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one's eyes; fall dead, drop dead, fall down dead, drop down dead; break one's neck; give<br />

up the ghost, yield up the ghost; be all over with one.<br />

pay the debt to nature, shuffle off this mortal coil, take one's last sleep; go the way of<br />

all flesh; hand in one's checks, pass in one's checks, hand in one's chips, pass in one's<br />

chips [U.S.]; join the greater number, join the majority; come to dust, turn to dust; cross<br />

the Stygian ferry, cross the bar; go to one's long account, go to one's last home, go to<br />

Davy Jones's locker, go to the wall; receive one's death warrant, make one's will, step out,<br />

die a natural death, go out like the snuff of a candle; come to an untimely end; catch one's<br />

death; go off the hooks, kick the bucket, buy the farm, hop the twig, turn up one's toes;<br />

die a violent death &c (be killed) 361.<br />

Adj. dead, lifeless; deceased, demised, departed, defunct, extinct; late, gone, no more;<br />

exanimate † , inanimate; out of the world, taken off, released; departed this life &c v.; dead<br />

and gone; dead as a doornail, dead as a doorpost † , dead as a mutton, dead as a herring,<br />

dead as nits; launched into eternity, gone to one's eternal reward, gone to meet one's<br />

maker, pushing up daisies, gathered to one's fathers, numbered with the dead.<br />

dying &c v.; moribund, morient † ; hippocratic; in articulo, in extremis; in the jaws of<br />

death, in the agony of death; going off; aux abois [Fr.]; one one's last legs, on one's death<br />

bed; at the point of death, at death's door, at the last gasp; near one's end, given over,<br />

booked; with one foot in the grave, tottering on the brink of the grave.<br />

stillborn; mortuary; deadly &c (killing) 361.<br />

Adv. post obit, post mortem [Lat.].<br />

Phr. life ebbs, life fails, life hangs by a thread; one's days are numbered, one's hour is<br />

come, one's race is run, one's doom is sealed; Death knocks at the door, Death stares one<br />

in the face; the breath is out of the body; the grave closes over one; sic itur ad astra [Lat.]<br />

[Vergil]; de mortuis nil nisi bonum [Lat.]; dulce et decorum est pro patria mori [Lat.]<br />

[Horace]; honesta mors turpi vita potior [Lat.] [Tacitus]; in adamantine chains shall death<br />

be bound [Pope]; mors ultima linea rerum est [Lat.] [Girace]; ominia mors aequat [Lat.]<br />

[Claudianus]; Spake the grisly Terror [Paradise Lost]; the lone couch of this everlasting<br />

sleep [Shelley]; nothing is certain but death and taxes.<br />

361. [Destruction of life; violent death.] Killing -- N. killing &c v.; homicide,<br />

manslaughter, murder, assassination, trucidation † , iccusion † ; effusion of blood; blood,<br />

blood shed; gore, slaughter, carnage, butchery; battue † .<br />

massacre; fusillade, noyade † ; thuggery, Thuggism † .<br />

deathblow, finishing stroke, coup de grace, quietus; execution &c (capital<br />

punishment) 972; judicial murder; martyrdom.<br />

butcher, slayer, murderer, Cain, assassin, terrorist, cutthroat, garroter, bravo, Thug,<br />

Moloch, matador, sabreur † ; guet-a-pens; gallows, executioner &c (punishment) 975; maneater,<br />

apache † , hatchet man [U.S.], highbinder [U.S.].<br />

regicide, parricide, matricide, fratricide, infanticide, feticide, foeticide † , uxoricide † ,<br />

vaticide † .<br />

suicide, felo de se † , hara-kiri, suttee, Juggernath † ; immolation, auto da fe, holocaust.<br />

suffocation, strangulation, garrote; hanging &c v.; lapidation † .<br />

deadly weapon &c (arms) 727; Aceldama † .

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