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fly into a rage, fall into a rage, get into a rage, fly into a passion; bridle up, bristle up,<br />

froth up, fire up, flare up; open the vials of one's wrath, pour out the vials of one's wrath.<br />

pout, knit the brow, frown, scowl, lower, snarl, growl, gnarl, gnash, snap; redden,<br />

color; look black, look black as thunder, look daggers; bite one's thumb; show one's teeth,<br />

grind one's teeth; champ the bit, champ at the bit.<br />

chafe, mantle, fume, kindle, fly out, take fire; boil, boil over; boil with indignation,<br />

boil with rage; rage, storm, foam, vent one's rage, vent one's spleen; lose one's temper,<br />

stand on one's hind legs, stamp the foot, stamp with rage, quiver with rage, swell with<br />

rage, foam with rage; burst with anger; raise Cain.<br />

have a fling at; bear malice &c (revenge) 919.<br />

cause anger, raise anger; affront, offend; give offense, give umbrage; anger; hurt the<br />

feelings; insult, discompose, fret, ruffle, nettle, huff, pique; excite &c 824; irritate, stir the<br />

blood, stir up bile; sting, sting to the quick; rile, provoke, chafe, wound, incense, inflame,<br />

enrage, aggravate, add fuel to the flame, fan into a flame, widen the breach, envenom,<br />

embitter, exasperate, infuriate, kindle wrath; stick in one's gizzard; rankle &c 919; hit on<br />

the raw, rub on the raw, sting on the raw, strike on the raw.<br />

put out of countenance, put out of humor; put one's monkey up, put one's back up;<br />

raise one's gorge, raise one's dander, raise one's choler; work up into a passion; make<br />

one's blood boil, make the ears tingle; throw, into a ferment, madden, drive one mad; lash<br />

into fury, lash into madness; fool to the top of one's bent; set by the ears.<br />

bring a hornet's nest about one's ears.<br />

Adj. angry, wrath, irate; ireful, wrathful; cross &c (irascible) 901; Achillean † ; sulky, &c<br />

901.1; bitter, virulent; acrimonious &c (discourteous) &c 895; violent &c 173.<br />

warm, burning; boiling, boiling over; fuming, raging; foaming, foaming at the mouth;<br />

convulsed with rage.<br />

offended &c v.; waxy, acharne; wrought, worked up; indignant, hurt, sore; set against.<br />

fierce, wild, rageful † , furious, mad with rage, fiery, infuriate, rabid, savage; relentless<br />

&c 919.<br />

flushed with anger, flushed with rage; in a huff, in a stew, in a fume, in a pucker, in a<br />

passion, in a rage, in a fury, in a taking, in a way; on one's high ropes, up in arms; in high<br />

dudgeon.<br />

Adv. angrily &c adj.; in the height of passion; in the heat of passion, in the heat of the<br />

moment.<br />

Int. tantaene animis coelestibus irae! [Lat.], [Vergil], marry come up!, zounds!, 'sdeath!<br />

[Contr.].<br />

Phr. one's blood being up, one's back being up, one's monkey being up; fervens difficili<br />

bile jecur [Lat.]; the gorge rising, eyes flashing fire; the blood rising, the blood boiling;<br />

haeret lateri lethalis arundo [Lat.] [Vergil]; beware the fury of a patient man [Dryden];<br />

furor arma ministrat [Lat.] [Vergil]; ira furor brevis est [Lat.] [Horace]; quem Jupiter vult<br />

perdere dementat prius [Lat.]; What, drunk with choler? [Henry IV].<br />

901. Irascibility -- N. irascibility, irascibleness, temper; crossness &c adj.; susceptibility,<br />

procacity, petulance, irritability, tartness, acerbity, protervity; pugnacity &c<br />

(contentiousness) 720.<br />

excitability &c 825; bad temper, fiery temper, crooked temper, irritable &c adj..<br />

temper; genus irritabile [Lat.], hot blood.

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