terms of its physical and chemical environments:<br />

the most striking differences are its high concentration of particulate matter [> 4.3-fold<br />

the Siberian Rivers; Rachold et al., 2004], high alkalinity and pH [e.g., Millot et al.,<br />

2003]. Un<strong>de</strong>r these different conditions, one should expect important differences in their<br />

CDOM photoreactivity. As mentioned above, the expected increase in tDOC<br />

photomineralization is important to <strong>de</strong>termine if the Arctic Ocean will act as a net source<br />

or sink of CO2 for the biosphere in the future. To better evaluate this impact, it is<br />

necessary to assess the relative proportion of terrigenous versus marine CDOM, as well<br />

as their respective photoreactivity. The exact proportion each component is actually<br />

unknown. In this study, we mea<strong>sur</strong>ed the φDIC of the whole CDOM pool. We could not<br />

assess precisely how much of the DIC photoproduced came actually from the terrigenous<br />

component. Therefore, the φDIC needs to be documented in parallel with molecular<br />

characterization of the CDOM pool.<br />

Besi<strong>de</strong> the molecular composition of CDOM itself, the light history of CDOM is<br />

certainly important for <strong>de</strong>termining its photoreactivity. The light history refers to the light<br />

dose received by the CDOM prior to sampling. Because it is almost impossible to know<br />

the light history of water sample at the time of sampling, role of light history in the φDIC<br />

variations should be studied in the laboratory. The studies of the Apparent Quantum<br />

Yield (AQY) other than CO2 provi<strong>de</strong>d some insights regarding the impact of the light<br />

history on the CDOM photoreactivity. For example, Andrews et al. [2000] reported<br />

<strong>de</strong>creasing photochemical O2 consumption AQY and H2O2 photoproduction with the<br />

light dose absorbed by CDOM. Recently, Zhang and Xie [2006, in press in Environ. Sci.<br />

Technol.] reported a similar trend for CO photoproduction AQY. However, the effect of<br />

the light history on φDIC is still unknown, and the results found in the literature are<br />

conflictual. Vähätälo and Wetzel [2004] conclu<strong>de</strong>d that DOC loss AQY (i.e. ~φDIC)<br />


<strong>de</strong>creases with increasing aborbed dose. In contrast, Johannessen and Miller [2001]<br />

found that the φDIC nearly doubled after the sample was extensively photobleached (i.e., ><br />

50 %). Therefore, no clear conclusions can be drawn from the above observations. Hence,<br />

further studies are required to clarify the effect of light history of CDOM on φDIC. Again,<br />

to reduce the uncertainty on variability of φDIC resulting from CDOM light history in the<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>ling DIC photoproduction, an extensive data set on φDIC is necessary.<br />

Among the other aspects that require more investigation is the impact of<br />

acidification applied to the sample prior the incubation for φDIC <strong>de</strong>termination. This step<br />

was essential to remove the background in DIC that would mostly mask the DIC<br />

photoproduction during the experiment. One way to assess the effects of acidification is<br />

to look at the changes in the carbon monoxi<strong>de</strong> (CO) AQY (i.e. as a proxy of φDIC) on<br />

samp<strong>les</strong> treated with the same manner as DIC ones. If acidification induces major<br />

changes in the CO AQY, then it likely affects the φDIC as well. Another method would be<br />

first to <strong>de</strong>termine φDIC of a fresh water sample that contains naturally small amount of<br />

DIC (i.e. in a lake), and then, after a 24-h acidification and resetting the original pH, re-<br />

assess φDIC. In addition to the acidification, the effect of light intensity used during the<br />

incubation and sample storage may also have an impact on the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of φDIC. It is<br />

clear that these experimental aspects for the φDIC <strong>de</strong>termination <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>erve more study.<br />

Finally, if the main biological, chemical and physical parameters controlling φDIC<br />

are better un<strong>de</strong>rstood, then its variability may be assessed, or approximated, from<br />

environmental observations.<br />

On the mo<strong>de</strong>ling of φφφφDIC from space-<strong>de</strong>rived information<br />

The potential of satellite remote sensing observations to quantify DIC<br />

photoproduction has not been fully explored. Besi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> providing the contribution of<br />

CDOM to the total light absorption coefficient, ocean color data may be used to constrain<br />

the variability of φDIC. For example, it appears that a relationship between φDIC(λ) and the<br />

magnitu<strong>de</strong> of the CDOM absorption coefficient at 412 nm might exist (Chap. VI). Other<br />

ocean color products like the chlorophyll a concentration and the diffuse attenuation<br />

coefficient can certainly provi<strong>de</strong> key information. While chlorophyll is a proxy of<br />


primary productivity and thus the production of fresh marine CDOM, the diffuse<br />

attenuation can be used to assess the <strong>de</strong>pth of the photic layer within which DIC<br />

photoproduction takes place.<br />

But a predictive mo<strong>de</strong>l of φDIC based on satellite-<strong>de</strong>rived parameters probably<br />

needs to be <strong>de</strong>veloped in parallel with a vertical mixing mo<strong>de</strong>l. Both the rate of vertical<br />

mixing and the photic layer <strong>de</strong>pth must be known to assess the light history of CDOM,<br />

and thus to predict changes in the φDIC. At a first approximation, mixed-layer <strong>de</strong>pth may<br />

be <strong>de</strong>rived from temperature and salinity climatology [e.g., Steele et al., 2001]. But a<br />

vertical mixing mo<strong>de</strong>l using as input satellite observations (<strong>sur</strong>face winds, sea <strong>sur</strong>face<br />

temperature, solar radiation, sea ice, etc) may also be <strong>de</strong>veloped in the future for the<br />

Arctic Ocean. Again, the lack of information on the φDIC preclu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> any attempt to mo<strong>de</strong>l<br />

or predicts its spatio-temporal variability from observations of the environmental<br />

conditions.<br />

Implication of Climate Change on the mineralization of the Terrigenous Dissolved<br />

Organic Carbon in the Arctic<br />

The Arctic Polar Mixed Layer (PML) contains the highest concentration of tDOC<br />

relative to the other ocean basins. This is mainly a result of the large amount of riverine<br />

input that enter the Arctic Ocean relative to its volume. Another explanation may be the<br />

presence of a permanent sea ice cover strongly reduces the UV radiation penetration in<br />

the water column, limiting the <strong>de</strong>gradation of tDOC by photooxidation processes.<br />

According to a number of recent studies [e.g. Opshal et al., 1999; Amon et al.,<br />

2003; Hansell et al. 2004], about one half of the annual input of tDOC into the PML is<br />

exported to the North Atlantic Ocean via Fram Strait and the Canadian Archipelago.<br />

Recent evi<strong>de</strong>nces further suggest that a significant fraction of this material is further<br />

exported from the ocean <strong>sur</strong>face during the formation of the North Atlantic Deep Water<br />

(NADW) [e.g., Benner et al., 2005]. Interestingly, the resi<strong>de</strong>nce time of the tDOC in the<br />

<strong>de</strong>ep ocean may be of or<strong>de</strong>r several centuries [Hernes and Benner, 2006]. In contrast, in<br />

the <strong>sur</strong>face layer, tDOC is rapidly mineralized due to photooxidation and microbial<br />

processes [e.g., Kieber et al. 1990; Miller and Zepp, 1995; Hernes and Benner, 2003] and<br />

thus partly released to the atmosphere as CO2.<br />


Based on these observations, I conclu<strong>de</strong> that the reduction in the sea ice cover will<br />

accelerate the mineralization of tDOC within the <strong>sur</strong>face layer of the Arctic Ocean,<br />

reducing the export of organic carbon to the <strong>de</strong>ep ocean, and increasing the amount of<br />

CO2 potentially released to the atmosphere. However, as suggested by Gobeil et al.<br />

[2001], the reduction in sea ice cover could also increase primary productivity and carbon<br />

sequestration in the Arctic Ocean. Therefore, the expected increase in tDOC oxidation<br />

resulting from the <strong>de</strong>cline in sea ice could be compensated for, and perhaps even<br />

overtaken, by the increase in primary production in terms of carbon <strong>flux</strong>es. In my future<br />

work, the sea cover conditions predicted by the global coupled Atmosphere-Ocean<br />

General Circulation Mo<strong>de</strong>ls (AOGCMs) [ACIA, 2005] will be used to assess the net<br />

balance between light-related carbon <strong>flux</strong>es, i.e. tDOC photooxidation and primary<br />

production.<br />


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Annexe 1 : Modification <strong>de</strong> l’algorithme Quasi-<br />

Analytique pour l’application à la Mer <strong>de</strong> Beaufort<br />


Annex A1. Modification of the Quasi-Analytical Algorithm for an application to<br />

the Beaufort Sea<br />

A1.1. Introduction and motivation<br />

In Chapter IV, we presented a method to <strong>de</strong>rived the contribution of CDOM to the<br />

total absorption coefficient ([aCDOM/at]) at 412 nm. To extrapolate [aCDOM/at] from 412 to<br />

the full spectrum between 300 and 600 nm, the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of at(412) is necessary (see<br />

section VI.3.3). It has been shown that the total absorption coefficient could be <strong>de</strong>rived<br />

with a relatively good precision from remote sensing reflectance [IOCCG, 2006].<br />

In addition, little is known on the spatial variability of the different <strong>sur</strong>face water<br />

masses in the southeastern Beaufort Sea. In particular, the distribution of river runoff,<br />

which constitutes a major part of the freshwater budget in the western part of the Arctic<br />

[Macdonald et al., 2002], remains poorly documented. Spatial-temporal variability of<br />

satellite-<strong>de</strong>rived inherent optical properties (IOP) may provi<strong>de</strong> new insights on river<br />

runoff distribution in the southeastern part of the Beaufort Sea.<br />

For those reasons, here I present the modifications to the method proposed by Lee<br />

et al. [2002] to <strong>de</strong>rive IOPs in the southern Beaufort Sea from SeaWiFS imagery. The<br />

objectives were 1) to inclu<strong>de</strong> recent <strong>de</strong>velopments achieved the field of Ocean Color, and<br />

2) to tune the empirical relationships involved in the algorithm with the CASES data set.<br />

The results of the application of the algorithm to the CASES data set are presented and<br />

discussed. The application to SeaWiFS imagery is shown and discussed in Chapter VI<br />

(Figs. VI.6 and VI.7).<br />

A1.2. Quasi-Analytical Algorithm <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cription<br />

Lee et al. [2002] recently proposed a quasi-analytical algorithm (hereafter <strong>de</strong>noted<br />

as QAA02) that calculates the bulk IOPs, i.e. the total absorption (at) and backscattering<br />

(bb) coefficients, from the remote-sensing reflectance spectrum (Rrs). The later is <strong>de</strong>fined<br />

as the ratio of water-leaving radiance to the above-<strong>sur</strong>face downwelling irradiance. Our<br />

algorithm differs from the QAA02 with respect to 1) the formulation of Rrs versus the<br />

IOP, 2) the empirical formulations for the absorption coefficient at reference wavelength<br />


(λ0), and 3) the use of a single value for the exponent of the power law used to mo<strong>de</strong>l the<br />

particulate backscattering spectrum (Y).<br />

First, a semi-analytical remote-sensing reflectance mo<strong>de</strong>l <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>igned to account for<br />

the bidirectional effects [Park and Ruddick, 2005] is used instead of the Gordon et al.<br />

[1988] formulation. Since the Park and Ruddick [2005] mo<strong>de</strong>l required a priori<br />

information on backscattering nature of the medium (i.e. molecular versus particulate) to<br />

operate, additional steps are nee<strong>de</strong>d in the implementation of our algorithm with respect<br />

to the QAA02. Those are illustrated in Fig. A1, which shows the inputs/outputs data flow<br />

through each step of the processing chain. Table A1 provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> a summary of all the<br />

equations used in the different steps. Briefly, the correction factors for both air-water<br />

interface reflection and bidirectional effects for the observation geometry are expressed<br />

by a single fourth-polynomial mo<strong>de</strong>l as<br />

4<br />

Rrs ( λ,<br />

θ s , θ v , Δ φ,<br />

W , γ b ( λ))<br />

= ∑ gi<br />

( θ s , θ v , Δφ,<br />

W , γ b ( λ))<br />

ωb<br />

( λ)<br />

, (A1)<br />

i=<br />

1<br />

where ωb is the ratio bb/(at+bb), and gi are coefficients tabulated in look-up table (LUT)<br />

for given values of the Sun and sensor zenith ang<strong>les</strong> (θs and θv), the azimuth difference<br />

between the Sun-pixel and pixel-sensor half vertical plane (Δφ), the wind speed (W) and<br />

the phase function parameter, γb(λ). The latter is <strong>de</strong>fined as the relative contribution of<br />

partic<strong>les</strong> to the total backscattering (i.e. bbp(λ)/bb(λ)). Thus the first three steps of the<br />

algorithm (eqs. no. 1-4 in Table A1 and Fig. A1), similar to the QAA02 (steps 0-3 and 5<br />

in Lee et al. 2002), provi<strong>de</strong> an initial estimate of γb at a reference wavelength. With the<br />

initial value of γb(λ0) and Rrs(λ0, θs, θv, Δφ, W), ωb(λ0) is estimated by inverting the<br />

fourth-or<strong>de</strong>r polynomial using a numerical solution (no. 5) [Laguerre's method, or the<br />

zroots function in Chap 9.5 of Press et al., 1992]. Two iterations are sufficient to<br />

obtain a difference between two consecutives estimate of γb(λ0)

chlorophyll concentration in case 1 water [e.g., O'Reilly et al., 1998] that uses the<br />

maximum reflectance band ratio between 443, 490 and 510 nm upon 555 nm (r 2 = 0.785,<br />

N = 35; for at-w(555)0.5aw(555)):<br />

234<br />

⎡ Rrs<br />

( 650)<br />

⎤<br />

−0.<br />

69+<br />

1.<br />

41log10<br />

⎢ ⎥<br />

⎣ Rrs<br />

( 555)<br />

⎦<br />

a ( 650)<br />

= a ( 650)<br />

+ 10<br />

(8)<br />

t<br />

w<br />

where aw(650)=0.34 [Pope and Fry, 1997]. For continuity in the at retrieval, when at-<br />

w(555) falls between 0.03 and 0.06 m -1 the a linear combination of the two results<br />

obtained with λ0 = 555 and 650 nm is performed following equation 20 in Lee et al.<br />

[2002].<br />

Third, the spectral partic<strong>les</strong> backscattering coefficient (bbp) is calculated using λ −Y<br />

law with Y = 1. Note that in the QAA02, an empirical relationship based on the<br />

reflectance ratio Rrs(443)/Rrs(555) is used to estimate Y (<strong>de</strong>veloped with data from the<br />

Gulf of Mexico).<br />

In Chapter IV, an empirical algorithm was proposed to estimate the ratio between<br />

the CDOM and the total absorption coefficients at 412 nm ([aCDOM/at](412)). Multiplying

the QAA-<strong>de</strong>rived at(412) by the empirically <strong>de</strong>rived [aCDOM/at](412) yield the CDOM<br />

absorption coefficient.<br />

Table A1. List of equations find in Fig. A1.<br />

Equation<br />

number 1<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

If λ0=555 then<br />

a<br />

t<br />

( 555)<br />

Equations Ref.<br />

a<br />

= w<br />

( 555)<br />

235<br />

2<br />

−1.<br />

3 − 2.<br />

53ρ<br />

+ 0.<br />

46ρ<br />

+ 10<br />

⎛ max[<br />

Rrs<br />

( 443,<br />

490,<br />

510)<br />

] ⎞<br />

with ρ = log ⎜<br />

⎟ 10<br />

.<br />

⎝ Rrs<br />

( 555)<br />

⎠<br />

If λ0=650 then<br />

a<br />

t<br />

( 650)<br />

= a<br />

w<br />

( 650)<br />

+ 10<br />

⎡ Rrs<br />

( 650)<br />

⎤<br />

−0.<br />

69+<br />

1.<br />

41log10<br />

⎢ ⎥<br />

⎣ Rrs<br />

( 555)<br />

⎦<br />

with Rrs(650)= 1.082*Rrs(665) or 1.101* Rrs(670)<br />

r<br />

rs<br />

( λ)<br />

=<br />

1<br />

0.<br />

52<br />

2<br />

g 0 + g 0 + 4g1rrs<br />

R<br />

rs<br />

( λ)<br />

+ 1.<br />

7R<br />

rs<br />

( λ)<br />

−<br />

( λ)<br />

ωb<br />

( λ)<br />

= , g0=0.0945 and g1=0.0794<br />

2g<br />

ωb<br />

( λ)<br />

at<br />

( λ)<br />

bb<br />

( λ)<br />

= and bbp(λ)=bb(λ) - bbw(λ)<br />

1−<br />

ω ( λ)<br />

5 ωb(λ)=zroots(Rrs(λ), gi; i=1..4)<br />

6<br />

b<br />

Y<br />

⎛ λ0<br />

⎞<br />

bbp ( λ)<br />

= bbp<br />

( λ0<br />

) ⎜ ⎟<br />

⎝ λ ⎠<br />

7 ( 1 − ω ( λ)<br />

)<br />

b bb<br />

( λ)<br />

at<br />

( λ)<br />

=<br />

ωb<br />

( λ)<br />

1<br />

Numbers correspond to the upper subscript in Fig. A1.<br />

This study<br />

Lee et al.<br />

[2002]<br />

Gordon et al.<br />

[1988]<br />

Press et al.<br />

[1992]<br />

e.g., Gordon<br />

et al. [1988]

Figure A1. Schematic representation of the quasi-analytical algorithm<br />

<strong>de</strong>veloped to <strong>de</strong>rive the partic<strong>les</strong> backscattering coefficient at 555 nm and<br />

the spectral total absorption coefficient. The data (parallelogram)<br />

necessary for each steps of the algorithm (rectangular boxes) are i<strong>de</strong>ntified<br />

by the dotted arrows, while the outputs are i<strong>de</strong>ntified by the thin line with<br />

filled arrows. The final outputs, i.e. bbp(555) and at(λ), are i<strong>de</strong>ntified by<br />

the think line with filled arrows at bottom right of the diagram. The<br />

equations (i<strong>de</strong>ntified with upper script number) are listed in Table A1.<br />


A1.3. Results and discussion<br />

A1.3.1. Application of QAA to in situ data set<br />

The QAA02 and its modified version <strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed above (QAA-CASES) were<br />

applied to the remote-sensing reflectance mea<strong>sur</strong>ements obtained during the CASES field<br />

campaign (Fig. A2). Table A2 provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> the statistics on the performance to retrieve at of<br />

both algorithms. The criteria presented inclu<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> the 95% confi<strong>de</strong>nce interval range for<br />

intercept and the slope of the linear regression (Type 2) between retrieved and mea<strong>sur</strong>ed<br />

at [Sokal and Rohlf, 1995], the geometric standard <strong>de</strong>viation (GSD 95% ), and the mean<br />

relative difference (AD). A perfect performance of the inverse algorithm would give an<br />

intercept of 0 and a slope of 1. The GSD 95% is calculated as 10 1.966*σ , where σ is the<br />

standard <strong>de</strong>viation of the difference between mea<strong>sur</strong>ed and retrieved estimate computed<br />

on the log10-transformed data. Note that GSD 95% is almost equivalent to 10 1.966*RMSE<br />

where RMSE is the root-mean-square-error which is commonly used is algorithm<br />

evaluation [IOCCG, 2006]. The interpretation of GSD 95% is easier than the RMSE since it<br />

means that a retrieved value of x (x retrieved ) falls within the range between x true / GSD 95%<br />

and x true * GSD 95% at 95% confi<strong>de</strong>nce interval.<br />

As expected, the tuned algorithm (QAA-CASES) provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> more accurate estimate<br />

of the total absorption than the QAA02, as revealed by the lower GSD 95% and AD at all<br />

wavelengths (Table A2). For the QAA02, both the intercept and slope parameter <strong>de</strong>viated<br />

significantly from 0 and 1 respectively, indicating a bias in the retrieval of at. The low<br />

slope of the regression obtained using the QAA02 is largely explained by the use of an<br />

inappropriate relationship for Y in the inversion. In fact, when the QAA02’s empirical<br />

formulation for Y is used in instead of 1.0 in the QAA-CASES, the slope of the regression<br />

between retrieved and mea<strong>sur</strong>ed at(412) was significantly lower than 1. In addition, the<br />

performance of the QAA-CASES <strong>de</strong>creases with <strong>de</strong>creasing wavelength as indicated by<br />

the higher values for GSD 95% and AD. These results also suggest that the value of Y is not<br />

constant in this area. While studies carried out in the Arctic found empirical relationships<br />

between Y and the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of bb(555) [Stramska et al., 2003; Wang et al., 2005], no<br />

significant relationships between neither Rrs ratios nor the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of bp(555) and the<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>ed Y values were find in this study (not shown). Hence the highest Y values (~1.4),<br />

as <strong>de</strong>rived from the bp(λ) mea<strong>sur</strong>ed with the ac-9, were observed near the Mackenzie<br />


River mouth, while offshore the values ranged between 0.3 to 1.0. This trend is opposite<br />

to the one proposed by Lee et al. [2002] and Morel and Maritorena [2001] where Y<br />

<strong>de</strong>creases with increasing turbidity. Here a value of 1.0 was found to give the best results<br />

in the retrieval of at at 412 nm.<br />

Figure A2. Comparison between retrieved and mea<strong>sur</strong>ed at with the ac9 at<br />

A) 412 nm and B) 440 nm. Total absorption coefficients were retrieved<br />

using the optimized version of QAA proposed by Lee et al. [2002] that use<br />

λ0 555 and 640 nm (open circ<strong>les</strong>) and the tuned QAA with the CASES<br />

dataset (inverted triang<strong>les</strong>).<br />


Table A2. Performance of the QAA to retrieved at(λ) with empirical relationships of Lee<br />

et al. [2002] versus QAA tuned with CASES dataset (n=46).<br />

Wavelength Approach Intercept<br />

(nm)<br />

a Slope a 95% b<br />

GSD AD c<br />

(%)<br />

412 QAA02 [-0.138, -0.043] [0.809, 0.945] 1.51 16.2<br />

QAA-CASES [-0.019, 0.054] [0.965, 1.069] 1.38 12.9<br />

440 QAA02 [-0.163, -0.062] [0.811, 0.928] 1.42 14.3<br />

QAA-CASES [-0.030, 0.042] [0.963, 1.046] 1.28 10.1<br />

490 QAA02 [-0.179, -0.059] [0.799, 0.909] 1.35 18.9<br />

QAA-CASES [-0.044, 0.053] [0.930, 1.019] 1.29 12.9<br />

510 QAA02 [0.736, 0.839] [0.736, 0.839] 1.27 9.9<br />

QAA-CASES [-0.028, 0.075] [0.997, 1.094] 1.25 10.1<br />

555 QAA02 [-0.174, -0.026] [0.818, 0.962] 1.25 9.4<br />

QAA-CASES [-0.006, 0.124] [0.992, 1.119] 1.22 7.4<br />

a<br />

95% Confi<strong>de</strong>nce interval calculated on the log10-transformed data using Type II regression<br />

mo<strong>de</strong>l with the major axis (MA method based on Sokal and Rohlf [1995],<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cribed by Pierre<br />

Legendre, 2001: http://www.bio.umontreal.ca/casgrain/fr/labo/mo<strong>de</strong>l-ii.html).<br />

b 95%<br />

1.<br />

966*<br />

σ log<br />

Geometric Standard Deviation (95% confi<strong>de</strong>nce interval): GSD = 10 , where σlog is the<br />

standard <strong>de</strong>viation calculated on the log10-transformed difference between retrieved and mea<strong>sur</strong>ed<br />

values.<br />

c Mean absolute difference in %,<br />

retrieved mea<strong>sur</strong>ed<br />

n ai<br />

− ai<br />

AD = ∑<br />

mea<strong>sur</strong>ed<br />

n a<br />

1 .<br />

i<br />

i<br />

The inaccuracy of the QAA-CASES could also become from the empirical<br />

relationships used to obtain the total absorption at the reference wavelength (Eqs. 7 and<br />

8). The mean absolute error ma<strong>de</strong> on at(555) and at(650) was only 5.1% and 2.5%<br />

respectively. Those are lower than the error ma<strong>de</strong> using the QAA02’s empirical<br />

relationships (~10%).<br />

Unlike most semi-analytical mo<strong>de</strong>ls currently available [see review by IOCCG,<br />

2006], the proposed version of the QAA accounts for the non-isotropic nature of the<br />

radiant light field that emerged from the ocean [Loisel and Morel, 2001; Morel et al.,<br />

2002; Park and Ruddick, 2005]. This <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce is largely explained by the nature of<br />

light scattering (i.e. molecular vs particulate) [Lee et al., 2004; Morel et al., 2002] which<br />

is inclu<strong>de</strong>d in the mo<strong>de</strong>l form adopted here. According to Park and Ruddick [2005],<br />

bidirectional effects (BRDF) due to illumination-viewing geometry and the nature of the<br />

scattering can explain ~10% of the variability in the relationship between Rrs and the ratio<br />

bb/(at+bb). When satellite data acquired in various illumination conditions are averaged to<br />


produce level 3 data, the proposed algorithm should minimize the un<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>irable variability<br />

resulting from the ocean BRDF.<br />

Unfortunately, no in situ mea<strong>sur</strong>ements of bbp were performed during CASES. So<br />

I compared the retrieved bbp(555) values versus the mea<strong>sur</strong>ed bp(555) values (Fig. A3). A<br />

relatively strong correlation was obtained for the linear regression between the logarithm-<br />

transformed data (r²=0.86; N=46). Interestingly, the average b bp<br />

~ calculated using<br />

retrieved bbp(555) and mea<strong>sur</strong>ed bp(555) was 1.4% with a standard <strong>de</strong>viation of 0.7%.<br />

Those are within the expected range for partic<strong>les</strong> found in coastal waters [e.g., Chami et<br />

al., 2005; Twardowski et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2005].<br />

Figure A3. Comparison between QAA-<strong>de</strong>rived bbp(555) and mea<strong>sur</strong>ed<br />

bp(555).<br />

A1.3.2. Estimation of aCDOM<br />

To estimate aCDOM, several investigators have proposed empirical relationships<br />

based on a single water-leaving radiance or reflectance ratio [D'Sa and Miller, 2003;<br />

Johannessen et al., 2003; Kahru and Mitchell, 2001; Kowalczuk et al., 2005]. We fitted<br />

all possible ratios from the 13 Rrs SPMR channels with the aCDOM values at 412 nm. The<br />


egression between the ratio of Rrs at 412 nm to Rrs at 665 nm with aCDOM at 412 nm gives<br />

the highest correlation (aCDOM(412)=10 -.301-.656*[Rrs(412)/Rrs(665)] ; r 2 =0.924, GSD 95% =1.63,<br />

AD=26.8%). For comparison, we estimate aCDOM at 412 nm multiplying the QAA-<strong>de</strong>rived<br />

at(412) by the empirically-<strong>de</strong>rived [aCDOM/at](412) (Chapter IV). Figure A1.4 compares<br />

the retrieved aCDOM(412) with its mea<strong>sur</strong>ed value. Combining the results from the QAA<br />

and the empirical algorithm provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> a more robust estimate of the CDOM absorption<br />

coefficient than an empirical algorithm based on a single Rrs ratio in this region<br />

(GSD 95% =1.45, AD=14.8%).<br />

Figure A4. Retrieved versus mea<strong>sur</strong>ed aCDOM(412) in the Beaufort Sea.<br />

Statistical parameters of the Type II regression are also shown.<br />

A1.4. Conclusion<br />

In view of <strong>de</strong>riving IOPs from SeaWiFS imagery in the Beaufort Sea, a semi-<br />

analytical algorithm was modified 1) to account for the anisotropic nature of the oceanic<br />

upwelling light field and 2) for the regionally distinct relationships between absorption<br />

coefficients at reference wavelength (i.e. 555 or 650 nm) and various reflectance ratios.<br />

The method provi<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong> an estimation of the total absorption coefficient at 412 and 443 nm<br />

within a precision of about 38 and 28%, respectively, at confi<strong>de</strong>nce level of 95%.<br />

Combined with the [aCDOM/at](412) algorithm (Chap. IV) the CDOM absorption<br />

coefficient could be estimated within a precision of 45% at confi<strong>de</strong>nce level of 95%. For<br />


the Beaufort Sea, the latter performance is better than any other single band ratio found in<br />

the literature.<br />

Satellite-<strong>de</strong>rived IOPs (bbp and at) could be further used to study the spatio-<br />

temporal variability of the Makcenzie River plume and to quantify the partic<strong>les</strong><br />

distribution in the <strong>sur</strong>face waters (Forest et al., Particulate organic carbon <strong>flux</strong>es on the<br />

Mackenzie Shelf slope: physical and biological forcing shelf basin exchanges, submitted<br />

manuscript to Journal of Marine Systems, 2006). Finally, the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of the CDOM<br />

absorption coefficient can also be use as an indicator of the DOM photoreactivity (see<br />

Chap. VI).<br />

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