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Thursday, March 24, 1977<br />

Corrections conference<br />

’dt college next week<br />

system arc expected to attend<br />

-- public defenders,<br />

legislators, freeholders, ex-<br />

Ceponis on<br />

SCAP board<br />

Somerset County<br />

Freeholder Michael J. Ceponis<br />

has been appointed to serve as<br />

*one of the representatives of<br />

the Government Secior to<br />

SCAP, Somerset Community<br />

Action Program. Ceponis, the<br />

newest Freeholder on the<br />

county board, was nominated<br />

to serve on the SCAP Board of<br />

Directors by Freeholder Doris<br />

Dealaman.<br />

Other individuals serving on<br />

the SCAP Board includes<br />

Somerville Councilwoman<br />

Edna Allena, Joseph Del Sordi<br />

of the Guidance Center,<br />

Franklin Township Councilman<br />

William Howard, Dr.<br />

William Bryan of Somerville<br />

and David Stukes of the<br />

Somerset Federation of Youth.<br />

6<br />

some criticism lately,<br />

Freeholder Ceponis said he<br />

believes most of the problems<br />

can be soh, ed with the SCAP<br />

Board of Directors and the<br />

perficipation of the public.<br />

)t<br />

l]U~]r L]f ~lll~[~lll<br />

i-" -{~RE DKE N--l/<br />


I<br />

b’~r~<br />

l<br />

Membersnfthepublicwhoare ~ HAIR & SKIN CARE CENTER ~}<br />

willing to serve on the Board<br />

are welcomed.<br />

Sorority<br />

sets party<br />

~ TPre:iE l~esfs C~//,I<br />

Tim Central Jersey Alumnae 3 S<br />

Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta<br />

Sorority, Inc., will hold its - /,-<br />

~eeond annual dessert card<br />

party. Delta Sigma Theta<br />

Sorority is a public service-<br />

oriented organization founded<br />

in 1913 at Howard University,<br />

committed to program activities<br />

that secures a better<br />

life for all Americans. It works<br />

through undergraduate and<br />

alumnae chapters in over 500<br />

communities, and in 45 states.<br />

The affair will take place on<br />

March 26 from 2-5 p.m., at the<br />

Neiison Dining llall, Clifton<br />

New Brunswick. A donation of<br />

Avenue, $4 is requested. at Douglass All College proceedsin<br />

~tl<br />

w~ll be used to benefit the<br />

scholarship program for study<br />

beyond high school to needy<br />

students living in the Central<br />

Jersey area. For further information,<br />

please contact<br />

Brenda tlaywood at 249-3892.<br />

BIG<br />

i6,X32<br />

Now is Ihe lime to have your lull dze pool<br />

installed. Since most of our work ¢cews are now<br />

available, you enjoy<br />

ofl-ceacen prices,<br />

if you take<br />

advantage of out<br />

"Keep Us Busy"<br />

o,,,,<br />

1<br />

Scouts plan activity this Saturaay<br />

More than 160 CadetteGirl<br />

New Jersey’s new correc- offenders and representatives "Implementing a Community<br />

lions master plan will be of the academic community. Corrections Program: The<br />

unveiled and studied at a two- A general overview of the Minnesota Experience."<br />

day conference on criminal master plan will be given by Wednesday will open with a<br />

justice at Somerset County Dr. Don Gottfredson, chair-<br />

panel discussion from 9 to tO<br />

College this Tuesday and man, Graduate School o1 a.m. on the implications of the<br />

Wednesday.<br />

Criminal Justice, Rutgers corrections master plan.<br />

Robert E. Mulcahy, state University, from 10 to 11 a.m.’ Panel members will be Dr.<br />

Commissioner of Corrections, A summary of the data James Doig, professor of law,<br />

will open the conference and<br />

gathered, showing trends and Rutgers Law School and a<br />

introduce the key speakers. implications, will be made by consultant to the Corrections<br />

The Department of Correc- Dr. Jay Friedman, director of Master Plan Policy Council.<br />

tions is co-sponsoring the<br />

planning, James Benedict, John Amore, vice president<br />

conference with the college. corrections analyst and Ira of the National Alliance of<br />

The conference will run Pillar, planning staff -- all of Businessmen, will speak on<br />

from 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., the Department of Corrections "The Future of Corrections: at<br />

=Tuesday, and from 8:30 a.m. -- from l to 2:30 p.m. the closing of the luncheon.<br />

to 2:30 p.m., Wednesday. From 3 to 3:30 Friedman There will be nine discussion<br />

Approximately 250 decision- will discuss the proposed plan groups throughout Wednesday<br />

makers in the criminal justice and alternate plans developed morning covering the<br />

by the Master Plan Policy following topics: Courts and<br />

Council.<br />

prosecutors, law enforcement<br />

Minnesota’s Commissioner personnel, probations, parole,<br />

of Corrections, Dr. Kenneth<br />

offenders, private interest<br />

Schocn, will speak at the groups, legislators, educators,<br />

conference dinner that county corrections, and<br />

evening, from 6 to 8 p.m. on: planners.<br />

Rolling Hills Girl Scout Cadette troops all over the funniest gamespromisestobe<br />

Scouts will gather at Council. council get together to "pet on a relay contsst which involves<br />

Somerville High School from The traditional bt-annual their thinking caps" and unwrapping sticks of gum<br />

9:30a.m.to3p.m. onSaturday event takes its name from the decide on the kind of event while wearing oversized<br />

to enjoy "Thinking Cap," a fact that, months ahead of they would like to plan. gloves.<br />

council-wide activity of the time, representatives of This year the junior high At noon the scouts will share<br />

school age girls have decided a covered dish lunch, with<br />

upon a "Games Day" format, eachtroopcontribuUnga main<br />

Asgirls arrive at the high dlshenda dessert.<br />

Softball clinic begins school gym on Saturday Madeline Ormand of<br />

The second annual softball completion of the course, morning they will be assigned Somerville is adult advisor for<br />

umpiring clinic will get un- participants will become<br />

to teamsofapproximately 15 the committee of seven<br />

derway on Monday at accredited ASA offieiais,<br />

members each. Each team Cadette Girl Scouts who have<br />

Bridgewater-East High School according to Torpey.<br />

will be composed of girls from planned and organized the<br />

many different troops so that Thinking Cap event.<br />

at 7:30 p.m., according to The series of meetings will they will have a chance to<br />

district softball commissioneronceagainbedirectedbystate meet scouts from other CONCERT<br />

Frank Torpey. ASA Umpire-in-Chief Dick localities.<br />

Held in conjunction with the Archer of Rahway, and Nick Three-legged and obstacle The Rutgers University<br />

Amateur Softball Association, Frannicola of Newark, metro races, a blindfold obstacle Bands will hold a Wind Enthe<br />

clinic will be comprised Essex commissioner.<br />

of three meetings, a final<br />

course, and "Magic Ball," a semble Concert next Thursday<br />

examination and a field trial. Those interested in Scottish game involving a at 8:30 p.m. in Voorhecs<br />

Anyone 18 years of age or registering should forward "magic" invisible river and Chapel at Douglass College.<br />

above, residing in Middlesex, name, address and $10 fee to "drowned" players who Works by Tylman Snsato,<br />

Somerset Hunterdon or ASA Umpire Clinic, Somerset inadvertently step into it are Fisher Tull, Gnstav Hoist and<br />

Warren counties, is el g ble to County Park Commission, PO TRIP PLANNED The trips cost Is $245 per<br />

person which Includes double<br />

A bus trip to Florida is being occupancy, lodging, tranplanned<br />

for all senior citizens sportation and admission to 11<br />

by Eleanor Leoncint. The trip different sights.<br />

is set for April 15 to 29, with Reservations must be made<br />

stops at Ft. Lauderdale, Key by April 10 through Mrs.<br />

West and Miami. Leoncini at 356-3369.<br />


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among the games the girls Richard Wagner will perform<br />

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attend. Upon successful Box 837, Somerville, 08876. have planned. One of the at no charge to the public.<br />

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