backtracesecurity.com - AnonymousDown

backtracesecurity.com - AnonymousDown

backtracesecurity.com - AnonymousDown


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This log has been merged for ease up up/download. It has highlights and annotations added<br />

by me. All annotations are in red text.<br />

--- Log opened Tue Feb 08 21:03:44 2011<br />

21:03 -!- Laurelai [Laurelai@HA-32m.bhl.uq5i3t.IP] has joined #hq<br />

21:03 -!- Irssi: #hq: Total of 8 nicks [4 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 4 normal]<br />

21:03 -!- mode/#hq [+o Laurelai] by HQBot<br />

21:03 -!- Irssi: Join to #hq was synced in 1 secs<br />

21:08 hii<br />

21:15 ahai<br />

21:16 wel<strong>com</strong>e to where the shitstorm began<br />

21:16 :)<br />

21:16 i think it actually was here that hbgary was probed and "oops" was<br />

detecetd<br />

21:16 with SUCH AN AWESOME CREW HERE<br />

21:17 Hi.<br />

21:18 This is where the magnets happen. I mean magic. I mean steroids.<br />

21:20 mmm magnets<br />

21:22 Sabu is away for a week, by the way. I'm sure you guys have already read<br />

that, though.<br />

21:22 yah have no real update unfortunately<br />

21:22 Laurelai: we cant really tie them to wikileaks for sure?<br />

21:22 I'll give him a call tomorrow morning anyway just to say everything is still<br />

going according to plan.<br />

21:22 Topiary: yup please do<br />

21:23 marduk: ?<br />

21:23 tie who<br />

21:23 oh<br />

21:23 i already have<br />

21:23 well, think that was the article to <strong>com</strong>e?<br />

21:23 i just wanted more dirt<br />

21:23 but we got enough<br />

21:24 to smear the shit out of them<br />

21:24 heh. dirt.. isnt good<br />

21:24 facts is better<br />

21:24 but who am i<br />

21:24 to tell you :)<br />

21:24 you know what i mean<br />

21:24 :p<br />

21:24 yah (=<br />

21:24 Laurelai: I like the smutty portrait of malice you've created with your use of<br />

dirt, smear, and shit.<br />

21:24 well, we know for a fact alk <strong>com</strong>panies cooperated<br />

21:25 upto boeing<br />

21:25 Topiary: yeah well there is definitely some malace<br />

21:25 we have NDA and Teaming agreements for all<br />

21:25 Gentlemen, let us fuck these people so far into orbit that they'll transmute<br />

into a gravitational dip and exude Hawking radiation.<br />


21:26 lol<br />

21:26 palenitir<br />

21:26 Excuse my current loquaciousness, I'm pretty fucking drunk.<br />

21:26 i would REALLY REALLY like to know more<br />

21:26 they rae one straneg <strong>com</strong>pany<br />

21:26 actually<br />

21:26 i am sure it'S a govt coverup<br />

21:26 for very weird shit<br />

21:27 well to me it looks like<br />

21:27 <br />

21:27 the government uses these types of <strong>com</strong>panies<br />

21:27 to do their dirty work<br />

21:27 yup<br />

21:27 but of course we dont have proof<br />

21:27 Laurelai: i saw their mission statement<br />

21:27 just alot of stuff suggesting it<br />

21:28 it was something about brains and <strong>com</strong>puters, execut8ive marketing<br />

nonsense<br />

21:28 really scary<br />

21:28 Do you think the mysterious 500K contract in the first quarter of 2011 (from<br />

HBGaryFederal) was government related?<br />

21:29 well, i dont think we are unmasking a big conspiracy<br />

21:29 it could be<br />

21:29 its rather uncoordinated<br />

21:29 Just a sidenote on that fact: it's confirmed that Aaron Barr has a quickbook<br />

intuit account that would probably contain a lot of valuable documents. We don't know his<br />

username, but I'm damn sure of the password.<br />

21:29 and just sad<br />

21:29 i think<br />

21:29 that this sort of stuff<br />

21:29 is like an open secret in these circles<br />


21:29 grrr<br />

21:29 * marduk is mad<br />

21:29 and they are just scrabling for contracts and cash<br />

21:30 yeah<br />

21:30 full true<br />

21:30 the thing is<br />

21:30 i KNEW this before<br />

21:30 but being here, seing irt live unfold, seeing the leaks...<br />

21:30 UNGH<br />

21:30 makes me much moar mad than simply knowing about it<br />

21:31 We need to go derper...<br />

21:31 YES.<br />

21:31 WE NEED TO ACT.<br />

21:31 somehow<br />

21:31 i dunno.<br />

21:31 There must be an opening for us to dig into this more.<br />

21:31 Let's not forget that everything we have now came from a simple SQLi and<br />


the in<strong>com</strong>petence of men.<br />

21:31 we fucking monitored hbgary email <strong>com</strong>minucation for 2 days live<br />

21:32 and saw the crap they were writing<br />

21:32 can i make a suggestion<br />

21:32 (except for Mark, HE IS WIN)<br />

21:32 next <strong>com</strong>pany you get into<br />

21:32 just quietly steall all their data<br />

21:32 and dont rm -rf<br />

21:32 and that was just fucking scary to see<br />

21:33 like<br />

21:33 it was a cool op<br />

21:33 yeah<br />

21:33 haha<br />

21:33 ppl got so mad<br />

21:33 lolo<br />

21:33 but you could have stolen data for years<br />

21:34 tainted his source code<br />

21:34 and got access to his clients<br />

21:34 backdoored his backups<br />

21:35 A valid point, but he was actively trying to research Anonymous and bring<br />

people down. We weren't going to wait for him to keep trying until he actually gets something.<br />

21:35 We were quite patient in that we waited specifically for a sufficient stash of<br />

emails before we went public.<br />

21:37 Laurelai: it's good<br />

21:38 they still underestimate us<br />

21:38 heh<br />

21:38 next h4x<br />

21:38 ????<br />

21:38 :)<br />

21:38 i mean<br />

21:38 it was #optunisia like<br />

21:38 this op was assembled in like 1 hour<br />

21:38 and then we waited hours to get emails leeched<br />

21:38 and we DID NOT make alarm until greg's spool was done<br />

21:39 some success :)<br />

21:39 but yah<br />

21:39 next time<br />

21:39 Confirmed. I think we all had a bit of a nap while the emails leeched out.<br />

21:39 look for source code<br />

21:39 and somain registrar data login<br />

21:40 just fucking own them hardcore :p<br />

21:40 In fact I think four of us slept at the same time for that exact reason, all the<br />

more reason to be known as the Raging Homogays.<br />

21:40 Oh - Aaron's twitter just hit 600 followers.<br />

21:41 :)<br />

21:41 HE IS FAMOUS<br />

21:42 Still, it would appear Twitter has frozen his account. Couldn't log in from<br />

API either. Topiary admits having the AB Twitter at 21:42<br />

21:42 That works in our favour. His Twitter still has all our tweets.<br />


21:42 Including his SSN.<br />

21:42 is ssn useful<br />

21:42 Not particularly, it's just not really a good thing to have floating around.<br />

21:43 Pretty sure the twatter admins had their coolfaces on when deciding<br />

whether to reset, suspense or freeze the account.<br />

21:43 lol<br />

21:44 Hundreds of news articles directly link to his twitter, I'll bet you 50 Internets<br />

that the twitter admins decided to maintain its hacked tweet entirety simple to gain more<br />

members, not that they need 'em.<br />

21:44 Im not a twatterer<br />

21:45 I am a bit. It's quite beneficial if you follow a select few news sources, so<br />

you can wake up and be up-to-date with what you want right away.<br />

21:45 Especially if you talk to press in other timezones who've been up all<br />

day/night and have questions ready for your sleepy ass.<br />

21:45 hm<br />

21:45 mine didnt get suspended yet<br />

21:46 but i think<br />

21:46 @AnonymousIRC?<br />

21:46 i am on "no suspend list"<br />

21:46 yup<br />

21:46 I'm really surprised about that... remember in Payback they just kept<br />

getting sniped out?<br />

21:46 Do you tweet about hives/DDoSing directly?<br />

21:47 nope<br />

21:47 never<br />

21:47 also didnt tweet any direct links to hbgary<br />

21:47 i am carefu<br />

21:47 i do not violate ToS<br />

21:47 Not to talk about the trollfaggot j35t3r in depth, but Aaron was following<br />

him, apparently he might've been affiliated, and usually Jester is all "HURRRRRR ANON ARE<br />

BEING DUUUUMB" hours after we do something big.<br />

21:47 This time I see nothing from him or his little henchmen bloggers.<br />

21:47 i hint on it<br />

21:48 make fun<br />

21:48 and even RT links<br />

21:48 but never tweet a direct ToS myself<br />

21:48 * marduk fkn knows his shit on social networks, and i am very drunk<br />

21:49 mr barr... needsa a whisky<br />

21:49 You should give me the password to AnonymousIRC so I can tweet about<br />

how small Aaron's penis is.<br />

21:50 marduk I told u uwere drunk<br />

21:51 An Anon Skype party should be in order.<br />

21:51 Nessuno834: that information is correct<br />

21:52 Topiary: lol i'd never do that<br />

21:52 you lack like .. 45 points in diplomacy skill<br />

21:52 marduk: I'll tell on you!<br />

21:53 read #ophbgary<br />

21:53 anthrophobic cant open pdf<br />

21:54 fixt<br />


21:55 forgive someone for not being a fucking mother's<br />

basement geek and not know EVERYTHING<br />

21:55 to open pdf<br />

21:56 meh<br />

21:56 PDF is clearly formats on steroids.<br />

21:56 why you bother here with that?<br />

22:09 yeah, go back to #ophbgary and scroll up to this<br />

morning.<br />

22:09 I asked like 20 times.<br />

22:09 and all these kick bans wont do anything<br />

22:09 and if you think FBI is what you guys should be<br />

worried about..<br />

22:09 haha<br />

22:09 i idle so much cause i collect information to write<br />

22:09 but thats ok.<br />

22:09 oh and for the people you copy/paste this to HI!<br />

22:09 lol<br />

22:09 its fucking mirc, your little zlines and kickbans don't<br />

do shit, ban evade FTW<br />

22:09 oh and you think you know what ever one can and<br />

can not do cause they "act" dumb or say something in a channel.<br />

22:09 have fun keeping your networks online through the<br />

night dumb fuck<br />

22:09 lulz<br />

22:11 wtf lol<br />

22:11 he can hax<br />

22:11 but never heard of pdf<br />

22:12 Ima go bed<br />

22:12 goodnight all<br />

22:13 Goodnight good sir<br />

22:13 >its fucking mirc<br />

22:14 Oh sweet lord, best be trolling.<br />

22:14 Oh boy, he might win butthurt troll of the day award. Some fag was in our<br />

piretepad on HBGary dox earlier threatening to take down whywefight. Pretty sure WWF is<br />

owned by exiledsurfer<br />

22:14 He's taking the crown for the 9th.<br />

22:15 Or 8th if you want timezone.<br />

22:15 this is the guy who wanted access to #loic<br />

22:15 and used to be auto opped in every channel<br />

22:47 http://hbgary.<strong>com</strong>/<br />

22:50 heh<br />

22:55 >falsified data<br />

22:55 tflow: drop those emails so hard it crushes their lives<br />

22:55 -!- Netsplit triangle.operationfreedom.ru private.operationfreedom.ru quits: marduk,<br />

@Nessuno834, Avunit, @tflow, @kayla, @Topiary, HQBot<br />

22:56 -!- Irssi: #hq: Total of 1 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 0 normal]<br />

22:56 wut<br />

22:58 -!- Netsplit over, joins: ~Avunit, @Topiary, @Nessuno834, @tflow, &marduk, &HQBot,<br />

@kayla<br />


23:01 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]<br />

23:23 04:22 right, what I'm saying is: if you want me to dig out a few<br />

fat juicy worms before you public release the whole thing, I could do that.<br />

23:23 mmm dunno<br />

23:23 dunnonliek<br />

23:23 that sentence<br />

23:24 but probably i am paranoid etc<br />

--- Day changed Wed Feb 09 2011<br />

04:17 Report in guis.<br />

04:18 Avunit: here<br />

04:18 lol<br />

04:18 xD<br />

04:18 sup?<br />

04:18 working the article<br />

04:19 i heard yes<br />

04:19 BoA was behind HBgary attacking WL<br />

04:19 im still digging through emails<br />

04:19 boa hates me qq<br />

04:19 to find anything else<br />

04:20 when do you want to publish it?<br />

04:21 tonight or tomorrow<br />

04:21 thetechherald is working with me on it<br />

04:21 steve?<br />

04:21 yeah<br />

04:22 awesome<br />

04:22 3 <strong>com</strong>panies<br />

04:22 worked together on this<br />

04:22 3 government contractor IT security <strong>com</strong>panies<br />

04:22 barico, palantir and hbgary right?<br />

04:22 yes<br />

04:23 to me it implies that the federal gov is involved behind the scenes<br />

04:23 barico sells security software yes, palantir analyzing software for financial<br />

and gov platforms and hbgary is a 'security' <strong>com</strong>pany with a federal branch. thats all i know :p<br />

05:39 !triangle.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited kayla into the channel<br />

05:39 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has joined #hq<br />

05:39 -!- mode/#hq [+o kayla] by HQBot<br />

05:39 oh my fav thing on irc<br />

05:40 hey guys :D<br />

05:40 i just wanted to sleeep<br />

05:40 kayla:<br />

05:40 *dances* :3<br />

05:40 ? :D<br />

05:40 got some few minutes to scan over somethihng?<br />

05:40 yeh sure<br />

05:41 www.djezzygsm.<strong>com</strong> - algerian cellphone provider, need db<br />

05:41 www.mobilis.dz - algerian cellphone provider, state owned, need db<br />

05:41 www.nedjma.dz - algerian cellphone provider, want db<br />

05:41 they allowv registration<br />

05:41 via web<br />


05:41 ok i'll take a look in a bit

09:26 :3<br />

09:26 tis always time to fuck greg but with the mails we kinda fuck him eith a<br />

turbocharged fucking machine<br />

09:26 with*<br />

09:27 Can I have the distinct pleasure of letting #hbgary know that the time for<br />

fucking is near<br />

09:27 we dont have access to the mails yet though<br />

09:27 but i dont mind<br />

09:28 ah yes<br />

09:28 wait for the mails<br />

09:28 meanwhile im still eyeing berico and palantir too.<br />

09:28 nigg is only allowing 1 dl from his box for them and tflow has the online view<br />

access so it makes sense tflow gets them<br />

09:28 yarr<br />

09:29 as soon as i've done this stuff im helping someone with im going full retard<br />

on palantir and berico servers<br />

09:29 need to get a ether pad up we can use<br />

09:29 i cant run etherpad on a vps<br />

09:29 java keeps screaming about ram even when it has enough<br />

09:30 prob openvz issues<br />

09:31 kayla you got any box around i can use for the general stuff on<br />

berico/palantir when im @ home?<br />

09:31 I love you guys<br />

09:32 okay omw home now<br />

09:32 brb<br />

09:36 like a hacked server?<br />

09:36 i'll give you a root if you want?<br />

09:48 Topiary<br />

09:48 :D<br />

09:48 who is handling media?<br />

09:50 Got it covered with Housh and Barrett<br />

09:50 we's rollin'<br />

09:50 url wants someone to tlak to a journo i think<br />

09:50 i'll tell him to pm you :3<br />

09:56 there i am again<br />

09:56 did i miss anything sexy<br />

09:56 ?<br />

10:23 you missed me bb

12:14 how we gonna get a pad ups?<br />

12:21 on the phone with Sabu now, anything anyone wants said?<br />

12:23 hbgary.<strong>com</strong> says<br />

12:23 HBGary, Inc and HBGary Federal, a separate but related <strong>com</strong>pany, have<br />

been the victims of an intentional criminal cyberattack. We are taking this crime seriously and<br />

are working with federal, state, and local law enforcement authorities and redirecting internal<br />

resources to investigate and respond appropriately. To the extent that any client information<br />

may have been affected by this event, we will<br />

12:23 provide the affected clients with <strong>com</strong>plete and accurate information as soon<br />

as it be<strong>com</strong>es available.<br />

12:23 Meanwhile, please be aware that any information currently in the public<br />

domain is not reliable because the perpetrators of this offense, or people working closely with<br />

them, have intentionally falsified certain data. HBGary, Inc and HBGary Federal are<br />

<strong>com</strong>mitted to a <strong>com</strong>prehensive, accurate, and swift response to this crime.<br />

12:23 Technical Support for all HBGary products and services is still available via<br />

email at support@hbgary.<strong>com</strong><br />

12:24 okay he basically sends much love, and kayla he's gonna be on after<br />

evening time EST tomorrow and wants you to be around<br />

12:24 because he wants to take part in the full retard attack<br />

12:24 i send much love too :-)<br />

12:24 well onto barico and palantir now<br />

12:24 and much love from avunit too<br />

12:30 http://www.thetechherald.<strong>com</strong>/article.php/201106/6798/Data-intelligencefirms-proposed-a-systematic-attack-against-WikiLeaks?page=1<br />

12:30 juiceh<br />

12:31 :D tell him i said hi :3<br />

12:31 and yes i will b here :D<br />

12:31 i allways will \:3/ i

13:37 call him out live on TV about attacking wikileaks :3<br />

13:39 Oh I will<br />

13:40 :3<br />

13:41 how do you know he is doing cnn?<br />

13:41 Anonymous has entered its golden age again<br />

13:41 tflow did you get gregs emails :3<br />

13:41 yup<br />

13:42 nice, you going to add them to the online viewer?<br />

13:42 yup<br />

13:42 \:D/ yay<br />

13:42 http://pastehtml.<strong>com</strong>/view/1d5wg3k.html<br />

13:42 what do you think of this press release?<br />

13:42 to ac<strong>com</strong>pany it<br />

13:43 (topiary made it)<br />

13:43 can't edit right now, talking to Swedish reporter about Op Tunisia/Egypt,<br />

but will after<br />

13:43 oh i got someth9ing nice you can add to tht

14:00 yeh do tht :D<br />

14:00 "And for my beloved kayla I'd like to request: Rick Astley - Never Gonna<br />

Give You Up"<br />

14:00 xD<br />

14:00 kayla is 30 years old and a man<br />

14:00 "Oh and hi mum and dad"<br />

14:01 topiary: so we<br />

14:01 are all gay<br />

14:01 * Avunit humps topiary<br />

14:01 ;_;<br />

14:01 kayla: http://<br />

www.<br />

vocaroo.<br />

<strong>com</strong>/<br />

[vocaroo is a popular place for uploading<br />

crank calls]<br />

14:01 show us your deep 30 year old man voice<br />

14:01 XD<br />

14:02 lol xD<br />

14:08 y so h8 ;_;<br />

15:09 how long untill we release teh ema1ls 0f d00m<br />

15:13 the second joepie91 finishes his stuff I asssume<br />

15:13 we're also going to get anonleaks.ru/.ch or something<br />

15:13 to host it<br />

15:13 to take the piss<br />

15:13 and no, it's not gonna be a whistleblowing site - torrents are best for<br />

whisteblowing :)<br />

15:13 also I'm going to start saying, with future press, that I'm an<br />

observer/associate of Anon that agrees with Anonymous actions, rather than say I'm Anon<br />

15:13 kind of like Barrett/Housh<br />

15:13 to avoid being raped by Feds<br />

15:14 aw<br />

15:14 why<br />

15:14 but they you can't use memes..<br />

15:14 I can use memes, it's just a small terminology change<br />

15:15 it's big<br />

15:15 all I have to do is stop saying "we" and start saying "they" when referring<br />

to Anon<br />

15:15 it will decrease the lulz in interviews<br />

15:15 hm, valid point<br />

15:15 Topiary you won't get v& as long as you're not as stupid as Coldblodd<br />

15:15 blood*<br />

15:15 yeh, we just need to get the emails out as fast as possible because<br />

someone made a good point tht the longer we have them the more it looks like we could have<br />

falsified them<br />

15:15 did you include the stuff about mime sigs in the press release also?<br />

15:15 coldblood got v& because he had his name everywhere<br />

15:16 and his name can be traced to him irc<br />

<strong>backtracesecurity</strong>.<strong>com</strong><br />

15:16 irl*<br />

15:16 other channel ---><br />

15:16 Actually Coldblood got v& because his parents ratted him out<br />

15:16 kayla: no, hoping someone could just quickly add it<br />

15:16 coldblood deservd v& if you ask me

15:16 his media whoreing made me feel sick<br />

15:16 I just finished writing something for press so can add it now<br />

15:16 just a sec<br />

15:16 im not good with wordings i can hardly spell D:<br />

15:16 cna someone add pls :3<br />

15:17 i am not gud with wordings of the englosh language<br />

15:18 sure just a moment<br />

15:19 LOL<br />

15:19 his parents?<br />

15:19 LOL<br />

15:19 LOL<br />

15:19 LOL<br />

15:19 LOL<br />

15:19 LOL<br />

15:19 yeah I shit you not, his parents found out he was Coldblood and ratted him<br />

out [More evidence Topiary is familiar with Brit anons]<br />

15:19 I wish I was shitting you but it's true<br />

15:20 LOL<br />

15:20 his own parents?<br />

15:20 they must realy h8 him<br />

15:20 xD<br />

15:21 my dad would never do tht, he knows i pwn i sometimes show him the lulz i<br />

cause :D<br />

15:21 http://pastehtml.<strong>com</strong>/view/1d5wg3k.html<br />

15:21 page updated<br />

15:22 i shown him the hbgary stuff too xD<br />

15:22 paragraph below the email quote<br />

15:29 hi<br />

15:32 * kayla cuddles laurelai :3<br />

15:32 so much

16:39 srsly?<br />

16:39 fuck this shits deep<br />

16:40 Fallen right off the diving board and drowned, that's how deep it goes<br />

16:40 http://www.thetechherald.<strong>com</strong>/article.php/201106/6798/Data-intelligencefirms-proposed-a-systematic-attack-against-WikiLeaks<br />

16:40 http://emptywheel.firedoglake.<strong>com</strong>/2011/02/09/security-firms-pitching-bankof-america-proposed-targeting-glenn-greenwald/<br />

16:40 oh it's bad<br />



16:42 hbgary are so so epic fail<br />

16:42 its like they try to fail<br />

16:42 tflow: is it going to be applicable to say "anonleaks rep" when talking to<br />

press about this shit?<br />

16:43 i think the media will get confused and think anonleaks is seperate to<br />

anonops or payback<br />

16:43 i dunno<br />

16:44 the media ALLWAYS seem to get anything anon wrong<br />

16:44 whatever you say they will get it wrong<br />

16:44 kayla: it's annoying when speaking to press to blab to them for 20 minutes<br />

about how they can't say rep of Anon, how they can't say this or that<br />

16:44 or Anon gets mad<br />

16:46 Topiary: maybe<br />

16:46 but anonleaks will not be a whistleblowing site<br />

16:46 it will be a site to format existing leaks<br />

16:46 okay, just a place to host our leaks<br />

16:46 people need to use tpb for whistleblowing<br />

16:50 is marduk around?<br />

17:09 derp_trees<br />

17:09 ETA on greg mail dump ;3?<br />

17:09 -!- Netsplit triangle.operationfreedom.ru trust.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk,<br />

@Nessuno834, @Avunit, @kayla, @tflow, @Topiary, @HQBot<br />

17:18 -!- Netsplit over, joins: ~Avunit, @Topiary, @Nessuno834, @tflow, &marduk, @kayla,<br />

&HQBot<br />

17:31 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @tflow<br />

17:33 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @tflow<br />

17:56 tflow here?<br />

18:02 yes<br />

18:02 web version is finished programming<br />

18:02 nice :D<br />

18:02 now all that's left is to run the web version conversion script 'n create torrent<br />

18:02 i think the internet is hungry for the mails :D<br />

18:02 and wait for http://anonleaks.ru to propagate<br />

18:02 which should be soon i think<br />

18:03 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]<br />

18:06 !triangle.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited kayla into the channel<br />

18:06 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has joined #hq<br />

18:06 -!- mode/#hq [+o kayla] by HQBot<br />

18:06 :3 stop dossing me!!1<br />


18:06 jkjk

19:26 gnite all<br />

19:26 sweet dreams :)<br />

19:40 Sleep well, good sir.<br />

19:40 Agh, my headset is being weird... must buy new one.<br />

19:45 tflow :3 how long?<br />

19:45 the suspense is killing me xD<br />

19:46 kayla: re busyboxes<br />

19:47 claire discovered they stay up just move IP's on the same block [Claire is<br />

Raymond Madeiros, a US-based transgender programmer who helps run Crowdleaks]<br />

19:47 so you just need to rescan regularly<br />

19:47 kayla, .htmls are being generated now<br />

19:55 Laurelai :D yeh im guessing because most are dynamic IP's<br />

19:55 tflow: sweet can't wait to see it

22:25 so let's not take him as a <strong>com</strong>plete joke<br />

22:25 yep he mad<br />

22:25 mhh what about you?<br />

22:26 I think I'm pretty safe, I actually honeypot google searches on me to fake<br />

dox, I add to it every 3 to 4 months<br />

22:26 but I know of at least two people on this network that know my real first<br />

name<br />

22:26 if i wasnt so nice<br />

22:26 i would make them lead to someone else :p<br />

22:27 here's what I was thinking: Greg is using other Anons as targets to get us,<br />

he'll ask dumb innocent shit like "so what are these guys' roles, links to anything they've<br />

done?" - I'm going to start telling certain groups of Anons in private that my first name is<br />

Derrick<br />

22:27 tell others that my first name is John<br />

22:27 others Jack<br />

22:27 if word leaks that Greg thinks I'm Philip<br />

22:27 I know exactly who blabbed<br />

22:27 and who to fuck up<br />

22:28 good idea<br />

22:28 that's a good idea to begin with in large social groups, you lie about tiny<br />

facts to certain people and make that tiny fact remain constant, so if the full story ever gets<br />

out, you know who from<br />

22:28 <strong>com</strong>mon stuff<br />

22:29 basically I ain't even mad, but the reason people like us haven't been<br />

caught yet is by being safe,<br />

22:29 and gonna take this seriously just to be more safe than safe<br />

22:29 lol<br />

22:29 http://wikileaks.ch/IMG/pdf/WikiLeaks_Response_v6.pdf<br />

22:29 just saw that<br />

22:29 pretty rad<br />

22:30 my philosophy on it is that if you can dox someone, they deserve to be<br />

doxed<br />

22:31 and yes.. sure.. ut so far i never told anyone any first name of me<br />

22:31 not that anyone asked me either, i would find that a VERY STRANGE<br />

question<br />

22:32 but then<br />

22:32 I once dox'd someone from half a nickname in like four clicks: googled half<br />

in quotes half out, found a music profile of his, googled the most obscure musician in quotes<br />

along with the two halves of his name and "facebook", found his facebook page that had liked<br />

the musician and his full name<br />

22:32 that is why you take internets as srs bsns<br />

22:32 all you say, nothing is surptiseing at all<br />

22:32 OFC he wants to dox us haha<br />

22:32 he is mad as hell, i lub it<br />

22:32 i guess that is what aaron tried with Q and failed horribly<br />

22:32 he so mad<br />

22:32 has gregs shit been dumped yet?<br />

22:33 nope, still working on that it seems<br />

22:34 marduk: wanna have some fun? we could fake dox, make 'em think we're<br />


from batshit places and we have batshit identities<br />

22:34 he has spies right nao probably storing everything both of us say<br />

22:34 well, we cant just reveal our identities tho :p<br />

22:34 nah, drop subtle hints, a very delicate plan<br />

22:35 one thing we still have to do is say "Operation Galfromtronam" or<br />

something, wait for spais to Google whatever the fuck "Galfro--" is, have it link to a "leaked"<br />

pastebin of a "secret" operation where we both discuss something about... I dunno, Russian<br />

missiles<br />

22:36 hm i dunno, i still am not fully awake.. also it would not by typical of me<br />

22:36 i dont thik any spai would believe it.. however, if someone else drops sth..<br />

22:36 nah, not like that, just even drop a slight mannerism that suggests you're<br />

from a certain country<br />

22:36 I don't know if you read all 23 pages of Aaron's report<br />

22:36 but he was guessing people nationalities based on their words<br />

22:37 he had "possibly UK" when someone said "footy"<br />

22:38 fuck, if I weren't so nice I'd let those corporate bastards pay me to dox<br />

harder than they ever could<br />

22:38 but Anon is leegun

01:29 would you want to talk to him?<br />

01:29 possibly use a new handle<br />

01:44 so<br />

01:44 idea<br />

01:44 regarding the anon intel group thing<br />

01:45 we need artwork<br />

01:45 our own terrifying symbol of leetness<br />

01:45 like an insignia or crest<br />

01:45 for psyops reasons<br />

01:45 http://www.psywarrior.<strong>com</strong>/DeathCardsAce.html<br />

01:45 examples<br />

01:50 yeah, i already looked for a logofag<br />

01:50 dindt fine one so far<br />

--- Log closed Thu Feb 10 02:11:16 2011<br />

--- Log opened Thu Feb 10 03:38:45 2011<br />

03:38 -!- Laurelai [Laurelai@HA-32m.bhl.uq5i3t.IP] has joined #hq<br />

03:38 -!- Irssi: #hq: Total of 7 nicks [3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 4 normal]<br />

03:38 -!- Irssi: Join to #hq was synced in 0 secs<br />

03:39 -!- mode/#hq [+o Laurelai] by HQBot<br />

03:45 added you to axx list<br />

03:49 thx :)<br />

03:50 we need more kaylas<br />

03:50 :s<br />

03:52 idd hah<br />

06:09 hai sexoes<br />

06:09 sexies even<br />

06:10 heya Avunit<br />

06:10 how are ya?<br />

06:10 good good<br />

06:10 seen the latest news about the WL connection?<br />

06:10 dont think so<br />

06:10 http://www.thetechherald.<strong>com</strong>/article.php/201106/6798/Data-intelligencefirms-proposed-a-systematic-attack-against-WikiLeaks<br />

06:11 :-)<br />

06:11 HBGary LEaks yield first interesting results :)<br />

06:11 oh yesh that one was posted yesterday right?<br />

06:11 yea, i think Laurelai found that actually in the emails?<br />

06:11 well when im @ home imma do my first perl project :3<br />

06:12 oh didnt see the update \o/<br />

06:13 and if perl isnt a bitch we'll have a dns bot for anonleaks today<br />

06:13 dns bot?<br />

06:13 yarr<br />

06:13 whats that doin?<br />

06:13 to update the nameservers on the fly through irc <strong>com</strong>mands<br />

06:13 ahh<br />

06:13 heh nice<br />

06:14 like !dns add lulz. A ip.goes.here<br />

06:14 should create an A record for lulz.anonleaks.ru. pointing to ip.goes.here<br />

06:15 should have !dns add, update and del<br />


06:16 yup, nice<br />

06:18 so thats on my todo list for todat<br />

06:18 today*<br />

06:19 ill do some ress work<br />

06:20 okay brb again for a big<br />

06:20 bit*<br />

06:49 guys<br />

06:49 found a new greg mail<br />

06:49 From: Greg Hoglund <br />

06:49 Hey all,<br />

06:49 I have gunwalegames.<strong>com</strong> registered and have full google apps<br />

purchased.<br />

06:49 This is my game related email address.<br />

06:49 -Greg<br />

06:57 there i am again<br />

06:58 wb<br />

06:58 gunwalegames.<strong>com</strong> is not aunched<br />

06:58 ty<br />

06:58 i wonder if it ever will<br />

07:09 hello<br />

07:09 ohai laurelai<br />

07:11 :D<br />

07:12 how are ya?<br />

07:12 i got some ideas to kick around whenever you guys have time<br />

07:12 feel free tok ick around ideas every moment :P<br />

07:12 i am perling my ass of tho<br />

07:12 well i wanted to discuss tactics<br />

07:13 * Avunit nods.<br />

07:13 while rm -rfing a idiots server is damn funny<br />

07:13 theres more long term lukz to be had by leeching information and<br />

backdooring the shit out of everything<br />

07:13 lulz*<br />

07:14 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited kayla into the channel<br />

07:14 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has joined #hq<br />

07:14 -!- mode/#hq [+o kayla] by HQBot<br />

07:14 :3 *hugs*<br />

07:14 good morning kayla<br />

07:14 * Avunit hugs kayla.<br />

07:14 just the girl i needed :3<br />

07:14 good morning laurelai :D<br />

07:14 [13:13:08] while rm -rfing a idiots server is damn funny<br />

07:14 [13:13:38] theres more long term lukz to be had by leeching<br />

information and backdooring the shit out of everything<br />

07:14 [13:13:42] lulz*<br />

07:14 to update kayla<br />

07:15 kayla: take a look at http://dosarrest.<strong>com</strong>/<br />

07:15 i have it on good authority that they are the ones helping the FBI v&<br />

anons<br />

07:16 i think its worth it to take a look and see what we can find on them<br />


07:16 weather it be hacking in or gathering intel<br />

07:17 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has quit [NickServ (GHOST <strong>com</strong>mand used by mysql2)]<br />

07:17 :/<br />

07:17 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited kayla into the channel<br />

07:17 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has joined #hq<br />

07:17 -!- mode/#hq [+o kayla] by HQBot<br />

07:17 D:<br />

07:18 gg<br />

07:18 07:15 kayla: take a look at http://dosarrest.<strong>com</strong>/<br />

07:18 07:15 i have it on good authority that they are the ones<br />

helping the FBI v& anons<br />

07:18 07:16 i think its worth it to take a look and see what we can<br />

find on them<br />

07:18 07:16 weather it be hacking in or gathering intel<br />

07:18 recap<br />

07:18 incase you missed it<br />

07:18 i've heard of tht place before :o<br />

07:18 can't remember where.....<br />

07:19 mpaa<br />

07:19 hired them<br />

07:19 at one point<br />

07:19 ewwwww html pages D:<br />

07:20 http://www.dosarrest.<strong>com</strong>/administrator/ it's runing joomla<br />

07:21 <br />

07:22 Sitemap: http://www.dosarrest.<strong>com</strong>/sitemap.xml<br />

07:22 User-agent: *<br />

07:22 Disallow: /administrator/<br />

07:22 Disallow: /cache/<br />

07:22 Disallow: /<strong>com</strong>ponents/<br />

07:22 Disallow: /includes/<br />

07:22 Disallow: /installation/<br />

07:22 Disallow: /language/<br />

07:22 Disallow: /libraries/<br />

07:22 Disallow: /media/<br />

07:22 Disallow: /modules/<br />

07:22 Disallow: /plugins/<br />

07:22 Disallow: /templates/<br />

07:22 Disallow: /tmp/<br />

07:22 Disallow: /xmlrpc/<br />

07:22 Disallow: /azr94v2hh2lgbbkk/<br />

07:22 from robots.txt<br />

07:22 lol<br />

07:23 whats in azr94v2hh2lgbbkk<br />

07:23 JError XML-RPC Server not enabled.<br />

07:23 shame :p<br />

07:23 /azr94v2hh2lgbbkk/ 404<br />

07:24 joomla 1.5 is vuln i believe<br />

07:24 http://www.dosarrest.<strong>com</strong>/tmp/ interesting :3<br />


07:25 <strong>com</strong>_rsform<br />

07:25 anyone know if thre's bugs in <strong>com</strong>_rsform ???<br />

07:27 ohai kayla<br />

07:27 <br />

/home/fwwd/public_html/administrator/<strong>com</strong>ponents/<strong>com</strong>_joomlapack/backup/sitefwwd.dosarrest.<strong>com</strong>-20101015-054924.zip<br />

07:27 also i notices https://hbgary.<strong>com</strong> is redirecting now<br />

07:27 ohgod is tht a sit backup :op<br />

07:27 http://www.dosarrest.<strong>com</strong>/tmp/jpaae1yf<br />

07:28 Forbidden<br />

07:28 You don't have permission to access<br />

/administrator/<strong>com</strong>ponents/<strong>com</strong>_joomlapack/backup/site-fwwd.dosarrest.<strong>com</strong>-20101015-<br />

054924.zip on this server.<br />

07:28 bah D:<br />

07:28 Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.6-3ubuntu4.5 with Suhosin-Patch<br />

mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8g Server at dosarrest.<strong>com</strong> Port 80<br />

07:32 kayla: http://www.exploit-db.<strong>com</strong>/exploits/11262/<br />

07:34 "Greg is an ac<strong>com</strong>plished author, world recognized leader in rootkit<br />

technology and was recently named one of "10 hackers to know" in Network Security<br />

magazine. "<br />

07:34 lulz<br />

07:38 -!- Topiary [Piedent@do.the.impossible] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

07:46 -!- mode/#hq [+I DNSBot!*@*] by Avunit<br />

07:46 oh kayla and<br />

07:47 11:50 found a new greg mail<br />

07:47 11:50 From: Greg Hoglund <br />

07:47 though i dont think he used it for anything<br />

07:47 project thasnt started it seeems.. and unlikely now that it will<br />

07:48 did gregs mails get released :o?<br />

07:49 not yet.. joe needs to fix sth<br />

07:49 D:<br />

07:49 he will once he'S back, shouldnt be long<br />

07:50 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/aaron_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/index_d_d_28.html<br />

07:50 dont spread yet<br />

07:50 so far we only have ssron's spool there<br />

07:51 aaron'S even<br />

07:56 Kayla<br />

07:57 * Avunit pokes kayla.<br />

07:59 or tflow<br />

07:59 :o?<br />

07:59 you know perl?<br />

08:00 need ya to take al ook at the base of le bot<br />

08:00 because my perl is sucky<br />

08:00 whats wrong with it?<br />

08:00 currently its bragging about msising a bracket, even though theyre all in,<br />

might have a syntax error for perl in<br />

08:00 and im not sure if my file editing will work this way ;.;<br />

08:01 hmm im no perl guru ..... FUUU tackle lagging like hell<br />

08:01 i can take a look tho<br />


08:02 goddamnit why isnt securepastebin working<br />

08:03 http://securepastebin.<strong>com</strong>/go/retrievePost.action?id=6288<br />

08:03 pass: perlbot<br />

08:04 ewwww POE::Component::IRC;<br />

08:04 i h8 perl modules<br />

08:04 * Avunit goes for easyness ^.^<br />

08:05 i hate perl all together<br />

08:05 IO::SOCKET *<br />

08:05 but the module is purrty easy<br />

08:05 yeh dont have that either<br />

08:05 lulz feel free to edit it kayla :p<br />

08:06 first bit of perl i evah did<br />

08:08 still need the update, delete and list <strong>com</strong>mands in too D:<br />

08:08 irc_disconnected => sub { exit 1; }, #This exits when it gets disconnected.<br />

08:08 },<br />

08:08 );<br />

08:08 might be those lines<br />

08:09 Missing right curly or square bracket at ./perlbot.pl line 72, at end of line<br />

08:09 syntax error at ./perlbot.pl line 72, at EOF<br />

08:09 Execution of ./perlbot.pl aborted due to <strong>com</strong>pilation errors.<br />

08:10 CPANing...<br />

08:11 still getting that<br />

08:12 * Avunit stabs perl.<br />

08:13 brb<br />

08:13 didnt config cpan<br />

08:13 will take a while :p<br />

08:13 lulz<br />

08:13 thats done quite quickly actually<br />

08:14 doing some wild testing<br />

08:14 dunno whym, i skipped that actually hmm<br />

08:16 and can p0ke has the url to our email reader?5~<br />

08:17 iunno<br />

08:18 fuck, something is broen in my perl *sigh*<br />

08:21 omg why am i fixing perl now<br />

08:21 D:<br />

08:21 DIE perl DIE<br />

08:22 becus we want awesum bot<br />

08:22 maybe i should do python<br />

08:22 but lulz<br />

08:22 im too lazy<br />

08:23 mhh lulz, there is some dependency conflict<br />

08:23 grrr, looks like broken triumph lol<br />


08:24 blegh<br />

08:24 ill fix perl on triumph<br />

08:24 bitch<br />

08:24 reinstalling, should work here soon<br />

08:25 fixing triumph<br />

08:25 bitch<br />


08:26 and preferably dont delete perl on triumph<br />

08:26 since inspircd needs it to start :p<br />

08:27 why would i delete that?<br />

08:27 and how could i, i am not root :p<br />

08:27 nevah know what some people achieve :p<br />

08:28 lol<br />

08:28 can someone op me in ophbgary pls :3<br />

08:28 blegh tirumph is being slower than fuck<br />

08:29 youre not aopped?<br />

08:29 [14:29:10] -ChanServ- kayla added to #ophbgary AOP list.<br />

08:29 who the fork() keep rm'ing me a0p ;____;<br />

08:29 no<br />

08:29 your added<br />

08:29 I just added her<br />

08:29 ah k<br />

08:29 triumph is benig slow<br />

08:29 getting some tea meanwhile<br />

08:33 uhm Can't locate POE/Component/IRC.pm in @INC<br />

08:33 how is that installed?<br />

08:34 cpan<br />

08:34 yes how?<br />

08:34 install POE::Component::IRC<br />

08:34 ahhh right, doh<br />

08:34 i used / me dtupid<br />

08:34 thx<br />

08:34 np :)<br />

08:35 08:29 who the fork() keep rm'ing me a0p ;____;<br />

08:35 saved<br />

08:35 rofl<br />

08:39 use cpan POE<br />

08:39 and cpan POE::Component::IRC<br />

08:41 hmm<br />

08:41 yeah i got it<br />

08:41 and i dont see the missing bracket on first glance either<br />

08:41 imma sleep a bit<br />

08:41 -!- Irssi: #hq: Total of 7 nicks [4 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 3 normal]<br />

08:41 gnite laurelai<br />

08:41 nini<br />

08:45 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-29q.22n.iger54.IP] has joined #hq<br />

08:45 :p<br />

08:45 D:<br />

08:45 whatd you do<br />

08:45 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-29q.22n.iger54.IP] has quit [Connection closed]<br />

08:45 fixt ya shit<br />

08:45 gief<br />

08:45 sub Bot {<br />

08:46 has no closing<br />

08:46 ah<br />

08:46 add one<br />


08:46 and it runs<br />

08:46 % in vim ftw<br />

08:46 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

08:46 !dns add garysucks A<br />

08:47 The 'privmsg' event requires two arguments<br />

08:47 imma fix my own shit now<br />

08:47 :P<br />

08:47 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Connection closed]<br />

08:47 hehe<br />

08:51 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

08:51 !dns add garysucks A<br />

08:51 fucking lies<br />

08:51 it does add just a prob with theprivmsg event<br />

08:52 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Connection closed]<br />

08:52 never used irc module so dunno<br />

08:54 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited Topiary into the channel<br />

08:54 -!- Topiary [colossal@do.the.impossible] has joined #hq<br />

08:54 -!- mode/#hq [+o Topiary] by HQBot<br />

08:55 goddamnit triangle is slow<br />

08:56 What's the latest, fine sirs?<br />

08:56 gjkldgjklkldagjkldgklajga<br />

08:56 * Avunit starts shouting at triangle.<br />

08:57 goddamnit<br />

08:57 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru triumph.operationfreedom.ru quits: marduk<br />

08:57 and triangle died too<br />

08:57 awesome.<br />

08:58 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk<br />

09:01 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

09:01 !dns add lulztest A<br />

09:01 i borked it nao<br />

09:02 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Connection closed]<br />

09:02 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

09:02 !dns add plswork A pls.work.pls<br />

09:03 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Connection closed]<br />

09:03 sotp being such a slow server bitch<br />

09:05 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

09:05 !dns add testpls A test.pls.pls<br />

09:05 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Connection closed]<br />

09:06 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

09:06 !dns add moartest A moartest.test<br />

09:08 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Connection closed]<br />

09:08 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

09:08 !dns add dljgaklgdajgl A jklagadjkldgla<br />

09:08 < DNSBot> The following DNS configuration was added:<br />

09:08 < DNSBot> dljgaklgdajgl A jklagadjkldgla<br />

09:09 oh well thats positive<br />

09:09 \ø/<br />

09:09 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Connection closed]<br />

09:10 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />


09:10 !dns add lulzarehad A luzl<br />

09:10 < DNSBot> The following DNS configuration was added:<br />

09:10 < DNSBot> lulzarehad A luzl<br />

09:10 perfect<br />

09:10 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Connection closed]<br />

09:11 now update, delete and list<br />

09:11 marduk, if you have a bit of time, code one of those functions :p<br />

09:12 i cant code for shit :p<br />

09:12 awh fu<br />

09:12 tho probably not hard, if i look at add<br />

09:13 add is easy<br />

09:13 delete would do the same but then just for the line with the subdomain in it<br />

09:13 update would need to split the line in tokens and update only the ip part<br />

09:13 list would need to read the whole file and parse<br />

09:13 atleast<br />

09:13 well only the subdomain part of the file<br />

09:23 anyone who cares for a stuxnet message-id:<br />

<br />

09:27 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

09:27 !dns add test A<br />

09:27 < DNSBot> The following DNS configuration was added:<br />

09:27 < DNSBot> test A<br />

09:27 !dns del test<br />

09:27 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Connection closed]<br />

09:27 well that didnt work<br />

09:28 btw correction Topiary<br />

09:28 penny did not say she owns 15% of hbgf, she said hbg owns 15% and that<br />

is correct<br />

09:28 confirmed by internal mails<br />

09:33 !aop add entropy<br />

09:33 !invite entropy<br />

09:33 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited entropy into the channel<br />

09:33 -HQBot:#hq- entropy was invited to the channel.<br />

09:34 -!- entropy [noyx@HA-dkm.je4.cn1rg3.IP] has joined #hq<br />

09:34 -!- mode/#hq [+o entropy] by HQBot<br />

09:35 besides all that I should make a @ or & check in too i suppose, but ive no<br />

fridging idea how that is handled<br />

09:35 if bot is only here it doesnt matter i guess<br />

09:36 better safe than sorry :p<br />

09:37 ok you want me to add del update and list<br />

09:37 del cuts the a record and restarts bind<br />

09:37 whats update do ?<br />

09:37 basically del then add?<br />

09:37 and list just lists a records?<br />

09:37 Basically itd be like !dns update hbgary<br />

09:37 and itd change the hbgary A 91.xxx.xxx.xxx<br />

09:38 to hbgary A<br />

09:38 yep<br />

09:38 can be done by tokens i suppose<br />


09:38 or delte the whole line<br />

09:38 and rewrite it<br />

09:38 but not everything has to be A though<br />

09:38 yea if you have an del and add already can just call that<br />

09:38 the syntax for add is !dns add subdomain type ipaddress<br />

09:38 you want to add like cnames and all?<br />

09:38 nah but can be hadny for mx<br />

09:39 ok<br />

09:39 let me eat breakfast and drink some coffee and ill do it<br />

09:39 thanks<br />

09:39 np<br />

09:39 ill learn some more about perl and probably add some other neat functions<br />

in later too, yknow syntax checking n stuff<br />

09:43 i have to change add too<br />

09:43 2011020901 ; serial<br />

09:43 anytime you have a change<br />

09:43 ou have to increment that<br />

09:43 any change at all<br />

09:43 ah<br />

09:43 well i jsut did the basic<br />

09:43 as you can see it doesnt even restart bind9 yet<br />

09:44 whos the bot goign to run ass<br />

09:44 as<br />

09:44 DNSBot<br />

09:44 its defined in tehs cript<br />

09:44 oh you mean<br />

09:44 as user?<br />

09:44 yea<br />

09:44 iunno probably under avunit or a seperate user<br />

09:45 just gotta give chown of the file there :P<br />

09:50 http://www.tacktech.<strong>com</strong>/display.cfm?ttid=323<br />

09:50 prob easier todo something like that<br />

09:50 then you dont have to +s anythign to restart<br />

09:50 ok coffee brb<br />

09:56 ill just let you code something now<br />

09:56 and ill screw it afterwards<br />

09:56 :p<br />

10:05 Topiary: called sabu yet?<br />

10:06 I called him yesterday.<br />

10:06 Did he say he missed me? :(<br />

10:06 told him about the wikileaks connection?<br />

10:06 He was actually driving at the time so had to park, it was pretty lulzy. And<br />

yeah, he's actually gonna be on here around evening time EST.<br />

10:06 marduk: Yes.<br />

10:07 kk :)<br />

10:25 lalalala<br />

10:25 :3<br />

10:25 hai kayla<br />

10:26 howrubeisdoing?<br />


10:27 imgoodlolthankshowareyou?<br />

10:28 irbeingdoingquitefineakshuallysolikegotanyzhingtotell?<br />

10:30 <br />

nahnotreallyjustnoneinterestingshiticancounttopotatoeifthatcountsasanythinginterestinghowab<br />

outyouanythingnewwithyouyoudliketoshare?<br />

10:32 <br />

idontreallygoingsomethingiwanttoshareapartfromthatisimplylovehqbotimreallyinlovewithhimhe<br />

sreallylikemyeternallovebutfurthermorenotreallyimeanimaprettyboringguyyknowsoyeahthatsno<br />

tmuchisuppose<br />

10:32 On a scale of 1 to 10, how many letters is a bucket of caterpillars?<br />

10:32 Depends on if you count to potatoe or not.<br />

10:33 kayla: https://hbgary.webex.<strong>com</strong>/mw0306l/mywebex/forgotpwd.do?<br />

siteurl=hbgary<br />

10:33 eh not quite right url<br />

10:34 did we look at webex?<br />

10:42 err<br />

10:42 nah?<br />

10:42 atleast not that i know of<br />

10:43 ted and aaron have webex accounts with their hbgary.<strong>com</strong> email<br />

addresses<br />

10:53 It requires username/pass not email/pass<br />

10:54 Avunit: what do you want list to do?<br />

10:54 do we still have tht backdoor account to their google apps account?<br />

10:54 list everything starting at NS entry<br />

10:55 kayla: sabu would know... Topiary ask him today?<br />

10:55 in the channel?<br />

10:55 He's <strong>com</strong>ing on here this afternoon.<br />

10:55 oh?<br />

10:55 cool<br />

10:55 * marduk is happy :)<br />

10:57 Indeed, he'll be here around evening time EST, he approves of going full<br />

retard on Palantir/Berico.<br />

10:57 palantir shut their db down<br />

10:58 in fear of us :p<br />

10:58 Can we go public with that fact?<br />

10:58 what a bunch of 'security' <strong>com</strong>panies they are<br />

10:58 i told steve ...<br />

10:58 but the problem is, we have no confirmation<br />

10:58 someonetold me who uses palantir login for some training program<br />

10:59 Avunit: im going to write it in your hom and put you in bind group to you<br />

can run it as yourself and update bind without root<br />

10:59 with rndc keys<br />

11:00 k

servers we could use something like undelete to recover the info from their HD's<br />

11:10 lulz<br />

11:11 thatd be quite funny<br />

11:11 yeh i doubt they thought to shred<br />

11:11 using forensic software to get their datas back xD<br />

11:12 i don't rm -rf log files, i shred them<br />

11:12 kinda pointless when they can do a restore and get the logs back<br />

11:13 but not if you /dev/zero them :3<br />

11:13 soem dd lulz<br />

11:17 kayla:<br />

11:17 do you have some time<br />

11:17 DrPizza is the guy from ars technica who wrote the article<br />

11:17 hi<br />

11:18 ahh<br />

11:18 there he is :)<br />

11:18 told you i'd be here at 4 :)<br />

11:18 yeah :)<br />

11:18 k, plz msg DrPizza then<br />

11:21 what about lol :D<br />

11:21 huh?<br />

11:22 http://phiral.net/~noyx/perlbot.pl.txt<br />

11:22 ill put it in your home<br />

11:22 my pl is getto so i repeat code<br />

11:22 havent used pl in years<br />

11:40 nais entropy<br />

11:41 ;)<br />

11:41 im switching between 3 langs between work and here<br />

11:42 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

11:42 its boggling the mind<br />

11:42 you own phiral?<br />

11:42 !dns list<br />

11:42 tis ture ;)<br />

11:42 true<br />

11:42 or is et just !list<br />

11:42 !list<br />

11:42 $Temp[0] is <strong>com</strong>mand<br />

11:42 $Temp[1] is subdomain<br />

11:42 $Temp[2] is type<br />

11:42 $Temp[3] is ip<br />

11:42 is what i had<br />

11:42 yarr<br />

11:42 !dns list<br />

11:43 is not working tho<br />

11:43 list empty?<br />

11:43 Narr<br />

11:43 ok hold on<br />

11:43 running as you right<br />

11:43 !end<br />

11:43 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Quit: Quit]<br />


11:43 yup<br />

11:48 so... what am i /msg drpizza for :s?<br />

11:48 no heh sorry<br />

11:48 tflow is covering<br />

11:48 join #reporter if interested<br />

11:49 he is giving a walkthru for the hax<br />

11:49 :o<br />

11:51 Sabu wanted full disclosure :)<br />

11:53 tflow wht do you mean?<br />

11:54 of the hack<br />

11:59 Goddamnit this Guardian bitch is requesting access to "secret" inner-circle<br />

channels so she can tell everyone about how hard Anon works and to have first-hand<br />

experience at our inner workings<br />

11:59 I say we fake a secret channel and discuss in BATSHIT CODE<br />

11:59 and then invite her<br />

11:59 lol<br />

11:59 where is she?<br />

12:00 topiary: max agree just fur the lulz<br />

12:00 she's talking to me on Skype, she's doing one insanely indepth story for<br />

Guardian<br />

12:00 this story will probably be their largest<br />

12:00 we need to troll her hard<br />

12:00 Topiary: lol what?<br />

12:00 we use UNION+NEVAH+GONNA+GIVE+YOU+UP<br />

12:01 fuck niggahs, do you wanna make one on anonops called #over9000 or<br />

something?<br />

12:01 then we invite her and just, I don't know<br />

12:01 we just go to town in hackers on steroids talk<br />

12:02 mhh not sure but i could utter some cryptic stuff<br />

12:02 bitch: create it<br />

12:02 well we could just be aloof<br />

12:02 need some moar ppl there tho<br />

12:02 #over9000 is made<br />

12:02 just act distant and a little ominous so she gets intimidated<br />

12:02 or even lurk<br />

12:03 ye wont say much<br />

12:03 you lead this show<br />

12:03 Topiary: so she's not actually believing that anonymous isn't secretive?<br />

12:03 if so, epic troll the guardian and teach them a lesson<br />

12:03 epic troll time<br />

12:03 speak like cryptic, only to eachother and be blunt to her<br />

12:03 god yeah<br />

12:03 lets roll<br />

12:03 she wants to delve into the secret underbelly, we'll give her a trolling<br />

hellstorm<br />

12:03 turn on your coolfaces<br />

12:04 lol<br />

12:24 17:24 -!- mode/#over9000 [+f [60t]:90] by Topiary<br />

12:24 lol<br />


12:24 that'll scare her good<br />

12:25 she has people from Guardian watching us with her<br />

12:25 xD<br />

12:25 shell be like<br />

12:25 "the fuck is that?"<br />

12:26 tflow: check my pm!<br />

12:30 and walk the dinosaur.<br />

12:31 my guess is that she actually has tech guys with her right now<br />

12:31 probably<br />

12:31 so we need to make hints at 1337 H4X0R terms so they confirm it<br />

12:33 ill bring a Don in soon<br />

12:33 we only refer to him as D tho<br />

12:54 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

12:54 !dns list<br />

12:54 kill and restart it<br />

12:55 !end<br />

12:55 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Quit: Quit]<br />

12:55 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

12:56 !dns list<br />

12:56 !list<br />

12:56 fucking shit<br />

12:56 its not doing anything with the <strong>com</strong>mand at all<br />

12:56 i know<br />

12:56 its poppy cock<br />

12:56 !dns add test A<br />

12:56 not working eithah<br />

12:56 @Temp isnt getting populated<br />

12:57 well ive no idea why since the @Temp part didnt change<br />

12:57 but then again<br />

12:57 my perl sucks<br />

12:58 !dns del test A<br />

12:58 !end<br />

12:58 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Quit: Quit]<br />

13:00 so it might be that my approach failed anyway<br />

13:17 ok try now<br />

13:17 i cp to your home<br />

13:17 !dns add|update|del test A<br />

13:18 !dns list<br />

13:18 has to be called like that<br />

13:18 and update and del can take up to an hour if it gets cached<br />

13:18 not the change in ours but if it gets propagated<br />

13:18 actually ill change update iterval to like 10 min<br />

13:19 LOL<br />

13:19 you<br />

13:19 changed<br />

13:19 servers<br />

13:19 didnt you>?<br />

13:19 lol<br />

13:20 and its joins #poppycock<br />


13:20 might want to change those back ;)<br />

13:20 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

13:20 !dns list<br />

13:20 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Connection closed]<br />

13:20 lol<br />

13:20 :)<br />

13:20 1 at ./perlbot.pl line 165.<br />

13:20 Permission denied<br />

13:20 lulz<br />

13:20 the f<br />

13:21 type groups<br />

13:21 your in bind right?<br />

13:21 nope<br />

13:21 D:<br />

13:21 avunit root admin<br />

13:21 logout and back in<br />

13:22 noyx@ru:~$ cat /etc/group | grep bind<br />

13:22 bind:x:106:noyx,avunit<br />

13:22 logging in again<br />

13:22 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

13:22 !dns list<br />

13:22 < DNSBot> Current DNS Config:<br />

13:22 < DNSBot> localhost A<br />

13:22 < DNSBot> www A<br />

13:22 < DNSBot> hbgary A<br />

13:22 < DNSBot> ns1 A<br />

13:22 < DNSBot> ns2 A<br />

13:22 < DNSBot> phiral A<br />

13:22 < DNSBot> $ORIGIN .<br />

13:22 < DNSBot> $TTL 3600 ; 1 hour<br />

13:22 < DNSBot> anonleaks.ru IN SOA ns1.anonleaks.ru. admin.anonleaks.ru. (<br />

13:23 < DNSBot> 2011020906 ; serial<br />

13:23 < DNSBot> 7200 ; refresh (2 hours)<br />

13:23 < DNSBot> 3600 ; retry (1 hour)<br />

13:23 < DNSBot> 604800 ; expire (1 week)<br />

13:23 < DNSBot> 3600 ; minimum (1 hour)<br />

13:23 < DNSBot> )<br />

13:23 < DNSBot> NS ns1.anonleaks.ru.<br />

13:23 < DNSBot> NS ns2.anonleaks.ru.<br />

13:23 < DNSBot> A<br />

13:23 < DNSBot> $ORIGIN anonleaks.ru.<br />

13:23 < DNSBot> localhost A<br />

13:23 < DNSBot> www A<br />

13:23 < DNSBot> hbgary A<br />

13:23 < DNSBot> ns1 A<br />

13:23 hold on<br />

13:23 < DNSBot> ns2 A<br />

13:23 sound slike<br />

13:23 i was backing up the main conf file<br />


13:23 and it read both<br />

13:23 its copying stuff<br />

13:23 i was<br />

13:23 before we start testing hold on<br />

13:23 k<br />

13:25 list now<br />

13:25 !dns list<br />

13:25 < DNSBot> Current DNS Config:<br />

13:25 < DNSBot> localhost A<br />

13:25 < DNSBot> www A<br />

13:25 < DNSBot> hbgary A<br />

13:25 < DNSBot> ns1 A<br />

13:25 < DNSBot> ns2 A<br />

13:25 should i parese and format that?<br />

13:25 im just reading the lines and output<br />

13:25 well IRC just doesnt support tabs :/<br />

13:25 yea pita<br />

13:27 try add<br />

13:28 !dns add test A<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> The following DNS configuration was added:<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> test A<br />

13:28 !dns list<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> Current DNS Config:<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> localhost A<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> www A<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> hbgary A<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> ns1 A<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> ns2 A<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> test A<br />

13:28 !dns del test A<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> The following DNS configuration was deleted:<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> test A<br />

13:28 !dns list<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> Current DNS Config:<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> localhost A<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> www A<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> hbgary A<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> ns1 A<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> ns2 A<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> test A<br />

13:28 somethigns wrong with del<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> $ORIGIN .<br />

13:28 adds fine<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> $TTL 3600 ; 1 hour<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> anonleaks.ru IN SOA ns1.anonleaks.ru. admin.anonleaks.ru. (<br />

13:28 omfg<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> 2011020908 ; serial<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> 7200 ; refresh (2 hours)<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> 3600 ; retry (1 hour)<br />


13:28 i fucking hate perl<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> 604800 ; expire (1 week)<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> 3600 ; minimum (1 hour)<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> )<br />

13:28 < DNSBot> NS ns1.anonleaks.ru.<br />

13:29 < DNSBot> NS ns2.anonleaks.ru.<br />

13:29 < DNSBot> A<br />

13:29 < DNSBot> $ORIGIN anonleaks.ru.<br />

13:29 < DNSBot> localhost A<br />

13:29 < DNSBot> www A<br />

13:29 < DNSBot> hbgary A<br />

13:29 < DNSBot> ns1 A<br />

13:29 < DNSBot> ns2 A<br />

13:29 no test there tho<br />

13:29 :P<br />

13:29 its concat the file<br />

13:32 D:<br />

13:33 perl is so awesome<br />

13:33 especially when someone is fixing your<br />

13:33 newb perl coding<br />

13:33 ...<br />

13:34 i could have written this in asm faster<br />

13:34 can you kill it<br />

13:35 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Connection closed]<br />

13:35 lets go for .NET next time and emulate it into ubuntu<br />

13:35 lol<br />

13:36 not a good plan? :3<br />

13:41 nothign like prog in a lang you dont know to make you feel like a fuckign<br />

retard<br />

13:44 ok its finally right<br />

13:45 the f<br />

13:47 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]<br />

13:48 et is work?<br />

13:48 yes<br />

13:48 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

13:48 !dns list<br />

13:48 < DNSBot> Current DNS Config:<br />

13:48 < DNSBot> localhost A<br />

13:48 < DNSBot> www A<br />

13:48 < DNSBot> hbgary A<br />

13:48 if it has any bugs left im lighting the svr on fire its on<br />

13:48 < DNSBot> ns1 A<br />

13:48 < DNSBot> ns2 A<br />

13:48 !dns add test A<br />

13:48 < DNSBot> The following DNS configuration was added:<br />

13:48 < DNSBot> test A<br />

13:49 !dns list<br />

13:49 < DNSBot> Current DNS Config:<br />

13:49 < DNSBot> localhost A<br />


13:49 < DNSBot> www A<br />

13:49 < DNSBot> hbgary A<br />

13:49 < DNSBot> ns1 A<br />

13:49 < DNSBot> ns2 A<br />

13:49 < DNSBot> test A<br />

13:49 !dns del test A<br />

13:49 < DNSBot> The following DNS configuration was deleted:<br />

13:49 < DNSBot> test A<br />

13:49 !dns list<br />

13:49 < DNSBot> Current DNS Config:<br />

13:49 < DNSBot> localhost A<br />

13:49 < DNSBot> www A<br />

13:49 < DNSBot> hbgary A<br />

13:49 < DNSBot> ns1 A<br />

13:49 < DNSBot> ns2 A<br />

13:49 thats kind of positive :O<br />

13:49 yea<br />

13:49 only took me 400 tries<br />

13:50 and the flush and restart of bind is working<br />

13:50 you can see on your term<br />

13:50 okay sec starting it up in the background<br />

13:50 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Connection closed]<br />

13:50 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

13:51 !voice DNSBot<br />

13:51 -!- mode/#hq [+v DNSBot] by HQBot<br />

13:52 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Changing host]<br />

13:52 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@DNS.Bot] has joined #hq<br />

13:52 -!- ServerMode/#hq [+v DNSBot] by twisted.operationfreedom.ru<br />

13:53 tflow<br />

13:56 * Avunit cheers at entropy meanwhile for his efforts.<br />

13:56 i would say n but id be lying<br />

13:56 np<br />

13:57 ;)<br />

13:57 !dns list<br />

13:57 Current DNS Config:<br />

13:57 localhost A<br />

13:57 www A<br />

13:57 hbgary A<br />

13:57 ns1 A<br />

13:57 ns2 A<br />

13:57 hehe<br />

13:57 i didnt put any permissions checks in it<br />

13:58 iknow but itll do for now<br />

13:58 how about the dns record for anonleaks.ru?<br />

13:58 anonleaks.ru is the origin<br />

13:59 and i put the record in as an implied origin<br />

13:59 so its like<br />

13:59 A<br />

13:59 $ORIGIN anonleaks.ru.<br />


13:59 oh ok<br />

13:59 where the blank name before that A is implied<br />

13:59 i can make it editable<br />

13:59 gj<br />

13:59 i thought this was only for subs<br />

13:59 no, its good<br />

13:59 k<br />

14:00 im proud of my own botbase<br />

14:00 :3<br />

14:00 i should consider switching to perl jsut for the lulz<br />

14:00 pl is a lulz killer<br />

14:01 its like php python and some regex engine mixed together<br />

14:02 i can cope witht he php and python part<br />

14:03 twas mainly the <strong>com</strong>ponent::irc module that interested me<br />

14:04 !axx list<br />

14:04 yea it did do alot of that<br />

14:04 Avunit: yeah fail!<br />

14:05 !access del nessuno834<br />

14:05 !axx list<br />

14:05 oh<br />

14:05 worx no<br />

14:05 !aop del nessuno834<br />

14:05 -!- mode/#hq [-o Nessuno834] by HQBot<br />

14:05 didnt before<br />

14:06 oh wait<br />

14:06 nessuno lulz<br />

14:06 im crazy<br />

14:06 yeah why did you remove him?<br />

14:06 just was about to ask<br />

14:06 sorry lack of sleep<br />

14:06 i was like<br />

14:06 the fuck is nessuno?<br />

14:06 xD<br />

14:06 and mr[a] wants in, hmm<br />

14:06 what you think<br />

14:06 !aop add nessuno834<br />

14:06 -!- mode/#hq [+o Nessuno834] by HQBot<br />

14:07 well no offense to him but... we dont need him here<br />

14:07 ohai<br />

14:07 lulz sorry nessuno xD<br />

14:07 :(<br />

14:07 yea<br />

14:07 think so too<br />

14:08 also i dont trust his security perimeter<br />

14:08 * Nessuno834 leaves :(<br />

14:08 well he is kind of... inexperienced when it <strong>com</strong>es to.. well just PCs in<br />

general :p<br />

14:09 tis not because he has bad things in mind but like well<br />

14:09 u talkin bout me?<br />


14:09 no :p<br />

14:09 i was just<br />

14:09 forgetting who you were<br />

14:09 due to<br />

14:09 lack of sleep<br />

14:09 :p<br />

14:09 meh<br />

14:09 lol<br />


15:14 jEA<br />

15:14 -!- sabu is now known as Sabu<br />

15:14 fucking nigg3rs wanna battle<br />

15:14 Saaaaaaaaaaaaaabuuuuuuuu \o/<br />

15:14 boring without internet huh<br />

15:14 sups my brothers<br />

15:15 'Lo there<br />

15:15 dude<br />

15:15 without internet<br />

15:15 I feel like a faggot<br />

15:15 haha<br />

15:15 anyway<br />

15:16 I been reading twitter<br />

15:16 sabu what happened to your internets?<br />

15:16 and thx to topiary I been up to date<br />

15:16 Nessuno834: I got rid of my laptop and everything else with media<br />

15:16 just to be on safe side<br />

15:16 ahhh :(<br />

15:16 i heard u was having a break<br />

15:16 yeah<br />

15:17 so gents<br />

15:17 whats the latest<br />

15:17 why get rid of the notebook?<br />

15:17 i mean.... wipe it and reinstall if you're paranoid?<br />

15:17 marduk: nah I don't even want that around<br />

15:17 heh, okay.. :)<br />

15:17 anyway<br />

15:17 I got time right now<br />

15:18 are we going to target these other 2 sec firms?<br />

15:18 hope ur not paranoid<br />

15:18 or we just sitting on it<br />

15:18 i havent heard anything .. i think kayla was checking them out<br />

15:18 ok<br />

15:18 but you missed her by an hour or so<br />

15:18 gh3y<br />

15:18 but i guess she'll be back<br />

15:18 have we leaked greg's shit yet/<br />

15:19 no... but almost<br />

15:19 but check this out<br />

15:19 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/aaron_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/index_d_a_71.html<br />

15:19 dont leak the URL yet<br />

15:20 looks good<br />

15:20 im not on other ircd just here. I'm not leaking shiznit<br />

15:20 seeing as im prob only one here whoaint seen gregs emails, is there<br />

anything juicy in them?<br />

15:21 yeah i know<br />

15:21 just saying.. will be public later<br />

15:21 when the othermails are there<br />

15:21 this is nice<br />


15:21 Nessuno834: greg's email is nice and juicy<br />

15:21 I was the one in there<br />

15:21 we dont know, they have not been scanned or released yet<br />

15:21 Sabu: do you have a list of all the emails/aliases Aaron uses?<br />

15:21 oh we scanned them a bit?<br />

15:21 and i would use his passwords, Topiary you have them? would like to try<br />

something<br />

15:21 marduk, I traversed his email first. then gave access to tflow<br />

15:22 kibafo33<br />

15:22 Sabu: ah ok nice<br />

15:22 31sat<strong>com</strong> for Ted<br />

15:22 kibafo33 for Aaron<br />

15:22 I thought u had seen them marduk<br />

15:22 thx<br />

15:22 still jelly i missed the main fun<br />

15:23 Nessuno834: only 127 :)<br />

15:23 I left a backdoor admin account on hbgary.<strong>com</strong>'s email server<br />

15:23 anyone want to see if we still have admin?<br />

15:23 if so R O F L<br />

15:23 DO EET.<br />

15:24 ok<br />

15:24 Ill give you info<br />

15:24 you try to login<br />

15:24 I don got proxies atm my rootlist is elsewhere<br />

15:24 get https proxy<br />

15:24 url: https://www.google.<strong>com</strong>/a/prvt.org<br />

15:24 user: reseller<br />

15:24 pass: random<br />

15:24 if you do get to login<br />

15:24 click on "manage domain"<br />

15:24 reset their passwords<br />

15:24 and leak new emails<br />


15:25 oops<br />

15:25 wrong domain<br />

15:25 https://www.google.<strong>com</strong>/a/hbgary.<strong>com</strong><br />

15:25 there you go<br />

15:26 no deal<br />

15:26 Does not work, sadface<br />

15:26 gay<br />

15:26 so sad<br />

15:26 20:22 anyone seen sabu?<br />

15:26 sogay<br />

15:26 tell garrett he ca find me here<br />

15:26 can<br />

15:26 privately<br />

15:26 k<br />


15:31 * Avunit humps the sabu<br />


15:31 D:<br />

15:32 yo yo avunit<br />

15:32 what up my nigga<br />

15:32 uh what happened now<br />

15:32 vlad goin away?<br />

15:32 what?<br />

15:32 hmm no irc works<br />

15:32 wut?<br />

15:32 http://internetfeds.mil.nf not responding<br />

15:32 ah now<br />

15:32 just hung<br />

15:32 LINK: Server tackle.operationfreedom.ru has not responded to PING for 15<br />

seconds, high latency.<br />

15:33 heihachi. i guess.<br />

15:33 lol<br />

15:33 yeah<br />

15:33 haihachi sucks cocks<br />

15:33 that said i will have an invoice in 5 days again<br />

15:33 oh yeah avunit I meant to tell you that if I go offline for a while<br />

15:33 private and isla are good money<br />

15:33 they're <strong>com</strong>pletely separated from me<br />

15:33 so that'll stay up + stable<br />

15:33 nais<br />

15:34 I'll have to give you root if anything<br />

15:34 I think about kepeing triumph in heihachi and moving tackle to another host<br />

15:34 yea<br />

15:35 and my first time crappty perl project <strong>com</strong>bined with entropy's rusty perl skills<br />

15:35 gave us the DNSBot too<br />

15:35 to manage anonleaks.ru<br />

15:35 8)<br />

15:35 who is leaking gregs mails? tflow?<br />

15:35 think so<br />

15:35 yes, but we wnt to <strong>com</strong>bine it with the release of the online reader<br />

15:35 oh marduk, has joepie been working on the interface somewhere today?<br />

15:35 and i think we need joe for that<br />

15:36 he didnt <strong>com</strong>e back yet.. but should be soon now<br />

15:36 Because here we sorted everything at domain and manage level now<br />

15:36 so the only thing holding us back is the interface :P<br />

15:36 there was a probl with greg's mails but he knows how to six<br />

15:36 he wanted to do that when he is back<br />

15:36 fix I hope<br />

15:36 yarr<br />

15:36 Because I know how to seven.<br />

15:36 let me tell you guys<br />

15:36 you thought aarons mails were bad<br />

15:37 gregs full of yumz<br />

15:37 they are not that bad actually<br />

15:37 most is shit<br />

15:37 I love yumz, but i generally dont have time to read through yumz<br />


15:37 you guys do realize<br />

15:37 that this is going to spark a major offensive on at least my behalf against<br />

white security firms<br />

15:38 whitehat+<br />

15:38 * Avunit points at palantir and berico.<br />

15:38 yup<br />

15:38 you know those guys are changing their passwords<br />

15:38 scanning their access logs<br />

15:38 lol<br />

15:38 oh sabi<br />

15:38 sabu<br />

15:38 i heard that palantur shut down their databases. cause they fear us<br />

15:38 lulz<br />

15:38 yeah bro<br />

15:39 anyway guys<br />

15:39 really<br />

15:39 can you confirm that?<br />

15:39 if we wanna do something with palantir and berico<br />

15:39 i propose something more subtle first<br />

15:39 because now theyre all like expecting us<br />

15:39 just relax, get sniff em to death<br />

15:39 also did we check out that lawyer firm?<br />

15:39 and when it starts to calm down again<br />

15:39 they're expecting us to attack their servers<br />

15:39 hit em with every backdoor that was in<br />

15:39 bawt no direct email leaks, rm -rfs and maximum access everywhere :p<br />

15:39 I will hit everything around the servers<br />

15:40 I just wanna rm some more ;)<br />

15:40 >>> Example. If I want to gain access to the Exelon plant up in Pottsdown<br />

PA I only have to go as far as LinkedIn to identify Nuclear engineers being employed by<br />

Exelon in that location. Jump over to Facebook to start doing link analysis and profiling. Add<br />

data from twitter and other social media services. I have enough information to develop a<br />

highly targeted exploitation effort.<br />

15:40 god this guy is so full of bull<br />

15:40 Sabu: Greg is looking for q and me personally<br />

15:40 Just do it at the right time sabu :P<br />

15:40 He was asking about us by name<br />

15:40 to whom topiary?<br />


15:41 Sabu: couple of sources that want to be kept private<br />

15:41 ok<br />

15:41 topiary they want to remain anonymous?<br />

15:41 just be careful guy<br />

15:41 s<br />

15:41 can;t afford to lose any of you guys<br />

15:42 i am safe<br />

15:42 * Avunit dies under the pressure.<br />

15:42 Nessuno834: yeah and I'm getting them to troll Greg and fax dox me, act<br />

like they're ratting me out but leading him further away [Pester, et al?]<br />


15:42 too... much... love...<br />

15:42 fucking nobody on anonops knows who i am<br />

15:42 *fact<br />

15:42 I dont exist<br />

15:42 at all<br />

15:42 Well there are no actual ties to me and very criminal activity but yeah as said<br />

before I am traceable if they really want to<br />

15:42 but all my data is safe :P<br />

15:43 @topiary on twitter, that guy with the European voice<br />

15:43 that is all anyone has on me.<br />

15:43 @atopiary rather<br />

15:43 Fucking wish I had @topiary<br />

15:43 I'm just that guy that lurks in every channel.<br />

15:43 oh<br />

15:43 my skype is doxiary<br />

15:43 I do nothing<br />

15:43 in case they go DERPER<br />

15:44 lol<br />

15:44 and I am nobody<br />

15:44 I'm sure all of us have info online somewhere, but not linked to our current<br />

info in any way<br />

15:44 HBGary and Berico were in contact with Hunton & Williams in early5~<br />

Novemvber alredy<br />

15:44 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/aaron_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/6413.html<br />

15:44 Let's face it, we were dumb kids once<br />

15:45 Topiary: probably, and mainly because i want it :P<br />

15:45 gotta run businesses too<br />

15:45 xD<br />

15:45 WOW shit<br />

15:45 check that pptx<br />

15:45 "Develop a corporate information reconnaissance service to aid legal<br />

investigations through the open source collection of information on target groups and<br />

individuals that appear organized to extort specific concessions through online slander<br />

campaigns."<br />

15:45 Laurelai<br />

15:46 srs i prefer just a plain text file over a powerpoint presentation >.><br />

15:46 lol<br />

15:47 lulllz<br />

15:47 they want to dox us all<br />

15:47 thru facebwek<br />

15:47 n linkedin<br />

15:47 n google<br />

15:47 n wordpress<br />

15:47 n yahoo<br />

15:47 the fuck<br />

15:47 that they go use the same pass and name everywhere and reg everywhere<br />

15:47 doesnt mean<br />

15:47 we do<br />

15:47 these guys are <strong>com</strong>pletely dense<br />


15:48 if thats your only way of doxing people...<br />

15:48 well lol<br />

15:48 we'd better get a smoke and chill a lot then<br />

15:48 because jeez<br />

15:48 ok gents<br />

15:48 I really want to see their emails now, after that statement on the HBGary<br />

site, we can assume they're going into dox overdrive<br />

15:48 so whats the lawyer firm that tried to put the anti-wikileaks oepration?<br />


15:48 Hudson & thingie?<br />

15:49 oh Hunton & Williams<br />

15:49 wasnt it williams and something?<br />

15:49 yes<br />

15:49 what were their email addresses?<br />

15:49 its BoA lawyer firm<br />

15:49 do they have a website?<br />

15:49 sure.. i guess..<br />

15:49 Meanwhile, please be aware that any information currently in the<br />

public domain is not reliable because the perpetrators of this offense, or people working<br />

closely with them, have intentionally falsified certain data.<br />

15:49 fuckin hypocrites<br />

15:49 http://www.hunton.<strong>com</strong>/<br />

15:50 kk<br />

15:50 I'll begin research<br />

15:50 Nessuno834: well aarons mail are all sigitally signed<br />

15:50 lulz<br />

15:50 Listening to mubarak meanwhile<br />

15:54 and ofcourse ill take care of private and isla too<br />

15:54 gimme roto and ill fux em up as much as possible :P<br />

15:56 20:55 Anyone know if it was the enterprise edition of google<br />

apps or the regular version where the emails were stored?<br />

15:56 Sabu: ?<br />

15:57 also:<br />

15:57 jwoods@hunton.<strong>com</strong><br />

15:57 John Woods<br />

15:57 is their contact at H&W<br />

16:01 ohhhh sabu<br />

16:01 i have someting lol<br />

16:02 research from Aaron on Jeff<br />

16:02 but this looks substantial *surprise*<br />

16:02 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/aaron_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/7628.html<br />

16:02 soo hmm<br />

16:02 it looks like they actively researched that <strong>com</strong>pany. interesting<br />

16:03 Political Donations: Gave money to John McCain<br />

16:03 oh god<br />

16:03 :p<br />

16:03 Father owns Noland Company<br />

16:03 Annual Revenue $100-$500M<br />

16:03 A Runner. Member of GRIPLA.ORG (Greater Richmond Intellectual<br />


Property Law Association. Has a blackberry and has installed the Facebook app for<br />

blackberry.<br />

16:03 lol<br />

16:16 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triangle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @entropy,<br />

+DNSBot<br />

16:18 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @entropy, +DNSBot<br />

16:20 D:<br />

16:46 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triangle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @entropy,<br />

+DNSBot<br />

16:53 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @entropy, +DNSBot<br />

16:56 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triangle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @entropy,<br />

+DNSBot<br />

16:58 * Avunit stabs triangle.<br />

17:03 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @entropy, +DNSBot<br />

17:05 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru triangle.operationfreedom.ru quits:<br />

@entropy, +DNSBot<br />

17:05 sorry im back now<br />

17:06 marduk, it was enterprise edition<br />

17:06 they paid 1500 for 33 users<br />

17:06 thx Sabu<br />

17:06 I had all the receipts but I deleted them thinking hey were useless<br />

17:06 they<br />

17:06 heh yeah<br />

17:06 is it important if it was regular or enterprise/<br />

17:07 dunno, steve wnated to know, guess for some follow up article<br />

17:07 interesting<br />

17:13 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@DNS.Bot] has joined #hq<br />

17:13 -!- ServerMode/#hq [+v DNSBot] by triangle.operationfreedom.ru<br />

17:14 ok<br />

17:14 whats dnsbot<br />

17:14 !dns list<br />

17:14 !list<br />

17:14 hmm<br />

17:14 wellm, a dns bot :)<br />

17:14 Current DNS Config:<br />

17:14 localhost A<br />

17:14 www A<br />

17:14 hbgary A<br />

17:14 ns1 A<br />

17:15 ns2 A<br />

17:15 arh<br />

17:15 !dns add test a<br />

17:15 The following DNS configuration was added:<br />

17:15 test a<br />

17:15 !dns del test<br />

17:15 The following DNS configuration was deleted:<br />

17:15 test<br />

17:16 interesting<br />

17:16 can you look up MX records and shit?<br />


17:16 it's only for anonleaks.ru<br />

17:16 I see<br />

17:16 ok<br />

17:21 ok<br />

17:21 so<br />

17:21 tflow, you around?<br />

17:23 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru triangle.operationfreedom.ru quits:<br />

+DNSBot<br />

17:26 whats up with triangle<br />

17:28 dunno, blame Avunit<br />

17:28 -!- Netsplit over, joins: +DNSBot<br />

17:28 i'm only responsible for tackle and triumph. not that i could do anything if<br />

the split :P<br />

17:31 so<br />

17:31 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru triangle.operationfreedom.ru quits:<br />

+DNSBot<br />

17:31 I'm looking into hunton.<strong>com</strong><br />

17:31 would that be a good target?<br />

17:32 of course it would be<br />

17:33 if we could pull a gary.. that'd kill them immediately. but i dont think that's<br />

possible<br />

17:33 i actually believe they would protect their <strong>com</strong>munications..<br />

17:33 -!- Netsplit over, joins: +DNSBot<br />

17:34 ok<br />

17:34 if I sign off in a few or go idle that means I'm back home<br />

17:34 if kayla logs on<br />

17:34 ask her to begin working on it<br />

17:34 allriite, will do. but will probably go to sleep soon<br />

17:35 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triangle.operationfreedom.ru quits: +DNSBot<br />

17:35 yo someone rm triangle already<br />

17:37 * marduk JUPES triangle<br />

17:37 naw<br />

17:46 dude<br />

17:46 hunton.<strong>com</strong> will be a nice fucking hit<br />

17:46 hm see potential vulns?<br />

17:48 yeah<br />

17:48 I see some potential openings<br />

17:48 :]<br />

17:49 we could rape these niggers<br />

17:49 it would be awesome if we can get it without noticing<br />

17:49 pull the <strong>com</strong>m tapping again<br />

17:49 yeah<br />

17:50 <strong>com</strong>m tapping a lareg lawyers office<br />

17:50 man<br />

17:50 this time we'll sit and collect quietly<br />

17:50 that's major shit<br />

17:50 yes<br />

17:50 itll require a lot of our time and dedication<br />

17:50 also, we should NOT release a dump<br />


17:50 only things which show illegal/fishy things etc<br />

17:50 because i would assume they have tons of absolutely legit clients<br />

17:50 we should not <strong>com</strong>promise them<br />

17:51 i dont think this would play well in the public<br />

17:51 and another point to make it we have not found evidence of them attacking<br />

us at this point<br />

17:51 but well, hypothetical. should see what we discover first<br />

17:51 yup<br />

17:52 but it's not only about us<br />

17:52 it is about the BoA/WL/Gov connection<br />

17:52 can you guys put together a private pad containing a list of whitehat targets,<br />

lawyers, reporters, any media that requires counter-intelligence attack<br />

17:52 yeah<br />

17:52 which still is mysterious to us<br />

17:52 I fucking lol'd when I read that shit in the news<br />

17:52 mhh i will get on that after i slept<br />

17:53 dont like a public pad tho...<br />

17:53 thats why I said private<br />

17:53 in fact I'll set one up now<br />

17:53 for our internal use<br />

17:53 give me a few<br />

17:53 ah okay :)<br />

17:53 brb<br />

17:53 sure<br />

17:53 put in topic then<br />

17:53 -!- Netsplit over, joins: +DNSBot<br />

17:56 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triangle.operationfreedom.ru quits: +DNSBot<br />

18:01 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited kayla into the channel<br />

18:01 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has joined #hq<br />

18:01 -!- mode/#hq [+o kayla] by HQBot<br />

18:01 hola :3<br />

18:01 sabu!!! :DD<br />

18:03 -!- Netsplit over, joins: +DNSBot<br />

18:06 kkk-kayla<br />

18:06 he maybe away.. but i am to inform you about a new target<br />

18:06 www.hunton.<strong>com</strong><br />

18:06 sabu found potential vulns<br />

18:06 it's that lawyers office that represent BoA<br />

18:06 and approached HBGary about the Smear Campaign<br />

18:07 but should you get in.. be quiet pll0x :x<br />

18:08 ofc :3<br />

18:08 im back<br />

18:08 kayla my love<br />

18:08 :D<br />

18:08 sabu we going to rock www.hunton.<strong>com</strong> :D?<br />

18:08 yes miss<br />

18:09 hunton.<strong>com</strong> is target but its windows ;\<br />

18:09 it has tons of asp/aspx scripts with lots of potential pams we can sql<br />

18:09 also it has about 6 mx servers listed..<br />


18:09 so if push <strong>com</strong>es to shove we can try to root them if they arent<br />

exchange/windows boxes<br />

18:09 show me the links i'll see if i can get an injection out of them :)<br />

18:10 site:hunton.<strong>com</strong> inurl:id youll find a few<br />

18:12 this could be blind sqli<br />

18:12 http://www.hunton.<strong>com</strong>/news/event.aspx?tab=0002&gen_H4ID=114'53<br />

18:12 <strong>com</strong>pared to http://www.hunton.<strong>com</strong>/news/event.aspx?<br />

tab=0002&gen_H4ID=11453<br />

18:14 kayla

18:43 but it's fixed now<br />

18:44 (\r\r\n was used as a newline, lol)<br />

18:44 rather than \r\n or \n<br />

18:51 currently converting greg's mails to the web version though. will be released<br />

on torrents + as a web version at the same time<br />

18:52 can you give ETA?<br />

18:52 if everything goes to plan<br />

18:52 then i would say<br />

18:52 4 hours maybe<br />

18:52 cool. dunno if i will survive that long tho :/(<br />

19:24 my presentation will be tonight too<br />

19:25 for whoever is around<br />

19:28 tflow: do you know what's in the mails?<br />

19:32 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @tflow<br />

19:32 hmm there goes tackle and vlad<br />

19:32 bye bye<br />

19:32 grr<br />

19:42 Just a big high five to all you; I can't stop LOLing at the thought of how<br />

much we fucked up Aaron<br />

19:45 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AnonymousIRC/status/35861584349892608<br />

19:48 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/atopiary/status/35862566156636162<br />

19:48 DAMNIT MARDUK<br />


19:50 i can read your mind of course!<br />



19:51 pfff. already done before you said. CHECK YOUR FACTS, NEWFAG!<br />

19:51 I'm about to tweet something I just made up that is superb<br />

19:51 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/atopiary/status/35863465595764736<br />

19:54 lol... i use thats ome other time tho :)<br />

19:54 but it IS good (=<br />

19:55 Damn, beat me to it<br />

19:56 [00:52:39] Topiary: Well, I understand, we do sometimes do very harsh<br />

things.<br />

19:56 [00:52:47] Topiary: Or just mindless things.<br />

19:56 [00:53:38] Parmy Olson: For lulz.<br />

19:56 Shit, I think I've converted this Forbes writer to Anon<br />

19:57 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triumph.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk,<br />

@kayla<br />

20:01 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk<br />

20:03 can we register anonleaks on twitter in case someone nabs it?<br />

20:03 even if it's inactive<br />

20:03 uh sure<br />

20:03 do it<br />

20:03 damnit<br />

20:04 Very well.<br />

20:04 in use?<br />

20:04 i can do it tho<br />

20:04 i only have one twitter so far<br />


20:04 but go ahead if you want<br />

20:05 Oh fuck, I put leak into the password box, started typing something<br />

random, thought of a rhyme, "weak", put in leakweak, and the fucking box came up that says<br />

"password is weak"<br />

20:05 shat brix.<br />

20:05 I'll do it<br />

20:05 lo<br />

20:06 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/anonleaks<br />

20:06 Damnit, it's already up.<br />

20:06 Nevermind then.<br />

20:06 yeah i feared as much<br />

20:07 well AnonymousIRC works fine as catalyst<br />

20:07 closing on 7k now<br />

20:07 You're doing well on that<br />

20:18 http://securepastebin.<strong>com</strong>/go/retrievePost.action?id=6302 Avunit mardu<br />

Sabu Laurelai Nessuno834<br />

20:18 password is puddi<br />

20:24 quite interesting<br />

20:28 thought maybe kayla/tflow/Sabu might enjoy<br />

20:28 yes, definitely good info<br />

20:29 also relayed to ifeds<br />

20:29 !invite kayla<br />

20:29 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited kayla into the channel<br />

20:29 -HQBot:#hq- kayla was invited to the channel.<br />

20:32 -!- kayla [mysql2@HA-i80.2gd.hmtqaa.IP] has joined #hq<br />

20:32 < kayla> :3<br />

20:32 < kayla> wew<br />

20:33 there she is<br />

20:33 -!- kayla [mysql2@HA-i80.2gd.hmtqaa.IP] has quit [Changing host]<br />

20:33 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has joined #hq<br />

20:33 -!- mode/#hq [+o kayla] by HQBot<br />

20:33 :3<br />

20:33 how goes?<br />

20:33 01:19 http://securepastebin.<strong>com</strong>/go/retrievePost.action?<br />

id=6302 Avunit mardu Sabu Laurelai Nessuno834<br />

20:33 01:19 password is puddi<br />

20:33 check that<br />

20:33 but i wouldnt touch it just yet<br />

20:34 i'd like to get some confirmation somehow<br />

20:34 -!- tflow [tflow@HA-9ch.ue7.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

20:34 -!- ServerMode/#hq [+o tflow] by tackle.operationfreedom.ru<br />

20:34 ohai tackle<br />

20:34 and tflow you too: http://securepastebin.<strong>com</strong>/go/retrievePost.action?<br />

id=6302 password is puddi<br />

20:36 http://securepastebin.<strong>com</strong>/go/retrievePost.action?id=6303 also kayla if you<br />

want lulz at us trolling some Guardian bitch into thinking she was in the secret hacking<br />

channel<br />

20:36 password guardian<br />

20:36 hehe<br />


20:36 just hope she will <strong>com</strong>e back<br />

20:37 and btw, i did not use David (alrhough the D reference was clear) but that<br />

would have exposed the troll<br />

20:37 a mystery Don that nobody seen before is much better<br />

20:43 lol guardian as in media xD?<br />

20:44 ye<br />

20:44 she contacted topiary via skype and wanted access to one of the "secret<br />

channels"<br />

20:44 so we made one up :p<br />

20:52 lol<br />

20:52 oh the beauty<br />

20:52 we have lulz + epic win<br />

20:52 silly bitch dont you know im the only medial allowed here<br />

20:52 media*<br />

20:53 I've already converted the fuck out of Russia Today's producer Jenny<br />

Churchill - she LOLs hard at Anon lulz<br />

20:53 Parmy Olson next<br />

20:53 yes...turn them all to the dark side<br />

20:54 palentir ... remove that from target list for now<br />

20:54 oh?<br />

20:54 i cannot really leak this info as of yet<br />

20:54 but .. there will be big news in a moment<br />

20:54 orly<br />

20:55 palantir head PR apologized to Greenwald in person and to all<br />

"progressive institutions" as palantir always supported freedom of speech<br />

20:55 steve will post an item soon<br />

20:55 please do not spread that ourtside yet<br />

20:55 ok<br />

20:55 so<br />

20:56 they put their hands up<br />

20:56 that means<br />

20:56 the IMPORTANT thing is: palantir confirmed the document as real<br />

20:56 and therefore basically confirmed the mails are probably all real<br />

20:57 they probably do damage control now<br />

20:57 they don't want to go down with the rest<br />

20:57 it will be interesting to see.. if they continue cooperationg with DoD/DOJ<br />

20:57 and how that runs down<br />

21:01 you guys aware that we now have a copy of stuxnet via Aaron's emails?<br />

21:01 orly<br />

21:01 source?<br />

21:04 wow<br />

21:04 wow<br />

21:04 wow<br />

21:04 it gets better<br />

21:04 source is Head of Palantir PR<br />

21:04 ""As the Co-Founder and CEO of Palantir Technologies, I have directed the<br />

<strong>com</strong>pany to sever any and all contacts with HB Gary."<br />

21:04 EAT THAT<br />

21:04 But SHHHHHHHHHHH!<br />


21:04 link?<br />

21:04 no link<br />

21:04 private mail with steve<br />

21:04 wher is that from?<br />

21:04 oh<br />

21:04 :)<br />

21:04 it will be on tech herald<br />

21:04 acs:law 2.0 :)<br />

21:05 like how all uk isps cut of contact with them<br />


21:07 OH HE WILL<br />


21:39 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @tflow<br />

21:41 -!- Irssi: #hq: Total of 8 nicks [6 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 2 normal]<br />

21:43 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triumph.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk<br />

21:45 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk<br />

21:46 * marduk axemurders heihachi<br />

21:48 hi<br />

21:48 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @tflow<br />

21:49 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]<br />

21:59 http://www.thetechherald.<strong>com</strong>/article.php/201106/6804/Firm-targeting-<br />

WikiLeaks-cuts-ties-with-HBGary-apologizes-to-reporter<br />

22:17 [03:16:53] === quinn <br />

``Quinn Norton''<br />

22:17 [03:16:53] === quinn is a registered nick<br />

22:17 [03:16:53] === quinn: member of #ophbgary, #reporter, and<br />

#opegypt<br />

22:17 [03:16:53] === quinn: attached to doom.anonops.ru ``AnonOps IRC<br />

Network''<br />

22:17 [03:16:53] --- End of WHOIS information for quinn.<br />

22:17 I don't trust this guy.<br />

22:22 he is weird indeed<br />

22:23 saw him also on tele<strong>com</strong>ix<br />

22:23 you may wanna ask biella<br />

22:23 i think she knows him<br />

22:23 or was it arrett?<br />

22:23 either one<br />

22:27 I just don't like the channels he's in - Aaron Barr spy channels.<br />

22:33 hey<br />

22:34 marduk Avunit Sabu Laurelai Nessuno834 tflow http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/dstufft<br />

# these guys are trying to dox us and give to Feds<br />

22:34 we have counter-dox, what do?<br />

22:34 it's 6 people<br />

22:34 they're actually getting some valid info<br />

22:34 lol<br />

22:35 wtf is that?<br />

22:42 its a fail<br />

22:42 he's just posting /whoises<br />

22:42 don't give him any attention<br />


22:42 they were back from chanology<br />

22:42 don't underestimate<br />

22:42 we have dox on them, formatting now<br />

22:43 ironically he's here http://dstufft.<strong>com</strong>/<br />

22:43 with a photo of himself and everything<br />

22:43 is he trying to <strong>com</strong>mit suicide?<br />

22:44 that's not him<br />

22:44 it's a group of 6 that actually are trying to fuck that guy<br />

22:44 anyway just a note in case they actually do something: we have their dox<br />

22:45 Topiary: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quinn_Norton<br />

22:45 she claims it's her<br />

22:45 see #reportter<br />

22:46 ah, that's okay then. we have reporters of 3 different sources<br />

analyzing/spying on us right now. I don't give a shit, but I fear for some of the more less<br />

private anons<br />

22:46 *reports<br />

22:49 yup i think she'S legit<br />

22:49 i sont think she would claim to be a blogger which has 404 on its site if she<br />

wasnt the one<br />

22:49 :p<br />

22:49 right, that's good. @ these 6 faggots: I am going to personally fuck with<br />

their lives<br />

22:50 6?<br />

22:50 that twitter is a group of 5<br />

22:50 65<br />

22:50 6<br />

22:50 ahh<br />

22:51 yeah didnt read context thx<br />

22:59 im de<strong>com</strong>piling stuxnet atm<br />

23:00 should have source code soon<br />

23:02 mhh nice.. but in this case, i'D actually be more interested in the cleaned<br />

source that hbgary has :)<br />

23:03 Topiary/marduk: any of you going to make @anonleaksdotru?<br />

23:03 hmmm<br />

23:03 AnonLeaksDotRu ?<br />

23:04 yeah<br />

23:04 or any other suggestions?<br />

23:05 thinking<br />

23:09 @AnonymousLeaks<br />

23:09 ?<br />

23:10 also, Y/N: we allowed to say "AnonLeaks rep" to press?<br />

23:10 to replace Anon source<br />

23:11 ohyes<br />

23:11 AnonymousLeaks i like better<br />

23:11 Well, we can say Anonleaks only when referring to the technical operations<br />

the site, as we can't speak for all of Anonymous<br />

23:11 and yeas, that's a good name<br />

23:12 i would refrein from using "rep" ever<br />

23:12 simply because.. that makes you/us directly tiable/responsible for what<br />


happens<br />

23:12 no need to<br />

23:12 example: the penny lock<br />

23:12 yeah sabu/kayla/tflow obviously were involved in the hack. but they never<br />

admitted to<br />

23:13 from the logs, you can only deduct that they knew about the operation<br />

23:13 well that kayla is our 16 year ol girl is no secret tho anymore tho i guess<br />

23:13 same for me<br />

23:13 i'm sure they think i actually haxed<br />

23:13 which is fine.. for reason stated often enough<br />

23:13 Well we don't really need to speak as "AnonLeaks" anyway, most of the time<br />

was can speak as "Anonymous"<br />

23:14 yup<br />

23:14 okay - good words<br />

23:15 well, want me to register<br />

23:15 actually i prefer that :p<br />

23:15 Topiary is sometimes... so vulgar :p<br />

23:17 what the frigging fuck<br />

23:18 this is beyond mad<br />

23:19 my yahoo mail account, i registered like a week ago for facebook<br />

23:19 has 1066 mails :o<br />

23:19 ahh damn,<br />

23:19 that were all the facebook action to David Davidson<br />

23:19 lol<br />

23:19 it'S regged<br />

23:19 need a profile text<br />

23:19 and profile pic<br />

23:24 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AnonymousLeaks/<br />

23:24 draft<br />

23:43 looking nice<br />

23:46 ok<br />

23:46 keep this quiet for now<br />

23:46 https://github.<strong>com</strong>/Laurelai/de<strong>com</strong>pile-dump/tree/master/output<br />

23:46 its going with my article<br />

23:47 Laurelai: I am in lesbians<br />

23:47 Topiary: lol<br />

23:47 Topiary: i saw that movie the other day....<br />

23:47 what's that?<br />

23:47 tflow:<br />

23:47 do i know you O_O<br />

23:47 i need some help<br />

23:47 Laurelai: Maybe<br />

23:47 oh. stuxnet de<strong>com</strong>pile<br />

23:48 marduk: with?<br />

23:48 other net, sorry w/c<br />

--- Day changed Fri Feb 11 2011<br />

00:09 tflow: heh<br />

00:09 hbgary functional again<br />

00:14 tflow: ?<br />


00:14 can we have nopants here,w hat do you think<br />

00:14 or no actually<br />

00:14 forget it<br />

00:16 HAHA<br />

00:16 seems like they don't have a copy of their original site :-)<br />

00:16 sux to have backups wiped<br />

00:25 omg<br />

00:25 the stuxnet thing<br />

00:25 they were working with the NSA<br />

00:34 uhm<br />

00:34 no surprise tho<br />

00:34 i mean, to be expected?<br />

00:34 btw<br />

00:34 https://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AnonymousLeaks/status/35934309281964032<br />

00:34 we find lulzy stuff<br />

00:34 https://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AnonymousLeaks/status/35926522028105728<br />

00:34 like that even more<br />

00:34 that was actually the final mail Jussi send to Greg lol<br />

00:34 He got no reply. Hm.<br />

02:18 Topiary:<br />

02:18 you around<br />

02:18 or anyone<br />

02:18 moah<br />

02:18 this sux<br />

02:31 hi<br />

05:40 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited kayla into the channel<br />

05:40 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has joined #hq<br />

05:40 -!- mode/#hq [+o kayla] by HQBot<br />

05:40 wew:3<br />

05:40 *kiss*<br />

05:41 * marduk glomps kayla<br />

05:41 \:3/<br />

05:42 haha you know<br />

05:42 how many people have asked me in query<br />

05:42 if Q was q<br />

05:42 lol<br />

05:42 i just said, i wouldnt know<br />

05:42 xD<br />

05:42 i know too many Q's :(<br />

05:42 you on sunshine, efnet and one on freenode xD<br />

05:43 i guess Q is fine that he is kinda confused with me here<br />

05:43 it makes it all more obscure<br />

05:43 im on efnet<br />

05:43 but with my real id<br />

05:43 cant interact ;)<br />

05:43 i dont go to efnet anymore :D<br />

05:43 good<br />

05:43 did gregs mails get dumped ?<br />

05:43 they are as we soeak<br />


05:44 lets see<br />

05:44 ?<br />

05:44 gah<br />

05:44 now its down<br />

05:46 join in anonopa :)<br />

05:46 wot :o?<br />

05:46 Morning<br />

05:46 whats anonoopa?<br />

05:46 #internetfeds<br />

05:46 anonopa*<br />

05:46 on anonops<br />

05:46 ahh :)<br />

05:46 the MASTER CAHN!<br />

05:46 :)<br />

05:47 well not really<br />

05:47 mostly idle :)<br />

06:03 kayla: did you look at .dz mobile ohone?<br />

06:08 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@DNS.Bot] has joined #hq<br />

06:08 -!- ServerMode/#hq [+v DNSBot] by triangle.operationfreedom.ru<br />

06:13 marduk<br />

06:13 do you know the Q on sunshine<br />

06:14 'know' is exaggerated<br />

06:14 i talked to him<br />

06:15 once or twice<br />

06:16 ok<br />

06:16 thought i was gonna have a twilight zone moment<br />

06:16 lol<br />

06:18 nah not the same<br />

06:18 some think so<br />

06:18 good :)<br />

06:18 yeah<br />

06:18 i didnt think so<br />

06:18 i thought you might be someone else<br />

06:18 ofc, first i act diffently<br />

06:18 and then there is the caps thing<br />

06:19 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]<br />

06:19 oh no .(<br />

06:19 inb4 you are julina assange<br />

06:19 nah, i am too old for that<br />

06:19 lol<br />

06:20 but yeah, we might have something in <strong>com</strong>mon<br />

06:20 like the insanity<br />

06:27 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited kayla into the channel<br />

06:28 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has joined #hq<br />

06:28 -!- mode/#hq [+o kayla] by HQBot<br />

06:28 anyone here :D?<br />

06:28 hi<br />

06:29 Does anyone have gregs mails they can grep for me :D?<br />

06:30 he has an immunity account!!!<br />


06:30 wut<br />

06:30 want pass bad :3<br />

06:30 then we can dl all their 0day<br />

06:32 sup guis<br />

06:32 only whats up so far<br />

06:32 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/<br />

06:33 thats just a page with all e-mails as files to me<br />

06:33 not an interface<br />

06:33 we KNOW<br />

06:33 DONT COMPLAIN<br />

06:33 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/23894.html OHGOD LOL<br />

06:33 the "HBgary Handbook"<br />

06:33 I am NOT <strong>com</strong>plaining.<br />

06:33 xD<br />

06:33 kthxbai.<br />

06:33 attachment?<br />

06:33 yeh :D<br />

06:34 So rather dont shout at me.<br />

06:34 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/attachments/5425.doc<br />

06:34 somehow... my office doesnt parse docs correctly<br />

06:34 Thank you for joining HBGary, Inc. .HBGary.. We pride ourselves on being a<br />

dynamic and innovative team of people, who desire to produce quality results while offering a<br />

professional work environment that is fun and rewarding.<br />

06:34 We encourage you to make a difference here, as your participation counts.<br />

As we grow our business, we offer you the opportunity to enjoy an expanding reputation in the<br />

<strong>com</strong>munity and contribute to the success of our <strong>com</strong>pany.<br />

06:34 We strive to meet the high standards that we have set as a <strong>com</strong>pany.<br />

Customers are our top priority and we value each and every customer and want their<br />

experience interfacing with HBGary to be the best in the industry. If we make our customers<br />

successful, we will create an enjoyable, professional atmosphere where everyone can<br />

succeed.<br />

06:34 and hai kayla

06:35 ethically, honestly<br />

06:35 derp "ETHICS"<br />

06:35 we should report aaron,.<br />

06:36 xD<br />

06:36 He isnt honest and the average cow has more ethics.<br />

06:37 i need tha sleeps<br />

06:38 kayla: iöll dream oyou

07:23 nice find<br />

07:24 tflow!!<br />

07:24 you have them all correct?<br />

07:24 can you do me some greps?<br />

07:24 sure<br />

07:24 be interesting to get in to his immunity account as they teh 0day :#<br />

07:25 grep for immunityinc.<strong>com</strong><br />

07:25 and grep for "password"<br />

07:25 ok sec<br />

07:25 grep for "adserver"<br />

07:26 also! they speak in the emails about a VPS smapshot of the machine used in<br />

the recent oil <strong>com</strong>pany hackes<br />

07:26 !dns list<br />

07:26 Current DNS Config:<br />

07:26 localhost A<br />

07:26 www A<br />

07:26 hbgary A<br />

07:26 ns1 A<br />

07:26 apparently is FULL of nice data<br />

07:26 ns2 A<br />

07:26 ns3 A<br />

07:28 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triangle.operationfreedom.ru quits: +DNSBot<br />

07:32 anonleaks.<strong>com</strong> regged<br />

07:33 :))<br />

07:33 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triangle.operationfreedom.ru quits: +DNSBot<br />

07:33 -!- Netsplit over, joins: +DNSBot<br />

07:35 marduk: can retwat?<br />

http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/atopiary/status/36039195176734721<br />

07:38 done<br />

07:38 -!- Netsplit over, joins: +DNSBot<br />

07:39 kayla:<br />

07:39 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/grep1.html<br />

07:41 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triangle.operationfreedom.ru quits: +DNSBot<br />

07:42 most emails seem to be just product release notes<br />

07:42 triangle tfl<br />

07:42 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has quit [NickServ (GHOST <strong>com</strong>mand used by mysql2)]<br />

07:42 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited kayla into the channel<br />

07:42 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has joined #hq<br />

07:42 -!- mode/#hq [+o kayla] by HQBot<br />

07:43 -!- Netsplit over, joins: +DNSBot<br />

07:44 kayla: http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/<br />

07:44 grep results are being outputted there, still running though<br />

07:44 grep1=immunitysec.<strong>com</strong><br />

07:44 grep2=password<br />

07:44 grep3=adserver<br />

07:45 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/12097.html<br />

07:45 Renewal of: nsWebAddress .COM<br />

07:45 ROOTKIT.COM<br />

07:45 Quantity: 1<br />


07:45 Term: 5 year(s)<br />

07:45 Today's Charges: $114.95<br />

07:45 Exp. Date**: 2015-03-02<br />

07:46 $100 for a domain eh?<br />

07:46 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/13336.html<br />

07:46 nsWebAddress .COM<br />


07:46 Quantity: 1<br />

07:46 Term: 2 year(s)<br />

07:46 Today's Charges: $65.98<br />

07:46 Exp. Date**: 2012-09-18<br />

07:46 nsWebAddress .NET<br />


07:46 Quantity: 1<br />

07:46 Term: 2 year(s)<br />

07:46 Today's Charges: $65.98<br />

07:46 Exp. Date**: 2012-09-18<br />

07:46 nsWebAddress .ORG<br />


07:46 Quantity: 1<br />

07:46 Term: 2 year(s)<br />

07:46 Today's Charges: $65.98<br />

07:46 Exp. Date**: 2012-09-18<br />

07:47 :o<br />

07:48 endgames<br />

07:48 yes<br />

07:48 they are interesting<br />

07:48 gunwalgames is not<br />

07:49 it was never launched<br />

07:49 and it will never be launched, pretty sure<br />

07:51 but endgames is worth a look<br />

07:51 dunno their exact relation<br />

07:52 kayla: sup<br />

07:55 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru triangle.operationfreedom.ru quits:<br />

+DNSBot<br />

07:58 -!- Netsplit over, joins: +DNSBot<br />

07:58 Laurelai nm just reading gregs mails :pPpp<br />

07:59 kayla: insid is helping me with crowdleaks migration<br />

08:01 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@DNS.Bot] has quit [Connection closed]<br />

09:09 kayla: http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/27198.html<br />

09:09 Fascinating how much spare time these fags have.<br />

09:09 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

09:09 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Connection closed]<br />

09:09 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

09:10 !voice DNSBot<br />

09:10 -!- mode/#hq [+v DNSBot] by HQBot<br />

09:10 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@HA-gd5.b4q.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Changing host]<br />

09:10 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@DNS.Bot] has joined #hq<br />

09:10 -!- ServerMode/#hq [+v DNSBot] by twisted.operationfreedom.ru<br />


09:11 !dns list<br />

09:11 Current DNS Config:<br />

09:11 localhost IN A<br />

09:11 www IN A<br />

09:11 hbgary IN A<br />

09:11 ns1 IN A<br />

09:11 ns2 IN A<br />

09:11 ns3 IN A<br />

09:12 !dns add WE.WILL.WIN A 192.1688.12.13<br />

09:12 The following DNS configuration was added:<br />

09:12 WE.WILL.WIN IN A 192.1688.12.13<br />

09:12 invalid ip address?<br />

09:12 tztz<br />

09:12 !dns del WE.WILL.WIN<br />

09:12 The following DNS configuration was deleted:<br />

09:12 WE.WILL.WIN IN<br />

09:12 !dns list<br />

09:12 Current DNS Config:<br />

09:12 localhost IN A<br />

09:12 www IN A<br />

09:12 hbgary IN A<br />

09:12 ns1 IN A<br />

09:13 ns2 IN A<br />

09:13 ns3 IN A<br />

09:13 it werks!<br />

09:13 it does not do sanity checks :P<br />

09:13 i noticed hehe<br />

09:13 ets just basics<br />

09:14 all good<br />

09:14 i woudnt mess with it anyway<br />

09:14 afk<br />

09:21 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited entropy into the channel<br />

09:21 -!- entropy [noyx@HA-dkm.je4.cn1rg3.IP] has joined #hq<br />

09:21 -!- mode/#hq [+o entropy] by HQBot<br />

09:21 i was misreading what you said :(<br />

09:21 was about to /sajoin you<br />

09:21 :p<br />

09:22 omfg im so tired<br />

09:29 deamon to check your servers if anyone wants it<br />

http://ru.phiral.net/~noyx/alive.py.txt<br />

09:29 youd have to do your own email and sms ways though<br />

09:33 Goddamnit why is that the third helicopter noise I've heard this afternoon<br />

09:35 hmm<br />

09:35 why did you say that<br />

09:35 i want to listen to pink floyd now<br />

09:35 dark side of the moon<br />

09:38 hey me too<br />

09:38 * Topiary does that<br />

09:38 entropy, is there any domain that resolves to<br />


09:39 no but i can make one<br />

09:39 no..np<br />

09:39 just was wondering what to put in the mirrors list<br />

09:39 thats box is secured and everythign chrooted<br />

09:39 nice<br />

09:39 i like nginx<br />

09:39 im goign to start using it<br />

09:39 vs apache its so m,much smaller<br />

09:40 indeed<br />

09:40 it can handle 10k requests per second<br />

09:40 where apache can only do like 100<br />

09:40 that's why i chose it - not easy to ddos<br />

09:41 you want a .anonleaks.ru name for<br />

09:41 actually i put it to ukraine.phiral.net<br />

09:41 ok<br />

09:41 but that was really so i wouldnt have to rememebr ip whne ssh<br />

09:41 that's good<br />

09:41 btw<br />

09:41 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/<br />

09:42 (don't share link yet)<br />

09:42 good reading<br />

09:42 he made a WoW bot<br />

09:42 ol<br />

09:42 oh man<br />

09:42 when it's ready to release, that will be hbgary.anonleaks.ru/greg<br />

09:43 it will be frenzy tomorrow<br />

09:43 Listening to: On The Run ♪ Pink Floyd [3:33][Album: The Dark Side Of The<br />

Moon]<br />

09:43 Topiary: mmmh i DONT HAVE IT HERE<br />

09:43 I HATE YOU<br />

09:43 I have 24 Floyd albums on here<br />

09:43 i also have the ns3 updating every 5 minues<br />

09:43 oh wait<br />

09:43 incase ns1 and 2 are ddos<br />

09:43 i have them on my fone<br />

09:43 forgot :)<br />

09:44 ns3 also has ddos proc<br />

09:44 ddos proc?<br />

09:44 protection<br />

09:44 whatever that is<br />

09:44 provider side?<br />

09:44 !dns<br />

09:44 !dns list<br />

09:44 Current DNS Config:<br />

09:44 localhost IN A<br />

09:44 www IN A<br />

09:44 hbgary IN A<br />

09:44 ns1 IN A<br />

09:44 ns2 IN A<br />


09:44 yes<br />

09:44 usually it's dynamic firewalling<br />

09:44 ns3 IN A<br />

09:44 !dns add search.hbgary<br />

09:44 The following DNS configuration was added:<br />

09:44 if not load baanced<br />

09:44 search.hbgaryIN<br />

09:45 yea but if i send a oc3 of traffic to yourr t1<br />

09:45 your fucked no matter what you have<br />

09:45 entropy: then i am fucked, yup<br />

09:45 entropy: heh<br />

09:45 you know..<br />

09:45 i would like to have one of the russian nets<br />

09:45 with like 2M tombies<br />

09:46 which are nerver used for attack<br />

09:46 but i'd do it<br />

09:46 you think they really have 2M?<br />

09:46 search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru is hosted @ prq :)<br />

09:46 2M zombies on paypal<br />

09:46 oh yes<br />

09:46 entropy: but... they are usualy rented in parts<br />

09:46 to spammers<br />

09:46 those nets never do ddos<br />

09:47 cause.. that would burn them<br />

09:47 but yeah, 2M+ botnets do exist<br />

09:47 fkn scary<br />

09:48 that is crazy<br />

09:48 tflow: delete that<br />

09:49 then do: dns add search.hbgar A<br />

09:49 how does that make sense?<br />

09:49 your adding the subdomain type ipaddress<br />

09:49 fail tflow<br />

09:50 !dns del search.hbgary<br />

09:50 The following DNS configuration was deleted:<br />

09:50 search.hbgary IN<br />

09:50 the bot can do mx cname etc<br />

09:50 oh<br />

09:50 so it wants the type<br />

09:50 oops<br />

09:50 i forgot the 'a'<br />

09:50 lol<br />

09:50 !dns add search.hbgary A<br />

09:50 !dns add search.hbgary A<br />

09:50 The following DNS configuration was added:<br />

09:50 search.hbgaryIN A<br />

09:50 The following DNS configuration was added:<br />

09:50 search.hbgaryIN A<br />

09:50 lol<br />

09:50 !dns del tflow<br />


09:50 The following DNS configuration was deleted:<br />

09:50 tflow IN<br />

09:50 !dns list<br />

09:50 Current DNS Config:<br />

09:50 localhost IN A<br />

09:50 www IN A<br />

09:50 hbgary IN A<br />

09:50 ns1 IN A<br />

09:50 ns2 IN A<br />

09:50 ns3 IN A<br />

09:50 search.hbgary IN A<br />

09:50 search.hbgary<br />

09:50 lol<br />

09:50 y so 2 times<br />

09:51 ...<br />

09:51 !del search.hbgary<br />

09:51 !dns del search.hbgary<br />

IN A<br />

09:51 The following DNS configuration was deleted:<br />

09:51 search.hbgary IN<br />

09:51 !dns list<br />

09:51 Current DNS Config:<br />

09:51 localhost IN A<br />

09:51 www IN A<br />

09:51 hbgary IN A<br />

09:51 ns1 IN A<br />

09:51 ns2 IN A<br />

09:51 ns3<br />

09:51 y so slow<br />

09:51 im not sure<br />

09:51 oh yeah, throttling<br />

IN A<br />

09:51 triangle tends to be a bit slow nowadays :/<br />

09:51 nah notrly<br />

09:51 it has splitted like 4-5 times today :P<br />

09:51 !dns add search.hbgary A<br />

09:51 The following DNS configuration was added:<br />

09:51 search.hbgaryIN A<br />

09:51 !dns list<br />

09:51 Current DNS Config:<br /><br />

09:51 localhost IN A<br />

09:51 www IN A<br />

09:51 hbgary IN A<br />

09:51 ns1 IN A<br />

09:51 ns2 IN A<br />

09:51 ns3 IN A<br />

09:51 search.hbgary IN A<br />

09:52 nslookup search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru ns1.anonleaks.ru<br />

09:52 Server: ns1.anonleaks.ru<br />

09:52 Address:<br />

09:52 Name: search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru<br />


09:52 Address:<br />

09:52 there you go<br />

09:53 [15:16:26] Unknown <strong>com</strong>mand join. "/msg ChanServ HELP" for<br />

help<br />

09:53 awh i lold<br />

09:54 yea i tried to join chanserv<br />

09:54 retarded<br />

09:54 maybe i shouldve specific that its /cs invite<br />

09:54 :p<br />

09:54 im tired as shit if thats any excuse ;)<br />

09:55 jon the club<br />

09:55 well<br />

09:55 im more like<br />

09:55 confused as shit<br />

09:57 D:<br />

09:57 * Avunit shoots self.<br />

09:57 * marduk needs sleep<br />

09:58 needs sleep, less confusion and whatever<br />

09:58 just need to get myself sorted D:<br />

10:05 gfjkfhlakljg<br />

10:37 there is so many more ways to fuc kthem in these emails<br />

10:37 its like a fucking joke<br />

10:37 Penny sent Greg a love letter, it was mushy<br />

10:37 :3<br />

10:37 we must now always taunt him about his spiky bed head hair<br />

10:37 i think it was nice :D<br />

10:38 yes!xD<br />

10:38 maybe i should put that<br />

10:38 All,<br />

10:38 in valentines cards<br />

10:38 HBGary has no official position on Stuxnet. Please do not <strong>com</strong>ment to the<br />

10:38 press on Stuxnet. We know nothing about Stuxnet.<br />

10:38 -Greg Hoglund<br />

10:38 CEO, HBGary, Inc.<br />

10:39 >shitloads of emails about stuxnet<br />

10:39 >LOL we don't know what that shit is<br />

10:39 these ppl called every one else script kiddies<br />

10:39 yet they "hack" using canvas<br />

10:39 ...<br />

10:39 Can somenoe twitter them<br />

10:39 asking<br />

10:39 about<br />

10:39 stuxnet?<br />

10:39 okay one second<br />

10:40 "I am curious about your statement on Stuxnet, care to <strong>com</strong>ment?"<br />

10:43 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/atopiary/status/36087753590439937<br />

10:43 n e stuxnet src :3<br />

10:44 I made a twatter 3 days ago<br />

10:44 lulz were had<br />


10:49 im glad i never had any of thatsocial media shit<br />

10:49 i like twitter for the purposes of anonymous<br />

10:52 Additional ground rules: the account is a full admin account. Please<br />

10:52 don't UPGRADE or PATCH the server. Please don't upgrade the DDNA.<br />

10:52 DEMO1:<br />

10:52 username: admin<br />

10:52 password: demo<br />

10:52 good job there<br />

10:52 wutwatwhere<br />

10:52 im guessing they took everything down or changed passes<br />

10:52 actually they probably didnt<br />

10:53 Team,<br />

10:53 password is now demo123<br />

10:53 ohw ait<br />

10:53 thats fromt he mails<br />

10:53 yea<br />

10:53 gogogo :3<br />

11:01 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/1554.html<br />

11:01 loool<br />

11:02 its rediculious<br />

11:02 well like<br />

11:02 GOGOGO<br />

11:02 how can you not know to use pgp/gpg when sending passes in emails that<br />

dont instantly change<br />

11:04 entropy: never had a Facebook/MySpace/Bebo ever, but Twitter is just<br />

email/pass and keeps data to a minimum, doesn't need an address<br />

11:04 and it's useful as hell for getting news<br />

11:05 I ahs troll faesbook<br />

11:06 yea twitters not bad<br />

11:09 i no has twitter<br />

11:09 this feels kindof wierd<br />

11:09 i have 2 of gregs books right here<br />

11:09 exploiting software and rootkits<br />

11:09 lol<br />

11:10 althought designing bsd rootkits kills his rootkits book<br />

11:10 lol<br />

11:10 :D<br />

11:11 i have to study<br />

11:11 this makes it so hard<br />

11:11 how can i open docx ?<br />

11:12 openoffice<br />

11:18 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12433045<br />

11:28 Avunit, you use a different whois email for anonleaks.<strong>com</strong> and anonleaks.ru,<br />

seeing that anonleaks.<strong>com</strong> has your personal info on the whois<br />

11:28 use a*<br />

11:41 tflow<br />

11:41 does it look<br />

11:41 like that is<br />

11:41 my actualy<br />


11:41 actual*<br />

11:41 info?<br />

11:41 I am not german :P<br />

11:41 just i couldnt hide the data with private person on a .<strong>com</strong> domain<br />

11:41 but its in no way tied to me<br />

11:43 oh ok lol<br />

11:44 My name is not David<br />

11:44 evern though<br />

11:44 I liked david<br />

11:44 yknow<br />

11:44 Davidson.<br />

11:45 tflow can you grep for "BinDiff"<br />

11:45 Registrant City: Merchweiler<br />

11:45 Registrant State: Berlin<br />

11:46 is that even right?<br />

11:46 i had to guess the state :P<br />

11:53 http://anonleaks.org/cgi-sys/suspendedpage.cgi<br />

11:53 lulz<br />

11:53 by police?<br />

11:54 or for payment?<br />

11:54 its not ours :p<br />

11:54 iunno what anonleaks.org is<br />

11:54 ok<br />

11:54 we only own .ru and .<strong>com</strong><br />

11:54 fuck my heart had a palpatation<br />

11:55 So yeah only worry if you hear things about anonleaks.ru or<br />

anonleaks.<strong>com</strong> :p<br />

11:55 ive no idea what .org is but its the only other registered domain with<br />

anonleaks<br />

11:55 yea i saw that<br />

11:56 so i was like<br />

11:56 well elts check out what that is!<br />

11:56 and then i go to asuspended page :P<br />

12:42 how long now till release D:<br />

13:00 !end<br />

13:00 -!- DNSBot [DNSBot@DNS.Bot] has quit [Quit: Quit]<br />

13:01 kayla<br />

13:02 :D<br />

13:02 many of us are thinking of delaying it till Monday. because there's no press<br />

on friday-sunday<br />

13:02 *kiss*<br />

13:02 for maximum impact<br />

13:02 ugg D:<br />

13:02 by then it will fizzle out<br />

13:02 no<br />

13:02 no one will care by then<br />

13:02 we're going to make even more buzz<br />

13:02 by giving some teasers<br />

13:02 and they'll just say it's faked<br />


13:03 kayla: a temp page will <strong>com</strong>e online<br />

13:03 saying release date<br />

13:03 they haven't said that so far<br />

13:03 and some teaser released<br />

13:03 the original hbgary mails were released on monday<br />

13:03 did we get anyone else mails?<br />

13:03 or is gregs all we have left?<br />

13:04 that's all<br />

13:04 be interesting to see if they removed tht backdoor account<br />

13:04 so that's why we need to make the most of it<br />

13:04 because we only have one chance to launch the leaks<br />

13:04 considering that 1 inbox < 3 inboxes<br />

13:25 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]<br />

14:49 did someone highlight?<br />

15:05 -!- Avunit [Avunit2@netadmin.operationfreedom.ru] has quit [Ping timeout: 121<br />

seconds]<br />

15:22 tflow, I still think we should host a single front page on anonleaks.ru with a<br />

logo or message stating that "leaking begins Monday"<br />

15:22 that way people will have the URL over the weekend and can be checking<br />

it<br />

15:22 it would actually create more buzz this way<br />

15:22 and then we release on Monday like you planned<br />

15:24 sure<br />

15:24 got anything prepared?<br />

15:26 not in particular, I made this in about 10 minutes<br />

http://i.imgur.<strong>com</strong>/6Xvsv.jpg could be a starting point<br />

15:32 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @tflow<br />

15:33 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @tflow<br />

15:48 ill bbl<br />

15:49 going to go spar ;)<br />

15:57 spar :(<br />

17:46 -!- Avunit [Avunit2@netadmin.operationfreedom.ru] has joined #hq<br />

17:46 -!- mode/#hq [+qo Avunit Avunit] by HQBot<br />

18:12 hi guys. talking from my blackberry<br />

18:12 hi sexy<br />

18:13 whats latest?<br />

18:13 supz<br />

18:13 delay of anonleaks.ru till monday<br />

18:13 iunno if a teaser page will <strong>com</strong>e online today<br />

18:13 and mubarak is gone<br />

18:13 for if you dont watch the news<br />

18:15 oh wow i didnt know fuck yes<br />

18:15 congrats all<br />

18:15 * Avunit bows to sabu.<br />

18:16 thats like all the news i have i think<br />

18:16 well we regged anonleaks.<strong>com</strong> too<br />

18:16 just to be sure the name wouldnt be stolen<br />

18:16 ok. anonleaks will keep me busy<br />

18:17 itll be what we use to dump whitehat dumps<br />


18:17 im lovin anonleaks already<br />

18:17 brb bro<br />

18:17 k<br />

18:24 im gonig afk<br />

18:56 sup<br />

19:10 It would be good to have a test page up tonight, just a homepage if<br />

anything<br />

19:10 Laurelai: what do with stuxnet source<br />

19:15 Topiary: lol idk<br />

19:16 you have to ask tflow<br />

19:40 Laurelai: I tweeted once ages ago about it and now dumbass press are<br />

taking my tweet super serially<br />

19:40 http://blogs.forbes.<strong>com</strong>/chrisbarth/2011/02/11/anonymous-claimspossession-of-insidious-stuxnet-virus/<br />

19:40 LOL'd<br />

19:40 Oooohhh, deadly insidious virus!<br />

19:40 * Topiary waves cape<br />

19:45 -!- Topiary changed the topic of #hq to: HQ | Keep everything said in this channel inside<br />

this channel. Something to note if bored: http://securepastebin.<strong>com</strong>/go/retrievePost.action?<br />

id=6302 password = puddi<br />

19:47 lol<br />

19:48 And those trolly fags on twitter think they've dox'd me and I'm a 21-yearold<br />

man from Washington<br />

19:48 that better not be taken seriously, innocent people shouldn't be v&<br />

19:49 ;)<br />

20:01 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited kayla into the channel<br />

20:01 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has joined #hq<br />

20:01 -!- mode/#hq [+o kayla] by HQBot<br />

20:01 hi :)<br />

20:01 anyone here it's kinda urgent!<br />

20:03 Yes<br />

20:04 who uses the username "root" on anonops?<br />

20:05 anyone here?<br />

20:06 im on but i have no idea<br />

20:07 I have him on Skype<br />

20:07 Do you need to get in touch?<br />

20:08 does he ever <strong>com</strong>e here??<br />

20:08 Not here<br />

20:08 like in this chat?<br />

20:08 well ok, sit down i have something to tell :)<br />

20:08 ?<br />

20:09 were you here earlier when tht greghb or w/e it was came in to the ophbgary<br />

chat and was all "herderp im greg"<br />

20:09 yea<br />

20:09 and i said <strong>com</strong>pare SSN's to prove it n i k/b him<br />

20:09 well it was a troll<br />

20:09 and he's on another chat i go to and he mentioned it<br />

20:09 and i lol'd when he told me<br />

20:10 but then he scrolled me this<br />


20:10 My server was the one raided in the FBI's Tailor Made Servers raid<br />

20:10 I'm still here. :)<br />

20:10 I'm not your average Anon.<br />

20:10 But that's besides the point.<br />

20:10 The only way you're ever going to identify someone is gaining<br />

enough trust as a friend.<br />

20:10 gregh what I'm saying is that you need to infiltrate Anon at the<br />

deepest level.<br />

20:10 You need an insider.<br />

20:10 You need me.<br />

20:10 I grow tired of these operations.<br />

20:10 To watch them all fail would be fairly lulzy.<br />

20:10 apparently thats from "root" in a pm<br />

20:10 what the fuck<br />

20:10 not to be trusted anymore<br />

20:10 but also, this guys is a troll so i dont know if tht up there is true<br />

20:10 but still.....<br />

20:11 just thought i'd pass it on<br />

20:11 :)<br />

20:11 does he talk like that om the chan<br />

20:11 capitolizing letters and all<br />

20:11 periods<br />

20:12 i don't know, i dont even know who he is tbh...<br />

20:12 He's been here a while, has helped out with media a couple times,<br />

probably helped a lot with Payback<br />

20:12 But "root" is really a generic name, someone might be trying to fake him<br />

20:13 My server was the one raided in the FBI's Tailor Made Servers raid<br />

20:13 it sounds like it's root<br />

20:13 yea seems pretty easy to find that out ^<br />

20:14 is +r registerd only or is tht +R i forget<br />

20:14 +r<br />

20:14 then it HAS to be root because ophbgary is +r and has been for ages<br />

20:15 because he must have been identified to be in the chan and it's the only<br />

chan "gregh" was in :)<br />

20:15 I grow tired of these operations.

20:19 they have alot of http://someip:port<br />

20:20 yes is down now<br />

20:20 wasnt like an hour ago<br />

20:20 :/<br />

20:20 i was going to do some more reading<br />

20:20 xD<br />

20:30 http://www.lacy.ie/hbgary.php<br />

20:30 someone made that<br />

20:30 from the torrent<br />

20:30 im guessing<br />

20:34 Yes<br />

20:36 yeh but they dont have gregs :P<br />

20:51 site: www.offensive<strong>com</strong>puting.net<br />

20:51 username: tedvera<br />

20:51 password: xWWzSeHxAJ<br />

20:51 Your new Offensive Computing membership also enables to you to login to<br />

other Drupal powered websites<br />

20:51 (e.g. http://drupal.org/) without registering. Just use the following Drupal<br />

20:51 ID and password: Drupal ID: tedvera@www.offensive<strong>com</strong>puting.net<br />

password: xWWzSeHxAJ -- Offensive Computing team<br />

20:52 works :D<br />

20:58 theres seriously 200+ of things like that<br />

20:58 its like a joke<br />

20:59 http://www.lacy.ie/hbgary.php?id=18991<br />

20:59 yeh :D<br />

21:00 omfg<br />

21:00 dhs<br />

21:42 :D<br />

21:42 there's all kinds of stuff<br />

22:05 what the fuck is this http://search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru/<br />

22:05 it got released?<br />

22:06 ah just a ptr to lacy<br />

22:11 yeh :D<br />

22:12 this one is interesting :D<br />

22:12 http://search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru/index.php?id=19948<br />

22:12 oops<br />

22:12 not tht one<br />

22:12 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]<br />

22:14 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited kayla into the channel<br />

22:14 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has joined #hq<br />

22:14 -!- mode/#hq [+o kayla] by HQBot<br />

22:14 http://search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru/index.php?id=36623<br />

22:14 Subject: wow<br />

22:14 From: "Aaron Barr" <br />

22:14 To: "Ted Vera" ,"Mark Trynor" <br />

22:14 Original Email<br />

22:14 http://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~massar/bin/cisco-decode?<br />

enc=68C5730C268E5722C1B9FA63247B01B63BBF99317CFBFEEF393299B041D165ADA<br />

3DE3B0D7E556EE784628ED7849CA9F1C859763381AFDDF9&.submit=decode%21<br />


Sooooo...using the link above and the google hack string. !Host=*.*<br />

intext:enc_UserPassword=* ext:pcf Take your pick of VPNs you want access too. Ugghh..<br />

Aaron Barr CEO HBGary Federal Inc.<br />

22:15 1) Google search !Host=*.* intext:enc_UserPassword=* ext:pcf<br />

22:15 download the pcf file<br />

22:16 then use http://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~massar/bin/cisco-decode?enc= to<br />

clear text it<br />

22:16 = free VPN :D<br />

22:19 thats only the group password<br />

22:19 so with cisco vpn you have the tunnel group pass then th username and<br />

user pass<br />

22:19 tunnel group is like the first line in just shared secret<br />

22:19 but still userfull<br />

22:19 99% of the pcf's will have usernames too<br />

22:30 :D<br />

22:41 ni ni guys :D

02:09 although i dont trust their accouncement fully yet<br />

02:10 but if they say they cut ties and apologize, we should respect that for now<br />

02:10 H&W is anothermatter tho<br />

02:14 true<br />

02:15 I'm so tired man I been up like 2 days so I need to rest however I really want<br />

to make some progress<br />

02:15 ah.. i know how you feel. was like 50h up myself<br />

02:15 but feel good after 14h of sleep now (=<br />

02:17 haha nice<br />

02:17 I read the buffer, it seems the guy on anonop "root" is a mole or troll?<br />

02:20 the nick "root"?<br />

02:20 eh if he's identified.. he used to be oper i think. is forunder of<br />

#operationpayback<br />

02:21 really<br />

02:21 04:10 My server was the one raided in the FBI's Tailor<br />

Made Servers raid<br />

02:21 04:10 I'm still here. :)<br />

02:21 04:10 I'm not your average Anon.<br />

02:21 04:10 But that's besides the point.<br />

02:21 04:10 The only way you're ever going to identify someone<br />

is gaining enough trust as a friend.<br />

02:21 04:10 gregh what I'm saying is that you need to infiltrate<br />

Anon at the deepest level.<br />

02:21 04:10 You need an insider.<br />

02:21 04:10 You need me.<br />

02:21 04:10 I grow tired of these operations.<br />

02:21 04:10 To watch them all fail would be fairly lulzy.<br />

02:21 04:10 apparently thats from "root" in a pm<br />

02:21 if thats him being genuine<br />

02:21 he must get rocked<br />

02:21 plz investigate my brother<br />

02:23 wtf<br />

02:23 :o<br />

02:23 oh i will<br />

02:23 i will leave kayla out of this, but i will present this to owen<br />

02:23 i think he will be quite interested<br />

02:23 but why is root telling this to kayla?<br />

02:24 or where is that from?<br />

02:26 no<br />

02:26 root wrote that to gregh, who is a troll/poser who posed/trolled as greg<br />

hoglund on irc<br />

02:26 and root wrote him that log<br />

02:27 Oh shit<br />

02:27 how did kayla get it?<br />

02:27 oh some fake-greg-spy?<br />

02:27 lol<br />

02:27 sorry, didnt read<br />

02:27 eh that's actually a good idea<br />

02:27 we can weed out traitors this way<br />


02:28 i will probaby make an alternative nick, go in #ophbgary<br />

02:28 idle mostly, but pm a few ppl<br />

02:28 yup<br />

02:28 do it plz<br />

02:28 greg/gregh/coganon/anoncog/aaronbar/abarr etc<br />

02:31 okay<br />

02:31 talked to owen<br />

02:31 it all makes sense<br />

02:31 07:30 and he tried, no begged for his oper back and was refused<br />

hands down<br />

02:31 07:30 he was gone too long<br />

02:31 07:31 some bs about his job blahblah<br />

02:31 07:31 noone believed it<br />

02:31 07:31 ill pass it on<br />

02:31 so .. thanks for relaying<br />

02:31 ppl will know.<br />

02:32 kk<br />

02:32 tell owen I miss him

02:49 so she could get root too<br />

02:49 wasnt really important.. but quite lulzy :)<br />

02:49 I figured it was too vague for anyone to find interesting<br />

02:49 yup, i figured that (=<br />

02:49 I guess it is though lol<br />

02:50 basically I read all his outgoing email <strong>com</strong>munication to jussi<br />

02:50 and mimicked word for word and grammar for grammar<br />

02:50 I also made sure to throw in rootkit.<strong>com</strong>'s root password (found in an earlier<br />

email) in the initial SE email<br />

02:50 to get jussi to trust me<br />

02:51 it worked thankfully and turned out to be lolz<br />

02:51 ah nice... yeah ii thought the pws you mentioned must be kinda known to<br />

him<br />

02:51 but that he immediately tes you the root pw<br />

02:51 *facepalm*<br />

02:53 yeah I learned a decade ago in order to get a successful SE you must know<br />

at least one bit of intimate information to gain at least a bit of trust from your target<br />

02:53 thats why I fucing researched my balls off<br />

02:53 yes i know.. actually, SE is my strongpart as well... i am out of the freaky<br />

technical stuff<br />

02:53 i lost connection by now<br />

02:54 although i noticed.. many of the exploit stuff is the same like 10 years ago<br />

02:56 uNF<br />

02:57 uNF uNF uNF ... coffee!<br />

02:58 im off to bed for a nap. ill be back my brothers and sister<br />


04:24 well, everybody wanted to take a look at stuxnet :)<br />

04:25 yeah<br />

04:25 HBGary was trying to make themselves look like the stuxnet experts i<br />

think<br />

04:26 hmm would be hard; i think f-secure had the best insight there. they did a<br />

lot of work on stuxnet which was widely praised<br />

04:26 yeah<br />

04:26 nobody ever said HBGary was smart<br />

04:26 :p<br />

04:26 lol<br />

04:26 it really looks like a whole trail of fail<br />

04:26 i still want to know wtf HBGary means :p<br />

04:26 leading the fail train into Anons lap<br />

04:27 :)<br />

04:27 where it crahed<br />

04:27 and burned<br />

04:27 crashed*<br />

04:27 and it is still smoldering now<br />

04:27 and you can hear people screaming and dying<br />

04:28 good times<br />

04:35 hmm<br />

04:35 http://ge.tt/3ckSqhP<br />

04:36 have a look at that<br />

04:39 i like that pretty much... dunno though about the strict teams.. i mean some<br />

ppl do more than one thing, are not really specialized.<br />

04:39 but in general very good...<br />

04:40 make sure to show it to the other guise as well<br />

04:40 none of it is strict<br />

04:40 nothing saying you cant be part of more than one team<br />

04:40 ill revise that<br />

04:42 yeah just making some <strong>com</strong>ments<br />

04:42 the team/focus is okay.. just i wouldnt name it "teams"<br />

04:43 ok<br />

04:43 hi<br />

04:44 wb Sabu. check that url from Laurelai<br />

04:44 who the fuck wrote that doc<br />

04:45 remove that shit from existence<br />

04:45 first off there is no hierachy or leadership, and thus an operations manual is<br />

not needed<br />

04:45 those who root, also "Shell" and also "deface"<br />

04:45 theres scant need to segregate<br />

04:46 shit like this is where the feds will get american anons on rico act abuse and<br />

other organized crime laws<br />

04:47 yeah well you could have done 100 times more effective shit with HBgary<br />

04:47 gratted what we got was good<br />

04:47 if you're so fucking talented why didn't you root them yourselves?<br />

04:47 but it could have been done alot better<br />

04:47 also we had a time restraint<br />

04:48 and as far as I know, considering I'm the one that did the op, I rooted their<br />


oxes, cracked their hashes, owned their emails and social engineered their admins in hours<br />

04:48 your manual is irrelevent.<br />

04:48 ok so why didnt you backdoor everything and just collect data<br />

04:49 because it was generally agreed that we should OWN HBGARY _BEFORE_<br />

Aaron Barr met up with FBI<br />

04:49 that gave us ~24 hours to play with<br />

04:49 you werent in the chat at the time and thus you wouldn't know this<br />

04:49 and who invited you anyway?<br />

04:49 I do not know you<br />

04:50 marduk, I'm about to bounce. this place is getting <strong>com</strong>promised a bit too<br />

quick/easy<br />

04:50 :/<br />

04:50 what huh ?<br />

04:50 whats getting <strong>com</strong>promised?<br />

04:51 who the fuck is laurelai and why is he/she/it questioning our owning of hbgary<br />

04:51 uhm.. she is with wl<br />

04:51 and?<br />

04:51 and kayla knows her.<br />

04:51 bleh<br />

04:51 ok who authored this ridiculous "OPERATIONS" doc?<br />

04:51 look the guideline isnt for you<br />

04:51 because I'm about to start owning nigg3rs<br />

04:51 authorized???<br />

04:52 its just an idea to kick around<br />

04:52 start talking<br />

04:52 for who? the feds?<br />

04:52 its not any official doc, it is something that Laurelai wrote up.. and it is for..<br />

others<br />

04:52 on anonops<br />

04:52 rofl<br />

04:52 just idea<br />

04:52 ideas<br />

04:52 man<br />

04:52 at least that is how i understand it<br />

04:52 to talk over<br />

04:53 le sigh<br />

04:53 mmmm why are we so in a bad mood?<br />

04:53 my nigga look at that doc<br />

04:53 and how ridiculous it is<br />

04:54 its just a document and it doesnt even mention anonymous<br />

04:54 shelling team?<br />

04:54 wtf is a shelling team<br />

04:54 whatever<br />

04:54 look, i think it was made with good intentions. and it is nothing you need to<br />

follow, if you dont like it, it is your good right<br />

04:55 no fuck that. its docs like this that WHEN LEAKED makes us look like an<br />



04:55 mmm<br />


04:55 if these lamers leak shit like that Im rooting them<br />

04:55 i get your point<br />

04:56 and it also makes us look like fucking twats aka hypocrits. we sit here and<br />

tweet all day about palantir/hbgary putting together docs and slides discussing the process of<br />


04:57 yet we're producing the same fucking shit<br />

04:57 only difference being our target focus are whitehats/anonymous targets<br />

04:57 rofl<br />

04:57 I'm going back to sleep. nice to meet you laurelai<br />

04:58 mm i get the point... and yes, considering that, we should not<br />

use/spread/hand such dox around<br />

04:58 but i am also convinced that Laurelai wasnt ill-minded by doing that.<br />

actually we taked about this before<br />

04:58 the point just is... we shoud have some procedure (it actually started with<br />

ppl ddosing targets that could be defaced, etc)<br />

04:59 marduk the other night.. when we owned hbgary we had 100% coordination<br />

in here. we had one slight issue with leeching of emails taking a bit longer than they should<br />

have<br />

04:59 but besides that, I did my part, topiary did his part, tflow did his part, you did<br />

yours, etc<br />

04:59 we did not need a manual<br />

04:59 and we were on point<br />

05:00 laurelei's issue is that we did not sit and sniff their emails for more good info<br />

05:00 no<br />

05:00 so what were you saying earlier?<br />

05:01 my issue is they had alot of private software and proprietary code, as well<br />

as customer information that could have been taken and used to gain access to more stuff<br />

quietly and then use tht as a platform to gain even more<br />

05:01 true, they had private software and proprietary code. and true I deleted their<br />

entire fileserver which included about 1 terabyte worth of malware, code and data<br />

05:01 let me ask you a question<br />

05:02 do you have 1terabyte+ servers ready to leach+store+torrent?<br />

05:02 yes<br />

05:02 and how lon would it have taken us to leak the terabyte off their network<br />

05:02 before they realized they were getting owned?<br />

05:03 it was a LITTLE rushed, yes we could have leeched mybe a little more. but<br />

in overall i think we did a very awesome op<br />

05:03 i think so too<br />

05:03 we fucking tapped their email <strong>com</strong>ms for 30 hours<br />

05:03 as for customer information, all that customer information is in the emails.<br />

tflow had access to those emails before leaking ~24 hours<br />

05:03 thats all i was trying to say<br />

05:03 and they didnt notice a fkn thing<br />

05:03 thats enough to traverse into customer accounts<br />

05:03 was it would have been nice to get some of the priv software<br />

05:03 and malware<br />

05:03 trust me miss<br />

05:04 if you saw what I saw<br />

05:04 there was nothing worth getting<br />


05:04 they had endless copies of rxbot<br />

05:04 public .exe's<br />

05:04 they had sandboxed a bunch of romanian exes with zeus<br />

05:04 public bots<br />

05:04 they had 0% 0dayz<br />

05:04 ok then<br />

05:04 their source code was not on the fileserver. there were nothing but<br />

executables<br />

05:05 and if you want their software that bad search thepiratebay<br />

05:05 I'm sure copies are on there<br />

05:05 their shit is garbage<br />

05:05 so we're discussing a non-issue<br />

05:05 perhaps I should have cleared this all up for everyone<br />

05:05 then what i was told wasnt what actually happened<br />

05:05 so docs like the one you created would not exist right now<br />

05:05 im sorry<br />

05:05 I dont know who told you what<br />

05:05 but if you have questions ask me<br />

05:05 ok<br />

05:06 well she wasn't here from the beginning<br />

05:06 so she couldnt have known<br />

05:06 I am not being rude to you. trust me, I'm a nice guy<br />

05:06 as stuff in here was not relayed to outside<br />

05:06 I just dont like the bs<br />

05:06 im not trying to bs<br />

05:06 i was making a point based on the information i has<br />

05:06 wich was wrong<br />

05:06 ok so what were you told/<br />

05:06 that their fileserver had massive 0dayz?<br />

05:06 basically<br />

05:06 because I can say there were two external drives<br />

05:07 I have a good memory and will tell you what was there<br />

05:07 one external drive was used as a nfs/samba mount it contained about 1tb of<br />

data<br />

05:07 it contained the same financial docs you find in the emails<br />

05:07 it contained backups of their dbs, etc<br />

05:07 it contained endless copies of their software in versions<br />

05:08 changelog edits<br />

05:08 it contained literally garbage<br />

05:08 that has little value to us<br />

05:08 ok<br />

05:08 the other external hard drive used as a nfs mount for internal lan servers<br />

05:08 contained all of their malware research<br />

05:08 Sabu: can we h4x the DoJ? :p<br />

05:08 which literally consisted of<br />

05:08 rxbots<br />

05:08 zeus bots<br />

05:08 chinese and romanian bots<br />

05:09 stuxnet debugs, copies of same binary<br />


05:09 etc.<br />

05:09 nothing of value to us<br />

05:09 ye i noticed from the emails, they take a lot of interest in the public/widely<br />

available bots<br />

05:09 because they already exist in the emails we have<br />

05:10 alright<br />

05:10 makes sense<br />

05:11 fuck<br />

05:11 Laurelai<br />

05:11 do you have access to the prq server?<br />

05:11 of crowdleaks?<br />

05:11 ohai tflow<br />

05:11 hi<br />

05:11 tflow: yes of course<br />

05:11 Laurelai: please remove the vhost for search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru asap<br />

05:11 it's not supposed to be public yet<br />

05:11 ok..<br />

05:12 :o<br />

05:12 and the dnsbot is offline .__.<br />

05:12 good morning tflow my brother<br />

05:12 tflow: i have a copy but only add is working there<br />

05:12 Sabu!<br />

05:12 did you hear about the shitstorm the leaks caused?<br />

05:12 yeah bro I been catching up<br />

05:13 this is actually.. bigger than the cables it seems<br />

05:13 especially as only small amounts have been scanned so far<br />

05:14 tflow: done<br />

05:14 thanks<br />

05:15 Sabu: in need of new target? its not whitehats tho...<br />

05:15 I want to focus on white hat sec firms<br />

05:15 they're the ones working on us<br />

05:15 okay.<br />

05:15 hmm<br />

05:15 oh<br />

05:15 its a good idea<br />

05:15 hbgary was the tip of the iceberg<br />

05:15 what was that<br />

05:15 there was that french one<br />

05:15 Laurelai: ?<br />

05:15 you know how many other sec firms are trying to do exactly what they're<br />

doing<br />

05:15 lol<br />

05:15 you got the tip from someone<br />

05:16 so we need to start rocking these lamers<br />

05:16 what was the url, damn<br />

05:16 D:<br />

05:16 hi avunit my brother<br />

05:16 the fuck is up with anonops<br />

05:16 oh all awayke .. just kayla missing now :o<br />


05:16 ddosaresst.<strong>com</strong><br />

05:16 Avunit: was ddosed<br />

05:16 Laurelai: nah i meant the other one.. who are working with french police<br />

05:16 tiny is down, belldandy is down, koldsun is down<br />

05:16 marduk: i dont know<br />

05:17 who are trying to spai on us<br />

05:17 mhhh<br />

05:17 marduk<br />

05:17 yeah<br />

05:17 laurelie, I appreciate you took the time to write that document. perhaps<br />

instead of creating evidence we actually follow such procedures. we just educate our people<br />

here so our next target isnt rushed/etc<br />

05:17 ddosaresst<br />

05:17 Sabu: thats what i was trying to get at<br />

05:17 http://dosarrest.<strong>com</strong>/ ?<br />

05:17 can we let it go ive deleted it already<br />

05:17 heh<br />

05:17 Sabu: yes<br />

05:17 that one<br />

05:17 I'm being fucking nice to you<br />

05:17 * marduk hands around cake and coffee.<br />

05:18 and you're telling me to let it go/<br />

05:18 don't get rocked bro :|<br />

05:18 meehh.. now all; let's focus not argue anymore.<br />

05:18 it's done.<br />

05:18 you run crowdleaks.org?<br />

05:18 i help run it<br />

05:18 I see<br />

05:19 Hey instead of argueing do me a favor and tell me which anonops server<br />

with atleast a 50 channel limit is online :P<br />

05:19 Avunit: vlad has 51<br />

05:19 thanks<br />

05:19 np<br />

05:19 added vlad in my pool<br />

05:19 Avunit: vlad<br />

05:19 oh im slow<br />

05:20 so any news around here?<br />

05:20 Laurelai:

search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru? I need to make some coding changes<br />

05:20 I need more targets=<br />

05:20 https://panel.dosarrest.<strong>com</strong>/customerpanel1_0/cp/sites/view/<br />

05:21 whitehats, spies, whatever<br />

05:21 Sabu: im still looking for that one url<br />

05:21 i got a tip<br />

05:21 ill look thru my history<br />

05:21 kk<br />

05:22 !dns list<br />

05:22 oh wait<br />

05:22 tflow: its a single php file<br />

05:22 ah nice<br />

05:22 whats wrong with it<br />

05:23 can you set me up an account with write access to that file?<br />

05:23 i need to make it so that<br />

05:23 it like to the .html pages on hbgary.anonleaks.ru<br />

05:23 links*<br />

05:23 there is a better interface there with attachments and such<br />

05:23 oh<br />

05:23 i can do that<br />

05:23 great<br />

05:24 hbgary.anonleaks.ru<br />

05:24 i'll give you the db files for each index<br />

05:24 basically<br />

05:24 doesnt appear to be up<br />

05:24 each email is like 3333.html<br />

05:24 a number<br />

05:24 brb 2 mins<br />

05:24 do you mean http://search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru/<br />

05:24 o_O<br />

05:25 the anonleaks.ru sites, apart from search are not yet activated :P<br />

05:26 i need more coffie<br />

05:27 anonleaks is going to rock my socks<br />

05:29 DNSBot is online again ^.^<br />

05:30 question gents<br />

05:30 whats the situation with openleaks<br />

05:30 watcha mean?<br />

05:31 "Domscheit-Berg denies claims by WikiLeaks that he damaged the<br />

organization or 'stole' material, but did say he took roughly 300,000 documents with him when<br />

he left."<br />

05:31 does openleaks need to get owned or not our buisness<br />

05:31 Well afaik they were taken for safekeeping and are being forced back by<br />

wikileaks now<br />

05:31 atleast thats what the news here said 2 days ago<br />

05:33 word<br />

05:33 damnit i dont find that site anymore<br />

05:33 I cant wiat for anonleaks to go public :D<br />

05:34 ok gents and ladies<br />

05:34 I'm going offline till tonight<br />


05:35 much love to you all<br />


05:45 Laurelai: did you get that?<br />

05:46 ?<br />

05:46 [10:38:22] http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/aaron_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/db<br />

05:46 [10:38:28] http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/db<br />

05:46 [10:38:33] http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/phil_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/db<br />

05:46 [10:38:40] http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/ted_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/db<br />

05:46 [10:38:51] up again? :o<br />

05:46 [10:39:04] From these files, you can tell which .html page to link to<br />

by looking @ the email filename<br />

05:46 oh yeah i saw<br />

05:47 how do i search it<br />

05:47 ok cool<br />

05:47 using php? :p<br />

05:47 do you know how to code it?<br />

05:48 otherwise i can code it and give you the hbgary.php file<br />

05:48 im not so hot with php<br />

05:48 (but i'd need the original hbgary.php first)<br />

05:48 thats lexis department<br />

05:48 np<br />

05:48 yeah ill secure pastebin it<br />

05:49 actually.. you know.. i think it would be better to store that in the mysql db<br />

05:49 having it filebased would be too slow to search<br />

05:50 can you create me a mysql account on the server with one db?<br />

05:50 Must I code the like 10 line html page excluding headers to say COMING: 14<br />

FEBRUARI 2011<br />

05:50 with a logo<br />

05:50 and iunnom aybe some links to sum emails?<br />

05:51 if so, ill do it after lunch :P<br />

05:51 brb<br />

05:53 hes got it using postgesql<br />

05:53 or something<br />

05:53 for that<br />

05:53 man<br />

05:53 im just going to get lexi to work with you on that<br />

05:53 ok<br />

05:53 when's he <strong>com</strong>ing on?<br />

05:53 i just install shit and make sure it doesnt get hacked into<br />

05:54 tflow: here pretty soon<br />

05:54 hes in ireland<br />

05:55 ah<br />

05:55 btw, some mails still cant be parsed, any idea why?<br />

05:56 example: http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/18057.html<br />

05:57 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/18057h.html can<br />

05:57 view it in html mode<br />

05:58 ups<br />

05:58 kk<br />

06:22 tflow:<br />

06:22 http://search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru still works for me<br />

06:22 cached NS?<br />


06:22 yes<br />

06:22 ah k<br />

06:23 hmm.. what do we have so far..<br />

06:23 ?<br />

06:23 4 Heihachi servers (3 for NS, 2 for interface)<br />

06:23 ah<br />

06:23 1 PRQ servers (for search - with dosarrest)<br />

06:24 1 Tele<strong>com</strong>ix?<br />

06:24 1 Luxembourg server (from Tele<strong>com</strong>ix, for web interface)<br />

06:24 those servers are not all heihachi tflow :P<br />

06:24 but they are russian<br />

06:24 oh?<br />

06:24 and in the same datacentre<br />

06:24 yeah<br />

06:24 webalta<br />

06:24 and santrex<br />

06:24 ah<br />

06:24 I can roll one extra server in, Triumph, if needed.<br />

06:25 If we do need another server, it would be for the web interface. but I think<br />

we're sorted for now<br />

06:25 Avunit: i gave you the other paysafe?<br />

06:25 yes marduk i think<br />

06:25 oh goddamnit that said<br />

06:25 gimme again<br />

06:25 xD<br />

06:25 k, yeah i remember faintly<br />

06:25 i forgot i dont log anymore<br />

06:26 uh oh<br />

06:26 * Avunit stabs self in face.<br />

06:26 imma get the invoice sorted direclty<br />

06:26 NOT GOOD<br />

06:26 * Avunit navigates towards heihachi.<br />

06:26 phew<br />

06:26 found it<br />

06:26 We should also have a page called legal.html<br />

06:27 That shows all the DMCA requests we've gotten from HBGary<br />

06:27 And our replies<br />

06:27 TPB-stlye<br />

06:27 style*<br />

06:27 what is the bgcolor of the interface page?<br />

06:29 #D7C3FC<br />

06:30 ill do some lousy html coding for a such teaser page<br />

06:31 sifting greg's emails for anything more about BoA & co<br />

06:31 it doesn't really need to use that bg colour if it's just a teaser page<br />

06:31 also you can base it on http://pastehtml.<strong>com</strong>/view/1cw69sc.html Avunit<br />

06:31 all you need to do is change the txt<br />

06:31 or logo<br />

06:32 well might look better if it uses the same bgcolor<br />

06:32 thats why<br />


06:32 http://www.technologyreview.<strong>com</strong>/web/32279/?p1=A1<br />

06:32 did we see this:<br />

06:32 "I have been sucked up for the last, seems like almost 2 weeks working the<br />

law firm deal. The potential is huge for us. We are starting the pilot this week, 50K effort. After<br />

the pilot the end customer gets briefed. We were talking to the senior partner of the law firm<br />

on Friday and he wants a firm fixed price by month for 6 months and the figure we have <strong>com</strong>e<br />

to settle on is $2M per month for the 3 team members. That will equal $500-$700K for HBG<br />

Federal, thats per ..<br />

06:32 ... month. We still need to close it, so I am spending most of my time<br />

making sure we blow them away and get the funding. Other stuff happening, but thats the<br />

main focus for me."<br />

06:32 oh wait, that's not anonleaks<br />

06:32 was sent from aaron to greg and penny on nov 16<br />

06:38 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited Topiary into the channel<br />

06:38 -!- Topiary [colossal@do.the.impossible] has joined #hq<br />

06:39 -!- mode/#hq [+o Topiary] by HQBot<br />

06:44 hey Topiary<br />

06:44 Hai<br />

06:44 moah, greg'S mails are full of ticketspam<br />

06:44 that'S why he has 10k more mails<br />

06:45 Ticketspam indeed, new registration/password change too<br />

06:45 yeah<br />

06:45 and emails from PayPal<br />

06:53 http://operationfreedom.ru/anonleaks/<br />

06:53 thats kinda what i have atm<br />

06:54 hey<br />

06:54 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/2760.html<br />

06:54 could i get the origional email for that<br />

06:54 Avunit: nice<br />

06:54 Fubruary?<br />

06:54 eh<br />

06:54 February.<br />

06:54 oh yeah<br />

06:54 #AnonLeaks?<br />

06:54 yes<br />

06:54 on anonops?<br />

06:54 yes<br />

06:54 oh.<br />

06:55 I had e-mail 5 in twice too instead of one 6 xD<br />

06:55 please<br />

06:56 Laurelai: ?<br />

06:56 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/2760.html<br />

06:56 ask tflow, he might have it D: i no has<br />

06:56 tflow: ?<br />

06:56 Laurelai: yes looking at that<br />

06:56 anything else that needs to be on the teaser page? gimme about 6 juicy<br />

emails as a teaser too d:<br />

06:56 marduk: laurelai wants the original<br />

06:57 * Avunit pokes topiary<br />


06:57 original?<br />

06:57 oh the .eml?<br />

06:57 yarr<br />

06:57 ?<br />

06:58 ya well, i dun have it... btw when are we gonna torrent greg'S mails?<br />

06:58 it says it<br />

06:58 laurelai wants the .eml for that link<br />

06:58 Original file: 26858<br />

06:58 the .emls for greg are not released yet.<br />

06:58 and http://operationfreedom.ru/anonleaks/<br />

06:58 hmm<br />

06:59 not bad but<br />

06:59 it doesn't really fit well<br />

06:59 as in?<br />

06:59 possibly a black background outside the box?<br />

06:59 ok i need to be away for an hour or so<br />

06:59 easy enough<br />

06:59 also i don't think we should tell the irc channel yet<br />

06:59 well stab topiary for that<br />

06:59 i stole his banner :p<br />

07:00 hah, made it in a few minutes as a test<br />

07:00 I think it would be cool to have the green anon logo in large<br />

07:00 it's not a banner so much as a lulz<br />

07:00 with a white background<br />

07:00 and says <strong>com</strong>ing soon under it<br />

07:00 don't think I have any large Anon logos like that to turn green, that one was<br />

pretty small<br />

07:01 http://operationfreedom.ru/anonleaks/<br />

07:02 i think it's better to just have a white bg<br />

07:02 k sec<br />

07:02 with the green logo only + <strong>com</strong>ing soon under it<br />

07:02 done<br />

07:02 (without the irc stuff or the text)<br />

07:03 ill green the irc stuff out<br />

07:03 the bg is still black :p<br />

07:03 oh you wante verything white?<br />

07:03 no i mean<br />

07:03 http://i.imgur.<strong>com</strong>/N7mfR.jpg<br />

07:03 made<br />

07:03 ah liek dat<br />

07:03 nice<br />

07:03 want the date still under it or all text removed?<br />

07:03 only thing i would say<br />

07:04 the stroke around the text kinda makes it seem cartoonish :p<br />

07:05 now then?<br />

07:05 can easily be fixed. any text you had in mind?<br />

07:06 and topiary, you got any e-mails ready to be teased?<br />

07:08 so i can put em there too<br />

07:08 not sure if I have anything that stands out<br />


07:08 well aslong its kinda lulz or juicy<br />

07:09 its fine<br />

07:09 we dont have to throw the best in, rather not even<br />

07:10 just a few to show we're for real and ready to cause mayham<br />

07:12 and tflow watcha think of the current page then? bettah?<br />

07:12 http://i.imgur.<strong>com</strong>/zgaMs.jpg<br />

07:12 simpler?<br />

07:14 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/22450.html<br />

07:14 can't tell if juicy or not...<br />

07:16 should i use the source of that html to leak or put it in .txt?<br />

07:16 I guess html<br />

07:16 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/9747.html<br />

07:19 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/18599.html<br />

07:19 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/5281.html<br />

07:19 wat<br />

07:19 im removing attachement and without html markup links<br />

07:23 any others?<br />

07:24 tis kind of fugly but fine<br />

07:25 this isn't worth putting up, but lol<br />

http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/18450.html<br />

07:25 LOL<br />

07:25 i say<br />

07:25 put it up xD<br />

07:26 but yeah check out http://operationfreedom.ru/anonleaks/<br />

07:26 its kind of ugly with the emails<br />

07:26 but k<br />

07:27 Avunit: you need the .css file<br />

07:27 yeah figured<br />

07:27 but i have no link to the actual source either<br />

07:28 with divs and whatever<br />

07:28 oh wait<br />

07:28 you use th for that<br />

07:28 nvm me :P<br />

07:30 i put the css file up<br />

07:31 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/9365.html im lolling quite<br />

a bit tho<br />

07:36 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/20419.html

07:41 haha yes that google alert is cool (=<br />

07:43 http://operationfreedom.ru/anonleaks/<br />

07:43 is that public?<br />

07:43 I think maybe the 14 Feb thing needs to be taken out, not sure why<br />

07:43 can we spreda that?<br />

07:43 no<br />

07:43 the main site will be anonleaks.ru<br />

07:43 right?<br />

07:43 yea<br />

07:43 but this will be one mirror, tho?<br />

07:44 still probably not best to spread this yet until anonleaks.ru is updated<br />

07:44 and we've agreed on final page<br />

07:44 yeah<br />

07:44 itll be on anonleaks.ru<br />

07:44 this is just my testing ground<br />

07:44 tell me when it is<br />

07:44 http://operationfreedom.ru/anonleaks/<br />

07:44 the date taken out?<br />

07:45 well.. we are sure that we go public on monday i think?<br />

07:45 we got all set. all uploaded, mirrors working<br />

07:45 or should I just make "Coming February 2011" of it?<br />

07:45 just in case we fail hard on Monday<br />

07:45 mhh<br />

07:45 ill just get the 14 and : out of it<br />

07:45 if then take it out <strong>com</strong>pletely<br />

07:45 and leave the <strong>com</strong>ing soon in logo<br />

07:45 we can just tweet about it<br />

07:45 and when we actually release, we'll do a countdown<br />

07:45 http://operationfreedom.ru/anonleaks/<br />

07:45 updated<br />

07:46 i want to send the teaser page to some bloggers asap<br />

07:46 The font on <strong>com</strong>ing soon is a bit weird<br />

07:46 mhh<br />

07:46 idd remove february<br />

07:46 that souds like.. we are maybe online in 2 weeks<br />

07:46 I'd just remove the whole line about <strong>com</strong>ing soon<br />

07:46 <strong>com</strong>ing soon in the logo is okay<br />

07:46 small and decent<br />

07:46 and we can create buzz on twitter about it<br />

07:46 i'd just remove the big text<br />

07:46 Can you remove the black border?<br />

07:46 ^<br />

07:46 yesi can<br />

07:46 sec<br />

07:47 What about the border?<br />

07:47 It's not nice :p<br />

07:47 http://operationfreedom.ru/anonleaks/<br />

07:47 there you go<br />

07:47 it'll look more scary 1337 h4x the plainer it gets<br />


07:47 yup<br />

07:47 we all agree this one is fine then?<br />

07:47 maybe a blank line between teasers iand the mails<br />

07:48 then ill tar it for tflow :P<br />

07:48 then it'd be perfect<br />

07:48 can you remove that border?<br />

07:48 shift reload<br />

07:48 it is<br />

07:48 its removed<br />

07:48 i'dd add a blank line tho<br />

07:48 and white lnie added<br />

07:48 below "teasers"<br />

07:48 line*<br />

07:48 its added<br />

07:48 looks a bit dense<br />

07:48 aha<br />

07:48 reload<br />

07:48 ah :)<br />

07:48 perfect imo<br />

07:48 should i make the teasers fat or is only underlined fine like this?<br />

07:48 tested in other browsers?<br />

07:49 sec imma start up IE<br />

07:49 im using firefox myself<br />

07:49 chrome here<br />

07:49 just gonna find another teaser, or one to replace one already<br />

07:49 on linux<br />

07:49 the Penny loveletter<br />

07:49 sec<br />

07:49 looks fine<br />

07:49 mhh<br />

07:49 nah<br />

07:49 not the penny love letter<br />

07:49 something juicy<br />

07:49 like Boa related<br />

07:49 looks fine on an old version of IE<br />

07:49 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/15038.html<br />

07:49 like this one<br />

07:49 but ive the idea that the teasers should be bolded :/<br />

07:50 well the word "Teasers:"<br />

07:50 try it<br />

07:50 kay<br />

07:50 adding a ninth leak too<br />

07:51 hrrm<br />

07:52 adding bold removing underline<br />

07:52 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/23876.html<br />

07:52 I don't think we need this many teasers<br />

07:52 some bring down the quality of the others<br />

07:52 hmm<br />

07:52 too many fun/private ones imo<br />


07:53 we should concentrate on the interesting ones<br />

07:53 anonleaks isnt emphasized on gossip :(<br />

07:53 at least replace email 8 with Penny's one<br />

07:53 feel free to say which one to remove etc.<br />

07:53 or get rid of 8 entirely<br />

07:53 replacing 8 with<br />

http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/23876.html<br />

07:54 done<br />

07:55 brb taking a shower<br />

07:55 when i'm back i'll put it up<br />

07:55 cool<br />

07:55 get wet.<br />

07:55 ill tar it for you tflow<br />

07:55 thoroughly moist<br />

07:56 updated email 9 to remove the attachement link too<br />

07:56 why isnt kayla here?<br />

07:56 hrrr.<br />

07:56 we should put a contact email in the form of<br />

07:56 "Problem, officer? email@email.<strong>com</strong>"<br />

07:56 so we can laugh hard at takedown notices<br />

07:56 tflow requests that I give them lulzy responses<br />

07:56 can use my hushmail, of do we have email already setup?<br />

07:56 and we post them in a legal section<br />

07:57 should have something official like<br />

07:57 <strong>com</strong>plaints@anonleaks.ru<br />

07:57 :p<br />

07:57 i have no mailserver<br />

07:57 gief mailserver<br />

07:57 and we can create anonleaks.ru<br />

07:57 wait when tflow gets back<br />

07:57 I would jizz over Topiary@anonleaks.ru as my email<br />

07:57 I'd put that shit as mah vhost<br />

07:57 avunit@anonleaks.ru<br />

07:57 bitches.<br />

07:58 We go' be hunted by the po-po<br />

07:58 oh no-no<br />

07:58 almost tempted to make a theteam.html<br />

07:58 with fake dox<br />

07:58 xD<br />

07:58 DO IT<br />

07:58 DO IT SO HARD<br />

07:58 LOL<br />

07:58 okay<br />

07:59 everyone go make fake identity<br />

07:59 fake name<br />

07:59 fake country<br />

07:59 and GIEF ME<br />

07:59 heh, aren't i John Q Nagel?<br />

07:59 IUNNO GIMME INFO<br />


08:00 lol<br />

08:00 i cant ind him<br />

08:00 rofl<br />

08:00 David D. Davidson<br />

08:00 google "John Q Nagel"<br />

08:00 6697 Mudkup Rd.<br />

08:00 Longcatsville<br />

08:00 The Internets<br />

08:00 Mine ^<br />

08:00 only hits are the Anonymous docs of Aaron<br />

08:00 Mudkip*<br />

08:00 I'll use John Q. Nagel<br />

08:01 make some other fake info up too marduk, like topiary<br />

08:01 sec<br />

08:01 actually that John Q Nagel is real on facebook<br />

08:01 mhh i use something else<br />

08:03 Henry Dorsett Case, 648, Matsudo, Matsudo-shi, Chiba, 271-8510, Japan<br />

08:03 thar you go<br />

08:04 whoever knows the reference wins an internet<br />

08:05 Want me to use your irc nicks?<br />

08:05 like Topiary:<br />

08:05 David D. Davidson<br />

08:05 tflow: and canihaz sop in #anonleaks pl0x<br />

08:05 6697 Mudkup rd.<br />

08:05 lolno<br />

08:05 not me<br />

08:05 k<br />

08:05 enough trouble qith q as it is :p<br />

08:06 we should include a weblink to #anonleaks on the teaser site<br />

08:06 massive buzz for it<br />

08:06 oh<br />

08:06 Avunit: use my fake nick: "Don"<br />

08:06 WebAnon chat<br />

08:06 nah not using nicks now :op<br />

08:06 he's rarely online<br />

08:06 ok<br />

08:06 fine too<br />

08:08 okay<br />

08:08 MOAR<br />

08:08 ill add something for myself too<br />

08:10 oh nice<br />

08:10 (as I was finishing writing this, Karp called me, seemed sincere enough in<br />

his apology, vowed that any Palantir employees involved in this would be dealt with the way<br />

they dealt with HB Gary, and <strong>com</strong>mendably <strong>com</strong>mitted to telling me by the end of the week<br />

whether Bank of America or Hunton & Williams actually retained these firms to carry out this<br />

proposal).<br />

08:10 (Greenwald on salon.<strong>com</strong>)<br />

08:11 Perhaps a "MEET THE TEAM" link underneath the teasers, and also on<br />

that page can be a "Problem, officer? <strong>com</strong>plaints@anonops.ru""<br />


08:12 http://operationfreedom.ru/anonleaks/theteam.html<br />

08:14 well we can do that after we got an anonops.ru email server topiary<br />

08:14 because i do want to see that :p<br />

08:14 Avunit: "648 Matsudo, Matsudo-shi" - "Chiba 271-8510"<br />

08:14 oh k<br />

08:14 btw, case is the main character in william Gibson's Neuromancer<br />

08:14 updated<br />

08:15 and he lives in Chiba City :)<br />

08:15 cheers<br />

08:16 http://operationfreedom.ru/anonleaks/theteam.html<br />

08:16 updated with email lnik too<br />

08:16 Looks good Avunit, needs Mudkip though<br />

08:16 oh well ypu typed mudkup :P<br />

08:16 anyway need mailserver *stabs topiary*<br />

08:16 i added a subject line to the mail link too :p<br />

08:20 looking like the sex of all sexes<br />

08:20 now tflow needs to <strong>com</strong>e back, he needs to give an identity and we need<br />

some mail serverz<br />

08:20 and then we r ready to rawl<br />

08:20 WE HAZ PROBLEMZ<br />

08:20 oh btw is thel ink i put on the index good or you want MEET THE TEAM<br />

there?<br />

08:20 MEET THE TEAM<br />

08:20 Y33333<br />

08:21 MEET THE SPY<br />

08:21 oh no wait<br />

08:21 xD<br />

08:21 http://operationfreedom.ru/anonleaks/<br />

08:22 getting some tea meanwhileeee<br />

08:22 get soem bitches to gief mailserbur<br />

08:22 we iz want offishul address<br />

08:23 sup<br />

08:23 wb tflow<br />

08:24 Avunit: davidson has a ":" the others not<br />

08:26 For mail, we can use Google Apps<br />

08:30 morning<br />

08:32 i can setup a mail svr pretty easily if we need<br />

08:33 and qmail is pretty hackproof<br />

08:33 but lacks alot of extras<br />

08:34 Why not GMail? Would save us having to get extra servers + DDoS-proof<br />

08:34 then we can use the extra servers for mirroring<br />

08:34 ah ok<br />

08:34 Google Apps lets you have your own domains<br />

08:35 i just dont use g* anything<br />

08:35 since they spy on your shit<br />

08:35 hm<br />

08:35 Well we don't really have anything to hide :P<br />

08:35 All secret shit will be done on IRC<br />

08:35 @anonleaks.ru is just for press<br />


08:35 Infact, it would be funny one day if we leak our own mail<br />

08:35 lol<br />

08:37 tflow: will u put the teaser version up?<br />

08:38 i'D like to spread it to some ppl today<br />

08:38 Are we done with it?<br />

08:38 Also<br />

08:38 tflow<br />

08:38 gimme ur<br />

08:38 s3cret dox data<br />

08:38 I think the meet the team joke needs to be more subtle - like a easter egg or<br />

hiden joke<br />

08:38 I like my J. Shepard D:<br />

08:39 Maybe if we put it in the <strong>com</strong>ments, or make the like very small<br />

08:39 good idea<br />

08:39 link*<br />

08:39 k<br />

08:39 yeah it'S too prominent i agree<br />

08:39 ill make<br />

08:39 very small link<br />


08:45 I'm not very creative<br />

08:46 can someone give me thel ink to the google mail server shit too?<br />

08:48 the free version that is<br />

08:48 http://www.<strong>com</strong>putersecurityarticles.info/security/anonleaks-continuesrelationship-with-criminals/<br />

08:48 what a fuckign cock suer<br />

08:48 One of the characteristics that the members of Anonymous have in<br />

<strong>com</strong>mon with their Russian and Ukrainian cybercriminal benefactors<br />

08:49 although its funny he thinks our servers have benifactors<br />

08:50 entropy!<br />

08:50 you gief fake dox too<br />

08:50 and tflow just be<strong>com</strong>e creative :P<br />

08:50 lol<br />

08:50 1 sec<br />

08:51 Sabu: when you get back. TARGET: http://www.lexsi.<strong>com</strong>/

08:58 you did already<br />

08:58 THATS WHY<br />

08:58 BITCH<br />

08:58 im sure their db will notice its in a second time and just drop it<br />

08:58 because at my first reg try<br />

08:58 it kept sending me back<br />

08:58 Wait, let me give you root admin details<br />

08:58 to the info<br />

08:58 and I was like<br />


08:59 I added Toomas Sarva to the team<br />

08:59 only need one for tflow now too D:<br />

08:59 he can use Keith B. Alexander id he's not creative :p<br />

09:00 shh let him make up his own shit :P<br />

09:00 did you guys scroll up and see the shit kayla was talking about about that<br />

guy 'root'<br />

09:01 i havent seen kayla talking<br />

09:01 so it mustve been<br />

09:01 it was last night<br />

09:01 before i logged on my bnc<br />

09:01 :P<br />

09:01 i dont backlog D:<br />

09:01 like 12 hours ago<br />

09:01 yes<br />

09:01 i told owen<br />

09:01 yea mine only has like 100 lines<br />

09:01 it was a fake root<br />

09:01 very likely<br />

09:01 possible switch<br />

09:01 even though the chan was +r?<br />

09:02 but owen knows.. and will follow up on that<br />

09:04 D:<br />

09:12 pffft<br />

09:12 lol<br />

09:12 your goignto have <strong>com</strong>plaints@anonleaks<br />

09:12 omfg that is going to get rocked w mail<br />

09:12 awesum eh?<br />

09:12 but they will prob be funny as shit<br />

09:16 waiting for domain verification now<br />

09:17 domain verificated<br />

09:17 mmh i'D like to use that logo for the twitter acc<br />

09:18 let'S see if my netbook cn cope with gimp'n shit<br />

09:19 oh fuck<br />

09:19 entropy!<br />

09:19 avunit!<br />

09:19 wont be able to add mx with the bot<br />

09:19 since it requires more optionzzz<br />

09:19 can you add it manually?<br />

09:19 yea if you do more then generic mx<br />


09:19 sure what do you need<br />

09:19 sec ill write it<br />

09:21 anonleaks.ru. 14400 IN MX 10 ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM.<br />

09:21 anonleaks.ru. 14400 IN MX 20 ALT1.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM.<br />

09:21 anonleaks.ru. 14400 IN MX 20 ALT2.ASPMX.L.GOOGLE.COM.<br />

09:21 anonleaks.ru. 14400 IN MX 30 ASPMX2.GOOGLEMAIL.COM.<br />

09:21 anonleaks.ru. 14400 IN MX 30 ASPMX3.GOOGLEMAIL.COM.<br />

09:21 anonleaks.ru. 14400 IN MX 30 ASPMX4.GOOGLEMAIL.COM.<br />

09:21 anonleaks.ru. 14400 IN MX 30 ASPMX5.GOOGLEMAIL.COM.<br />

09:21 that should do<br />

09:21 oh is that all<br />

09:21 ...<br />

09:21 lol<br />

09:21 ok brb<br />

09:21 yeah its just the multiple arguments and youre prob logged into the server<br />

already xD<br />

09:22 you need this: anonleaks.ru. IN TXT google-siteverification=zkig3tWuq_y7fpgAfAZO76OfLMfWJcGKUfK6Iq7WyG4<br />

09:22 yes<br />

09:22 ?<br />

09:22 k<br />

09:22 that needs to stay ther<br />

09:22 e<br />

09:23 i have to do anything manually that startw with anonleaks.ru.<br />

09:23 cause that is the origin<br />

09:23 fixt<br />

09:23 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AnonymousLeaks<br />

09:23 im using shortcuts with the @<br />

09:23 well it did work though entropy<br />

09:23 heh, 780 followers already<br />

09:23 since google got that one out properly<br />

09:23 really<br />

09:23 yarr<br />

09:23 i never knew you could do that<br />

09:23 tflow: hbgary.anonleaks.ru teaser version ETA?<br />

09:23 nor did i, but i just tried :p<br />

09:23 oh that said ill tar the teaser version in a sec<br />

09:24 Should we put ti on anonleaks.ru or hbgary.anonleaks.ru?<br />

09:24 or just anonleaks.ru/hbgary/ ?<br />

09:24 would be better imo.. avoid dns spam :p<br />

09:25 anonleaks.ru i just say<br />

09:25 i mean thats the standard domain<br />

09:25 yah and then subdir.<br />

09:25 agree here<br />

09:25 http://operationfreedom.ru/teaser.tar.gz<br />

09:26 the email should be onlnie.. well shortly<br />

09:26 Everything going smoothly, AnonLeakers?<br />

09:27 everything going excellently<br />

09:27 avunit: stop the bot, go down to this line: if ($i >= 10) { # start printing at<br />


the 10th line<br />

09:28 if ($i >= 19) { # start printing at the 19th line<br />

09:28 restart bot<br />

09:28 change 10 to 19 ya mean?<br />

09:28 k<br />

09:28 to hide all the non subdomain<br />

09:28 yep<br />

09:31 done<br />

09:31 Email<br />

09:31 - Updating...<br />

09:31 We are checking MX records for your domain. This may take 48 hours to<br />

<strong>com</strong>plete.<br />

09:31 awh fu<br />

09:31 it wont<br />

09:31 its in now<br />

09:32 http://anonleaks.ru/<br />

09:32 awesome tflow<br />

09:32 awesome!<br />

09:32 YAY<br />

09:32 when we're releasing i'll redirect the frontpage to hbgary.anonleaks.ru<br />

09:33 ah okay<br />

09:33 kk<br />

09:34 google is still checking, suppose itll be doen within the hour<br />

09:35 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AnonymousLeaks/status/36433077068636160<br />

09:35 http://anonleaks.ru/email5.html<br />

09:35 fuck i thought that was real<br />

09:35 niel stevenson should pick that up<br />

09:35 lol<br />

09:35 xD<br />

09:38 shit so its out<br />

09:38 ...<br />

09:38 let the games begin<br />

09:40 * Avunit stabs google for a fuster update<br />

09:40 whats the best way to kill a hd<br />

09:40 unskrew it and scratch the platters<br />

09:40 ?<br />

09:40 chainsaw? sandpaper?<br />

09:40 actually ill just drive somewhere and dump them<br />

09:40 open it u<br />

09:41 and sandpaperrrrrr<br />

09:41 i need a giant electro magnet<br />

09:41 yea that will work<br />

09:41 but i have like 8 of them<br />

09:41 and theres like 20 star screws each<br />

09:41 pita<br />

09:41 oh yeah<br />

09:41 errr<br />

09:41 drive over em<br />

09:41 with a tractor<br />


09:41 and then throw em in water<br />

09:41 * entropy starts up my tractor<br />

09:41 with a few batteries too<br />

09:42 9v?<br />

09:42 nah<br />

09:42 50v<br />

09:42 :P<br />

09:42 word<br />

09:42 BIG ONES<br />

09:42 and then<br />

09:42 sledgehammer<br />

09:42 to finish it up<br />

09:42 should kind of do the trick<br />

09:43 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AnonymousIRC/status/36435166268366848<br />

09:43 algeria live stream thar!<br />

09:43 Updating Google servers... This may take up to 1 hour to <strong>com</strong>plete.<br />

09:43 * We are updating Google servers to enable email for your users.<br />

09:43 google anonleaks.ru<br />

09:43 oh yarrrrr<br />

09:43 About 941 results (0.34 seconds)<br />

09:43 its been what 1 minute<br />

09:44 first results are awesome<br />

09:44 wow who made that logo<br />

09:44 ;)<br />

09:45 Teasers: E-mail 1 E-mail 2 E-mail 3 E-mail 4 E-mail 5 E-mail 6 E-mail 7 Email<br />

8 E-mail 9 · MEET THE TEAM.<br />

09:45 oh fuck<br />

09:45 at the google hit<br />

09:45 google just<br />

09:45 deneis<br />

09:45 denies*<br />

09:45 fonts :p<br />

09:45 the bitches xD<br />

09:45 whats up with white on white<br />

09:45 lol you expect a google robot to miss text in BG color?<br />

09:45 :D<br />

09:45 sekret times<br />

09:46 nah<br />

09:46 i didnt<br />

09:46 just<br />

09:46 didnt realize<br />

09:46 that google would cache that :P<br />

09:46 should keep it<br />

09:46 thats funny actually<br />

09:46 how long before fox news<br />

09:46 will report<br />

09:46 they have our dox?<br />

09:47 and then a van will blow up<br />

09:47 ill lol so hard<br />


09:47 lol<br />

09:47 "Wheres Serpent Nebula actually?"<br />

09:47 there is so many great lines in that video i cant believe it<br />

09:47 i had seven passwords and they got them all<br />

09:48 ^ the best one<br />

09:48 * Topiary buys a dog and hangs curtains.<br />

09:48 lol<br />

09:48 The power of 9000 VPNs"<br />

09:48 my gf broke up w me cause she thought ... i was cheating on her with<br />

guys<br />

09:48 LOL<br />

09:48 <strong>com</strong>plaints@anonleaks.ru will be up in approx 1hr<br />

09:48 hopw can that still be funny i dont know<br />

09:48 Isn't there where the old wordfilter of "7" to "over 9000" came from?<br />

09:48 *that<br />

09:49 not sure<br />

09:49 thought ht 900 thing was from like pokeman<br />

09:49 Avunit: sounds lovely.<br />

09:49 I should send<br />

09:49 Over 9000 itself is from Dragonsweatyballs<br />

09:49 very serious replies<br />

09:49 but the wordfilter on 4chan, 7 was replaced with over 9000<br />

09:49 ah yea dragonball<br />

09:49 lol<br />

09:49 I lieked Dragon Ball when i was lil kiddo<br />

09:49 Avunit: may I respond to takedown notices with vigor?<br />

09:50 But of course<br />

09:50 or rather have access to that email as well<br />

09:50 just if i get ranodm mails<br />

09:50 14:48 btw have you seen Avunit? I see him, but wonder when he<br />

be online<br />

09:50 14:49 he haven't reply for a while since I last spoke<br />

09:50 because if there's one thing I'm useful for, it's creating laughs via<br />

responses<br />

09:50 avunit?<br />

09:50 ill react very seriously<br />

09:50 ohai i am seen<br />

09:50 but rly was/am kinda busy<br />

09:50 what takedown notice?<br />

09:50 if<br />

09:51 "You have <strong>com</strong>plaints about our content? We are now passing your<br />

<strong>com</strong>plaint on to the board of directors. We thank you for your input, please keep supporting<br />

AnonLeaks.ru"<br />

09:51 if and or when takedowns <strong>com</strong>e<br />

09:51 ah<br />

09:51 ill gief you all some sexy @anonleaks.ru mail too when its done xD<br />

09:52 i have to go take the ccie security written test in an hour<br />

09:52 * entropy isnt scared<br />

09:53 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#search?q=%23AnonLeaks<br />


09:54 Even people with cleavage retweet that now<br />

09:54 thats good<br />


09:54 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/Emma_A<br />

09:54 wow<br />

09:54 it's a top tweet<br />

09:55 already<br />

09:55 fuck haha<br />

09:55 and over 800 followers<br />

09:55 sick shit is shit<br />

09:55 access.log is getting like 1 request per second<br />

09:55 who all has access to that twitter account btw, you and tflow?<br />

09:55 yes, atm<br />

09:55 k<br />

09:55 ill usually take care of the account. will not tweet much with it<br />

09:55 just need to know who to poke for a tweet :P<br />

09:56 but just in case i am not round<br />

09:56 we need it to tweet a bit tho ^.^<br />

09:57 ill tweet bout it with my main account<br />

09:57 as more reach anyway<br />

09:57 wil use *Leaks only for really new nnouncements<br />

09:57 @wikileaks isn't tweeting much either<br />

09:58 but once full version is online<br />

09:58 i will tweet a few nice mails of course<br />

09:58 http://www.wikifiltraciones.<strong>com</strong>/?p=1838<br />

09:58 nah but we are not wikileaks either :P<br />

09:59 we certainly are not<br />

09:59 i hope we never get into a daniel-situation :p<br />

09:59 iunno we operate differently<br />

10:00 we use social media more actually :P<br />

10:00 thats why i said keep people happy with tweets of @AnonymousLeaks too<br />

10:00 I nevah used twitter though D:<br />

10:00 atopiary #AnonLeaks teaser site up: http://anonleaks.ru/<br />

10:00 yeah i will.. just not too much<br />

10:00 icwutudidthar<br />

10:01 glynmoody RT @BiellaColeman #anonymous is gonna release/leak more<br />

damning emails here: http://anonleaks.ru/ >>interesting use of .ru domain here less than 20<br />

seconds ago via web<br />

10:01 lulz<br />

10:01 interesting useeee<br />

10:02 lol natural use i'd say<br />

10:03 well we can always let .<strong>com</strong> redirect to .ru just for that guy :p<br />

10:03 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/atopiary/status/36439397956202496 :D<br />

10:03 [16:00:49] atopiary #AnonLeaks teaser site up:<br />

http://anonleaks.ru/<br />

10:03 [16:00:50] yeah i will.. just not too much<br />

10:03 [16:00:52] icwutudidthar<br />

10:03 mwhaha :p<br />

10:04 search anonleaks.ru in google<br />


10:05 i did yesh :p<br />

10:05 feng37 冯三七<br />

10:05 Should we make #anonleaks public now?<br />

10:05 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/feng37/status/36440491402723328<br />

10:05 Topiary: sure<br />

10:05 we're getting max publicity already<br />

10:06 lol<br />

10:06 liek<br />

10:06 well<br />

10:06 lets go for top google searches? :P<br />

10:06 i see http://anonleaks.ru<br />

10:06 as the top for anonleaks.ru<br />

10:06 yea<br />

10:07 it has been since like the second it came up<br />

10:07 but the nextresult is the cock sucker calling us sociopaths<br />

10:07 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/search?q=AnonLeaks<br />

10:07 arr<br />

10:08 second it top 5k tweets for me<br />

10:08 by topsy<br />

10:08 http://www.icerocket.<strong>com</strong>/search?tab=twitter&fr=h&q=anonleaks&x=0&y=0<br />

10:08 crazy<br />

10:08 its been like 20 minutes<br />

10:08 lol<br />

10:08 eheh<br />

10:08 this will hit the fan<br />

10:09 lol shit<br />

10:09 we're going max for top tweet<br />

10:09 monday will be max<br />

10:09 gotta look what to do weeks after the 27k mails tho<br />

10:09 btw Topiary why aren't you in the most elitest idle channel on anonops? :o<br />

10:10 hrrm are we having bets on which internet media will report first on the lulz<br />

page?<br />

10:10 because surely one will get the mocking of doxing<br />

10:10 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/atopiary/status/36441993580257280<br />

10:10 marduk: OH SHIT<br />

10:10 must join!<br />

10:10 * Topiary joins the secretz<br />

10:11 SamusAranX #anonleaks' credits page: http://img.ly/2Zie half a minute ago<br />

via Twitterrific<br />

10:11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^<br />

10:11 I wouldn't tweet the channel yet on AnonymousLeaks twitter or<br />

AnonymousIRC - I think better for it not to be *too* public yet<br />

10:11 haha<br />

10:11 too late<br />

10:11 we have a winrar<br />

10:12 nah that's just for atopiary :p<br />

10:12 why not? its just an irchannel<br />

10:12 having the anonleaks site up and tweeted makes much more impact<br />

10:12 I dunno. might make us seems like publicity whores<br />


10:12 i feel<br />

10:12 we did the same for the HBGarychannel<br />

10:12 hm ok<br />

10:12 put a link to the webirc<br />

10:12 I did<br />

10:12 marduk: retwat?<br />

10:12 yeah we often tweeted channel<br />

10:13 done already<br />

10:13 a true scholar<br />

10:13 lol<br />

10:13 I

10:35 ddos already?<br />

10:35 or just ... normal "ddos"<br />

10:35 hm works now<br />

10:35 Probably Heihachi problems<br />

10:35 no ddos to mine<br />

10:35 Considering there was just a netsplit<br />

10:35 google hits are getting better already<br />

10:35 here<br />

10:36 ima try tackle<br />

10:36 purrrfectly loading pae here<br />

10:36 tflow watcha using, nginx or lighttpd? cba to read http headers xD<br />

10:36 loads real fast for me<br />

10:37 yeah all good again<br />

10:37 nginx<br />

10:39 i nevah used nginx ;.;<br />


11:05 good luck entropy!<br />

11:05 thanks<br />

11:13 afk<br />

11:16 <br />

http://www.reddit.<strong>com</strong>/r/TwoXChromosomes/<strong>com</strong>ments/fk3fe/look_upon_the_beautiful_soul_o<br />

f_penny_hbgarys/<br />

11:16 lol<br />

11:19 brb, need to get BEER!<br />

11:25 tflow: you gonna be available to add takedown notices in lulzy formats on<br />

the page if I give ya emails of them in the future?<br />

11:26 piratebay style, it was a genius idea<br />

11:30 I'll just add them to legal.html if you give me them :)<br />

11:33 sounds good<br />

11:36 tflow<br />

11:36 should we add the <strong>com</strong>plaints email<br />

11:36 to the homepage too?<br />

11:38 it would be lulzy<br />

11:39 Could you copy the link part of theteam.html to the end of index.html tflow?<br />

11:41 purrty please<br />

11:45 (or gief me access to screw wid da siet man)<br />

11:46 http://anonleaks.ru/theteam.html?<br />

11:46 oh<br />

11:46 Should I put the link there, but in small?<br />

11:46 to theteam.html<br />

11:47 nono<br />

11:47 copy the "Problem officer? mailto:thingie"<br />

11:47 to the end of the index.html too<br />

11:47 i think i should just to theteam.html<br />

11:47 well<br />

11:47 thats there already<br />

11:47 just<br />

11:47 in white<br />

11:47 yeah, but make it black<br />

11:47 and small<br />

11:48 you could do that<br />

11:48 but please put the problem officer<br />

11:48 on the main page too :P<br />

11:48 under the MEET THE TEAM link<br />

11:48 brb 5 mins<br />

12:03 http://anonleaks.ru/<br />

12:06 btw<br />

12:06 can i have access to that inbox?<br />

12:06 or isnt that possible?<br />

12:07 ask Avunit<br />

12:09 tflow, can you put the link to the email up on the index.html too?<br />

12:09 I think it would be too much :\<br />

12:09 We don't want the jokes to be too obvious<br />

12:09 well<br />

12:09 it isnt quite a joke yet :P<br />


12:09 only when they send us a mail<br />

12:09 and we reply<br />

12:09 xD<br />

12:10 They will send our hosts mail<br />

12:10 ill set the <strong>com</strong>plaints mail of anonleaks.ru to <strong>com</strong>plaints@anonleaks.ru too<br />

12:10 What to you mean?<br />

12:11 that when you whois anonleaks.ru<br />

12:11 get as a contact mail<br />

12:11 <strong>com</strong>plaints@anonleaks.ru<br />

12:13 hi<br />

12:13 hai sabu

12:25 I can setup anonleaks.prvt.org let me know<br />

12:25 its one of my private domains<br />

12:25 we have anonleaks.ru and anonleaks.<strong>com</strong> tho<br />

12:25 guess we'll setup a whole bunch of mirror servers<br />

12:25 if you nigg3rs need me to get bulletproof servers<br />

12:25 but I have to buy prepaid visas<br />

12:26 Sabu: sweet. we have 4 mirroring servers in total<br />

12:26 5 if i join in soon<br />

12:26 1 of which is in prq, and 1 from tele<strong>com</strong>ix<br />

12:26 but thatd be later on tho D: kinda busy here<br />

12:26 ok count me in<br />

12:26 my server will be in russia<br />

12:26 I'll have some servers tonight just for anonleaks<br />

12:26 triumph.operationfreedom.ru on this net<br />

12:26 swet<br />

12:26 sweet*<br />

12:26 but you awnna use nginx?<br />

12:26 because it runs lighttpd<br />

12:26 nginx is good shit<br />

12:26 hm<br />

12:26 lighttpd is OK, but nginx is better<br />

12:27 indeed<br />

12:27 actually fuck you ill get you an account on that box tflow<br />

12:27 and drop myself in the pool<br />

12:27 :3<br />

12:28 ugh just seeing this<br />

12:28 only 5 servers on anonops :o<br />

12:28 they are as large as we are heh<br />

12:58 Sabu:<br />

12:58 tflow:<br />

12:58 17:55 this <strong>com</strong>pany collects information here to analyze<br />

12:58 17:55 yes, can you tell me how you know that?<br />

12:58 17:56 lexsi it was<br />

12:58 17:56 They are not very discreet<br />

12:58 17:56 heh<br />

12:59 17:57 We can find their presence around all the actions of<br />

anonymous<br />

12:59 17:57 got an example?<br />

12:59 17:58 documents revealed on hb gary federal on torrent<br />

12:59 17:58 oh? hmm search is offline atm<br />

12:59 17:58 you happen to know date/time of a mail?<br />

12:59 17:58 And they do not hide, a speaker of that <strong>com</strong>pany spoke<br />

French in a story on anonymous<br />

13:02 17:59 "Gwendal Delcros, expert for the <strong>com</strong>pany's <strong>com</strong>puter<br />

security Lexsi"<br />

13:02 18:00 he said clearly that they are collecting information on<br />

public irc, analyze behavior, etc..<br />

13:02 18:00 but this speaker was a spokesperson, I provided the<br />

name of the barrett apparently in charge of the project<br />


13:02 18:01 This <strong>com</strong>pany is large enough, we know that it deals<br />

with the French authorities, and that its turnover amounted to several billion with money in<br />

very vague<br />

13:17 ok<br />

13:17 lexis.<strong>com</strong> it is<br />

13:17 do me a solid<br />

13:18 collect info on yehezkel in the process. if hes trolling us<br />

13:18 and has me wasting time rooting lexis<br />

13:18 you already know<br />

13:18 im quite confident that his info is okay<br />

13:18 he doesnt sound like a troll<br />

13:18 he taked to barrett yesterday<br />

13:18 didnt talk to anyone else or tried to spread that to anyone<br />

13:18 ony after i asked him in private<br />

13:19 he was on #opdeface for about 4-5 weeks now<br />

13:19 ok<br />

13:19 but i will try to find out a bit more<br />

13:20 but he gave us some lists of password/logins before<br />

13:20 quite a while ago<br />

13:20 think was for .eg<br />

13:22 ok my brother<br />

13:22 so lets begin researching lexis<br />

13:22 now he's helping with info on our .dz loic target<br />

13:22 i really am quite confident he is genuine<br />

13:22 the search would be helpful now<br />

13:22 for hbgary mails. since he mentioned there is evidence in there<br />

13:23 whats the site again<br />

13:23 lexsi.<strong>com</strong> ?<br />

13:23 yup<br />

13:24 they are working close with french but also international authorities<br />

13:24 and apparently greg was in contact with them... but i need yet to see that<br />

13:39 probing their servers now<br />

13:59 what was greg'S standard PW?<br />

13:59 i should really note that down, grrr.<br />

14:13 yeah.. well, i love joe. but discussing with him is really exhausting and no<br />

fun. :/<br />

14:13 Avunit: No <strong>com</strong>plains yet, heh<br />

14:14 ohai<br />

14:17 Sup<br />

14:17 I'll be back in an hour or two gentlement<br />

14:17 topiary my brother :D<br />

14:17 -!- Topiary [colossal@do.the.impossible] has quit [Quit: AFK, return time 1-2 hours,<br />




14:20 still scanning mails<br />

14:29 jEA<br />

14:31 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/attachments/4558.pdf --<br />

'Warfare by Internet<br />


14:31 may be an interesting read<br />

14:47 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** tflow invited joepie91 into the channel<br />

14:47 add joepie91 to aop please<br />

14:47 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** tflow invited joepie91 into the channel<br />

14:48 -!- joepie91 [merpderp@HA-u3g.pbq.j3hiks.IP] has joined #hq<br />

14:48 < joepie91> danke.<br />

14:48 alert the faggot police<br />

14:48 joepie is here<br />

14:48 nou<br />

14:50 !aop add joepie91<br />

14:50 he'S not regged<br />

14:51 < joepie91> yes I am<br />

14:51 < joepie91> :P<br />

14:51 !aop add joepie91<br />

14:51 -!- mode/#hq [+o joepie91] by HQBot<br />

14:53 back<br />

14:53 anything happen<br />

14:54 passed test 877/1000 ;)<br />

14:55 grats :)<br />

14:56 thanks<br />

15:12 sality rootkit here<br />

15:12 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/18927.html<br />

15:19 joepie91: I think I should add a link to ./ for where it says "HBGary email<br />

viewer"<br />

15:20 that would be an idea, yes<br />

15:20 heh thats a good <strong>com</strong>promise<br />

15:20 also, any irc servers still working?<br />

15:20 on anonops?<br />

15:20 vlad<br />

15:20 dharma just dropped<br />

15:20 ok<br />

15:20 what hostname?<br />

15:20 vlad was fine the past 24h<br />

15:20 just vlad.anonops.ru?<br />

15:20 vlad.anonops.ru<br />

15:20 also<br />

15:20 vlad dropped a few hours ago<br />

15:20 for a few minutes<br />

15:20 :P<br />

15:20 hm? not for me<br />

15:21 yus<br />

15:21 it did<br />

15:21 it delinked<br />

15:21 was fixed in like 5 minutes<br />

15:21 hm k, was probably AFK<br />

15:21 but right, i noticed that tackle split... :)<br />

15:21 if vlad does, tackle does too.<br />

15:21 wtf sis going on w anonops<br />

15:21 lol<br />


15:22 ddos<br />

15:22 on all the boxes?<br />

15:22 apparently<br />

15:22 not all<br />

15:22 shit keeps going down<br />

15:22 meh<br />

15:22 I think they are all attacked<br />

15:22 vlad wasnt attacked so far<br />

15:22 some more, some less<br />

15:22 has anyone said why its goign on?<br />

15:22 and some are protected<br />

15:22 nope, vlad had no ddos. tflow ?<br />

15:22 hm, it did delink<br />

15:22 well<br />

15:23 as we said<br />

15:23 vlad doesnt need to be attacked to split or lose connection<br />

15:23 that's normal :p<br />

15:23 but it'S been amazingly good the past 48h<br />

15:23 lol.<br />

15:23 I wonder about santrex<br />

15:23 they have russia<br />

15:23 and they're pretty cheap<br />

15:23 any experience?<br />

15:23 they are pretty good<br />

15:24 i have 3 in ru<br />

15:24 they have openvz, which makes me a happy panda<br />

15:24 1 in ukraine<br />

15:24 :3<br />

15:24 1 in luxenburg<br />

15:24 russia is sold out<br />

15:24 thinking about getting a 9.95/mo in ukraine<br />

15:24 especially nice that it's unmtered<br />

15:24 yea ukraine is actually the best out of all of them<br />

15:24 unmetered*<br />

15:24 oh, rly?<br />

15:24 howso?<br />

15:24 connectivity?<br />

15:24 yea<br />

15:24 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited kayla into the channel<br />

15:24 -!- kayla [mysql3@fbi.gov] has joined #hq<br />

15:24 -!- mode/#hq [+o kayla] by HQBot<br />

15:24 ru getts ddosed weekly<br />

15:24 ;)<br />

15:24 hm, what country are you?<br />

15:24 kayla

15:25 hmmm<br />

15:25 i need to write it down<br />

15:25 then I wonder<br />

15:25 also<br />

15:25 found some sites that may work<br />

15:25 i don't have it here<br />

15:25 meh, k<br />

15:25 the connectivity between my US VPS and my dutch connection is<br />

ridiculously good<br />

15:25 better than between me and ANY dutch vps that I have tried so far<br />

15:25 :D<br />

15:25 I don't really get it lol<br />

15:25 im <strong>com</strong>ing from a oc3 on this end so thats not the problem<br />

15:25 apparently because of hurricane or sth<br />

15:25 or dual ds3s<br />

15:26 its def their end<br />

15:26 hurricane electric?<br />

15:26 that's what it's called right?<br />

15:26 heh<br />

15:26 entropy: can you check your connectivity to www.yunicc.ws ?<br />

15:26 that VPS<br />

15:26 check it how just pings?<br />

15:27 ping, download speed<br />

15:27 --- www.yunicc.ws ping statistics ---<br />

15:27 3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2003ms<br />

15:27 rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 40.137/40.255/40.353/0.186 ms<br />

15:27 are you guys still fucking with egyption gov too :D<br />

15:27 lemme see<br />

15:27 I have a 100mb<br />

15:27 * joepie91 logs on to ssh to figure out where he put the 100mb<br />

15:27 hm<br />

15:27 removed my 100mb?<br />

15:28 sec<br />

15:28 i thought egypt is all good now<br />

15:28 kayla: not really.. i think<br />

15:28 mubarak resigned<br />

15:29 opegypt is like in optunisia state<br />

15:29 and fuck, triumpg lagging hard<br />

15:29 hmmm and cant ssh to tackle.<br />

15:29 wtf.<br />

15:29 http://etenders.gov.eg/uploads/owned.html<br />

15:29 http://etenders.gov.eg/uploads/sh.php?cmd=uname%20-a%3Bid%3Bw<br />

%3Buptime%3Bcat%20%2fetc%2fhosts<br />

15:29 downloading from cachefly with 10.7mb/sec...<br />

15:29 :P<br />

15:29 100mbit file<br />

15:29 www.yunicc.ws/100mb.test<br />

15:29 entropy, what speed are you getting from there?<br />

15:29 uh oh<br />


15:30 from where you want me to test<br />

15:30 i think tackle and vlad are dying :(<br />

15:30 what country?<br />

15:30 fuck<br />

15:30 uhm<br />

15:30 US<br />

15:30 1 sec<br />

15:30 anywhere in US<br />

15:30 32,434,472 4.77M/s eta 16s<br />

15:30 tackle/vlad dead<br />

15:30 about 5 M a secpnd<br />

15:30 heh<br />

15:30 ok<br />

15:30 100%<br />

[=====================================================================>]<br />

104,857,600 4.78M/s in 21s<br />

15:30 2011-02-12 15:43:17 (4.72 MB/s) - `100mb.test' saved<br />

[104857600/104857600]<br />

15:30 that's interesting<br />

15:30 *sigh*<br />

15:31 because I got 8mb/sec on a dutch 100mbit line<br />

15:31 :P<br />

15:31 and ping?<br />

15:31 5M is fucking fast<br />

15:31 40ms ping<br />

15:31 20:31 [vlad] CTCP PING reply from q: 78.629 seconds<br />

15:31 oh<br />

15:31 I get about 51ms<br />

15:31 not quite dead<br />

15:31 :)<br />

15:31 from netherlands<br />

15:31 a bit difference<br />

15:31 but still...<br />

15:31 ridiculously well-connected, lol<br />

15:31 that site is actually dutch<br />

15:31 are they some tier3 that gives hosting too?<br />

15:31 aimed at dutch public, too<br />

15:31 like level3<br />

15:31 mhh okay again.<br />

15:31 uhm<br />

15:31 this host is connected through level3<br />

15:31 hurricane<br />

15:32 and a few others<br />

15:32 ah<br />

15:32 not sure which one for this DC though<br />

15:32 www.ramhost.us<br />

15:32 those are the bigguns<br />

15:32 it's a small host<br />

15:32 great host, too<br />


15:32 they got the 10gige<br />

15:32 intercontential shit<br />

15:32 herh<br />

15:32 heh*<br />

15:32 well<br />

15:32 I pay like 30 dollar a month<br />

15:32 for 3 vpses<br />

15:32 fairly high spec<br />

15:32 they are fucking cheap<br />

15:33 and it's openvz, and fucking responsive :D<br />

15:33 the only thing is dutch will <strong>com</strong>ply with us laws<br />

15:33 no mas<br />

15:33 mhmm<br />

15:33 meh<br />

15:33 I don't plan on breaking rules<br />

15:33 and I know the host is fairly anon-minded<br />

15:33 at free speech etc<br />

15:33 he won't shut down a server when he gets a DMCA<br />

15:34 but talk first<br />

15:34 etc<br />

15:34 it's the typical geek, even :P<br />

15:34 thats cool<br />

15:34 srsly<br />

15:34 robert marder<br />

15:34 great guy<br />

15:34 if something is up, you send him a message<br />

15:34 and he fixes it<br />

15:34 found a vuln on the site once<br />

15:34 sent a message<br />

15:34 less than an hour later it was fixed<br />

15:34 he wrote his own control panel for the VPSes too<br />

15:34 :P<br />

15:35 haha, greg on August 25 "Intelligence work be<strong>com</strong>es banal, now available<br />

for the <strong>com</strong>mon man, CIA, Inc."<br />

15:35 He did not know how true this will be<strong>com</strong>e<br />

15:36 LOL<br />

15:36 :O!<br />

15:36 ramhost has stock!<br />

15:37 you can bet that all those VPSes are sold out in three days :D<br />

15:37 entropy: https://my.ramhost.us/v2/vps/cp/ demo:demo<br />

15:38 who pingd me<br />

15:38 me<br />

15:38 :P<br />

15:38 lol<br />

15:38 *** CTCP-request ignored (ping)<br />

15:38 :D<br />

15:39 thats cool<br />

15:39 i wrote something liek this years ago<br />

15:39 we used to host freebsd in jails<br />


15:39 right whn linux was tsratign to be able too<br />

15:39 wow, hit 7000 followers yesterday. will have 8000 tomorrow<br />

15:39 speed is picking up<br />

15:40 heh<br />

15:40 700 or 7000?<br />

15:40 [20:38:12] -> [#ophbgary] PING<br />

15:40 [20:38:13] -joepie91- LOLNO<br />

15:40 7000 naturally<br />

15:40 7535 now<br />

15:40 jesus<br />

15:40 uhm<br />

15:40 * joepie91 checks follow count on wikileaks<br />

15:40 he's talking about anonymousirc :P<br />

15:40 and @AnonymousLeaks has 900+ already<br />

15:40 lol<br />

15:40 lol followers where :D?<br />

15:40 @AnonymousIRC - twitter<br />

15:40 ah thats what i was thinking of<br />

15:40 @anonymousleaks<br />

15:40 will catch @AnonOps soon<br />

15:40 that idit<br />

15:40 731k on wikileaks<br />

15:41 almost there<br />

15:41 :D<br />

15:41 holy shit<br />

15:41 873 for anonymousleaks. for 9 tweets<br />

15:41 exists 24h<br />

15:41 :D<br />

15:41 oh i dont get mixed up with that twitter stuff :D irc is my play ground :D<br />

15:41 kayla: mine too... i just understood twitter when joining anon<br />

15:41 very good propaganda tool (=<br />

15:42 aigeanta: RT @_x4o: AnonLeaks.ru - Teaser!! A Tale of HBGary, Stuxnet,<br />

Pride and Prejudice --->> ow.ly/3Vhin You won't want to miss this. #anonymous #TT · Reply ·<br />

RT<br />

15:42 oh it is! look how it's helped tunisia and egypt :)<br />

15:42 idd<br />

15:42 i just don't live having online accounts :)<br />

15:43 nickserv.<br />

15:43 well, obv i only access it via vpn<br />

15:43 tflow: how many PI do we have on anonleaks.ru by now?<br />

15:44 PI?<br />

15:44 page impressions/unique visitors<br />

15:44 dunno. i should probs install awstats<br />

15:44 we need to make http://anonleaks.ru a fortress :D every faggot wanting to<br />

1up anon will try to haq it :D<br />

15:44 awstats indeed<br />

15:44 there's not much to hack, is there?<br />

15:45 kayla: yeah. but we have a fuckload of mirrors atm<br />

15:45 try if you can make it run awstats every hour, then clean IPs from logs<br />


15:45 well, a few :P<br />

15:45 about 6 total<br />

15:45 try if you can make it run awstats every hour, then clean IPs from logs<br />

15:45 :)<br />

15:45 tflow, mirrors are nothing, we get hacked we will lose face :-)<br />

15:45 scp the logs to a diff box to install awstats<br />

15:45 awstats is unsecure as fuck<br />

15:45 kayla: well all the content is static<br />

15:45 entropy: that can be traced<br />

15:45 and they will just get that box<br />

15:45 lol<br />

15:45 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/15255.html MOAR sality<br />

rootkits<br />

15:45 kayla: heard of sality?<br />

15:45 i have<br />

15:46 like 5 years ago<br />

15:46 its super <strong>com</strong>mon<br />

15:46 ah k<br />

15:46 then nvm<br />

15:46 + even if they hack the box, nginx doesn't run as root, but as nginx<br />

15:46 hevent heard of it before<br />

15:46 its a part that alot uses<br />

15:46 its the main rootkit part<br />

15:46 how sick is it that I make tea in a coffee machine?<br />

15:47 atleast install sunoshin and disable LOAD_FILE and INTO OUTFILE on<br />

mysql, close all none needing ports, not using FTP? close it! not using SMTP? close it!<br />

15:47 im moving all my shit off those dns servers<br />

15:47 cause now im hosting my www onit<br />

15:47 is into outfile disabled on all mysql?<br />

15:47 by default<br />

15:47 not sure!!!!!!!<br />

15:47 i've not installed it too many times, but i sure know how tyo make a mess of<br />

it :D<br />

15:48 i dont know why the f anyone would legit use that<br />

15:48 lol<br />

15:48 i break servers dont make servers :D<br />

15:48 lol<br />

15:49 kayla<br />

15:49 I am not sure how useful it is to install patches<br />

15:49 for things that are not installed<br />

15:49 lol<br />

15:50 HBGary Preparation to Sell the Company.docx (12406 bytes)<br />

15:50 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/26862.html<br />

15:50 if it was my server only port 80 and 22 would be running, i wouldn't even use<br />

a mysql DB and just use html static pages rather than php/html<br />

15:50 also, imho the best way is to start off with a minimal image<br />

15:50 set up an sshd<br />

15:50 set up a httpd<br />

15:50 mysql you can run on<br />


15:50 and only use sftp for access<br />

15:50 we only use html pages<br />

15:50 and should change sshd to ran port<br />

15:50 entropy yes :D<br />

15:50 only allow local mysql connections<br />

15:50 *rand<br />

15:51 but having a SQL DB means it can be SQL injected :D<br />

15:51 not if you write proper code.<br />

15:51 is why no mysql for me :D<br />

15:51 kayla: try to get into my shit.<br />

15:51 through sqli.<br />

15:51 morning kayla<br />

15:51 if you succeed I will buy you cookies.<br />

15:51 :P<br />

15:51 joepie91 but professional coder think they write good code and it get's<br />

pwned<br />

15:51 mhm<br />

15:51 but I judge my code by how secure it is<br />

15:51 and not by how good I think I am<br />

15:51 :)<br />

15:52 :)<br />

15:52 try to break into my shit.<br />

15:52 srsly.<br />

15:52 www.yunicc.ws www.chinacheep.<strong>com</strong> www.anonnews.org<br />

15:52 have fun :)(<br />

15:52 :)*<br />

15:52 all run php5 and mysql<br />

15:52 100% self-written<br />

15:52 your on a vpn<br />

15:53 if you cant break in remotely<br />

15:53 just get a host on the same vpn<br />

15:53 or subnet<br />

15:53 poision arp<br />

15:53 or pull a mitnick<br />

15:53 vps*<br />

15:53 :P<br />

15:53 its it was 1988<br />

15:53 heh<br />

15:53 social engineering?<br />

15:53 good luck trying that on me<br />

15:53 lol<br />

15:53 noone has access to my servers<br />

15:53 besides me<br />

15:53 could you open the fw on a high port btw?<br />

15:53 lol<br />

15:54 xD<br />

15:54 ;)<br />

15:54 what bout no<br />

15:54 :P<br />


15:54 but yeah<br />

15:54 I run a httpd<br />

15:54 i have vpn in canada<br />

15:54 and an sshd<br />

15:54 and that's it<br />

15:54 pretty much<br />

15:54 i can sniff everyones traffic<br />

15:54 and have some fun times with dnsiff tools<br />

15:54 oh, and an icecast server on the... yunicc? vps<br />

15:55 lol<br />

15:55 it's been a week of non stop lulz<br />

15:55 :D<br />

15:55 indeed, inded<br />

15:55 poor aaron :(<br />

15:55 I want my own irc server :(<br />

15:55 *trolls remorse*<br />

15:55 :(<br />

15:55 lol<br />

15:55 Trolls Remorse Syndrome<br />

15:55 joke :D<br />

15:55 TRS<br />

15:56 joepie91 irc is gay install a silc :D<br />

15:56 install silc plugin for irssi<br />

15:56 PROFIT<br />

15:56 :D<br />

15:57 AES256 encrypted chats :D uses priv/pub keys :D<br />

15:57 what is it like a WASTE plugin for irssi?<br />

15:57 you can have it so every user has same nick too xD<br />

15:58 ..<br />

15:58 does every person have to have it<br />

15:58 irc + fish go<br />

15:58 or does the cli and svr?<br />

15:58 or is it clicli?<br />

15:58 ill look it up actually...<br />

15:58 it's client and server yeh :D<br />

15:59 http://silcnet.org/<br />

15:59 how2 irssi -> sicl http://cvs.silcnet.org/source/irssi/README<br />

15:59 silc*<br />

16:00 here is the plugin http://www.freshports.org/net/silc-irssi-plugin/<br />

16:00 totally priv8 chats<br />

16:01 run it on a server with only tht service<br />

16:01 it's on ;] > @bruces: *these Anonleaks guys are like the game-griefer<br />

maestros of psychological torment.<br />

16:02 lolol.<br />

16:03 put it in topic of #anonleaks :D<br />

16:03 lol'd<br />

16:07 SimplePraxis: RT @bodyspacesoc: (Wikileaks + Anonymous) * Banks(2) =<br />

Anonleaks t.co/EGKW2h5 #HBGary #formulafordisaster · Reply · RT<br />

16:07 -!- entropy [noyx@HA-dkm.je4.cn1rg3.IP] has quit [Connection closed]<br />


16:07 cinnamon_carter: aronleaks ? a joke ??? RT @chronic: uh oh:<br />

t.co/LRapm5B · Reply · RT<br />

16:07 aronleaks?<br />

16:07 lol<br />

16:07 Aaronleaks<br />

16:08 agentmule: RT @jeffantebi: OH FUCK. anonleaks.ru/<br />

#theendoftheworldasweknowit · Reply · RT<br />

16:12 00:08 Aaronleaks<br />

16:12 lol<br />

16:12 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited entropy into the channel<br />

16:12 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited entropy into the channel<br />

16:13 -!- entropy [noyx@HA-dkm.je4.cn1rg3.IP] has joined #hq<br />

16:13 -!- mode/#hq [+o entropy] by HQBot<br />

16:14 wel<strong>com</strong>e back entropy :)<br />

16:14 ;)<br />

16:14 i have to go to laptop so i can see whats on all these disks before i toss<br />

them<br />

16:14 is it weird I read dildos instead of disks?<br />

16:14 lol<br />

16:15 no, srsly<br />

16:15 lol<br />

16:16 holy shit i hate caps lock key<br />

16:16 why does it even exist<br />

16:17 caps lock is cruise control for cool :D<br />

16:18 CAPS LOCK<br />

16:18 CAPS LOCK<br />

16:18 CAPS LOCKKKKK<br />

16:18 but yeah<br />

16:18 good question<br />

16:18 like scroll lock<br />

16:18 has zero practical usage in regular <strong>com</strong>puter usage<br />

16:18 lol<br />

16:34 http://hbgary.lacy.ie/<br />

16:34 how is search <strong>com</strong>ing along?<br />

16:34 (presumably not good for your cpu usage, joepie91 :P)<br />

16:34 actually wait, it's broken atm<br />

16:38 miraculously does not kill cpu<br />

16:38 not even a bit<br />

16:38 but it doesn;'t work either<br />

16:38 :P<br />

16:39 http://gawker.<strong>com</strong>/#!5758753<br />

16:39 ..<br />

16:44 pretty damn ironic<br />

16:44 considering they released julian's love letters<br />

16:47 why does everyone think its a replacement wikileaks<br />

16:54 lol<br />

16:54 because they are idiots<br />

16:55 oh<br />

16:55 tflow<br />


16:55 make sure you keep the emailX.html pages alive<br />

16:55 after launch<br />

16:55 don't want to make gawker point to dead links ;)<br />

16:57 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited Topiary into the channel<br />

16:57 -!- Topiary [topiary@do.the.impossible] has joined #hq<br />

16:57 -!- mode/#hq [+o Topiary] by HQBot<br />

16:57 http://www.p2pnet.net/story/48625<br />

16:57 Sabu: Sorry about that earlier - hai to you good sir.<br />

16:57 they got it right<br />

16:57 as usual<br />

16:58 "It’s rumoured that McQuaid is an HBGary shareholder."<br />

16:58 lol<br />

16:59 p2pnet

17:25 marduk: He did and wanted a face-to-face interview, I denied<br />

17:26 okay, yeah me too :p<br />

17:26 tflow: Two emails, one from case@anonleaks.ru requesting <strong>com</strong>plaint<br />

forwards, another one simply asking if Greg's emails will be dumped<br />

17:26 I'll respond to the first one nao<br />

17:26 :p<br />

17:26 paste plz<br />

17:26 marduk: will forward <strong>com</strong>plaints<br />

17:26 tflow: k<br />

17:26 cheers :)<br />

17:27 from Mike Perez <br />

17:27 to <strong>com</strong>plaints@anonleaks.ru<br />

17:27 date Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 7:55 PM<br />

17:27 subject I has problemz<br />

17:27 <br />

17:27 I can has hopes that gregs email will soon be released<br />

17:27 k...<br />

17:27 is that it? lol<br />

17:28 Yep, that's our entire inbox so far.<br />

17:29 hi, i managed to crack 52k of the leaked rootkit md5 hashes<br />

http://www.mediafire.<strong>com</strong>/?sfpmuujffbufal1<br />

17:29 wat do<br />

17:30 was a pm<br />

17:30 on anonops<br />

17:32 wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee<br />

17:32 the guy who got pwned a few months ago by haxors<br />

17:32 tries to write some negative http://gawker.<strong>com</strong>/#!5758753/anonymoushackers-launch-wikileaks-for-normal-people<br />

17:32 yet all the <strong>com</strong>ments are positive<br />

17:32 + http://www.abovetopsecret.<strong>com</strong>/forum/thread662298/pg1<br />

17:33 uhm<br />

17:33 all rootkit.<strong>com</strong> pw have been cracked and released before<br />

17:33 but they were taken offline :o<br />

17:35 I know\<br />

17:37 jesus<br />

17:37 people bitching<br />

17:37 that the personal mails shouldnt be released<br />

17:37 uh, guys, the personal mails shouldnt have been in their corporate<br />

inboxes in the FIRST place<br />

17:38 blaeh we reelase all<br />

17:38 FULL DISCLOSURE; baby<br />

17:38 shoud we sift thru all and sort personal outÃ? lol<br />

17:38 ^<br />

17:38 Fuck no!<br />

17:38 LEAK LEAK LEAK.<br />

17:40 If someone "ripped open" my corporate mailbox, I'd be like Steve Martin<br />

in Lonely Guy. Flat out boring.<br />

17:40 Now, my porn email account...that's a WHOLEEEE different story.<br />

17:40 from a <strong>com</strong>ment on gawker<br />


17:40 he gets it<br />

17:40 lol<br />

17:41 There is no good guy in this story, no innocent victim. If I can't have all<br />

evil-doers in the universe wiped out, I'll settle for one.<br />

17:43 When sleazy corporate 'security professionals' are willing to engage in<br />

smear campaigns against activists - and who knows what else? - I find it acceptable that they<br />

also be<strong>com</strong>e the target of equally sleazy anarchist smackdowns.<br />

17:50 Redsuricat: RT @bodyspacesoc: (Wikileaks + Anonymous) * Banks(2) =<br />

Anonleaks t.co/EGKW2h5 #HBGary #formulafordisaster · Reply · RT<br />

17:53 lolol.<br />

17:53 I think Anonleaks is going to do boom for a few people :3<br />

17:55 boom?<br />

17:57 uhu<br />

17:57 some people whose... secrets are in there :3<br />

17:58 wtf<br />

17:58 FreedomNow2011 YouthUnited<br />

17:58 @<br />

17:58 @AnonymousIRC are you really Anonymous? I mean,THE Anonymous.<br />

Would be a good thing to meet you, but need to know it's true.<br />

17:58 llool<br />

17:59 http://www.<strong>com</strong>putersecurityarticles.info/security/anonleaks-on-the-move/<br />

17:59 they still think anonleaks.org = anonleaks.ru<br />

18:00 http://anonleaks.pcriot.<strong>com</strong>/<br />

18:02 i will tweet about it, maybe it helps<br />

18:03 Maybe we'll start get Anonymous sources of info<br />

18:03 Can we also put the "problem officer" thing on the front page?<br />

18:03 It would be the shit<br />

18:05 someone should say .org isnt the same<br />

18:05 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AnonymousLeaks/status/36561478345564160<br />

18:06 wtf<br />

18:06 that was magical<br />

18:06 lol<br />

18:07 entropy<br />

18:07 where is the conf file for your nginx?<br />

18:08 uh<br />

18:08 on which server the unkrine one?<br />

18:09 yeah<br />

18:09 1 sec<br />

18:10 /etc/nginx/nginx.conf<br />

18:11 its centos<br />

18:12 ah<br />

18:12 hmm what you think.. ad a few more teasers?<br />

18:12 just an idea<br />

18:13 i like the DHS one<br />

18:18 910 motherfucking followers.<br />

18:18 wat.<br />

18:19 it's about dinner time in US now<br />

18:19 so should be a good time<br />

18:19 to add a few more teasers :)<br />


18:20 what do you say about releasing anonleaks on sunday night? it's monday in<br />

asia :p<br />

18:20 (night, well, for gmt time)<br />

18:20 hm<br />

18:21 we want the media to see that before they see the gawker article<br />

18:21 would be a good one<br />

18:23 -!- Nessuno834 [fag@fag.fag] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

18:25 joepie91<br />

18:25 http://www.reddit.<strong>com</strong>/r/politics/<strong>com</strong>ments/fk3ql/hbgary_pwns_anonymous/<br />

18:25 'fuck that color scheme<br />

18:25 '<br />

18:25 xD<br />

18:26 * kayla h8's gawker :D<br />

18:26 Nick Denton especially h8's me :D [Kayla/Gnosis broke into Gawker]<br />

18:28 :D<br />

18:29 Hoglundâ??s <strong>com</strong>pany which, he claims, provides â??classified services<br />

to the Department of Defense, the Intelligence Community and other U.S. Government<br />

agencies to meet their unique requirementâ? , is now effectively on the trash heap.<br />

18:29 yup.<br />

18:29 :P.<br />

18:34 :D<br />

18:36 lolbai hbgary<br />


18:37 * kayla rapes joepie91 :3<br />

18:37 D:<br />

18:37 you's gurl<br />

18:37 ;_;<br />

18:37 Love me love me<br />

18:37 say that you love me<br />

18:38 -!- Topiary was kicked from #hq by joepie91 [k]<br />

18:38 !invite Topiary<br />

18:38 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited Topiary into the channel<br />

18:38 -HQBot:#hq- Topiary was invited to the channel.<br />

18:38 -!- Topiary [topiary@do.the.impossible] has joined #hq<br />

18:38 -!- mode/#hq [+o Topiary] by HQBot<br />

18:38 :3<br />

18:38 :o<br />

18:38 Topiary<br />



18:38 does you have autojoin<br />

18:38 on invite<br />

18:38 lol<br />

18:38 /invite Topiary #cocks<br />

18:38 /invite Topiary #kill<br />

18:39 :D<br />

18:39 lol sajoin everyone #kill :D<br />

18:39 xD<br />

18:43 How are you chaps doing today?<br />


18:53 vmware + unity =

19:32 internetfeds.mil.nf<br />

19:32 irc.anonops.net<br />

19:32 loic.anonops.in<br />

19:32 internetfeds.mil.nf lol<br />

19:33 we're so evil<br />

19:33 lol.<br />

19:33 who the fuck is this guy<br />

19:34 wait<br />

19:34 how did he get internetfeds.mil.nf<br />

19:35 dont only like ppl in this chan know about that<br />

19:35 reverse dns lookup<br />

19:35 yea i mean either the fwd or reverse<br />

19:35 donsent no one else know?<br />

19:35 or is that in dns?<br />

19:37 lol, aaron to his (ex)wife.. in one of the flame mails<br />

19:37 "Get your anger straight."<br />

19:37 http://www.robtex.<strong>com</strong>/ip/<br />

19:37 he's funny. i have to remember that<br />

19:37 there you go<br />

19:38 robtex

saltiest sea shanties to the world of the Internet, and we humbly apologize for neglecting Chuck Norris<br />

in our team page. After Chuck Norris crushed Batman's head in between his thighs, we thought it best<br />

that he take a few days off - but this is no excuse for our negligence.<br />

19:48 As per your request, Dr. Cocoa, this factual misinformation will be rectified as soon<br />

as possible. Please be aware that, while we intend to include Chuck Norris on our operations, we may<br />

decide to first partake several plates of chicken parmesan in an attempt to <strong>com</strong>fort ourselves over our<br />

own increasing falsification.<br />

19:48 Yours rampantly,<br />

19:48 Topiary<br />

19:48 CEO of your mother<br />

19:48 lol<br />

19:51 -!- entropy [noyx@HA-dkm.je4.cn1rg3.IP] has quit [Quit: switch back]<br />

19:56 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited entropy into the channel<br />

19:56 -!- entropy [noyx@HA-dkm.je4.cn1rg3.IP] has joined #hq<br />

19:56 -!- mode/#hq [+o entropy] by HQBot<br />

19:58 Topiary +9001 internets.<br />

20:03 is anonops still getting ddos<br />

20:04 http://webmove.org/projects/jamendo-html5-audio-player/?<br />

artist_id=8094&artist_name=Julien%20Boulier<br />

20:04 probably, yes<br />

20:04 wtf<br />

20:04 i hate ddosing fucks<br />

20:05 vlad's fine though<br />

20:05 dunno why<br />

20:05 tbh<br />

20:31 mhh now it seems to be down<br />

20:32 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @joepie91, @x,<br />

@tflow<br />

20:33 ah k<br />

20:33 FU<br />

20:35 DEM SPLITS<br />

20:35 ddos i think<br />

20:35 vlad+tackle died<br />

20:35 and thus the reader as well<br />

20:36 uh oh<br />

20:36 which anonops server is working?<br />

20:36 owen said something about a new GB?<br />

20:37 Don't know, but anonleaks.ru seems to be slow/down too<br />

20:37 I can't connect to AnonOps<br />

20:37 mmm<br />

20:37 no good.<br />

20:37 praise for the backup net tho<br />

20:37 I hate these attention-seeking bored trolls who get sensitive over Anonymous doing<br />

something big when they're not at the center of it<br />

20:37 all ddosed it seems<br />

20:38 so instead of realizing they can't always be in the middle, they lash out<br />

20:38 |-heimdall.anonops.in (17)<br />

20:38 tiny.anonops.ru<br />

20:38 heimdall is on gigabit<br />


20:38 try that<br />

20:40 On now; thanks<br />

20:45 and thats why we need da mirrors<br />

20:53 fuck i hate geolocal language in web pages<br />

20:55 im going to check out whats up with the fuck calling us socicopaths<br />

20:55 http://www.dioceseoflansing.org/<br />

20:55 his work<br />

20:59 oh no its down<br />

20:59 :( sad times<br />

21:01 actually ill put it back up<br />

21:01 until hes at work monday<br />

21:01 heh<br />

21:01 rather bring our sites back up :(<br />

21:02 whats down?<br />

21:02 anonleaks.ru<br />

21:02 internedfeds.mil.nf and vlad.anonops.ru<br />

21:02 wheres tflow<br />

21:02 as well as tackle.operationfreedom.ru<br />

21:02 and a few other anonops leafs<br />

21:02 well it's ddos, it seem<br />

21:02 snothing much to do<br />

21:02 i can change dns<br />

21:03 and put up a mirror<br />

21:03 mmm<br />

21:03 cause i have the page cahced<br />

21:03 worth a try? the irc doesnt matter much<br />

21:04 <br />

21:04 E-mail 1<br />

21:04 no i cant<br />

21:04 why the f they linked that way i dont know<br />

21:04 ah hm well, only a demo<br />

21:04 but well, ddos will cease<br />

21:04 sooner or later.ö..<br />

21:05 actually i could slowy get it<br />

21:05 with like<br />

21:05 cache:anonleaks.ru/email1.html<br />

21:05 in google maybe<br />

21:05 1 sec<br />

21:06 for some reason there no cache link<br />

21:06 they are kinda hidden now.. i dont see any cache links anymore<br />

21:06 sth changed<br />

21:07 http://webcache.googleusercontent.<strong>com</strong>/search?q=cache:http://anonleaks.ru/<br />

21:07 hmm cant read either...<br />

21:07 http://webcache.googleusercontent.<strong>com</strong>/search?<br />

q=cache:http://anonleaks.ru/email1.html<br />

21:07 http://webcache.googleusercontent.<strong>com</strong>/search?<br />

q=cache:http://anonleaks.ru/&hl=en&strip=1<br />

21:07 but no css will look like shit if i put that up<br />

21:08 mhh cant access tea, page either<br />


21:08 in cache<br />

21:08 cant load the emails from cache here either, strange<br />

21:09 it is<br />

21:09 Aaron and Greg now talking in #hbgarytalk !!<br />

21:10 how did i get into kill<br />

21:10 and not get killed<br />

21:10 FUCK YOU!<br />

21:10 :p<br />

21:10 [Users(#kill:5)]<br />

21:10 [ entropy ] [ Hex ] [ joepie91 ] [ &SiteBot ] [ Immortalit]<br />

21:10 Channel #kill was created at Sat Feb 12 20:36:43 2011<br />

21:10 BitchX: Join to #kill was synched in 0.599 secs!!<br />

21:10 q [root@hbgaryfederal.<strong>com</strong>] has joined #kill<br />

21:10 #kill q Hr root@hbgaryfederal.<strong>com</strong> (x)<br />

21:10 -!- entropy [noyx@HA-dkm.je4.cn1rg3.IP] has quit [Killed (marduk (because!))]<br />

21:12 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited entropy into the channel<br />

21:12 -!- entropy [noyx@HA-dkm.je4.cn1rg3.IP] has joined #hq<br />

21:12 -!- mode/#hq [+o entropy] by HQBot<br />

21:12 lol<br />

21:12 wb :)<br />

21:12 yeah without killbot that doesnt really work<br />

21:12 nice try tho<br />

21:14 and sorry, i usually dont do that.<br />

21:14 lol<br />

21:14 but i dont like to get killed for no reason :p<br />

21:15 i dont care clients auto reconnect<br />

21:15 im drinking absenth and oj<br />

21:15 in a jolly mood anyway<br />

21:15 ;)<br />

21:15 heh nice<br />

21:15 we're having whisky<br />

21:16 Glenrothes, Special Reserve<br />

21:17 nice<br />

21:23 you are kidding me<br />

21:23 the fuck calling socicopath<br />

21:23 ?<br />


21:23 thats what hes in<br />

21:23 its not a joke<br />

21:23 heh<br />

21:23 www.dioceseoflansing.org/<strong>com</strong>munications/DOLdirectoryforweb2010.pdf<br />

21:25 yeah just looking at the site<br />

21:26 its vuln to slow get/post<br />

21:26 just stops it 100%<br />

21:27 and im guessing the search to xss<br />

21:27 havent checked yet<br />

21:27 wget -r ing it<br />

21:28 yeah well, we need to get the mirrors going tomorrow<br />

21:28 yea we should have had them since the day we put the first link out<br />


21:28 to anonleaks<br />

21:28 had to know thiswas going to happen<br />

21:28 oh wait<br />

21:28 i didnt even look if its already there<br />

21:28 hm?<br />

21:29 oh<br />

21:29 tflow was mirroringthe pages<br />

21:29 wait<br />

21:29 so he might have done the int page<br />

21:29 hm there was a mirror on opfreedum.ru<br />

21:30 me nvm<br />

21:31 nope not on any of mine<br />

21:31 hmm not anymore it seems<br />

21:31<br />

21:31 same as before<br />

21:32 i thought he mirrored already<br />

21:32 http://operationfreedom.ru/anonleaks/<br />

21:32 there<br />

21:32 mirror<br />

21:33 ok<br />

21:33 ill change dns<br />

21:33 i dont think i want the opfreedom site tweeted<br />

21:33 not wile ddos is going on<br />

21:33 since it is triumpg<br />

21:33 so i shouldnt or should?<br />

21:33 dont want triumph down as well<br />

21:34 yes.. if you can mirror it elseqhere?<br />

21:34 i can put it on any of my boxes<br />

21:34 yes i got 2 ru 1 ukraine 1 netherlands<br />

21:34 one where you can live with it being down?<br />

21:34 ru<br />

21:34 would be cool<br />

21:34 and also a test<br />

21:34 ukraine and nether host backup dns and my real www<br />

21:34 to see if it REALLY is ddos<br />

21:34 ok<br />

21:34 maybe heihachi screwed up again<br />

21:34 your going to tell tflow you told me to<br />

21:35 ;)<br />

21:35 ill do it now<br />

21:35 hehe sure<br />

21:35 well, i'D spread operationfreedom.ru mirror.. but if that get'S ddosed we lose<br />

another irc leaf<br />

21:35 dont want ;/<br />

21:37<br />

21:37 ok wget it<br />

21:37 changing dns<br />

21:38 does it have a host?<br />

21:38 oh<br />


21:38 it will in 2 seconds<br />

21:38 you change anonleaks.ru to it<br />

21:38 yeah<br />

21:41 team link is still invisible there tho<br />

21:41 root@ru:/var/named/chroot/var/named# nslookup anonleaks.ru<br />

21:41 Server:<br />

21:41 Address:<br />

21:41 Name: anonleaks.ru<br />

21:41 Address:<br />

21:42 bash-3.2# nslookup anonleaks.ru<br />

21:42 Server:<br />

21:42 Address:<br />

21:42 Name: anonleaks.ru<br />

21:42 Address:<br />

21:42 ok give like 5 min to propagate<br />

21:42 and it will be back up<br />

21:42 works here already<br />

21:42 with CCC nameserver<br />

21:42 yep me too<br />

21:42 will tweet in 2 or so<br />

21:43 its not done in usa yet<br />

21:43 hm app they are not ddosing the domain then<br />

21:43 hm k waiting for now<br />

21:43 no they are ddosing the ips<br />

21:43 it has to be hbgaruys botnet<br />

21:43 mhhh<br />

21:43 he dosent know i can move shit around the world all night ;)<br />

21:43 i dunno<br />

21:43 you think just skiddies?<br />

21:44 yes, more likely<br />

21:44 because also vlad/tackle/belldandy etc<br />

21:44 and that started earlier<br />

21:44 but well, we never know for sure<br />

21:45 fuck goign thro 2 vpns and a proxy amkes it hard to test when thsi is up<br />

21:45 ok looks up in ny<br />

21:45 and cali<br />

21:45 kk<br />

21:45 thx<br />

21:45 np<br />

21:45 will tweet.. then see what happens<br />

21:46 ill start sniffing to some dump file in screen<br />

21:47 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AnonymousLeaks/status/36617308180987904<br />

21:47 nice<br />

21:47 id tell op*<br />

21:48 thx :x<br />

21:48 i did<br />

21:48 yep just saw<br />

21:52 still up and fast as shit<br />

21:53 yup<br />


21:53 well<br />

21:53 there'S always the chance it'S an heihachi fuckup<br />

21:53 but i dont really think so<br />

21:53 are all those boxes on the same subnet<br />

21:53 vlad/tackle are in same rack<br />

21:54 ah<br />

21:54 opfreedum.ru is on triumph<br />

21:54 most likely same subnet then<br />

21:54 also heihachi but sifferent<br />

21:54 mine are all santrex<br />

21:54 ass for the other anonops i dunn<br />

21:54 ah and yeah. internetfeds.mil.nf is running on vlad<br />

21:55 lol this is goign to get them pissed<br />

21:55 until they realise to attack the dns<br />

21:55 Topiary: nice tweet :)<br />

21:55 i can seiosuly switch this around to 20 boxes<br />

21:55 haha<br />

21:55 actually<br />

21:56 i can round robin dns it to like 10 boes right now<br />

21:56 eh<br />

21:56 we have enough domains as well, actually<br />

21:56 but then they have the 10 ips<br />

21:56 well have to think of a plan tomorrow<br />

21:56 how we want to propagagte that<br />

21:56 all we have to do it put it on n boxes<br />

21:56 and have anonleaks.ru resolve to all those ips randomly<br />

21:56 like what google and all big providers do<br />

21:57 as long as the same contecnt is on all tis fine<br />

21:57 yup<br />

21:57 and static pages which it is<br />

21:57 classic load balancing<br />

21:57 basically<br />

21:57 yea exactly<br />

22:04 marduk: green is the new black<br />

22:04 i like green for anonleaks.. but will stay for the classic black on main twitter<br />

22:04 Indeed<br />

22:06 fuckign<br />

22:06 shit<br />

22:06 theres like 5 requests a second<br />

22:06 sounds normal?<br />

22:07 bash-3.2# ls -la access.log<br />

22:07 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 827533 Feb 13 06:05 access.log<br />

22:07 bash-3.2# ls -la access.log<br />

22:07 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 857050 Feb 13 06:05 access.log<br />

22:07 if we are fucking google i seems normal<br />

22:07 but its too weak to be ddos<br />

22:07 i just tweeted it'S up and running<br />

22:08 its seriously like 100 hits aminute<br />

22:08 to 7k followers and it was RTed massively<br />


22:08 mhh<br />

22:08 no they look like real reauests<br />

22:08 still .. what kind of ddos? LOIC?<br />

22:08 lol<br />

22:08 all diff ips<br />

22:08 yeah<br />

22:08 hehe<br />

22:08 we're fucking famous<br />

22:08 lol<br />

22:08 live with it (=<br />

22:08 the access log is going up 1k a second<br />

22:09 i thought tflow was exagurating<br />

22:09 site is fast tho<br />

22:09 how ever you spell it<br />

22:09 exaggerating :)<br />

22:09 yea i cp'ed tflow nginx.conf<br />

22:09 nginx is awsome<br />

22:09 entropy: you got control of it all now?<br />

22:09 and this ukraine box always was stable as hell<br />

22:09 yea<br />

22:09 sweet<br />

22:10 tflwo/avunits boxen are ddos/down<br />

22:10 so i jhust mirrored<br />

22:10 then changed dns<br />

22:10 and until they ddos the dns i can continue to move it<br />

22:10 can you edit the index?<br />

22:10 dont mention that anywhere though ;)<br />

22:10 yes<br />

22:10 the team link is invisible<br />

22:10 but not that important i guess<br />

22:11 i thought that was on purpose<br />

22:11 i can change that easily<br />

22:11 was gonna /r/ that the "Problem officer? <strong>com</strong>plaints@anonleaks.ru" be moved to<br />

the front<br />

22:11 nah we changed it<br />

22:11 to a small, decent link<br />

22:11 since it'S google indexed anyway<br />

22:11 Topiary: mail greed<br />

22:11 !<br />

22:11 NOM NOM NOM!<br />

22:12 should i change something in it or?<br />

22:12 <br />

22:12 white on white<br />

22:12 I'd just like to see the <strong>com</strong>plaints thing on the index<br />

22:13 i dun care much, as long as it'S up<br />

22:14 http://anonleaks.ru/ ?<br />

22:14 yes<br />

22:14 ill do it as long as im not pissing anyone off<br />


22:18 if this box is ddos i got<br />

22:18 setup<br />

22:23 well so far all is good.<br />

22:23 yea im surprised actually<br />

22:23 been like 30 minutes<br />

22:24 maybe it really is heihachi fubar<br />

22:24 all affected boxes are at heihachi..<br />

22:25 yep it is<br />

22:25 i dont think its ddos<br />

22:25 when my heihachi box goes down<br />

22:25 and i traceroute<br />

22:25 stops at exact same place<br />

22:26 mmm k<br />

22:26 i think they have like 128 vhosts per box<br />

22:26 *Sigh*<br />

22:26 that'S even worse<br />

22:26 so the box goes down they all do<br />

22:26 and they dont wake up till 1 est<br />

22:26 1am est<br />

22:26 is like 9am russian<br />

22:26 hmm<br />

22:27 possibly vlad was ddosed as ircleaf<br />

22:27 and that took down the rest<br />

22:27 anonops or opfreedom?<br />

22:27 anonops<br />

22:27 was under heavy ddos today<br />

22:27 owen actually connected a new 1GB leaf<br />

22:28 yea that must be ddos<br />

22:28 cause im on those same ips<br />

22:28 root@ru:/var/named/chroot/var/named# ifconfig | grep inet<br />

22:28 inet addr: P-t-P: Bcast: Mask:<br />

22:28 inet addr: P-t-P: Bcast:<br />

Mask:<br />

22:28 inet addr: P-t-P: Bcast:<br />

Mask:<br />

22:28 inet addr: P-t-P: Bcast:<br />

Mask:<br />

22:28 and mine is fine<br />

22:28 92.241.X.X<br />

22:29 triumph fine too<br />

22:29 but vlad/tackle are in same rack i think (not same vps tho)<br />

22:30 bash-3.2# ls -lah access.log<br />

22:30 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1.5M Feb 13 06:28 access.log<br />

22:30 that was seriously 1k<br />

22:30 20 min ago<br />

22:30 cant belive how many hits<br />

22:30 maybe we should put like google ads on this shit and get rich<br />

22:30 lol j/k<br />

22:32 well, some funding for the servers would actually be naic<br />


22:32 but i think that we can decide later.. after next leak :x<br />

22:33 bash-3.2# cat access.log|awk '{print $1}'|sort|uniq|wc|awk '{print $1}'<br />

22:33 7019<br />

22:33 hehe<br />

22:33 7019 unique hits in the last 30 minutes<br />

22:33 theres no donate page up?<br />

22:33 and that for only 9 teaser emails<br />

22:33 hmmm, not really so far i think. but avunit is having some donation think runninh i<br />

think<br />

22:34 gotta check with him and tflow tomorrow<br />

22:34 maybe add a flattr?<br />

22:34 flattr?<br />

22:34 works quite okay for anonnews<br />

22:34 http://flattr.<strong>com</strong>/<br />

22:36 ok i haveto go hang out with the wife<br />

22:36 ill check back periodicly befre i go to bed<br />

22:36 * entropy typing skillz<br />

22:38 k have fun<br />

22:38 will be asleep soon too<br />

22:54 entropy: we gonna get the <strong>com</strong>plaints link on anonops.ru or was it decided against?<br />

22:55 hm?<br />

22:55 btw<br />

22:55 http://www.straight.<strong>com</strong>/article-331250/vancouver/video-riot-police-charge-g20protesters-singing-o-canada<br />

22:55 sick video<br />

22:56 was a reply after i tweeted that some algerians were arrested today for holding up<br />

the algerian flag<br />

22:57 hmm #opbahrain doesnt even exist :o<br />

23:22 Topiary: its on there now<br />

23:22 im assuming its ok<br />

23:22 but tflow is off/down really until he gets back i assume its alright<br />

23:22 and its still up<br />

23:23 which is crazy<br />

23:23 it's nice<br />

23:23 really expected it to go down in 10-15 minutes<br />

23:23 dont think its ddos, really<br />

23:23 heihachi fucked it up, once again<br />

23:23 or maybe it is<br />

23:23 and vlad is still fired<br />

23:23 well, tflow will tell us tomorrow<br />

23:26 yea<br />

23:26 and ill crash now<br />

23:26 i think they would have realised and switch to this ip<br />

23:26 me too<br />

23:26 ttl<br />

23:26 seeya in 9h or something like this<br />

23:26 later<br />

23:29 tflow/avunit: i cahnged the dns and you cannot edit it via the bot, either wait till i<br />

<strong>com</strong>e on or change /var/named/chroot/var/named/db.anonleaks.ru (serial and first a record line) and<br />


usr/sbin/rndc -s localhost -c /var/named/chroot/etc/rndc.conf reload<br />

--- Day changed Sun Feb 13 2011<br />

00:48 is this the bat cave :D?<br />

00:51 * marduk flaps around in panic<br />

00:51 :o<br />

00:51 * kayla hides<br />

00:51 you woke a bat<br />

00:52 half of heihachi is dead or so<br />

00:52 narf<br />

00:52 had to move ip and put up a new mirror to keep teasers running<br />

00:52 either ddos on vlad which takes down the whole rack and more.. or heihachi fubar<br />

00:53 kayla: by the way, we still need your dox! :-)<br />

00:53 http://anonleaks.ru/theteam.html<br />

00:55 btw actually an idea. investigate shell/bp/exxon fuckers<br />

00:55 not whitehats i know... but...<br />

00:56 probably about the only industry which can be worse than banks<br />

00:58 :D make some do up for me lololol :D?<br />

01:00 main webservers are not interesting<br />

01:00 but i will do some research.. in the next days<br />

01:01 scanning subnets etc. finding rather unknown boxes<br />

01:01 will give you guys an report.. in the meantime.. stay on what we have i guess<br />

01:02 lexsi i guess, hunton maybe.. and i dunno about dosarrest, this is rather strange<br />

01:03 ok :D<br />

01:03 im gonna get some sleep now

05:08 oh<br />

05:08 hackernews<br />

05:08 nub site<br />

05:08 lol<br />

05:09 '2.) We wanna invite you guys to start "Operation India" , So as to expose all corrupt<br />

Politicians. Its must in India. I can make u sure that, Whole India will support you and every Indian<br />

Hacker will also support you.'<br />

05:09 oh, and<br />

05:09 http://securepastebin.<strong>com</strong>/go/retrievePost.action?id=6337 pass: <strong>com</strong>plaints<br />

05:09 Avunit: can you cname anonleaks.ru to www.anonleaks.ru<br />

05:09 so that we can edit it from the dnsbot<br />

05:09 err think i can sec gotta log in the right server XD<br />

05:10 ty<br />

05:10 i'm not sure what happened yesterday with my server o_o<br />

05:11 it died?<br />

05:11 what server is the site is on now?<br />

05:11 who's*<br />

05:11 yeah<br />

05:12 it died<br />

05:14 do you guys need space on PRQ?<br />

05:14 or was it just a technical issue?<br />

05:15 okay<br />

05:15 i cnamed it<br />

05:16 IN CNAME www.anonleaks.ru.<br />

05:17 anyway what about the russian press guis?<br />

05:17 [11:09:24] http://securepastebin.<strong>com</strong>/go/retrievePost.action?id=6337 pass:<br />

<strong>com</strong>plaints<br />

05:17 that one<br />

05:21 opinions?<br />

05:22 Probably invite her to #reporters as usual<br />

05:22 yeah but she cant connect to the IRC it seems<br />

05:22 we can give her the web link<br />

05:24 ill gief when she mails again on mail<br />

05:33 hm..<br />

05:33 i'm thinking of ways that mirrors can keep their index page updated with the latest<br />

mirrors<br />

05:33 i was thinking of making them have a cron job to automatically wget index.html from<br />

anonleaks<br />

05:34 but i think that might be insecure<br />

05:34 why not rsync then?<br />

05:34 since thatll only download when its changed<br />

05:34 get one mirror thats not public, update shit on there<br />

05:34 they will have to give us their sftp details etc<br />

05:34 and let the rest rsync cronjob it from there<br />

05:34 more hassle<br />

05:34 so the nonpublic mirror wont be offline<br />

05:34 normal ssh will do :p<br />

05:34 ets safe<br />

05:35 ssh = sftp :p<br />


05:35 fast<br />

05:35 yarr<br />

05:35 so no additinoal<br />

05:35 creditinials needed<br />

05:35 but i'm not sure<br />

05:35 it's odd asking for their ssh details on the mirror page for something that is supposed<br />

to be decentralised<br />

05:36 gotta spread from somewehre :P<br />

05:36 did you set triumph up already?<br />

05:36 no, couldnt conenct to ssh again<br />

05:36 connect*<br />

05:36 0.o?<br />

05:36 i<br />

05:36 hate<br />

05:36 openssh<br />

05:36 chrooting<br />

05:36 [18:05] lftp tflow@triumph.operationfreedom.ru:~> ls<br />

05:36 [18:05] ls: Fatal error: pseudo-tty allocation failed: Exec format error<br />

05:37 fuck it<br />

05:38 wanna download it yourself?<br />

05:38 but actually.. i still need working ssh details to update index.html<br />

05:38 login now<br />

05:38 i removed your chroot on sftp<br />

05:38 sec<br />

05:38 just dont fuck shit up :p<br />

05:39 i logged in just fine on your account<br />

05:39 so yeah<br />

05:39 i can wget it meanwhile if you want to<br />

05:43 lftp tflow@triumph.operationfreedom.ru:~> mkdir hbgary-www<br />

05:43 mkdir: Access failed: Permission denied (hbgary-www)<br />

05:43 cd anonleaks<br />

05:43 thats the web directory<br />

05:44 ok, it's uploading<br />

05:44 gave you access in your home directory now too<br />

05:44 chown -R tflow /home/tflow/<br />

05:44 and voila<br />

05:44 fast server... 7k files transferred in a minute<br />

05:45 probs because in same datacenter<br />

05:45 yarr and its on a 1gbit line<br />

05:45 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited Topiary into the channel<br />

05:45 -!- Topiary [topiary@do.the.impossible] has joined #hq<br />

05:46 -!- mode/#hq [+o Topiary] by HQBot<br />

05:46 hai topiary<br />

05:46 hi Topiary<br />

05:46 Topiary: new crowdleaks story is up<br />

05:46 anyway like i said tflow, the webserver redirects hbgary.anonleaks.ru to<br />

/home/tflow/anonleaks<br />

05:46 so the actual webpage should be in there<br />

05:47 ah<br />


05:47 well i'm uploading to /home/tflow/anonleaks<br />

05:47 Hi<br />

05:47 k<br />

05:47 well i'm uploading to /home/tflow/anonleaks/hbgary-www*<br />

05:47 oh<br />

05:47 well<br />

05:47 probably needs to be moved<br />

05:47 ohai<br />

05:47 i can change the dir if you want<br />

05:47 but you could also mv the files out<br />

05:47 just what you want<br />

05:47 how big is the hd?<br />

05:48 err 25gb i think<br />

05:48 can you set hbgary.anonleaks.ru /home/tflow/anonleaks/hbgary<br />

05:48 and<br />

05:48 archive.anonleaks.ru /home/tflow/anonleaks/archive.hbgary<br />

05:48 yarr<br />

05:48 will do<br />

05:48 archive.hbgary.anonleaks.ru /home/tflow/anonleaks/archive.hbgary*<br />

05:49 archive will host a .tar.gz backup of the site<br />

05:50 $HTTP["host"] == "hbgary.anonleaks.ru" {<br />

05:50 server.document-root = "/home/tflow/anonleaks/hbgary"<br />

05:50 $HTTP["host"] == "archive.hbgary.anonleaks.ru" {<br />

05:50 server.document-root = "/home/tflow/anonleaks/archive.hbgary"<br />

05:50 kewl<br />

05:52 Topiary: we've had 2 press requests<br />

05:53 just checked that, noticed they've been responded to<br />

05:53 Laurelai: great article<br />

05:53 yarr<br />

05:53 i left em in the inbox<br />

05:53 i responded to one other too but that wasnt press<br />

05:53 can find that in the replied <strong>com</strong>plaints<br />

05:53 Avunit: nice <strong>com</strong>plain dealings, lulz<br />

05:53 I read that one too<br />

05:53 xD<br />

05:53 i liek the rolex.<br />

05:54 its like troll season in that mailbox<br />

05:54 I guess we can tell who has taken which with press just by (2) being next to the<br />

name<br />

05:54 yeah if its still in the inbox but replied too<br />

05:54 well then its probably a convo that has to stay :p<br />

05:55 can I have the pass to <strong>com</strong>plaints too pls? :-)<br />

05:55 oh and, do you link that anonleaks logo in gmail?<br />

05:55 like*<br />

05:56 yarr i saw it this morning<br />

05:56 Well topiary do we want tflow in our customer support team?<br />

05:56 * Avunit ponders.<br />

05:56 It's a tough decision. Maybe we should talk to D and R about this.<br />

05:57 lol<br />


05:57 Who's D and R?<br />

05:57 Don and RR.Rson<br />

05:57 Who's Don and RR.Rson?<br />

05:57 S3cret members of our super secret elite hacking team<br />

05:58 Hmm, well I've just had a word with David D. Davidson<br />

05:58 tflow: But I'm him<br />


05:59 Lulz<br />

06:00 domain: ANONLEAKS.RU<br />

06:00 nserver: ns1.anonleaks.ru.<br />

06:00 nserver: ns2.anonleaks.ru.<br />

06:00 nserver: ns3.anonleaks.ru.<br />


06:00 person: Private Person<br />

06:00 phone: +49 36022 60 62<br />

06:00 e-mail:<br />

06:00 registrar: RU-CENTER-REG-RIPN<br />

06:00 created: 2011.02.09<br />

06:00 paid-till: 2012.02.09<br />

06:00 source: TCI<br />

06:00 awh fuck<br />

06:00 it didnt copy<br />

06:00 the email<br />

06:00 anyway i set the e-mail to<br />

06:00 <strong>com</strong>plaits@anonleaks.ru<br />

06:00 :P<br />

06:00 LOL@D<br />

06:00 LOL@D<br />

06:00 at replies<br />

06:01 http://anonleaks.net/<br />

06:01 the fucks that<br />

06:02 Heh, we shouldn't troll press so hard.<br />

06:03 actually at the press i put a qutie serious line<br />

06:03 at the end<br />

06:03 D:<br />

06:03 Fair enough then, as long as we're looking at getting some coverage after the lulzy<br />

emails =P<br />

06:03 Yarr<br />

06:03 I try to not scare em off :p<br />

06:03 That's great then<br />

06:03 who highlighted me<br />

06:03 Laurelai: That was me, I was saying great article<br />

06:03 aww thanks :D<br />

06:04 * Avunit highfives Topiary at the replies.<br />

06:04 anyway we know anonleaks.net?<br />

06:04 mustve been regged in the past 24hrs<br />

06:04 Avunit: I'm happy to talk to press on IRC/Skype, have done for months<br />

06:04 Yeah thats why you are the telephone team :p<br />

06:04 also<br />


06:04 OH SWEET! PROMOTION!<br />

06:04 i can talk to press on irc/email too :P<br />

06:05 i'd tone down on using irc nicks, but use nicks like david davidson for identification<br />

06:05 Oh then I'm J. Shepard D:<br />

06:05 (we don't want to get namefagged in the press :P)<br />

06:05 (like coldblood)<br />

06:05 anyway brb lunch<br />

06:05 use theteam.html names :p<br />

06:05 afk<br />


06:59 Laurelai: that's interesting they use "meatflower" for the password @ your article.<br />

They used the same password for one other malware archive and his WoW bot.<br />

07:02 Who should i all follow?<br />

07:03 D:<br />

07:03 * Avunit is a twitter newb.<br />

07:05 * Avunit stabs topiary.<br />

07:06 @AnonymousIRC @WikiLeaks @atopiary @Anony_Ops<br />

07:06 @AnonymousLeaks<br />

07:06 @crowdleaks<br />

07:06 >.><br />

07:07 And of course @crowdleaks<br />

07:08 oh yeah @crowleaks :P<br />

07:08 had the rest already<br />

07:13 hurray<br />

07:13 @AvunitAnon is done >.><br />

07:14 You're like that guy I know, but less cool<br />

07:14 you know that guy I talk about<br />

07:14 I think his name is Topiary<br />

07:14 he's pretty cool<br />

07:15 oh shush you :p<br />

07:17 * Avunit throws a twitter at topiary.<br />

07:18 -!- Topiary [topiary@do.the.impossible] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

07:19 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited Topiary into the channel<br />

07:19 -!- Topiary [topiary@do.the.impossible] has joined #hq<br />

07:19 -!- mode/#hq [+o Topiary] by HQBot<br />

07:19 Honestly, I switch locations for 2 days and my connection is a joke.<br />

07:19 It's a pain in my multiple Anonymous asses.<br />

07:19 You are a joke.<br />

07:21 In incredibly sexy joke.<br />

07:21 shhh<br />

07:22 biatch<br />


HBGary inboxes<br />

07:31 (whcih i'm making now)<br />

07:31 can't you just set up direct links to the inboxes on anonleaks.ru itself<br />

07:31 and do you need anything written?<br />

07:32 Well<br />

07:32 it's anonleaks.ru not hbgaryleaks.ru<br />

07:32 So in the future we might have other leaks<br />

07:32 which can also be put on the front page<br />

07:32 We can't only put hbgary leaks on anonleaks.ru<br />

07:32 but<br />

07:33 anonleaks.ru should be a portal to all the leaks<br />

07:33 ^<br />

07:33 (so far, only hbgary)<br />

07:33 +1<br />

07:33 okay, that works<br />

07:33 i.e.<br />

07:33 if there's a leak for abc<br />

07:33 anonleaks.ru will have a link to hbgary.anonleaks.ru and abc.anonleaks.ru<br />

07:33 that sounds good<br />

07:33 but atm there's only 1 leak<br />

07:34 we might have acslaw.anonleaks.ru if needed<br />

07:34 but idk if there's any demand<br />

07:34 gotta be weary that the hbgary stuff is 10gb already tho ;p<br />

07:34 to mirror more i gotta get more drive space xD<br />

07:36 We all do realise that in a few days we put up a network thats going to be awesome<br />

yes?<br />

07:38 FYI I totally call dibs on any official HBBGary lawyer takedown notice from angry<br />

people in suits<br />

07:38 "I sent those Anons a takedown order, Anons hate takedown orders"<br />

07:38 Will be the last thing they think before they shit themselves.<br />

07:38 xD<br />

07:38 http://pastehtml.<strong>com</strong>/view/1d7u5vs.html<br />

07:38 how's this so far?<br />

07:39 triumph.operationfreedom.ru/hbgary wont work :P<br />

07:39 That's really good tflow<br />

07:39 itll only react on hbgary.anonleaks.ru :p<br />

07:40 but furthermore awesum<br />

07:40 Avunit: Can you set an alias for that?<br />

07:40 It's incase DNS goes down<br />

07:40 yarr<br />

07:40 kgreat<br />

07:40 well ill make hbgary.operationfreedom.ru<br />

07:40 is that the page anonleaks.ru will be redirected to @ pastehtml?<br />

07:40 so put that there<br />

07:41 Topiary: no, that page will be hosted on hbgary.anonleaks.ru<br />

07:41 Avunit: k<br />

07:41 So there'll be a link to hbgary.anonleaks.ru on anonleaks.ru or will anonleaks.ru<br />

auto direct to hbgary.anonleaks.ru until next leak<br />

07:41 yeah<br />


07:44 Memory 390 MB 512 MB<br />

07:44 lulz<br />

07:46 okay hbgary.operationfreedom.ru will be on the nameservers in like 4hrs<br />

07:55 Topiary, Avunit: can we share some of those <strong>com</strong>plaint emails to #anonleaks?<br />

07:55 mainly the chuck norris one<br />

07:55 Lol sure :p<br />

07:55 theyre like not s3cret anyway<br />

07:56 when the box is a bit full we should leak our own e-mails anyway<br />

07:56 ^.^<br />

07:56 ^<br />

07:56 NEW LEAK<br />

07:56 <strong>com</strong>plaints@anonleaks.ru!<br />

07:56 on april fools<br />

07:57 oh yeah!<br />

07:57 ill drop in my avunit@anonleaks.ru e-mail too :p<br />

08:02 morning<br />

08:02 gd morning entropy<br />

08:02 you guys see what we did last night<br />

08:02 on this lovely leaking day<br />

08:02 since like half the boxes went down<br />

08:02 tis tis<br />

08:02 inocwatudidthar<br />

08:03 lol<br />

08:03 i just wget -r -l2 opfreedom/hbgary ...<br />

08:03 then change the dns to my ukraine svr<br />

08:03 to keep anonleaks.ru up<br />

08:04 are all those boxes back up?<br />

08:04 think so<br />

08:17 ^.^<br />

08:34 one of the mirrors should be a tor hidden server<br />

08:34 those are almost impossible to take down or find<br />

08:35 yeha<br />

08:36 i can set one up on a totally seperate box now<br />

08:36 sweet<br />

08:36 tflow: you saw what i did to keep anonleaks.up?<br />

08:36 i can change it back if you want<br />

08:36 just didnt want it down all night<br />

08:36 yeah, you saved it :-)<br />

08:37 btw ukraine.phiral.net doesn't resolve<br />

08:37 i know i moved everything i have out of usa<br />

08:37 so im stil lrebuilding everything<br />

08:37 ah<br />

08:37 what url should i put for the mirror?<br />

08:37 (in the mirrors page)<br />

08:37 just ip?<br />

08:38 yea<br />

08:38 ok<br />

08:38<br />

08:39 ok your going to do it like that vs round robin dns?<br />


08:39 mirrors vs anonleaks.ru having like 6 ips<br />

08:39 both<br />

08:39 ok<br />

08:39 so if dns goes down, they can access it from those urls<br />

08:40 yea the dns is the primary reason i started thinking about tor hidden node<br />

08:40 if they attack that and the svrs its down<br />

08:40 btut a tor link will always be up<br />

08:40 as long as tor net is<br />

08:40 yeah<br />


09:24 incase the psatehtml gets leaked<br />

09:24 ah k<br />

09:24 btw<br />

09:24 https://github.<strong>com</strong>/Laurelai/de<strong>com</strong>pile-dump/blob/master/<br />

09:24 stuxnet disassmble<br />

09:24 you created mirrors@anonleaks.ru already?<br />

09:25 not ye<br />

09:25 not yet*<br />

09:25 And will you handle it yourself or you want others to keep an eye on that mail too?<br />

09:27 i can handle it, but any of you can help<br />

09:28 feel free to hook me up with the mail if you want to, though then ill need to have<br />

access to the html page too prob to be able to update the page<br />

09:28 otherwise you still have to do it all :P<br />

09:28 all you'll really need to do is lftp and then mirror -R /path/to/files<br />

09:28 might make a script to do it automatically<br />

09:29 i has no access to the box you distribute it from though :P<br />

09:29 theres going to be a direct link to a 9Gb download on the page?<br />

09:29 yeah<br />

09:30 but on archive.hbgary.anonleaks.ru<br />

09:30 should prob just have a lin kto a full torrent<br />

09:30 so not everyone has to have it<br />

09:30 yeh i suppose<br />

09:30 hmm maisl not really up atm?<br />

09:30 that site is going to get killed<br />

09:30 well torrent doesnt have the most up to date html files tho<br />

09:30 greg's index doesnt work<br />

09:30 its up<br />

09:31 oh now it works, strange<br />

09:31 u sure you have it in your hosts file?<br />

09:31 yeah.. now works, just one time didnt<br />

09:31 maybe chache<br />

09:32 anpther one offered to mirror<br />

09:32 mhh *thinks*<br />

09:32 who?<br />

09:32 soserious<br />

09:32 otherwise youd need a direct lnik to the html files and tell em to download the emails<br />

from a torrent?<br />

09:35 tackle is STILL down? :o<br />

09:35 ah no<br />

09:35 getting it back now<br />

09:39 http://lo3xhuh3qkvinvgu.onion:81/ is up everywhere now<br />

09:39 its just slow as hell<br />

09:39 it has to run as tor so mirroring will take some manual interaction<br />

09:42 The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or<br />

unsupported form of <strong>com</strong>pression.<br />

09:42 y<br />

09:42 for what the tor site?<br />

09:42 yarr<br />

09:44 its lighthttp<br />


09:44 ill disable mod_<strong>com</strong>press<br />

09:44 thats a wierd error though<br />

09:45 [When I went to the site a while ago, it named the AnonLeaks team with addresses<br />

such as The Internets and Serpent Nebula. Now they're gone, replaced by Problem officer?<br />

<strong>com</strong>plaints@anonleaks.ru]<br />

09:45 i run lighttpd on triumph too<br />

09:46 Avunit: lamers<br />

09:46 before<br />

09:46 well<br />

09:46 before you said<br />

09:46 'is up everywhere now'<br />

09:46 it did work for me<br />

09:46 i meant the guy who cant find the team page anymore<br />

09:46 lol who said that?<br />

09:48 guis<br />

09:48 imma be twitter newb<br />

09:48 how to get direct link<br />

09:48 to one of my own statuses?<br />

09:50 oh there<br />

09:50 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AvunitAnon/status/36798081152323584<br />

09:50 :3<br />

09:50 irisbe<strong>com</strong>etwittahpro<br />

09:52 Thank you! Which number should I call? I will email David or Richard as well:) Will<br />

he tell me why you are registered in .ru domain?<br />

09:52 i hope<br />

09:52 shes trolling me<br />

09:52 because otherwise<br />

09:52 shes really dumb<br />

09:53 read that e-mail tflow<br />

09:53 its the russian thingie in the inbox<br />

09:53 is she srs? xD<br />

09:54 whos asking you that<br />

09:54 sec ill paste the whole mail convo<br />

09:54 mm what inbox?<br />

09:56 Topiary, you here?<br />

09:56 Just woke up<br />

09:56 ah<br />

09:56 I think we should modify the press release<br />

09:56 For greg's mail<br />

09:57 As circumstances have changed<br />

09:57 http://securepastebin.<strong>com</strong>/go/retrievePost.action?id=6338 pass: <strong>com</strong>plaints<br />

09:57 Instead of making it seem like revenge for us, we need to highlight the fact that they<br />

tried to attack wikileaks<br />

09:58 where is the PR?<br />

09:58 http://pastehtml.<strong>com</strong>/view/1d5wg3k.html<br />

09:58 Topiary<br />

09:58 tx<br />

09:58 read that<br />

09:58 is she srs? :p<br />


09:58 Already read it<br />

09:58 tflow: okay, I'm gonna get up, eat, do some things<br />

09:58 then I'll work on that<br />

09:59 sweet<br />

09:59 tflow: yes, fully agree. also that chamber of <strong>com</strong>merce thing<br />

09:59 Well<br />

09:59 what the fuck should I say<br />

09:59 to that russian woman?<br />

09:59 tell her that they support freedom of speech more then anyone else<br />

10:00 and wont give our info out<br />

10:00 its basically the truth<br />

10:00 uhm<br />

10:00 whats her questions?<br />

10:00 Thank you! Which number should I call? I will email David or Richard as well:)<br />

Will he tell me why you are registered in .ru domain?<br />

10:01 ohh<br />

10:01 at the bottom<br />

10:01 http://gtoltxwurxbbadzf.onion:81/<br />

10:02 i remade it without any <strong>com</strong>pression<br />

10:02 these hidden services are more unstable then heihachi<br />

10:02 Avunit: well quite simple, she can redirect her questions to same email address<br />

(maybe we should have a press@ one?). as for the .ru domain, it'S hardened and US cant kill the<br />

domain. quite simple.<br />

10:02 Ask the press lady for questions she might have so we can answer, it's that simple<br />

10:02 I've done that for months with 'em<br />

10:02 Im using my avunit@ email atm<br />

10:02 well my main concern was<br />

10:02 that she dont even got the fact<br />

10:02 that she got trolled<br />

10:03 in the first lines<br />

10:03 :p<br />

10:03 It happens<br />

10:03 nah<br />

10:03 she put in a smiley<br />

10:03 well we'll see i guess, no harm in a quick, straight up reply imo<br />

10:04 1) ask press for proof of their identify, give them webIRC link to #reporter<br />

10:04 2) ask them to ask about our shit in email<br />

10:04 3) trololol<br />

10:04 should definetly make this http://pastehtml.<strong>com</strong>/view/1d5wg3k.html not seem like<br />

revenge<br />

10:04 i think Topiary is on that?<br />

10:04 I'm doing that soon, just woke up<br />

10:04 okay BRB<br />

10:04 :)<br />

10:05 if we insinate we knew they were attacking wikileaks still be heros<br />

10:05 mhh hardly believable<br />

10:05 yea thats true and if cought will be 1000x worse<br />

10:05 that's not a good path to go down<br />

10:05 but should do revenge<br />


10:05 *shouldnt<br />

10:05 the story was told already. aaron tries to screw, we break in and uups.. wikileaks<br />

connection<br />

10:06 we should stay with the truth, 100%<br />

10:06 no, we do not want to say we knew about WL before we leaked them, that is a road<br />

to destruction<br />

10:06 'full disclosure'<br />

10:06 yep your right<br />

10:07 our story is actually more meaningful seeing as we attacked Aaron Barr for specific<br />

revenge and everything else was accidental<br />

10:07 which it was<br />

10:07 * Topiary neglects to get up for now, dumps his release into piratepad and works on it<br />

10:07 lol :)<br />

10:07 i should get some food<br />

10:07 mmm<br />

10:07 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AvunitAnon/status/36798081152323584 still lolling about<br />

them :P<br />

10:11 http://jdhdf2j.semisecure.org/<br />

10:11 How is this so far? for search<br />

10:11 atm still to do: make it link to anonleaks.ru + make it possible to searcha phrase for<br />

more than 3 chars<br />

10:12 tflow: give clue how to insert date<br />

10:12 (syntax)<br />

10:12 if you click the date box, a box should popup<br />

10:12 also.. hmm is it possible to limit search to subject?<br />

10:12 oh!<br />

10:12 sorry sidnt see that hehe<br />

10:13 like a checkbox "subject only"<br />

10:13 ok now it links to anonleaks<br />

10:16 and for the subject.. you can order the search results by subject<br />

10:17 well, minor i thought it could be implemented easily..<br />

10:17 sometimes you remember a mail because of a phrase in a subject<br />

10:18 but if its a <strong>com</strong>mon phrase.. search will give too many results<br />

10:18 if it also matches body<br />

10:22 also btw the "meet the team" link is invisible again, may wanna fix that on occasion<br />

(that was because we put up an older mirror when anonleaks.ru went down and we moved to another<br />

IP)<br />

10:22 although i must admit<br />

10:22 i kinda like it invisible.. its still quite obvious<br />

10:23 I like it this way<br />

10:23 with the <strong>com</strong>plaints thingie under it<br />

10:23 yup<br />

10:23 +1<br />

10:24 i can switch the dns back if its back up<br />

10:24 that was the 88 ip i think<br />

10:24 dont rememebre it though<br />

10:25 AnonymousLeaks 1037 followers Ã\o/<br />

10:26 AvunitAnon 0 followers \0/<br />

10:26 hah bitch i win<br />


10:26 oh i can be your first!<br />

10:26 yay<br />

10:26 http://pastehtml.<strong>com</strong>/view/1d5wg3k.html updated<br />

10:26 you now have a follower!<br />

10:26 * marduk reads<br />

10:26 bottom half changed<br />

10:26 top half same<br />

10:26 \0/<br />

10:28 Topiary: maybe -- just a thought -- i'd like to quote that they threatened with a "swift<br />

response" and we're still waiting. we know it is a hollow threat but we still don't appreciate it?<br />

10:28 Okay, sec<br />

10:28 ah you quoted the swift part<br />

10:29 just below a sentence then or so<br />

10:29 Oh, I did<br />

10:29 Anonymous has falsified nothing; we leaked your inboxes in full with no edits. In<br />

fact, most of your emails contain S/MIME digital signatures, proving that they're real. This information<br />

is now free to the public, and you honestly think you can wriggle your way out of it by accusing<br />

Anonymous of tampering with your data?<br />

10:29 That being said, we can see why you'd lie like this. You had intended to disrupt<br />

WikiLeaks' operations with two other firms, and not only has that plan been revealed to the public, both<br />

of those firms have officially cut all ties with you. Anonymous gives a nod to Palantir and Berico for<br />

doing the right thing.<br />

10:29 As for HBGary, we still award you no points. What we find truly pathetic is that<br />

you'd willingly work with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to create a smear campaign against<br />

WikiLeaks while shrugging off any damages caused to innocent people, including wives and children.<br />

You are the real terrorists here.<br />

10:29 these are the updated paragaphs<br />

10:29 in case the html link dun goof'd<br />

10:30 http://jdhdf2j.semisecure.org/<br />

10:30 thoughts?<br />

10:30 tflow: want me to switch the main dns back to or no?<br />

10:30 hurray i has a follower on twitter<br />

10:31 looks nice tflow<br />

10:31 and an awesome one, he doesnt follow everybody!<br />

10:31 Looks good tflow<br />

10:31 yup indeed<br />

10:31 http://pastehtml.<strong>com</strong>/view/1d5wg3k.html<br />

10:32 hmm<br />

10:32 i am not quite sure<br />

10:32 with the end<br />

10:33 end?<br />

10:33 oh<br />

10:33 for the press release<br />

10:33 i'd suggest different last two paragraphs.. yes for topiaria<br />

10:33 let me draft something<br />

10:33 btw i think we should put the wikileaks stuff first<br />

10:33 then the revenge part last<br />

10:34 Hmm.. I'd actually suggest a different approach. when will we release that,<br />

tomorrow when we go public?<br />


10:34 it will make us seem like heros<br />

10:34 (they read about us exposing their wikileaks plans; then they read about us being<br />

targetted for exposing them)<br />

10:35 i'd like to sketch something up; you can then see if you like it or will only use parts<br />

10:35 i thought we were going for a tonight release?<br />

10:35 anonleaks.ru public tonight?<br />

10:35 in that case we really gotta be working towards having everything ready and only<br />

having to add the IPs in the dns pool<br />

10:35 its actually better than tomorrow.. as it will be ready tomorrow morning<br />

10:36 whats the ip of anonleaks.ru supposed ot be?<br />

10:36 the main one<br />

10:36 wel as for the PR .. my idea was.. to put AnonLeaks in the focus.. and play HBGary<br />

as a side story<br />

10:36 using the wikileaks thing (and chamber of <strong>com</strong>merce) as example why what we do<br />

is important<br />

10:37 nothing about revenge actually... at least only very very subtle<br />

10:38 Why? This *is* about revenge.<br />

10:38 Fact is we started with revenge<br />

10:38 and ended at a wikileaks 'conspiracy'<br />

10:38 This is all about revenge, don't destroy that glory just to gain attention for<br />

AnonLeaks<br />

10:39 we are not the people who "uncovered" their scandals<br />

10:39 I don't think we should <strong>com</strong>pletely cut out the revenge part, but we should put<br />

emphasis that they're not innocent<br />

10:39 we are the people who took revenge upon them<br />

10:39 and that they tried to shutdown wikileaks<br />

10:39 i.e. it's just revenge for pissing US off<br />

10:39 feel free to edit<br />

10:39 it's not*<br />

10:40 Topiary: yes but revenge is like putting the tongue out. and it'S small <strong>com</strong>pared in<br />

what we revealed regarding wikileaks and chamber of <strong>com</strong>merce<br />

10:40 and who knows what else <strong>com</strong>es out<br />

10:40 marduk: what's your point?<br />

10:40 well.. we dont need to rush just yet...<br />

10:40 ill let you see my idea soon<br />

10:40 there's very accurate paragraphs about WikiLeaks in there, we don't need to be<strong>com</strong>e<br />

reporters on it<br />

10:41 it'll have the revenge partm too<br />

10:41 hey i just want to make an alternative suggestion<br />

10:41 wtf<br />

10:41 if you dont care, fine<br />

10:41 i do other things then<br />

10:41 HEY<br />

10:41 instead of shouting at eachother<br />

10:41 write a differetn version<br />

10:41 and then people can merge<br />

10:41 and whatever.<br />

10:41 don't get all pissy, go ahead and write your thing<br />



10:41 i am already doing that :OD<br />

10:42 and i'm not pissy heh<br />

10:42 DO NOT USE THAT TONE<br />

10:42 I am serious there.<br />


10:42 STFU<br />

10:42 my box is getting ddosed<br />

10:42 dump ips pls<br />

10:42 im restarying via ctrl panel<br />

10:42 i cant lose my nerves on irc. should i use caps it'S all sarcastic :p<br />

10:42 now.. brb busy.<br />

10:43 I can, and no offense to you but especially since I walke din last time and you started<br />

shouting at me<br />

10:43 while im trying to get updated .><br />

10:43 wut?<br />

10:43 when did i shout at you? :o<br />

10:43 When I told you the viewer was offline.<br />

10:43 wtf https://vpsadmin-ua.santrex.net is down<br />

10:43 theyre ddosing whole santrex? :O<br />

10:44 or they just fail? :p<br />

10:44 eh.. you must have interpreted sth wrong<br />

10:44 santrex<br />

10:44 id almost love heihachi.<br />

10:45 can you get on https://vpsadmin-ua.santrex.net?<br />

10:45 narr<br />

10:45 cannot establish a connection<br />

10:46 and 80 are up<br />

10:47 i can get in via ssh<br />

10:47 but them in just dropped out<br />

10:47 or froze<br />

10:50 :/<br />

10:50 strange<br />

10:50 [15:28:17] Guys<br />

10:50 [15:28:18] IDea<br />

10:50 [15:28:25] Whoever is working on anonleaks.ru<br />

10:50 [15:28:37] If we want to generate a bit of press anticipation about<br />

this<br />

10:50 [15:28:52] Put a countdown clock of some kind up on the home<br />

page, to the intended release time<br />

10:50 [15:28:56] And put "Expect us" under it<br />

10:50 [15:28:59] in big text<br />

10:50 [15:30:09] I guarantee this will be good for viral buzz, folks<br />

10:50 yarr<br />

10:50 want me to do that?<br />

10:50 sure<br />

10:51 k getting the index.html to update it<br />

10:51 in how much hours we gonna release?<br />

10:51 but show us first<br />


10:51 hm<br />

10:51 ideas?<br />

10:51 sec; almost done with my alt version<br />

10:51 9pm utc?<br />

10:52 thats err 4 hours?<br />

10:52 my fucking password and shitdosent work for that server<br />

10:52 5<br />

10:52 k<br />

10:53 what the fuck<br />

10:54 im locked out of the ukraine box<br />

10:54 and santrex is down for ukraine<br />

10:54 http://bgp.he.net/net/<br />

10:55 vpsadmin-ua.santrex.net<br />

10:55 yet i can ping them<br />

10:55 wtf is goign on here<br />

10:57 oh fuck<br />

10:57 santrex is out of uk not ru<br />

10:57 how the fuck could i not have seen this<br />

11:00 okay, what do you thing: http://pastebin.<strong>com</strong>/C3Yqb7su -- nott 100% yet (there are<br />

some (?) where i dont think the word is right)<br />

11:00 but i like this version a bit better<br />

11:00 what you think?<br />

11:02 i like it but there shouldn't be any references to anonleaks<br />

11:02 not?<br />

11:02 all references should be to anonymous<br />

11:03 hmm, but we do reference to the full leaks tho? which ARE anonleaks?<br />

11:03 well we can take out anonleaks<br />

11:03 thats simple<br />

11:03 The first paragraphs doesn't make sense grammatically now<br />

11:03 *paragraph<br />

11:03 oh.. hmm that could be a copy/paste accident :s<br />

11:04 well first paragraphs can actually remain, i didnt change much there<br />

11:04 i think we should use topiary's release, but with this paragraph:<br />

11:04 #<br />

11:04 But do not get us wrong, this is not all about revenge. Your leaked <strong>com</strong>munication<br />

reveals that your <strong>com</strong>panies were entangled in highly dubious and most likely illegit activity, including<br />

a smear campaign against Wikileaks and potential opponents(?) of the Chamber of Commerce.<br />

Apparently this was done with full knowledge of the Department of Justice. While the whole truth has<br />

yet to be uncovered,<br />

11:04 AnonLeaks feels that it is its duty to let the world know what you and related<br />

<strong>com</strong>panies and Government agencies are up to. We will not idly stand by while <strong>com</strong>panies like<br />

HBGary work in secrecy to undermine rights of citizens or institutions like Wikileaks.<br />

11:04 s/AnonLeaks/Anonymous/<br />

11:04 ?<br />

11:04 or something similar<br />

11:04 yeah marduk<br />

11:04 Yes I do like the highly dubious bit<br />

11:04 And take out "apparently" IMO<br />

11:05 can't we mix your press released?<br />


11:05 "You tried to play the game. You lost."

11:12 whats wierd is santrex control pael is down<br />

11:12 and my box is down<br />

11:12 but i can ping both<br />

11:13 mm<br />

11:13 it just happened<br />

11:13 i thought it was ddos<br />

11:13 but it looks like im locked out<br />

11:13 entropy: what's the ttl for the ns?<br />

11:13 how long the record lasts<br />

11:13 before refresh<br />

11:13 oh<br />

11:13 its 5 minutes<br />

11:13 ah<br />

11:13 should be good<br />

11:13 unless i restart then its instant<br />

11:13 how so?<br />

11:14 anonleaks.ru is cnamed to www.anonleaks.ru right?<br />

11:14 yes<br />

11:14 both on my box<br />

11:14 thats down<br />

11:14 oh wait<br />

11:14 cname<br />

11:14 i can get in the dns ns1 and ns2<br />

11:14 the ru ones<br />

11:14 ukraine is down<br />

11:15 no theres no cname in here<br />

11:15 cname them please<br />

11:15 oh theres a a record for www<br />

11:15<br />

11:15 its not a cname<br />

11:15 cname to anonleaks.ru to www.anonleaks.ru<br />

11:15 ok<br />

11:16 http://www.anonleaks.ru/<br />

11:16 404<br />

11:16 i can cname the other way around<br />

11:16 i mean<br />

11:16 anonleaks.ru CNAME www.anonleaks.ru<br />

11:16 so anonleaks.ru goes to www.anonleaks.ru<br />

11:19 http://piratepad.net/lYa7c9TSHp pad for editing<br />

11:20 well, should i put in my paragraphs at the bottom?<br />

11:22 entropy: done yet?<br />

11:22 no i killed al lthe logs<br />

11:22 http://anonleaks.ru/ - up now.<br />

11:22 and dns isnt restartign with that cname<br />

11:22 so i cant see the error<br />

11:23 seems up here<br />

11:23 yea i just manually put the ip for now<br />

11:23 ah..<br />

11:23 no cname<br />


11:23 i put both to the www ip<br />

11:23 its that ok<br />

11:23 if not ill have to kee p looking why this cname isnt working<br />

11:38 hai guis<br />

11:38 Are we sure we can roll in like 4hrs and 20 mins?<br />

11:39 tflow?<br />

11:40 also mainpage should have the mail link<br />

11:40 i'D make it a little smaller tho<br />

11:40 let me just get everytinh ready first<br />

11:40 should take me about 30 mins<br />

11:40 okay http://pastehtml.<strong>com</strong>/view/1d7wulg.html theres the main html page again<br />

11:40 tell me when we put it on<br />

11:41 yup looks good. sans no pic<br />

11:41 yeah the pic is included<br />

11:41 but with a ./anonleaks3.jpg<br />

11:41 marduk: check pad, everything good?<br />

11:41 yeah i knwo<br />

11:41 sec<br />

11:42 "This was done with full knowledge of the Department of Justice. "

11:47 i can grab em from the prq box<br />

11:47 dw<br />

11:48 k<br />

11:48 https://vpsadmin-ua.santrex.net < was up like 2 hours ago<br />

11:50 entropy is the tor hidden service stillup?<br />

11:50 yea should be<br />

11:51 well if you can get it from the prq box we should be fine<br />

11:51 what the fuck<br />

11:51 for our 'supposed' deadline<br />

11:51 they sent me this<br />

11:51 https://www.santrex.net/termsofservice.php. Failure to <strong>com</strong>ply with the terms will<br />

result in suspension/termination.<br />

11:51 For Open, Scheduled, or Resolved network issues please check<br />

https://clients.santrex.net/networkissues.php<br />

11:51 If you want to earn money by sending people our way, the best place is to get<br />

activated is at https://clients.santrex.net/affiliates.php<br />

11:51 Thank you for choosing Santrex.<br />

11:51 Your sincerely,<br />

11:52 Santrex Internet Services<br />

11:52 London, UK<br />

11:52 lulz<br />

11:52 standard response?<br />

11:52 no its not<br />

11:52 <br />

11:52 [View original HTML in new window]<br />

11:52 Santrex Internet Services Ltd.<br />

11:52 Luca Hall,<br />

11:52 Thank you for contacting our support team. A support ticket has now been opened<br />

for your request. You will be notified when a response is made by email. The details of your ticket are<br />

shown below.<br />

11:52 Please note while we try our best to maintain a 24/7 quick response time, it may be<br />

slightly slower during weekends SAT-SUN and after normal working hours.<br />

11:52 well i guess every one ion here knows my real name<br />

11:52 ...<br />

11:53 but no<br />

11:53 its not standard<br />

11:53 i thnkm they kileld my two vps<br />

11:53 but not the ru ones<br />

11:53 why would the<br />

11:53 vpsadmin<br />

11:53 be down toot hen?<br />

11:54 i have no idea<br />

11:54 and they must give a proper reason too imo, but fine<br />

11:54 should bug them<br />

11:54 to say whats exactly going on<br />

11:57 how much does dns cost on the heihachi boxes?<br />

11:57 dns? watcha mean?<br />

11:58 where you reg the domain<br />

11:58 oh i rgged at nic.ru/en<br />


11:58 hos much for them to provide dns<br />

11:58 im afraid they are goign to shut my ru boxes down<br />

11:58 i dont know if im parnoid or what<br />

11:58 their vps admin is down for me too<br />

11:58 yea but my vps are down<br />

11:59 and no services running on any ports<br />

11:59 2 of them<br />

11:59 for no reason<br />

11:59 maybe other santrex ua boxes are down too?<br />

11:59 apart from yours?<br />

11:59 ah didnt check<br />

11:59 try the ip range?<br />

12:00 they are fuckign up<br />

12:00 nmap -sP<br />

12:00 why are they shutting it down?<br />

12:01 their vpsadmin is down too<br />

12:01 and perhaps we should setup some backup ns<br />

12:01 like on triumph or something<br />

12:01 so hopefully its just somethings wrong with thier box<br />

12:01 2 of mine are down<br />

12:01 but i can ping my vps<br />

12:01 rather on tackle then<br />

12:01 but ssh or www is not running<br />

12:02 and they are set to run at boot<br />

12:02 check port 22 and 80 on the ip range?<br />

12:02 tflow:<br />

12:02 17:02 q: The e-mails sent from greg's account to jussi; how were they<br />

sent?<br />

12:02 can you clarify?<br />

12:02 17:02 from his gmail account<br />

12:02 17:02 did tis occur after the password for greg's account was reset<br />

12:02 i think yes<br />

12:02 we needed to reset his pass to get in?<br />

12:03 yes<br />

12:03 thx<br />

12:05 yeah<br />

12:11 ok they have it in their network issues<br />

12:11 its not just me<br />

12:13 k tflow<br />

12:13 you're going fine with the mails?<br />

12:14 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited Nessuno834 into the channel<br />

12:14 -!- Nessuno834 [fag@fag.fag] has joined #hq<br />

12:14 -!- mode/#hq [+o Nessuno834] by HQBot<br />

12:14 Im a fucking idiot<br />

12:14 truth<br />

12:15 I just finished scanning your ip range too entropy :P<br />

12:15 yea noone ese is open<br />

12:15 and they have network issue<br />

12:15 we are investigating the issue at the moment. updates will be here.<br />


12:16 Hello,<br />

12:16 My name is Sam.<br />

12:16 I would like to be interviewed to be a member of your team.<br />

12:16 I do not want money. Please let me know how I can help.<br />

12:16 Thank you,<br />

12:16 Sam<br />

12:16 lulz<br />

12:16 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/<br />

12:16 does this look fine to all your browsers?<br />

12:16 i know it's fine in firefox + all ie<br />

12:16 fine on firefox.<br />

12:16 Avunit: send to #repoter?<br />

12:16 err<br />

12:16 marduk<br />

12:16 fine on chrome/linux<br />

12:17 he wants to join the 'team'<br />

12:17 oh hah<br />

12:17 sorry, misread<br />

12:17 lulz<br />

12:17 im going to troll him<br />

12:17 badly<br />

12:17 cc case please :)<br />

12:17 tflow looks fine on ff<br />

12:17 on linux<br />

12:17 ok gr8<br />

12:23 sent and bcc to you marduk<br />

12:23 not really superb trolling<br />

12:23 but fine<br />

12:23 search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru dead link?<br />

12:24 yesh<br />

12:24 not public yet<br />

12:24 tflow, ready to roll the new index.html in?<br />

12:25 aha<br />

12:25 and will we make the 3hr and 30 mins one?<br />

12:25 heh av<br />

12:26 i like it :)<br />

12:26 can i see?<br />

12:26 wait ill paste<br />

12:26 not yet. wait a sec<br />

12:26 can we get some backup dns going incase entropy's goes down?<br />

12:26 maybe afraid.org?<br />

12:26 Nessuno834: http://securepastebin.<strong>com</strong>/go/retrievePost.action?id=6344 pw bla<br />

12:26 dydns?<br />

12:27 how will they get updated tho?<br />

12:27 via the site<br />

12:27 since we use the dns bot here<br />

12:27 well it's just for backup<br />

12:27 I lolled<br />

12:27 well we can but its not really needed<br />


12:27 4.: Please hack and root and give us a link to the php shell.<br />

12:27 :D<br />

12:27 i mean we got 3 nameservers and only the UA have some network probs<br />

12:28 yeah im curious if he'll reply with<br />

12:28 LULZ GOOGLE!?<br />

12:28 if needed ill throw tackle in when entropys boxes will get taken down, but that<br />

probabvly wont happen<br />

12:28 all 3 ns are in santrex..<br />

12:28 and 1 is down already<br />

12:28 Yes but tflow they only got network problem<br />

12:28 s<br />

12:28 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited kayla into the channel<br />

12:28 -!- kayla [mysql3@fbi.gov] has joined #hq<br />

12:28 -!- mode/#hq [+o kayla] by HQBot<br />

12:28 :D<br />

12:28 it has nothing to do with actual stuff<br />

12:29 avunit: im just assuming that<br />

12:29 are they all in the same datacenter?<br />

12:29 and ns1 and ns2 are the same box<br />

12:29 just diff ips<br />

12:29 yes same datacenter<br />

12:29 blegh entropy<br />

12:29 you got soem time left?<br />

12:29 i have no clue<br />

12:29 kkkkkkay

12:33 ah now<br />

12:33 yeah.. lag gone now<br />

12:33 had bad lag on triumph as well<br />

12:33 17:31 -!- x [x@The.Internet] has joined #hqddddddddeeedddd<br />

12:33 lulz<br />

12:34 so countdown?<br />

12:35 5<br />

12:35 4<br />

12:35 3<br />

12:35 2<br />

12:35 1<br />

12:35 :D<br />

12:36 kayla: http://jdhdf2j.semisecure.org/<br />

12:37 Topiary: ?<br />

12:38 -!- kayla [mysql3@fbi.gov] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]<br />

12:41 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited kayla into the channel<br />

12:41 -!- kayla [mysql3@fbi.gov] has joined #hq<br />

12:41 -!- mode/#hq [+o kayla] by HQBot<br />

12:43 so how's the press release?<br />

12:43 i removed the last sentence, i like it better<br />

12:43 link?<br />

12:43 but wanted to hear Topiary's opinion<br />

12:43 http://piratepad.net/lYa7c9TSHp<br />

12:43 (its still at the bottom in ()<br />

12:44 looks gd<br />

12:45 think so do<br />

12:45 http://hbgary.operationfreedom.ru/<br />

12:45 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/<br />

12:45 ready<br />

12:45 (don't share links yet obv)<br />

12:45 obv<br />

12:45 so countdown?<br />

12:45 sec<br />

12:45 we're installing a 4th nameserver meanwhile<br />

12:45 think the countdown can go online<br />

12:46 we will truly deliver<br />

12:48 atleast it should be put online soon otherwise we gotta put it a few horus futher away<br />

12:48 because a countdown that only lasts 30 mins<br />

12:48 would be... useless :p<br />

12:49 hmm we could make it midnight UTC?<br />

12:49 id prefer to do the current<br />

12:49 but if we wait<br />

12:50 well then we have to delay it a bit<br />

12:50 or midnight CET/23.00 GMT<br />

12:50 tflow: ?<br />

12:50 what you think?<br />

12:50 i don't mind<br />

12:50 midnight CET sounds kinda cool<br />

12:50 imo<br />


12:50 or GMT<br />

12:51 is tat midnight UTC?<br />

12:51 UTC=GMT<br />

12:51 0.00 GMT = 1.00 CET<br />

12:52 i'd suggest either midnight UTC or 23.00 UTC<br />

12:56 mmm<br />

12:56 id suggest a bit earlier<br />

12:56 since i got college tomorrow :p<br />

12:57 entropy<br />

12:57 well okay, but then but it up<br />

12:57 yea<br />

12:57 im doingit now<br />

12:57 what's the ssh port for your tor server<br />

12:57 23.00 CET, 22.00 UTC?<br />

12:57 22922<br />

12:57 root@cyber<strong>com</strong>:~# ssh tflow@ -p 22922<br />

12:57 ssh: connect to host port 22922: Connection refused<br />

12:57 its not up<br />

12:57 i know<br />

12:58 when will it be up?<br />

12:58 i have no idea<br />

12:58 i dont know why its not up<br />

12:59 it _seems_ like they reset them<br />

12:59 but i havent got any email<br />

12:59 Hello Mr. Shepard,<br />

12:59 Thank you for this wonderful test.<br />

12:59 I will enjoy working on this for fun!<br />

12:59 I would like to help your team by sending funds to help the cause. (This my friend is<br />

not a joke.)<br />

12:59 Please let me know how I can send money and learn how to help,<br />

12:59 Thank you,<br />

12:59 Sammy Nakhla MD, an Egyptian-American that believes in truth and rooting out<br />

corruption.<br />

12:59 ukash vouchers plz<br />

12:59 yarr<br />

12:59 mail that<br />

13:00 or paysafecards D:<br />

13:00 yes<br />

13:00 if hes a rich ass we'll be rolling on deds. but every buck will help P<br />

13:00 :P*<br />

13:00 or liberty rserve<br />

13:01 :D<br />

13:01 rich? :D?<br />

13:01 girls always light up at that word :P<br />

13:02 Your message has been sent.<br />

13:02 no kayla, no diamonds for you<br />

13:02 lol<br />

13:03 :(<br />

13:04 dstufft Baw baw black sheep<br />


13:04 Just saw the disaster that is anonleaks.ru What's the supposed justification for this?<br />

(Don't everyone all parrot at once) #fail #terrorism<br />

13:05 who said that?<br />

13:05 dstufft<br />

13:05 twitter<br />

13:05 ill gief you link<br />

13:05 sec<br />

13:05 yeah i saw that<br />

13:05 *ignoring*<br />

13:05 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/dstufft/status/36844587230314496<br />

13:05 i was lolling at him<br />

13:05 who is that btw?<br />

13:05 no idea<br />

13:05 47 followers<br />

13:05 gay<br />

13:05 just saw it in my anonleaks search :p<br />

13:05 i heard the name befroe<br />

13:05 but dont know in what context<br />

13:06 anyway<br />

13:06 guis<br />

13:06 lets get a countdown timer up?<br />

13:06 YES PL0X!<br />

13:06 or do we need to wait for entropy's ssh?<br />

13:06 ok<br />

13:06 not rly<br />

13:06 tflow<br />

13:06 but we only have 3 confirmed mirrors<br />

13:06 shall we increase it<br />

13:06 that's down from 5<br />

13:07 with one hour?<br />

13:07 just to be sure?<br />

13:07 +1 for that<br />

13:07 i think we should only start the timer like 2hrs before<br />

13:07 or 1.5<br />

13:07 b/c it might attract ddos<br />

13:07 iunno<br />

13:07 if you see soserious .. he will mirror too<br />

13:07 what about p0ke?<br />

13:07 well with a few mirrors its doable<br />

13:07 otherwise id start it now<br />

13:07 mhh<br />

13:07 since its like 3hrs<br />

13:08 also<br />

13:08 set up mirrors@anonleaks.ru plz<br />

13:08 i mean ddos might be bad for us, but it does prove our point<br />

13:08 i will sec<br />

13:08 2h timer will be missed by many. i like 3+ better<br />

13:09 so whats happening :D?<br />

13:09 we're anticipating teh Launch!<br />


13:09 :D<br />

13:10 what time?<br />

13:10 3 or 4 hours?<br />

13:10 nice :)<br />

13:11 i love how all this happens exactly 1 week after the incident<br />

13:11 \0/<br />

13:11 rapid response<br />

13:11 tflow, shall we just go for the 3hr timer?<br />

13:12 so what time should we release?<br />

13:12 http://pastehtml.<strong>com</strong>/view/1d7wulg.html<br />

13:12 2hrs and 47 mins left<br />

13:12 which is not too long or too short<br />

13:12 i like that<br />

13:12 can we increase by 15 mins?<br />

13:12 of course<br />

13:12 sec<br />

13:12 b/c i need 2 shit<br />

13:13 for like an hour<br />

13:13 haven't taken a shit in a while<br />

13:13 just put it onnnnnnnnnn<br />

13:13 http://pastehtml.<strong>com</strong>/view/1d7ygxh.html<br />

13:13 15 mins increase<br />

13:13 3hrs and 1min to go<br />

13:14 put it on<br />

13:14 shout<br />

13:14 and lets roll<br />

13:14 Avunit, put it on triumph<br />

13:14 * Avunit readies his epic twitter.<br />

13:14 where you want me to put it?<br />

13:14 your home?<br />

13:14 /home/tflow/anonleaks/main<br />

13:14 then set a vhost for it<br />

13:15 ill need the other files too though<br />

13:15 11 hours, 59 minutes, 18 seconds<br />

13:15 Expect us.<br />

13:15 Teasers:<br />

13:15 the .jpg and emails<br />

13:15 :s 11?<br />

13:15 ets 3 for me<br />

13:15 oh god<br />

13:15 i'll upload them<br />

13:15 or don't u have them?<br />

13:15 whats it for the rest of you?<br />

13:16 tflow: not the most updated ones<br />

13:16 3pm?<br />

13:16 says 11 foe me<br />

13:16 nono 3 hours<br />

13:16 but for kayla its 11 houras<br />

13:16 3h here too<br />


13:16 goes by timezone? :o<br />

13:16 o<br />

13:16 oh crap<br />

13:16 >.<<br />

13:16 i shouldve written the file myself<br />

13:16 :((<br />

13:16 says 3 mins 48<br />

13:16 says 3 hrs 48<br />

13:16 *<br />

13:16 says 3 hrs 58*<br />

13:17 yeah it's probably depending on your timezone<br />

13:17 gsdjklgdklajgklagjklejklaejgjlagjkla<br />

13:17 trying to fix<br />

13:17 goddamnit<br />

13:17 javascript is client side<br />

13:17 d'oh<br />

13:18 * Avunit slaps self.<br />

13:20 well lthis gives me quite a problem<br />

13:20 as i prob cant use javascript<br />

13:20 meh...<br />

13:20 just use timeanddate.<strong>com</strong><br />

13:20 *sigh*<br />

13:20 to make a counter<br />

13:22 avunit ok its setup<br />

13:22 that was a bitch<br />

13:23 ps -waux shows wied shit<br />

13:23 no clue why the fuck ps removed the '-' for options<br />

13:25 <br />

year=2011&amp;month=02&amp;date=13&amp;hrs=21&amp;ts=24&amp;tz=UTC&amp;min=0&am<br />

p;sec=0&amp;lang=en&amp;show=dhms&amp;mode=t&amp;cdir=down&amp;bgcolor=<br />

%23CCFFFF&amp;fgcolor=%23000000&amp;title=Countdown%20To" width="250" height="365"<br />

scrolling="no" frameborder="1" style="overflow:hidden;width:15.6em;height:22.8em;">Countdown<br />

To<br />

13:25 would that work<br />

13:26 urg<br />

13:26 ?<br />

13:26 http://www.7is7.<strong>com</strong>/otto/countdclock.html<br />

13:26 plau tflow<br />

13:26 im uploading<br />

13:26 ah k<br />

13:26 did u fix the issue?<br />

13:27 yes<br />

13:27 i used time and date<br />

13:27 with an iframe<br />

13:27 preview?<br />


13:27 sec<br />

13:28 http://pastehtml.<strong>com</strong>/view/1d7ynji.html<br />

13:28 UTC<br />

13:28 0 Day, 02 Hr, 46 Min, 40 Sec<br />

13:28 remove the UTC part? i think<br />

13:29 lemme see if i can<br />

13:30 done<br />

13:30 want me to show it again?<br />

13:30 yes plz<br />

13:31 http://pastehtml.<strong>com</strong>/view/1d7yp0k.html<br />

13:31 looks okay<br />

13:31 looks gd<br />

13:31 put it on triumph<br />

13:31 unless day is easily removable....<br />

13:32 k<br />

13:32 oh i might be able to remove that<br />

13:32 oh i cant<br />

13:32 damnit<br />

13:32 ah nvm<br />

13:33 not important.<br />

13:33 let me know when it is up live so i can tweet from AnonLEaks<br />

13:33 ill tweet too obviously with my 1 followers<br />

13:33 home/tflow/anonleaks/main/index.html<br />

13:34 ok<br />

13:34 did you upload all the other files too?<br />

13:34 and set the vhost?<br />

13:34 nope<br />

13:34 can you sftp them?<br />

13:34 ill set anonleaks.ru to that page yes<br />

13:34 k<br />

13:34 sec<br />

13:35 updating a 4th nameserver<br />

13:37 vhost set<br />

13:37 ready to roll when the files are there<br />

13:37 files are up<br />

13:38 entropy has to edit it in the dns?<br />

13:39 no its set<br />

13:39 root@ru:/var/named/chroot/etc# nslookup ns4.anonleaks.ru<br />

13:39 Server:<br />

13:39 Address:<br />

13:39 Name: ns4.anonleaks.ru<br />

13:39 Address:<br />

13:39 i mean<br />

13:39 the actual<br />

13:39 address<br />

13:39 but it has to probpagate via ni<br />

13:39 of anonleaks.ru<br />

13:39 for<br />

13:39 the site<br />


13:39 and www.anonleaks.ru<br />

13:39 whats the ip?<br />

13:39 sec<br />

13:40<br />

13:40 no..<br />

13:40 oh<br />

13:40 i mean<br />

13:40 can't you cname it?<br />

13:40 iunno well thats the ip of the box<br />

13:40 i mena<br />

13:40 itll react on www. and just anonleaks.ru<br />

13:40 anonleaks.ru cname www.anonleaks.ru<br />

13:41 that didnt work before did it?<br />

13:41 ill try but i dont think you can cname the origin<br />

13:41 so if we edit www from dnsbot, it will upate on anonleaks.ru<br />

13:41 i generally do it the other way around :P<br />

13:41 cname www to origin :P<br />

13:41 well its so that we can edit it from dnsbot..<br />

13:41 theres no way via dns bot to do that<br />

13:41 unless i rewrite part of it<br />

13:41 you can edit www from dns bot<br />

13:41 well he meant that if we can cname the origin<br />

13:41 we can edit www<br />

13:42 ok hold on<br />

13:45 no you cant do that or i dont know how<br />

13:45 shame<br />

13:45 ok<br />

13:45 i need you to change the ip back 5 mins before launch<br />

13:46 ok whens that happening<br />

13:46 im going to a fight in like 2 hours<br />

13:46 10 fights so probably 3 hours maybe<br />

13:46 2 hours 30 mins lol<br />

13:47 ...<br />

13:47 does Avunit have access to it?<br />

13:47 yes<br />

13:47 hmm cant you give axx to someone who will be here?<br />

13:47 ah<br />

13:47 ok that should be fine then<br />

13:47 I shall do et gentlemen.<br />

13:47 YES pl0xxi<br />

13:47 ok edit /var/named/chroot/var/named/db.anonleaks.ru<br />

13:47 we must celebrate<br />

13:47 on launch<br />

13:47 edit the serial number increment it by 1<br />

13:47 ill be here<br />

13:47 (=<br />

13:47 yeah and update the serial right :P<br />

13:47 yup<br />

13:47 did it before :p<br />


13:47 2011020945 ; serial<br />

13:47 whats your<br />

13:47 change this line to the ip<br />

13:47 IN A<br />

13:48 config?<br />

13:48 then www IN A<br />

13:48 liek start <strong>com</strong>mand?<br />

13:48 /var/named/chroot/var/named/db.anonleaks.ru<br />

13:48 /etc/init.d/bind9 restart<br />

13:48 k thx<br />

13:48 why is it gettign released in 2:30?<br />

13:49 430 est?<br />

13:49 did you set the ip to triumph already or i gotta do that now?<br />

13:50 well<br />

13:50 in utc it will be almost monday<br />

13:50 so when do i get open my champagne?<br />

13:50 okay im setting the ip now<br />

13:50 CET even moreseo<br />

13:50 Nessuno834: 2,5h<br />

13:50 coolio<br />

13:51 gonna be very drunk the bubbles go to my head<br />

13:52 $ ./bind9 restart<br />

13:52 * Stopping domain name service... bind9 [ OK ]<br />

13:52 * Starting domain name service... bind9<br />

chmod: changing permissions of `/var/run/named': Operation not permitted<br />

13:53 $<br />

13:53 sudo su<br />

13:53 also, press release is here: http://piratepad.net/lYa7c9TSHp<br />

13:53 for later<br />

13:53 need to be made clean with logo and shit<br />

13:53 rndc: connect failed: connection refused does that matter?<br />

13:54 no<br />

13:54 k<br />

13:54 waiting for it to be udpated then<br />

13:54 marduk: the press release will ony be on the torrent anyway<br />

13:54 tflow: oh? hmm not via anonnews?<br />

13:54 gives more exposure<br />

13:55 avunit: /usr/sbin/rndc -s localhost -c /var/named/chroot/etc/rndc.conf reload<br />

13:55 thats prob better<br />

13:55 yay<br />

13:55 timer is up<br />

13:56 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AvunitAnon/status/36861133872828416<br />

13:56 tweeted<br />

13:56 but your dns might take time to reload it<br />

13:56 for me the www. has the counter and the origin not<br />

13:56 oh<br />

13:56 never though of it<br />

13:57 fine<br />

13:57 dns is updated there now too<br />


13:57 SPREAD IT<br />

13:57 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @Nessuno834<br />

14:00 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AvunitAnon/status/36861133872828416<br />

http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AvunitAnon/status/36861133872828416<br />

http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AvunitAnon/status/36861133872828416<br />

14:00 lets rawl<br />

14:01 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triangle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @tflow<br />

14:01 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited Nessuno834 into the channel<br />

14:01 -!- Nessuno834 [fag@fag.fag] has joined #hq<br />

14:01 -!- mode/#hq [+o Nessuno834] by HQBot<br />

14:01 hmm<br />

14:01 was that netsplit<br />

14:01 or my fag laptop<br />

14:01 yes tackle and triumpg vanished<br />

14:02 err triangle<br />

14:02 though so<br />

14:02 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited tflow into the channel<br />

14:02 -!- mode/#hq [+o tflow] by HQBot<br />

14:02 -!- Netsplit over, joins: tflow<br />

14:03 right boys and girls<br />

14:03 I got a lot to do<br />

14:03 triangle vanished mainly<br />

14:03 also tackle<br />

14:03 but vlad still there?<br />

14:03 unusual<br />

14:03 but if for some reason u need me, may happen one day?! highlight me<br />

14:04 entropy!<br />

14:04 oh tackle is back<br />

14:04 didnt notice<br />

14:04 yo<br />

14:04 did you kill triangle?<br />

14:04 well ru for you?<br />

14:04 no?<br />

14:04 why<br />

14:04 Broadcast message from root@ru<br />

14:04 (unknown) at 19:03 ...<br />

14:04 The system is going down for halt NOW!<br />

14:04 triangle?<br />

14:05 what the fuck<br />

14:05 oot@ru:/var/named/chroot/var/named#<br />

14:05 Broadcast message from root@ru<br />

14:05 (unknown) at 19:03 ...<br />

14:05 The system is going down for halt NOW!<br />

14:05 Connection to ru.phiral.net closed by remote host.<br />

14:05 Connection to ru.phiral.net closed.<br />

14:05 uhhhm<br />

14:05 well thats what i had<br />

14:05 oh no<br />

14:05 tflow:<br />


14:05 i dont believe this<br />

14:05 did you reboot that?<br />

14:05 well it surely didnt reboot, only shutdown D:<br />

14:05 wha t the fuck<br />

14:06 Avunit: that happened on triumph a few weeks ago<br />

14:06 but it came back<br />

14:06 but FUCK<br />

14:06 can you log in the vps panel?<br />

14:06 -!- Nessuno834 is now known as Nessuno<br />

14:06 well, i have to leave for ~40 minutes<br />

14:06 cant help it<br />

14:07 they suspened all my vps<br />

14:07 Active Pending Suspended Terminated<br />

14:07 all suspened<br />

14:07 yellow<br />

14:07 tmklngdgkldgkljalgjerlgjljgloegjklgjklawegjljglagjlegjawelgjlgjklgjklejlagjklgljka<br />

14:07 URGH!?<br />

14:07 i have no emails<br />


14:07 and still havent responed to my tickets<br />

14:07 TFLOW<br />

14:07 uhm, can we use the others.. and stay with 3 mirros then?<br />

14:07 Number of Products/Services: 3 (3)<br />

14:07 Number of Domains: 0 (0)<br />

14:07 Number of Support Tickets: 2<br />

14:07 Number of Referred Signups:<br />

14:08 3 out of 3 suspened<br />

14:08 what the fuck<br />

14:08 which means<br />

14:08 we only have<br />

14:08 they were just dns<br />

14:08 1 nameserver?<br />

14:08 ah.. hm.<br />

14:09 I regret launching now<br />

14:09 well.. okay, back in 40m .. i hope somewhat good news then maybe :/<br />

14:09 -!- tflow [tflow@HA-9ch.ue7.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

14:09 goddamnit tflow<br />

14:09 all fux. grr.<br />

14:09 fuck im supposed to be goign to my friends fight soon<br />

14:10 how fast can i get a heihachi box<br />

14:10 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited tflow into the channel<br />

14:10 -!- tflow [tflow@HA-9ch.ue7.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

14:10 -!- mode/#hq [+o tflow] by HQBot<br />

14:10 not quite sure<br />

14:10 Firefox can't find the server at www.anonleaks.ru.<br />

14:10 tflow<br />

14:10 y<br />

14:10 damnit<br />

14:10 my vps are suspened<br />


14:10 3 nameservers are offline<br />

14:10 ..<br />

14:10 we have 1 right?<br />

14:10 anyone know how to get heihachi right now?<br />

14:10 yup<br />

14:10 only mines is online<br />

14:10 like wheres the english site<br />

14:10 cp.heihachi.net<br />

14:10 is it up?<br />

14:10 yes<br />

14:10 tackle is up and running<br />

14:11 not resolving...<br />

14:11 this is not a good moment to get screwed over D:<br />

14:11 its not in nic.ru yet<br />

14:11 oh?<br />

14:11 how long will that take?<br />

14:11 oh fuck no<br />

14:11 no clue?<br />

14:11 4hrs at max<br />

14:12 did you do it avunit?<br />

14:12 depr<br />

14:12 yup<br />

14:12 why are you vpses suspended....<br />

14:12 what about just a change of ip<br />

14:12 i have no emails from them<br />

14:12 if i login they are yellow<br />

14:12 thats also taking the same amount of time<br />

14:12 i have two tickets and an email<br />

14:12 noone has gotten back to me<br />

14:12 Shall I tweet that our NSes are down?<br />

14:13 toimpale Arv<br />

14:13 Wow, is @AnonLeaks down before it even got up? -- http://www.anonleaks.ru<br />

14:13 xD<br />

14:13 its up<br />

14:13 my box is back up<br />

14:14 i just reboot it in ctrl panel<br />

14:14 oh great!<br />

14:14 named is back<br />

14:14 reboot system boot 2.6.18-194.8.1.e Sun Feb 13 19:15 - 19:16 (00:01)<br />

14:14 why are my vps yellow then<br />

14:15 so nameservers will be back?<br />

14:15 back right now<br />

14:15 <br />



14:15 tweet it's back up<br />

14:15 why did someone say it was down?<br />

14:15 like say sorry we had some technical issues with nameservers<br />

14:16 no one did yet<br />


14:16 tweeted<br />

14:16 but ppl are tweeting that its down<br />

14:16 thats was only like 2 minutes<br />

14:16 wtf<br />

14:16 yeah<br />

14:16 people tweeted it was down already<br />

14:16 i tweeted that we had a lil problem with a host<br />

14:16 but that its all resolved<br />

14:16 my vps say suspened<br />

14:16 and are yellow<br />

14:16 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AvunitAnon/status/36866180589289472<br />

14:16 what if they shut it down again<br />

14:16 dnsbot plz<br />

14:16 if they shut it down we still have ns4 right<br />

14:17 well we had ns4<br />

14:17 entropy: we can only hope ns4 has been updated by then<br />

14:17 but it might take 4 hrs<br />

14:17 why wasnt that working<br />

14:17 oh yea<br />

14:17 fuck<br />

14:17 dnsbot plz<br />

14:17 dnsbot plz<br />

14:17 dnsbot plz<br />

14:17 im bringing it up!<br />

14:17 sec<br />

14:17 ok hopefully it dosent happen<br />

14:17 entropy<br />

14:17 can you give one of us temp access tot he vps panel?<br />

14:17 yea<br />

14:17 so we can reboot since they suck at keeping it down?<br />

14:18 ill check<br />

14:18 im not goign to the fight<br />

14:18 ill say here<br />

14:19 its only 90$<br />

14:19 :(<br />

14:19 goddamnit<br />

14:19 the perlbot refuses to start<br />

14:19 why?<br />

14:19 iunno it starts<br />

14:19 but doesnt connect<br />

14:19 did you change any code?<br />

14:19 nope<br />

14:20 oh yea was doignthat to me<br />

14:20 howd you fix it?<br />

14:20 probably because its tryign to connect to a ip in net.operationfreedom.ru thats down<br />

14:20 btw can i bring the irc back too?<br />

14:20 thats why i put it to<br />

14:20 yea sure<br />

14:20 are al lthe ips for net.operationfreedom.ru up?<br />


14:21 and running irc?<br />

14:21 only yours wasnt<br />

14:21 must have been tryign t connect to mine first<br />

14:21 for 6 times? :p<br />

14:21 dont know<br />

14:21 try manually putting the ip<br />

14:21 nope its not on yours either<br />

14:22 when i was deugiing thats what i did cause it would start and just hang<br />

14:22 i used<br />

14:22 worked<br />

14:22 yea<br />

14:22 somethings up with how it resolvs ip<br />

14:22 i think it just picks one<br />

14:23 and continusly tries it<br />

14:23 -!- marduk- [user@netadmin.operationfreedom.ru] has joined #hq<br />

14:23 < marduk-> on cell<br />

14:23 okay<br />

14:23 its on now<br />

14:23 < marduk-> phew cool<br />

14:24 brb getting some tea<br />

14:24 < marduk-> so much fun lulz<br />

14:27 Backistan<br />

14:27 you guys all done with the release?<br />

14:27 nice timer by the way.<br />

14:28 server<br />

14:28 {<br />

14:28 server_name archive.hbgary.anonleaks.ru;<br />

14:28 location /<br />

14:28 {<br />

14:28 root html/archive.hbgary.anonleaks.ru;<br />

14:28 index index.html;<br />

14:28 }<br />

14:28 }<br />

14:28 grr y the fuck isnt that working<br />

14:28 -!- marduk- [user@netadmin.operationfreedom.ru] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

14:30 avunit: does triangle provide much of anything<br />

14:30 just goign throuw their tos<br />

14:30 apparenetly i cant have ircd on it<br />

14:30 so maybe for now to keep it up shut ircd down<br />

14:30 fd@luxembourg:~$ ls -lt /usr/local/nginx/html<br />

14:30 total 7021920<br />

14:30 -rw-r--r-- 1 fd fd 7183403125 Feb 13 22:56 archive.hbgary.anonleaks.ru<br />

14:30 drwxr-xr-x 6 fd fd 4096 Feb 13 21:52 hbgary.anonleaks.ru<br />

14:30 -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 383 Feb 11 04:57 50x.html<br />

14:30 -rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 151 Feb 11 04:57 index.html<br />

14:31 fucking derp<br />

14:31 archive.hbgary.anonleaks.ru is a file not a directory LOL<br />

14:36 my server is down again<br />

14:36 and im lockec out of ctrl panel<br />


14:37 im getting a heihachi box right now<br />

14:37 damn it<br />

14:37 re<br />

14:37 avunit: if you set to use their ns just for right now it will be instant<br />

14:37 then i can get this box and put it up<br />

14:37 and then we can use off site dns<br />

14:38 will take 10 min<br />

14:38 http://cp.heihachi.net/cart.php?gid=2<br />

14:38 are all these in russia?<br />

14:38 yes<br />

14:39 this is the exact same ctrl panel<br />

14:39 its not the same <strong>com</strong>pany is it?<br />

14:40 no<br />

14:40 many hosts use that cp<br />

14:40 avunit:<br />

14:40 fuck<br />

14:40 sorry i dont know what i did to have them take my shit dwn<br />

14:41 and i have no emails from them<br />

14:41 ph fuckl<br />

14:41 i have no fucking ewmails cause thats hosting my own dns<br />

14:41 is the site up? here its not, but could be the ns i use<br />

14:42 no its not<br />

14:42 we need avunit to change the dns servers it uses to its own dns<br />

14:42 nic.rus dns servers<br />

14:42 Avunit?<br />

14:42 they will <strong>com</strong>e up the second he does it<br />

14:42 my phiral.net email is down<br />

14:42 and somain<br />

14:42 fuck<br />

14:43 he wanted to get a tea..<br />

14:50 my boss called me<br />

14:50 ans asked me if i can <strong>com</strong>e into work<br />

14:50 they couldnt have got anythign this fast right<br />

14:51 my hands are fuckign shaking<br />

14:51 should i go there<br />

14:51 gahh..<br />

14:51 its way to fats right<br />

14:52 fast<br />

14:52 for what?<br />

14:53 for the police to do anything?<br />

14:53 i'd say so<br />

14:53 thats what i think<br />

14:53 why would they go to your work and not your house?<br />

14:53 i have no idea<br />

14:53 i think you're being paranoid :D<br />

14:53 yah that makes no sense, rly<br />

14:53 ok fuck<br />

14:54 too many wierd things now im fuckign paranoid as shit<br />

14:54 i need to calm the fuck down<br />


14:58 i wishi i could help you in doing so<br />

14:58 im tryign to get in touch with our monitoring ppl<br />

14:58 and see whos there<br />

14:58 can u tweet or something? like<br />

14:59 some of our namservers down | backup nameservers are still propagating<br />

14:59 what do u think?<br />

14:59 yeah<br />

15:00 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AnonymousLeaks/status/36877432342450177<br />

15:01 Avunit<br />

15:02 well mirrors are still up<br />

15:02 http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/<br />

15:02 http://hbgary.operationfreedom.ru/<br />

15:02 http://luxembourg.cryptoanarchy.org/<br />

15:04 where the hell did he go?<br />

15:04 he wanted to get a tea :o<br />

15:05 and i am away again... for a while<br />

15:10 theres two people with my boss in my conf room<br />

15:10 two guys<br />

15:10 i have no fucking idea whats goign on<br />

15:10 should i call a layer before i go in there or ?<br />

15:10 just to be safe?<br />

15:10 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triumph.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk, @tflow<br />

15:16 djklgadklgjdlgjak<br />

15:16 sdgmldgjklal<br />

15:17 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk, @tflow<br />

15:17 dgjdklagjldgjkladjgkladg<br />

15:18 we're getting bullshitted badly rite?<br />

15:18 entropy<br />

15:18 i fucking wish i was bullshitting<br />

15:18 im goign to fucking throw up<br />

15:19 jesus shitting fuck<br />

15:19 why of every moment of the day<br />

15:19 this moment<br />

15:19 after we launched our clock<br />

15:20 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AvunitAnon/status/36882157452394496<br />

15:20 Avunit<br />

15:20 ns4 is in the domain registration yes?<br />

15:21 yes<br />

15:21 its awaiting update of the ripn.net databases<br />

15:21 good<br />

15:21 plz get dnsbot for ns4<br />

15:21 its ready to roll<br />

15:21 but gotta wait till its updated<br />

15:21 and then start as primary<br />

15:21 (glad i downloaded the perlbot already)<br />

15:24 im going into my work<br />

15:25 hmm?<br />

15:30 entropy, im sure it's nothing

15:30 well tbh<br />

15:31 it happened quite quickly after we put the countdown on<br />

15:31 hbgary is trying to screw us or the host is :P<br />

15:31 anyway we lack nameservers<br />

15:31 reckon hbgary got an injunction?<br />

15:32 u need a nameserver?<br />

15:32 We need some bulletproof nameservers<br />

15:32 quickly<br />

15:32 we only got one atm<br />

15:33 I'll put a few feelers out<br />

15:33 but its short notice<br />

15:34 yes it is<br />

15:34 but we need to get it sorted<br />

15:34 i mean it is a legitimate reason to suspend the release date<br />

15:34 but we gotta get it sorted<br />

15:34 looks a bit fail tho doesnt it<br />

15:35 put up countdown, lose nameservers ????? failprofit<br />

15:35 yup<br />

15:35 srs<br />

15:35 if it was a tos notice<br />

15:35 they have been watching the site<br />

15:35 like 15 mins after the countdown was up<br />

15:35 we got pwnd<br />

15:35 are all the emails in a torrent ready to go?<br />

15:36 because i'll be dammed if we miss a dead line, they're getting released one way or the<br />

other<br />

15:36 even if i have to paste them all in to irc :3<br />

15:36 Avunit<br />

15:36 dnsbot for ns4?<br />

15:37 * Nessuno gets ctrl c ctrlv ready lol<br />

15:37 tflow: its not even in the pool yet, when its in the pool i have to make it primary<br />

15:37 and then i can run a dnsbot on it<br />

15:40 when did you add ns4?<br />

15:41 like<br />

15:41 1hr ago<br />

15:41 or 2<br />

15:41 smth like that<br />

15:50 re<br />

15:52 so hm<br />

15:52 entropy!<br />

15:52 you still alive?<br />

15:53 can't use nic.ru for anonleaks.ru ns?<br />

15:54 tflow i told you already<br />

15:54 thatd cost money<br />

15:54 quite a bit<br />

15:54 and<br />

15:54 will take another 6 hours of updating<br />

15:54 (after processign the order)<br />

15:54 so its not really an option :(<br />


15:55 hmm<br />

15:55 then go public with a mirror?<br />

15:55 not so nice but...<br />

15:55 we have one mirror<br />

15:56 3 actually<br />

15:56 yeah but<br />

15:56 thsoe cant be used with<br />

15:56 operationfreedom.ru<br />

15:56 another idea, why dont we just push it up to the cloud.<br />

15:57 sourceforge, googlecode, sourceforge?<br />

15:57 [20:57:35] [20:54:21] ssh root@ password: kaosreigns<br />

15:57 [20:57:35] [20:54:48] for hosting DNS server<br />

15:57 [20:57:35] [20:55:18] lamda asked for halp in tele<strong>com</strong>ix and i had a server<br />

doing nothing.<br />

15:57 [20:57:35] [20:56:20] plz tell me if you use it - otherwise i will do something<br />

with it :)<br />

15:58 ENTROPY<br />

15:58 damnit<br />

15:58 he set up the nameservers<br />

15:58 he's gone to the fight i guess :/<br />

15:59 tflow can you set it up? I really havent fucked around much with the setting up of our<br />

nameservers.<br />

15:59 I have the db files on my server though<br />

16:00 [21:00:30] just so you know: has a max upload limit of<br />

15GB/day. no down CAP. if the up-cap is reached, 1/5th of tele<strong>com</strong>ix IRC will go down<br />

16:01 well thatd suck. badly.<br />

16:01 but nameservers dont really eat that much<br />

16:01 IRCds eat moar<br />

16:02 can you set up bind9 though?<br />

16:02 never done it before...<br />

16:02 i have... ni a very shady past with older versions

16:05 http://hbgary.operationfreedom.ru/<br />

16:05 tweet that one<br />

16:05 in 10 minutes<br />

16:05 + http://internetfeds.mil.nf/hbgary/ and http://luxembourg.cryptoanarchy.org/<br />

16:05 why in 10 minutes?<br />

16:05 because then<br />

16:05 the timer is done<br />

16:05 and its our release time<br />

16:06 ah okay, but well...<br />

16:06 http://operationfreedom.ru/ see the timer there<br />

16:06 its okay to tweet now<br />

16:06 nah<br />

16:06 and again in 10m<br />

16:06 ?<br />

16:06 stick tot he time.<br />

16:06 We have a release time.<br />

16:06 but nobody knows the timer?<br />

16:06 tweet all mirrors<br />

16:06 people know its 21:15 GMT<br />

16:07 We have the timer so we'll stick to it :P<br />

16:07 ok will tweet in 7 minutes<br />

16:07 what are you going tweet exactly?<br />

16:08 We're not going to be stopped. Here's some mirrors, anonleaks.ru domain will be back<br />

shortly:?<br />

16:08 sth like that<br />

16:08 ill tweet the timer now, tho<br />

16:08 and then release the mirrors<br />

16:08 oh and<br />

16:08 I'll tweet: #AnonLeaks released: , you cannot stop us.<br />

http://anonleaks.ru will be back shortly! #Anonymous<br />

16:08 link to the press release plz<br />

16:08 link to the press release plz<br />

16:08 gimmel ink<br />

16:08 where is that?<br />

16:09 Link to press release please<br />

16:09 tflow<br />

16:10 http://piratepad.net/lYa7c9TSHp<br />

16:10 we need that<br />

16:11 Shall I just put it at pastehtml too?<br />

16:11 i mean then i can atleast temp link to it<br />

16:11 good idea<br />

16:11 we improvise :p<br />

16:12 lol<br />

16:12 http://pastehtml.<strong>com</strong>/view/1d80rgv.txt<br />

16:12 its ugly<br />

16:12 but itll work<br />

16:12 reads like shit<br />

16:12 but itll work<br />

16:12 no im going to torrent it<br />


16:13 Ill link to the pastehtml too tflow, for my tweet D:<br />

16:14 60 seconds<br />

16:16 GOGO<br />

16:16 RELEASE<br />

16:16 lost link to anonops<br />

16:16 spread there<br />

16:16 anonymousleaks and anonymousirc both tweeted<br />

16:16 waiting for torrent release will tweet that too<br />

16:17 1min<br />

16:19 Want to search the database? search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru<br />

16:19 hmm can we move the search?<br />

16:19 http://hbgary.operationfreedom.ru/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/<br />

16:19 :D<br />

16:20 search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru doesn't work<br />

16:20 nothing with anonleaks.ru works<br />

16:20 oh :p<br />

16:20 yes i know<br />

16:20 which is why i am asking<br />

16:28 anyone here? :o<br />

16:29 i am<br />

16:29 kinda<br />

16:29 hmm got a memo from FK<br />

16:29 he's quitting anonops<br />

16:29 what<br />

16:29 wait<br />

16:29 why<br />

16:29 "certain opers have issues"<br />

16:29 >.<<br />

16:29 goddamnit<br />

16:29 he was a good guy<br />

16:29 yes :(<br />

16:29 do we have means of contacting him?<br />

16:29 tflow: ?<br />

16:30 dunno...<br />

16:30 :/<br />

16:30 lulz<br />

16:30 * Avunit checks the access.log fur the lulz<br />

16:31 Read 2932 lines.<br />

16:33 im signing up for afraid.org<br />

16:34 lemme check if anonleaks.ru works laready<br />

16:34 [21:32:57] indeed, all four anonleaks.ru nameservers are kaput<br />

16:34 [21:33:13] so @tflow sign up for every secondary dns service that exists<br />

16:34 [21:33:29] and set them up to use an unpublished primary nameserver as the<br />

master<br />

16:34 [21:33:33] wait<br />

16:34 [21:33:37] you're seeing a fourth ns?<br />

16:34 [21:33:42] Sounds like Yemen is in it's third straight day of protests<br />

http://winnipeg.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20110213/yemen-protests-grow-110213/20110213/?<br />

hub=WinnipegHome<br />


16:34 [21:33:43] then put all the secondaries into the domain<br />

16:34 [21:33:50] it's = its<br />

16:34 [21:33:52] and @tflow indeed<br />

16:34 [21:33:57] do a whois of anonleaks.ru<br />

16:34 [21:34:10] the fourth ns should be up<br />

16:34 [21:34:22] is it this one?<br />

16:34 [21:34:34] yes<br />

16:34 [21:34:41] the server itself is up<br />

16:34 [21:34:42] it's pingable but not queryable<br />

16:34 4th ns seems 2 be up<br />

16:35 is not being a nameserver though D:<br />

16:35 biatches<br />

16:35 [21:35:18] port 53 appears to be filtered<br />

16:35 [21:35:41] nm, that's something up with my connection<br />

16:35 [21:35:45] don't trust that<br />

16:35 lol<br />

16:35 lol<br />

16:36 lemme check ps aux<br />

16:36 it has no firewall<br />

16:36 named 24278 0.0 2.5 57940 8984 ? Ssl 18:37 0:00 /usr/sbin/named -t<br />

16:36 ets running<br />

16:36 try querying it<br />

16:38 http://network-tools.<strong>com</strong>/nslook<br />

16:38 worked perfectly<br />

16:38 yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss<br />

16:38 do u no what 2 add 4 the ns?<br />

16:38 anonleaks.ru IN A 300s (5m)<br />

16:38 that might be the prob<br />

16:39 gotta update it manually<br />

16:39 brb<br />

16:39 search.hbgary A<br />

16:39 gimme all the servers nao<br />

16:39 ok you need to add the following:<br />

16:39 search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru<br />

16:39 search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru A*<br />

16:39 archive.hbgary.anonleaks.ru A<br />

16:40 hbgary.anonleaks.ru A<br />

16:40 hbgary.anonleaks.ru A<br />

16:40 hbgary.anonleaks.ru A*<br />

16:40 hbgary.anonleaks.ru A<br />

16:40 thats all<br />

16:40 so:<br />

16:40 search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru A<br />

16:40 archive.hbgary.anonleaks.ru A<br />

16:41 hbgary.anonleaks.ru A<br />

16:41 hbgary.anonleaks.ru A<br />

16:41 hbgary.anonleaks.ru A<br />

16:41 got it<br />

16:41 ?<br />


16:41 inserting now<br />

16:42 wait<br />

16:42 and anonleaks.ru A<br />

16:42 which ip for triumph<br />

16:42 did you add<br />

16:42 www.anonleaks.ru A<br />

16:42 in the hbgary pool?<br />

16:42 uhm<br />

16:42 Non-authoritative answer:<br />

16:42 Name: triumph.operationfreedom.ru<br />

16:42 because the ip is 77 not 9X :P<br />

16:42 Address:<br />

16:42 yeah<br />

16:42 use operationfreedom.ru<br />

16:42 thats not the web ip<br />

16:42 ok change it then<br />

16:45 done<br />

16:46 :D<br />

16:46 should work soon<br />

16:46 i hope<br />

16:49 dgjalgjdklgjaklgjdljgagajk<br />

16:49 woooork<br />

16:49 nslookup is working<br />

16:49 just not yet in my browser<br />

16:49 soon soon<br />

16:50 we need to sign up for some free dns providers asap<br />

16:50 afraid.org<br />

16:50 buddydns<br />

16:50 xname<br />

16:54 y is my ns querying but<br />

16:54 not the anonleaks.ru in le browser?<br />

16:55 fuck it<br />

16:55 im starting up as main NS<br />

16:59 hm nslookup doesnt work for me<br />

16:59 7~dig anonleaks.ru<br />

16:59 ; DiG 9.6.1-P2 anonleaks.ru<br />

16:59 ;; global options: +cmd<br />

16:59 ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached<br />

16:59 not now<br />

16:59 i am<br />

17:00 changin ns<br />

17:00 ah k<br />

17:00 fgjkladgjkldjkla<br />

17:00 tackle is lagging<br />

17:00 goddamnit not now<br />

17:01 and its down<br />

17:01 hurray<br />

17:01 surprise :p<br />

17:01 yay heihachi<br />


17:01 well triumph is still up<br />

17:01 i know<br />

17:01 otherwise i wouldnt be here<br />

17:02 but tackle is dead badly<br />

17:02 so is vlad<br />

17:02 the usual<br />

17:02 -!- tflow [tflow@HA-9ch.ue7.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

17:04 pls revive again tackle :(<br />

17:04 i need yous<br />

17:07 :<<br />

17:07 well, it'S kinda amusing tho. we're basically unprepared and with lots of problems<br />

and unstableness.. yet we managed to own a multimillion us gov related sec <strong>com</strong>pany<br />

17:26 like i allways say :D<br />

17:27 we dont make servers we break servers :D<br />


18:03 y<br />

18:03 browser not<br />

18:03 nslookup gives nothing here<br />

18:03 http://network-tools.<strong>com</strong>/nslook/<br />

18:03<br />

18:03 that as nameserver<br />

18:04 and domain somethign like hbgary.anonleaks.ru<br />

18:05 so how long would it take for it to set as the primary dns?<br />

18:06 instantly<br />

18:06 because that dependso n the dns<br />

18:06 i just started it up as a primary<br />

18:06 so why doesn't it do anything if i just do 'nslookup anonleaks.ru'?<br />

18:07 ive no idea<br />

18:07 like i said if i use network tools<br />

18:07 and insert the server<br />

18:07 it times out here<br />

18:07 it all works fine<br />

18:07 if i do nslookup or dig<br />

18:07 but if i try myself<br />

18:07 it fails<br />

18:07 can you see which nameserver its trying to query with nslookup?<br />

18:08 wanna see if ns4 is in the pool<br />

18:09 srs i need some sleep though<br />

18:10 I can only hope its just a slowness of ripe.net<br />

18:18 @BBCBreaking The emails are LIVE! HBGary already attacking<br />

http://anonleaks.ru, searchable mirror here: http://hbgary.crowdleaks.org/<br />

18:18 lol<br />

18:18 yarr i saw it<br />

18:18 BBC knows more than us<br />

18:19 phear<br />

18:19 :-o<br />

18:19 they're attacking us<br />

18:19 lulz<br />

18:19 lets leave them under that impression<br />

18:19 are tey?<br />

18:19 well sure they brought our nameservers down<br />

18:19 i mean<br />

18:19 the tos most likely came from em<br />

18:19 but we're not under ddos fire from em<br />

18:19 hmm<br />

18:19 no we should not spread lies<br />

18:19 backlashes<br />

18:19 have they?<br />

18:20 well fact is<br />

18:20 we dont know<br />

18:20 its funny timing<br />

18:20 that entropy's VPS were suspended<br />

18:20 and we have trouble getting the domain online<br />

18:20 but we dont know<br />


18:20 ?<br />

18:20 entropys VPSes/nameservers got suspended<br />

18:20 but no reaction at all why<br />

18:20 though it happened 15 minutes after we put the clock online<br />

18:21 :s<br />

18:21 he went in to work and there were people waiting?<br />

18:21 has anyone heard from him?<br />

18:21 narrr<br />

18:21 i think he went to see a fight<br />

18:21 hope he is ok<br />

18:21 nah he went in to work<br />

18:21 he didnt go to the fight<br />

18:21 oh he did?<br />

18:21 he said he was going to work<br />

18:21 mhh k<br />

18:22 his vps get suspended and his boss with 2 dudes or something hope he's ok D:<br />

18:23 is trying to root into triumph.operationfreedom.ru<br />

18:23 on a strange port<br />

18:23 oh lulz<br />

18:23 hes trying different ports too<br />

18:24 eh tz<br />

18:25 why the hell is ns not working :|<br />

18:25 no idea at all<br />

18:25 ive got the idea that its not in the ripe.net db<br />

18:25 appears in whois though<br />

18:26 yup<br />

18:27 i'll beb back in 30<br />

18:27 or so<br />

18:28 are the SSH passwords STRONG as fuck? :D<br />

18:29 <br />

http://hbgary.anonleaks.ru/http://hbgary.anonleaks.ru/http://hbgary.anonleaks.ru/http://hbgary.anonleaks<br />

.ru/http://hbgary.anonleaks.ru/http://hbgary.anonleaks.ru/<br />

18:29 ITS WORKING<br />

18:29 kayla: i smash my head on my keyboard<br />

18:29 for passwords<br />

18:29 so a dictionary wont help em<br />

18:29 DNS IS WORKING<br />

18:29 Retrieving DNS records for anonleaks.ru...<br />

18:29 DNS servers<br />

18:29 ns1.anonleaks.ru []<br />

18:29 ns2.anonleaks.ru []<br />

18:29 Query for DNS records for anonleaks.ru failed: Timed out<br />

18:30 http://hbgary.anonleaks.ru/<br />

18:30 is working for me<br />

18:30 and anonleaks.ru gives a 404 from nginx<br />

18:30 not for<br />

mee...............................................................................................................................................................<br />

......................................................................................................................................................................<br />

....<br />


18:30 :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((<br />

18:30 search.hbgary.anonleaks.ru works for me too<br />

18:31 ALSO<br />

18:31 FROM NOW ON<br />

18:31 flush your dns cache<br />

18:31 please talk n #anonleaks-staff<br />

18:31 because lexi and n0ants<br />

18:31 are pissed<br />

18:31 err on which network?<br />

18:31 that they aren't updated<br />

18:31 lexi owns the search<br />

18:31 anonops<br />

18:38 they're pissed?<br />

18:38 what for?<br />

18:38 not <strong>com</strong>municating with them<br />

18:39 kayla: you have access there too<br />

18:39 I am going to sleep now<br />

18:46 access where :D?<br />

18:46 they have no RIGHT to be pissed<br />

18:46 :/<br />

18:47 is the search working :D?<br />

18:58 ehere where?<br />

18:58 ohai<br />

18:58 back btw<br />

18:58 wats happening<br />

18:58 tflow: what net?<br />

18:58 I been afk<br />

18:58 anonops<br />

18:58 heh, well<br />

18:59 i didnT knew of that chan<br />

18:59 doesi counts as staff<br />

19:00 you're on the aop list<br />

19:00 invite?<br />

19:01 /cs invite #anonleaks-staff<br />

19:03 hey<br />

19:03 im back<br />

19:03 nothing that bad happened at work<br />

19:04 had laywers <strong>com</strong>e in cause i had 3 dcmas for the last ufc on my server<br />

19:04 that it thoug ;)<br />

19:04 super paranoid for nothing<br />

19:04 i seriously almost threw up before i went lol<br />

19:04 oh fuck...<br />

19:04 who cares<br />

19:05 From HBGary?<br />

19:05 all they did was bitch at me<br />

19:05 no<br />

19:05 oh<br />

19:05 ufc<br />

19:05 i have a proxy on a host at work<br />


19:05 i said someone used it to dl torrents<br />

19:05 ;)<br />

19:05 and ill remove it and im sorry<br />

19:05 etc<br />

19:05 yea from the last ufc<br />

19:05 126<br />

19:05 The server is <strong>com</strong>ing back up?<br />

19:05 like saturday<br />

19:05 no thats my work server<br />

19:05 ah<br />

19:05 the santrex i have no clue on<br />

19:06 since i hosted my own dns on them<br />

19:06 that's why they called you to work?<br />

19:06 for liek email and all<br />

19:06 yes<br />

19:06 bastards<br />

19:06 thats it<br />

19:06 THANK GOD<br />

19:06 what?<br />

19:06 i mean its not for anything else<br />

19:06 good to hear<br />

19:06 i know<br />

19:06 and wb entropy :)<br />

19:07 i was areested in 1994 for shit similar<br />

19:07 and id be fucked if it happens again<br />

19:07 for cp?<br />

19:07 was in jail for 3 motnhs<br />

19:07 pffft lol<br />

19:07 no for owing someguys box on efnet in #phrack for talking shit<br />

19:07 and it turned out he was in college<br />

19:07 and college pressed charges<br />

19:08 i was stupid though<br />

19:08 i was so parnoid before i went ot my work<br />

19:08 put a crimnail layer on mine and my girls speed dial<br />

19:08 ok but<br />

19:08 http://anonleaks.ru/ < still has teaser<br />

19:09 o<br />

19:09 wait<br />

19:09 well avunits box is up<br />

19:09 the dns 4<br />

19:09 right?<br />

19:10 yes<br />

19:11 yea resolvs fin for me<br />

19:16 avunit didnt change the dns to be hosted on their own nic.ru i guess<br />

19:16 that would have meade it cme up instantly<br />

19:16 sorry i was os relived after i left my work i went to the bar<br />

19:16 a little lit now<br />

19:17 avunit: change dns so the provider them selfs hosts dns and you can change it in 1<br />

second<br />


19:24 is there anyway to search gregs attatchemts?<br />

19:26 bah :/ none of the searchs work<br />

19:28 bertjwregeer Bert JW Regeer<br />

19:28 @<br />

19:28 @AnonymousLeaks ns4 is also the only one responding to any DNS queries<br />

<strong>com</strong>ing from Comcast's IP range.<br />

19:30 hmm<br />

19:30 not resolving anymore<br />

19:30 tflow:<br />

19:30 ;; QUESTION SECTION:<br />

19:30 ;hbgary.anonleaks.ru. IN A<br />

19:30 doesnt like that anymore :o<br />

19:30 :\<br />

19:42 i give in :/<br />

19:42 nothing works for me :/<br />

19:46 not resolving?<br />

19:46 or what exactly not?<br />

19:48 wont even load :/<br />

19:48 what are the IP?<br />

19:49<br />

19:49 i dont care for dns :D<br />

19:49 works here<br />

19:49 dns is teh gay<br />

19:49 Internet phone numbers are better<br />

19:49 kayla: does that work?<br />

19:49 nah :/<br />

19:49 where is gregs mails?<br />

19:49 works here...<br />

19:49 i dont want to search all :/<br />

19:50 yes tht works<br />

19:50 but<br />

19:50 only search gregs?<br />

19:50 http://luxembourg.cryptoanarchy.org/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong><br />

19:50 yes<br />

19:50 you can order by subject<br />

19:50 sender*<br />

19:50 or reciever<br />

19:50 and you can put him as sender or recipient<br />

19:50 better we dont have<br />

19:50 use the torrent<br />

19:50 is there anywhere to view all the attatchments?<br />

19:50 and grep elite regex<br />

19:51 probably best with the torrent<br />

19:51 import in thunderbird<br />

19:51 only display with attachment<br />

19:51 then search in those<br />

19:51 http://luxembourg.cryptoanarchy.org/greg_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/attachments<br />

19:51 or you can wget those<br />

19:51 indeed :)<br />


19:51 thanks

22:48 Topiary: grr<br />

22:48 you said you'D fwd<br />

22:48 i haz loginz by now<br />

22:48 forward what?<br />

22:48 but... i dont want to login really<br />

22:48 <strong>com</strong>laints!<br />

22:48 to case!<br />

22:48 oh right<br />

22:48 you should just log in to the email itself<br />

22:49 meh, i'm logged in as case usually<br />

22:49 for all stuff now<br />

22:49 i dont wanna mix<br />

22:49 i login to <strong>com</strong>plaints when nobody alse is around etc<br />

22:51 I can forward them if you want, you just wanted them for reading right?<br />

22:54 correct<br />

22:54 if you fwd any i know you read them<br />

22:54 and answered if needed<br />

22:54 bcc me in replies plz, too<br />

22:55 avunit asked me to not login if not necessary<br />

22:55 gets too messy if too many ppl share email acc<br />

22:55 and i agree<br />


23:00 Okay, will forward future ones then<br />

23:00 hi all<br />

23:00 I'm here<br />

23:02 marduk you there<br />

23:02 ?<br />

23:03 ohai sabu<br />

23:03 can you answer that<br />

23:03 03:37 what didst thou use to crack passes with for Aaron?<br />

23:03 03:37 ~ �3h<br />

idle<br />

23:03 03:37 anyone know what was used for ze cracking?<br />

23:03 also i have news about g3m<br />

23:04 ok I'm here<br />

23:04 1) I used hashkiller.<strong>com</strong> for cracking hbgary md5s<br />

23:04 2) whats news? :D<br />

23:04 okay, first g3m wasnt the original name, someone renamed it<br />

23:04 hi Sabu, sorry about my quick departure yesterday<br />

23:05 can we tell press that we used haskkiller.<strong>com</strong>?<br />

23:05 Sabu: and the original script is just a <strong>com</strong>bination of some of these:<br />

http://packetstormsecurity.org/DoS/<br />

23:05 so far that is all i know, but i'm still on it<br />

23:06 Topiary: sorry already did :)<br />

23:06 wait<br />

<strong>backtracesecurity</strong>.<strong>com</strong><br />

23:06 relayed no name tho<br />

23:06 why would you tell press we used hashkiller.<strong>com</strong> ?<br />

23:06 I dont see the point<br />

23:06 uhm why not?<br />

23:06 full disclosure

23:06 honestly<br />

23:06 hmmm<br />

23:06 you could have _just_ told them we used rainbow tables<br />

23:06 okay sorry, we have a misunderstanding here<br />

23:06 all you'll do is bring bad press to hashkiller.<strong>com</strong><br />

23:07 i thought we were clear on the full disclosure thing<br />

23:07 hashkiller.<strong>com</strong> is just a search engine heh<br />

23:07 it searches other md5 sites<br />

23:07 Hm, do you still have the MD5s?<br />

23:07 yeah<br />

23:07 i dont think it will bring bad press on them<br />

23:07 can you give me one?<br />

23:07 this is so specific<br />

23:07 that only few people will understand<br />

23:08 and those know about these techniques anyway<br />

23:08 like Greg :x<br />

23:08 btw, we had weird probes on our mirrors<br />

23:08 but i will say no more on this in public<br />

23:09 can you show me access logs on the mirrors?<br />

23:09 but .. tflow is very open with them<br />

23:09 I want to see the probes<br />

23:09 just don't do anything to get me fucking knocked lol<br />

23:09 i dont think i can read them<br />

23:09 you need to wait for evunit or entropy<br />

23:09 for example my account @ hashkiller.<strong>com</strong> has my ip geniuses<br />

23:09 if they get subpoenad<br />

23:09 for my acct sabu<br />

23:09 and I get busted<br />

23:09 because you guys want to be full disclosure friendly<br />

23:10 you'll feel like leet<br />

23:10 mm, okay, ill not say anything further without conferring with you<br />

23:11 but i really understood that you were willing to share any details because the hac in<br />

total was quite lame and old-fashioned<br />

23:11 no I will tell you all<br />

23:11 wait<br />

23:12 forget it I'm tired<br />

23:12 but I was going to say<br />

23:12 i dont want to know all.. if i ask<br />

23:12 it is for a reason<br />

23:12 but i should have added that information<br />

23:12 I actually loved this hack. it was mad exciting<br />

23:12 only tell me what i need to know :)<br />

23:12 especially the social engineering<br />

23:13 the thing is<br />

23:13 you guys were here with me<br />

23:13 technically you know everything<br />

23:13 yes, but still.. need to know bas eapplies<br />

23:13 or not?<br />

23:13 we gave the press all the gory details before<br />


23:13 and it was lulzy<br />

23:13 cause some really got it right<br />

23:13 the shit is -- yeah<br />

23:13 and everybody laughs at HBGary now<br />

23:14 so when i asked (and topiary) what you used to crack.. well..<br />

23:14 the thing I liked was the reference to the libc $OROGIN attack<br />

23:14 I think I saw that on techdirt<br />

23:14 tech herald was first<br />

23:14 he got it wrong tho the first time<br />

23:14 wrong target<br />

23:14 but corrected<br />

23:14 Steve3D is our man :)<br />

23:14 yeah<br />

23:14 I used $origin attack on support.hbgary.<strong>com</strong><br />

23:15 and rootkit.<strong>com</strong> was social engineering<br />

23:15 yeah he had it for rootkit.<strong>com</strong><br />

23:15 yup<br />

23:15 which made no sense since jussi told you the root pw :3<br />

23:15 i mean kayla (=<br />

23:16 ;)<br />

23:16 has anyone mocked nokia's security for the social engineering? I mean thats got to be<br />

embarrasing<br />

23:17 what does that title mean?<br />

23:18 question is, is he really working as admin for nokia now?<br />

23:18 okay sabu i have him in pm now<br />

23:18 04:18 hrm how would you feel if I said something like "the hackers used<br />

a rainbow table cracking tool such as RainbowCrack project and online services like hashkiller"<br />

23:18 04:19 so that there's enough information that people can take a look at<br />

the tech themselves if they are suitably interested<br />

23:25 yeah<br />

23:25 thats fine<br />

23:25 like I said the only reason I dont want hashkiller.<strong>com</strong> in the article is because I have an<br />

actual acct in it<br />

23:25 so my ip gets exposed<br />

23:25 not good<br />

23:26 I wanna own right now<br />

23:27 ill bring him away from that<br />

23:27 he won't mention hashkiller<br />

23:28 yup and we cant be careful enough<br />

23:28 we shluldnt leak anymore info<br />

23:28 and next hax.. yes more quietly<br />

23:29 also not telling the press everything.. its enough they got the "full story" once<br />



23:55 we rely on triumph and vlad now<br />

23:55 if those go down<br />

23:55 we only have tele<strong>com</strong>ix left<br />

23:55 we need more mirrors<br />

23:55 anonleas.ru .. will not work again<br />

23:56 k<br />

23:59 Sabu: ?<br />

23:59 04:57 Topiary: do you know, was phil's e-mail taken due to a<br />

password crack, or was it downloaded after the passwords got reset?<br />

23:59 04:57 same question to ra if you know<br />

--- Day changed Mon Feb 14 2011<br />

00:00 (ars.technica)<br />

00:59 hi guys<br />

00:59 sorry was afk playi9ng call of duty<br />

01:00 ok<br />

01:00 phil got owned because I reset his admin account<br />

01:01 ok the two that were cracked via md5 = ted vera, aqaron barr<br />

01:01 the ones whose passwords I reset = greg and phil<br />

01:01 phils emails = juicy<br />

01:02 hello<br />

01:02 https://github.<strong>com</strong>/Laurelai/de<strong>com</strong>pile-dump<br />

01:02 71 watching and 15 forks<br />

01:07 Sabu: that is okay to tell to press?<br />

01:08 yeah and heh<br />

01:08 phil.. nobody really looked at them yet<br />

01:08 most focussed on aaron and greg<br />

01:46 trust me dude<br />

01:46 look @ phil<br />

01:46 he has MAAAAAAAAD INFO regarding govt<br />

01:47 oh this<br />

01:47 in fact as i recall i was astonidhed that he had his imap folders organized by<br />

government or <strong>com</strong>pany<br />

01:47 astonished<br />

01:47 well<br />

01:47 we can be happy<br />

01:47 TIP OF THE ICEBERG<br />

01:47 treasure and lulz to <strong>com</strong>e<br />

01:47 why whqtw up?<br />

01:47 Sabu: Boston Dynamics<br />

01:47 we owned them?<br />

01:48 no<br />

01:48 that would be an euphenism<br />

01:48 aRF<br />

01:48 we buttfucked them severely<br />

01:48 haha how brotato<br />

01:48 uh these 70k mails.. as you said<br />

01:48 nobody looked into phil<br />

01:48 but wo dont need to bother anymore<br />

01:48 ya phils a goldmind<br />


01:49 unless gathering intel<br />

01:49 look for boston dynamics<br />

01:49 i KNOW there was <strong>com</strong>m<br />

01:49 but i cant find it anymore<br />

02:14 back<br />

02:14 fucking bored<br />

02:15 mhh<br />

02:15 we need intel<br />

02:15 so you are not bored<br />

02:15 what does mhh mean bro?<br />

02:15 we need to social engineer into boston dynamics<br />

02:16 I'll work on it<br />

02:16 http://www.youtube.<strong>com</strong>/watch?v=mpBG-nSRcrQ<br />

02:16 that shit they do<br />

02:16 and even MUCH more vicious things<br />

02:16 their obvious shit will be WELL protected<br />

02:17 but i think in hbgaryleaks are hints<br />

02:17 oh I've seen this before<br />

02:17 so why are we attacknig them?<br />

02:17 they do drones for gov<br />

02:17 because<br />

02:17 if we could get any info from there<br />

02:17 we would uncover stuff<br />

02:17 that we can't imagine<br />

02:18 how many years you think it is<br />

02:18 that these are armed and patrolling the streets?<br />

02:18 seriously?<br />

02:19 ok I'm going to begin researching their servers<br />

02:19 give me a few<br />

02:20 mhh i need to dig myself<br />

02:20 because<br />

02:20 obvious shit is honeynet<br />

02:21 that is really high interest target.. for like chinese evildoers/gov<br />

02:21 but with hbgary treaure trove<br />

02:21 we may get an angle via social engineering<br />

02:23 true<br />

02:23 so whats status with anonleaks.ru?<br />

02:23 good question<br />

02:23 n0pants .. is a person who knows about that<br />

02:23 was some <strong>com</strong>mfuck again<br />

02:23 i think he should be here<br />

02:24 he's in <strong>com</strong>m with lexi/laurelai and doing the luxemburg/tele<strong>com</strong>ix mirror<br />

02:24 please setup access logs running on those boxes/mirrors. I want to analyze any http<br />

attacks<br />

02:24 I think we should also have some sniffer on the boxes to detect any scanning<br />

02:24 I also want to see who is attacking the sites<br />

02:25 Sabu: can i invite n0pants?<br />

02:25 it makes no sense otherwise<br />

02:25 he's on the tele<strong>com</strong>ix side<br />


02:25 working on the dns stuff and domains with us all day<br />

02:25 and due to some <strong>com</strong>mfuck.. anonleaks.ru .. was clusterfuck<br />

02:26 http://luxembourg.cryptoanarchy.org/<br />

02:26 this one<br />

02:27 wait, what happned to anonleaks.ru ? we lost the domain or?<br />

02:27 no<br />

02:27 afaik<br />

02:28 it'S only NS fuckup<br />

02:28 entropy's VPS got suspended<br />

02:28 3/4 NS<br />

02:28 but unrelated<br />

02:28 no panic<br />

02:28 all good<br />

02:28 and ns4 .. is clusterfuck?<br />

02:28 sometimesworks, sometimes doesnt<br />

02:29 Non-authoritative answer:<br />

02:29 Name: anonleaks.ru<br />

02:29 Address:<br />

02:29 works for me<br />

02:30 nameserver<br />


02:31 http://crowdleaks.org/hbgary-inc-working-on-secret-rootkit-project-codenamemagenta/<br />

02:47 well, we'll sort it out with tflow and Avunit when they are back<br />

03:02 I registered + setup afraid.org dns<br />

03:02 will hate to wait for avunit though<br />

03:04 ohai tflow<br />

03:05 argument with n0pants, now sorted?<br />

03:05 do we have reason to be wary of him?<br />

03:07 also<br />

03:07 soserious<br />

03:07 is online on anonops<br />

03:07 he can/wants to mirror i think<br />

03:08 and regarding n0pants, he <strong>com</strong>plained about total clusterfuck regarding<br />

anonleaks.ru<br />

03:25 I'll be back later this afternoon (6-8 hours), thanks Anons for making this shitstorm<br />

of awesome happen<br />

03:25 -!- Topiary [topiary@do.the.impossible] has quit [Quit: AFK]<br />

03:29 http://www.thetechherald.<strong>com</strong>/article.php/201106/6811/RSAC-2011-Inside-the-talkthat-started-a-war-with-Anonymous?page=2<br />

03:29 a real beauty<br />

03:29 eh<br />

03:29 pro tip: start on page 1<br />

03:37 tflow: ?<br />

03:37 let's close #ophbgary and move all to #anonleaks<br />

03:37 redirect<br />

03:37 no use of two chans<br />

03:40 wow<br />

04:07 tell me<br />


04:08 is it only me.. or is vlad/triumph amazingly fast and stable since the mirrors are<br />

there?<br />

04:48 hey lovelies<br />

04:48 are we still running on only one nameserver?<br />

04:51 ohai Avunit<br />

04:51 yes<br />

04:51 i think<br />

04:51 but<br />

04:51 working<br />

04:51 domain is up<br />

04:51 and all three mirrors working and fast<br />

04:51 twitter is buzzing like mad<br />

04:52 we WonAmrk<br />

04:54 lol and my nameserver still hasnt been ddosed?<br />

04:55 godfucking A for tackle<br />

04:55 i think<br />

04:55 really<br />

04:55 since we have that shit up<br />

04:55 triumph+vlad+tackle are AMAZINGLY stable<br />

04:55 i believe<br />

04:55 we are accepted now :p<br />

04:56 well triumph was always kinda stable <strong>com</strong>pared to tackle<br />

04:56 but yay for tackle<br />

04:56 in heihachi terms, it's all relative<br />

04:56 but really<br />

04:56 all good<br />

04:56 except the bisted VPS<br />

04:56 but thats unrelated<br />

04:56 so all good<br />

04:56 they work good under pressure :p<br />

04:57 so anonleaks.ru takes a few secs to resolve<br />

04:57 but all others are shitfast<br />

04:58 where is anonleaks.ru hosted then?<br />

04:59 you ask me?<br />

04:59 i dont know anythig, i'm just a janitor :p<br />

05:00 lol<br />

05:00 it loaded and redirected just fine for me<br />

05:01 as i said<br />

05:01 we rock<br />


05:02 you know :)<br />

05:02 where? on anonops?<br />

05:03 yes<br />

05:03 ophbgary is done<br />

05:03 my phone will die if i log into that bnc<br />

05:03 move them ALL to #anonleaks<br />

05:03 gimme owner<br />

05:03 ill do it subtle<br />

05:03 I cant log into that bnc<br />

05:03 too many channels<br />

05:03 meh. when you can then<br />

05:04 need both chans <strong>com</strong>bined in one asap<br />

05:04 im in college right now so yeah<br />

05:05 should think about this next time then<br />

05:05 but #anonleaks #ophbgary .. is useless<br />

05:05 ill sort things out asap<br />

05:06 or bug tflow if hes faster than me<br />

05:06 ah tflow was owner, right.<br />

05:06 hm<br />

05:08 http://conanthedestroyer.net/2011/02/14/the-true-origins-of-malware-dna/<br />

05:08 so will we make int. television news? :p<br />

05:09 uh yes<br />

05:12 lulz<br />

05:12 ill await the news report on tv<br />

05:13 give it a weel tho<br />

05:13 week<br />

05:13 hm<br />

05:13 need a nagios<br />

05:13 or similar<br />

05:13 wanna know what mirrors are up :p<br />

05:15 im srsly tired<br />

05:15 had to get up early n shit<br />

05:15 physics now<br />

05:16 well, you can<br />

05:16 it works<br />

05:16 and we the people, silent no more.<br />

05:17 blegh<br />

05:18 moar propaganda!<br />

05:19 wish i could sleep through this<br />

05:22 mhh<br />

05:22 so much to do<br />

05:22 just do what's best<br />

05:22 if tackle gets ddosed now we're pwnd<br />

05:24 i need a vpn on my phone<br />

05:28 i think<br />

05:28 they will be stable now<br />

05:28 i have a feeling<br />

05:31 i hope so<br />

05:31 ive been stressed enough yesterday<br />


05:31 i liked my one tweet<br />

05:32 which one?<br />

05:32 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AnonymousIRC/status/37032568838692864<br />

05:32 i no can click :p<br />

05:32 #HBGary: Do you think you played with amateurs? Oh, wait, we are. That makes<br />

you... beginners? Protecting the #USA from hackers? #AnonLeaks<br />

05:32 oh yeah saw that one<br />

05:33 we r be pro<br />

05:33 it was HBGary that wanted to set a new bar heh<br />

05:35 a new barr*<br />

05:35 lol!<br />

05:36 much meme potential<br />

05:36 need a quote bot now<br />

05:36 !invite Effecor<br />

05:36 ah damn<br />

05:36 remind me to install a quote module<br />

05:36 into HQBot<br />

05:37 will try<br />

05:37 and copy that quote :p<br />

05:38 saved<br />

05:39 good boy<br />

05:41 thinking about some high jump<br />

05:41 with his pic<br />

05:41 a new barr<br />

05:42 the barrrrr must be low<br />

05:42 lol<br />

05:42 do et<br />

05:42 i cant<br />

05:42 i only have ideas<br />

05:42 also<br />

05:42 So long, and thanks for all the lulz! #RIP #HPGary #AnonLeaks<br />

05:42 who tweeted that?<br />

05:43 me<br />

05:43 ah k<br />

05:43 what a question :)<br />

05:43 well actually<br />

05:43 i corrected that<br />

05:43 it was an accidental adams reference<br />

05:43 i corrected some word<br />

05:43 twitter is weird<br />

05:44 Just a small gov CEO<br />

05:44 @NewtonMark: Oh god this is too good. "Malware DNA" inventor uses leaked<br />

HBGary email to allege theft of his work: http://arseh.at/47k /via @bernardkeane<br />

05:44 From a Washington town<br />

05:45 lalala<br />

05:45 This is on Triumph<br />

05:45 I'm making a leak here:<br />

05:45 huge success<br />

05:46 it's hard to overstate my satisfaction<br />


05:47 AnonLeaks science<br />

05:47 we leak what we must<br />

05:47 because we can<br />

05:47 for the good of all of us<br />

05:47 apart from the ones that are lieing<br />

05:47 let's stay on earth tho<br />

05:48 we may really make a difference<br />

05:48 im just singing a nais song :(<br />

05:48 oh lol<br />

05:49 but theres no such crying over every mistake<br />

05:49 we just keep on trying till we run out of leaks<br />

05:49 and the leaking gets done<br />

05:49 and we make a neat site<br />

05:49 for the people who see the truth<br />

05:49 lalala<br />

05:50 go ahead and blame us<br />

05:50 i think we prefer to stay inside<br />

07:07 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited Topiary into the channel<br />

07:07 -!- Topiary [topiary@do.the.impossible] has joined #hq<br />

07:07 -!- mode/#hq [+o Topiary] by HQBot<br />

09:44 i have to clean my house<br />

09:45 -!- entropy [noyx@HA-dkm.je4.cn1rg3.IP] has quit [Quit: Leaving]<br />

11:23 -!- marduk [marduk@eridu.sumer] has quit [Quit: excuse me?]<br />

11:27 -!- marduk [marduk@eridu.sumer] has joined #hq<br />

11:27 -!- mode/#hq [+ao marduk marduk] by HQBot<br />

11:48 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk, @Topiary<br />

11:51 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk, @Topiary<br />

12:02 tflow<br />

12:03 Avunit: http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/dstufft/status/37181519969648640<br />

12:03 fake, right?<br />

12:04 Nope.<br />

12:04 wat<br />

12:04 Well the hacker and ddoser part isnt right.<br />

12:04 But it sure is my name<br />

12:04 problem, officer?<br />

12:04 Avunit: is this bad?<br />

12:04 not quite spelled right<br />

12:04 lulz not really<br />

12:04 i can easily be tracked down<br />

12:05 through my servers<br />

12:05 stay safe.<br />

12:05 well, i dont care. Avunit knows why<br />

12:05 but yeah<br />

12:05 hell<br />

12:05 stay safe<br />

12:06 not much i can do about it ;) my personal servers were in<br />

12:06 and hm i will stay a bit lower in anonops<br />

12:06 strange things happening there<br />

12:07 i'm Don<br />


12:07 i think some ppl might chat me up<br />

12:07 after a while<br />

12:08 i hope<br />

12:09 If you want to protect me: feel free to throw in mis<strong>com</strong>munication about my identity<br />

12:09 but I am not denying it, simply because I knew I'd be traceable<br />

12:09 So thats up to you guys<br />

12:09 I cannot change who I am :p<br />

12:10 Avunit: you're definitely from michigan<br />

12:10 aaron gave me training<br />

12:10 Like I said, feel free to make up a fake identity for me; id love you guys for it, but I<br />

am who I am, and I am not going to lie about that n shit :P<br />

12:10 on how to pinpint you down<br />

12:10 Michigan.<br />

12:10 Definitely.<br />

12:11 Well go on I'd say.<br />

12:11 Lansing, i think.<br />

12:11 desolate city<br />

12:11 But I wouldnt be to explicit because thatd be obvious troll xD<br />

12:11 20%+ unemplyment rate<br />

12:11 me dont care<br />

12:11 well it wouldnt quite help me if you tweet it<br />

12:12 with all your followers<br />

12:12 and its obvious troll :p<br />

12:12 i really worry more about all of you than me<br />

12:12 Yeah but if you with all your followers tweet somethign obvious troll<br />

12:12 then its obvious<br />

12:12 that he's right :p<br />

12:14 well, i jdhhf<br />

12:14 laaag<br />

12:14 oacjet losss<br />

12:14 dddos<br />

12:14 -!- x [x@netadmin.operationfreedom.ru] has joined #hq<br />

12:14 < x> really<br />

12:14 -!- mode/#hq [+ao x x] by HQBot<br />

12:14 triumph is baaad<br />

12:15 ddos?<br />

12:15 iunno<br />

12:16 lemme check<br />

12:16 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk,<br />

@Topiary<br />

12:16 so far tackle<br />

12:16 nod<br />

12:16 feels funny<br />

12:17 Anyway if youw ant to save the Avunit; please do :P<br />

12:17 hm, how? best by ignore?<br />

12:17 iunno something subtle<br />

12:18 hinting towards another identity, iunno<br />

12:18 what was the tweet again?<br />

12:18 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/dstufft/status/37181519969648640<br />


12:20 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk, @Topiary<br />

12:21 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/AnonymousIRC/status/37199683080306688<br />

12:22 i lold<br />

12:22 thanks love<br />

12:22 we just play theweapons we have<br />

12:27 -!- x [x@netadmin.operationfreedom.ru] has left #hq []<br />

12:28 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk,<br />

@Topiary<br />

12:33 !staff<br />

12:37 -!- case [case@tessier-ashpool.org] has joined #hq<br />

12:38 -!- mode/#hq [+ao case case] by HQBot<br />

12:41 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru private.operationfreedom.ru quits: @case<br />

12:41 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &case<br />

12:45 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk, @Topiary<br />

12:52 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk,<br />

@Topiary<br />

12:55 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk, @Topiary<br />

13:22 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk,<br />

@Topiary<br />

13:30 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk, @Topiary<br />

14:10 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited entropy into the channel<br />

14:10 -!- entropy [noyx@HA-dkm.je4.cn1rg3.IP] has joined #hq<br />

14:10 -!- mode/#hq [+o entropy] by HQBot<br />

14:10 yo<br />

14:10 im not doing shit for awhile<br />

14:10 i think santrex gave my info out<br />

14:10 they reset all the vps to default<br />

14:11 but i didnt get any notice caus my mail dns was hosted by the boxes they took down<br />

14:11 im guessing its tos<br />

14:11 -!- entropy [noyx@HA-dkm.je4.cn1rg3.IP] has quit [Quit: Leaving]<br />

14:14 whats so happen?<br />

15:11 -!- Topiary [topiary@do.the.impossible] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

16:05 marduk or tflow<br />

16:05 i need one of you<br />

16:58 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited Topiary into the channel<br />

16:58 -!- Topiary [topiary@do.the.impossible] has joined #hq<br />

16:58 -!- mode/#hq [+o Topiary] by HQBot<br />

18:03 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk, @Topiary<br />

18:06 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk<br />

18:09 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru triumph.operationfreedom.ru quits: @case<br />

18:10 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk<br />

18:11 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk<br />

18:12 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &case<br />

18:24 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk<br />

18:31 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk<br />

18:33 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk<br />

18:46 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk<br />

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19:05 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk<br />


19:11 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk<br />

19:16 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk<br />

19:20 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk<br />

19:25 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk<br />

19:33 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk<br />

19:35 -!- tflow [tflow@HA-9ch.ue7.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

19:36 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk<br />

19:36 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited tflow into the channel<br />

19:36 -!- tflow [tflow@HA-9ch.ue7.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

19:36 -!- mode/#hq [+o tflow] by HQBot<br />

19:38 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk<br />

19:42 -!- tflow [tflow@HA-9ch.ue7.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

19:44 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited tflow into the channel<br />

19:45 -!- tflow [tflow@HA-9ch.ue7.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

19:45 -!- mode/#hq [+o tflow] by HQBot<br />

19:46 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk<br />

19:50 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk<br />

19:52 -!- tflow [tflow@HA-9ch.ue7.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

19:53 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited tflow into the channel<br />

19:56 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk<br />

19:56 -!- tflow [tflow@HA-9ch.ue7.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

19:56 -!- mode/#hq [+o tflow] by HQBot<br />

20:04 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru triumph.operationfreedom.ru quits: @case<br />

20:07 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &case<br />

20:08 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited Topiary into the channel<br />

20:08 -!- Topiary [topiary@do.the.impossible] has joined #hq<br />

20:08 -!- mode/#hq [+o Topiary] by HQBot<br />

20:10 -!- Netsplit private.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk,<br />

@Topiary<br />

20:10 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triumph.operationfreedom.ru quits: @case<br />

20:11 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk, @Topiary<br />

20:11 -!- tflow [tflow@HA-9ch.ue7.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

20:12 !twisted.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited tflow into the channel<br />

20:12 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &case<br />

20:12 -!- tflow [tflow@HA-9ch.ue7.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

20:12 -!- mode/#hq [+o tflow] by HQBot<br />

23:16 hello<br />

23:16 who the fuck is here<br />

23:17 what the fuck is going on<br />

23:54 -!- Topiary [topiary@do.the.impossible] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

--- Day changed Tue Feb 15 2011<br />

00:43 y0h<br />

01:42 hi<br />

01:43 http://sprunge.us/hGQF<br />

01:43 iran vulns<br />

01:43 you didnt get those from me<br />

01:43 -!- Irssi: #hq: Total of 8 nicks [7 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1 normal]<br />

02:30 -!- tflow [tflow@HA-9ch.ue7.0gssb5.IP] has quit [Server shutdown]<br />

02:30 -!- Nessuno [fag@fag.fag] has quit [Server shutdown]<br />


--- Log closed Tue Feb 15 02:30:05 2011<br />

--- Log opened Tue Feb 15 23:57:07 2011<br />

23:57 -!- Laurelai [Laurelai@HA-32m.bhl.uq5i3t.IP] has joined #hq<br />

23:57 -!- Irssi: #hq: Total of 8 nicks [2 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 6 normal]<br />

23:57 -!- mode/#hq [+o Laurelai] by HQBot<br />

23:57 -!- Irssi: Join to #hq was synced in 0 secs<br />

23:57 we need to see his logs for user infinite<br />

23:57 http://typewith.me/FszF0irIsM<br />

23:57 Sabu: you have the screenshot again he posted?<br />

23:58 armitage: no sir<br />

23:58 meh.. ok i should find it<br />

23:58 Laurelai: I will check it out. is there a team working on .gov.ir penetration or is it all<br />

just random?<br />

23:59 Sabu: it was infinity? or infiniti?<br />

23:59 infinite<br />

23:59 i think the former<br />

23:59 infinite?<br />

23:59 oh kay<br />

23:59 yp<br />

23:59 Infinite was his nick<br />

23:59 once we have his ident@ip/hostmask we can tell admins on both anonnet and anonops<br />

to be on the look out<br />

--- Day changed Wed Feb 16 2011<br />

00:00 for said/similar ident@hostmask/nick<br />

00:00 clearly the nigg3r is social engineering people<br />

00:00 Sabu: yes i have a team woriking on stuff like this<br />

00:00 they gather vulns and info for anon<br />

00:00 and ask me to deliver them to you<br />

00:00 ok great<br />

00:00 I'll begin working on targets then<br />

00:01 can you bring them to this network for private chats with me? I want some realtime<br />

coordination.<br />

00:01 id like to but they wont<br />

00:01 I see<br />

00:02 they kind of do their own thing and just are passing things that might be usefull<br />

because they like me<br />

00:02 * Sabu shrugs<br />

00:02 my irc sqli bot finds them for me with minimal time wasted<br />

00:02 got to set it up in a few anyway<br />

00:02 Sabu: btw, private pad?<br />

00:03 yes I will work on it now actually<br />

00:03 thanks for reminding me my brother<br />

00:04 -!- Irssi: #hq: Total of 8 nicks [3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 5 normal]<br />

00:06 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triumph.operationfreedom.ru quits: armitage<br />

00:07 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &armitage<br />

00:45 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: marduk, @tflow<br />

00:46 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triumph.operationfreedom.ru quits: @armitage<br />

00:47 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &armitage<br />

00:50 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @tflow, &marduk<br />


00:50 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk, @tflow<br />

00:55 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @tflow, &marduk<br />

00:55 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk, @tflow<br />

01:00 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triumph.operationfreedom.ru quits: @armitage<br />

01:02 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &armitage<br />

01:05 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triumph.operationfreedom.ru quits: @armitage<br />

01:07 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &armitage<br />

01:10 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk, @tflow<br />

01:10 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru,<br />

triumph.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk, @armitage, @tflow<br />

01:12 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &armitage<br />

01:15 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &marduk, @tflow<br />

01:41 hi<br />

01:41 -!- Irssi: #hq: Total of 8 nicks [5 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 3 normal]<br />

01:44 hey Sabu<br />

02:43 anyone here<br />

02:44 http://static.arstechnica.<strong>com</strong>/02-14-2011/o-day-exploits.jpg<br />

02:44 what happened to the 0 days they had<br />

08:44 -!- armitage [armitage@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org] has quit [Quit: leaving]<br />

08:48 -!- armitage [armitage@netadmin.operationfreedom.ru] has joined #hq<br />

08:48 < armitage> mhh tflow ?<br />

08:56 -!- armitage is now known as foo<br />

08:56 -!- foo is now known as armitage<br />

08:56 -!- armitage [armitage@netadmin.operationfreedom.ru] has quit [Changing host]<br />

08:56 -!- armitage [armitage@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org] has joined #hq<br />

09:51 < armitage> [15:47] http://cbl.gov.ly/en/home/details.php?id=675%27<br />

09:51 < armitage> [15:47] a sqli on thier central bank<br />

10:07 < armitage> Sabu.<br />

10:29 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triumph.operationfreedom.ru quits: @marduk,<br />

armitage, @tflow<br />

10:30 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @tflow, &marduk<br />

10:38 -!- marduk is now known as armitage<br />

10:39 -!- armitage is now known as foo<br />

10:39 -!- foo is now known as armitage<br />

10:39 -!- armitage [marduk@eridu.sumer] has quit [Changing ident]<br />

10:39 -!- armitage [armitage@eridu.sumer] has joined #hq<br />

10:39 -!- ServerMode/#hq [+ao armitage armitage] by isla.operationfreedom.ru<br />

10:39 -!- armitage [armitage@eridu.sumer] has quit [Changing host]<br />

10:39 -!- armitage [armitage@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org] has joined #hq<br />

10:39 -!- ServerMode/#hq [+ao armitage armitage] by isla.operationfreedom.ru<br />

11:01 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @armitage, @tflow<br />

11:05 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &armitage<br />

11:27 !isla.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited tflow into the channel<br />

11:27 -!- tflow [tflow@HA-9ch.ue7.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

11:27 -!- mode/#hq [+o tflow] by HQBot<br />

13:06 -!- armitage is now known as marduk<br />

13:06 -!- marduk is now known as bla-<br />

13:06 -!- bla- is now known as marduk<br />

13:06 -!- marduk [armitage@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org] has quit [Changing ident]<br />


13:06 -!- marduk [marduk@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org] has joined #hq<br />

13:06 -!- ServerMode/#hq [+ao marduk marduk] by isla.operationfreedom.ru<br />

13:06 -!- marduk [marduk@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org] has quit [Changing host]<br />

13:06 -!- marduk [marduk@eridu.sumer] has joined #hq<br />

13:06 -!- ServerMode/#hq [+ao marduk marduk] by isla.operationfreedom.ru<br />

13:09 -!- armitage [armitage@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org] has joined #hq<br />

13:17 You need a new domain.<br />

13:18 < armitage> we are perfectly aware<br />

13:18 < armitage> hi avunit .. good to see you.<br />

13:18 I'd start working on it, safe domain and raise a little fund for it.<br />

13:18 See the twitter, you get heaps of attention<br />

13:18 < armitage> we are already on that<br />

13:19 but the infrastructure is rubbish<br />

13:19 Money isn't a problem atm<br />

13:19 Nor is not network a network without the operationfreedom.ru domani<br />

13:19 The problem is finding a good bulletproof registrar<br />

13:19 tflow: then i'd advise getting a few deds xD<br />

13:20 well.. not that much money :P<br />

13:20 we have money to buy a new domain<br />

13:20 < armitage> or several<br />

13:20 Yeah but srs, apart form the domain you gotta work on thea ctual servers too.<br />

13:20 but we need to find a good registrar that does not bow down to dmcas<br />

13:20 yeah i know<br />

13:20 < armitage> people will mirror too<br />

13:21 but anonleaks.ru is about to die, so that's currently a high priority<br />

13:21 < armitage> still need stable domain<br />

13:21 nameservers i prefer to keep yourself, especially since the bot might be convenient<br />

too<br />

13:21 well i'm trying to setup some secondary dns providers<br />

13:21 like twisted4life.<strong>com</strong><br />

13:21 < armitage> hmm for a NS we can buy a VPS?<br />

13:22 yup<br />

13:22 but i'm still waiting for them to update their zone<br />

13:22 < armitage> i have €65 to burn.<br />

13:22 id get a primary, well primary is on tackle atm<br />

13:22 and a few backup primaries<br />

13:22 the rest can all be<br />

13:22 free hsots<br />

13:23 anyway if you want to keep anonleaks.ru you have to contact auction@nic.ru anyway<br />

13:24 (which migth probably take a while)<br />

13:25 < armitage> should i just write to them from mah hushmail and ask what happened?<br />

13:25 thatll only cost you time since they reverted ownership already<br />

13:26 so best is to get another tld<br />

13:26 How are the funds available? psc/ukash?<br />

13:26 < armitage> ye, we are.. working on that<br />

13:27 < armitage> but not sure what registrar<br />

13:27 < armitage> i haz paysafe again<br />

13:27 im checking out tlds<br />

13:27 Get some fundraising done.<br />


13:27 The attention is maximum<br />

13:27 even if we survive this month the bills will <strong>com</strong>e after that :P<br />

13:28 < armitage> absolutely<br />

13:28 and we're on all low end systems atm, that doesnt matter but it means that if we lose<br />

one of the boxes with the few we have<br />

13:28 < armitage> Avunit, if you tell me a stable nic/tld that accepts paysafe.... ill do it.<br />

13:28 we're hurt badly<br />

13:28 < armitage> tho also we might get a vps at 2x4?<br />

13:28 im working on et<br />

13:31 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.CO $10.99<br />

13:31 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.COM $8.99<br />

13:31 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.ORG $8.82<br />

13:31 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.NET $7.99<br />

13:31 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.PL $39.20<br />

13:31 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.RU $35.10<br />

13:31 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.SG $44.85<br />

13:31 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available<br />

13:32 org, net, <strong>com</strong> and ru are biddings<br />

13:32 .sg anyone?<br />

13:33 < armitage> expensive...<br />

13:33 tis not like we have much choice<br />

13:33 unless you want .co<br />

13:33 < armitage> just hearing<br />

13:33 or any EU or America TLD<br />

13:34 < armitage> .cn<br />

13:34 < armitage> 60/yeark<br />

13:34 lemme see<br />

13:34 < armitage> :p<br />

ANONLEAKS.TW $37.70<br />

13:34 < armitage> and haha CN registrar will not pull hbgary mails<br />

13:34 < armitage> i am very sure lol<br />

13:34 isnt available at this bulletproof registar though<br />

13:35 wait<br />

13:35 i know a bulletproof<br />

13:35 cn one<br />

13:36 some chinese hosts work very much with anti-stuff<br />

13:36 < armitage> yes<br />

13:36 < armitage> just got an offer<br />

13:36 < armitage> 60/year<br />

13:36 < armitage> not cheap<br />

13:36 < armitage> but heh<br />

13:36 < armitage> anonleaks.cn sounds kinda awesome<br />

13:36 anonleaks.cn<br />

13:36 < armitage> meh :(<br />

UnAvailable<br />

13:36 < armitage> someone was faster<br />

13:37 no<br />

13:37 anonleaks.cn is not registered<br />

13:37 does china<br />

13:37 even allow<br />

13:37 tlds to be regged?<br />


13:37 < armitage> ye but available thru heihachi?<br />

13:37 http://whois.domaintools.<strong>com</strong>/anonleaks.cn<br />

13:37 not on second elvel?<br />

13:37 < armitage> anonleaks.bla.cn would still be fine<br />

13:38 http://qq.cn/<br />

13:38 lemme check another chinese bulletproof prob<br />

13:38 so yeah<br />

13:38 tom from heihachi said that they can reg .cns<br />

13:38 per request<br />

13:38 and apparantly truly bulletproof<br />

13:39 < armitage> i like it... and even if we have to go to third level.<br />

13:39 want me to reg it through my account there?<br />

13:40 * Avunit is ready to send a request to heihachi.<br />

13:40 < armitage> well. it's either that... or we use the funds for 2 cheaper domains (which will<br />

possibly be pulled) and a vps.<br />

13:41 < armitage> well let'S wait a sec and coordinate this so we're all on the same side<br />

13:41 its wasted money on non bulletproof<br />

13:41 < armitage> 15 minutes dont make a difference now<br />

13:41 < armitage> yea<br />

13:41 < armitage> but i hoped to get one more VPS, to use as our own<br />

13:41 < armitage> NS<br />

13:41 < armitage> but i only have €65<br />

13:41 I'll ask them if they can give me an offer<br />

13:41 for .cn with whois protection.<br />

13:42 k?<br />

13:42 < armitage> throw in a vps for one months, for $5? :)<br />

13:42 < armitage> ask for that :)<br />

13:42 < armitage> but wait<br />

13:42 < armitage> tflow is in <strong>com</strong>ms with them<br />

13:42 < armitage> lets not fubar this<br />

13:42 we should try to get .ru back too<br />

13:42 gotta auction on that then :/<br />

13:43 Okay here's my suggestion<br />

13:43 Main problem is the domain at this moment<br />

13:43 Request a .cn @ heihachi with whois protection<br />

13:43 and then raise funds<br />

13:43 for the server infrastructure<br />

13:43 and handle .ru<br />

13:44 < armitage> i think thats a good plan. i may fund another vps in the next days.<br />

13:44 I can handle setting up and whatever again<br />

13:44 since thats not public<br />

13:44 so i suppose it wont matter if i keep doing that atleast for now<br />

13:45 < armitage> Avunit, are you absolutely sure tackle/triumph dont log? they tell me my last login<br />

IP etc<br />

13:46 oh they do that yes<br />

13:46 standard linux motd<br />

13:46 lulz<br />

13:46 can change that easily<br />

13:46 < armitage> where was that stored?<br />


13:46 and obviously it has auth.log<br />

13:46 < armitage> i mean its only vpn .. but still<br />

13:46 otherwise i cant see login attempts either<br />

13:46 < armitage> k<br />

13:46 its in /var/log/auth.log<br />

13:46 < armitage> can you /dev/null that?<br />

13:47 Means i cant blacklist bruteforces.<br />

13:47 < armitage> i dont have root.<br />

13:48 if you really want to have that gone ill look into it<br />

13:48 but we got a lil bit more pressnig matters<br />

13:49 < armitage> just remove and ln -s to /dev/null .. adn yea, not that urgent<br />

13:50 tflow; status?<br />

13:51 on what?<br />

13:51 Tom Meier | Support<br />

13:51 Staff 16/02/2011 19:51<br />

13:51 Hello,<br />

13:51 as "full bullet proof domains" we can only offer:<br />

13:51 .<strong>com</strong><br />

13:51 .net<br />

13:51 .org<br />

13:51 .cc<br />

13:51 .tv<br />

13:51 .name<br />

13:51 .info<br />

13:51 .mobi<br />

13:51 .biz<br />

13:51 .asia<br />

13:51 Looks like we also can't register it at eNom.<br />

13:51 Mit freundlichen Gruessen,<br />

13:51 Tom Meier<br />

13:51 ohhhhh<br />

13:51 LOL<br />

13:51 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triumph.operationfreedom.ru quits: armitage<br />

13:51 when he said china<br />

13:51 he meant<br />

13:51 IN CHINA<br />

13:51 not .cn<br />

13:51 -.-"<br />

13:51 all those bulletproofs kinda suck :P<br />

13:52 which countries do you trust?<br />

13:53 ungh<br />

13:53 HATREEEED!<br />

13:54 .sg? .tw? .in? .jp?<br />

13:54 also: operationfreedomru domains are dead -- bad for our irc<br />

13:54 mh<br />

13:54 .sg .tw<br />

13:54 .cx?<br />

13:54 probably the better ones<br />

13:54 .ki?<br />


13:54 .cx more<br />

13:54 .cc ?<br />

13:54 .nu?<br />

13:54 what about that<br />

13:55 the rootkit dump is on .cc<br />

13:55 was never pulled<br />

13:55 also available<br />

13:55 .tl<br />

13:55 .cc is something we should keep in mind<br />

13:55 .mn<br />

13:55 .la<br />

13:55 .tm?<br />

13:56 .cx hosted goatse<br />

13:56 and then they kicked them off<br />

13:56 because it was too gross lol<br />

13:56 .cc hosts the rootkit.<strong>com</strong> mysql dump<br />

13:56 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.CC $18.99<br />

13:56 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.CX $45.49<br />

13:56 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.IN $18.46<br />

13:56 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.KI $1,299.48<br />

13:56 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.LA $40.30<br />

13:56 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.MN $57.20<br />

13:56 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.NU $31.20<br />

13:56 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.SG $44.85<br />

13:56 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.TL $45.49<br />

13:56 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.TM $126.62<br />

13:56 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.TW $37.70<br />

13:56 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available ANONLEAKS.WS $14.81<br />

13:56 while the .<strong>com</strong> was was DMCAed, the cc wasnt<br />

13:56 and 18.99 is good<br />

13:56 .ki anyone?<br />

13:57 worth a shot imo<br />

13:57 18:56 Please wait... Checking if TLD is available IANONLEAKS.KI<br />

I$1,299.48 I<br />

13:57 what the hell<br />

13:57 lol<br />

13:57 LETS TAKE THAT!<br />

13:57 lulz<br />

13:57 or .tm<br />

13:57 .in is doable too though<br />

13:58 blegh wait, old british colony stuff<br />

13:58 tflow?<br />

13:58 .cc + .in<br />

13:58 cheap options<br />

13:58 .cn well....<br />

13:58 would be the luxury option<br />

13:58 .ws is cheaper :p<br />

13:59 but eat all our monexy<br />

13:59 wait<br />


13:59 what the fuck<br />

13:59 .in<br />

13:59 which registrar though?<br />

13:59 just got registered?<br />

13:59 it's all about the registrar<br />

13:59 heihachi i think<br />

13:59 via heihachi<br />

13:59 moniker<br />

13:59 heard good things about em<br />

13:59 do they <strong>com</strong>ply with dmca?<br />

14:00 as far as i hear they dont pull stuff offline<br />

14:00 unless its child pr0n<br />

14:00 anti-dmca.<strong>com</strong> is registered with them too :P<br />

14:00 xD<br />

14:02 ive no idea about their payment options tho<br />

14:02 Avunit: hm where are you looking?<br />

14:02 moniker.<strong>com</strong><br />

14:02 [19:59:48] moniker<br />

14:02 [19:59:54] heard good things about em<br />

14:02 [19:59:57] do they <strong>com</strong>ply with dmca?<br />

14:02 [20:00:07] as far as i hear they dont pull stuff offline<br />

14:02 [20:00:10] unless its child pr0n<br />

14:02 [20:00:52] anti-dmca.<strong>com</strong> is registered with them too :P<br />

14:02 [20:00:53] xD<br />

14:02 [20:02:23] ive no idea about their payment options tho<br />

14:03 can only pay with paypal or creditcard tho<br />

14:03 >.<<br />

14:03 Pay using credit card on file<br />

14:03 Pay using a new credit card<br />

14:03 Pay with PayPal<br />

14:03 :/<br />

14:04 yarr<br />

14:04 there's a way to convert paysafe into CC<br />

14:04 but meh<br />

14:04 thats .. sub-par i think<br />

14:04 costs money tpoo<br />

14:04 sec trying other host<br />

14:05 what happened to triumph?<br />

14:05 it 'died'?<br />

14:05 it went away at least<br />

14:05 .CN domain name registrants are required to submit the following documents for<br />

verification before the domain name can be registered.<br />

14:05 1. .CN Domain Application Form signed by authorized person and with <strong>com</strong>pany,s<br />

stamp. The Application Form can be downloaded here.<br />

14:05 2. Company Business License/Certificate (clear photocopy)<br />

14:05 3. Registrant contact person,s Identity Card (clear photocopy of both front & back<br />

side)<br />

14:05 <br />

14:05 * Avunit sticks to .cc<br />


14:05 uhm, i dont think not if you do it via heihachi<br />

14:06 they will use their name or something<br />

14:06 or not?<br />

14:06 no you need to supply that<br />

14:06 but heihachi doesnt allow .cn<br />

14:06 oh heh okay<br />

14:06 i thought tflow got an offer?<br />

14:06 was it $60 or €60?<br />

14:06 it was on request<br />

14:07 no<br />

14:07 [18:51:25] Tom Meier | Support<br />

14:07 [18:51:25] Staff 16/02/2011 19:51<br />

14:07 [18:51:25] Hello,<br />

14:07 [18:51:25] as "full bullet proof domains" we can only offer:<br />

14:07 [18:51:25] .<strong>com</strong><br />

14:07 [18:51:25] .net<br />

14:07 [18:51:25] .org<br />

14:07 [18:51:25] .cc<br />

14:07 [18:51:25] .tv<br />

14:07 [18:51:25] .name<br />

14:07 [18:51:25] .info<br />

14:07 [18:51:25] .mobi<br />

14:07 [18:51:25] .biz<br />

14:07 [18:51:25] .asia<br />

14:07 [18:51:25] Looks like we also can't register it at eNom.<br />

14:07 [18:51:25] Mit freundlichen Gruessen,<br />

14:07 [18:51:25] Tom Meier<br />

14:07 [18:51:34] ohhhhh<br />

14:07 [18:51:37] LOL<br />

14:07 [18:51:40] when he said china<br />

14:07 [18:51:42] he meant<br />

14:07 [18:51:42] * armitage (armitage@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org) Quit<br />

(trust.operationfreedom.ru triumph.operationfreedom.ru)<br />

14:07 [18:51:44] IN CHINA<br />

14:07 [18:51:46] not .cn<br />

14:07 .cc<br />

14:07 still my favorite then<br />

14:07 and lexi tries a .ch?<br />

14:08 katz doesn't have ch<br />

14:08 also we haz money left for 1-2 VPS<br />

14:08 ah damn<br />

14:08 and godaddy?<br />

14:10 godaddy = dmca ofc<br />

14:10 k<br />

14:10 .cc 1 E 40.00 EUR E 40.00 EUR E 40.00 EUR<br />

14:10 @ heihachi<br />

14:10 40? unf.. mhh.<br />

14:11 well still, 40 + 1 VPS<br />

14:11 in 1 E 25.00 EUR E 25.00 EUR E 25.00 EUR<br />


14:11 hmm<br />

14:11 Avunit, what happened to triumph?<br />

14:11 .in worked well for anonops so far?<br />

14:11 probably same as before<br />

14:11 err probably network issues<br />

14:11 was gone for about an hour or so<br />

14:11 times out<br />

14:12 I would PayPal you money if my PayPal didn't contain my actual dox<br />

14:12 :p<br />

14:12 well<br />

14:12 heihachi takes paysafe<br />

14:12 Okay let me just throw in a vote, .cc or .in?<br />

14:12 so no problem there<br />

14:13 .in obv...<br />

14:13 .in<br />

14:13 or?<br />

14:13 i mean.. i dont think its a difference<br />

14:13 .cc is more expensive cause it'S cooler<br />

14:13 btw<br />

14:13 i guess<br />

14:13 Avunit, we managed to contact the owner of anonleaks.org<br />

14:13 lexi can transfer the domain to prq<br />

14:13 really he will borrow it to us?<br />

14:13 that'S awesome<br />

14:13 dunno yet<br />

14:14 if so... then they are finally right<br />

14:14 haven't asked yet<br />

14:14 but just in contact<br />

14:14 ok we'll see.<br />

14:14 tflow; i got clearance to register anonleaks.in?<br />

14:14 Avunit: @ which registrar?<br />

14:14 but how about, we take anonleaks.in + 2 VPS for nameserver<br />

14:14 heihachi<br />

14:14 maybe for another irc leaf too :)<br />

14:14 Avunit: also, we need new domains for this irc<br />

14:14 Avunit: via eNom or their bulletproof thingy?<br />

14:14 their standard service<br />

14:15 marduk: can simply set an irc.anonleaks.in domani on that<br />

14:15 ok i'd say go ahead<br />

14:16 Avunit: yeah like that<br />

14:16 okay, i say we go for .in now<br />

14:16 any particular reason for .in though?<br />

14:16 .ru is gone<br />

14:16 cheapest<br />

14:16 €25<br />

14:16 so we have money left for VPS<br />

14:16 ah<br />

14:16 to run NS and possibly ircds<br />

14:16 what about .me?<br />


14:16 15 euros<br />

14:16 AnonLeaks Me<br />

14:16 oh lawd<br />

14:16 is it?<br />

14:17 sec lemmer ead about<br />

14:17 lol<br />

14:17 .me<br />

14:17 actually<br />

14:17 sounds good<br />

14:17 Yugoslavia ^.^<br />

14:18 well Serbia now mainly<br />

14:18 but anonleaks.me might have a bad ring to it lol<br />

14:18 and it'S €15?<br />

14:18 well lets stick to .in then?<br />

14:18 fine with me. we have enough for that<br />

14:18 also order another vps<br />

14:18 for NS<br />

14:19 the rest of the funds i keep.. for .. whatever<br />

14:19 i got clearance to order?<br />

14:19 anonleaks.in (25€) + VPS (17?)<br />

14:19 please a VPS which is not on same rack as vlad/tacke lulz<br />

14:19 methinks we should buy proper dns<br />

14:20 how much is a "proper dns" which also is secure?<br />

14:20 Avunit: order domain only for now<br />

14:20 or actually.. i guess all we really need is a few primary dns servers + some secondary<br />

14:20 we can add VPS later anyway, if we need to<br />

14:20 well<br />

14:20 but all domains are dead<br />

14:20 we need nameservers<br />

14:20 we need one asap<br />

14:20 so far we have tackle<br />

14:21 we got any other nameservers ready?<br />

14:21 that why i suggested taking at least one more VPS<br />

14:21 just as backup<br />

14:21 we can still hunt for proper dns<br />

14:21 .in sounds proper to me?<br />

14:22 uhm didnt you say it just got regged btw?<br />

14:23 probably fail @ the javascript check<br />

14:23 ah k<br />

14:23 because i just got a big fat green 'its free!'<br />

14:23 well, yes. get the domain<br />

14:23 only domain or vps too?<br />

14:23 tflow: what you think? one more heihachi VPS?<br />

14:23 we only have tackle atm as a nameserver ready thing<br />

14:23 that was €17?/m?<br />

14:23 erhm lemme check<br />

14:23 ok, so what's the budget?<br />

14:24 how much do we have to burn/<br />

14:24 for heihachi or rather paysafe i can fund €65<br />


14:24 obv.. i dont wanna spend all right now<br />

14:24 domain is €25<br />

14:24 11 for cheapest vps<br />

14:25 for NS that should be fine<br />

14:25 no ircd there<br />

14:25 just NS?<br />

14:25 ircd could run on it too even, but good enough for just NS yes<br />

14:25 then i say get domain and a chapass vps<br />

14:26 Domain (25) + vps (11) and then do fundraising?<br />

14:26 is there still money left on the account?<br />

14:26 5<br />

14:26 yeah i have funds now<br />

14:26 excellect<br />

14:26 then i give you 30<br />

14:26 arh damn<br />

14:27 that wont make it :P<br />

14:27 lol, €1 missing<br />

14:27 well 40 then.<br />

14:27 leaves me with 25€<br />

14:32 -!- marduk is now known as armitage<br />

14:32 -!- armitage is now known as bla<br />

14:32 -!- bla is now known as armitage<br />

14:32 -!- armitage [marduk@eridu.sumer] has quit [Changing ident]<br />

14:32 -!- armitage [armitage@eridu.sumer] has joined #hq<br />

14:32 -!- ServerMode/#hq [+ao armitage armitage] by isla.operationfreedom.ru<br />

14:32 -!- armitage [armitage@eridu.sumer] has quit [Changing host]<br />

14:32 -!- armitage [armitage@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org] has joined #hq<br />

14:32 -!- ServerMode/#hq [+ao armitage armitage] by isla.operationfreedom.ru<br />

14:36 btw<br />

14:36 we really need to focus on getting .ru back<br />

14:36 cup of tea brb<br />

14:37 tflow: yes, how?<br />

14:37 tflow: i ordered .in and we'll have 2 nameservers, lets do some fundraising?<br />

14:37 what the fuck happened anyway?<br />

14:37 so we can auction .ru (wont be expensive) and get the infrastructure done<br />

14:37 5 secs brb<br />

14:37 well how did it went in aution?<br />

14:38 how do we get .ru back?<br />

14:38 if we have to auction it back every week, that's not the idea i had in mind heh<br />

14:38 http://auction.nic.ru/en/<br />

14:38 anonleaks isn't even there yet<br />

14:41 well.. we kinda should find out what happened first, no?<br />

14:41 armitage<br />

14:41 wasnt it paid? did it expire?<br />

14:41 we know.<br />

14:41 atleast<br />

14:41 oh?<br />

14:41 we sort of know<br />

14:41 but<br />


14:41 we got no official statement<br />

14:41 so what do we think?<br />

14:41 untill then it wont be on auction either<br />

14:43 http://nic.ru/dns/domain/en/rf.html<br />

14:43 wtf is that lol<br />

14:44 http://кц.рф/en/<br />

14:44 cyrillic<br />

14:44 there are arabic domains too<br />

14:44 pretty confusing<br />

14:44 xn--foo<br />

14:45 just had connection to triumph..<br />

14:45 cyrillic .ru<br />

14:45 for a second<br />

14:45 lol<br />

14:45 now no route<br />

14:45 anonleaks.su ?<br />

14:45 Gelesen & Bearbeitung geplant<br />

14:45 well they read it :p<br />

14:45 hmm.<br />

14:46 probably not until tomorrow :/<br />

14:47 tflow: you leeching the tarball for seeding?<br />

14:48 no route to host maximum powah<br />

14:49 http://hbgary.anonleaks.ru/aaron_hbgary_<strong>com</strong>/<br />

14:49 works again :o<br />

14:49 something is a bit weird<br />

15:11 * Avunit waits<br />

15:12 * armitage waits along<br />

15:13 f5f5f5<br />

15:13 http://hbgary.leakmirror.org/<br />

15:14 :P<br />

15:16 In Progress<br />

15:16 ^<br />

15:16 we're making progress<br />

15:17 yay<br />

15:17 and we have working mirror again. and the avunit is back!<br />

15:17 * armitage feels much better this evening<br />

15:22 cant reach<br />

15:22 heihachi.net T__________T<br />

15:23 brb<br />

15:57 -!- marduk [marduk@eridu.sumer] has joined #hq<br />

15:59 < marduk> !aop add molly<br />

15:59 < marduk> wat?<br />

15:59 < marduk> !deop del molly<br />

16:02 deop del molly?<br />

16:02 lulz?<br />

16:02 < marduk> yeh meh, wrong chan<br />

16:02 < marduk> doesnt matter<br />

16:02 < marduk> wasnt regged anyway<br />

16:03 iz molly<br />


16:03 ur girlfriend?<br />

16:03 < marduk> kinda :)<br />

16:03 < marduk> the nick i use on triumph for anonops<br />

16:04 < marduk> tackle=armitage, triumph=molly<br />

16:04 lol<br />

16:05 < marduk> hmm tflow<br />

16:05 GUIS GUIS GUIS<br />

16:05 [22:02:39] Backing up databases<br />

16:05 we got backup of databases<br />

16:05 :I<br />

16:05 < marduk> triumph is up. and anonleaks.ru is up, too<br />

16:06 < marduk> doesnt it always backup? :o<br />

16:06 < marduk> ah right<br />

16:06 < marduk> hmm i think i make it easier for all<br />

16:06 -!- marduk is now known as molly<br />

16:06 yeah lol :P<br />

16:06 it does<br />

16:07 like well every X hours<br />

16:07 < molly> so.. that wasn't really important :p<br />

16:07 not at all, tbh.<br />

16:08 < molly> kk :)<br />

16:11 < molly> tflow, can you add molly (y/anone) to #reporter AOP? owen that meany set that to level<br />

11 :p<br />

16:12 < molly> i want to keep two nick groups for .. ease of maintainance<br />

16:12 ^<br />

16:12 he's pretending to be a girl<br />

16:12 on this nick.<br />

16:12 Don't fall for ti.<br />

16:12 < molly> hey, that always works<br />

16:12 < molly> even if ppl know i'm a guy. girlish nicks give an edge<br />

16:13 < molly> especially if i make sad smileys :(<br />

16:13 :3 works better<br />

16:13 < molly> :)<br />

16:16 -!- molly [marduk@eridu.sumer] has quit [Changing ident]<br />

16:16 -!- molly [millions@eridu.sumer] has joined #hq<br />

16:16 -!- molly [millions@eridu.sumer] has quit [Changing host]<br />

16:16 -!- molly [millions@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org] has joined #hq<br />

16:19 Avunit<br />

16:20 is it possible that the account is just locked<br />

16:20 not deleted<br />

16:20 for anonleaks.r<br />

16:20 .ru<br />

16:20 maybe you need to contact them<br />

16:20 nah<br />

16:20 the account is still there<br />

16:20 just the domains are removed from it<br />

16:20 and ownership transferred<br />

16:21 ownership transferred to who?<br />

16:21 nic.ru?<br />


16:21 ANO "Regional Network Information Center"<br />

16:21 aka nic<br />

16:21 didn't they at least email you?<br />

16:21 < molly> it's all a bit strange..<br />

16:22 well i got an e-mail<br />

16:22 that<br />

16:22 ownership was transferred<br />

16:22 .<br />

16:22 and thats an automated one :P<br />

16:23 < molly> hmm.<br />

16:23 lemme check now<br />

16:23 plz contact them<br />

16:23 Contacts<br />

16:23 Telephone:+7 (495) 994-46-01, +7 (495) 737-06-01<br />

16:23 Fax: +7 (495) 737-06-02<br />

16:23 Working hours: 9:00-19:00 MSK (Monday-Friday)<br />

16:23 E-mail addresses:<br />

16:23 ru-ncc@nic.ru — .RU, .РФ, .SU, .NET.RU, .ORG.RU, .PP.RU, .COM.RU domain<br />

names<br />

16:23 tld-ncc@nic.ru — .NET, .COM, .ORG, .BIZ, .INFO, .CC, .TV, .ME domain names<br />

16:23 ru-cont@nic.ru — information regarding conclusion of the Service Agreement<br />

16:23 ru-bill@nic.ru — information regarding billing procedures<br />

16:23 support@nic.ru — technical support of additional services<br />

16:26 Dear Sirs,<br />

16:26 The domain ANONLEAKS.COM Administrator (Owner) has been changed.<br />

16:26 Previous Administrator:<br />

16:26 David Gottlieb<br />

16:26 New Administrator:<br />

16:26 ANO "Regional Network Information Center"<br />

16:26 Service renewal will be possible in at least one day.<br />

16:26 we all know thatll be useless tflow, since they are probably right<br />

16:26 and it wont quite help us if i go poke on that identity about it<br />

16:28 it's worth a shot...<br />

16:28 lexi is willing to use his identity temporarily<br />

16:29 plus it doesn't show in the whois anyway<br />

16:29 no bu ti mean<br />

16:29 if its about yknow illegal registrants n shit<br />

16:29 being the fraud person<br />

16:29 doesnt qutie help then :P<br />

16:29 well<br />

16:30 you could at least ask them why they did it first<br />

16:30 *obviously*<br />

16:30 Do I look like that's not the first thing I did? :P<br />

16:31 oh payment processing at heihachi is done<br />

16:31 awaiting activation of services now<br />

16:33 whee<br />

16:34 !aop add molly<br />

16:34 -!- mode/#hq [+o molly] by HQBot<br />

16:50 !aop add nessuno<br />


16:50 !invite nessuno<br />

16:50 !isla.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited Nessuno into the channel<br />

16:50 -HQBot:#hq- Nessuno was invited to the channel.<br />

16:52 -!- Nessuno [fag@fagz.fagz] has joined #hq<br />

16:52 -!- mode/#hq [+o Nessuno] by HQBot<br />

16:52 yay<br />

16:52 ty<br />

17:19 av can you tell me isla, triangle, twisted IPs?<br />

17:21 btw what happened with the opfreedom domain, same as with anonleaks.ru?<br />

19:02 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @armitage,<br />

@Nessuno, @tflow<br />

21:37 Topiary, Sabu btw<br />

21:37 woah<br />

21:37 fakegregghoush<br />

21:37 twitter<br />

21:37 Hmm, yes<br />

21:37 that is @dstufft<br />

21:37 it is<br />

21:37 yep<br />

21:37 gregg told me :p<br />

21:37 Gregg told me quite some time ago, heh<br />

21:38 though considering we've had a Skype conference open with a few others since<br />

November, information is spread quick<br />

21:38 yeah well, i usually ignore trolls so i wouldnt care<br />

21:38 just that one caught my attention. although av said we should drop it<br />

21:39 there are a number of trolls going right now, he's just trying to rile up attention from<br />

AnonymousIRC desperately<br />

21:39 I wouldn't respond<br />

21:39 I only respond to him on mine to poke fun, troll, or act neutral<br />

21:39 that's the best way to piss trolls off<br />

21:40 i did now once.<br />

21:40 i'm in the mood.<br />

21:40 also.. it's relatively riskless<br />

21:41 on the side of HBGary you will get buried :)<br />

21:43 link him to an image with a bit URL of "I ain't even mad"<br />

21:43 I've done it with "feels good man"<br />

21:44 http://bit.ly/e3rd3E<br />

21:44 here<br />

21:44 that's rather your style. i used a bit induced rage with a tiny amount of doubt about<br />

his information<br />

21:45 damn, but that would be thewins<br />

21:45 why don't you reply then :p<br />

21:45 i already did reply once.. second one is lame on my end<br />

21:45 because I already sent him a bit URL of "feels good man"<br />

21:45 if you send him that one I just linked<br />

21:46 ahh<br />

21:46 ok<br />

21:46 he will be royally pissed<br />

21:46 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/atopiary/status/38061524723576832<br />


21:46 any ac<strong>com</strong>pying text?<br />

21:46 Just @him http://bit.ly/e3rd3E<br />

21:46 it will be the lulz<br />

21:47 ah he replied, okay then<br />

21:47 :)<br />

21:47 heh, thought you noticed<br />

21:47 my twitterfall is slow :)<br />

21:48 scanning hbgary and anonleaks<br />

21:48 plus my timeline<br />

21:49 that's hilarious though, I love using twitter to send shortened URLs of reaction<br />

images<br />

21:50 it shuts arguments down in seconds<br />

21:52 but now enough of this.<br />

21:52 more relevant tweets! :p<br />

21:53 it was ./ed again<br />

21:53 http://it.slashdot.org/story/11/02/17/0041208/Anatomy-of-the-HBGary-Hack?<br />

from=rss<br />

22:03 sorry got disconnected<br />

22:03 after my url<br />

22:06 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/hypeonmedia<br />

22:06 aaron?<br />

22:06 :p<br />

22:06 hm rather one of the trolls<br />

22:06 i see he follows dstufft and jester<br />

22:07 actually<br />

22:08 mm<br />

22:28 Jester follows HBGaryPR and dstufft<br />

22:28 http://cryptome.org/0003/anon-surpass-wl.htm<br />

22:28 hmm<br />

22:29 hmm regarding jester(<br />

22:29 him and his faggots have gone really quiet<br />

22:30 the main dude that trolls has been offline since the superbowl<br />

22:30 funny timing heh<br />

22:30 hmm<br />

22:30 you know that aaron wanted to expose us<br />

22:30 fits well together with jesters stuff actually<br />

22:31 plus their research is about similar crap<br />

22:36 and didn't they both have military involvement?<br />

22:40 yes<br />

22:42 If Jester is Barr I will laugh so hard<br />

22:43 oh lawd, should have tried logging into Jester's twitter with Aaron's pass<br />

22:43 nah. i dont think so<br />

22:43 but barr may be well related to RJackSix<br />

22:44 i dont think that barr would ddos jihad sites and tweet about it<br />

22:44 i really doubt that<br />

22:45 seems suspicious that most of Jester's main followers (@tyrkoil for example) have<br />

shut <strong>com</strong>pletely up<br />

22:46 we should spai on Jester's IRC channel<br />

22:46 uh not me<br />


22:46 i had enough of this crap<br />

22:46 also.. no relevant info will be exchanged threr<br />

22:46 I'll just boot up a separate mIRC and lurk in there<br />

22:46 if at all, then misonformation<br />

22:48 and i still dont get what this fb dude wants<br />

22:49 I'm lurking in there now, I won't say anything but will relay any logs that mention<br />

us<br />

22:49 just to have extra knowledge<br />

22:51 i find this guy highly suspicious<br />

23:26 [04:13] #opclueless 11 users - Operation Clueless - Helping anons<br />

prosecuted by governments.<br />

23:27 actually there is an +s chan for that .. but well :)<br />

23:28 they're mainly talking about us<br />

23:28 nothing of note yet<br />

23:28 meh <strong>com</strong>ing.<br />

23:29 hmm what identity....<br />

23:29 *that* one<br />

23:31 I'm totally joining under Topiary on a separate VPN<br />

23:31 and just gonna see if they know who I am<br />

23:31 for lulz<br />

23:31 heh<br />

23:31 [04:31] * Topiary (~topiary@ has joined #jester<br />

23:32 two clones in there, one VPN on CZ, one non-VPN on mIRC<br />

23:32 well not really clones in that case<br />

23:32 but you know<br />

23:35 another thing<br />

23:35 which always had me wondering<br />

23:36 in one of aarons anonymous docs<br />

23:36 he has one of my exit nodes<br />

23:36 which is quite interesting<br />

23:36 because here they wouldnt show<br />

23:36 unless they cracked the hash...<br />

23:36 but on 2600.net they do show...<br />

23:36 and i was there unmasked as q<br />

23:36 when i talked to rjsix<br />

23:42 Are you in there?<br />

23:42 sure :p<br />

23:46 hi<br />

23:46 Hi Laurelai<br />

23:46 [04:46:26] well, i might risk of getting banned but i am really<br />

kinda curious, didnt jester want to bring down anonymous and now.. it uh, somehow they took down<br />

one of the players in his turf? what happened there?<br />

23:46 is this you q?<br />

23:47 Laurelai: http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/Narganon/status/38074247070875648<br />

23:47 this man/woman is "going after" you after he's done with "going after" me<br />

23:47 * Topiary shrugs<br />

23:47 yep of course<br />

23:48 who else could i be, bobody else joined and stayed<br />

23:48 excpet chatterbox<br />


23:48 Topiary: what<br />

23:48 he's talking about finding us IRL I believe<br />

23:48 what the hell have i ever done to this guy<br />

23:50 you exist and he's bored<br />

23:50 that's all there is to it<br />

23:50 well i wish him good luck heh<br />

23:50 because I don't know him either<br />

23:50 well actually there are about 6 different accounts on twitter tweeting about me<br />

23:50 three are trying to dox me, one is constantly telling the media that I'm the leader of<br />

Anonymous, another is just spouting general hate, and the final one is urging people to dox Anons<br />

including me<br />

23:51 is February when trolls get bored the most?<br />

23:51 lol<br />

23:51 is it something in the air?<br />

23:51 nice tag team<br />

23:51 it's probably a cia psyops<br />

23:51 would be adequate regarding quality<br />

23:55 and im not exactly hiding who i am<br />

23:56 if he wants to <strong>com</strong>e to my house and make an issue hes more than wel<strong>com</strong>e to<br />

meet both barrels of my home security system :)<br />

--- Day changed Thu Feb 17 2011<br />

00:01 Topiary: hm<br />

00:01 I don't know what I'm doing in the chan<br />

00:01 chance to get som intel on that dstufft+xy?<br />

00:01 you're doing great :p<br />

00:01 I know exactly who dstufft is<br />

00:02 I have all their dox<br />

00:02 It's six people<br />

00:02 oh those six?<br />

00:02 It's the same six from chanology - apparently they have something planned for this<br />

Saturday (19th)<br />

00:02 Most likely a drop of what they think is dox.<br />

00:03 yawns. i wonder who i am this time, or likely they will neglect me.<br />

00:05 Topiary: see -staff<br />

00:06 I really don't trust the new dude in there<br />

00:06 so<br />

00:06 its the people from chanology doing this??<br />

00:07 Laurelai: it's the six fags lead by Jennifer Emick<br />


00:07 I KNOW THAT CUNT<br />

00:08 oh forgot you're also here<br />

00:08 :)<br />

00:08 molly: I'm going to make everyone in #jester love me so hard<br />

00:08 look at that motherfucking respect I'm getting already<br />

00:08 dumb motherfuckers<br />

00:08 interesting strategy :)<br />

00:09 encyclopediadramatica.<strong>com</strong>/Jennifer_Emick<br />

00:10 .oO<br />

00:10 what did i get into here<br />


00:10 if that bitch is behind this<br />

00:11 then i got some friends who might be willing to help<br />

00:12 I don't know her exact new address after she moved<br />

00:13 if we bring her down, the whole group will fail<br />

00:15 http://pipl.<strong>com</strong>/directory/people/Jennifer/Emick<br />

00:15 Jennifer Emick, Age 39, 4121 Wakefield Loop, Fremont, CA...<br />

00:19 Topiary: 05:17 < anon1101> btw, let me be clear that I'm not Narganon.. just trying<br />

to be helpful.<br />

00:19 #reporter<br />

00:19 wut?<br />

00:19 http://piratepad.net/V6UQH9WSXu<br />

00:34 i'll need sleep :)<br />

00:56 Topiary:<br />

04:15 Topiary: they arent behind it<br />

04:15 at all<br />

04:16 you got PA'ed<br />

04:16 and i think i know by who<br />

05:10 -!- Irssi: #hq: Total of 6 nicks [3 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 3 normal]<br />

08:18 anyone awake<br />

08:37 hi<br />

08:37 just woke up<br />

08:39 mhh<br />

08:39 what happened?<br />

08:51 molly<br />

08:51 that piratepad<br />

08:51 is full of info for people who had nothing to do with anything<br />

08:51 you all have been PA'ed<br />

08:52 uhm i had not to do anything with that pad<br />

08:52 i wasnt claiming you did<br />

08:52 plus, i was not bothered by these people either<br />

08:52 im just informing everyone<br />

08:52 yup, that would be for Topiary<br />

08:52 that something alot more sinister is going on<br />

08:52 hm?<br />

08:53 does anyone know what<br />

08:53 i dont think dstufft and co are a problem<br />

08:53 marblecake means<br />

08:53 you mean what we did with HBGary?<br />

08:53 c0s told HBgary my infos<br />

08:54 c0s? why would he do that?<br />

08:54 and has been after my info for the past week<br />

08:54 because<br />

08:54 hes gregg houshe<br />

08:54 i know.. and?<br />

08:54 and hes one of those people who thinks he can control anonymous<br />

08:54 you dont know do you<br />

08:54 gods blood you dont know<br />

08:55 that strikes me as most strange; i talked to him a couple of times<br />

08:55 he did not see to want to control anything<br />


08:55 yes hes very manipulative<br />

08:56 cause i jsut talked to jen on the phone<br />

08:56 and SP on skype<br />

08:56 and they have no idea whats going on<br />

08:56 and i know them<br />

08:56 they cant hack<br />

08:56 they dont know how<br />

08:57 they dont even care about anonops<br />

08:57 well, i still don't understand what is the goal of this thing?<br />

08:57 to get at me<br />

08:57 because<br />

08:57 mmh.<br />

08:57 lol he is pissed at me<br />

08:57 has been for years<br />

08:59 its all just a childish grudge<br />

08:59 well i dont know, i told him about dstufft and that we know his nick on anonnet;<br />

which he seemed to did not know<br />

08:59 well then if it's only that.. ignore the trolls?<br />

08:59 he runs a business with dstufft<br />

08:59 he does?<br />

08:59 yes<br />

08:59 dstufft is daemon<br />

08:59 he knows daemon<br />

08:59 i know he does<br />

08:59 mhh he says dstufft hates him; also usus an anti-gregghoush twitter now<br />

08:59 all for disguise?<br />

09:00 hmm didnt know that<br />

09:00 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/fakegregghoush<br />

09:00 this one is dstufft<br />

09:00 no<br />

09:00 according to gregg.<br />

09:00 lol<br />

09:00 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/dstufft<br />

09:01 thats dstufft<br />

09:01 gregg says they are the same. now why would he lie about that? this would be found<br />

out easily<br />

09:01 i dont know<br />

09:01 but i think<br />

09:01 we should take a stronger look at everything<br />

09:01 can you tell me how you know/thin that gregg passed you data along?<br />

09:01 oh yes, i already do that<br />

09:02 because jen told me over the phone<br />

09:02 i can move relatively safe cause none of the bastards has any idea who i am<br />

09:02 because she says people from anonops have been harrasing her<br />

09:02 ah okay.. mhh maybe it was some <strong>com</strong>m fuckup<br />

09:02 i will talk to gregg if the time is good; obviously not telling him what you said<br />

09:02 ok<br />

09:02 but see if i can get some info from him w/o saying aynthing more<br />

09:02 so we can see if it matches/checks out<br />


09:03 i mean yeah jens a little weird<br />

09:03 but shes harmless<br />

09:04 highoverlord<br />

09:04 hes a brain dammaged vet<br />

09:04 ive met him irl<br />

09:04 oh that chick we talked yesterday about<br />

09:04 the one on ED?<br />

09:04 yeah<br />

09:04 k<br />

09:04 highoverlord doesnt even know what time it is most of the time<br />

09:04 hes nice<br />

09:05 just has brain dammage<br />

09:05 well i don't know any of these ppl<br />

09:05 usually tayed away from such groups heh<br />

09:05 yeah<br />

09:05 they were all people who worked with me when i did stuff for chanology<br />

09:05 all of them<br />

09:05 but well, if some ppl know your dox anyway.. whats the pressure on you?<br />

09:06 there sint<br />

09:06 really<br />

09:06 i dont hide who i am<br />

09:06 but<br />

09:06 so it's only to annoy you?<br />

09:06 whats the goal?<br />

09:06 it just makes me think<br />

09:06 thats what i am trying to figure our<br />

09:06 what are they trying to ac<strong>com</strong>plish<br />

09:06 most likely: they think it annoys you, makes you panic/cry whatever<br />

09:06 lol<br />

09:06 typical trolls<br />

09:06 i post my name on my twitter<br />

09:06 and facebook<br />

09:07 lol?<br />

09:07 and i dont care<br />

09:07 lol<br />

09:07 okay<br />

09:07 didnt know you were that blatant :)<br />

09:07 im *not* anonymous<br />

09:07 im a reporter<br />

09:07 lol<br />

09:07 well, probably the best we can do is to ignore that stuff and dont waste any time on it<br />

09:08 and by the way YAAAAY for anonleaks.ch :)<br />

09:08 yeah but i know c0s<br />

09:08 ill try to find sth out via him<br />

09:08 i know if you ignore him he doesnt go away<br />

09:08 he just stabs you in the back<br />

09:08 he doesnt know me really, so this is a good think<br />

09:08 if he is what you say<br />

09:08 he would want to know more<br />


09:08 i throw him a piece of meat and see what happens<br />

09:08 ok<br />

09:08 :)<br />

09:09 Laurelai<br />

09:09 Gregg Housh is the one that told us that Jennifer Emick was @dstufft<br />

09:09 so hm vlad/tackle still down. or rather again; tflow popped up.<br />

09:10 so either he is outright lying there.. but that would be quite risky<br />

09:10 if it's wrong it will be detected soon and he lose cred<br />

09:10 or maybe he is simply wrong.<br />

09:10 Topiary: hes lying to you<br />

09:11 jen cant hack<br />

09:11 lol<br />

09:11 Topiary: hes using you<br />

09:11 lol<br />

09:11 he also notes that Jen and the fags sign onto Skype every time @fakegregghoush<br />

<strong>com</strong>es online on twitter<br />

09:11 Topiary<br />

09:11 all dstufft did was parsing public whois info. doesnt even have to be done himself;<br />

could have just been relayed info<br />

09:11 why do you think<br />

09:11 just sayinf<br />

09:11 all of those people<br />

09:11 are people i know<br />

09:12 sorry brb<br />

09:12 Topiary: highoverlord is a brain dammaged veteran<br />

09:12 jen<br />

09:12 jen just talks alot<br />

09:12 and is sometimes annoying<br />

09:12 SP<br />

09:12 Sp is just some paranoid brit who hates scientology<br />

09:12 reylt<br />

09:13 is borderline retarded<br />

09:13 Topiary: i talked to all of them they dont know whats going on<br />

09:13 but<br />

09:13 they know<br />

09:13 gregg keeps <strong>com</strong>ing after them<br />

09:14 because of the stuff they helped me with back in the day<br />

09:14 Topiary: do you know about marblecake<br />

09:14 not particularly<br />

09:15 gregg is the leader of a group who thinks they can control anonymous<br />

09:15 they are called marblecake<br />

09:15 All I know is of the IRC channel simply called #marblecake<br />

09:15 we discovered this during the early days of chanology<br />

09:15 back in chanology<br />

09:15 and exposed them<br />

09:15 and aftert hat<br />

09:15 that*<br />

09:16 he did everything in his power to drive us off/dox us ect..<br />

09:17 he will sell out anyone and everyone for personal gain too<br />


09:17 well sorry but lol<br />

09:17 "gregg is the leader of a group who thinks they can control anonymous"<br />

09:17 if he is, then just ignore him?<br />

09:17 obviously it's bullshit<br />

09:17 because he manipulates people<br />

09:17 look what he had Topiary ready to do<br />

09:17 to do what?<br />

09:17 hm what did he do?<br />

09:18 hes the one that told Topiary that jen and them were behind this crap<br />

09:18 so far nothing happened as far as i can tell<br />

09:18 when they werent<br />

09:18 well, obviously we dont know for sure yet who is behin who on twitter etc<br />

09:18 but the more i hear of this<br />

09:18 the more i realize how childish this is<br />

09:18 yeah<br />

09:18 Laurelai: I was a bit suspicious of how much he pushed the issue<br />

09:18 lol<br />

09:18 he seemed too aggressive with it<br />

09:18 and i have better stuff to do. however, i will try to SE gregg a bit<br />

09:19 but in any case, I don't give a shit about faggots versus faggots form chanology<br />

days<br />

09:19 so it can be whoever<br />

09:19 Topiary: thank you<br />

09:19 thats all i ask is you dont give a shit<br />

09:19 and lets all go back to raping iran<br />

09:19 * molly doesn't either. i am just a bit intrigued about Gregg now<br />

09:22 both sides are obviously pretty butthurt over banning each other on forums, trying<br />

to fuck with each other, then thinking their situation is so important (pretentious dicks, all of them) that<br />

they can drag all Anon operations into it<br />

09:22 I give no shit about their drama, herp derp IPs, herp derp dox, herp bans<br />

09:23 then there is some kind of <strong>com</strong>petition between anonnet and anonops?<br />

09:23 i never was on anonnet though<br />

09:24 molly: yeah i wasnt part of that either<br />

09:24 this goes back further<br />

09:24 * molly is newfag<br />

09:26 I was around back then, just not paying attention to arrogant faggots spouting shit<br />

at other arrogant faggots<br />

09:26 Topiary: was prolly a good idea<br />

09:26 in retrospect i should have done the same<br />

09:27 thats why i just write articles and give ideas<br />

09:27 TBH all of them are twats<br />

09:27 yep<br />

09:29 I trust Gregg in a sense; naturally I don't trust him about random things, but perhaps<br />

thought he wasn't bullshitting about the Jennifer thing<br />

09:29 doesn't make a different to me either way<br />

09:29 *difference<br />

09:29 wouldn't make a difference to me if you were secretly Jennifer Emick playing the<br />

double-troll<br />

09:29 really this shit affects nothing<br />


09:30 well lol<br />

09:30 im not<br />

09:30 my name actually is Laurelai<br />

09:30 "a pylon that moved up" as described on twitter by the trolls<br />

09:30 that's you<br />

09:30 and I am a, err,<br />

09:31 "pretentious twat hipster vag"<br />

09:31 or something along those lines.<br />

09:31 lol<br />

09:31 oh<br />

09:31 dude<br />

09:31 haha<br />

09:31 i dont think your a hipster<br />

09:31 :p<br />

09:32 they think I'm a hipster because they've seen an OKCupid profile of some faggot<br />

they think is me<br />

09:32 in fairness he's pretty hipster<br />

09:32 lol<br />

09:32 but hey, still a pretentious twat vag, 3/4 ain't bad<br />

09:32 lol<br />

09:33 you are ok by me<br />

09:33 if that means anything from a pylon<br />

09:33 :p<br />

09:33 I'm reminded of the movie Lucky Number Slevin<br />

09:34 ever seen it?<br />

09:35 nope<br />

09:35 shit, can't make my awesome analogy<br />

09:35 ill watch it tomorrow<br />

09:36 im gonna read the dalilammas twitter for a bit and go to bed<br />

09:37 enjoy<br />

09:53 Topiary:<br />

09:53 still around?<br />

12:08 -!- Topiary [topiary@do.the.impossible] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

12:16 -!- tflow [tflow@HA-9ch.ue7.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

12:32 ui wow<br />

12:32 wb tackle<br />

12:41 -!- armitage [armitage@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org] has joined #hq<br />

12:41 < armitage> yay<br />

13:21 !isla.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited Nessuno834 into the channel<br />

13:22 -!- Nessuno834 [nessuno@HA-6c4.s5e.qempvl.IP] has joined #hq<br />

13:22 -!- mode/#hq [+o Nessuno834] by HQBot<br />

13:26 -!- mode/#hq [+o tflow] by HQBot<br />

13:39 !isla.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited Topiary into the channel<br />

13:39 -!- Topiary [topiary@do.the.impossible] has joined #hq<br />

13:39 -!- mode/#hq [+o Topiary] by HQBot<br />

14:14 -!- molly [millions@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org] has quit [Quit: Changing server]<br />

14:17 -!- molly [millions@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org] has joined #hq<br />

14:17 -!- mode/#hq [+o molly] by HQBot<br />

14:17 J opfreedom<br />


14:38 Laurelai: anything new with this twittertroll thing?<br />

14:38 [19:35:56] Topiary: Gregg did you give Laurelai's information to HBGary?<br />

14:38 [19:36:11] Emily: Who is Laurelai<br />

14:38 [19:36:17] Emily: Other than a "transgendered bitch"<br />

14:39 [19:37:04] Gregg: no idea<br />

14:39 [19:37:10] Gregg: seems to just be some person on anonops?<br />

14:41 from anonnet?<br />

14:43 I've never been on anonnet.<br />

14:43 from where then?<br />

14:43 That's from Skype.<br />

14:43 ah<br />

14:48 laurelai you a trap<br />

14:49 -!- Nessuno834 is now known as Nessuno<br />

14:50 Heh, I don't trust any of these chanology "hurr Anon must be controlled" niggers<br />

14:50 all in the same boat, whether they're trying to dox us or trying to make us dox their<br />

opponents<br />

14:53 I know it's ironic but I think a brief encounter with fresh air might clear their<br />

retardation<br />

14:53 who topiary?<br />

14:54 anyone involved in chanology/marblecake/herpderp who pick at each other because<br />

they're butthurt over years of forum bans and petty arguments that change nothing<br />

14:55 it honestly does not go deeper than that<br />

14:57 I mean, if they all met up in a big room, it wouldn't be a scrap resulting in fatalities,<br />

it would be a series of awkward glances and having nothing to say or do<br />

14:57 Internets is srs bsns, and with that I am going to iron some clothes<br />

14:58 yup, thats why its best to ignore all this crap<br />

15:08 tflow, ?<br />

16:21 mhh Sabu so quiet....<br />

17:15 !aop add evey<br />

17:15 gnah<br />

17:16 < armitage> !aop add ivey<br />

17:16 < armitage> !aop addevey<br />

17:16 < armitage> !aop add evey<br />

17:16 !invite evey<br />

17:16 !isla.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited evey into the channel<br />

17:16 -HQBot:#hq- evey was invited to the channel.<br />

17:16 -!- evey [ouija@HA-b0c.smh.b454mb.IP] has joined #hq<br />

17:16 -!- mode/#hq [+o evey] by HQBot<br />

17:18 but yeah evey<br />

17:18 a domain would be good<br />

17:18 read the thing in the topic<br />

17:18 i need to get all the ips,sec<br />

17:18 !isla.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited kayla into the channel<br />

17:18 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has joined #hq<br />

17:18 -!- mode/#hq [+o kayla] by HQBot<br />

17:19 *hugs* :D<br />

17:19 hi kayla<br />

17:19 hey evey :D<br />

17:19 evey == lexi<br />


17:19 well.. sorta anyway<br />

17:19 :)<br />

17:19 ?<br />

17:21 ungf<br />

17:21 tflow, where do i find them<br />

17:21 i need isla, twisted and triangle IP<br />

17:21 kayla: I guess I'm a diff person that I was yesterday :)<br />

17:21 i only have tackle and triumpg<br />

17:22 tho triangle and twisted are missing :S<br />

17:22 evey, well can you add tackle and triumph for now?<br />

17:22 kk<br />

17:22 evey what do you mean?<br />

17:22 what IPs<br />

17:22 and what is the name of the A record<br />

17:22 tackle:<br />

17:22 triumph:<br />

17:23 is sabu here?<br />

17:23 haven't seen him talk today<br />

17:24 kayla: well I disappeared all records I could disappear easily of me on the internet... in<br />

a month or so I should be difficult to find on google<br />

17:24 the way I figure it<br />

17:24 my life is now about doing internet activism<br />

17:24 so I don't need a linkedin anymore<br />

17:24 which reminds me<br />

17:25 My life is about eating cake<br />

17:25 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/hypeonmedia

17:28 irc admins<br />

17:28 lol<br />

17:28 yeah.. but we're still waiting<br />

17:28 for our Ladas<br />

17:28 You've never been in the Topiarymobile?<br />

17:29 <strong>com</strong>pany cars are black vans. they may <strong>com</strong>e unexpected..<br />

17:29 no I don't exist in RL so.. I can't get into cars<br />

17:29 I work for the TLA... we have pink helicopters<br />

17:30 the bad guys are so disconcerted by our colours that they stand still<br />

17:30 so we can black bag them<br />

17:30 uuuuuhhh hello kitty apaches?<br />

17:30 ya<br />

17:30 * molly wants one, too<br />

17:31 my daddy didn't buy me a pony so I had him sent to a secret prison in poland<br />

17:32 I wonder how they found out there is 3000 renditions a year<br />

17:33 http://emptywheel.firedoglake.<strong>com</strong>/2011/02/16/chet-uber-contacted-hbgary-beforehe-publicized-his-role-in-turning-in-bradley-manning/<br />

17:33 oooooh<br />

17:33 my daddy didn't buy me an icecream so i had him sent to guatanamo bay<br />

17:33 :3<br />

17:34 said he luv his new orange suit :3<br />

17:34 Wow<br />


17:34 thx kayla

17:51 DNS is hosted by PRQ<br />

17:52 for anonleaks.ch<br />

17:52 which reminds me...<br />

17:52 oh that is old<br />

17:52 and the server is managed by semisecure folks<br />

17:52 http://bofh.ch/bofh/bofh6.html<br />


18:11 *down<br />

18:11 no<br />

18:11 rather than XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX<br />

18:11 i am on triumph<br />

18:11 is down<br />

18:11 yeah I know it is not down<br />

18:11 oh<br />

18:11 I'm giving an example<br />

18:11 vlad<br />

18:11 sec<br />

18:11 kk ty<br />

18:11 name = vlad<br />

18:11 why, just for internal reference? ;-)<br />

18:12 well actually unless you have an objection I would like to add A records<br />

18:12 to each machine<br />

18:12 so I don't have to remember IP addresses<br />

18:12 :)<br />

18:13 vlad.anonops.net resolves to it<br />

18:13 if that's what you mean<br />

18:13 also<br />

18:14 i suggest setting the ttl to something like 5-10 minutes<br />

18:14 yeah?<br />

18:14 why?<br />

18:15 well<br />

18:15 cause that just means that if the DNS goes down<br />

18:15 then it's gone really quick<br />

18:15 sometime in the future we might have to be constantly on the move<br />

18:15 hm<br />

18:15 true<br />

18:15 what's the ttl now?<br />

18:18 erm..<br />

18:18 I didn't change the ttl<br />

18:18 so it just says -<br />

18:20 I can't seem to resolve hbgary.anonleaks.ch atm.<br />

18:20 also I have 301 redirected everything from anonleaks.ru to .ch<br />

18:20 so seo juice should be flowing in soon<br />

18:21 i.e. hbgary.anonleaks.ru/abc will redirect to hbgary.anonleaks.ch/abc<br />

18:25 hmmm need to speak to sabu ;/<br />

18:26 if someone see sabu let me know :D<br />

18:27 okay back<br />

18:27 kayla: use memoserv?<br />

18:28 ill just wait for him to <strong>com</strong>e online :)<br />

18:28 evey, tflow so are tackle/triumph rechable directly via domain now?<br />

18:29 well it seems that there is no nameservers set for operationfreedom.ru<br />

18:29 only for anonleaks.ru for some reason<br />

18:30 whatever happened to that domain anyway?<br />

18:30 changed ownership<br />

18:30 same as anonleaks?<br />

18:30 (yeah i can look...)<br />


18:30 hi kayla<br />

18:30 yah.. e-mail: auction@nic.ru<br />

18:30 hm.<br />

18:31 yes, they have changed the ns back<br />

18:31 for anonleaks.ru they didn't bother heh<br />

18:32 Laurelai :D

20:18 what is defcon like?<br />

20:18 when is it?<br />

20:19 july/august weekend usually<br />

20:20 after that is cccamp<br />

20:20 2 weeks after<br />

20:28 go2 defcon, fuck shit up<br />

20:29 hehe<br />

20:29 good old flyers<br />

20:30 defcon is just a cool party<br />

20:30 never go to talks. maybe 1.<br />

20:30 if a VERY good friend is holding one<br />

20:33 kayla are u a beautiful disaster?<br />

20:33 whats tht suposed to mean xD thats like =!<br />

20:33 beautiful and disaster ?<br />

20:33 xD<br />

20:34 i sure do love to make a mess of things :3<br />

20:34 :D<br />

20:37 http://hbgary.<strong>com</strong>/hbgary_letter_021711_final.pdf<br />

20:37 xyrix<br />

20:38 OMG<br />

20:38 they are fail<br />

20:46 lol i hacked xyrix, i took all his accounts back when those fags took 4chans DNS<br />

20:46 i used his accounts to troll various IRCOP's so hard tht they thought me = xyrix and<br />

added me to his ed page lol, i lol'd and left it as it is as a reminder of WB's failure<br />

20:46 we had cele crying on the phone<br />

20:48 With regard to some of the information that came to light as a result of the publishing<br />

of stolen information, I want to assure you that your HBGary team did not participate in the<br />

development of the proposals that have been the focus of media attention. As most of you know,<br />

HBGary, Inc. and HBGary Federal are separate <strong>com</strong>panies and have different management. The media<br />

confusion around this point has been unfortunate and we have been working diligently to correct it.<br />

20:48 lol at them now trying to distance themselfs from federal<br />

20:48 hahahahaha<br />

20:48 but gre and them all knew what was happening<br />

20:48 as i tweeted<br />

20:48 so they are stil to blame<br />

20:49 "we lack words"<br />

20:49 i mean by the emails it's fucking clear they were ALL fucking involved<br />

20:49 there is no point in denying this<br />

20:50 yeh :D<br />

20:51 AnonymousIRC "The media confusion around this point has been unfortunate" -- No,<br />

#HBGary. Unfortunate is your in<strong>com</strong>petence and your dirty business.<br />

20:51 grr.<br />

20:53 okay THIS is the BREAK server channel<br />

20:53 tweeted twice about that hilarious PDF<br />

20:54 dude, what the fuck are they smoking over at HB Gary<br />

20:54 can I just have the all clear to post their universal passwords?<br />

20:54 on twitter<br />

20:54 for lulz<br />

20:54 anyone got the mails to hand, somoen can post the entire email chain showing all<br />


those involved?<br />

20:55 im using my dads laptop and dont have here my netbook is fried D;<br />

20:56 Topiary, well by now they changed them anyway<br />

20:56 hmm its hundreds of mails about carious stuff<br />

20:56 but i guess the wikileaks thing is enough<br />

20:57 actually I can still log into Aaron's webex account, his old linkedin, Ted's flickr and<br />

his intuit<br />

20:57 rly? :o<br />

20:57 hmm then it's a trap.<br />

20:57 i would have loved to get their sourcecode :p<br />

20:57 and found bugs in it!!<br />

20:57 that would have been funny<br />

20:58 yeah.. well.. tell that sabu :p<br />

20:59 I should post passes for llz<br />

20:59 Topiary, why not?<br />

20:59 do it.. you know my twitter wont do that :p<br />

20:59 hm, might get suspended from twatter<br />

20:59 saitam @AnonymousIRC I appreciate that #HBGary didn't password protect<br />

changes in the PDF. Why bother if it gets hacked anyway... #lessonlearned<br />

21:00 lol<br />

21:00 yeah, maybe<br />

21:00 thats why i dont do it :)<br />

21:01 sabu has their src :D?<br />

21:01 i'd devote all my time to find exploitable bugs in it<br />

21:01 :D<br />

21:02 nah, he deleted all the backups :-(<br />

21:02 HBGAY-bypass.c<br />

21:02 heh :D<br />

21:02 http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/atopiary/status/38418040890736640<br />

21:03 Ted Vera, Colossal Faggot of HBGary<br />

21:03 xD<br />

21:05 arasita@mac.<strong>com</strong><br />

21:05 adbarr@mac.<strong>com</strong><br />

21:05 adbarr@me.<strong>com</strong><br />

21:05 aaron@hbgary.<strong>com</strong><br />

21:05 does Aaron use any more?<br />

21:07 not sure :D<br />

21:08 kk i gtg :D i'll u all tomorrow or somethign

22:15 ohai Laurelai<br />

22:15 channel mode?<br />

22:15 mhh<br />

22:15 Laurelai, you are a spai and we've known this for ages, but we just let you in here to<br />

cover up the other secret-secret channel<br />

22:15 -!- mode/#hq [+o armitage] by molly<br />

22:15 mh<br />

22:16 Topiary: cool story bro<br />

22:16 oh yes laurelai should be added to the anonleaks.ch google apps<br />

22:17 Topiary: im in ur irc spain for lulz<br />

22:17 :p<br />

22:17 I know you are fakegregghoush, I know you are<br />

22:18 lol<br />

22:18 your base have belong to me for many moons<br />

22:18 lol<br />

22:18 that's no moon<br />

22:18 >.><br />

22:18 hahaha<br />

22:20 hey<br />

22:20 is the google apps<br />

22:20 enabled for mobile devices<br />

22:21 is now<br />

22:22 evey, so btw.. is contact@ forwareded?<br />

22:22 contact@ goes to everyone<br />

22:22 who has an email address<br />

22:24 do we have access to the other two IPs that the A record points to?<br />

--- Day changed Fri Feb 18 2011<br />

00:30 http://ai.moh.gov.bh/FAQp2.asp?rid='10<br />

00:30 http://www.noga.gov.bh/en/eventdetails.asp?event='1064<br />

00:30 http://www.noga.gov.bh/en/media_events.asp?event='1067<br />

00:30 http://www.noga.gov.bh/en/newsdetails.asp?news='939<br />

00:30 have fun<br />

00:44 -!- evey [ouija@HA-b0c.smh.b454mb.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

01:14 hey Topiary you around<br />

04:48 -!- Irssi: #hq: Total of 9 nicks [6 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 3 normal]<br />

05:21 !isla.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited evey into the channel<br />

05:22 -!- evey [user@HA-4tt.nib.lci946.IP] has joined #hq<br />

05:22 -!- mode/#hq [+o evey] by HQBot<br />

07:01 -!- evey [user@HA-4tt.nib.lci946.IP] has quit [Quit: ]<br />

08:02 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @armitage,<br />

@Nessuno, @tflow, @Topiary<br />

10:51 Laurelai, ??<br />

11:00 -!- Nessuno834 [nessuno@HA-6c4.s5e.qempvl.IP] has joined #hq<br />

11:00 -!- tflow [tflow@HA-9ch.ue7.0gssb5.IP] has joined #hq<br />

11:00 -!- mode/#hq [+o tflow] by HQBot<br />

11:56 -!- armitage [armitage@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org] has joined #hq<br />

11:56 -!- mode/#hq [+ao armitage armitage] by HQBot<br />

12:04 Hmmm<br />

12:04 Sabu<br />


12:04 where art thou? :(<br />

12:05 -!- Sabu [sabu@HA-gtr.7ha.1dmvoo.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

12:05 ungh<br />

12:53 !isla.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited Topiary into the channel<br />

12:53 -!- Topiary [trouble@do.the.impossible] has joined #hq<br />

12:53 -!- mode/#hq [+o Topiary] by HQBot<br />

12:57 !isla.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited evey into the channel<br />

12:58 -!- evey [user@HA-4tt.nib.lci946.IP] has joined #hq<br />

12:58 -!- mode/#hq [+o evey] by HQBot<br />

12:58 hey<br />

13:00 ohai!<br />

13:00 wtf is going on?<br />

13:00 laurelai is still online.. on both nets. just idle?<br />

13:01 also.. search is broken for some reason.<br />

13:01 and i am talking to gregg atm<br />

13:06 currently, from what i can put together, it looks like somoneone is trying to play you<br />

and laurelai against gregg<br />

13:24 If it's worth anything, I've talked to Gregg frequently since early December, and I<br />

don't think he's doing any of the shit these people are accusing him of<br />

16:09 -!- Nessuno834 [nessuno@HA-6c4.s5e.qempvl.IP] has quit [Quit: Leaving]<br />

16:15 !isla.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited nessuno into the channel<br />

16:15 -!- nessuno [fag@fagz.fagz] has joined #hq<br />

16:15 -!- mode/#hq [+o nessuno] by HQBot<br />

16:16 this network need more jb<br />

17:00 this network needs more sabu<br />

17:09 !isla.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited kayla into the channel<br />

17:09 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has joined #hq<br />

17:09 -!- mode/#hq [+o kayla] by HQBot<br />

17:09 hey kayla

17:19 was curious about that<br />

17:19 "can't help but think that Alyona is boning one of the leaders of Anonymous..and if<br />

she isn't...does she want to? ;)<br />

17:19 infastructureFissure 3 days ago"<br />

17:19 * Topiary zips up<br />

17:20 lol :D<br />

17:20 naughty!!!<br />

17:20 :D<br />

17:20 i though you loved me D:<br />

17:21 * molly still lubs kayla madly<br />

17:21 Un4chanately not<br />

17:21 you know the second time I did the Alyona Show, a couple of Anon's voices<br />

accidentally got broadcast to the entire studio (including control room <strong>com</strong>puters) while we were doing<br />

sound test with one of their producers<br />

17:21 we were listening in on one of their live practices (we could actually fucking see<br />

them through video too) and we started giggling<br />


17:29 yes.. well, thats why i got away from q (although i never used that nick before)<br />

17:29 but it got too much attention<br />

17:29 but one letter nicks are good<br />

17:29 they are hard to google<br />

17:29 but googleing Q would have returned millions of results on google<br />

17:29 kayla: That's smart<br />

17:29 yup<br />

17:32 I am now the proud owner of two ikiLeaks' shirts, a duffel bag, four stickers, three<br />

mugs and ten buttons.<br />

17:32 :D<br />

17:32 iki<br />

17:32 * molly brb<br />

17:32 lol stickyleaks xD<br />

17:32 eww<br />

17:32 The Internet po-po cut out my dubya<br />

17:33 thats tht deep packet inspection!!! :D<br />

17:33 your shits getting monitored :D<br />

17:33 do you SSH proxy ?<br />

17:33 :D<br />

17:33 you should!<br />

17:34 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_packet_inspection it happens more <strong>com</strong>monly than<br />

you think<br />

17:35 Lawful interception<br />

17:35 Service providers are required by almost all governments worldwide to enable lawful<br />

intercept capabilities. Decades ago in a legacy telephone environment, this was met by creating a traffic<br />

access point (TAP) using an intercepting proxy server that connects to the government's surveillance<br />

equipment. This is not possible in contemporary digital networks. The acquisition <strong>com</strong>ponent of this<br />

functionality can be provided in many ways, including DPI, DPI enabled products that a<br />

17:35 HTTP over SSH<br />

17:36 allways :)<br />

17:36 SSL is not enough<br />

17:36 and some browsers default to DES<br />

17:36 xD<br />

17:36 fucking DES<br />

17:36 you have to force your broswer to use AES<br />

17:37 i don't trust SSL<br />

17:37 ssl stripped has been public for a long time now<br />

17:37 and SSL can be MITM<br />

17:37 not hard to forge certificates<br />

17:38 i don't trust TOR either, traffic is only encrypted untill it reaches the exit node it even<br />

says this on their site<br />

17:38 and people have been sniffing exit nodes for years now<br />

17:39 the huuuuuge embasy leak tht happend a few years back was because of TOR nodes<br />

being sniffed<br />

17:39 connecting to any US TOR exit nodes is bad too, alot of gov honeypots who work<br />

with child protection services monitor TOR because disgusting pedos use it<br />

17:40 the gov and everyone WANT you to think such means are "secure"<br />

17:40 so you get in your <strong>com</strong>fort zone and think you are safe<br />

17:41 tbh there's not alot i do trust :D<br />


17:42 * kayla puts her tinfoil hat on :3<br />

17:45 As long as you don't go past your front door and think the people on the street are<br />

all working together in an elaborate conspiracy to kill you, you're fine<br />

17:45 people outside trying to do what to me :O?<br />

17:45 * kayla peeks through the curtain :3<br />

17:45 xD<br />

17:46 kayla whyusohot?<br />

17:47 http://luxsci.<strong>com</strong>/blog/256-bit-aes-encryption-for-ssl-and-tls-maximal-security.html<br />

17:47 atleast force your browser to use AES ^^^^<br />

17:47 nessuno :p<br />


to the server<br />

18:03 im worried more about other stuff<br />

18:04 yup in general you're right<br />

18:04 but it's just convenient .. especially if you have like 4+ networks and 50 channels<br />

18:05 but the most convenient is never the most secure :p<br />

18:06 of course not. it contradicts usually<br />

18:06 the more convenient the less secure<br />

18:06 http://i.imgur.<strong>com</strong>/OblRW.gif<br />

18:07 it's always a <strong>com</strong>promise<br />

18:07 that gif is amazing<br />

18:09 ppi just dont want to see anyone go to prison \:D/<br />

18:09 -pp<br />

18:09 xD<br />

18:09 i think ppl here know what they are doing<br />

18:10 also, even IF they could grab me.. they would have nothing on me<br />

18:10 they would find no logs no anything.<br />

18:10 Of course, no proxy, Internet Explorer 8, Windows Vista, Norton antivirus, parishilton.exe<br />

18:10 :-)<br />

18:10 :D Topiary you have to have Limewire.exe too to be pr0<br />

18:11 That being said I could probably learn a lot more from you fags<br />

18:11 Limewire is <strong>com</strong>pletely safe :3<br />

18:11 btw kayla.. did Q on wikileaks actually took note of aaron's research and that<br />

omnious Q, Co-Leader of anonymous?<br />

18:13 how do i know lol xD<br />

18:13 i dunno i thought maybe you had heard somthing<br />

18:13 just curious<br />

18:14 now im confused xD i thought you were q<br />

18:14 xD?<br />

18:14 yeah.. but apparently there is a Q on wikileaks. several ppl asked me if i was him<br />

18:15 i love hit how diff. ppl on diff. networks use same nicks<br />

18:15 it makes the job of all the aaron's so much more difficult heh<br />

18:15 yeh :D<br />

18:15 In my many years of IRC, nobody has ever used Topiary<br />

18:16 i can confirm that<br />

18:16 never seen that nick before :)<br />

18:16 like i say "kayla" and "q" are very <strong>com</strong>mon :D<br />

18:17 yep, so is molly i guess<br />

18:17 I seen topiary<br />

18:17 also a cbherphunk reference is always good<br />

18:17 it was some polish<br />

18:17 polska :3<br />

18:18 u polish kayla<br />

18:23 http://www.psnathome.<strong>com</strong>/general/ps3-hackers-can-now-ban-legitimate-users-andunban-consoles.html<br />

18:23 lulz<br />

18:23 reminds me of hbgary<br />

18:25 I love how that story is developing<br />

18:25 it's like m$ whining about Xbawks hackers upgrading firmware all day every day<br />


18:25 fun times indeed<br />

18:25 did you read that cryptome article?<br />

18:26 >implying anyone would pay 40USD for Assassin's Creed<br />

18:26 hehe<br />

18:38 http://arstechnica.<strong>com</strong>/tech-policy/news/2011/02/black-ops-how-hbgary-wrotebackdoors-and-rootkits-for-the-government.ars?<br />

utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=rss<br />

18:39 ars have been digging deep in those mails :D<br />

18:40 that's why the webinterface rox so much<br />

18:40 any press can dig as deep as they want<br />

18:41 :D<br />

18:50 That's fucking deep.<br />

18:58 Topiary, http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/aaronbarr<br />

18:58 he got it back heh<br />

18:59 He did indeed<br />

18:59 I've been tweeting to the twat<br />

18:59 let me guess, he is ignoring you?<br />

19:00 Yessir<br />

19:00 When I was in his account, I deleted all of his PMs except one to some Chinese<br />

security firm, then I replied with "you are a faggot"<br />

19:00 I wonder if he saw that<br />

19:00 lol<br />

19:21 [01:20] there are indeed no emails to embassy stored that xould e if<br />

interest<br />

19:22 [01:20] what i catched was mass of persoal data(also from other hosted<br />

sites=<br />

19:22 well, that guy has a dump of bahrain gov emails<br />

19:22 they are in english<br />

19:22 this may be very juicy<br />

19:25 [01:24] someone familiar with cold fusion coding?<br />

19:25 [01:24] i need a dump class placed, how do i register it as custom cfc<br />

tag<br />

19:27 he said that there are no emails of interest tho<br />

19:28 he did? uhhm.<br />

19:28 >there are indeed no emails to embassy stored that xould e if interest<br />

19:28 mhh<br />

19:30 -!- evey [user@HA-4tt.nib.lci946.IP] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

20:06 -!- kayla [mysql2@fbi.gov] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal]<br />

21:19 !isla.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited evey into the channel<br />

21:22 Topiary, ?<br />

21:22 jester gives you 6 minutes *gasp*<br />

21:23 you're under an ultimatum!<br />

21:32 tflow, regarding govt IPs<br />

21:32 it would be interesting to see, WHAT they are looking at<br />

21:32 do they search something specific, etc<br />

21:34 Topiary<br />

21:34 confirm if you're there<br />

21:37 !isla.operationfreedom.ru *** HQBot invited evey into the channel<br />

21:37 -!- evey [evey@HA-g7p.j9k.65sbfj.IP] has joined #hq<br />


21:37 -!- mode/#hq [+o evey] by HQBot<br />

22:12 oh noez<br />

22:12 04:11 believe in the fact that a 16 year old kid from wiscosin will take<br />

some heat.<br />

22:12 poor kayla being DIRECTLY threatened! /o\<br />

22:19 :O<br />

22:19 she is from states?<br />

22:19 :(<br />

22:19 don't worry about her<br />

22:19 :)<br />

22:19 k<br />

22:20 jester... seems like a bit of a clown<br />

22:20 why is topiary doing this dance with him<br />

22:27 LOL<br />

22:27 I am one line away form blowing Jester's fucking brains<br />

22:43 hmm<br />

22:43 need new persona!<br />

22:43 lulz<br />

22:43 he's really touchy if someone mentioned he is doxxed<br />

22:48 Do you know p35t3r?<br />

22:48 nope<br />

22:48 i dont know anyone there except rodent<br />

22:49 he's an ircop and cool<br />

22:49 rather neutral<br />

22:49 well, "know" is exaggerated lol<br />

22:49 Nah, Pester is a twitter troll that Jester hates entirely<br />

22:49 the only nick i know :)<br />

22:50 nah, i usually stayed away from that entirely<br />

22:50 just enjoyed some entertainment<br />

22:59 he seems like an idiot<br />

22:59 why do you talk to him?<br />

23:00 To understand him more<br />

23:00 oh look it's 4am UTC<br />

23:01 I knew what I was doing, don't worry<br />

23:01 I'm not worried it just seemed like a waste of time<br />

23:01 Ah, a small waste of time now leads to things later<br />

23:01 he is like the man who would be king in there<br />

23:59 [05:56] are there any old school anonymous present??? any that<br />

go way back??<br />

23:59 oh<br />

23:59 not in there?<br />

23:59 #anonymous on anonops<br />

23:59 oh you are<br />

23:59 my client fails<br />

--- Day changed Sat Feb 19 2011<br />

00:16 anyone here?<br />

00:16 Topiary,<br />

00:16 tflow,<br />

00:16 evey, ?<br />


00:40 what?<br />

00:40 someone die?<br />

00:40 hm no all good<br />

00:41 just been invited to some strange chan on anonops<br />

00:41 have the nagging feeling it's a trap<br />

00:44 trap?<br />

00:44 like #kill?<br />

00:44 or like #partyvan<br />

00:45 the latter<br />

00:45 how would they go about trapping you?<br />

00:48 hmm<br />

00:48 sec<br />

00:49 hm nah cant copy all that... well<br />

00:49 they basically want to reform anonymous<br />

00:49 and are looking for people who have influence<br />

00:49 to navigate them somehow<br />

00:49 i am not sure yet<br />

00:51 how do they want to reform anonymous?<br />

00:52 not sure okay, lemme paste some stuff<br />

00:52 [06:44] anon was a force to be reckoned with<br />

00:52 [06:44] now it is largely ignored...<br />

00:52 [06:45] oh<br />

00:52 [06:45] so will you support us...<br />

00:52 [06:45] actually HBGary showed quite the opposite<br />

00:52 [06:45] 'expect us'<br />

00:52 [06:46] expect...yah...but where are we??<br />

00:52 [06:46] on the irc...oooo...<br />

00:52 [06:46] we don;t attack...we don't use force...<br />

00:52 [06:47] wtf is the point if not to make our point...<br />

00:52 [06:47] * Eyecon|afk is now known as Eyecon<br />

00:52 [06:47] well what is YOUR point?<br />

00:52 I don't fucking trust his "..." one bit, that is how Aaron talks.<br />

00:52 [06:47] i still don't really get it, apart from "Lets make a darknet" and do stuff<br />

00:52 [06:47] not much difference from here<br />

00:52 [06:48] that we need to step up as a whole...that those with the<br />

skills take action instead of sitting back and waiting...<br />

00:53 [06:48] that anonmyous be<strong>com</strong>e the collective it once was...<br />

00:53 [06:49] that as a collective we take out those who opress<br />

00:53 [06:49] I'm not certain, as regards the "how" or "what", specifically... but it<br />

is grossly obvious - to me, at least - that SOME sort of dramatic change needs to happen in<br />

Anonymous.<br />

00:53 [06:49] What those changes should be, or how they should be brought to<br />

fruition, as I said, I just don't know at this point. But...<br />

00:53 [06:50] Meh. That's all I got.<br />

00:53 [06:50] lol<br />

00:53 [06:50] one thing we can agree on already<br />

00:53 [06:50] we must make clear that we are NOT wikileaks<br />

00:53 [06:50] especially after anonleaks<br />

00:53 [06:50] ^<br />


00:53 [06:51] it needs to happen...wheather we take out the current<br />

anon and repalce it with an active one...or we work behind the script...that remains to be seen<br />

00:53 [06:52] wikileaks....thats the fucking most retarded thing i've<br />

seen yet...<br />

00:53 Topiary, EXACTLY<br />

00:53 my thought<br />

00:53 but.. i dont wanna be so paranoid to cry "it's aaron" just yet<br />

00:53 i play along<br />

00:53 dwaan is in that channel too<br />

00:53 wtf is he?<br />

00:54 probably invited by aaron<br />

00:54 as the australian keyplayer<br />

00:54 lol<br />

00:54 We have to be fucking careful of these troll bastards.<br />

00:54 yup<br />

00:54 and who is eyecon?<br />

00:54 Not sure about that either... people keep changing nicks and it confuses the hell out<br />

of me.<br />

00:54 let me ask them<br />

00:54 if i can invite you?<br />

00:55 Which channel is it?<br />

00:55 well you will know then<br />

00:55 is it okay?<br />

00:55 Sure.<br />

00:55 ill ask first there<br />

00:56 [06:55] can i invite topiary?<br />

00:56 [06:55] or can you.<br />

00:56 [06:55] his input may be valuable.<br />

00:56 [06:56] if they are trusted yes...<br />

00:56 [06:56] yes he is<br />

01:13 lulz<br />

01:13 [06:12:51] thegreengateway: You're a delusional troll, fuck off.<br />

01:13 [06:12:53] =-= q was booted from #opReform by Hal9000 (Requested<br />

(thegreengateway))<br />

01:13 [06:12:56]

01:19 Jesus fucking hell<br />

01:20 ./whois tflow :)<br />

01:20 Just noting the lack of access in all of those<br />

01:20 mm<br />

01:20 yeah<br />

01:20 fits<br />

01:20 trolls or even garytrolls<br />

01:21 he's in #over9000 too<br />

01:21 very trolly<br />

01:22 yup<br />

01:22 i think ju will put out a nice article<br />

01:23 he was truly impressed<br />

01:23 i'll scan it.. though he will probably send us a copy anyway<br />

01:27 Indeed<br />

01:28 it was a good interview, you did well<br />

01:29 he won't quote anything out of context either<br />

01:29 i know c't, we did that precious interview.. we translated that.<br />

01:40 Topiary, #anonnews<br />

01:40 that one guy is active there, too<br />

01:43 -!- armitage [armitage@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org] has quit [Killed (molly (go away))]<br />

01:43 -!- molly is now known as armitage<br />

01:43 -!- mode/#hq [+a armitage] by HQBot<br />

01:43 -!- armitage [millions@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org] has quit [Changing ident]<br />

01:43 -!- armitage [armitage@freeside.tessier-ashpool.org] has joined #hq<br />

01:43 -!- ServerMode/#hq [+ao armitage armitage] by isla.operationfreedom.ru<br />

04:28 -!- Avunit [Avunit2@netadmin.operationfreedom.ru] has quit [Ping timeout: 121 seconds]<br />

09:21 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru,<br />

triumph.operationfreedom.ru quits: @evey, @armitage, @nessuno, @tflow, @Topiary<br />

09:21 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &armitage<br />

09:24 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru triumph.operationfreedom.ru quits: @armitage<br />

09:26 -!- Netsplit over, joins: &armitage<br />

09:29 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @evey, @tflow, @Topiary, @nessuno<br />

09:29 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @evey, @nessuno,<br />

@tflow, @Topiary<br />

09:34 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @evey, @tflow, @Topiary, @nessuno<br />

09:34 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @evey, @nessuno,<br />

@tflow, @Topiary<br />

09:39 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @evey, @tflow, @Topiary, @nessuno<br />

09:39 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @evey, @nessuno,<br />

@tflow, @Topiary<br />

09:44 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @evey, @tflow, @Topiary, @nessuno<br />

09:44 -!- Netsplit trust.operationfreedom.ru tackle.operationfreedom.ru quits: @evey, @nessuno,<br />

@tflow, @Topiary<br />

09:45 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @evey, @tflow, @Topiary, @nessuno<br />

09:52 Topiary, ?<br />

10:17 Laurelai: ?<br />

10:17 armitage: ?<br />

10:18 heya Topiary .. hmm care to check with sabu?<br />

10:18 Sure, in a bit<br />


10:18 coo<br />

11:06 -!- Irssi: #hq: Total of 7 nicks [6 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 1 normal]<br />

11:16 tflow, also, heard anything from av, is he good?<br />

13:44 hi<br />

16:50 Just called, it was Sabu's friend, Sabu is all fine<br />

16:51 good :-)<br />

16:51 thx topi<br />

17:03 ?<br />

17:03 what happened?<br />

17:05 nothing.. was just a little worried since sabi been offline for a while<br />

17:05 sabu*<br />

17:06 do u worry abt me armitage<br />

17:07 you're around often enough, don't need to :)<br />

17:08 im not around enought aparent<br />

17:11 I worry about everyone :S<br />

17:11 I'm a professional though<br />

17:11 nessuno hmm? we talk basically daily..<br />

17:18 yag<br />

20:41 armitage<br />

20:41 can you retweet this? http://twitter.<strong>com</strong>/#!/atopiary/status/39137351015862272<br />

20:41 tl;dr donation fund to help protests in oppressed countries not get sniffed out<br />

20:41 helps buy them nice things<br />

20:42 already did that<br />

20:42 well shit<br />

20:42 you active motherfucker<br />

20:42 twitterfall usually always running on one screen<br />

20:43 ah, how many displays you got up?<br />

20:43 just 2 atm<br />

--- Log closed Sat Feb 19 21:46:50 2011<br />

\<br />


Hubris I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth and the end of time.<br />

You will take your own miserable life rather than endure what I will bring<br />

down upon you which will be nothing short of the Wrath of mother fucking<br />

God you miserable lousy fucking piece of shit. And if you are a member of<br />

this rotten little association of liars pass the word, and you might want<br />

to reconsider your alliance because when I find you you will PRAY for death<br />

to <strong>com</strong>e to you.<br />

Commander X<br />

PLF Field Commander<br />

PeoplesLiberationFront.org<br />

opV@mailinator.<strong>com</strong><br /><br /> IP address location & more:<br />

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Local time in United States: 2011-03-19 12:45<br />

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Last Updated On:20-Feb-2011 19:11:51 UTC<br />

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Official reply: "To the PLF Commander, NUTS!, The American<br />

Commander"<br />


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