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Thursday, March 24, 1977 |hP Frank/in M:WS’RECORn 1 $-A<br />

school days 1 Franklin FHS High Band School’s Band Front Franklin Hlgh’s kicks Donna Mr. off Wltherspoon spring also reunion activities, season last year.<br />

Front began the band’s spring Doorrheefer took first place in reported that a group of band This year’s big parade will<br />

bring together the class of ’27,<br />

RUSSIAN CLUB school’s Russian Club, tiffs<br />

which will again provide both<br />

BAZAAR event will also feature many<br />

buses and box lunches for the<br />

door prizes, skill games, arts<br />

Franklin band.<br />

Want to have your picture and crafts, sales, plants, and<br />

Tentatively penciled in for<br />

taken with the Easter Bunny?American and international<br />

Sunday, May 15, is a per-<br />

Have tea and ptrozhki at a foods. Club advisor Pat Brys<br />

formance in the gala<br />

Russian Tes Room? Join in an expects all 40 display tables to<br />

Preakness Parade, in<br />

Easter egg contest? Be at be set up in the girls’ gym-<br />

Baltimore, Md. That event will<br />

Franklin High School this nasium, to be fully rented out.<br />

Saturday for the Spring In addition to tbe Easter egg<br />

Bazaar and Flea Market. hunt, there will be various<br />

Sponsored by the high other contests and en-<br />

SEE for yourself<br />

the appliance center from France<br />

THE CUISINART ® season by participating in a the sabel solos, with Debhie members who participated in<br />

tertainments, such as a jelly state championship with Oliastroclosebehindinseeonda reenactment of<br />

bean count and auto outstandingresults.Sponsoredplace. Franklin also Washington’s retreat in<br />

demolition, sponsored by the by the International Baton dominated the field in the December were recently<br />

International Exchange Club. Twirling Association, the small flag duets, with Mary treated to a special dinner and<br />

All 30 members of the event took place on Saturday, Ellen Kayden and Janlce given awards for their<br />

Russian Club are cooking for March 12 at Butler High Nagle winning the laurcls and cooperation.<br />

the Russian Tea Room, which School, and was called the Rhanda and Stacey Slackman Several exciting events are<br />

will offer pierogie, pirozhki Twirling and Color Guard coming in second. Jill Losito already on the band’s calendar<br />

(meat pies) and Russian tea<br />

cakes. Club member Gwen<br />

Festival.<br />

Weeks is in charge of the tea<br />

room, while Maureen Ryan is<br />

decorations chairperson and<br />

Mark Suseek will play the<br />

Easter Bunny.<br />

This year’s officers of the<br />

high school Russian Club are:<br />

President, Judy Lukacs; Vice-<br />

President, Manreen Ryan;<br />

Secretary, Gwen Weeks and<br />

Somerset County<br />

Tre,CJurer, Dawn Leonoviteh.<br />

Freeholder Michael J.<br />

Ceponis, sub-chairman of the<br />

County Human Services<br />


Food Processor<br />

The miracle-worker that blends,<br />

grinds, slices and purees -<br />

even chops raw meat.<br />

Saves hours in the kitchen<br />

for all cooks<br />

Two models to choose from<br />

$185 8 $225<br />

oo: ¢<br />

.~;peria/tW~<br />

re, lilt’ IJtm/,"<br />

Nassau at Harrison - Parking in rear<br />

Men-Sat: 9:30-5:30 92q-s427<br />

Committee,<br />

TRDI]T<br />

fishin’ tackle<br />

Rods, Reels, Monofilament<br />

Hooks, Lures, Nets, Salmon Eggs,<br />

All the Acoessories Needed<br />

To Catch Your Limit!<br />

took first place in the large for the months to come. be closely followed by the<br />

flagsolos, then teamed up with On May 30, the band will band’s local spring per-<br />

Corrine Rogers to win the march in the Highland Park formance. Mr. Witherspoon THE 354 Nassau St.<br />

large flag duet event. BarbaraMemorial<br />

Day Parade. An indicates that this year’s free<br />


Lukars won second place in<br />

Ceponis in<br />

invitation has also been concert has been scheduled on<br />

the rifle solos.<br />

received from the Alumni of Thursday evening, May 19, at<br />

According to band director Princeton University, asking 8 p.m.<br />

Danny Witherspeon, about two the band for a return<br />

Bike.Hike dozen schools participated in engagement of their par-<br />

the event.<br />

ticipation in annual 50th<br />

will be attending<br />

and participating as a MAKE SURE YOUR SEED<br />

April first is the deadline for representative of the county GOES TO LAWN<br />

students graduating from government at the opening<br />

Franklin High School to apply ceremonies of the second<br />

for either of two scholarshipsannual Bike-Hike for the<br />

offered by the Cedar Wood mentally retarded. The<br />

Woman’s Club.<br />

Franklin Township Jaycees<br />

One scholarship is a $200 are co-besting the Bike-Hike<br />

career training award for a with the New Jersey<br />

pupil who plans career Association for Retarded<br />

training after high school, at a Citizens, Somerset County<br />

junior college or a vocational,chapter.<br />

technical or business school. The event is scheduled for 10<br />

The second is a $1,000 a.m. on April 23 at Colonial When you buy lawn seed, read the label<br />

academic scholarship for a Park in Franklin Township. carefully. It should tell you the kind of seed<br />

student who will attend four or The Bike-Hike will bare over you’re getting, its germination percentage,<br />

more years of college study. 300 people raising needed if there are any weed seeds included and<br />

Applications are available funds for the mentally the date of the last test for potency. If this<br />

from high school guidance retarded programs within the information doesn’t appear prominently,<br />

chairperson Heidi Greiss. county.<br />

look for it.<br />

At Gibbs, we have nothing to hide. All our RELIABLE USED CARS<br />

seed packages are clearly marked to tell<br />

"74 TOYOTA Co¢olla 2 D(}u* 13 SUBURU 4 DOOI. 4 Cyl. a<br />

Cvhnder 4 Speed Manual tran<br />

"71 FORD Country Suu~,e Star,on<br />

you exactly what’s inside -- high quality<br />

Speed Manual Dans. Ma~ual<br />

smts$.’on. Manual<br />

Wagon. SrnaH V B. Aut’omat*c<br />

Antiques Show set<br />

Kentucky Blue and Red Fescue seed to<br />

St e*.~n<br />

Stee¢*ng and Brakes<br />

9<br />

at~d Brakes¸<br />

create a high quality lawn.<br />

~.~ ...... $1895<br />

~s0~ .... $1495 T,ansm*sslon. Powe~ Stee~mg<br />

P0we, Brakes<br />

’1~ PLYMOUTH Grand Couoe G6.CO0 Miles $1098<br />

Once again the Ivy Twig of On Saturday at 11 a.m., Mr.<br />

’68 VW Bug 75,000 miles, 4 Small Va, Aummat*c TtanSml~slorL’rl<br />

TOYOTA Mark I<br />

the Somerset Hospital and Mrs. Gary Stradling,<br />

cylinder<br />

Power Slee~lng Powe~ B~akes Station Wagon. 4 Cyl. Automat,c<br />

Auxiliary of Somerset antique dealers of New York<br />

,,~o.~ ............$995 F ......... Cond ..... hans, Factory Am, Cor,d.<br />

76000 M*les ¢1395 ~lP Sleenng and S~akes<br />

Hospital, will sponsor the City, will give a lecture on<br />

Corolla. 4 Coo 4 73 TOYOTA Cel,ca. Standald 6?.OQO M ....<br />

Somerset Hills Antiques ShowAmerican<br />

porcelain¯ There<br />

Anti,marie Traosm*ss=an Manual Trans. 4CvI, 4 Sp~e~<br />

$1595<br />

on April 1 to 3. The show will will be an additional charge to<br />

I and S,akes Fac Manua~ S~akes. Manual Steering.<br />

, ae Condition.<br />

A*I Cc,’~d , ~’M Rad)o.<br />

be held at Somerset County attend this informative lec-<br />

AM,FM R .....<br />

Vinyl Top<br />

VecationaI-Technieal Schools, ture.<br />

So. River * Cro~bury Rd.. Rout* 535. $ mile* north of N.J. Tufnplk ¯ i|lt I.A,<br />

57.000 Miles... ,., ..$1595 15.000 Mil .......... $2395<br />

located one-half mile north, off Tickets may be purchased at<br />

Route 22 West, Bridgewater, the Hospitality Shop at<br />

New Jersey.<br />

Somerset Hospital and, on the<br />

On Friday and Saturday, days of the show, at the door.<br />

hours will be from noon to 10<br />

p.m., and on Sunday, from Mrs. Charles Smith, Show<br />

noon until 6 p.m. Chairman, Mr. David Willis,<br />

Save 15 ¢<br />

Dealers from New England, Show Manager, have been<br />

New York, Virginia and New working with the following<br />

Jersey will exhibit and sell committees to ensure a suc-<br />

fine antique furniture, china, cessful show: Treasurer, Mrs. on the Borden<br />

clocks, silver, pewter, Arlyn Rus; booths and tables,<br />

glassware, jewelry, etc. An art Mrs. John Aliberto and Mrs.<br />

exhibit and plant sale will be a Herbert Young; hostesses,<br />

new feature. RefreshmentsMrs.<br />

Montozo Sagrestann and Great ;heese Classics<br />

will be available. Mrs. Richard Arnold.<br />

Opportunity<br />

of a lifetime at<br />


North<br />

Now is Ihe time to visit Plnehurst and inspe¢l Ihe sF,.-,:lacul,lr 1~6<br />

champiooship gel! course being deve/o/x.d amidsl wrgln<br />

pineland and three natural lakes. The stately pines overlcmking<br />

lush green fairways and crystal blue walers provide a<br />

picturesque setting for Ihis welcomed addilton to our rive<br />

existing courses.<br />

A beautiful residenlial community has been carefully planned<br />

with an outstaodmg selection of choice humesges in every<br />

category.<br />

We invite your inspection of 80 year old Pinehurst... see for<br />

yourself.., yoor concept of resort communities will never<br />

be the same!<br />

Your opporlunJly Of a lifetime can begin righl now by calling<br />

(609) 396¯3577 or maihn9 the VIP coupon today! No obligation<br />

CENTURY 21<br />

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2288 Brunsv~ck Pike<br />

Lawrcnceville, N.J. 08648<br />

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show your guests theyYe special<br />

Share something special with special guests -- the exciting<br />

experience of Borden Liederkranz" and Camembert softripened<br />

cheeses. They are natural cheeses, curing and changing<br />

a bit every day for deliciously different taste experiences.<br />

Flavors like these can’t come from a can. Borden Liederkranz<br />

and Camembert are truly special cheeses for you and the<br />

fdends you love to please.<br />

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Store Coupon ~,,,,,o MR CROCER ,., ~,, ,~’-~NI<br />

. I S?~ e 15¢ on Borden (mc)m<br />

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