Literaturliste - Wirtschaftspolitisches Seminar - Prof. Dr. Ralph ...

Literaturliste - Wirtschaftspolitisches Seminar - Prof. Dr. Ralph ...

Literaturliste - Wirtschaftspolitisches Seminar - Prof. Dr. Ralph ...


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<strong>Prof</strong>. <strong>Dr</strong>. <strong>Ralph</strong> Anderegg – Literaturverzeichnis: „Advanced Monetary Theory and Policy“<br />

(Spez. Vwl. WS 2012/13)<br />

Money, Credit, and Banking, Vol. 1, 1969, S. 153-171.<br />

Stein, Jerome, Monetary Growth Theory in Perspective, American Economic Review,<br />

Vol. 60, 1970, S. 85-106.<br />

Stein, Jerome, Money and Capacity Growth, New York 1971.<br />

Streit, Joachim, Die Relevanz monetärer Innovationen in den USA für die Geldpolitik. In:<br />

Kredit und Kapital, 17. Jg., 1984.<br />

Summers, Lawrence H. und Barsky, Robert B., Gibson’s Paradoxon and the Gold<br />

Standard. In: Journal of Political Economy, vol. 96, June 1988, S. 528-550.<br />

Swan T., Economic Growth and Capital Accumulation. In: Economic Record, Vol. 32,<br />

1956, S. 334-361.<br />

Taylor, John B., Monetary Policy during a Transition to Ration Expectations. In: Journal<br />

of Political Economy, Band 83, 1975, S. 1009-1021.<br />

Taylor John B., Discretion versus policy rules in practice. In: Carnegie-Rochester<br />

Conference Series on Public Policy 39 (1993), S. 193-214.<br />

Taylor, John B., An Historical Analysis of Monetary Policy Rules, Working Paper 6768,<br />

National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, USA, October 1998a.<br />

Taylor, John B., The Robustness and Efficiency of Monetary Rules as Guidelines for<br />

Interest Rate Setting by the European Central Bank. Vortrag anlässlich der Monetary<br />

Rules Conference sponsored by the Sveriges Riksbank and the Institute for<br />

International Economic Studies, Stockholm, Schweden vom 12. und 13. Juni, 1998b,<br />

(revised February 1999).<br />

Taylor, John B., The Monetary Transmission Mechanism and The Evaluation of<br />

Monetary Policy Rules. Prepared for the Third Annual International Conference of the<br />

Central Bank of Chile on „Monetary Policy: Rules and Transmission Mechanisms“,<br />

September 20-21, 1999a.<br />

Terres, Paul, Die Logik einer wettbewerblichen Geldordnung, Untersuchungen zur<br />

Ordnungstheorie und Ordnungspolitik 37, Tübingen 1998.<br />

The Royal Bank of Sweden, Finn Kydland and Edward Prescott´s Contribution to Dynamic<br />

Macroeconomics: The Time Consistency of Economic Policy and the <strong>Dr</strong>iving<br />

Forces Behind Business Cycles. In: Advanced information on the Bank of Sweden Prize<br />

in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, 11 October 2004.<br />

Tödter, Karl-Heinz, Monetäre Indikatoren und geldpolitische Regeln im P-Stern-Modell.<br />

In: Volkswirtschaftliches Forschungszentrum der Deutschen Bundesbank,<br />

Diskussionspapier 18/02, vom Juni 2002.<br />

Thornton, Daniel L., Financial Innovation, Deregulation and the „Credit View” of<br />

Monetary Policy. In: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, January/February 1994,<br />

S. 31-49.<br />

Thiemann, Ralf, Die Effizienz geldpolitischer Indikatoren eine theoretische und<br />

empirische Analyse für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Diss., Münster 1977.<br />

Timmermann, Vincenz, Finanzinnovationen und Globalisierung aus volkswirtschaftlicher<br />

Sicht. In: Jahrbuch für Sozialwissenschaft, 40. Jg., Nr. 3, 1989, S. 279-286.<br />

Tobin, James, Money, Wage Rates and Employment. In: Harris, Hrsg., The New<br />

Economics, 1947.<br />

Tobin James, Liquidity Preference as Behavior Towards Risk. In: Review of Economic<br />

Studies, 1958, S. 65-68.<br />

Tobin, James, Commercial Banks as Creators of “Money”. In: Cowles Foundation Paper<br />

205, repr. from Dean Carson (ed.), Banking and Monetary Studies, for the Comptroller<br />

of the Currency, U.S. Treasury, Richard D. Irwin, 1963a.<br />

Tobin, James, An Essay on Principles of Debt Management. In: Cowles Foundation Paper<br />

195, repr. from Fiscal and Debt Management Policies, Commission on Money and<br />

Credit, 1963b, S. 143-218.<br />


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